[med-svn] r399 - in trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk: . debian debian/patches

charles-guest at alioth.debian.org charles-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Aug 12 15:08:40 UTC 2007

Author: charles-guest
Date: 2007-08-12 15:08:40 +0000 (Sun, 12 Aug 2007)
New Revision: 399


Property changes on: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk
Name: mergeWithUpstream
   + 1

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/README_W
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/README_W	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/README_W	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-               CLUSTAL W Multiple Sequence Alignment Program
-                        (version 1.83, Feb 2003)
-Please send bug reports, comments etc. to one of:-
-	gibson at embl-heidelberg.de
-	thompson at igbmc.u-strasbg.fr
-	d.higgins at ucc.ie
-Clustal W is freely available to the user community. However, Clustal W is
-increasingly being distributed as part of commercial sequence analysis
-packages. To help us safeguard future maintenance and development, commercial
-distributors of Clustal W must take out a NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENCE. Anyone
-wishing to commercially distribute version 1.81 of Clustal W should contact the
-authors unless they have previously taken out a licence.
-Clustal W is written in ANSI-C and can be run on any machine with an ANSI-C
-compiler. Executables are provided for several major platforms. 
-Changes since CLUSTAL X Version 1.82
-1. The FASTA format has been added to the list of alignment output options.
-2. It is now possible to save the residue ranges (appended after the sequence
-names) when saving a specified range of the alignment.
-3. The efficiency of  the neighour-joining algorithm has been improved. This
-work was done by Tadashi Koike at the Center for Information Biology and DNA Data
-Bank of Japan and FUJITSU Limited.
-Some example speedups are given below : (timings on a SPARC64 CPU)
-No. of sequences        original NJ     new NJ
-     200                0' 12"          0.1"
-     500                9' 19"          1.4"
-     1000               XXXX            0' 31"
-Changes since version 1.8 
-1. ClustalW now returns error codes for some common errors when exiting. This
-may be useful for people who run clustalw automatically from within a script.
-Error codes are: 
-	1	bad command line option
-	2	cannot open sequence file
-	3	wrong format in sequence file
-	4	sequence file contains only 1 sequence (for multiple alignments)
-2. Alignments can now be saved in Nexus format, for compatibility with PAUP, 
-MacClade etc. For a description of the Nexus format, see:
-Maddison, D. R., D. L. Swofford and W. P. Maddison.  1997.
-NEXUS: an extensible file format for systematic information.
-Systematic Biology 46:590-621.
-3. Phylogenetic trees can also be saved in nexus format.
-4. A ClustalW icon has been designed for MAC and PC systems.
-Changes since version 1.74 
-1. Some work has been done to automatically select the optimal parameters
-depending on the set of sequences to be aligned. The Gonnet series of residue
-comparison matrices are now used by default. The Blosum series remains as an
-option. The default gap extension penalty for proteins has been changed to 0.2
-(was 0.05).The 'delay divergent sequences' option has been changed to 30%
-residue identity (was 40%).
-2. The default parameters used when the 'Negative matrix' option is selected
-have been optimised. This option may help when the sequences to be aligned are
-not superposable over their whole lengths (e.g. in the presence of N/C terminal
-3. A bug in the calculation of phylogenetic trees for 2 sequences has been
-4. A command line option has been added to turn off the sequence weighting
-5. The phylogenetic tree calculation now ignores any ambiguity codes in the
-6.  A bug in the memory access during the calculation of profiles has been
-fixed. (Thanks to Haruna Cofer at SGI).
-7. A bug has been fixed in the 'transition weight' option for nucleic acid
-sequences. (Thanks to Chanan Rubin at Compugen).
-8. An option has been added to read in a series of comparison matrices from a
-file. This option is only applicable for protein sequences. For details of the
-file format, see the on-line documentation.
-9. The MSF output file format has been changed. The sequence weights
-calculated by Clustal W are now included in the header.
-10. Two bugs in the FAST/APPROXIMATE pairwise alignments have been fixed. One
-involved the alignment of new sequences to an existing profile using the fast
-pairwise alignment option; the second was caused by changing the default
-options for the fast pairwise alignments.
-11. A bug in the alignment of a small number of sequences has been fixed.
-Previously a Guide Tree was not calculated for less than 4 sequences.
-Changes since version 1.6
-1. The static arrays used by clustalw for storing the alignment data have been
-replaced by dynamically allocated memory. There is now no limit on the number
-or length of sequences which can be input.
-2. The alignment of DNA sequences now offers a new hard-coded matrix, as well
-as the identity matrix used previously. The new matrix is the default scoring
-matrix used by the BESTFIT program of the GCG package for the comparison of
-nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB ambiguity
-symbol. All matches score 1.9; all mismatches for IUB symbols score 0.0.
-3. The transition weight option for aligning nucleotide sequences has been
-changed from an on/off toggle to a weight between 0 and 1.  A weight of zero
-means that the transitions are scored as mismatches; a weight of 1 gives 
-transitions the full match score. For distantly related DNA sequences, the
-weight should be near to zero; for closely related sequences it can be useful
-to assign a higher score.
-4. The RSF sequence alignment file format used by GCG Version 9 can now be
-5. The clustal sequence alignment file format has been changed to allow
-sequence names longer than 10 characters. The maximum length allowed is set in
-clustalw.h by the statement:
-#define MAXNAMES	10
-For the fasta format, the name is taken as the first string after the '>'
-character, stopping at the first white space. (Previously, the first 10
-characters were taken, replacing blanks by underscores).
-6. The bootstrap values written in the phylip tree file format can be assigned
-either to branches or nodes. The default is to write the values on the nodes,
-as this can be read by several commonly-used tree display programs. But note
-that this can lead to confusion if the tree is rooted and the bootstraps may
-be better attached to the internal branches: Software developers should ensure
-they can read the branch label format.
-7. The sequence weighting used during sequence to profile alignments has been
-changed. The tree weight is now multiplied by the percent identity of the
-new sequence compared with the most closely related sequence in the profile.
-8. The sequence weighting used during profile to profile alignments has been
-changed. A guide tree is now built for each profile separately and the
-sequence weights calculated from the two trees. The weights for each
-sequence are then multiplied by the percent identity of the sequence compared
-with the most closely related sequence in the opposite profile.
-9. The adjustment of the Gap Opening and Gap Extension Penalties for sequences
-of unequal length has been improved.
-10. The default order of the sequences in the output alignment file has been
-changed. Previously the default was to output the sequences in the same order
-as the input file. Now the default is to use the order in which the sequences
-were aligned (from the guide tree/dendrogram), thus automatically grouping
-closely related sequences.
-11. The option to 'Reset Gaps between alignments' has been switched off by
-12. The conservation line output in the clustal format alignment file has been
-changed. Three characters are now used:
-'*' indicates positions which have a single, fully conserved residue
-':' indicates that one of the following 'strong' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 STA
-                 NEQK
-                 NHQK
-                 NDEQ
-                 QHRK
-                 MILV
-                 MILF
-                 HY
-                 FYW
-'.' indicates that one of the following 'weaker' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 CSA
-                 ATV
-                 SAG
-                 STNK
-                 STPA
-                 SGND
-                 SNDEQK
-                 NDEQHK
-                 NEQHRK
-                 FVLIM
-                 HFY
-These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in the Gonnet Pam250
-matrix. The strong and weak groups are defined as strong score >0.5 and weak
-score =<0.5 respectively.
-13. A bug in the modification of the Myers and Miller alignment algorithm
-for residue-specific gap penalites has been fixed. This occasionally caused
-new gaps to be opened a few residues away from the optimal position.
-14. The GCG/MSF input format no longer needs the word PILEUP on the first
-line. Several versions can now be recognised:-
-      1.  The word PILEUP as the first word in the file
-          as the first word in the file
-      3.  The characters MSF on the first line in the line, and the
-          characters .. at the end of the line.
-15. The standard command line separator for UNIX systems has been changed from
-'/' to '-'. ie. to give options on the command line, you now type
-     clustalw input.aln -gapopen=8.0
-instead of  clustalw input.aln /gapopen=8.0
-                      ATTENTION SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS!!
-                      -------------------------------
-The CLUSTAL sequence alignment output format was modified from version 1.7:
-1. Names longer than 10 chars are now allowed. (The maximum is specified in
-clustalw.h by '#define MAXNAMES'.)
-2. The consensus line now consists of three characters: '*',':' and '.'. (Only
-the '*' and '.' were previously used.)
-3. An option (not the default) has been added, allowing the user to print out
-sequence numbers at the end of each line of the alignment output.
-4. Both RNA bases (U) and base ambiguities are now supported in nucleic acid
-sequences. In the past, all characters (upper or lower case) other than
-a,c,g,t or u were converted to N. Now the following characters are recognised 
-and retained in the alignment output: ABCDGHKMNRSTUVWXY (upper or lower case).
-5. A  Blank line inadvertently added in the version 1.6 header has been taken
-out again.
-                              CLUSTAL REFERENCES
-                              ------------------
-Details of algorithms, implementation and useful tips on usage of Clustal
-programs can be found in the following publications:
-Jeanmougin,F., Thompson,J.D., Gouy,M., Higgins,D.G. and Gibson,T.J. (1998)
-Multiple sequence alignment with Clustal X. Trends Biochem Sci, 23, 403-5.
-Thompson,J.D., Gibson,T.J., Plewniak,F., Jeanmougin,F. and Higgins,D.G. (1997)
-The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence 
-alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research, 24:4876-4882.
-Higgins, D. G., Thompson, J. D. and Gibson, T. J. (1996) Using CLUSTAL for
-multiple sequence alignments. Methods Enzymol., 266, 383-402.
-Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G. and Gibson, T.J. (1994) CLUSTAL W: improving the
-sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence
-weighting, positions-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice.  Nucleic
-Acids Research, 22:4673-4680.
-Higgins,D.G., Bleasby,A.J. and Fuchs,R. (1992) CLUSTAL V: improved software for
-multiple sequence alignment. CABIOS 8,189-191.
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1989) Fast and sensitive multiple sequence
-alignments on a microcomputer. CABIOS 5,151-153.
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1988) CLUSTAL: a package for performing multiple
-sequence alignment on a microcomputer. Gene 73,237-244.

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/README_X
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/README_X	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/README_X	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-	        CLUSTAL X Multiple Sequence Alignment Program
-                         (version 1.83, Feb 2003)
-This README contains notes on version CHANGES and help with INSTALLATION
-Clustal X provides a new window-based user interface to the Clustal W multiple
-alignment program. It uses the Vibrant multi-platform user interface
-development library, developed by the National Center for Biotechnology
-Information (Bldg 38A, NIH 8600 Rockville Pike,Bethesda, MD 20894) as part of
-their NCBI SOFTWARE DEVELOPEMENT TOOLKIT. The toolkit is available by
-anonymous ftp from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
-Please e-mail bug reports/complaints/suggestions (polite if possible) to
-	   Julie Thompson at julie at igbmc.u-strasbg.fr
-	or Toby Gibson at gibson at embl-heidelberg.de
-Clustal W and X are freely available to the user community. However, Clustal W
-is increasingly being distributed as part of commercial sequence analysis
-packages. To help us safeguard future maintenance and development, commercial
-distributors of Clustal X must take out a non-exclusive licence. Anyone
-wishing to commercially distribute version 1.81 of Clustal X should contact the
-authors unless they have previously taken out a licence. 
-Changes since CLUSTAL X Version 1.82
-1. The FASTA format has been added to the list of alignment output options.
-2. It is now possible to save the residue ranges (appended after the sequence
-names) when saving a specified range of the alignment.
-3. The efficiency of  the neighour-joining algorithm has been improved. This
-work was done by Tadashi Koike at the Center for Information Biology and DNA Data 
-Bank of Japan and FUJITSU Limited.
-Some example speedups are given below : (timings on a SPARC64 CPU)
-No. of sequences	original NJ	new NJ
-     200		0' 12"		0.1"
-     500		9' 19"		1.4"
-     1000		XXXX		0' 31"
-Changes since CLUSTAL X Version 1.8
-1. ClustalX now returns error codes for some common errors when exiting. This
-may be useful for people who run clustalx automatically from within a script.
-Error codes are:
-        1       bad command line option
-        2       cannot open sequence file
-        3       wrong format in sequence file
-        4       sequence file contains only 1 sequence (for multiple alignments)
-2. Alignments can now be saved in Nexus format, for compatibility with PAUP,
-MacClade etc. For a description of the Nexus format, see:
-Maddison, D. R., D. L. Swofford and W. P. Maddison.  1997.
-NEXUS: an extensible file format for systematic information.
-Systematic Biology 46:590-621.
-3. Phylogenetic trees can also be saved in nexus format.
-4. A bug causing ClustalX to crash during cut-and-paste operations has been fixed.
-5. A bug on PC systems, causing an error message when writing to files with
-space characters in the filename has been fixed.
-6. The Quality Curve is now displayed as a bar chart, instead of a line plot.
-(Thanks to Michele Clamp, michele at ebi.ac.uk, who used this format in the JalView
-7. A bug in the 'Save Profile' option, causing the default profile filename to
-be lost has been fixed.
-8. A ClustalX icon has been designed for MAC and PC systems.
-Changes since CLUSTAL X Version 1.65b
-1. Some work has been done to automatically select the optimal parameters
-depending on the set of sequences to be aligned. The Gonnet series of residue
-comparison matrices are now used by default. The Blosum series remains as an
-option. The default gap extension penalty for proteins has been changed to 0.2
-(was 0.05).The 'delay divergent sequences' option has been changed to 30%
-residue identity (was 40%).
-2. The default parameters used when the 'Negative matrix' option is selected
-have been optimised. This option may help when the sequences to be aligned are
-not superposable over their whole lengths (e.g. in the presence of N/C terminal
-3. An option has been added to save the quality scores displayed underneath the
-sequence window to a text file.
-4. The 'Hide Low-scoring segments' option has been moved from the Low-scoring
-parameter window to the Quality menu, and has been changed to 'Show Low-scoring
-5. An option has been added to allow the user to search for a string in the
-6. An option has been added to the postscript output to print on US Letter size
-7. A bug in the display of the message at the bottom of the window causing the
-text to disappear when the window was resized has been fixed.
-8. The font for the Help window as been changed to Courier.
-9. A bug in the calculation of phylogenetic trees for 2 sequences has been
-10. A command line option has been added to turn off the sequence weighting
-11. The phylogenetic tree calculation now ignores any ambiguity codes in the
-12.  A bug in the memory access during the calculation of profiles has been
-fixed. (Thanks to Haruna Cofer at SGI).
-13. A bug has been fixed in the 'transition weight' option for nucleic acid
-sequences. (Thanks to Chanan Rubin at Compugen).
-14. An option has been added to allow the user to read in a series of residue
-comparison matrices from a file.
-15. The MSF output file format has been changed. The sequence weights
-calculated by ClustalX are now included in the header. 
-16. Two bugs in the FAST/APPROXIMATE pairwise alignments have been fixed. One
-involved the alignment of new sequences to an existing profile using the fast
-pairwise alignment option; the second was caused by changing the default
-options for the fast pairwise alignments.
-17. A bug in the alignment of a small number of sequences has been fixed.
-Previously a Guide Tree was not calculated for less than 4 sequences.
-18. Several bugs affecting use of secondary structure masks in Clustal X (but
-not in Clustal W) have been fixed. 
-Changes since Version 1.5b
-1. The window displayed under MS Windows has previously been a fixed size. The
-window can now be resized by dragging the window frame.
-2. An option has been added to read in a series of comparison matrices from a
-file. This option is only applicable for protein sequences. For details of
-the file format, see the on-line documentation.
-3. A new DNA comparison matrix has been added. This is the default scoring 
-matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's
-are treated as matches to any IUB ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.9; all
-mismatches for IUB symbols score 0.
-The previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score 1.0 and mismatches
-score 0 remains as an option. All matches for IUB symbols will also score 0.
-4. You can now read a comparison matrix for DNA sequences from a file. The
-matrix file should be in the same format as for the Blast program.
-5. The 'Reset gaps before alignment' has been changed to 'Reset new gaps
-before alignments'. A new option 'Reset ALL gaps before alignment' has been
-RESET NEW GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove any new gaps introduced into the
-sequences during multiple alignment if you wish to change the parameters and
-try again.
-RESET ALL GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove all gaps in the sequences including
-gaps which were read in from the sequence input file. 
-6. The 'Realign Residue Range' option has been changed. By default, gap
-opening and extension penalties are now applied to the ends of the alignment
-range in order to penalise terminal gaps. If the REALIGN SEGMENT END GAP
-PENALTIES option is switched off, gaps can be introduced at the ends of the
-residue range at no cost.
-7. The MSF output file format has been changed. The sequence weights calculated
-by ClustalX are now included in the header.
-8. Two bugs in the FAST/APPROXIMATE pairwise alignments have been fixed. One
-involved the alignment of new sequences to an existing profile using the
-fast pairwise alignment option; the second was caused by changing the default
-options for the fast pairwise alignments.
-9. A bug in the postscript output file has been fixed. The residue numbers
-printed at the right hand side of the alignment were not always correct.
-10. A bug in the alignment of a small number of sequences has been fixed.
-Previously a Guide Tree was not calculated for less than 4 sequences.
-11. A bug which occurred after frequent cut-and-paste operations has been
-12. A new file called clustalx.html contains an html'ised version of the
-on-line help. The file can be viewed using a World Wide Web viewer, such as
-New Features since ClustalW
-1. A subset of sequences in an alignment may be selected and realigned to a
-profile made from the unselected sequences. This may be useful when trying to
-align very divergent sequences which have been badly aligned in the initial
-full multiple alignment.
-2. A range of the sequence alignment can be selected for realignment. A new
-phylogenetic guide tree is built based only on the residue range selected.
-The selected residues are then aligned, and pasted back into the full sequence
-alignment. This may be useful for aligning small sections of the alignment
-which have been badly aligned in the full sequence alignment, or which have a
-very different guide tree structure from the tree built using the full
-3. Clustal X provides a versatile coloring scheme for the sequence alignment
-display. The sequences (or profiles) are colored automatically, when they are
-loaded. Sequences can be colored either by assigning a color to specific
-residues, or on the basis of an alignment consensus. In the latter case,
-the alignment consensus is calculated automatically, and the residues in each
-column are colored according to the consensus character assigned to the column.
-In this way, for example, conserved hydrophylic or hydrophobic positions can
-be highlighted.
-4. An 'Alignment Quality Score' is plotted below the alignment. This is an
-estimate of the conservation of each column in the alignment. Highly conserved
-columns will have a high quality score, less conserved positions will be
-marked by a low score.
-5. 'Exceptional' residues in the alignment that cause the low quality scores
-described above, can be highlighted. These can be expected to occur at a
-moderate frequency in all the sequences because of their steady divergence
-due to the natural processes of evolution. However, clustering of highlighted
-residues is a strong indication of misalignment.
-Occasionally, highlighted residues may also point to regions of some biological
-6. Low-scoring segments in the alignment can be highlighted. The segments are
-defined as those regions which score negatively in a forward and backward
-summation of the alignment profile scores. See the online help for more
-7. The new GCG9 MSF,RSF formats are now recognised as input formats for
-clustalx.  The alignments cannot be written out in these formats however.
-The code has been tested on UNIX (SGI, SUN, DIGITAL) and Macintosh. Compiled
-executables are provided for these systems. If you wish to recompile the
-source files, you will first need to install the NCBI toolkit on your machine.
-Then, to compile the program on UNIX, edit the makefile to point to your NCBI
-include and library files, and type:
-     make -f makefile.sun
-or   make -f makefile.sgi
-or   make -f makefile.osf
-To run the program, type clustalx. A window is displayed with a pull-down menu
-bar which allow all functions to be selected and all alignment parameters
-may be modified, if desired.
-Documentation for ClustalW (clustalw.doc) is included in the directory. Online
-help is also available for most options of Clustal X by selecting HELP from
-the menu bar.
-Help is also available on the WWW at
-INSTALLATION    (for Unix, PC and MAC)
-Executables are provided in the appropriate archives for Digital UNIX 4.0 on
-Alphas, Sun OS 5.6, Silicon Graphics IRIX 6.2 and LINUX (libc6 must be
-installed). If you wish to run on another platform, you will need to recompile
-Clustal X for yourself.
-The executable file clustalx should be copied to one of the directories
-specified in your PATH environment variable. The files called *.par and
-clustalx_help should also be copied to the same directory.
-Recompiling ClustalX:
-First of all, you need the NCBI Vibrant toolkit installed on your machine. If
-this is not already done, you can get the toolkit by anonymous ftp to
-You should then copy one of the makefiles supplied in the unix archives to
-'makefile' and edit it, changing the NCBI_INC and NCBI_LIB paths for your
-You make the program with:
-make -f makefile
-This produces the executable file clustalx. You can then proceed with the 
-installation as described above.
-We supply an executable file (clustalx.exe) which will run under MS Windows 
-(32 bit). The directory containing the executable (plus the files named *.par,
-and clustalx.hlp) should be added to your path defined in the autoexec.bat
-Recompiling ClustalX:
-First of all, you need the NCBI Vibrant toolkit installed on your machine. If
-this is not already done, you can get the toolkit by anonymous ftp to
-A makefile is supplied which can be used as a guide for recompiling the
-ClustalX source code. You will need to edit it for your system. In 
-particular the NCBI_INC and NCBI_LIB paths should point to your installation.
-An executable program called clustalx is supplied for Power Macintoshes.
-For 68K machines, you will need to recompile the code yourself. The 
-program may need up to 10m of memory to run depending on the number and
-length of your sequences. The memory allocation can be adjusted with the
-Get Info (%I) command from the Finder if you have problems. Just double click 
-the executable file name or icon and off you go (we hope). The files *.par and
-clustalx_help should be stored in the same directory as the clustalx program.
-Recompiling ClustalX:
-First of all, you need the NCBI Vibrant toolkit installed on your machine. If
-this is not already done, you can get the toolkit by anonymous ftp to
-We used the Metroworks Codewarrior C compiler to compile the ClustalX files,
-but another ANSI C compiler should work. You need to compile all the *.c
-files supplied in the archive, then link them together with the NCBI Toolkit
-libraries 'ncbi' and 'vibrant'.
-                            CLUSTAL REFERENCES
-                            ------------------
-Details of algorithms, implementation and useful tips on usage of Clustal
-programs can be found in the following publications:
-Jeanmougin,F., Thompson,J.D., Gouy,M., Higgins,D.G. and Gibson,T.J. (1998)
-Multiple sequence alignment with Clustal X. Trends Biochem Sci, 23, 403-5.
-Thompson,J.D., Gibson,T.J., Plewniak,F., Jeanmougin,F. and Higgins,D.G. (1997)
-The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence 
-alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research, 25:4876-4882.
-Higgins, D. G., Thompson, J. D. and Gibson, T. J. (1996) Using CLUSTAL for
-multiple sequence alignments. Methods Enzymol., 266, 383-402.
-Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G. and Gibson, T.J. (1994) CLUSTAL W: improving the
-sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence
-weighting, positions-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice.  Nucleic
-Acids Research, 22:4673-4680.
-Higgins,D.G., Bleasby,A.J. and Fuchs,R. (1992) CLUSTAL V: improved software for
-multiple sequence alignment. CABIOS 8,189-191.
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1989) Fast and sensitive multiple sequence
-alignments on a microcomputer. CABIOS 5,151-153.
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1988) CLUSTAL: a package for performing multiple
-sequence alignment on a microcomputer. Gene 73,237-244.

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/alnscore.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/alnscore.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/alnscore.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
-#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
- *       Prototypes
- */
-static sint  count_gaps(sint s1, sint s2, sint l);
- *       Global Variables
- */
-extern float gap_open;
-extern sint   nseqs;
-extern sint   *seqlen_array;
-extern short   blosum45mt[];
-extern short   def_aa_xref[];
-extern sint   debug;
-extern sint   max_aa;
-extern char  **seq_array;
-void aln_score(void)
-  static short  *mat_xref, *matptr;
-  static sint maxres;
-  static sint  s1,s2,c1,c2;
-  static sint    ngaps;
-  static sint    i,l1,l2;
-  static lint    score;
-  static sint   matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES];
-/* calculate an overall score for the alignment by summing the
-scores for each pairwise alignment */
-  matptr = blosum45mt;
-  mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-  maxres = get_matrix(matptr, mat_xref, matrix, TRUE, 100);
-  if (maxres == 0)
-    {
-       fprintf(stdout,"Error: matrix blosum30 not found\n");
-       return;
-    }
-  score=0;
-  for (s1=1;s1<=nseqs;s1++)
-   {
-    for (s2=1;s2<s1;s2++)
-      {
-        l1 = seqlen_array[s1];
-        l2 = seqlen_array[s2];
-        for (i=1;i<l1 && i<l2;i++)
-          {
-            c1 = seq_array[s1][i];
-            c2 = seq_array[s2][i];
-            if ((c1>=0) && (c1<=max_aa) && (c2>=0) && (c2<=max_aa))
-                score += matrix[c1][c2];
-          }
-        ngaps = count_gaps(s1, s2, l1);
-        score -= 100 * gap_open * ngaps;
-      }
-   }
-  score /= 100;
-  info("Alignment Score %d", (pint)score);
-static sint count_gaps(sint s1, sint s2, sint l)
-    sint i, g;
-    sint q, r, *Q, *R;
-    Q = (sint *)ckalloc((l+2) * sizeof(sint));
-    R = (sint *)ckalloc((l+2) * sizeof(sint));
-    Q[0] = R[0] = g = 0;
-    for (i=1;i<l;i++)
-      {
-         if (seq_array[s1][i] > max_aa) q = 1;
-         else q = 0;
-         if (seq_array[s2][i] > max_aa) r = 1;
-         else r = 0;
-         if (((Q[i-1] <= R[i-1]) && (q != 0) && (1-r != 0)) ||
-             ((Q[i-1] >= R[i-1]) && (1-q != 0) && (r != 0)))
-             g += 1;
-         if (q != 0) Q[i] = Q[i-1]+1;
-         else Q[i] = 0;
-         if (r != 0) R[i] = R[i-1]+1;
-         else R[i] = 0;
-     }
-   Q=ckfree((void *)Q);
-   R=ckfree((void *)R);
-   return(g);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/amenu.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/amenu.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/amenu.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,1317 +0,0 @@
-/* Menus and command line interface for Clustal W  */
-/* DES was here MARCH. 1994 */
-/* DES was here SEPT.  1994 */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-static jmp_buf jmpbuf;
-#ifndef VMS
-#ifndef AIX
-#define BADSIG (void (*)())-1
-static void jumper(int);
-static void jumper(int i)
-        longjmp(jmpbuf,1);
-*	Prototypes
-static void pair_menu(void);
-static void multi_menu(void);
-static void gap_penalties_menu(void);
-static void multiple_align_menu(void);          /* multiple alignments menu */
-static void profile_align_menu(void);           /* profile       "      "   */
-static void phylogenetic_tree_menu(void);       /* NJ trees/distances menu  */
-static void format_options_menu(void);          /* format of alignment output */
-static void tree_format_options_menu(void);     /* format of tree output */
-static void ss_options_menu(void);
-static sint secstroutput_options(void);
-static sint read_matrix(char *title,MatMenu menu, char *matnam, sint matn, short *mat, short *xref);
-*	 Global variables
-extern float    gap_open,      gap_extend;
-extern float  	dna_gap_open,  dna_gap_extend;
-extern float 	prot_gap_open, prot_gap_extend;
-extern float    pw_go_penalty,      pw_ge_penalty;
-extern float  	dna_pw_go_penalty,  dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-extern float 	prot_pw_go_penalty, prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-extern float	transition_weight;
-extern char 	revision_level[];
-extern sint    wind_gap,ktup,window,signif;
-extern sint    dna_wind_gap, dna_ktup, dna_window, dna_signif;
-extern sint    prot_wind_gap,prot_ktup,prot_window,prot_signif;
-extern sint	nseqs;
-extern sint 	divergence_cutoff;
-extern sint 	debug;
-extern Boolean 	neg_matrix;
-extern Boolean  quick_pairalign;
-extern Boolean	reset_alignments_new;		/* DES */
-extern Boolean	reset_alignments_all;		/* DES */
-extern sint 	gap_dist;
-extern Boolean 	no_var_penalties, no_hyd_penalties, no_pref_penalties;
-extern sint 	output_order;
-extern sint profile_no;
-extern short 	usermat[], pw_usermat[];
-extern short 	aa_xref[], pw_aa_xref[];
-extern short 	userdnamat[], pw_userdnamat[];
-extern short 	dna_xref[], pw_dna_xref[];
-extern Boolean 	lowercase; /* Flag for GDE output - set on comm. line*/
-extern Boolean 	cl_seq_numbers;
-extern Boolean seqRange;  /* to append sequence range with seq names, Ranu */
-extern Boolean 	output_clustal, output_nbrf, output_phylip, output_gcg, output_gde, output_nexus;
-extern Boolean output_fasta; /* Ramu */
-extern Boolean 	output_tree_clustal, output_tree_phylip, output_tree_distances,output_tree_nexus;
-extern sint     bootstrap_format;
-extern Boolean 	tossgaps, kimura;
-extern Boolean  percent;
-extern Boolean 	usemenu;
-extern Boolean 	showaln, save_parameters;
-extern Boolean	dnaflag;
-extern Boolean  use_ambiguities;
-extern char 	hyd_residues[];
-extern char 	mtrxname[], pw_mtrxname[];
-extern char 	dnamtrxname[], pw_dnamtrxname[];
-extern char	seqname[];
-extern sint output_struct_penalties;
-extern Boolean use_ss1, use_ss2;
-extern Boolean empty;
-extern Boolean profile1_empty, profile2_empty;   /* whether or not profiles   */
-extern char  	profile1_name[FILENAMELEN+1];
-extern char  	profile2_name[FILENAMELEN+1];
-extern Boolean         use_endgaps;
-extern sint        matnum,pw_matnum;
-extern sint        dnamatnum,pw_dnamatnum;
-extern sint        helix_penalty;
-extern sint        strand_penalty;
-extern sint        loop_penalty;
-extern sint        helix_end_minus;
-extern sint        helix_end_plus;
-extern sint        strand_end_minus;
-extern sint        strand_end_plus;
-extern sint        helix_end_penalty;
-extern sint        strand_end_penalty;
-extern MatMenu matrix_menu;
-extern MatMenu pw_matrix_menu;
-extern MatMenu dnamatrix_menu;
-static char phylip_name[FILENAMELEN]="";
-static char clustal_name[FILENAMELEN]="";
-static char dist_name[FILENAMELEN]="";
-static char nexus_name[FILENAMELEN]="";
-static char fasta_name[FILENAMELEN]="";
-static char p1_tree_name[FILENAMELEN]="";
-static char p2_tree_name[FILENAMELEN]="";
-static char *secstroutput_txt[] = {
-				"Secondary Structure",
-				"Gap Penalty Mask",
-				"Structure and Penalty Mask",
-				"None"	};
-static char *lin1, *lin2, *lin3;
-static int firstres =0;	/* range of alignment for saving as ... */
-static int lastres = 0;
-void init_amenu(void)
-	lin1 = (char *)ckalloc( (MAXLINE+1) * sizeof (char) );
-	lin2 = (char *)ckalloc( (MAXLINE+1) * sizeof (char) );
-	lin3 = (char *)ckalloc( (MAXLINE+1) * sizeof (char) );
-void main_menu(void)
-        int catchint;
-        catchint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN;
-        if (catchint) {
-                if (setjmp(jmpbuf) != 0)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"\n.. Interrupt\n");
-#ifdef UNIX
-                if (signal(SIGINT,jumper) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-                if (signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-        }
-	while(TRUE) {
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout," **************************************************************\n");
-		fprintf(stdout," ******** CLUSTAL %s Multiple Sequence Alignments  ********\n",revision_level);
-		fprintf(stdout," **************************************************************\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     1. Sequence Input From Disc\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     2. Multiple Alignments\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     3. Profile / Structure Alignments\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     4. Phylogenetic trees\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     S. Execute a system command\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     X. EXIT (leave program)\n\n\n");
-		getstr("Your choice",MAXLINE+1,lin1);
-		switch(toupper(*lin1)) {
-			case '1': seq_input(FALSE);
-				phylip_name[0]=EOS;
-				clustal_name[0]=EOS;
-				dist_name[0]=EOS;
-				nexus_name[0]=EOS;
-				break;
-			case '2': multiple_align_menu();
-				break;
-			case '3': profile_align_menu();
-				break;
-			case '4': phylogenetic_tree_menu();
-				break;
-			case 'S': do_system();
-				break;
-			case '?':
-			case 'H': get_help('1');
-				break;
-			case 'Q':
-			case 'X': exit(0);
-				break;
-			default: fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-static void multiple_align_menu(void)
-        int catchint;
-        catchint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN;
-        if (catchint) {
-                if (setjmp(jmpbuf) != 0)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"\n.. Interrupt\n");
-#ifdef UNIX
-                if (signal(SIGINT,jumper) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-                if (signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-        }
-    while(TRUE)
-    {
-        fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"****** MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MENU ******\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    1.  Do complete multiple alignment now (%s)\n",
-                        (!quick_pairalign) ? "Slow/Accurate" : "Fast/Approximate");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    2.  Produce guide tree file only\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    3.  Do alignment using old guide tree file\n\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    4.  Toggle Slow/Fast pairwise alignments = %s\n\n",
-                                        (!quick_pairalign) ? "SLOW" : "FAST");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    5.  Pairwise alignment parameters\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    6.  Multiple alignment parameters\n\n");
-	fprintf(stdout,"    7.  Reset gaps before alignment?");
-	if(reset_alignments_new)
-		fprintf(stdout," = ON\n");
-	else
-		fprintf(stdout," = OFF\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    8.  Toggle screen display          = %s\n",
-                                        (!showaln) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    9.  Output format options\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    S.  Execute a system command\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    H.  HELP\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu\n\n\n");
-        getstr("Your choice",MAXLINE+1,lin1);
-        if(*lin1 == EOS) return;
-        switch(toupper(*lin1))
-        {
-        case '1': align(phylip_name);
-            break;
-        case '2': make_tree(phylip_name);
-            break;
-        case '3': get_tree(phylip_name);
-            break;
-        case '4': quick_pairalign ^= TRUE;
-            break;
-        case '5': pair_menu();
-            break;
-        case '6': multi_menu();
-            break;
-	case '7': reset_alignments_new ^= TRUE;
-	    if(reset_alignments_new==TRUE)
-		reset_alignments_all=FALSE;
-            break;
-        case '8': showaln ^= TRUE;
-	    break;
-        case '9': format_options_menu();
-            break;
-        case 'S': do_system();
-            break;
-        case '?':
-        case 'H': get_help('2');
-            break;
-        case 'Q':
-        case 'X': return;
-        default: fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-static void profile_align_menu(void)
-        int catchint;
-        catchint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN;
-        if (catchint) {
-                if (setjmp(jmpbuf) != 0)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"\n.. Interrupt\n");
-#ifdef UNIX
-                if (signal(SIGINT,jumper) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-                if (signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-        }
-    while(TRUE)
-    {
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"****** PROFILE AND STRUCTURE ALIGNMENT MENU ******\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    1.  Input 1st. profile             ");
-        if (!profile1_empty) fprintf(stdout,"(loaded)");
-        fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    2.  Input 2nd. profile/sequences   ");
-        if (!profile2_empty) fprintf(stdout,"(loaded)");
-        fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    3.  Align 2nd. profile to 1st. profile\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    4.  Align sequences to 1st. profile (%s)\n\n",
-                        (!quick_pairalign) ? "Slow/Accurate" : "Fast/Approximate");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    5.  Toggle Slow/Fast pairwise alignments = %s\n\n",
-                                        (!quick_pairalign) ? "SLOW" : "FAST");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    6.  Pairwise alignment parameters\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    7.  Multiple alignment parameters\n\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    8.  Toggle screen display                = %s\n",
-                                        (!showaln) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    9.  Output format options\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    0.  Secondary structure options\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    S.  Execute a system command\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    H.  HELP\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu\n\n\n");
-        getstr("Your choice",MAXLINE+1,lin1);
-        if(*lin1 == EOS) return;
-        switch(toupper(*lin1))
-        {
-        case '1': profile_no = 1;      /* 1 => 1st profile */ 
-          profile_input();
-		  strcpy(profile1_name, seqname);
-            break;
-        case '2': profile_no = 2;      /* 2 => 2nd profile */
-          profile_input();
-		  strcpy(profile2_name, seqname);
-            break;
-        case '3': profile_align(p1_tree_name,p2_tree_name);       /* align the 2 alignments now */
-            break;
-        case '4': new_sequence_align(phylip_name);  /* align new sequences to profile 1 */
-            break;
-        case '5': quick_pairalign ^= TRUE;
-	    break;
-        case '6': pair_menu();
-            break;
-        case '7': multi_menu();
-            break;
-        case '8': showaln ^= TRUE;
-	    break;
-        case '9': format_options_menu();
-            break;
-        case '0': ss_options_menu();
-            break;
-        case 'S': do_system();
-            break;
-        case '?':
-        case 'H': get_help('6');
-            break;
-        case 'Q':
-        case 'X': return;
-        default: fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-static void ss_options_menu(void)
-        int catchint;
-        catchint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN;
-        if (catchint) {
-                if (setjmp(jmpbuf) != 0)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"\n.. Interrupt\n");
-#ifdef UNIX
-                if (signal(SIGINT,jumper) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-                if (signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-        }
-	while(TRUE) {
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout," ********* SECONDARY STRUCTURE OPTIONS *********\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     1. Use profile 1 secondary structure / penalty mask  ");
-		if(use_ss1)
-			fprintf(stdout,"= YES\n");
-		else
-			fprintf(stdout,"= NO\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     2. Use profile 2 secondary structure / penalty mask  ");
-		if(use_ss2)
-			fprintf(stdout,"= YES\n");
-		else
-			fprintf(stdout,"= NO\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     3. Output in alignment  ");
-		fprintf(stdout,"= %s\n",secstroutput_txt[output_struct_penalties]);
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     4. Helix gap penalty                     :%d\n",(pint)helix_penalty);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     5. Strand gap penalty                    :%d\n",(pint)strand_penalty);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     6. Loop gap penalty                      :%d\n",(pint)loop_penalty);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     7. Secondary structure terminal penalty  :%d\n",(pint)helix_end_penalty);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     8. Helix terminal positions       within :%d      outside :%d\n",
-		                                 (pint)helix_end_minus,(pint)helix_end_plus);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     9. Strand terminal positions      within :%d      outside :%d\n",
-		                                 (pint)strand_end_minus,(pint)strand_end_plus);
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");
-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-		if( *lin2 == EOS) { 
-			return;
-		}
-		switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
-			case '1': use_ss1 ^= TRUE;
-				break;
-			case '2': use_ss2 ^= TRUE;
-				break;
-			case '3': output_struct_penalties = secstroutput_options();
-				break;
-			case '4':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Helix Penalty Currently: %d\n",(pint)helix_penalty);
-				helix_penalty=getint("Enter number",1,9,helix_penalty);
-				break;
-			case '5':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Strand Gap Penalty Currently: %d\n",(pint)strand_penalty);
-				strand_penalty=getint("Enter number",1,9,strand_penalty);
-				break;
-			case '6':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Loop Gap Penalty Currently: %d\n",(pint)loop_penalty);
-				loop_penalty=getint("Enter number",1,9,loop_penalty);
-				break;
-			case '7':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Secondary Structure Terminal Penalty Currently: %d\n",
-				          (pint)helix_end_penalty);
-				helix_end_penalty=getint("Enter number",1,9,helix_end_penalty);
-				strand_end_penalty = helix_end_penalty;
-				break;
-			case '8':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Helix Terminal Positions Currently: \n");
-				fprintf(stdout,"        within helix: %d     outside helix: %d\n",
-				                            (pint)helix_end_minus,(pint)helix_end_plus);
-				helix_end_minus=getint("Enter number of residues within helix",0,3,helix_end_minus);
-				helix_end_plus=getint("Enter number of residues outside helix",0,3,helix_end_plus);
-				break;
-			case '9':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Strand Terminal Positions Currently: \n");
-				fprintf(stdout,"        within strand: %d     outside strand: %d\n",
-				                            (pint)strand_end_minus,(pint)strand_end_plus);
-				strand_end_minus=getint("Enter number of residues within strand",0,3,strand_end_minus);
-				strand_end_plus=getint("Enter number of residues outside strand",0,3,strand_end_plus);
-				break;
-			case '?':
-			case 'H':
-				get_help('B');
-				break;
-			default:
-				fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-static sint secstroutput_options(void)
-        while(TRUE)
-        {
-                fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-                fprintf(stdout," ********* Secondary Structure Output Menu *********\n");
-                fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-                fprintf(stdout,"     1. %s\n",secstroutput_txt[0]);
-                fprintf(stdout,"     2. %s\n",secstroutput_txt[1]);
-                fprintf(stdout,"     3. %s\n",secstroutput_txt[2]);
-                fprintf(stdout,"     4. %s\n",secstroutput_txt[3]);
-                fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n");
-                fprintf(stdout,
-"     -- Current output is %s ",secstroutput_txt[output_struct_penalties]);
-                fprintf(stdout,"--\n");
-                getstr("\n\nEnter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-                if(*lin2 == EOS) return(output_struct_penalties);
-        	switch(toupper(*lin2))
-        	{
-       	 		case '1': return(0);
-        		case '2': return(1);
-      			case '3': return(2);
-        		case '4': return(3);
-			case '?': 
-        		case 'H': get_help('C');
-            		case 'Q':
-        		case 'X': return(0);
-        		default: fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-            		break;
-        	}
-        }
-static void phylogenetic_tree_menu(void)
-        int catchint;
-        catchint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN;
-        if (catchint) {
-                if (setjmp(jmpbuf) != 0)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"\n.. Interrupt\n");
-#ifdef UNIX
-                if (signal(SIGINT,jumper) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-                if (signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-        }
-    while(TRUE)
-    {
-        fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"****** PHYLOGENETIC TREE MENU ******\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    1.  Input an alignment\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    2.  Exclude positions with gaps?        ");
-	if(tossgaps)
-		fprintf(stdout,"= ON\n");
-	else
-		fprintf(stdout,"= OFF\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    3.  Correct for multiple substitutions? ");
-	if(kimura)
-		fprintf(stdout,"= ON\n");
-	else
-		fprintf(stdout,"= OFF\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    4.  Draw tree now\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    5.  Bootstrap tree\n");
-	fprintf(stdout,"    6.  Output format options\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    S.  Execute a system command\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    H.  HELP\n");
-        fprintf(stdout,"    or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu\n\n\n");
-        getstr("Your choice",MAXLINE+1,lin1);
-        if(*lin1 == EOS) return;
-        switch(toupper(*lin1))
-        {
-       	 	case '1': seq_input(FALSE);
-				phylip_name[0]=EOS;
-				clustal_name[0]=EOS;
-				dist_name[0]=EOS;
-				nexus_name[0]=EOS;
-         	   	break;
-        	case '2': tossgaps ^= TRUE;
-          	  	break;
-      		case '3': kimura ^= TRUE;;
-            		break;
-        	case '4': phylogenetic_tree(phylip_name,clustal_name,dist_name,nexus_name,"amenu.pim");
-            		break;
-        	case '5': bootstrap_tree(phylip_name,clustal_name,nexus_name);
-            		break;
-		case '6': tree_format_options_menu();
-			break;
-        	case 'S': do_system();
-            		break;
-            	case '?':
-        	case 'H': get_help('7');
-            		break;
-            	case 'Q':
-        	case 'X': return;
-        	default: fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-            	break;
-        }
-    }
-static void tree_format_options_menu(void)      /* format of tree output */
-        int catchint;
-        catchint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN;
-        if (catchint) {
-                if (setjmp(jmpbuf) != 0)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"\n.. Interrupt\n");
-#ifdef UNIX
-                if (signal(SIGINT,jumper) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-                if (signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-        }
-	while(TRUE) {
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-	fprintf(stdout," ****** Format of Phylogenetic Tree Output ******\n");
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     1. Toggle CLUSTAL format tree output    =  %s\n",
-					(!output_tree_clustal)  ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     2. Toggle Phylip format tree output     =  %s\n",
-					(!output_tree_phylip)   ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     3. Toggle Phylip distance matrix output =  %s\n",
-					(!output_tree_distances)? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     4. Toggle Nexus format tree output      =  %s\n\n",
-					(!output_tree_nexus)? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     5. Toggle Phylip bootstrap positions    =  %s\n\n",
-(bootstrap_format==BS_NODE_LABELS) ? "NODE LABELS" : "BRANCH LABELS");
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");	
-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-		if(*lin2 == EOS) return;
-		switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
-			case '1':
-				output_tree_clustal   ^= TRUE;
-				break;
-			case '2':
-              			output_tree_phylip    ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case '3':
-              			output_tree_distances ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case '4':
-              			output_tree_nexus ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case '5':
-              			if (bootstrap_format == BS_NODE_LABELS)
-					bootstrap_format = BS_BRANCH_LABELS;
-				else
-					bootstrap_format = BS_NODE_LABELS;
-			  	break;
-			case '?':
-			case 'H':
-				get_help('0');
-				break;
-			default:
-				fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-static void format_options_menu(void)      /* format of alignment output */
-	sint i;
-	sint length = 0;
-	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
-    int catchint;
-        catchint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN;
-        if (catchint) {
-                if (setjmp(jmpbuf) != 0)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"\n.. Interrupt\n");
-#ifdef UNIX
-                if (signal(SIGINT,jumper) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-                if (signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-        }
-	while(TRUE) {
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-	fprintf(stdout," ********* Format of Alignment Output *********\n");
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     F. Toggle FASTA format output       =  %s\n\n",
-					(!output_fasta) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     1. Toggle CLUSTAL format output     =  %s\n",
-					(!output_clustal) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     2. Toggle NBRF/PIR format output    =  %s\n",
-					(!output_nbrf) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     3. Toggle GCG/MSF format output     =  %s\n",
-					(!output_gcg) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     4. Toggle PHYLIP format output      =  %s\n",
-					(!output_phylip) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     5. Toggle NEXUS format output       =  %s\n",
-					(!output_nexus) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     6. Toggle GDE format output         =  %s\n\n",
-					(!output_gde) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     7. Toggle GDE output case           =  %s\n",
-					(!lowercase) ? "UPPER" : "LOWER");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     8. Toggle CLUSTALW sequence numbers =  %s\n",
-					(!cl_seq_numbers) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     9. Toggle output order              =  %s\n\n",
-					(output_order==0) ? "INPUT FILE" : "ALIGNED");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     0. Create alignment output file(s) now?\n\n");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     T. Toggle parameter output          = %s\n",
-					(!save_parameters) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     R. Toggle sequence range numbers =  %s\n",
-					(!seqRange) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-	fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");	
-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-		if(*lin2 == EOS) return;
-		switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
-			case '1':
-				output_clustal ^= TRUE;
-				break;
-			case '2':
-              			output_nbrf ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case '3':
-              			output_gcg ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case '4':
-              			output_phylip ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case '5':
-              			output_nexus ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case '6':
-              			output_gde ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case '7':
-              			lowercase ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case '8':
-              			cl_seq_numbers ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case '9':
-                                if (output_order == INPUT) output_order = ALIGNED;
-              			else output_order = INPUT;
-			  	break;
-			case 'F':
-              			output_fasta ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case 'R':
-              			seqRange ^= TRUE;
-			  	break;
-			case '0':		/* DES */
-				if(empty) {
-					error("No sequences loaded");
-					break;
-				}
-				get_path(seqname,path);
-				if(!open_alignment_output(path)) break;
-				create_alignment_output(1,nseqs);
-				break;
-        		case 'T': save_parameters ^= TRUE;
-	   			 break;
-			case '?':
-			case 'H':
-				get_help('5');
-				break;
-			default:
-				fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-static void pair_menu(void)
-        int catchint;
-        catchint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN;
-        if (catchint) {
-                if (setjmp(jmpbuf) != 0)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"\n.. Interrupt\n");
-#ifdef UNIX
-                if (signal(SIGINT,jumper) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-                if (signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-        }
-        if(dnaflag) {
-                pw_go_penalty     = dna_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty     = dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = dna_ktup;
-                window     = dna_window;
-                signif     = dna_signif;
-                wind_gap   = dna_wind_gap;
-        }
-        else {
-                pw_go_penalty     = prot_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty     = prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = prot_ktup;
-                window     = prot_window;
-                signif     = prot_signif;
-                wind_gap   = prot_wind_gap;
-        }
-	while(TRUE) {
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout," ********* PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS *********\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     Slow/Accurate alignments:\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     1. Gap Open Penalty       :%4.2f\n",pw_go_penalty);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     2. Gap Extension Penalty  :%4.2f\n",pw_ge_penalty);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     3. Protein weight matrix  :%s\n" ,
-                                        matrix_menu.opt[pw_matnum-1].title);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     4. DNA weight matrix      :%s\n" ,
-                                        dnamatrix_menu.opt[pw_dnamatnum-1].title);
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     Fast/Approximate alignments:\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     5. Gap penalty            :%d\n",(pint)wind_gap);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     6. K-tuple (word) size    :%d\n",(pint)ktup);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     7. No. of top diagonals   :%d\n",(pint)signif);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     8. Window size            :%d\n\n",(pint)window);
-                fprintf(stdout,"     9. Toggle Slow/Fast pairwise alignments ");
-                if(quick_pairalign)
-                      fprintf(stdout,"= FAST\n\n");
-                else
-                      fprintf(stdout,"= SLOW\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");
-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-		if( *lin2 == EOS) {
-                        if(dnaflag) {
-                                dna_pw_go_penalty     = pw_go_penalty;
-                                dna_pw_ge_penalty     = pw_ge_penalty;
-                		dna_ktup       = ktup;
-                		dna_window     = window;
-                		dna_signif     = signif;
-                		dna_wind_gap   = wind_gap;
-                        }
-                        else {
-                                prot_pw_go_penalty     = pw_go_penalty;
-                                prot_pw_ge_penalty     = pw_ge_penalty;
-                		prot_ktup       = ktup;
-                		prot_window     = window;
-                		prot_signif     = signif;
-                		prot_wind_gap   = wind_gap;
-                        }
-			return;
-		}
-		switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
-			case '1':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Gap Open Penalty Currently: %4.2f\n",pw_go_penalty);
-				pw_go_penalty=(float)getreal("Enter number",(double)0.0,(double)100.0,(double)pw_go_penalty);
-				break;
-			case '2':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Gap Extension Penalty Currently: %4.2f\n",pw_ge_penalty);
-				pw_ge_penalty=(float)getreal("Enter number",(double)0.0,(double)10.0,(double)pw_ge_penalty);
-				break;
-                        case '3':
-                                pw_matnum = read_matrix("PROTEIN",pw_matrix_menu,pw_mtrxname,pw_matnum,pw_usermat,pw_aa_xref);
-                                break;
-                        case '4':
-                                pw_dnamatnum = read_matrix("DNA",dnamatrix_menu,pw_dnamtrxname,pw_dnamatnum,pw_userdnamat,pw_dna_xref);
-                                break;
-			case '5':
-                                fprintf(stdout,"Gap Penalty Currently: %d\n",(pint)wind_gap);
-                                wind_gap=getint("Enter number",1,500,wind_gap);
-				break;
-			case '6':
-                                fprintf(stdout,"K-tuple Currently: %d\n",(pint)ktup);
-                                if(dnaflag)
-                                     ktup=getint("Enter number",1,4,ktup);
-                                else
-                                     ktup=getint("Enter number",1,2,ktup);                                     
-				break;
-			case '7':
-                                fprintf(stdout,"Top diagonals Currently: %d\n",(pint)signif);
-                                signif=getint("Enter number",1,50,signif);
-				break;
-			case '8':
-                                fprintf(stdout,"Window size Currently: %d\n",(pint)window);
-                                window=getint("Enter number",1,50,window);
-				break;
-                        case '9': quick_pairalign ^= TRUE;
-                                break;
-			case '?':
-			case 'H':
-				get_help('3');
-				break;
-			default:
-				fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-static void multi_menu(void)
-        int catchint;
-        catchint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN;
-        if (catchint) {
-                if (setjmp(jmpbuf) != 0)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"\n.. Interrupt\n");
-#ifdef UNIX
-                if (signal(SIGINT,jumper) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-                if (signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-        }
-	if(dnaflag) {
-		gap_open   = dna_gap_open;
-		gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
-	}
-	else {
-		gap_open   = prot_gap_open;
-		gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
-	}
-	while(TRUE) {
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout," ********* MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS *********\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     1. Gap Opening Penalty              :%4.2f\n",gap_open);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     2. Gap Extension Penalty            :%4.2f\n",gap_extend);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     3. Delay divergent sequences        :%d %%\n\n",(pint)divergence_cutoff);
-                fprintf(stdout,"     4. DNA Transitions Weight           :%1.2f\n\n",transition_weight);
-                fprintf(stdout,"     5. Protein weight matrix            :%s\n"
-                                        	,matrix_menu.opt[matnum-1].title);
-                fprintf(stdout,"     6. DNA weight matrix                :%s\n"
-                                        	,dnamatrix_menu.opt[dnamatnum-1].title);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     7. Use negative matrix              :%s\n\n",(!neg_matrix) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-                fprintf(stdout,"     8. Protein Gap Parameters\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");		
-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-		if(*lin2 == EOS) {
-			if(dnaflag) {
-				dna_gap_open    = gap_open;
-				dna_gap_extend  = gap_extend;
-			}
-			else {
-				prot_gap_open   = gap_open;
-				prot_gap_extend = gap_extend;
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-		switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
-			case '1':
-			fprintf(stdout,"Gap Opening Penalty Currently: %4.2f\n",gap_open);
-				gap_open=(float)getreal("Enter number",(double)0.0,(double)100.0,(double)gap_open);
-				break;
-			case '2':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Gap Extension Penalty Currently: %4.2f\n",gap_extend);
-				gap_extend=(float)getreal("Enter number",(double)0.0,(double)10.0,(double)gap_extend);
-				break;
-			case '3':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Min Identity Currently: %d\n",(pint)divergence_cutoff);
-				divergence_cutoff=getint("Enter number",0,100,divergence_cutoff);
-				break;
-			case '4':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Transition Weight Currently: %1.2f\n",(pint)transition_weight);
-				transition_weight=(float)getreal("Enter number",(double)0.0,(double)1.0,(double)transition_weight);
-				break;
-			case '5':
-                                matnum = read_matrix("PROTEIN",matrix_menu,mtrxname,matnum,usermat,aa_xref);
-				break;
-			case '6':
-                                dnamatnum = read_matrix("DNA",dnamatrix_menu,dnamtrxname,dnamatnum,userdnamat,dna_xref);
-				break;
-			case '7':
-				neg_matrix ^= TRUE;
-				break;
-			case '8':
-                                gap_penalties_menu();
-				break;
-			case '?':
-			case 'H':
-				get_help('4');
-				break;
-			default:
-				fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-static void gap_penalties_menu(void)
-	char c;
-	sint i;
-        int catchint;
-        catchint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN;
-        if (catchint) {
-                if (setjmp(jmpbuf) != 0)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"\n.. Interrupt\n");
-#ifdef UNIX
-                if (signal(SIGINT,jumper) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-                if (signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL) == BADSIG)
-                        fprintf(stdout,"Error: signal\n");
-        }
-	while(TRUE) {
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout," ********* PROTEIN GAP PARAMETERS *********\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     1. Toggle Residue-Specific Penalties :%s\n\n",(no_pref_penalties) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     2. Toggle Hydrophilic Penalties      :%s\n",(no_hyd_penalties) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     3. Hydrophilic Residues              :%s\n\n"
-					,hyd_residues);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     4. Gap Separation Distance           :%d\n",(pint)gap_dist);
-		fprintf(stdout,"     5. Toggle End Gap Separation         :%s\n\n",(!use_endgaps) ? "OFF" : "ON");
-		fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");		
-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-		if(*lin2 == EOS) return;
-		switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
-			case '1':
-				no_pref_penalties ^= TRUE;
-				break;
-			case '2':
-				no_hyd_penalties ^= TRUE;
-				break;
-			case '3':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Hydrophilic Residues Currently: %s\n",hyd_residues);
-				getstr("Enter residues (or [RETURN] to quit)",MAXLINE+1,lin1);
-                                if (*lin1 != EOS) {
-                                        for (i=0;i<strlen(hyd_residues) && i<26;i++) {
-                                        c = lin1[i];
-                                        if (isalpha(c))
-                                                hyd_residues[i] = (char)toupper(c);
-                                        else
-                                                break;
-                                        }
-                                        hyd_residues[i] = EOS;
-                                }
-                                break;
-			case '4':
-				fprintf(stdout,"Gap Separation Distance Currently: %d\n",(pint)gap_dist);
-				gap_dist=getint("Enter number",0,100,gap_dist);
-				break;
-			case '5':
-				use_endgaps ^= TRUE;
-				break;
-			case '?':
-			case 'H':
-				get_help('A');
-				break;
-			default:
-				fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-static sint read_matrix(char *title,MatMenu menu, char *matnam, sint matn, short *mat, short *xref)
-{       static char userfile[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	int i;
-        while(TRUE)
-        {
-                fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-                fprintf(stdout," ********* %s WEIGHT MATRIX MENU *********\n",title);
-                fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-		for(i=0;i<menu.noptions;i++)
-                	fprintf(stdout,"     %d. %s\n",i+1,menu.opt[i].title);
-                fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n");
-                fprintf(stdout,
-"     -- Current matrix is the %s ",menu.opt[matn-1].title);
-                if(matn == menu.noptions) fprintf(stdout,"(file = %s)",userfile);
-                fprintf(stdout,"--\n");
-                getstr("\n\nEnter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-                if(*lin2 == EOS) return(matn);
-                i=toupper(*lin2)-'0';
-		if(i>0 && i<menu.noptions) {
-                        strcpy(matnam,menu.opt[i-1].string);
-                        matn=i;
-		} else if (i==menu.noptions) {
-                        if(user_mat(userfile, mat, xref)) {
-                              strcpy(matnam,userfile);
-                              matn=i;
-                        }
-		}
-		else
-                switch(toupper(*lin2))  {
-                        case '?':
-                        case 'H':
-                                get_help('8');
-                                break;
-                        default:
-                                fprintf(stdout,"\n\nUnrecognised Command\n\n");
-                                break;
-                }
-        }
-char prompt_for_yes_no(char *title,char *prompt)
-	char line[80];
-	char lin2[80];
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n%s\n",title);
-	strcpy(line,prompt);
-	strcat(line, "(y/n) ? [y]");
-	getstr(line,MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-	if ((*lin2 != 'n') && (*lin2 != 'N'))
-		return('y');
-	else
-		return('n');
-*	fatal()
-*	Prints error msg to stdout and exits.
-*	Variadic parameter list can be passed.
-*	Return values:
-*		none
-void fatal( char *msg,...)
-	va_list ap;
-	va_start(ap,msg);
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\nFATAL ERROR: ");
-	vfprintf(stdout,msg,ap);
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-	va_end(ap);
-	exit(1);
-*	error()
-*	Prints error msg to stdout.
-*	Variadic parameter list can be passed.
-*	Return values:
-*		none
-void error( char *msg,...)
-	va_list ap;
-	va_start(ap,msg);
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\nERROR: ");
-	vfprintf(stdout,msg,ap);
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-	va_end(ap);
-*	warning()
-*	Prints warning msg to stdout.
-*	Variadic parameter list can be passed.
-*	Return values:
-*		none
-void warning( char *msg,...)
-	va_list ap;
-	va_start(ap,msg);
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\nWARNING: ");
-	vfprintf(stdout,msg,ap);
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-	va_end(ap);
-*	info()
-*	Prints info msg to stdout.
-*	Variadic parameter list can be passed.
-*	Return values:
-*		none
-void info( char *msg,...)
-	va_list ap;
-	va_start(ap,msg);
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-	vfprintf(stdout,msg,ap);
-	va_end(ap);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calcgapcoeff.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calcgapcoeff.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calcgapcoeff.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
- *   Prototypes
- */
-void calc_p_penalties(char **aln, sint n, sint fs, sint ls, sint *weight);
-void calc_h_penalties(char **aln, sint n, sint fs, sint ls, sint *weight);
-void calc_v_penalties(char **aln, sint n, sint fs, sint ls, sint *weight);
-sint local_penalty(sint penalty, sint n, sint *pweight, sint *hweight, sint *vweight);
-float percentid(char *s1, char *s2,sint length);
- *   Global variables
- */
-extern sint gap_dist;
-extern sint max_aa;
-extern sint debug;
-extern Boolean dnaflag;
-extern Boolean use_endgaps;
-extern Boolean endgappenalties;
-extern Boolean no_var_penalties, no_hyd_penalties, no_pref_penalties;
-extern char hyd_residues[];
-extern char *amino_acid_codes;
-/* vwindow is the number of residues used for a window for the variable zone penalties */
-/* vll is the lower limit for the variable zone penalties (vll < pen < 1.0) */
-int vll=50;
-int vwindow=5;
-sint	vlut[26][26] = {
-/*	  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z */
-/*A*/	  1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
-/*B*/	  0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*C*/	  0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*D*/	  0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*E*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*F*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*G*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*H*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*I*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*J*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*K*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*L*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*M*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*N*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*O*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*P*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*Q*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*R*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*S*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*T*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*U*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*V*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-/*W*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
-/*X*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
-/*Y*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
-/*Z*/	  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
-	};
-/* pascarella probabilities for opening a gap at specific residues */
-char   pr[] =     {'A' , 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'K', 'I', 'L',
-                   'M' , 'N', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'V', 'Y', 'W'};
-sint    pas_op[] = { 87, 87,104, 69, 80,139,100,104, 68, 79,
-                    71,137,126, 93,128,124,111, 75,100, 77};
-sint    pas_op2[] ={ 88, 57,111, 98, 75,126, 95, 97, 70, 90,
-                    60,122,110,107, 91,125,124, 81,106, 88};
-sint    pal_op[] = { 84, 69,128, 78, 88,176, 53, 95, 55, 49,
-                    52,148,147,100, 91,129,105, 51,128, 88};
-float reduced_gap = 1.0;
-Boolean nvar_pen,nhyd_pen,npref_pen; /* local copies of ho_hyd_penalties, no_pref_penalties */
-sint gdist;                  /* local copy of gap_dist */
-void calc_gap_coeff(char **alignment, sint *gaps, sint **profile, Boolean struct_penalties,
-         char *gap_penalty_mask, sint first_seq, sint last_seq,
-         sint prf_length, sint gapcoef, sint lencoef)
-   char c;
-   sint i, j;
-   sint is, ie;
-   static sint numseq,val,pcid;
-   static sint *gap_pos;
-   static sint *v_weight, *p_weight, *h_weight;
-   static float scale;
-   numseq = last_seq - first_seq;
-   if(numseq == 2)
-     {
-	pcid=percentid(alignment[first_seq],alignment[first_seq+1],prf_length);
-     }
-   else pcid=0;
-   for (j=0; j<prf_length; j++)
-        gaps[j] = 0;
-   Check for a gap penalty mask
-   if (struct_penalties != NONE)
-     {
-        nvar_pen = nhyd_pen = npref_pen = TRUE;
-        gdist = 0;
-     }
-   else if (no_var_penalties == FALSE && pcid > 60)
-     {
-if(debug>0) fprintf(stderr,"Using variable zones to set gap penalties (pcid = %d)\n",pcid);
-	nhyd_pen = npref_pen = TRUE;
-	nvar_pen = FALSE;
-     }
-   else
-     {
-	nvar_pen = TRUE;
-        nhyd_pen = no_hyd_penalties;
-        npref_pen = no_pref_penalties;
-        gdist = gap_dist;
-     }                  
-   for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-     {
-   Include end gaps as gaps ?
-        is = 0;
-        ie = prf_length;
-        if (use_endgaps == FALSE && endgappenalties==FALSE)
-        {
-          for (j=0; j<prf_length; j++)
-            {
-              c = alignment[i][j];
-              if ((c < 0) || (c > max_aa))
-                 is++;
-              else
-                 break;
-            }
-          for (j=prf_length-1; j>=0; j--)
-            {
-              c = alignment[i][j];
-              if ((c < 0) || (c > max_aa))
-                 ie--;
-              else
-                 break;
-            }
-        }
-        for (j=is; j<ie; j++)
-          {
-              if ((alignment[i][j] < 0) || (alignment[i][j] > max_aa))
-                 gaps[j]++;
-          }
-     }
-   if ((!dnaflag) && (nvar_pen == FALSE))
-     {
-        v_weight = (sint *) ckalloc( (prf_length+2) * sizeof (sint) );
-        calc_v_penalties(alignment, prf_length, first_seq, last_seq, v_weight);
-     }
-   if ((!dnaflag) && (npref_pen == FALSE))
-     {
-        p_weight = (sint *) ckalloc( (prf_length+2) * sizeof (sint) );
-        calc_p_penalties(alignment, prf_length, first_seq, last_seq, p_weight);
-     }
-   if ((!dnaflag) && (nhyd_pen == FALSE))
-     {
-        h_weight = (sint *) ckalloc( (prf_length+2) * sizeof (sint) );
-        calc_h_penalties(alignment, prf_length, first_seq, last_seq, h_weight);
-     }
-   gap_pos = (sint *) ckalloc( (prf_length+2) * sizeof (sint) );
-    mark the residues close to an existing gap (set gaps[i] = -ve)
-   if (dnaflag || (gdist <= 0))
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<prf_length;i++) gap_pos[i] = gaps[i];
-     }
-   else
-     {
-       i=0;
-       while (i<prf_length)
-         {
-            if (gaps[i] <= 0)
-              {
-                 gap_pos[i] = gaps[i];
-                 i++;
-              }
-            else 
-              {
-                 for (j = -gdist+1; j<0; j++)
-                  {
-                   if ((i+j>=0) && (i+j<prf_length) &&
-                       ((gaps[i+j] == 0) || (gaps[i+j] < j))) gap_pos[i+j] = j;
-                  }
-                 while (gaps[i] > 0)
-                    {
-                       if (i>=prf_length) break;
-                       gap_pos[i] = gaps[i];
-                       i++;
-                    }
-                 for (j = 0; j<gdist; j++)
-                  {
-                   if (gaps[i+j] > 0) break;
-                   if ((i+j>=0) && (i+j<prf_length) && 
-                       ((gaps[i+j] == 0) || (gaps[i+j] < -j))) gap_pos[i+j] = -j-1;
-                  }
-                 i += j;
-              }
-         }
-     }
-if (debug>1)
-fprintf(stdout,"gap open %d gap ext %d\n",(pint)gapcoef,(pint)lencoef);
-  for(i=0;i<prf_length;i++) fprintf(stdout,"%d ", (pint)gaps[i]);
-  fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-  for(i=0;i<prf_length;i++) fprintf(stdout,"%d ", (pint)gap_pos[i]);
-  fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-   for (j=0;j<prf_length; j++)
-     {
-        if (gap_pos[j] <= 0)
-          {
-    apply residue-specific and hydrophilic gap penalties.
-	     	if (!dnaflag) {
-              	profile[j+1][GAPCOL] = local_penalty(gapcoef, j,
-                                                   p_weight, h_weight, v_weight);
-              	profile[j+1][LENCOL] = lencoef;
-	     	}
-	     	else {
-              	profile[j+1][GAPCOL] = gapcoef;
-              	profile[j+1][LENCOL] = lencoef;
-	     	}
-    increase gap penalty near to existing gaps.
-             if (gap_pos[j] < 0)
-                {
-                    profile[j+1][GAPCOL] *= 2.0+2.0*(gdist+gap_pos[j])/gdist;
-                }
-          }
-        else
-          {
-             scale = ((float)(numseq-gaps[j])/(float)numseq) * reduced_gap;
-             profile[j+1][GAPCOL] = scale*gapcoef;
-             profile[j+1][LENCOL] = 0.5 * lencoef;
-          }
-    apply the gap penalty mask
-        if (struct_penalties != NONE)
-          {
-            val = gap_penalty_mask[j]-'0';
-            if (val > 0 && val < 10)
-              {
-                profile[j+1][GAPCOL] *= val;
-                profile[j+1][LENCOL] *= val;
-              }
-          }
-   make sure no penalty is zero - even for all-gap positions
-        if (profile[j+1][GAPCOL] <= 0) profile[j+1][GAPCOL] = 1;
-        if (profile[j+1][LENCOL] <= 0) profile[j+1][LENCOL] = 1;
-     }
-/* set the penalties at the beginning and end of the profile */
-   if(endgappenalties==TRUE)
-     {
-        profile[0][GAPCOL] = gapcoef;
-        profile[0][LENCOL] = lencoef;
-     }
-   else
-     {
-        profile[0][GAPCOL] = 0;
-        profile[0][LENCOL] = 0;
-        profile[prf_length][GAPCOL] = 0;
-        profile[prf_length][LENCOL] = 0;
-     }
-if (debug>0)
-  fprintf(stdout,"Opening penalties:\n");
-  for(i=0;i<=prf_length;i++) fprintf(stdout," %d:%d ",i, (pint)profile[i][GAPCOL]);
-  fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-if (debug>0)
-  fprintf(stdout,"Extension penalties:\n");
-  for(i=0;i<=prf_length;i++) fprintf(stdout,"%d:%d ",i, (pint)profile[i][LENCOL]);
-  fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-   if ((!dnaflag) && (nvar_pen == FALSE))
-        v_weight=ckfree((void *)v_weight);
-   if ((!dnaflag) && (npref_pen == FALSE))
-        p_weight=ckfree((void *)p_weight);
-   if ((!dnaflag) && (nhyd_pen == FALSE))
-        h_weight=ckfree((void *)h_weight);
-   gap_pos=ckfree((void *)gap_pos);
-void calc_v_penalties(char **aln, sint n, sint fs, sint ls, sint *weight)
-  char ix1,ix2;
-  sint i,j,k,t;
-  for (i=0;i<n;i++)
-    {
-      weight[i] = 0;
-	t=0;
-	for(j=i-vwindow;j<i+vwindow;j++)
-	{
-		if(j>=0 && j<n)
-		{
-                	ix1 = aln[fs][j];
-                	ix2 = aln[fs+1][j];
-                	if ((ix1 < 0) || (ix1 > max_aa) || (ix2< 0) || (ix2> max_aa)) continue;
-			weight[i] += vlut[amino_acid_codes[ix1]-'A'][amino_acid_codes[ix2]-'A'];
-			t++;
-		} 
-	}
-/* now we have a weight -t < w < t */
-      weight[i] +=t;
-      if(t>0)
-      	weight[i] = (weight[i]*100)/(2*t);
-      else
-      	weight[i] = 100;
-/* now we have a weight vll < w < 100 */
-      if (weight[i]<vll) weight[i]=vll;
-    }
-void calc_p_penalties(char **aln, sint n, sint fs, sint ls, sint *weight)
-  char ix;
-  sint j,k,numseq;
-  sint i;
-  numseq = ls - fs;
-  for (i=0;i<n;i++)
-    {
-      weight[i] = 0;
-      for (k=fs;k<ls;k++)
-        {
-           for (j=0;j<22;j++)
-             {
-                ix = aln[k][i];
-                if ((ix < 0) || (ix > max_aa)) continue;
-                if (amino_acid_codes[ix] == pr[j])
-                  {
-                    weight[i] += (180-pas_op[j]);
-                    break;
-                  }
-             }
-        }
-      weight[i] /= numseq;
-    }
-void calc_h_penalties(char **aln, sint n, sint fs, sint ls, sint *weight)
-   weight[] is the length of the hydrophilic run of residues.
-  char ix;
-  sint nh,j,k;
-  sint i,e,s;
-  sint *hyd;
-  float scale;
-  hyd = (sint *)ckalloc((n+2) * sizeof(sint));
-  nh = (sint)strlen(hyd_residues);
-  for (i=0;i<n;i++)
-     weight[i] = 0;
-  for (k=fs;k<ls;k++)
-    {
-       for (i=0;i<n;i++)
-         {
-             hyd[i] = 0;
-             for (j=0;j<nh;j++)
-                {
-                   ix = aln[k][i];
-                   if ((ix < 0) || (ix > max_aa)) continue;
-                   if (amino_acid_codes[ix] == hyd_residues[j])
-                      {
-                         hyd[i] = 1;
-                         break;
-                      }
-                }
-          }
-       i = 0;
-       while (i < n)
-         {
-            if (hyd[i] == 0) i++;
-            else
-              {
-                 s = i;
-                 while ((hyd[i] != 0) && (i<n)) i++;
-                 e = i;
-                 if (e-s > 3)
-                    for (j=s; j<e; j++) weight[j] += 100;
-              }
-         }
-    }
-  scale = ls - fs;
-  for (i=0;i<n;i++)
-     weight[i] /= scale;
-  hyd=ckfree((void *)hyd);
-if (debug>1)
-  for(i=0;i<n;i++) fprintf(stdout,"%d ", (pint)weight[i]);
-  fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-sint local_penalty(sint penalty, sint n, sint *pweight, sint *hweight, sint *vweight)
-  Boolean h = FALSE;
-  float gw;
-  if (dnaflag) return(1);
-  gw = 1.0;
-  if (nvar_pen == FALSE)
-    {
-	gw *= (float)vweight[n]/100.0;
-    }
-  if (nhyd_pen == FALSE)
-    {
-        if (hweight[n] > 0)
-         {
-           gw *= 0.5;
-           h = TRUE;
-         }
-    }
-  if ((npref_pen == FALSE) && (h==FALSE))
-    {
-       gw *= ((float)pweight[n]/100.0);
-    }
-  gw *= penalty;
-  return((sint)gw);
-float percentid(char *s1, char *s2,sint length)
-   sint i;
-   sint count,total;
-   float score;
-   count = total = 0;
-   for (i=0;i<length;i++) {
-     if ((s1[i]>=0) && (s1[i]<max_aa)) {
-       total++;
-       if (s1[i] == s2[i]) count++;
-     }
-	if (s1[i]==(-3) || s2[i]==(-3)) break;
-   }
-   if(total==0) score=0;
-   else
-   score = 100.0 * (float)count / (float)total;
-   return(score);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calcprf1.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calcprf1.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calcprf1.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
- *   Prototypes
- */
- *   Global variables
- */
-extern sint max_aa,gap_pos1,gap_pos2;
-void calc_prf1(sint **profile, char **alignment, sint *gaps,
-  sint matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES],
-  sint *seq_weight, sint prf_length, sint first_seq, sint last_seq)
-  sint **weighting, sum2, d, i, res; 
-  sint numseq;
-  sint r, pos;
-  int f;
-  float scale;
-  weighting = (sint **) ckalloc( (NUMRES+2) * sizeof (sint *) );
-  for (i=0;i<NUMRES+2;i++)
-    weighting[i] = (sint *) ckalloc( (prf_length+2) * sizeof (sint) );
-  numseq = last_seq-first_seq;
-  sum2 = 0;
-  for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-       sum2 += seq_weight[i];
-  for (r=0; r<prf_length; r++)
-   {
-      for (d=0; d<=max_aa; d++)
-        {
-            weighting[d][r] = 0;
-            for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-               if (d == alignment[i][r]) weighting[d][r] += seq_weight[i];
-        }
-      weighting[gap_pos1][r] = 0;
-      for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-         if (gap_pos1 == alignment[i][r]) weighting[gap_pos1][r] += seq_weight[i];
-      weighting[gap_pos2][r] = 0;
-      for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-         if (gap_pos2 == alignment[i][r]) weighting[gap_pos2][r] += seq_weight[i];
-   }
-  for (pos=0; pos< prf_length; pos++)
-    {
-      if (gaps[pos] == numseq)
-        {
-           for (res=0; res<=max_aa; res++)
-             {
-                profile[pos+1][res] = matrix[res][gap_pos1];
-             }
-           profile[pos+1][gap_pos1] = matrix[gap_pos1][gap_pos1];
-           profile[pos+1][gap_pos2] = matrix[gap_pos2][gap_pos1];
-        }
-      else
-        {
-           scale = (float)(numseq-gaps[pos]) / (float)numseq;
-           for (res=0; res<=max_aa; res++)
-             {
-                f = 0;
-                for (d=0; d<=max_aa; d++)
-                     f += (weighting[d][pos] * matrix[d][res]);
-                f += (weighting[gap_pos1][pos] * matrix[gap_pos1][res]);
-                f += (weighting[gap_pos2][pos] * matrix[gap_pos2][res]);
-                profile[pos+1][res] = (sint  )(((float)f / (float)sum2)*scale);
-             }
-           f = 0;
-           for (d=0; d<=max_aa; d++)
-                f += (weighting[d][pos] * matrix[d][gap_pos1]);
-           f += (weighting[gap_pos1][pos] * matrix[gap_pos1][gap_pos1]);
-           f += (weighting[gap_pos2][pos] * matrix[gap_pos2][gap_pos1]);
-           profile[pos+1][gap_pos1] = (sint )(((float)f / (float)sum2)*scale);
-           f = 0;
-           for (d=0; d<=max_aa; d++)
-                f += (weighting[d][pos] * matrix[d][gap_pos2]);
-           f += (weighting[gap_pos1][pos] * matrix[gap_pos1][gap_pos2]);
-           f += (weighting[gap_pos2][pos] * matrix[gap_pos2][gap_pos2]);
-           profile[pos+1][gap_pos2] = (sint )(((float)f / (float)sum2)*scale);
-        }
-    }
-  for (i=0;i<NUMRES+2;i++)
-    weighting[i]=ckfree((void *)weighting[i]);
-  weighting=ckfree((void *)weighting);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calcprf2.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calcprf2.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calcprf2.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
- *   Prototypes
- */
- *   Global variables
- */
-extern sint max_aa,gap_pos1,gap_pos2;
-void calc_prf2(sint **profile, char **alignment,
-  sint *seq_weight,sint prf_length, sint first_seq, sint last_seq)
-  sint sum1, sum2;	
-  sint i, d;
-  sint   r;
-  for (r=0; r<prf_length; r++)
-    {
-   calculate sum2 = number of residues found in this column
-       sum2 = 0;
-       for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-         {
-            sum2 += seq_weight[i];
-         }
-   only include matrix comparison scores for those residue types found in this
-   column
-       if (sum2 == 0)
-         {
-           for (d=0; d<=max_aa; d++)
-             profile[r+1][d] = 0;
-           profile[r+1][gap_pos1] = 0;
-           profile[r+1][gap_pos2] = 0;
-         }
-       else
-         {
-           for (d=0; d<=max_aa; d++)
-             {
-                sum1 = 0;
-                for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-                 {
-                  if (d == alignment[i][r]) sum1 += seq_weight[i];
-                 }
-                profile[r+1][d] = (sint)(10 * (float)sum1 / (float)sum2);
-             }
-           sum1 = 0;
-           for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-            {
-             if (gap_pos1 == alignment[i][r]) sum1 += seq_weight[i];
-            }
-           profile[r+1][gap_pos1] = (sint)(10 * (float)sum1 / (float)sum2);
-           sum1 = 0;
-           for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-            {
-             if (gap_pos2 == alignment[i][r]) sum1 += seq_weight[i];
-            }
-           profile[r+1][gap_pos2] = (sint)(10 * (float)sum1 / (float)sum2);
-         }
-    }

