[debian-lan-devel] CD image for Debian-LAN mainserver installation

Andreas B. Mundt andi.mundt at web.de
Tue Jan 10 22:38:25 UTC 2012

Hi Andreas,

great to hear from you on this list!  It's already pretty late, so
just a few remarks: 

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 05:48:34PM +0100, Andreas Schockenhoff wrote:

> Am Samstag, den 07.01.2012, 23:40 +0100 schrieb Andreas B. Mundt:
> > 
> > I documented how to prepare the image in the Wiki at:
> > 
> >   <URL:http://wiki.debian.org/DebianLAN/bootstrap>.
> > 
> > It would be great if someone could independently verify the
> > description.  It should be possible to use the CD image on an USB
> > stick too, but I did not test that. 
> I test this with a USB stick. with instructions from:
> (http://fai-project.org/fai-cd/) FAI CD on a USB stick (using grub2) 
> For me it also worked fine. The mkisofs problem I solve by updating
> fai to the newest version. 

Great, thanks for testing and reporting!  We have to add the USB stuff
to the Wiki.

> After installing I test the procedure also on the new server. It 
> worked also after some minor corrections..
> In /etc/fai/make-fai-nfsroot.conf is the wrong proxy for debootstrap.

Not clear what you mean here.  I had the issue that installing on a
machine with a single network card failed (or better the fai-setup on
first boot failed, because did not exist).
However, after adding the second ethernet card things worked as
expected.  Perhaps you can explain a bit more.

> /etc/fai/grub.cfg is missing the entry for the mainserver.

Yes, it's the unmodified version from fai-quickstart.  You're rigth,
we could ship a version that might be used for installing the clients
from CD (or another mainserver).

> The /etc/apt/sources.list is not nice. I think setting the proxy server
> for apt ist better solved as a environment variable. This also make it
> possible to change this easy. A broken mirror is one of the number one
> problem when you use fai.

You mean by adding something to /etc/apt/proxy (or the like, I have to

> Using disk1 and disk1.2 should solve the problem with switching between
> sda und vda  
> This only for information because I understand this is under
> construction.

Sounds great, I don't know about this feature yet.  Will have a look
and study a bit ...

> debian-lan addmachine workstation1 # does not work 

Can you check with workstation01?  The prepared hostnames are
workstation00, workstation01  and so on. 

> debian-lan adduser user1 # does work but user can not log in.

Hm, worked here, however adding the machine has to work in advance
(And I needed a reboot of the client to make nfs mounting the homedir
work; did not ceck why).  

> > We might think about providing the CD images (i386 and amd64) for
> > download somewhere. 
> May be fai-project.org (Thomas Lange) can help?

Yes, I also thought about that.  Disadvantage of the CD:  You have to
modify the default password after installation.  

> bye Andreas

Many thanks for your reports which are very appreciated!  I'll study a
bit more as time permits the next days and might come back to you.
Feel free to add more observations, ideas/tips and tricks!

Best regards,


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