[Debian-in-workers] Fwd: Call for testing of next Debian Installer release

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 05:58:23 UTC 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Otavio Salvador <otavio at debian.org>
Date: 2008/9/17
Subject: Call for testing of next Debian Installer release
To: debian-devel-announce at lists.debian.org

Hash: SHA1

Call for testing of Debian Installer
- ------------------------------------

We are approaching the Debian 5.0 (Lenny) release and the Debian
Installer team is working to fix the remaining issues for it. The
Debian Installer Release Candidate 1 is being prepared and we are
short in time to make fixes.

The installer has a lot of new and impressive features against last
Etch release and Lenny beta 2. For a better view of the changes made
on the installer since last beta, take a look on our release
announcement draft[1]. We are sure you are going to have a nice
feeling about it. We count on you to help us!

1. http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/ReleaseAnnounce

How could I help Debian Installer team?

That is easy! Go to our development webpage[2], download the weekly
builds or daily snapshots and give it a try! This is very important
and simple way to help us since it is impossible for the team to try
all possible configurations in different hardware sets.

2. http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/

After installing it, please do a proper installation report[3] to
allow us to improve the installer and make it ready for Lenny release.

3. http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/ch05s03.html#submit-bug

Thanks in advance,
Otavio Salvador
Debian Installer Release Team

- --
       O T A V I O    S A L V A D O R
- ---------------------------------------------
 E-mail: otavio at debian.org      UIN: 5906116
 GNU/Linux User: 239058     GPG ID: 49A5F855
 Home Page: http://otavio.ossystems.com.br
- ---------------------------------------------
"Microsoft sells you Windows ... Linux gives
 you the whole house."
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