[med-svn] r270 - trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian

Charles Plessy charles-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Apr 18 13:39:19 UTC 2007

Author: charles-guest
Date: 2007-04-18 13:39:18 +0000 (Wed, 18 Apr 2007)
New Revision: 270

Oops, probcons-RNA was built from obsolete files

Deleted: trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/Main-RNA.cc
--- trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/Main-RNA.cc	2007-04-12 10:59:18 UTC (rev 269)
+++ trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/Main-RNA.cc	2007-04-18 13:39:18 UTC (rev 270)
@@ -1,1445 +0,0 @@
-// Main.cc
-// Main routines for PROBCONS program.
-#include "SafeVector.h"
-#include "MultiSequence.h"
-#include "Defaults-RNA.h"
-#include "ScoreType.h"
-#include "ProbabilisticModel.h"
-#include "EvolutionaryTree.h"
-#include "SparseMatrix.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <list>
-#include <set>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cerrno>
-#include <iomanip>
-string parametersInputFilename = "";
-string parametersOutputFilename = "no training";
-string annotationFilename = "";
-bool enableTraining = false;
-bool enableVerbose = false;
-bool enableAllPairs = false;
-bool enableAnnotation = false;
-bool enableViterbi = false;
-bool enableClustalWOutput = false;
-bool enableTrainEmissions = false;
-bool enableAlignOrder = false;
-int numConsistencyReps = 2;
-int numPreTrainingReps = 0;
-int numIterativeRefinementReps = 100;
-float cutoff = 0;
-float gapOpenPenalty = 0;
-float gapContinuePenalty = 0;
-VF initDistrib (NumMatrixTypes);
-VF gapOpen (2*NumInsertStates);
-VF gapExtend (2*NumInsertStates);
-VVF emitPairs (256, VF (256, 1e-10));
-VF emitSingle (256, 1e-5);
-string alphabet = alphabetDefault;
-const int MIN_PRETRAINING_REPS = 0;
-const int MAX_PRETRAINING_REPS = 20;
-const int MIN_CONSISTENCY_REPS = 0;
-const int MAX_CONSISTENCY_REPS = 5;
-// Function prototypes
-void PrintHeading();
-void PrintParameters (const char *message, const VF &initDistrib, const VF &gapOpen,
-                      const VF &gapExtend, const VVF &emitPairs, const VF &emitSingle, const char *filename);
-MultiSequence *DoAlign (MultiSequence *sequence, const ProbabilisticModel &model, VF &initDistrib, VF &gapOpen, VF &gapExtend,
-			VVF &emitPairs, VF &emitSingle);
-SafeVector<string> ParseParams (int argc, char **argv);
-void ReadParameters ();
-MultiSequence *ComputeFinalAlignment (const TreeNode *tree, MultiSequence *sequences,
-                                      const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices,
-                                      const ProbabilisticModel &model);
-MultiSequence *AlignAlignments (MultiSequence *align1, MultiSequence *align2,
-                                const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices,
-                                const ProbabilisticModel &model);
-SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > DoRelaxation (MultiSequence *sequences, 
-						      SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices);
-void Relax (SparseMatrix *matXZ, SparseMatrix *matZY, VF &posterior);
-void Relax1 (SparseMatrix *matXZ, SparseMatrix *matZY, VF &posterior);
-set<int> GetSubtree (const TreeNode *tree);
-void TreeBasedBiPartitioning (const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices,
-                              const ProbabilisticModel &model, MultiSequence* &alignment,
-                              const TreeNode *tree);
-void DoIterativeRefinement (const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices,
-                            const ProbabilisticModel &model, MultiSequence* &alignment);
-void WriteAnnotation (MultiSequence *alignment,
-		      const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices);
-int ComputeScore (const SafeVector<pair<int, int> > &active, 
-		  const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices);
-// main()
-// Calls all initialization routines and runs the PROBCONS
-// aligner.
-int main (int argc, char **argv){
-  // print PROBCONS heading
-  PrintHeading();
-  // parse program parameters
-  SafeVector<string> sequenceNames = ParseParams (argc, argv);
-  ReadParameters();
-  PrintParameters ("Using parameter set:", initDistrib, gapOpen, gapExtend, emitPairs, emitSingle, NULL);
-  // now, we'll process all the files given as input.  If we are given
-  // several filenames as input, then we'll load all of those sequences
-  // simultaneously, as long as we're not training.  On the other hand,
-  // if we are training, then we'll treat each file as a separate
-  // training instance
-  // if we are training
-  if (enableTraining){
-    // build new model for aligning
-    ProbabilisticModel model (initDistrib, gapOpen, gapExtend, emitPairs, emitSingle);
-    // prepare to average parameters
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) initDistrib.size(); i++) initDistrib[i] = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapOpen.size(); i++) gapOpen[i] = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapExtend.size(); i++) gapExtend[i] = 0;
-    if (enableTrainEmissions){
-      for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitPairs.size(); i++)
-	for (int j = 0; j < (int) emitPairs[i].size(); j++) emitPairs[i][j] = 0;
-      for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitSingle.size(); i++) emitSingle[i] = 0;
-    }
-    // align each file individually
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) sequenceNames.size(); i++){
-      VF thisInitDistrib (NumMatrixTypes);
-      VF thisGapOpen (2*NumInsertStates);
-      VF thisGapExtend (2*NumInsertStates);
-      VVF thisEmitPairs (256, VF (256, 1e-10));
-      VF thisEmitSingle (256, 1e-5);
-      // load sequence file
-      MultiSequence *sequences = new MultiSequence(); assert (sequences);
-      cerr << "Loading sequence file: " << sequenceNames[i] << endl;
-      sequences->LoadMFA (sequenceNames[i], true);
-      // align sequences