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calctree.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calctree.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/calctree.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,984 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#define MAXERRS 10
- *   Prototypes
- */
-static void create_tree(treeptr ptree, treeptr parent);
-static void create_node(treeptr pptr, treeptr parent);
-static treeptr insert_node(treeptr pptr);
-static void skip_space(FILE *fd);
-static treeptr avail(void);
-static void set_info(treeptr p, treeptr parent, sint pleaf, char *pname, float pdist);
-static treeptr reroot(treeptr ptree, sint nseqs);
-static treeptr insert_root(treeptr p, float diff);
-static float calc_root_mean(treeptr root, float *maxdist);
-static float calc_mean(treeptr nptr, float *maxdist, sint nseqs);
-static void order_nodes(void);
-static sint calc_weight(sint leaf);
-static void group_seqs(treeptr p, sint *next_groups, sint nseqs);
-static void mark_group1(treeptr p, sint *groups, sint n);
-static void mark_group2(treeptr p, sint *groups, sint n);
-static void save_set(sint n, sint *groups);
-static void clear_tree_nodes(treeptr p);
- *   Global variables
- */
-extern Boolean interactive;
-extern Boolean distance_tree;
-extern Boolean usemenu;
-extern sint debug;
-extern double **tmat;
-extern sint **sets;
-extern sint nsets;
-extern char **names;
-extern sint *seq_weight;
-extern Boolean no_weights;
-char ch;
-FILE *fd;
-treeptr *lptr;
-treeptr *olptr;
-treeptr *nptr;
-treeptr *ptrs;
-sint nnodes = 0;
-sint ntotal = 0;
-Boolean rooted_tree = TRUE;
-static treeptr seq_tree,root;
-static sint *groups, numseq;
-void calc_seq_weights(sint first_seq, sint last_seq, sint *sweight)
-  sint   i, nseqs;
-  sint   temp, sum, *weight;
-  If there are more than three sequences....
-  nseqs = last_seq-first_seq;
-   if ((nseqs >= 2) && (distance_tree == TRUE) && (no_weights == FALSE))
-     {
-  Calculate sequence weights based on Phylip tree.
-      weight = (sint *)ckalloc((last_seq+1) * sizeof(sint));
-      for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-           weight[i] = calc_weight(i);
-  Normalise the weights, such that the sum of the weights = INT_SCALE_FACTOR
-         sum = 0;
-         for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-            sum += weight[i];
-         if (sum == 0)
-          {
-            for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-               weight[i] = 1;
-            sum = i;
-          }
-         for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-           {
-              sweight[i] = (weight[i] * INT_SCALE_FACTOR) / sum;
-              if (sweight[i] < 1) sweight[i] = 1;
-           }
-       weight=ckfree((void *)weight);
-     }
-   else
-     {
-  Otherwise, use identity weights.
-        temp = INT_SCALE_FACTOR / nseqs;
-        for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-           sweight[i] = temp;
-     }
-void create_sets(sint first_seq, sint last_seq)
-  sint   i, j, nseqs;
-  nsets = 0;
-  nseqs = last_seq-first_seq;
-  if (nseqs >= 2)
-     {
-  If there are more than three sequences....
-       groups = (sint *)ckalloc((nseqs+1) * sizeof(sint));
-       group_seqs(root, groups, nseqs);
-       groups=ckfree((void *)groups);
-     }
-   else
-     {
-       groups = (sint *)ckalloc((nseqs+1) * sizeof(sint));
-       for (i=0;i<nseqs-1;i++)
-         {
-           for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-              if (j<=i) groups[j] = 1;
-              else if (j==i+1) groups[j] = 2;
-              else groups[j] = 0;
-           save_set(nseqs, groups);
-         }
-       groups=ckfree((void *)groups);
-     }
-sint read_tree(char *treefile, sint first_seq, sint last_seq)
-  char c;
-  char name1[MAXNAMES+1], name2[MAXNAMES+1];
-  sint i, j, k;
-  Boolean found;
-  numseq = 0;
-  nnodes = 0;
-  ntotal = 0;
-  rooted_tree = TRUE;
-#ifdef VMS
-  if ((fd = fopen(treefile,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var")) == NULL)
-  if ((fd = fopen(treefile, "r")) == NULL)
-    {
-      error("cannot open %s", treefile);
-      return((sint)0);
-    }
-  skip_space(fd);
-  ch = (char)getc(fd);
-  if (ch != '(')
-    {
-      error("Wrong format in tree file %s", treefile);
-      return((sint)0);
-    }
-  rewind(fd);
-  distance_tree = TRUE;
-  Allocate memory for tree
-  nptr = (treeptr *)ckalloc(3*(last_seq-first_seq+1) * sizeof(treeptr));
-  ptrs = (treeptr *)ckalloc(3*(last_seq-first_seq+1) * sizeof(treeptr));
-  lptr = (treeptr *)ckalloc((last_seq-first_seq+1) * sizeof(treeptr));
-  olptr = (treeptr *)ckalloc((last_seq+1) * sizeof(treeptr));
-  seq_tree = avail();
-  set_info(seq_tree, NULL, 0, "", 0.0);
-  create_tree(seq_tree,NULL);
-  fclose(fd);
-  if (numseq != last_seq-first_seq)
-     {
-         error("tree not compatible with alignment\n(%d sequences in alignment and %d in tree", (pint)last_seq-first_seq,(pint)numseq);
-         return((sint)0);
-     }
-  If the tree is unrooted, reroot the tree - ie. minimise the difference
-  between the mean root->leaf distances for the left and right branches of
-  the tree.
-  if (distance_tree == FALSE)
-     {
-  	if (rooted_tree == FALSE)
-          {
-       	     error("input tree is unrooted and has no distances.\nCannot align sequences");
-             return((sint)0);
-          }
-     }
-  if (rooted_tree == FALSE)
-     {
-        root = reroot(seq_tree, last_seq-first_seq+1);
-     }
-  else
-     {
-        root = seq_tree;
-     }
-  calculate the 'order' of each node.
-  order_nodes();
-  if (numseq >= 2)
-     {
-  If there are more than three sequences....
-  assign the sequence nodes (in the same order as in the alignment file)
-      for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-       {
-         if (strlen(names[i+1]) > MAXNAMES)
-             warning("name %s is too long for PHYLIP tree format (max %d chars)", names[i+1],MAXNAMES);
-         for (k=0; k< strlen(names[i+1]) && k<MAXNAMES ; k++)
-           {
-             c = names[i+1][k];
-             if ((c>0x40) && (c<0x5b)) c=c | 0x20;
-             if (c == ' ') c = '_';
-             name2[k] = c;
-           }
-         name2[k]='\0';
-         found = FALSE;
-         for (j=0; j<numseq; j++)
-           {
-            for (k=0; k< strlen(lptr[j]->name) && k<MAXNAMES ; k++)
-              {
-                c = lptr[j]->name[k];
-                if ((c>0x40) && (c<0x5b)) c=c | 0x20;
-                name1[k] = c;
-              }
-            name1[k]='\0';
-            if (strcmp(name1, name2) == 0)
-              {
-                olptr[i] = lptr[j];
-                found = TRUE;
-              }
-           }
-         if (found == FALSE)
-           {
-             error("tree not compatible with alignment:\n%s not found", name2);
-             return((sint)0);
-           }
-       }
-     }
-   return((sint)1);
-static void create_tree(treeptr ptree, treeptr parent)
-   treeptr p;
-   sint i, type;
-   float dist;
-   char name[MAXNAMES+1];
-  is this a node or a leaf ?
-  skip_space(fd);
-  ch = (char)getc(fd);
-  if (ch == '(')
-    {  
-   this must be a node....
-      type = NODE;
-      name[0] = '\0';
-      ptrs[ntotal] = nptr[nnodes] = ptree;
-      nnodes++;
-      ntotal++;
-      create_node(ptree, parent);
-      p = ptree->left;
-      create_tree(p, ptree);
-      if ( ch == ',')
-       {
-          p = ptree->right;
-          create_tree(p, ptree);
-          if ( ch == ',')
-            {
-               ptree = insert_node(ptree);
-               ptrs[ntotal] = nptr[nnodes] = ptree;
-               nnodes++;
-               ntotal++;
-               p = ptree->right;
-               create_tree(p, ptree);
-               rooted_tree = FALSE;
-            }
-       }
-      skip_space(fd);
-      ch = (char)getc(fd);
-    }
-   ...otherwise, this is a leaf
-  else
-    {
-      type = LEAF;
-      ptrs[ntotal++] = lptr[numseq++] = ptree;
-   get the sequence name
-      name[0] = ch;
-      ch = (char)getc(fd);
-      i = 1;
-      while ((ch != ':') && (ch != ',') && (ch != ')'))
-        {
-          if (i < MAXNAMES) name[i++] = ch;
-          ch = (char)getc(fd);
-        }
-      name[i] = '\0';
-      if (ch != ':')
-         {
-           distance_tree = FALSE;
-           dist = 0.0;
-         }
-    }
-   get the distance information
-  dist = 0.0;
-  if (ch == ':')
-     {
-       skip_space(fd);
-       fscanf(fd,"%f",&dist);
-       skip_space(fd);
-       ch = (char)getc(fd);
-     }
-   set_info(ptree, parent, type, name, dist);
-static void create_node(treeptr pptr, treeptr parent)
-  treeptr t;
-  pptr->parent = parent;
-  t = avail();
-  pptr->left = t;
-  t = avail();
-  pptr->right = t;
-static treeptr insert_node(treeptr pptr)
-   treeptr newnode;
-   newnode = avail();
-   create_node(newnode, pptr->parent);
-   newnode->left = pptr;
-   pptr->parent = newnode;
-   set_info(newnode, pptr->parent, NODE, "", 0.0);
-   return(newnode);
-static void skip_space(FILE *fd)
-  int   c;
-  do
-     c = getc(fd);
-  while(isspace(c));
-  ungetc(c, fd);
-static treeptr avail(void)
-   treeptr p;
-   p = ckalloc(sizeof(stree));
-   p->left = NULL;
-   p->right = NULL;
-   p->parent = NULL;
-   p->dist = 0.0;
-   p->leaf = 0;
-   p->order = 0;
-   p->name[0] = '\0';
-   return(p);
-void clear_tree(treeptr p)
-   clear_tree_nodes(p);
-   nptr=ckfree((void *)nptr);
-   ptrs=ckfree((void *)ptrs);
-   lptr=ckfree((void *)lptr);
-   olptr=ckfree((void *)olptr);
-static void clear_tree_nodes(treeptr p)
-   if (p==NULL) p = root;
-   if (p->left != NULL)
-     {
-       clear_tree_nodes(p->left);
-     }
-   if (p->right != NULL)
-     {
-       clear_tree_nodes(p->right);
-     }
-   p->left = NULL;
-   p->right = NULL;
-   p=ckfree((void *)p);   
-static void set_info(treeptr p, treeptr parent, sint pleaf, char *pname, float pdist)
-   p->parent = parent;
-   p->leaf = pleaf;
-   p->dist = pdist;
-   p->order = 0;
-   strcpy(p->name, pname);
-   if (p->leaf == TRUE)
-     {
-        p->left = NULL;
-        p->right = NULL;
-     }
-static treeptr reroot(treeptr ptree, sint nseqs)
-   treeptr p, rootnode, rootptr;
-   float   diff, mindiff = 0.0, mindepth = 1.0, maxdist;
-   sint   i;
-   Boolean first = TRUE;
-  find the difference between the means of leaf->node
-  distances on the left and on the right of each node
-   rootptr = ptree;
-   for (i=0; i<ntotal; i++)
-     {
-        p = ptrs[i];
-        if (p->parent == NULL)
-           diff = calc_root_mean(p, &maxdist);
-        else
-           diff = calc_mean(p, &maxdist, nseqs);
-        if ((diff == 0) || ((diff > 0) && (diff < 2 * p->dist)))
-          {
-              if ((maxdist < mindepth) || (first == TRUE))
-                 {
-                    first = FALSE;
-                    rootptr = p;
-                    mindepth = maxdist;
-                    mindiff = diff;
-                 }
-           }
-     }
-  insert a new node as the ancestor of the node which produces the shallowest
-  tree.
-   if (rootptr == ptree)
-     {
-        mindiff = rootptr->left->dist + rootptr->right->dist;
-        rootptr = rootptr->right;
-     }
-   rootnode = insert_root(rootptr, mindiff);
-   diff = calc_root_mean(rootnode, &maxdist);
-   return(rootnode);
-static treeptr insert_root(treeptr p, float diff)
-   treeptr newp, prev, q, t;
-   float dist, prevdist,td;
-   newp = avail();
-   t = p->parent;
-   prevdist = t->dist;
-   p->parent = newp;
-   dist = p->dist;
-   p->dist = diff / 2;
-   if (p->dist < 0.0) p->dist = 0.0;
-   if (p->dist > dist) p->dist = dist;
-   t->dist = dist - p->dist; 
-   newp->left = t;
-   newp->right = p;
-   newp->parent = NULL;
-   newp->dist = 0.0;
-   newp->leaf = NODE;
-   if (t->left == p) t->left = t->parent;
-   else t->right = t->parent;
-   prev = t;
-   q = t->parent;
-   t->parent = newp;
-   while (q != NULL)
-     {
-        if (q->left == prev)
-           {
-              q->left = q->parent;
-              q->parent = prev;
-              td = q->dist;
-              q->dist = prevdist;
-              prevdist = td;
-              prev = q;
-              q = q->left;
-           }
-        else
-           {
-              q->right = q->parent;
-              q->parent = prev;
-              td = q->dist;
-              q->dist = prevdist;
-              prevdist = td;
-              prev = q;
-              q = q->right;
-           }
-    }
-   remove the old root node
-   q = prev;
-   if (q->left == NULL)
-      {
-         dist = q->dist;
-         q = q->right;
-         q->dist += dist;
-         q->parent = prev->parent;
-         if (prev->parent->left == prev)
-            prev->parent->left = q;
-         else
-            prev->parent->right = q;
-         prev->right = NULL;
-      }
-   else
-      {
-         dist = q->dist;
-         q = q->left;
-         q->dist += dist;
-         q->parent = prev->parent;
-         if (prev->parent->left == prev)
-            prev->parent->left = q;
-         else
-            prev->parent->right = q;
-         prev->left = NULL;
-      }
-   return(newp);
-static float calc_root_mean(treeptr root, float *maxdist)
-   float dist , lsum = 0.0, rsum = 0.0, lmean,rmean,diff;
-   treeptr p;
-   sint i;
-   sint nl, nr;
-   sint direction;
-   for each leaf, determine whether the leaf is left or right of the root.
-   dist = (*maxdist) = 0;
-   nl = nr = 0;
-   for (i=0; i< numseq; i++)
-     {
-         p = lptr[i];
-         dist = 0.0;
-         while (p->parent != root)
-           {
-               dist += p->dist;
-               p = p->parent;
-           }
-         if (p == root->left) direction = LEFT;
-         else direction = RIGHT;
-         dist += p->dist;
-         if (direction == LEFT)
-           {
-             lsum += dist;
-             nl++;
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             rsum += dist;
-             nr++;
-           }
-        if (dist > (*maxdist)) *maxdist = dist;
-     }
-   lmean = lsum / nl;
-   rmean = rsum / nr;
-   diff = lmean - rmean;
-   return(diff);
-static float calc_mean(treeptr nptr, float *maxdist, sint nseqs)
-   float dist , lsum = 0.0, rsum = 0.0, lmean,rmean,diff;
-   treeptr p, *path2root;
-   float *dist2node;
-   sint depth = 0, i,j , n = 0;
-   sint nl , nr;
-   sint direction, found;
-	path2root = (treeptr *)ckalloc(nseqs * sizeof(treeptr));
-	dist2node = (float *)ckalloc(nseqs * sizeof(float));
-   determine all nodes between the selected node and the root;
-   depth = (*maxdist) = dist = 0;
-   nl = nr = 0;
-   p = nptr;
-   while (p != NULL)
-     {
-         path2root[depth] = p;
-         dist += p->dist;
-         dist2node[depth] = dist;
-         p = p->parent;
-         depth++;
-     }
-   *nl = *nr = 0;
-   for each leaf, determine whether the leaf is left or right of the node.
-   (RIGHT = descendant, LEFT = not descendant)
-   for (i=0; i< numseq; i++)
-     {
-       p = lptr[i];
-       if (p == nptr)
-         {
-            direction = RIGHT;
-            dist = 0.0;
-         }
-       else
-         {
-         direction = LEFT;
-         dist = 0.0;
-   find the common ancestor.
-         found = FALSE;
-         n = 0;
-         while ((found == FALSE) && (p->parent != NULL))
-           {
-               for (j=0; j< depth; j++)
-                 if (p->parent == path2root[j])
-                    { 
-                      found = TRUE;
-                      n = j;
-                    }
-               dist += p->dist;
-               p = p->parent;
-           }
-         if (p == nptr) direction = RIGHT;
-         }
-         if (direction == LEFT)
-           {
-             lsum += dist;
-             lsum += dist2node[n-1];
-             nl++;
-           }
-         else
-           {
-             rsum += dist;
-             nr++;
-           }
-        if (dist > (*maxdist)) *maxdist = dist;
-     }
-	dist2node=ckfree((void *)dist2node);
-	path2root=ckfree((void *)path2root);
-   lmean = lsum / nl;
-   rmean = rsum / nr;
-   diff = lmean - rmean;
-   return(diff);
-static void order_nodes(void)
-   sint i;
-   treeptr p;
-   for (i=0; i<numseq; i++)
-     {
-        p = lptr[i];
-        while (p != NULL)
-          {
-             p->order++;
-             p = p->parent;
-          }
-     }
-static sint calc_weight(sint leaf)
-  treeptr p;
-  float weight = 0.0;
-  p = olptr[leaf];
-  while (p->parent != NULL)
-    {
-       weight += p->dist / p->order;
-       p = p->parent;
-    }
-  weight *= 100.0;
-  return((sint)weight);
-static void group_seqs(treeptr p, sint *next_groups, sint nseqs)
-    sint i;
-    sint *tmp_groups;
-    tmp_groups = (sint *)ckalloc((nseqs+1) * sizeof(sint));
-    for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-         tmp_groups[i] = 0;
-    if (p->left != NULL)
-      {
-         if (p->left->leaf == NODE)
-            {
-               group_seqs(p->left, next_groups, nseqs);
-               for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-                 if (next_groups[i] != 0) tmp_groups[i] = 1;
-            }
-         else
-            {
-               mark_group1(p->left, tmp_groups, nseqs);
-            }
-      }
-    if (p->right != NULL)
-      {
-         if (p->right->leaf == NODE)
-            {
-               group_seqs(p->right, next_groups, nseqs);
-               for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-                    if (next_groups[i] != 0) tmp_groups[i] = 2;
-            }
-         else 
-            {
-               mark_group2(p->right, tmp_groups, nseqs);
-            }
-         save_set(nseqs, tmp_groups);
-      }
-    for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-      next_groups[i] = tmp_groups[i];
-    tmp_groups=ckfree((void *)tmp_groups);
-static void mark_group1(treeptr p, sint *groups, sint n)
-    sint i;
-    for (i=0;i<n;i++)
-       {
-         if (olptr[i] == p)
-              groups[i] = 1;
-         else
-              groups[i] = 0;
-       }
-static void mark_group2(treeptr p, sint *groups, sint n)
-    sint i;
-    for (i=0;i<n;i++)
-       {
-         if (olptr[i] == p)
-              groups[i] = 2;
-         else if (groups[i] != 0)
-              groups[i] = 1;
-       }
-static void save_set(sint n, sint *groups)
-    sint i;
-    for (i=0;i<n;i++)
-      sets[nsets+1][i+1] = groups[i];
-    nsets++;
-sint calc_similarities(sint nseqs)
-   sint depth = 0, i,j, k, n;
-   sint found;
-   sint nerrs, seq1[MAXERRS],seq2[MAXERRS];
-   treeptr p, *path2root;
-   float dist;
-   float *dist2node, bad_dist[MAXERRS];
-   double **dmat;
-   char err_mess[1024],err1[MAXLINE],reply[MAXLINE];
-   path2root = (treeptr *)ckalloc((nseqs) * sizeof(treeptr));
-   dist2node = (float *)ckalloc((nseqs) * sizeof(float));
-   dmat = (double **)ckalloc((nseqs) * sizeof(double *));
-   for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-     dmat[i] = (double *)ckalloc((nseqs) * sizeof(double));
-   if (nseqs >= 2)
-    {
-   for each leaf, determine all nodes between the leaf and the root;
-      for (i = 0;i<nseqs; i++)
-       { 
-          depth = dist = 0;
-          p = olptr[i];
-          while (p != NULL)
-            {
-                path2root[depth] = p;
-                dist += p->dist;
-                dist2node[depth] = dist;
-                p = p->parent;
-                depth++;
-            }
-   for each pair....
-          for (j=0; j < i; j++)
-            {
-              p = olptr[j];
-              dist = 0.0;
-   find the common ancestor.
-              found = FALSE;
-              n = 0;
-              while ((found == FALSE) && (p->parent != NULL))
-                {
-                    for (k=0; k< depth; k++)
-                      if (p->parent == path2root[k])
-                         { 
-                           found = TRUE;
-                           n = k;
-                         }
-                    dist += p->dist;
-                    p = p->parent;
-                }
-              dmat[i][j] = dist + dist2node[n-1];
-            }
-        }
-		nerrs = 0;
-        for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-          {
-             dmat[i][i] = 0.0;
-             for (j=0;j<i;j++)
-               {
-                  if (dmat[i][j] < 0.01) dmat[i][j] = 0.01;
-                  if (dmat[i][j] > 1.0) {
-                  	if (dmat[i][j] > 1.1 && nerrs<MAXERRS) {
-                  		seq1[nerrs] = i;
-                  		seq2[nerrs] = j;
-                  		bad_dist[nerrs] = dmat[i][j];
-                  		nerrs++;
-                  	}
-                    dmat[i][j] = 1.0;
-                  }
-               }
-          }
-        if (nerrs>0) 
-          {
-             strcpy(err_mess,"The following sequences are too divergent to be aligned:\n");
-             for (i=0;i<nerrs && i<5;i++)
-              {
-             	sprintf(err1,"           %s and %s (distance %1.3f)\n",
-             	                        names[seq1[i]+1],
-					names[seq2[i]+1],bad_dist[i]);
-             	strcat(err_mess,err1);
-              }
-	     strcat(err_mess,"(All distances should be between 0.0 and 1.0)\n");
-	     strcat(err_mess,"This may not be fatal but you have been warned!\n");
-             strcat(err_mess,"SUGGESTION: Remove one or more problem sequences and try again");
-             if(interactive) 
-             	    (*reply)=prompt_for_yes_no(err_mess,"Continue ");
-             else (*reply) = 'y';
-             if ((*reply != 'y') && (*reply != 'Y'))
-                    return((sint)0);
-          }
-     }
-   else
-     {
-        for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-          {
-             for (j=0;j<i;j++)
-               {
-                  dmat[i][j] = tmat[i+1][j+1];
-               }
-          }
-     }
-   path2root=ckfree((void *)path2root);
-   dist2node=ckfree((void *)dist2node);
-   for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-     {
-        tmat[i+1][i+1] = 0.0;
-        for (j=0;j<i;j++)
-          {
-             tmat[i+1][j+1] = 100.0 - (dmat[i][j]) * 100.0;
-             tmat[j+1][i+1] = tmat[i+1][j+1];
-          }
-     }
-   for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++) dmat[i]=ckfree((void *)dmat[i]);
-   dmat=ckfree((void *)dmat);
-   return((sint)1);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalv.doc
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@@ -1,1978 +0,0 @@
-		Clustal V  Multiple Sequence Alignments.
-		Documentation (Installation and Usage).
-		Des Higgins
-		European Molecular Biology Laboratory
-		Postfach 10.2209
-		D-6900 Heidelberg
-		Germany.
-		higgins at EMBL-Heidelberg.DE
-		Contents.
-		1		Overview
-		2		Installation
-		3		Interactive usage
-		4		Command-line interface
-		5		Algorithms and references
-		1.  Overview
-This document describes how to install and use ClustalV on various 
-machines.  ClustalV is a complete upgrade and rewrite of the Clustal 
-package of multiple alignment programs (Higgins and Sharp, 1988 and 
-1989).   The original programs were written in Fortran for 
-microcomputers running MSDOS.   You carried out a complete alignment 
-by running 3 programs in succession.   Later, these were merged into 
-a single menu driven program with on-line help, for VAX/VMS.  
-ClustalV was written in C and has all of the features of the old 
-programs plus many new ones.  It has been compiled and tested using 
-VAX/VMS C, Decstation ULTRIX C, Gnu C for Sun workstations, Turbo C 
-for IBM PC's and Think C for Apple Mac's.   The original Clustal was 
-written by Des Higgins while he was a Post-Doc in the lab of Paul 
-Sharp in the Genetics Department, Trinity College, Dublin 2, 
-The main feature of the old package was the ability to carry out 
-reliable multiple alignments of many sequences.  The sensitivity of 
-the program is as good as from any other program we have tried, with 
-the exception of the programs of Vingron and Argos (1991), while it 
-works in reasonable time on a microcomputer.  The programs of 
-Vingron and Argos are specialised for finding distant similarities 
-between proteins but require mainframes or workstations and are more 
-difficult to use.
-The main new features are: profile alignments (alignments of old 
-alignments); phylogenetic trees (Neighbor Joining trees calculated 
-after multiple alignment with a bootstrapping option); better 
-sequence input (automatically recognise and read NBRF/PIR, Pearson 
-(Fasta) or EMBL/SwissProt formats); flexible alignment output 
-(choose one of: old Clustal format, NBRF/PIR, GCG msf format or 
-Phylip format); full command line interface (everything that you can 
-do interactively can be specified on the command line).
-In version 7 of the GCG package, there is a program called PILEUP 
-which uses a very similar algorithm to the one in ClustalV.  There 
-are 2 main differences between the programs: 1) the metric used to 
-compare the sequences for the initial "guide tree" uses a full 
-global, optimal alignment in PILEUP instead of the fast, approximate 
-ones in ClustalV.  This makes PILEUP much slower for the comparison 
-of long sequences.  In principle, the distances calculated from 
-PILEUP will be more sensitive than ours, but in practice it will not 
-make much difference, except in difficult cases.  2)  During the 
-multiple alignment, terminal gaps are penalised in ClustalV but not 
-in PILEUP.  This will make the PILEUP alignments better when the 
-sequences are of very different lengths (has no effect if there are 
-no large terminal gaps).   
-This software may be distributed and used freely, provided that you 
-do not modify it or this documentation in any way without the 
-permission of the authors.  
-If you wish to refer to ClustalV, please cite: 
-Higgins,D.G. Bleasby,A.J. and Fuchs,R. (1991) CLUSTAL V: improved software
-for multiple sequence alignment. CABIOS, vol .8, 189-191.  
-The overall multiple alignment algorithm was described in:
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1989).  Fast and sensitive multiple 
-sequence alignments on a microcomputer.  CABIOS, vol. 5, 151-153.
-D.H. would particularly like to thank Paul Sharp, in whose lab. this 
-work originated.  We also thank Manolo Gouy, Gene Myers, Peter Rice 
-and Martin Vingron for suggestions, bug-fixes and help.    
-Des Higgins and Rainer Fuchs, 
-EMBL Data Library, Heidelberg, Germany.
-Alan Bleasby,  
-Daresbury, UK.
-JUNE 1991
-		2.  Installation.
-As far as possible, we have tried to make ClustalV portable to any 
-machine with a standard C compiler (proposed ANSI C standard).  The 
-source code, as supplied by us, has been compiled and tested using 
-the following compilers:
-Ultrix C (on a Decstation 2100)
-Gnu C on a Sun 4 workstation
-Think C on an Apple Macintosh SE
-Turbo C on an IBM AT.
-In each case, one must make 1 change to 1 line of code in 1 header 
-file.  This is described below.  The exact capacity of the program 
-(how many sequences of what length can be aligned) will depend of 
-course on available memory but can also be set in this header file.
-The package comes as 9 C source files; 3 header files; 1 file of on-
-line help; this documentation file; 3 make files:
-Source code:	clustalv.c, amenu.c, gcgcheck.c, myers.c, sequence.c, 
-			showpair.c, trees.c, upgma.c, util.c
-Header files:	clustalv.h, general.h, matrices.h
-On-Line help:	clustalv.hlp  (must be renamed or defined as 		
-			clustalv_help except on PC's)
-Documentation:	clustalv.doc (this file).
-Makefiles:	makefile.sun (gnu c on Sun), vmslink.com (vax/vms), 
-			makefile.ult (ultrix).
-Before compiling ClustalV you must look at and possibly change 
-clustalV.h, shown below..  
-Main header file for ClustalV. Uncomment ONE of the following lines
-depending on which compiler you wish to use.
-#define VMS 1             /* VAX VMS */
-/*#define MAC 1           Think_C for MacIntosh */
-/*#define MSDOS 1         Turbo C for PC's */
-/*#define UNIX 1          Ultrix for Decstations or Gnu C for Sun */
-#include "general.h"
-#define MAXNAMES          10
-#define MAXTITLES         60
-#define FILENAMELEN      256
-#define UNKNOWN   0
-#define EMBLSWISS 1
-#define PIR       2
-#define PEARSON   3
-#define PAGE_LEN       22
-#if VMS
-#define DIRDELIM ']'
-#define MAXLEN          3000
-#define MAXN             150
-#define FSIZE          15000
-#define LINELENGTH        60
-#define GCG_LINELENGTH    50
-#elif MAC
-#define DIRDELIM ':'
-#define MAXLEN          2600
-#define MAXN              30
-#define FSIZE          10000
-#define LINELENGTH        50
-#define GCG_LINELENGTH    50
-#elif MSDOS
-#define DIRDELIM '\\'
-#define MAXLEN          1300
-#define MAXN              30
-#define FSIZE           5000
-#define LINELENGTH        50
-#define GCG_LINELENGTH    50
-#elif UNIX
-#define DIRDELIM '/'
-#define MAXLEN         3000
-#define MAXN             50
-#define FSIZE         15000
-#define LINELENGTH       60
-#define GCG_LINELENGTH   50
-First, you must remove the comments from one of the first 10 lines.  
-There are 4 'define' compiler directives here (e.g. #define VMS 1), 
-and you should use one of these, depending on which system you wish 
-to work. So choose one of these, remove its comments (if it is 
-already commented out) and put comments around any of the others 
-that are still active. If you wish to use a different system, you 
-will need to insert a new line with a new keyword (which you must 
-invent) to identify your system.  Most of the rest of this header 
-file is taken up with a block of 'define' statements for each system 
-type; e.g. the VAX/VMS block is:
-#if VMS
-#define DIRDELIM ']'
-#define MAXLEN          3000
-#define MAXN             150
-#define FSIZE          15000
-#define LINELENGTH        60
-#define GCG_LINELENGTH    50
-In this block, you can specify the maximum number of sequences to be 
-allowed (MAXN); the maximum sequence length, including gaps 
-(MAXLEN);  FSIZE declares the size of some workspace, used by the 
-fast 2 sequence comparison routines and should be APPROXIMATELY 4 
-times MAXLEN; LINELENGTH is the length of the blocks of alignment 
-output in the output files; GCG_LINELENGTH is the same but for the 
-GCG compatible output only.  Finally, DIRDELIM is the character used 
-to specify directories and subdirectories in file names.  It should 
-be the character used to seperate the file name itself from the 
-directory name (e.g. in VMS, file names are like: 
-$drive:[dir1.dir2.dir3]filename.ext;2  so ']' is used as DIRDELIM).   
-So, if you want to use a system, not covered in Clustalv.h, you will 
-have to insert a new block, like the above one.  To compile and link 
-the program, we supply 3 makefiles: one each for VAX/VMS, Ultrix 
-and GNU C for Sun workstations. 
-Compile and link the program with the 
-supplied makefile for vms: vmslink.com .
-$ @vmslink
-This will produce clustalv.exe (and a lot of .obj files which you can delete).  
-The on-line help file (clustalv.hlp) should be 'defined' as 
-clustalv_help as follows:
-$ def clustalv_help $drive:[dir1.dir2]clustalv.hlp 
-where $drive is the drive designation and [dir1.dir2] is the 
-directory where clustalv.hlp is kept.  
-To make use of the command-line interface, you must make clustalv a 
-'foreign' command with:
-$ clustalv :== $$drive:[dir1.dir2]clustalv
-where $drive is the drive designation and [dir1.dir2] is the 
-directory where clustalv.exe is kept.  
-Create a makefile (something.prj) with the names of the source files 
-(clustalv.c, amenu.c etc.) and 'make' this using the HUGE memory 
-model.  You will get half a dozen warnings from the compiler about 
-pieces of code than look suspicious to it but ignore these.  The 
-help file should remain as clustalv.hlp .   To run the program using 
-the default settings in Clustalv.h, you need approximately 500k of 
-memory.  To reduce this, the main influence on memory usage is the 
-parameter MAXLEN; reduce MAXLEN to reduce memory usage.
-Apple Mac/THINK_C version 4.0.2
-This version of the program is not at all Mac like.  It runs in a 
-window, the inside of which looks just like a normal character based 
-terminal.  In the future we might put a proper Mac interface on it 
-but do not have the time right now.  With the default settings in 
-the header file ClustalV.h, you need just over 800k of memory to run 
-the program.  To reduce this, reduce MAXLEN; this is easily the 
-biggest influence on memory usage.  To compile the program and save 
-it as an application you need to 'set the application type'; here 
-you specify how much memory (in kilobytes (k)) the application will 
-need.  You should set this to 900k to run the application as it is 
-OR reduce MAXLEN in the header.  To compile the program you have to 
-create a 'project'; you 'add' the names of the 9 source files to the 
-project AND the name of the ANSI library.  The source code is too 
-large to compile in one compilation unit.  You will get a 'link 
-error: code segment too big' if you try to compile and link as is.  
-You should compile amenu.c (the biggest source file) as a seperate 
-unit ..... you will have to read the manual/ask someone/mail me to 
-find out what this is.
-		3.  Interactive usage.
-Interactive usage of Clustal V is completely menu driven.  On-line 
-help is provided, defaults are offered for all parameters and file 
-names.  With a little effort it should be completely self 
-explanatory.   The main menu, which appears when you run the 
-programs is shown below.  Each item brings you to a sub menu.
-Main menu for Clustal V:
-     1. Sequence Input From Disc
-     2. Multiple Alignments
-     3. Profile Alignments
-     4. Phylogenetic trees
-     S. Execute a system command
-     H. HELP
-     X. EXIT (leave program)
-Your choice: 
-The options S and H appear on all the main menus.  H will provide 
-help and if you type S you will be asked to enter a command, such as 
-DIR or LS, which will be sent to the system (does not work on 
-Mac's).  Before carrying out an alignment, you must use option 1 
-(sequence input); the format for sequences is explained below.  
-Under menu item 2 you will be able to automatically align your 
-sequences to each other.  Menu item 3 allows you to do profile 
-alignments.  These are alignments of old alignments.  This allows 
-you to build up a multiple alignment in stages or add a new sequence 
-to an old alignment.   You can calculate phylogenetic trees from 
-alignments using menu item 4.
-      ******************************
-      *       SEQUENCE INPUT.      *
-      ******************************
-All sequences should be in 1 file.  Three formats are automatically 
-recognised and used: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SwissProt and FASTA (Pearson and 
-Lipman (1988) format).   
-Users of the Wisconsin GCG package should use the command TONBRF 
-(recently changed to TOPIR) to reformat their sequences before use. 
-Sequences can be in upper or lower case.  For proteins, the only 
-symbols recognised are:  A,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,Y and 
-for DNA/RNA use: A,C,G and T (or U).  Any other letters of the 
-alphabet will be treated as X (proteins) or N (DNA/RNA) for unknown.  
-All other symbols (blanks, digits etc.) will be ignored EXCEPT for 
-the hyphen "-" which can be used to specify a gap.  This last point 
-is especially useful for 2 reasons: 1) you can fix the positions of 
-some gaps in advance; 2) the alignment output from this program can 
-be written out in NBRF format using "-"'s to specify gaps; these 
-alignments can be used again as input, either for profile alignments 
-or for phylogenetic trees.
-If you are using an editor to create sequence files, use the FASTA 
-format as it is by far the simplest (see below).  If you have access 
-to utility programs for generating/converting the NBRF/PIR format 
-then use it in preference.
-FASTA (PEARSON AND LIPMAN, 1988) FORMAT:     The sequences are 
-delimited by an angle bracket ">" in column 1.  The text immediately 
-after the ">" is used as a title.  Everything on the following line 
-until the next ">" or the end of the file is one sequence.
-> RABSTOUT   rabbit Guinness receptor
-> MUSNOSE   mouse nose drying factor
-    mhkmmhkgmkhmhgmhmhglhmkmhlkmgkhmgkmkytytytryrwtqtqwtwyt
-    fdgfdsgafdagfdgfsagdfavdfdvgavfsvfgvdfsvdgvagvfdv
-> HSHEAVEN    human Guinness receptor repeat
- mhkmmhkgmkhmhgmhmhg   lhmkmhlkmgkhmgkmk  ytytytryrwtqtqwtwyt
- fdgfdsgafdagfdgfsag   dfavdfdvgavfsvfgv  dfsvdgvagvfdv
- mhkmmhkgmkhmhgmhmhg   lhmkmhlkmgkhmgkmk  ytytytryrwtqtqwtwyt
- fdgfdsgafdagfdgfsag   dfavdfdvgavfsvfgv  dfsvdgvagvfdv
-NBRF/PIR FORMAT         is similar to FASTA format but immediately 
-after the ">", you find the characters "P1;" if the sequences are 
-protein or "DL;" if they are nucleic acid.  Clustalv looks for the 
-";" character as the third character after the ">".  If it finds one 
-it assumes that the format is NBRF if not, FASTA format is assumed.  
-The text after the ";" is treated as a sequence name while the 
-entire next line is treated as a title.  The sequence is terminated 
-by a star "*" and the next sequence can then begin (with a >P1; etc 
-).  This is just the basic format description (there are other 
-variations and rules).
-ANY files/sequences in GCG format can be converted to this format 
-using the TONBRF command (now TOPIR) of the Wisconsin GCG package.
-rabbit Guinness receptor
-mouse nose drying factor
-human Guinness receptor repeat protein.
-mhkmmhkgmkhmhgmhmhg   lhmkmhlkmgkhmgkmk  ytytytryrwtqtqwtwyt
-fdgfdsgafdagfdgfsag   dfavdfdvgavfsvfgv  dfsvdgvagvfdv
-mhkmmhkgmkhmhgmhmhg   lhmkmhlkmgkhmgkmk  ytytytryrwtqtqwtwyt
-fdgfdsgafdagfdgfsag   dfavdfdvgavfsvfgv  dfsvdgvagvfdv*
-EMBL/SWISSPROT FORMAT:       Do not try to create files with this 
-format unless you have utilities to help.  If you are just using an 
-editor, use one of the above formats.  If you do use this format, 
-the program will ignore everything between the ID line (line 
-beginning with the characters "ID") and the SQ line.  The sequence 
-is then read from between the SQ line and the "//" characters.
-It is critically important for the program to know whether or not it 
-is aligning DNA or protein sequences.  The input routines attempt to 
-guess which type of sequence is being used by counting the number of 
-A,C,G,T or U's in the sequences.  If the total is more than 85% of 
-the sequence length then DNA is assumed.  If you use very bizarre 
-sequences (proteins with really strange aa compositions or DNA 
-sequences with loads of strange ambiguity codes) you might confuse 
-the program.  It is difficult to do but be careful.
-      ******************************
-      ******************************
-The multiple alignment menu is shown below.  Before explaining how 
-to use it, you must be introduced briefly to the alignment strategy. 
-If you do not follow this, try using option 1 anyway; the entire 
-process will be carried out automatically.
-To do a complete multiple alignment, we need to know the approximate 
-relationships of the sequences to each other (which ones are most 
-similar to each other).  We do this by calculating a crude 
-phylogenetic tree which we call a dendrogram (to distinguish it from 
-the more sensitive trees available under the phylogenetic tree 
-menu).   This dendrogram is used as a guide to align bigger and 
-bigger groups of sequences during the multiple alignment.  The 
-dendrogram is calculated in 2 stages: 1) all pairs of sequence are 
-compared using the fast/approximate method of Wilbur and Lipman 
-(1983); the result of each comparison is a similarity score. 2) the 
-similarity scores are used to construct the dendrogram using the 
-UPGMA cluster analysis method of Sneath and Sokal (1973).  
-The construction of the dendrogram can be very time consuming if you 
-wish to align many sequences (e.g. for 100 sequences you need to 
-carry out 100x99/2 sequence comparisons = 4950). During every 
-multiple alignment, a dendrogram is constructed and saved to a file 
-(something.dnd).  These can be reused later.
-    1.  Do complete multiple alignment now
-    2.  Produce dendrogram file only
-    3.  Use old dendrogram file
-    4.  Pairwise alignment parameters
-    5.  Multiple alignment parameters
-    6.  Output format options
-    S.  Execute a system command
-    H.  HELP
-    or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu
-Your choice: 
-So, if in doubt, and you have already loaded some sequences from the 
-main menu, just try option 1 and press the <Return> key in response 
-to any questions.  You will be prompted for 2 file names e.g. if the 
-sequence input file was called DRINK.PEP, you will be offered 
-DRINK.ALN as the file to contain the alignment and DRINK.DND for the 
-If you wish to repeat a multiple alignment (e.g. to experiment with 
-different gap penalties) but do not wish to make a dendrogram all 
-over again use menu item 3 (providing you are using the same 
-sequences).  Similarly, menu item 2 allows you to produce the 
-dendrogram file only.
-The parameters that control the initial fast/approximate comparisons 
-can be set from menu item 4 which looks like:
-     1. Toggle Scoring Method  :Percentage
-     2. Gap Penalty            :3
-     3. K-tuple                :1
-     4. No. of top diagonals   :5
-     5. Window size            :5
-     H. HELP
-Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit): 
-The similarity scores are calculated from fast alignments generated 
-by the method of Wilbur and Lipman (1983).  These are 'hash' or 
-'word' or 'k-tuple' alignments carried out in 3 stages.  
-First you mark the positions of every fragment of sequence, K-tuple 
-long (for proteins, the default length is 1 residue, for DNA it is 2 
-bases) in both sequences.  Then you locate all k-tuple matches 
-between the 2 sequences.   At this stage you have to imagine a dot-
-matrix plot between the 2 sequences with each k-tuple match as a 
-dot.   You find those diagonals in the plot with most matches (you 
-take the "No. of top diagonals" best ones) and mark all diagonals 
-within "Window size" of each top diagonal.  This process will define 
-diagonal bands in the plot where you hope the most likely regions of 
-similarity will lie.  
-The final alignment stage is to find that head to tail arrangement 
-of k-tuple matches from these diagonal regions that will give the 
-highest score.  The score is calculated as the number of exactly 
-matching residues in this alignment minus a "gap penalty" for every 
-gap that was introduced.  When you toggle "Scoring method" you 
-choose between expressing these similarity scores as raw scores or 
-expressed as a percentage of the shorter sequence length.  
-K-TUPLE SIZE:   Can be 1 or 2 for proteins; 1 to 4 for DNA.  
-Increase this to increase speed; decrease to improve sensitivity.
-GAP PENALTY:    The number of matching residues that must be found 
-in order to introduce a gap.  This should be larger than K-Tuple 
-Size.  This has little effect on speed or sensitivity.
-NO. OF TOP DIAGONALS:    The number of best diagonals in the 
-imaginary dot-matrix plot that are considered.  Decrease (must be 
-greater than zero) to increase speed; increase to improve 
-WINDOW SIZE:    The number of diagonals around each "top" diagonal 
-that are considered.   Decrease for speed; increase for greater 
-SCORING METHOD: The similarity scores may be expressed as raw scores 
-(number of identical residues minus a "gap penalty" for each gap) or 
-as percentage scores.  If the sequences are of very different 
-lengths, percentage scores make more sense.
-The main reason for wanting to change the above parameters is SPEED 
-(especially on microcomputers), NOT SENSITIVITY.   The dendrograms 
-that are produced can only show the relationships between the 
-sequences APPROXIMATELY because the similarity scores are calculated 
-from seperate pairwise alignments; not from a multiple alignment 
-(that is what we eventually hope to produce).  If the groupings of 
-the sequences are "obvious", the above method should work well; if 
-the relationships are obscure or weakly represented by the data, it 
-will not make much difference playing with the parameters.  The main 
-factor influencing speed is the K-TUPLE SIZE followed by the WINDOW 
-The alignments are carried out in a small amount of memory.  
-Occasionally (it is hard to predict), you will run out of memory 
-while doing these alignments; when this happens, it will say on the 
-screen: "Sequences (a,b) partially aligned" (instead of "Sequences 
-(a,b) aligned").  This means that the alignment score for these 
-sequences will be approximate;  it is not a problem unless many of 
-the alignments do this.  It can be fixed by using less sensitive 
-parameters or increasing parameter FSIZE in clustalv.h .
-The similarity scores generated by the fast comparison of all the 
-sequences are used to construct a dendrogram by the UPGMA method of 
-Sneath and Sokal (1973).  This is a form of cluster analysis and the 
-end result produces something that looks like a tree.  It represents 
-the similarity of the sequences as a hierarchy.  The dendrogram is 
-written to a file in a machine readable format and is ahown below 
-for an example with 6 sequences.
-    91.0   0   0   2   012000         ! seq 2 joins seq 3 at 91% ID.
-    72.0   1   0   3   011200         ! seq 4 joins seqs 2,3 at 72%
-    71.1   0   0   2   000012         ! seq 5 joins seq 6 at 71%
-    35.5   0   2   4   122200         ! seq 1 joins seqs 2,3,4
-    21.7   4   3   6   111122         ! seqs 1,2,3,4 join seqs 5,6
-This LOOKS complicated but you do not normally need to care what is 
-in here.  Anyway, each row represents the joining together of 2 or 
-more sequences.  You progress from the top down, joining more and 
-more sequences until all are joined together; for N sequences you 
-have N-1 groupings hence there are 5 rows in the above file (there 
-were 6 sequences).  In each row, the first number is the similarity 
-score of this grouping; ignore the next three columns for the 
-moment; the last 6 digits in the line show which sequences are 
-grouped; there is one digit for each sequence (the first digit is 
-for the first sequence).  The rule is:  in each row, all of the "1"s 
-join all of the "2"s; the zero's do nothing.   
-Hence, in the first row, sequence 2 joins sequence 3 at a similarity 
-level of 91% identity; next, sequence 4 joins the previous grouping 
-of 2 plus 3 at a level of 72% etc.   This is shown diagrammatically 
-below.  Before leaving the dendrogram format, the other 3 columns of 
-numbers are: a pointer to the row from which the "1" sequences were 
-last joined (or zero if only one of them); a pointer to the row in 
-which the "2"s were last joined; the total number of sequences 
-joined in this line.
-                      I------ 2
-               I------I
-               I      I------ 3  Diagram of the sequence similarity 
-          I----I
-          I    I------------- 4  relationships shown in the above 
-       I--I
-       I  I------------------ 1  dendrogram file (branch lengths are
-   ----I
-       I       I------------- 5  not to scale).
-       I-------I
-               I------------- 6
-Having calculated a dendrogram between a set of sequences, the final 
-multiple alignment is carried out by a series of alignments of 
-larger and larger groups of sequences.  The order is determined by 
-the dendrogram so that the most similar sequences get aligned first.  
-Any gaps that are introduced in the early alignments are fixed.  
-When two groups of sequences are aligned against each other, a full 
-protein weight matrix (such as a Dayhoff PAM 250) is used.  Two gap 
-penalties are offered: a "FIXED" penalty for opening up a gap and a 
-"FLOATING" penalty for extending a gap.  
-     1. Fixed Gap Penalty       :10
-     2. Floating Gap Penalty    :10
-     3. Toggle Transitions (DNA):Weighted
-     4. Protein weight matrix   :PAM 250
-     H. HELP
-Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit): 
-FIXED GAP PENALTY:   Reduce this to encourage gaps of all sizes; 
-increase it to discourage them.   Terminal gaps are penalised same 
-as all others.  BEWARE of making this too small (approx 5 or so); if 
-the penalty is too small, the program may prefer to align each 
-sequence opposite one long gap.
-FLOATING GAP PENALTY:   Reduce this to encourage longer gaps; 
-increase it to shorten them.   Terminal gaps are penalised same as 
-all others.  BEWARE of making this too small (approx 5 or so); if 
-the penalty is too small, the program may prefer to align each 
-sequence opposite one long gap.
-DNA TRANSITIONS = WEIGHTED or UNWEIGHTED:   By default, transitions 
-(A versus G; C versus T) are weighted more strongly than 
-transversions (an A aligned with a G will be preferred to an A 
-aligned with a C or a T).  You can make all pairs of nucleotide 
-equally weighted with this option.
-PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX:  For protein comparisons, a weight matrix is 
-used to differentially weight different pairs of aligned amino 
-acids.  The default is the well known Dayhoff PAM 250 matrix.  We 
-also offer a PAM 100 matrix, an identity matrix (all weights are the 
-same for exact matches) or allow you to give the name of a file with 
-your own matrix.  The weight matrices used by Clustal V are shown in 
-full in the Algorithms and References section of this documentation.  
-If you input a matrix from a file, it must be in the following 
-format.  Use a 20x20 matrix only (entries for the 20 "normal" amino 
-acids only; no ambiguity codes etc.).  Input the lower left triangle 
-of the matrix, INCLUDING the diagonal.  The order of the amino acids 
-(rows and columns) must be: CSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW.  The values can be 
-in free format seperated by spaces (not commas).  The PAM 250 matrix 
-is shown below in this format.
-  12 
-   0  2 
-  -2  1  3 
-  -3  1  0  6 
-  -2  1  1  1  2 
-  -3  1  0 -1  1  5 
-  -4  1  0 -1  0  0  2 
-  -5  0  0 -1  0  1  2  4 
-  -5  0  0 -1  0  0  1  3  4 
-  -5 -1 -1  0  0 -1  1  2  2  4 
-  -3 -1 -1  0 -1 -2  2  1  1  3  6 
-  -4  0 -1  0 -2 -3  0 -1 -1  1  2  6 
-  -5  0  0 -1 -1 -2  1  0  0  1  0  3  5 
-  -5 -2 -1 -2 -1 -3 -2 -3 -2 -1 -2  0  0  6 
-  -2 -1  0 -2 -1 -3 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2  2  5 
-  -6 -3 -2 -3 -2 -4 -3 -4 -3 -2 -2 -3 -3  4  2  6 
-  -2 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2  2  4  2  4 
-  -4 -3 -3 -5 -4 -5 -4 -6 -5 -5 -2 -4 -5  0  1  2 -1  9 
-   0 -3 -3 -5 -3 -5 -2 -4 -4 -4  0 -4 -4 -2 -1 -1 -2  7 10 
-  -8 -2 -5 -6 -6 -7 -4 -7 -7 -5 -3  2 -3 -4 -5 -2 -6  0  0 17 
-Values must be integers and can be all positive or positive and 
-negative as above.  These are SIMILARITY values.  
-By default, the alignment goes to a file in a self explanatory 
-"blocked" alignment format.  This format is fine for displaying the 
-results but requires heavy editing if you wish to use the alignment 
-with other software.  To help, we provide 3 other formats which can 
-be turned on or off.  If you have a sequence data set or alignment 
-in memory, you can also ask for output files in whatever formats are 
-turned on, NOW.  The menu you use to choose format is shown below.
-We draw your attention to NBRF/PIR format in particular.  This 
-format is EXACTLY the same as one of the input formats.  Therefore, 
-alignments written in this format can be used again as input (to the 
-profile alignments or phylogenetic trees).
- ********* Format of Alignment Output *********
-     1. Toggle CLUSTAL format output   =  ON
-     2. Toggle NBRF/PIR format output  =  OFF
-     3. Toggle GCG format output       =  OFF
-     4. Toggle PHYLIP format output    =  OFF
-     5. Create alignment output file(s) now?
-     H. HELP
-Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit): 
-CLUSTAL FORMAT:     This is a self explanatory alignment.  The 
-alignment is written out in blocks.  Identities are highlighted and 
-(if you use a PAM 250 matrix) positions in the alignment where all 
-of the residues are "similar" to each other (PAM 250 score of 8 or 
-more) are indicated.
-NBRF/PIR FORMAT:    This is the usual NBRF/PIR format with gaps 
-indicated by hyphens ("-"). AS we have stressed before, this format 
-is EXACTLY compatible with the sequence input format.  Therefore you 
-can read in these alignments again for profile alignments or for 
-calculating phylogenetic trees.  
-GCG FORMAT:         In version 7 of the Wisconsin GCG package, a new 
-multiple sequence format was introduced.  This is the MSF (Multiple 
-Sequence Format) format.  It can be used as input to the GCG 
-sequence editor or any of the GCG programs that make use of multiple 
-PHYLIP FORMAT:      This format can be used by the Phylip package of 
-Joe Felsenstein (see the references/algorithms section for details 
-of how to get it).  Phylip allows you to do a huge range of 
-phylogenetic analyses (we just offer one method in this program) and 
-is probably the most widely used set of programs for drawing trees.
-It also works on just about every computer you can think of, 
-providing you have a decent Pascal compiler.
-      ******************************
-      ******************************
-This menu is for taking two old alignments (or single sequences) and 
-aligning them with each other.  The result is one bigger alignment.  
-The menu is very similar to the multiple alignment menu except that 
-there is no mention of dendrograms here (they are not needed) and 
-you need to input two sets of sequences.  The menu looks like this:
-    1.  Input 1st. profile/sequence
-    2.  Input 2nd. profile/sequence
-    3.  Do alignment now
-    4.  Alignment parameters
-    5.  Output format options
-    S.  Execute a system command
-    H.  HELP
-    or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu
-Your choice: 
-You must input profile number 1 first.   When both profiles are 
-loaded, use item 3 (Do alignment now) and the 2 profiles will be 
-aligned.  Items 4 and 5 (parameters and output options) are 
-identical to the equivalent options on the multiple alignment menu.  
-The same input routines that are used for general input are used 
-here i.e. sequences must be in NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SwissProt or FASTA 
-format, with gaps indicated by hyphens ("-").  This is why we have 
-continualy drawn your attention to the NBRF/PIR format as a useful 
-output format.  
-Either profile can consist of just one sequence.   Therefore, if you 
-have a favourite alignment of sequences that you are working on and 
-wish to add a new sequence, you can use this menu, provided the 
-alignment is in the correct format.  
-The total number of sequences in the two profiles must be less less 
-than or equal to the MAXN parameter set in the clustalv.h header 
-      ******************************
-      ******************************
-This menu allows you to input an alignment and calculate a 
-phylogenetic tree.  You can also calculate a tree if you have just 
-carried out a multiple alignment and the alignment is still in 
-memory.  THE SEQUENCES MUST BE ALIGNED ALREADY!!!!!!   The tree will 
-look strange if the sequences are not already aligned.  You can also 
-"BOOTSTRAP" the tree to show confidence levels for groupings.  This 
-is SLOW on microcomputers but works fine on workstations or 
-    1.  Input an alignment
-    2.  Exclude positions with gaps?        = OFF
-    3.  Correct for multiple substitutions? = OFF
-    4.  Draw tree now
-    5.  Bootstrap tree
-    S.  Execute a system command
-    H.  HELP
-    or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu
-Your choice: 
-The same input routine that is used for general input is used here 
-i.e. sequences must be in NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SwissProt or FASTA format, 
-with gaps indicated by hyphens ("-").  This is why we have 
-continualy drawn your attention to the NBRF/PIR format as a useful 
-output format.  
-If you have input an alignment, then just use item 4 to draw a tree.  
-The method used is the Neighbor Joining method of Saitou and Nei 
-(1987).  This is a "distance method". First, percent divergence 
-figures are calculated between all pairs of sequence.  These 
-divergence figures are then used by the NJ method to give the tree.  
-Example trees will be shown below.  
-There are two options which can be used to control the way the 
-distances are calculated.  These are set by options 2 and 3 in the 
-EXCLUDE POSITIONS WITH GAPS?   This option allows you to ignore all 
-alignment positions (columns) where there is a gap in ANY sequence.  
-This guarantees that "like" is compared with "like" in all distances 
-i.e. the same positions are used to calculate all distances.  It 
-also means that the distances will be "metric".  The disadvantage of 
-using this option is that you throw away much of the data if there 
-are many gaps.  If the total number of gaps is small, it has little 
-substitutions accumulate.  It becomes increasingly likely that more 
-than one substitution (as a result of a mutation) will have happened 
-at a site where you observe just one difference now.  This option 
-allows you to use formulae developed by Motoo Kimura to correct for 
-this effect.  It has the effect of stretching long branches in tres 
-while leaving short ones relatively untouched.  The desired effect 
-is to try and make distances proportional to time since divergence.  
-The tree is sent to a file called BLAH.NJ, where BLAH.SEQ is the 
-name of the input, alignment file.  An example is shown below for 6 
-globin sequences.  
- DIST   = percentage divergence (/100)
- Length = number of sites used in comparison
-   1 vs.   2  DIST = 0.5683;  length =    139
-   1 vs.   3  DIST = 0.5540;  length =    139
-   1 vs.   4  DIST = 0.5315;  length =    111
-   1 vs.   5  DIST = 0.7447;  length =    141
-   1 vs.   6  DIST = 0.7571;  length =    140
-   2 vs.   3  DIST = 0.0897;  length =    145
-   2 vs.   4  DIST = 0.1391;  length =    115
-   2 vs.   5  DIST = 0.7517;  length =    145
-   2 vs.   6  DIST = 0.7431;  length =    144
-   3 vs.   4  DIST = 0.0957;  length =    115
-   3 vs.   5  DIST = 0.7379;  length =    145
-   3 vs.   6  DIST = 0.7361;  length =    144
-   4 vs.   5  DIST = 0.7304;  length =    115
-   4 vs.   6  DIST = 0.7368;  length =    114
-   5 vs.   6  DIST = 0.2697;  length =    152
-			Neighbor-joining Method
- Saitou, N. and Nei, M. (1987) The Neighbor-joining Method:
- A New Method for Reconstructing Phylogenetic Trees.
- Mol. Biol. Evol., 4(4), 406-425
- This is an UNROOTED tree
- Numbers in parentheses are branch lengths
- Cycle   1     =  SEQ:   5 (  0.13382) joins  SEQ:   6 (  0.13592)
- Cycle   2     =  SEQ:   1 (  0.28142) joins Node:   5 (  0.33462)
- Cycle   3     =  SEQ:   2 (  0.05879) joins  SEQ:   3 (  0.03086)
- Cycle   4 (Last cycle, trichotomy):
-		 Node:   1 (  0.20798) joins
-		 Node:   2 (  0.02341) joins
-		  SEQ:   4 (  0.04915) 
-The output file first shows the percent divergence (distance) 
-figures between each pair of sequence.  Then a description of a NJ 
-tree is given.  This description shows which sequences (SEQ:) or 
-which groups of sequences (NODE: , a node is numbered using the 
-lowest sequence that belongs to it) join at each level of the tree.  
-This is an unrooted tree!! This means that the direction of 
-evolution through the tree is not shown.  This can only be inferred 
-in one of two ways:  
-1) assume a degree of constancy in the molecular clock and place the 
-root (bottom of the tree; the point where all the sequences radiate 
-from) half way along the longest branch.     **OR**
-2) use an "outgroup", a sequence from an organism that you "know" 
-must be outside of the rest of the sequences i.e. root the tree 
-manually, on biological grounds.
-The above tree can be represented diagramatically as follows:
-                          SEQ 1       SEQ 4
-                           I           I
-          13.6             I 28.1      I 4.9          5.9
-  SEQ 6 ----------I        I           I          I--------- SEQ 2
-                  I        I           I          I
-                  I--------I-----------I----------I
-          13.4    I  33.5      20.8         2.3   I   3.1
-  SEQ 5 ----------I                               I--------- SEQ 3
-The figures along each branch are percent divergences along that 
-branch.  If you root the tree by placing the root along the longest 
-branch (33.5%) then you can draw it again as follows, this time 
-                        13.6
-                I-------------------- SEQ 6
-      I---------I       13.4
-      I         I-------------------- SEQ 5
-      I 33.5 
- -----I                 28.1
-      I         I-------------------- SEQ 1
-      I         I
-      I---------I                4.9
-                I  20.8  I----------- SEQ 4
-                I--------I  
-                         I       5.9
-                         I 2.3 I----- SEQ 2
-                         I-----I 3.1
-                               I----- SEQ 3
-The longest branch (33.5% between 5,6 and 1,2,3,4) is split between 
-the 2 bottom branches of the tree.  As it happens in this particular 
-case, sequences 5 and 6 are myoglobins while sequences 1,2,3 and 4 
-are alpha and beta globins, so you could also justify the above 
-rooting on biological grounds.  If you do not have any particular 
-need or evidence for the position of the root, then LEAVE THE TREE 
-UNROOTED.  Unrooted trees do not look as pretty as rooted ones but 
-it is uaual to leave them unrooted if you do not have any evidence 
-for the position of the root.
-BOTSTRAPPING:    Different sets of sequences and different tree 
-drawing methods may give different topologies (branching orders) for 
-parts of a tree that are weakly supported by the data.  It is useful 
-to have an indication of the degree of error in the tree.  There are 
-several ways of doing this, some of them rather technical.  We 
-provide one general purpose method in this program, which makes use 
-of a technique called bootstrapping (see Felsenstein, 1985).
-In the case of sequence alignments, bootstrapping involves taking 
-random samples of positions from the alignment.  If the alignment 
-has N positions, each bootstrap sample consists of a random sample 
-of N positions, taken WITH REPLACEMENT i.e. in any given sample, 
-some sites may be sampled several times, others not at all.  Then, 
-with each sample of sites, you calculate a distance matrix as usual 
-and draw a tree.  If the data very strongly support just one tree 
-then the sample trees will be very similar to each other and to the 
-original tree, drawn without bootstrapping.  However, if parts of 
-the tree are not well supported, then the sample trees will vary 
-considerably in how they represent these parts.
-In practice, you should use a very large number of bootstrap 
-replicates (1000 is recommended, even if it means running the 
-program for an hour on a slow microcomputer; on a workstation it 
-will be MUCH faster).  For each grouping on the tree, you record the 
-number of times this grouping occurs in the sample trees.  For a 
-group to be considered "significant" at the 95% level (or P <= 0.05 
-in statistical terms) you expect the grouping to show up in >= 95% 
-of the sample trees.  If this happens, then you can say that the 
-grouping is significant, given the data set and the method used to 
-draw the tree.  
-So, when you use the bootstrap option, a NJ tree is drawn as before 
-and then you are asked to say how many bootstrap samples you want 
-(1000 is the default) and you are asked to give a seed number for 
-the random number generator.  If you give the same seed number in 
-future, you will get the same results (we hope).  Remember to give 
-different seed numbers if you wish to carry out genuinely different 
-bootstrap sampling experiments.  Below is the output file from using 
-the same data for the 6 globin sequences as used before.  The output 
-file has the same name as the input fike with the extension ".njb".
-STUFF DELETED  .... same as for the ordinary NJ output
-			Bootstrap Confidence Limits
- Random number generator seed =      99
- Number of bootstrap trials   =    1000
- Diagrammatic representation of the above tree: 
- Each row represents 1 tree cycle; defining 2 groups.
- Each column is 1 sequence; the stars in each line show 1 group; 
- the dots show the other
- Numbers show occurences in bootstrap samples.
-****..   1000              
-.***..   1000                <- This is the answer!!
-*..***    812 
-For an unrooted tree with N sequences, there are actually only N-3 
-genuinely different groupings that we can test (this is the number 
-of "internal branches"; each internal branch splits the sequences 
-into 2 groups).  In this example, we have 6 sequences with 3 
-internal branches in the reference tree.  In the bootstrap 
-resampling, we count how often each of these internal branches 
-occur.  Here, we find that the branch which splits 1,2,3 and 4 
-versus 5 and 6 occurs in all 1000 samples; the branch which splits 
-2,3 and 4 versus 1,5 and 6 occurs in 1000; the branch which splits 2 
-and 3 versus 1,4,5 and 6 occurs in 812/1000 samples.  We can put 
-these figures on to the diagrammatic representation we made earlier 
-of our unrooted NJ tree as follows:
-                          SEQ 1       SEQ 4
-                           I           I
-                           I           I            
-  SEQ 6 ----------I        I           I          I--------- SEQ 2
-                  I  1000  I   1000    I   812    I
-                  I--------I-----------I----------I
-                  I                               I    
-  SEQ 5 ----------I                               I--------- SEQ 3
-You can equally put these confidence figures on the rooted tree (in 
-fact the interpretation is simpler with rooted trees).  With the 
-unrooted tree, the grouping of sequence 5 with 6 is significant (as 
-is the grouping of sequences 1,2,3 and 4).  Equally the grouping of 
-sequences 1,5 and 6 is significant (the same as saying that 2,3 and 
-4 group significantly).  However, the grouping of 2 and 3 is not 
-significant, although it is relatively strongly supported.  
-Unfortunately, there is a small complication in the interpretation 
-of these results.  In statistical hypothesis testing, it is not 
-valid to make multiple simultaneous tests and to treat the result of 
-each test completely independantly.  In the above case, if you have 
-one particular test (grouping) that you wish to make in advance, it 
-is valid to test IT ALONE and to simply show the other bootstrap 
-figures for reference.  If you do not have any particular test in 
-mind before you do the bootstrapping, you can just show all of the 
-figures and use the 95% level as an ARBITRARY cut off to show those 
-groups that are very strongly supported; but not mention anything 
-about SIGNIFICANCE testing.  In the literature, it is common 
-practice to simply show the figures with a tree; they frequently 
-speak for themselves.  
-		4.  Command Line Interface.
-You can do almost everything that can be done from the menus, using 
-a command line interface. In this mode, the program will take all of 
-its instructions as "switches" when you activate it; no questions 
-will be asked; if there are no errors, the program just does an 
-analysis and stops.   It does not work so well on the MAC but is 
-still possible.  To get you started we will show you the 2 simplest 
-uses of the command line as it looks on VAX/VMS.  On all other 
-machines (except the MAC) it works in the same way.
-$ clustalv /help           **OR**   $ clustalv /check
-Both of the above switches give you a one page summary of the 
-command line on the screen and then the program stops. 
-$ clustalv proteins.seq    **OR**   $ clustalv /infile=proteins.seq    
-This will read the sequences from the file 'proteins.seq' and do a 
-complete multiple alignment.  Default parameters will be used, the 
-program will try to tell whether or not the sequences are DNA or 
-protein and the output will go to a file called 'proteins.aln' . A 
-dendrogram file called 'proteins.dnd' will also be created.  Thus 
-the default action for the program, when it successfully reads in an 
-input file is to do a full multiple alignment.  Some further 
-examples of command line usage will be given leter.
-Command line switches can be abbreviated but MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT 
-MAKE THEM AMBIGUOUS.  No attempt will be made to detect ambiguity.  
-Use enough characters to distinguish each switch uniquely.
-The full list of allowed switches is given below:
-                DATA (sequences)
-/INFILE=file.ext    :input sequences.  If you give an input file and 
-				nothing else as a switch, the default action is 
-				to do a complete multiple alignment.  The input 
-				file can also be specified by giving it as the 
-				first command line parameter with no "/" in 	
-				front of it e.g $ clustalv file.ext  .
-/PROFILE1=file.ext	:You use these two switches to give the names of  
-/PROFILE2=file.ext	two profiles.  The default action is to align 
-			the two. You must give the names of both profile 
-				files. 
-                VERBS (do things)
-/HELP  		:list the command line parameters on the screen.
-/ALIGN        	:do full multiple alignment.  This is the default 	
-			action if no other switches except for input files 
-			are given.
-/TREE      	:calculate NJ tree.  If this is the only action 	
-			specified (e.g. $ clustalv proteins.seq/tree ) it IS 
-			the sequences are not already aligned, you should 	
-			also give the /ALIGN switch.  This will align the 	
-			sequences first, output an alignment file and 	
-			calculate the tree in memory. 
-/BOOTSTRAP(=n)	:bootstrap a NJ tree (n= number of bootstraps; 	
-			default = 1000).  If this is the only action 		
-			specified (e.g. $ clustalv proteins.seq/bootstrap ) 
-			If the sequences are not already aligned, you should 
-			also give the /ALIGN switch.  This will align the 	
-			sequences first, output an alignment file and 	
-			calculate the bootstraps in memory.  You can set the 
-			number of bootstrap trials here (e.g./bootstrap=500).  
-			You can set the seed number for the random number 	
-			generator with /seed=n.
-                PARAMETERS (set things)
-***Pairwise alignments:***
-/KTUP=n      	:word size              
-/TOPDIAGS=n  	:number of best diagonals
-/WINDOW=n    	:window around best diagonals 
-/PAIRGAP=n   	:gap penalty
-***Multiple alignments:***
-/FIXEDGAP=n  	:fixed length gap pen.  
-/FLOATGAP=n  	:variable length gap pen.
-/MATRIX=     	:PAM100 or ID or file name. The default weight matrix 
-			for proteins is PAM 250.
-/TYPE=p or d 	:type is protein or DNA.   This allows you to 	
-			explicitely overide the programs attempt at guessing 
-			the type of the sequence.  It is only useful if you 
-			are using sequences with a VERY strange composition.
-/OUTPUT=     	:GCG or PHYLIP or PIR.  The default output is 	
-			Clustal format.
-/TRANSIT     	:transitions not weighted.  The default is to weight 
-			transitions as more favourable than other mismatches 
-			in DNA alignments.  This switch makes all nucleotide 
-			mismatches equally weighted.
-/KIMURA      	:use Kimura's correction on distances.   
-/TOSSGAPS    	:ignore positions with a gap in ANY sequence.
-/SEED=n      	:seed number for bootstraps.
-These examples use the VAX/VMS $ prompt; otherwise, command-line 
-usage is the same on all machines except the Macintosh.
-$ clustalv proteins.seq      OR     $ clustalv /infile=proteins.seq
-Read whatever sequences are in the file "proteins.seq" and do a full 
-multiple alignment; output will go to the files: "proteins.dnd" 
-(dendrogram) and "proteins.aln" (alignment).
-$ clustalv proteins.seq/ktup=2/matrix=pam100/output=pir
-Same as last example but use K-Tuple size of 2; use a PAM 100 
-protein weight matrix; write the alignment out in NBRF/PIR format 
-(goes to a file called "proteins.pir").
-$ clustalv /profile1=proteins.seq/profile2=more.seq/type=p/fixed=11
-Take the alignment in "proteins.seq" and align it with "more.seq" 
-using default values for everything except the fixed gap penalty 
-which is set to 11.  The sequence type is explicitely set to 
-$ clustalv proteins.pir/tree/kimura
-Take the sequences in proteins.pir (they MUST BE ALIGNED ALREADY) 
-and calculate a phylogenetic tree using Kimura's correction for 
-$ clustalv proteins.pir/align/tree/kimura
-Same as the previous example, EXCEPT THAT AN ALIGNMENT IS DONE 
-$ clustalv proteins.seq/align/boot=500/seed=99/tossgaps/type=p
-Take the sequences in proteins.seq; they are explicitely set to be 
-protein; align them; bootstrap a tree using 500 samples and a seed 
-number of 99.
-		5.  Algorithms and references.
-In this section, we will try to BRIEFLY describe the algorithms used 
-in ClustalV and give references.  The topics covered are:
-	-Multiple alignments
-	-Profile alignments
-	-Protein weight matrices
-	-Phylogenetic trees
-		-distances
-		-NJ method
-		-Bootstrapping
-		-Phylip
-	-References
-The approach used in ClustalV is a modified version of the method of 
-Feng and Doolittle (1987) who aligned the sequences in larger and 
-larger groups according to the branching order in an initial 
-phylogenetic tree.  This approach allows a very useful combination 
-of computational tractability and sensitivity.  
-The positions of gaps that are generated in early alignments remain 
-through later stages.  This can be justified because gaps that arise 
-from the comparison of closely related sequences should not be moved 
-because of later alignment with more distantly related sequences.  
-At each alignment stage, you align two groups of already aligned 
-sequences.  This is done using a dynamic programming algorithm where 
-one allows the residues that occur in every sequence at each 
-alignment position to contribute to the alignment score.  A Dayhoff 
-(1978) PAM matrix is used in protein comparisons.
-The details of the algorithm used in ClustalV have been published in 
-Higgins and Sharp (1989).  This was an improved version of an 
-earlier algorithm published in Higgins and Sharp (1988).  First, you 
-calculate a crude similarity measure between every pair of sequence.  
-This is done using the fast, approximate alignment algorithm of 
-Wilbur and Lipman (1983).  Then, these scores are used to calculate 
-a "guide tree" or dendrogram, which will tell the multiple alignment 
-stage in which order to align the sequences for the final multiple 
-alignment.  This "guide tree" is calculated using the UPGMA method 
-of Sneath and Sokal (1973).  UPGMA is a fancy name for one type of 
-average linkage cluster analysis, invented by Sokal and Michener 
-Having calculated the dendrogram, the sequences are aligned in 
-larger and larger groups.  At each alignment stage, we use the 
-algorithm of Myers and Miller (1988) for the optimal alignments.  
-This algorithm is a very memory efficient variation of Gotoh's 
-algorithm (Gotoh, 1982).  It is because of this algorithm that 
-ClustalV can work on microcomputers.   Each of these alignments 
-consists of aligning 2 alignments, using what we call "profile 
-We use the term "profile alignment" to describe the alignment of 2 
-alignments.  We use this term because the method is a simple 
-extension of the profile method of Gribskov, et al. (1987) for 
-aligning 1 sequence with an alignment.  Normally, with a 2 sequence 
-alignment, you use a weight matrix (e.g. a PAM 250 matrix) to give a 
-score between the pairs of aligned residues.  The alignment is 
-considered "optimal" if it gives the best total score for aligned 
-residues minus penalties for any gaps (insertions or deletions) that 
-must be introduced.  
-Profile alignments are a simple extension of 2 sequence alignments 
-in that you can treat each of the two input alignments as single 
-sequences but you calculate the score at aligned positions as the 
-average weight matrix score of all the residues in one alignment 
-versus all those in the other e.g. if you have 2 alignments with I 
-and J sequences respectively; the score at any position is the 
-average of all the I times J scores of the residues compared 
-seperately.  Any gaps that are introduced are placed in all of the 
-sequences of an alignment at the same position.  The profile 
-alignments offered in the "profile alignment menu" are also 
-calculated in this way.
-There are 3 built-in weight matrices used by clustalV.  These are 
-the PAM 100 and PAM 250 matrices of Dayhoff (1978) and an identity 
-matrix.  Each matrix is given as the bottom left half, including the 
-diagonal of a 20 by 20 matrix.  The order of the rows and columns is 
-PAM 250
-C  12 
-S   0  2 
-T  -2  1  3 
-P  -3  1  0  6 
-A  -2  1  1  1  2 
-G  -3  1  0 -1  1  5 
-N  -4  1  0 -1  0  0  2 
-D  -5  0  0 -1  0  1  2  4 
-E  -5  0  0 -1  0  0  1  3  4 
-Q  -5 -1 -1  0  0 -1  1  2  2  4 
-H  -3 -1 -1  0 -1 -2  2  1  1  3  6 
-R  -4  0 -1  0 -2 -3  0 -1 -1  1  2  6 
-K  -5  0  0 -1 -1 -2  1  0  0  1  0  3  5 
-M  -5 -2 -1 -2 -1 -3 -2 -3 -2 -1 -2  0  0  6 
-I  -2 -1  0 -2 -1 -3 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2  2  5 
-L  -6 -3 -2 -3 -2 -4 -3 -4 -3 -2 -2 -3 -3  4  2  6 
-V  -2 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2  2  4  2  4 
-F  -4 -3 -3 -5 -4 -5 -4 -6 -5 -5 -2 -4 -5  0  1  2 -1  9 
-Y   0 -3 -3 -5 -3 -5 -2 -4 -4 -4  0 -4 -4 -2 -1 -1 -2  7 10 
-W  -8 -2 -5 -6 -6 -7 -4 -7 -7 -5 -3  2 -3 -4 -5 -2 -6  0  0 17 
-    C  S  T  P  A  G  N  D  E  Q  H  R  K  M  I  L  V  F  Y  W
- 0  10 
- 0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  1  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 10 
- 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 10
-PAM 100
- 14 
- -1  6 
- -5  2   7 
- -6  1  -1  10 
- -5  2   2   1   6 
- -8  1  -3  -3   1   8 
- -8  2   0  -3  -1  -1  7 
--11 -1  -2  -4  -1  -1  4   8 
--11 -2  -3  -3   0  -2  1   5   8 
--11 -3  -3  -1  -2  -5 -1   1   4   9 
- -6 -4  -5  -2  -5  -7  2  -1  -2   4 11 
- -6 -1  -4, -2  -5  -8 -3  -6  -5   1  1 10 
--11 -2  -1  -4  -4  -5  1  -2  -2  -1 -3  3  8 
--11 -4  -2  -6  -3  -8 -5  -8  -6  -2 -7 -2  1 13 
- -5 -4  -1  -6  -3  -7 -4  -6  -5  -5 -7 -4  4  2  9 
--12 -7  -5  -5  -5  -8 -6  -9  -7  -3 -5 -7 -6  4  2  9 
- -4 -4  -1  -4   0  -4 -5  -6  -5  -5 -6 -6 -6  1  5  1  8 
--10 -5  -6  -9  -7  -8 -6 -11 -11 -10 -4 -7-11 -2  0  0 -5 12 
- -2 -6  -6 -11  -6 -11 -3  -9  -7  -9 -1-10-10 -8 -4 -5 -6  6 13 
--13 -4 -10 -11 -11 -13 -8 -13 -14 -11 -7  1 -9-11-12 -7-14 -2 -2 19 
-There are two COMMONLY used approaches for inferring phylogentic 
-trees from sequence data: parsimony and distance methods. There are 
-other approaches which are probably superior in theory but which are 
-yet to be used widely. This does not mean that they are no use; we 
-(the authors of this program at any rate) simply do not know enough 
-about them yet.  You should see the documentation accompanying the 
-Phylip package and some of the references there for an explanation 
-of the different methods and what assumptions are implied when you 
-use them.   
-There is a constant debate in the literature as to the merits of 
-different methods but unfortunately, a lot of what is said is 
-incomprehensible or inaccurate.  It is also a field that is prone to 
-having highly opinionated schools of thought.  This is a pity 
-because it prevents rational discussion of the pro's and con's of 
-the different methods.  The approach adopted in ClustalV is to 
-supply just one method and to produce alignments in a format that 
-can be used by Phylip.  In simple cases, the trees produced will be 
-as "good" (reliable, robust) as those from ANY other method.  In 
-more complicated cases, there is no single magic recipe that we can 
-supply that will work well in even most situations.
-The method we provide is the Neighbor Joining method (NJ) of Saitou 
-and Nei (1987) which is a distance method.  We use this for three 
-reasons:  it is conceptually and computationally simple; it is fast; 
-it gives "good" trees in simple cases. It is difficult to prove that 
-one tree is "better" than another if you do not know the true 
-phylogeny; the few systematic surveys of methods show it to work 
-more or less as well as any other method ON AVERAGE.  Another reason 
-for using the NJ method is that it is very commonly used; THIS IS A 
-BAD REASON SCIENTIFICALLY but at least you will not feel lonely if 
-you use it.
-The NJ method works on a matrix of distances (the distance matrix) 
-between all pairs of sequence to be analysed.  These distances are 
-related to the degree of divergence between the sequences.  It is 
-normal to calculate the distances from the sequences after they are 
-multiply aligned.  If you calculate them from seperate alignments 
-(as done for the dendrograms in another part of this program), you 
-may increase the error considerably.  
-The simplest measure of distance between sequences is percent 
-divergence (100% minus percent identity).  For two sequences, you 
-count how many positions differ between them (ignoring all positions 
-with a gap or an unknown residue) and divide by the number of 
-positions considered.  It is common practice to also ignore all 
-positions in the alignment where there is a GAP in ANY of the 
-sequences (Tossgaps ? option in the menu).  Usually, you express the 
-percent distance divided by 100 (gives distances between 0.0 and 
-This measure of distance is perfectly adequate (with some further 
-modification described below) for rRNA sequences. However it treats 
-all residues identically e.g. all amino acid substitutions are 
-equally weighted. It also treats all positions identically e.g. it 
-does not take account of different rates of substitution in 
-different positions of different codons in protein coding DNA 
-sequences; see Li et al (1985) for a distance measure that does.  
-Despite these shortcomings, these percent identity distances do work 
-well in practice in a wide variety of situations.  
-In a simple world, you would like a distance to be proportional to 
-the time since the sequences diverged.  If this were EXACTLY true, 
-then the calculation of the tree would be a simple matter of algebra 
-(UPGMA does this for you) and the branch lengths will be nice and 
-meaningful (times).  In practice this OBVIOUSLY depends on the 
-existence and quality of the "molecular clock", a subject of on-
-going debate.  However, even if there is a good clock, there is a 
-further problem with estimating divergences.  As sequences diverge, 
-they become "saturated" with mutations.  Sites can have 
-substitutions more than once.  Calculated distances will 
-underestimate actual divergence times; the greater the divergence, 
-the greater the discrepancy.  There are various methods for dealing 
-with this and we provide two commonly used ones, both due to Motoo 
-Kimura; one for proteins and one for DNA. 
-For distance K (percent divergence /100 ) ...
-Correction for Protein distances:  (Kimura, 1983).
-       Corrected K = -ln(1.0 - K - (K * k/5.0))
-Correction for nucleotide distances: Kimura's 2-parameter method 
-(Kimura, 1980).
-       Corrected K = 0.5*ln(a) + 0.25*ln(b)
-       where     a = 1/(1 - 2*P - Q)
-       and       b = 1/(1 - 2*Q)
-       P and Q are the proportions of transitions (A<-->G, C<-->T)
-       and transversions occuring between the sequences.  
-One paradoxical effect of these corrections, is that distances can 
-be corrected to have more than 100% divergence.  That is because, 
-for very highly diverged sequences of length N, you can estimate 
-that more than N substitutions have occured by correcting the 
-observed distance in the above ways.  Don't panic!
-VERY briefly, the NJ method works as follows.  You start by placing 
-the sequences in a star topology (no internal branches).  You then 
-find that internal branch (take 2 sequences; join them; connect them 
-to the rest by the internal branch) which when added to the tree 
-will minimise the total branch length. The two joined sequences 
-(neighbours) are merged into a single sequence and the process is 
-repeated.  For an unrooted tree with N sequences, there are N-3 
-internal branches.  The above process is repeated N-3 times to give 
-the final tree.  The full details are given in Saitou and Nei 
-As explained elsewhere in the documentation, you can only root the 
-tree by one of two methods:
-1) assume a degree of constancy in the molecular clock and place the 
-root along the longest branch (internal or external).  Methods that 
-appear to produce rooted trees automatically are often just doing 
-this without letting you know; this is true of UPGMA.
-2) root the tree on biological grounds.  The usual method is to 
-include an "outgroup", a sequence that you are certain will branch 
-to the outside of the tree.  
-Bootstrapping is a general purpose technique that can be used for 
-placing confidence limits on statistics that you estimate without 
-any knowledge of the underlying distribution (e.g. a normal or 
-poisson distribution).  In the case of phylogenetic trees, there are 
-several analytical methods for placing confidence limits on 
-groupings (actually on the internal branches) but these are either 
-restricted to particular tree drawing methods or only work on small 
-trees of 4 or 5 sequences.  Felsenstein (1985) showed how to use 
-bootstrapping to calculate confidence limits on trees.  His approach 
-is completely general and can be applied to any tree drawing method.  
-The main assumption of the method in this context is that the sites 
-in the alignment are independant; this will be true of some sequence 
-alignments (e.g. pseudogenes) but not others (e.g. rRNA's).  What 
-effect, lack of independance will have on the results is not known.
-The method works by taking random samples of data from the complete 
-data set.  You compute the test statistic (tree in this case) on 
-each sample.   Variation in the statistic computed from the samples 
-gives a measure of variation in the statistic which can be used to 
-calculate confidence intervals.  Each random sample is the same size 
-as the complete data set and is taken WITH REPLACEMENT i.e. a data 
-point can be selected more than once (or not at all) in any given 
-In the case of an alignment N residues long, each random sample is a 
-random selection of N sites form the alignment.  For each sample, we 
-calculate a distance matrix and tree in the usual way.  Variation in 
-the sample trees compared to a tree calculated from the full data 
-set gives an indication of how well supported the tree is by the 
-data.  If the sample trees are very similar to each other and to the 
-full tree, then the tree is "strongly" supported; if the sample 
-trees show great variation, then the tree will be weakly supported.  
-In practice, you usually find some parts of a tree well supported, 
-others weakly.  This can be seen by counting how often each 
-monophyletic group in the full tree occurs in the sample trees.  
-For a particular grouping, one considers it to be significant at the 
-95% level (P <= 0.05) if it occurs in 95% of the bootstrap samples. 
-If a grouping is significant, it is significant with respect to the 
-particular data set and method used for drawing the tree.  
-Biological "significance" is another matter.
-The Phylip package was written by Joe Felsenstein, University of 
-Washington, USA.  It provides Pascal source code for a large number 
-of programs for doing most types of phylogenetic analyses.  The 
-Phylip format alignments produced by this program can be used by all 
-of the Phylip programs, version 3.4 or later (March 1991).  It is 
-freely available from him as follows.
-================= PHYLIP information sheet =====================
-    PHYLIP - Phylogeny Inference Package (version 3.3)
-This is a FREE package of programs for inferring phylogenies and 
-carrying out certain related tasks.  At present it contains 28 
-programs, which carry out different algorithms on different kinds of 
-data.  The programs in the package are:
-      ---------- Programs for molecular sequence data ----------
-PROTPARS  Protein parsimony          
-DNAPARS   Parsimony method for DNA
-DNAMOVE   Interactive DNA parsimony  
-DNAPENNY  Branch and bound for DNA
-DNABOOT   Bootstraps DNA parsimony   
-DNACOMP   Compatibility for DNA
-DNAINVAR  Phylogenetic invariants    
-DNAML     Maximum likelihood method
-DNAMLK    DNAML with molecular clock 
-DNADIST   Distances from sequences
-RESTML    ML for restriction sites
-    ----------- Programs for distance matrix data ------------
-FITCH     Fitch-Margoliash and least-squares methods
-KITSCH    Fitch-Margoliash and least squares methods with
-          evolutionary clock
-    --- Programs for gene frequencies and continuous characters --
-CONTML    Maximum likelihood method  
-GENDIST   Computes genetic distances
-    ------------- Programs for discrete state data -----------
-MIX       Wagner, Camin-Sokal, and mixed parsimony criteria
-MOVE      Interactive Wagner, C-S, mixed parsimony program
-PENNY     Finds all most parsimonious trees by branch-and-bound
-BOOT      Bootstrap confidence interval on mixed parsimony methods
-DOLLOP, DOLMOVE, DOLPENNY, DOLBOOT   same as preceding four
-          programs, but for the Dollo and polymorphism parsimony 
-          criteria
-CLIQUE    Compatibility method       
-FACTOR    recode multistate characters
-    ---- Programs for plotting trees and consensus trees ----
-DRAWGRAM  Draws cladograms and phenograms on screens, plotters and 
-          printers
-DRAWTREE  Draws unrooted phylogenies on screens, plotters and 
-          printers
-CONSENSE  Majority-rule and strict consensus trees
-The package includes extensive documentation files that provide the 
-information necessary to use and modify the programs.
-COMPATIBILITY: The programs are written in a very standard subset of 
-Pascal, a language that is available on most computers (including 
-microcomputers). The programs require only trivial modifications to 
-run on most machines: for example they work with only minor 
-modifications with Turbo Pascal, and without modifications on VAX 
-VMS Pascal. Pascal source code is distributed in the regular version 
-of PHYLIP: compiled object code is not.  To use that version, you 
-must have a Pascal compiler.
-DISKETTE DISTRIBUTION: The package is distributed in a variety of 
-microcomputer diskette formats.   You should send FORMATTED 
-diskettes, which I will return with the package written on them. 
-Unfortunately, I cannot write any Apple formats.   See below for how 
-many diskettes to send.  The programs on the magnetic tape or 
-electronic network versions may of course also be moved to 
-microcomputers using a terminal program.
-PRECOMPILED VERSIONS: Precompiled executable programs for PCDOS 
-systems are available from me.  Specify the "PCDOS executable 
-version" and send the number of extra diskettes indicated below.   
-An Apple Macintosh version with precompiled code is available from 
-Willem Ellis, Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch 
-Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Plantage Middenlaan 64, 1018DH 
-Amsterdam, Netherlands, who asks that you send 5 800K diskettes.
-HOW MANY DISKETTES TO SEND: The following table shows for different 
-PCDOS formats how many diskettes to send, and how many extra 
-diskettes to send for the PCDOS executable version: 
-Diskette size   Density   For source code    For executables, send
-                                                in addition
-  3.5 inch      1.44 Mb          2                     1
-  5.25 inch      1.2 Mb          2                     2
-  3.5 inch       720 Kb          4                     2
-  5.25 inch      360 Kb          7                     4
-Some other formats are also available. You MUST tell me EXACTLY 
-which of these formats you need.  The diskettes MUST be formatted by 
-you before being sent to me. Sending an extra diskette may be 
-NETWORK DISTRIBUTION: The package is also available by distribution 
-of the files directly over electronic networks, and by anonymous ftp 
-from evolution.genetics.washington.edu.  Contact me by electronic 
-mail for details.
-TAPE DISTRIBUTION: The programs are also distributed on a magnetic 
-tape provided by you (which should be a small tape and need only be 
-able to hold two megabytes) in the following format: 9-track, ASCII, 
-odd parity, unlabelled, 6250 bpi (unless otherwise indicated).  
-Logical record: 80 bytes, physical record: 3200 bytes (i.e. blocking 
-factor 40). There are a total of 71 files. The first one describes 
-the contents of the package.
-POLICIES: The package is distributed free.  I do not make it 
-available or support it in South Africa.  The package will be 
-written on the diskettes or tape, which will be mailed back.  They 
-can be sent to:
-                                           Joe Felsenstein
-Electronic mail addresses:                 Department of Genetics SK-50
- Internet:  joe at genetics.washington.edu    University of Washington
- Bitnet/EARN:  felsenst at uwavm              Seattle, Washington 98195
- UUCP:  uw-beaver!evolution.genetics!joe   U.S.A.
-===================== End of Phylip Info. Sheet ====================
-Dayhoff, M.O., Schwartz, R.M. and Orcutt, B.C. (1978) in Atlas of 
-Protein Sequence and Structure, Vol. 5 supplement 3, Dayhoff, M.O. 
-(ed.), NBRF, Washington, p. 345.  
-Felsenstein, J. (1985)  Confidence limits on phylogenies: an 
-approach using the bootstrap.  Evolution 39, 783-791.
-Feng, D.-F. and Doolittle, R.F. (1987)  Progressive sequence 
-alignment as a prerequisite to correct phylogenetic trees.  
-J.Mol.Evol. 25, 351-360.
-Gotoh, O. (1982)  An improved algorithm for matching biological 
-sequences.  J.Mol.Biol. 162, 705-708.
-Gribskov, M., McLachlan, A.D. and Eisenberg, D. (1987) Profile 
-analysis: detection of distantly related proteins. PNAS USA 84, 
-Higgins, D.G. and Sharp, P.M. (1988)  CLUSTAL: a package for 
-performing multiple sequence alignments on a microcomputer.  Gene 
-73, 237-244.
-Higgins, D.G. and Sharp, P.M. (1989)  Fast and sensitive multiple 
-sequence alignments on a microcomputer.  CABIOS 5, 151-153.
-Kimura, M. (1980)   A simple method for estimating evolutionary 
-rates of base substitutions through comparative studies of 
-nucleotide sequences. J. Mol. Evol. 16, 111-120.
-Kimura, M. (1983)   The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution.  
-Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.
-Li, W.-H., Wu, C.-I. and Luo, C.-C. (1985)  A new method for 
-estimating synonymous and nonsynonymous rates of nucleotide 
-substitution considering the relative likelihood of nucleotide and 
-codon changes.  Mol.Biol.Evol. 2, 150-174.
-Myers, E.W. and Miller, W. (1988)  Optimal alignments in linear 
-space.  CABIOS 4, 11-17.
-Pearson, W.R. and Lipman, D.J. (1988)  Improved tools for biological 
-sequence comparison.  PNAS USA 85, 2444-2448.
-Saitou, N. and Nei, M. (1987)  The neighbor-joining method: a new 
-method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees.  Mol.Biol.Evol. 4, 
-Sneath, P.H.A. and Sokal, R.R. (1973)  Numerical Taxonomy.  Freeman, 
-San Francisco.
-Sokal, R.R. and Michener, C.D. (1958)  A statistical method for 
-evaluating systematic relationships.  Univ.Kansas Sci.Bull. 38, 
-Vingron, M. and Argos, P. (1991)  Motif recognition and alignment 
-for many sequences by comparison of dot matrices.  J.Mol.Biol. 218, 
-Wilbur, W.J. and Lipman, D.J. (1983)  Rapid similarity searches of 
-nucleic acid and protein data banks.  PNAS USA 80, 726-730.

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifdef MAC
-#include <console.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-*	Prototypes
-#ifdef MAC
-extern int ccommand(char ***);
-extern void *ckalloc(size_t);
-extern void init_amenu(void);
-extern void init_interface(void);
-extern void init_matrix(void);
-extern void fill_chartab(void);
-extern void parse_params(Boolean);
-extern void main_menu(void);
-*	Global variables
-double **tmat;
-char revision_level[] = "W (1.83)";  /* JULIE  feb 2001*/
-Boolean interactive=FALSE;
-#ifdef MSDOS
-        char *help_file_name = "clustalw.hlp";
-        char *help_file_name = "/usr/share/clustalw/clustalw_help";
-sint max_names; /* maximum length of names in current alignment file */
-float           gap_open,      gap_extend;
-float           pw_go_penalty, pw_ge_penalty;
-FILE *tree;
-FILE *clustal_outfile, *gcg_outfile, *nbrf_outfile, *phylip_outfile,
-     *gde_outfile, *nexus_outfile;
-FILE *fasta_outfile; /* Ramu */
-sint  *seqlen_array;
-sint max_aln_length;
-short usermat[NUMRES][NUMRES], pw_usermat[NUMRES][NUMRES];
-short def_aa_xref[NUMRES+1], aa_xref[NUMRES+1], pw_aa_xref[NUMRES+1];
-short userdnamat[NUMRES][NUMRES], pw_userdnamat[NUMRES][NUMRES];
-short def_dna_xref[NUMRES+1], dna_xref[NUMRES+1], pw_dna_xref[NUMRES+1];
-sint nseqs;
-sint nsets;
-sint *output_index;
-sint **sets;
-sint *seq_weight;
-sint max_aa;
-sint gap_pos1;
-sint gap_pos2;
-sint mat_avscore;
-sint profile_no;
-Boolean usemenu;
-Boolean dnaflag;
-Boolean distance_tree;
-char  **seq_array;
-char **names,**titles;
-char **args;
-char seqname[FILENAMELEN+1];
-char *gap_penalty_mask1 = NULL, *gap_penalty_mask2 = NULL;
-char *sec_struct_mask1 = NULL, *sec_struct_mask2 = NULL;
-sint struct_penalties;
-char *ss_name1 = NULL, *ss_name2 = NULL;
-Boolean user_series = FALSE;
-UserMatSeries matseries;
-short usermatseries[MAXMAT][NUMRES][NUMRES];
-short aa_xrefseries[MAXMAT][NUMRES+1];
-int main(int argc,char **argv)
-	sint i;
-#ifdef MAC
-	argc=ccommand(&argv);
-    init_amenu();
-    init_interface();
-    init_matrix();
-	fill_chartab();
-	if(argc>1) {
-		args = (char **)ckalloc(argc * sizeof(char *));
-		for(i=1;i<argc;++i) 
-		{
-			args[i-1]=(char *)ckalloc((strlen(argv[i])+1) * sizeof(char));
-			strcpy(args[i-1],argv[i]);
-		}
-		usemenu=FALSE;
-		parse_params(FALSE);
-		for(i=0;i<argc-1;i++) 
-			ckfree(args[i]);
-		ckfree(args);
-	}
-	usemenu=TRUE;
-	interactive=TRUE;
-	main_menu();
-	exit(0);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.doc
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.doc	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.doc	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-README for Clustal W version 1.7  June 1997
-             Clustal W version 1.7 Documentation
-This file provides some notes on the latest changes, installation and usage
-of the Clustal W multiple sequence alignment program.
-Julie Thompson (Thompson at EMBL-Heidelberg.DE)
-Toby Gibson    (Gibson at EMBL-Heidelberg.DE)
-European Molecular Biology Laboratory
-Meyerhofstrasse 1
-D 69117 Heidelberg
-Des Higgins (Higgins at ucc.ie)
-University of County Cork
-Please e-mail bug reports/complaints/suggestions (polite if possible)
-to Toby Gibson or Des Higgins.  
-Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G. and Gibson, T.J. (1994)
-CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment
-through sequence weighting, positions-specific gap penalties and weight matrix
-choice.  Nucleic Acids Research, 22:4673-4680.
-What's New (June 1997) in Version 1.7 (since version 1.6).
-1. The static arrays used by clustalw for storing the alignment data have been
-replaced by dynamically allocated memory. There is now no limit on the number
-or length of sequences which can be input.
-2. The alignment of DNA sequences now offers a new hard-coded matrix, as well
-as the identity matrix used previously. The new matrix is the default scoring
-matrix used by the BESTFIT program of the GCG package for the comparison of
-nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB ambiguity
-symbol. All matches score 1.9; all mismatches for IUB symbols score 0.0.
-3. The transition weight option for aligning nucleotide sequences has been
-changed from an on/off toggle to a weight between 0 and 1.  A weight of zero
-means that the transitions are scored as mismatches; a weight of 1 gives 
-transitions the full match score. For distantly related DNA sequences, the
-weight should be near to zero; for closely related sequences it can be useful
-to assign a higher score.
-4. The RSF sequence alignment file format used by GCG Version 9 can now be
-5. The clustal sequence alignment file format has been changed to allow
-sequence names longer than 10 characters. The maximum length allowed is set in
-clustalw.h by the statement:
-#define MAXNAMES	10
-For the fasta format, the name is taken as the first string after the '>'
-character, stopping at the first white space. (Previously, the first 10
-characters were taken, replacing blanks by underscores).
-6. The bootstrap values written in the phylip tree file format can be assigned
-either to branches or nodes. The default is to write the values on the nodes,
-as this can be read by several commonly-used tree display programs. But note
-that this can lead to confusion if the tree is rooted and the bootstraps may
-be better attached to the internal branches: Software developers should ensure
-they can read the branch label format.
-7. The sequence weighting used during sequence to profile alignments has been
-changed. The tree weight is now multiplied by the percent identity of the
-new sequence compared with the most closely related sequence in the profile.
-8. The sequence weighting used during profile to profile alignments has been
-changed. A guide tree is now built for each profile separately and the
-sequence weights calculated from the two trees. The weights for each
-sequence are then multiplied by the percent identity of the sequence compared
-with the most closely related sequence in the opposite profile.
-9. The adjustment of the Gap Opening and Gap Extension Penalties for sequences
-of unequal length has been improved.
-10. The default order of the sequences in the output alignment file has been
-changed. Previously the default was to output the sequences in the same order
-as the input file. Now the default is to use the order in which the sequences
-were aligned (from the guide tree/dendrogram), thus automatically grouping
-closely related sequences.
-11. The option to 'Reset Gaps between alignments' has been switched off by
-12. The conservation line output in the clustal format alignment file has been
-changed. Three characters are now used:
-'*' indicates positions which have a single, fully conserved residue
-':' indicates that one of the following 'strong' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 STA
-                 NEQK
-                 NHQK
-                 NDEQ
-                 QHRK
-                 MILV
-                 MILF
-                 HY
-                 FYW
-'.' indicates that one of the following 'weaker' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 CSA
-                 ATV
-                 SAG
-                 STNK
-                 STPA
-                 SGND
-                 SNDEQK
-                 NDEQHK
-                 NEQHRK
-                 FVLIM
-                 HFY
-These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in the Gonnet Pam250
-matrix. The strong and weak groups are defined as strong score >0.5 and weak
-score =<0.5 respectively.
-13. A bug in the modification of the Myers and Miller alignment algorithm
-for residue-specific gap penalites has been fixed. This occasionally caused
-new gaps to be opened a few residues away from the optimal position.
-14. The GCG/MSF input format no longer needs the word PILEUP on the first
-line. Several versions can now be recognised:-
-      1.  The word PILEUP as the first word in the file
-          as the first word in the file
-      3.  The characters MSF on the first line in the line, and the
-          characters .. at the end of the line.
-15. The standard command line separator for UNIX systems has been changed from
-'/' to '-'. ie. to give options on the command line, you now type
-     clustalw input.aln -gapopen=8.0
-instead of  clustalw input.aln /gapopen=8.0
-                      ATTENTION SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS!!
-                      -------------------------------
-The CLUSTAL sequence alignment output format has been modified:
-1. Names longer than 10 chars are now allowed. (The maximum is specified in
-clustalw.h by '#define MAXNAMES'.)
-2. The consensus line now consists of three characters: '*',':' and '.'. (Only
-the '*' and '.' were previously used.)
-3. An option (not the default) has been added, allowing the user to print out
-sequence numbers at the end of each line of the alignment output.
-4. Both RNA bases (U) and base ambiguities are now supported in nucleic acid
-sequences. In the past, all characters (upper or lower case) other than
-a,c,g,t or u were converted to N. Now the following characters are recognised 
-and retained in the alignment output: ABCDGHKMNRSTUVWXY (upper or lower case).
-5. A  Blank line inadvertently added in the version 1.6 header has been taken
-out again.
-What's New (March 1996) in Version 1.6 (since version 1.5).
-1) Improved handling of sequences of unequal length.  Previously, we
-increased the gap extension penalties for both sequences if the two sequences
-(or groups of previously aligned sequences) were of different lengths.  
-Now, we increase the gap opening and extension penalties for the shorter 
-sequence only.   This helps prevent short sequences being stretched out
-along longer ones.
-2) Added the "Gonnet" series of weight matrices (from Gaston Gonnet and 
-co-workers at the ETH in Zurich).  Fixed a bug in the matrix
-choice menu; now PAM matrices can be selected ok.
-3) Added secondary structure/gap penalty masks.  These allow you to 
-include, in an alignment, a position specific set of gap penalties.  
-You can either set a gap opening penalty at each position or specify
-the secondary strcuture (if protein; alpha helix, beta strand or loop)
-and have gap penalties set automatically.   This, basically, is used to make 
-gaps harder to open inside helices or strands.  
-These masks are only used in the "profile alignment" menu.  They may be read in
-as part of an alignment in a special format (see the on-line help for
-details) or associated with each sequence, if the sequences are in Swiss Prot 
-format and secondary structure information is given.   All of the mask 
-parameters can be set from the profile alignment menu.  Basically, the
-mask is made up of a series of numbers between 1 and 9, one per position.
-The gap opening penalty at a position is calculated as the starting penalty
-multipleied by the mask value at that site. 
-4) Added command line options /profile and /sequences.
-These allow uses to choose between normal profile alignment where the
-two profiles (pre-existing alignments specified in the files
-/profile1= and /profile2=) are merged/aligned with each other (/profile)
-and the case where the individual sequences in /profile2 are aligned
-sequentially with the alignment in /profile1 (/sequences).
-5) Fixed bug in modified Myers and Miller algorithm - gap penalty score
-was not always calculated properly for type 2 midpoints.  This is the core
-alignment algorithm.
-6) Only allows one output file format to be selected from command line
-- ie. multiple output alignment files are not allowed.
-7) Fixed 'bad calls to ckfree' error during calculation of phylip distance
-8) Fixed command line options /gapopen /gapext /type=protein /negative.
-9) Allowed user to change command line separator on UNIX from '/' to '-'.
-This allows unix users to use the more conventinal '-' symbol
-for seperating command line options.  "/" can then be used in unix
-file names on the command line.   The symbol that is used,
-is specified in the file clustalw.h which must be edited if you 
-wish to change it (and the program must then be recompiled).   Find the 
-block of code in clustalw.h that corrsponds to the operating system you
-are using.  These blocks are started by one of the following:
-#ifdef VMS 
-#elif MAC
-#elif MSDOS
-#elif UNIX
-On the next line after each is the line:
-#define COMMANDSEP '/'
-Change this in the appropriate block of code (e.g. the UNIX block) to 
-#define COMMANDSEP '-'
-if you wish to use the "-" character as command seperator.
-What's New (April 1995) in Version 1.5 (since version 1.3).
-1) ported to MAC and PC.  These versions are quite slow unless you
-have a nice beefy machine.  On a Power Mac or a Pentium box
-it is nice and fast.  Two precompiled versions are supplied for Macs
-(Power mac and old mac versions).
-Mac:       1500 residues by 100 sequences
-Power Mac  3000    "     "   "     "
-PC         1500    "     "   "     "
-2) alignment of new sequences to an alignment.  Fixed a serious bug
-which assigned weights to the wrong sequences.  Now also, weights 
-sequences according to distance from the incoming sequence.  The
-new weights are: tree weights * similarity to incoming sequence.
-The tree weights are the old weights that we derive from the tree
-connecting all the sequences in the existing alignment.
-3) for all platforms, output linelength = 60.
-4) Bootstrap files (*.phb): the "final" node (arbitrary trichotomy
-at the end of the neighbor-joining process) is labelled as 
-TRICHOTOMY in the bootstrap output files.  This is to help
-link bootstrap figures with nodes when you reroot the tree.
-5) Command line /bootstrap option now more robust.
-This document gives some BRIEF notes about usage of the Clustal W
-multiple alignment program for UNIX and VMS machines.  Clustal W
-is a major update and rewrite of the Clustal V program which 
-was described in:
-Higgins, D.G., Bleasby, A.J. and Fuchs, R. (1992)
-CLUSTAL V: improved software for multiple sequence alignment.
-Computer Applications in the Biosciences (CABIOS), 8(2):189-191.
-The main new features are a greatly improved (more sensitive)
-multiple alignment procedure for proteins and improved support
-for different file formats.  This software was described in:
-Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G. and Gibson, T.J. (1994)
-CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple
-sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position specific
-gap penalties and weight matrix choice.
-Nucleic Acids Research, 22(22):4673-4680.
-The usage of Clustal W is largely the same as for
-Clustal V details of which are described in clustalv.doc.  Details of the
-new alignment algorithms are described in the manuscript by
-Thompson et. al. above, an ascii/text version of which is included 
-(clustalw.ms). This file lists some of the details not covered by either 
-of the above documents.
-There are brief notes on the following topics:
-1) Installation for VMS and UNIX and MAC and PC
-2) File input
-3) file output
-4) changes to the alignment algorithms
-5) minor modifications to the phylogenetic tree and bootstrapping methods
-6) summary of the command line usage.
-1) INSTALLATION    (for Unix, VAX/VMS, PC and MAC)
-If you wish to recompile the program (or compile it for the first
-time; you will have to do this with UNIX):
-first check the file CLUSTALW.H which needs to be changed if you
-move the code from between unix and vms machines.  At the top
-of the file are four lines which define one of VMS, MSDOS, MAC or
-UNIX to be 1.  All of these EXCEPT one must be commented out
-using enclosed /* ... */.  
-Make files are supplied for unix machines.  The code was compiled and
-tested using Decstation (Ultrix), SUN (Gnu C compiler/gcc), Silicon
-Graphics (IRIX) and DEC/Alpha (OSF1).  We have not tested the code on any other
-systems.  Just use makefile to make on most systems.  For Sun, you need to
-have the Gnuc C (gcc) compiler installed ... use the file makefile.sun in this
-case.  You make the program with:
-make  (or make -f makefile.sun)
-This produces the file clustalw which can be run by typing clustalw and
-pressing return.  The help file is called clustalw_help
-There is a small DCL command file (VMSLINK.COM) to compile and link the
-code for VMS machines (vax or alpha).  This procedure just compiles the
-source files and links using default settings.  Run it using:
-$ @vmslink
-This produces Clustalw.exe which can be run using the run command:
-$ run clustalw
-The intermediate object files can be deleted with:
-$ del *.obj;
-There is an extensive command line facility.  To use this, you must
-create a symbol to run the program (and put this in your login.com file).
-$ clustalw :== $$drive:[dir.dir]clustalw
-where $drive is the drive on which the executable file is stored (clustalw.exe)
-and [dir.dir] is the full directory specification.  NOTE THE EXTRA DOLLAR SIGN.
-Then the program can be run using the command:
-$ clustalw
-We supply an executable file (Clustalw.exe) which will run using MSDOS.
-It will also run under windows (as a DOS application) 
-*** IF you have a maths coprocessor***.  If you do not have a maths chip 
-(e.g. 80387), the program can only be run under MSDOS.  In the latter case, 
-you must have the file EMU387.exe in the same directory as CLUSTALW.EXE.  
-This file emulates a maths chip if you do not have one.  
-We generated the executable file using gnu c for MSDOS. 
-It will also compile (with about 10,000 warning messages)
-using Microsoft C but we have not tested it and there appear to be problems
-with the executable. 
-You will need to use a "memory extender" to allow the program to get at more 
-than 640kb of memory.
-The code compiles for Power Mac and older macs using Metroworks Codewarrior
-C compiler.  We supply 2 executable programs (one each for PowerMac and
-older mac): ClustalwPPC and Clustalw68k).  These need up to
-10mb of memory to run which needs to be adjusted with the Get Info (%I)
-command from the Finder if you have problems.  Just double click the 
-executable file name or icon and off you go (we hope).
-As a special treat for Mac users, we supply an executable and brief readme
-file for NJPLOT.   This is a really nice program by Manolo Gouy
-(University of Lyon, France) that allows you to import the trees
-made by Clustal W and display them/manipulate them.  It will properly
-display the bootstrap figures from the *.phb files.  It can export the
-trees in PICT format which can then be used by MacDraw for example.
-2) FILE INPUT (sequences to be aligned)
-The sequences must all be in one file (or two files for a "profile alignment")
-in ONE of the following formats:
-The program tries to "guess" which format is being used and whether
-the sequences are nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) or amino acid (proteins).  The
-format is recognised by the first characters in the file.  This is kind
-of stupid/crude but works most of the time and it is difficult
-to do reliably, any other way.
-Format           First non blank word or character in the file.
-FASTA            >
-NBRF             >P1;  or >D1;
-GDE protein      % 
-GDE nucleotide   # 
-CLUSTAL          CLUSTAL (blocked multiple alignments)
-                 or MSF on the first line, and '..' at the end of line
-Note, that the only way of spotting that a file is MSF format is if
-the word PILEUP appears at the very beginning of the file.  If you 
-produce this format from software other than the GCG pileup program,
-then you will have to insert the word PILEUP at the start of the file.
-Similarly, if you use clustal format, the word CLUSTAL must appear first.
-All of these formats can be used to read in AN EXISTING FULL ALIGNMENT.
-With CLUSTAL format, this is just the same as the output format of this
-program and Clustal V.  If you use PILEUP or CLUSTAL format, all sequences
-must be the same length, INCLUDING GAPS ("-" in clustal format; "." in MSF).
-With the other formats, sequences can be gapped with "-" characters.  If you
-read in any gaps these are kept during any later alignments.  You can use
-this facility to read in an alignment in order to calculate a phylogenetic
-tree OR to output the same alignment in a different format (from the
-output format options menu of the multiple alignment menu) e.g. read
-in a GCG/MSF format alignment and output a PHYLIP format alignment. This is 
-also useful to read in one reference alignment and to add one or more new 
-sequences to it using the "profile alignment" facilities.
-DNA vs. PROTEIN:  the program will count the number of A,C,G,T,U and N
-charcters.  If 85% or more of the characters in a sequence are as above,
-then DNA/RNA is assumed, protein otherwise.  
-1) the alignments.
-In the multiple alignment and profile alignment menus, there is a menu
-item to control the output format(s).
-The alignment output format can be set to any (or all) of:
-CLUSTAL  (a self explanatory blocked alignment)
-NBRF/PIR (same as input format but with "-" characters for gaps)
-MSF      (the main GCG package multiple alignment format)
-PHYLIP   (Joe Felsenstein's phylogeny inference package.  Gaps are set to
-         "-" characters.  For some programs (e.g. PROTPARS/DNAPARS) these 
-         should be changed to "?" characters for unknown residues.
-GDE      (Used by Steven Smith's GDE package)
-You can also choose between having the sequences in the same order as in 
-the input file or writing them out in an order that more closely matches the 
-order used to carry out the multiple alignment.
-2) The trees.
-Believe it or not, we now use the New Hampshire (nested parentheses)
-format as default for our trees.  This format is compatible with e.g. the
-PHYLIP package.  If you want to view a tree, you can use the RETREE or 
-DRAWGRAM/DRAWTREE programs of PHYLIP.  This format is used for all our 
-trees, even the initial guide trees for deciding the order of multiple
-alignment.  The output trees from the phylogenetic tree menu can also be
-requested in our old verbose/cryptic format.  This may be more useful
-if, for example, you wish to see the bootstrap figures.  The bootstrap
-trees in the default New Hampshire format give the bootstrap figures
-as extra labels which can be viewed very easily using TREETOOL which is
-available as part of the GDE package.  TREETOOL is available from the
-RDP project by ftp from rdp.life.uiuc.edu.  
-The New Hampshire format is only useful if you have software to display or
-manipulate the trees.  The PHYLIP package is highly recommended if you intend
-to do much work with trees and includes programs for doing this.  If you do
-not have such software, request the trees in the older clustal format
-and see the documentation for Clustal V (clustalv.doc).  WE DO NOT PROVIDE
-The basic algorithm is the same as for Clustal V and is described in some
-detail in clustalv.doc.  The new modifications are described in detail in 
-clustalw.ms.  Here we just list some notes to help answer some of the most
-obvious questions.
-Terminal Gaps
-In the original Clustal V program, terminal gaps were penalised the same
-as all other gaps.  This caused some ugly side effects e.g.
-acgtacgtacgtacgt                              acgtacgtacgtacgt
-a----cgtacgtacgt  gets the same score as      ----acgtacgtacgt
-NOW, terminal gaps are free.  This is better on average and stops silly
-effects like single residues jumping to the edge of the alignment.  However,
-it is not perfect.  It does mean that if there should be a gap near the end 
-of the alignment, the program may be reluctant to insert it i.e. 
-cccccgggccccc                                              cccccgggccccc
-ccccc---ccccc  may be considered worse (lower score) than  cccccccccc---
-In the right hand case above, the terminal gap is free and may score higher
-than the laft hand alignment.  This can be prevented by lowering the gap
-opening and extension penalties.   It is difficult to get this right all the
-time.  Please watch the ends of your alignments. 
-Speed of the initial (pairwise) alignments (fast approximate/slow accurate)
-By default, the initial pairwise alignments are now carried out using a full
-dynamic programming algorithm.  This is more accurate than the older hash/
-k-tuple based alignments (Wilbur and Lipman) but is MUCH slower.  On a fast
-workstation you may not notice but on a slow box, the difference is extreme.
-You can set the alignment method from the menus easily to the older, faster
-Delaying alignment of distant sequences
-The user can set a cut off to delay the alignment of the most divergent
-sequences in a data set until all other sequences have been aligned.  By 
-default, this is set to 40% which means that if a sequence is less than 40%
-identical to any other sequence, its alignment will be delayed.  
-Iterative realignment/Reset gaps between alignments
-By default, if you align a set of sequences a second time (e.g. with changed
-gap penalties), the gaps from the first alignment are discarded.  You can
-set this from the menus so that older gaps will be kept between alignments,
-This can sometimes give better alignments by keeping the gaps (do not reset
-them) and doing the full multiple alignment a second time.  Sometimes, the
-alignment will converge on a better solution; sometimes the new alignment will
-be the same as the first.  There can be a strange side effect: you can get
-columns of nothing but gaps introduced.  
-Any gaps that are read in from the input file are always kept, regardless 
-of the setting of this switch.  If you read in a full multiple alignment, the "reset
-gaps" switch has no effect.  The old gaps will remain and if you carry out 
-a multiple alignment, any new gaps will be added in.  If you wish to carry out 
-a full new alignment of a set of sequences that are already aligned in a file
-you must input the sequences without gaps.
-Profile alignment
-By profile alignment, we simply mean the alignment of old alignments/sequences.
-In this context, a profile is just an existing alignment (or even a set of 
-unaligned sequences; see below).  This allows you to
-read in an old alignment (in any of the allowed input formats) and align
-one or more new sequences to it.  From the profile alignment menu, you
-are allowed to read in 2 profiles.  Either profile can be a full alignment
-OR a single sequence.  In the simplest mode, you simply align the two profiles
-to each other. This is useful if you want to gradually build up a full
-multiple alignment.  
-A second option is to align the sequences from the second profile, one at
-a time to the first profile.  This is done, taking the underlying tree between
-the sequences into account.  This is useful if you have a set of new sequences
-(not aligned) and you wish to add them all to an older alignment.
-The phylogenetic trees in Clustal W (the real trees that you calculate
-AFTER alignment; not the guide trees used to decide the branching order
-for multiple alignment) use the Neighbor-Joining method of Saitou and
-Nei based on a matrix of "distances" between all sequences.  These distances
-can be corrected for "multiple hits".  This is normal practice when accurate
-trees are needed.  This correction stretches distances (especially large ones)
-to try to correct for the fact that OBSERVED distances (mean number of 
-differences per site) greatly underestimate the actual number that happened
-during evolution.  
-In Clustal V we used a simple formula to convert an observed distance to one
-that is corrected for multiple hits.  The observed distance is the mean number
-of differences per site in an alignment (ignoring sites with a gap) and is
-therefore always between 0.0 (for ientical sequences) an 1.0 (no residues the
-same at any site).  These distances can be multiplied by 100 to give percent
-difference values.  100 minus percent difference gives percent identity.
-The formula we use to correct for multiple hits is from Motoo Kimura
-(Kimura, M. The neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution, Camb.Univ.Press, 1983,
-page 75) and is:
-K = -Ln(1 - D - (D.D)/5)  where D is the observed distance and K is       
-                              corrected distance.
-This formula gives mean number of estimated substitutions per site and, in
-contrast to D (the observed number), can be greater than 1 i.e. more than
-one substitution per site, on average.  For example, if you observe 0.8
-differences per site (80% difference; 20% identity), then the above formula
-predicts that there have been 2.5 substitutions per site over the course 
-of evolution since the 2 sequences diverged.  This can also be expressed in 
-PAM units by multiplying by 100 (mean number of substitutions per 100 residues).
-The PAM scale of evolution and its derivation/calculation comes from the
-work of Margaret Dayhoff and co workers (the famous Dayhoff PAM series
-of weight matrices also came from this work).  Dayhoff et al constructed
-an elaborate model of protein evolution based on observed frequencies
-of substitution between very closely related proteins.  Using this model,
-they derived a table relating observed distances to predicted PAM distances.
-Kimura's formula, above, is just a "curve fitting" approximation to this table.
-It is very accurate in the range 0.75 > D > 0.0 but becomes increasingly
-unaccurate at high D (>0.75) and fails completely at around D = 0.85.
-To circumvent this problem, we calculated all the values for K corresponding
-to D above 0.75 directly using the Dayhoff model and store these in an 
-internal table, used by Clustal W.  This table is declared in the file dayhoff.h and
-gives values of K for all D between 0.75 and 0.93 in intervals of 0.001 i.e.
-for D = 0.750, 0.751, 0.752 ...... 0.929, 0.930.   For any observed D 
-higher than 0.930, we arbitrarily set K to 10.0.  This sounds drastic but
-with real sequences, distances of 0.93 (less than 7% identity) are rare.
-If your data set includes sequences with this degree of divergence, you
-will have great difficulty getting accurate trees by ANY method; the alignment
-itself will be very difficult (to construct and to evaluate).
-There are some important
-things to note.  Firstly, this formula works well if your sequences are
-of average amino acid composition and if the amino acids substitute according
-to the original Dayhoff model.  In other cases, it may be misleading.  Secondly,
-it is based only on observed percent distance i.e. it does not DIRECTLY
-take conservative substitutions into account.  Thirdly, the error on the
-estimated PAM distances may be VERY great for high distances; at very high
-distance (e.g. over 85%) it may give largely arbitrary corrected distances.
-In most cases, however, the correction is still worth using; the trees will
-be more accurate and the branch lengths will be more realistic.  
-A far more sophisticated distance correction based on a full Dayhoff
-model which DOES take conservative substitutions and actual amino acid
-composition into account, may be found in the PROTDIST program of the
-PHYLIP package.  For serious tree makers, this program is highly recommended. 
-When you use the BOOTSTRAP in Clustal W to estimate the reliability of parts
-of a tree, many of the uncorrected distances may randomly exceed the arbitrary cut
-off of 0.93 (sequences only 7% identical) if the sequences are distantly
-related.  This will happen randomly i.e. even if none of the pairs of 
-sequences are less than 7% identical, the bootstrap samples may contain pairs
-of sequences that do exceed this cut off.
-If this happens, you will be warned.  In practice, this can
-happen with many data sets.  It is not a serious problem if it happens rarely.
-If it does happen (you are warned when it happens and told how often the
-problem occurs), you should consider removing the most distantly
-related sequences and/or using the PHYLIP package instead.
-A further problem arises in almost exactly the opposite situation: when
-you bootstrap a data set which contains 3 or more sequences that are identical
-or almost identical.  Here, the sets of identical sequences should be shown
-as a multifurcation (several sequences joing at the same part of the tree).
-Because the Neighbor-Joining method only gives strictly dichotomous trees
-(never more than 2 sequences join at one time), this cannot be exactly 
-represented.  In practice, this is NOT a problem as there will be some
-internal branches of zero length seperating the sequences.  If you
-display the tree with all branch lengths, you will still see a multifurcation.  
-However, when you bootstrap
-the tree, only the branching orders are stored and counted.  In the case
-of multifurcations, the exact branching order is arbitrary but the program
-will always get the same branching order, depending only on the input order
-of the sequences.  In practice, this is only a problem in situations where
-you have a set of sequences where all of them are VERY similar.  In this case,
-you can find very high support for some groupings which will disappear if you
-run the analysis with a different input order.  Again, the PHYLIP package
-deals with this by offering a JUMBLE option to shuffle the input order
-of your sequences between each bootstrap sample.  
-Clustal W is designed to be run interactively.  However, there are many 
-situations where it is convenient to run it from the command line, especially
-if you wish to run it from another piece of software (e.g. SeqApp or GDE).
-All parameters can be set from the command line by giving options after the
-clustalw command. On UNIX options should be preceded by '-', all other systems
-use the '/' character.
-If anything is put on the command line, the program will (attempt to) carry
-out whatever is requested and will exit.  If you wish to use the command
-line to set some parameters and then go into interactive mode, use the
-command line switch: interactive .... e.g.
-clustalw -quicktree -interactive    on UNIX
-clustalw /quicktree /interactive    on VMS,MAC and PC
-will set the default initial alignment mode to fast/approximate and will then
-go to the main menu.
-To see a list of all the command line parameters, type: 
-clustalw -options           on UNIX
-clustalw /options           on VMS,MAC and PC
-and you will see a list with no explanation.
-To get (VERY BRIEF) help on command line usage, use the /HELP or /CHECK
-(-help or -check on UNIX systems) options.  Otherwise, the command line
-usage is self explanatory or is explained in clustalv.doc.  The defaults
-for all parameters are set in the file param.h which can be changed easily 
-(remember to recompile the program afterwards :-).

