[Debian-iot-maintainers] Bug#1036231: mbedtls: please update to 3.4.0 for cmake support

Jakob Haufe sur5r at sur5r.net
Thu Feb 22 07:05:41 GMT 2024

On Wed, 17 May 2023 21:51:44 +0200 Andrea Pappacoda <andrea at pappacoda.it> wrote:

> I'd love to package the 3.x branch, but there currently isn't any LTS 
> release for it; the latest LTS is 2.28.x. I'm not going to package 
> non-LTS versions in Debian, since they don't fit nicely with the stable 
> release scheme.

I think that ship has sailed. According to [1], 2.28.x will be supported
until the end of 2024, so it will be EOL during the bookworm stable period.

Would you be open to package 3.x for experimental so ITPs depending on it can

If you intend to have 2.x around for longer, maybe a separate source package
(mbedtls3 ?) is necessary to allow packaging them in parallel.


[1] https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/mbedtls/releases/tag/v2.28.7

ceterum censeo microsoftem esse delendam.
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