[Debian-l10n-devel] Thoughts about DDTP (Was: Number of requests for DDTP)

Michael Bramer grisu at deb-support.de
Wed Aug 3 08:02:38 UTC 2011

On 08/01/2011 07:53 PM, Martijn van O wrote:
> On 31 July 2011 23:16, Michael Bramer<grisu at deb-support.de>  wrote:
>> In the ddtp the difference between submitting and suggesting is:
>> submitting:
>> -----------
>> The 'member' of the DDTP translate/review a description. The normal
>> know process...
>> suggestion:
>> -----------
>> A random user/third party (like lunchpad) make something like a bug
>> report for a translation.
> While I can understand the definition, I don't understand why they
> need to be treated differently. A good translation is good, a bad
> translation is bad. Where it comes from is not relevant. If the
> translation needs improvement it will be improved in the review
> process.
> IMHO all "suggestions" should be put in the pending review list like
> everything else and should not be treated any differently from
> ordinary submissions.

Ok, I get your point.



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