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.h
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.h	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.h	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-/*#include "/us1/user/julie/dmalloc/malloc.h"*/
-   /*
-   Main header file for ClustalW.  Uncomment ONE of the following 4 lines
-   depending on which compiler you wish to use.
-   */
-/*#define VMS 1                 VAX or ALPHA VMS */
-/*#define MAC 1                 Think_C for Macintosh */
-/*#define MSDOS 1               Turbo C for PC's */
-#define UNIX 1                /*Ultrix/Decstation, Gnu C for 
-                                Sun, IRIX/SGI, OSF1/ALPHA */
-#include "general.h"
-#define MAXNAMES		30	/* Max chars read for seq. names */
-#define MAXTITLES		60      /* Title length */
-#define FILENAMELEN 	256             /* Max. file name length */
-#define UNKNOWN   0
-#define EMBLSWISS 1
-#define PIR 	  2
-#define PEARSON   3
-#define GDE    	  4
-#define CLUSTAL   5	/* DES */
-#define MSF       6 /* DES */
-#define RSF       7	/* JULIE */
-#define USER      8	/* DES */
-#define PHYLIP    9	/* DES */
-#define NEXUS    10/* DES */
-#define FASTA    11/* Ramu */
-#define NONE      0
-#define SECST     1
-#define GMASK     2
-#define PROFILE 0
-#define SEQUENCE 1
-#define BS_NODE_LABELS 2
-#define PAGE_LEN       22   /* Number of lines of help sent to screen */
-#define PAGEWIDTH	80  /* maximum characters on output file page */
-#define LINELENGTH     	60  /* Output file line length */
-#define GCG_LINELENGTH 	50
-#ifdef VMS						/* Defaults for VAX VMS */
-#define COMMANDSEP '/'
-#define DIRDELIM ']'		/* Last character before file name in full file 
-							   specs */
-#define INT_SCALE_FACTOR 1000 /* Scaling factor to convert float to integer for profile scores */
-#elif MAC
-#define COMMANDSEP '/'
-#define DIRDELIM ':'
-#define INT_SCALE_FACTOR 100  /* Scaling factor to convert float to integer for profile scores */
-#elif MSDOS
-#define COMMANDSEP '/'
-#define DIRDELIM '\\'
-#define INT_SCALE_FACTOR 100  /* Scaling factor to convert float to integer for profile scores */
-#elif UNIX
-#define COMMANDSEP '-'
-#define DIRDELIM '/'
-#define INT_SCALE_FACTOR 1000 /* Scaling factor to convert float to integer for profile scores */
-#define NUMRES 32		/* max size of comparison matrix */
-#define INPUT 0
-#define ALIGNED 1
-#define LEFT 1
-#define RIGHT 2
-#define NODE 0
-#define LEAF 1
-#define GAPCOL 32		/* position of gap open penalty in profile */
-#define LENCOL 33		/* position of gap extension penalty in profile */
-typedef struct node {		/* phylogenetic tree structure */
-        struct node *left;
-        struct node *right;
-        struct node *parent;
-        float dist;
-        sint  leaf;
-        int order;
-        char name[64];
-} stree, *treeptr;
-typedef struct {
-	char title[30];
-	char string[30];
-} MatMenuEntry;
-typedef struct {
-	int noptions;
-	MatMenuEntry opt[10];
-} MatMenu;
-#define MAXMAT 10
-typedef struct {
-	int llimit;	
-	int ulimit;
-	short *matptr;
-	short *aa_xref;
-} SeriesMat;
-typedef struct {
-	int nmat;
-	SeriesMat mat[MAXMAT];
-} UserMatSeries;
-   Prototypes
-/* alnscore.c */
-void aln_score(void);
-/* interface.c */
-void parse_params(Boolean);
-void init_amenu(void);
-void init_interface(void);
-void 	main_menu(void);
-FILE 	*open_output_file(char *, char *, char *, char *);
-FILE    *open_explicit_file(char *);
-sint seq_input(Boolean);
-Boolean open_alignment_output(char *);
-void create_alignment_output(sint fseq,sint lseq);
-void align(char *phylip_name);
-void profile_align(char *p1_tree_name,char *p2_tree_name);/* Align 2 alignments */
-void make_tree(char *phylip_name);
-void get_tree(char *phylip_name);
-sint profile_input(void);                        /* read a profile */
-void new_sequence_align(char *phylip_name);
-Boolean user_mat(char *, short *, short *);
-Boolean user_mat_series(char *, short *, short *);
-void get_help(char);
-void clustal_out(FILE *, sint, sint, sint, sint);
-void nbrf_out(FILE *, sint, sint, sint, sint);
-void gcg_out(FILE *, sint, sint, sint, sint);
-void phylip_out(FILE *, sint, sint, sint, sint);
-void gde_out(FILE *, sint, sint, sint, sint);
-void nexus_out(FILE *, sint, sint, sint, sint);
-void fasta_out(FILE *, sint, sint, sint, sint);
-void print_sec_struct_mask(int prf_length,char *mask,char *struct_mask);
-void fix_gaps(void);
-/* calcgapcoeff.c */
-void calc_gap_coeff(char **alignment, sint *gaps, sint **profile, Boolean struct_penalties,
-                   char *gap_penalty_mask, sint first_seq, sint last_seq,
-                   sint prf_length, sint gapcoef, sint lencoef);
-/* calcprf1.c */
-void calc_prf1(sint **profile, char **alignment, sint *gaps, sint matrix[NUMRES ][NUMRES ], 
-               sint *seq_weight, sint prf_length, sint first_seq, sint last_seq);
-/* calcprf2.c */
-void calc_prf2(sint **profile, char **alignment, sint *seq_weight, sint prf_length,
-               sint first_seq, sint last_seq);
-/* calctree.c */
-void calc_seq_weights(sint first_seq, sint last_seq,sint *seq_weight);
-void create_sets(sint first_seq, sint last_seq);
-sint read_tree(char *treefile, sint first_seq, sint last_seq);
-void clear_tree(treeptr p);
-sint calc_similarities(sint nseqs);
-/* clustalw.c */
-int main(int argc, char **argv);
-/* gcgcheck.c */
-int SeqGCGCheckSum(char *seq, sint len);
-/* malign.c */
-sint malign(sint istart,char *phylip_name);
-sint seqalign(sint istart,char *phylip_name);
-sint palign1(void);
-float countid(sint s1, sint s2);
-sint palign2(char *p1_tree_name,char *p2_tree_name);
-/* pairalign.c */
-sint pairalign(sint istart, sint iend, sint jstart, sint jend);
-/* prfalign.c */
-lint prfalign(sint *group, sint *aligned);
-/* random.c */
-unsigned long linrand(unsigned long r);
-unsigned long addrand(unsigned long r);
-void addrandinit(unsigned long s);
-/* readmat.c */
-void init_matrix(void);
-sint get_matrix(short *matptr, short *xref, sint matrix[NUMRES ][NUMRES ], Boolean neg_flag,
-                sint scale);
-sint read_user_matrix(char *filename, short *usermat, short *xref);
-sint read_matrix_series(char *filename, short *usermat, short *xref);
-int getargs(char *inline1, char *args[], int max);
-/* sequence.c */
-void fill_chartab(void);
-sint readseqs(sint first_seq);
-/* showpair.c */
-void show_pair(sint istart, sint iend, sint jstart, sint jend);
-/* trees.c */
-void phylogenetic_tree(char *phylip_name,char *clustal_name,char *dist_name, char *nexus_name, char *pim_name);
-void bootstrap_tree(char *phylip_name,char *clustal_name, char *nexus_name);
-sint dna_distance_matrix(FILE *tree);
-sint prot_distance_matrix(FILE *tree);
-void guide_tree(FILE *tree,int first_seq,sint nseqs);
-void calc_percidentity(FILE *pfile);
-/* util.c */
-void alloc_aln(sint nseqs);
-void realloc_aln(sint first_seq,sint nseqs);
-void free_aln(sint nseqs);
-void alloc_seq(sint seq_no,sint length);
-void realloc_seq(sint seq_no,sint length);
-void free_seq(sint seq_no);
-void *ckalloc(size_t bytes);
-void *ckrealloc(void *ptr, size_t bytes);
-void *ckfree(void *ptr);
-char prompt_for_yes_no(char *title,char *prompt);
-void fatal(char *msg, ...);
-void error(char *msg, ...);
-void warning(char *msg, ...);
-void info(char *msg, ...);
-char *rtrim(char *str);
-char *blank_to_(char *str);
-char *upstr(char *str);
-char *lowstr(char *str);
-void getstr(char *instr, int n, char *outstr);
-double getreal(char *instr, double minx, double maxx, double def);
-int getint(char *instr, int minx, int maxx, int def);
-void do_system(void);
-Boolean linetype(char *line, char *code);
-Boolean keyword(char *line, char *code);
-Boolean blankline(char *line);
-void get_path(char *str, char *path);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.ms
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.ms	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalw.ms	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,794 +0,0 @@
-This is just an ASCII text version of the manuscript describing
-Clustal W, without the figures.  It was published:
-Nucleic Acids Research, 22(22):4673-4680.
-CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple 
-sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position specific 
-gap penalties and weight matrix choice.
-Julie D. Thompson, Desmond G. Higgins1 and Toby J. Gibson*
-European Molecular Biology Laboratory
-Postfach 102209
-Meyerhofstrasse 1
-D-69012 Heidelberg
-Phone:		+49-6221-387398
-Fax:		+49-6221-387306
-E-mail:		Gibson at EMBL-Heidelberg.DE
-		Des.Higgins at EBI.AC.UK
-		Thompson at EMBL-Heidelberg.DE
-Keywords:	Multiple alignment, phylogenetic tree, weight matrix, gap
-		penalty, dynamic programming, sequence weighting.
-1 Current address: 
-European Bioinformatics Institute
-Hinxton Hall
-Cambridge CB10 1RQ
-* To whom correspondence should be addressed
-The sensitivity of the commonly used progressive multiple sequence 
-alignment method has been greatly improved for the alignment of divergent 
-protein sequences.   Firstly, individual weights are assigned to each sequence 
-in a partial alignment in order to downweight near-duplicate sequences and 
-upweight the most divergent ones.   Secondly, amino acid substitution 
-matrices are varied at different alignment stages according to the divergence 
-of the sequences to be aligned.    Thirdly, residue specific gap penalties and 
-locally reduced gap penalties in hydrophilic regions encourage new gaps in 
-potential loop regions rather than regular secondary structure.   Fourthly, 
-positions in early alignments where gaps have been opened receive locally 
-reduced gap penalties to encourage the opening up of new gaps at these 
-positions.  These modifications are incorporated into a new program, 
-CLUSTAL W which is freely available.  
-The simultaneous alignment of many nucleotide or amino acid sequences is 
-now an essential tool in molecular biology.  Multiple alignments are used to 
-find diagnostic patterns to characterise protein families; to detect or 
-demonstrate homology between new sequences and existing families of 
-sequences; to help predict the secondary and tertiary structures of new 
-sequences; to suggest oligonucleotide primers for PCR; as an essential prelude 
-to molecular evolutionary analysis.   The rate of appearance of new sequence 
-data is steadily increasing and the development of efficient and accurate 
-automatic methods for multiple alignment is, therefore, of major 
-importance.   The majority of automatic multiple alignments are now carried 
-out using the "progressive" approach of Feng and Doolittle (1).   In this paper, 
-we describe a number of improvements to the progressive multiple 
-alignment method which greatly improve the sensitivity without sacrificing 
-any of the speed and efficiency which makes this approach so practical.  The 
-new methods are made available in a program called CLUSTAL W which is 
-freely available and portable to a wide variety of computers and operating 
-In order to align just two sequences, it is standard practice to use dynamic 
-programming (2).  This guarantees a mathematically optimal alignment, 
-given a table of scores for matches and mismatches between all amino acids 
-or nucleotides (e.g. the PAM250 matrix (3) or BLOSUM62 matrix (4)) and 
-penalties for insertions or deletions of different lengths.   Attempts at 
-generalising dynamic programming to multiple alignments are limited to 
-small numbers of short sequences (5).  For much more than eight or so 
-proteins of average length, the problem is uncomputable given current 
-computer power.  Therefore, all of the methods capable of handling larger 
-problems in practical timescales, make use of heuristics.    Currently, the most 
-widely used approach is to exploit the fact that homologous sequences are 
-evolutionarily related.  One can build up a multiple alignment progressively 
-by a series of pairwise alignments, following the branching order in a 
-phylogenetic tree (1).  One first aligns the most closely related sequences, 
-gradually adding in the more distant ones.   This approach is sufficiently fast 
-to allow alignments of virtually any size.   Further, in simple cases, the 
-quality of the alignments is excellent, as judged by the ability to correctly align 
-corresponding domains from sequences of known secondary or tertiary 
-structure (6).  In more difficult cases, the alignments give good starting points 
-for further automatic or manual refinement.
-This approach works well when the data set consists of sequences of different 
-degrees of divergence.   Pairwise alignment of very closely related sequences 
-can be carried out very accurately.   The correct answer may often be obtained 
-using a wide range of parameter values (gap penalties and weight matrix).  By 
-the time the most distantly related sequences are aligned, one already has a 
-sample of aligned sequences which gives important information about the 
-variability at each position.   The positions of the gaps that were introduced 
-during the early alignments of the closely related sequences are not changed 
-as new sequences are added.   This is justified because the placement of gaps 
-in alignments between closely related sequences is much more accurate than 
-between distantly related ones.   When all of the sequences are highly 
-divergent (e.g. less than approximately 25-30% identity between any pair of 
-sequences), this progressive approach becomes much less reliable.
-There are two major problems with the progressive approach:  the local 
-minimum problem and the choice of alignment parameters.   The local 
-minimum problem stems from the "greedy" nature of the alignment strategy.  
-The algorithm greedily adds sequences together, following the initial tree.  
-There is no guarantee that the global optimal solution, as defined by some 
-overall measure of multiple alignment quality (7,8), or anything close to it, 
-will be found.   More specifically, any mistakes (misaligned regions) made 
-early in the alignment process cannot be corrected later as new information 
-from other sequences is added.   This problem is frequently thought of as 
-mainly resulting from an incorrect branching order in the initial tree.  The 
-initial trees are derived from a matrix of distances between separately aligned 
-pairs of sequences and are much less reliable than trees from complete 
-multiple alignments.   In our experience, however, the real problem is caused 
-simply by errors in the initial alignments.  Even if the topology of the guide 
-tree is correct, each alignment step in the multiple alignment process may 
-have some percentage of the residues misaligned.   This percentage will be 
-very low on average for very closely related sequences but will increase as 
-sequences diverge.   It is these misalignments which carry through from the 
-early alignment steps that cause the local minimum problem.   The only way 
-to correct this is to use an iterative or stochastic sampling procedure (e.g. 
-7,9,10).   We do not directly address this problem in this paper.
-The alignment parameter choice problem is, in our view, at least as serious as 
-the local minimum problem.   Stochastic or iterative algorithms will be just 
-as badly affected as progressive ones if the parameters are inappropriate: they 
-will arrive at a false global minimum.  Traditionally, one chooses one weight 
-matrix and two gap penalties (one for opening a new gap and one for 
-extending an existing gap) and hope that these will work well over all parts of 
-all the sequences in the data set.   When the sequences are all closely related, 
-this works.  The first reason is that virtually all residue weight matrices give 
-most weight to identities.   When identities dominate an alignment, almost 
-any weight matrix will find approximately the correct solution.   With very 
-divergent sequences, however, the scores given to non-identical residues will 
-become critically important; there will be more mismatches than identities.   
-Different weight matrices will be optimal at different evolutionary distances 
-or for different classes of proteins.  
-The second reason is that the range of gap penalty values that will find the 
-correct or best possible solution can be very broad for highly similar sequences 
-(11).   As more and more divergent sequences are used, however, the exact 
-values of the gap penalties become important for success.   In each case, there 
-may be a very narrow range of values which will deliver the best alignment.  
-Further, in protein alignments, gaps do not occur randomly (i.e. with equal 
-probability at all positions).  They occur far more often between the major 
-secondary structural elements of alpha helices and beta strands than within 
-The major improvements described in this paper attempt to address the 
-alignment parameter choice problem.   We dynamically vary the gap 
-penalties in a position and residue specific manner. The observed relative 
-frequencies of gaps adjacent to each of the 20 amino acids (12) are used to 
-locally adjust the gap opening penalty after each residue.   Short stretches of 
-hydrophilic residues (e.g. 5 or more) usually indicate loop or random coil 
-regions and the gap opening penalties are locally reduced in these stretches.   
-In addition, the locations of the gaps found in the early alignments are also 
-given reduced gap opening penalties.  It has been observed in alignments 
-between sequences of known structure that gaps tend not to be closer than 
-roughly eight residues on average (12).   We increase the gap opening penalty 
-within eight residues of exising gaps.   The two main series of amino acid 
-weight matrices that are used today are the PAM series (3) and the BLOSUM 
-series (4).   In each case, there is a range of matrices to choose from.  Some 
-matrices are appropriate for aligning very closely related sequences where 
-most weight by far is given to identities, with only the most frequent 
-conservative substitutions receiving high scores.  Other matrices work better 
-at greater evolutionary distances where less importance is attached to 
-identities (13).  We choose different weight matrices, as the alignment 
-proceeds, depending on the estimated divergence of the sequences to be 
-aligned at each stage.  
-Sequences are weighted to correct for unequal sampling across all 
-evolutionary distances in the data set (14).   This downweights sequences that 
-are very similar to other sequences in the data set and upweights the most 
-divergent ones.  The weights are calculated directly from the branch lengths 
-in the initial guide tree (15).   Sequence weighting has already been shown to 
-be effective in improving the sensitivity of profile searches (15,16).  In the 
-original CLUSTAL programs (17-19), the initial guide trees, used to guide the 
-multiple alignment, were calculated using the UPGMA method (20).  We 
-now use the Neighbour-Joining method (21) which is more robust against the 
-effects of unequal evolutionary rates in different lineages and which gives 
-better estimates of individual branch lengths.  This is useful because it is these 
-branch lengths which are used to derive the sequence weights.  We also allow 
-users to choose between fast approximate alignments (22) or full dynamic 
-programming for the distance calculations used to make the guide tree. 
-The new improvements dramatically improve the sensitivity of the 
-progressive alignment method for difficult alignments involving highly 
-diverged sequences.  We show one very demanding test case of over 60 SH3 
-domains (23) which includes sequence pairs with as little as 12% identity and 
-where there is only one exactly conserved residue across all of the sequences.   
-Using default parameters, we can achieve an alignment that is almost exactly 
-correct, according to available structural information (24).   Using the program 
-in a wide variety of situations, we find that it will normally find the correct 
-alignment, in all but the most difficult and pathological of cases.  
-The basic alignment method
-The basic multiple alignment algorithm consists of three main stages: 1) all 
-pairs of sequences are aligned separately in order to calculate a distance matrix 
-giving the divergence of each pair of sequences; 2) a guide tree is calculated 
-from the distance matrix; 3) the sequences are progressively aligned according 
-to the branching order in the guide tree.   An example using 7 globin 
-sequences of known tertiary structure (25) is given in figure 1.
-1) The distance matrix/pairwise alignments
-In the original CLUSTAL programs, the pairwise distances were calculated 
-using a fast approximate method (22).   This allows very large numbers of 
-sequences to be aligned, even on a microcomputer.   The scores are calculated 
-as the number of k-tuple matches (runs of identical residues, typically 1 or 2 
-long for proteins or 2 to 4 long for nucleotide sequences) in the best alignment 
-between two sequences minus a fixed penalty for every gap.   We now offer a 
-choice between this method and the slower but more accurate scores from full 
-dynamic programming alignments using two gap penalties (for opening or 
-extending gaps) and a full amino acid weight matrix.   These scores are 
-calculated as the number of identities in the best alignment divided by the 
-number of residues compared (gap positions are excluded).   Both of these 
-scores are initially calculated as percent identity scores and are converted to 
-distances by dividing by 100 and subtracting from 1.0 to give number of 
-differences per site.   We do not correct for multiple substitutions in these 
-initial distances.   In figure 1 we give the 7x7 distance matrix between the 7 
-globin sequences calculated using the full dynamic programming method.
-2) The guide tree
-The trees used to guide the final multiple alignment process are calculated 
-from the distance matrix of step 1 using the Neighbour-Joining method (21).   
-This produces unrooted trees with branch lengths proportional to estimated 
-divergence along each branch.   The root is placed by a "mid-point" method 
-(15) at a position where the means of the branch lengths on either side of the 
-root are equal.   These trees are also used to derive a weight for each sequence 
-(15).   The weights are dependent upon the distance from the root of the tree 
-but sequences which have a common branch with other sequences share the 
-weight derived from the shared branch.   In the example in figure 1, the 
-leghaemoglobin (Lgb2_Luplu) gets a weight of 0.442 which is equal to the 
-length of the branch from the root to it.  The Human beta globin 
-(Hbb_Human) gets a weight consisting of the length of the branch leading to 
-it that is not shared with any other sequences (0.081) plus half the length of 
-the branch shared with the horse beta globin (0.226/2) plus one quarter the 
-length of the branch shared by all four haemoglobins (0.061/4) plus one fifth 
-the branch shared between the haemoglobins and the myoglobin (0.015/5) 
-plus one sixth the branch leading to all the vertebrate globins (0.062).  This 
-sums to a total of 0.221.  By contrast, in the normal progressive alignment 
-algorithm, all sequences would be equally weighted.  The rooted tree with 
-branch lengths and sequence weights for the 7 globins is given in figure 1.  
-3) Progressive alignment
-The basic procedure at this stage is to use a series of pairwise alignments to 
-align larger and larger groups of sequences, following the branching order in 
-the guide tree.   You proceed from the tips of the rooted tree towards the root.   
-In the globin example in figure 1 you align the sequences in the following 
-order: human vs. horse beta globin; human vs. horse alpha globin; the 2 
-alpha globins vs. the 2 beta globins; the myoglobin vs. the haemoglobins; the 
-cyanohaemoglobin vs the haemoglobins plus myoglobin; the leghaemoglobin 
-vs. all the rest.  At each stage a full dynamic programming (26,27) algorithm is 
-used with a residue weight matrix and penalties for opening and extending 
-gaps.   Each step consists of aligning two existing alignments or sequences.  
-Gaps that are present in older alignments remain fixed.  In the basic 
-algorithm, new gaps that are introduced at each stage get full gap opening and 
-extension penalties, even if they are introduced inside old gap positions (see 
-the section on gap penalties below for modifications to this rule).  In order to 
-calculate the score between a position from one sequence or alignment and 
-one from another, the average of all the pairwise weight matrix scores from 
-the amino acids in the two sets of sequences is used i.e. if you align 2 
-alignments with 2 and 4 sequences respectively, the score at each position is 
-the average of 8 (2x4) comparisons.   This is illustrated in figure 2.  If either set 
-of sequences contains one or more gaps in one of the positions being 
-considered, each gap versus a residue is scored as zero.   The default amino 
-acid weight matrices we use are rescored to have only positive values. 
-Therefore, this treatment of gaps treats the score of a residue versus a gap as 
-having the worst possible score.  When sequences are weighted (see 
-improvements to progressive alignment, below), each weight matrix value is 
-multiplied by the weights from the 2 sequences, as illustrated in figure 2.
-Improvements to progressive alignment
-All of the remaining modifications apply only to the final progressive 
-alignment stage.   Sequence weighting is relatively straightforward and is 
-already widely used in profile searches (15,16).   The treatment of gap penalties 
-is more complicated.   Initial gap penalties are calculated depending on the 
-weight matrix, the similarity of the sequences, and the length of the 
-sequences. Then, an attempt is made to derive sensible local gap opening 
-penalties at every position in each pre-aligned group of sequences that will 
-vary as new sequences are added.   The use of different weight matrices as the 
-alignment progresses is novel and largely by-passes the problem of initial 
-choice of weight matrix.   The final modification allows us to delay the 
-addition of very divergent sequences until the end of the alignment process 
-when all of the more closely related sequences have already been aligned.
-Sequence weighting
-Sequence weights are calculated directly from the guide tree.    The weights 
-are normalised such that the biggest one is set to 1.0 and the rest are all less 
-than one.  Groups of closely related sequences receive lowered weights 
-because they contain much duplicated information.  Highly divergent 
-sequences without any close relatives receive high weights.  These weights 
-are used as simple multiplication factors for scoring positions from different 
-sequences or prealigned groups of sequences.  The method is illustrated in 
-figure 2.  In the globin example in figure 1, the two alpha globins get 
-downweighted because they are almost duplicate sequences (as do the two 
-beta globins); they receive a combined weight of only slightly more than if a 
-single alpha globin was used.   
-Initial gap penalties
-Initially, two gap penalties are used: a gap opening penalty (GOP) which gives 
-the cost of opening a new gap of any length and a gap extension penalty (GEP) 
-which gives the cost of every item in a gap.  Initial values can be set by the 
-user from a menu.   The software then automatically attempts to choose 
-appropriate gap penalties for each sequence alignment, depending on the 
-following factors.
-1) Dependence on the weight matrix
-It has been shown (16,28) that varying the gap penalties used with different 
-weight matrices can improve the accuracy of sequence alignments. Here, we 
-use the average score for two mismatched residues (ie. off-diagonal values in 
-the matrix) as a scaling factor for the GOP.
-2) Dependence on the similarity of the sequences
-The percent identity of the two (groups of) sequences to be aligned is used to 
-increase the GOP for closely related sequences and decrease it for more 
-divergent sequences on a linear scale.
-3) Dependence on the lengths of the sequences   
-The scores for both true and false sequence alignments grow with the length 
-of the sequences. We use the logarithm of the length of the shorter sequence 
-to increase the GOP with sequence length.
-Using these three modifications, the initial GOP calculated by the program is:
-GOP->(GOP+log(MIN(N,M))) * (average residue mismatch score) *
-                                                               (percent identity scaling factor)
-where N, M are the lengths of the two sequences.
-4) Dependence on the difference in the lengths of the sequences
-The GEP is modified depending on the difference between the lengths of the 
-two sequences to be aligned. If one sequence is much shorter than the other, 
-the GEP is increased to inhibit too many long gaps in the shorter sequence.
-The initial GEP calculated by the program is:
-GEP ->  GEP*(1.0+|log(N/M)|) 
-where N, M are the lengths of the two sequences.
-Position-specific gap penalties
- In most dynamic programming applications, the initial gap opening and 
-extension penalties are applied equally at every position in the sequence, 
-regardless of the location of a gap, except for terminal gaps which are usually 
-allowed at no cost.   In CLUSTAL W, before any pair of sequences or 
-prealigned groups of sequences are aligned, we generate a table of gap opening 
-penalties for every position in the two (sets of) sequences.  An example is 
-shown in figure 3.  We manipulate the initial gap opening penalty in a 
-position specific manner, in order to make gaps more or less likely at different 
-The local gap penalty modification rules are applied in a hierarchical manner.   
-The exact details of each rule are given below.  Firstly, if there is a gap at a 
-position, the gap opening and gap extension penalties are lowered; the other 
-rules do not apply.   This makes gaps more likely at positions where there are 
-already gaps.  If there is no gap at a position, then the gap opening penalty is 
-increased if the position is within 8 residues of an existing gap.   This 
-discourages gaps that are too close together.  Finally, at any position within a 
-run of hydrophilic residues, the penalty is decreased.  These runs usually 
-indicate loop regions in protein structures.  If there is no run of hydrophilic 
-residues, the penalty is modified using a table of residue specific gap 
-propensities (12).   These propensities were derived by counting the frequency 
-of each residue at either end of gaps in alignments of proteins of known 
-structure.  An illustration of the application of these rules from one part of 
-the globin example, in figure 1, is given in figure 3.  
-1) Lowered gap penalties at existing gaps
-If there are already gaps at a position, then the GOP is reduced in proportion 
-to the number of sequences with a gap at this position and the GEP is lowered 
-by a half.  The new gap opening penalty is calculated as:
-GOP ->  GOP*0.3*(no. of sequences without a gap/no. of sequences).
-2) Increased gap penalties near existing gaps
-If a position does not have any gaps but is within 8 residues of an existing gap, 
-the GOP is increased by:
-GOP ->  GOP*(2+((8-distance from gap)*2)/8)
-3) Reduced gap penalties in hydrophilic stretches
-Any run of 5 hydrophilic residues is considered to be a hydrophilic stretch.  
-The residues that are to be considered hydrophilic may be set by the user but 
-are conservatively set to D, E, G, K, N, Q, P, R or S by default.   If, at any 
-position, there are no gaps and any of the sequences has such a stretch, the 
-GOP is reduced by one third.
-4) Residue specific penalties
-If there is no hydrophilic stretch and the position does not contain any gaps, 
-then the GOP is multiplied by one of the 20 numbers in table 1, depending on 
-the residue.  If there is a mixture of residues at a position, the multiplication 
-factor is the average of all the contributions from each sequence.  
-Weight matrices
-Two main series of weight matrices are offered to the user: the Dayhoff PAM 
-series (3) and the BLOSUM series (4).   The default is the BLOSUM series.  In 
-each case, there is a choice of matrix ranging from strict ones, useful for 
-comparing very closely related sequences to very "soft" ones that are useful 
-for comparing very distantly related sequences.   Depending on the distance 
-between the two sequences or groups of sequences to be compared, we switch 
-between 4 different matrices.  The distances are measured directly from the 
-guide tree.  The ranges of distances and tables used with the PAM series of 
-matrices is: 80-100%:PAM20, 60-80%:PAM60, 40-60%:PAM120, 0-40%:PAM350. 
-The range used with the BLOSUM series is:80-100%:BLOSUM80,
-60-80%:BLOSUM62, 30-60%:BLOSUM45, 0-30%:BLOSUM30.
-Divergent sequences
-The most divergent sequences (most different, on average from all of the 
-other sequences) are usually the most difficult to align correctly.  It is 
-sometimes better to delay the incorporation of these sequences until all of the 
-more easily aligned sequences are merged first.  This may give a better chance 
-of correctly placing the gaps and matching weakly conserved positions against 
-the rest of the sequences.   A choice is offered to set a cut off (default is 40% 
-identity or less with any other sequence) that will delay the alignment of the 
-divergent sequences until all of the rest have been aligned.  
-Software and Algorithms
-Dynamic Programming
-The most demanding part of the multiple alignment strategy, in terms of 
-computer processing and memory usage, is the alignment of two (groups of) 
-sequences at each step in the final progressive alignment.   To make it 
-possible to align very long sequences (e.g. dynein heavy chains at ~ 5,000 
-residues) in a reasonable amount of memory, we use the memory efficient 
-dynamic programming algorithm of Myers and Miller (26).   This sacrifices 
-some processing time but makes very large alignments practical in very little 
-memory.   One disadvantage of this algorithm is that it does not allow 
-different gap opening and extension penalties at each position.  We have 
-modified the algorithm so as to allow this and the details are described in a 
-separate paper (27).   
-Menus/file formats
-Six different sequence input formats are detected automatically and read by 
-the program:  EMBL/Swiss Prot, NBRF/PIR, Pearson/FASTA (29), GCG/MSF 
-(30), GDE (Steven Smith, Harvard University Genome Center) and CLUSTAL 
-format alignments.   The last three formats allow users to read in complete 
-alignments (e.g. for calculating phylogenetic trees or for addition of new 
-sequences to an existing alignment).   Alignment output may be requested in 
-standard CLUSTAL format (self-explanatory blocked alignments) or in 
-formats compatible with the GDE, PHYLIP (31) or GCG (30) packages.   The 
-program offers the user the ability to calculate Neighbour-Joining 
-phylogenetic trees from existing alignments with options to correct for 
-multiple hits (32,33) and to estimate confidence levels using a bootstrap 
-resampling procedure (34).   The trees may be output in the "New 
-Hampshire" format that is compatible with the PHYLIP package (31).
-Alignment to an alignment
-Profile alignment is used to align two existing alignments (either of which 
-may consist of just one sequence) or to add a series of new sequences to an 
-existing alignment.   This is useful because one may wish to build up a 
-multiple alignment gradually, choosing different parameters manually, or 
-correcting intermediate errors as the alignment proceeds.   Often, just a few 
-sequences cause misalignments in the progressive algorithm and these can be 
-removed from the process and then added at the end by profile alignment.  A 
-second use is where one has a high quality reference alignment and wishes to 
-keep it fixed while adding new sequences automatically.  
-The full source code of the package is provided free to academic users.   The 
-program will run on any machine with a full ANSI conforming C compiler.  
-It has been tested on the following hardware/software combinations:  
-Decstation/Ultrix, Vax or ALPHA/VMS, Silicon Graphics/IRIX.   The source 
-code and documentation are available by E-mail from the EMBL file server 
-(send the words HELP and HELP SOFTWARE on two lines to the internet 
-Netserv at EMBL-Heidelberg.DE) or by anonymous FTP from 
-FTP.EMBL-Heidelberg.DE.  Queries may be addressed by E-mail to 
-Des.Higgins at EBI.AC.UK or Gibson at EMBL-Heidelberg.DE.
-Alignment of SH3 Domains
-The ~60 residue SH3 domain was chosen to illustrate the performance of 
-CLUSTAL W, as there is a reference manual alignment (23) and the fold is 
-known (24).  SH3 domains, with a minimum similarity below 12% identity, 
-are poorly aligned by progressive alignment programs such as CLUSTAL V 
-and PILEUP: neither program can generate the correct blocks corresponding to 
-the secondary structure elements. 
-Figure 4 shows an alignment generated by CLUSTAL W of the example set of 
-SH3 domains. The alignment was generated in two steps. After progressive 
-alignment, five blocks were produced, corresponding to structural elements, 
-with gaps inserted exclusively in the known loop regions. The beta strands in 
-blocks 1, 4 and 5 were all correctly superposed. However, four sequences in 
-block 2 and one sequence in block 3 were misaligned by 1-2 residues 
-(underlined in figure 4). A second progressive alignment of the aligned 
-sequences, including the gaps, improved this alignment: A single misaligned 
-sequence, H_P55, remains in block 2 (boxed in figure 4), while block 3 is now 
-completely aligned.  This alignment corrects several errors (eg. P85A, P85B 
-and FUS1) in the manual alignment (23).
-The SH3 alignment illustrates several features of CLUSTAL W usage. Firstly, 
-in a practical application involving divergent sequences, the initial 
-progressive alignment is likely to be a good but not perfect approximation to 
-the correct alignment. The alignment quality can be improved in a number of 
-ways. If the block structure of the alignment appears to be correct, realignment 
-of the alignment will usually improve most of the misaligned blocks: the 
-existing gaps allow the blocks to "float" cheaply to a locally optimal position 
-without disturbing the rest of the alignment. Remaining sequences which are 
-doubtfully aligned can then be individually tested by profile alignment to the 
-remainder: the misaligned H_P55 SH3 domain can be correctly aligned by 
-profile (with GOP <= 8). The indel regions in the final alignment can then be 
-manually cleaned up: Usually the exact alignment in the loop regions is not 
-determinable, and may have no meaning in structural terms. It is then 
-desirable to have a single gap per structural loop. CLUSTAL W achieved this 
-for two of the four SH3 loop regions (figure 4).
-If the block structure of the alignment appears suspect, greater intervention by 
-the user may be required. The most divergent sequences, especially if they 
-have large insertions (which can be discerned with the aid of dot matrix 
-plots), should be left out of the progressive alignment. If there are sets of 
-closely related sequences that are deeply diverged from other sets, these can be 
-separately aligned and then merged by profile alignment. Incorrectly 
-determined sequences, containing frameshifts, can also confound regions of 
-an alignment: these can be hard to detect but sometimes they have been 
-grouped within the excluded divergent sequences: then they may be revealed 
-when they are individually compared to the alignment as having apparently 
-nonsense segments with respect to the other sequences. 
-Finding the best alignment
-In cases where all of the sequences in a data set are very similar (e.g. no pair 
-less than 35% identical), CLUSTAL W will find an alignment which is 
-difficult to improve by eye.  In this sense, the alignment is optimal with 
-regard to the alternative of manual alignment.  Mathematically, this is vague 
-and can only be put on a more systematic footing by finding an objective 
-function (a measure of multiple alignment quality) that exactly mirrors the 
-information used by an "expert" to evaluate an alignment.  Nonetheless, if an 
-alignment is impossible to improve by eye, then the program has achieved a 
-very useful result.   
-In more difficult cases, as more divergent sequences are included, it becomes 
-increasingly difficult to find good alignments and to evaluate them.    What 
-we find with CLUSTAL W is that the basic block-like structure of the 
-alignment (corresponding to the major secondary structure elements) is 
-usually recovered, with some of the most divergent sequences misaligned in 
-small regions.  This is a very useful starting point for manual refinement as it 
-helps define the major blocks of similarity.   The problem sequences can be 
-removed from the analysis and realigned to the rest of the sequences 
-automatically or with different parameter settings.   An examination of the 
-tree used to guide the alignment will usually show which sequences will be 
-most unreliably placed (those that branch off closest to the root and/or those 
-that align to other single sequences at a very low level of sequence identity 
-rather than align to a group of pre-aligned sequences).  Finally, one can 
-simply iterate the multiple alignment process by feeding an output alignment 
-back into CLUSTAL W and repeating the multiple alignment process (using 
-the same or different parameters).   The SH3 domain alignment in figure 4 
-was derived in this way by 2 passes using default parameters.  In the second 
-pass, the local gap penalties are dominated by the placement of the initial 
-major gap positions.  The alignment will either remain unchanged or will 
-converge rapidly (after 1 or 2 extra passes) on a better solution.  If the 
-placement of the initial gaps is approximately correct but some of the 
-sequences are locally misaligned, this works well.  
-Comparison with other methods
-Recently, several papers have addressed the problem of position specific 
-parameters for multiple alignment.  In one case (35), local gap penalties are 
-increased in alpha helical and beta strand regions, when the 3-D structures of 
-one or more of the sequences are known.  In a second case (36), a hidden 
-Markov model was used to estimate position specific gap penalties and 
-residue substitution weight matrices when large numbers of examples of a 
-protein domain were known.  With CLUSTAL W, we attempt to derive the 
-same information purely from the set of sequences to be aligned.  Therefore, 
-we can apply the method to any set of sequences.  The success of this approach 
-will depend on the number of available sequences and their evolutionary 
-relationships.  It will also depend on the decision making process during 
-multiple alignment (e.g. when to change weight matrix) and the accuracy and 
-appropriateness of our parameterisation.  In the long term, this can only be 
-evaluated by exhaustive testing of sets of sequences where the correct 
-alignment (or parts of it) are known from structural information.   What is 
-clear, however, is that the modifications described here significantly improve 
-the sensitivity of the progressive multiple alignment approach.  This is 
-achieved with almost no sacrifice in speed and efficiency.  
-There are several areas where further improvements in sensitivity and 
-accuracy can be made.  Firstly, the residue weight matrices and gap settings 
-can be made more accurate as more and more data accumulate, while 
-matrices for specific sequence types can be derived (e.g. for transmembrane 
-regions (37)).  Secondly, stochastic or iterative optimisation methods can be 
-used to refine initial alignments (7,9,10).   CLUSTAL W could be run with 
-several sets of starting parameters and in each case, the alignments refined 
-according to an objective function.   The search for a good objective function, 
-that takes into account the sequence and position specific information used in 
-CLUSTAL W is a key area of research.   Finally, the average number of 
-examples of each protein domain or family is growing steadily.  It is not only 
-important that programs can cope with the large volumes of data that are 
-being generated, they should be able to exploit the new information to make 
-the alignments more and more accurate.   Globally optimal alignments 
-(according to an objective function) may not always be possible but the 
-problem may be avoided if sufficiently large volumes of data become 
-available.  CLUSTAL W is a step in this direction.
-Numerous people have offered advice and suggestions for improvements to 
-earlier versions of the CLUSTAL programs.  D.H. wishes to apologise to all of 
-the irate CLUSTAL V users who had to live with the bugs and lack of facilities 
-for getting trees in the New Hampshire format.  We wish to specifically thank 
-Jeroen Coppieters who suggested using a series of weight matrices and Steven 
-Henikoff for advice on using the BLOSUM matrices.  We are grateful to Rein 
-Aasland, Peer Bork, Ariel Blocker and BŽrtrand Seraphin for providing 
-challenging alignment problems.   T.G. and J.T. thank Kevin Leonard for 
-support and encouragement.  Finally, we thank all of the people who were 
-involved with various CLUSTAL programs over the years, namely: Paul 
-Sharp, Rainer Fuchs and Alan Bleasby.
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-Figure 1.  The basic progressive alignment procedure, illustrated using a set of 
-7 globins of known tertiary structure.  The sequence names are from Swiss 
-Prot (38):  Hba_Horse: horse alpha globin; Hba_Human: human alpha globin; 
-Hbb_Horse: horse beta globin; Hbb_Human: human beta globin; Myg_Phyca: 
-sperm whale myoglobin; Glb5_Petma: lamprey cyanohaemoglobin; 
-Lgb2_Luplu: lupin leghaemoglobin.   In the distance matrix, the mean 
-number of differences per residue is given.  The unrooted tree shows all 
-branch lengths drawn to scale.  In the rooted tree, all branch lengths (mean 
-number of differences per residue along each branch) are given as well as 
-weights for each sequence.  In the multiple alignment, the approximate 
-positions of the 7 alpha helices, common to all 7 proteins are shown.  This 
-alignment was derived using CLUSTAL W with default parameters and the 
-PAM (3) series of weight matrices.  
-Figure 2.  The scoring scheme for comparing two positions from two 
-alignments.   Two sections of alignment with 4 and 2 sequences respectively 
-are shown.   The score of the position with amino acids T,L,K,K versus the 
-position with amino acids V and I is given with and without sequence 
-weights.  M(X,Y) is the weight matrix entry for amino acid X versus amino 
-acid Y.  Wn is the weight for sequence n.
-Figure 3.  The variation in local gap opening penalty is plotted for a section of 
-alignment.  The inital gap opening penalty is indicated by a dotted line. Two 
-hydrophilic stretches are underlined.  The lowest penalties correspond to the 
-ends of the alignment, the hydrophilic stretches and the two positions with 
-gaps.   The highest values are within 8 residues of the two gap positions.  The 
-rest of the variation is caused by the residue specific gap penalties (12).
-Figure 4.  CLUSTAL W Alignment of a set of SH3 domains taken from (23). 
-Secondary structure assignments for the solved Spectrin (24) and Fyn (39) 
-domains are according to DSSP (40). The alignment was generated in two 
-steps using default parameters. After full multiple alignment, the aligned 
-sequences were realigned. Segments which were correctly aligned in the 
-second pass are underlined. The single misaligned segment in H_P55 and the 
-misaligned residue in H_NCK/2 are boxed.
-The sequences are coloured to illustrate significant features. All G (orange) 
-and P (yellow) are coloured. Other residues matching a frequent occurrence of 
-a property in a column are coloured: hydrophobic = blue; hydrophobic 
-tendency = light blue; basic = red; acidic = purple; hydrophilic = green; White 
-= unconserved. The alignment figure was prepared with the GDE sequence 
-editor (S. Smith, Harvard University) and COLORMASK (J. Thompson, 
-Table 1.  Pascarella and Argos residue specific gap modification factors.   
-A	1.13		M	1.29
-C	1.13		N	0.63
-D	0.96		P	0.74
-E	1.31		Q	1.07
-F	1.20		R	0.72
-G	0.61		S	0.76
-H	1.00		T	0.89
-I	1.32		V	1.25
-K	0.96		Y	1.00
-L	1.21		W	1.23
-The values are normalised around a mean value of 1.0 for H.  The lower the 
-value, the greater the chance of having an adjacent gap.  These are derived 
-from the original table of relative frequencies of gaps adjacent to each residue 
-(12) by subtraction from 2.0.

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(Binary files differ)

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-This is the on-line help file for CLUSTAL W ( version 1.83).   
-It should be named or defined as: clustalw_help 
-except with MSDOS in which case it should be named CLUSTALW.HLP
-For full details of usage and algorithms, please read the CLUSTALW.DOC file.
-Toby  Gibson                         EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.
-Des   Higgins                        UCC, Cork, Ireland.
-Julie Thompson                       IGBMC, Strasbourg, France.
->>NEW <<
-  Fasta output
-  ===========
-  Write/Read sequence with range specified. The command line syntax
-   for range specification is flexible. You can use one of the following
-   syntax.
-       -range=n:m  
-       -range=n-m 
-       -range="n m"
-   where m is the starting and m is the length of the sequence.
-  Range and range numbers.
-  =======================
-  Include range numbers in the ouput.
-       -seqno_range=on/off
-  The sequence range will be appended as to the names of the sequence.
-  PIM: Percentage Identity Matrix
-  ===============================
->>HELP 1 <<             General help for CLUSTAL W (1.81)
-Clustal W is a general purpose multiple alignment program for DNA or proteins.
-SEQUENCE INPUT:  all sequences must be in 1 file, one after another.  
-7 formats are automatically recognised: NBRF-PIR, EMBL-SWISSPROT, 
-Pearson (Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG-MSF (Pileup), GCG9-RSF and GDE flat file.
-All non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation marks) are ignored
-except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF-RSF).  
-To do a MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT on a set of sequences, use item 1 from this menu to 
-INPUT them; go to menu item 2 to do the multiple alignment.
-PROFILE ALIGNMENTS (menu item 3) are used to align 2 alignments.  Use this to
-add a new sequence to an old alignment, or to use secondary structure to guide 
-the alignment process.  GAPS in the old alignments are indicated using the "-" 
-character.   PROFILES can be input in ANY of the allowed formats; just 
-use "-" (or "." for MSF-RSF) for each gap position.
-PHYLOGENETIC TREES (menu item 4) can be calculated from old alignments (read in
-with "-" characters to indicate gaps) OR after a multiple alignment while the 
-alignment is still in memory.
-The program tries to automatically recognise the different file formats used
-and to guess whether the sequences are amino acid or nucleotide.  This is not
-always foolproof.
-FASTA and NBRF-PIR formats are recognised by having a ">" as the first 
-character in the file.  
-EMBL-Swiss Prot formats are recognised by the letters
-ID at the start of the file (the token for the entry name field).  
-CLUSTAL format is recognised by the word CLUSTAL at the beginning of the file.
-GCG-MSF format is recognised by one of the following:
-       - the word PileUp at the start of the file. 
-         at the start of the file.
-       - the word MSF on the first line of the line, and the characters ..
-         at the end of this line.
-GCG-RSF format is recognised by the word !!RICH_SEQUENCE at the beginning of
-the file.
-If 85% or more of the characters in the sequence are from A,C,G,T,U or N, the
-sequence will be assumed to be nucleotide.  This works in 97.3% of cases
-but watch out!
->>HELP 2 <<      Help for multiple alignments
-If you have already loaded sequences, use menu item 1 to do the complete
-multiple alignment.  You will be prompted for 2 output files: 1 for the 
-alignment itself; another to store a dendrogram that describes the similarity
-of the sequences to each other.
-Multiple alignments are carried out in 3 stages (automatically done from menu
-item 1 ...Do complete multiple alignments now):
-1) all sequences are compared to each other (pairwise alignments);
-2) a dendrogram (like a phylogenetic tree) is constructed, describing the
-approximate groupings of the sequences by similarity (stored in a file).
-3) the final multiple alignment is carried out, using the dendrogram as a guide.
-PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT parameters control the speed-sensitivity of the initial
-MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT parameters control the gaps in the final multiple alignments.
-RESET GAPS (menu item 7) will remove any new gaps introduced into the sequences
-during multiple alignment if you wish to change the parameters and try again.
-This only takes effect just before you do a second multiple alignment.  You
-can make phylogenetic trees after alignment whether or not this is ON.
-If you turn this OFF, the new gaps are kept even if you do a second multiple
-alignment. This allows you to iterate the alignment gradually.  Sometimes, the 
-alignment is improved by a second or third pass.
-SCREEN DISPLAY (menu item 8) can be used to send the output alignments to the 
-screen as well as to the output file.
-You can skip the first stages (pairwise alignments; dendrogram) by using an
-old dendrogram file (menu item 3); or you can just produce the dendrogram
-with no final multiple alignment (menu item 2).
-OUTPUT FORMAT: Menu item 9 (format options) allows you to choose from 6 
-different alignment formats (CLUSTAL, GCG, NBRF-PIR, PHYLIP, GDE, NEXUS, and FASTA).  
->>HELP 3 <<      Help for pairwise alignment parameters
-A distance is calculated between every pair of sequences and these are used to
-construct the dendrogram which guides the final multiple alignment. The scores
-are calculated from separate pairwise alignments. These can be calculated using
-2 methods: dynamic programming (slow but accurate) or by the method of Wilbur
-and Lipman (extremely fast but approximate). 
-You can choose between the 2 alignment methods using menu option 8.  The
-slow-accurate method is fine for short sequences but will be VERY SLOW for 
-many (e.g. >100) long (e.g. >1000 residue) sequences.   
-SLOW-ACCURATE alignment parameters:
-	These parameters do not have any affect on the speed of the alignments. 
-They are used to give initial alignments which are then rescored to give percent
-identity scores.  These % scores are the ones which are displayed on the 
-screen.  The scores are converted to distances for the trees.
-1) Gap Open Penalty:      the penalty for opening a gap in the alignment.
-2) Gap extension penalty: the penalty for extending a gap by 1 residue.
-3) Protein weight matrix: the scoring table which describes the similarity
-                          of each amino acid to each other.
-4) DNA weight matrix:     the scores assigned to matches and mismatches 
-                          (including IUB ambiguity codes).
-FAST-APPROXIMATE alignment parameters:
-These similarity scores are calculated from fast, approximate, global align-
-ments, which are controlled by 4 parameters.   2 techniques are used to make
-these alignments very fast: 1) only exactly matching fragments (k-tuples) are
-considered; 2) only the 'best' diagonals (the ones with most k-tuple matches)
-are used.
-K-TUPLE SIZE:  This is the size of exactly matching fragment that is used. 
-INCREASE for speed (max= 2 for proteins; 4 for DNA), DECREASE for sensitivity.
-For longer sequences (e.g. >1000 residues) you may need to increase the default.
-GAP PENALTY:   This is a penalty for each gap in the fast alignments.  It has
-little affect on the speed or sensitivity except for extreme values.
-TOP DIAGONALS: The number of k-tuple matches on each diagonal (in an imaginary
-dot-matrix plot) is calculated.  Only the best ones (with most matches) are
-used in the alignment.  This parameter specifies how many.  Decrease for speed;
-increase for sensitivity.
-WINDOW SIZE:  This is the number of diagonals around each of the 'best' 
-diagonals that will be used.  Decrease for speed; increase for sensitivity.
->>HELP 4 <<      Help for multiple alignment parameters
-These parameters control the final multiple alignment. This is the core of the
-program and the details are complicated. To fully understand the use of the
-parameters and the scoring system, you will have to refer to the documentation.
-Each step in the final multiple alignment consists of aligning two alignments 
-or sequences.  This is done progressively, following the branching order in 
-the GUIDE TREE.  The basic parameters to control this are two gap penalties and
-the scores for various identical-non-indentical residues.  
-1) and 2) The GAP PENALTIES are set by menu items 1 and 2. These control the 
-cost of opening up every new gap and the cost of every item in a gap. 
-Increasing the gap opening penalty will make gaps less frequent. Increasing 
-the gap extension penalty will make gaps shorter. Terminal gaps are not 
-3) The DELAY DIVERGENT SEQUENCES switch delays the alignment of the most
-distantly related sequences until after the most closely related sequences have 
-been aligned.   The setting shows the percent identity level required to delay
-the addition of a sequence; sequences that are less identical than this level
-to any other sequences will be aligned later.
-4) The TRANSITION WEIGHT gives transitions (A <--> G or C <--> T 
-i.e. purine-purine or pyrimidine-pyrimidine substitutions) a weight between 0
-and 1; a weight of zero means that the transitions are scored as mismatches,
-while a weight of 1 gives the transitions the match score. For distantly related
-DNA sequences, the weight should be near to zero; for closely related sequences
-it can be useful to assign a higher score.
-5) PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX leads to a new menu where you are offered a choice of
-weight matrices. The default for proteins in version 1.8 is the PAM series 
-derived by Gonnet and colleagues. Note, a series is used! The actual matrix
-that is used depends on how similar the sequences to be aligned at this 
-alignment step are. Different matrices work differently at each evolutionary
-6) DNA WEIGHT MATRIX leads to a new menu where a single matrix (not a series)
-can be selected. The default is the matrix used by BESTFIT for comparison of
-nucleic acid sequences.
-Further help is offered in the weight matrix menu.
-7)  In the weight matrices, you can use negative as well as positive values if
-you wish, although the matrix will be automatically adjusted to all positive
-scores, unless the NEGATIVE MATRIX option is selected.
-8) PROTEIN GAP PARAMETERS displays a menu allowing you to set some Gap Penalty
-options which are only used in protein alignments.
->>HELP A <<           Help for protein gap parameters.
-1) RESIDUE SPECIFIC PENALTIES are amino acid specific gap penalties that reduce
-or increase the gap opening penalties at each position in the alignment or
-sequence.  See the documentation for details.  As an example, positions that 
-are rich in glycine are more likely to have an adjacent gap than positions that
-are rich in valine.
-2) 3) HYDROPHILIC GAP PENALTIES are used to increase the chances of a gap within
-a run (5 or more residues) of hydrophilic amino acids; these are likely to
-be loop or random coil regions where gaps are more common.  The residues that 
-are "considered" to be hydrophilic are set by menu item 3.
-4) GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE tries to decrease the chances of gaps being too
-close to each other. Gaps that are less than this distance apart are penalised
-more than other gaps. This does not prevent close gaps; it makes them less
-frequent, promoting a block-like appearance of the alignment.
-5) END GAP SEPARATION treats end gaps just like internal gaps for the purposes
-of avoiding gaps that are too close (set by GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE above).
-If you turn this off, end gaps will be ignored for this purpose.  This is
-useful when you wish to align fragments where the end gaps are not biologically
->>HELP 5 <<      Help for output format options.
-Six output formats are offered. You can choose any (or all 6 if you wish).  
-CLUSTAL format output is a self explanatory alignment format.  It shows the
-sequences aligned in blocks.  It can be read in again at a later date to
-(for example) calculate a phylogenetic tree or add a new sequence with a 
-profile alignment.
-GCG output can be used by any of the GCG programs that can work on multiple
-alignments (e.g. PRETTY, PROFILEMAKE, PLOTALIGN).  It is the same as the GCG
-.msf format files (multiple sequence file); new in version 7 of GCG.
-PHYLIP format output can be used for input to the PHYLIP package of Joe 
-Felsenstein.  This is an extremely widely used package for doing every 
-imaginable form of phylogenetic analysis (MUCH more than the the modest intro-
-duction offered by this program).
-NBRF-PIR:  this is the same as the standard PIR format with ONE ADDITION.  Gap
-characters "-" are used to indicate the positions of gaps in the multiple 
-alignment.  These files can be re-used as input in any part of clustal that
-allows sequences (or alignments or profiles) to be read in.  
-GDE:  this is the flat file format used by the GDE package of Steven Smith.
-NEXUS: the format used by several phylogeny programs, including PAUP and
-GDE OUTPUT CASE: sequences in GDE format may be written in either upper or
-lower case.
-CLUSTALW SEQUENCE NUMBERS: residue numbers may be added to the end of the
-alignment lines in clustalw format.
-OUTPUT ORDER is used to control the order of the sequences in the output
-alignments.  By default, the order corresponds to the order in which the
-sequences were aligned (from the guide tree-dendrogram), thus automatically
-grouping closely related sequences. This switch can be used to set the order
-to the same as the input file.
-PARAMETER OUTPUT: This option allows you to save all your parameter settings
-in a parameter file. This file can be used subsequently to rerun Clustal W
-using the same parameters.
->>HELP 6 <<      Help for profile and structure alignments
-By PROFILE ALIGNMENT, we mean alignment using existing alignments. Profile 
-alignments allow you to store alignments of your favourite sequences and add
-new sequences to them in small bunches at a time. A profile is simply an
-alignment of one or more sequences (e.g. an alignment output file from CLUSTAL
-W). Each input can be a single sequence. One or both sets of input sequences
-may include secondary structure assignments or gap penalty masks to guide the
-The profiles can be in any of the allowed input formats with "-" characters
-used to specify gaps (except for MSF-RSF where "." is used).
-You have to specify the 2 profiles by choosing menu items 1 and 2 and giving
-2 file names.  Then Menu item 3 will align the 2 profiles to each other. 
-Secondary structure masks in either profile can be used to guide the alignment.
-Menu item 4 will take the sequences in the second profile and align them to
-the first profile, 1 at a time.  This is useful to add some new sequences to
-an existing alignment, or to align a set of sequences to a known structure.  
-In this case, the second profile would not be pre-aligned.
-The alignment parameters can be set using menu items 5, 6 and 7. These are
-EXACTLY the same parameters as used by the general, automatic multiple
-alignment procedure. The general multiple alignment procedure is simply a
-series of profile alignments. Carrying out a series of profile alignments on
-larger and larger groups of sequences, allows you to manually build up a
-complete alignment, if necessary editing intermediate alignments.
-SECONDARY STRUCTURE OPTIONS. Menu Option 0 allows you to set 2D structure
-parameters. If a solved structure is available, it can be used to guide the 
-alignment by raising gap penalties within secondary structure elements, so 
-that gaps will preferentially be inserted into unstructured surface loops.
-Alternatively, a user-specified gap penalty mask can be supplied directly.
-A gap penalty mask is a series of numbers between 1 and 9, one per position in 
-the alignment. Each number specifies how much the gap opening penalty is to be 
-raised at that position (raised by multiplying the basic gap opening penalty
-by the number) i.e. a mask figure of 1 at a position means no change
-in gap opening penalty; a figure of 4 means that the gap opening penalty is
-four times greater at that position, making gaps 4 times harder to open.
-The format for gap penalty masks and secondary structure masks is explained
-in the help under option 0 (secondary structure options).
->>HELP B <<      Help for secondary structure - gap penalty masks
-The use of secondary structure-based penalties has been shown to improve the
-accuracy of multiple alignment. Therefore CLUSTAL W now allows gap penalty 
-masks to be supplied with the input sequences. The masks work by raising gap 
-penalties in specified regions (typically secondary structure elements) so that
-gaps are preferentially opened in the less well conserved regions (typically 
-surface loops).
-Options 1 and 2 control whether the input secondary structure information or
-gap penalty masks will be used.
-Option 3 controls whether the secondary structure and gap penalty masks should
-be included in the output alignment.
-Options 4 and 5 provide the value for raising the gap penalty at core Alpha 
-Helical (A) and Beta Strand (B) residues. In CLUSTAL format, capital residues 
-denote the A and B core structure notation. The basic gap penalties are
-multiplied by the amount specified.
-Option 6 provides the value for the gap penalty in Loops. By default this 
-penalty is not raised. In CLUSTAL format, loops are specified by "." in the 
-secondary structure notation.
-Option 7 provides the value for setting the gap penalty at the ends of 
-secondary structures. Ends of secondary structures are observed to grow 
-and-or shrink in related structures. Therefore by default these are given 
-intermediate values, lower than the core penalties. All secondary structure 
-read in as lower case in CLUSTAL format gets the reduced terminal penalty.
-Options 8 and 9 specify the range of structure termini for the intermediate 
-penalties. In the alignment output, these are indicated as lower case. 
-For Alpha Helices, by default, the range spans the end helical turn. For 
-Beta Strands, the default range spans the end residue and the adjacent loop 
-residue, since sequence conservation often extends beyond the actual H-bonded
-Beta Strand.
-CLUSTAL W can read the masks from SWISS-PROT, CLUSTAL or GDE format input
-files. For many 3-D protein structures, secondary structure information is
-recorded in the feature tables of SWISS-PROT database entries. You should
-always check that the assignments are correct - some are quite inaccurate.
-CLUSTAL W looks for SWISS-PROT HELIX and STRAND assignments e.g.
-FT   HELIX       100    115
-FT   STRAND      118    119
-The structure and penalty masks can also be read from CLUSTAL alignment format 
-as comment lines beginning "!SS_" or "!GM_" e.g.
-!SS_HBA_HUMA    ..aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaa.aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAaaa.........aaaAAAAAA
-!GM_HBA_HUMA    112224444444444222122244444444442222224222111111111222444444
-Note that the mask itself is a set of numbers between 1 and 9 each of which is 
-assigned to the residue(s) in the same column below. 
-In GDE flat file format, the masks are specified as text and the names must
-begin with "SS_ or "GM_.
-Either a structure or penalty mask or both may be used. If both are included in
-an alignment, the user will be asked which is to be used.
->>HELP C <<      Help for secondary structure - gap penalty mask output options
-   The options in this menu let you choose whether or not to include the masks
-in the CLUSTAL W output alignments. Showing both is useful for understanding
-how the masks work. The secondary structure information is itself very useful
-in judging the alignment quality and in seeing how residue conservation
-patterns vary with secondary structure. 
->>HELP 7 <<      Help for phylogenetic trees
-1) Before calculating a tree, you must have an ALIGNMENT in memory. This can be
-input in any format or you should have just carried out a full multiple
-alignment and the alignment is still in memory. 
-*************** Remember YOU MUST ALIGN THE SEQUENCES FIRST!!!! ***************
-The method used is the NJ (Neighbour Joining) method of Saitou and Nei. First
-you calculate distances (percent divergence) between all pairs of sequence from
-a multiple alignment; second you apply the NJ method to the distance matrix.
-2) EXCLUDE POSITIONS WITH GAPS? With this option, any alignment positions where
-ANY of the sequences have a gap will be ignored. This means that 'like' will be
-compared to 'like' in all distances, which is highly desirable. It also
-automatically throws away the most ambiguous parts of the alignment, which are
-concentrated around gaps (usually). The disadvantage is that you may throw away
-much of the data if there are many gaps (which is why it is difficult for us to
-make it the default).  
-3) CORRECT FOR MULTIPLE SUBSTITUTIONS? For small divergence (say <10%) this
-option makes no difference. For greater divergence, it corrects for the fact
-that observed distances underestimate actual evolutionary distances. This is
-because, as sequences diverge, more than one substitution will happen at many
-sites. However, you only see one difference when you look at the present day
-sequences. Therefore, this option has the effect of stretching branch lengths
-in trees (especially long branches). The corrections used here (for DNA or
-proteins) are both due to Motoo Kimura. See the documentation for details.  
-Where possible, this option should be used. However, for VERY divergent
-sequences, the distances cannot be reliably corrected. You will be warned if
-this happens. Even if none of the distances in a data set exceed the reliable
-threshold, if you bootstrap the data, some of the bootstrap distances may
-randomly exceed the safe limit.  
-4) To calculate a tree, use option 4 (DRAW TREE NOW). This gives an UNROOTED
-tree and all branch lengths. The root of the tree can only be inferred by
-using an outgroup (a sequence that you are certain branches at the outside
-of the tree .... certain on biological grounds) OR if you assume a degree
-of constancy in the 'molecular clock', you can place the root in the 'middle'
-of the tree (roughly equidistant from all tips).
-By default, the bootstrap values are correctly placed on the tree branches of
-the phylip format output tree. The toggle allows them to be placed on the
-nodes, which is incorrect, but some display packages (e.g. TreeTool, TreeView
-and Phylowin) only support node labelling but not branch labelling. Care
-should be taken to note which branches and labels go together.
-6) OUTPUT FORMATS: four different formats are allowed. None of these displays
-the tree visually. Useful display programs accepting PHYLIP format include
-NJplot (from Manolo Gouy and supplied with Clustal W), TreeView (Mac-PC), and
-PHYLIP itself - OR get the PHYLIP package and use the tree drawing facilities
-there. (Get the PHYLIP package anyway if you are interested in trees). The
-NEXUS format can be read into PAUP or MacClade.
->>HELP 8 <<      Help for choosing a weight matrix
-For protein alignments, you use a weight matrix to determine the similarity of
-non-identical amino acids.  For example, Tyr aligned with Phe is usually judged 
-to be 'better' than Tyr aligned with Pro.
-There are three 'in-built' series of weight matrices offered. Each consists of
-several matrices which work differently at different evolutionary distances. To
-see the exact details, read the documentation. Crudely, we store several
-matrices in memory, spanning the full range of amino acid distance (from almost
-identical sequences to highly divergent ones). For very similar sequences, it
-is best to use a strict weight matrix which only gives a high score to
-identities and the most favoured conservative substitutions. For more divergent
-sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give a high score
-to many other frequent substitutions.
-1) BLOSUM (Henikoff). These matrices appear to be the best available for 
-carrying out database similarity (homology searches). The matrices used are:
-Blosum 80, 62, 45 and 30. (BLOSUM was the default in earlier Clustal W
-2) PAM (Dayhoff). These have been extremely widely used since the late '70s.
-We use the PAM 20, 60, 120 and 350 matrices.
-3) GONNET. These matrices were derived using almost the same procedure as the
-Dayhoff one (above) but are much more up to date and are based on a far larger
-data set. They appear to be more sensitive than the Dayhoff series. We use the
-GONNET 80, 120, 160, 250 and 350 matrices. This series is the default for
-Clustal W version 1.8.
-We also supply an identity matrix which gives a score of 1.0 to two identical 
-amino acids and a score of zero otherwise. This matrix is not very useful.
-Alternatively, you can read in your own (just one matrix, not a series).
-A new matrix can be read from a file on disk, if the filename consists only
-of lower case characters. The values in the new weight matrix must be integers
-and the scores should be similarities. You can use negative as well as positive
-values if you wish, although the matrix will be automatically adjusted to all
-positive scores.
-For DNA, a single matrix (not a series) is used. Two hard-coded matrices are 
-1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
-of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
-ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.9; all mismatches for IUB symbols score 0.
-2) CLUSTALW(1.6). The previous system used by Clustal W, in which matches score
-1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0.
-INPUT FORMAT  The format used for a new matrix is the same as the BLAST program.
-Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The first
-non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using the
-1 letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a square
-matrix of integer scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The
-last row and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain
-the minimum score over the whole matrix.
->>HELP 9 <<      Help for command line parameters
-                DATA (sequences)
--INFILE=file.ext                             :input sequences.
--PROFILE1=file.ext  and  -PROFILE2=file.ext  :profiles (old alignment).
-                VERBS (do things)
--OPTIONS	    :list the command line parameters
--HELP  or -CHECK    :outline the command line params.
--ALIGN              :do full multiple alignment 
--TREE               :calculate NJ tree.
--BOOTSTRAP(=n)      :bootstrap a NJ tree (n= number of bootstraps; def. = 1000).
--CONVERT            :output the input sequences in a different file format.
-                PARAMETERS (set things)
-***General settings:****
--INTERACTIVE :read command line, then enter normal interactive menus
--QUICKTREE   :use FAST algorithm for the alignment guide tree
--TYPE=       :PROTEIN or DNA sequences
--NEGATIVE    :protein alignment with negative values in matrix
--OUTFILE=    :sequence alignment file name
--CASE        :LOWER or UPPER (for GDE output only)
--SEQNOS=     :OFF or ON (for Clustal output only)
--SEQNO_RANGE=:OFF or ON (NEW: for all output formats) 
--RANGE=m,n   :sequence range to write starting m to m+n. 
-***Fast Pairwise Alignments:***
--KTUPLE=n    :word size
--TOPDIAGS=n  :number of best diags.
--WINDOW=n    :window around best diags.
--PAIRGAP=n   :gap penalty
-***Slow Pairwise Alignments:***
--PWMATRIX=    :Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename
--PWDNAMATRIX= :DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename
--PWGAPOPEN=f  :gap opening penalty        
--PWGAPEXT=f   :gap opening penalty
-***Multiple Alignments:***
--NEWTREE=      :file for new guide tree
--USETREE=      :file for old guide tree
--MATRIX=       :Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename
--DNAMATRIX=    :DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename
--GAPOPEN=f     :gap opening penalty        
--GAPEXT=f      :gap extension penalty
--ENDGAPS       :no end gap separation pen. 
--GAPDIST=n     :gap separation pen. range
--NOPGAP        :residue-specific gaps off  
--NOHGAP        :hydrophilic gaps off
--HGAPRESIDUES= :list hydrophilic res.    
--MAXDIV=n      :% ident. for delay
--TYPE=         :PROTEIN or DNA
--TRANSWEIGHT=f :transitions weighting
-***Profile Alignments:***
--PROFILE      :Merge two alignments by profile alignment
--NEWTREE1=    :file for new guide tree for profile1
--NEWTREE2=    :file for new guide tree for profile2
--USETREE1=    :file for old guide tree for profile1
--USETREE2=    :file for old guide tree for profile2
-***Sequence to Profile Alignments:***
--SEQUENCES   :Sequentially add profile2 sequences to profile1 alignment
--NEWTREE=    :file for new guide tree
--USETREE=    :file for old guide tree
-***Structure Alignments:***
--NOSECSTR1     :do not use secondary structure-gap penalty mask for profile 1 
--NOSECSTR2     :do not use secondary structure-gap penalty mask for profile 2
--SECSTROUT=STRUCTURE or MASK or BOTH or NONE   :output in alignment file
--HELIXGAP=n    :gap penalty for helix core residues 
--STRANDGAP=n   :gap penalty for strand core residues
--LOOPGAP=n     :gap penalty for loop regions
--TERMINALGAP=n :gap penalty for structure termini
--HELIXENDIN=n  :number of residues inside helix to be treated as terminal
--HELIXENDOUT=n :number of residues outside helix to be treated as terminal
--STRANDENDIN=n :number of residues inside strand to be treated as terminal
--STRANDENDOUT=n:number of residues outside strand to be treated as terminal 
--OUTPUTTREE=nj OR phylip OR dist OR nexus
--SEED=n        :seed number for bootstraps.
--KIMURA        :use Kimura's correction.   
--TOSSGAPS      :ignore positions with gaps.
--BOOTLABELS=node OR branch :position of bootstrap values in tree display
->>HELP 0 <<           Help for tree output format options
-Four output formats are offered: 1) Clustal, 2) Phylip, 3) Just the distances
-4) Nexus
-None of these formats displays the results graphically. Many packages can
-display trees in the the PHYLIP format 2) below. It can also be imported into
-the PHYLIP programs RETREE, DRAWTREE and DRAWGRAM for graphical display. 
-NEXUS format trees can be read by PAUP and MacClade.
-1) Clustal format output. 
-This format is verbose and lists all of the distances between the sequences and
-the number of alignment positions used for each. The tree is described at the
-end of the file. It lists the sequences that are joined at each alignment step
-and the branch lengths. After two sequences are joined, it is referred to later
-as a NODE. The number of a NODE is the number of the lowest sequence in that
-2) Phylip format output.
-This format is the New Hampshire format, used by many phylogenetic analysis
-packages. It consists of a series of nested parentheses, describing the
-branching order, with the sequence names and branch lengths. It can be used by
-the RETREE, DRAWGRAM and DRAWTREE programs of the PHYLIP package to see the
-trees graphically. This is the same format used during multiple alignment for
-the guide trees. 
-Use this format with NJplot (Manolo Gouy), supplied with Clustal W. Some other
-packages that can read and display New Hampshire format are TreeView (Mac/PC),
-TreeTool (UNIX), and Phylowin.
-3) The distances only.
-This format just outputs a matrix of all the pairwise distances in a format
-that can be used by the Phylip package. It used to be useful when one could not
-produce distances from protein sequences in the Phylip package but is now
-redundant (Protdist of Phylip 3.5 now does this).
-4) NEXUS FORMAT TREE. This format is used by several popular phylogeny programs,
-including PAUP and MacClade. The format is described fully in:
-Maddison, D. R., D. L. Swofford and W. P. Maddison.  1997.
-NEXUS: an extensible file format for systematic information.
-Systematic Biology 46:590-621.
-By default, the bootstrap values are placed on the nodes of the phylip format
-output tree. This is inaccurate as the bootstrap values should be associated
-with the tree branches and not the nodes. However, this format can be read and
-displayed by TreeTool, TreeView and Phylowin. An option is available to
-correctly place the bootstrap values on the branches with which they are

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalx.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalx.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalx.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <vibrant.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-*	Prototypes
-extern void *ckalloc(size_t);
-extern void init_interface(void);
-extern void init_matrix(void);
-extern void fill_chartab(void);
-extern void parse_params(Boolean);
-extern void x_menu(void);
-*	Global variables
-double **tmat;
-char revision_level[] = "X (1.83)";  /* JULIE  feb 2001*/
-Boolean interactive=TRUE;
-#ifdef MSDOS
-        char *help_file_name = "clustalx.hlp";
-        char *help_file_name = "/usr/share/clustalw/clustalx_help";
-sint max_names; /* maximum length of names in current alignment file */
-float		gap_open, gap_extend;
-float           pw_go_penalty, pw_ge_penalty;
-FILE *tree;
-FILE *clustal_outfile, *gcg_outfile, *nbrf_outfile, *phylip_outfile,
-     *gde_outfile, *nexus_outfile;
-FILE *fasta_outfile; /* Ramu */
-sint  *seqlen_array;
-sint max_aln_length;
-short usermat[NUMRES][NUMRES], pw_usermat[NUMRES][NUMRES];
-short score_matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES],score_dnamatrix[NUMRES][NUMRES];
-short segment_matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES],segment_dnamatrix[NUMRES][NUMRES];
-short def_aa_xref[NUMRES+1], aa_xref[NUMRES+1], pw_aa_xref[NUMRES+1];
-short userdnamat[NUMRES][NUMRES], pw_userdnamat[NUMRES][NUMRES];
-short def_dna_xref[NUMRES+1], dna_xref[NUMRES+1], pw_dna_xref[NUMRES+1];
-short score_aa_xref[NUMRES+1],score_dna_xref[NUMRES+1];
-short segment_aa_xref[NUMRES+1],segment_dna_xref[NUMRES+1];
-sint nseqs;
-sint nsets;
-sint *output_index;
-sint **sets;
-sint *seq_weight;
-sint max_aa;
-sint gap_pos1;
-sint gap_pos2;
-sint mat_avscore;
-sint profile_no;
-Boolean usemenu=FALSE;
-Boolean dnaflag;
-Boolean distance_tree;
-char  **seq_array;
-char **names,**titles;
-char **args;
-char seqname[FILENAMELEN+1];
-char *gap_penalty_mask1 = NULL, *gap_penalty_mask2 = NULL;
-char *sec_struct_mask1 = NULL, *sec_struct_mask2 = NULL;
-sint struct_penalties;
-char *ss_name1 = NULL, *ss_name2 = NULL;
-Boolean user_series = FALSE;
-UserMatSeries matseries;
-short usermatseries[MAXMAT][NUMRES][NUMRES];
-short aa_xrefseries[MAXMAT][NUMRES+1];
-extern Int2 Main(void)
-	int i;
-#ifndef WIN_MAC
-#ifdef GetArgc
-	int argc;
-	char **argv;
-	argc=GetArgc();
-	argv=GetArgv();
-	extern int argc;
-	extern char **argv;
-    init_interface();
-    init_matrix();
-	fill_chartab();
-#ifndef WIN_MAC
-	if(argc>1) {
-               args = (char **)ckalloc(argc * sizeof(char *));
-                for(i=1;i<argc;++i)
-                {
-                        args[i-1]=(char *)ckalloc((strlen(argv[i])+1) * sizeof(char));
-                        strcpy(args[i-1],argv[i]);
-                }
-                usemenu=FALSE;
-                parse_params(TRUE);
-                for(i=0;i<argc-1;i++)
-                        ckfree(args[i]);
-                ckfree(args);
-	}
-	interactive=TRUE;
-	x_menu();
-	return 0; 
-	/*	exit(0); */

