[Debian-lego-team] NQC Upstream Source for Debian Package?

Matthew Sheets mesheets at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 5 18:59:20 BST 2024

Is there a particular process, etc. for changing the upstream source repository for long-inactive projects to a more active repository?  It has been over 17 years since the last release of NQC via https://bricxcc.sourceforge.net/nqc/, and it has been ~15 years without any apparent action on patches that have been submitted (c.f. the NQC patches under https://sourceforge.net/p/bricxcc/patches/).  I get that people move on, so not faulting any upstream maintainers—grateful they left their work for others to tinker with.

My question is, can Debian packages based on long-inactive repositories like NQC be pointed to a new upstream repository?  At least in certain respects, does this Debian repository of NQC (https://salsa.debian.org/debian-lego-team/nqc/) exist at least in part because the original upstream has been inactive?

As I started noticing some RCX-related resources beginning to disappear, I started collecting what I could before more began disappearing and have been posting them under the https://github.com/BrickBot/ organization (which is still a work in progress).  Among those projects is NQC (https://github.com/BrickBot/nqc/).  I'm not interested in forking NQC and going in a different direction but just in continuing to maintain it in the spirit of the original project.

In that GitHub repo for BrickBot/nqc, I've incorporated the patches linked above and others, plus based on some work by GitHub user maehw, I've also incorporated support for building as a WebAssembly.  Additionally, I have incorporated an automatic build setup via GitHub Actions that uses "ubuntu-latest" as the OS for that job.  Could this repository potentially assume the role of upstream repository for the Debian NQC package?  I am very new to the world of Debian packaging but would be happy to assist as I can from an "upstream" perspective.

Thank you.

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