[Debian-l10n-devel] ddtp: ping package loss ?

Martijn van O kleptog at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 17:43:47 UTC 2011

On 25 September 2011 13:42, Martin Eberhard Schauer
<Martin.E.Schauer at gmx.de> wrote:
> As the responses took quite some time the last days, the first thing
> to investigate should be the number of running processes.

If you could log into it, which is I problem. I just get connection timed out.

Perhaps it's worthwhile installing something like munin on it so that
status of the machine can be monitored, then we'd have a better idea
as to the cause.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog at gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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