[debian-lan-devel] Customization of Skolelinux

Franklin Weng franklin at goodhorse.idv.tw
Tue Mar 4 06:49:57 UTC 2014

Hi Andi,

2014-03-03 1:00 GMT+08:00 Andreas B. Mundt
<andi.mundt at web.de<https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=andi.mundt@web.de>
> > In the bootstrap page https://wiki.debian.org/DebianLAN/bootstrap and CD
> > creation https://wiki.debian.org/DebianLAN/bootstrap/wheezy  it told me
> > that we need to install a FAI server first.  I don't quite understand the
> > steps to deploy the whole system in a computer classroom.  For example,
> if
> > I want to use Debian-LAN as our base system, do I have to install a pure
> > mini debian system first, install fai server, then debian-lan system?
> You can use two different approaches:  Either start with a minimal
> Debian (Debian installler, nothing checked in the tasks selection) and
> convert this installation to the mainserver (which contains a faiserver).
> Or you can prepare a CD from which you can install the mainserver.
> Cf.
> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/debian-lan.git;a=blob;f=debian/README.Debian
> Once the mainserver is operational, all other machines in the network
> are installed via PXE-boot from the mainserver (which, as I said
> above, contains the faiserver).
> So for example if you want to serve several schools, you would prepare
> a CD which you probably want to customize and optimize first for your
> needs and then you take this CD to each school to install the
> mainserver.  After that all machines in the network can already boot a
> debian-lan live system via PXE-boot from the mainserver and you can
> install the clients at the same time. (You get a menu at PXE-boot
> where you can choose "install" or "live-system").
I failed to install mainserver (I sent the kernel panic message in another
thread in mailing list) and hence could not test yet.

Did you mean that, if I install the debian-lan main server, the client
would boot from PxE and could choose to "boot a live system" or to "install
a standalone workstation"?  If I choose to boot a live system, it would act
like a diskless workstation, right?  Please correct if I'm wrong.

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