[debian-lan-devel] FusionDirectory vs GoSA

Andreas B. Mundt andi.mundt at web.de
Wed Jun 24 19:37:10 UTC 2015

Hi Daniel,

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 04:16:40AM +0000, Daniel Olynsma wrote:
> I have played round with the latest code in git.
> I removed the calls to 'sss_cache' from the scripts
> I was able to create users using GoSA web as well as the add2gosa|debian-lan scripts without issues.
> The users that I created were able login etc...
> What issues were you experiencing?

I had problems with unique UIDs.  I tried to add a list of users using

  add2gosa <FILE>

where <FILE> has a couple of lines like "<LastName>     <FirstName>"
(try add2gosa without arguments for details).  A check with

     getent passwd
     getent group

showed that some users had the same UIDs and/or GIDs.   Checking the
next free UID/GID  seems to fail when creating a series of users.  The
line "sss_cache -U -G" should clean the cache, but it did not help for
some reason.  I tried to restart sssd in addition, but that failed
because (IIRC) systemd complained at some point about too many

> Can I help test it in any?

It would be great if you could verify my findings.  If you can confirm
my findings, we should report a bug against sssd and look for a
solution to the problem.

Best regards and many thanks for your tests!


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