[debian-lan-devel] [SCM] Debian-LAN development and packaging branch, master, updated. 0.7-23-g19b75b0

Andreas B. Mundt andi at debian.org
Mon Feb 11 13:45:06 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 2fa565eb43171c06c8b38adec55337163ebba938
Author: Andreas B. Mundt <andi at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Feb 11 12:26:44 2013 +0100

    Add script to import users into LDAP/GOsa from a text file.
    The script uses functions from the ldapscripts package to do the
    work.  A GOsa department (organizational unit) might be specified
    and defines where the users end up.  Usernames are generated from
    first and last name.  A random passwords is created and appended
    to the corresponding line in the provided file.
     * Create a text file, one user per line: <First Name> <Last Name>.
     * Create the GOsa department if necessary.
     * Run 'add2gosa <FILE> [ ou=<department> ]

diff --git a/fai/config/files/etc/ldap/gosa.ldif/GOSA b/fai/config/files/etc/ldap/gosa.ldif/GOSA
index a120bc9..6cce84c 100644
--- a/fai/config/files/etc/ldap/gosa.ldif/GOSA
+++ b/fai/config/files/etc/ldap/gosa.ldif/GOSA
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ cn: gosa
 userPassword: @LDAP_ADMIN_PW_HASH@
-## peope and groups:
+## people and groups:
 dn: ou=people,ou=gosa,dc=intern
 objectClass: top
 objectClass: organizationalUnit
diff --git a/fai/config/files/usr/local/sbin/add2gosa/GOSA b/fai/config/files/usr/local/sbin/add2gosa/GOSA
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..901a1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fai/config/files/usr/local/sbin/add2gosa/GOSA
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# Import a list of users to GOsa.  Based on the ldapscripts package.
+set -e
+    if pidof nscd 1>&2 > /dev/null ; then
+        ## Clear tables to have database up to date:
+        nscd -i passwd
+        nscd -i group
+    fi
+mk_uname() {
+    GNAME=${1,,}
+    FNAME=${2,,}
+    echo ${GNAME::4}${FNAME::4}
+    #echo ${GNAME}.${FNAME}
+ou2LDAP() {
+    OU=$1
+    # Add ou to LDAP
+    _extractldif 3 | sed -e "s|<ORGUNIT>|$OU|g" | _filterldif | _utf8encode | _ldapadd
+    [ $? -eq 0 ] || end_die "Error adding '$OU' to '$SUFFIX'."
+    echo_log "Successfully added '$OU' to '$SUFFIX'."
+user2LDAP() {
+    set +e
+    GNAME=$1
+    FNAME=$2
+    _USER="$3"
+    _GROUP="$_USER"
+    # Group GID
+    _GID=$(_findnextgid)
+    [ -z "_GID" ] && end_die "Cannot guess next free group id"
+    # Add group to LDAP
+    _extractldif 4 | _filterldif | _utf8encode | _ldapadd
+    [ $? -eq 0 ] || end_die "Error adding group $_GROUP to LDAP"
+    echo_log "Successfully added group $_GROUP to LDAP"
+    ###################
+    # User UID
+    _UID=$(_findnextuid)
+    [ -z "_UID" ] && end_die "Cannot guess next free user id"
+    # Compute homedir
+    _HOMEDIR=$(echo "$UHOMES" | sed "s|%u|$_USER|g")
+    # Add user to LDAP
+    _extractldif 5 | \
+        sed -e "s|<GNAME>|$GNAME|g" \
+        -e "s|<FNAME>|$FNAME|g" \
+        -e "s|<PWHASH>|$PWHASH|g" \
+        | _filterldif | _utf8encode | _ldapadd
+    [ $? -eq 0 ] || end_die "Error adding user $_USER to LDAP"
+    echo_log "Successfully added user $_USER to LDAP"