-      DoAlign (sequences, model, thisInitDistrib, thisGapOpen, thisGapExtend, thisEmitPairs, thisEmitSingle);
-      // add in contribution of the derived parameters
-      for (int i = 0; i < (int) initDistrib.size(); i++) initDistrib[i] += thisInitDistrib[i];
-      for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapOpen.size(); i++) gapOpen[i] += thisGapOpen[i];
-      for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapExtend.size(); i++) gapExtend[i] += thisGapExtend[i];
-      if (enableTrainEmissions){
-	for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitPairs.size(); i++) 
-	  for (int j = 0; j < (int) emitPairs[i].size(); j++) emitPairs[i][j] += thisEmitPairs[i][j];
-	for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitSingle.size(); i++) emitSingle[i] += thisEmitSingle[i];
-      }
-      delete sequences;
-    }
-    // compute new parameters and print them out
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) initDistrib.size(); i++) initDistrib[i] /= (int) sequenceNames.size();
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapOpen.size(); i++) gapOpen[i] /= (int) sequenceNames.size();
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapExtend.size(); i++) gapExtend[i] /= (int) sequenceNames.size();
-    if (enableTrainEmissions){
-      for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitPairs.size(); i++) 
-	for (int j = 0; j < (int) emitPairs[i].size(); j++) emitPairs[i][j] /= (int) sequenceNames.size();
-      for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitSingle.size(); i++) emitSingle[i] /= sequenceNames.size();
-    }
-    PrintParameters ("Trained parameter set:",
-                     initDistrib, gapOpen, gapExtend, emitPairs, emitSingle,
-                     parametersOutputFilename.c_str());
-  }
-  // if we are not training, we must simply want to align some sequences
-  else {
-    // load all files together
-    MultiSequence *sequences = new MultiSequence(); assert (sequences);
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) sequenceNames.size(); i++){
-      cerr << "Loading sequence file: " << sequenceNames[i] << endl;
-      sequences->LoadMFA (sequenceNames[i], true);
-    }
-    // do all "pre-training" repetitions first
-    for (int ct = 0; ct < numPreTrainingReps; ct++){
-      enableTraining = true;
-      // build new model for aligning
-      ProbabilisticModel model (initDistrib, gapOpen, gapExtend, 
-                                emitPairs, emitSingle);
-      // do initial alignments
-      DoAlign (sequences, model, initDistrib, gapOpen, gapExtend, emitPairs, emitSingle);
-      // print new parameters
-      PrintParameters ("Recomputed parameter set:", initDistrib, gapOpen, gapExtend, emitPairs, emitSingle, NULL);
-      enableTraining = false;
-    }
-    // now, we can perform the alignments and write them out
-    MultiSequence *alignment = DoAlign (sequences,
-                                        ProbabilisticModel (initDistrib, gapOpen, gapExtend,  emitPairs, emitSingle),
-                                        initDistrib, gapOpen, gapExtend, emitPairs, emitSingle);
-    if (!enableAllPairs){
-      if (enableClustalWOutput)
-	alignment->WriteALN (cout);
-      else
-	alignment->WriteMFA (cout);
-    }
-    delete alignment;
-    delete sequences;
-  }
-// PrintHeading()
-// Prints heading for PROBCONS program.
-void PrintHeading (){
-  cerr << endl
-       << "PROBCONS version " << VERSION << " - align multiple protein sequences and print to standard output" << endl
-       << "Written by Chuong Do" << endl
-       << endl;
-// PrintParameters()
-// Prints PROBCONS parameters to STDERR.  If a filename is
-// specified, then the parameters are also written to the file.
-void PrintParameters (const char *message, const VF &initDistrib, const VF &gapOpen,
-                      const VF &gapExtend, const VVF &emitPairs, const VF &emitSingle, const char *filename){
-  // print parameters to the screen
-  cerr << message << endl
-       << "    initDistrib[] = { ";
-  for (int i = 0; i < NumMatrixTypes; i++) cerr << setprecision (10) << initDistrib[i] << " ";
-  cerr << "}" << endl
-       << "        gapOpen[] = { ";
-  for (int i = 0; i < NumInsertStates*2; i++) cerr << setprecision (10) << gapOpen[i] << " ";
-  cerr << "}" << endl
-       << "      gapExtend[] = { ";
-  for (int i = 0; i < NumInsertStates*2; i++) cerr << setprecision (10) << gapExtend[i] << " ";
-  cerr << "}" << endl
-       << endl;
-  /*
-  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
-    for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++){
-      cerr << emitPairs[(unsigned char) alphabet[i]][(unsigned char) alphabet[j]] << " ";
-    }
-    cerr << endl;
-    }*/
-  // if a file name is specified
-  if (filename){
-    // attempt to open the file for writing
-    FILE *file = fopen (filename, "w");
-    if (!file){
-      cerr << "ERROR: Unable to write parameter file: " << filename << endl;
-      exit (1);
-    }
-    // if successful, then write the parameters to the file
-    for (int i = 0; i < NumMatrixTypes; i++) fprintf (file, "%.10f ", initDistrib[i]); fprintf (file, "\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2*NumInsertStates; i++) fprintf (file, "%.10f ", gapOpen[i]); fprintf (file, "\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2*NumInsertStates; i++) fprintf (file, "%.10f ", gapExtend[i]); fprintf (file, "\n");
-    fprintf (file, "%s\n", alphabet.c_str());
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) alphabet.size(); i++){
-      for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
-	fprintf (file, "%.10f ", emitPairs[(unsigned char) alphabet[i]][(unsigned char) alphabet[j]]);
-      fprintf (file, "\n");
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) alphabet.size(); i++)
-      fprintf (file, "%.10f ", emitSingle[(unsigned char) alphabet[i]]);
-    fprintf (file, "\n");
-    fclose (file);
-  }
-// DoAlign()
-// First computes all pairwise posterior probability matrices.
-// Then, computes new parameters if training, or a final
-// alignment, otherwise.
