[Debian-l10n-devel] DDTP/DDTSS @ debcamp/debconf?

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Wed Apr 27 16:01:35 UTC 2011

Quoting Michael Bramer (grisu at deb-support.de):

> >I agree completely. Hopefully, Grisu will be at Debconf and this is
> >indeed one of the very few moments where he has availability to work
> >on it..:-)
> I search in the last months for a web developer, but I don't find
> someone...
> We need IMHO someone, who write a nice web interface.

ATM, me maybe need more someone with more skills than me to just track
day to day operations and be able to fix breakages in a nicer way than
"killall -9 index.cgi ; invoke-rc.d apache2 restart ; invoke-rc.d
postgresql-8.3 restart"

....or someone understanding the various magic operations done in the
daily cron scripts...and why some do take more tan 12 hours..:-)

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