+    # Create Home dir
+    if [ -e "$_HOMEDIR" ] ; then
+        warn_log "Skipped home directory creation for user $_USER (already exists)"
+    else
+        # Create home by skel or mkdir
+        if [ -d "$HOMESKEL" ] ; then
+            cp -pR "$HOMESKEL/" "$_HOMEDIR" 2>>"$LOGFILE" 1>/dev/null
+        else
+            mkdir -p "$_HOMEDIR" 2>>"$LOGFILE" 1>/dev/null
+        fi
+        chmod "$HOMEPERMS" "$_HOMEDIR" 2>>"$LOGFILE" 1>/dev/null
+        chown -R "$_UID":"$_GID" "$_HOMEDIR" 2>>"$LOGFILE" 1>/dev/null
+        echo_log "Successfully created home directory for user $_USER"
+    fi
+    set -e
+checkPASSWD (){
+    PASSWD="$1"
+    local NUM=0
+    if [ $(expr length "$PASSWD") -ge $MINLEN ] ; then
+        [ -n "${PASSWD//[![:lower:]]/}" ] && NUM=$(($NUM+1))
+        [ -n "${PASSWD//[![:upper:]]/}" ] && NUM=$(($NUM+1))
+        [ -n "${PASSWD//[![:digit:]]/}" ] && NUM=$(($NUM+1))
+        [ -n "${PASSWD//[![:punct:]]/}" ] && NUM=$(($NUM+1))
+    fi
+    echo $NUM
+createPASSWD (){
+    local NUM=0
+    while [ $NUM -lt $MINCLS ] ; do
+        PASSWD=$(slappasswd -g)
+        NUM=$(checkPASSWD "$PASSWD")
+    done
+    echo "$PASSWD"
+# Source runtime file
+# We need to overwrite variables defined in the configuration
+# and sourced in the runtime file above:
+SUFFIX=${SUFFIX#,} # remove ',' if $GOSAOU=""
+## Password restrictions (compliant with kerberos policy):
+MINLEN=4  # minimal password length (max 8 with slappasswd as password generator)
+MINCLS=2  # minimal number of character classes
+if [ ! -r "$FILE" ] ; then
+    cat <<EOF
+Usage: add2gosa <file> [ou=<GOsa Department>]
+Where <file> contains rows of first and last names:
+    <First Name> <Last Name>
+         ...        ...
+Empty lines or lines starting with a '#' will be ignored.  The
+generated password is appended to the line during processing, the line
+Optionally it is possible to specify an organizational unit within the
+GOsa tree.  The users will be added to that department.
+    add2gosa <file>              # add users to GOsa base
+    add2gosa <file> ou=students  # add users to department 'students'
+The department must exist before adding users.
+    exit 1
+# Test if dn exists:
+_ldapsearch "$SUFFIX" "(objectClass=organizationalUnit)" "dn" \
+    | grep -q "$SUFFIX" || end_die "No Department '$SUFFIX' found.  Create it in GOsa first."
+# Create ou=groups if missing:
+_ldapsearch "$GSUFFIX,$SUFFIX" "(objectClass=organizationalUnit)" "dn" \
+    | grep -q "$GSUFFIX,$SUFFIX" || ou2LDAP $GSUFFIX
+# Create ou=people if missing:
+_ldapsearch "$USUFFIX,$SUFFIX" "(objectClass=organizationalUnit)" "dn" \
+    | grep -q "$USUFFIX,$SUFFIX" || ou2LDAP $USUFFIX
+chmod 600 $FILE
+for LINE in $(grep -Ev "^(#|[[:space:]]*$)" $FILE | sed "s/\#.*//g" | awk '{print $1, $2, $3}') ; do
+    GNAME=`echo "$LINE" | cut -d " " -f1`
+    FNAME=`echo "$LINE" | cut -d " " -f2`
+    USERNAME=$(mk_uname ${GNAME} ${FNAME})
+    echo "---------------- $USERNAME ----------------"
+    PASSWD=$(createPASSWD)
+    PWHASH=$(slappasswd -s $PASSWD -h {SSHA})
+    echo "Password and hash created."
+    sed -i "s|\($GNAME[[:space:]]\+$FNAME\)|\# \1:\t $USERNAME\t ${PASSWD}|" $FILE