-MultiSequence *DoAlign (MultiSequence *sequences, const ProbabilisticModel &model, VF &initDistrib, VF &gapOpen, 
-			VF &gapExtend, VVF &emitPairs, VF &emitSingle){
-  assert (sequences);
-  const int numSeqs = sequences->GetNumSequences();
-  VVF distances (numSeqs, VF (numSeqs, 0));
-  SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > sparseMatrices (numSeqs, SafeVector<SparseMatrix *>(numSeqs, NULL));
-  if (enableTraining){
-    // prepare to average parameters
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) initDistrib.size(); i++) initDistrib[i] = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapOpen.size(); i++) gapOpen[i] = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapExtend.size(); i++) gapExtend[i] = 0;
-    if (enableTrainEmissions){
-      for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitPairs.size(); i++)
-	for (int j = 0; j < (int) emitPairs[i].size(); j++) emitPairs[i][j] = 0;
-      for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitSingle.size(); i++) emitSingle[i] = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  // skip posterior calculations if we just want to do Viterbi alignments
-  if (!enableViterbi){
-    // do all pairwise alignments for posterior probability matrices
-    for (int a = 0; a < numSeqs-1; a++){
-      for (int b = a+1; b < numSeqs; b++){
-	Sequence *seq1 = sequences->GetSequence (a);
-	Sequence *seq2 = sequences->GetSequence (b);
-	// verbose output
-	if (enableVerbose)
-	  cerr << "Computing posterior matrix: (" << a+1 << ") " << seq1->GetHeader() << " vs. "
-	       << "(" << b+1 << ") " << seq2->GetHeader() << " -- ";
-	// compute forward and backward probabilities
-	VF *forward = model.ComputeForwardMatrix (seq1, seq2); assert (forward);
-	VF *backward = model.ComputeBackwardMatrix (seq1, seq2); assert (backward);
-	// if we are training, then we'll simply want to compute the
-	// expected counts for each region within the matrix separately;
-	// otherwise, we'll need to put all of the regions together and
-	// assemble a posterior probability match matrix
-	// so, if we're training
-	if (enableTraining){
-	  // compute new parameters
-	  VF thisInitDistrib (NumMatrixTypes);
-	  VF thisGapOpen (2*NumInsertStates);
-	  VF thisGapExtend (2*NumInsertStates);
-	  VVF thisEmitPairs (256, VF (256, 1e-10));
-	  VF thisEmitSingle (256, 1e-5);
-	  model.ComputeNewParameters (seq1, seq2, *forward, *backward, thisInitDistrib, thisGapOpen, thisGapExtend, thisEmitPairs, thisEmitSingle, enableTrainEmissions);
-	  // add in contribution of the derived parameters
-	  for (int i = 0; i < (int) initDistrib.size(); i++) initDistrib[i] += thisInitDistrib[i];
-	  for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapOpen.size(); i++) gapOpen[i] += thisGapOpen[i];
-	  for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapExtend.size(); i++) gapExtend[i] += thisGapExtend[i];
-	  if (enableTrainEmissions){
-	    for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitPairs.size(); i++) 
-	      for (int j = 0; j < (int) emitPairs[i].size(); j++) emitPairs[i][j] += thisEmitPairs[i][j];
-	    for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitSingle.size(); i++) emitSingle[i] += thisEmitSingle[i];
-	  }
-	  // let us know that we're done.
-	  if (enableVerbose) cerr << "done." << endl;
-	}
-	else {
-	  // compute posterior probability matrix
-	  VF *posterior = model.ComputePosteriorMatrix (seq1, seq2, *forward, *backward); assert (posterior);
-	  // compute sparse representations
-	  sparseMatrices[a][b] = new SparseMatrix (seq1->GetLength(), seq2->GetLength(), *posterior);
-	  sparseMatrices[b][a] = NULL; 
-	  if (!enableAllPairs){
-	    // perform the pairwise sequence alignment
-	    pair<SafeVector<char> *, float> alignment = model.ComputeAlignment (seq1->GetLength(),
-										seq2->GetLength(),
-										*posterior);
-	    // compute "expected accuracy" distance for evolutionary tree computation
-	    float distance = alignment.second / min (seq1->GetLength(), seq2->GetLength());
-	    distances[a][b] = distances[b][a] = distance;
-	    if (enableVerbose)
-	      cerr << setprecision (10) << distance << endl;
-	      delete alignment.first;
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    // let us know that we're done.
-	    if (enableVerbose) cerr << "done." << endl;
-	  }
-	  delete posterior;
-	}
-	delete forward;
-	delete backward;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // now average out parameters derived
-  if (enableTraining){
-    // compute new parameters
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) initDistrib.size(); i++) initDistrib[i] /= numSeqs * (numSeqs - 1) / 2;
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapOpen.size(); i++) gapOpen[i] /= numSeqs * (numSeqs - 1) / 2;
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) gapExtend.size(); i++) gapExtend[i] /= numSeqs * (numSeqs - 1) / 2;
-    if (enableTrainEmissions){
-      for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitPairs.size(); i++)
-	for (int j = 0; j < (int) emitPairs[i].size(); j++) emitPairs[i][j] /= numSeqs * (numSeqs - 1) / 2;
-      for (int i = 0; i < (int) emitSingle.size(); i++) emitSingle[i] /= numSeqs * (numSeqs - 1) / 2;
-    }
-  }
-  // see if we still want to do some alignments
-  else {
-    if (!enableViterbi){
-      // perform the consistency transformation the desired number of times
-      for (int r = 0; r < numConsistencyReps; r++){
-	SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > newSparseMatrices = DoRelaxation (sequences, sparseMatrices);
-	// now replace the old posterior matrices
-	for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++){
-	  for (int j = 0; j < numSeqs; j++){
-	    delete sparseMatrices[i][j];
-	    sparseMatrices[i][j] = newSparseMatrices[i][j];
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    MultiSequence *finalAlignment = NULL;
-    if (enableAllPairs){
-      for (int a = 0; a < numSeqs-1; a++){
-	for (int b = a+1; b < numSeqs; b++){
-	  Sequence *seq1 = sequences->GetSequence (a);
-	  Sequence *seq2 = sequences->GetSequence (b);
-	  if (enableVerbose)
-	    cerr << "Performing pairwise alignment: (" << a+1 << ") " << seq1->GetHeader() << " vs. "
-		 << "(" << b+1 << ") " << seq2->GetHeader() << " -- ";
-	  // perform the pairwise sequence alignment
-	  pair<SafeVector<char> *, float> alignment;
-	  if (enableViterbi)
-	    alignment = model.ComputeViterbiAlignment (seq1, seq2);
-	  else {
-	    // build posterior matrix
-	    VF *posterior = sparseMatrices[a][b]->GetPosterior(); assert (posterior);
-	    int length = (seq1->GetLength() + 1) * (seq2->GetLength() + 1);
-	    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) (*posterior)[i] -= cutoff;
-	    alignment = model.ComputeAlignment (seq1->GetLength(), seq2->GetLength(), *posterior);
-	    delete posterior;
-	  }
-	  // write pairwise alignments 
-	  string name = seq1->GetHeader() + "-" + seq2->GetHeader() + (enableClustalWOutput ? ".aln" : ".fasta");
-	  ofstream outfile (name.c_str());
-	  MultiSequence *result = new MultiSequence();
-	  result->AddSequence (seq1->AddGaps(alignment.first, 'X'));
-	  result->AddSequence (seq2->AddGaps(alignment.first, 'Y'));
-	  if (enableClustalWOutput)
-	    result->WriteALN (outfile);
-	  else
-	    result->WriteMFA (outfile);
-	  outfile.close();
-	  delete alignment.first;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    // now if we still need to do a final multiple alignment
-    else {
-      if (enableVerbose)
-	cerr << endl;
-      // compute the evolutionary tree
-      TreeNode *tree = TreeNode::ComputeTree (distances);
-      tree->Print (cerr, sequences);
-      cerr << endl;
-      // make the final alignment
-      finalAlignment = ComputeFinalAlignment (tree, sequences, sparseMatrices, model);
-      // build annotation
-      if (enableAnnotation){
-	WriteAnnotation (finalAlignment, sparseMatrices);
-      }
-      delete tree;
-    }
-    if (!enableViterbi){
-      // delete sparse matrices
-      for (int a = 0; a < numSeqs-1; a++){
-	for (int b = a+1; b < numSeqs; b++){
-	  delete sparseMatrices[a][b];
-	  delete sparseMatrices[b][a];
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    return finalAlignment;
-  }
-  return NULL;
-// GetInteger()
-// Attempts to parse an integer from the character string given.
