[Debian-l10n-devel] [PATCH] Adding coordination pages to the web site po-debconf l10n statistics

Nicolas François nicolas.francois at centraliens.net
Wed Aug 13 05:21:58 UTC 2008


Here is a patch to the scripts (and data) used for the generation of the
l10n statistics on the web site.

It adds information about the progress of the translation done on the
mailing lists when this information is available.

You can have a example of the generated pages on:

This format will help the teams by only pointing to the files that really
need work (i.e. the work is not already done by another translator or just
waiting in the BTS)

Could anybody from -www review and apply it?

* english/international/l10n/dtc.def
  - new strings for translation
  - new table definitions
* english/international/l10n/po-debconf/todo.inc
  - Use a podebconf-table or a podebconf-table-status table depending on
    the language
* english/international/l10n/scripts/fix-files.sh
  - Support for table with or without status
  - Parse SECTIONS recursively
* english/international/l10n/scripts/gen-files.pl
  - Use the coordination status databases to provide information about
    ongoing work on the mailing lists
  - Move the PO files with errors on the top of the "DONE" list.

In addition to the patch, the status databases should be downloaded in
often from http://i18n.debian.net/debian-l10n/status/, and linked to

Thanks in advance,
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