[Debian-l10n-devel] Churro down....

David Prévot taffit at debian.org
Wed Jan 11 22:35:26 UTC 2012


Le 11/01/2012 08:54, César Gómez Martín a écrit :

> The server is up and running, maybe some services are down, let me check again.

Indeed, it replies to ping, but not to HTTP nor SSH, so it's pretty
useless for most (if not all) its users :/.

> But please, consider moving the services ASAP to a different server

By the way, is some help needed to make the move happen. I think many
people already worked on that issue since this summer (and probably
before), if some tasks are still in the TODO list, it would be nice to
make them public (or remind us where they are available). I'm pretty
sure that after one week down, some people would be really happy to help
so it won't happen again ;-).



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