-// Returns true only if no parsing error occurs.
-bool GetInteger (char *data, int *val){
-  char *endPtr;
-  long int retVal;
-  assert (val);
-  errno = 0;
-  retVal = strtol (data, &endPtr, 0);
-  if (retVal == 0 && (errno != 0 || data == endPtr)) return false;
-  if (errno != 0 && (retVal == LONG_MAX || retVal == LONG_MIN)) return false;
-  if (retVal < (long) INT_MIN || retVal > (long) INT_MAX) return false;
-  *val = (int) retVal;
-  return true;
-// GetFloat()
-// Attempts to parse a float from the character string given.
-// Returns true only if no parsing error occurs.
-bool GetFloat (char *data, float *val){
-  char *endPtr;
-  double retVal;
-  assert (val);
-  errno = 0;
-  retVal = strtod (data, &endPtr);
-  if (retVal == 0 && (errno != 0 || data == endPtr)) return false;
-  if (errno != 0 && (retVal >= 1000000.0 || retVal <= -1000000.0)) return false;
-  *val = (float) retVal;
-  return true;
-// ParseParams()
-// Parse all command-line options.
-SafeVector<string> ParseParams (int argc, char **argv){
-  if (argc < 2){
-    cerr << "PROBCONS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and" << endl
-         << "you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  See the" << endl
-         << "file COPYING.txt for details." << endl
-         << endl
-         << "Usage:" << endl
-         << "       probcons [OPTION]... [MFAFILE]..." << endl
-         << endl
-         << "Description:" << endl
-         << "       Align sequences in MFAFILE(s) and print result to standard output" << endl
-         << endl
-         << "       -clustalw" << endl
-         << "              use CLUSTALW output format instead of MFA" << endl
-         << endl
-         << "       -c, --consistency REPS" << endl
-         << "              use " << MIN_CONSISTENCY_REPS << " <= REPS <= " << MAX_CONSISTENCY_REPS
-         << " (default: " << numConsistencyReps << ") passes of consistency transformation" << endl
-         << endl
-         << "       -ir, --iterative-refinement REPS" << endl
-         << "              use " << MIN_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS << " <= REPS <= " << MAX_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS
-         << " (default: " << numIterativeRefinementReps << ") passes of iterative-refinement" << endl
-         << endl
-	 << "       -pre, --pre-training REPS" << endl
-	 << "              use " << MIN_PRETRAINING_REPS << " <= REPS <= " << MAX_PRETRAINING_REPS
-	 << " (default: " << numPreTrainingReps << ") rounds of pretraining" << endl
-	 << endl
-	 << "       -pairs" << endl
-         << "              generate all-pairs pairwise alignments" << endl
-         << endl
-	 << "       -viterbi" << endl
-	 << "              use Viterbi algorithm to generate all pairs (automatically enables -pairs)" << endl
-	 << endl
-         << "       -v, --verbose" << endl
-         << "              report progress while aligning (default: " << (enableVerbose ? "on" : "off") << ")" << endl
-         << endl
-         << "       -annot FILENAME" << endl
-         << "              write annotation for multiple alignment to FILENAME" << endl
-         << endl
-         << "       -t, --train FILENAME" << endl
-         << "              compute EM transition probabilities, store in FILENAME (default: "
-         << parametersOutputFilename << ")" << endl
-         << endl
-         << "       -e, --emissions" << endl
-         << "              also reestimate emission probabilities (default: "
-         << (enableTrainEmissions ? "on" : "off") << ")" << endl
-         << endl
-	 << "       -p, --paramfile FILENAME" << endl
-	 << "              read parameters from FILENAME (default: "
-	 << parametersInputFilename << ")" << endl
-	 << endl
-	 << "       -a, --alignment-order" << endl
-	 << "              print sequences in alignment order rather than input order (default: "
-	 << (enableAlignOrder ? "on" : "off") << ")" << endl
-	 << endl;
-    //     	 << "       -go, --gap-open VALUE" << endl
-    //     	 << "              gap opening penalty of VALUE <= 0 (default: " << gapOpenPenalty << ")" << endl
-    //	 << endl
-    //	 << "       -ge, --gap-extension VALUE" << endl
-    //	 << "              gap extension penalty of VALUE <= 0 (default: " << gapContinuePenalty << ")" << endl
-    //	 << endl
-    //         << "       -co, --cutoff CUTOFF" << endl
-    //         << "              subtract 0 <= CUTOFF <= 1 (default: " << cutoff << ") from all posterior values before final alignment" << endl
-    //         << endl
-    exit (1);
-  }
-  SafeVector<string> sequenceNames;
-  int tempInt;
-  float tempFloat;
-  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++){
-    if (argv[i][0] == '-'){
-      // training
-      if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-t") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--train")){
-        enableTraining = true;
-        if (i < argc - 1)
-          parametersOutputFilename = string (argv[++i]);
-        else {
-          cerr << "ERROR: Filename expected for option " << argv[i] << endl;
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      }
-      // emission training
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-e") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--emissions")){
-        enableTrainEmissions = true;
-      }
-      // parameter file
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-p") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--paramfile")){
-        if (i < argc - 1)
-          parametersInputFilename = string (argv[++i]);
-        else {
-          cerr << "ERROR: Filename expected for option " << argv[i] << endl;
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      }
-      // number of consistency transformations
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-c") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--consistency")){
-        if (i < argc - 1){
-          if (!GetInteger (argv[++i], &tempInt)){
-            cerr << "ERROR: Invalid integer following option " << argv[i-1] << ": " << argv[i] << endl;
-            exit (1);
-          }
-          else {
-            if (tempInt < MIN_CONSISTENCY_REPS || tempInt > MAX_CONSISTENCY_REPS){
-              cerr << "ERROR: For option " << argv[i-1] << ", integer must be between "
-                   << MIN_CONSISTENCY_REPS << " and " << MAX_CONSISTENCY_REPS << "." << endl;
