[Debian-iot-maintainers] Moving the mosquitto package to upstreams 2.0.17 - issues

Joachim Zobel jz-2017 at heute-morgen.de
Wed Sep 6 19:33:36 BST 2023


There are two issues that prevent a "gbp pull upstream". The first one
is easy, the v2.0.15 tag has been moved and git fetch refuses to
overwrite it. This can be solved by deleting the tag. It will then be
pulled again from the upstream repo.

The second issue is that the commit 508273a5 that is currently tagged
with v2.0.15 removed a lot of files and modified the man pages. Using
"gbp pull upstream" with the --force option therefore results in

So what I suggest and will do is to revert the commit 508273a5
(currently tagged v2.0.15) and do a "gbp pull upstream". The
undesirable files will be removed from the source tar ball using other
means (gitattribute export-ignore, gbp filter or copyright Files-

If this is considered the wrong way to go please explain.


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