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalx.html
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalx.html	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalx.html	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,4224 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>ClustalX Help</TITLE>
-<CENTER><H1>ClustalX Help</H1></CENTER>
-You can get the latest version of the ClustalX program here:
-<A HREF="ftp://ftp-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/ClustalX/">
-<P>For full details of usage and algorithms, please read the <A HREF="clustalw.doc"><EM>ClustalW.Doc</EM></A> file.</P>
-Toby  Gibson                         EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.
-Des   Higgins                        UCC, Cork, Ireland.
-Julie Thompson/Francois Jeanmougin   IGBMC, Strasbourg, France.
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="Index">Index</A></H2></CENTER>
-<LI><A HREF="#G">                      General help for CLUSTAL X (1.8)
-<LI><A HREF="#F">                      Input / Output Files 
-<LI><A HREF="#E">                          Editing Alignments
-<LI><A HREF="#M">                          Multiple Alignments
-<LI><A HREF="#P">                   Profile and Structure Alignments
-<LI><A HREF="#B">            Secondary Structure / Gap Penalty Masks
-<LI><A HREF="#T">                            Phylogenetic Trees
-<LI><A HREF="#C">                               Colors
-<LI><A HREF="#Q">                       Alignment Quality Analysis
-<LI><A HREF="#9">              Command Line Parameters
-<LI><A HREF="#R">                             References
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="G">                      General help for CLUSTAL X (1.8)
-Clustal X is a windows interface for the ClustalW multiple sequence alignment
-program. It provides an integrated environment for performing multiple sequence
-and profile alignments and analysing the results. The sequence alignment is
-displayed in a window on the screen. A versatile coloring scheme has been
-incorporated allowing you to highlight conserved features  in the alignment.
-The pull-down menus at the top of the window allow you to select all the
-options required for traditional multiple sequence and profile alignment.
-You can cut-and-paste sequences to change the order of the alignment; you can
-select a subset of sequences to be aligned; you can select a sub-range of the
-alignment to be realigned and inserted back into the original alignment.
-Alignment quality analysis can be performed and low-scoring segments or
-exceptional residues can be highlighted.
-ClustalX is available for a number of different platforms including: SUN
-Solaris, IRIX5.3 on Silicon Graphics, Digital UNIX on DECStations, Microsoft
-Windows (32 bit) for PC's, Linux ELF for x86 PC's and Macintosh PowerMac. (See
-the README file for Installation instructions.)
-Sequences and profiles (a term for pre-existing alignments) are input using 
-the FILE menu. Invalid options will be disabled. All sequences must be included
-into 1 file. 7 formats are automatically recognised: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT,
-Pearson (Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9 RSF and GDE flat file.
-All non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation marks) are ignored
-except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).  
-Clustal X has two modes which can be selected using the switch directly above
-To do a MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT on a set of sequences, make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT
-MODE is selected. A single sequence data area is then displayed. The ALIGNMENT
-menu then allows you to either produce a guide tree for the alignment, or to do
-a multiple alignment following the guide tree, or to do a full multiple
-In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, two sequence data areas are displayed, allowing you
-to align 2 alignments (termed profiles). Profiles are also used to add a new
-sequence to an old alignment, or to use secondary structure to guide the
-alignment process. GAPS in the old alignments are indicated using the "-" 
-character. PROFILES can be input in ANY of the allowed formats; just  use "-"
-(or "." for MSF/RSF) for each gap position. In Profile Alignment Mode, a button
-"Lock Scroll" is displayed which allows you to scroll the two profiles together
-using a single scroll bar. When the Lock Scroll is turned off, the two profiles
-can be scrolled independently.
-Phylogenetic trees can be calculated from old alignments (read in with "-"
-characters to indicate gaps) OR after a multiple alignment while the alignment
-is still displayed.
-The alignment is displayed on the screen with the sequence names on the left
-hand side. The sequence alignment is for display only, it cannot be edited here
-(except for changing the sequence order by cutting-and-pasting on the sequence
-A ruler is displayed below the sequences, starting at 1 for the first residue
-position (residue numbers in the sequence input file are ignored).
-A line above the alignment is used to mark strongly conserved positions. Three
-characters ('*', ':' and '.') are used:
-'*' indicates positions which have a single, fully conserved residue
-':' indicates that one of the following 'strong' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 STA  
-                 NEQK  
-                 NHQK  
-                 NDEQ  
-                 QHRK  
-                 MILV  
-                 MILF  
-                 HY  
-                 FYW  
-'.' indicates that one of the following 'weaker' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 CSA  
-                 ATV  
-                 SAG  
-                 STNK  
-                 STPA  
-                 SGND  
-                 SNDEQK  
-                 NDEQHK  
-                 NEQHRK  
-                 FVLIM  
-                 HFY  
-These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in the Gonnet Pam250
-matrix. The strong and weak groups are defined as strong score >0.5 and weak
-score =<0.5 respectively.
-For profile alignments, secondary structure and gap penalty masks are displayed
-above the sequences, if any data is found in the profile input file.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="F">                      Input / Output Files 
-LOAD SEQUENCES reads sequences from one of 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences that are already loaded. All sequences must be in 1 file. The formats
-that are automatically recognised are: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT, Pearson
-(Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9/RSF and GDE flat file.  All
-non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation  marks) are ignored
-except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).
-The program tries to automatically recognise the different file formats used
-and to guess whether the sequences are amino acid or nucleotide.  This is not
-always foolproof.
-FASTA and NBRF/PIR formats are recognised by having a ">" as the first 
-character in the file.  
-EMBL/Swiss Prot formats are recognised by the letters "ID" at the start of the
-file (the token for the entry name field).  
-CLUSTAL format is recognised by the word CLUSTAL at the beginning of the file.
-GCG/MSF format is recognised by one of the following:
-       - the word PileUp at the start of the file.
-         at the start of the file.
-       - the word MSF on the first line of the file, and the characters ..
-         at the end of this line.
-GCG/RSF format is recognised by the word !!RICH_SEQUENCE at the beginning of
-the file.
-If 85% or more of the characters in the sequence are from A,C,G,T,U or N, the
-sequence will be assumed to be nucleotide.  This works in 97.3% of cases but
-watch out!
-APPEND SEQUENCES is only valid in MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE. The input sequences
-do not replace those already loaded, but are appended at the end of the
-SAVE SEQUENCES AS... offers the user a choice of one of six output formats:
-CLUSTAL, NBRF/PIR, GCG/MSF, PHYLIP, NEXUS or GDE. All sequences are written
-to a single file. Options are available to save a range of the alignment, 
-switch between UPPER/LOWER case for GDE files, and to output SEQUENCE NUMBERING
-for CLUSTAL files.
-LOAD PROFILE 1 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences already loaded as Profile 1. This option will also remove any
-sequences which are loaded in Profile 2.
-LOAD PROFILE 2 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences already loaded as Profile 2.
-SAVE PROFILE 1 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
-those sequences in Profile 1 will be written to the output file.
-SAVE PROFILE 2 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
-those sequences in Profile 2 will be written to the output file.
-WRITE ALIGNMENT AS POSTSCRIPT will write the sequence display to a postscript
-format file. This will include any secondary structure / gap penalty mask 
-information and the consensus and ruler lines which are displayed on the
-screen. The Alignment Quality curve can be optionally included in the output
-except that only the profile 1 display will be printed.
-except that only the profile 2 display will be printed.
-A number of options are available to allow you to configure your postscript
-output file.
-The exact RGB values required to reproduce the colors used in the alignment
-window will vary from printer to printer. A PS colors file can be specified
-that contains the RGB values for all the colors required by each of your
-postscript printers.
-By default, Clustal X looks for a file called 'colprint.par' in the current
-directory (if your running under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory,
-and finally in the directories in your PATH environment variable). If no PS
-colors file is found or a color used on the screen is not defined here, the
-screen RGB values (from the Color Parameter File) are used.
-The PS colors file consists of one line for each color to be defined, with the
-color name followed by the RGB values (on a scale of 0 to 1). For example,
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-Blank lines and comments (lines beginning with a '#' character) are ignored.
-PAGE SIZE:  The alignment can be displayed on either A4, A3 or US Letter size
-ORIENTATION: The alignment can be displayed on either a landscape or portrait
-PRINT HEADER: An optional header including the postscript filename, and
-creation date can be printed at the top of each page.
-PRINT QUALITY CURVE: The Alignment Quality curve which is displayed underneath
-the alignment on the screen can be included in the postscript output.
-PRINT RULER: The ruler which is displayed underneath the alignment on the 
-screen can be included in the postscript output.
-PRINT RESIDUE NUMBERS: Sequence residue numbers can be printed at the right
-hand side of the alignment.
-RESIZE TO FIT PAGE: By default, the alignment is scaled to fit the page size
-selected. This option can be turned off, in which case a font size of 10 will
-be used for the sequences.
-PRINT FROM POSITION/TO: A range of the alignment can be printed. The default
-is to print the full alignment. The first and last residues to be printed are
-specified here.
-USE BLOCK LENGTH: The alignment can be divided into blocks of residues. The
-number of residues in a block is specified here. More than one block may then
-be printed on a single page. This is useful for long alignments of a small
-number of sequences. If the block length is set to 0, The alignment will not
-be divided into blocks, but printed across a number of pages.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="E">                          Editing Alignments
-Clustal X allows you to change the order of the sequences in the alignment, by
-cutting-and-pasting the sequence names.
-To select a group of sequences to be moved, click on a sequence name and drag
-the cursor until all the required sequences are highlighted. Holding down the
-Shift key when clicking on the first name will add new sequences to those
-already selected.
-(Options are provided to Select All Sequences, Select Profile 1 or Select 
-Profile 2.)
-The selected sequences can be removed from the alignment by using the EDIT
-menu, CUT option.
-To add the cut sequences back into an alignment, select a sequence by clicking
-on the sequence name. The cut sequences will be added to the alignment,
-immediately following the selected sequence, by the EDIT menu, PASTE option.
-To add the cut sequences to an empty alignment (eg. when cutting sequences from
-Profile 1 and pasting them to Profile 2), click on the empty sequence name
-display area, and select the EDIT menu, PASTE option as before.
-The sequence selection and sequence range selection can be cleared using the
-To search for a string of residues in the sequences, select the sequences to be
-searched by clicking on the sequence names. You can then enter the string to
-search for by selecting the SEARCH FOR STRING option. If the string is found in
-any of the sequences selected, the sequence name and column number is printed
-below the sequence display.
-In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, the two profiles can be merged (normally done after
-alignment) by selecting ADD PROFILE 2 TO PROFILE 1. The sequences currently
-displayed as Profile 2 will be appended to Profile 1. 
-The REMOVE ALL GAPS option will remove all gaps from the sequences currently
-WARNING: This option removes ALL gaps, not only those introduced by ClustalX,
-but also those that were read from the input alignment file. Any secondary
-structure information associated with the alignment will NOT be automatically
-The REMOVE GAP-ONLY COLUMNS will remove those positions in the alignment which
-contain gaps in all sequences. This can occur as a result of removing divergent
-sequences from an alignment, or if an alignment has been realigned.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="M">                          Multiple Alignments
-Make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
-the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do multiple
-Multiple alignments are carried out in 3 stages:
-1) all sequences are compared to each other (pairwise alignments);
-2) a dendrogram (like a phylogenetic tree) is constructed, describing the
-approximate groupings of the sequences by similarity (stored in a file).
-3) the final multiple alignment is carried out, using the dendrogram as a guide.
-The 3 stages are carried out automatically by the DO COMPLETE ALIGNMENT option.
-You can skip the first stages (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
-guide tree file (DO ALIGNMENT FROM GUIDE TREE); or you can just produce the
-guide tree with no final multiple alignment (PRODUCE GUIDE TREE ONLY).
-REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCES is used to realign badly aligned sequences in the
-alignment. Sequences can be selected by clicking on the sequence names - see
-Editing Alignments for more details. The unselected sequences are then 'fixed'
-and a profile is made including only the unselected sequences. Each of the
-selected sequences in turn is then realigned to this profile. The realigned
-sequences will be displayed as a group at the end the alignment.
-REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCE RANGE is used to realign a small region of the 
-alignment. A residue range can be selected by clicking on the sequence display
-area. A multiple alignment is then performed, following the 3 stages described
-above, but only using the selected residue range. Finally the new alignment of
-the range is pasted back into the full sequence alignment.
-By default, gap penalties are used at each end of the subrange in order to 
-penalise terminal gaps. If the REALIGN SEGMENT END GAP PENALTIES option is
-switched off, gaps can be introduced at the ends of the residue range at no
-ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS displays a sub-menu with the following options:
-RESET NEW GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove any new gaps introduced into the
-sequences during multiple alignment if you wish to change the parameters and
-try again. This only takes effect just before you do a second multiple
-alignment. You can make phylogenetic trees after alignment whether or not this
-is ON. If you turn this OFF, the new gaps are kept even if you do a second
-multiple alignment. This allows you to iterate the alignment gradually.
-Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a second or third pass.
-RESET ALL GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove all gaps in the sequences including
-gaps which were read in from the sequence input file. This only takes effect
-just before you do a second multiple alignment.  You can make phylogenetic
-trees after alignment whether or not this is ON.  If you turn this OFF, all
-gaps are kept even if you do a second multiple alignment. This allows you to
-iterate the alignment gradually.  Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a
-second or third pass.
-PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the speed/sensitivity of the initial
-MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the gaps in the final multiple
-PROTEIN GAP PARAMETERS displays a temporary window which allows you to set
-various parameters only used in the alignment of protein sequences.
-(SECONDARY STRUCTURE PARAMETERS, for use with the Profile Alignment Mode only,
-allows you to set various parameters only used with gap penalty masks.)
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-You can choose from 6 different alignment formats (CLUSTAL, GCG, NBRF/PIR,
-PHYLIP, GDE and NEXUS).  You can choose more than one (or all 6 if you wish).  
-CLUSTAL format output is a self explanatory alignment format. It shows the
-sequences aligned in blocks. It can be read in again at a later date to (for
-example) calculate a phylogenetic tree or add in new sequences by profile
-GCG output can be used by any of the GCG programs that can work on multiple
-alignments (e.g. PRETTY, PROFILEMAKE, PLOTALIGN). It is the same as the GCG
-.msf format files (multiple sequence file); new in version 7 of GCG.
-NEXUS format is used by several phylogeny programs, including PAUP and
-PHYLIP format output can be used for input to the PHYLIP package of Joe 
-Felsenstein.  This is a very widely used package for doing every imaginable
-form of phylogenetic analysis (MUCH more than the the modest introduction
-offered by this program).
-NBRF/PIR: this is the same as the standard PIR format with ONE ADDITION. Gap
-characters "-" are used to indicate the positions of gaps in the multiple 
-alignment. These files can be re-used as input in any part of clustal that
-allows sequences (or alignments or profiles) to be read in.  
-GDE:  this format is used by the GDE package of Steven Smith and is understood
-by SEQLAB in GCG 9 or later.
-GDE OUTPUT CASE: sequences in GDE format may be written in either upper or
-lower case.
-CLUSTALW SEQUENCE NUMBERS: residue numbers may be added to the end of the
-alignment lines in clustalw format.
-OUTPUT ORDER is used to control the order of the sequences in the output
-alignments. By default, it uses the order in which the sequences were aligned
-(from the guide tree/dendrogram), thus automatically grouping closely related
-sequences. It can be switched to be the same as the original input order.
-PARAMETER OUTPUT: This option will save all your parameter settings in a
-parameter file (suffix .par) during alignment. The file can be subsequently
-used to rerun ClustalW using the same parameters.
-A distance is calculated between every pair of sequences and these are used to
-construct the phylogenetic tree which guides the final multiple alignment. The
-scores are calculated from separate pairwise alignments. These can be
-calculated using 2 methods: dynamic programming (slow but accurate) or by the
-method of Wilbur and Lipman (extremely fast but approximate).   
-You can choose between the 2 alignment methods using the PAIRWISE ALIGNMENTS
-option. The slow/accurate method is fast enough for short sequences but will be
-VERY SLOW for many (e.g. >100) long (e.g. >1000 residue) sequences.   
-SLOW-ACCURATE alignment parameters:
-These parameters do not have any affect on the speed of the alignments. They
-are used to give initial alignments which are then rescored to give percent
-identity scores. These % scores are the ones which are displayed on the 
-screen. The scores are converted to distances for the trees.
-Gap Open Penalty:      the penalty for opening a gap in the alignment.
-Gap Extension Penalty: the penalty for extending a gap by 1 residue.
-Protein Weight Matrix: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
-each amino acid to each other.
-Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
-DNA weight matrix: the scores assigned to matches and mismatches (including
-IUB ambiguity codes).
-Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
-See the Multiple alignment parameters, MATRIX option below for details of the
-matrix input format.
-FAST-APPROXIMATE alignment parameters:
-These similarity scores are calculated from fast, approximate, global align-
-ments, which are controlled by 4 parameters. 2 techniques are used to make
-these alignments very fast: 1) only exactly matching fragments (k-tuples) are
-considered; 2) only the 'best' diagonals (the ones with most k-tuple matches)
-are used.
-GAP PENALTY:   This is a penalty for each gap in the fast alignments. It has
-little effect on the speed or sensitivity except for extreme values.
-K-TUPLE SIZE:  This is the size of exactly matching fragment that is used. 
-INCREASE for speed (max= 2 for proteins; 4 for DNA), DECREASE for sensitivity.
-For longer sequences (e.g. >1000 residues) you may wish to increase the
-TOP DIAGONALS: The number of k-tuple matches on each diagonal (in an imaginary
-dot-matrix plot) is calculated. Only the best ones (with most matches) are used
-in the alignment. This parameter specifies how many. Decrease for speed;
-increase for sensitivity.
-WINDOW SIZE:  This is the number of diagonals around each of the 'best' 
-diagonals that will be used. Decrease for speed; increase for sensitivity.
-These parameters control the final multiple alignment. This is the core of the
-program and the details are complicated. To fully understand the use of the
-parameters and the scoring system, you will have to refer to the documentation.
-Each step in the final multiple alignment consists of aligning two alignments 
-or sequences. This is done progressively, following the branching order in the
-GUIDE TREE. The basic parameters to control this are two gap penalties and the
-scores for various identical/non-indentical residues. 
-The GAP OPENING and EXTENSION PENALTIES can be set here. These control the 
-cost of opening up every new gap and the cost of every item in a gap.  
-Increasing the gap opening penalty will make gaps less frequent. Increasing 
-the gap extension penalty will make gaps shorter. Terminal gaps are not 
-The DELAY DIVERGENT SEQUENCES switch delays the alignment of the most distantly
-related sequences until after the most closely related sequences have  been
-aligned. The setting shows the percent identity level required to delay the
-addition of a sequence; sequences that are less identical than this level to
-any other sequences will be aligned later.
-The TRANSITION WEIGHT gives transitions (A<-->G or C<-->T i.e. purine-purine or
-pyrimidine-pyrimidine substitutions) a weight between 0 and 1; a weight of zero
-means that the transitions are scored as mismatches, while a weight of 1 gives
-the transitions the match score. For distantly related DNA sequences, the
-weight should be near to zero; for closely related sequences it can be useful
-to assign a higher score. The default is set to 0.5.
-The PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to choose a series of weight
-matrices. For protein alignments, you use a weight matrix to determine the
-similarity of non-identical amino acids. For example, Tyr aligned with Phe is
-usually judged to be 'better' than Tyr aligned with Pro.
-There are three 'in-built' series of weight matrices offered. Each consists of
-several matrices which work differently at different evolutionary distances. To
-see the exact details, read the documentation. Crudely, we store several
-matrices in memory, spanning the full range of amino acid distance (from almost
-identical sequences to highly divergent ones). For very similar sequences, it
-is best to use a strict weight matrix which only gives a high score to
-identities and the most favoured conservative substitutions. For more divergent
-sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give a high score
-to many other frequent substitutions.
-1) BLOSUM (Henikoff). These matrices appear to be the best available for 
-carrying out data base similarity (homology searches). The matrices currently
-used are: Blosum 80, 62, 45 and 30. BLOSUM was the default in earlier Clustal X
-2) PAM (Dayhoff). These have been extremely widely used since the late '70s. We
-currently use the PAM 20, 60, 120, 350 matrices.
-3) GONNET. These matrices were derived using almost the same procedure as the
-Dayhoff one (above) but are much more up to date and are based on a far larger
-data set. They appear to be more sensitive than the Dayhoff series. We
-currently use the GONNET 80, 120, 160, 250 and 350 matrices. This series is the
-default for Clustal X version 1.8.
-We also supply an identity matrix which gives a score of 10 to two identical 
-amino acids and a score of zero otherwise. This matrix is not very useful.
-Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison matrix from a file.
-This can be either a single matrix or a series of matrices (see below for
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to select a single matrix (not a series)
-used for aligning nucleic acid sequences. Two hard-coded matrices are available:
-1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
-of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
-ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.9; all mismatches for IUB symbols score 0.
-2) CLUSTALW(1.6). A previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
-1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0.
-Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a nucleic acid comparison matrix from a
-file (just one matrix, not a series).
-The format used for a single matrix is the same as the BLAST program. The
-scores in the new weight matrix should be similarities. You can use negative as
-well as positive values if you wish, although the matrix will be automatically
-adjusted to all positive scores, unless the NEGATIVE MATRIX option is selected.
-Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The first
-non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using the 1
-letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a square
-matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The last row
-and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain the minimum
-score over the whole matrix.
-ClustalX uses different matrices depending on the mean percent identity of the
-sequences to be aligned. You can specify a series of matrices and the range of
-the percent identity for each matrix in a matrix series file. The file is
-automatically recognised by the word CLUSTAL_SERIES at the beginning of the
-file. Each matrix in the series is then specified on one line which should
-start with the word MATRIX. This is followed by the lower and upper limits of
-the sequence percent identities for which you want to apply the matrix. The
-final entry on the matrix line is the filename of a Blast format matrix file
-(see above for details of the single matrix file format).
-MATRIX 81 100 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum80
-MATRIX 61 80 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum62
-MATRIX 31 60 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum45
-MATRIX 0 30 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum30
-RESIDUE SPECIFIC PENALTIES are amino acid specific gap penalties that reduce or
-increase the gap opening penalties at each position in the alignment or 
-sequence. See the documentation for details. As an example, positions that are
-rich in glycine are more likely to have an adjacent gap than positions that are
-rich in valine.
-HYDROPHILIC GAP PENALTIES are used to increase the chances of a gap within a
-run (5 or more residues) of hydrophilic amino acids; these are likely to be
-loop or random coil regions where gaps are more common. The residues that are
-"considered" to be hydrophilic can be entered in HYDROPHILIC RESIDUES.
-GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE tries to decrease the chances of gaps being too close
-to each other. Gaps that are less than this distance apart are penalised more
-than other gaps. This does not prevent close gaps; it makes them less frequent,
-promoting a block-like appearance of the alignment.
-END GAP SEPARATION treats end gaps just like internal gaps for the purposes of
-avoiding gaps that are too close (set by GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE above). If you
-turn this off, end gaps will be ignored for this purpose. This is useful when
-you wish to align fragments where the end gaps are not biologically meaningful.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="P">                   Profile and Structure Alignments
-By PROFILE ALIGNMENT, we mean alignment using existing alignments. Profile 
-alignments allow you to store alignments of your favourite sequences and add
-new sequences to them in small bunches at a time. A profile is simply an
-alignment of one or more sequences (e.g. an alignment output file from Clustal
-X). Each input can be a single sequence. One or both sets of input sequences
-may include secondary structure assignments or gap penalty masks to guide the
-Make sure PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
-the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do profile and
-secondary structure alignments.
-The profiles can be in any of the allowed input formats with "-" characters
-used to specify gaps (except for GCG/MSF where "." is used).
-You have to load the 2 profiles by choosing FILE, LOAD PROFILE 1 and  LOAD
-profiles to each other. Secondary structure masks in either profile can be used
-to guide the alignment. This option compares all the sequences in profile 1
-with all the sequences in profile 2 in order to build guide trees which will be
-used to calculate sequence weights, and select appropriate alignment parameters
-for the final profile alignment.
-You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide trees) by using old
-The ALIGN SEQUENCES TO PROFILE 1 option will take the sequences in the second
-profile and align them to the first profile, 1 at a time.  This is useful to
-add some new sequences to an existing alignment, or to align a set of sequences
-to a known structure. In this case, the second profile set need not be
-You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-The alignment parameters can be set using the ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS menu,
-Pairwise Parameters, Multiple Parameters and Protein Gap Parameters options.
-These are EXACTLY the same parameters as used by the general, automatic
-multiple alignment procedure. The general multiple alignment procedure is
-simply a series of profile alignments. Carrying out a series of profile
-alignments on larger and larger groups of sequences, allows you to manually
-build up a complete alignment, if necessary editing intermediate alignments.
-Use this menu to set secondary structure options. If a solved structure is
-known, it can be used to guide the alignment by raising gap penalties within
-secondary structure elements, so that gaps will preferentially be inserted into
-unstructured surface loop regions. Alternatively, a user-specified gap penalty
-mask can be supplied for a similar purpose.
-A gap penalty mask is a series of numbers between 1 and 9, one per position in 
-the alignment. Each number specifies how much the gap opening penalty is to be 
-raised at that position (raised by multiplying the basic gap opening penalty
-by the number) i.e. a mask figure of 1 at a position means no change
-in gap opening penalty; a figure of 4 means that the gap opening penalty is
-four times greater at that position, making gaps 4 times harder to open.
-The format for gap penalty masks and secondary structure masks is explained in
-a separate help section.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="B">            Secondary Structure / Gap Penalty Masks
-The use of secondary structure-based penalties has been shown to improve  the
-accuracy of sequence alignment. Clustal X now allows secondary structure/ gap
-penalty masks to be supplied with the input sequences used during profile
-alignment. (NB. The secondary structure information is NOT used during multiple
-sequence alignment). The masks work by raising gap penalties in specified
-regions (typically secondary structure elements) so that gaps are
-preferentially opened in the less well conserved regions (typically surface
-whether the input 2D-structure information or gap penalty masks will be used
-during the profile alignment.
-The OUTPUT options control whether the secondary structure and gap penalty
-masks should be included in the Clustal X output alignments. Showing both is
-useful for understanding how the masks work. The 2D-structure information is
-itself useful in judging the alignment quality and in seeing how residue
-conservation patterns vary with secondary structure. 
-The HELIX and STRAND GAP PENALTY options provide the value for raising the gap
-penalty at core Alpha Helical (A) and Beta Strand (B) residues. In CLUSTAL
-format, capital residues denote the A and B core structure notation. Basic gap
-penalties are multiplied by the amount specified.
-The LOOP GAP PENALTY option provides the value for the gap penalty in Loops.
-By default this penalty is not raised. In CLUSTAL format, loops are specified
-by "." in the secondary structure notation.
-The SECONDARY STRUCTURE TERMINAL PENALTY provides the value for setting the gap
-penalty at the ends of secondary structures. Ends of secondary structures are
-known to grow or shrink, comparing related structures. Therefore by default
-these are given intermediate values, lower than the core penalties. All
-secondary structure read in as lower case in CLUSTAL format gets the reduced
-terminal penalty.
-The HELIX and STRAND TERMINAL POSITIONS options specify the range of structure
-termini for the intermediate penalties. In the alignment output, these are
-indicated as lower case. For Alpha Helices, by default, the range spans the 
-end-helical turn (3 residues). For Beta Strands, the default range spans the
-end residue and the adjacent loop residue, since sequence conservation often
-extends beyond the actual H-bonded Beta Strand.
-Clustal X can read the masks from SWISS-PROT, CLUSTAL or GDE format input
-files. For many 3-D protein structures, secondary structure information is
-recorded in the feature tables of SWISS-PROT database entries. You should
-always check that the assignments are correct - some are quite inaccurate.
-Clustal X looks for SWISS-PROT HELIX and STRAND assignments e.g.
-FT   HELIX       100    115
-FT   STRAND      118    119
-The structure and penalty masks can also be read from CLUSTAL alignment format 
-as comment lines beginning "!SS_" or "!GM_" e.g.
-!SS_HBA_HUMA    ..aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaa.aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAaaa.........aaaAAAAAA
-!GM_HBA_HUMA    112224444444444222122244444444442222224222111111111222444444
-Note that the mask itself is a set of numbers between 1 and 9 each of which is 
-assigned to the residue(s) in the same column below. 
-In GDE flat file format, the masks are specified as text and the names must
-begin with "SS_ or "GM_.
-Either a structure or penalty mask or both may be used. If both are included
-in an alignment, the user will be asked which is to be used.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="T">                            Phylogenetic Trees
-Before calculating a tree, you must have an ALIGNMENT in memory. This can be
-input using the FILE menu, LOAD SEQUENCES option or you should have just
-carried out a full multiple alignment and the alignment is still in memory.
-The method used is the NJ (Neighbour Joining) method of Saitou and Nei. First
-you calculate distances (percent divergence) between all pairs of sequence from
-a multiple alignment; second you apply the NJ method to the distance matrix.
-To calculate a tree, use the DRAW N-J TREE option. This gives an UNROOTED tree
-and all branch lengths. The root of the tree can only be inferred by using an
-outgroup (a sequence that you are certain branches at the outside of the tree
-.... certain on biological grounds) OR if you assume a degree of constancy in
-the 'molecular clock', you can place the root in the 'middle' of the tree
-(roughly equidistant from all tips).
-BOOTSTRAP N-J TREE uses a method for deriving confidence values for the 
-groupings in a tree (first adapted for trees by Joe Felsenstein). It involves
-making N random samples of sites from the alignment (N should be LARGE, e.g.
-500 - 1000); drawing N trees (1 from each sample) and counting how many times
-each grouping from the original tree occurs in the sample trees. You can set N
-using the NUMBER OF BOOTSTRAP TRIALS option in the BOOTSTRAP TREE window. In
-practice, you should use a large number of bootstrap replicates (1000 is
-recommended, even if it means running the program for an hour on a slow 
-computer). You can also supply a seed number for the random number generator
-here. Different runs with the same seed will give the same answer. See the
-documentation for more details.
-EXCLUDE POSITIONS WITH GAPS? With this option, any alignment positions where
-ANY of the sequences have a gap will be ignored. This means that 'like' will
-be compared to 'like' in all distances, which is highly desirable. It also
-automatically throws away the most ambiguous parts of the alignment, which are
-concentrated around gaps (usually). The disadvantage is that you may throw away
-much of the data if there are many gaps (which is why it is difficult for us to
-make it the default).  
-CORRECT FOR MULTIPLE SUBSTITUTIONS? For small divergence (say <10%) this option
-makes no difference. For greater divergence, this option corrects for the fact
-that observed distances underestimate actual evolutionary distances. This is
-because, as sequences diverge, more than one substitution will happen at many
-sites. However, you only see one difference when you look at the present day
-sequences. Therefore, this option has the effect of stretching branch lengths
-in trees (especially long branches). The corrections used here (for DNA or
-proteins) are both due to Motoo Kimura. See the documentation for details.  
-Where possible, this option should be used. However, for VERY divergent
-sequences, the distances cannot be reliably corrected. You will be warned if
-this happens. Even if none of the distances in a data set exceed the reliable
-threshold, if you bootstrap the data, some of the bootstrap distances may
-randomly exceed the safe limit.  
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the tree calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-Three different formats are allowed. None of these displays the tree visually.
-You can display the tree using the NJPLOT program distributed with Clustal X
-OR get the PHYLIP package and use the tree drawing facilities there. 
-1) CLUSTAL FORMAT TREE. This format is verbose and lists all of the distances
-between the sequences and the number of alignment positions used for each. The
-tree is described at the end of the file. It lists the sequences that are
-joined at each alignment step and the branch lengths. After two sequences are
-joined, it is referred to later as a NODE. The number of a NODE is the number
-of the lowest sequence in that NODE.   
-2) PHYLIP FORMAT TREE. This format is the New Hampshire format, used by many
-phylogenetic analysis packages. It consists of a series of nested parentheses,
-describing the branching order, with the sequence names and branch lengths. It
-can be read by the NJPLOT program distributed with ClustalX. It can also be
-used by the RETREE, DRAWGRAM and DRAWTREE programs of the PHYLIP package to see
-the trees graphically. This is the same format used during multiple alignment
-for the guide trees. Some other packages that can read and display New
-Hampshire format are TreeTool, TreeView, and Phylowin.
-3) PHYLIP DISTANCE MATRIX. This format just outputs a matrix of all the
-pairwise distances in a format that can be used by the PHYLIP package. It used
-to be useful when one could not produce distances from protein sequences in the
-Phylip package but is now redundant (PROTDIST of Phylip 3.5 now does this).
-4) NEXUS FORMAT TREE. This format is used by several popular phylogeny programs,
-including PAUP and MacClade. The format is described fully in:
-Maddison, D. R., D. L. Swofford and W. P. Maddison.  1997.
-NEXUS: an extensible file format for systematic information.
-Systematic Biology 46:590-621.
-BOOTSTRAP LABELS ON: By default, the bootstrap values are correctly placed on
-the tree branches of the phylip format output tree. The toggle allows them to
-be placed on the nodes, which is incorrect, but some display packages (e.g.
-TreeTool, TreeView and Phylowin) only support node labelling but not branch
-labelling. Care should be taken to note which branches and labels go together. 
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="C">                               Colors
-Clustal X provides a versatile coloring scheme for the sequence alignment 
-display. The sequences (or profiles) are colored automatically, when they are
-loaded. Sequences can be colored either by assigning a color to specific
-residues, or on the basis of an alignment consensus. In the latter case, the
-alignment consensus is calculated automatically, and the residues in each
-column are colored according to the consensus character assigned to that
-column. In this way, you can choose to highlight, for example, conserved
-hydrophylic or hydrophobic positions in the alignment.
-The 'rules' used to color the alignment are specified in a COLOR PARAMETER
-FILE. Clustal X automatically looks for a file called 'colprot.par' for protein
-sequences or 'coldna.par' for DNA, in the current directory. (If your running
-under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory, and finally in the
-directories in your PATH environment variable).
-By default, if no color parameter file is found, protein sequences are colored
-by residue as follows:
-	Color			Residue Code
-In the case of DNA sequences, the default colors are as follows:
-	Color			Residue Code
-	RED			C
-	BLUE			T
-The default BACKGROUND COLORING option shows the sequence residues using a
-black character on a colored background. It can be switched off to show
-residues as a colored character on a white background. 
-Either BLACK AND WHITE or DEFAULT COLOR options can be selected. The Color
-option looks first for the color parameter file (as described above) and, if no
-file is found, uses the default residue-specific colors.
-You can specify your own coloring scheme by using the LOAD COLOR PARAMETER FILE
-option. The format of the color parameter file is described below.
-This file is divided into 3 sections:
-1) the names and rgb values of the colors
-2) the rules for calculating the consensus
-3) the rules for assigning colors to the residues
-An example file is given here.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- at rgbindex
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
-GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
-YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
- at consensus
-% = 60% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
-# = 80% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
-- = 50% e:d
-+ = 60% k:r
-q = 50% q:e
-p = 50% p
-n = 50% n
-t = 50% t:s
- at color
-g = RED
-t = GREEN if t:%:#
-n = GREEN if n
-w = BLUE if %:#:p
-k = RED if +
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-The first section is optional and is identified by the header @rgbindex. If
-this section exists, each color used in the file must be named and the rgb
-values specified (on a scale from 0 to 1). If the rgb index section is not
-found, the following set of hard-coded colors will be used.
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
-GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
-ORANGE       0.9 0.7 0.3
-CYAN         0.1 0.9 0.9
-PINK         0.9 0.5 0.5
-MAGENTA      0.9 0.1 0.9
-YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
-The second section is optional and is identified by the header @consensus. It
-defines how the consensus is calculated.
-The format of each consensus parameter is:-
-c = n% residue_list
-        where
-              c             is a character used to identify the parameter.
-              n             is an integer value used as the percentage cutoff
-                            point.
-              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
-                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
-For example:   # = 60% w:l:v:i
-will assign a consensus character # to any column in the alignment which
-contains more than 60% of the residues w,l,v and i.
-The third section is identified by the header @color, and defines how colors
-are assigned to each residue in the alignment.
-The color parameters can take one of two formats:
-1) r = color
-2) r = color if consensus_list
-        where
-              r             is a character used to denote a residue.
-              color         is one of the colors in the GDE color lookup table.
-              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
-                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
-1) g = ORANGE
-will color all glycines ORANGE, regardless of the consensus.
-2) w = BLUE if w:%:#
-will color BLUE any tryptophan which is found in a column with a consensus of
-w, % or #.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="Q">                       Alignment Quality Analysis
-Clustal X provides an indication of the quality of an alignment by plotting
-a 'conservation score' for each column of the alignment. A high score indicates
-a well-conserved column; a low score indicates low conservation. The quality
-curve is drawn below the alignment.
-Two methods are also provided to indicate single residues or sequence segments
-which score badly in the alignment.
-Low-scoring residues are expected to occur at a moderate frequency in all the
-sequences because of their steady divergence due to the natural processes of
-evolution. The most divergent sequences are likely to have the most outliers.
-However, the highlighted residues are especially useful in pointing to
-sequence misalignments. Note that clustering of highlighted residues is a
-strong indication of misalignment. This can arise due to various reasons, for
-        1. Partial or total misalignments caused by a failure in the
-        alignment algorithm. Usually only in difficult alignment cases.
-        2. Partial or total misalignments because at least one of the
-        sequences in the given set is partly or completely unrelated to the
-        other sequences. It is up to the user to check that the set of
-        sequences are alignable.
-        3. Frameshift translation errors in a protein sequence causing local
-        mismatched regions to be heavily highlighted. These are surprisingly
-        common in database entries. If suspected, a 3-frame translation of
-        the source DNA needs to be examined.
-Occasionally, highlighted residues may point to regions of some biological
-significance. This might happen for example if a protein alignment contains a
-sequence which has acquired new functions relative to the main sequence set. It
-is important to exclude other explanations, such as error or the natural
-divergence of sequences, before invoking a biological explanation.
-Unreliable regions in the alignment can be highlighted using the Low-Scoring
-Segments option. A sequence-weighted profile is used to indicate any segments
-in the sequences which score badly. Because the profile calculation may take
-some time, an option is provided to calculate LOW-SCORING SEGMENTS. The 
-segment display can then be toggled on or off without having to repeat the
-time-consuming calculations.
-For details of the low-scoring segment calculation, see the CALCULATION section
-MINIMUM LENGTH OF SEGMENTS: short segments (or even single residues) can be
-hidden by increasing the minimum length of segments which will be displayed.
-DNA MARKING SCALE is used to remove less significant segments from the 
-highlighted display. Increase the scale to display more segments; decrease the
-scale to remove the least significant.
-PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of each
-amino acid to each other. The matrix is used to calculate the sequence-
-weighted profile scores. There are four 'in-built' Log-Odds matrices offered:
-the Gonnet PAM 80, 120, 250, 350 matrices. A more stringent matrix which only
-gives a high score to identities and the most favoured conservative
-substitutions, may be more suitable when the sequences are closely related. For
-more divergent sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give
-a high score to many other frequent substitutions. This  option automatically
-recalculates the low-scoring segments.
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: Two hard-coded matrices are available:
-1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
-of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
-ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.0; all mismatches for IUB symbols score
-2) CLUSTALW(1.6). The previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
-1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0. 
-A new matrix can be read from a file on disk, if the filename consists only
-of lower case characters. The values in the new weight matrix should be
-similarities and should be NEGATIVE for infrequent substitutions.
-INPUT FORMAT. The format used for a new matrix is the same as the BLAST
-program. Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The
-first non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using
-the 1 letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a
-square matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The
-last row and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain
-the minimum score over the whole matrix.
-You can customise the column 'quality scores' plotted underneath the alignment
-display using the following options.
-SCORE PLOT SCALE: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be used to
-change the scale of the quality score plot. 
-RESIDUE EXCEPTION CUTOFF: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be
-used to change the number of residue exceptions which are highlighted in the
-alignment display. (For an explanation of this cutoff, see the CALCULATION OF
-RESIDUE EXCEPTIONS section below.)
-PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
-each amino acid to each other. 
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: two hard-coded matrices are available: IUB and CLUSTALW(1.6).
-For more information about the weight matrices, see the help above for
-the Low-scoring Segments Weight Matrix.
-For details of the quality score calculations, see the CALCULATION section
-The low-scoring segment display can be toggled on or off. This option does not
-recalculate the profile scores.
-This option highlights individual residues which score badly in the alignment
-quality calculations. Residues which score exceptionally low are highlighted by
-using a white character on a grey background.
-The quality scores that are plotted underneath the alignment display can also
-be saved in a text file. Each column in the alignment is written on one line in
-the output file, with the value of the quality score at the end of the line.
-Only the sequences currently selected in the display are written to the file.
-One use for quality scores is to color residues in a protein structure by
-sequence conservation. In this way conserved surface residues can be
-highlighted to locate functional regions such as ligand-binding sites.
-Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
-can be written as:
-        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
-        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
-        .
-        .
-        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
-We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
-for aligning residue i with residue j.
-We want to calculate a score for the conservation of the jth position in the
-To do this, we define an R-dimensional sequence space. For the jth position in 
-the alignment, each sequence consists of a single residue which is assigned a
-point S in the space. S has R dimensions, and for sequence i, the rth dimension
-is defined as:
-	Sr =    C(r,Aij)
-We then calculate a consensus value for the jth position in the alignment. This
-value X also has R dimensions, and the rth dimension is defined as:
-	Xr = (   SUM   (Fij * C(i,r)) ) / m
-               1<=i<=R
-where Fij is the count of residues i at position j in the alignment.
-Now we can calculate the distance Di between each sequence i and the consensus 
-position X in the R-dimensional space.
-	Di = SQRT   (   SUM   (Xr - Sr)(Xr - Sr) )
-                      1<=i<=R
-The quality score for the jth position in the alignment is defined as the mean
-of the sequence distances Di.
-The score is normalised by multiplying by the percentage of sequences which
-have residues (and not gaps) at this position.
-The jth residue of the ith sequence is considered as an exception if the
-distance Di of the sequence from the consensus value P is greater than (Upper
-Quartile + Inter Quartile Range * Cutoff). The value used as a cutoff for
-displaying exceptions can be set from the SCORE PARAMETERS menu. A high cutoff
-value will only display very significant exceptions; a low value will allow
-more, less significant, exceptions to be highlighted.
-(NB. Sequences which contain gaps at this position are not included in the
-exception calculation.)
-Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
-can be written as:
-        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
-        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
-        .
-        .
-        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
-We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
-for aligning residue i with residue j.
-We calculate sequence weights by building a neighbour-joining tree, in which
-branch lengths are proportional to divergence. Summing the branches by branch
-ownership provides the weights. See (Thompson et al., CABIOS, 10, 19 (1994) and
-Henikoff et al.,JMB, 243, 574 1994).
-To find the low-scoring segments in a sequence Si, we build a weighted profile
-of the remaining sequences in the alignment. Suppose we find residue r at 
-position j in the sequence; then the score for the jth position in the sequence
-is defined as
-	Score(Si,j) = Profile(j,r)   where Profile(j,r) is the profile score
-                                       for residue r at position j in the
-                                       alignment.
-These residue scores are summed along the sequence in both forward and backward
-directions. If the sum of the scores is positive, then it is reset to zero.
-Segments which score negatively in both directions are considered as 
-'low-scoring' and will be highlighted in the alignment display.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="9">              Command Line Parameters
-<CENTER><H3>                DATA (sequences)
-<TD><TT>-PROFILE1=file.ext  and  -PROFILE2=file.ext  </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>profiles (aligned sequences)</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>                VERBS (do things)
-<TD><TT>-HELP  or -CHECK    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>outline the command line parameters</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-ALIGN              </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>do full multiple alignment </EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-TREE               </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>calculate NJ tree</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-BOOTSTRAP(=n)      </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>bootstrap a NJ tree (n= number of bootstraps; def. = 1000)</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-CONVERT            </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>output the input sequences in a different file format</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>                PARAMETERS (set things)
-<CENTER><P><STRONG>***General settings:****
-<TD><EM>read command line, then enter normal interactive menus</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>use FAST algorithm for the alignment guide tree</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-TYPE=       </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>PROTEIN or DNA sequences</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-NEGATIVE    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>protein alignment with negative values in matrix</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-OUTFILE=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>sequence alignment file name</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-OUTPUT=     </TT></TD>
-<TD><TT>-OUTORDER=   </TT></TD>
-<TD><TT>-CASE=       </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>LOWER or UPPER (for GDE output only)</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-SEQNOS=     </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>OFF or ON (for Clustal output only)</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Fast Pairwise Alignments:***
-<TD><TT>-TOPDIAGS=n  </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>number of best diags.</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-WINDOW=n    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>window around best diags.</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-PAIRGAP=n   </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap penalty</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-SCORE=      </TT></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Slow Pairwise Alignments:***
-<TD><EM>DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap opening penalty</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-PWGAPEXT=f  </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap opening penalty</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Multiple Alignments:***
-<TD><TT>-USETREE=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for old guide tree</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-MATRIX=     </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-GAPOPEN=f   </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap opening penalty</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-GAPEXT=f  </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap extension penalty</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-ENDGAPS     </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>no end gap separation pen.</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-GAPDIST=n   </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap separation pen. range</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-NOPGAP      </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>residue-specific gaps off</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-NOHGAP    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>hydrophilic gaps off</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>list hydrophilic res.</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-MAXDIV=n    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>% ident. for delay</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-TYPE=       </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>transitions weighting</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Profile Alignments:***
-<TD><TT>-NEWTREE1=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for new guide tree for profile1</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-NEWTREE2=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for new guide tree for profile2</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-USETREE1=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for old guide tree for profile1</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-USETREE2=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for old guide tree for profile2</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Sequence to Profile Alignments:***
-<TD><TT>-NEWTREE=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for new guide tree</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-USETREE=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for old guide tree</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Structure Alignments:***
-<TD><TT>-NOSECSTR2     </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>do not use secondary structure/gap penalty mask for profile 2</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>output in alignment file</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-HELIXGAP=n    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap penalty for helix core residues </EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-STRANDGAP=n   </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap penalty for strand core residues</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-LOOPGAP=n     </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap penalty for loop regions</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap penalty for structure termini</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>number of residues inside helix to be treated as terminal</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>number of residues outside helix to be treated as terminal</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>number of residues inside strand to be treated as terminal</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>number of residues outside strand to be treated as terminal </EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-SEED=n    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>seed number for bootstraps</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-KIMURA      </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>use Kimura's correction</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>ignore positions with gaps</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-BOOTLABELS=node OR branch </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>position of bootstrap values in tree display</EM></TD>
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="R">                             References
-The ClustalX program is described in the manuscript:
-Thompson,J.D., Gibson,T.J., Plewniak,F., Jeanmougin,F. and Higgins,D.G. (1997)
-The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence 
-alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research, 24:4876-4882.
-The ClustalW program is described in the manuscript:
-Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G. and Gibson, T.J. (1994) CLUSTAL W: improving the
-sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence
-weighting, positions-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice.  Nucleic
-Acids Research, 22:4673-4680.
-The ClustalV program is described in the manuscript:
-Higgins,D.G., Bleasby,A.J. and Fuchs,R. (1992) CLUSTAL V: improved software for
-multiple sequence alignment. CABIOS 8,189-191.
-The original Clustal program is described in the manuscripts:
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1989) Fast and sensitive multiple sequence
-alignments on a microcomputer.
-CABIOS 5,151-153.
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1988) CLUSTAL: a package for performing multiple
-sequence alignment on a microcomputer. Gene 73,237-244.
-Some tips on using Clustal X:
-Jeannmougin,F., Thompson,J.D., Gouy,M., Higgins,D.G. and Gibson,T.J. (1998)
-Multiple sequence alignment with Clustal X. Trends Biochem Sci, 23, 403-5.
-Some tips on using Clustal W:
-Higgins, D. G., Thompson, J. D. and Gibson, T. J. (1996) Using CLUSTAL for
-multiple sequence alignments. Methods Enzymol., 266, 383-402.
-You can get the latest version of the ClustalX program by anonymous ftp to:
-Or, have a look at the following WWW site:
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<TITLE>ClustalX Help</TITLE>
-<CENTER><H1>ClustalX Help</H1></CENTER>
-You can get the latest version of the ClustalX program here:
-<A HREF="ftp://ftp-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/ClustalX/">
-<P>For full details of usage and algorithms, please read the <A HREF="clustalw.doc"><EM>ClustalW.Doc</EM></A> file.</P>
-Toby  Gibson                         EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.
-Des   Higgins                        UCC, Cork, Ireland.
-Julie Thompson/Francois Jeanmougin   IGBMC, Strasbourg, France.
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="Index">Index</A></H2></CENTER>
-<LI><A HREF="#G">                      General help for CLUSTAL X (1.8)
-<LI><A HREF="#F">                      Input / Output Files 
-<LI><A HREF="#E">                          Editing Alignments
-<LI><A HREF="#M">                          Multiple Alignments
-<LI><A HREF="#P">                   Profile and Structure Alignments
-<LI><A HREF="#B">            Secondary Structure / Gap Penalty Masks
-<LI><A HREF="#T">                            Phylogenetic Trees
-<LI><A HREF="#C">                               Colors
-<LI><A HREF="#Q">                       Alignment Quality Analysis
-<LI><A HREF="#9">              Command Line Parameters
-<LI><A HREF="#R">                             References
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="G">                      General help for CLUSTAL X (1.8)
-Clustal X is a windows interface for the ClustalW multiple sequence alignment
-program. It provides an integrated environment for performing multiple sequence
-and profile alignments and analysing the results. The sequence alignment is
-displayed in a window on the screen. A versatile coloring scheme has been
-incorporated allowing you to highlight conserved features  in the alignment.
-The pull-down menus at the top of the window allow you to select all the
-options required for traditional multiple sequence and profile alignment.
-You can cut-and-paste sequences to change the order of the alignment; you can
-select a subset of sequences to be aligned; you can select a sub-range of the
-alignment to be realigned and inserted back into the original alignment.
-Alignment quality analysis can be performed and low-scoring segments or
-exceptional residues can be highlighted.
-ClustalX is available for a number of different platforms including: SUN
-Solaris, IRIX5.3 on Silicon Graphics, Digital UNIX on DECStations, Microsoft
-Windows (32 bit) for PC's, Linux ELF for x86 PC's and Macintosh PowerMac. (See
-the README file for Installation instructions.)
-Sequences and profiles (a term for pre-existing alignments) are input using 
-the FILE menu. Invalid options will be disabled. All sequences must be included
-into 1 file. 7 formats are automatically recognised: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT,
-Pearson (Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9 RSF and GDE flat file.
-All non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation marks) are ignored
-except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).  
-Clustal X has two modes which can be selected using the switch directly above
-To do a MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT on a set of sequences, make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT
-MODE is selected. A single sequence data area is then displayed. The ALIGNMENT
-menu then allows you to either produce a guide tree for the alignment, or to do
-a multiple alignment following the guide tree, or to do a full multiple
-In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, two sequence data areas are displayed, allowing you
-to align 2 alignments (termed profiles). Profiles are also used to add a new
-sequence to an old alignment, or to use secondary structure to guide the
-alignment process. GAPS in the old alignments are indicated using the "-" 
-character. PROFILES can be input in ANY of the allowed formats; just  use "-"
-(or "." for MSF/RSF) for each gap position. In Profile Alignment Mode, a button
-"Lock Scroll" is displayed which allows you to scroll the two profiles together
-using a single scroll bar. When the Lock Scroll is turned off, the two profiles
-can be scrolled independently.
-Phylogenetic trees can be calculated from old alignments (read in with "-"
-characters to indicate gaps) OR after a multiple alignment while the alignment
-is still displayed.
-The alignment is displayed on the screen with the sequence names on the left
-hand side. The sequence alignment is for display only, it cannot be edited here
-(except for changing the sequence order by cutting-and-pasting on the sequence
-A ruler is displayed below the sequences, starting at 1 for the first residue
-position (residue numbers in the sequence input file are ignored).
-A line above the alignment is used to mark strongly conserved positions. Three
-characters ('*', ':' and '.') are used:
-'*' indicates positions which have a single, fully conserved residue
-':' indicates that one of the following 'strong' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 STA  
-                 NEQK  
-                 NHQK  
-                 NDEQ  
-                 QHRK  
-                 MILV  
-                 MILF  
-                 HY  
-                 FYW  
-'.' indicates that one of the following 'weaker' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 CSA  
-                 ATV  
-                 SAG  
-                 STNK  
-                 STPA  
-                 SGND  
-                 SNDEQK  
-                 NDEQHK  
-                 NEQHRK  
-                 FVLIM  
-                 HFY  
-These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in the Gonnet Pam250
-matrix. The strong and weak groups are defined as strong score >0.5 and weak
-score =<0.5 respectively.
-For profile alignments, secondary structure and gap penalty masks are displayed
-above the sequences, if any data is found in the profile input file.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="F">                      Input / Output Files 
-LOAD SEQUENCES reads sequences from one of 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences that are already loaded. All sequences must be in 1 file. The formats
-that are automatically recognised are: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT, Pearson
-(Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9/RSF and GDE flat file.  All
-non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation  marks) are ignored
-except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).
-The program tries to automatically recognise the different file formats used
-and to guess whether the sequences are amino acid or nucleotide.  This is not
-always foolproof.
-FASTA and NBRF/PIR formats are recognised by having a ">" as the first 
-character in the file.  
-EMBL/Swiss Prot formats are recognised by the letters "ID" at the start of the
-file (the token for the entry name field).  
-CLUSTAL format is recognised by the word CLUSTAL at the beginning of the file.
-GCG/MSF format is recognised by one of the following:
-       - the word PileUp at the start of the file.
-         at the start of the file.
-       - the word MSF on the first line of the file, and the characters ..
-         at the end of this line.
-GCG/RSF format is recognised by the word !!RICH_SEQUENCE at the beginning of
-the file.
-If 85% or more of the characters in the sequence are from A,C,G,T,U or N, the
-sequence will be assumed to be nucleotide.  This works in 97.3% of cases but
-watch out!
-APPEND SEQUENCES is only valid in MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE. The input sequences
-do not replace those already loaded, but are appended at the end of the
-SAVE SEQUENCES AS... offers the user a choice of one of six output formats:
-CLUSTAL, NBRF/PIR, GCG/MSF, PHYLIP, NEXUS or GDE. All sequences are written
-to a single file. Options are available to save a range of the alignment, 
-switch between UPPER/LOWER case for GDE files, and to output SEQUENCE NUMBERING
-for CLUSTAL files.
-LOAD PROFILE 1 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences already loaded as Profile 1. This option will also remove any
-sequences which are loaded in Profile 2.
-LOAD PROFILE 2 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences already loaded as Profile 2.
-SAVE PROFILE 1 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
-those sequences in Profile 1 will be written to the output file.
-SAVE PROFILE 2 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
-those sequences in Profile 2 will be written to the output file.
-WRITE ALIGNMENT AS POSTSCRIPT will write the sequence display to a postscript
-format file. This will include any secondary structure / gap penalty mask 
-information and the consensus and ruler lines which are displayed on the
-screen. The Alignment Quality curve can be optionally included in the output
-except that only the profile 1 display will be printed.
-except that only the profile 2 display will be printed.
-A number of options are available to allow you to configure your postscript
-output file.
-The exact RGB values required to reproduce the colors used in the alignment
-window will vary from printer to printer. A PS colors file can be specified
-that contains the RGB values for all the colors required by each of your
-postscript printers.
-By default, Clustal X looks for a file called 'colprint.par' in the current
-directory (if your running under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory,
-and finally in the directories in your PATH environment variable). If no PS
-colors file is found or a color used on the screen is not defined here, the
-screen RGB values (from the Color Parameter File) are used.
-The PS colors file consists of one line for each color to be defined, with the
-color name followed by the RGB values (on a scale of 0 to 1). For example,
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-Blank lines and comments (lines beginning with a '#' character) are ignored.
-PAGE SIZE:  The alignment can be displayed on either A4, A3 or US Letter size
-ORIENTATION: The alignment can be displayed on either a landscape or portrait
-PRINT HEADER: An optional header including the postscript filename, and
-creation date can be printed at the top of each page.
-PRINT QUALITY CURVE: The Alignment Quality curve which is displayed underneath
-the alignment on the screen can be included in the postscript output.
-PRINT RULER: The ruler which is displayed underneath the alignment on the 
-screen can be included in the postscript output.
-PRINT RESIDUE NUMBERS: Sequence residue numbers can be printed at the right
-hand side of the alignment.
-RESIZE TO FIT PAGE: By default, the alignment is scaled to fit the page size
-selected. This option can be turned off, in which case a font size of 10 will
-be used for the sequences.
-PRINT FROM POSITION/TO: A range of the alignment can be printed. The default
-is to print the full alignment. The first and last residues to be printed are
-specified here.
-USE BLOCK LENGTH: The alignment can be divided into blocks of residues. The
-number of residues in a block is specified here. More than one block may then
-be printed on a single page. This is useful for long alignments of a small
-number of sequences. If the block length is set to 0, The alignment will not
-be divided into blocks, but printed across a number of pages.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="E">                          Editing Alignments
-Clustal X allows you to change the order of the sequences in the alignment, by
-cutting-and-pasting the sequence names.
-To select a group of sequences to be moved, click on a sequence name and drag
-the cursor until all the required sequences are highlighted. Holding down the
-Shift key when clicking on the first name will add new sequences to those
-already selected.
-(Options are provided to Select All Sequences, Select Profile 1 or Select 
-Profile 2.)
-The selected sequences can be removed from the alignment by using the EDIT
-menu, CUT option.
-To add the cut sequences back into an alignment, select a sequence by clicking
-on the sequence name. The cut sequences will be added to the alignment,
-immediately following the selected sequence, by the EDIT menu, PASTE option.
-To add the cut sequences to an empty alignment (eg. when cutting sequences from
-Profile 1 and pasting them to Profile 2), click on the empty sequence name
-display area, and select the EDIT menu, PASTE option as before.
-The sequence selection and sequence range selection can be cleared using the
-To search for a string of residues in the sequences, select the sequences to be
-searched by clicking on the sequence names. You can then enter the string to
-search for by selecting the SEARCH FOR STRING option. If the string is found in
-any of the sequences selected, the sequence name and column number is printed
-below the sequence display.
-In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, the two profiles can be merged (normally done after
-alignment) by selecting ADD PROFILE 2 TO PROFILE 1. The sequences currently
-displayed as Profile 2 will be appended to Profile 1. 
-The REMOVE ALL GAPS option will remove all gaps from the sequences currently
-WARNING: This option removes ALL gaps, not only those introduced by ClustalX,
-but also those that were read from the input alignment file. Any secondary
-structure information associated with the alignment will NOT be automatically
-The REMOVE GAP-ONLY COLUMNS will remove those positions in the alignment which
-contain gaps in all sequences. This can occur as a result of removing divergent
-sequences from an alignment, or if an alignment has been realigned.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="M">                          Multiple Alignments
-Make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
-the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do multiple
-Multiple alignments are carried out in 3 stages:
-1) all sequences are compared to each other (pairwise alignments);
-2) a dendrogram (like a phylogenetic tree) is constructed, describing the
-approximate groupings of the sequences by similarity (stored in a file).
-3) the final multiple alignment is carried out, using the dendrogram as a guide.
-The 3 stages are carried out automatically by the DO COMPLETE ALIGNMENT option.
-You can skip the first stages (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
-guide tree file (DO ALIGNMENT FROM GUIDE TREE); or you can just produce the
-guide tree with no final multiple alignment (PRODUCE GUIDE TREE ONLY).
-REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCES is used to realign badly aligned sequences in the
-alignment. Sequences can be selected by clicking on the sequence names - see
-Editing Alignments for more details. The unselected sequences are then 'fixed'
-and a profile is made including only the unselected sequences. Each of the
-selected sequences in turn is then realigned to this profile. The realigned
-sequences will be displayed as a group at the end the alignment.
-REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCE RANGE is used to realign a small region of the 
-alignment. A residue range can be selected by clicking on the sequence display
-area. A multiple alignment is then performed, following the 3 stages described
-above, but only using the selected residue range. Finally the new alignment of
-the range is pasted back into the full sequence alignment.
-By default, gap penalties are used at each end of the subrange in order to 
-penalise terminal gaps. If the REALIGN SEGMENT END GAP PENALTIES option is
-switched off, gaps can be introduced at the ends of the residue range at no
-ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS displays a sub-menu with the following options:
-RESET NEW GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove any new gaps introduced into the
-sequences during multiple alignment if you wish to change the parameters and
-try again. This only takes effect just before you do a second multiple
-alignment. You can make phylogenetic trees after alignment whether or not this
-is ON. If you turn this OFF, the new gaps are kept even if you do a second
-multiple alignment. This allows you to iterate the alignment gradually.
-Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a second or third pass.
-RESET ALL GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove all gaps in the sequences including
-gaps which were read in from the sequence input file. This only takes effect
-just before you do a second multiple alignment.  You can make phylogenetic
-trees after alignment whether or not this is ON.  If you turn this OFF, all
-gaps are kept even if you do a second multiple alignment. This allows you to
-iterate the alignment gradually.  Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a
-second or third pass.
-PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the speed/sensitivity of the initial
-MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the gaps in the final multiple
-PROTEIN GAP PARAMETERS displays a temporary window which allows you to set
-various parameters only used in the alignment of protein sequences.
-(SECONDARY STRUCTURE PARAMETERS, for use with the Profile Alignment Mode only,
-allows you to set various parameters only used with gap penalty masks.)
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-You can choose from 6 different alignment formats (CLUSTAL, GCG, NBRF/PIR,
-PHYLIP, GDE and NEXUS).  You can choose more than one (or all 6 if you wish).  
-CLUSTAL format output is a self explanatory alignment format. It shows the
-sequences aligned in blocks. It can be read in again at a later date to (for
-example) calculate a phylogenetic tree or add in new sequences by profile
-GCG output can be used by any of the GCG programs that can work on multiple
-alignments (e.g. PRETTY, PROFILEMAKE, PLOTALIGN). It is the same as the GCG
-.msf format files (multiple sequence file); new in version 7 of GCG.
-NEXUS format is used by several phylogeny programs, including PAUP and
-PHYLIP format output can be used for input to the PHYLIP package of Joe 
-Felsenstein.  This is a very widely used package for doing every imaginable
-form of phylogenetic analysis (MUCH more than the the modest introduction
-offered by this program).
-NBRF/PIR: this is the same as the standard PIR format with ONE ADDITION. Gap
-characters "-" are used to indicate the positions of gaps in the multiple 
-alignment. These files can be re-used as input in any part of clustal that
-allows sequences (or alignments or profiles) to be read in.  
-GDE:  this format is used by the GDE package of Steven Smith and is understood
-by SEQLAB in GCG 9 or later.
-GDE OUTPUT CASE: sequences in GDE format may be written in either upper or
-lower case.
-CLUSTALW SEQUENCE NUMBERS: residue numbers may be added to the end of the
-alignment lines in clustalw format.
-OUTPUT ORDER is used to control the order of the sequences in the output
-alignments. By default, it uses the order in which the sequences were aligned
-(from the guide tree/dendrogram), thus automatically grouping closely related
-sequences. It can be switched to be the same as the original input order.
-PARAMETER OUTPUT: This option will save all your parameter settings in a
-parameter file (suffix .par) during alignment. The file can be subsequently
-used to rerun ClustalW using the same parameters.
-A distance is calculated between every pair of sequences and these are used to
-construct the phylogenetic tree which guides the final multiple alignment. The
-scores are calculated from separate pairwise alignments. These can be
-calculated using 2 methods: dynamic programming (slow but accurate) or by the
-method of Wilbur and Lipman (extremely fast but approximate).   
-You can choose between the 2 alignment methods using the PAIRWISE ALIGNMENTS
-option. The slow/accurate method is fast enough for short sequences but will be
-VERY SLOW for many (e.g. >100) long (e.g. >1000 residue) sequences.   
-SLOW-ACCURATE alignment parameters:
-These parameters do not have any affect on the speed of the alignments. They
-are used to give initial alignments which are then rescored to give percent
-identity scores. These % scores are the ones which are displayed on the 
-screen. The scores are converted to distances for the trees.
-Gap Open Penalty:      the penalty for opening a gap in the alignment.
-Gap Extension Penalty: the penalty for extending a gap by 1 residue.
-Protein Weight Matrix: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
-each amino acid to each other.
-Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
-DNA weight matrix: the scores assigned to matches and mismatches (including
-IUB ambiguity codes).
-Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
-See the Multiple alignment parameters, MATRIX option below for details of the
-matrix input format.
-FAST-APPROXIMATE alignment parameters:
-These similarity scores are calculated from fast, approximate, global align-
-ments, which are controlled by 4 parameters. 2 techniques are used to make
-these alignments very fast: 1) only exactly matching fragments (k-tuples) are
-considered; 2) only the 'best' diagonals (the ones with most k-tuple matches)
-are used.
-GAP PENALTY:   This is a penalty for each gap in the fast alignments. It has
-little effect on the speed or sensitivity except for extreme values.
-K-TUPLE SIZE:  This is the size of exactly matching fragment that is used. 
-INCREASE for speed (max= 2 for proteins; 4 for DNA), DECREASE for sensitivity.
-For longer sequences (e.g. >1000 residues) you may wish to increase the
-TOP DIAGONALS: The number of k-tuple matches on each diagonal (in an imaginary
-dot-matrix plot) is calculated. Only the best ones (with most matches) are used
-in the alignment. This parameter specifies how many. Decrease for speed;
-increase for sensitivity.
-WINDOW SIZE:  This is the number of diagonals around each of the 'best' 
-diagonals that will be used. Decrease for speed; increase for sensitivity.
-These parameters control the final multiple alignment. This is the core of the
-program and the details are complicated. To fully understand the use of the
-parameters and the scoring system, you will have to refer to the documentation.
-Each step in the final multiple alignment consists of aligning two alignments 
-or sequences. This is done progressively, following the branching order in the
-GUIDE TREE. The basic parameters to control this are two gap penalties and the
-scores for various identical/non-indentical residues. 
-The GAP OPENING and EXTENSION PENALTIES can be set here. These control the 
-cost of opening up every new gap and the cost of every item in a gap.  
-Increasing the gap opening penalty will make gaps less frequent. Increasing 
-the gap extension penalty will make gaps shorter. Terminal gaps are not 
-The DELAY DIVERGENT SEQUENCES switch delays the alignment of the most distantly
-related sequences until after the most closely related sequences have  been
-aligned. The setting shows the percent identity level required to delay the
-addition of a sequence; sequences that are less identical than this level to
-any other sequences will be aligned later.
-The TRANSITION WEIGHT gives transitions (A<-->G or C<-->T i.e. purine-purine or
-pyrimidine-pyrimidine substitutions) a weight between 0 and 1; a weight of zero
-means that the transitions are scored as mismatches, while a weight of 1 gives
-the transitions the match score. For distantly related DNA sequences, the
-weight should be near to zero; for closely related sequences it can be useful
-to assign a higher score. The default is set to 0.5.
-The PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to choose a series of weight
-matrices. For protein alignments, you use a weight matrix to determine the
-similarity of non-identical amino acids. For example, Tyr aligned with Phe is
-usually judged to be 'better' than Tyr aligned with Pro.
-There are three 'in-built' series of weight matrices offered. Each consists of
-several matrices which work differently at different evolutionary distances. To
-see the exact details, read the documentation. Crudely, we store several
-matrices in memory, spanning the full range of amino acid distance (from almost
-identical sequences to highly divergent ones). For very similar sequences, it
-is best to use a strict weight matrix which only gives a high score to
-identities and the most favoured conservative substitutions. For more divergent
-sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give a high score
-to many other frequent substitutions.
-1) BLOSUM (Henikoff). These matrices appear to be the best available for 
-carrying out data base similarity (homology searches). The matrices currently
-used are: Blosum 80, 62, 45 and 30. BLOSUM was the default in earlier Clustal X
-2) PAM (Dayhoff). These have been extremely widely used since the late '70s. We
-currently use the PAM 20, 60, 120, 350 matrices.
-3) GONNET. These matrices were derived using almost the same procedure as the
-Dayhoff one (above) but are much more up to date and are based on a far larger
-data set. They appear to be more sensitive than the Dayhoff series. We
-currently use the GONNET 80, 120, 160, 250 and 350 matrices. This series is the
-default for Clustal X version 1.8.
-We also supply an identity matrix which gives a score of 10 to two identical 
-amino acids and a score of zero otherwise. This matrix is not very useful.
-Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison matrix from a file.
-This can be either a single matrix or a series of matrices (see below for
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to select a single matrix (not a series)
-used for aligning nucleic acid sequences. Two hard-coded matrices are available:
-1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
-of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
-ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.9; all mismatches for IUB symbols score 0.
-2) CLUSTALW(1.6). A previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
-1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0.
-Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a nucleic acid comparison matrix from a
-file (just one matrix, not a series).
-The format used for a single matrix is the same as the BLAST program. The
-scores in the new weight matrix should be similarities. You can use negative as
-well as positive values if you wish, although the matrix will be automatically
-adjusted to all positive scores, unless the NEGATIVE MATRIX option is selected.
-Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The first
-non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using the 1
-letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a square
-matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The last row
-and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain the minimum
-score over the whole matrix.
-ClustalX uses different matrices depending on the mean percent identity of the
-sequences to be aligned. You can specify a series of matrices and the range of
-the percent identity for each matrix in a matrix series file. The file is
-automatically recognised by the word CLUSTAL_SERIES at the beginning of the
-file. Each matrix in the series is then specified on one line which should
-start with the word MATRIX. This is followed by the lower and upper limits of
-the sequence percent identities for which you want to apply the matrix. The
-final entry on the matrix line is the filename of a Blast format matrix file
-(see above for details of the single matrix file format).
-MATRIX 81 100 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum80
-MATRIX 61 80 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum62
-MATRIX 31 60 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum45
-MATRIX 0 30 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum30
-RESIDUE SPECIFIC PENALTIES are amino acid specific gap penalties that reduce or
-increase the gap opening penalties at each position in the alignment or 
-sequence. See the documentation for details. As an example, positions that are
-rich in glycine are more likely to have an adjacent gap than positions that are
-rich in valine.
-HYDROPHILIC GAP PENALTIES are used to increase the chances of a gap within a
-run (5 or more residues) of hydrophilic amino acids; these are likely to be
-loop or random coil regions where gaps are more common. The residues that are
-"considered" to be hydrophilic can be entered in HYDROPHILIC RESIDUES.
-GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE tries to decrease the chances of gaps being too close
-to each other. Gaps that are less than this distance apart are penalised more
-than other gaps. This does not prevent close gaps; it makes them less frequent,
-promoting a block-like appearance of the alignment.
-END GAP SEPARATION treats end gaps just like internal gaps for the purposes of
-avoiding gaps that are too close (set by GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE above). If you
-turn this off, end gaps will be ignored for this purpose. This is useful when
-you wish to align fragments where the end gaps are not biologically meaningful.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="P">                   Profile and Structure Alignments
-By PROFILE ALIGNMENT, we mean alignment using existing alignments. Profile 
-alignments allow you to store alignments of your favourite sequences and add
-new sequences to them in small bunches at a time. A profile is simply an
-alignment of one or more sequences (e.g. an alignment output file from Clustal
-X). Each input can be a single sequence. One or both sets of input sequences
-may include secondary structure assignments or gap penalty masks to guide the
-Make sure PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
-the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do profile and
-secondary structure alignments.
-The profiles can be in any of the allowed input formats with "-" characters
-used to specify gaps (except for GCG/MSF where "." is used).
-You have to load the 2 profiles by choosing FILE, LOAD PROFILE 1 and  LOAD
-profiles to each other. Secondary structure masks in either profile can be used
-to guide the alignment. This option compares all the sequences in profile 1
-with all the sequences in profile 2 in order to build guide trees which will be
-used to calculate sequence weights, and select appropriate alignment parameters
-for the final profile alignment.
-You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide trees) by using old
-The ALIGN SEQUENCES TO PROFILE 1 option will take the sequences in the second
-profile and align them to the first profile, 1 at a time.  This is useful to
-add some new sequences to an existing alignment, or to align a set of sequences
-to a known structure. In this case, the second profile set need not be
-You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-The alignment parameters can be set using the ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS menu,
-Pairwise Parameters, Multiple Parameters and Protein Gap Parameters options.
-These are EXACTLY the same parameters as used by the general, automatic
-multiple alignment procedure. The general multiple alignment procedure is
-simply a series of profile alignments. Carrying out a series of profile
-alignments on larger and larger groups of sequences, allows you to manually
-build up a complete alignment, if necessary editing intermediate alignments.
-Use this menu to set secondary structure options. If a solved structure is
-known, it can be used to guide the alignment by raising gap penalties within
-secondary structure elements, so that gaps will preferentially be inserted into
-unstructured surface loop regions. Alternatively, a user-specified gap penalty
-mask can be supplied for a similar purpose.
-A gap penalty mask is a series of numbers between 1 and 9, one per position in 
-the alignment. Each number specifies how much the gap opening penalty is to be 
-raised at that position (raised by multiplying the basic gap opening penalty
-by the number) i.e. a mask figure of 1 at a position means no change
-in gap opening penalty; a figure of 4 means that the gap opening penalty is
-four times greater at that position, making gaps 4 times harder to open.
-The format for gap penalty masks and secondary structure masks is explained in
-a separate help section.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="B">            Secondary Structure / Gap Penalty Masks
-The use of secondary structure-based penalties has been shown to improve  the
-accuracy of sequence alignment. Clustal X now allows secondary structure/ gap
-penalty masks to be supplied with the input sequences used during profile
-alignment. (NB. The secondary structure information is NOT used during multiple
-sequence alignment). The masks work by raising gap penalties in specified
-regions (typically secondary structure elements) so that gaps are
-preferentially opened in the less well conserved regions (typically surface
-whether the input 2D-structure information or gap penalty masks will be used
-during the profile alignment.
-The OUTPUT options control whether the secondary structure and gap penalty
-masks should be included in the Clustal X output alignments. Showing both is
-useful for understanding how the masks work. The 2D-structure information is
-itself useful in judging the alignment quality and in seeing how residue
-conservation patterns vary with secondary structure. 
-The HELIX and STRAND GAP PENALTY options provide the value for raising the gap
-penalty at core Alpha Helical (A) and Beta Strand (B) residues. In CLUSTAL
-format, capital residues denote the A and B core structure notation. Basic gap
-penalties are multiplied by the amount specified.
-The LOOP GAP PENALTY option provides the value for the gap penalty in Loops.
-By default this penalty is not raised. In CLUSTAL format, loops are specified
-by "." in the secondary structure notation.
-The SECONDARY STRUCTURE TERMINAL PENALTY provides the value for setting the gap
-penalty at the ends of secondary structures. Ends of secondary structures are
-known to grow or shrink, comparing related structures. Therefore by default
-these are given intermediate values, lower than the core penalties. All
-secondary structure read in as lower case in CLUSTAL format gets the reduced
-terminal penalty.
-The HELIX and STRAND TERMINAL POSITIONS options specify the range of structure
-termini for the intermediate penalties. In the alignment output, these are
-indicated as lower case. For Alpha Helices, by default, the range spans the 
-end-helical turn (3 residues). For Beta Strands, the default range spans the
-end residue and the adjacent loop residue, since sequence conservation often
-extends beyond the actual H-bonded Beta Strand.
-Clustal X can read the masks from SWISS-PROT, CLUSTAL or GDE format input
-files. For many 3-D protein structures, secondary structure information is
-recorded in the feature tables of SWISS-PROT database entries. You should
-always check that the assignments are correct - some are quite inaccurate.
-Clustal X looks for SWISS-PROT HELIX and STRAND assignments e.g.
-FT   HELIX       100    115
-FT   STRAND      118    119
-The structure and penalty masks can also be read from CLUSTAL alignment format 
-as comment lines beginning "!SS_" or "!GM_" e.g.
-!SS_HBA_HUMA    ..aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaa.aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAaaa.........aaaAAAAAA
-!GM_HBA_HUMA    112224444444444222122244444444442222224222111111111222444444
-Note that the mask itself is a set of numbers between 1 and 9 each of which is 
-assigned to the residue(s) in the same column below. 
-In GDE flat file format, the masks are specified as text and the names must
-begin with "SS_ or "GM_.
-Either a structure or penalty mask or both may be used. If both are included
-in an alignment, the user will be asked which is to be used.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="T">                            Phylogenetic Trees
-Before calculating a tree, you must have an ALIGNMENT in memory. This can be
-input using the FILE menu, LOAD SEQUENCES option or you should have just
-carried out a full multiple alignment and the alignment is still in memory.
-The method used is the NJ (Neighbour Joining) method of Saitou and Nei. First
-you calculate distances (percent divergence) between all pairs of sequence from
-a multiple alignment; second you apply the NJ method to the distance matrix.
-To calculate a tree, use the DRAW N-J TREE option. This gives an UNROOTED tree
-and all branch lengths. The root of the tree can only be inferred by using an
-outgroup (a sequence that you are certain branches at the outside of the tree
-.... certain on biological grounds) OR if you assume a degree of constancy in
-the 'molecular clock', you can place the root in the 'middle' of the tree
-(roughly equidistant from all tips).
-BOOTSTRAP N-J TREE uses a method for deriving confidence values for the 
-groupings in a tree (first adapted for trees by Joe Felsenstein). It involves
-making N random samples of sites from the alignment (N should be LARGE, e.g.
-500 - 1000); drawing N trees (1 from each sample) and counting how many times
-each grouping from the original tree occurs in the sample trees. You can set N
-using the NUMBER OF BOOTSTRAP TRIALS option in the BOOTSTRAP TREE window. In
-practice, you should use a large number of bootstrap replicates (1000 is
-recommended, even if it means running the program for an hour on a slow 
-computer). You can also supply a seed number for the random number generator
-here. Different runs with the same seed will give the same answer. See the
-documentation for more details.
-EXCLUDE POSITIONS WITH GAPS? With this option, any alignment positions where
-ANY of the sequences have a gap will be ignored. This means that 'like' will
-be compared to 'like' in all distances, which is highly desirable. It also
-automatically throws away the most ambiguous parts of the alignment, which are
-concentrated around gaps (usually). The disadvantage is that you may throw away
-much of the data if there are many gaps (which is why it is difficult for us to
-make it the default).  
-CORRECT FOR MULTIPLE SUBSTITUTIONS? For small divergence (say <10%) this option
-makes no difference. For greater divergence, this option corrects for the fact
-that observed distances underestimate actual evolutionary distances. This is
-because, as sequences diverge, more than one substitution will happen at many
-sites. However, you only see one difference when you look at the present day
-sequences. Therefore, this option has the effect of stretching branch lengths
-in trees (especially long branches). The corrections used here (for DNA or
-proteins) are both due to Motoo Kimura. See the documentation for details.  
-Where possible, this option should be used. However, for VERY divergent
-sequences, the distances cannot be reliably corrected. You will be warned if
-this happens. Even if none of the distances in a data set exceed the reliable
-threshold, if you bootstrap the data, some of the bootstrap distances may
-randomly exceed the safe limit.  
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the tree calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-Three different formats are allowed. None of these displays the tree visually.
-You can display the tree using the NJPLOT program distributed with Clustal X
-OR get the PHYLIP package and use the tree drawing facilities there. 
-1) CLUSTAL FORMAT TREE. This format is verbose and lists all of the distances
-between the sequences and the number of alignment positions used for each. The
-tree is described at the end of the file. It lists the sequences that are
-joined at each alignment step and the branch lengths. After two sequences are
-joined, it is referred to later as a NODE. The number of a NODE is the number
-of the lowest sequence in that NODE.   
-2) PHYLIP FORMAT TREE. This format is the New Hampshire format, used by many
-phylogenetic analysis packages. It consists of a series of nested parentheses,
-describing the branching order, with the sequence names and branch lengths. It
-can be read by the NJPLOT program distributed with ClustalX. It can also be
-used by the RETREE, DRAWGRAM and DRAWTREE programs of the PHYLIP package to see
-the trees graphically. This is the same format used during multiple alignment
-for the guide trees. Some other packages that can read and display New
-Hampshire format are TreeTool, TreeView, and Phylowin.
-3) PHYLIP DISTANCE MATRIX. This format just outputs a matrix of all the
-pairwise distances in a format that can be used by the PHYLIP package. It used
-to be useful when one could not produce distances from protein sequences in the
-Phylip package but is now redundant (PROTDIST of Phylip 3.5 now does this).
-4) NEXUS FORMAT TREE. This format is used by several popular phylogeny programs,
-including PAUP and MacClade. The format is described fully in:
-Maddison, D. R., D. L. Swofford and W. P. Maddison.  1997.
-NEXUS: an extensible file format for systematic information.
-Systematic Biology 46:590-621.
-BOOTSTRAP LABELS ON: By default, the bootstrap values are correctly placed on
-the tree branches of the phylip format output tree. The toggle allows them to
-be placed on the nodes, which is incorrect, but some display packages (e.g.
-TreeTool, TreeView and Phylowin) only support node labelling but not branch
-labelling. Care should be taken to note which branches and labels go together. 
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="C">                               Colors
-Clustal X provides a versatile coloring scheme for the sequence alignment 
-display. The sequences (or profiles) are colored automatically, when they are
-loaded. Sequences can be colored either by assigning a color to specific
-residues, or on the basis of an alignment consensus. In the latter case, the
-alignment consensus is calculated automatically, and the residues in each
-column are colored according to the consensus character assigned to that
-column. In this way, you can choose to highlight, for example, conserved
-hydrophylic or hydrophobic positions in the alignment.
-The 'rules' used to color the alignment are specified in a COLOR PARAMETER
-FILE. Clustal X automatically looks for a file called 'colprot.par' for protein
-sequences or 'coldna.par' for DNA, in the current directory. (If your running
-under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory, and finally in the
-directories in your PATH environment variable).
-By default, if no color parameter file is found, protein sequences are colored
-by residue as follows:
-	Color			Residue Code
-In the case of DNA sequences, the default colors are as follows:
-	Color			Residue Code
-	RED			C
-	BLUE			T
-The default BACKGROUND COLORING option shows the sequence residues using a
-black character on a colored background. It can be switched off to show
-residues as a colored character on a white background. 
-Either BLACK AND WHITE or DEFAULT COLOR options can be selected. The Color
-option looks first for the color parameter file (as described above) and, if no
-file is found, uses the default residue-specific colors.
-You can specify your own coloring scheme by using the LOAD COLOR PARAMETER FILE
-option. The format of the color parameter file is described below.
-This file is divided into 3 sections:
-1) the names and rgb values of the colors
-2) the rules for calculating the consensus
-3) the rules for assigning colors to the residues
-An example file is given here.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- at rgbindex
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
-GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
-YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
- at consensus
-% = 60% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
-# = 80% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
-- = 50% e:d
-+ = 60% k:r
-q = 50% q:e
-p = 50% p
-n = 50% n
-t = 50% t:s
- at color
-g = RED
-t = GREEN if t:%:#
-n = GREEN if n
-w = BLUE if %:#:p
-k = RED if +
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-The first section is optional and is identified by the header @rgbindex. If
-this section exists, each color used in the file must be named and the rgb
-values specified (on a scale from 0 to 1). If the rgb index section is not
-found, the following set of hard-coded colors will be used.
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
-GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
-ORANGE       0.9 0.7 0.3
-CYAN         0.1 0.9 0.9
-PINK         0.9 0.5 0.5
-MAGENTA      0.9 0.1 0.9
-YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
-The second section is optional and is identified by the header @consensus. It
-defines how the consensus is calculated.
-The format of each consensus parameter is:-
-c = n% residue_list
-        where
-              c             is a character used to identify the parameter.
-              n             is an integer value used as the percentage cutoff
-                            point.
-              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
-                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
-For example:   # = 60% w:l:v:i
-will assign a consensus character # to any column in the alignment which
-contains more than 60% of the residues w,l,v and i.
-The third section is identified by the header @color, and defines how colors
-are assigned to each residue in the alignment.
-The color parameters can take one of two formats:
-1) r = color
-2) r = color if consensus_list
-        where
-              r             is a character used to denote a residue.
-              color         is one of the colors in the GDE color lookup table.
-              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
-                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
-1) g = ORANGE
-will color all glycines ORANGE, regardless of the consensus.
-2) w = BLUE if w:%:#
-will color BLUE any tryptophan which is found in a column with a consensus of
-w, % or #.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="Q">                       Alignment Quality Analysis
-Clustal X provides an indication of the quality of an alignment by plotting
-a 'conservation score' for each column of the alignment. A high score indicates
-a well-conserved column; a low score indicates low conservation. The quality
-curve is drawn below the alignment.
-Two methods are also provided to indicate single residues or sequence segments
-which score badly in the alignment.
-Low-scoring residues are expected to occur at a moderate frequency in all the
-sequences because of their steady divergence due to the natural processes of
-evolution. The most divergent sequences are likely to have the most outliers.
-However, the highlighted residues are especially useful in pointing to
-sequence misalignments. Note that clustering of highlighted residues is a
-strong indication of misalignment. This can arise due to various reasons, for
-        1. Partial or total misalignments caused by a failure in the
-        alignment algorithm. Usually only in difficult alignment cases.
-        2. Partial or total misalignments because at least one of the
-        sequences in the given set is partly or completely unrelated to the
-        other sequences. It is up to the user to check that the set of
-        sequences are alignable.
-        3. Frameshift translation errors in a protein sequence causing local
-        mismatched regions to be heavily highlighted. These are surprisingly
-        common in database entries. If suspected, a 3-frame translation of
-        the source DNA needs to be examined.
-Occasionally, highlighted residues may point to regions of some biological
-significance. This might happen for example if a protein alignment contains a
-sequence which has acquired new functions relative to the main sequence set. It
-is important to exclude other explanations, such as error or the natural
-divergence of sequences, before invoking a biological explanation.
-Unreliable regions in the alignment can be highlighted using the Low-Scoring
-Segments option. A sequence-weighted profile is used to indicate any segments
-in the sequences which score badly. Because the profile calculation may take
-some time, an option is provided to calculate LOW-SCORING SEGMENTS. The 
-segment display can then be toggled on or off without having to repeat the
-time-consuming calculations.
-For details of the low-scoring segment calculation, see the CALCULATION section
-MINIMUM LENGTH OF SEGMENTS: short segments (or even single residues) can be
-hidden by increasing the minimum length of segments which will be displayed.
-DNA MARKING SCALE is used to remove less significant segments from the 
-highlighted display. Increase the scale to display more segments; decrease the
-scale to remove the least significant.
-PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of each
-amino acid to each other. The matrix is used to calculate the sequence-
-weighted profile scores. There are four 'in-built' Log-Odds matrices offered:
-the Gonnet PAM 80, 120, 250, 350 matrices. A more stringent matrix which only
-gives a high score to identities and the most favoured conservative
-substitutions, may be more suitable when the sequences are closely related. For
-more divergent sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give
-a high score to many other frequent substitutions. This  option automatically
-recalculates the low-scoring segments.
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: Two hard-coded matrices are available:
-1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
-of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
-ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.0; all mismatches for IUB symbols score
-2) CLUSTALW(1.6). The previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
-1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0. 
-A new matrix can be read from a file on disk, if the filename consists only
-of lower case characters. The values in the new weight matrix should be
-similarities and should be NEGATIVE for infrequent substitutions.
-INPUT FORMAT. The format used for a new matrix is the same as the BLAST
-program. Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The
-first non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using
-the 1 letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a
-square matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The
-last row and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain
-the minimum score over the whole matrix.
-You can customise the column 'quality scores' plotted underneath the alignment
-display using the following options.
-SCORE PLOT SCALE: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be used to
-change the scale of the quality score plot. 
-RESIDUE EXCEPTION CUTOFF: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be
-used to change the number of residue exceptions which are highlighted in the
-alignment display. (For an explanation of this cutoff, see the CALCULATION OF
-RESIDUE EXCEPTIONS section below.)
-PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
-each amino acid to each other. 
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: two hard-coded matrices are available: IUB and CLUSTALW(1.6).
-For more information about the weight matrices, see the help above for
-the Low-scoring Segments Weight Matrix.
-For details of the quality score calculations, see the CALCULATION section
-The low-scoring segment display can be toggled on or off. This option does not
-recalculate the profile scores.
-This option highlights individual residues which score badly in the alignment
-quality calculations. Residues which score exceptionally low are highlighted by
-using a white character on a grey background.
-The quality scores that are plotted underneath the alignment display can also
-be saved in a text file. Each column in the alignment is written on one line in
-the output file, with the value of the quality score at the end of the line.
-Only the sequences currently selected in the display are written to the file.
-One use for quality scores is to color residues in a protein structure by
-sequence conservation. In this way conserved surface residues can be
-highlighted to locate functional regions such as ligand-binding sites.
-Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
-can be written as:
-        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
-        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
-        .
-        .
-        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
-We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
-for aligning residue i with residue j.
-We want to calculate a score for the conservation of the jth position in the
-To do this, we define an R-dimensional sequence space. For the jth position in 
-the alignment, each sequence consists of a single residue which is assigned a
-point S in the space. S has R dimensions, and for sequence i, the rth dimension
-is defined as:
-	Sr =    C(r,Aij)
-We then calculate a consensus value for the jth position in the alignment. This
-value X also has R dimensions, and the rth dimension is defined as:
-	Xr = (   SUM   (Fij * C(i,r)) ) / m
-               1<=i<=R
-where Fij is the count of residues i at position j in the alignment.
-Now we can calculate the distance Di between each sequence i and the consensus 
-position X in the R-dimensional space.
-	Di = SQRT   (   SUM   (Xr - Sr)(Xr - Sr) )
-                      1<=i<=R
-The quality score for the jth position in the alignment is defined as the mean
-of the sequence distances Di.
-The score is normalised by multiplying by the percentage of sequences which
-have residues (and not gaps) at this position.
-The jth residue of the ith sequence is considered as an exception if the
-distance Di of the sequence from the consensus value P is greater than (Upper
-Quartile + Inter Quartile Range * Cutoff). The value used as a cutoff for
-displaying exceptions can be set from the SCORE PARAMETERS menu. A high cutoff
-value will only display very significant exceptions; a low value will allow
-more, less significant, exceptions to be highlighted.
-(NB. Sequences which contain gaps at this position are not included in the
-exception calculation.)
-Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
-can be written as:
-        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
-        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
-        .
-        .
-        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
-We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
-for aligning residue i with residue j.
-We calculate sequence weights by building a neighbour-joining tree, in which
-branch lengths are proportional to divergence. Summing the branches by branch
-ownership provides the weights. See (Thompson et al., CABIOS, 10, 19 (1994) and
-Henikoff et al.,JMB, 243, 574 1994).
-To find the low-scoring segments in a sequence Si, we build a weighted profile
-of the remaining sequences in the alignment. Suppose we find residue r at 
-position j in the sequence; then the score for the jth position in the sequence
-is defined as
-	Score(Si,j) = Profile(j,r)   where Profile(j,r) is the profile score
-                                       for residue r at position j in the
-                                       alignment.
-These residue scores are summed along the sequence in both forward and backward
-directions. If the sum of the scores is positive, then it is reset to zero.
-Segments which score negatively in both directions are considered as 
-'low-scoring' and will be highlighted in the alignment display.
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="9">              Command Line Parameters
-<CENTER><H3>                DATA (sequences)
-<TD><TT>-PROFILE1=file.ext  and  -PROFILE2=file.ext  </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>profiles (aligned sequences)</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>                VERBS (do things)
-<TD><TT>-HELP  or -CHECK    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>outline the command line parameters</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-ALIGN              </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>do full multiple alignment </EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-TREE               </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>calculate NJ tree</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-BOOTSTRAP(=n)      </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>bootstrap a NJ tree (n= number of bootstraps; def. = 1000)</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-CONVERT            </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>output the input sequences in a different file format</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>                PARAMETERS (set things)
-<CENTER><P><STRONG>***General settings:****
-<TD><EM>read command line, then enter normal interactive menus</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>use FAST algorithm for the alignment guide tree</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-TYPE=       </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>PROTEIN or DNA sequences</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-NEGATIVE    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>protein alignment with negative values in matrix</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-OUTFILE=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>sequence alignment file name</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-OUTPUT=     </TT></TD>
-<TD><TT>-OUTORDER=   </TT></TD>
-<TD><TT>-CASE=       </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>LOWER or UPPER (for GDE output only)</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-SEQNOS=     </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>OFF or ON (for Clustal output only)</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Fast Pairwise Alignments:***
-<TD><TT>-TOPDIAGS=n  </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>number of best diags.</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-WINDOW=n    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>window around best diags.</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-PAIRGAP=n   </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap penalty</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-SCORE=      </TT></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Slow Pairwise Alignments:***
-<TD><EM>DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap opening penalty</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-PWGAPEXT=f  </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap opening penalty</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Multiple Alignments:***
-<TD><TT>-USETREE=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for old guide tree</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-MATRIX=     </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-GAPOPEN=f   </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap opening penalty</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-GAPEXT=f  </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap extension penalty</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-ENDGAPS     </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>no end gap separation pen.</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-GAPDIST=n   </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap separation pen. range</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-NOPGAP      </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>residue-specific gaps off</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-NOHGAP    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>hydrophilic gaps off</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>list hydrophilic res.</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-MAXDIV=n    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>% ident. for delay</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-TYPE=       </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>transitions weighting</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Profile Alignments:***
-<TD><TT>-NEWTREE1=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for new guide tree for profile1</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-NEWTREE2=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for new guide tree for profile2</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-USETREE1=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for old guide tree for profile1</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-USETREE2=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for old guide tree for profile2</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Sequence to Profile Alignments:***
-<TD><TT>-NEWTREE=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for new guide tree</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-USETREE=    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>file for old guide tree</EM></TD>
-<CENTER><H3>***Structure Alignments:***
-<TD><TT>-NOSECSTR2     </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>do not use secondary structure/gap penalty mask for profile 2</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>output in alignment file</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-HELIXGAP=n    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap penalty for helix core residues </EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-STRANDGAP=n   </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap penalty for strand core residues</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-LOOPGAP=n     </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap penalty for loop regions</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>gap penalty for structure termini</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>number of residues inside helix to be treated as terminal</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>number of residues outside helix to be treated as terminal</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>number of residues inside strand to be treated as terminal</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>number of residues outside strand to be treated as terminal </EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-SEED=n    </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>seed number for bootstraps</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-KIMURA      </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>use Kimura's correction</EM></TD>
-<TD><EM>ignore positions with gaps</EM></TD>
-<TD><TT>-BOOTLABELS=node OR branch </TT></TD>
-<TD><EM>position of bootstrap values in tree display</EM></TD>
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
-<CENTER><H2><A NAME="R">                             References
-The ClustalX program is described in the manuscript:
-Thompson,J.D., Gibson,T.J., Plewniak,F., Jeanmougin,F. and Higgins,D.G. (1997)
-The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence 
-alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research, 25:4876-4882.
-The ClustalW program is described in the manuscript:
-Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G. and Gibson, T.J. (1994) CLUSTAL W: improving the
-sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence
-weighting, positions-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice.  Nucleic
-Acids Research, 22:4673-4680.
-The ClustalV program is described in the manuscript:
-Higgins,D.G., Bleasby,A.J. and Fuchs,R. (1992) CLUSTAL V: improved software for
-multiple sequence alignment. CABIOS 8,189-191.
-The original Clustal program is described in the manuscripts:
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1989) Fast and sensitive multiple sequence
-alignments on a microcomputer.
-CABIOS 5,151-153.
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1988) CLUSTAL: a package for performing multiple
-sequence alignment on a microcomputer. Gene 73,237-244.
-Some tips on using Clustal X:
-Jeannmougin,F., Thompson,J.D., Gouy,M., Higgins,D.G. and Gibson,T.J. (1998)
-Multiple sequence alignment with Clustal X. Trends Biochem Sci, 23, 403-5.
-Some tips on using Clustal W:
-Higgins, D. G., Thompson, J. D. and Gibson, T. J. (1996) Using CLUSTAL for
-multiple sequence alignments. Methods Enzymol., 266, 383-402.
-You can get the latest version of the ClustalX program by anonymous ftp to:
-Or, have a look at the following WWW site:
-<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalx_help
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalx_help	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/clustalx_help	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,3043 +0,0 @@
-This is the on-line help file for Clustal X (version 1.81), using the NCBI
-Vibrant Toolkit.   
-It should be named or defined as: clustalx_help 
-except with MSDOS in which case it should be named ClustalX.HLP
-For full details of usage and algorithms, please read the CLUSTALW.DOC file.
-Toby  Gibson                         EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.
-Des   Higgins                        UCC, Cork, Ireland.
-Julie Thompson/Francois Jeanmougin   IGBMC, Strasbourg, France.
->>HELP G <<
-                      General help for CLUSTAL X (1.8)
-Clustal X is a windows interface for the ClustalW multiple sequence alignment
-program. It provides an integrated environment for performing multiple sequence
-and profile alignments and analysing the results. The sequence alignment is
-displayed in a window on the screen. A versatile coloring scheme has been
-incorporated allowing you to highlight conserved features  in the alignment.
-The pull-down menus at the top of the window allow you to select all the
-options required for traditional multiple sequence and profile alignment.
-You can cut-and-paste sequences to change the order of the alignment; you can
-select a subset of sequences to be aligned; you can select a sub-range of the
-alignment to be realigned and inserted back into the original alignment.
-Alignment quality analysis can be performed and low-scoring segments or
-exceptional residues can be highlighted.
-ClustalX is available for a number of different platforms including: SUN
-Solaris, IRIX5.3 on Silicon Graphics, Digital UNIX on DECStations, Microsoft
-Windows (32 bit) for PC's, Linux ELF for x86 PC's and Macintosh PowerMac. (See
-the README file for Installation instructions.)
-Sequences and profiles (a term for pre-existing alignments) are input using 
-the FILE menu. Invalid options will be disabled. All sequences must be included
-into 1 file. 7 formats are automatically recognised: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT,
-Pearson (Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9 RSF and GDE flat file.
-All non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation marks) are ignored
-except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).  
-Clustal X has two modes which can be selected using the switch directly above
-To do a MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT on a set of sequences, make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT
-MODE is selected. A single sequence data area is then displayed. The ALIGNMENT
-menu then allows you to either produce a guide tree for the alignment, or to do
-a multiple alignment following the guide tree, or to do a full multiple
-In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, two sequence data areas are displayed, allowing you
-to align 2 alignments (termed profiles). Profiles are also used to add a new
-sequence to an old alignment, or to use secondary structure to guide the
-alignment process. GAPS in the old alignments are indicated using the "-" 
-character. PROFILES can be input in ANY of the allowed formats; just  use "-"
-(or "." for MSF/RSF) for each gap position. In Profile Alignment Mode, a button
-"Lock Scroll" is displayed which allows you to scroll the two profiles together
-using a single scroll bar. When the Lock Scroll is turned off, the two profiles
-can be scrolled independently.
-Phylogenetic trees can be calculated from old alignments (read in with "-"
-characters to indicate gaps) OR after a multiple alignment while the alignment
-is still displayed.
-The alignment is displayed on the screen with the sequence names on the left
-hand side. The sequence alignment is for display only, it cannot be edited here
-(except for changing the sequence order by cutting-and-pasting on the sequence
-A ruler is displayed below the sequences, starting at 1 for the first residue
-position (residue numbers in the sequence input file are ignored).
-A line above the alignment is used to mark strongly conserved positions. Three
-characters ('*', ':' and '.') are used:
-'*' indicates positions which have a single, fully conserved residue
-':' indicates that one of the following 'strong' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 STA  
-                 NEQK  
-                 NHQK  
-                 NDEQ  
-                 QHRK  
-                 MILV  
-                 MILF  
-                 HY  
-                 FYW  
-'.' indicates that one of the following 'weaker' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 CSA  
-                 ATV  
-                 SAG  
-                 STNK  
-                 STPA  
-                 SGND  
-                 SNDEQK  
-                 NDEQHK  
-                 NEQHRK  
-                 FVLIM  
-                 HFY  
-These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in the Gonnet Pam250
-matrix. The strong and weak groups are defined as strong score >0.5 and weak
-score =<0.5 respectively.
-For profile alignments, secondary structure and gap penalty masks are displayed
-above the sequences, if any data is found in the profile input file.
->>HELP F <<
-                      Input / Output Files 
-LOAD SEQUENCES reads sequences from one of 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences that are already loaded. All sequences must be in 1 file. The formats
-that are automatically recognised are: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT, Pearson
-(Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9/RSF and GDE flat file.  All
-non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation  marks) are ignored
-except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).
-The program tries to automatically recognise the different file formats used
-and to guess whether the sequences are amino acid or nucleotide.  This is not
-always foolproof.
-FASTA and NBRF/PIR formats are recognised by having a ">" as the first 
-character in the file.  
-EMBL/Swiss Prot formats are recognised by the letters "ID" at the start of the
-file (the token for the entry name field).  
-CLUSTAL format is recognised by the word CLUSTAL at the beginning of the file.
-GCG/MSF format is recognised by one of the following:
-       - the word PileUp at the start of the file.
-         at the start of the file.
-       - the word MSF on the first line of the file, and the characters ..
-         at the end of this line.
-GCG/RSF format is recognised by the word !!RICH_SEQUENCE at the beginning of
-the file.
-If 85% or more of the characters in the sequence are from A,C,G,T,U or N, the
-sequence will be assumed to be nucleotide.  This works in 97.3% of cases but
-watch out!
-APPEND SEQUENCES is only valid in MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE. The input sequences
-do not replace those already loaded, but are appended at the end of the
-SAVE SEQUENCES AS... offers the user a choice of one of six output formats:
-CLUSTAL, NBRF/PIR, GCG/MSF, PHYLIP, NEXUS or GDE. All sequences are written
-to a single file. Options are available to save a range of the alignment, 
-switch between UPPER/LOWER case for GDE files, and to output SEQUENCE NUMBERING
-for CLUSTAL files.
-LOAD PROFILE 1 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences already loaded as Profile 1. This option will also remove any
-sequences which are loaded in Profile 2.
-LOAD PROFILE 2 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences already loaded as Profile 2.
-SAVE PROFILE 1 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
-those sequences in Profile 1 will be written to the output file.
-SAVE PROFILE 2 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
-those sequences in Profile 2 will be written to the output file.
-WRITE ALIGNMENT AS POSTSCRIPT will write the sequence display to a postscript
-format file. This will include any secondary structure / gap penalty mask 
-information and the consensus and ruler lines which are displayed on the
-screen. The Alignment Quality curve can be optionally included in the output
-except that only the profile 1 display will be printed.
-except that only the profile 2 display will be printed.
-A number of options are available to allow you to configure your postscript
-output file.
-The exact RGB values required to reproduce the colors used in the alignment
-window will vary from printer to printer. A PS colors file can be specified
-that contains the RGB values for all the colors required by each of your
-postscript printers.
-By default, Clustal X looks for a file called 'colprint.par' in the current
-directory (if your running under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory,
-and finally in the directories in your PATH environment variable). If no PS
-colors file is found or a color used on the screen is not defined here, the
-screen RGB values (from the Color Parameter File) are used.
-The PS colors file consists of one line for each color to be defined, with the
-color name followed by the RGB values (on a scale of 0 to 1). For example,
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-Blank lines and comments (lines beginning with a '#' character) are ignored.
-PAGE SIZE:  The alignment can be displayed on either A4, A3 or US Letter size
-ORIENTATION: The alignment can be displayed on either a landscape or portrait
-PRINT HEADER: An optional header including the postscript filename, and
-creation date can be printed at the top of each page.
-PRINT QUALITY CURVE: The Alignment Quality curve which is displayed underneath
-the alignment on the screen can be included in the postscript output.
-PRINT RULER: The ruler which is displayed underneath the alignment on the 
-screen can be included in the postscript output.
-PRINT RESIDUE NUMBERS: Sequence residue numbers can be printed at the right
-hand side of the alignment.
-RESIZE TO FIT PAGE: By default, the alignment is scaled to fit the page size
-selected. This option can be turned off, in which case a font size of 10 will
-be used for the sequences.
-PRINT FROM POSITION/TO: A range of the alignment can be printed. The default
-is to print the full alignment. The first and last residues to be printed are
-specified here.
-USE BLOCK LENGTH: The alignment can be divided into blocks of residues. The
-number of residues in a block is specified here. More than one block may then
-be printed on a single page. This is useful for long alignments of a small
-number of sequences. If the block length is set to 0, The alignment will not
-be divided into blocks, but printed across a number of pages.
->>HELP E <<
-                          Editing Alignments
-Clustal X allows you to change the order of the sequences in the alignment, by
-cutting-and-pasting the sequence names.
-To select a group of sequences to be moved, click on a sequence name and drag
-the cursor until all the required sequences are highlighted. Holding down the
-Shift key when clicking on the first name will add new sequences to those
-already selected.
-(Options are provided to Select All Sequences, Select Profile 1 or Select 
-Profile 2.)
-The selected sequences can be removed from the alignment by using the EDIT
-menu, CUT option.
-To add the cut sequences back into an alignment, select a sequence by clicking
-on the sequence name. The cut sequences will be added to the alignment,
-immediately following the selected sequence, by the EDIT menu, PASTE option.
-To add the cut sequences to an empty alignment (eg. when cutting sequences from
-Profile 1 and pasting them to Profile 2), click on the empty sequence name
-display area, and select the EDIT menu, PASTE option as before.
-The sequence selection and sequence range selection can be cleared using the
-To search for a string of residues in the sequences, select the sequences to be
-searched by clicking on the sequence names. You can then enter the string to
-search for by selecting the SEARCH FOR STRING option. If the string is found in
-any of the sequences selected, the sequence name and column number is printed
-below the sequence display.
-In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, the two profiles can be merged (normally done after
-alignment) by selecting ADD PROFILE 2 TO PROFILE 1. The sequences currently
-displayed as Profile 2 will be appended to Profile 1. 
-The REMOVE ALL GAPS option will remove all gaps from the sequences currently
-WARNING: This option removes ALL gaps, not only those introduced by ClustalX,
-but also those that were read from the input alignment file. Any secondary
-structure information associated with the alignment will NOT be automatically
-The REMOVE GAP-ONLY COLUMNS will remove those positions in the alignment which
-contain gaps in all sequences. This can occur as a result of removing divergent
-sequences from an alignment, or if an alignment has been realigned.
->>HELP M <<
-                          Multiple Alignments
-Make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
-the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do multiple
-Multiple alignments are carried out in 3 stages:
-1) all sequences are compared to each other (pairwise alignments);
-2) a dendrogram (like a phylogenetic tree) is constructed, describing the
-approximate groupings of the sequences by similarity (stored in a file).
-3) the final multiple alignment is carried out, using the dendrogram as a guide.
-The 3 stages are carried out automatically by the DO COMPLETE ALIGNMENT option.
-You can skip the first stages (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
-guide tree file (DO ALIGNMENT FROM GUIDE TREE); or you can just produce the
-guide tree with no final multiple alignment (PRODUCE GUIDE TREE ONLY).
-REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCES is used to realign badly aligned sequences in the
-alignment. Sequences can be selected by clicking on the sequence names - see
-Editing Alignments for more details. The unselected sequences are then 'fixed'
-and a profile is made including only the unselected sequences. Each of the
-selected sequences in turn is then realigned to this profile. The realigned
-sequences will be displayed as a group at the end the alignment.
-REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCE RANGE is used to realign a small region of the 
-alignment. A residue range can be selected by clicking on the sequence display
-area. A multiple alignment is then performed, following the 3 stages described
-above, but only using the selected residue range. Finally the new alignment of
-the range is pasted back into the full sequence alignment.
-By default, gap penalties are used at each end of the subrange in order to 
-penalise terminal gaps. If the REALIGN SEGMENT END GAP PENALTIES option is
-switched off, gaps can be introduced at the ends of the residue range at no
-ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS displays a sub-menu with the following options:
-RESET NEW GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove any new gaps introduced into the
-sequences during multiple alignment if you wish to change the parameters and
-try again. This only takes effect just before you do a second multiple
-alignment. You can make phylogenetic trees after alignment whether or not this
-is ON. If you turn this OFF, the new gaps are kept even if you do a second
-multiple alignment. This allows you to iterate the alignment gradually.
-Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a second or third pass.
-RESET ALL GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove all gaps in the sequences including
-gaps which were read in from the sequence input file. This only takes effect
-just before you do a second multiple alignment.  You can make phylogenetic
-trees after alignment whether or not this is ON.  If you turn this OFF, all
-gaps are kept even if you do a second multiple alignment. This allows you to
-iterate the alignment gradually.  Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a
-second or third pass.
-PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the speed/sensitivity of the initial
-MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the gaps in the final multiple
-PROTEIN GAP PARAMETERS displays a temporary window which allows you to set
-various parameters only used in the alignment of protein sequences.
-(SECONDARY STRUCTURE PARAMETERS, for use with the Profile Alignment Mode only,
-allows you to set various parameters only used with gap penalty masks.)
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-You can choose from 6 different alignment formats (CLUSTAL, GCG, NBRF/PIR,
-PHYLIP, GDE and NEXUS).  You can choose more than one (or all 6 if you wish).  
-CLUSTAL format output is a self explanatory alignment format. It shows the
-sequences aligned in blocks. It can be read in again at a later date to (for
-example) calculate a phylogenetic tree or add in new sequences by profile
-GCG output can be used by any of the GCG programs that can work on multiple
-alignments (e.g. PRETTY, PROFILEMAKE, PLOTALIGN). It is the same as the GCG
-.msf format files (multiple sequence file); new in version 7 of GCG.
-NEXUS format is used by several phylogeny programs, including PAUP and
-PHYLIP format output can be used for input to the PHYLIP package of Joe 
-Felsenstein.  This is a very widely used package for doing every imaginable
-form of phylogenetic analysis (MUCH more than the the modest introduction
-offered by this program).
-NBRF/PIR: this is the same as the standard PIR format with ONE ADDITION. Gap
-characters "-" are used to indicate the positions of gaps in the multiple 
-alignment. These files can be re-used as input in any part of clustal that
-allows sequences (or alignments or profiles) to be read in.  
-GDE:  this format is used by the GDE package of Steven Smith and is understood
-by SEQLAB in GCG 9 or later.
-GDE OUTPUT CASE: sequences in GDE format may be written in either upper or
-lower case.
-CLUSTALW SEQUENCE NUMBERS: residue numbers may be added to the end of the
-alignment lines in clustalw format.
-OUTPUT ORDER is used to control the order of the sequences in the output
-alignments. By default, it uses the order in which the sequences were aligned
-(from the guide tree/dendrogram), thus automatically grouping closely related
-sequences. It can be switched to be the same as the original input order.
-PARAMETER OUTPUT: This option will save all your parameter settings in a
-parameter file (suffix .par) during alignment. The file can be subsequently
-used to rerun ClustalW using the same parameters.
-A distance is calculated between every pair of sequences and these are used to
-construct the phylogenetic tree which guides the final multiple alignment. The
-scores are calculated from separate pairwise alignments. These can be
-calculated using 2 methods: dynamic programming (slow but accurate) or by the
-method of Wilbur and Lipman (extremely fast but approximate).   
-You can choose between the 2 alignment methods using the PAIRWISE ALIGNMENTS
-option. The slow/accurate method is fast enough for short sequences but will be
-VERY SLOW for many (e.g. >100) long (e.g. >1000 residue) sequences.   
-SLOW-ACCURATE alignment parameters:
-These parameters do not have any affect on the speed of the alignments. They
-are used to give initial alignments which are then rescored to give percent
-identity scores. These % scores are the ones which are displayed on the 
-screen. The scores are converted to distances for the trees.
-Gap Open Penalty:      the penalty for opening a gap in the alignment.
-Gap Extension Penalty: the penalty for extending a gap by 1 residue.
-Protein Weight Matrix: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
-each amino acid to each other.
-Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
-DNA weight matrix: the scores assigned to matches and mismatches (including
-IUB ambiguity codes).
-Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
-See the Multiple alignment parameters, MATRIX option below for details of the
-matrix input format.
-FAST-APPROXIMATE alignment parameters:
-These similarity scores are calculated from fast, approximate, global align-
-ments, which are controlled by 4 parameters. 2 techniques are used to make
-these alignments very fast: 1) only exactly matching fragments (k-tuples) are
-considered; 2) only the 'best' diagonals (the ones with most k-tuple matches)
-are used.
-GAP PENALTY:   This is a penalty for each gap in the fast alignments. It has
-little effect on the speed or sensitivity except for extreme values.
-K-TUPLE SIZE:  This is the size of exactly matching fragment that is used. 
-INCREASE for speed (max= 2 for proteins; 4 for DNA), DECREASE for sensitivity.
-For longer sequences (e.g. >1000 residues) you may wish to increase the
-TOP DIAGONALS: The number of k-tuple matches on each diagonal (in an imaginary
-dot-matrix plot) is calculated. Only the best ones (with most matches) are used
-in the alignment. This parameter specifies how many. Decrease for speed;
-increase for sensitivity.
-WINDOW SIZE:  This is the number of diagonals around each of the 'best' 
-diagonals that will be used. Decrease for speed; increase for sensitivity.
-These parameters control the final multiple alignment. This is the core of the
-program and the details are complicated. To fully understand the use of the
-parameters and the scoring system, you will have to refer to the documentation.
-Each step in the final multiple alignment consists of aligning two alignments 
-or sequences. This is done progressively, following the branching order in the
-GUIDE TREE. The basic parameters to control this are two gap penalties and the
-scores for various identical/non-indentical residues. 
-The GAP OPENING and EXTENSION PENALTIES can be set here. These control the 
-cost of opening up every new gap and the cost of every item in a gap.  
-Increasing the gap opening penalty will make gaps less frequent. Increasing 
-the gap extension penalty will make gaps shorter. Terminal gaps are not 
-The DELAY DIVERGENT SEQUENCES switch delays the alignment of the most distantly
-related sequences until after the most closely related sequences have  been
-aligned. The setting shows the percent identity level required to delay the
-addition of a sequence; sequences that are less identical than this level to
-any other sequences will be aligned later.
-The TRANSITION WEIGHT gives transitions (A<-->G or C<-->T i.e. purine-purine or
-pyrimidine-pyrimidine substitutions) a weight between 0 and 1; a weight of zero
-means that the transitions are scored as mismatches, while a weight of 1 gives
-the transitions the match score. For distantly related DNA sequences, the
-weight should be near to zero; for closely related sequences it can be useful
-to assign a higher score. The default is set to 0.5.
-The PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to choose a series of weight
-matrices. For protein alignments, you use a weight matrix to determine the
-similarity of non-identical amino acids. For example, Tyr aligned with Phe is
-usually judged to be 'better' than Tyr aligned with Pro.
-There are three 'in-built' series of weight matrices offered. Each consists of
-several matrices which work differently at different evolutionary distances. To
-see the exact details, read the documentation. Crudely, we store several
-matrices in memory, spanning the full range of amino acid distance (from almost
-identical sequences to highly divergent ones). For very similar sequences, it
-is best to use a strict weight matrix which only gives a high score to
-identities and the most favoured conservative substitutions. For more divergent
-sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give a high score
-to many other frequent substitutions.
-1) BLOSUM (Henikoff). These matrices appear to be the best available for 
-carrying out data base similarity (homology searches). The matrices currently
-used are: Blosum 80, 62, 45 and 30. BLOSUM was the default in earlier Clustal X
-2) PAM (Dayhoff). These have been extremely widely used since the late '70s. We
-currently use the PAM 20, 60, 120, 350 matrices.
-3) GONNET. These matrices were derived using almost the same procedure as the
-Dayhoff one (above) but are much more up to date and are based on a far larger
-data set. They appear to be more sensitive than the Dayhoff series. We
-currently use the GONNET 80, 120, 160, 250 and 350 matrices. This series is the
-default for Clustal X version 1.8.
-We also supply an identity matrix which gives a score of 10 to two identical 
-amino acids and a score of zero otherwise. This matrix is not very useful.
-Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison matrix from a file.
-This can be either a single matrix or a series of matrices (see below for
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to select a single matrix (not a series)
-used for aligning nucleic acid sequences. Two hard-coded matrices are available:
-1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
-of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
-ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.9; all mismatches for IUB symbols score 0.
-2) CLUSTALW(1.6). A previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
-1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0.
-Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a nucleic acid comparison matrix from a
-file (just one matrix, not a series).
-The format used for a single matrix is the same as the BLAST program. The
-scores in the new weight matrix should be similarities. You can use negative as
-well as positive values if you wish, although the matrix will be automatically
-adjusted to all positive scores, unless the NEGATIVE MATRIX option is selected.
-Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The first
-non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using the 1
-letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a square
-matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The last row
-and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain the minimum
-score over the whole matrix.
-ClustalX uses different matrices depending on the mean percent identity of the
-sequences to be aligned. You can specify a series of matrices and the range of
-the percent identity for each matrix in a matrix series file. The file is
-automatically recognised by the word CLUSTAL_SERIES at the beginning of the
-file. Each matrix in the series is then specified on one line which should
-start with the word MATRIX. This is followed by the lower and upper limits of
-the sequence percent identities for which you want to apply the matrix. The
-final entry on the matrix line is the filename of a Blast format matrix file
-(see above for details of the single matrix file format).
-MATRIX 81 100 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum80
-MATRIX 61 80 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum62
-MATRIX 31 60 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum45
-MATRIX 0 30 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum30
-RESIDUE SPECIFIC PENALTIES are amino acid specific gap penalties that reduce or
-increase the gap opening penalties at each position in the alignment or 
-sequence. See the documentation for details. As an example, positions that are
-rich in glycine are more likely to have an adjacent gap than positions that are
-rich in valine.
-HYDROPHILIC GAP PENALTIES are used to increase the chances of a gap within a
-run (5 or more residues) of hydrophilic amino acids; these are likely to be
-loop or random coil regions where gaps are more common. The residues that are
-"considered" to be hydrophilic can be entered in HYDROPHILIC RESIDUES.
-GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE tries to decrease the chances of gaps being too close
-to each other. Gaps that are less than this distance apart are penalised more
-than other gaps. This does not prevent close gaps; it makes them less frequent,
-promoting a block-like appearance of the alignment.
-END GAP SEPARATION treats end gaps just like internal gaps for the purposes of
-avoiding gaps that are too close (set by GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE above). If you
-turn this off, end gaps will be ignored for this purpose. This is useful when
-you wish to align fragments where the end gaps are not biologically meaningful.
->>HELP P <<
-                   Profile and Structure Alignments
-By PROFILE ALIGNMENT, we mean alignment using existing alignments. Profile 
-alignments allow you to store alignments of your favourite sequences and add
-new sequences to them in small bunches at a time. A profile is simply an
-alignment of one or more sequences (e.g. an alignment output file from Clustal
-X). Each input can be a single sequence. One or both sets of input sequences
-may include secondary structure assignments or gap penalty masks to guide the
-Make sure PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
-the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do profile and
-secondary structure alignments.
-The profiles can be in any of the allowed input formats with "-" characters
-used to specify gaps (except for GCG/MSF where "." is used).
-You have to load the 2 profiles by choosing FILE, LOAD PROFILE 1 and  LOAD
-profiles to each other. Secondary structure masks in either profile can be used
-to guide the alignment. This option compares all the sequences in profile 1
-with all the sequences in profile 2 in order to build guide trees which will be
-used to calculate sequence weights, and select appropriate alignment parameters
-for the final profile alignment.
-You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide trees) by using old
-The ALIGN SEQUENCES TO PROFILE 1 option will take the sequences in the second
-profile and align them to the first profile, 1 at a time.  This is useful to
-add some new sequences to an existing alignment, or to align a set of sequences
-to a known structure. In this case, the second profile set need not be
-You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-The alignment parameters can be set using the ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS menu,
-Pairwise Parameters, Multiple Parameters and Protein Gap Parameters options.
-These are EXACTLY the same parameters as used by the general, automatic
-multiple alignment procedure. The general multiple alignment procedure is
-simply a series of profile alignments. Carrying out a series of profile
-alignments on larger and larger groups of sequences, allows you to manually
-build up a complete alignment, if necessary editing intermediate alignments.
-Use this menu to set secondary structure options. If a solved structure is
-known, it can be used to guide the alignment by raising gap penalties within
-secondary structure elements, so that gaps will preferentially be inserted into
-unstructured surface loop regions. Alternatively, a user-specified gap penalty
-mask can be supplied for a similar purpose.
-A gap penalty mask is a series of numbers between 1 and 9, one per position in 
-the alignment. Each number specifies how much the gap opening penalty is to be 
-raised at that position (raised by multiplying the basic gap opening penalty
-by the number) i.e. a mask figure of 1 at a position means no change
-in gap opening penalty; a figure of 4 means that the gap opening penalty is
-four times greater at that position, making gaps 4 times harder to open.
-The format for gap penalty masks and secondary structure masks is explained in
-a separate help section.
->>HELP B << 
-            Secondary Structure / Gap Penalty Masks
-The use of secondary structure-based penalties has been shown to improve  the
-accuracy of sequence alignment. Clustal X now allows secondary structure/ gap
-penalty masks to be supplied with the input sequences used during profile
-alignment. (NB. The secondary structure information is NOT used during multiple
-sequence alignment). The masks work by raising gap penalties in specified
-regions (typically secondary structure elements) so that gaps are
-preferentially opened in the less well conserved regions (typically surface
-whether the input 2D-structure information or gap penalty masks will be used
-during the profile alignment.
-The OUTPUT options control whether the secondary structure and gap penalty
-masks should be included in the Clustal X output alignments. Showing both is
-useful for understanding how the masks work. The 2D-structure information is
-itself useful in judging the alignment quality and in seeing how residue
-conservation patterns vary with secondary structure. 
-The HELIX and STRAND GAP PENALTY options provide the value for raising the gap
-penalty at core Alpha Helical (A) and Beta Strand (B) residues. In CLUSTAL
-format, capital residues denote the A and B core structure notation. Basic gap
-penalties are multiplied by the amount specified.
-The LOOP GAP PENALTY option provides the value for the gap penalty in Loops.
-By default this penalty is not raised. In CLUSTAL format, loops are specified
-by "." in the secondary structure notation.
-The SECONDARY STRUCTURE TERMINAL PENALTY provides the value for setting the gap
-penalty at the ends of secondary structures. Ends of secondary structures are
-known to grow or shrink, comparing related structures. Therefore by default
-these are given intermediate values, lower than the core penalties. All
-secondary structure read in as lower case in CLUSTAL format gets the reduced
-terminal penalty.
-The HELIX and STRAND TERMINAL POSITIONS options specify the range of structure
-termini for the intermediate penalties. In the alignment output, these are
-indicated as lower case. For Alpha Helices, by default, the range spans the 
-end-helical turn (3 residues). For Beta Strands, the default range spans the
-end residue and the adjacent loop residue, since sequence conservation often
-extends beyond the actual H-bonded Beta Strand.
-Clustal X can read the masks from SWISS-PROT, CLUSTAL or GDE format input
-files. For many 3-D protein structures, secondary structure information is
-recorded in the feature tables of SWISS-PROT database entries. You should
-always check that the assignments are correct - some are quite inaccurate.
-Clustal X looks for SWISS-PROT HELIX and STRAND assignments e.g.
-FT   HELIX       100    115
-FT   STRAND      118    119
-The structure and penalty masks can also be read from CLUSTAL alignment format 
-as comment lines beginning "!SS_" or "!GM_" e.g.
-!SS_HBA_HUMA    ..aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaa.aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAaaa.........aaaAAAAAA
-!GM_HBA_HUMA    112224444444444222122244444444442222224222111111111222444444
-Note that the mask itself is a set of numbers between 1 and 9 each of which is 
-assigned to the residue(s) in the same column below. 
-In GDE flat file format, the masks are specified as text and the names must
-begin with "SS_ or "GM_.
-Either a structure or penalty mask or both may be used. If both are included
-in an alignment, the user will be asked which is to be used.
->>HELP T <<
-                            Phylogenetic Trees
-Before calculating a tree, you must have an ALIGNMENT in memory. This can be
-input using the FILE menu, LOAD SEQUENCES option or you should have just
-carried out a full multiple alignment and the alignment is still in memory.
-The method used is the NJ (Neighbour Joining) method of Saitou and Nei. First
-you calculate distances (percent divergence) between all pairs of sequence from
-a multiple alignment; second you apply the NJ method to the distance matrix.
-To calculate a tree, use the DRAW N-J TREE option. This gives an UNROOTED tree
-and all branch lengths. The root of the tree can only be inferred by using an
-outgroup (a sequence that you are certain branches at the outside of the tree
-.... certain on biological grounds) OR if you assume a degree of constancy in
-the 'molecular clock', you can place the root in the 'middle' of the tree
-(roughly equidistant from all tips).
-BOOTSTRAP N-J TREE uses a method for deriving confidence values for the 
-groupings in a tree (first adapted for trees by Joe Felsenstein). It involves
-making N random samples of sites from the alignment (N should be LARGE, e.g.
-500 - 1000); drawing N trees (1 from each sample) and counting how many times
-each grouping from the original tree occurs in the sample trees. You can set N
-using the NUMBER OF BOOTSTRAP TRIALS option in the BOOTSTRAP TREE window. In
-practice, you should use a large number of bootstrap replicates (1000 is
-recommended, even if it means running the program for an hour on a slow 
-computer). You can also supply a seed number for the random number generator
-here. Different runs with the same seed will give the same answer. See the
-documentation for more details.
-EXCLUDE POSITIONS WITH GAPS? With this option, any alignment positions where
-ANY of the sequences have a gap will be ignored. This means that 'like' will
-be compared to 'like' in all distances, which is highly desirable. It also
-automatically throws away the most ambiguous parts of the alignment, which are
-concentrated around gaps (usually). The disadvantage is that you may throw away
-much of the data if there are many gaps (which is why it is difficult for us to
-make it the default).  
-CORRECT FOR MULTIPLE SUBSTITUTIONS? For small divergence (say <10%) this option
-makes no difference. For greater divergence, this option corrects for the fact
-that observed distances underestimate actual evolutionary distances. This is
-because, as sequences diverge, more than one substitution will happen at many
-sites. However, you only see one difference when you look at the present day
-sequences. Therefore, this option has the effect of stretching branch lengths
-in trees (especially long branches). The corrections used here (for DNA or
-proteins) are both due to Motoo Kimura. See the documentation for details.  
-Where possible, this option should be used. However, for VERY divergent
-sequences, the distances cannot be reliably corrected. You will be warned if
-this happens. Even if none of the distances in a data set exceed the reliable
-threshold, if you bootstrap the data, some of the bootstrap distances may
-randomly exceed the safe limit.  
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the tree calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-Three different formats are allowed. None of these displays the tree visually.
-You can display the tree using the NJPLOT program distributed with Clustal X
-OR get the PHYLIP package and use the tree drawing facilities there. 
-1) CLUSTAL FORMAT TREE. This format is verbose and lists all of the distances
-between the sequences and the number of alignment positions used for each. The
-tree is described at the end of the file. It lists the sequences that are
-joined at each alignment step and the branch lengths. After two sequences are
-joined, it is referred to later as a NODE. The number of a NODE is the number
-of the lowest sequence in that NODE.   
-2) PHYLIP FORMAT TREE. This format is the New Hampshire format, used by many
-phylogenetic analysis packages. It consists of a series of nested parentheses,
-describing the branching order, with the sequence names and branch lengths. It
-can be read by the NJPLOT program distributed with ClustalX. It can also be
-used by the RETREE, DRAWGRAM and DRAWTREE programs of the PHYLIP package to see
-the trees graphically. This is the same format used during multiple alignment
-for the guide trees. Some other packages that can read and display New
-Hampshire format are TreeTool, TreeView, and Phylowin.
-3) PHYLIP DISTANCE MATRIX. This format just outputs a matrix of all the
-pairwise distances in a format that can be used by the PHYLIP package. It used
-to be useful when one could not produce distances from protein sequences in the
-Phylip package but is now redundant (PROTDIST of Phylip 3.5 now does this).
-4) NEXUS FORMAT TREE. This format is used by several popular phylogeny programs,
-including PAUP and MacClade. The format is described fully in:
-Maddison, D. R., D. L. Swofford and W. P. Maddison.  1997.
-NEXUS: an extensible file format for systematic information.
-Systematic Biology 46:590-621.
-BOOTSTRAP LABELS ON: By default, the bootstrap values are correctly placed on
-the tree branches of the phylip format output tree. The toggle allows them to
-be placed on the nodes, which is incorrect, but some display packages (e.g.
-TreeTool, TreeView and Phylowin) only support node labelling but not branch
-labelling. Care should be taken to note which branches and labels go together. 
->>HELP C <<
-                               Colors
-Clustal X provides a versatile coloring scheme for the sequence alignment 
-display. The sequences (or profiles) are colored automatically, when they are
-loaded. Sequences can be colored either by assigning a color to specific
-residues, or on the basis of an alignment consensus. In the latter case, the
-alignment consensus is calculated automatically, and the residues in each
-column are colored according to the consensus character assigned to that
-column. In this way, you can choose to highlight, for example, conserved
-hydrophylic or hydrophobic positions in the alignment.
-The 'rules' used to color the alignment are specified in a COLOR PARAMETER
-FILE. Clustal X automatically looks for a file called 'colprot.par' for protein
-sequences or 'coldna.par' for DNA, in the current directory. (If your running
-under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory, and finally in the
-directories in your PATH environment variable).
-By default, if no color parameter file is found, protein sequences are colored
-by residue as follows:
-	Color			Residue Code
-In the case of DNA sequences, the default colors are as follows:
-	Color			Residue Code
-	RED			C
-	BLUE			T
-The default BACKGROUND COLORING option shows the sequence residues using a
-black character on a colored background. It can be switched off to show
-residues as a colored character on a white background. 
-Either BLACK AND WHITE or DEFAULT COLOR options can be selected. The Color
-option looks first for the color parameter file (as described above) and, if no
-file is found, uses the default residue-specific colors.
-You can specify your own coloring scheme by using the LOAD COLOR PARAMETER FILE
-option. The format of the color parameter file is described below.
-This file is divided into 3 sections:
-1) the names and rgb values of the colors
-2) the rules for calculating the consensus
-3) the rules for assigning colors to the residues
-An example file is given here.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- at rgbindex
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
-GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
-YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
- at consensus
-% = 60% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
-# = 80% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
-- = 50% e:d
-+ = 60% k:r
-q = 50% q:e
-p = 50% p
-n = 50% n
-t = 50% t:s
- at color
-g = RED
-t = GREEN if t:%:#
-n = GREEN if n
-w = BLUE if %:#:p
-k = RED if +
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-The first section is optional and is identified by the header @rgbindex. If
-this section exists, each color used in the file must be named and the rgb
-values specified (on a scale from 0 to 1). If the rgb index section is not
-found, the following set of hard-coded colors will be used.
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
-GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
-ORANGE       0.9 0.7 0.3
-CYAN         0.1 0.9 0.9
-PINK         0.9 0.5 0.5
-MAGENTA      0.9 0.1 0.9
-YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
-The second section is optional and is identified by the header @consensus. It
-defines how the consensus is calculated.
-The format of each consensus parameter is:-
-c = n% residue_list
-        where
-              c             is a character used to identify the parameter.
-              n             is an integer value used as the percentage cutoff
-                            point.
-              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
-                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
-For example:   # = 60% w:l:v:i
-will assign a consensus character # to any column in the alignment which
-contains more than 60% of the residues w,l,v and i.
-The third section is identified by the header @color, and defines how colors
-are assigned to each residue in the alignment.
-The color parameters can take one of two formats:
-1) r = color
-2) r = color if consensus_list
-        where
-              r             is a character used to denote a residue.
-              color         is one of the colors in the GDE color lookup table.
-              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
-                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
-1) g = ORANGE
-will color all glycines ORANGE, regardless of the consensus.
-2) w = BLUE if w:%:#
-will color BLUE any tryptophan which is found in a column with a consensus of
-w, % or #.
->>HELP Q <<
-                       Alignment Quality Analysis
-Clustal X provides an indication of the quality of an alignment by plotting
-a 'conservation score' for each column of the alignment. A high score indicates
-a well-conserved column; a low score indicates low conservation. The quality
-curve is drawn below the alignment.
-Two methods are also provided to indicate single residues or sequence segments
-which score badly in the alignment.
-Low-scoring residues are expected to occur at a moderate frequency in all the
-sequences because of their steady divergence due to the natural processes of
-evolution. The most divergent sequences are likely to have the most outliers.
-However, the highlighted residues are especially useful in pointing to
-sequence misalignments. Note that clustering of highlighted residues is a
-strong indication of misalignment. This can arise due to various reasons, for
-        1. Partial or total misalignments caused by a failure in the
-        alignment algorithm. Usually only in difficult alignment cases.
-        2. Partial or total misalignments because at least one of the
-        sequences in the given set is partly or completely unrelated to the
-        other sequences. It is up to the user to check that the set of
-        sequences are alignable.
-        3. Frameshift translation errors in a protein sequence causing local
-        mismatched regions to be heavily highlighted. These are surprisingly
-        common in database entries. If suspected, a 3-frame translation of
-        the source DNA needs to be examined.
-Occasionally, highlighted residues may point to regions of some biological
-significance. This might happen for example if a protein alignment contains a
-sequence which has acquired new functions relative to the main sequence set. It
-is important to exclude other explanations, such as error or the natural
-divergence of sequences, before invoking a biological explanation.
-Unreliable regions in the alignment can be highlighted using the Low-Scoring
-Segments option. A sequence-weighted profile is used to indicate any segments
-in the sequences which score badly. Because the profile calculation may take
-some time, an option is provided to calculate LOW-SCORING SEGMENTS. The 
-segment display can then be toggled on or off without having to repeat the
-time-consuming calculations.
-For details of the low-scoring segment calculation, see the CALCULATION section
-MINIMUM LENGTH OF SEGMENTS: short segments (or even single residues) can be
-hidden by increasing the minimum length of segments which will be displayed.
-DNA MARKING SCALE is used to remove less significant segments from the 
-highlighted display. Increase the scale to display more segments; decrease the
-scale to remove the least significant.
-PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of each
-amino acid to each other. The matrix is used to calculate the sequence-
-weighted profile scores. There are four 'in-built' Log-Odds matrices offered:
-the Gonnet PAM 80, 120, 250, 350 matrices. A more stringent matrix which only
-gives a high score to identities and the most favoured conservative
-substitutions, may be more suitable when the sequences are closely related. For
-more divergent sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give
-a high score to many other frequent substitutions. This  option automatically
-recalculates the low-scoring segments.
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: Two hard-coded matrices are available:
-1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
-of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
-ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.0; all mismatches for IUB symbols score
-2) CLUSTALW(1.6). The previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
-1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0. 
-A new matrix can be read from a file on disk, if the filename consists only
-of lower case characters. The values in the new weight matrix should be
-similarities and should be NEGATIVE for infrequent substitutions.
-INPUT FORMAT. The format used for a new matrix is the same as the BLAST
-program. Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The
-first non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using
-the 1 letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a
-square matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The
-last row and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain
-the minimum score over the whole matrix.
-You can customise the column 'quality scores' plotted underneath the alignment
-display using the following options.
-SCORE PLOT SCALE: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be used to
-change the scale of the quality score plot. 
-RESIDUE EXCEPTION CUTOFF: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be
-used to change the number of residue exceptions which are highlighted in the
-alignment display. (For an explanation of this cutoff, see the CALCULATION OF
-RESIDUE EXCEPTIONS section below.)
-PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
-each amino acid to each other. 
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: two hard-coded matrices are available: IUB and CLUSTALW(1.6).
-For more information about the weight matrices, see the help above for
-the Low-scoring Segments Weight Matrix.
-For details of the quality score calculations, see the CALCULATION section
-The low-scoring segment display can be toggled on or off. This option does not
-recalculate the profile scores.
-This option highlights individual residues which score badly in the alignment
-quality calculations. Residues which score exceptionally low are highlighted by
-using a white character on a grey background.
-The quality scores that are plotted underneath the alignment display can also
-be saved in a text file. Each column in the alignment is written on one line in
-the output file, with the value of the quality score at the end of the line.
-Only the sequences currently selected in the display are written to the file.
-One use for quality scores is to color residues in a protein structure by
-sequence conservation. In this way conserved surface residues can be
-highlighted to locate functional regions such as ligand-binding sites.
-Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
-can be written as:
-        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
-        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
-        .
-        .
-        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
-We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
-for aligning residue i with residue j.
-We want to calculate a score for the conservation of the jth position in the
-To do this, we define an R-dimensional sequence space. For the jth position in 
-the alignment, each sequence consists of a single residue which is assigned a
-point S in the space. S has R dimensions, and for sequence i, the rth dimension
-is defined as:
-	Sr =    C(r,Aij)
-We then calculate a consensus value for the jth position in the alignment. This
-value X also has R dimensions, and the rth dimension is defined as:
-	Xr = (   SUM   (Fij * C(i,r)) ) / m
-               1<=i<=R
-where Fij is the count of residues i at position j in the alignment.
-Now we can calculate the distance Di between each sequence i and the consensus 
-position X in the R-dimensional space.
-	Di = SQRT   (   SUM   (Xr - Sr)(Xr - Sr) )
-                      1<=i<=R
-The quality score for the jth position in the alignment is defined as the mean
-of the sequence distances Di.
-The score is normalised by multiplying by the percentage of sequences which
-have residues (and not gaps) at this position.
-The jth residue of the ith sequence is considered as an exception if the
-distance Di of the sequence from the consensus value P is greater than (Upper
-Quartile + Inter Quartile Range * Cutoff). The value used as a cutoff for
-displaying exceptions can be set from the SCORE PARAMETERS menu. A high cutoff
-value will only display very significant exceptions; a low value will allow
-more, less significant, exceptions to be highlighted.
-(NB. Sequences which contain gaps at this position are not included in the
-exception calculation.)
-Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
-can be written as:
-        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
-        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
-        .
-        .
-        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
-We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
-for aligning residue i with residue j.
-We calculate sequence weights by building a neighbour-joining tree, in which
-branch lengths are proportional to divergence. Summing the branches by branch
-ownership provides the weights. See (Thompson et al., CABIOS, 10, 19 (1994) and
-Henikoff et al.,JMB, 243, 574 1994).
-To find the low-scoring segments in a sequence Si, we build a weighted profile
-of the remaining sequences in the alignment. Suppose we find residue r at 
-position j in the sequence; then the score for the jth position in the sequence
-is defined as
-	Score(Si,j) = Profile(j,r)   where Profile(j,r) is the profile score
-                                       for residue r at position j in the
-                                       alignment.
-These residue scores are summed along the sequence in both forward and backward
-directions. If the sum of the scores is positive, then it is reset to zero.
-Segments which score negatively in both directions are considered as 
-'low-scoring' and will be highlighted in the alignment display.
->>HELP 9 <<
-              Command Line Parameters
-                DATA (sequences)
--INFILE=file.ext                             :input sequences
--PROFILE1=file.ext  and  -PROFILE2=file.ext  :profiles (aligned sequences)
-                VERBS (do things)
--OPTIONS	    :list the command line parameters
--HELP  or -CHECK    :outline the command line parameters
--ALIGN              :do full multiple alignment 
--TREE               :calculate NJ tree
--BOOTSTRAP(=n)      :bootstrap a NJ tree (n= number of bootstraps; def. = 1000)
--CONVERT            :output the input sequences in a different file format
-                PARAMETERS (set things)
-***General settings:****
--INTERACTIVE :read command line, then enter normal interactive menus
--QUICKTREE   :use FAST algorithm for the alignment guide tree
--TYPE=       :PROTEIN or DNA sequences
--NEGATIVE    :protein alignment with negative values in matrix
--OUTFILE=    :sequence alignment file name
--CASE=       :LOWER or UPPER (for GDE output only)
--SEQNOS=     :OFF or ON (for Clustal output only)
-***Fast Pairwise Alignments:***
--KTUPLE=n      :word size
--TOPDIAGS=n  :number of best diags.
--WINDOW=n    :window around best diags.
--PAIRGAP=n   :gap penalty
-***Slow Pairwise Alignments:***
--PWMATRIX=    :Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename
--PWDNAMATRIX= :DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename
--PWGAPOPEN=f  :gap opening penalty
--PWGAPEXT=f  :gap opening penalty
-***Multiple Alignments:***
--NEWTREE=    :file for new guide tree
--USETREE=    :file for old guide tree
--MATRIX=     :Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename
--DNAMATRIX=  :DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename
--GAPOPEN=f   :gap opening penalty
--GAPEXT=f  :gap extension penalty
--ENDGAPS     :no end gap separation pen.
--GAPDIST=n   :gap separation pen. range
--NOPGAP      :residue-specific gaps off
--NOHGAP    :hydrophilic gaps off
--HGAPRESIDUES= :list hydrophilic res.
--MAXDIV=n    :% ident. for delay
--TYPE=       :PROTEIN or DNA
--TRANSWEIGHT=f :transitions weighting
-***Profile Alignments:***
--PROFILE      :Merge two alignments by profile alignment
--NEWTREE1=    :file for new guide tree for profile1
--NEWTREE2=    :file for new guide tree for profile2
--USETREE1=    :file for old guide tree for profile1
--USETREE2=    :file for old guide tree for profile2
-***Sequence to Profile Alignments:***
--SEQUENCES   :Sequentially add profile2 sequences to profile1 alignment
--NEWTREE=    :file for new guide tree
--USETREE=    :file for old guide tree
-***Structure Alignments:***
--NOSECSTR1     :do not use secondary structure/gap penalty mask for profile 1 
--NOSECSTR2     :do not use secondary structure/gap penalty mask for profile 2
--SECSTROUT=STRUCTURE or MASK or BOTH or NONE  :output in alignment file
--HELIXGAP=n    :gap penalty for helix core residues 
--STRANDGAP=n   :gap penalty for strand core residues
--LOOPGAP=n     :gap penalty for loop regions
--TERMINALGAP=n :gap penalty for structure termini
--HELIXENDIN=n  :number of residues inside helix to be treated as terminal
--HELIXENDOUT=n :number of residues outside helix to be treated as terminal
--STRANDENDIN=n :number of residues inside strand to be treated as terminal
--STRANDENDOUT=n:number of residues outside strand to be treated as terminal 
--OUTPUTTREE=nj OR phylip OR dist OR nexus
--SEED=n    :seed number for bootstraps
--KIMURA      :use Kimura's correction
--TOSSGAPS  :ignore positions with gaps
--BOOTLABELS=node OR branch :position of bootstrap values in tree display
->>HELP R <<
-                             References
-The ClustalX program is described in the manuscript:
-Thompson,J.D., Gibson,T.J., Plewniak,F., Jeanmougin,F. and Higgins,D.G. (1997)
-The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence 
-alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research, 24:4876-4882.
-The ClustalW program is described in the manuscript:
-Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G. and Gibson, T.J. (1994) CLUSTAL W: improving the
-sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence
-weighting, positions-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice.  Nucleic
-Acids Research, 22:4673-4680.
-The ClustalV program is described in the manuscript:
-Higgins,D.G., Bleasby,A.J. and Fuchs,R. (1992) CLUSTAL V: improved software for
-multiple sequence alignment. CABIOS 8,189-191.
-The original Clustal program is described in the manuscripts:
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1989) Fast and sensitive multiple sequence
-alignments on a microcomputer.
-CABIOS 5,151-153.
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1988) CLUSTAL: a package for performing multiple
-sequence alignment on a microcomputer. Gene 73,237-244.
-Some tips on using Clustal X:
-Jeanmougin,F., Thompson,J.D., Gouy,M., Higgins,D.G. and Gibson,T.J. (1998)
-Multiple sequence alignment with Clustal X. Trends Biochem Sci, 23, 403-5.
-Some tips on using Clustal W:
-Higgins, D. G., Thompson, J. D. and Gibson, T. J. (1996) Using CLUSTAL for
-multiple sequence alignments. Methods Enzymol., 266, 383-402.
-You can get the latest version of the ClustalX program by anonymous ftp to:
-Or, have a look at the following WWW site:
-This is the on-line help file for Clustal X (version 1.83), using the NCBI
-Vibrant Toolkit.   
-It should be named or defined as: clustalx_help 
-except with MSDOS in which case it should be named ClustalX.HLP
-For full details of usage and algorithms, please read the CLUSTALW.DOC file.
-Toby  Gibson                         EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.
-Des   Higgins                        UCC, Cork, Ireland.
-Julie Thompson/Francois Jeanmougin   IGBMC, Strasbourg, France.
->>HELP G <<
-                      General help for CLUSTAL X (1.83)
-Clustal X is a windows interface for the ClustalW multiple sequence alignment
-program. It provides an integrated environment for performing multiple sequence
-and profile alignments and analysing the results. The sequence alignment is
-displayed in a window on the screen. A versatile coloring scheme has been
-incorporated allowing you to highlight conserved features  in the alignment.
-The pull-down menus at the top of the window allow you to select all the
-options required for traditional multiple sequence and profile alignment.
-You can cut-and-paste sequences to change the order of the alignment; you can
-select a subset of sequences to be aligned; you can select a sub-range of the
-alignment to be realigned and inserted back into the original alignment.
-Alignment quality analysis can be performed and low-scoring segments or
-exceptional residues can be highlighted.
-ClustalX is available for a number of different platforms including: SUN
-Solaris, IRIX5.3 on Silicon Graphics, Digital UNIX on DECStations, Microsoft
-Windows (32 bit) for PC's, Linux ELF for x86 PC's and Macintosh PowerMac. (See
-the README file for Installation instructions.)
-Sequences and profiles (a term for pre-existing alignments) are input using 
-the FILE menu. Invalid options will be disabled. All sequences must be included
-into 1 file. 7 formats are automatically recognised: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT,
-Pearson (Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9 RSF and GDE flat file.
-All non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation marks) are ignored
-except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).  
-Clustal X has two modes which can be selected using the switch directly above
-To do a MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT on a set of sequences, make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT
-MODE is selected. A single sequence data area is then displayed. The ALIGNMENT
-menu then allows you to either produce a guide tree for the alignment, or to do
-a multiple alignment following the guide tree, or to do a full multiple
-In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, two sequence data areas are displayed, allowing you
-to align 2 alignments (termed profiles). Profiles are also used to add a new
-sequence to an old alignment, or to use secondary structure to guide the
-alignment process. GAPS in the old alignments are indicated using the "-" 
-character. PROFILES can be input in ANY of the allowed formats; just  use "-"
-(or "." for MSF/RSF) for each gap position. In Profile Alignment Mode, a button
-"Lock Scroll" is displayed which allows you to scroll the two profiles together
-using a single scroll bar. When the Lock Scroll is turned off, the two profiles
-can be scrolled independently.
-Phylogenetic trees can be calculated from old alignments (read in with "-"
-characters to indicate gaps) OR after a multiple alignment while the alignment
-is still displayed.
-The alignment is displayed on the screen with the sequence names on the left
-hand side. The sequence alignment is for display only, it cannot be edited here
-(except for changing the sequence order by cutting-and-pasting on the sequence
-A ruler is displayed below the sequences, starting at 1 for the first residue
-position (residue numbers in the sequence input file are ignored).
-A line above the alignment is used to mark strongly conserved positions. Three
-characters ('*', ':' and '.') are used:
-'*' indicates positions which have a single, fully conserved residue
-':' indicates that one of the following 'strong' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 STA  
-                 NEQK  
-                 NHQK  
-                 NDEQ  
-                 QHRK  
-                 MILV  
-                 MILF  
-                 HY  
-                 FYW  
-'.' indicates that one of the following 'weaker' groups is fully conserved:-
-                 CSA  
-                 ATV  
-                 SAG  
-                 STNK  
-                 STPA  
-                 SGND  
-                 SNDEQK  
-                 NDEQHK  
-                 NEQHRK  
-                 FVLIM  
-                 HFY  
-These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in the Gonnet Pam250
-matrix. The strong and weak groups are defined as strong score >0.5 and weak
-score =<0.5 respectively.
-For profile alignments, secondary structure and gap penalty masks are displayed
-above the sequences, if any data is found in the profile input file.
->>HELP F <<
-                      Input / Output Files 
-LOAD SEQUENCES reads sequences from one of 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences that are already loaded. All sequences must be in 1 file. The formats
-that are automatically recognised are: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT, Pearson
-(Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9/RSF and GDE flat file.  All
-non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation  marks) are ignored
-except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).
-The program tries to automatically recognise the different file formats used
-and to guess whether the sequences are amino acid or nucleotide.  This is not
-always foolproof.
-FASTA and NBRF/PIR formats are recognised by having a ">" as the first 
-character in the file.  
-EMBL/Swiss Prot formats are recognised by the letters "ID" at the start of the
-file (the token for the entry name field).  
-CLUSTAL format is recognised by the word CLUSTAL at the beginning of the file.
-GCG/MSF format is recognised by one of the following:
-       - the word PileUp at the start of the file.
-         at the start of the file.
-       - the word MSF on the first line of the file, and the characters ..
-         at the end of this line.
-GCG/RSF format is recognised by the word !!RICH_SEQUENCE at the beginning of
-the file.
-If 85% or more of the characters in the sequence are from A,C,G,T,U or N, the
-sequence will be assumed to be nucleotide.  This works in 97.3% of cases but
-watch out!
-APPEND SEQUENCES is only valid in MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE. The input sequences
-do not replace those already loaded, but are appended at the end of the
-SAVE SEQUENCES AS... offers the user a choice of one of six output formats:
-CLUSTAL, NBRF/PIR, GCG/MSF, PHYLIP, NEXUS, GDE or FASTA. All sequences are written
-to a single file. Options are available to save a range of the alignment, 
-switch between UPPER/LOWER case for GDE files, and to output SEQUENCE NUMBERING
-for CLUSTAL files. Users can also choose to include the residue range numbers
-by appending them to the sequence names.
-LOAD PROFILE 1 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences already loaded as Profile 1. This option will also remove any
-sequences which are loaded in Profile 2.
-LOAD PROFILE 2 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
-sequences already loaded as Profile 2.
-SAVE PROFILE 1 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
-those sequences in Profile 1 will be written to the output file.
-SAVE PROFILE 2 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
-those sequences in Profile 2 will be written to the output file.
-WRITE ALIGNMENT AS POSTSCRIPT will write the sequence display to a postscript
-format file. This will include any secondary structure / gap penalty mask 
-information and the consensus and ruler lines which are displayed on the
-screen. The Alignment Quality curve can be optionally included in the output
-except that only the profile 1 display will be printed.
-except that only the profile 2 display will be printed.
-A number of options are available to allow you to configure your postscript
-output file.
-The exact RGB values required to reproduce the colors used in the alignment
-window will vary from printer to printer. A PS colors file can be specified
-that contains the RGB values for all the colors required by each of your
-postscript printers.
-By default, Clustal X looks for a file called 'colprint.par' in the current
-directory (if your running under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory,
-and finally in the directories in your PATH environment variable). If no PS
-colors file is found or a color used on the screen is not defined here, the
-screen RGB values (from the Color Parameter File) are used.
-The PS colors file consists of one line for each color to be defined, with the
-color name followed by the RGB values (on a scale of 0 to 1). For example,
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-Blank lines and comments (lines beginning with a '#' character) are ignored.
-PAGE SIZE:  The alignment can be displayed on either A4, A3 or US Letter size
-ORIENTATION: The alignment can be displayed on either a landscape or portrait
-PRINT HEADER: An optional header including the postscript filename, and
-creation date can be printed at the top of each page.
-PRINT QUALITY CURVE: The Alignment Quality curve which is displayed underneath
-the alignment on the screen can be included in the postscript output.
-PRINT RULER: The ruler which is displayed underneath the alignment on the 
-screen can be included in the postscript output.
-PRINT RESIDUE NUMBERS: Sequence residue numbers can be printed at the right
-hand side of the alignment.
-RESIZE TO FIT PAGE: By default, the alignment is scaled to fit the page size
-selected. This option can be turned off, in which case a font size of 10 will
-be used for the sequences.
-PRINT FROM POSITION/TO: A range of the alignment can be printed. The default
-is to print the full alignment. The first and last residues to be printed are
-specified here.
-USE BLOCK LENGTH: The alignment can be divided into blocks of residues. The
-number of residues in a block is specified here. More than one block may then
-be printed on a single page. This is useful for long alignments of a small
-number of sequences. If the block length is set to 0, The alignment will not
-be divided into blocks, but printed across a number of pages.
->>HELP E <<
-                          Editing Alignments
-Clustal X allows you to change the order of the sequences in the alignment, by
-cutting-and-pasting the sequence names.
-To select a group of sequences to be moved, click on a sequence name and drag
-the cursor until all the required sequences are highlighted. Holding down the
-Shift key when clicking on the first name will add new sequences to those
-already selected.
-(Options are provided to Select All Sequences, Select Profile 1 or Select 
-Profile 2.)
-The selected sequences can be removed from the alignment by using the EDIT
-menu, CUT option.
-To add the cut sequences back into an alignment, select a sequence by clicking
-on the sequence name. The cut sequences will be added to the alignment,
-immediately following the selected sequence, by the EDIT menu, PASTE option.
-To add the cut sequences to an empty alignment (eg. when cutting sequences from
-Profile 1 and pasting them to Profile 2), click on the empty sequence name
-display area, and select the EDIT menu, PASTE option as before.
-The sequence selection and sequence range selection can be cleared using the
-To search for a string of residues in the sequences, select the sequences to be
-searched by clicking on the sequence names. You can then enter the string to
-search for by selecting the SEARCH FOR STRING option. If the string is found in
-any of the sequences selected, the sequence name and column number is printed
-below the sequence display.
-In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, the two profiles can be merged (normally done after
-alignment) by selecting ADD PROFILE 2 TO PROFILE 1. The sequences currently
-displayed as Profile 2 will be appended to Profile 1. 
-The REMOVE ALL GAPS option will remove all gaps from the sequences currently
-WARNING: This option removes ALL gaps, not only those introduced by ClustalX,
-but also those that were read from the input alignment file. Any secondary
-structure information associated with the alignment will NOT be automatically
-The REMOVE GAP-ONLY COLUMNS will remove those positions in the alignment which
-contain gaps in all sequences. This can occur as a result of removing divergent
-sequences from an alignment, or if an alignment has been realigned.
->>HELP M <<
-                          Multiple Alignments
-Make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
-the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do multiple
-Multiple alignments are carried out in 3 stages:
-1) all sequences are compared to each other (pairwise alignments);
-2) a dendrogram (like a phylogenetic tree) is constructed, describing the
-approximate groupings of the sequences by similarity (stored in a file).
-3) the final multiple alignment is carried out, using the dendrogram as a guide.
-The 3 stages are carried out automatically by the DO COMPLETE ALIGNMENT option.
-You can skip the first stages (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
-guide tree file (DO ALIGNMENT FROM GUIDE TREE); or you can just produce the
-guide tree with no final multiple alignment (PRODUCE GUIDE TREE ONLY).
-REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCES is used to realign badly aligned sequences in the
-alignment. Sequences can be selected by clicking on the sequence names - see
-Editing Alignments for more details. The unselected sequences are then 'fixed'
-and a profile is made including only the unselected sequences. Each of the
-selected sequences in turn is then realigned to this profile. The realigned
-sequences will be displayed as a group at the end the alignment.
-REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCE RANGE is used to realign a small region of the 
-alignment. A residue range can be selected by clicking on the sequence display
-area. A multiple alignment is then performed, following the 3 stages described
-above, but only using the selected residue range. Finally the new alignment of
-the range is pasted back into the full sequence alignment.
-By default, gap penalties are used at each end of the subrange in order to 
-penalise terminal gaps. If the REALIGN SEGMENT END GAP PENALTIES option is
-switched off, gaps can be introduced at the ends of the residue range at no
-ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS displays a sub-menu with the following options:
-RESET NEW GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove any new gaps introduced into the
-sequences during multiple alignment if you wish to change the parameters and
-try again. This only takes effect just before you do a second multiple
-alignment. You can make phylogenetic trees after alignment whether or not this
-is ON. If you turn this OFF, the new gaps are kept even if you do a second
-multiple alignment. This allows you to iterate the alignment gradually.
-Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a second or third pass.
-RESET ALL GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove all gaps in the sequences including
-gaps which were read in from the sequence input file. This only takes effect
-just before you do a second multiple alignment.  You can make phylogenetic
-trees after alignment whether or not this is ON.  If you turn this OFF, all
-gaps are kept even if you do a second multiple alignment. This allows you to
-iterate the alignment gradually.  Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a
-second or third pass.
-PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the speed/sensitivity of the initial
-MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the gaps in the final multiple
-PROTEIN GAP PARAMETERS displays a temporary window which allows you to set
-various parameters only used in the alignment of protein sequences.
-(SECONDARY STRUCTURE PARAMETERS, for use with the Profile Alignment Mode only,
-allows you to set various parameters only used with gap penalty masks.)
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-You can choose from 7 different alignment formats (CLUSTAL, GCG, NBRF/PIR,
-PHYLIP, GDE, NEXUS, FASTA).  You can choose more than one (or all 7 if you wish).  
-CLUSTAL format output is a self explanatory alignment format. It shows the
-sequences aligned in blocks. It can be read in again at a later date to (for
-example) calculate a phylogenetic tree or add in new sequences by profile
-GCG output can be used by any of the GCG programs that can work on multiple
-alignments (e.g. PRETTY, PROFILEMAKE, PLOTALIGN). It is the same as the GCG
-.msf format files (multiple sequence file); new in version 7 of GCG.
-NEXUS format is used by several phylogeny programs, including PAUP and
-PHYLIP format output can be used for input to the PHYLIP package of Joe 
-Felsenstein.  This is a very widely used package for doing every imaginable
-form of phylogenetic analysis (MUCH more than the the modest introduction
-offered by this program).
-NBRF/PIR: this is the same as the standard PIR format with ONE ADDITION. Gap
-characters "-" are used to indicate the positions of gaps in the multiple 
-alignment. These files can be re-used as input in any part of clustal that
-allows sequences (or alignments or profiles) to be read in.  
-FASTA: this is included for compatibility with numberous sequence analysis programs.
-GDE:  this format is used by the GDE package of Steven Smith and is understood
-by SEQLAB in GCG 9 or later.
-GDE OUTPUT CASE: sequences in GDE format may be written in either upper or
-lower case.
-CLUSTALW SEQUENCE NUMBERS: residue numbers may be added to the end of the
-alignment lines in clustalw format.
-OUTPUT ORDER is used to control the order of the sequences in the output
-alignments. By default, it uses the order in which the sequences were aligned
-(from the guide tree/dendrogram), thus automatically grouping closely related
-sequences. It can be switched to be the same as the original input order.
-PARAMETER OUTPUT: This option will save all your parameter settings in a
-parameter file (suffix .par) during alignment. The file can be subsequently
-used to rerun ClustalW using the same parameters.
-A distance is calculated between every pair of sequences and these are used to
-construct the phylogenetic tree which guides the final multiple alignment. The
-scores are calculated from separate pairwise alignments. These can be
-calculated using 2 methods: dynamic programming (slow but accurate) or by the
-method of Wilbur and Lipman (extremely fast but approximate).   
-You can choose between the 2 alignment methods using the PAIRWISE ALIGNMENTS
-option. The slow/accurate method is fast enough for short sequences but will be
-VERY SLOW for many (e.g. >100) long (e.g. >1000 residue) sequences.   
-SLOW-ACCURATE alignment parameters:
-These parameters do not have any affect on the speed of the alignments. They
-are used to give initial alignments which are then rescored to give percent
-identity scores. These % scores are the ones which are displayed on the 
-screen. The scores are converted to distances for the trees.
-Gap Open Penalty:      the penalty for opening a gap in the alignment.
-Gap Extension Penalty: the penalty for extending a gap by 1 residue.
-Protein Weight Matrix: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
-each amino acid to each other.
-Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
-DNA weight matrix: the scores assigned to matches and mismatches (including
-IUB ambiguity codes).
-Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
-See the Multiple alignment parameters, MATRIX option below for details of the
-matrix input format.
-FAST-APPROXIMATE alignment parameters:
-These similarity scores are calculated from fast, approximate, global align-
-ments, which are controlled by 4 parameters. 2 techniques are used to make
-these alignments very fast: 1) only exactly matching fragments (k-tuples) are
-considered; 2) only the 'best' diagonals (the ones with most k-tuple matches)
-are used.
-GAP PENALTY:   This is a penalty for each gap in the fast alignments. It has
-little effect on the speed or sensitivity except for extreme values.
-K-TUPLE SIZE:  This is the size of exactly matching fragment that is used. 
-INCREASE for speed (max= 2 for proteins; 4 for DNA), DECREASE for sensitivity.
-For longer sequences (e.g. >1000 residues) you may wish to increase the
-TOP DIAGONALS: The number of k-tuple matches on each diagonal (in an imaginary
-dot-matrix plot) is calculated. Only the best ones (with most matches) are used
-in the alignment. This parameter specifies how many. Decrease for speed;
-increase for sensitivity.
-WINDOW SIZE:  This is the number of diagonals around each of the 'best' 
-diagonals that will be used. Decrease for speed; increase for sensitivity.
-These parameters control the final multiple alignment. This is the core of the
-program and the details are complicated. To fully understand the use of the
-parameters and the scoring system, you will have to refer to the documentation.
-Each step in the final multiple alignment consists of aligning two alignments 
-or sequences. This is done progressively, following the branching order in the
-GUIDE TREE. The basic parameters to control this are two gap penalties and the
-scores for various identical/non-indentical residues. 
-The GAP OPENING and EXTENSION PENALTIES can be set here. These control the 
-cost of opening up every new gap and the cost of every item in a gap.  
-Increasing the gap opening penalty will make gaps less frequent. Increasing 
-the gap extension penalty will make gaps shorter. Terminal gaps are not 
-The DELAY DIVERGENT SEQUENCES switch delays the alignment of the most distantly
-related sequences until after the most closely related sequences have  been
-aligned. The setting shows the percent identity level required to delay the
-addition of a sequence; sequences that are less identical than this level to
-any other sequences will be aligned later.
-The TRANSITION WEIGHT gives transitions (A<-->G or C<-->T i.e. purine-purine or
-pyrimidine-pyrimidine substitutions) a weight between 0 and 1; a weight of zero
-means that the transitions are scored as mismatches, while a weight of 1 gives
-the transitions the match score. For distantly related DNA sequences, the
-weight should be near to zero; for closely related sequences it can be useful
-to assign a higher score. The default is set to 0.5.
-The PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to choose a series of weight
-matrices. For protein alignments, you use a weight matrix to determine the
-similarity of non-identical amino acids. For example, Tyr aligned with Phe is
-usually judged to be 'better' than Tyr aligned with Pro.
-There are three 'in-built' series of weight matrices offered. Each consists of
-several matrices which work differently at different evolutionary distances. To
-see the exact details, read the documentation. Crudely, we store several
-matrices in memory, spanning the full range of amino acid distance (from almost
-identical sequences to highly divergent ones). For very similar sequences, it
-is best to use a strict weight matrix which only gives a high score to
-identities and the most favoured conservative substitutions. For more divergent
-sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give a high score
-to many other frequent substitutions.
-1) BLOSUM (Henikoff). These matrices appear to be the best available for 
-carrying out data base similarity (homology searches). The matrices currently
-used are: Blosum 80, 62, 45 and 30. BLOSUM was the default in earlier Clustal X
-2) PAM (Dayhoff). These have been extremely widely used since the late '70s. We
-currently use the PAM 20, 60, 120, 350 matrices.
-3) GONNET. These matrices were derived using almost the same procedure as the
-Dayhoff one (above) but are much more up to date and are based on a far larger
-data set. They appear to be more sensitive than the Dayhoff series. We
-currently use the GONNET 80, 120, 160, 250 and 350 matrices. This series is the
-default for Clustal X version 1.8.
-We also supply an identity matrix which gives a score of 10 to two identical 
-amino acids and a score of zero otherwise. This matrix is not very useful.
-Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison matrix from a file.
-This can be either a single matrix or a series of matrices (see below for
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to select a single matrix (not a series)
-used for aligning nucleic acid sequences. Two hard-coded matrices are available:
-1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
-of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
-ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.9; all mismatches for IUB symbols score 0.
-2) CLUSTALW(1.6). A previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
-1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0.
-Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a nucleic acid comparison matrix from a
-file (just one matrix, not a series).
-The format used for a single matrix is the same as the BLAST program. The
-scores in the new weight matrix should be similarities. You can use negative as
-well as positive values if you wish, although the matrix will be automatically
-adjusted to all positive scores, unless the NEGATIVE MATRIX option is selected.
-Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The first
-non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using the 1
-letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a square
-matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The last row
-and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain the minimum
-score over the whole matrix.
-ClustalX uses different matrices depending on the mean percent identity of the
-sequences to be aligned. You can specify a series of matrices and the range of
-the percent identity for each matrix in a matrix series file. The file is
-automatically recognised by the word CLUSTAL_SERIES at the beginning of the
-file. Each matrix in the series is then specified on one line which should
-start with the word MATRIX. This is followed by the lower and upper limits of
-the sequence percent identities for which you want to apply the matrix. The
-final entry on the matrix line is the filename of a Blast format matrix file
-(see above for details of the single matrix file format).
-MATRIX 81 100 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum80
-MATRIX 61 80 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum62
-MATRIX 31 60 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum45
-MATRIX 0 30 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum30
-RESIDUE SPECIFIC PENALTIES are amino acid specific gap penalties that reduce or
-increase the gap opening penalties at each position in the alignment or 
-sequence. See the documentation for details. As an example, positions that are
-rich in glycine are more likely to have an adjacent gap than positions that are
-rich in valine.
-HYDROPHILIC GAP PENALTIES are used to increase the chances of a gap within a
-run (5 or more residues) of hydrophilic amino acids; these are likely to be
-loop or random coil regions where gaps are more common. The residues that are
-"considered" to be hydrophilic can be entered in HYDROPHILIC RESIDUES.
-GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE tries to decrease the chances of gaps being too close
-to each other. Gaps that are less than this distance apart are penalised more
-than other gaps. This does not prevent close gaps; it makes them less frequent,
-promoting a block-like appearance of the alignment.
-END GAP SEPARATION treats end gaps just like internal gaps for the purposes of
-avoiding gaps that are too close (set by GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE above). If you
-turn this off, end gaps will be ignored for this purpose. This is useful when
-you wish to align fragments where the end gaps are not biologically meaningful.
->>HELP P <<
-                   Profile and Structure Alignments
-By PROFILE ALIGNMENT, we mean alignment using existing alignments. Profile 
-alignments allow you to store alignments of your favourite sequences and add
-new sequences to them in small bunches at a time. A profile is simply an
-alignment of one or more sequences (e.g. an alignment output file from Clustal
-X). Each input can be a single sequence. One or both sets of input sequences
-may include secondary structure assignments or gap penalty masks to guide the
-Make sure PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
-the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do profile and
-secondary structure alignments.
-The profiles can be in any of the allowed input formats with "-" characters
-used to specify gaps (except for GCG/MSF where "." is used).
-You have to load the 2 profiles by choosing FILE, LOAD PROFILE 1 and  LOAD
-profiles to each other. Secondary structure masks in either profile can be used
-to guide the alignment. This option compares all the sequences in profile 1
-with all the sequences in profile 2 in order to build guide trees which will be
-used to calculate sequence weights, and select appropriate alignment parameters
-for the final profile alignment.
-You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide trees) by using old
-The ALIGN SEQUENCES TO PROFILE 1 option will take the sequences in the second
-profile and align them to the first profile, 1 at a time.  This is useful to
-add some new sequences to an existing alignment, or to align a set of sequences
-to a known structure. In this case, the second profile set need not be
-You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-The alignment parameters can be set using the ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS menu,
-Pairwise Parameters, Multiple Parameters and Protein Gap Parameters options.
-These are EXACTLY the same parameters as used by the general, automatic
-multiple alignment procedure. The general multiple alignment procedure is
-simply a series of profile alignments. Carrying out a series of profile
-alignments on larger and larger groups of sequences, allows you to manually
-build up a complete alignment, if necessary editing intermediate alignments.
-Use this menu to set secondary structure options. If a solved structure is
-known, it can be used to guide the alignment by raising gap penalties within
-secondary structure elements, so that gaps will preferentially be inserted into
-unstructured surface loop regions. Alternatively, a user-specified gap penalty
-mask can be supplied for a similar purpose.
-A gap penalty mask is a series of numbers between 1 and 9, one per position in 
-the alignment. Each number specifies how much the gap opening penalty is to be 
-raised at that position (raised by multiplying the basic gap opening penalty
-by the number) i.e. a mask figure of 1 at a position means no change
-in gap opening penalty; a figure of 4 means that the gap opening penalty is
-four times greater at that position, making gaps 4 times harder to open.
-The format for gap penalty masks and secondary structure masks is explained in
-a separate help section.
->>HELP B << 
-            Secondary Structure / Gap Penalty Masks
-The use of secondary structure-based penalties has been shown to improve  the
-accuracy of sequence alignment. Clustal X now allows secondary structure/ gap
-penalty masks to be supplied with the input sequences used during profile
-alignment. (NB. The secondary structure information is NOT used during multiple
-sequence alignment). The masks work by raising gap penalties in specified
-regions (typically secondary structure elements) so that gaps are
-preferentially opened in the less well conserved regions (typically surface
-whether the input 2D-structure information or gap penalty masks will be used
-during the profile alignment.
-The OUTPUT options control whether the secondary structure and gap penalty
-masks should be included in the Clustal X output alignments. Showing both is
-useful for understanding how the masks work. The 2D-structure information is
-itself useful in judging the alignment quality and in seeing how residue
-conservation patterns vary with secondary structure. 
-The HELIX and STRAND GAP PENALTY options provide the value for raising the gap
-penalty at core Alpha Helical (A) and Beta Strand (B) residues. In CLUSTAL
-format, capital residues denote the A and B core structure notation. Basic gap
-penalties are multiplied by the amount specified.
-The LOOP GAP PENALTY option provides the value for the gap penalty in Loops.
-By default this penalty is not raised. In CLUSTAL format, loops are specified
-by "." in the secondary structure notation.
-The SECONDARY STRUCTURE TERMINAL PENALTY provides the value for setting the gap
-penalty at the ends of secondary structures. Ends of secondary structures are
-known to grow or shrink, comparing related structures. Therefore by default
-these are given intermediate values, lower than the core penalties. All
-secondary structure read in as lower case in CLUSTAL format gets the reduced
-terminal penalty.
-The HELIX and STRAND TERMINAL POSITIONS options specify the range of structure
-termini for the intermediate penalties. In the alignment output, these are
-indicated as lower case. For Alpha Helices, by default, the range spans the 
-end-helical turn (3 residues). For Beta Strands, the default range spans the
-end residue and the adjacent loop residue, since sequence conservation often
-extends beyond the actual H-bonded Beta Strand.
-Clustal X can read the masks from SWISS-PROT, CLUSTAL or GDE format input
-files. For many 3-D protein structures, secondary structure information is
-recorded in the feature tables of SWISS-PROT database entries. You should
-always check that the assignments are correct - some are quite inaccurate.
-Clustal X looks for SWISS-PROT HELIX and STRAND assignments e.g.
-FT   HELIX       100    115
-FT   STRAND      118    119
-The structure and penalty masks can also be read from CLUSTAL alignment format 
-as comment lines beginning "!SS_" or "!GM_" e.g.
-!SS_HBA_HUMA    ..aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaa.aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAaaa.........aaaAAAAAA
-!GM_HBA_HUMA    112224444444444222122244444444442222224222111111111222444444
-Note that the mask itself is a set of numbers between 1 and 9 each of which is 
-assigned to the residue(s) in the same column below. 
-In GDE flat file format, the masks are specified as text and the names must
-begin with "SS_ or "GM_.
-Either a structure or penalty mask or both may be used. If both are included
-in an alignment, the user will be asked which is to be used.
->>HELP T <<
-                            Phylogenetic Trees
-Before calculating a tree, you must have an ALIGNMENT in memory. This can be
-input using the FILE menu, LOAD SEQUENCES option or you should have just
-carried out a full multiple alignment and the alignment is still in memory.
-The method used is the NJ (Neighbour Joining) method of Saitou and Nei. First
-you calculate distances (percent divergence) between all pairs of sequence from
-a multiple alignment; second you apply the NJ method to the distance matrix.
-To calculate a tree, use the DRAW N-J TREE option. This gives an UNROOTED tree
-and all branch lengths. The root of the tree can only be inferred by using an
-outgroup (a sequence that you are certain branches at the outside of the tree
-.... certain on biological grounds) OR if you assume a degree of constancy in
-the 'molecular clock', you can place the root in the 'middle' of the tree
-(roughly equidistant from all tips).
-BOOTSTRAP N-J TREE uses a method for deriving confidence values for the 
-groupings in a tree (first adapted for trees by Joe Felsenstein). It involves
-making N random samples of sites from the alignment (N should be LARGE, e.g.
-500 - 1000); drawing N trees (1 from each sample) and counting how many times
-each grouping from the original tree occurs in the sample trees. You can set N
-using the NUMBER OF BOOTSTRAP TRIALS option in the BOOTSTRAP TREE window. In
-practice, you should use a large number of bootstrap replicates (1000 is
-recommended, even if it means running the program for an hour on a slow 
-computer). You can also supply a seed number for the random number generator
-here. Different runs with the same seed will give the same answer. See the
-documentation for more details.
-EXCLUDE POSITIONS WITH GAPS? With this option, any alignment positions where
-ANY of the sequences have a gap will be ignored. This means that 'like' will
-be compared to 'like' in all distances, which is highly desirable. It also
-automatically throws away the most ambiguous parts of the alignment, which are
-concentrated around gaps (usually). The disadvantage is that you may throw away
-much of the data if there are many gaps (which is why it is difficult for us to
-make it the default).  
-CORRECT FOR MULTIPLE SUBSTITUTIONS? For small divergence (say <10%) this option
-makes no difference. For greater divergence, this option corrects for the fact
-that observed distances underestimate actual evolutionary distances. This is
-because, as sequences diverge, more than one substitution will happen at many
-sites. However, you only see one difference when you look at the present day
-sequences. Therefore, this option has the effect of stretching branch lengths
-in trees (especially long branches). The corrections used here (for DNA or
-proteins) are both due to Motoo Kimura. See the documentation for details.  
-Where possible, this option should be used. However, for VERY divergent
-sequences, the distances cannot be reliably corrected. You will be warned if
-this happens. Even if none of the distances in a data set exceed the reliable
-threshold, if you bootstrap the data, some of the bootstrap distances may
-randomly exceed the safe limit.  
-SAVE LOG FILE will write the tree calculation scores to a file. The log
-filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
-Three different formats are allowed. None of these displays the tree visually.
-You can display the tree using the NJPLOT program distributed with Clustal X
-OR get the PHYLIP package and use the tree drawing facilities there. 
-1) CLUSTAL FORMAT TREE. This format is verbose and lists all of the distances
-between the sequences and the number of alignment positions used for each. The
-tree is described at the end of the file. It lists the sequences that are
-joined at each alignment step and the branch lengths. After two sequences are
-joined, it is referred to later as a NODE. The number of a NODE is the number
-of the lowest sequence in that NODE.   
-2) PHYLIP FORMAT TREE. This format is the New Hampshire format, used by many
-phylogenetic analysis packages. It consists of a series of nested parentheses,
-describing the branching order, with the sequence names and branch lengths. It
-can be read by the NJPLOT program distributed with ClustalX. It can also be
-used by the RETREE, DRAWGRAM and DRAWTREE programs of the PHYLIP package to see
-the trees graphically. This is the same format used during multiple alignment
-for the guide trees. Some other packages that can read and display New
-Hampshire format are TreeTool, TreeView, and Phylowin.
-3) PHYLIP DISTANCE MATRIX. This format just outputs a matrix of all the
-pairwise distances in a format that can be used by the PHYLIP package. It used
-to be useful when one could not produce distances from protein sequences in the
-Phylip package but is now redundant (PROTDIST of Phylip 3.5 now does this).
-4) NEXUS FORMAT TREE. This format is used by several popular phylogeny programs,
-including PAUP and MacClade. The format is described fully in:
-Maddison, D. R., D. L. Swofford and W. P. Maddison.  1997.
-NEXUS: an extensible file format for systematic information.
-Systematic Biology 46:590-621.
-BOOTSTRAP LABELS ON: By default, the bootstrap values are correctly placed on
-the tree branches of the phylip format output tree. The toggle allows them to
-be placed on the nodes, which is incorrect, but some display packages (e.g.
-TreeTool, TreeView and Phylowin) only support node labelling but not branch
-labelling. Care should be taken to note which branches and labels go together. 
->>HELP C <<
-                               Colors
-Clustal X provides a versatile coloring scheme for the sequence alignment 
-display. The sequences (or profiles) are colored automatically, when they are
-loaded. Sequences can be colored either by assigning a color to specific
-residues, or on the basis of an alignment consensus. In the latter case, the
-alignment consensus is calculated automatically, and the residues in each
-column are colored according to the consensus character assigned to that
-column. In this way, you can choose to highlight, for example, conserved
-hydrophylic or hydrophobic positions in the alignment.
-The 'rules' used to color the alignment are specified in a COLOR PARAMETER
-FILE. Clustal X automatically looks for a file called 'colprot.par' for protein
-sequences or 'coldna.par' for DNA, in the current directory. (If your running
-under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory, and finally in the
-directories in your PATH environment variable).
-By default, if no color parameter file is found, protein sequences are colored
-by residue as follows:
-	Color			Residue Code
-In the case of DNA sequences, the default colors are as follows:
-	Color			Residue Code
-	RED			C
-	BLUE			T
-The default BACKGROUND COLORING option shows the sequence residues using a
-black character on a colored background. It can be switched off to show
-residues as a colored character on a white background. 
-Either BLACK AND WHITE or DEFAULT COLOR options can be selected. The Color
-option looks first for the color parameter file (as described above) and, if no
-file is found, uses the default residue-specific colors.
-You can specify your own coloring scheme by using the LOAD COLOR PARAMETER FILE
-option. The format of the color parameter file is described below.
-This file is divided into 3 sections:
-1) the names and rgb values of the colors
-2) the rules for calculating the consensus
-3) the rules for assigning colors to the residues
-An example file is given here.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- at rgbindex
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
-GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
-YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
- at consensus
-% = 60% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
-# = 80% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
-- = 50% e:d
-+ = 60% k:r
-q = 50% q:e
-p = 50% p
-n = 50% n
-t = 50% t:s
- at color
-g = RED
-t = GREEN if t:%:#
-n = GREEN if n
-w = BLUE if %:#:p
-k = RED if +
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-The first section is optional and is identified by the header @rgbindex. If
-this section exists, each color used in the file must be named and the rgb
-values specified (on a scale from 0 to 1). If the rgb index section is not
-found, the following set of hard-coded colors will be used.
-RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
-BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
-GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
-ORANGE       0.9 0.7 0.3
-CYAN         0.1 0.9 0.9
-PINK         0.9 0.5 0.5
-MAGENTA      0.9 0.1 0.9
-YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
-The second section is optional and is identified by the header @consensus. It
-defines how the consensus is calculated.
-The format of each consensus parameter is:-
-c = n% residue_list
-        where
-              c             is a character used to identify the parameter.
-              n             is an integer value used as the percentage cutoff
-                            point.
-              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
-                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
-For example:   # = 60% w:l:v:i
-will assign a consensus character # to any column in the alignment which
-contains more than 60% of the residues w,l,v and i.
-The third section is identified by the header @color, and defines how colors
-are assigned to each residue in the alignment.
-The color parameters can take one of two formats:
-1) r = color
-2) r = color if consensus_list
-        where
-              r             is a character used to denote a residue.
-              color         is one of the colors in the GDE color lookup table.
-              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
-                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
-1) g = ORANGE
-will color all glycines ORANGE, regardless of the consensus.
-2) w = BLUE if w:%:#
-will color BLUE any tryptophan which is found in a column with a consensus of
-w, % or #.
->>HELP Q <<
-                       Alignment Quality Analysis
-Clustal X provides an indication of the quality of an alignment by plotting
-a 'conservation score' for each column of the alignment. A high score indicates
-a well-conserved column; a low score indicates low conservation. The quality
-curve is drawn below the alignment.
-Two methods are also provided to indicate single residues or sequence segments
-which score badly in the alignment.
-Low-scoring residues are expected to occur at a moderate frequency in all the
-sequences because of their steady divergence due to the natural processes of
-evolution. The most divergent sequences are likely to have the most outliers.
-However, the highlighted residues are especially useful in pointing to
-sequence misalignments. Note that clustering of highlighted residues is a
-strong indication of misalignment. This can arise due to various reasons, for
-        1. Partial or total misalignments caused by a failure in the
-        alignment algorithm. Usually only in difficult alignment cases.
-        2. Partial or total misalignments because at least one of the
-        sequences in the given set is partly or completely unrelated to the
-        other sequences. It is up to the user to check that the set of
-        sequences are alignable.
-        3. Frameshift translation errors in a protein sequence causing local
-        mismatched regions to be heavily highlighted. These are surprisingly
-        common in database entries. If suspected, a 3-frame translation of
-        the source DNA needs to be examined.
-Occasionally, highlighted residues may point to regions of some biological
-significance. This might happen for example if a protein alignment contains a
-sequence which has acquired new functions relative to the main sequence set. It
-is important to exclude other explanations, such as error or the natural
-divergence of sequences, before invoking a biological explanation.
-Unreliable regions in the alignment can be highlighted using the Low-Scoring
-Segments option. A sequence-weighted profile is used to indicate any segments
-in the sequences which score badly. Because the profile calculation may take
-some time, an option is provided to calculate LOW-SCORING SEGMENTS. The 
-segment display can then be toggled on or off without having to repeat the
-time-consuming calculations.
-For details of the low-scoring segment calculation, see the CALCULATION section
-MINIMUM LENGTH OF SEGMENTS: short segments (or even single residues) can be
-hidden by increasing the minimum length of segments which will be displayed.
-DNA MARKING SCALE is used to remove less significant segments from the 
-highlighted display. Increase the scale to display more segments; decrease the
-scale to remove the least significant.
-PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of each
-amino acid to each other. The matrix is used to calculate the sequence-
-weighted profile scores. There are four 'in-built' Log-Odds matrices offered:
-the Gonnet PAM 80, 120, 250, 350 matrices. A more stringent matrix which only
-gives a high score to identities and the most favoured conservative
-substitutions, may be more suitable when the sequences are closely related. For
-more divergent sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give
-a high score to many other frequent substitutions. This  option automatically
-recalculates the low-scoring segments.
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: Two hard-coded matrices are available:
-1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
-of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
-ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.0; all mismatches for IUB symbols score
-2) CLUSTALW(1.6). The previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
-1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0. 
-A new matrix can be read from a file on disk, if the filename consists only
-of lower case characters. The values in the new weight matrix should be
-similarities and should be NEGATIVE for infrequent substitutions.
-INPUT FORMAT. The format used for a new matrix is the same as the BLAST
-program. Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The
-first non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using
-the 1 letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a
-square matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The
-last row and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain
-the minimum score over the whole matrix.
-You can customise the column 'quality scores' plotted underneath the alignment
-display using the following options.
-SCORE PLOT SCALE: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be used to
-change the scale of the quality score plot. 
-RESIDUE EXCEPTION CUTOFF: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be
-used to change the number of residue exceptions which are highlighted in the
-alignment display. (For an explanation of this cutoff, see the CALCULATION OF
-RESIDUE EXCEPTIONS section below.)
-PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
-each amino acid to each other. 
-DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: two hard-coded matrices are available: IUB and CLUSTALW(1.6).
-For more information about the weight matrices, see the help above for
-the Low-scoring Segments Weight Matrix.
-For details of the quality score calculations, see the CALCULATION section
-The low-scoring segment display can be toggled on or off. This option does not
-recalculate the profile scores.
-This option highlights individual residues which score badly in the alignment
-quality calculations. Residues which score exceptionally low are highlighted by
-using a white character on a grey background.
-The quality scores that are plotted underneath the alignment display can also
-be saved in a text file. Each column in the alignment is written on one line in
-the output file, with the value of the quality score at the end of the line.
-Only the sequences currently selected in the display are written to the file.
-One use for quality scores is to color residues in a protein structure by
-sequence conservation. In this way conserved surface residues can be
-highlighted to locate functional regions such as ligand-binding sites.
-Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
-can be written as:
-        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
-        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
-        .
-        .
-        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
-We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
-for aligning residue i with residue j.
-We want to calculate a score for the conservation of the jth position in the
-To do this, we define an R-dimensional sequence space. For the jth position in 
-the alignment, each sequence consists of a single residue which is assigned a
-point S in the space. S has R dimensions, and for sequence i, the rth dimension
-is defined as:
-	Sr =    C(r,Aij)
-We then calculate a consensus value for the jth position in the alignment. This
-value X also has R dimensions, and the rth dimension is defined as:
-	Xr = (   SUM   (Fij * C(i,r)) ) / m
-               1<=i<=R
-where Fij is the count of residues i at position j in the alignment.
-Now we can calculate the distance Di between each sequence i and the consensus 
-position X in the R-dimensional space.
-	Di = SQRT   (   SUM   (Xr - Sr)(Xr - Sr) )
-                      1<=i<=R
-The quality score for the jth position in the alignment is defined as the mean
-of the sequence distances Di.
-The score is normalised by multiplying by the percentage of sequences which
-have residues (and not gaps) at this position.
-The jth residue of the ith sequence is considered as an exception if the
-distance Di of the sequence from the consensus value P is greater than (Upper
-Quartile + Inter Quartile Range * Cutoff). The value used as a cutoff for
-displaying exceptions can be set from the SCORE PARAMETERS menu. A high cutoff
-value will only display very significant exceptions; a low value will allow
-more, less significant, exceptions to be highlighted.
-(NB. Sequences which contain gaps at this position are not included in the
-exception calculation.)
-Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
-can be written as:
-        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
-        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
-        .
-        .
-        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
-We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
-for aligning residue i with residue j.
-We calculate sequence weights by building a neighbour-joining tree, in which
-branch lengths are proportional to divergence. Summing the branches by branch
-ownership provides the weights. See (Thompson et al., CABIOS, 10, 19 (1994) and
-Henikoff et al.,JMB, 243, 574 1994).
-To find the low-scoring segments in a sequence Si, we build a weighted profile
-of the remaining sequences in the alignment. Suppose we find residue r at 
-position j in the sequence; then the score for the jth position in the sequence
-is defined as
-	Score(Si,j) = Profile(j,r)   where Profile(j,r) is the profile score
-                                       for residue r at position j in the
-                                       alignment.
-These residue scores are summed along the sequence in both forward and backward
-directions. If the sum of the scores is positive, then it is reset to zero.
-Segments which score negatively in both directions are considered as 
-'low-scoring' and will be highlighted in the alignment display.
->>HELP 9 <<
-              Command Line Parameters
-                DATA (sequences)
--INFILE=file.ext                             :input sequences
--PROFILE1=file.ext  and  -PROFILE2=file.ext  :profiles (aligned sequences)
-                VERBS (do things)
--OPTIONS	    :list the command line parameters
--HELP  or -CHECK    :outline the command line parameters
--ALIGN              :do full multiple alignment 
--TREE               :calculate NJ tree
--BOOTSTRAP(=n)      :bootstrap a NJ tree (n= number of bootstraps; def. = 1000)
--CONVERT            :output the input sequences in a different file format
-                PARAMETERS (set things)
-***General settings:****
--INTERACTIVE :read command line, then enter normal interactive menus
--QUICKTREE   :use FAST algorithm for the alignment guide tree
--TYPE=       :PROTEIN or DNA sequences
--NEGATIVE    :protein alignment with negative values in matrix
--OUTFILE=    :sequence alignment file name
--CASE=       :LOWER or UPPER (for GDE output only)
--SEQNOS=     :OFF or ON (for Clustal output only)
-***Fast Pairwise Alignments:***
--KTUPLE=n      :word size
--TOPDIAGS=n  :number of best diags.
--WINDOW=n    :window around best diags.
--PAIRGAP=n   :gap penalty
-***Slow Pairwise Alignments:***
--PWMATRIX=    :Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename
--PWDNAMATRIX= :DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename
--PWGAPOPEN=f  :gap opening penalty
--PWGAPEXT=f  :gap opening penalty
-***Multiple Alignments:***
--NEWTREE=    :file for new guide tree
--USETREE=    :file for old guide tree
--MATRIX=     :Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename
--DNAMATRIX=  :DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename
--GAPOPEN=f   :gap opening penalty
--GAPEXT=f  :gap extension penalty
--ENDGAPS     :no end gap separation pen.
--GAPDIST=n   :gap separation pen. range
--NOPGAP      :residue-specific gaps off
--NOHGAP    :hydrophilic gaps off
--HGAPRESIDUES= :list hydrophilic res.
--MAXDIV=n    :% ident. for delay
--TYPE=       :PROTEIN or DNA
--TRANSWEIGHT=f :transitions weighting
-***Profile Alignments:***
--PROFILE      :Merge two alignments by profile alignment
--NEWTREE1=    :file for new guide tree for profile1
--NEWTREE2=    :file for new guide tree for profile2
--USETREE1=    :file for old guide tree for profile1
--USETREE2=    :file for old guide tree for profile2
-***Sequence to Profile Alignments:***
--SEQUENCES   :Sequentially add profile2 sequences to profile1 alignment
--NEWTREE=    :file for new guide tree
--USETREE=    :file for old guide tree
-***Structure Alignments:***
--NOSECSTR1     :do not use secondary structure/gap penalty mask for profile 1 
--NOSECSTR2     :do not use secondary structure/gap penalty mask for profile 2
--SECSTROUT=STRUCTURE or MASK or BOTH or NONE  :output in alignment file
--HELIXGAP=n    :gap penalty for helix core residues 
--STRANDGAP=n   :gap penalty for strand core residues
--LOOPGAP=n     :gap penalty for loop regions
--TERMINALGAP=n :gap penalty for structure termini
--HELIXENDIN=n  :number of residues inside helix to be treated as terminal
--HELIXENDOUT=n :number of residues outside helix to be treated as terminal
--STRANDENDIN=n :number of residues inside strand to be treated as terminal
--STRANDENDOUT=n:number of residues outside strand to be treated as terminal 
--OUTPUTTREE=nj OR phylip OR dist OR nexus
--SEED=n    :seed number for bootstraps
--KIMURA      :use Kimura's correction
--TOSSGAPS  :ignore positions with gaps
--BOOTLABELS=node OR branch :position of bootstrap values in tree display
->>HELP R <<
-                             References
-The ClustalX program is described in the manuscript:
-Thompson,J.D., Gibson,T.J., Plewniak,F., Jeanmougin,F. and Higgins,D.G. (1997)
-The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence 
-alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research, 25:4876-4882.
-The ClustalW program is described in the manuscript:
-Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G. and Gibson, T.J. (1994) CLUSTAL W: improving the
-sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence
-weighting, positions-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice.  Nucleic
-Acids Research, 22:4673-4680.
-The ClustalV program is described in the manuscript:
-Higgins,D.G., Bleasby,A.J. and Fuchs,R. (1992) CLUSTAL V: improved software for
-multiple sequence alignment. CABIOS 8,189-191.
-The original Clustal program is described in the manuscripts:
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1989) Fast and sensitive multiple sequence
-alignments on a microcomputer.
-CABIOS 5,151-153.
-Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1988) CLUSTAL: a package for performing multiple
-sequence alignment on a microcomputer. Gene 73,237-244.
-Some tips on using Clustal X:
-Jeanmougin,F., Thompson,J.D., Gouy,M., Higgins,D.G. and Gibson,T.J. (1998)
-Multiple sequence alignment with Clustal X. Trends Biochem Sci, 23, 403-5.
-Some tips on using Clustal W:
-Higgins, D. G., Thompson, J. D. and Gibson, T. J. (1996) Using CLUSTAL for
-multiple sequence alignments. Methods Enzymol., 266, 383-402.
-You can get the latest version of the ClustalX program by anonymous ftp to:
-Or, have a look at the following WWW site:

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/coldna.par
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/coldna.par	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/coldna.par	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# color lookup table - this is optional, if no rgbindex is specified, 8
-# hardcoded colors will be used.
-# A maximum of 16 colors can be specified - any more will be ignored!
- at rgbindex
-RED          0.9 0.2 0.1
-BLUE         0.1 0.5 0.9
-GREEN        0.1 0.8 0.1
-ORANGE       0.9 0.6 0.3
- at color
-a = RED
-c = BLUE
-t = GREEN
-u = GREEN

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/colprint.par
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/colprint.par	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/colprint.par	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-WHITE        1.0 1.0 1.0
-YELLOW       1.0 1.0 0.0
-VIOLET       0.4 0.1 0.9
-RED          0.9 0.5 0.4
-BLUE         0.4 0.9 0.9
-PURPLE       0.7 0.6 0.9
-BLACK        0.0 0.0 0.0
-GREY         0.6 0.7 0.7
-PINK         0.8 0.3 0.8
-ORANGE       0.9 0.7 0.3
-CYAN         0.1 0.7 0.7
-PINK         0.9 0.5 0.5
-MAGENTA      0.8 0.3 0.8
-ORANGE       0.9 0.6 0.3

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/colprot.par
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/colprot.par	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/colprot.par	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# color lookup table - this is optional, if no rgbindex is specified, 8
-# hardcoded colors will be used.
-# A maximum of 16 colors can be specified - any more will be ignored!
- at rgbindex
-RED          0.9 0.2 0.1
-BLUE         0.1 0.5 0.9
-GREEN        0.1 0.8 0.1
-CYAN         0.1 0.7 0.7
-PINK         0.9 0.5 0.5
-MAGENTA      0.8 0.3 0.8
-YELLOW       0.8 0.8 0.0
-ORANGE       0.9 0.6 0.3
- at consensus
-% = 60% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
-# = 80% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
-- = 50% e:d
-+ = 60% k:r
-g = 50% g
-n = 50% n
-q = 50% q:e
-p = 50% p
-t = 50% t:s
-A = 85% a
-C = 85% c
-D = 85% d
-E = 85% e
-F = 85% f
-G = 85% g
-H = 85% h
-I = 85% i
-K = 85% k
-L = 85% l
-M = 85% m
-N = 85% n
-P = 85% p
-Q = 85% q
-R = 85% r
-S = 85% s
-T = 85% t
-V = 85% v
-W = 85% w
-Y = 85% y
- at color
-t = GREEN if t:S:T:%:#
-s = GREEN if t:S:T:#
-n = GREEN if n:N:D
-q = GREEN if q:Q:E:+:K:R
-w = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
-l = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
-v = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
-i = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
-m = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
-a = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p:T:S:s:G
-f = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
-c = BLUE if %:#:A:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:S:P:p
-c = PINK if C
-h = CYAN if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
-y = CYAN if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
-e = MAGENTA if -:D:E:q:Q
-d = MAGENTA if -:D:E:n:N
-k = RED if +:K:R:Q
-r = RED if +:K:R:Q

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/dayhoff.h
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/dayhoff.h	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/dayhoff.h	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-   Table of estimated PAMS (actual no. of substitutions per 100 residues)
-   for a range of observed amino acid distances from 75.0% (the first entry
-   in the array), in 0.1% increments, up to 93.0%.  
-   These values are used to correct for multiple hits in protein alignments.  
-   The values below are for observed distances above 74.9%.  For values above 
-   93%, an arbitrary value of 1000 PAMS (1000% substitution) is used.  
-   These values are derived from a Dayhoff model (1978) of amino acid 
-   substitution and assume average amino acid composition and that amino 
-   acids replace each other at the same rate as in the original Dayhoff model.
-   Up to 75% observed distance, use Kimura's emprical formula to derive
-   the correction.  For 75% or greater, use this table.  Kimura's formula
-   is accurate up to about 75% and fails completely above 85%.
-int dayhoff_pams[]={
-  195,   /* 75.0% observed d; 195 PAMs estimated = 195% estimated d */
-  196,   /* 75.1% observed d; 196 PAMs estimated */
-                  197,    198,    199,    200,    200,    201,    202,  203,    
-  204,    205,    206,    207,    208,    209,    209,    210,    211,  212,    
-  213,    214,    215,    216,    217,    218,    219,    220,    221,  222,    
-  223,    224,    226,    227,    228,    229,    230,    231,    232,  233,    
-  234,    236,    237,    238,    239,    240,    241,    243,    244,  245,    
-  246,    248,    249,    250,    /* 250 PAMs = 80.3% observed d */          
-                                  252,    253,    254,    255,    257,  258,    
-  260,    261,    262,    264,    265,    267,    268,    270,    271,  273,    
-  274,    276,    277,    279,    281,    282,    284,    285,    287,  289,    
-  291,    292,    294,    296,    298,    299,    301,    303,    305,  307,    
-  309,    311,    313,    315,    317,    319,    321,    323,    325,  328,    
-  330,    332,    335,    337,    339,    342,    344,    347,    349,  352,    
-  354,    357,    360,    362,    365,    368,    371,    374,    377,  380,    
-  383,    386,    389,    393,    396,    399,    403,    407,    410,  414,    
-  418,    422,    426,    430,    434,    438,    442,    447,    451,  456,    
-  461,    466,    471,    476,    482,    487,    493,    498,    504,  511,    
-  517,    524,    531,    538,    545,    553,    560,    569,    577,  586,    
-  595,    605,    615,    626,    637,    649,    661,    675,    688,  703,    
-  719,    736,    754,    775,    796,    819,    845,    874,    907,  945,
-         /* 92.9% observed; 945 PAMs */    
-  988    /* 93.0% observed; 988 PAMs */

