[Debian-Islamic-maintainers] Kindly Read Carefully

DR.Donald Edwin dr.donaldedwin at aptitude-group.com
Fri Jun 21 09:45:49 BST 2013

Hello Friend,

I got your contact from a business directory and i am reaching you for a
deal offer with my company. My company (Urografin Vaccine Pharmacology
Inc. Canada) is into manufacturing of pharmaceutical products.

There are some pharmaceutical raw materials which i usually purchase on
behalf of my company from India when i was the company's Purchase Officer.
Presently I have being promoted to the post of Administrative Manager,
hence my company can no longer send me to India to purchase these
materials because of my new position.

However, the Managing Director of my company has asked me to provide the
contact information of the supplier in India, which i am yet to give to
him. I need a reliable businessman whom I shall present to my company as
the supplier of these raw materials, to enable my company to contact him
and issue him an Official Purchase Order, to source these materials for my
company in India. The business is 100% risk free as I shall be advising
you on what to do. The profit margin is lucrative and we will share the
profit between us in any successful transaction.

If you have the capacity and interest to handle the business, kindly
contact me for more details.

Thanks & Regards,
DR.Donald Edwin

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