-              exit (1);
-            }
-            else
-              numConsistencyReps = tempInt;
-          }
-        }
-        else {
-          cerr << "ERROR: Integer expected for option " << argv[i] << endl;
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      }
-      // number of randomized partitioning iterative refinement passes
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-ir") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--iterative-refinement")){
-        if (i < argc - 1){
-          if (!GetInteger (argv[++i], &tempInt)){
-            cerr << "ERROR: Invalid integer following option " << argv[i-1] << ": " << argv[i] << endl;
-            exit (1);
-          }
-          else {
-              cerr << "ERROR: For option " << argv[i-1] << ", integer must be between "
-                   << MIN_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS << " and " << MAX_ITERATIVE_REFINEMENT_REPS << "." << endl;
-              exit (1);
-            }
-            else
-              numIterativeRefinementReps = tempInt;
-          }
-        }
-        else {
-          cerr << "ERROR: Integer expected for option " << argv[i] << endl;
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      }
-      // number of EM pre-training rounds
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-pre") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--pre-training")){
-        if (i < argc - 1){
-          if (!GetInteger (argv[++i], &tempInt)){
-            cerr << "ERROR: Invalid integer following option " << argv[i-1] << ": " << argv[i] << endl;
-            exit (1);
-          }
-          else {
-            if (tempInt < MIN_PRETRAINING_REPS || tempInt > MAX_PRETRAINING_REPS){
-              cerr << "ERROR: For option " << argv[i-1] << ", integer must be between "
-                   << MIN_PRETRAINING_REPS << " and " << MAX_PRETRAINING_REPS << "." << endl;
-              exit (1);
-            }
-            else
-              numPreTrainingReps = tempInt;
-          }
-        }
-        else {
-          cerr << "ERROR: Integer expected for option " << argv[i] << endl;
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      }
-      // gap open penalty
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-go") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--gap-open")){
-        if (i < argc - 1){
-          if (!GetFloat (argv[++i], &tempFloat)){
-            cerr << "ERROR: Invalid floating-point value following option " << argv[i-1] << ": " << argv[i] << endl;
-            exit (1);
-          }
-          else {
-            if (tempFloat > 0){
-              cerr << "ERROR: For option " << argv[i-1] << ", floating-point value must not be positive." << endl;
-              exit (1);
-            }
-            else
-              gapOpenPenalty = tempFloat;
-          }
-        }
-        else {
-          cerr << "ERROR: Floating-point value expected for option " << argv[i] << endl;
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      }
-      // gap extension penalty
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-ge") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--gap-extension")){
-        if (i < argc - 1){
-          if (!GetFloat (argv[++i], &tempFloat)){
-            cerr << "ERROR: Invalid floating-point value following option " << argv[i-1] << ": " << argv[i] << endl;
-            exit (1);
-          }
-          else {
-            if (tempFloat > 0){
-              cerr << "ERROR: For option " << argv[i-1] << ", floating-point value must not be positive." << endl;
-              exit (1);
-            }
-            else
-              gapContinuePenalty = tempFloat;
-          }
-        }
-        else {
-          cerr << "ERROR: Floating-point value expected for option " << argv[i] << endl;
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      }
-      // all-pairs pairwise alignments
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-pairs")){
-        enableAllPairs = true;
-      }
-      // all-pairs pairwise Viterbi alignments
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-viterbi")){
-        enableAllPairs = true;
-	enableViterbi = true;
-      }
-      // annotation files
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-annot")){
-        enableAnnotation = true;
-        if (i < argc - 1)
-	  annotationFilename = argv[++i];
-        else {
-          cerr << "ERROR: FILENAME expected for option " << argv[i] << endl;
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      }
-      // clustalw output format
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-clustalw")){
-	enableClustalWOutput = true;
-      }
-      // cutoff
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-co") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--cutoff")){
-        if (i < argc - 1){
-          if (!GetFloat (argv[++i], &tempFloat)){
-            cerr << "ERROR: Invalid floating-point value following option " << argv[i-1] << ": " << argv[i] << endl;
-            exit (1);
-          }
-          else {
-            if (tempFloat < 0 || tempFloat > 1){
-              cerr << "ERROR: For option " << argv[i-1] << ", floating-point value must be between 0 and 1." << endl;
-              exit (1);
-            }
-            else
-              cutoff = tempFloat;
-          }
-        }
-        else {
-          cerr << "ERROR: Floating-point value expected for option " << argv[i] << endl;
-          exit (1);
-        }
-      }
-      // verbose reporting
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-v") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--verbose")){
-        enableVerbose = true;
-      }
-      // alignment order
-      else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-a") || !strcmp (argv[i], "--alignment-order")){
-	enableAlignOrder = true;
-      }
-      // bad arguments
-      else {
-        cerr << "ERROR: Unrecognized option: " << argv[i] << endl;
-        exit (1);
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      sequenceNames.push_back (string (argv[i]));
-    }
-  }
-  if (enableTrainEmissions && !enableTraining){
-    cerr << "ERROR: Training emissions (-e) requires training (-t)" << endl;
-    exit (1);
-  }
-  return sequenceNames;
-// ReadParameters()
-// Read initial distribution, transition, and emission
-// parameters from a file.