Property changes on: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian
Name: mergeWithUpstream
   + 1

Modified: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/changelog	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/changelog	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
   * Debian Menu transition: Apps/Science becomes Applications/Science/Biology.
   * Fixed a typo in clustalw.menu (Closes: #428518)
   * Updated Steffen's email adress.
+  * Using quilt to manage the changes to the sources.
- -- Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam at plessy.org>  Sun, 12 Aug 2007 22:19:19 +0900
+ -- Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam at plessy.org>  Sun, 12 Aug 2007 23:06:39 +0900
 clustalw (1.83-1.2) unstable; urgency=high

Modified: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/control
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/control	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/control	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian-Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Steffen Moeller <moeller at debian.org>, Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam at plessy.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), ncbi-tools6-dev, libvibrant6-dev, lesstif2-dev
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), ncbi-tools6-dev, libvibrant6-dev, lesstif2-dev, quilt
 Standards-Version: 3.7.2
 XS-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-med/trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/
 XS-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk/packages/clustalw

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/amenu.c.patch
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/amenu.c.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/amenu.c.patch	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+Index: clustalw-1.83/amenu.c
+--- clustalw-1.83.orig/amenu.c
++++ clustalw-1.83/amenu.c
+@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n");
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"     X. EXIT (leave program)\n\n\n");
+-		getstr("Your choice",lin1);
++		getstr("Your choice",MAXLINE+1,lin1);
+ 		switch(toupper(*lin1)) {
+ 			case '1': seq_input(FALSE);
+@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
+         fprintf(stdout,"    H.  HELP\n");
+         fprintf(stdout,"    or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu\n\n\n");
+-        getstr("Your choice",lin1);
++        getstr("Your choice",MAXLINE+1,lin1);
+         if(*lin1 == EOS) return;
+         switch(toupper(*lin1))
+@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
+         fprintf(stdout,"    H.  HELP\n");
+         fprintf(stdout,"    or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu\n\n\n");
+-        getstr("Your choice",lin1);
++        getstr("Your choice",MAXLINE+1,lin1);
+         if(*lin1 == EOS) return;
+         switch(toupper(*lin1))
+@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");
+-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
++		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+ 		if( *lin2 == EOS) { 
+ 			return;
+ 		}
+@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
+                 fprintf(stdout,"--\n");
+-                getstr("\n\nEnter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
++                getstr("\n\nEnter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+                 if(*lin2 == EOS) return(output_struct_penalties);
+         	switch(toupper(*lin2))
+@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@
+         fprintf(stdout,"    H.  HELP\n");
+         fprintf(stdout,"    or press [RETURN] to go back to main menu\n\n\n");
+-        getstr("Your choice",lin1);
++        getstr("Your choice",MAXLINE+1,lin1);
+         if(*lin1 == EOS) return;
+         switch(toupper(*lin1))
+@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@
+ 	fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+ 	fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");	
+-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
++		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+ 		if(*lin2 == EOS) return;
+ 		switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
+@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@
+ 	fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+ 	fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");	
+-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
++		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+ 		if(*lin2 == EOS) return;
+ 		switch(toupper(*lin2)) {
+@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");
+-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
++		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+ 		if( *lin2 == EOS) {
+                         if(dnaflag) {
+                                 dna_pw_go_penalty     = pw_go_penalty;
+@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@
+                 fprintf(stdout,"     8. Protein Gap Parameters\n\n");
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");		
+-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
++		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+ 		if(*lin2 == EOS) {
+ 			if(dnaflag) {
+@@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"     5. Toggle End Gap Separation         :%s\n\n",(!use_endgaps) ? "OFF" : "ON");
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"     H. HELP\n\n\n");		
+-		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
++		getstr("Enter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+ 		if(*lin2 == EOS) return;
+@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@
+ 			case '3':
+ 				fprintf(stdout,"Hydrophilic Residues Currently: %s\n",hyd_residues);
+-				getstr("Enter residues (or [RETURN] to quit)",lin1);
++				getstr("Enter residues (or [RETURN] to quit)",MAXLINE+1,lin1);
+                                 if (*lin1 != EOS) {
+                                         for (i=0;i<strlen(hyd_residues) && i<26;i++) {
+                                         c = lin1[i];
+@@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@
+                 fprintf(stdout,"--\n");
+-                getstr("\n\nEnter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",lin2);
++                getstr("\n\nEnter number (or [RETURN] to exit)",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+                 if(*lin2 == EOS) return(matn);
+                 i=toupper(*lin2)-'0';
+@@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@
+ 	fprintf(stdout,"\n%s\n",title);
+ 	strcpy(line,prompt);
+ 	strcat(line, "(y/n) ? [y]");
+-	getstr(line,lin2);
++	getstr(line,MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+ 	if ((*lin2 != 'n') && (*lin2 != 'N'))
+ 		return('y');
+ 	else

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustal-help.patch
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustal-help.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustal-help.patch	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Index: clustalw-1.83/clustalw.c
+--- clustalw-1.83.orig/clustalw.c
++++ clustalw-1.83/clustalw.c
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+ #ifdef MSDOS
+         char *help_file_name = "clustalw.hlp";
+ #else
+-        char *help_file_name = "clustalw_help";
++        char *help_file_name = "/usr/share/clustalw/clustalw_help";
+ #endif
+ sint max_names; /* maximum length of names in current alignment file */
+Index: clustalw-1.83/clustalx.c
+--- clustalw-1.83.orig/clustalx.c
++++ clustalw-1.83/clustalx.c
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+ #ifdef MSDOS
+         char *help_file_name = "clustalx.hlp";
+ #else
+-        char *help_file_name = "clustalx_help";
++        char *help_file_name = "/usr/share/clustalw/clustalx_help";
+ #endif
+ sint max_names; /* maximum length of names in current alignment file */

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustalw.h.patch
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustalw.h.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustalw.h.patch	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: clustalw-1.83/clustalw.h
+--- clustalw-1.83.orig/clustalw.h
++++ clustalw-1.83/clustalw.h
+@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
+ char *blank_to_(char *str);
+ char *upstr(char *str);
+ char *lowstr(char *str);
+-void getstr(char *instr, char *outstr);
++void getstr(char *instr, int n, char *outstr);
+ double getreal(char *instr, double minx, double maxx, double def);
+ int getint(char *instr, int minx, int maxx, int def);
+ void do_system(void);

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustalx.html.patch
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustalx.html.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustalx.html.patch	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,2123 @@
+Index: clustalw-1.83/clustalx.html
+--- clustalw-1.83.orig/clustalx.html
++++ clustalw-1.83/clustalx.html
+@@ -2029,6 +2029,2118 @@
+ <P>
+ Thompson,J.D., Gibson,T.J., Plewniak,F., Jeanmougin,F. and Higgins,D.G. (1997)
+ The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence 
++alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research, 24:4876-4882.
++The ClustalW program is described in the manuscript:
++Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G. and Gibson, T.J. (1994) CLUSTAL W: improving the
++sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence
++weighting, positions-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice.  Nucleic
++Acids Research, 22:4673-4680.
++The ClustalV program is described in the manuscript:
++Higgins,D.G., Bleasby,A.J. and Fuchs,R. (1992) CLUSTAL V: improved software for
++multiple sequence alignment. CABIOS 8,189-191.
++The original Clustal program is described in the manuscripts:
++Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1989) Fast and sensitive multiple sequence
++alignments on a microcomputer.
++CABIOS 5,151-153.
++Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1988) CLUSTAL: a package for performing multiple
++sequence alignment on a microcomputer. Gene 73,237-244.
++Some tips on using Clustal X:
++Jeannmougin,F., Thompson,J.D., Gouy,M., Higgins,D.G. and Gibson,T.J. (1998)
++Multiple sequence alignment with Clustal X. Trends Biochem Sci, 23, 403-5.
++Some tips on using Clustal W:
++Higgins, D. G., Thompson, J. D. and Gibson, T. J. (1996) Using CLUSTAL for
++multiple sequence alignments. Methods Enzymol., 266, 383-402.
++You can get the latest version of the ClustalX program by anonymous ftp to:
++Or, have a look at the following WWW site:
++<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
++<TITLE>ClustalX Help</TITLE>
++<BODY BGCOLOR=white>
++<CENTER><H1>ClustalX Help</H1></CENTER>
++You can get the latest version of the ClustalX program here:
++<A HREF="ftp://ftp-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/ClustalX/">
++<P>For full details of usage and algorithms, please read the <A HREF="clustalw.doc"><EM>ClustalW.Doc</EM></A> file.</P>
++Toby  Gibson                         EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.
++Des   Higgins                        UCC, Cork, Ireland.
++Julie Thompson/Francois Jeanmougin   IGBMC, Strasbourg, France.
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="Index">Index</A></H2></CENTER>
++<LI><A HREF="#G">                      General help for CLUSTAL X (1.8)
++<LI><A HREF="#F">                      Input / Output Files 
++<LI><A HREF="#E">                          Editing Alignments
++<LI><A HREF="#M">                          Multiple Alignments
++<LI><A HREF="#P">                   Profile and Structure Alignments
++<LI><A HREF="#B">            Secondary Structure / Gap Penalty Masks
++<LI><A HREF="#T">                            Phylogenetic Trees
++<LI><A HREF="#C">                               Colors
++<LI><A HREF="#Q">                       Alignment Quality Analysis
++<LI><A HREF="#9">              Command Line Parameters
++<LI><A HREF="#R">                             References
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="G">                      General help for CLUSTAL X (1.8)
++Clustal X is a windows interface for the ClustalW multiple sequence alignment
++program. It provides an integrated environment for performing multiple sequence
++and profile alignments and analysing the results. The sequence alignment is
++displayed in a window on the screen. A versatile coloring scheme has been
++incorporated allowing you to highlight conserved features  in the alignment.
++The pull-down menus at the top of the window allow you to select all the
++options required for traditional multiple sequence and profile alignment.
++You can cut-and-paste sequences to change the order of the alignment; you can
++select a subset of sequences to be aligned; you can select a sub-range of the
++alignment to be realigned and inserted back into the original alignment.
++Alignment quality analysis can be performed and low-scoring segments or
++exceptional residues can be highlighted.
++ClustalX is available for a number of different platforms including: SUN
++Solaris, IRIX5.3 on Silicon Graphics, Digital UNIX on DECStations, Microsoft
++Windows (32 bit) for PC's, Linux ELF for x86 PC's and Macintosh PowerMac. (See
++the README file for Installation instructions.)
++Sequences and profiles (a term for pre-existing alignments) are input using 
++the FILE menu. Invalid options will be disabled. All sequences must be included
++into 1 file. 7 formats are automatically recognised: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT,
++Pearson (Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9 RSF and GDE flat file.
++All non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation marks) are ignored
++except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).  
++Clustal X has two modes which can be selected using the switch directly above
++To do a MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT on a set of sequences, make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT
++MODE is selected. A single sequence data area is then displayed. The ALIGNMENT
++menu then allows you to either produce a guide tree for the alignment, or to do
++a multiple alignment following the guide tree, or to do a full multiple
++In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, two sequence data areas are displayed, allowing you
++to align 2 alignments (termed profiles). Profiles are also used to add a new
++sequence to an old alignment, or to use secondary structure to guide the
++alignment process. GAPS in the old alignments are indicated using the "-" 
++character. PROFILES can be input in ANY of the allowed formats; just  use "-"
++(or "." for MSF/RSF) for each gap position. In Profile Alignment Mode, a button
++"Lock Scroll" is displayed which allows you to scroll the two profiles together
++using a single scroll bar. When the Lock Scroll is turned off, the two profiles
++can be scrolled independently.
++Phylogenetic trees can be calculated from old alignments (read in with "-"
++characters to indicate gaps) OR after a multiple alignment while the alignment
++is still displayed.
++The alignment is displayed on the screen with the sequence names on the left
++hand side. The sequence alignment is for display only, it cannot be edited here
++(except for changing the sequence order by cutting-and-pasting on the sequence
++A ruler is displayed below the sequences, starting at 1 for the first residue
++position (residue numbers in the sequence input file are ignored).
++A line above the alignment is used to mark strongly conserved positions. Three
++characters ('*', ':' and '.') are used:
++'*' indicates positions which have a single, fully conserved residue
++':' indicates that one of the following 'strong' groups is fully conserved:-
++                 STA  
++                 NEQK  
++                 NHQK  
++                 NDEQ  
++                 QHRK  
++                 MILV  
++                 MILF  
++                 HY  
++                 FYW  
++'.' indicates that one of the following 'weaker' groups is fully conserved:-
++                 CSA  
++                 ATV  
++                 SAG  
++                 STNK  
++                 STPA  
++                 SGND  
++                 SNDEQK  
++                 NDEQHK  
++                 NEQHRK  
++                 FVLIM  
++                 HFY  
++These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in the Gonnet Pam250
++matrix. The strong and weak groups are defined as strong score >0.5 and weak
++score =<0.5 respectively.
++For profile alignments, secondary structure and gap penalty masks are displayed
++above the sequences, if any data is found in the profile input file.
++<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="F">                      Input / Output Files 
++LOAD SEQUENCES reads sequences from one of 7 file formats, replacing any
++sequences that are already loaded. All sequences must be in 1 file. The formats
++that are automatically recognised are: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT, Pearson
++(Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9/RSF and GDE flat file.  All
++non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation  marks) are ignored
++except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).
++The program tries to automatically recognise the different file formats used
++and to guess whether the sequences are amino acid or nucleotide.  This is not
++always foolproof.
++FASTA and NBRF/PIR formats are recognised by having a ">" as the first 
++character in the file.  
++EMBL/Swiss Prot formats are recognised by the letters "ID" at the start of the
++file (the token for the entry name field).  
++CLUSTAL format is recognised by the word CLUSTAL at the beginning of the file.
++GCG/MSF format is recognised by one of the following:
++       - the word PileUp at the start of the file.
++         at the start of the file.
++       - the word MSF on the first line of the file, and the characters ..
++         at the end of this line.
++GCG/RSF format is recognised by the word !!RICH_SEQUENCE at the beginning of
++the file.
++If 85% or more of the characters in the sequence are from A,C,G,T,U or N, the
++sequence will be assumed to be nucleotide.  This works in 97.3% of cases but
++watch out!
++APPEND SEQUENCES is only valid in MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE. The input sequences
++do not replace those already loaded, but are appended at the end of the
++SAVE SEQUENCES AS... offers the user a choice of one of six output formats:
++CLUSTAL, NBRF/PIR, GCG/MSF, PHYLIP, NEXUS or GDE. All sequences are written
++to a single file. Options are available to save a range of the alignment, 
++switch between UPPER/LOWER case for GDE files, and to output SEQUENCE NUMBERING
++for CLUSTAL files.
++LOAD PROFILE 1 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
++sequences already loaded as Profile 1. This option will also remove any
++sequences which are loaded in Profile 2.
++LOAD PROFILE 2 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
++sequences already loaded as Profile 2.
++SAVE PROFILE 1 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
++those sequences in Profile 1 will be written to the output file.
++SAVE PROFILE 2 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
++those sequences in Profile 2 will be written to the output file.
++WRITE ALIGNMENT AS POSTSCRIPT will write the sequence display to a postscript
++format file. This will include any secondary structure / gap penalty mask 
++information and the consensus and ruler lines which are displayed on the
++screen. The Alignment Quality curve can be optionally included in the output
++except that only the profile 1 display will be printed.
++except that only the profile 2 display will be printed.
++A number of options are available to allow you to configure your postscript
++output file.
++The exact RGB values required to reproduce the colors used in the alignment
++window will vary from printer to printer. A PS colors file can be specified
++that contains the RGB values for all the colors required by each of your
++postscript printers.
++By default, Clustal X looks for a file called 'colprint.par' in the current
++directory (if your running under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory,
++and finally in the directories in your PATH environment variable). If no PS
++colors file is found or a color used on the screen is not defined here, the
++screen RGB values (from the Color Parameter File) are used.
++The PS colors file consists of one line for each color to be defined, with the
++color name followed by the RGB values (on a scale of 0 to 1). For example,
++RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
++Blank lines and comments (lines beginning with a '#' character) are ignored.
++PAGE SIZE:  The alignment can be displayed on either A4, A3 or US Letter size
++ORIENTATION: The alignment can be displayed on either a landscape or portrait
++PRINT HEADER: An optional header including the postscript filename, and
++creation date can be printed at the top of each page.
++PRINT QUALITY CURVE: The Alignment Quality curve which is displayed underneath
++the alignment on the screen can be included in the postscript output.
++PRINT RULER: The ruler which is displayed underneath the alignment on the 
++screen can be included in the postscript output.
++PRINT RESIDUE NUMBERS: Sequence residue numbers can be printed at the right
++hand side of the alignment.
++RESIZE TO FIT PAGE: By default, the alignment is scaled to fit the page size
++selected. This option can be turned off, in which case a font size of 10 will
++be used for the sequences.
++PRINT FROM POSITION/TO: A range of the alignment can be printed. The default
++is to print the full alignment. The first and last residues to be printed are
++specified here.
++USE BLOCK LENGTH: The alignment can be divided into blocks of residues. The
++number of residues in a block is specified here. More than one block may then
++be printed on a single page. This is useful for long alignments of a small
++number of sequences. If the block length is set to 0, The alignment will not
++be divided into blocks, but printed across a number of pages.
++<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="E">                          Editing Alignments
++Clustal X allows you to change the order of the sequences in the alignment, by
++cutting-and-pasting the sequence names.
++To select a group of sequences to be moved, click on a sequence name and drag
++the cursor until all the required sequences are highlighted. Holding down the
++Shift key when clicking on the first name will add new sequences to those
++already selected.
++(Options are provided to Select All Sequences, Select Profile 1 or Select 
++Profile 2.)
++The selected sequences can be removed from the alignment by using the EDIT
++menu, CUT option.
++To add the cut sequences back into an alignment, select a sequence by clicking
++on the sequence name. The cut sequences will be added to the alignment,
++immediately following the selected sequence, by the EDIT menu, PASTE option.
++To add the cut sequences to an empty alignment (eg. when cutting sequences from
++Profile 1 and pasting them to Profile 2), click on the empty sequence name
++display area, and select the EDIT menu, PASTE option as before.
++The sequence selection and sequence range selection can be cleared using the
++To search for a string of residues in the sequences, select the sequences to be
++searched by clicking on the sequence names. You can then enter the string to
++search for by selecting the SEARCH FOR STRING option. If the string is found in
++any of the sequences selected, the sequence name and column number is printed
++below the sequence display.
++In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, the two profiles can be merged (normally done after
++alignment) by selecting ADD PROFILE 2 TO PROFILE 1. The sequences currently
++displayed as Profile 2 will be appended to Profile 1. 
++The REMOVE ALL GAPS option will remove all gaps from the sequences currently
++WARNING: This option removes ALL gaps, not only those introduced by ClustalX,
++but also those that were read from the input alignment file. Any secondary
++structure information associated with the alignment will NOT be automatically
++The REMOVE GAP-ONLY COLUMNS will remove those positions in the alignment which
++contain gaps in all sequences. This can occur as a result of removing divergent
++sequences from an alignment, or if an alignment has been realigned.
++<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="M">                          Multiple Alignments
++Make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
++the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do multiple
++Multiple alignments are carried out in 3 stages:
++1) all sequences are compared to each other (pairwise alignments);
++2) a dendrogram (like a phylogenetic tree) is constructed, describing the
++approximate groupings of the sequences by similarity (stored in a file).
++3) the final multiple alignment is carried out, using the dendrogram as a guide.
++The 3 stages are carried out automatically by the DO COMPLETE ALIGNMENT option.
++You can skip the first stages (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
++guide tree file (DO ALIGNMENT FROM GUIDE TREE); or you can just produce the
++guide tree with no final multiple alignment (PRODUCE GUIDE TREE ONLY).
++REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCES is used to realign badly aligned sequences in the
++alignment. Sequences can be selected by clicking on the sequence names - see
++Editing Alignments for more details. The unselected sequences are then 'fixed'
++and a profile is made including only the unselected sequences. Each of the
++selected sequences in turn is then realigned to this profile. The realigned
++sequences will be displayed as a group at the end the alignment.
++REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCE RANGE is used to realign a small region of the 
++alignment. A residue range can be selected by clicking on the sequence display
++area. A multiple alignment is then performed, following the 3 stages described
++above, but only using the selected residue range. Finally the new alignment of
++the range is pasted back into the full sequence alignment.
++By default, gap penalties are used at each end of the subrange in order to 
++penalise terminal gaps. If the REALIGN SEGMENT END GAP PENALTIES option is
++switched off, gaps can be introduced at the ends of the residue range at no
++ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS displays a sub-menu with the following options:
++RESET NEW GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove any new gaps introduced into the
++sequences during multiple alignment if you wish to change the parameters and
++try again. This only takes effect just before you do a second multiple
++alignment. You can make phylogenetic trees after alignment whether or not this
++is ON. If you turn this OFF, the new gaps are kept even if you do a second
++multiple alignment. This allows you to iterate the alignment gradually.
++Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a second or third pass.
++RESET ALL GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove all gaps in the sequences including
++gaps which were read in from the sequence input file. This only takes effect
++just before you do a second multiple alignment.  You can make phylogenetic
++trees after alignment whether or not this is ON.  If you turn this OFF, all
++gaps are kept even if you do a second multiple alignment. This allows you to
++iterate the alignment gradually.  Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a
++second or third pass.
++PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the speed/sensitivity of the initial
++MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the gaps in the final multiple
++PROTEIN GAP PARAMETERS displays a temporary window which allows you to set
++various parameters only used in the alignment of protein sequences.
++(SECONDARY STRUCTURE PARAMETERS, for use with the Profile Alignment Mode only,
++allows you to set various parameters only used with gap penalty masks.)
++SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
++filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
++You can choose from 6 different alignment formats (CLUSTAL, GCG, NBRF/PIR,
++PHYLIP, GDE and NEXUS).  You can choose more than one (or all 6 if you wish).  
++CLUSTAL format output is a self explanatory alignment format. It shows the
++sequences aligned in blocks. It can be read in again at a later date to (for
++example) calculate a phylogenetic tree or add in new sequences by profile
++GCG output can be used by any of the GCG programs that can work on multiple
++alignments (e.g. PRETTY, PROFILEMAKE, PLOTALIGN). It is the same as the GCG
++.msf format files (multiple sequence file); new in version 7 of GCG.
++NEXUS format is used by several phylogeny programs, including PAUP and
++PHYLIP format output can be used for input to the PHYLIP package of Joe 
++Felsenstein.  This is a very widely used package for doing every imaginable
++form of phylogenetic analysis (MUCH more than the the modest introduction
++offered by this program).
++NBRF/PIR: this is the same as the standard PIR format with ONE ADDITION. Gap
++characters "-" are used to indicate the positions of gaps in the multiple 
++alignment. These files can be re-used as input in any part of clustal that
++allows sequences (or alignments or profiles) to be read in.  
++GDE:  this format is used by the GDE package of Steven Smith and is understood
++by SEQLAB in GCG 9 or later.
++GDE OUTPUT CASE: sequences in GDE format may be written in either upper or
++lower case.
++CLUSTALW SEQUENCE NUMBERS: residue numbers may be added to the end of the
++alignment lines in clustalw format.
++OUTPUT ORDER is used to control the order of the sequences in the output
++alignments. By default, it uses the order in which the sequences were aligned
++(from the guide tree/dendrogram), thus automatically grouping closely related
++sequences. It can be switched to be the same as the original input order.
++PARAMETER OUTPUT: This option will save all your parameter settings in a
++parameter file (suffix .par) during alignment. The file can be subsequently
++used to rerun ClustalW using the same parameters.
++A distance is calculated between every pair of sequences and these are used to
++construct the phylogenetic tree which guides the final multiple alignment. The
++scores are calculated from separate pairwise alignments. These can be
++calculated using 2 methods: dynamic programming (slow but accurate) or by the
++method of Wilbur and Lipman (extremely fast but approximate).   
++You can choose between the 2 alignment methods using the PAIRWISE ALIGNMENTS
++option. The slow/accurate method is fast enough for short sequences but will be
++VERY SLOW for many (e.g. >100) long (e.g. >1000 residue) sequences.   
++SLOW-ACCURATE alignment parameters:
++These parameters do not have any affect on the speed of the alignments. They
++are used to give initial alignments which are then rescored to give percent
++identity scores. These % scores are the ones which are displayed on the 
++screen. The scores are converted to distances for the trees.
++Gap Open Penalty:      the penalty for opening a gap in the alignment.
++Gap Extension Penalty: the penalty for extending a gap by 1 residue.
++Protein Weight Matrix: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
++each amino acid to each other.
++Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
++DNA weight matrix: the scores assigned to matches and mismatches (including
++IUB ambiguity codes).
++Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
++See the Multiple alignment parameters, MATRIX option below for details of the
++matrix input format.
++FAST-APPROXIMATE alignment parameters:
++These similarity scores are calculated from fast, approximate, global align-
++ments, which are controlled by 4 parameters. 2 techniques are used to make
++these alignments very fast: 1) only exactly matching fragments (k-tuples) are
++considered; 2) only the 'best' diagonals (the ones with most k-tuple matches)
++are used.
++GAP PENALTY:   This is a penalty for each gap in the fast alignments. It has
++little effect on the speed or sensitivity except for extreme values.
++K-TUPLE SIZE:  This is the size of exactly matching fragment that is used. 
++INCREASE for speed (max= 2 for proteins; 4 for DNA), DECREASE for sensitivity.
++For longer sequences (e.g. >1000 residues) you may wish to increase the
++TOP DIAGONALS: The number of k-tuple matches on each diagonal (in an imaginary
++dot-matrix plot) is calculated. Only the best ones (with most matches) are used
++in the alignment. This parameter specifies how many. Decrease for speed;
++increase for sensitivity.
++WINDOW SIZE:  This is the number of diagonals around each of the 'best' 
++diagonals that will be used. Decrease for speed; increase for sensitivity.
++These parameters control the final multiple alignment. This is the core of the
++program and the details are complicated. To fully understand the use of the
++parameters and the scoring system, you will have to refer to the documentation.
++Each step in the final multiple alignment consists of aligning two alignments 
++or sequences. This is done progressively, following the branching order in the
++GUIDE TREE. The basic parameters to control this are two gap penalties and the
++scores for various identical/non-indentical residues. 
++The GAP OPENING and EXTENSION PENALTIES can be set here. These control the 
++cost of opening up every new gap and the cost of every item in a gap.  
++Increasing the gap opening penalty will make gaps less frequent. Increasing 
++the gap extension penalty will make gaps shorter. Terminal gaps are not 
++The DELAY DIVERGENT SEQUENCES switch delays the alignment of the most distantly
++related sequences until after the most closely related sequences have  been
++aligned. The setting shows the percent identity level required to delay the
++addition of a sequence; sequences that are less identical than this level to
++any other sequences will be aligned later.
++The TRANSITION WEIGHT gives transitions (A<-->G or C<-->T i.e. purine-purine or
++pyrimidine-pyrimidine substitutions) a weight between 0 and 1; a weight of zero
++means that the transitions are scored as mismatches, while a weight of 1 gives
++the transitions the match score. For distantly related DNA sequences, the
++weight should be near to zero; for closely related sequences it can be useful
++to assign a higher score. The default is set to 0.5.
++The PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to choose a series of weight
++matrices. For protein alignments, you use a weight matrix to determine the
++similarity of non-identical amino acids. For example, Tyr aligned with Phe is
++usually judged to be 'better' than Tyr aligned with Pro.
++There are three 'in-built' series of weight matrices offered. Each consists of
++several matrices which work differently at different evolutionary distances. To
++see the exact details, read the documentation. Crudely, we store several
++matrices in memory, spanning the full range of amino acid distance (from almost
++identical sequences to highly divergent ones). For very similar sequences, it
++is best to use a strict weight matrix which only gives a high score to
++identities and the most favoured conservative substitutions. For more divergent
++sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give a high score
++to many other frequent substitutions.
++1) BLOSUM (Henikoff). These matrices appear to be the best available for 
++carrying out data base similarity (homology searches). The matrices currently
++used are: Blosum 80, 62, 45 and 30. BLOSUM was the default in earlier Clustal X
++2) PAM (Dayhoff). These have been extremely widely used since the late '70s. We
++currently use the PAM 20, 60, 120, 350 matrices.
++3) GONNET. These matrices were derived using almost the same procedure as the
++Dayhoff one (above) but are much more up to date and are based on a far larger
++data set. They appear to be more sensitive than the Dayhoff series. We
++currently use the GONNET 80, 120, 160, 250 and 350 matrices. This series is the
++default for Clustal X version 1.8.
++We also supply an identity matrix which gives a score of 10 to two identical 
++amino acids and a score of zero otherwise. This matrix is not very useful.
++Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison matrix from a file.
++This can be either a single matrix or a series of matrices (see below for
++DNA WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to select a single matrix (not a series)
++used for aligning nucleic acid sequences. Two hard-coded matrices are available:
++1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
++of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
++ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.9; all mismatches for IUB symbols score 0.
++2) CLUSTALW(1.6). A previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
++1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0.
++Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a nucleic acid comparison matrix from a
++file (just one matrix, not a series).
++The format used for a single matrix is the same as the BLAST program. The
++scores in the new weight matrix should be similarities. You can use negative as
++well as positive values if you wish, although the matrix will be automatically
++adjusted to all positive scores, unless the NEGATIVE MATRIX option is selected.
++Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The first
++non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using the 1
++letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a square
++matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The last row
++and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain the minimum
++score over the whole matrix.
++ClustalX uses different matrices depending on the mean percent identity of the
++sequences to be aligned. You can specify a series of matrices and the range of
++the percent identity for each matrix in a matrix series file. The file is
++automatically recognised by the word CLUSTAL_SERIES at the beginning of the
++file. Each matrix in the series is then specified on one line which should
++start with the word MATRIX. This is followed by the lower and upper limits of
++the sequence percent identities for which you want to apply the matrix. The
++final entry on the matrix line is the filename of a Blast format matrix file
++(see above for details of the single matrix file format).
++MATRIX 81 100 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum80
++MATRIX 61 80 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum62
++MATRIX 31 60 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum45
++MATRIX 0 30 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum30
++RESIDUE SPECIFIC PENALTIES are amino acid specific gap penalties that reduce or
++increase the gap opening penalties at each position in the alignment or 
++sequence. See the documentation for details. As an example, positions that are
++rich in glycine are more likely to have an adjacent gap than positions that are
++rich in valine.
++HYDROPHILIC GAP PENALTIES are used to increase the chances of a gap within a
++run (5 or more residues) of hydrophilic amino acids; these are likely to be
++loop or random coil regions where gaps are more common. The residues that are
++"considered" to be hydrophilic can be entered in HYDROPHILIC RESIDUES.
++GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE tries to decrease the chances of gaps being too close
++to each other. Gaps that are less than this distance apart are penalised more
++than other gaps. This does not prevent close gaps; it makes them less frequent,
++promoting a block-like appearance of the alignment.
++END GAP SEPARATION treats end gaps just like internal gaps for the purposes of
++avoiding gaps that are too close (set by GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE above). If you
++turn this off, end gaps will be ignored for this purpose. This is useful when
++you wish to align fragments where the end gaps are not biologically meaningful.
++<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="P">                   Profile and Structure Alignments
++By PROFILE ALIGNMENT, we mean alignment using existing alignments. Profile 
++alignments allow you to store alignments of your favourite sequences and add
++new sequences to them in small bunches at a time. A profile is simply an
++alignment of one or more sequences (e.g. an alignment output file from Clustal
++X). Each input can be a single sequence. One or both sets of input sequences
++may include secondary structure assignments or gap penalty masks to guide the
++Make sure PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
++the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do profile and
++secondary structure alignments.
++The profiles can be in any of the allowed input formats with "-" characters
++used to specify gaps (except for GCG/MSF where "." is used).
++You have to load the 2 profiles by choosing FILE, LOAD PROFILE 1 and  LOAD
++profiles to each other. Secondary structure masks in either profile can be used
++to guide the alignment. This option compares all the sequences in profile 1
++with all the sequences in profile 2 in order to build guide trees which will be
++used to calculate sequence weights, and select appropriate alignment parameters
++for the final profile alignment.
++You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide trees) by using old
++guide tree files (ALIGN PROFILES FROM GUIDE TREES). 
++The ALIGN SEQUENCES TO PROFILE 1 option will take the sequences in the second
++profile and align them to the first profile, 1 at a time.  This is useful to
++add some new sequences to an existing alignment, or to align a set of sequences
++to a known structure. In this case, the second profile set need not be
++You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
++SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
++filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
++The alignment parameters can be set using the ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS menu,
++Pairwise Parameters, Multiple Parameters and Protein Gap Parameters options.
++These are EXACTLY the same parameters as used by the general, automatic
++multiple alignment procedure. The general multiple alignment procedure is
++simply a series of profile alignments. Carrying out a series of profile
++alignments on larger and larger groups of sequences, allows you to manually
++build up a complete alignment, if necessary editing intermediate alignments.
++Use this menu to set secondary structure options. If a solved structure is
++known, it can be used to guide the alignment by raising gap penalties within
++secondary structure elements, so that gaps will preferentially be inserted into
++unstructured surface loop regions. Alternatively, a user-specified gap penalty
++mask can be supplied for a similar purpose.
++A gap penalty mask is a series of numbers between 1 and 9, one per position in 
++the alignment. Each number specifies how much the gap opening penalty is to be 
++raised at that position (raised by multiplying the basic gap opening penalty
++by the number) i.e. a mask figure of 1 at a position means no change
++in gap opening penalty; a figure of 4 means that the gap opening penalty is
++four times greater at that position, making gaps 4 times harder to open.
++The format for gap penalty masks and secondary structure masks is explained in
++a separate help section.
++<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="B">            Secondary Structure / Gap Penalty Masks
++The use of secondary structure-based penalties has been shown to improve  the
++accuracy of sequence alignment. Clustal X now allows secondary structure/ gap
++penalty masks to be supplied with the input sequences used during profile
++alignment. (NB. The secondary structure information is NOT used during multiple
++sequence alignment). The masks work by raising gap penalties in specified
++regions (typically secondary structure elements) so that gaps are
++preferentially opened in the less well conserved regions (typically surface
++whether the input 2D-structure information or gap penalty masks will be used
++during the profile alignment.
++The OUTPUT options control whether the secondary structure and gap penalty
++masks should be included in the Clustal X output alignments. Showing both is
++useful for understanding how the masks work. The 2D-structure information is
++itself useful in judging the alignment quality and in seeing how residue
++conservation patterns vary with secondary structure. 
++The HELIX and STRAND GAP PENALTY options provide the value for raising the gap
++penalty at core Alpha Helical (A) and Beta Strand (B) residues. In CLUSTAL
++format, capital residues denote the A and B core structure notation. Basic gap
++penalties are multiplied by the amount specified.
++The LOOP GAP PENALTY option provides the value for the gap penalty in Loops.
++By default this penalty is not raised. In CLUSTAL format, loops are specified
++by "." in the secondary structure notation.
++The SECONDARY STRUCTURE TERMINAL PENALTY provides the value for setting the gap
++penalty at the ends of secondary structures. Ends of secondary structures are
++known to grow or shrink, comparing related structures. Therefore by default
++these are given intermediate values, lower than the core penalties. All
++secondary structure read in as lower case in CLUSTAL format gets the reduced
++terminal penalty.
++The HELIX and STRAND TERMINAL POSITIONS options specify the range of structure
++termini for the intermediate penalties. In the alignment output, these are
++indicated as lower case. For Alpha Helices, by default, the range spans the 
++end-helical turn (3 residues). For Beta Strands, the default range spans the
++end residue and the adjacent loop residue, since sequence conservation often
++extends beyond the actual H-bonded Beta Strand.
++Clustal X can read the masks from SWISS-PROT, CLUSTAL or GDE format input
++files. For many 3-D protein structures, secondary structure information is
++recorded in the feature tables of SWISS-PROT database entries. You should
++always check that the assignments are correct - some are quite inaccurate.
++Clustal X looks for SWISS-PROT HELIX and STRAND assignments e.g.
++FT   HELIX       100    115
++FT   STRAND      118    119
++The structure and penalty masks can also be read from CLUSTAL alignment format 
++as comment lines beginning "!SS_" or "!GM_" e.g.
++!SS_HBA_HUMA    ..aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaa.aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAaaa.........aaaAAAAAA
++!GM_HBA_HUMA    112224444444444222122244444444442222224222111111111222444444
++Note that the mask itself is a set of numbers between 1 and 9 each of which is 
++assigned to the residue(s) in the same column below. 
++In GDE flat file format, the masks are specified as text and the names must
++begin with "SS_ or "GM_.
++Either a structure or penalty mask or both may be used. If both are included
++in an alignment, the user will be asked which is to be used.
++<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="T">                            Phylogenetic Trees
++Before calculating a tree, you must have an ALIGNMENT in memory. This can be
++input using the FILE menu, LOAD SEQUENCES option or you should have just
++carried out a full multiple alignment and the alignment is still in memory.
++The method used is the NJ (Neighbour Joining) method of Saitou and Nei. First
++you calculate distances (percent divergence) between all pairs of sequence from
++a multiple alignment; second you apply the NJ method to the distance matrix.
++To calculate a tree, use the DRAW N-J TREE option. This gives an UNROOTED tree
++and all branch lengths. The root of the tree can only be inferred by using an
++outgroup (a sequence that you are certain branches at the outside of the tree
++.... certain on biological grounds) OR if you assume a degree of constancy in
++the 'molecular clock', you can place the root in the 'middle' of the tree
++(roughly equidistant from all tips).
++BOOTSTRAP N-J TREE uses a method for deriving confidence values for the 
++groupings in a tree (first adapted for trees by Joe Felsenstein). It involves
++making N random samples of sites from the alignment (N should be LARGE, e.g.
++500 - 1000); drawing N trees (1 from each sample) and counting how many times
++each grouping from the original tree occurs in the sample trees. You can set N
++using the NUMBER OF BOOTSTRAP TRIALS option in the BOOTSTRAP TREE window. In
++practice, you should use a large number of bootstrap replicates (1000 is
++recommended, even if it means running the program for an hour on a slow 
++computer). You can also supply a seed number for the random number generator
++here. Different runs with the same seed will give the same answer. See the
++documentation for more details.
++EXCLUDE POSITIONS WITH GAPS? With this option, any alignment positions where
++ANY of the sequences have a gap will be ignored. This means that 'like' will
++be compared to 'like' in all distances, which is highly desirable. It also
++automatically throws away the most ambiguous parts of the alignment, which are
++concentrated around gaps (usually). The disadvantage is that you may throw away
++much of the data if there are many gaps (which is why it is difficult for us to
++make it the default).  
++CORRECT FOR MULTIPLE SUBSTITUTIONS? For small divergence (say <10%) this option
++makes no difference. For greater divergence, this option corrects for the fact
++that observed distances underestimate actual evolutionary distances. This is
++because, as sequences diverge, more than one substitution will happen at many
++sites. However, you only see one difference when you look at the present day
++sequences. Therefore, this option has the effect of stretching branch lengths
++in trees (especially long branches). The corrections used here (for DNA or
++proteins) are both due to Motoo Kimura. See the documentation for details.  
++Where possible, this option should be used. However, for VERY divergent
++sequences, the distances cannot be reliably corrected. You will be warned if
++this happens. Even if none of the distances in a data set exceed the reliable
++threshold, if you bootstrap the data, some of the bootstrap distances may
++randomly exceed the safe limit.  
++SAVE LOG FILE will write the tree calculation scores to a file. The log
++filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
++Three different formats are allowed. None of these displays the tree visually.
++You can display the tree using the NJPLOT program distributed with Clustal X
++OR get the PHYLIP package and use the tree drawing facilities there. 
++1) CLUSTAL FORMAT TREE. This format is verbose and lists all of the distances
++between the sequences and the number of alignment positions used for each. The
++tree is described at the end of the file. It lists the sequences that are
++joined at each alignment step and the branch lengths. After two sequences are
++joined, it is referred to later as a NODE. The number of a NODE is the number
++of the lowest sequence in that NODE.   
++2) PHYLIP FORMAT TREE. This format is the New Hampshire format, used by many
++phylogenetic analysis packages. It consists of a series of nested parentheses,
++describing the branching order, with the sequence names and branch lengths. It
++can be read by the NJPLOT program distributed with ClustalX. It can also be
++used by the RETREE, DRAWGRAM and DRAWTREE programs of the PHYLIP package to see
++the trees graphically. This is the same format used during multiple alignment
++for the guide trees. Some other packages that can read and display New
++Hampshire format are TreeTool, TreeView, and Phylowin.
++3) PHYLIP DISTANCE MATRIX. This format just outputs a matrix of all the
++pairwise distances in a format that can be used by the PHYLIP package. It used
++to be useful when one could not produce distances from protein sequences in the
++Phylip package but is now redundant (PROTDIST of Phylip 3.5 now does this).
++4) NEXUS FORMAT TREE. This format is used by several popular phylogeny programs,
++including PAUP and MacClade. The format is described fully in:
++Maddison, D. R., D. L. Swofford and W. P. Maddison.  1997.
++NEXUS: an extensible file format for systematic information.
++Systematic Biology 46:590-621.
++BOOTSTRAP LABELS ON: By default, the bootstrap values are correctly placed on
++the tree branches of the phylip format output tree. The toggle allows them to
++be placed on the nodes, which is incorrect, but some display packages (e.g.
++TreeTool, TreeView and Phylowin) only support node labelling but not branch
++labelling. Care should be taken to note which branches and labels go together. 
++<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="C">                               Colors
++Clustal X provides a versatile coloring scheme for the sequence alignment 
++display. The sequences (or profiles) are colored automatically, when they are
++loaded. Sequences can be colored either by assigning a color to specific
++residues, or on the basis of an alignment consensus. In the latter case, the
++alignment consensus is calculated automatically, and the residues in each
++column are colored according to the consensus character assigned to that
++column. In this way, you can choose to highlight, for example, conserved
++hydrophylic or hydrophobic positions in the alignment.
++The 'rules' used to color the alignment are specified in a COLOR PARAMETER
++FILE. Clustal X automatically looks for a file called 'colprot.par' for protein
++sequences or 'coldna.par' for DNA, in the current directory. (If your running
++under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory, and finally in the
++directories in your PATH environment variable).
++By default, if no color parameter file is found, protein sequences are colored
++by residue as follows:
++	Color			Residue Code
++	RED			HKR
++In the case of DNA sequences, the default colors are as follows:
++	Color			Residue Code
++	RED			C
++	BLUE			T
++	GREEN			G
++The default BACKGROUND COLORING option shows the sequence residues using a
++black character on a colored background. It can be switched off to show
++residues as a colored character on a white background. 
++Either BLACK AND WHITE or DEFAULT COLOR options can be selected. The Color
++option looks first for the color parameter file (as described above) and, if no
++file is found, uses the default residue-specific colors.
++You can specify your own coloring scheme by using the LOAD COLOR PARAMETER FILE
++option. The format of the color parameter file is described below.
++This file is divided into 3 sections:
++1) the names and rgb values of the colors
++2) the rules for calculating the consensus
++3) the rules for assigning colors to the residues
++An example file is given here.
++ --------------------------------------------------------------------
++ at rgbindex
++RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
++BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
++GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
++YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
++ at consensus
++% = 60% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
++# = 80% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
++- = 50% e:d
+++ = 60% k:r
++q = 50% q:e
++p = 50% p
++n = 50% n
++t = 50% t:s
++ at color
++g = RED
++p = YELLOW
++t = GREEN if t:%:#
++n = GREEN if n
++w = BLUE if %:#:p
++k = RED if +
++ --------------------------------------------------------------------
++The first section is optional and is identified by the header @rgbindex. If
++this section exists, each color used in the file must be named and the rgb
++values specified (on a scale from 0 to 1). If the rgb index section is not
++found, the following set of hard-coded colors will be used.
++RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
++BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
++GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
++ORANGE       0.9 0.7 0.3
++CYAN         0.1 0.9 0.9
++PINK         0.9 0.5 0.5
++MAGENTA      0.9 0.1 0.9
++YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
++The second section is optional and is identified by the header @consensus. It
++defines how the consensus is calculated.
++The format of each consensus parameter is:-
++c = n% residue_list
++        where
++              c             is a character used to identify the parameter.
++              n             is an integer value used as the percentage cutoff
++                            point.
++              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
++                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
++For example:   # = 60% w:l:v:i
++will assign a consensus character # to any column in the alignment which
++contains more than 60% of the residues w,l,v and i.
++The third section is identified by the header @color, and defines how colors
++are assigned to each residue in the alignment.
++The color parameters can take one of two formats:
++1) r = color
++2) r = color if consensus_list
++        where
++              r             is a character used to denote a residue.
++              color         is one of the colors in the GDE color lookup table.
++              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
++                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
++1) g = ORANGE
++will color all glycines ORANGE, regardless of the consensus.
++2) w = BLUE if w:%:#
++will color BLUE any tryptophan which is found in a column with a consensus of
++w, % or #.
++<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="Q">                       Alignment Quality Analysis
++Clustal X provides an indication of the quality of an alignment by plotting
++a 'conservation score' for each column of the alignment. A high score indicates
++a well-conserved column; a low score indicates low conservation. The quality
++curve is drawn below the alignment.
++Two methods are also provided to indicate single residues or sequence segments
++which score badly in the alignment.
++Low-scoring residues are expected to occur at a moderate frequency in all the
++sequences because of their steady divergence due to the natural processes of
++evolution. The most divergent sequences are likely to have the most outliers.
++However, the highlighted residues are especially useful in pointing to
++sequence misalignments. Note that clustering of highlighted residues is a
++strong indication of misalignment. This can arise due to various reasons, for
++        1. Partial or total misalignments caused by a failure in the
++        alignment algorithm. Usually only in difficult alignment cases.
++        2. Partial or total misalignments because at least one of the
++        sequences in the given set is partly or completely unrelated to the
++        other sequences. It is up to the user to check that the set of
++        sequences are alignable.
++        3. Frameshift translation errors in a protein sequence causing local
++        mismatched regions to be heavily highlighted. These are surprisingly
++        common in database entries. If suspected, a 3-frame translation of
++        the source DNA needs to be examined.
++Occasionally, highlighted residues may point to regions of some biological
++significance. This might happen for example if a protein alignment contains a
++sequence which has acquired new functions relative to the main sequence set. It
++is important to exclude other explanations, such as error or the natural
++divergence of sequences, before invoking a biological explanation.
++Unreliable regions in the alignment can be highlighted using the Low-Scoring
++Segments option. A sequence-weighted profile is used to indicate any segments
++in the sequences which score badly. Because the profile calculation may take
++some time, an option is provided to calculate LOW-SCORING SEGMENTS. The 
++segment display can then be toggled on or off without having to repeat the
++time-consuming calculations.
++For details of the low-scoring segment calculation, see the CALCULATION section
++MINIMUM LENGTH OF SEGMENTS: short segments (or even single residues) can be
++hidden by increasing the minimum length of segments which will be displayed.
++DNA MARKING SCALE is used to remove less significant segments from the 
++highlighted display. Increase the scale to display more segments; decrease the
++scale to remove the least significant.
++PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of each
++amino acid to each other. The matrix is used to calculate the sequence-
++weighted profile scores. There are four 'in-built' Log-Odds matrices offered:
++the Gonnet PAM 80, 120, 250, 350 matrices. A more stringent matrix which only
++gives a high score to identities and the most favoured conservative
++substitutions, may be more suitable when the sequences are closely related. For
++more divergent sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give
++a high score to many other frequent substitutions. This  option automatically
++recalculates the low-scoring segments.
++DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: Two hard-coded matrices are available:
++1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
++of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
++ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.0; all mismatches for IUB symbols score
++2) CLUSTALW(1.6). The previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
++1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0. 
++A new matrix can be read from a file on disk, if the filename consists only
++of lower case characters. The values in the new weight matrix should be
++similarities and should be NEGATIVE for infrequent substitutions.
++INPUT FORMAT. The format used for a new matrix is the same as the BLAST
++program. Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The
++first non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using
++the 1 letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a
++square matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The
++last row and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain
++the minimum score over the whole matrix.
++You can customise the column 'quality scores' plotted underneath the alignment
++display using the following options.
++SCORE PLOT SCALE: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be used to
++change the scale of the quality score plot. 
++RESIDUE EXCEPTION CUTOFF: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be
++used to change the number of residue exceptions which are highlighted in the
++alignment display. (For an explanation of this cutoff, see the CALCULATION OF
++RESIDUE EXCEPTIONS section below.)
++PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
++each amino acid to each other. 
++DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: two hard-coded matrices are available: IUB and CLUSTALW(1.6).
++For more information about the weight matrices, see the help above for
++the Low-scoring Segments Weight Matrix.
++For details of the quality score calculations, see the CALCULATION section
++The low-scoring segment display can be toggled on or off. This option does not
++recalculate the profile scores.
++This option highlights individual residues which score badly in the alignment
++quality calculations. Residues which score exceptionally low are highlighted by
++using a white character on a grey background.
++The quality scores that are plotted underneath the alignment display can also
++be saved in a text file. Each column in the alignment is written on one line in
++the output file, with the value of the quality score at the end of the line.
++Only the sequences currently selected in the display are written to the file.
++One use for quality scores is to color residues in a protein structure by
++sequence conservation. In this way conserved surface residues can be
++highlighted to locate functional regions such as ligand-binding sites.
++Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
++can be written as:
++        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
++        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
++        .
++        .
++        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
++We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
++for aligning residue i with residue j.
++We want to calculate a score for the conservation of the jth position in the
++To do this, we define an R-dimensional sequence space. For the jth position in 
++the alignment, each sequence consists of a single residue which is assigned a
++point S in the space. S has R dimensions, and for sequence i, the rth dimension
++is defined as:
++	Sr =    C(r,Aij)
++We then calculate a consensus value for the jth position in the alignment. This
++value X also has R dimensions, and the rth dimension is defined as:
++	Xr = (   SUM   (Fij * C(i,r)) ) / m
++               1<=i<=R
++where Fij is the count of residues i at position j in the alignment.
++Now we can calculate the distance Di between each sequence i and the consensus 
++position X in the R-dimensional space.
++	Di = SQRT   (   SUM   (Xr - Sr)(Xr - Sr) )
++                      1<=i<=R
++The quality score for the jth position in the alignment is defined as the mean
++of the sequence distances Di.
++The score is normalised by multiplying by the percentage of sequences which
++have residues (and not gaps) at this position.
++The jth residue of the ith sequence is considered as an exception if the
++distance Di of the sequence from the consensus value P is greater than (Upper
++Quartile + Inter Quartile Range * Cutoff). The value used as a cutoff for
++displaying exceptions can be set from the SCORE PARAMETERS menu. A high cutoff
++value will only display very significant exceptions; a low value will allow
++more, less significant, exceptions to be highlighted.
++(NB. Sequences which contain gaps at this position are not included in the
++exception calculation.)
++Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
++can be written as:
++        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
++        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
++        .
++        .
++        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
++We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
++for aligning residue i with residue j.
++We calculate sequence weights by building a neighbour-joining tree, in which
++branch lengths are proportional to divergence. Summing the branches by branch
++ownership provides the weights. See (Thompson et al., CABIOS, 10, 19 (1994) and
++Henikoff et al.,JMB, 243, 574 1994).
++To find the low-scoring segments in a sequence Si, we build a weighted profile
++of the remaining sequences in the alignment. Suppose we find residue r at 
++position j in the sequence; then the score for the jth position in the sequence
++is defined as
++	Score(Si,j) = Profile(j,r)   where Profile(j,r) is the profile score
++                                       for residue r at position j in the
++                                       alignment.
++These residue scores are summed along the sequence in both forward and backward
++directions. If the sum of the scores is positive, then it is reset to zero.
++Segments which score negatively in both directions are considered as 
++'low-scoring' and will be highlighted in the alignment display.
++<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="9">              Command Line Parameters
++<CENTER><H3>                DATA (sequences)
++<TD><TT>-PROFILE1=file.ext  and  -PROFILE2=file.ext  </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>profiles (aligned sequences)</EM></TD>
++<CENTER><H3>                VERBS (do things)
++<TD><TT>-HELP  or -CHECK    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>outline the command line parameters</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-ALIGN              </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>do full multiple alignment </EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-TREE               </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>calculate NJ tree</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-BOOTSTRAP(=n)      </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>bootstrap a NJ tree (n= number of bootstraps; def. = 1000)</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-CONVERT            </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>output the input sequences in a different file format</EM></TD>
++<CENTER><H3>                PARAMETERS (set things)
++<CENTER><P><STRONG>***General settings:****
++<TD><EM>read command line, then enter normal interactive menus</EM></TD>
++<TD><EM>use FAST algorithm for the alignment guide tree</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-TYPE=       </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>PROTEIN or DNA sequences</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-NEGATIVE    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>protein alignment with negative values in matrix</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-OUTFILE=    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>sequence alignment file name</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-OUTPUT=     </TT></TD>
++<TD><TT>-OUTORDER=   </TT></TD>
++<TD><TT>-CASE=       </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>LOWER or UPPER (for GDE output only)</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-SEQNOS=     </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>OFF or ON (for Clustal output only)</EM></TD>
++<CENTER><H3>***Fast Pairwise Alignments:***
++<TD><TT>-TOPDIAGS=n  </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>number of best diags.</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-WINDOW=n    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>window around best diags.</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-PAIRGAP=n   </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>gap penalty</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-SCORE=      </TT></TD>
++<CENTER><H3>***Slow Pairwise Alignments:***
++<TD><EM>DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-PWGAPOPEN=f  </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>gap opening penalty</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-PWGAPEXT=f  </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>gap opening penalty</EM></TD>
++<CENTER><H3>***Multiple Alignments:***
++<TD><TT>-USETREE=    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>file for old guide tree</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-MATRIX=     </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename</EM></TD>
++<TD><EM>DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-GAPOPEN=f   </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>gap opening penalty</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-GAPEXT=f  </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>gap extension penalty</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-ENDGAPS     </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>no end gap separation pen.</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-GAPDIST=n   </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>gap separation pen. range</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-NOPGAP      </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>residue-specific gaps off</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-NOHGAP    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>hydrophilic gaps off</EM></TD>
++<TD><EM>list hydrophilic res.</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-MAXDIV=n    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>% ident. for delay</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-TYPE=       </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>transitions weighting</EM></TD>
++<CENTER><H3>***Profile Alignments:***
++<TD><TT>-NEWTREE1=    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>file for new guide tree for profile1</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-NEWTREE2=    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>file for new guide tree for profile2</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-USETREE1=    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>file for old guide tree for profile1</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-USETREE2=    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>file for old guide tree for profile2</EM></TD>
++<CENTER><H3>***Sequence to Profile Alignments:***
++<TD><TT>-NEWTREE=    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>file for new guide tree</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-USETREE=    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>file for old guide tree</EM></TD>
++<CENTER><H3>***Structure Alignments:***
++<TD><TT>-NOSECSTR2     </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>do not use secondary structure/gap penalty mask for profile 2</EM></TD>
++<TD><EM>output in alignment file</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-HELIXGAP=n    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>gap penalty for helix core residues </EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-STRANDGAP=n   </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>gap penalty for strand core residues</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-LOOPGAP=n     </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>gap penalty for loop regions</EM></TD>
++<TD><EM>gap penalty for structure termini</EM></TD>
++<TD><EM>number of residues inside helix to be treated as terminal</EM></TD>
++<TD><EM>number of residues outside helix to be treated as terminal</EM></TD>
++<TD><EM>number of residues inside strand to be treated as terminal</EM></TD>
++<TD><EM>number of residues outside strand to be treated as terminal </EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-SEED=n    </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>seed number for bootstraps</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-KIMURA      </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>use Kimura's correction</EM></TD>
++<TD><EM>ignore positions with gaps</EM></TD>
++<TD><TT>-BOOTLABELS=node OR branch </TT></TD>
++<TD><EM>position of bootstrap values in tree display</EM></TD>
++<A HREF="#INDEX"> <EM>Back to Index</EM> </A>
++<CENTER><H2><A NAME="R">                             References
++The ClustalX program is described in the manuscript:
++Thompson,J.D., Gibson,T.J., Plewniak,F., Jeanmougin,F. and Higgins,D.G. (1997)
++The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence 
+ alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research, 25:4876-4882.
+ </P>
+ <P>

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustalx_help.patch
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustalx_help.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/clustalx_help.patch	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,1529 @@
+Index: clustalw-1.83/clustalx_help
+--- clustalw-1.83.orig/clustalx_help
++++ clustalw-1.83/clustalx_help
+@@ -1,4 +1,1524 @@
++This is the on-line help file for Clustal X (version 1.81), using the NCBI
++Vibrant Toolkit.   
++It should be named or defined as: clustalx_help 
++except with MSDOS in which case it should be named ClustalX.HLP
++For full details of usage and algorithms, please read the CLUSTALW.DOC file.
++Toby  Gibson                         EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.
++Des   Higgins                        UCC, Cork, Ireland.
++Julie Thompson/Francois Jeanmougin   IGBMC, Strasbourg, France.
++>>HELP G <<
++                      General help for CLUSTAL X (1.8)
++Clustal X is a windows interface for the ClustalW multiple sequence alignment
++program. It provides an integrated environment for performing multiple sequence
++and profile alignments and analysing the results. The sequence alignment is
++displayed in a window on the screen. A versatile coloring scheme has been
++incorporated allowing you to highlight conserved features  in the alignment.
++The pull-down menus at the top of the window allow you to select all the
++options required for traditional multiple sequence and profile alignment.
++You can cut-and-paste sequences to change the order of the alignment; you can
++select a subset of sequences to be aligned; you can select a sub-range of the
++alignment to be realigned and inserted back into the original alignment.
++Alignment quality analysis can be performed and low-scoring segments or
++exceptional residues can be highlighted.
++ClustalX is available for a number of different platforms including: SUN
++Solaris, IRIX5.3 on Silicon Graphics, Digital UNIX on DECStations, Microsoft
++Windows (32 bit) for PC's, Linux ELF for x86 PC's and Macintosh PowerMac. (See
++the README file for Installation instructions.)
++Sequences and profiles (a term for pre-existing alignments) are input using 
++the FILE menu. Invalid options will be disabled. All sequences must be included
++into 1 file. 7 formats are automatically recognised: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT,
++Pearson (Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9 RSF and GDE flat file.
++All non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation marks) are ignored
++except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).  
++Clustal X has two modes which can be selected using the switch directly above
++To do a MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT on a set of sequences, make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT
++MODE is selected. A single sequence data area is then displayed. The ALIGNMENT
++menu then allows you to either produce a guide tree for the alignment, or to do
++a multiple alignment following the guide tree, or to do a full multiple
++In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, two sequence data areas are displayed, allowing you
++to align 2 alignments (termed profiles). Profiles are also used to add a new
++sequence to an old alignment, or to use secondary structure to guide the
++alignment process. GAPS in the old alignments are indicated using the "-" 
++character. PROFILES can be input in ANY of the allowed formats; just  use "-"
++(or "." for MSF/RSF) for each gap position. In Profile Alignment Mode, a button
++"Lock Scroll" is displayed which allows you to scroll the two profiles together
++using a single scroll bar. When the Lock Scroll is turned off, the two profiles
++can be scrolled independently.
++Phylogenetic trees can be calculated from old alignments (read in with "-"
++characters to indicate gaps) OR after a multiple alignment while the alignment
++is still displayed.
++The alignment is displayed on the screen with the sequence names on the left
++hand side. The sequence alignment is for display only, it cannot be edited here
++(except for changing the sequence order by cutting-and-pasting on the sequence
++A ruler is displayed below the sequences, starting at 1 for the first residue
++position (residue numbers in the sequence input file are ignored).
++A line above the alignment is used to mark strongly conserved positions. Three
++characters ('*', ':' and '.') are used:
++'*' indicates positions which have a single, fully conserved residue
++':' indicates that one of the following 'strong' groups is fully conserved:-
++                 STA  
++                 NEQK  
++                 NHQK  
++                 NDEQ  
++                 QHRK  
++                 MILV  
++                 MILF  
++                 HY  
++                 FYW  
++'.' indicates that one of the following 'weaker' groups is fully conserved:-
++                 CSA  
++                 ATV  
++                 SAG  
++                 STNK  
++                 STPA  
++                 SGND  
++                 SNDEQK  
++                 NDEQHK  
++                 NEQHRK  
++                 FVLIM  
++                 HFY  
++These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in the Gonnet Pam250
++matrix. The strong and weak groups are defined as strong score >0.5 and weak
++score =<0.5 respectively.
++For profile alignments, secondary structure and gap penalty masks are displayed
++above the sequences, if any data is found in the profile input file.
++>>HELP F <<
++                      Input / Output Files 
++LOAD SEQUENCES reads sequences from one of 7 file formats, replacing any
++sequences that are already loaded. All sequences must be in 1 file. The formats
++that are automatically recognised are: NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SWISSPROT, Pearson
++(Fasta), Clustal (*.aln), GCG/MSF (Pileup), GCG9/RSF and GDE flat file.  All
++non-alphabetic characters (spaces, digits, punctuation  marks) are ignored
++except "-" which is used to indicate a GAP ("." in MSF/RSF).
++The program tries to automatically recognise the different file formats used
++and to guess whether the sequences are amino acid or nucleotide.  This is not
++always foolproof.
++FASTA and NBRF/PIR formats are recognised by having a ">" as the first 
++character in the file.  
++EMBL/Swiss Prot formats are recognised by the letters "ID" at the start of the
++file (the token for the entry name field).  
++CLUSTAL format is recognised by the word CLUSTAL at the beginning of the file.
++GCG/MSF format is recognised by one of the following:
++       - the word PileUp at the start of the file.
++         at the start of the file.
++       - the word MSF on the first line of the file, and the characters ..
++         at the end of this line.
++GCG/RSF format is recognised by the word !!RICH_SEQUENCE at the beginning of
++the file.
++If 85% or more of the characters in the sequence are from A,C,G,T,U or N, the
++sequence will be assumed to be nucleotide.  This works in 97.3% of cases but
++watch out!
++APPEND SEQUENCES is only valid in MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE. The input sequences
++do not replace those already loaded, but are appended at the end of the
++SAVE SEQUENCES AS... offers the user a choice of one of six output formats:
++CLUSTAL, NBRF/PIR, GCG/MSF, PHYLIP, NEXUS or GDE. All sequences are written
++to a single file. Options are available to save a range of the alignment, 
++switch between UPPER/LOWER case for GDE files, and to output SEQUENCE NUMBERING
++for CLUSTAL files.
++LOAD PROFILE 1 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
++sequences already loaded as Profile 1. This option will also remove any
++sequences which are loaded in Profile 2.
++LOAD PROFILE 2 reads sequences in the same 7 file formats, replacing any
++sequences already loaded as Profile 2.
++SAVE PROFILE 1 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
++those sequences in Profile 1 will be written to the output file.
++SAVE PROFILE 2 AS... is similar to the Save Sequences option except that only
++those sequences in Profile 2 will be written to the output file.
++WRITE ALIGNMENT AS POSTSCRIPT will write the sequence display to a postscript
++format file. This will include any secondary structure / gap penalty mask 
++information and the consensus and ruler lines which are displayed on the
++screen. The Alignment Quality curve can be optionally included in the output
++except that only the profile 1 display will be printed.
++except that only the profile 2 display will be printed.
++A number of options are available to allow you to configure your postscript
++output file.
++The exact RGB values required to reproduce the colors used in the alignment
++window will vary from printer to printer. A PS colors file can be specified
++that contains the RGB values for all the colors required by each of your
++postscript printers.
++By default, Clustal X looks for a file called 'colprint.par' in the current
++directory (if your running under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory,
++and finally in the directories in your PATH environment variable). If no PS
++colors file is found or a color used on the screen is not defined here, the
++screen RGB values (from the Color Parameter File) are used.
++The PS colors file consists of one line for each color to be defined, with the
++color name followed by the RGB values (on a scale of 0 to 1). For example,
++RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
++Blank lines and comments (lines beginning with a '#' character) are ignored.
++PAGE SIZE:  The alignment can be displayed on either A4, A3 or US Letter size
++ORIENTATION: The alignment can be displayed on either a landscape or portrait
++PRINT HEADER: An optional header including the postscript filename, and
++creation date can be printed at the top of each page.
++PRINT QUALITY CURVE: The Alignment Quality curve which is displayed underneath
++the alignment on the screen can be included in the postscript output.
++PRINT RULER: The ruler which is displayed underneath the alignment on the 
++screen can be included in the postscript output.
++PRINT RESIDUE NUMBERS: Sequence residue numbers can be printed at the right
++hand side of the alignment.
++RESIZE TO FIT PAGE: By default, the alignment is scaled to fit the page size
++selected. This option can be turned off, in which case a font size of 10 will
++be used for the sequences.
++PRINT FROM POSITION/TO: A range of the alignment can be printed. The default
++is to print the full alignment. The first and last residues to be printed are
++specified here.
++USE BLOCK LENGTH: The alignment can be divided into blocks of residues. The
++number of residues in a block is specified here. More than one block may then
++be printed on a single page. This is useful for long alignments of a small
++number of sequences. If the block length is set to 0, The alignment will not
++be divided into blocks, but printed across a number of pages.
++>>HELP E <<
++                          Editing Alignments
++Clustal X allows you to change the order of the sequences in the alignment, by
++cutting-and-pasting the sequence names.
++To select a group of sequences to be moved, click on a sequence name and drag
++the cursor until all the required sequences are highlighted. Holding down the
++Shift key when clicking on the first name will add new sequences to those
++already selected.
++(Options are provided to Select All Sequences, Select Profile 1 or Select 
++Profile 2.)
++The selected sequences can be removed from the alignment by using the EDIT
++menu, CUT option.
++To add the cut sequences back into an alignment, select a sequence by clicking
++on the sequence name. The cut sequences will be added to the alignment,
++immediately following the selected sequence, by the EDIT menu, PASTE option.
++To add the cut sequences to an empty alignment (eg. when cutting sequences from
++Profile 1 and pasting them to Profile 2), click on the empty sequence name
++display area, and select the EDIT menu, PASTE option as before.
++The sequence selection and sequence range selection can be cleared using the
++To search for a string of residues in the sequences, select the sequences to be
++searched by clicking on the sequence names. You can then enter the string to
++search for by selecting the SEARCH FOR STRING option. If the string is found in
++any of the sequences selected, the sequence name and column number is printed
++below the sequence display.
++In PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE, the two profiles can be merged (normally done after
++alignment) by selecting ADD PROFILE 2 TO PROFILE 1. The sequences currently
++displayed as Profile 2 will be appended to Profile 1. 
++The REMOVE ALL GAPS option will remove all gaps from the sequences currently
++WARNING: This option removes ALL gaps, not only those introduced by ClustalX,
++but also those that were read from the input alignment file. Any secondary
++structure information associated with the alignment will NOT be automatically
++The REMOVE GAP-ONLY COLUMNS will remove those positions in the alignment which
++contain gaps in all sequences. This can occur as a result of removing divergent
++sequences from an alignment, or if an alignment has been realigned.
++>>HELP M <<
++                          Multiple Alignments
++Make sure MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
++the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do multiple
++Multiple alignments are carried out in 3 stages:
++1) all sequences are compared to each other (pairwise alignments);
++2) a dendrogram (like a phylogenetic tree) is constructed, describing the
++approximate groupings of the sequences by similarity (stored in a file).
++3) the final multiple alignment is carried out, using the dendrogram as a guide.
++The 3 stages are carried out automatically by the DO COMPLETE ALIGNMENT option.
++You can skip the first stages (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
++guide tree file (DO ALIGNMENT FROM GUIDE TREE); or you can just produce the
++guide tree with no final multiple alignment (PRODUCE GUIDE TREE ONLY).
++REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCES is used to realign badly aligned sequences in the
++alignment. Sequences can be selected by clicking on the sequence names - see
++Editing Alignments for more details. The unselected sequences are then 'fixed'
++and a profile is made including only the unselected sequences. Each of the
++selected sequences in turn is then realigned to this profile. The realigned
++sequences will be displayed as a group at the end the alignment.
++REALIGN SELECTED SEQUENCE RANGE is used to realign a small region of the 
++alignment. A residue range can be selected by clicking on the sequence display
++area. A multiple alignment is then performed, following the 3 stages described
++above, but only using the selected residue range. Finally the new alignment of
++the range is pasted back into the full sequence alignment.
++By default, gap penalties are used at each end of the subrange in order to 
++penalise terminal gaps. If the REALIGN SEGMENT END GAP PENALTIES option is
++switched off, gaps can be introduced at the ends of the residue range at no
++ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS displays a sub-menu with the following options:
++RESET NEW GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove any new gaps introduced into the
++sequences during multiple alignment if you wish to change the parameters and
++try again. This only takes effect just before you do a second multiple
++alignment. You can make phylogenetic trees after alignment whether or not this
++is ON. If you turn this OFF, the new gaps are kept even if you do a second
++multiple alignment. This allows you to iterate the alignment gradually.
++Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a second or third pass.
++RESET ALL GAPS BEFORE ALIGNMENT will remove all gaps in the sequences including
++gaps which were read in from the sequence input file. This only takes effect
++just before you do a second multiple alignment.  You can make phylogenetic
++trees after alignment whether or not this is ON.  If you turn this OFF, all
++gaps are kept even if you do a second multiple alignment. This allows you to
++iterate the alignment gradually.  Sometimes, the alignment is improved by a
++second or third pass.
++PAIRWISE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the speed/sensitivity of the initial
++MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS control the gaps in the final multiple
++PROTEIN GAP PARAMETERS displays a temporary window which allows you to set
++various parameters only used in the alignment of protein sequences.
++(SECONDARY STRUCTURE PARAMETERS, for use with the Profile Alignment Mode only,
++allows you to set various parameters only used with gap penalty masks.)
++SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
++filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
++You can choose from 6 different alignment formats (CLUSTAL, GCG, NBRF/PIR,
++PHYLIP, GDE and NEXUS).  You can choose more than one (or all 6 if you wish).  
++CLUSTAL format output is a self explanatory alignment format. It shows the
++sequences aligned in blocks. It can be read in again at a later date to (for
++example) calculate a phylogenetic tree or add in new sequences by profile
++GCG output can be used by any of the GCG programs that can work on multiple
++alignments (e.g. PRETTY, PROFILEMAKE, PLOTALIGN). It is the same as the GCG
++.msf format files (multiple sequence file); new in version 7 of GCG.
++NEXUS format is used by several phylogeny programs, including PAUP and
++PHYLIP format output can be used for input to the PHYLIP package of Joe 
++Felsenstein.  This is a very widely used package for doing every imaginable
++form of phylogenetic analysis (MUCH more than the the modest introduction
++offered by this program).
++NBRF/PIR: this is the same as the standard PIR format with ONE ADDITION. Gap
++characters "-" are used to indicate the positions of gaps in the multiple 
++alignment. These files can be re-used as input in any part of clustal that
++allows sequences (or alignments or profiles) to be read in.  
++GDE:  this format is used by the GDE package of Steven Smith and is understood
++by SEQLAB in GCG 9 or later.
++GDE OUTPUT CASE: sequences in GDE format may be written in either upper or
++lower case.
++CLUSTALW SEQUENCE NUMBERS: residue numbers may be added to the end of the
++alignment lines in clustalw format.
++OUTPUT ORDER is used to control the order of the sequences in the output
++alignments. By default, it uses the order in which the sequences were aligned
++(from the guide tree/dendrogram), thus automatically grouping closely related
++sequences. It can be switched to be the same as the original input order.
++PARAMETER OUTPUT: This option will save all your parameter settings in a
++parameter file (suffix .par) during alignment. The file can be subsequently
++used to rerun ClustalW using the same parameters.
++A distance is calculated between every pair of sequences and these are used to
++construct the phylogenetic tree which guides the final multiple alignment. The
++scores are calculated from separate pairwise alignments. These can be
++calculated using 2 methods: dynamic programming (slow but accurate) or by the
++method of Wilbur and Lipman (extremely fast but approximate).   
++You can choose between the 2 alignment methods using the PAIRWISE ALIGNMENTS
++option. The slow/accurate method is fast enough for short sequences but will be
++VERY SLOW for many (e.g. >100) long (e.g. >1000 residue) sequences.   
++SLOW-ACCURATE alignment parameters:
++These parameters do not have any affect on the speed of the alignments. They
++are used to give initial alignments which are then rescored to give percent
++identity scores. These % scores are the ones which are displayed on the 
++screen. The scores are converted to distances for the trees.
++Gap Open Penalty:      the penalty for opening a gap in the alignment.
++Gap Extension Penalty: the penalty for extending a gap by 1 residue.
++Protein Weight Matrix: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
++each amino acid to each other.
++Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
++DNA weight matrix: the scores assigned to matches and mismatches (including
++IUB ambiguity codes).
++Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a comparison table from a file.
++See the Multiple alignment parameters, MATRIX option below for details of the
++matrix input format.
++FAST-APPROXIMATE alignment parameters:
++These similarity scores are calculated from fast, approximate, global align-
++ments, which are controlled by 4 parameters. 2 techniques are used to make
++these alignments very fast: 1) only exactly matching fragments (k-tuples) are
++considered; 2) only the 'best' diagonals (the ones with most k-tuple matches)
++are used.
++GAP PENALTY:   This is a penalty for each gap in the fast alignments. It has
++little effect on the speed or sensitivity except for extreme values.
++K-TUPLE SIZE:  This is the size of exactly matching fragment that is used. 
++INCREASE for speed (max= 2 for proteins; 4 for DNA), DECREASE for sensitivity.
++For longer sequences (e.g. >1000 residues) you may wish to increase the
++TOP DIAGONALS: The number of k-tuple matches on each diagonal (in an imaginary
++dot-matrix plot) is calculated. Only the best ones (with most matches) are used
++in the alignment. This parameter specifies how many. Decrease for speed;
++increase for sensitivity.
++WINDOW SIZE:  This is the number of diagonals around each of the 'best' 
++diagonals that will be used. Decrease for speed; increase for sensitivity.
++These parameters control the final multiple alignment. This is the core of the
++program and the details are complicated. To fully understand the use of the
++parameters and the scoring system, you will have to refer to the documentation.
++Each step in the final multiple alignment consists of aligning two alignments 
++or sequences. This is done progressively, following the branching order in the
++GUIDE TREE. The basic parameters to control this are two gap penalties and the
++scores for various identical/non-indentical residues. 
++The GAP OPENING and EXTENSION PENALTIES can be set here. These control the 
++cost of opening up every new gap and the cost of every item in a gap.  
++Increasing the gap opening penalty will make gaps less frequent. Increasing 
++the gap extension penalty will make gaps shorter. Terminal gaps are not 
++The DELAY DIVERGENT SEQUENCES switch delays the alignment of the most distantly
++related sequences until after the most closely related sequences have  been
++aligned. The setting shows the percent identity level required to delay the
++addition of a sequence; sequences that are less identical than this level to
++any other sequences will be aligned later.
++The TRANSITION WEIGHT gives transitions (A<-->G or C<-->T i.e. purine-purine or
++pyrimidine-pyrimidine substitutions) a weight between 0 and 1; a weight of zero
++means that the transitions are scored as mismatches, while a weight of 1 gives
++the transitions the match score. For distantly related DNA sequences, the
++weight should be near to zero; for closely related sequences it can be useful
++to assign a higher score. The default is set to 0.5.
++The PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to choose a series of weight
++matrices. For protein alignments, you use a weight matrix to determine the
++similarity of non-identical amino acids. For example, Tyr aligned with Phe is
++usually judged to be 'better' than Tyr aligned with Pro.
++There are three 'in-built' series of weight matrices offered. Each consists of
++several matrices which work differently at different evolutionary distances. To
++see the exact details, read the documentation. Crudely, we store several
++matrices in memory, spanning the full range of amino acid distance (from almost
++identical sequences to highly divergent ones). For very similar sequences, it
++is best to use a strict weight matrix which only gives a high score to
++identities and the most favoured conservative substitutions. For more divergent
++sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give a high score
++to many other frequent substitutions.
++1) BLOSUM (Henikoff). These matrices appear to be the best available for 
++carrying out data base similarity (homology searches). The matrices currently
++used are: Blosum 80, 62, 45 and 30. BLOSUM was the default in earlier Clustal X
++2) PAM (Dayhoff). These have been extremely widely used since the late '70s. We
++currently use the PAM 20, 60, 120, 350 matrices.
++3) GONNET. These matrices were derived using almost the same procedure as the
++Dayhoff one (above) but are much more up to date and are based on a far larger
++data set. They appear to be more sensitive than the Dayhoff series. We
++currently use the GONNET 80, 120, 160, 250 and 350 matrices. This series is the
++default for Clustal X version 1.8.
++We also supply an identity matrix which gives a score of 10 to two identical 
++amino acids and a score of zero otherwise. This matrix is not very useful.
++Load protein matrix: allows you to read in a comparison matrix from a file.
++This can be either a single matrix or a series of matrices (see below for
++DNA WEIGHT MATRIX option allows you to select a single matrix (not a series)
++used for aligning nucleic acid sequences. Two hard-coded matrices are available:
++1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
++of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
++ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.9; all mismatches for IUB symbols score 0.
++2) CLUSTALW(1.6). A previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
++1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0.
++Load DNA matrix: allows you to read in a nucleic acid comparison matrix from a
++file (just one matrix, not a series).
++The format used for a single matrix is the same as the BLAST program. The
++scores in the new weight matrix should be similarities. You can use negative as
++well as positive values if you wish, although the matrix will be automatically
++adjusted to all positive scores, unless the NEGATIVE MATRIX option is selected.
++Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The first
++non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using the 1
++letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a square
++matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The last row
++and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain the minimum
++score over the whole matrix.
++ClustalX uses different matrices depending on the mean percent identity of the
++sequences to be aligned. You can specify a series of matrices and the range of
++the percent identity for each matrix in a matrix series file. The file is
++automatically recognised by the word CLUSTAL_SERIES at the beginning of the
++file. Each matrix in the series is then specified on one line which should
++start with the word MATRIX. This is followed by the lower and upper limits of
++the sequence percent identities for which you want to apply the matrix. The
++final entry on the matrix line is the filename of a Blast format matrix file
++(see above for details of the single matrix file format).
++MATRIX 81 100 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum80
++MATRIX 61 80 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum62
++MATRIX 31 60 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum45
++MATRIX 0 30 /us1/user/julie/matrices/blosum30
++RESIDUE SPECIFIC PENALTIES are amino acid specific gap penalties that reduce or
++increase the gap opening penalties at each position in the alignment or 
++sequence. See the documentation for details. As an example, positions that are
++rich in glycine are more likely to have an adjacent gap than positions that are
++rich in valine.
++HYDROPHILIC GAP PENALTIES are used to increase the chances of a gap within a
++run (5 or more residues) of hydrophilic amino acids; these are likely to be
++loop or random coil regions where gaps are more common. The residues that are
++"considered" to be hydrophilic can be entered in HYDROPHILIC RESIDUES.
++GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE tries to decrease the chances of gaps being too close
++to each other. Gaps that are less than this distance apart are penalised more
++than other gaps. This does not prevent close gaps; it makes them less frequent,
++promoting a block-like appearance of the alignment.
++END GAP SEPARATION treats end gaps just like internal gaps for the purposes of
++avoiding gaps that are too close (set by GAP SEPARATION DISTANCE above). If you
++turn this off, end gaps will be ignored for this purpose. This is useful when
++you wish to align fragments where the end gaps are not biologically meaningful.
++>>HELP P <<
++                   Profile and Structure Alignments
++By PROFILE ALIGNMENT, we mean alignment using existing alignments. Profile 
++alignments allow you to store alignments of your favourite sequences and add
++new sequences to them in small bunches at a time. A profile is simply an
++alignment of one or more sequences (e.g. an alignment output file from Clustal
++X). Each input can be a single sequence. One or both sets of input sequences
++may include secondary structure assignments or gap penalty masks to guide the
++Make sure PROFILE ALIGNMENT MODE is selected, using the switch directly above
++the sequence display area. Then, use the ALIGNMENT menu to do profile and
++secondary structure alignments.
++The profiles can be in any of the allowed input formats with "-" characters
++used to specify gaps (except for GCG/MSF where "." is used).
++You have to load the 2 profiles by choosing FILE, LOAD PROFILE 1 and  LOAD
++profiles to each other. Secondary structure masks in either profile can be used
++to guide the alignment. This option compares all the sequences in profile 1
++with all the sequences in profile 2 in order to build guide trees which will be
++used to calculate sequence weights, and select appropriate alignment parameters
++for the final profile alignment.
++You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide trees) by using old
++guide tree files (ALIGN PROFILES FROM GUIDE TREES). 
++The ALIGN SEQUENCES TO PROFILE 1 option will take the sequences in the second
++profile and align them to the first profile, 1 at a time.  This is useful to
++add some new sequences to an existing alignment, or to align a set of sequences
++to a known structure. In this case, the second profile set need not be
++You can skip the first stage (pairwise alignments; guide tree) by using an old
++SAVE LOG FILE will write the alignment calculation scores to a file. The log
++filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
++The alignment parameters can be set using the ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS menu,
++Pairwise Parameters, Multiple Parameters and Protein Gap Parameters options.
++These are EXACTLY the same parameters as used by the general, automatic
++multiple alignment procedure. The general multiple alignment procedure is
++simply a series of profile alignments. Carrying out a series of profile
++alignments on larger and larger groups of sequences, allows you to manually
++build up a complete alignment, if necessary editing intermediate alignments.
++Use this menu to set secondary structure options. If a solved structure is
++known, it can be used to guide the alignment by raising gap penalties within
++secondary structure elements, so that gaps will preferentially be inserted into
++unstructured surface loop regions. Alternatively, a user-specified gap penalty
++mask can be supplied for a similar purpose.
++A gap penalty mask is a series of numbers between 1 and 9, one per position in 
++the alignment. Each number specifies how much the gap opening penalty is to be 
++raised at that position (raised by multiplying the basic gap opening penalty
++by the number) i.e. a mask figure of 1 at a position means no change
++in gap opening penalty; a figure of 4 means that the gap opening penalty is
++four times greater at that position, making gaps 4 times harder to open.
++The format for gap penalty masks and secondary structure masks is explained in
++a separate help section.
++>>HELP B << 
++            Secondary Structure / Gap Penalty Masks
++The use of secondary structure-based penalties has been shown to improve  the
++accuracy of sequence alignment. Clustal X now allows secondary structure/ gap
++penalty masks to be supplied with the input sequences used during profile
++alignment. (NB. The secondary structure information is NOT used during multiple
++sequence alignment). The masks work by raising gap penalties in specified
++regions (typically secondary structure elements) so that gaps are
++preferentially opened in the less well conserved regions (typically surface
++whether the input 2D-structure information or gap penalty masks will be used
++during the profile alignment.
++The OUTPUT options control whether the secondary structure and gap penalty
++masks should be included in the Clustal X output alignments. Showing both is
++useful for understanding how the masks work. The 2D-structure information is
++itself useful in judging the alignment quality and in seeing how residue
++conservation patterns vary with secondary structure. 
++The HELIX and STRAND GAP PENALTY options provide the value for raising the gap
++penalty at core Alpha Helical (A) and Beta Strand (B) residues. In CLUSTAL
++format, capital residues denote the A and B core structure notation. Basic gap
++penalties are multiplied by the amount specified.
++The LOOP GAP PENALTY option provides the value for the gap penalty in Loops.
++By default this penalty is not raised. In CLUSTAL format, loops are specified
++by "." in the secondary structure notation.
++The SECONDARY STRUCTURE TERMINAL PENALTY provides the value for setting the gap
++penalty at the ends of secondary structures. Ends of secondary structures are
++known to grow or shrink, comparing related structures. Therefore by default
++these are given intermediate values, lower than the core penalties. All
++secondary structure read in as lower case in CLUSTAL format gets the reduced
++terminal penalty.
++The HELIX and STRAND TERMINAL POSITIONS options specify the range of structure
++termini for the intermediate penalties. In the alignment output, these are
++indicated as lower case. For Alpha Helices, by default, the range spans the 
++end-helical turn (3 residues). For Beta Strands, the default range spans the
++end residue and the adjacent loop residue, since sequence conservation often
++extends beyond the actual H-bonded Beta Strand.
++Clustal X can read the masks from SWISS-PROT, CLUSTAL or GDE format input
++files. For many 3-D protein structures, secondary structure information is
++recorded in the feature tables of SWISS-PROT database entries. You should
++always check that the assignments are correct - some are quite inaccurate.
++Clustal X looks for SWISS-PROT HELIX and STRAND assignments e.g.
++FT   HELIX       100    115
++FT   STRAND      118    119
++The structure and penalty masks can also be read from CLUSTAL alignment format 
++as comment lines beginning "!SS_" or "!GM_" e.g.
++!SS_HBA_HUMA    ..aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaa.aaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAaaa.........aaaAAAAAA
++!GM_HBA_HUMA    112224444444444222122244444444442222224222111111111222444444
++Note that the mask itself is a set of numbers between 1 and 9 each of which is 
++assigned to the residue(s) in the same column below. 
++In GDE flat file format, the masks are specified as text and the names must
++begin with "SS_ or "GM_.
++Either a structure or penalty mask or both may be used. If both are included
++in an alignment, the user will be asked which is to be used.
++>>HELP T <<
++                            Phylogenetic Trees
++Before calculating a tree, you must have an ALIGNMENT in memory. This can be
++input using the FILE menu, LOAD SEQUENCES option or you should have just
++carried out a full multiple alignment and the alignment is still in memory.
++The method used is the NJ (Neighbour Joining) method of Saitou and Nei. First
++you calculate distances (percent divergence) between all pairs of sequence from
++a multiple alignment; second you apply the NJ method to the distance matrix.
++To calculate a tree, use the DRAW N-J TREE option. This gives an UNROOTED tree
++and all branch lengths. The root of the tree can only be inferred by using an
++outgroup (a sequence that you are certain branches at the outside of the tree
++.... certain on biological grounds) OR if you assume a degree of constancy in
++the 'molecular clock', you can place the root in the 'middle' of the tree
++(roughly equidistant from all tips).
++BOOTSTRAP N-J TREE uses a method for deriving confidence values for the 
++groupings in a tree (first adapted for trees by Joe Felsenstein). It involves
++making N random samples of sites from the alignment (N should be LARGE, e.g.
++500 - 1000); drawing N trees (1 from each sample) and counting how many times
++each grouping from the original tree occurs in the sample trees. You can set N
++using the NUMBER OF BOOTSTRAP TRIALS option in the BOOTSTRAP TREE window. In
++practice, you should use a large number of bootstrap replicates (1000 is
++recommended, even if it means running the program for an hour on a slow 
++computer). You can also supply a seed number for the random number generator
++here. Different runs with the same seed will give the same answer. See the
++documentation for more details.
++EXCLUDE POSITIONS WITH GAPS? With this option, any alignment positions where
++ANY of the sequences have a gap will be ignored. This means that 'like' will
++be compared to 'like' in all distances, which is highly desirable. It also
++automatically throws away the most ambiguous parts of the alignment, which are
++concentrated around gaps (usually). The disadvantage is that you may throw away
++much of the data if there are many gaps (which is why it is difficult for us to
++make it the default).  
++CORRECT FOR MULTIPLE SUBSTITUTIONS? For small divergence (say <10%) this option
++makes no difference. For greater divergence, this option corrects for the fact
++that observed distances underestimate actual evolutionary distances. This is
++because, as sequences diverge, more than one substitution will happen at many
++sites. However, you only see one difference when you look at the present day
++sequences. Therefore, this option has the effect of stretching branch lengths
++in trees (especially long branches). The corrections used here (for DNA or
++proteins) are both due to Motoo Kimura. See the documentation for details.  
++Where possible, this option should be used. However, for VERY divergent
++sequences, the distances cannot be reliably corrected. You will be warned if
++this happens. Even if none of the distances in a data set exceed the reliable
++threshold, if you bootstrap the data, some of the bootstrap distances may
++randomly exceed the safe limit.  
++SAVE LOG FILE will write the tree calculation scores to a file. The log
++filename is the same as the input sequence filename, with an extension .log
++Three different formats are allowed. None of these displays the tree visually.
++You can display the tree using the NJPLOT program distributed with Clustal X
++OR get the PHYLIP package and use the tree drawing facilities there. 
++1) CLUSTAL FORMAT TREE. This format is verbose and lists all of the distances
++between the sequences and the number of alignment positions used for each. The
++tree is described at the end of the file. It lists the sequences that are
++joined at each alignment step and the branch lengths. After two sequences are
++joined, it is referred to later as a NODE. The number of a NODE is the number
++of the lowest sequence in that NODE.   
++2) PHYLIP FORMAT TREE. This format is the New Hampshire format, used by many
++phylogenetic analysis packages. It consists of a series of nested parentheses,
++describing the branching order, with the sequence names and branch lengths. It
++can be read by the NJPLOT program distributed with ClustalX. It can also be
++used by the RETREE, DRAWGRAM and DRAWTREE programs of the PHYLIP package to see
++the trees graphically. This is the same format used during multiple alignment
++for the guide trees. Some other packages that can read and display New
++Hampshire format are TreeTool, TreeView, and Phylowin.
++3) PHYLIP DISTANCE MATRIX. This format just outputs a matrix of all the
++pairwise distances in a format that can be used by the PHYLIP package. It used
++to be useful when one could not produce distances from protein sequences in the
++Phylip package but is now redundant (PROTDIST of Phylip 3.5 now does this).
++4) NEXUS FORMAT TREE. This format is used by several popular phylogeny programs,
++including PAUP and MacClade. The format is described fully in:
++Maddison, D. R., D. L. Swofford and W. P. Maddison.  1997.
++NEXUS: an extensible file format for systematic information.
++Systematic Biology 46:590-621.
++BOOTSTRAP LABELS ON: By default, the bootstrap values are correctly placed on
++the tree branches of the phylip format output tree. The toggle allows them to
++be placed on the nodes, which is incorrect, but some display packages (e.g.
++TreeTool, TreeView and Phylowin) only support node labelling but not branch
++labelling. Care should be taken to note which branches and labels go together. 
++>>HELP C <<
++                               Colors
++Clustal X provides a versatile coloring scheme for the sequence alignment 
++display. The sequences (or profiles) are colored automatically, when they are
++loaded. Sequences can be colored either by assigning a color to specific
++residues, or on the basis of an alignment consensus. In the latter case, the
++alignment consensus is calculated automatically, and the residues in each
++column are colored according to the consensus character assigned to that
++column. In this way, you can choose to highlight, for example, conserved
++hydrophylic or hydrophobic positions in the alignment.
++The 'rules' used to color the alignment are specified in a COLOR PARAMETER
++FILE. Clustal X automatically looks for a file called 'colprot.par' for protein
++sequences or 'coldna.par' for DNA, in the current directory. (If your running
++under UNIX, it then looks in your home directory, and finally in the
++directories in your PATH environment variable).
++By default, if no color parameter file is found, protein sequences are colored
++by residue as follows:
++	Color			Residue Code
++	RED			HKR
++In the case of DNA sequences, the default colors are as follows:
++	Color			Residue Code
++	RED			C
++	BLUE			T
++	GREEN			G
++The default BACKGROUND COLORING option shows the sequence residues using a
++black character on a colored background. It can be switched off to show
++residues as a colored character on a white background. 
++Either BLACK AND WHITE or DEFAULT COLOR options can be selected. The Color
++option looks first for the color parameter file (as described above) and, if no
++file is found, uses the default residue-specific colors.
++You can specify your own coloring scheme by using the LOAD COLOR PARAMETER FILE
++option. The format of the color parameter file is described below.
++This file is divided into 3 sections:
++1) the names and rgb values of the colors
++2) the rules for calculating the consensus
++3) the rules for assigning colors to the residues
++An example file is given here.
++ --------------------------------------------------------------------
++ at rgbindex
++RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
++BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
++GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
++YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
++ at consensus
++% = 60% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
++# = 80% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
++- = 50% e:d
+++ = 60% k:r
++q = 50% q:e
++p = 50% p
++n = 50% n
++t = 50% t:s
++ at color
++g = RED
++p = YELLOW
++t = GREEN if t:%:#
++n = GREEN if n
++w = BLUE if %:#:p
++k = RED if +
++ --------------------------------------------------------------------
++The first section is optional and is identified by the header @rgbindex. If
++this section exists, each color used in the file must be named and the rgb
++values specified (on a scale from 0 to 1). If the rgb index section is not
++found, the following set of hard-coded colors will be used.
++RED          0.9 0.1 0.1
++BLUE         0.1 0.1 0.9
++GREEN        0.1 0.9 0.1
++ORANGE       0.9 0.7 0.3
++CYAN         0.1 0.9 0.9
++PINK         0.9 0.5 0.5
++MAGENTA      0.9 0.1 0.9
++YELLOW       0.9 0.9 0.0
++The second section is optional and is identified by the header @consensus. It
++defines how the consensus is calculated.
++The format of each consensus parameter is:-
++c = n% residue_list
++        where
++              c             is a character used to identify the parameter.
++              n             is an integer value used as the percentage cutoff
++                            point.
++              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
++                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
++For example:   # = 60% w:l:v:i
++will assign a consensus character # to any column in the alignment which
++contains more than 60% of the residues w,l,v and i.
++The third section is identified by the header @color, and defines how colors
++are assigned to each residue in the alignment.
++The color parameters can take one of two formats:
++1) r = color
++2) r = color if consensus_list
++        where
++              r             is a character used to denote a residue.
++              color         is one of the colors in the GDE color lookup table.
++              residue_list  is a list of residues denoted by a single
++                            character, delimited by a colon (:).
++1) g = ORANGE
++will color all glycines ORANGE, regardless of the consensus.
++2) w = BLUE if w:%:#
++will color BLUE any tryptophan which is found in a column with a consensus of
++w, % or #.
++>>HELP Q <<
++                       Alignment Quality Analysis
++Clustal X provides an indication of the quality of an alignment by plotting
++a 'conservation score' for each column of the alignment. A high score indicates
++a well-conserved column; a low score indicates low conservation. The quality
++curve is drawn below the alignment.
++Two methods are also provided to indicate single residues or sequence segments
++which score badly in the alignment.
++Low-scoring residues are expected to occur at a moderate frequency in all the
++sequences because of their steady divergence due to the natural processes of
++evolution. The most divergent sequences are likely to have the most outliers.
++However, the highlighted residues are especially useful in pointing to
++sequence misalignments. Note that clustering of highlighted residues is a
++strong indication of misalignment. This can arise due to various reasons, for
++        1. Partial or total misalignments caused by a failure in the
++        alignment algorithm. Usually only in difficult alignment cases.
++        2. Partial or total misalignments because at least one of the
++        sequences in the given set is partly or completely unrelated to the
++        other sequences. It is up to the user to check that the set of
++        sequences are alignable.
++        3. Frameshift translation errors in a protein sequence causing local
++        mismatched regions to be heavily highlighted. These are surprisingly
++        common in database entries. If suspected, a 3-frame translation of
++        the source DNA needs to be examined.
++Occasionally, highlighted residues may point to regions of some biological
++significance. This might happen for example if a protein alignment contains a
++sequence which has acquired new functions relative to the main sequence set. It
++is important to exclude other explanations, such as error or the natural
++divergence of sequences, before invoking a biological explanation.
++Unreliable regions in the alignment can be highlighted using the Low-Scoring
++Segments option. A sequence-weighted profile is used to indicate any segments
++in the sequences which score badly. Because the profile calculation may take
++some time, an option is provided to calculate LOW-SCORING SEGMENTS. The 
++segment display can then be toggled on or off without having to repeat the
++time-consuming calculations.
++For details of the low-scoring segment calculation, see the CALCULATION section
++MINIMUM LENGTH OF SEGMENTS: short segments (or even single residues) can be
++hidden by increasing the minimum length of segments which will be displayed.
++DNA MARKING SCALE is used to remove less significant segments from the 
++highlighted display. Increase the scale to display more segments; decrease the
++scale to remove the least significant.
++PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of each
++amino acid to each other. The matrix is used to calculate the sequence-
++weighted profile scores. There are four 'in-built' Log-Odds matrices offered:
++the Gonnet PAM 80, 120, 250, 350 matrices. A more stringent matrix which only
++gives a high score to identities and the most favoured conservative
++substitutions, may be more suitable when the sequences are closely related. For
++more divergent sequences, it is appropriate to use "softer" matrices which give
++a high score to many other frequent substitutions. This  option automatically
++recalculates the low-scoring segments.
++DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: Two hard-coded matrices are available:
++1) IUB. This is the default scoring matrix used by BESTFIT for the comparison
++of nucleic acid sequences. X's and N's are treated as matches to any IUB
++ambiguity symbol. All matches score 1.0; all mismatches for IUB symbols score
++2) CLUSTALW(1.6). The previous system used by ClustalW, in which matches score
++1.0 and mismatches score 0. All matches for IUB symbols also score 0. 
++A new matrix can be read from a file on disk, if the filename consists only
++of lower case characters. The values in the new weight matrix should be
++similarities and should be NEGATIVE for infrequent substitutions.
++INPUT FORMAT. The format used for a new matrix is the same as the BLAST
++program. Any lines beginning with a # character are assumed to be comments. The
++first non-comment line should contain a list of amino acids in any order, using
++the 1 letter code, followed by a * character. This should be followed by a
++square matrix of scores, with one row and one column for each amino acid. The
++last row and column of the matrix (corresponding to the * character) contain
++the minimum score over the whole matrix.
++You can customise the column 'quality scores' plotted underneath the alignment
++display using the following options.
++SCORE PLOT SCALE: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be used to
++change the scale of the quality score plot. 
++RESIDUE EXCEPTION CUTOFF: this is a scalar value from 1 to 10, which can be
++used to change the number of residue exceptions which are highlighted in the
++alignment display. (For an explanation of this cutoff, see the CALCULATION OF
++RESIDUE EXCEPTIONS section below.)
++PROTEIN WEIGHT MATRIX: the scoring table which describes the similarity of 
++each amino acid to each other. 
++DNA WEIGHT MATRIX: two hard-coded matrices are available: IUB and CLUSTALW(1.6).
++For more information about the weight matrices, see the help above for
++the Low-scoring Segments Weight Matrix.
++For details of the quality score calculations, see the CALCULATION section
++The low-scoring segment display can be toggled on or off. This option does not
++recalculate the profile scores.
++This option highlights individual residues which score badly in the alignment
++quality calculations. Residues which score exceptionally low are highlighted by
++using a white character on a grey background.
++The quality scores that are plotted underneath the alignment display can also
++be saved in a text file. Each column in the alignment is written on one line in
++the output file, with the value of the quality score at the end of the line.
++Only the sequences currently selected in the display are written to the file.
++One use for quality scores is to color residues in a protein structure by
++sequence conservation. In this way conserved surface residues can be
++highlighted to locate functional regions such as ligand-binding sites.
++Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
++can be written as:
++        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
++        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
++        .
++        .
++        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
++We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
++for aligning residue i with residue j.
++We want to calculate a score for the conservation of the jth position in the
++To do this, we define an R-dimensional sequence space. For the jth position in 
++the alignment, each sequence consists of a single residue which is assigned a
++point S in the space. S has R dimensions, and for sequence i, the rth dimension
++is defined as:
++	Sr =    C(r,Aij)
++We then calculate a consensus value for the jth position in the alignment. This
++value X also has R dimensions, and the rth dimension is defined as:
++	Xr = (   SUM   (Fij * C(i,r)) ) / m
++               1<=i<=R
++where Fij is the count of residues i at position j in the alignment.
++Now we can calculate the distance Di between each sequence i and the consensus 
++position X in the R-dimensional space.
++	Di = SQRT   (   SUM   (Xr - Sr)(Xr - Sr) )
++                      1<=i<=R
++The quality score for the jth position in the alignment is defined as the mean
++of the sequence distances Di.
++The score is normalised by multiplying by the percentage of sequences which
++have residues (and not gaps) at this position.
++The jth residue of the ith sequence is considered as an exception if the
++distance Di of the sequence from the consensus value P is greater than (Upper
++Quartile + Inter Quartile Range * Cutoff). The value used as a cutoff for
++displaying exceptions can be set from the SCORE PARAMETERS menu. A high cutoff
++value will only display very significant exceptions; a low value will allow
++more, less significant, exceptions to be highlighted.
++(NB. Sequences which contain gaps at this position are not included in the
++exception calculation.)
++Suppose we have an alignment of m sequences of length n. Then, the alignment
++can be written as:
++        A11 A12 A13 .......... A1n
++        A21 A22 A23 .......... A2n
++        .
++        .
++        Am1 Am2 Am3 .......... Amn
++We also have a residue comparison matrix of size R where C(i,j) is the score
++for aligning residue i with residue j.
++We calculate sequence weights by building a neighbour-joining tree, in which
++branch lengths are proportional to divergence. Summing the branches by branch
++ownership provides the weights. See (Thompson et al., CABIOS, 10, 19 (1994) and
++Henikoff et al.,JMB, 243, 574 1994).
++To find the low-scoring segments in a sequence Si, we build a weighted profile
++of the remaining sequences in the alignment. Suppose we find residue r at 
++position j in the sequence; then the score for the jth position in the sequence
++is defined as
++	Score(Si,j) = Profile(j,r)   where Profile(j,r) is the profile score
++                                       for residue r at position j in the
++                                       alignment.
++These residue scores are summed along the sequence in both forward and backward
++directions. If the sum of the scores is positive, then it is reset to zero.
++Segments which score negatively in both directions are considered as 
++'low-scoring' and will be highlighted in the alignment display.
++>>HELP 9 <<
++              Command Line Parameters
++                DATA (sequences)
++-INFILE=file.ext                             :input sequences
++-PROFILE1=file.ext  and  -PROFILE2=file.ext  :profiles (aligned sequences)
++                VERBS (do things)
++-OPTIONS	    :list the command line parameters
++-HELP  or -CHECK    :outline the command line parameters
++-ALIGN              :do full multiple alignment 
++-TREE               :calculate NJ tree
++-BOOTSTRAP(=n)      :bootstrap a NJ tree (n= number of bootstraps; def. = 1000)
++-CONVERT            :output the input sequences in a different file format
++                PARAMETERS (set things)
++***General settings:****
++-INTERACTIVE :read command line, then enter normal interactive menus
++-QUICKTREE   :use FAST algorithm for the alignment guide tree
++-TYPE=       :PROTEIN or DNA sequences
++-NEGATIVE    :protein alignment with negative values in matrix
++-OUTFILE=    :sequence alignment file name
++-CASE=       :LOWER or UPPER (for GDE output only)
++-SEQNOS=     :OFF or ON (for Clustal output only)
++***Fast Pairwise Alignments:***
++-KTUPLE=n      :word size
++-TOPDIAGS=n  :number of best diags.
++-WINDOW=n    :window around best diags.
++-PAIRGAP=n   :gap penalty
++***Slow Pairwise Alignments:***
++-PWMATRIX=    :Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename
++-PWDNAMATRIX= :DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename
++-PWGAPOPEN=f  :gap opening penalty
++-PWGAPEXT=f  :gap opening penalty
++***Multiple Alignments:***
++-NEWTREE=    :file for new guide tree
++-USETREE=    :file for old guide tree
++-MATRIX=     :Protein weight matrix=BLOSUM, PAM, GONNET, ID or filename
++-DNAMATRIX=  :DNA weight matrix=IUB, CLUSTALW or filename
++-GAPOPEN=f   :gap opening penalty
++-GAPEXT=f  :gap extension penalty
++-ENDGAPS     :no end gap separation pen.
++-GAPDIST=n   :gap separation pen. range
++-NOPGAP      :residue-specific gaps off
++-NOHGAP    :hydrophilic gaps off
++-HGAPRESIDUES= :list hydrophilic res.
++-MAXDIV=n    :% ident. for delay
++-TYPE=       :PROTEIN or DNA
++-TRANSWEIGHT=f :transitions weighting
++***Profile Alignments:***
++-PROFILE      :Merge two alignments by profile alignment
++-NEWTREE1=    :file for new guide tree for profile1
++-NEWTREE2=    :file for new guide tree for profile2
++-USETREE1=    :file for old guide tree for profile1
++-USETREE2=    :file for old guide tree for profile2
++***Sequence to Profile Alignments:***
++-SEQUENCES   :Sequentially add profile2 sequences to profile1 alignment
++-NEWTREE=    :file for new guide tree
++-USETREE=    :file for old guide tree
++***Structure Alignments:***
++-NOSECSTR1     :do not use secondary structure/gap penalty mask for profile 1 
++-NOSECSTR2     :do not use secondary structure/gap penalty mask for profile 2
++-SECSTROUT=STRUCTURE or MASK or BOTH or NONE  :output in alignment file
++-HELIXGAP=n    :gap penalty for helix core residues 
++-STRANDGAP=n   :gap penalty for strand core residues
++-LOOPGAP=n     :gap penalty for loop regions
++-TERMINALGAP=n :gap penalty for structure termini
++-HELIXENDIN=n  :number of residues inside helix to be treated as terminal
++-HELIXENDOUT=n :number of residues outside helix to be treated as terminal
++-STRANDENDIN=n :number of residues inside strand to be treated as terminal
++-STRANDENDOUT=n:number of residues outside strand to be treated as terminal 
++-OUTPUTTREE=nj OR phylip OR dist OR nexus
++-SEED=n    :seed number for bootstraps
++-KIMURA      :use Kimura's correction
++-TOSSGAPS  :ignore positions with gaps
++-BOOTLABELS=node OR branch :position of bootstrap values in tree display
++>>HELP R <<
++                             References
++The ClustalX program is described in the manuscript:
++Thompson,J.D., Gibson,T.J., Plewniak,F., Jeanmougin,F. and Higgins,D.G. (1997)
++The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence 
++alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research, 24:4876-4882.
++The ClustalW program is described in the manuscript:
++Thompson, J.D., Higgins, D.G. and Gibson, T.J. (1994) CLUSTAL W: improving the
++sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence
++weighting, positions-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice.  Nucleic
++Acids Research, 22:4673-4680.
++The ClustalV program is described in the manuscript:
++Higgins,D.G., Bleasby,A.J. and Fuchs,R. (1992) CLUSTAL V: improved software for
++multiple sequence alignment. CABIOS 8,189-191.
++The original Clustal program is described in the manuscripts:
++Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1989) Fast and sensitive multiple sequence
++alignments on a microcomputer.
++CABIOS 5,151-153.
++Higgins,D.G. and Sharp,P.M. (1988) CLUSTAL: a package for performing multiple
++sequence alignment on a microcomputer. Gene 73,237-244.
++Some tips on using Clustal X:
++Jeanmougin,F., Thompson,J.D., Gouy,M., Higgins,D.G. and Gibson,T.J. (1998)
++Multiple sequence alignment with Clustal X. Trends Biochem Sci, 23, 403-5.
++Some tips on using Clustal W:
++Higgins, D. G., Thompson, J. D. and Gibson, T. J. (1996) Using CLUSTAL for
++multiple sequence alignments. Methods Enzymol., 266, 383-402.
++You can get the latest version of the ClustalX program by anonymous ftp to:
++Or, have a look at the following WWW site:
+ This is the on-line help file for Clustal X (version 1.83), using the NCBI
+ Vibrant Toolkit.   

