[Debian-in-workers] Pending Changes todo for Package Maintainers

Muneeb Shaikh iammuneeb at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 08:45:30 UTC 2011

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Vasudev Kamath <kamathvasudev at gmail.com> wrote:
> Again please don't remove loop from the mailing list.
Sorry! I used new Gmail interface instead of Thunderbird for replying.
It confused me a bit!

>>> 2. Package has become NMU, when editing others package use -m switch
>>> (dch -e -m) else dch will treat this as nmu
>> This is again confusing as I was editing bengali, and since I'm not
>> the uploader
>> I though it would be correct to edit it as NM,
> First thing NMU is not for the team maintained package. Whole concept
> of Team is reduce burden of individual maintainer if you are busy some
> one else from team can do the required stuff. That is the whole reason
> of putting team as maintainer and yourself as uploader.
> Now coming to point NMU [1][2] can be done only by a DD no one else
> (including DM) has right to do a NMU.
> This is why we kept on telling new folks wanting to become a member of
> debian-in to read newmaint guide and policy guide. And whenever you
> get these sort of doubt please ask in mailing list or in irc or you
> can read the above documents.

Okay. I understood now. Made the necessary changes. Please review.

>> So now I have to decrement the version number and change the
>> Maintainer field, right?
>> I'll do this as soon as I get the reply to the post above.
> Yes remove the new changelog entry you added I don't think its
> required to mention anything about this rename because there are
> already 2 entries telling split from ttf-lang-fonts and using new
> pkg-fonts naming policy. So no need of any more entries.

Fixed the changelog as well now.

Yes. I had done "$ git push --all" on both the branches.
"mr update" shows everything is up to date.
Even cloning the whole repository at new place and executing
git-buildpackage is working.

I had asked Kartik, on IRC, yesterday to check this. He would be
checking this today.

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