-void ReadParameters (){
-  ifstream data;
-  emitPairs = VVF (256, VF (256, 1e-10));
-  emitSingle = VF (256, 1e-5);
-  // read initial state distribution and transition parameters
-  if (parametersInputFilename == string ("")){
-    if (NumInsertStates == 1){
-      for (int i = 0; i < NumMatrixTypes; i++) initDistrib[i] = initDistrib1Default[i];
-      for (int i = 0; i < 2*NumInsertStates; i++) gapOpen[i] = gapOpen1Default[i];
-      for (int i = 0; i < 2*NumInsertStates; i++) gapExtend[i] = gapExtend1Default[i];
-    }
-    else if (NumInsertStates == 2){
-      for (int i = 0; i < NumMatrixTypes; i++) initDistrib[i] = initDistrib2Default[i];
-      for (int i = 0; i < 2*NumInsertStates; i++) gapOpen[i] = gapOpen2Default[i];
-      for (int i = 0; i < 2*NumInsertStates; i++) gapExtend[i] = gapExtend2Default[i];
-    }
-    else {
-      cerr << "ERROR: No default initial distribution/parameter settings exist" << endl
-           << "       for " << NumInsertStates << " pairs of insert states.  Use --paramfile." << endl;
-      exit (1);
-    }
-    alphabet = alphabetDefault;
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) alphabet.length(); i++){
-      emitSingle[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])] = emitSingleDefault[i];
-      emitSingle[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])] = emitSingleDefault[i];
-      for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++){
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j];
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j];
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j];
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j];
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j];
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j];
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j];
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])] = emitPairsDefault[i][j];
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  else {
-    data.open (parametersInputFilename.c_str());
-    if (data.fail()){
-      cerr << "ERROR: Unable to read parameter file: " << parametersInputFilename << endl;
-      exit (1);
-    }
-    string line[3];
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
-      if (!getline (data, line[i])){
-	cerr << "ERROR: Unable to read transition parameters from parameter file: " << parametersInputFilename << endl;
-	exit (1);
-      }
-    }
-    istringstream data2;
-    data2.clear(); data2.str (line[0]); for (int i = 0; i < NumMatrixTypes; i++) data2 >> initDistrib[i];
-    data2.clear(); data2.str (line[1]); for (int i = 0; i < 2*NumInsertStates; i++) data2 >> gapOpen[i];
-    data2.clear(); data2.str (line[2]); for (int i = 0; i < 2*NumInsertStates; i++) data2 >> gapExtend[i];
-    if (!getline (data, line[0])){
-      cerr << "ERROR: Unable to read alphabet from scoring matrix file: " << parametersInputFilename << endl;
-      exit (1);
-    }
-    // read alphabet as concatenation of all characters on alphabet line
-    alphabet = "";
-    string token;
-    data2.clear(); data2.str (line[0]); while (data2 >> token) alphabet += token;
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) alphabet.size(); i++){
-      for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++){
-	float val;
-        data >> val;
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])] = val;
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])] = val;
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])] = val;
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])][(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])] = val;
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])] = val;
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])] = val;
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])] = val;
-	emitPairs[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[j])][(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])] = val;
-      }
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int) alphabet.size(); i++){
-      float val;
-      data >> val;
-      emitSingle[(unsigned char) tolower(alphabet[i])] = val;
-      emitSingle[(unsigned char) toupper(alphabet[i])] = val;
-    }
-    data.close();
-  }
-// ProcessTree()
-// Process the tree recursively.  Returns the aligned sequences
-// corresponding to a node or leaf of the tree.
-MultiSequence *ProcessTree (const TreeNode *tree, MultiSequence *sequences,
-                            const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices,
-                            const ProbabilisticModel &model){
-  MultiSequence *result;
-  // check if this is a node of the alignment tree
-  if (tree->GetSequenceLabel() == -1){
-    MultiSequence *alignLeft = ProcessTree (tree->GetLeftChild(), sequences, sparseMatrices, model);
-    MultiSequence *alignRight = ProcessTree (tree->GetRightChild(), sequences, sparseMatrices, model);
-    assert (alignLeft);
-    assert (alignRight);
-    result = AlignAlignments (alignLeft, alignRight, sparseMatrices, model);
-    assert (result);
-    delete alignLeft;
-    delete alignRight;
-  }
-  // otherwise, this is a leaf of the alignment tree
-  else {
-    result = new MultiSequence(); assert (result);
-    result->AddSequence (sequences->GetSequence(tree->GetSequenceLabel())->Clone());
-  }
-  return result;
-// ComputeFinalAlignment()
-// Compute the final alignment by calling ProcessTree(), then
-// performing iterative refinement as needed.
-MultiSequence *ComputeFinalAlignment (const TreeNode *tree, MultiSequence *sequences,
-                                      const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices,
-                                      const ProbabilisticModel &model){
-  MultiSequence *alignment = ProcessTree (tree, sequences, sparseMatrices, model);
-  if (enableAlignOrder){
-    alignment->SaveOrdering();
-    enableAlignOrder = false;
-  }
-  // tree-based refinement
-  // TreeBasedBiPartitioning (sparseMatrices, model, alignment, tree);
-  // iterative refinement
-  for (int i = 0; i < numIterativeRefinementReps; i++)
-    DoIterativeRefinement (sparseMatrices, model, alignment);
-  cerr << endl;
-  // return final alignment
-  return alignment;
-// AlignAlignments()
-// Returns the alignment of two MultiSequence objects.
-MultiSequence *AlignAlignments (MultiSequence *align1, MultiSequence *align2,
-                                const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices,
-                                const ProbabilisticModel &model){
-  // print some info about the alignment
-  if (enableVerbose){
-    for (int i = 0; i < align1->GetNumSequences(); i++)
-      cerr << ((i==0) ? "[" : ",") << align1->GetSequence(i)->GetLabel();
-    cerr << "] vs. ";
-    for (int i = 0; i < align2->GetNumSequences(); i++)
-      cerr << ((i==0) ? "[" : ",") << align2->GetSequence(i)->GetLabel();
-    cerr << "]: ";
-  }
-  VF *posterior = model.BuildPosterior (align1, align2, sparseMatrices, cutoff);
-  pair<SafeVector<char> *, float> alignment;
-  // choose the alignment routine depending on the "cosmetic" gap penalties used
-  if (gapOpenPenalty == 0 && gapContinuePenalty == 0)