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/interface.c.patch
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/interface.c.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/interface.c.patch	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+Index: clustalw-1.83/interface.c
+--- clustalw-1.83.orig/interface.c
++++ clustalw-1.83/interface.c
+@@ -1223,8 +1223,7 @@
+ 			while(fgets(temp,MAXLINE+1,help_file)) {
+ 				if(strstr(temp, help_marker)){
+ 				  	if(usemenu) {
+-						fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+-				    		getstr("Press [RETURN] to continue",lin2);
++				    		getstr("\nPress [RETURN] to continue",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+ 				  	}
+ 					fclose(help_file);
+ 					return;
+@@ -1235,8 +1234,7 @@
+ 				}
+ 			       if(usemenu) {
+ 			          if(nlines >= PAGE_LEN) {
+-				     	   fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+-			 	  	   getstr("Press [RETURN] to continue or  X  to stop",lin2);
++			 	  	   getstr("\nPress [RETURN] to continue or  X  to stop",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+ 				  	   if(toupper(*lin2) == 'X') {
+ 						   fclose(help_file);
+ 						   return;
+@@ -1247,8 +1245,7 @@
+ 			       }
+ 			}
+ 			if(usemenu) {
+-				fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+-				getstr("Press [RETURN] to continue",lin2);
++				getstr("\nPress [RETURN] to continue",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+ 			}
+ 			fclose(help_file);
+ 		}
+@@ -1286,8 +1283,7 @@
+                 fputs(temp,stdout);
+                 ++nlines;
+                 if(nlines >= PAGE_LEN) {
+-                        fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+-                        getstr("Press [RETURN] to continue or  X  to stop",lin2);
++                        getstr("\nPress [RETURN] to continue or  X  to stop",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+                         if(toupper(*lin2) == 'X') {
+                                 fclose(file);
+                                 return;
+@@ -1297,8 +1293,7 @@
+                 }
+         }
+         fclose(file);
+-        fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+-        getstr("Press [RETURN] to continue",lin2);
++        getstr("\nPress [RETURN] to continue",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+ }
+@@ -1747,7 +1742,7 @@
+         FILE *infile;
+         if(usemenu)
+-                getstr("Enter name of the matrix file",lin2);
++                getstr("Enter name of the matrix file",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+         else
+                 strcpy(lin2,str);
+@@ -1773,7 +1768,7 @@
+         FILE *infile;
+         if(usemenu)
+-                getstr("Enter name of the matrix file",lin2);
++                getstr("Enter name of the matrix file",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
+         else
+                 strcpy(lin2,str);
+@@ -2163,6 +2158,7 @@
+ {	static char temp[FILENAMELEN+1];
+ 	static char local_prompt[MAXLINE];
++	static char local_prompt_tmp[MAXLINE+FILENAMELEN+1];
+ 	FILE * file_handle;
+ /*	if (*file_name == EOS) {
+@@ -2174,17 +2170,17 @@
+ 		warning("Output file name is the same as input file.");
+ 		if (usemenu) {
+ 			strcpy(local_prompt,"\n\nEnter new name to avoid overwriting ");
+-			strcat(local_prompt," [%s]: ");          
+-			fprintf(stdout,local_prompt,file_name);
+-			gets(temp);
++			strcat(local_prompt," [%s]");          
++			sprintf(local_prompt_tmp,local_prompt,file_name);
++			getstr(local_prompt_tmp,FILENAMELEN+1,temp);
+ 			if(*temp != EOS) strcpy(file_name,temp);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	else if (usemenu) {
+ 		strcpy(local_prompt,prompt);
+-		strcat(local_prompt," [%s]: ");          
+-		fprintf(stdout,local_prompt,file_name);
+-		gets(temp);
++		strcat(local_prompt," [%s]");          
++		sprintf(local_prompt_tmp,local_prompt,file_name);
++		getstr(local_prompt_tmp,FILENAMELEN+1,temp);
+ 		if(*temp != EOS) strcpy(file_name,temp);
+ 	}
+@@ -2260,7 +2256,7 @@
+         	}
+         	else {
+                  	if((tree = open_output_file(
+-                	"\nEnter name for new GUIDE TREE           file  ",path,
++                	"\nEnter name for new GUIDE TREE file ",path,
+                 	phylip_name,"dnd")) == NULL) return;
+         	}
+ 	}
+@@ -2327,6 +2323,7 @@
+ { 
+ 	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
+ 	char tree_name[FILENAMELEN+1],temp[MAXLINE+1];
++	char tmp_msg[MAXLINE+1+300];
+ 	Boolean use_tree;
+ 	FILE *tree;
+ 	sint i,j,count;
+@@ -2383,9 +2380,9 @@
+         	if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r"))!=NULL) {
+ #endif
+ 		if (usemenu)
+-            	fprintf(stdout,"\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file,  %s  (y/n) ? [y]: ",
++            	sprintf(tmp_msg,"\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file,  %s  (y/n) ? [y]",
+                                            tree_name);
+-                gets(temp);
++                getstr(tmp_msg,MAXLINE+1,temp);
+                 if(*temp != 'n' && *temp != 'N') {
+                     strcpy(phylip_name,tree_name);
+                     use_tree = TRUE;
+@@ -2584,6 +2581,7 @@
+ void get_tree(char *phylip_name)
+ {
+ 	char path[FILENAMELEN+1],temp[MAXLINE+1];
++	char tmp_msg[FILENAMELEN+300];
+ 	sint count;
+ 	if(empty) {
+@@ -2615,9 +2613,9 @@
+        			strcpy(phylip_name,path);
+        			strcat(phylip_name,"dnd");
+-            fprintf(stdout,"\nEnter a name for the guide tree file [%s]: ",
++			sprintf(tmp_msg,"\nEnter a name for the guide tree file [%s]",
+                                            phylip_name);
+-                	gets(temp);
++                	getstr(tmp_msg,MAXLINE+1,temp);
+                 	if(*temp != EOS)
+                         	strcpy(phylip_name,temp);
+         	}
+@@ -2685,6 +2683,8 @@
+ 	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
+ 	char tree_name[FILENAMELEN+1];
+ 	char temp[MAXLINE+1];
++	char tmp_msg[FILENAMELEN+300];
+ 	Boolean use_tree1,use_tree2;
+ 	FILE *tree;
+ 	sint count,i,j,dscore;
+@@ -2717,9 +2717,9 @@
+ #else
+         	if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r"))!=NULL) {
+ #endif
+-            	fprintf(stdout,"\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file for Profile 1,  %s  (y/n) ? [y]: ",
++            	sprintf(tmp_msg,"\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file for Profile 1,  %s  (y/n) ? [y]",
+                                            tree_name);
+-                gets(temp);
++                getstr(tmp_msg,MAXLINE+1,temp);
+                 if(*temp != 'n' && *temp != 'N') {
+                     strcpy(p1_tree_name,tree_name);
+                     use_tree1 = TRUE;
+@@ -2739,19 +2739,20 @@
+ 			strcpy(tree_name,path);
+ 			strcat(tree_name,"dnd");
+ #ifdef VMS
+-        	if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var"))!=NULL) {
++			if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var"))!=NULL)
+ #else
+-        	if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r"))!=NULL) {
++			if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r"))!=NULL)
+ #endif
+-            	fprintf(stdout,"\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file for Profile 2,  %s  (y/n) ? [y]: ",
+-                                           tree_name);
+-                gets(temp);
+-                if(*temp != 'n' && *temp != 'N') {
+-                    strcpy(p2_tree_name,tree_name);
+-                    use_tree2 = TRUE;
+-                }
+-                fclose(tree);
+-        	}
++			{
++				sprintf(tmp_msg,"\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file for Profile 2,  %s  (y/n) ? [y]",
++						   tree_name);
++				getstr(tmp_msg,MAXLINE+1,temp);
++				if(*temp != 'n' && *temp != 'N') {
++				    strcpy(p2_tree_name,tree_name);
++				    use_tree2 = TRUE;
++				}
++				fclose(tree);
++			}
+ 		}
+ 		else if (!usemenu && use_tree2_file) {
+ 			use_tree2 = TRUE;
+@@ -4194,6 +4195,7 @@
+ {
+   char parname[FILENAMELEN+1], temp[FILENAMELEN+1];
+   char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
++  char tmp_msg[FILENAMELEN+300];
+   FILE *parout;
+   get_path(seqname,path);
+@@ -4201,9 +4203,9 @@
+   strcat(parname,"par");
+   if(usemenu) {
+-    fprintf(stdout,"\nEnter a name for the parameter output file [%s]: ",
++    sprintf(tmp_msg,"\nEnter a name for the parameter output file [%s]",
+ 	    parname);
+-    gets(temp);
++    getstr(tmp_msg,FILENAMELEN+1,temp);
+     if(*temp != EOS)
+       strcpy(parname,temp);
+   }

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/makefile.patch
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/makefile.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/makefile.patch	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+Index: clustalw-1.83/makefile
+--- clustalw-1.83.orig/makefile
++++ clustalw-1.83/makefile
+@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
+-install: clustalx clustalw
+-	rm *.o
++RM=/bin/rm -f
++DOCS=clustalv.doc clustalw.doc clustalw.ms README_W
++XDOCS=README_X clustalx.html
+ OBJECTS = interface.o sequence.o showpair.o malign.o \
+   	util.o trees.o gcgcheck.o prfalign.o pairalign.o \
+@@ -12,25 +20,36 @@
+ HEADERS = general.h clustalw.h
+-CC	= cc
+-CFLAGS  = -c -O
++CC	= gcc
++CFLAGS  = -c -O2
++MACHINE=$(shell uname -m)
++ifeq ("$(MACHINE)","alpha")
++ # -mieee is for the Alpha only: ClustalW divides by zero (yes, I know it's bad)
++ # and expect the processor to goes on. -mieee tells the Alpha to comply with
++ # the IEEE standard and to shut up about divisions by zero.
++ CFLAGS  +=  -mieee
+ LFLAGS	= -O -lm 
+-NCBI_INC  = /dec/biolo/ncbi/include
+-NCBI_LIB	= /dec/biolo/ncbi/lib
+-LXFLAGS	= -L$(NCBI_LIB) -lvibrant -lncbi -lpthread -lXm -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lm 
++NCBI_INC= /usr/include/ncbi
++NCBI_LIB= /usr/lib
++LXFLAGS	= -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lvibrant -lncbi -lpthread -lXm -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lm
+-clustalw : $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o
+-	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o $(LFLAGS)
++all: clustalx clustalw
+-interface.o : interface.c $(HEADERS) param.h
+-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
++	echo $(MACHINE)
+-amenu.o : amenu.c $(HEADERS) param.h
+-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
++clustalw : $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o
++	$(CC) -o $@ -I$(NCBI_INC) $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o $(LFLAGS)
+ clustalx : $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o
+-	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o $(LFLAGS) $(LXFLAGS)
++	$(CC) -o $@ -I$(NCBI_INC) $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o $(LFLAGS) $(LXFLAGS)
++clustalw.o : clustalw.c $(HEADERS)
++	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
+ clustalx.o : clustalx.c $(HEADERS)
+ 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
+@@ -56,6 +75,25 @@
+ trees.o : trees.c $(HEADERS) dayhoff.h
+ 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
+-.c.o :
+-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $?
++install: all
++	install -d $(BINDIR) $(XBINDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(DOCDIR)/examples $(MANDIR) $(XMANDIR) $(XDOCDIR)
++	install -m 0755 clustalw $(BINDIR)
++	install -m 0755 clustalx $(XBINDIR)
++	install -m 0644 clustalw_help clustalx_help $(LIBDIR)
++	install -m 0644 clustalw.1 $(MANDIR)
++	install -m 0644 clustalx.1 $(MANDIR)
++	install -m 0644 $(DOCS) $(DOCDIR)
++	install -m 0644 $(XDOCS) $(XDOCDIR)
++	cp -a -R tests.clustalw $(DOCDIR)/examples/tests
++.PHONY:	clean distclean
++	$(RM) *.o
++distclean: clean
++	$(RM) clustalw clustalx
++	cd tests.clustalw; make clean

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/sequence.c.patch
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/sequence.c.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/sequence.c.patch	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: clustalw-1.83/sequence.c
+--- clustalw-1.83.orig/sequence.c
++++ clustalw-1.83/sequence.c
+@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
+ 	static Boolean dnaflag1;
+ 	if(usemenu)
+-		getstr("Enter the name of the sequence file",line);
++		getstr("Enter the name of the sequence file",FILENAMELEN+1,line);
+ 	else
+ 		strcpy(line,seqname);
+ 	if(*line == EOS) return -1;

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/series	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/series	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/trees.c.patch
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/trees.c.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/trees.c.patch	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: clustalw-1.83/trees.c
+--- clustalw-1.83.orig/trees.c
++++ clustalw-1.83/trees.c
+@@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"\n           or 3) use the PHYLIP package.");
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
+ 		if (usemenu) 
+-			getstr("Press [RETURN] to continue",dummy);
++			getstr("Press [RETURN] to continue",10,dummy);
+ 	}

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/util.c.patch
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/util.c.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/util.c.patch	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Index: clustalw-1.83/util.c
+--- clustalw-1.83.orig/util.c
++++ clustalw-1.83/util.c
+@@ -171,10 +171,18 @@
+ 	return str;
+ }
+-void getstr(char *instr,char *outstr)
++void getstr(char *instr, int n, char *outstr)
+ {	
++	int sl;
+ 	fprintf(stdout,"%s: ",instr);
+-	gets(outstr);
++	fgets(outstr,n,stdin);
++	/*
++	 * modify outstr for compatibility with prior used (insecure) gets()
++	 */
++	sl=strlen(outstr);
++	if(sl>0 && '\n'==outstr[sl-1]) {
++		outstr[sl-1]=0;
++	}
+ }
+ double getreal(char *instr,double minx,double maxx,double def)
+@@ -185,7 +193,7 @@
+ 	while(TRUE) {
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"%s (%.1f-%.1f)   [%.1f]: ",instr,minx,maxx,def);
+-		gets(line);
++		fgets(line,MAXLINE,stdin);
+ 		status=sscanf(line,"%f",&ret);
+ 		if(status == EOF) return def;
+ 		if(ret>maxx) {
+@@ -210,7 +218,7 @@
+ 	while(TRUE) {
+ 		fprintf(stdout,"%s (%d..%d)    [%d]: ",
+ 		instr,(pint)minx,(pint)maxx,(pint)def);
+-		gets(line);
++		fgets(line,MAXLINE,stdin);
+ 		status=sscanf(line,"%d",&ret);
+ 		if(status == EOF) return def;
+ 		if(ret>maxx) {
+@@ -230,7 +238,7 @@
+ {
+ 	char line[MAXLINE];
+-	getstr("\n\nEnter system command",line);
++	getstr("\n\nEnter system command",MAXLINE,line);
+ 	if(*line != EOS)
+ 		system(line);
+ 	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");

Added: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/xmenu.c.patch
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/xmenu.c.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/patches/xmenu.c.patch	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: xmenu.c
+--- ./xmenu.c	(révision 173)
++++ ./xmenu.c	(révision 174)
+@@ -4411,7 +4411,7 @@
+ 	while(TRUE) {
+ 		if(fgets(temp,MAXLINE+1,fd) == NULL) {
+ 			if(!found_help)
+-				error("No help found in help file");
++				error("No help found in help file [%s]",help_file);
+ 			fclose(fd);
+ 			return;
+ 		}

Modified: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/rules
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/rules	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/debian/rules	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
 # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. 
 #export DH_VERBOSE=1
-build: build-stamp
+include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make
+build: patch build-stamp
@@ -11,7 +14,7 @@
 	touch build-stamp
+clean: unpatch
 	rm -f build-stamp 

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/gcgcheck.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/gcgcheck.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/gcgcheck.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#include <ctype.h>   /* because of toupper() */
-int SeqGCGCheckSum(char *seq, int len);
-int SeqGCGCheckSum(char *seq, int len)
-	int  i;
-        long check;
-        for( i=0, check=0; i< len; i++,seq++)
-                check += ((i % 57)+1) * toupper(*seq);
-        return(check % 10000);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/general.h
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/general.h	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/general.h	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* General purpose header file - rf 12/90 */
-#ifndef _H_general
-#define _H_general
-/* Macintosh specific */
-#ifdef MAC					/* rf 12/9/94 */
-#define const					/* THINK C doesn't know about these identifiers */
-#define signed
-#define volatile
-#define int long
-#ifndef Boolean
-#define Boolean char
-#define pint short			/* cast ints in printf statements as pint */
-#define sint int			/* cast ints for sequence lengths */
-#define lint int			/* cast ints for profile scores */
-#else 							/* not Macintoshs */
-#define pint int			/* cast ints in printf statements as pint */
-#define sint int			/* cast ints for sequence lengths */
-#define lint int 			/* cast ints for profile scores */
-#ifndef Boolean
-#define Boolean char
-#endif 							/* ifdef MAC */
-/* definitions for all machines */
-#undef TRUE						/* Boolean values; first undef them, just in case */
-#undef FALSE
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-#define EOS '\0'				/* End-Of-String */
-#define MAXLINE 512			/* Max. line length */
-#ifdef VMS
-#define signed
-#endif /* ifndef _H_general */

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/globin.pep
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/globin.pep	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/globin.pep	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-Sw:Hbb_Human => HBB_HUMAN
-C;ID   HBB_HUMAN      STANDARD;      PRT;   146 AA.
-C;AC   P02023;
-C;DT   21-JUL-1986 (REL. 01, CREATED)
-Sw:Hbb_Horse => HBB_HORSE
-C;ID   HBB_HORSE      STANDARD;      PRT;   146 AA.
-C;AC   P02062;
-C;DT   21-JUL-1986 (REL. 01, CREATED)
-Sw:Hba_Human => HBA_HUMAN
-C;ID   HBA_HUMAN      STANDARD;      PRT;   141 AA.
-C;AC   P01922;
-C;DT   21-JUL-1986 (REL. 01, CREATED)
-Sw:Hba_Horse => HBA_HORSE
-C;ID   HBA_HORSE      STANDARD;      PRT;   141 AA.
-C;AC   P01958;
-C;DT   21-JUL-1986 (REL. 01, CREATED)
-Sw:Myg_Phyca => MYG_PHYCA
-          YQG*
-C;ID   MYG_PHYCA      STANDARD;      PRT;   153 AA.
-C;AC   P02185;
-C;DT   21-JUL-1986 (REL. 01, CREATED)
-C;DE   MYOGLOBIN. . . . 
-Sw:Glb5_Petma => GLB5_PETMA
-C;ID   GLB5_PETMA     STANDARD;      PRT;   149 AA.
-C;AC   P02208;
-C;DT   21-JUL-1986 (REL. 01, CREATED)
-C;DE   GLOBIN V. . . . 
-Sw:Lgb2_Luplu => LGB2_LUPLU
-          DAA*
-C;ID   LGB2_LUPLU     STANDARD;      PRT;   153 AA.
-C;AC   P02240;
-C;DT   21-JUL-1986 (REL. 01, CREATED)

