[Debian-l10n-devel] problems with DDTSS and ddtp.debian.net

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Sat Sep 29 16:52:06 UTC 2012

Quoting Beatrice Torracca (beatricet at libero.it):
> Hello all!
> Since yesterday evening I have problems reaching any page at ddtp.debian.net, particularly the DDTSS web interface.
> Just pinging in case it is not a known problem.

I noticed some warning messages by ftpmasters scripts last
night....and I can't actually reach the machine.

So, yes, there is a problem. Seems that we'll need to ping our friends
in Extremadura as, yes, i18n.debian.net is still running on churro.

Anto, Nicolas, seems that our goold old friend churro needs a small
kick in its ass..:-)

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