+    kadmin.local -q "add_principal -pw "$PASSWD" -x $USERDN $USERNAME"
+    echo
+cat <<EOF
+   ===================== IMPORTANT NOTICE =====================
+    Make sure to keep '$FILE' save or remove it!
+    Advice users to change their password immediately in GOsa.
+   ============================================================
+# Ldif ou template ##################################
+###dn: <ORGUNIT>,<suffix>
+###objectClass: top
+###objectClass: organizationalUnit
+###ou: <ORGUNIT>
+# Ldif group template ###############################
+####dn: cn=<group>,<gsuffix>,<suffix>
+####objectClass: <gclass>
+####cn: <group>
+####gidNumber: <gid>
+####description: Group of user <group>
+# Ldif user template ################################
+#####dn: uid=<user>,<usuffix>,<suffix>
+#####objectClass: person
+#####objectClass: organizationalPerson
+#####objectClass: inetOrgPerson
+#####objectClass: gosaAccount
+#####objectClass: posixAccount
+#####objectClass: shadowAccount
+#####sn: <FNAME>
+#####givenName: <GNAME>
+#####cn: <GNAME> <FNAME>
+#####gecos: <GNAME> <FNAME>
+#####uid: <user>
+#####homeDirectory: <home>
+#####loginShell: <shell>
+#####uidNumber: <uid>
+#####gidNumber: <gid>
+#####userPassword: <PWHASH>
diff --git a/fai/config/files/usr/local/sbin/debian-lan/SERVER_A b/fai/config/files/usr/local/sbin/debian-lan/SERVER_A
index a4115c3..4dedf5a 100755
--- a/fai/config/files/usr/local/sbin/debian-lan/SERVER_A
+++ b/fai/config/files/usr/local/sbin/debian-lan/SERVER_A
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ case $COMMAND in
                 if [ $NUM -lt $MINCLS ] ;  then
 		    echo "Password replaced/created!"
-                    sed -i "s#$USERID#$USERID ${PASSWD} <-- new password | old/bad password -->#" $1
+                    sed -i "s%$USERID%\# $USERID\t ${PASSWD} <-- new password | %" $1
                 adduserLDAP $USERID
diff --git a/fai/config/scripts/SERVER_A/10-misc b/fai/config/scripts/SERVER_A/10-misc
index 97b7842..d4a89cd 100755
--- a/fai/config/scripts/SERVER_A/10-misc
+++ b/fai/config/scripts/SERVER_A/10-misc
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ fi
 fcopy -m root,root,0700 /usr/local/sbin/debian-lan
 fcopy -m root,root,0700 /usr/local/sbin/dhcpd-keytab
+if ifclass GOSA ; then
+    fcopy -m root,root,0700 /usr/local/sbin/add2gosa
 if [ "$FAI_ACTION" != "install" ] && [ "$CONVERT" != "true" ] ; then
     exit 0
diff --git a/fai/config/scripts/SERVER_A/20-ldapscripts b/fai/config/scripts/SERVER_A/20-ldapscripts
index b9fc06b..99c58d9 100755
--- a/fai/config/scripts/SERVER_A/20-ldapscripts
+++ b/fai/config/scripts/SERVER_A/20-ldapscripts
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ editfiles:
 	  ReplaceAll '#UHOMES="/home/%u"' With 'UHOMES="/lan/mainserver/home0/%u"'
 	  ReplaceAll 'CREATEHOMES="no"'   With 'CREATEHOMES="yes"'
+	  ## Avoid conflicts with GOsa which starts at uid/gid 10000":
+	  ReplaceAll 'UIDSTART="10000"' With 'UIDSTART="40000"'
+	  ReplaceAll 'GIDSTART="10000"' With 'GIDSTART="40000"'
 	  ## Do not generate a posix password, use kerberos instead:
 	  HashCommentLinesStarting 'PASSWORDGEN='

Debian-LAN development and packaging

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