-    alignment = model.ComputeAlignment (align1->GetSequence(0)->GetLength(), align2->GetSequence(0)->GetLength(), *posterior);
-  else
-    alignment = model.ComputeAlignmentWithGapPenalties (align1, align2,
-                                                        *posterior, align1->GetNumSequences(), align2->GetNumSequences(),
-                                                        gapOpenPenalty, gapContinuePenalty);
-  delete posterior;
-  if (enableVerbose){
-    // compute total length of sequences
-    int totLength = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < align1->GetNumSequences(); i++)
-      for (int j = 0; j < align2->GetNumSequences(); j++)
-        totLength += min (align1->GetSequence(i)->GetLength(), align2->GetSequence(j)->GetLength());
-    // give an "accuracy" measure for the alignment
-    cerr << alignment.second / totLength << endl;
-  }
-  // now build final alignment
-  MultiSequence *result = new MultiSequence();
-  for (int i = 0; i < align1->GetNumSequences(); i++)
-    result->AddSequence (align1->GetSequence(i)->AddGaps(alignment.first, 'X'));
-  for (int i = 0; i < align2->GetNumSequences(); i++)
-    result->AddSequence (align2->GetSequence(i)->AddGaps(alignment.first, 'Y'));
-  if (!enableAlignOrder)
-    result->SortByLabel();
-  // free temporary alignment
-  delete alignment.first;
-  return result;
-// DoRelaxation()
-// Performs one round of the consistency transformation.  The
-// formula used is:
-//                     1
-//    P'(x[i]-y[j]) = ---  sum   sum P(x[i]-z[k]) P(z[k]-y[j])
-//                    |S| z in S  k
-// where S = {x, y, all other sequences...}
-SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > DoRelaxation (MultiSequence *sequences, 
-						      SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices){
-  const int numSeqs = sequences->GetNumSequences();
-  SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > newSparseMatrices (numSeqs, SafeVector<SparseMatrix *>(numSeqs, NULL));
-  // for every pair of sequences
-  for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++){
-    for (int j = i+1; j < numSeqs; j++){
-      Sequence *seq1 = sequences->GetSequence (i);
-      Sequence *seq2 = sequences->GetSequence (j);
-      if (enableVerbose)
-        cerr << "Relaxing (" << i+1 << ") " << seq1->GetHeader() << " vs. "
-             << "(" << j+1 << ") " << seq2->GetHeader() << ": ";
-      // get the original posterior matrix
-      VF *posteriorPtr = sparseMatrices[i][j]->GetPosterior(); assert (posteriorPtr);
-      VF &posterior = *posteriorPtr;
-      const int seq1Length = seq1->GetLength();
-      const int seq2Length = seq2->GetLength();
-      // contribution from the summation where z = x and z = y
-      for (int k = 0; k < (seq1Length+1) * (seq2Length+1); k++) posterior[k] += posterior[k];
-      if (enableVerbose)
-        cerr << sparseMatrices[i][j]->GetNumCells() << " --> ";
-      // contribution from all other sequences
-      for (int k = 0; k < numSeqs; k++) if (k != i && k != j){
-	if (k < i)
-	  Relax1 (sparseMatrices[k][i], sparseMatrices[k][j], posterior);
-	else if (k > i && k < j)
-	  Relax (sparseMatrices[i][k], sparseMatrices[k][j], posterior);
-	else {
-	  SparseMatrix *temp = sparseMatrices[j][k]->ComputeTranspose();
-	  Relax (sparseMatrices[i][k], temp, posterior);
-	  delete temp;
-	}
-      }
-      // now renormalization
-      for (int k = 0; k < (seq1Length+1) * (seq2Length+1); k++) posterior[k] /= numSeqs;
-      // mask out positions not originally in the posterior matrix
-      SparseMatrix *matXY = sparseMatrices[i][j];
-      for (int y = 0; y <= seq2Length; y++) posterior[y] = 0;
-      for (int x = 1; x <= seq1Length; x++){
-	SafeVector<PIF>::iterator XYptr = matXY->GetRowPtr(x);
-	SafeVector<PIF>::iterator XYend = XYptr + matXY->GetRowSize(x);
-	VF::iterator base = posterior.begin() + x * (seq2Length + 1);
-	int curr = 0;
-	while (XYptr != XYend){
-	  // zero out all cells until the first filled column
-	  while (curr < XYptr->first){
-	    base[curr] = 0;
-	    curr++;
-	  }
-	  // now, skip over this column
-	  curr++;
-	  ++XYptr;
-	}
-	// zero out cells after last column
-	while (curr <= seq2Length){
-	  base[curr] = 0;
-	  curr++;
-	}
-      }
-      // save the new posterior matrix
-      newSparseMatrices[i][j] = new SparseMatrix (seq1->GetLength(), seq2->GetLength(), posterior);
-      newSparseMatrices[j][i] = NULL;
-      if (enableVerbose)
-        cerr << newSparseMatrices[i][j]->GetNumCells() << " -- ";
-      delete posteriorPtr;
-      if (enableVerbose)
-        cerr << "done." << endl;
-    }
-  }
-  return newSparseMatrices;
-// Relax()
-// Computes the consistency transformation for a single sequence
-// z, and adds the transformed matrix to "posterior".
-void Relax (SparseMatrix *matXZ, SparseMatrix *matZY, VF &posterior){
-  assert (matXZ);
-  assert (matZY);
-  int lengthX = matXZ->GetSeq1Length();
-  int lengthY = matZY->GetSeq2Length();
-  assert (matXZ->GetSeq2Length() == matZY->GetSeq1Length());
-  // for every x[i]
-  for (int i = 1; i <= lengthX; i++){
-    SafeVector<PIF>::iterator XZptr = matXZ->GetRowPtr(i);
-    SafeVector<PIF>::iterator XZend = XZptr + matXZ->GetRowSize(i);
-    VF::iterator base = posterior.begin() + i * (lengthY + 1);
-    // iterate through all x[i]-z[k]
-    while (XZptr != XZend){
-      SafeVector<PIF>::iterator ZYptr = matZY->GetRowPtr(XZptr->first);
-      SafeVector<PIF>::iterator ZYend = ZYptr + matZY->GetRowSize(XZptr->first);
-      const float XZval = XZptr->second;
-      // iterate through all z[k]-y[j]
-      while (ZYptr != ZYend){
-        base[ZYptr->first] += XZval * ZYptr->second;
-        ZYptr++;
-      }
-      XZptr++;
-    }
-  }
-// Relax1()
-// Computes the consistency transformation for a single sequence
-// z, and adds the transformed matrix to "posterior".
-void Relax1 (SparseMatrix *matZX, SparseMatrix *matZY, VF &posterior){
-  assert (matZX);
-  assert (matZY);
-  int lengthZ = matZX->GetSeq1Length();
-  int lengthY = matZY->GetSeq2Length();
-  // for every z[k]
-  for (int k = 1; k <= lengthZ; k++){
-    SafeVector<PIF>::iterator ZXptr = matZX->GetRowPtr(k);
-    SafeVector<PIF>::iterator ZXend = ZXptr + matZX->GetRowSize(k);
-    // iterate through all z[k]-x[i]
-    while (ZXptr != ZXend){
-      SafeVector<PIF>::iterator ZYptr = matZY->GetRowPtr(k);
-      SafeVector<PIF>::iterator ZYend = ZYptr + matZY->GetRowSize(k);
-      const float ZXval = ZXptr->second;
-      VF::iterator base = posterior.begin() + ZXptr->first * (lengthY + 1);
-      // iterate through all z[k]-y[j]
-      while (ZYptr != ZYend){
-        base[ZYptr->first] += ZXval * ZYptr->second;
-        ZYptr++;
-      }
-      ZXptr++;
-    }
-  }
-// GetSubtree
-// Returns set containing all leaf labels of the current subtree.
-set<int> GetSubtree (const TreeNode *tree){
-  set<int> s;
-  if (tree->GetSequenceLabel() == -1){
-    s = GetSubtree (tree->GetLeftChild());
-    set<int> t = GetSubtree (tree->GetRightChild());
-    for (set<int>::iterator iter = t.begin(); iter != t.end(); ++iter)
-      s.insert (*iter);
-  }
-  else {
-    s.insert (tree->GetSequenceLabel());
-  }
-  return s;
-// TreeBasedBiPartitioning
-// Uses the iterative refinement scheme from MUSCLE.
