[debian-lan-devel] Migrating to FusionDirectory

Benoit Mortier benoit.mortier at opensides.be
Mon Aug 3 16:17:36 UTC 2015


i represent the FusionDirectory project, as some of you may know its a 
community fork of the GOsa² project made 3 and half year ago.

Today FusionDirectory is in jessie and testing and i well supported by a 
vibrant community, contributing, testing, sending patches.

The code has nearly been rewritten and has is own api documented here : 
http://documentation.fusiondirectory.org/en/documentation_dev and here

We also have lots of new and improved plugins 

The process are open and we welcome everyone.

Thats why i offering our help in helping you migrate from GOsa² to 
FusionDirectory if you want

Benoit Mortier
OpenSides "logiciels libres pour entreprises" : http://www.opensides.eu/
Promouvoir et défendre le Logiciel Libre http://www.april.org/
Main developper in FusionDirectory : http://www.fusiondirectory.org/
Official French representative for OPSI : http://opsi.org/

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