[Debian-iot-maintainers] 950+ Million Email leads to Promote Packages

Jona info at mailfoundations.com
Mon Feb 10 06:52:14 GMT 2020


    I came across Packages, and I thought of reaching out. 

    I wanted to share on how you can improve your business over your competitors at: https://www.mailfoundation.com

    Here are a couple of benefits of email marketing and email campaigns: 
    1. Increased online presence with increased visitor count
    2. Higher return on advertising than traditional ads(Up to 40 times returns) 
    3. Greateroutreach and scale
    4. Consistent traffic 
    5. It also improves your chances of providing a personal message to your potential customers. 
    Hope you find it useful.    

    We provide over 950 Million emails from the entire web on our Database, helping our customers with their email marketing. 
    If you need help with email databases, do check our plans: https://www.mailfoundation.com/pricing

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