[Debian-in-workers] Mukti and Mitra font bug

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 16:52:28 UTC 2012

[copying Runa]

Hi Runa,

Can you help Vasudev track upstream status for these fonts?


2012/1/4 Vasudev Kamath <kamathvasudev at gmail.com>:
> Hello all,
> I was able to reduce bugs on ttf-indic-fonts from 8 to 4 with last
> release going ahead before we transition into new font packages I want
> to close all bugs on ttf-indic-fons source package and it doesn't look
> like very difficult task either.
> I've one question to Bengali community members following this list
> about this bug [1]
> Is there any active upstream for these fonts? Will this issue can be
> easily resolved?
> [1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=441319
> Best Regards
> --
> Vasudev Kamath
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