[Debian-l10n-devel] Getting rid of churro?

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Fri Jan 31 06:36:57 UTC 2014

Quoting Andreas Tille (tille at debian.org):

> > Hmm, sounds like an idea. I'm going to be off the air for at least the next
> > week so if someone wants to take a shot at it in the meantime, go ahead.
> What exactly needs to be discussed with whom?  I'll be on Debian Med sprint
> this weekend - so this is a Debian dedicated weekend anyway ...

Some ftpmasters scripts (dak?) connect to the ddtp.debian.net machine through
SSH in order to grab the package description translation files.

Since Martijn moved the service to the new machine, the SSH host key
changed and therefore, this SSH connection fails. At least this is my
understanding of the problem.

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