[Debian-in-workers] RFS for lohit fonts

Kartik Mistry kartik at debian.org
Tue Nov 22 17:01:49 UTC 2011

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 10:16 PM, Vasudev Kamath
<kamathvasudev at gmail.com> wrote:
> Normally whenever I ask review from bubulle I've to upload built
> package to mentors ;) .. So I uploaded it to mentors. I've added
> breaks replaces to ttf-lang-counter parts

Unless we've all 'fonts' migrate to new scheme, user will leave with
only 'one' font in system. So, please don't 'upload' the package until
entire work is finished. Specially, meta-packages are done.

Kartik Mistry | IRC: kart_
{0x1f1f, kartikm}.wordpress.com

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