[Debian-l10n-devel] FYI: [rt.debian.org #2611] AutoReply: Move {ddtp, pootle, i18n}.d.n to DSA HW and rename to .org

Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) faw at funlabs.org
Mon Oct 25 02:30:44 UTC 2010

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- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: [rt.debian.org #2611] AutoReply: Move {ddtp,pootle,i18n}.d.n to DSA HW and rename to .org
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 02:31:37 +0000

This message has been automatically generated in response to the creation of a trouble ticket regarding

  "Move {ddtp,pootle,i18n}.d.n to DSA HW and rename to .org",

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  [rt.debian.org #2611]

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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     We speak briefly about allocating some resources for i18n.d.o on
IRC and the next step was to request it via RT, so here I am. :-)

     Right now, 'churro' is a server hosted by Extremadura, back in
2006 we started the Debian i18n Extremadura Meetings, we needed a server
for some tests and code and they allocated 'churro' for us.  It was
installed back in 2006, it now runs Lenny.  Here is info about the
hardware and what runs on the machine:

 * Hardware: Pentium 4 2.80GHz, 2.5GB RAM
   - Disk space (used):
     +   6GB /home
     +  35GB /backups
     +  51GB /mirror (source mirror)
     +  70GB /srv

 * Services
   - i18n.debian.net
     Right now we have a MoinMoin on it, merely to aggregate links to
     other services under the server.  We are probably moving to ikiwiki
     with git/SVN.

     The URL is a canonical place for different materials and for some
     perl robots that helps translation teams.

   - pootle.debian.net
     It is packaged for Debian, a Python service that allows online
     translation, right now it is used by some D-I and FusionForge
     translators, we want to give it more visibility during the next
     release cycle.

   - ddtp.debian.net (and DDTSS)
     This is the service that creates the Translation-* files. It runs
     twice a day and it is quite heavy.  It is written in perl, has a
     CGI for the translators to work on it and relays on PostgreSQL and

 * Munin
   There is a munin running so you can take a look:

 * Machine access
   - Right now the following people have access:
     + DD:     bubulle, faw, grisu, lolando, luk, nekral
     + non-DD: cek (Cesar from Extremadura), eddyp (Eddy used to be on
       NM), kleptog (developed DDTSS), thuriaux (used to be involved
       with French translation team).

     Most of DDs have root access for precaution and redundancy, this
     is not necessary. We also have a special local account that allows
     DAK to ssh+rsync the Translation files that we generate.

     We tried to have most of it under non-privileged users, we will
     probably need a few sudo users: ddtp, i18n, l10n, pootle. We want
     the l10n user to deal with team robots per language like l10n-de
     or l10n-nl.

     The server is running Lenny.  In short what we would need:

 * A VM or hardware to allocate i18n.d.o, ddtp.d.o and pootle.d.o and
   to be placed under the DSA backup policy.
 * Access to a full sources mirror.
 * PostgreSQL, perl, python, ikiwiki, git/SVN/hg/arch/bzr, Apache
 * Access to sudo users to control the different services/hosts
 * Fast access to ftp-master.d.o would probably be a plus :)

     I'm able to provide some sort of pseudo-package in the same way
that are used for other hosts to make it easier to get things installed
and configured.  We also want to package some of our own tools to make
things easier, but for now, they are checkouts from debian-l10n SVN.

     You'll probably have more questions, I think this makes the first
step.  One of our main concerns is that from time to time 'churro' dies
or disappears for a few days and it is not easily accessible by Cesar
(our Extremadura contact is in a different city).

Kind regards,
- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
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