[Debian-l10n-devel] wishlist item status page

Paul Gevers paul at climbing.nl
Wed Feb 10 18:55:00 UTC 2010


Not sure if I brought this up before, but in a package that I maintain,
I also patch the upstream language files with their most recent files
from svn. However, I believe the status at
http://i18n.debian.net/l10n-pkg-status/w/winff.html only shows the files
in the tar ball (or what I had previously when they were only in the
diff file). However, it would be useful if the status page would reflect
the status of the translation after patching, i.e. as it is in the
binary package. My two error messages would also be gone, because during
packaging I rename the two troubled files correctly (they are Portuguese
Brazilian and English).

Kind regards,

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