-void TreeBasedBiPartitioning (const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices,
-                              const ProbabilisticModel &model, MultiSequence* &alignment,
-                              const TreeNode *tree){
-  // check if this is a node of the alignment tree
-  if (tree->GetSequenceLabel() == -1){
-    TreeBasedBiPartitioning (sparseMatrices, model, alignment, tree->GetLeftChild());
-    TreeBasedBiPartitioning (sparseMatrices, model, alignment, tree->GetRightChild());
-    set<int> leftSubtree = GetSubtree (tree->GetLeftChild());
-    set<int> rightSubtree = GetSubtree (tree->GetRightChild());
-    set<int> leftSubtreeComplement, rightSubtreeComplement;
-    // calculate complement of each subtree
-    for (int i = 0; i < alignment->GetNumSequences(); i++){
-      if (leftSubtree.find(i) == leftSubtree.end()) leftSubtreeComplement.insert (i);
-      if (rightSubtree.find(i) == rightSubtree.end()) rightSubtreeComplement.insert (i);
-    }
-    // perform realignments for edge to left child
-    if (!leftSubtree.empty() && !leftSubtreeComplement.empty()){
-      MultiSequence *groupOneSeqs = alignment->Project (leftSubtree); assert (groupOneSeqs);
-      MultiSequence *groupTwoSeqs = alignment->Project (leftSubtreeComplement); assert (groupTwoSeqs);
-      delete alignment;
-      alignment = AlignAlignments (groupOneSeqs, groupTwoSeqs, sparseMatrices, model);
-    }
-    // perform realignments for edge to right child
-    if (!rightSubtree.empty() && !rightSubtreeComplement.empty()){
-      MultiSequence *groupOneSeqs = alignment->Project (rightSubtree); assert (groupOneSeqs);
-      MultiSequence *groupTwoSeqs = alignment->Project (rightSubtreeComplement); assert (groupTwoSeqs);
-      delete alignment;
-      alignment = AlignAlignments (groupOneSeqs, groupTwoSeqs, sparseMatrices, model);
-    }
-  }
-// DoIterativeRefinement()
-// Performs a single round of randomized partionining iterative
-// refinement.
-void DoIterativeRefinement (const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices,
-                            const ProbabilisticModel &model, MultiSequence* &alignment){
-  set<int> groupOne, groupTwo;
-  // create two separate groups
-  for (int i = 0; i < alignment->GetNumSequences(); i++){
-    if (rand() % 2)
-      groupOne.insert (i);
-    else
-      groupTwo.insert (i);
-  }
-  if (groupOne.empty() || groupTwo.empty()) return;
-  // project into the two groups
-  MultiSequence *groupOneSeqs = alignment->Project (groupOne); assert (groupOneSeqs);
-  MultiSequence *groupTwoSeqs = alignment->Project (groupTwo); assert (groupTwoSeqs);
-  delete alignment;
-  // realign
-  alignment = AlignAlignments (groupOneSeqs, groupTwoSeqs, sparseMatrices, model);
-  delete groupOneSeqs;
-  delete groupTwoSeqs;
-// WriteAnnotation()
-// Computes annotation for multiple alignment and write values
-// to a file.
-void WriteAnnotation (MultiSequence *alignment, 
-		      const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices){
-  ofstream outfile (annotationFilename.c_str());
-  if (outfile.fail()){
-    cerr << "ERROR: Unable to write annotation file." << endl;
-    exit (1);
-  }
-  const int alignLength = alignment->GetSequence(0)->GetLength();
-  const int numSeqs = alignment->GetNumSequences();
-  SafeVector<int> position (numSeqs, 0);
-  SafeVector<SafeVector<char>::iterator> seqs (numSeqs);
-  for (int i = 0; i < numSeqs; i++) seqs[i] = alignment->GetSequence(i)->GetDataPtr();
-  SafeVector<pair<int,int> > active;
-  active.reserve (numSeqs);
-  // for every column
-  for (int i = 1; i <= alignLength; i++){
-    // find all aligned residues in this particular column
-    active.clear();
-    for (int j = 0; j < numSeqs; j++){
-      if (seqs[j][i] != '-'){
-	active.push_back (make_pair(j, ++position[j]));
-      }
-    }
-    outfile << setw(4) << ComputeScore (active, sparseMatrices) << endl;
-  }
-  outfile.close();
-// ComputeScore()
-// Computes the annotation score for a particular column.
-int ComputeScore (const SafeVector<pair<int, int> > &active, 
-		  const SafeVector<SafeVector<SparseMatrix *> > &sparseMatrices){
-  if (active.size() <= 1) return 0;
-  // ALTERNATIVE #1: Compute the average alignment score.
-  float val = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < (int) active.size(); i++){
-    for (int j = i+1; j < (int) active.size(); j++){
-      val += sparseMatrices[active[i].first][active[j].first]->GetValue(active[i].second, active[j].second);
-    }
-  }
-  return (int) (200 * val / ((int) active.size() * ((int) active.size() - 1)));

Modified: trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/README.Debian
--- trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/README.Debian	2007-04-12 10:59:18 UTC (rev 269)
+++ trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/README.Debian	2007-04-18 13:39:18 UTC (rev 270)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
   distribution of ProbCons: probcons-RNA. It is an experimental version of
   ProbCons compiled with parameters estimated via unsupervised training on
   BRAliBASE. The parameters were downloaded from a separate archive:
-  http://probcons.stanford.edu/probconsRNA.tar.gz
+  http://probcons.stanford.edu/probconsRNA.tar.gz, and the current version of
+  probcons was used to build probcons-RNA.
- -- Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam at plessy.org>, Wed,  3 May 2006 09:20:57 +0900
+ -- Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam at plessy.org>, Wed, 18 Apr 2007 22:30:52 +0900

Modified: trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/changelog	2007-04-12 10:59:18 UTC (rev 269)
+++ trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/changelog	2007-04-18 13:39:18 UTC (rev 270)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+probcons (1.12-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Corrected an error in the build rules making probcons-RNA, which
+    prevented it to benefit from the fixes on probcons.
+    (Closes: #417482) (again!)
+ -- Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam at plessy.org>  Wed, 18 Apr 2007 22:34:51 +0900
 probcons (1.12-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release, buildable with gcc 4.3 (Closes: #417482)

Modified: trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/rules
--- trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/rules	2007-04-12 10:59:18 UTC (rev 269)
+++ trunk/packages/probcons/trunk/debian/rules	2007-04-18 13:39:18 UTC (rev 270)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 build: patch manpages
-	cp debian/Main-RNA.cc Main-RNA.cc
+	cp Main.cc Main-RNA.cc
 	cp debian/Defaults-RNA.h Defaults-RNA.h
 	touch build-stamp

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