[debian-lan-devel] Maintaining Debian LAN as a set of packages

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Sat Aug 6 20:31:17 UTC 2016

Hi Afif,

Quoting Afif Elghraoui (2016-08-06 21:13:24)
> I was wondering what your thoughts would be on maintaining Debian LAN 
> as a set of packages, sort of like how the Debian installer is 
> maintained.
> We can make use of the debhelper plugin config-package-dev for 
> modifying or replacing configuration files (while diverting the 
> originals) provided by existing packages (like dhcpd.conf).

Sounds like packages in the style of DebAthena - a project you seem 
already aware¹ of.

Please beware that DPKG does *not* support diversion of conffiles.  
Possibly that is the reason DebAthena lives only outside of Debian.  
Problems caused by such too smart configfile handling may only surface 
when upgrading an installed system to a later stable release, as 
discussed in bug#311188 - and discussed² some years ago specifically in 
relation to DebAthena.

Your idea sounds interesting to me³, but I doubt it is possible to do in 
a way that is robust enough for Debian.  Are your packages available 
somewhere public?


 - Jonas

¹ https://lists.debian.org/55F5DEEB.3010203@ghraoui.name

² https://lists.debian.org/20120126111341.19552amdcymxe1cl@mail.das-netzwerkteam.de

³ ...but I am not Andy - I follow this project but am not developing it, 
so don't take my response here as representative of Debian LAN. :-)

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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