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/gon90.bla
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/gon90.bla	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/gon90.bla	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-    C     S     T     P      A     G     N      D     E     Q     H     R     K    M      I      L     V     F      Y     W     *
- 15.10 -1.20-3.00 -8.50  -0.70 -5.60  -5.10 -8.60  -8.60 -7.00-3.90 -5.50 -8.10 -3.50 -4.80  -5.10  -1.80 -3.50 -2.80 -3.90 0.0
- -1.20  7.302.60  -1.10  1.50  -1.20  0.70  -1.10  -1.60 -1.20-2.10 -2.30 -1.70 -3.70 -5.70  -5.90  -3.90 -7.10 -4.30 -6.80 0.0
- -3.00 2.60  7.70 -1.70  -0.30 -4.70  -0.50 -2.00  -2.30 -1.50-2.10 -2.40 -1.20 -2.20 -2.40  -4.40  -0.70 -5.80 -5.30 -8.10 0.0
- -8.50 -1.10-1.70  11.20 -1.30 -5.30  -4.30 -3.80  -3.10 -2.10-4.00 -4.10 -3.30 -7.10 -6.90  -5.40  -5.30 -8.70 -7.10 -10.50 0.0
- -0.70 1.50 -0.30 -1.30   7.10 -0.80  -2.90 -2.70  -1.40 -1.90-3.50 -3.20 -2.70 -2.30 -3.80  -3.90  -0.40 -5.90 -6.00 -8.20 0.0
- -5.60 -1.20-4.70 -5.30  -0.80   9.50 -1.40 -2.30  -4.20 -4.00-4.80 -3.90 -4.50 -7.70 -10.60 -9.80  -8.00 -10.80-8.80 -7.60 0.0
- -5.10 0.70 -0.50 -4.30  -2.90 -1.40   9.30  2.30  -0.90 -0.401.10  -1.90 0.10  -5.70 -6.70  -7.40  -6.30 -7.00 -3.60 -8.10 0.0
- -8.60 -1.10-2.00 -3.80  -2.70 -2.30  2.30    9.30 3.30  -0.60-1.40 -3.90 -1.70 -8.10 -9.80  -10.10 -8.10 -10.40-6.40 -11.60 0.0
- -8.60 -1.60-2.30 -3.10  -1.40 -4.20  -0.90  3.30   8.40 2.40 -1.40 -1.90 0.70  -4.90 -6.80  -7.00  -4.70 -9.50 -6.90 -9.20 0.0
- -7.00 -1.20-1.50 -2.10  -1.90 -4.00  -0.40 -0.60  2.40   8.901.60  1.30  1.80  -1.80 -5.50  -3.60  -4.70 -6.50 -4.90 -5.80 0.0
- -3.90 -2.10-2.10 -4.00  -3.50 -4.80  1.10  -1.40  -1.40 1.60 12.30 -0.70 -0.90 -3.50 -5.90  -5.30  -6.00 -2.20 2.30  -3.80 0.0
- -5.50 -2.30-2.40 -4.10  -3.20 -3.90  -1.90 -3.90  -1.90 1.30 -0.70  9.30 3.50  -4.80 -6.50  -5.40  -5.50 -8.40 -4.60 -3.80 0.0
- -8.10 -1.70-1.20 -3.30  -2.70 -4.50  0.10  -1.70  0.70  1.80 -0.90 3.50   8.10 -3.40 -5.50  -5.40  -4.90 -8.30 -5.50 -8.30 0.0
- -3.50 -3.70-2.20 -7.10  -2.30 -7.70  -5.70 -8.10  -4.90 -1.80-3.50 -4.80 -3.40 11.10  2.70   3.20  0.40   0.60 -3.30 -4.10 0.0
- -4.80 -5.70-2.40 -6.90  -3.80 -10.60 -6.70 -9.80  -6.80 -5.50-5.90 -6.50 -5.50 2.70    8.20  2.40  4.20  -1.10 -4.20 -5.80 0.0
- -5.10 -5.90-4.40 -5.40  -3.90 -9.80  -7.40 -10.10 -7.00 -3.60-5.30 -5.40 -5.40 3.20   2.40    7.40 0.60   1.00 -3.10 -3.90 0.0
- -1.80 -3.90-0.70 -5.30  -0.40 -8.00  -6.30 -8.10  -4.70 -4.70-6.00 -5.50 -4.90 0.40   4.20   0.60   7.60 -2.70 -4.30 -7.30 0.0
- -3.50 -7.10-5.80 -8.70  -5.90 -10.80 -7.00 -10.40 -9.50 -6.50-2.20 -8.40 -8.30 0.60  -1.10   1.00  -2.70  11.105.10   2.00 0.0
- -2.80 -4.30-5.30 -7.10  -6.00 -8.80  -3.60 -6.40  -6.90 -4.902.30  -4.60 -5.50 -3.30 -4.20  -3.10  -4.30  5.10 12.00  2.60 0.0
- -3.90 -6.80-8.10 -10.50 -8.20 -7.60  -8.10 -11.60 -9.20 -5.80-3.80 -3.80 -8.30 -4.10 -5.80  -3.90  -7.30  2.00 2.60   17.10 0.0
-0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/interface.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/interface.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/interface.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,4393 +0,0 @@
-/* command line interface for Clustal W  */
-/* DES was here MARCH. 1994 */
-/* DES was here SEPT.  1994 */
-/* Fixed memory allocation bug in check_param() . Alan Bleasby Dec 2002 */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#include "param.h"
-*	Prototypes
-#ifdef UNIX
-FILE    *open_path(char *);
-char *nameonly(char *s) ;
-static sint check_param(char **args,char *params[], char *param_arg[]);
-static void set_optional_param(void);
-static sint find_match(char *probe, char *list[], sint n);
-static void show_aln(void);
-static void create_parameter_output(void);
-static void reset_align(void);
-static void reset_prf1(void);
-static void reset_prf2(void);
-static void calc_gap_penalty_mask(int prf_length,char *struct_mask,char *gap_mask);
-void print_sec_struct_mask(int prf_length,char *mask,char *struct_mask);
-*	 Global variables
-extern sint max_names;
-extern Boolean interactive;
-extern double  **tmat;
-extern float    gap_open,      gap_extend;
-extern float  	dna_gap_open,  dna_gap_extend;
-extern float 	prot_gap_open, prot_gap_extend;
-extern float    pw_go_penalty,      pw_ge_penalty;
-extern float  	dna_pw_go_penalty,  dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-extern float 	prot_pw_go_penalty, prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-extern char 	revision_level[];
-extern sint    wind_gap,ktup,window,signif;
-extern sint    dna_wind_gap, dna_ktup, dna_window, dna_signif;
-extern sint    prot_wind_gap,prot_ktup,prot_window,prot_signif;
-extern sint	boot_ntrials;		/* number of bootstrap trials */
-extern sint	nseqs;
-extern sint	new_seq;
-extern sint 	*seqlen_array;
-extern sint 	divergence_cutoff;
-extern sint 	debug;
-extern Boolean 	no_weights;
-extern Boolean 	neg_matrix;
-extern Boolean  quick_pairalign;
-extern Boolean	reset_alignments_new;		/* DES */
-extern Boolean	reset_alignments_all;		/* DES */
-extern sint 	gap_dist;
-extern Boolean 	no_hyd_penalties, no_pref_penalties;
-extern sint 	max_aa;
-extern sint 	gap_pos1, gap_pos2;
-extern sint  	max_aln_length;
-extern sint 	*output_index, output_order;
-extern sint profile_no;
-extern short 	usermat[], pw_usermat[];
-extern short 	aa_xref[], pw_aa_xref[];
-extern short 	userdnamat[], pw_userdnamat[];
-extern short 	dna_xref[], pw_dna_xref[];
-extern sint	*seq_weight;
-extern Boolean 	lowercase; /* Flag for GDE output - set on comm. line*/
-extern Boolean 	cl_seq_numbers;
-extern Boolean seqRange; /*Ramu */
-extern Boolean 	output_clustal, output_nbrf, output_phylip, output_gcg, output_gde, output_nexus, output_fasta;
-extern Boolean 	output_tree_clustal, output_tree_phylip, output_tree_distances, output_tree_nexus;
-extern sint     bootstrap_format;
-extern Boolean 	tossgaps, kimura;
-extern Boolean  percent;
-extern Boolean 	explicit_dnaflag;  /* Explicit setting of sequence type on comm.line*/
-extern Boolean 	usemenu;
-extern Boolean 	showaln, save_parameters;
-extern Boolean	dnaflag;
-extern float	transition_weight;
-extern unsigned sint boot_ran_seed;
-extern FILE 	*tree;
-extern FILE 	*clustal_outfile, *gcg_outfile, *nbrf_outfile, *phylip_outfile, *nexus_outfile;
-extern FILE     *fasta_outfile; /* Ramu */
-extern FILE 	*gde_outfile;
-extern char 	hyd_residues[];
-extern char 	*amino_acid_codes;
-extern char 	**args;
-extern char	seqname[];
-extern char 	**seq_array;
-extern char 	**names, **titles;
-extern char *gap_penalty_mask1,*gap_penalty_mask2;
-extern char *sec_struct_mask1,*sec_struct_mask2;
-extern sint struct_penalties,struct_penalties1,struct_penalties2;
-extern sint output_struct_penalties;
-extern Boolean use_ss1, use_ss2;
-extern char *ss_name1,*ss_name2;
-char *ss_name = NULL;
-char *sec_struct_mask = NULL;
-char *gap_penalty_mask = NULL;
-char  	profile1_name[FILENAMELEN+1];
-char  	profile2_name[FILENAMELEN+1];
-Boolean empty;
-Boolean profile1_empty, profile2_empty;   /* whether or not profiles   */
-char 	outfile_name[FILENAMELEN+1]="";
-static char 	clustal_outname[FILENAMELEN+1], gcg_outname[FILENAMELEN+1];
-static char  	phylip_outname[FILENAMELEN+1],nbrf_outname[FILENAMELEN+1];
-static char  	gde_outname[FILENAMELEN+1], nexus_outname[FILENAMELEN+1];
-static char     fasta_outname[FILENAMELEN+1];  /* Ramu */
-char     clustal_tree_name[FILENAMELEN+1]="";
-char     dist_tree_name[FILENAMELEN+1]="";
-char 	phylip_tree_name[FILENAMELEN+1]="";
-char 	nexus_tree_name[FILENAMELEN+1]="";
-char 	p1_tree_name[FILENAMELEN+1]="";
-char 	p2_tree_name[FILENAMELEN+1]="";
-char pim_name[FILENAMELEN+1]=""; /* Ramu */
-static char *params[MAXARGS];
-static char *param_arg[MAXARGS];
-static char *cmd_line_type[] = {
-                " ",
-                "=n ",
-                "=f ",
-                "=string ",
-                "=filename ",
-                ""};
-static sint numparams;
-static Boolean check_tree = TRUE;
-sint 	profile1_nseqs;	/* have been filled; the no. of seqs in prof 1*/
-Boolean use_tree_file = FALSE,new_tree_file = FALSE;
-Boolean use_tree1_file = FALSE, use_tree2_file = FALSE;
-Boolean new_tree1_file = FALSE, new_tree2_file = FALSE;
-static char *lin2;
-MatMenu dnamatrix_menu = {3,
-                "IUB","iub",
-                "CLUSTALW(1.6)","clustalw",
-                "User defined",""
-		};
-MatMenu matrix_menu = {5,
-                "BLOSUM series","blosum",
-                "PAM series","pam",
-                "Gonnet series","gonnet",
-                "Identity matrix","id",
-                "User defined",""
-		};
-MatMenu pw_matrix_menu = {5,
-                "BLOSUM 30","blosum",
-                "PAM 350","pam",
-                "Gonnet 250","gonnet",
-                "Identity matrix","id",
-                "User defined",""
-		};
-void init_interface(void)
-  empty=TRUE;
-  profile1_empty = TRUE;     /*  */
-  profile2_empty = TRUE;     /*  */
-  lin2 = (char *)ckalloc( (MAXLINE+1) * sizeof (char) );
-static sint check_param(char **args,char *params[], char *param_arg[])
-#ifndef MAC
-        char *strtok(char *s1, const char *s2);
-        sint     len,i,j,k,s,n,match[MAXARGS];
-		Boolean 	name1 = FALSE;
-		sint ajb;
-	if(args[0]==NULL) return;
-	params[0]=(char *)ckalloc((strlen(args[0])+1)*sizeof(char));
-	if (args[0][0]!=COMMANDSEP)
-	{
-		name1 = TRUE;
-		strcpy(params[0],args[0]);
-	}
-	else
-		strcpy(params[0],&args[0][1]);
-        for (i=1;i<MAXARGS;i++) {
-		if(args[i]==NULL) break;
-		params[i]=(char *)ckalloc((strlen(args[i])+1)*sizeof(char));
-		ajb=0;
-		for(j=0;j<strlen(args[i])-1;j++)
-			if(isprint(args[i][j+1])) params[i][ajb++]=args[i][j+1];
-		params[i][ajb]='\0';
-        }
-        if (i==MAXARGS) {
-		fprintf(stdout,"Error: too many command line arguments\n");
- 		return(-1);
-	}
-    special case - first parameter is input filename
-  */
-  s = 0;
-  if(name1 == TRUE) {
-    strcpy(seqname, params[0]);
-    /*  JULIE
-	convert to lower case now
-    */
-#ifndef UNIX
-    for(k=0;k<(sint)strlen(params[0]);++k) seqname[k]=tolower(params[0][k]);
-    for(k=0;k<(sint)strlen(params[0]);++k) seqname[k]=params[0][k];
-    s++;
-  }
-  n = i;
-  for (i=s;i<n;i++) {
-    param_arg[i] = NULL;
-    len = (sint)strlen(params[i]);
-    for(j=0; j<len; j++)
-      if(params[i][j] == '=') {
-	param_arg[i] = (char *)ckalloc((len-j) * sizeof(char));
-	strncpy(param_arg[i],&params[i][j+1],len-j-1);
-	params[i][j] = EOS;
-	/*  JULIE
-	    convert keywords to lower case now
-	*/
-	for(k=0;k<j;++k) params[i][k]=tolower(params[i][k]);
-	param_arg[i][len-j-1] = EOS;
-	break;
-      }
-  }
-  /*
-    for each parameter given on the command line, first search the list of recognised optional 
-    parameters....
-  */
-  for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
-    if ((i==0) && (name1 == TRUE)) continue;
-    j = 0;
-    match[i] = -1;
-    for(;;) {
-      if (cmd_line_para[j].str[0] == '\0') break;
-      if (!strcmp(params[i],cmd_line_para[j].str)) {
-	match[i] = j;
-	*cmd_line_para[match[i]].flag = i;
-	if ((cmd_line_para[match[i]].type != NOARG) &&
-	    (param_arg[i] == NULL)) {
-	  fprintf(stdout,
-		  "Error: parameter required for /%s\n",params[i]);
-	  exit(1);
-	}
-	/*  JULIE
-	    convert parameters to lower case now, unless the parameter is a filename
-	*/
-#ifdef UNIX
-	else if (cmd_line_para[match[i]].type != FILARG
-		 && param_arg[i] != NULL)
-	  if (param_arg[i]!=0)
-	    {
-	      for(k=0;k<strlen(param_arg[i]);++k)
-		param_arg[i][k]=tolower(param_arg[i][k]);
-	    }
-	break;
-      }
-      j++;
-    }
-  }
-  /*
-    ....then the list of recognised input files,.... 
-    for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
-		if ((i==0) && (name1 == TRUE)) continue;
-		if (match[i] != -1) continue;
-		j = 0;
-		for(;;) {
-			if (cmd_line_file[j].str[0] == '\0') break;
-			if (!strcmp(params[i],cmd_line_file[j].str)) {
-				match[i] = j;
-				*cmd_line_file[match[i]].flag = i;
-				if ((cmd_line_file[match[i]].type != NOARG) &&
-                                    (param_arg[i] == NULL)) {
-					fprintf(stdout,
-                       				 "Error: parameter required for /%s\n",params[i]);
-					exit(1);
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-			j++;
-		}
-	}
-	....and finally the recognised verbs. 
-    for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
-		if ((i==0) && (name1 == TRUE)) continue;
-		if (match[i] != -1) continue;
-		j = 0;
-		for(;;) {
-			if (cmd_line_verb[j].str[0] == '\0') break;
-			if (!strcmp(params[i],cmd_line_verb[j].str)) {
-				match[i] = j;
-				*cmd_line_verb[match[i]].flag = i;
-				if ((cmd_line_verb[match[i]].type != NOARG) &&
-                                    (param_arg[i] == NULL)) {
-					fprintf(stdout,
-                       				 "Error: parameter required for /%s\n",params[i]);
-					exit(1);
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-			j++;
-		}
-	}
-	check for any unrecognised parameters.
-    for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
-		if (match[i] == -1) {
-			fprintf(stdout,
-                        "Error: unknown option %c%s\n",COMMANDSEP,params[i]);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-	}
-        return(n);
-static void set_optional_param(void)
-  int i,temp;
-  int c;
-  float ftemp;
-  char tstr[100];
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /* look for parameters on command line  e.g. gap penalties, k-tuple etc.    */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*** ? /score=percent or /score=absolute */
-  if(setscore != -1)
-    if(strlen(param_arg[setscore]) > 0) {
-      temp = find_match(param_arg[setscore],score_arg,2);
-      if(temp == 0)
-	percent = TRUE;
-      else if(temp == 1)
-	percent = FALSE;
-      else
-	fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown SCORE type: %s\n",
-		param_arg[setscore]);
-    }
-  /*** ? /seed=n */
-  if(setseed != -1) {
-    temp = 0;
-    if(strlen(param_arg[setseed]) > 0)
-      if (sscanf(param_arg[setseed],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-	fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /seed (must be integer)\n");
-	temp = 0;
-      }
-    if(temp > 0) boot_ran_seed = temp;
-    fprintf(stdout,"\ntemp = %d; seed = %u;\n",(pint)temp,boot_ran_seed);
-  }
-/*** ? /output=PIR, GCG, GDE or PHYLIP */
-		if(setoutput != -1)
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setoutput]) > 0) {
-			temp = find_match(param_arg[setoutput],output_arg,6);
-			if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 5) {
-				output_clustal = FALSE;
-				output_gcg     = FALSE;
-				output_phylip  = FALSE;
-				output_nbrf    = FALSE;
-				output_gde     = FALSE;
-				output_nexus   = FALSE;
-				output_fasta   = FALSE;
-			}
-			switch (temp) {
-				case 0: /* GCG */
-					output_gcg     = TRUE;
-					break;
-				case 1: /* GDE */
-					output_gde     = TRUE;
-					break;
-				case 2: /* PIR */
-					output_nbrf    = TRUE;
-					break;
-				case 3: /* PHYLIP */
-					output_phylip  = TRUE;
-					break;
-				case 4: /* NEXUS */
-					output_nexus   = TRUE;
-					break;
-				case 5: /* NEXUS */
-					output_fasta   = TRUE;
-					break;
-				default:
-					fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown OUTPUT type: %s\n",
-					param_arg[setoutput]);
-			}
-		}
-/*** ? /outputtree=NJ or PHYLIP or DIST or NEXUS */
-	if(setoutputtree != -1)
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setoutputtree]) > 0) {
-			temp = find_match(param_arg[setoutputtree],outputtree_arg,4);
-			switch (temp) {
-				case 0: /* NJ */
-					output_tree_clustal = TRUE;
-					break;
-				case 1: /* PHYLIP */
-					output_tree_phylip  = TRUE;
-					break;
-				case 2: /* DIST */
-					output_tree_distances = TRUE;
-					break;
-				case 3: /* NEXUS */
-					output_tree_nexus = TRUE;
-					break;
-				default:
-					fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown OUTPUT TREE type: %s\n",
-					param_arg[setoutputtree]);
-			}
-		}
-/*** ? /profile (sets type of second input file to profile) */
-  if(setprofile != -1)
-    profile_type = PROFILE;
-  /*** ? /sequences (sets type of second input file to list of sequences)  */
-  if(setsequences != -1)
-    profile_type = SEQUENCE;
-  /*** ? /ktuple=n */
-  if(setktuple != -1) {
-    temp = 0;
-    if(strlen(param_arg[setktuple]) > 0)
-      if (sscanf(param_arg[setktuple],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-	fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /ktuple (must be integer)\n");
-	temp = 0;
-      }
-    if(temp > 0) {
-      if(dnaflag) {
-	if(temp <= 4) {
-	  ktup         = temp;
-	  dna_ktup     = ktup;
-	  wind_gap     = ktup + 4;
-	  dna_wind_gap = wind_gap;
-	}
-      }
-      else {
-	if(temp <= 2) {
-	  ktup          = temp;
-	  prot_ktup     = ktup;
-	  wind_gap      = ktup + 3;
-	  prot_wind_gap = wind_gap;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /*** ? /pairgap=n */
-  if(setpairgap != -1) {
-    temp = 0;
-    if(strlen(param_arg[setpairgap]) > 0)
-      if (sscanf(param_arg[setpairgap],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-	fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /pairgap (must be integer)\n");
-	temp = 0;
-      }
-    if(temp > 0)
-      if(dnaflag) {
-	if(temp > ktup) {
-	  wind_gap     = temp;
-	  dna_wind_gap = wind_gap;
-	}
-      }
-      else {
-	if(temp > ktup) {
-	  wind_gap      = temp;
-	  prot_wind_gap = wind_gap;
-	}
-      }
-  }
-/*** ? /topdiags=n   */
-  if(settopdiags != -1) {
-    temp = 0;
-    if(strlen(param_arg[settopdiags]) > 0)
-      if (sscanf(param_arg[settopdiags],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-	fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /topdiags (must be integer)\n");
-	temp = 0;
-      }
-    if(temp > 0)
-      if(dnaflag) {
-	if(temp > ktup) {
-	  signif       = temp;
-	  dna_signif   = signif;
-	}
-      }
-      else {
-	if(temp > ktup) {
-	  signif        = temp;
-	  prot_signif   = signif;
-	}
-      }
-  }
-/*** ? /window=n  */
-  if(setwindow != -1) {
-    temp = 0;
-    if(strlen(param_arg[setwindow]) > 0)
-      if (sscanf(param_arg[setwindow],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-	fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /window (must be integer)\n");
-	temp = 0;
-      }
-    if(temp > 0)
-      if(dnaflag) {
-	if(temp > ktup) {
-	  window       = temp;
-	  dna_window   = window;
-	}
-      }
-      else {
-	if(temp > ktup) {
-	  window        = temp;
-	  prot_window   = window;
-	}
-      }
-  }
-/*** ? /kimura */
-  if(setkimura != -1)
-    kimura = TRUE;
-  /*** ? /tossgaps */
-  if(settossgaps != -1)
-    tossgaps = TRUE;
-  /*** ? /negative  */
-  if(setnegative != -1)
-    neg_matrix = TRUE;
-  /*** ? /noweights */
-  if(setnoweights!= -1)
-    no_weights = TRUE;
-  /*** ? /pwmatrix=ID (user's file)  */
-  if(setpwmatrix != -1)
-    {
-      temp=strlen(param_arg[setpwmatrix]);
-      if(temp > 0) {
-	for(i=0;i<temp;i++)
-	  if (isupper(param_arg[setpwmatrix][i]))
-	    tstr[i]=tolower(param_arg[setpwmatrix][i]);
-	  else
-	    tstr[i]=param_arg[setpwmatrix][i];
-	tstr[i]='\0';
-	if (strcmp(tstr,"blosum")==0) {
-	  strcpy(pw_mtrxname, tstr);
-	  pw_matnum = 1;
-                        }
-                        else if (strcmp(tstr,"pam")==0) {
-                                strcpy(pw_mtrxname, tstr);
-                                pw_matnum = 2;
-                        }
-                        else if (strcmp(tstr,"gonnet")==0) {
-                                strcpy(pw_mtrxname, tstr);
-                                pw_matnum = 3;
-                        }
-                        else if (strcmp(tstr,"id")==0) {
-                                strcpy(pw_mtrxname, tstr);
-                                pw_matnum = 4;
-                        }
-			else {
-                                if(user_mat(param_arg[setpwmatrix], pw_usermat, pw_aa_xref))
-                                  {
-                                     strcpy(pw_mtrxname,param_arg[setpwmatrix]);
-                                     strcpy(pw_usermtrxname,param_arg[setpwmatrix]);
-                                     pw_matnum=5;
-                                  }
-				else exit(1);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/*** ? /matrix=ID (user's file)  */
-	if(setmatrix != -1)
-	{
-		temp=strlen(param_arg[setmatrix]);
-		if(temp > 0) {
-			for(i=0;i<temp;i++)
-				if (isupper(param_arg[setmatrix][i]))
-					tstr[i]=tolower(param_arg[setmatrix][i]);
-				else
-					tstr[i]=param_arg[setmatrix][i];
-			tstr[i]='\0';
-                        if (strcmp(tstr,"blosum")==0) {
-                                strcpy(mtrxname, tstr);
-                                matnum = 1;
-                        }
-                        else if (strcmp(tstr,"pam")==0) {
-                                strcpy(mtrxname, tstr);
-                                matnum = 2;
-                        }
-                        else if (strcmp(tstr,"gonnet")==0) {
-                                strcpy(mtrxname, tstr);
-                                matnum = 3;
-                        }
-                        else if (strcmp(tstr,"id")==0) {
-                                strcpy(mtrxname, tstr);
-                                matnum = 4;
-                        }
-			else {
-                                if(user_mat_series(param_arg[setmatrix], usermat, aa_xref))
-                                  {
-                                     strcpy(mtrxname,param_arg[setmatrix]);
-                                     strcpy(usermtrxname,param_arg[setmatrix]);
-                                     matnum=5;
-                                  }
-				else exit(1);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/*** ? /pwdnamatrix=ID (user's file)  */
-	if(setpwdnamatrix != -1)
-	{
-		temp=strlen(param_arg[setpwdnamatrix]);
-		if(temp > 0) {
-			for(i=0;i<temp;i++)
-				if (isupper(param_arg[setpwdnamatrix][i]))
-					tstr[i]=tolower(param_arg[setpwdnamatrix][i]);
-				else
-					tstr[i]=param_arg[setpwdnamatrix][i];
-			tstr[i]='\0';
-                        if (strcmp(tstr,"iub")==0) {
-                                strcpy(pw_dnamtrxname, tstr);
-                                pw_dnamatnum = 1;
-                        }
-                        else if (strcmp(tstr,"clustalw")==0) {
-                                strcpy(pw_dnamtrxname, tstr);
-                                pw_dnamatnum = 2;
-                        }
-			else {
-                                if(user_mat(param_arg[setpwdnamatrix], pw_userdnamat, pw_dna_xref))
-                                  {
-                                     strcpy(pw_dnamtrxname,param_arg[setpwdnamatrix]);
-                                     strcpy(pw_dnausermtrxname,param_arg[setpwdnamatrix]);
-                                     pw_dnamatnum=3;
-                                  }
-				else exit(1);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/*** ? /matrix=ID (user's file)  */
-	if(setdnamatrix != -1)
-	{
-		temp=strlen(param_arg[setdnamatrix]);
-		if(temp > 0) {
-			for(i=0;i<temp;i++)
-				if (isupper(param_arg[setdnamatrix][i]))
-					tstr[i]=tolower(param_arg[setdnamatrix][i]);
-				else
-					tstr[i]=param_arg[setdnamatrix][i];
-			tstr[i]='\0';
-                        if (strcmp(tstr,"iub")==0) {
-                                strcpy(dnamtrxname, tstr);
-                                dnamatnum = 1;
-                        }
-                        else if (strcmp(tstr,"clustalw")==0) {
-                                strcpy(dnamtrxname, tstr);
-                                dnamatnum = 2;
-                        }
-			else {
-                                if(user_mat(param_arg[setdnamatrix], userdnamat, dna_xref))
-                                  {
-                                     strcpy(dnamtrxname,param_arg[setdnamatrix]);
-                                     strcpy(dnausermtrxname,param_arg[setdnamatrix]);
-                                     dnamatnum=3;
-                                  }
-				else exit(1);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/*** ? /maxdiv= n */
-	if(setmaxdiv != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setmaxdiv]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setmaxdiv],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                 fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /maxdiv (must be integer)\n");
-                 temp = 0;
-            }
-		if (temp >= 0)
-			divergence_cutoff = temp;
-	}
-/*** ? /gapdist= n */
-	if(setgapdist != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setgapdist]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setgapdist],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /gapdist (must be integer)\n");
-                         temp = 0;
-                    }
-		if (temp >= 0)
-			gap_dist = temp;
-	}
-/*** ? /debug= n */
-	if(setdebug != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setdebug]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setdebug],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /debug (must be integer)\n");
-                         temp = 0;
-                    }
-		if (temp >= 0)
-			debug = temp;
-	}
-/*** ? /outfile= (user's file)  */
-	if(setoutfile != -1)
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setoutfile]) > 0) {
-                        strcpy(outfile_name, param_arg[setoutfile]);
-		}
-/*** ? /case= lower/upper  */
-	if(setcase != -1) 
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setcase]) > 0) {
-			temp = find_match(param_arg[setcase],case_arg,2);
-			if(temp == 0) {
-				lowercase = TRUE;
-			}
-			else if(temp == 1) {
-				lowercase = FALSE;
-			}
-			else
-				fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown case %s\n",
-				param_arg[setcase]);
-		}
-/*** ? /seqnos=off/on  */
-	if(setseqno != -1) 
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setseqno]) > 0) {
-			temp = find_match(param_arg[setseqno],seqno_arg,2);
-			if(temp == 0) {
-				cl_seq_numbers = FALSE;
-			}
-			else if(temp == 1) {
-				cl_seq_numbers = TRUE;
-			}
-			else
-				fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown SEQNO option %s\n",
-				param_arg[setseqno]);
-		}
-	if(setseqno_range != -1) 
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setseqno_range]) > 0) {
-			temp = find_match(param_arg[setseqno_range],seqno_range_arg,2);
-			printf("\n comparing  "); 
-			printf("\nparam_arg[setseqno_range]= %s", param_arg[setseqno_range]);
-			/* printf("\nseqno_range_arg = %s ",seqno_range_arg); */
-			printf("\n comparing \n "); 
-			if(temp == 0) {
-				seqRange = FALSE;
-			}
-			else if(temp == 1) {
-				seqRange = TRUE;
-			}
-			else
-				fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown Sequence range  option %s\n",
-				param_arg[setseqno_range]);
-		}
-/*** ? /range=n:m */
-	if(setrange != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setrange]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setrange],"%d:%d",&temp,&temp)!=2) {
-                 fprintf(stdout,"setrange:  Syntax Error: Cannot set range, should be from:to \n");
-                 temp = 0;
-            }
-	}
-/*** ? /range=n:m */
-/*** ? /gapopen=n  */
-	if(setgapopen != -1) {
-		ftemp = 0.0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setgapopen]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setgapopen],"%f",&ftemp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /gapopen (must be real number)\n");
-                         ftemp = 0.0;
-                    }
-		if(ftemp >= 0.0)
-			if(dnaflag) {
-					gap_open     = ftemp;
-					dna_gap_open = gap_open;
-			}
-			else {
-					gap_open      = ftemp;
-					prot_gap_open = gap_open;
-			}
-	}
-/*** ? /gapext=n   */
-	if(setgapext != -1) {
-		ftemp = 0.0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setgapext]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setgapext],"%f",&ftemp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /gapext (must be real number)\n");
-                         ftemp = 0.0;
-                    }
-		if(ftemp >= 0)
-			if(dnaflag) {
-					gap_extend      = ftemp;
-					dna_gap_extend  = gap_extend;
-			}
-			else {
-					gap_extend      = ftemp;
-					prot_gap_extend = gap_extend;
-			}
-	}
-/*** ? /transweight=n*/
-	if(settransweight != -1) {
-		ftemp = 0.0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[settransweight]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[settransweight],"%f",&ftemp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /transweight (must be real number)\n");
-                         ftemp = 0.0;
-                    }
-		transition_weight=ftemp;
-	}
-/*** ? /pwgapopen=n  */
-	if(setpwgapopen != -1) {
-		ftemp = 0.0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setpwgapopen]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setpwgapopen],"%f",&ftemp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /pwgapopen (must be real number)\n");
-                         ftemp = 0.0;
-                    }
-		if(ftemp >= 0.0)
-			if(dnaflag) {
-					pw_go_penalty  = ftemp;
-                                        dna_pw_go_penalty = pw_go_penalty;
-			}
-			else {
-					pw_go_penalty  = ftemp;
-                                        prot_pw_go_penalty = pw_go_penalty;
-			}
-	}
-/*** ? /gapext=n   */
-	if(setpwgapext != -1) {
-		ftemp = 0.0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setpwgapext]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setpwgapext],"%f",&ftemp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /pwgapext (must be real number)\n");
-                         ftemp = 0.0;
-                    }
-		if(ftemp >= 0)
-			if(dnaflag) {
-					pw_ge_penalty  = ftemp;
-                                        dna_pw_ge_penalty = pw_ge_penalty;
-			}
-			else {
-					pw_ge_penalty  = ftemp;
-                                        prot_pw_ge_penalty = pw_ge_penalty;
-			}
-	}
-/*** ? /outorder=n  */
-	if(setoutorder != -1) {
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setoutorder]) > 0)
-			temp = find_match(param_arg[setoutorder],outorder_arg,2);
-			if(temp == 0)  {	
-				output_order   = INPUT;
-			}
-			else if(temp == 1)  {	
-				output_order   = ALIGNED;
-			}
-			else
-				fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown OUTPUT ORDER type %s\n",
-				param_arg[setoutorder]);
-	}
-/*** ? /bootlabels=n  */
-	if(setbootlabels != -1) {
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setbootlabels]) > 0)
-			temp = find_match(param_arg[setbootlabels],bootlabels_arg,2);
-			if(temp == 0)  {	
-				bootstrap_format   = BS_NODE_LABELS;
-			}
-			else if(temp == 1)  {	
-				bootstrap_format   = BS_BRANCH_LABELS;
-			}
-			else
-				fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown bootlabels type %s\n",
-				param_arg[setoutorder]);
-	}
-/*** ? /endgaps */
-	if(setuseendgaps != -1)
-		use_endgaps = FALSE;
-/*** ? /nopgap  */
-	if(setnopgap != -1)
-		no_pref_penalties = TRUE;
-/*** ? /nohgap  */
-	if(setnohgap != -1)
-		no_hyd_penalties = TRUE;
-/*** ? /novgap  */
-	if(setnovgap != -1)
-		no_var_penalties = FALSE;
-/*** ? /hgapresidues="string"  */
-	if(sethgapres != -1)
-		if(strlen(param_arg[sethgapres]) > 0) {
-			for (i=0;i<strlen(hyd_residues) && i<26;i++) {
-				c = param_arg[sethgapres][i];
-				if (isalpha(c))
-					hyd_residues[i] = (char)toupper(c);
-				else
-					break;
-			}
-		}
-/*** ? /nosecstr1  */
-	if(setsecstr1 != -1)
-		use_ss1 = FALSE;
-/*** ? /nosecstr2  */
-	if(setsecstr2 != -1)
-		use_ss2 = FALSE;
-/*** ? /secstroutput  */
-	if(setsecstroutput != -1)
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setsecstroutput]) > 0) {
-			temp = find_match(param_arg[setsecstroutput],outputsecstr_arg,4);
-			if(temp >= 0 && temp <= 3)
-				output_struct_penalties = temp;
-			else
-				fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown case %s\n",
-				param_arg[setsecstroutput]);
-		}
-/*** ? /helixgap= n */
-	if(sethelixgap != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[sethelixgap]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[sethelixgap],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /helixgap (must be integer)\n");
-                         temp = 0;
-                    }
-		if (temp >= 1 && temp <= 9)
-			helix_penalty = temp;
-	}
-/*** ? /strandgap= n */
-	if(setstrandgap != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setstrandgap]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setstrandgap],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /strandgap (must be integer)\n");
-                         temp = 0;
-                    }
-		if (temp >= 1 && temp <= 9)
-			strand_penalty = temp;
-	}
-/*** ? /loopgap= n */
-	if(setloopgap != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setloopgap]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setloopgap],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /loopgap (must be integer)\n");
-                         temp = 0;
-                    }
-		if (temp >= 1 && temp <= 9)
-			loop_penalty = temp;
-	}
-/*** ? /terminalgap= n */
-	if(setterminalgap != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setterminalgap]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setterminalgap],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /terminalgap (must be integer)\n");
-                         temp = 0;
-                    }
-		if (temp >= 1 && temp <= 9) {
-			helix_end_penalty = temp;
-			strand_end_penalty = temp;
-		}
-	}
-/*** ? /helixendin= n */
-	if(sethelixendin != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[sethelixendin]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[sethelixendin],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /helixendin (must be integer)\n");
-                         temp = 0;
-                    }
-		if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 3)
-			helix_end_minus = temp;
-	}
-/*** ? /helixendout= n */
-	if(sethelixendout != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[sethelixendout]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[sethelixendout],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /helixendout (must be integer)\n");
-                         temp = 0;
-                    }
-		if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 3)
-			helix_end_plus = temp;
-	}
-/*** ? /strandendin= n */
-	if(setstrandendin != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setstrandendin]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setstrandendin],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /strandendin (must be integer)\n");
-                         temp = 0;
-                    }
-		if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 3)
-			strand_end_minus = temp;
-	}
-/*** ? /strandendout= n */
-	if(setstrandendout != -1) {
-		temp = 0;
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setstrandendout]) > 0)
-			if (sscanf(param_arg[setstrandendout],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /strandendout (must be integer)\n");
-                         temp = 0;
-                    }
-		if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 3)
-			strand_end_plus = temp;
-	}
-#ifdef UNIX
-FILE *open_path(char *fname)  /* to open in read-only file fname searching for 
-				 it through all path directories */
-#define Mxdir 70
-        char dir[Mxdir+1], *path, *deb, *fin;
-        FILE *fich;
-        sint lf, ltot;
-	char *path1;
-        path=getenv("PATH"); 	/* get the list of path directories, 
-					separated by :
-    				*/
-	/* added for File System Standards  - Francois */
-	path1=(char *)ckalloc((strlen(path)+64)*sizeof(char));
-	strcpy(path1,path);
-	strcat(path1,"/usr/share/clustalx:/usr/local/share/clustalx"); 
-        lf=(sint)strlen(fname);
-        deb=path1;
-        do
-                {
-                fin=strchr(deb,':');
-                if(fin!=NULL)
-                        { strncpy(dir,deb,fin-deb); ltot=fin-deb; }
-                else
-                        { strcpy(dir,deb); ltot=(sint)strlen(dir); }
-                /* now one directory is in string dir */
-                if( ltot + lf + 1 <= Mxdir)
-                        {
-                        dir[ltot]='/';
-                        strcpy(dir+ltot+1,fname); /* now dir is appended with fi
-   lename */
-                        if( (fich = fopen(dir,"r") ) != NULL) break;
-                        }
-                else fich = NULL;
-                deb=fin+1;
-                }
-        while (fin != NULL);
-        return fich;
-void get_help(char help_pointer)    /* Help procedure */
-	FILE *help_file;
-	sint  i, number, nlines;
-	Boolean found_help;
-	char temp[MAXLINE+1];
-	char token = '\0';
-	char *digits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
-	char *help_marker    = ">>HELP";
-	extern char *help_file_name;
-#ifdef VMS
-        if((help_file=fopen(help_file_name,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var"))==NULL) {
-            error("Cannot open help file [%s]",help_file_name);
-            return;
-        }
-#ifdef UNIX
-        if((help_file=open_path(help_file_name))==NULL) {
-             if((help_file=fopen(help_file_name,"r"))==NULL) {
-                  error("Cannot open help file [%s]",help_file_name);
-                  return;
-             }
-        }
-        if((help_file=fopen(help_file_name,"r"))==NULL) {
-            error("Cannot open help file [%s]",help_file_name);
-            return;
-        }
-/*		error("Cannot open help file [%s]",help_file_name);
-		return;
-	}
-	nlines = 0;
-	number = -1;
-	found_help = FALSE;
-	while(TRUE) {
-		if(fgets(temp,MAXLINE+1,help_file) == NULL) {
-			if(!found_help)
-				error("No help found in help file");
-			fclose(help_file);
-			return;
-		}
-		if(strstr(temp,help_marker)) {
-                        token = ' ';
-			for(i=strlen(help_marker); i<8; i++)
-				if(strchr(digits, temp[i])) {
-					token = temp[i];
-					break;
-				}
-		}
-		if(token == help_pointer) {
-			found_help = TRUE;
-			while(fgets(temp,MAXLINE+1,help_file)) {
-				if(strstr(temp, help_marker)){
-				  	if(usemenu) {
-				    		getstr("\nPress [RETURN] to continue",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-				  	}
-					fclose(help_file);
-					return;
-				}
-				if(temp[0]!='<') {
-			       		fputs(temp,stdout);
-			       		++nlines;
-				}
-			       if(usemenu) {
-			          if(nlines >= PAGE_LEN) {
-			 	  	   getstr("\nPress [RETURN] to continue or  X  to stop",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-				  	   if(toupper(*lin2) == 'X') {
-						   fclose(help_file);
-						   return;
-				  	   }
-				  	   else
-						   nlines = 0;
-				   }
-			       }
-			}
-			if(usemenu) {
-				getstr("\nPress [RETURN] to continue",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-			}
-			fclose(help_file);
-		}
-	}
-static void show_aln(void)         /* Alignment screen display procedure */
-        FILE *file;
-        sint  nlines;
-        char temp[MAXLINE+1];
-        char file_name[FILENAMELEN+1];
-        if(output_clustal) strcpy(file_name,clustal_outname);
-        else if(output_nbrf) strcpy(file_name,nbrf_outname);
-        else if(output_gcg) strcpy(file_name,gcg_outname);
-        else if(output_phylip) strcpy(file_name,phylip_outname);
-        else if(output_gde) strcpy(file_name,gde_outname);
-        else if(output_nexus) strcpy(file_name,nexus_outname);
-        else if(output_fasta) strcpy(file_name,fasta_outname);
-#ifdef VMS
-        if((file=fopen(file_name,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var"))==NULL) {
-        if((file=fopen(file_name,"r"))==NULL) {
-                error("Cannot open file [%s]",file_name);
-                return;
-        }
-        fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-        nlines = 0;
-        while(fgets(temp,MAXLINE+1,file)) {
-                fputs(temp,stdout);
-                ++nlines;
-                if(nlines >= PAGE_LEN) {
-                        getstr("\nPress [RETURN] to continue or  X  to stop",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-                        if(toupper(*lin2) == 'X') {
-                                fclose(file);
-                                return;
-                        }
-                        else
-                                nlines = 0;
-                }
-        }
-        fclose(file);
-        getstr("\nPress [RETURN] to continue",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-void parse_params(Boolean xmenus)
-	sint i,j,len,temp;
-	static sint cl_error_code=0;
-        char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	Boolean do_align, do_convert, do_align_only, do_tree_only, do_tree, do_boot, do_profile, do_something;
-	if (!xmenus)
-	{
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-		fprintf(stdout," CLUSTAL %s Multiple Sequence Alignments\n\n\n",revision_level);
-	}
-	do_align = do_convert = do_align_only = do_tree_only = do_tree = do_boot = do_profile = do_something = FALSE;
-	*seqname=EOS;
-/* JULIE 
-	len=(sint)strlen(paramstr);
-   Stop converting command line to lower case - unix, mac, pc are case sensitive
-	for(i=0;i<len;++i) paramstr[i]=tolower(paramstr[i]);
-    numparams = check_param(args, params, param_arg);
-	if (numparams <0) exit(1);
-	if(sethelp != -1) {
-		get_help('9');
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if(setoptions != -1) {
-		fprintf(stdout,"clustalw option list:-\n");
-		for (i=0;cmd_line_verb[i].str[0] != '\0';i++) {
-			fprintf(stdout,"\t\t%c%s%s",COMMANDSEP,cmd_line_verb[i].str,cmd_line_type[cmd_line_verb[i].type]);
-			if (cmd_line_verb[i].type == OPTARG) {
-				if (cmd_line_verb[i].arg[0][0] != '\0')
-					fprintf(stdout,"=%s",cmd_line_verb[i].arg[0]);
-				for (j=1;cmd_line_verb[i].arg[j][0] != '\0';j++)
-					fprintf(stdout," OR %s",cmd_line_verb[i].arg[j]);
-			}
-			fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-		}
-		for (i=0;cmd_line_file[i].str[0] != '\0';i++) {
-			fprintf(stdout,"\t\t%c%s%s",COMMANDSEP,cmd_line_file[i].str,cmd_line_type[cmd_line_file[i].type]);
-			if (cmd_line_file[i].type == OPTARG) {
-				if (cmd_line_file[i].arg[0][0] != '\0')
-					fprintf(stdout,"=%s",cmd_line_file[i].arg[0]);
-				for (j=1;cmd_line_file[i].arg[j][0] != '\0';j++)
-					fprintf(stdout," OR %s",cmd_line_file[i].arg[j]);
-			}
-			fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-		}
-		for (i=0;cmd_line_para[i].str[0] != '\0';i++) {
-			fprintf(stdout,"\t\t%c%s%s",COMMANDSEP,cmd_line_para[i].str,cmd_line_type[cmd_line_para[i].type]);
-			if (cmd_line_para[i].type == OPTARG) {
-				if (cmd_line_para[i].arg[0][0] != '\0')
-					fprintf(stdout,"=%s",cmd_line_para[i].arg[0]);
-				for (j=1;cmd_line_para[i].arg[j][0] != '\0';j++)
-					fprintf(stdout," OR %s",cmd_line_para[i].arg[j]);
-			}
-			fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-		}
-		exit(1);
-	}
-/*  Check to see if sequence type is explicitely stated..override ************/
-/* the automatic checking (DNA or Protein).   /type=d or /type=p *************/
-	if(settype != -1)
-		if(strlen(param_arg[settype])>0) {
-			temp = find_match(param_arg[settype],type_arg,2);
-			if(temp == 0) {
-				dnaflag = FALSE;
-				explicit_dnaflag = TRUE;
-				info("Sequence type explicitly set to Protein");
-			}
-			else if(temp == 1) {
-				info("Sequence type explicitly set to DNA");
-				dnaflag = TRUE;
-				explicit_dnaflag = TRUE;
-			}
-			else
-				fprintf(stdout,"\nUnknown sequence type %s\n",
-				param_arg[settype]);
-		}
-*   check to see if 1st parameter does not start with '/' i.e. look for an *
-*   input file as first parameter.   The input file can also be specified  *
-*   by /infile=fname.                                                      *
-/* JULIE - moved to check_param()
-	if(paramstr[0] != '/') {
-		strcpy(seqname, params[0]);
-	}
-/*  Look for /infile=file.ext on the command line */
-	if(setinfile != -1) {
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setinfile]) <= 0) {
-			error("Bad sequence file name");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		strcpy(seqname, param_arg[setinfile]);
-	}
-	if(*seqname != EOS) {
-		profile_no = 0;
-		nseqs = readseqs((sint)1);
-		if(nseqs < 2) {
-			if(nseqs < 0) cl_error_code = 2;
-			else if(nseqs == 0) cl_error_code = 3;
-			else cl_error_code = 4;
-                	fprintf(stdout,
-			"\nNo. of seqs. read = %d. No alignment!\n",(pint)nseqs);
-			exit(cl_error_code);
-		}
-		for(i = 1; i<=nseqs; i++) 
-			info("Sequence %d: %-*s   %6.d %s",
-			(pint)i,max_names,names[i],(pint)seqlen_array[i],dnaflag?"bp":"aa");
-		empty = FALSE;
-		do_something = TRUE;
-	}
-	set_optional_param();
-/* Look for /profile1=file.ext  AND  /profile2=file2.ext */
-/* You must give both file names OR neither.             */
-	if(setprofile1 != -1) {
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setprofile1]) <= 0) {
-			error("Bad profile 1 file name");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		strcpy(seqname, param_arg[setprofile1]);
-		profile_no = 1;
-		profile_input();
-		if(nseqs <= 0) {
-			if(nseqs<0) cl_error_code=2;
-			else if(nseqs==0) cl_error_code=3;
-			exit(cl_error_code);
-		}
-		strcpy(profile1_name,seqname);
-	}
-	if(setprofile2 != -1) {
-		if(strlen(param_arg[setprofile2]) <= 0) {
-			error("Bad profile 2 file name");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		if(profile1_empty) {
-			error("Only 1 profile file (profile 2) specified.");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		strcpy(seqname, param_arg[setprofile2]);
-		profile_no = 2;
-		profile_input();
-		if(nseqs > profile1_nseqs) 
-			do_something = do_profile = TRUE;
-		else {
-			if(nseqs<0) cl_error_code=2;
-			else if(nseqs==0) cl_error_code=3;
-			error("No sequences read from profile 2");
-			exit(cl_error_code);
-		}
-		strcpy(profile2_name,seqname);
-	}
-/* Look for /tree or /bootstrap or /align or /usetree ******************/
-	if (setbatch != -1)
-		interactive=FALSE;
-	if (setinteractive != -1)
-		interactive=TRUE;
-	if (interactive) {
-		settree = -1;
-		setbootstrap = -1;
-		setalign = -1;
-		setusetree = -1;
-		setusetree1 = -1;
-		setusetree2 = -1;
-		setnewtree = -1;
-		setconvert = -1;
-	}
-	if(settree != -1 )
-		if(empty) {
-			error("Cannot draw tree.  No input alignment file");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else 
-			do_tree = TRUE;
-	if(setbootstrap != -1)
-		if(empty) {
-			error("Cannot bootstrap tree. No input alignment file");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else {
-			temp = 0;
-			if(param_arg[setbootstrap] != NULL)
-				 if (sscanf(param_arg[setbootstrap],"%d",&temp)!=1) {
-                         fprintf(stdout,"Bad option for /bootstrap (must be integer)\n");
-                         temp = 0;
-                    };
-			if(temp > 0)          boot_ntrials = temp;
-			do_boot = TRUE;
-		}
-	if(setalign != -1)
-		if(empty) {
-			error("Cannot align sequences.  No input file");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else 
-			do_align = TRUE;
-	if(setconvert != -1)
-		if(empty) {
-			error("Cannot convert sequences.  No input file");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else 
-			do_convert = TRUE;
-	if(setusetree != -1)
-		if(empty) {
-			error("Cannot align sequences.  No input file");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else  {
-		        if(strlen(param_arg[setusetree]) == 0) {
-				error("Cannot align sequences.  No tree file specified");
-				exit(1);
-		        }
-                        else {
-			        strcpy(phylip_tree_name, param_arg[setusetree]);
-		        }
-		        use_tree_file = TRUE;
-		        do_align_only = TRUE;
-		}
-	if(setnewtree != -1)
-		if(empty) {
-			error("Cannot align sequences.  No input file");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else  {
-		        if(strlen(param_arg[setnewtree]) == 0) {
-				error("Cannot align sequences.  No tree file specified");
-				exit(1);
-		        }
-                        else {
-			        strcpy(phylip_tree_name, param_arg[setnewtree]);
-		        }
-		    new_tree_file = TRUE;
-			do_tree_only = TRUE;
-		}
-	if(setusetree1 != -1)
-		if(profile1_empty) {
-			error("Cannot align profiles.  No input file");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else if(profile_type == SEQUENCE) {
-			error("Invalid option /usetree1.");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else  {
-		        if(strlen(param_arg[setusetree1]) == 0) {
-				error("Cannot align profiles.  No tree file specified");
-				exit(1);
-		        }
-                        else {
-			        strcpy(p1_tree_name, param_arg[setusetree1]);
-		        }
-		        use_tree1_file = TRUE;
-		        do_align_only = TRUE;
-		}
-	if(setnewtree1 != -1)
-		if(profile1_empty) {
-			error("Cannot align profiles.  No input file");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else if(profile_type == SEQUENCE) {
-			error("Invalid option /newtree1.");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else  {
-		        if(strlen(param_arg[setnewtree1]) == 0) {
-				error("Cannot align profiles.  No tree file specified");
-				exit(1);
-		        }
-                        else {
-			        strcpy(p1_tree_name, param_arg[setnewtree1]);
-		        }
-		    new_tree1_file = TRUE;
-		}
-	if(setusetree2 != -1)
-		if(profile2_empty) {
-			error("Cannot align profiles.  No input file");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else if(profile_type == SEQUENCE) {
-			error("Invalid option /usetree2.");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else  {
-		        if(strlen(param_arg[setusetree2]) == 0) {
-				error("Cannot align profiles.  No tree file specified");
-				exit(1);
-		        }
-                        else {
-			        strcpy(p2_tree_name, param_arg[setusetree2]);
-		        }
-		        use_tree2_file = TRUE;
-		        do_align_only = TRUE;
-		}
-	if(setnewtree2 != -1)
-		if(profile2_empty) {
-			error("Cannot align profiles.  No input file");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else if(profile_type == SEQUENCE) {
-			error("Invalid option /newtree2.");
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		else  {
-		        if(strlen(param_arg[setnewtree2]) == 0) {
-				error("Cannot align profiles.  No tree file specified");
-				exit(1);
-		        }
-                        else {
-			        strcpy(p2_tree_name, param_arg[setnewtree2]);
-		        }
-		    new_tree2_file = TRUE;
-		}
-	if( (!do_tree) && (!do_boot) && (!empty) && (!do_profile) && (!do_align_only) && (!do_tree_only) && (!do_convert)) 
-		do_align = TRUE;
-/*** ? /quicktree  */
-        if(setquicktree != -1)
-		quick_pairalign = TRUE;
-	if(dnaflag) {
-		gap_open   = dna_gap_open;
-		gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
-		pw_go_penalty  = dna_pw_go_penalty;
-		pw_ge_penalty  = dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = dna_ktup;
-                window     = dna_window;
-                signif     = dna_signif;
-                wind_gap   = dna_wind_gap;
-	}
-	else {
-		gap_open   = prot_gap_open;
-		gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
-		pw_go_penalty  = prot_pw_go_penalty;
-		pw_ge_penalty  = prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = prot_ktup;
-                window     = prot_window;
-                signif     = prot_signif;
-                wind_gap   = prot_wind_gap;
-	}
-	if(interactive) {
-		if (!xmenus) usemenu = TRUE;
-		return;
-	}
-	if(!do_something) {
-		error("No input file(s) specified");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-/* Now do whatever has been requested ***************************************/
-	if(do_profile) {
-		if (profile_type == PROFILE) profile_align(p1_tree_name,p2_tree_name);
-		else new_sequence_align(phylip_tree_name);
-	}
-	else if(do_align)
-		align(phylip_tree_name);
-        else if(do_convert) {
-                get_path(seqname,path);
-                if(!open_alignment_output(path)) exit(1);
-                create_alignment_output(1,nseqs);
-        }
-        else if (do_align_only)
-                get_tree(phylip_tree_name);
-	else if(do_tree_only)
-		make_tree(phylip_tree_name);
-	else if(do_tree)
-		phylogenetic_tree(phylip_tree_name,clustal_tree_name,dist_tree_name,nexus_tree_name,pim_name);
-	else if(do_boot)
-		bootstrap_tree(phylip_tree_name,clustal_tree_name,nexus_tree_name);
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-	exit(0);
-Boolean user_mat(char *str, short *mat, short *xref)
-        sint maxres;
-        FILE *infile;
-        if(usemenu)
-                getstr("Enter name of the matrix file",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-        else
-                strcpy(lin2,str);
-        if(*lin2 == EOS) return FALSE;
-        if((infile=fopen(lin2,"r"))==NULL) {
-                error("Cannot find matrix file [%s]",lin2);
-                return FALSE;
-        }
-	strcpy(str, lin2);
-	maxres = read_user_matrix(str, mat, xref);
-        if (maxres <= 0) return FALSE;
-	return TRUE;
-Boolean user_mat_series(char *str, short *mat, short *xref)
-        sint maxres;
-        FILE *infile;
-        if(usemenu)
-                getstr("Enter name of the matrix file",MAXLINE+1,lin2);
-        else
-                strcpy(lin2,str);
-        if(*lin2 == EOS) return FALSE;
-        if((infile=fopen(lin2,"r"))==NULL) {
-                error("Cannot find matrix file [%s]",lin2);
-                return FALSE;
-        }
-	strcpy(str, lin2);
-	maxres = read_matrix_series(str, mat, xref);
-        if (maxres <= 0) return FALSE;
-	return TRUE;
-sint seq_input(Boolean append)
-        sint i;
-	sint local_nseqs;
-	if(usemenu) {
-fprintf(stdout,"\n\nSequences should all be in 1 file.\n"); 
-fprintf(stdout,"\n7 formats accepted: \n");
-"NBRF/PIR, EMBL/SwissProt, Pearson (Fasta), GDE, Clustal, GCG/MSF, RSF.\n\n\n");
-"\nGCG users should use TOPIR to convert their sequence files before use.\n\n\n");*/
-	}
-       if (append)
-          local_nseqs = readseqs(nseqs+(sint)1);
-       else
-          local_nseqs = readseqs((sint)1);  /*  1 is the first seq to be read */
-       if(local_nseqs < 0)               /* file could not be opened */
-           { 
-		return local_nseqs;
-           }
-       else if(local_nseqs == 0)         /* no sequences */
-           {
-	       error("No sequences in file!  Bad format?");
-               return local_nseqs;
-           }
-       else 
-           {
-	   struct_penalties1 = struct_penalties2 = NONE;
-	   if (sec_struct_mask1 != NULL) sec_struct_mask1=ckfree(sec_struct_mask1);
-	   if (sec_struct_mask2 != NULL) sec_struct_mask2=ckfree(sec_struct_mask2);
-	   if (gap_penalty_mask1 != NULL) gap_penalty_mask1=ckfree(gap_penalty_mask1);
-	   if (gap_penalty_mask2 != NULL) gap_penalty_mask2=ckfree(gap_penalty_mask2);
-	   if (ss_name1 != NULL) ss_name1=ckfree(ss_name1);
-	   if (ss_name2 != NULL) ss_name2=ckfree(ss_name2);
-		if(append) nseqs+=local_nseqs;
-		else nseqs=local_nseqs;
-		info("Sequences assumed to be %s",
-			dnaflag?"DNA":"PROTEIN");
-		if (usemenu) {
-			fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-                	for(i=1; i<=nseqs; i++) {
-/* DES                         fprintf(stdout,"%s: = ",names[i]); */
-                        	info("Sequence %d: %-*s   %6.d %s",
-                        	(pint)i,max_names,names[i],(pint)seqlen_array[i],dnaflag?"bp":"aa");
-                	}	
-                }	
-			if(dnaflag) {
-				gap_open   = dna_gap_open;
-				gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
-			}
-			else {
-				gap_open   = prot_gap_open;
-				gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
-			}
-			empty=FALSE;
-	   }
-	return local_nseqs;	
-sint profile_input(void)   /* read a profile   */
-{                                           /* profile_no is 1 or 2  */
-        sint local_nseqs, i;
-        if(profile_no == 2 && profile1_empty) 
-           {
-             error("You must read in profile number 1 first");
-             return 0;
-           }
-    if(profile_no == 1)     /* for the 1st profile */
-      {
-       local_nseqs = readseqs((sint)1); /* (1) means 1st seq to be read = no. 1 */
-       if(local_nseqs < 0)               /* file could not be opened */
-           { 
-		return local_nseqs;
-           }
-       else if(local_nseqs == 0)         /* no sequences  */
-           {
-	       error("No sequences in file!  Bad format?");
-		return local_nseqs;
-           }
-       else if (local_nseqs > 0)
-           { 				/* success; found some seqs. */
-		struct_penalties1 = NONE;
-		if (sec_struct_mask1 != NULL) sec_struct_mask1=ckfree(sec_struct_mask1);
-		if (gap_penalty_mask1 != NULL) gap_penalty_mask1=ckfree(gap_penalty_mask1);
-		if (ss_name1 != NULL) ss_name1=ckfree(ss_name1);
-                if (struct_penalties != NONE) /* feature table / mask in alignment */
-                	{
-					struct_penalties1 = struct_penalties;
-					if (struct_penalties == SECST) {
-						sec_struct_mask1 = (char *)ckalloc((max_aln_length) * sizeof (char));
-						for (i=0;i<max_aln_length;i++)
-							sec_struct_mask1[i] = sec_struct_mask[i];
-					}
-					gap_penalty_mask1 = (char *)ckalloc((max_aln_length) * sizeof (char));
-					for (i=0;i<max_aln_length;i++)
-						gap_penalty_mask1[i] = gap_penalty_mask[i];
-        				ss_name1 = (char *)ckalloc( (MAXNAMES+1) * sizeof (char));
-					strcpy(ss_name1,ss_name);
-if (debug>0) {
-for (i=0;i<seqlen_array[1];i++)
-	fprintf(stdout,"%c",gap_penalty_mask1[i]);
-					}
-                nseqs = profile1_nseqs = local_nseqs;
-				info("No. of seqs=%d",(pint)nseqs);
-				profile1_empty=FALSE;
-				profile2_empty=TRUE;
-	   }
-      }
-    else
-      {			        /* first seq to be read = profile1_nseqs + 1 */
-       local_nseqs = readseqs(profile1_nseqs+(sint)1); 
-       if(local_nseqs < 0)               /* file could not be opened */
-           { 
-		return local_nseqs;
-           }
-       else if(local_nseqs == 0)         /* no sequences */
-           {
-	       error("No sequences in file!  Bad format?");
-		return local_nseqs;
-           }
-       else if(local_nseqs > 0)
-           {
-		struct_penalties2 = NONE;
-		if (sec_struct_mask2 != NULL) sec_struct_mask2=ckfree(sec_struct_mask2);
-		if (gap_penalty_mask2 != NULL) gap_penalty_mask2=ckfree(gap_penalty_mask2);
-		if (ss_name2 != NULL) ss_name2=ckfree(ss_name2);
-                if (struct_penalties != NONE) /* feature table / mask in alignment */
-                	{
-					struct_penalties2 = struct_penalties;
-					if (struct_penalties == SECST) {
-						sec_struct_mask2 = (char *)ckalloc((max_aln_length) * sizeof (char));
-						for (i=0;i<max_aln_length;i++)
-							sec_struct_mask2[i] = sec_struct_mask[i];
-					}
-					gap_penalty_mask2 = (char *)ckalloc((max_aln_length) * sizeof (char));
-					for (i=0;i<max_aln_length;i++)
-						gap_penalty_mask2[i] = gap_penalty_mask[i];
-        				ss_name2 = (char *)ckalloc( (MAXNAMES+1) * sizeof (char));
-					strcpy(ss_name2,ss_name);
-if (debug>0) {
-for (i=0;i<seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1];i++)
-	fprintf(stdout,"%c",gap_penalty_mask2[i]);
-					}
-				info("No. of seqs in profile=%d",(pint)local_nseqs);
-                nseqs = profile1_nseqs + local_nseqs;
-                info("Total no. of seqs     =%d",(pint)nseqs);
-				profile2_empty=FALSE;
-				empty = FALSE;
-	   }
-      }
-	if (sec_struct_mask != NULL) sec_struct_mask=ckfree(sec_struct_mask);
-	if (gap_penalty_mask != NULL) gap_penalty_mask=ckfree(gap_penalty_mask);
-	if (ss_name != NULL) ss_name=ckfree(ss_name);
-	if(local_nseqs<=0) return local_nseqs;
-	info("Sequences assumed to be %s",
-		dnaflag?"DNA":"PROTEIN");
-	if (usemenu) fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-        for(i=profile2_empty?1:profile1_nseqs+1; i<=nseqs; i++) {
-                info("Sequence %d: %-*s   %6.d %s",
-                   (pint)i,max_names,names[i],(pint)seqlen_array[i],dnaflag?"bp":"aa");
-        }	
-	if(dnaflag) {
-		gap_open   = dna_gap_open;
-		gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
-	}
-	else {
-		gap_open   = prot_gap_open;
-		gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
-	}
-	return nseqs;
-static void calc_gap_penalty_mask(int prf_length, char *mask, char *gap_mask)
-	int i,j;
-	char *struct_mask;
-	struct_mask = (char *)ckalloc((prf_length+1) * sizeof(char));
-    calculate the gap penalty mask from the secondary structures
-	i=0;
-	while (i<prf_length) {
-		if (tolower(mask[i]) == 'a' || mask[i] == '$') {
-			for (j = -helix_end_plus; j<0; j++) {
-				if ((i+j>=0) && (tolower(struct_mask[i+j]) != 'a')
-				             && (tolower(struct_mask[i+j]) != 'b'))
-					struct_mask[i+j] = 'a';
-			}
-			for (j = 0; j<helix_end_minus; j++) {
-				if (i+j>=prf_length || (tolower(mask[i+j]) != 'a'
-				                    && mask[i+j] != '$')) break;
-				struct_mask[i+j] = 'a';
-			}
-			i += j;
-			while (tolower(mask[i]) == 'a'
-				                    || mask[i] == '$') {
-				if (i>=prf_length) break;
-				if (mask[i] == '$') {
-					struct_mask[i] = 'A';
-					i++;
-					break;
-				}
-				else struct_mask[i] = mask[i];
-				i++;
-			}
-			for (j = 0; j<helix_end_minus; j++) {
-				if ((i-j-1>=0) && (tolower(mask[i-j-1]) == 'a'
-				                    || mask[i-j-1] == '$'))
-					struct_mask[i-j-1] = 'a';
-			}
-			for (j = 0; j<helix_end_plus; j++) {
-				if (i+j>=prf_length) break;
-				struct_mask[i+j] = 'a';
-			}
-		}
-	 	else if (tolower(mask[i]) == 'b' || mask[i] == '%') {
-			for (j = -strand_end_plus; j<0; j++) {
-				if ((i+j>=0) && (tolower(struct_mask[i+j]) != 'a')
-				             && (tolower(struct_mask[i+j]) != 'b'))
-					struct_mask[i+j] = 'b';
-			}
-			for (j = 0; j<strand_end_minus; j++) {
-				if (i+j>=prf_length || (tolower(mask[i+j]) != 'b'
-				                    && mask[i+j] != '%')) break;
-				struct_mask[i+j] = 'b';
-			}
-			i += j;
-			while (tolower(mask[i]) == 'b'
-				                    || mask[i] == '%') {
-				if (i>=prf_length) break;
-				if (mask[i] == '%') {
-					struct_mask[i] = 'B';
-					i++;
-					break;
-				}
-				else struct_mask[i] = mask[i];
-				i++;
-			}
-			for (j = 0; j<strand_end_minus; j++) {
-				if ((i-j-1>=0) && (tolower(mask[i-j-1]) == 'b'
-				                    || mask[i-j-1] == '%'))
-				struct_mask[i-j-1] = 'b';
-			}
-			for (j = 0; j<strand_end_plus; j++) {
-				if (i+j>=prf_length) break;
- 				struct_mask[i+j] = 'b';
-			}
-		}
-	else i++;
-	}
-	for(i=0;i<prf_length;i++) {
-		switch (struct_mask[i]) {
-			case 'A':
-				gap_mask[i] = helix_penalty+'0';
-				break;
-			case 'a':
-				gap_mask[i] = helix_end_penalty+'0';
-				break;
-			case 'B':
-				gap_mask[i] = strand_penalty+'0';
-				break;
-			case 'b':
-				gap_mask[i] = strand_end_penalty+'0';
-				break;
-			default:
-				gap_mask[i] = loop_penalty+'0';
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	struct_mask=ckfree(struct_mask);
-void print_sec_struct_mask(int prf_length, char *mask, char *struct_mask)
-	int i,j;
-    calculate the gap penalty mask from the secondary structures
-	i=0;
-	while (i<prf_length) {
-		if (tolower(mask[i]) == 'a' || mask[i] == '$') {
-			for (j = 0; j<helix_end_minus; j++) {
-				if (i+j>=prf_length || (tolower(mask[i+j]) != 'a'
-				                    && mask[i+j] != '$')) break;
-				struct_mask[i+j] = 'a';
-			}
-			i += j;
-			while (tolower(mask[i]) == 'a'
-				                    || mask[i] == '$') {
-				if (i>=prf_length) break;
-				if (mask[i] == '$') {
-					struct_mask[i] = 'A';
-					i++;
-					break;
-				}
-				else struct_mask[i] = mask[i];
-				i++;
-			}
-			for (j = 0; j<helix_end_minus; j++) {
-				if ((i-j-1>=0) && (tolower(mask[i-j-1]) == 'a'
-				                    || mask[i-j-1] == '$'))
-					struct_mask[i-j-1] = 'a';
-			}
-		}
-	 	else if (tolower(mask[i]) == 'b' || mask[i] == '%') {
-			for (j = 0; j<strand_end_minus; j++) {
-				if (i+j>=prf_length || (tolower(mask[i+j]) != 'b'
-				                    && mask[i+j] != '%')) break;
-				struct_mask[i+j] = 'b';
-			}
-			i += j;
-			while (tolower(mask[i]) == 'b'
-				                    || mask[i] == '%') {
-				if (i>=prf_length) break;
-				if (mask[i] == '%') {
-					struct_mask[i] = 'B';
-					i++;
-					break;
-				}
-				else struct_mask[i] = mask[i];
-				i++;
-			}
-			for (j = 0; j<strand_end_minus; j++) {
-				if ((i-j-1>=0) && (tolower(mask[i-j-1]) == 'b'
-				                    || mask[i-j-1] == '%'))
-				struct_mask[i-j-1] = 'b';
-			}
-		}
-	else i++;
-	}
-FILE *  open_output_file(char *prompt,      char *path, 
-				char *file_name,   char *file_extension)
-{	static char temp[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	static char local_prompt[MAXLINE];
-	static char local_prompt_tmp[MAXLINE+FILENAMELEN+1];
-	FILE * file_handle;
-/*	if (*file_name == EOS) {
-*/		strcpy(file_name,path);
-		strcat(file_name,file_extension);
-/*	}
-	if(strcmp(file_name,seqname)==0) {
-		warning("Output file name is the same as input file.");
-		if (usemenu) {
-			strcpy(local_prompt,"\n\nEnter new name to avoid overwriting ");
-			strcat(local_prompt," [%s]");          
-			sprintf(local_prompt_tmp,local_prompt,file_name);
-			getstr(local_prompt_tmp,FILENAMELEN+1,temp);
-			if(*temp != EOS) strcpy(file_name,temp);
-		}
-	}
-	else if (usemenu) {
-		strcpy(local_prompt,prompt);
-		strcat(local_prompt," [%s]");          
-		sprintf(local_prompt_tmp,local_prompt,file_name);
-		getstr(local_prompt_tmp,FILENAMELEN+1,temp);
-		if(*temp != EOS) strcpy(file_name,temp);
-	}
-#ifdef VMS
-	if((file_handle=fopen(file_name,"w","rat=cr","rfm=var"))==NULL) {
-	if((file_handle=fopen(file_name,"w"))==NULL) {
-		error("Cannot open output file [%s]",file_name);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return file_handle;
-FILE *  open_explicit_file(char *file_name)
-	FILE * file_handle;
-	if (*file_name == EOS) {
-		error("Bad output file [%s]",file_name);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-#ifdef VMS
-	if((file_handle=fopen(file_name,"w","rat=cr","rfm=var"))==NULL) {
-	if((file_handle=fopen(file_name,"w"))==NULL) {
-		error("Cannot open output file [%s]",file_name);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return file_handle;
-/* Ramu void */
-void align(char *phylip_name)
-	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	FILE *tree;
-	sint count;
-	if(empty && usemenu) {
-		error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first.");
-		return;
-	}
-	   struct_penalties1 = struct_penalties2 = NONE;
-	   if (sec_struct_mask1 != NULL) sec_struct_mask1=ckfree(sec_struct_mask1);
-	   if (sec_struct_mask2 != NULL) sec_struct_mask2=ckfree(sec_struct_mask2);
-	   if (gap_penalty_mask1 != NULL) gap_penalty_mask1=ckfree(gap_penalty_mask1);
-	   if (gap_penalty_mask2 != NULL) gap_penalty_mask2=ckfree(gap_penalty_mask2);
-	   if (ss_name1 != NULL) ss_name1=ckfree(ss_name1);
-	   if (ss_name2 != NULL) ss_name2=ckfree(ss_name2);
-        get_path(seqname,path);
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n Seqname = %s  \n Path = %s \n\n",seqname,path);
-	if(usemenu || !interactive) {
-        	if(!open_alignment_output(path)) return;
-	}
-	if (nseqs >= 2) {
-        	get_path(seqname,path);
-        	if (phylip_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                	if((tree = open_explicit_file(
-                	phylip_name))==NULL) return;
-        	}
-        	else {
-                 	if((tree = open_output_file(
-                	"\nEnter name for new GUIDE TREE file ",path,
-                	phylip_name,"dnd")) == NULL) return;
-        	}
-	}
-	if (save_parameters) create_parameter_output();
-	if(reset_alignments_new || reset_alignments_all) reset_align();
-        info("Start of Pairwise alignments");
-        info("Aligning...");
-        if(dnaflag) {
-                gap_open   = dna_gap_open;
-                gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
-                pw_go_penalty  = dna_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty  = dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = dna_ktup;
-                window     = dna_window;
-                signif     = dna_signif;
-                wind_gap   = dna_wind_gap;
-        }
-        else {
-                gap_open   = prot_gap_open;
-                gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
-                pw_go_penalty  = prot_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty  = prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = prot_ktup;
-                window     = prot_window;
-                signif     = prot_signif;
-                wind_gap   = prot_wind_gap;
-        }
-        if (quick_pairalign)
-           show_pair((sint)0,nseqs,(sint)0,nseqs);
-        else
-           pairalign((sint)0,nseqs,(sint)0,nseqs);
-	if (nseqs >= 2) {
-		guide_tree(tree,1,nseqs);
-		info("Guide tree        file created:   [%s]",
-                phylip_name);
-	}
-	count = malign((sint)0,phylip_name);
-	if (count <= 0) return;
-	if (usemenu) fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-	create_alignment_output(1,nseqs);
-        if (showaln && usemenu) show_aln();
-	phylip_name[0]=EOS;
-	return ;
-void new_sequence_align(char *phylip_name)
-	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	char tree_name[FILENAMELEN+1],temp[MAXLINE+1];
-	char tmp_msg[MAXLINE+1+300];
-	Boolean use_tree;
-	FILE *tree;
-	sint i,j,count;
-	float dscore;
-	Boolean save_ss2;
-	if(profile1_empty && usemenu) {
-		error("No profile in memory. Input 1st profile first.");
-		return;
-	}
-	if(profile2_empty && usemenu) {
-		error("No sequences in memory. Input sequences first.");
-		return;
-	}
-        get_path(profile2_name,path);
-        if(usemenu || !interactive) {
-        	if(!open_alignment_output(path)) return;
-	}
-	new_seq = profile1_nseqs+1;
-/* check for secondary structure information for list of sequences */
-	save_ss2 = use_ss2;
-	if (struct_penalties2 != NONE && use_ss2 == TRUE && (nseqs - profile1_nseqs >
-1)) {
-		if (struct_penalties2 == SECST) 
-			warning("Warning: ignoring secondary structure for a list of sequences");
-		else if (struct_penalties2 == GMASK)
-			warning("Warning: ignoring gap penalty mask for a list of sequences");
-		use_ss2 = FALSE;
-	}
-	for (i=1;i<=new_seq;i++) {
-     		for (j=i+1;j<=new_seq;j++) {
-       			dscore = countid(i,j);
-       			tmat[i][j] = ((double)100.0 - (double)dscore)/(double)100.0;
-       			tmat[j][i] = tmat[i][j];
-     		}
-   	}
-	tree_name[0] = EOS;
-	use_tree = FALSE;
-	if (nseqs >= 2) {
-		if (check_tree && usemenu) {
-			strcpy(tree_name,path);
-			strcat(tree_name,"dnd");
-#ifdef VMS
-        	if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var"))!=NULL) {
-        	if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r"))!=NULL) {
-		if (usemenu)
-            	sprintf(tmp_msg,"\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file,  %s  (y/n) ? [y]",
-                                           tree_name);
-                getstr(tmp_msg,MAXLINE+1,temp);
-                if(*temp != 'n' && *temp != 'N') {
-                    strcpy(phylip_name,tree_name);
-                    use_tree = TRUE;
-                }
-                fclose(tree);
-        	}
-		}
-		else if (!usemenu && use_tree_file) {
-			use_tree = TRUE;
-		}
-	}
-	if (save_parameters) create_parameter_output();
-	if(reset_alignments_new || reset_alignments_all) {
-		reset_prf1();
-		reset_prf2();
-	}
-	else fix_gaps();
-	if (struct_penalties1 == SECST)
-		calc_gap_penalty_mask(seqlen_array[1],sec_struct_mask1,gap_penalty_mask1);
-	if (struct_penalties2 == SECST)
-/* create the new tree file, if necessary */
-	if (use_tree == FALSE) {
-		if (nseqs >= 2) {
-        		get_path(profile2_name,path);
-        		if (phylip_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                		if((tree = open_explicit_file(
-                		phylip_name))==NULL) return;
-        		}
-        		else {
-                 		if((tree = open_output_file(
-                		"\nEnter name for new GUIDE TREE           file  ",path,
-                		phylip_name,"dnd")) == NULL) return;
-        		}
-		}
-        info("Start of Pairwise alignments");
-        info("Aligning...");
-        if(dnaflag) {
-                gap_open   = dna_gap_open;
-                gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
-                pw_go_penalty  = dna_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty  = dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = dna_ktup;
-                window     = dna_window;
-                signif     = dna_signif;
-                wind_gap   = dna_wind_gap;
-        }
-        else {
-                gap_open   = prot_gap_open;
-                gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
-                pw_go_penalty  = prot_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty  = prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = prot_ktup;
-                window     = prot_window;
-                signif     = prot_signif;
-                wind_gap   = prot_wind_gap;
-        }
-        if (quick_pairalign)
-           show_pair((sint)0,nseqs,new_seq-2,nseqs);
-        else
-           pairalign((sint)0,nseqs,new_seq-2,nseqs);
-		if (nseqs >= 2) {
-			guide_tree(tree,1,nseqs);
-			info("Guide tree        file created:   [%s]",
-               		phylip_name);
-		}
-	}
-	if (new_tree_file) return;
-	count = seqalign(new_seq-2,phylip_name);
-	use_ss2 = save_ss2;
-	if (count <= 0) return;
-	if (usemenu) fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-	create_alignment_output(1,nseqs);
-        if (showaln && usemenu) show_aln();
-	phylip_name[0]=EOS;
-void make_tree(char *phylip_name)
-	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	FILE *tree;
-	if(empty) {
-		error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first.");
-		return;
-	}
-	   struct_penalties1 = struct_penalties2 = NONE;
-	   if (sec_struct_mask1 != NULL) sec_struct_mask1=ckfree(sec_struct_mask1);
-	   if (sec_struct_mask2 != NULL) sec_struct_mask2=ckfree(sec_struct_mask2);
-	   if (gap_penalty_mask1 != NULL) gap_penalty_mask1=ckfree(gap_penalty_mask1);
-	   if (gap_penalty_mask2 != NULL) gap_penalty_mask2=ckfree(gap_penalty_mask2);
-	   if (ss_name1 != NULL) ss_name1=ckfree(ss_name1);
-	   if (ss_name2 != NULL) ss_name2=ckfree(ss_name2);
-	if(reset_alignments_new || reset_alignments_all) reset_align();
-        get_path(seqname,path);
-	if (nseqs < 2) {
-		error("Less than 2 sequences in memory. Phylogenetic tree cannot be built.");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (save_parameters) create_parameter_output();
-	info("Start of Pairwise alignments");
-	info("Aligning...");
-        if(dnaflag) {
-                gap_open   = dna_gap_open;
-                gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
-                pw_go_penalty  = dna_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty  = dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = dna_ktup;
-                window     = dna_window;
-                signif     = dna_signif;
-                wind_gap   = dna_wind_gap;
-        }
-        else {
-                gap_open   = prot_gap_open;
-                gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
-                pw_go_penalty  = prot_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty  = prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = prot_ktup;
-                window     = prot_window;
-                signif     = prot_signif;
-                wind_gap   = prot_wind_gap;
-        }
-        if (quick_pairalign)
-          show_pair((sint)0,nseqs,(sint)0,nseqs);
-        else
-          pairalign((sint)0,nseqs,(sint)0,nseqs);
-	if (nseqs >= 2) {
-        	get_path(seqname,path);
-        	if (phylip_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                	if((tree = open_explicit_file(
-                	phylip_name))==NULL) return;
-        	}
-        	else {
-                 	if((tree = open_output_file(
-                	"\nEnter name for new GUIDE TREE           file  ",path,
-                	phylip_name,"dnd")) == NULL) return;
-        	}
-		guide_tree(tree,1,nseqs);
-		info("Guide tree        file created:   [%s]",
-               	phylip_name);
-	}
-	if(reset_alignments_new || reset_alignments_all) reset_align();
-	phylip_name[0]=EOS;
-void get_tree(char *phylip_name)
-	char path[FILENAMELEN+1],temp[MAXLINE+1];
-	char tmp_msg[FILENAMELEN+300];
-	sint count;
-	if(empty) {
-		error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first.");
-		return;
-	}
-	   struct_penalties1 = struct_penalties2 = NONE;
-	   if (sec_struct_mask1 != NULL) sec_struct_mask1=ckfree(sec_struct_mask1);
-	   if (sec_struct_mask2 != NULL) sec_struct_mask2=ckfree(sec_struct_mask2);
-	   if (gap_penalty_mask1 != NULL) gap_penalty_mask1=ckfree(gap_penalty_mask1);
-	   if (gap_penalty_mask2 != NULL) gap_penalty_mask2=ckfree(gap_penalty_mask2);
-	   if (ss_name1 != NULL) ss_name1=ckfree(ss_name1);
-	   if (ss_name2 != NULL) ss_name2=ckfree(ss_name2);
-        get_path(seqname,path);
-        if(usemenu || !interactive) {
-        	if(!open_alignment_output(path)) return;
-	}
-	if(reset_alignments_new || reset_alignments_all) reset_align();
-        get_path(seqname,path);
-        if (nseqs >= 2) {
-        	if(usemenu) {
-       			strcpy(phylip_name,path);
-       			strcat(phylip_name,"dnd");
-			sprintf(tmp_msg,"\nEnter a name for the guide tree file [%s]",
-                                           phylip_name);
-                	getstr(tmp_msg,MAXLINE+1,temp);
-                	if(*temp != EOS)
-                        	strcpy(phylip_name,temp);
-        	}
-        	if(usemenu || !interactive) {
-#ifdef VMS
-        		if((tree=fopen(phylip_name,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var"))==NULL) {
-        		if((tree=fopen(phylip_name,"r"))==NULL) {
-                		error("Cannot open tree file [%s]",phylip_name);
-                		return;
-        		}
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-        	info("Start of Pairwise alignments");
-        	info("Aligning...");
-        	if(dnaflag) {
-                	gap_open   = dna_gap_open;
-                	gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
-                	pw_go_penalty  = dna_pw_go_penalty;
-                	pw_ge_penalty  = dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-                	ktup       = dna_ktup;
-                	window     = dna_window;
-                	signif     = dna_signif;
-                	wind_gap   = dna_wind_gap;
-        	}
-        	else {
-                	gap_open   = prot_gap_open;
-                	gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
-                	pw_go_penalty  = prot_pw_go_penalty;
-                	pw_ge_penalty  = prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-                	ktup       = prot_ktup;
-                	window     = prot_window;
-                	signif     = prot_signif;
-                	wind_gap   = prot_wind_gap;
-        	}
-            if (quick_pairalign)
-                show_pair((sint)0,nseqs,(sint)0,nseqs);
-            else
-		   		pairalign((sint)0,nseqs,(sint)0,nseqs);
-	}
-	if (save_parameters) create_parameter_output();
-	count = malign(0,phylip_name);
-	if (count <= 0) return;
-	if (usemenu) fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-	create_alignment_output(1,nseqs);
-        if (showaln && usemenu) show_aln();
-	phylip_name[0]=EOS;
-void profile_align(char *p1_tree_name,char *p2_tree_name)
-	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	char tree_name[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	char temp[MAXLINE+1];
-	char tmp_msg[FILENAMELEN+300];
-	Boolean use_tree1,use_tree2;
-	FILE *tree;
-	sint count,i,j,dscore;
-	if(profile1_empty || profile2_empty) {
-		error("No sequences in memory. Load sequences first.");
-		return;
-	}
-	get_path(profile1_name,path);
-        if(usemenu || !interactive) {
-        	if(!open_alignment_output(path)) return;
-	}
-	if(reset_alignments_new || reset_alignments_all) {
-		reset_prf1();
-		reset_prf2();
-	}
-	else fix_gaps();
-	tree_name[0] = EOS;
-	use_tree1 = FALSE;
-	if (profile1_nseqs >= 2) {
-		if (check_tree && usemenu) {
-			strcpy(tree_name,path);
-			strcat(tree_name,"dnd");
-#ifdef VMS
-        	if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var"))!=NULL) {
-        	if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r"))!=NULL) {
-            	sprintf(tmp_msg,"\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file for Profile 1,  %s  (y/n) ? [y]",
-                                           tree_name);
-                getstr(tmp_msg,MAXLINE+1,temp);
-                if(*temp != 'n' && *temp != 'N') {
-                    strcpy(p1_tree_name,tree_name);
-                    use_tree1 = TRUE;
-                }
-                fclose(tree);
-        	}
-		}
-		else if (!usemenu && use_tree1_file) {
-			use_tree1 = TRUE;
-		}
-	}
-	tree_name[0] = EOS;
-	use_tree2 = FALSE;
-	get_path(profile2_name,path);
-	if (nseqs-profile1_nseqs >= 2) {
-		if (check_tree && usemenu) {
-			strcpy(tree_name,path);
-			strcat(tree_name,"dnd");
-#ifdef VMS
-			if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var"))!=NULL)
-			if((tree=fopen(tree_name,"r"))!=NULL)
-			{
-				sprintf(tmp_msg,"\nUse the existing GUIDE TREE file for Profile 2,  %s  (y/n) ? [y]",
-						   tree_name);
-				getstr(tmp_msg,MAXLINE+1,temp);
-				if(*temp != 'n' && *temp != 'N') {
-				    strcpy(p2_tree_name,tree_name);
-				    use_tree2 = TRUE;
-				}
-				fclose(tree);
-			}
-		}
-		else if (!usemenu && use_tree2_file) {
-			use_tree2 = TRUE;
-		}
-	}
-	if (save_parameters) create_parameter_output();
-	if (struct_penalties1 == SECST)
-		calc_gap_penalty_mask(seqlen_array[1],sec_struct_mask1,gap_penalty_mask1);
-	if (struct_penalties2 == SECST)
-		calc_gap_penalty_mask(seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1],sec_struct_mask2,gap_penalty_mask2);
-	if (use_tree1 == FALSE)
-		if (profile1_nseqs >= 2) {
-                	for (i=1;i<=profile1_nseqs;i++) {
-                        	for (j=i+1;j<=profile1_nseqs;j++) {
-                                	dscore = countid(i,j);
-                                	tmat[i][j] = (100.0 - dscore)/100.0;
-                                	tmat[j][i] = tmat[i][j];
-                        	}
-                	}
-        		get_path(profile1_name,path);
-        		if (p1_tree_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                		if((tree = open_explicit_file(p1_tree_name))==NULL) return;
-        		}
-        		else {
-                 		if((tree = open_output_file(
-                		"\nEnter name for new GUIDE TREE file for profile 1 ",path,
-                		p1_tree_name,"dnd")) == NULL) return;
-        		}
-			guide_tree(tree,1,profile1_nseqs);
-			info("Guide tree        file created:   [%s]",
-               		p1_tree_name);
-		}
-	if (use_tree2 == FALSE)
-		if(nseqs-profile1_nseqs >= 2) {
-                	for (i=1+profile1_nseqs;i<=nseqs;i++) {
-                        	for (j=i+1;j<=nseqs;j++) {
-                                	dscore = countid(i,j);
-                                	tmat[i][j] = (100.0 - dscore)/100.0;
-                                	tmat[j][i] = tmat[i][j];
-                        	}
-                	}
-        		if (p2_tree_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                		if((tree = open_explicit_file(p2_tree_name))==NULL) return;
-        		}
-        		else {
-        			get_path(profile2_name,path);
-                 		if((tree = open_output_file(
-                		"\nEnter name for new GUIDE TREE file for profile 2 ",path,
-                		p2_tree_name,"dnd")) == NULL) return;
-        		}
-			guide_tree(tree,profile1_nseqs+1,nseqs-profile1_nseqs);
-			info("Guide tree        file created:   [%s]",
-               		p2_tree_name);
-		}
-	if (new_tree1_file || new_tree2_file) return;
-/* do an initial alignment to get the pairwise identities between the two
-profiles - used to set parameters for the final alignment */
-	count = palign1();
-	if (count == 0) return;
-	reset_prf1();
-	reset_prf2();
-	count = palign2(p1_tree_name,p2_tree_name);
-	if (count == 0) return;
-	if(usemenu) fprintf(stdout,"\n\n\n");
-	create_alignment_output(1,nseqs);
-        if (showaln && usemenu) show_aln();
-	p1_tree_name[0]=EOS;
-	p2_tree_name[0]=EOS;
- typedef struct rangeNum {
-   int start;
-   int end;
- } rangeNum;
-/**** ********************************************************************************
- *
- *
- *
- *   INPUT:  
- * 
- *   RETURNS:  the range objects with the from, to range for each seqs.
- *
- *             the best things is to couple this up with the seqnames
- *             structure (there is no struct for seqnames yet!)
- */
-void fillrange(rangeNum *rnum, sint fres, sint len, sint fseq)
-  sint val;
-  sint i,ii;
-  sint j,slen;	
-  char tmpName[FILENAMELEN+15];
-  int istart =0;
-  int iend = 0; /* to print sequence start-end with names */
-  int found =0;
-  int ngaps=0;
-  int tmpStart=0; 
-  int tmpEnd=0;
-  int ntermgaps=0;
-  int pregaps=0;
-  int tmpk=0;
-  int isRange=0;
-  int formula =0;
-  tmpName[0] = '\0';
-  slen = 0;
-  ii = fseq ;
-  i = output_index[ii];
-  if( (sscanf(names[i],"%[^/]/%d-%d",tmpName, &tmpStart, &tmpEnd) == 3)) {
-    isRange = 1;
-  }
-  for(tmpk=1; tmpk<fres; tmpk++) { /* do this irrespective of above sscanf */
-    val = seq_array[i][tmpk];
-    if ((val < 0) || (val > max_aa)) { /*it is gap */
-      pregaps++;
-    }
-  }
-  for(j=fres; j<fres+len; j++) {
-    val = seq_array[i][j];
-    if((val == -3) || (val == 253))
-      break;
-    else if((val < 0) || (val > max_aa)) {
-      /* residue = '-'; */
-      ngaps++;
-    }
-    else {
-      /* residue = amino_acid_codes[val]; */
-      found = j;
-    }
-    if ( found && (istart == 0) ) {
-      istart = found;
-      ntermgaps = ngaps;
-    }
-    slen++;
-  }
-  if( seqRange) {
-    printf("Name : %s ",names[i]);
-    printf("\n  fres = %d ",fres);
-    printf("   len = %d ",len);
-    printf("\n  istart = %d ",istart);
-    printf("\n  tmpStart = %d ",tmpStart);
-    printf("\n  ngaps = %d ",ngaps);
-    printf("\n  pregaps = %d ",pregaps);
-    if (!isRange)
-      formula = istart - pregaps;
-    else
-      formula = istart - pregaps +  ( tmpStart == 1 ? 0: tmpStart-1) ;
-    printf("\n\nsuggestion  istart - pregaps + tmpStart - ntermgaps = %d - %d + %d - %d",istart,
-	   pregaps,tmpStart,ntermgaps);
-    printf(" formula %d ",formula);
-  }
-  else {
-    printf("\n no range found .... strange,  istart = %d",istart);
-    formula = 1;
-  }
-  if (pregaps == fres-1) /* all gaps -  now the conditions........ */ 
-    formula = tmpStart ; /* keep the previous start... */
-  formula = (formula <= 0) ? 1: formula;
-  if (pregaps ==0 && tmpStart == 0) {
-    formula = fres;
-  }
-  iend = formula + len - ngaps -1;
-  rnum->start = formula;
-  rnum->end = iend;
-  printf("\n check... %s %d - %d",names[i],rnum->start,rnum->end);
-  printf(" Done checking.........");
-void fasta_out(FILE *fastaout, sint fres, sint len, sint fseq, sint lseq)
-    char *seq, residue;
-    sint val;
-    sint i,ii;
-    sint j,slen;	
-    sint line_length;
-    rangeNum  *rnum;  
-    int tmpk;
-    seq = (char *)ckalloc((len+1) * sizeof(char)); 
-    line_length=PAGEWIDTH-max_names;
-    line_length=line_length-line_length % 10; /* round to a multiple of 10*/
-    if (line_length > LINELENGTH) line_length=LINELENGTH;
-    if(seqRange) {
-      rnum = (struct rangeNum *) malloc(sizeof(struct rangeNum));
-    }
-    for(ii=fseq; ii<=lseq; ii++) {
-      i = output_index[ii];
-      slen = 0;
-      for(j=fres; j<fres+len; j++) {
-	val = seq_array[i][j];
-	if((val == -3) || (val == 253))
-	  break;
-	else if((val < 0) || (val > max_aa)) {
-	  residue = '-';
-	}
-	else {
-	  residue = amino_acid_codes[val];
-	}
-	if (lowercase) 
-	  seq[j-fres] = (char)tolower((int)residue);
-	else
-	  seq[j-fres] = residue;
-	slen++;
-      }
-      fprintf(fastaout, ">%-s",nameonly(names[i]));
-      if(seqRange) {
-	fillrange(rnum,fres, len, ii);
-	fprintf(fastaout,"/%d-%d",rnum->start, rnum->end);
-      }
-      fprintf(fastaout,"\n");
-      for(j=1; j<=slen; j++) {
-	fprintf(fastaout,"%c",toupper(seq[j-1]));
-	if((j % line_length == 0) || (j == slen)) 
-	  fprintf(fastaout,"\n");
-      }
-    }
-    seq=ckfree((void *)seq);
-    if(seqRange) 
-      if (rnum) 
-	free(rnum);
-    /* just try and see 
-    printf("\n Now....  calculating percentage identity....\n\n");
-    calc_percidentity();*/
-void clustal_out(FILE *clusout, sint fres, sint len, sint fseq, sint lseq)
-    static char *seq1;
-    static sint *seq_no;
-    static sint *print_seq_no;
-    char *ss_mask1, *ss_mask2;
-    char  temp[MAXLINE];
-    char c;
-    sint val;
-    sint ii,lv1,catident1[NUMRES],catident2[NUMRES],ident,chunks;
-    sint i,j,k,l;
-    sint pos,ptr;
-    sint line_length;
-    rangeNum *rnum;
-    char tmpStr[FILENAMELEN+15];
-    int tmpk;
-    /*
-      stop doing this ...... opens duplicate files in VMS  DES
-      fclose(clusout);
-      if ((clusout=fopen(clustal_outname,"w")) == NULL)
-      {
-      fprintf(stdout,"Error opening %s\n",clustal_outfile);
-      return;
-      }
-    */
-    if(seqRange) {
-      rnum = (struct rangeNum *) malloc(sizeof(struct rangeNum));
-      if ( rnum ==NULL ) {
-	printf("cannot alloc memory for rnum");
-      }
-    }
-    seq_no = (sint *)ckalloc((nseqs+1) * sizeof(sint));
-    print_seq_no = (sint *)ckalloc((nseqs+1) * sizeof(sint));
-    for (i=fseq;i<=lseq;i++)
-      {
-	print_seq_no[i] = seq_no[i] = 0;
-	for(j=1;j<fres;j++) {
-	  val = seq_array[i][j];
-	  if((val >=0) || (val <=max_aa)) seq_no[i]++;
-	}
-      }
-    seq1 = (char *)ckalloc((max_aln_length+1) * sizeof(char));
-    if (struct_penalties1 == SECST && use_ss1 == TRUE) {
-      ss_mask1 = (char *)ckalloc((seqlen_array[1]+10) * sizeof(char));
-      for (i=0;i<seqlen_array[1];i++)
-	ss_mask1[i] = sec_struct_mask1[i];
-      print_sec_struct_mask(seqlen_array[1],sec_struct_mask1,ss_mask1);
-    }
-    if (struct_penalties2 == SECST && use_ss2 == TRUE) {
-      ss_mask2 = (char *)ckalloc((seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1]+10) * sizeof(char));
-      for (i=0;i<seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1];i++)
-	ss_mask2[i] = sec_struct_mask2[i];
-      print_sec_struct_mask(seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1],sec_struct_mask2,ss_mask2);
-    }
-    fprintf(clusout,"CLUSTAL %s multiple sequence alignment\n\n",
-	    revision_level);
-    /* decide the line length for this alignment - maximum is LINELENGTH */
-    line_length=PAGEWIDTH-max_names;
-    line_length=line_length-line_length % 10; /* round to a multiple of 10*/
-    if (line_length > LINELENGTH) line_length=LINELENGTH;
-    chunks = len/line_length;
-    if(len % line_length != 0)
-      ++chunks;
-    for(lv1=1;lv1<=chunks;++lv1) {
-      pos = ((lv1-1)*line_length)+1;
-      ptr = (len<pos+line_length-1) ? len : pos+line_length-1;
-      fprintf(clusout,"\n");
-      if (output_struct_penalties == 0 || output_struct_penalties == 2) {
-	if (struct_penalties1 == SECST && use_ss1 == TRUE) {
-	  for(i=pos;i<=ptr;++i) {
-	    val=ss_mask1[i+fres-2];
-	    if (val == gap_pos1 || val == gap_pos2)
-	      temp[i-pos]='-';
-	    else
-	      temp[i-pos]=val;
-	  }
-	  temp[ptr-pos+1]=EOS;
-	  if(seqRange) /*Ramu*/
-	    fprintf(clusout,"!SS_%-*s  %s\n",max_names+15,ss_name1,temp);
-	  else
-	    fprintf(clusout,"!SS_%-*s  %s\n",max_names,ss_name1,temp);
-	}
-      }
-      if (output_struct_penalties == 1 || output_struct_penalties == 2) {
-	if (struct_penalties1 != NONE && use_ss1 == TRUE) {
-	  for(i=pos;i<=ptr;++i) {
-	    val=gap_penalty_mask1[i+fres-2];
-	    if (val == gap_pos1 || val == gap_pos2)
-	      temp[i-pos]='-';
-	    else
-	      temp[i-pos]=val;
-	  }
-	  temp[ptr-pos+1]=EOS;
-	  fprintf(clusout,"!GM_%-*s  %s\n",max_names,ss_name1,temp);
-	}
-      }
-      if (output_struct_penalties == 0 || output_struct_penalties == 2) {
-	if (struct_penalties2 == SECST && use_ss2 == TRUE) {
-	  for(i=pos;i<=ptr;++i) {
-	    val=ss_mask2[i+fres-2];
-	    if (val == gap_pos1 || val == gap_pos2)
-	      temp[i-pos]='-';
-	    else
-	      temp[i-pos]=val;
-	  }
-	  temp[ptr-pos+1]=EOS;
-	  if (seqRange )
-	    fprintf(clusout,"!SS_%-*s  %s\n",max_names+15,ss_name2,temp);
-	  else
-	    fprintf(clusout,"!SS_%-*s  %s\n",max_names,ss_name2,temp);
-	}
-      }
-      if (output_struct_penalties == 1 || output_struct_penalties == 2) {
-	if (struct_penalties2 != NONE && use_ss2 == TRUE) {
-	  for(i=pos;i<=ptr;++i) {
-	    val=gap_penalty_mask2[i+fres-2];
-	    if (val == gap_pos1 || val == gap_pos2)
-	      temp[i-pos]='-';
-	    else
-	      temp[i-pos]=val;
-	  }
-	  temp[ptr-pos+1]=EOS;
-	  fprintf(clusout,"!GM_%-*s  %s\n",max_names,ss_name2,temp);
-	}
-      }
-      for(ii=fseq;ii<=lseq;++ii) {
-	i=output_index[ii];
-	print_seq_no[i] = 0;
-	for(j=pos;j<=ptr;++j) {
-	  if (j+fres-1<=seqlen_array[i])
-	    val = seq_array[i][j+fres-1];
-	  else val = -3;
-	  if((val == -3) || (val == 253)) break;
-	  else if((val < 0) || (val > max_aa)){
-	    seq1[j]='-';
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    seq1[j]=amino_acid_codes[val];
-	    seq_no[i]++;
-	    print_seq_no[i]=1;
-	  } 
-	}
-	for(;j<=ptr;++j) seq1[j]='-';
-	strncpy(temp,&seq1[pos],ptr-pos+1);
-	temp[ptr-pos+1]=EOS;
-	if (!seqRange) {
-	  fprintf(clusout,"%-*s",max_names+5,names[i]); 
-	}
-	else {
-	  fillrange(rnum,fres, len, ii);
-	  sprintf(tmpStr,"%s/%d-%d", nameonly(names[i]), rnum->start, rnum->end);
-	  fprintf(clusout,"%-*s",max_names+15,tmpStr);
-	}
-	fprintf(clusout," %s",temp);
-	if (cl_seq_numbers && print_seq_no[i])
-	  fprintf(clusout," %d",seq_no[i]);
-	fprintf(clusout,"\n");
-      }
-      for(i=pos;i<=ptr;++i) {
-	seq1[i]=' ';
-	ident=0;
-	for(j=1;res_cat1[j-1]!=NULL;j++) catident1[j-1] = 0;
-	for(j=1;res_cat2[j-1]!=NULL;j++) catident2[j-1] = 0;
-	for(j=fseq;j<=lseq;++j) {
-	  if((seq_array[fseq][i+fres-1] >=0) && 
-	     (seq_array[fseq][i+fres-1] <= max_aa)) {
-	    if(seq_array[fseq][i+fres-1] == seq_array[j][i+fres-1])
-	      ++ident;
-	    for(k=1;res_cat1[k-1]!=NULL;k++) {
-	      for(l=0;(c=res_cat1[k-1][l]);l++) {
-		if (amino_acid_codes[seq_array[j][i+fres-1]]==c)
-		  {
-		    catident1[k-1]++;
-		    break;
-		  }
-	      }
-	    }
-	    for(k=1;res_cat2[k-1]!=NULL;k++) {
-	      for(l=0;(c=res_cat2[k-1][l]);l++) {
-		if (amino_acid_codes[seq_array[j][i+fres-1]]==c)
-		  {
-		    catident2[k-1]++;
-		    break;
-		  }
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	if(ident==lseq-fseq+1)
-	  seq1[i]='*';
-	else if (!dnaflag) {
-	  for(k=1;res_cat1[k-1]!=NULL;k++) {
-	    if (catident1[k-1]==lseq-fseq+1) {
-	      seq1[i]=':';
-	      break;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  if(seq1[i]==' ')
-	    for(k=1;res_cat2[k-1]!=NULL;k++) {
-	      if (catident2[k-1]==lseq-fseq+1) {
-		seq1[i]='.';
-		break;
-	      }
-	    }
-	}
-      }
-      strncpy(temp,&seq1[pos],ptr-pos+1);
-      temp[ptr-pos+1]=EOS;
-      for(k=0;k<max_names+6;k++) fprintf(clusout," ");
-      if(seqRange) /*<ramu>*/
-	fprintf(clusout,"          "); /*</ramu>*/
-      fprintf(clusout,"%s\n",temp);
-    }
-    seq1=ckfree((void *)seq1);
-    if (struct_penalties1 == SECST && use_ss1 == TRUE) ckfree(ss_mask1);
-    if (struct_penalties2 == SECST && use_ss2 == TRUE) ckfree(ss_mask2);
-    /* DES	ckfree(output_index); */
-    if(seqRange) 
-      if (rnum) 
-	free(rnum);
-void gcg_out(FILE *gcgout, sint fres, sint len, sint fseq, sint lseq)
-  /*        static char *aacids = "XCSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW";*/
-  /*	static char *nbases = "XACGT";	*/
-  char *seq, residue;
-  sint val;
-  sint *all_checks;
-  sint i,ii,chunks,block;
-  sint j,k,pos1,pos2;	
-  long grand_checksum;
-  /*<ramu>*/
-  rangeNum *rnum;
-  char tmpStr[FILENAMELEN+15];
-  int tmpk;
-  if(seqRange) {
-    rnum = (struct rangeNum *) malloc(sizeof(struct rangeNum));
-    if ( rnum ==NULL ) {
-      printf("cannot alloc memory for rnum");
-    }
-  }
-  seq = (char *)ckalloc((max_aln_length+1) * sizeof(char));
-  all_checks = (sint *)ckalloc((lseq+1) * sizeof(sint));
-  for(i=fseq; i<=lseq; i++) {
-    for(j=fres; j<=fres+len-1; j++) {
-      val = seq_array[i][j];
-      if((val == -3) || (val == 253)) break;
-      else if((val < 0) || (val > max_aa))
-	residue = '.';
-      else {
-	residue = amino_acid_codes[val];
-      }
-      seq[j-fres+1] = residue;
-    }
-    /* pad any short sequences with gaps, to make all sequences the same length */
-    for(; j<=fres+len-1; j++) 
-      seq[j-fres+1] = '.';
-    all_checks[i] = SeqGCGCheckSum(seq+1, (int)len);
-  }	
-  grand_checksum = 0;
-  for(i=1; i<=nseqs; i++) grand_checksum += all_checks[output_index[i]];
-  grand_checksum = grand_checksum % 10000;
-  fprintf(gcgout,"PileUp\n\n");
-  fprintf(gcgout,"\n\n   MSF:%5d  Type: ",(pint)len);
-  if(dnaflag)
-    fprintf(gcgout,"N");
-  else
-    fprintf(gcgout,"P");
-  fprintf(gcgout,"    Check:%6ld   .. \n\n", (long)grand_checksum);
-  for(ii=fseq; ii<=lseq; ii++)  {
-    i = output_index[ii];
-    fprintf(gcgout,
-	    " Name: %s oo  Len:%5d  Check:%6ld  Weight:  %.1f\n",
-	    names[i],(pint)len,(long)all_checks[i],(float)seq_weight[i-1]*100.0/(float)INT_SCALE_FACTOR);
-  }
-  fprintf(gcgout,"\n//\n");  
-  chunks = len/GCG_LINELENGTH;
-  if(len % GCG_LINELENGTH != 0) ++chunks;
-  for(block=1; block<=chunks; block++) {
-    fprintf(gcgout,"\n\n");
-    pos1 = ((block-1) * GCG_LINELENGTH) + 1;
-    pos2 = (len<pos1+GCG_LINELENGTH-1)? len : pos1+GCG_LINELENGTH-1;
-    for(ii=fseq; ii<=lseq; ii++) {
-      i = output_index[ii];
-      if (!seqRange) {
-	fprintf(gcgout,"\n%-*s ",max_names+5,names[i]);
-      }
-      else {
-	fillrange(rnum,fres, len, ii);
-	sprintf(tmpStr,"%s/%d-%d",nameonly(names[i]),rnum->start,rnum->end);
-	fprintf(gcgout,"\n%-*s",max_names+15,tmpStr);
-      }
-      for(j=pos1, k=1; j<=pos2; j++, k++) {
-	/*
-	  JULIE -
-	  check for sint sequences - pad out with '.' characters to end of alignment
-	*/
-	if (j+fres-1<=seqlen_array[i])
-	  val = seq_array[i][j+fres-1];
-	else val = -3;
-	if((val == -3) || (val == 253))
-	  residue = '.';
-	else if((val < 0) || (val > max_aa))
-	  residue = '.';
-	else {
-	  residue = amino_acid_codes[val];
-	}
-	fprintf(gcgout,"%c",residue);
-	if(j % 10 == 0) fprintf(gcgout," ");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* DES	ckfree(output_index); */
-  seq=ckfree((void *)seq);
-  all_checks=ckfree((void *)all_checks);
-  fprintf(gcgout,"\n\n");
-  if(seqRange) if (rnum) free(rnum);
-/* <Ramu> */
- *
- *
- *    Removes the sequence range from sequence name
- *
- *
- *    INPUT: Sequence name
- *           (e.g. finc_rat/1-200 )
- *
- *
- *    RETURNS:  pointer to string
- */
-char *nameonly(char *s)
-    static char tmp[FILENAMELEN+1];
-    int i =0;
-    while (*s != '/' && *s != '\0') {
-	tmp[i++] = *s++;
-    }
-    tmp[i] = '\0';
-    return &tmp[0];
-int startFind(char *s)
-    int i = 0;
-    sint val;
-    printf("\n Debug.....\n %s",s);
-    while( *s ) {
-	val = *s;
-	if ( (val <0 ) || (val > max_aa)) {
-	    i++;
-	    *s++;
-	    printf("%c",amino_acid_codes[val]);
-	}
-    }
-    return i;
-void fasta_out(FILE *fastaout, sint fres, sint len, sint fseq, sint lseq)
-	char residue;
-	sint val;
-	sint i,ii;
-	sint j,k;	
-	for(ii=fseq; ii<=lseq; ii++)  {
-	    i = output_index[ii];
-	    fprintf(fastaout,">%-s",names[i],len);
-	    j = 1;
-	    while(j<len) {
-		if ( ! (j%80) ) {
-		    fprintf(fastaout,"\n");
-			}
-		val = seq_array[i][j];
-		if((val < 0) || (val > max_aa))
-		    residue = '-';
-		else {
-		    residue = amino_acid_codes[val];
-		}
-		fprintf(fastaout,"%c",residue);
-		j++;
-	    }
-	    fprintf(fastaout,"\n");
-	}
-/* </Ramu> */
-void nexus_out(FILE *nxsout, sint fres, sint len, sint fseq, sint lseq)
-/*      static char *aacids = "XCSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW";*/
-/*		static char *nbases = "XACGT";	*/
-  char residue;
-  sint val;
-  sint i,ii,chunks,block;	
-  sint j,k,pos1,pos2;	
-  /*<ramu>*/
-  rangeNum *rnum;
-  char tmpStr[FILENAMELEN+15];
-  int tmpk;
-  if(seqRange) {
-    rnum = (struct rangeNum *) malloc(sizeof(struct rangeNum));
-    if ( rnum ==NULL ) {
-      printf("cannot alloc memory for rnum");
-    }
-  }
-  chunks = len/GCG_LINELENGTH;
-  if(len % GCG_LINELENGTH != 0) ++chunks;
-  fprintf(nxsout,"#NEXUS\n");
-  fprintf(nxsout,"BEGIN DATA;\n");
-  fprintf(nxsout,"dimensions ntax=%d nchar=%d;\n",(pint)nseqs,(pint)len);
-  fprintf(nxsout,"format missing=?\n");
-  fprintf(nxsout,"symbols=\"");
-  for(i=0;i<=max_aa;i++)
-    fprintf(nxsout,"%c",amino_acid_codes[i]);
-  fprintf(nxsout,"\"\n");
-  fprintf(nxsout,"interleave datatype=");
-  fprintf(nxsout, dnaflag ? "DNA " : "PROTEIN ");
-  fprintf(nxsout,"gap= -;\n");
-  fprintf(nxsout,"\nmatrix");
-  for(block=1; block<=chunks; block++) {
-    pos1 = ((block-1) * GCG_LINELENGTH)+1;
-    pos2 = (len<pos1+GCG_LINELENGTH-1)? len : pos1+GCG_LINELENGTH-1;
-    for(ii=fseq; ii<=lseq; ii++)  {
-      i = output_index[ii];
-      if (!seqRange) {
-	fprintf(nxsout,"\n%-*s ",max_names+1,names[i]);
-      }
-      else {
-	fillrange(rnum,fres, len, ii);
-	sprintf(tmpStr,"%s/%d-%d",nameonly(names[i]),rnum->start,rnum->end);
-	fprintf(nxsout,"\n%-*s",max_names+15,tmpStr);
-      }
-      for(j=pos1, k=1; j<=pos2; j++, k++) {
-	if (j+fres-1<=seqlen_array[i])
-	  val = seq_array[i][j+fres-1];
-	else val = -3;
-	if((val == -3) || (val == 253))
-	  break;
-	else if((val < 0) || (val > max_aa))
-	  residue = '-';
-	else {
-	  residue = amino_acid_codes[val];
-	}
-	fprintf(nxsout,"%c",residue);
-      }
-    }
-    fprintf(nxsout,"\n");
-  }
-  fprintf(nxsout,";\nend;\n");
-  /* DES	ckfree(output_index); */
-  if(seqRange) if (rnum) free(rnum);
-void phylip_out(FILE *phyout, sint fres, sint len, sint fseq, sint lseq)
-/*      static char *aacids = "XCSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW";*/
-/*		static char *nbases = "XACGT";	*/
-  char residue;
-  sint val;
-  sint i,ii,chunks,block;	
-  sint j,k,pos1,pos2;	
-  sint name_len;
-  Boolean warn;
-  char **snames;
-  /*<ramu>*/
-  rangeNum *rnum;
-  char tmpStr[FILENAMELEN+15];
-  int tmpk;
-  if(seqRange) {
-    rnum = (struct rangeNum *) malloc(sizeof(struct rangeNum));
-    if ( rnum ==NULL ) {
-      printf("cannot alloc memory for rnum");      
-    }
-  }
-  snames=(char **)ckalloc((lseq-fseq+2)*sizeof(char *));
-  name_len=0;
-  for(i=fseq; i<=lseq; i++)  {
-    snames[i]=(char *)ckalloc((11)*sizeof(char));
-    ii=strlen(names[i]);
-    strncpy(snames[i],names[i],10);
-    if(name_len<ii) name_len=ii;
-  }
-  if(name_len>10) {
-    warn=FALSE;
-    for(i=fseq; i<=lseq; i++)  {
-      for(j=i+1;j<=lseq;j++) {
-	if (strcmp(snames[i],snames[j]) == 0) 
-	  warn=TRUE;
-      }
-    }
-    if(warn)
-      warning("Truncating sequence names to 10 characters for PHYLIP output.\n"
-	      "Names in the PHYLIP format file are NOT unambiguous.");
-    else
-      warning("Truncating sequence names to 10 characters for PHYLIP output.");
-  }
-  chunks = len/GCG_LINELENGTH;
-  if(len % GCG_LINELENGTH != 0) ++chunks;
-  fprintf(phyout,"%6d %6d",(pint)nseqs,(pint)len);
-  for(block=1; block<=chunks; block++) {
-    pos1 = ((block-1) * GCG_LINELENGTH)+1;
-    pos2 = (len<pos1+GCG_LINELENGTH-1)? len : pos1+GCG_LINELENGTH-1;
-    for(ii=fseq; ii<=lseq; ii++)  {
-      i = output_index[ii];
-      if(block == 1)  {
-	if(!seqRange) {
-	  fprintf(phyout,"\n%-10s ",snames[i]);
-	}
-	else
-	  {
-	    fillrange(rnum,fres, len, ii);
-	    sprintf(tmpStr,"%s/%d-%d",nameonly(names[i]),rnum->start,rnum->end);
-	    fprintf(phyout,"\n%-*s",max_names+15,tmpStr);
-	  }
-      }
-      else
-	fprintf(phyout,"\n           ");
-      for(j=pos1, k=1; j<=pos2; j++, k++) {
-	if (j+fres-1<=seqlen_array[i])
-	  val = seq_array[i][j+fres-1];
-	else val = -3;
-	if((val == -3) || (val == 253))
-	  break;
-	else if((val < 0) || (val > max_aa))
-	  residue = '-';
-	else {
-	  residue = amino_acid_codes[val];
-	}
-	fprintf(phyout,"%c",residue);
-	if(j % 10 == 0) fprintf(phyout," ");
-      }
-    }
-    fprintf(phyout,"\n");
-  }
-  /* DES	ckfree(output_index); */
-  for(i=fseq;i<=lseq;i++)
-    ckfree(snames[i]);
-  ckfree(snames);
-  if(seqRange) if (rnum) free(rnum);
-void nbrf_out(FILE *nbout, sint fres, sint len, sint fseq, sint lseq)
-/*      static char *aacids = "XCSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW";*/
-/*		static char *nbases = "XACGT";	*/
-	char *seq, residue;
-	sint val;
-	sint i,ii;
-	sint j,slen;	
-	sint line_length;
-  /*<ramu>*/
-  rangeNum *rnum;
-  char tmpStr[FILENAMELEN+15];
-  int tmpk;
-  if(seqRange) {
-    rnum = (struct rangeNum *) malloc(sizeof(struct rangeNum));
-    if ( rnum ==NULL ) {
-      printf("cannot alloc memory for rnum");
-    }
-  }
-  seq = (char *)ckalloc((max_aln_length+1) * sizeof(char));
-  /* decide the line length for this alignment - maximum is LINELENGTH */
-  line_length=PAGEWIDTH-max_names;
-  line_length=line_length-line_length % 10; /* round to a multiple of 10*/
-  if (line_length > LINELENGTH) line_length=LINELENGTH;
-  for(ii=fseq; ii<=lseq; ii++) {
-    i = output_index[ii];
-    fprintf(nbout, dnaflag ? ">DL;" : ">P1;");
-    if (!seqRange) {
-      fprintf(nbout, "%s\n%s\n", names[i], titles[i]);
-    }
-    else {
-      fillrange(rnum,fres, len, ii);
-      sprintf(tmpStr,"%s/%d-%d",nameonly(names[i]),rnum->start,rnum->end);
-      fprintf(nbout,"%s\n%s\n",tmpStr,titles[i]);
-    }
-    slen = 0;
-    for(j=fres; j<fres+len; j++) {
-      val = seq_array[i][j];
-      if((val == -3) || (val == 253))
-	break;
-      else if((val < 0) || (val > max_aa))
-	residue = '-';
-      else {
-	residue = amino_acid_codes[val];
-      }
-      seq[j-fres] = residue;
-      slen++;
-    }
-    for(j=1; j<=slen; j++) {
-      fprintf(nbout,"%c",seq[j-1]);
-      if((j % line_length == 0) || (j == slen)) 
-	fprintf(nbout,"\n");
-    }
-    fprintf(nbout,"*\n");
-  }	
-  /* DES	ckfree(output_index);  */
-  seq=ckfree((void *)seq);
-  if(seqRange) if (rnum) free(rnum);
-void gde_out(FILE *gdeout, sint fres, sint len, sint fseq, sint lseq)
-/*      static char *aacids = "XCSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW";*/
-/*		static char *nbases = "XACGT";	*/
-	char *seq, residue;
-	sint val;
-	char *ss_mask1, *ss_mask2;
-	sint i,ii;
-	sint j,slen;	
-	sint line_length;
-  /*<ramu>*/
-  rangeNum *rnum;
-  char tmpStr[FILENAMELEN+15];
-  int tmpk;
-  if(seqRange) {
-    rnum = (struct rangeNum *) malloc(sizeof(struct rangeNum));
-    if ( rnum ==NULL ) {
-      printf("cannot alloc memory for rnum");
-    }
-  }
-  seq = (char *)ckalloc((max_aln_length+1) * sizeof(char));
-  /* decide the line length for this alignment - maximum is LINELENGTH */
-  line_length=PAGEWIDTH-max_names;
-  line_length=line_length-line_length % 10; /* round to a multiple of 10*/
-  if (line_length > LINELENGTH) line_length=LINELENGTH;
-  if (struct_penalties1 == SECST && use_ss1 == TRUE) {
-    ss_mask1 = (char *)ckalloc((seqlen_array[1]+10) * sizeof(char));
-    for (i=0;i<seqlen_array[1];i++)
-      ss_mask1[i] = sec_struct_mask1[i];
-    print_sec_struct_mask(seqlen_array[1],sec_struct_mask1,ss_mask1);
-  }
-  if (struct_penalties2 == SECST && use_ss2 == TRUE) {
-    ss_mask2 = (char *)ckalloc((seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1]+10) *
-			       sizeof(char));
-    for (i=0;i<seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1];i++)
-      ss_mask2[i] = sec_struct_mask2[i];
-    print_sec_struct_mask(seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1],sec_struct_mask2,ss_mask2);  
-  }
-  for(ii=fseq; ii<=lseq; ii++) {
-    i = output_index[ii];
-    fprintf(gdeout, dnaflag ? "#" : "%%");
-    if(!seqRange) {
-      fprintf(gdeout, "%s\n", names[i]);
-    }
-    else {
-      fillrange(rnum,fres, len, ii);
-      fprintf(gdeout,"%s/%d-%d\n",nameonly(names[i]),rnum->start,rnum->end);
-    }
-    slen = 0;
-    for(j=fres; j<fres+len; j++) {
-      val = seq_array[i][j];
-      if((val == -3) || (val == 253))
-	break;
-      else if((val < 0) || (val > max_aa))
-	residue = '-';
-      else {
-	residue = amino_acid_codes[val];
-      }
-      if (lowercase)
-	seq[j-fres] = (char)tolower((int)residue);
-      else
-	seq[j-fres] = residue;
-      slen++;
-    }
-    for(j=1; j<=slen; j++) {
-      fprintf(gdeout,"%c",seq[j-1]);
-      if((j % line_length == 0) || (j == slen)) 
-	fprintf(gdeout,"\n");
-    }
-  }
-  /* DES	ckfree(output_index); */
-  if (output_struct_penalties == 0 || output_struct_penalties == 2) {
-    if (struct_penalties1 == SECST && use_ss1 == TRUE) {
-      fprintf(gdeout,"\"SS_%-*s\n",max_names,ss_name1);
-      for(i=fres; i<fres+len; i++) {
-	val=ss_mask1[i-1];
-	if (val == gap_pos1 || val == gap_pos2)
-	  seq[i-fres]='-';
-	else
-	  seq[i-fres]=val;
-      }
-      seq[i-fres]=EOS;
-      for(i=1; i<=len; i++) {
-	fprintf(gdeout,"%c",seq[i-1]);
-	if((i % line_length == 0) || (i == len)) 
-	  fprintf(gdeout,"\n");
-      }
-    }
-    if (struct_penalties2 == SECST && use_ss2 == TRUE) {
-      fprintf(gdeout,"\"SS_%-*s\n",max_names,ss_name2);
-      for(i=fres; i<fres+len; i++) {
-	val=ss_mask2[i-1];
-	if (val == gap_pos1 || val == gap_pos2)
-	  seq[i-fres]='-';
-	else
-	  seq[i-fres]=val;
-      }
-      seq[i]=EOS;
-      for(i=1; i<=len; i++) {
-	fprintf(gdeout,"%c",seq[i-1]);
-	if((i % line_length == 0) || (i == len)) 
-	  fprintf(gdeout,"\n");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (output_struct_penalties == 1 || output_struct_penalties == 2) {
-    if (struct_penalties1 != NONE && use_ss1 == TRUE) {
-      fprintf(gdeout,"\"GM_%-*s\n",max_names,ss_name1);
-      for(i=fres; i<fres+len; i++) {
-	val=gap_penalty_mask1[i-1];
-	if (val == gap_pos1 || val == gap_pos2)
-	  seq[i-fres]='-';
-	else
-	  seq[i-fres]=val;
-      }
-      seq[i]=EOS;
-      for(i=1; i<=len; i++) {
-	fprintf(gdeout,"%c",seq[i-1]);
-	if((i % line_length == 0) || (i == len)) 
-	  fprintf(gdeout,"\n");
-      }
-    }
-    if (struct_penalties2 != NONE && use_ss2 == TRUE) {
-      fprintf(gdeout,"\"GM_%-*s\n",max_names,ss_name2);
-      for(i=fres; i<fres+len; i++) {
-	val=gap_penalty_mask2[i-1];
-	if (val == gap_pos1 || val == gap_pos2)
-	  seq[i-fres]='-';
-	else
-	  seq[i-fres]=val;
-      }
-      seq[i]=EOS;
-      for(i=1; i<=len; i++) {
-	fprintf(gdeout,"%c",seq[i-1]);
-	if((i % line_length == 0) || (i == len)) 
-	  fprintf(gdeout,"\n");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (struct_penalties1 == SECST && use_ss1 == TRUE) ckfree(ss_mask1);
-  if (struct_penalties2 == SECST && use_ss2 == TRUE) ckfree(ss_mask2);
-  seq=ckfree((void *)seq);
-  if(seqRange) if (rnum) free(rnum);
-Boolean open_alignment_output(char *path)
-  if(!output_clustal && !output_nbrf && !output_gcg &&
-     !output_phylip && !output_gde && !output_nexus && !output_fasta) {
-    error("You must select an alignment output format");
-    return FALSE;
-  }
-  if(output_clustal) 
-    if (outfile_name[0]!=EOS) {
-      strcpy(clustal_outname,outfile_name);
-      if((clustal_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-					       clustal_outname))==NULL) return FALSE;
-    }
-    else {
-      /* DES DEBUG 
-	 fprintf(stdout,"\n\n path = %s\n clustal_outname = %s\n\n",
-	 path,clustal_outname);
-      */
-      if((clustal_outfile = open_output_file(
-					     "\nEnter a name for the CLUSTAL output file ",path,
-					     clustal_outname,"aln"))==NULL) return FALSE;
-      /* DES DEBUG 
-	 fprintf(stdout,"\n\n path = %s\n clustal_outname = %s\n\n",
-	 path,clustal_outname);
-      */
-    }
-  if(output_nbrf) 
-    if (outfile_name[0]!=EOS) {
-      strcpy(nbrf_outname,outfile_name);
-      if( (nbrf_outfile = open_explicit_file(nbrf_outname))==NULL) 
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-    else
-      if((nbrf_outfile = open_output_file(
-					  "\nEnter a name for the NBRF/PIR output file",path,
-					  nbrf_outname,"pir"))==NULL) return FALSE;
-  if(output_gcg) 
-    if (outfile_name[0]!=EOS) {
-      strcpy(gcg_outname,outfile_name);
-      if((gcg_outfile = open_explicit_file( gcg_outname))==NULL) 
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-    else
-      if((gcg_outfile = open_output_file(
-					 "\nEnter a name for the GCG output file     ",path,
-					 gcg_outname,"msf"))==NULL) return FALSE;
-  if(output_phylip) 
-    if (outfile_name[0]!=EOS) {
-      strcpy(phylip_outname,outfile_name);
-      if((phylip_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-					      phylip_outname))==NULL) return FALSE;
-    }
-    else
-      if((phylip_outfile = open_output_file(
-					    "\nEnter a name for the PHYLIP output file  ",path,
-					    phylip_outname,"phy"))==NULL) return FALSE;
-  if(output_gde) 
-    if (outfile_name[0]!=EOS) {
-      strcpy(gde_outname,outfile_name);
-      if((gde_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-					   gde_outname))==NULL) return FALSE;
-    }
-    else
-      if((gde_outfile = open_output_file(
-					 "\nEnter a name for the GDE output file     ",path,
-					 gde_outname,"gde"))==NULL) return FALSE;
-  if(output_nexus) 
-    if (outfile_name[0]!=EOS) {
-      strcpy(nexus_outname,outfile_name);
-      if((nexus_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-					     nexus_outname))==NULL) return FALSE;
-    }
-    else
-      if((nexus_outfile = open_output_file(
-					   "\nEnter a name for the NEXUS output file   ",path,
-					   nexus_outname,"nxs"))==NULL) return FALSE;
-  /* Ramu */
-  if(output_fasta) 
-    if (outfile_name[0]!=EOS) {
-      strcpy(fasta_outname,outfile_name);
-      if((fasta_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-					     fasta_outname))==NULL) return FALSE;
-    }
-    else
-      if((fasta_outfile = open_output_file(
-					   "\nEnter a name for the Fasta output file   ",path,
-					   fasta_outname,"fasta"))==NULL) return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-void create_alignment_output(sint fseq, sint lseq)
-  sint i,length;
-  sint ifres; /* starting sequence range - Ramu          */
-  sint ilres; /* ending sequence range */
-  char ignore; 
-  Boolean rangeOK;
-  length=0;
-  ifres = 1;
-  ilres = 0;
-  rangeOK = FALSE;
-  for (i=fseq;i<=lseq;i++)
-    if (length < seqlen_array[i])
-      length = seqlen_array[i];
-  ilres=length;
-  if (setrange != -1 ) {
-    /* printf("\n ==================== seqRange is set \n"); */
-    if ( sscanf(param_arg[setrange],"%d%[ :,-]%d",&ifres,&ignore,&ilres) !=3) {
-      info("seqrange numers are not set properly, using default....");
-      ifres = 1;
-      ilres = length;
-    }
-    else
-      rangeOK = TRUE;
-  }
-  if ( rangeOK && ilres > length ) {
-    ilres = length; /* if asked for more, set the limit, Ramui */
-    info("Seqrange %d is more than the %d  setting it to %d ",ilres,length,length);
-  }
-  /* if (usemenu) info("Consensus length = %d",(pint)length);*/
-  if (usemenu) info("Consensus length = %d",(pint)ilres);  /* Ramu */
-  /*
-  printf("\n creating output ....... normal.... setrange = %d \n",setrange);
-  printf(" ---------> %d   %d \n\n ",ifres,ilres);
-  printf(" ---------> %d  \n\n ",length);
-  */
-  if(output_clustal) {
-    clustal_out(clustal_outfile, ifres, ilres,  fseq, lseq);
-		fclose(clustal_outfile);
-		info("CLUSTAL-Alignment file created  [%s]",clustal_outname);
-  }
-  if(output_nbrf)  {
-    nbrf_out(nbrf_outfile, ifres, ilres, /*1, length */ fseq, lseq);
-    fclose(nbrf_outfile);
-    info("NBRF/PIR-Alignment file created [%s]",nbrf_outname);
-  }
-  if(output_gcg)  {
-    gcg_out(gcg_outfile, ifres, ilres, /*1, length */ fseq, lseq);
-    fclose(gcg_outfile);
-    info("GCG-Alignment file created      [%s]",gcg_outname);
-  }
-  if(output_phylip)  {
-    phylip_out(phylip_outfile, ifres, ilres, /*1, length */ fseq, lseq);
-    fclose(phylip_outfile);
-    info("PHYLIP-Alignment file created   [%s]",phylip_outname);
-  }
-  if(output_gde)  {
-    gde_out(gde_outfile, ifres, ilres /*1, length */, fseq, lseq);
-    fclose(gde_outfile);
-    info("GDE-Alignment file created      [%s]",gde_outname);
-  }
-  if(output_nexus)  {
-    nexus_out(nexus_outfile, ifres, ilres /*1, length */, fseq, lseq);
-    fclose(nexus_outfile);
-    info("NEXUS-Alignment file created    [%s]",nexus_outname);
-  }
-  /*  Ramu */
-  if(output_fasta)  {
-    fasta_out(fasta_outfile, ifres, ilres /*1, length */, fseq, lseq);
-    fclose(fasta_outfile);
-    info("Fasta-Alignment file created    [%s]",fasta_outname);
-  }
-static void reset_align(void)   /* remove gaps from older alignments (code =
-				   gap_pos1) */
-{		      				/* EXCEPT for gaps that were INPUT with the seqs.*/
-  register sint sl;   		     /* which have  code = gap_pos2  */
-  sint i,j;
-  for(i=1;i<=nseqs;++i) {
-    sl=0;
-    for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];++j) {
-      if(seq_array[i][j] == gap_pos1 && 
-	 ( reset_alignments_new ||
-	   reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      if(seq_array[i][j] == gap_pos2 && (reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      ++sl;
-      seq_array[i][sl]=seq_array[i][j];
-    }
-    seqlen_array[i]=sl;
-  }
-static void reset_prf1(void)   /* remove gaps from older alignments (code =
-				  gap_pos1) */
-{		      				/* EXCEPT for gaps that were INPUT with the seqs.*/
-  register sint sl;   		     /* which have  code = gap_pos2  */
-  sint i,j;
-  if (struct_penalties1 != NONE) {
-    sl=0;
-    for (j=0;j<seqlen_array[1];++j) {
-      if (gap_penalty_mask1[j] == gap_pos1 && (reset_alignments_new ||
-					       reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      if (gap_penalty_mask1[j] == gap_pos2 && (reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      gap_penalty_mask1[sl]=gap_penalty_mask1[j];
-      ++sl;
-    }
-  }
-  if (struct_penalties1 == SECST) {
-    sl=0;
-    for (j=0;j<seqlen_array[1];++j) {
-      if (sec_struct_mask1[j] == gap_pos1 && (reset_alignments_new ||
-					      reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      if (sec_struct_mask1[j] == gap_pos2 && (reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      sec_struct_mask1[sl]=sec_struct_mask1[j];
-      ++sl;
-    }
-  }
-  for(i=1;i<=profile1_nseqs;++i) {
-    sl=0;
-    for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];++j) {
-      if(seq_array[i][j] == gap_pos1 && (reset_alignments_new ||
-					 reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      if(seq_array[i][j] == gap_pos2 && (reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      ++sl;
-      seq_array[i][sl]=seq_array[i][j];
-    }
-    seqlen_array[i]=sl;
-  }
-static void reset_prf2(void)   /* remove gaps from older alignments (code =
-				  gap_pos1) */
-{		      				/* EXCEPT for gaps that were INPUT with the seqs.*/
-  register sint sl;   		     /* which have  code = gap_pos2  */
-  sint i,j;
-  if (struct_penalties2 != NONE) {
-    sl=0;
-    for (j=0;j<seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1];++j) {
-      if (gap_penalty_mask2[j] == gap_pos1 && (reset_alignments_new ||
-					       reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      if (gap_penalty_mask2[j] == gap_pos2 && (reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      gap_penalty_mask2[sl]=gap_penalty_mask2[j];
-      ++sl;
-    }
-  }
-  if (struct_penalties2 == SECST) {
-    sl=0;
-    for (j=0;j<seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1];++j) {
-      if (sec_struct_mask2[j] == gap_pos1 && (reset_alignments_new ||
-					      reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      if (sec_struct_mask2[j] == gap_pos2 && (reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-			sec_struct_mask2[sl]=sec_struct_mask2[j];
-			++sl;
-    }
-  }
-  for(i=profile1_nseqs+1;i<=nseqs;++i) {
-    sl=0;
-    for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];++j) {
-      if(seq_array[i][j] == gap_pos1 && (reset_alignments_new ||
-					 reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      if(seq_array[i][j] == gap_pos2 && (reset_alignments_all)) continue;
-      ++sl;
-      seq_array[i][sl]=seq_array[i][j];
-    }
-    seqlen_array[i]=sl;
-  }
-void fix_gaps(void)   /* fix gaps introduced in older alignments (code = gap_pos1) */
-  sint i,j;
-  if (struct_penalties1 != NONE) {
-    for (j=0;j<seqlen_array[1];++j) {
-      if (gap_penalty_mask1[j] == gap_pos1)
-	gap_penalty_mask1[j]=gap_pos2;
-    }
-  }
-  if (struct_penalties1 == SECST) {
-    for (j=0;j<seqlen_array[1];++j) {
-      if (sec_struct_mask1[j] == gap_pos1)
-	sec_struct_mask1[j]=gap_pos2;
-    }
-  }
-  for(i=1;i<=nseqs;++i) {
-    for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];++j) {
-      if(seq_array[i][j] == gap_pos1)
-	seq_array[i][j]=gap_pos2;
-    }
-  }
-static sint find_match(char *probe, char *list[], sint n)
-  sint i,j,len;
-  sint count,match=0;
-  len = (sint)strlen(probe);
-  for (i=0;i<len;i++) {
-    count = 0;
-    for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
-      if (probe[i] == list[j][i]) {
-	match = j;
-	count++;
-      }
-    }
-    if (count == 0) return((sint)-1);
-    if (count == 1) return(match);
-  }
-  return((sint)-1);
-static void create_parameter_output(void)
-  char parname[FILENAMELEN+1], temp[FILENAMELEN+1];
-  char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
-  char tmp_msg[FILENAMELEN+300];
-  FILE *parout;
-  get_path(seqname,path);
-  strcpy(parname,path);
-  strcat(parname,"par");
-  if(usemenu) {
-    sprintf(tmp_msg,"\nEnter a name for the parameter output file [%s]",
-	    parname);
-    getstr(tmp_msg,FILENAMELEN+1,temp);
-    if(*temp != EOS)
-      strcpy(parname,temp);
-  }
-/* create a file with execute permissions first */
-  remove(parname);
-  /*
-    fd = creat(parname, 0777);
-    close(fd);
-  */
-  if((parout = open_explicit_file(parname))==NULL) return;
-  fprintf(parout,"clustalw \\\n");
-  if (!empty && profile1_empty) fprintf(parout,"-infile=%s \\\n",seqname);
-  if (!profile1_empty) fprintf(parout,"-profile1=%s\\\n",profile1_name);
-  if (!profile2_empty) fprintf(parout,"-profile2=%s \\\n",profile2_name);
-  if (dnaflag == TRUE) 
-    fprintf(parout,"-type=dna \\\n");
-  else
-    fprintf(parout,"-type=protein \\\n");
-  if (quick_pairalign) {
-    fprintf(parout,"-quicktree \\\n");
-    fprintf(parout,"-ktuple=%d \\\n",(pint)ktup);
-    fprintf(parout,"-window=%d \\\n",(pint)window);
-    fprintf(parout,"-pairgap=%d \\\n",(pint)wind_gap);
-    fprintf(parout,"-topdiags=%d \\\n",(pint)signif);    
-    if (percent) fprintf(parout,"-score=percent \\\n");      
-    else
-      fprintf(parout,"-score=absolute \\\n");      
-  }
-  else {
-    if (!dnaflag) {
-      fprintf(parout,"-pwmatrix=%s \\\n",pw_mtrxname);
-      fprintf(parout,"-pwgapopen=%.2f \\\n",prot_pw_go_penalty);
-      fprintf(parout,"-pwgapext=%.2f \\\n",prot_pw_ge_penalty);
-    }
-    else {
-      fprintf(parout,"-pwgapopen=%.2f \\\n",pw_go_penalty);
-      fprintf(parout,"-pwgapext=%.2f \\\n",pw_ge_penalty);
-    }
-  }
-  if (!dnaflag) {
-    fprintf(parout,"-matrix=%s \\\n",mtrxname);
-    fprintf(parout,"-gapopen=%.2f \\\n",prot_gap_open);
-    fprintf(parout,"-gapext=%.2f \\\n",prot_gap_extend);
-  }
-  else {
-    fprintf(parout,"-gapopen=%.2f \\\n",dna_gap_open);
-    fprintf(parout,"-gapext=%.2f \\\n",dna_gap_extend);
-  }
-  fprintf(parout,"-maxdiv=%d \\\n",(pint)divergence_cutoff);
-  if (!use_endgaps) fprintf(parout,"-endgaps \\\n");    
-  if (!dnaflag) {
-    if (neg_matrix) fprintf(parout,"-negative \\\n");   
-    if (no_pref_penalties) fprintf(parout,"-nopgap \\\n");     
-    if (no_hyd_penalties) fprintf(parout,"-nohgap \\\n");     
-    if (no_var_penalties) fprintf(parout,"-novgap \\\n");     
-    fprintf(parout,"-hgapresidues=%s \\\n",hyd_residues);
-    fprintf(parout,"-gapdist=%d \\\n",(pint)gap_dist);     
-  }
-  else {
-    fprintf(parout,"-transweight=%.2f \\\n",transition_weight);
-  }
-  if (output_gcg) fprintf(parout,"-output=gcg \\\n");
-  else if (output_gde) fprintf(parout,"-output=gde \\\n");
-  else if (output_nbrf) fprintf(parout,"-output=pir \\\n");
-  else if (output_phylip) fprintf(parout,"-output=phylip \\\n");
-  else if (output_nexus) fprintf(parout,"-output=nexus \\\n");
-  if (outfile_name[0]!=EOS) fprintf(parout,"-outfile=%s \\\n",outfile_name);
-  if (output_order==ALIGNED) fprintf(parout,"-outorder=aligned \\\n");  
-  else                      fprintf(parout,"-outorder=input \\\n");  
-  if (output_gde)
-    if (lowercase) fprintf(parout,"-case=lower \\\n");
-    else           fprintf(parout,"-case=upper \\\n");
-  fprintf(parout,"-interactive\n");
-  /*
-    if (kimura) fprintf(parout,"-kimura \\\n");     
-    if (tossgaps) fprintf(parout,"-tossgaps \\\n");   
-    fprintf(parout,"-seed=%d \\\n",(pint)boot_ran_seed);
-    fprintf(parout,"-bootstrap=%d \\\n",(pint)boot_ntrials);
-  */
-  fclose(parout);
-#define isgap(val1) ( (val1 < 0) || (val1 > max_aa) )
-#define isend(val1) ((val1 == -3)||(val1 == 253) )
-void calc_percidentity(FILE *pfile)
-  double **pmat;
-  char residue;
-  float ident;
-  int nmatch;
-  sint val1, val2;
-  sint i,j,k, length_longest;
-  sint length_shortest;
-  int rs=0, rl=0;
-  /* findout sequence length, longest and shortest ; */
-  length_longest=0;
-  length_shortest=0;
-  for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++) {
-    /*printf("\n %d :  %d ",i,seqlen_array[i]);*/
-    if (length_longest < seqlen_array[i]){
-      length_longest = seqlen_array[i];
-      rs = i;
-    }
-    if (length_shortest > seqlen_array[i]) {
-      length_shortest = seqlen_array[i];
-      rl = i;
-    }
-  }
-  /*
-  printf("\n shortest length  %s %d ",names[rs], length_shortest);
-  printf("\n longest est length  %s %d",names[rl], length_longest);
-  */  
-  pmat = (double **)ckalloc((nseqs+1) * sizeof(double *));
-  for (i=0;i<=nseqs;i++)
-    pmat[i] = (double *)ckalloc((nseqs+1) * sizeof(double));
-  for (i = 0; i <= nseqs; i++)
-    for (j = 0; j <= nseqs; j++)
-      pmat[i][j] = 0.0;
-  nmatch = 0;
-  for (i=1; i <= nseqs; i++) {
-    /*printf("\n %5d:  comparing %s with  ",i,names[i]); */
-    for (j=i; j<=nseqs ;  j++) {
-      printf("\n           %s ",names[j]);
-      ident = 0;
-      nmatch = 0;
-      for(k=1;  k<=length_longest; k++) {
-	val1 = seq_array[i][k];
-	val2 = seq_array[j][k];
-	if ( isend(val1) || isend(val2)) break;  /* end of sequence ????? */
-	if ( isgap(val1)  || isgap(val2) ) continue; /* residue = '-'; */
-	if (val1 == val2) {
-	  ident++ ;
-	  nmatch++;
-	  /*	residue = amino_acid_codes[val1]; 
-	printf("%c:",residue);
-	residue = amino_acid_codes[val2]; 
-	printf("%c  ",residue);*/
-	}
-	else {
-	  nmatch++ ;
-	    }
-      }
-      ident = ident/nmatch * 100.0 ;
-      pmat[i][j] = ident;
-      pmat[j][i]= ident;
-      /*      printf("  %d x %d .... match %d %d \n",i,j,ident,pmat[i][j]);  */
-    }
-  }
-  /*  printf("\n nmatch = %d\n ", nmatch);*/
-  fprintf(pfile,"#\n#\n#  Percent Identity  Matrix - created by Clustal%s \n#\n#\n",revision_level);
-  for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++) {
-    fprintf(pfile,"\n %5d: %-*s",i,max_names,names[i]);
-    for(j=1;j<=nseqs;j++) {
-      fprintf(pfile,"%8.0f",pmat[i][j]);
-    }
-  }
-  fprintf(pfile,"\n");
-  for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++) 
-    pmat[i]=ckfree((void *)pmat[i]);
-  pmat=ckfree((void *)pmat);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-RM=/bin/rm -f
-DOCS=clustalv.doc clustalw.doc clustalw.ms README_W
-XDOCS=README_X clustalx.html
-OBJECTS = interface.o sequence.o showpair.o malign.o \
-  	util.o trees.o gcgcheck.o prfalign.o pairalign.o \
-  	calcgapcoeff.o calcprf1.o calcprf2.o calctree.o \
-        readmat.o alnscore.o random.o 
-XOBJECTS = xutils.o xmenu.o xcolor.o xdisplay.o xscore.o
-HEADERS = general.h clustalw.h
-CC	= gcc
-CFLAGS  = -c -O2
-MACHINE=$(shell uname -m)
-ifeq ("$(MACHINE)","alpha")
- # -mieee is for the Alpha only: ClustalW divides by zero (yes, I know it's bad)
- # and expect the processor to goes on. -mieee tells the Alpha to comply with
- # the IEEE standard and to shut up about divisions by zero.
- CFLAGS  +=  -mieee
-LFLAGS	= -O -lm 
-NCBI_INC= /usr/include/ncbi
-NCBI_LIB= /usr/lib
-LXFLAGS	= -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lvibrant -lncbi -lpthread -lXm -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lm
-all: clustalx clustalw
-	echo $(MACHINE)
-clustalw : $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o
-	$(CC) -o $@ -I$(NCBI_INC) $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o $(LFLAGS)
-clustalx : $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o
-	$(CC) -o $@ -I$(NCBI_INC) $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o $(LFLAGS) $(LXFLAGS)
-clustalw.o : clustalw.c $(HEADERS)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-clustalx.o : clustalx.c $(HEADERS)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xmenu.o : xmenu.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xdisplay.o : xdisplay.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xutils.o : xutils.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xcolor.o : xcolor.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xscore.o : xscore.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-readmat.o : readmat.c $(HEADERS) matrices.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-trees.o : trees.c $(HEADERS) dayhoff.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-install: all
-	install -d $(BINDIR) $(XBINDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(DOCDIR)/examples $(MANDIR) $(XMANDIR) $(XDOCDIR)
-	install -m 0755 clustalw $(BINDIR)
-	install -m 0755 clustalx $(XBINDIR)
-	install -m 0644 clustalw_help clustalx_help $(LIBDIR)
-	install -m 0644 clustalw.1 $(MANDIR)
-	install -m 0644 clustalx.1 $(MANDIR)
-	install -m 0644 $(DOCS) $(DOCDIR)
-	install -m 0644 $(XDOCS) $(XDOCDIR)
-	cp -a -R tests.clustalw $(DOCDIR)/examples/tests
-.PHONY:	clean distclean
-	$(RM) *.o
-distclean: clean
-	$(RM) clustalw clustalx
-	cd tests.clustalw; make clean

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.alpha
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.alpha	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.alpha	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-install: clustalx clustalw
-	rm *.o
-OBJECTS = interface.o sequence.o showpair.o malign.o \
-  	util.o trees.o gcgcheck.o prfalign.o pairalign.o \
-  	calcgapcoeff.o calcprf1.o calcprf2.o calctree.o \
-        readmat.o alnscore.o random.o 
-XOBJECTS = xutils.o xmenu.o xcolor.o xdisplay.o xscore.o
-HEADERS = general.h clustalw.h
-CC	= cc
-CFLAGS  = -c -O
-LFLAGS	= -O -lm 
-NCBI_INC  = /dec/biolo/ncbi/include
-NCBI_LIB	= /dec/biolo/ncbi/lib
-LXFLAGS	= -L$(NCBI_LIB) -lvibrant -lncbi -lpthread -lXm -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lm 
-clustalw : $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o
-	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o $(LFLAGS)
-clustalt : $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o
-	$(CC) -o clustalt $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o $(LFLAGS)
-interface.o : interface.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-amenu.o : amenu.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-clustalx : $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o
-	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o $(LFLAGS) $(LXFLAGS)
-clustalx.o : clustalx.c $(HEADERS)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xmenu.o : xmenu.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xdisplay.o : xdisplay.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xutils.o : xutils.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xcolor.o : xcolor.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xscore.o : xscore.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-readmat.o : readmat.c $(HEADERS) matrices.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-trees.o : trees.c $(HEADERS) dayhoff.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-.c.o :
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $?

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.linux
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.linux	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.linux	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-install: clustalx clustalw
-	rm *.o
-OBJECTS = interface.o sequence.o showpair.o malign.o util.o trees.o gcgcheck.o prfalign.o pairalign.o calcgapcoeff.o calcprf1.o calcprf2.o calctree.o readmat.o alnscore.o random.o 
-XOBJECTS = xutils.o xmenu.o xcolor.o xdisplay.o xscore.o
-HEADERS = general.h clustalw.h
-CC	= cc
-CFLAGS  = -c -O
-LFLAGS	= -O -lm
-CXFLAGS  = -DWIN_MOTIF -I/usr/bio/src/ncbi/include
-LXFLAGS	= -L/usr/bio/src/ncbi/lib -L/usr/ccs/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lvibrant -lncbi -lXm -lXmu -lXpm -lXt -lX11 -lm
-static:	$(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o
-	$(CC) -o clustalx.static $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o $(LFLAGS) $(LXFLAGS) -lXext   -lX11 -lSM -static /usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.a 
-	$(CC) -o clustalw $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o $(LFLAGS)
-clustalw : $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o
-	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o $(LFLAGS)
-amenu.o : amenu.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-clustalx : $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o
-	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o $(LFLAGS) $(LXFLAGS)
-clustalx.o : clustalx.c $(HEADERS)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xmenu.o : xmenu.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xdisplay.o : xdisplay.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xutils.o : xutils.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xcolor.o : xcolor.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xscore.o : xscore.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-readmat.o : readmat.c $(HEADERS) matrices.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-trees.o : trees.c $(HEADERS) dayhoff.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-.c.o :
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $?

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.sgi
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.sgi	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.sgi	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-install: clustalx clustalw
-	rm *.o
-OBJECTS = interface.o sequence.o showpair.o malign.o \
-  	util.o trees.o gcgcheck.o prfalign.o pairalign.o \
-  	calcgapcoeff.o calcprf1.o calcprf2.o calctree.o \
-        readmat.o alnscore.o random.o 
-XOBJECTS = xutils.o xmenu.o xcolor.o xdisplay.o xscore.o
-HEADERS = general.h clustalw.h
-CC	= cc
-CFLAGS  = -c -O
-LFLAGS	= -O -lm 
-NCBI_INC  = /biolo/ncbi/include
-NCBI_LIB  = /biolo/ncbi/lib
-LXFLAGS	= -L$(NCBI_LIB) -L/usr/ccs/lib/ -lvibrant -lncbi -lXm -lXt -lX11 -lXmu -lm
-clustalw : $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o
-	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o $(LFLAGS)
-amenu.o : amenu.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-clustalx : $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o
-	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o $(LFLAGS) $(LXFLAGS)
-clustalx.o : clustalx.c $(HEADERS)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xmenu.o : xmenu.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xdisplay.o : xdisplay.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xutils.o : xutils.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xcolor.o : xcolor.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xscore.o : xscore.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-readmat.o : readmat.c $(HEADERS) matrices.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-trees.o : trees.c $(HEADERS) dayhoff.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-.c.o :
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $?

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.sun
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.sun	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/makefile.sun	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-install: clustalx clustalw
-	rm *.o
-OBJECTS = interface.o sequence.o showpair.o malign.o \
-  	util.o trees.o gcgcheck.o prfalign.o pairalign.o \
-  	calcgapcoeff.o calcprf1.o calcprf2.o calctree.o \
-        readmat.o alnscore.o random.o 
-XOBJECTS = xutils.o xmenu.o xcolor.o xdisplay.o xscore.o
-HEADERS = general.h clustalw.h
-CC	= cc
-CFLAGS  = -c -O
-LFLAGS	= -O -lm
-NCBI_INC = /workbench/include/ncbi
-NCBI_LIB = /workbench/lib/ncbi
-CXFLAGS  = -DWIN_MOTIF -I$(NCBI_INC) -I/opt/SUNWmotif/include
-LXFLAGS	= -L$(NCBI_LIB) -L/usr/ccs/lib/ -L/opt/SUNWmotif/lib -Bstatic -lvibrant -lncbi -Bdynamic -lXm -lXmu -Bdynamic -lXt -lX11 -lgen
-clustalw : $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o
-	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) amenu.o clustalw.o $(LFLAGS)
-interface.o : interface.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-amenu.o : amenu.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-clustalx : $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o
-	$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) $(XOBJECTS) clustalx.o $(LFLAGS) $(LXFLAGS)
-clustalx.o : clustalx.c $(HEADERS)
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xmenu.o : xmenu.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xdisplay.o : xdisplay.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xutils.o : xutils.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xcolor.o : xcolor.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-xscore.o : xscore.c $(HEADERS) param.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXFLAGS) $*.c
-readmat.o : readmat.c $(HEADERS) matrices.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-trees.o : trees.c $(HEADERS) dayhoff.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-.c.o :
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $?

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/malign.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/malign.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/malign.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,654 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
- *       Prototypes
- */
- *       Global Variables
- */
-extern double  **tmat;
-extern Boolean no_weights;
-extern sint     debug;
-extern sint     max_aa;
-extern sint     nseqs;
-extern sint     profile1_nseqs;
-extern sint     nsets;
-extern sint     **sets;
-extern sint     divergence_cutoff;
-extern sint     *seq_weight;
-extern sint     output_order, *output_index;
-extern Boolean distance_tree;
-extern char    seqname[];
-extern sint     *seqlen_array;
-extern char    **seq_array;
-sint malign(sint istart,char *phylip_name) /* full progressive alignment*/
-   static 	sint *aligned;
-   static 	sint *group;
-   static 	sint ix;
-   sint 	*maxid, max, sum;
-   sint		*tree_weight;
-   sint 		i,j,set,iseq=0;
-   sint 		status,entries;
-   lint		score = 0;
-   info("Start of Multiple Alignment");
-/* get the phylogenetic tree from *.ph */
-   if (nseqs >= 2) 
-     {
-       status = read_tree(phylip_name, (sint)0, nseqs);
-       if (status == 0) return((sint)0);
-     }
-/* calculate sequence weights according to branch lengths of the tree -
-   weights in global variable seq_weight normalised to sum to 100 */
-   calc_seq_weights((sint)0, nseqs, seq_weight);
-/* recalculate tmat matrix as percent similarity matrix */
-   status = calc_similarities(nseqs);
-   if (status == 0) return((sint)0);
-/* for each sequence, find the most closely related sequence */
-   maxid = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-   for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-     {
-         maxid[i] = -1;
-         for (j=1;j<=nseqs;j++) 
-           if (j!=i && maxid[i] < tmat[i][j]) maxid[i] = tmat[i][j];
-     }
-/* group the sequences according to their relative divergence */
-   if (istart == 0)
-     {
-        sets = (sint **) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint *) );
-        for(i=0;i<=nseqs;i++)
-           sets[i] = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-        create_sets((sint)0,nseqs);
-        info("There are %d groups",(pint)nsets);
-/* clear the memory used for the phylogenetic tree */
-        if (nseqs >= 2)
-             clear_tree(NULL);
-/* start the multiple alignments.........  */
-        info("Aligning...");
-/* first pass, align closely related sequences first.... */
-        ix = 0;
-        aligned = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-        for (i=0;i<=nseqs;i++) aligned[i] = 0;
-        for(set=1;set<=nsets;++set)
-         {
-          entries=0;
-          for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-            {
-               if ((sets[set][i] != 0) && (maxid[i] > divergence_cutoff))
-                 {
-                    entries++;
-                    if  (aligned[i] == 0)
-                       {
-                          if (output_order==INPUT)
-                            {
-                              ++ix;
-                              output_index[i] = i;
-                            }
-                          else output_index[++ix] = i;
-                          aligned[i] = 1;
-                       }
-                 }
-            }
-          if(entries > 0) score = prfalign(sets[set], aligned);
-          else score=0.0;
-/* negative score means fatal error... exit now!  */
-          if (score < 0) 
-             {
-                return(-1);
-             }
-          if ((entries > 0) && (score > 0))
-             info("Group %d: Sequences:%4d      Score:%d",
-             (pint)set,(pint)entries,(pint)score);
-          else
-             info("Group %d:                     Delayed",
-             (pint)set);
-        }
-        for (i=0;i<=nseqs;i++)
-          sets[i]=ckfree((void *)sets[i]);
-        sets=ckfree(sets);
-     }
-   else
-     {
-/* clear the memory used for the phylogenetic tree */
-        if (nseqs >= 2)
-             clear_tree(NULL);
-        aligned = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-        ix = 0;
-        for (i=1;i<=istart+1;i++)
-         {
-           aligned[i] = 1;
-           ++ix;
-           output_index[i] = i;
-         }
-        for (i=istart+2;i<=nseqs;i++) aligned[i] = 0;
-     }
-/* second pass - align remaining, more divergent sequences..... */
-/* if not all sequences were aligned, for each unaligned sequence,
-   find it's closest pair amongst the aligned sequences.  */
-    group = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-    tree_weight = (sint *) ckalloc( (nseqs) * sizeof(sint) );
-    for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-   		tree_weight[i] = seq_weight[i];
-/* if we haven't aligned any sequences, in the first pass - align the
-two most closely related sequences now */
-   if(ix==0)
-     {
-        max = -1;
-	iseq = 0;
-        for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-          {
-             for (j=i+1;j<=nseqs;j++)
-               {
-                  if (max < tmat[i][j])
-		  {
-                     max = tmat[i][j];
-                     iseq = i;
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-        aligned[iseq]=1;
-        if (output_order == INPUT)
-          {
-            ++ix;
-            output_index[iseq] = iseq;
-          }
-         else
-            output_index[++ix] = iseq;
-     }
-    while (ix < nseqs)
-      {
-             for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++) {
-                if (aligned[i] == 0)
-                  {
-                     maxid[i] = -1;
-                     for (j=1;j<=nseqs;j++) 
-                        if ((maxid[i] < tmat[i][j]) && (aligned[j] != 0))
-                            maxid[i] = tmat[i][j];
-                  }
-              }
-/* find the most closely related sequence to those already aligned */
-            max = -1;
-	    iseq = 0;
-            for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-              {
-                if ((aligned[i] == 0) && (maxid[i] > max))
-                  {
-                     max = maxid[i];
-                     iseq = i;
-                  }
-              }
-/* align this sequence to the existing alignment */
-/* weight sequences with percent identity with profile*/
-/* OR...., multiply sequence weights from tree by percent identity with new sequence */
-   if(no_weights==FALSE) {
-   for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-       if (aligned[j+1] != 0)
-              seq_weight[j] = tree_weight[j] * tmat[j+1][iseq];
-  Normalise the weights, such that the sum of the weights = INT_SCALE_FACTOR
-         sum = 0;
-         for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-           if (aligned[j+1] != 0)
-            sum += seq_weight[j];
-         if (sum == 0)
-          {
-           for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-                seq_weight[j] = 1;
-                sum = j;
-          }
-         for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-           if (aligned[j+1] != 0)
-             {
-               seq_weight[j] = (seq_weight[j] * INT_SCALE_FACTOR) / sum;
-               if (seq_weight[j] < 1) seq_weight[j] = 1;
-             }
-	}
-         entries = 0;
-         for (j=1;j<=nseqs;j++)
-           if (aligned[j] != 0)
-              {
-                 group[j] = 1;
-                 entries++;
-              }
-           else if (iseq==j)
-              {
-                 group[j] = 2;
-                 entries++;
-              }
-         aligned[iseq] = 1;
-         score = prfalign(group, aligned);
-         info("Sequence:%d     Score:%d",(pint)iseq,(pint)score);
-         if (output_order == INPUT)
-          {
-            ++ix;
-            output_index[iseq] = iseq;
-          }
-         else
-            output_index[++ix] = iseq;
-      }
-   group=ckfree((void *)group);
-   aligned=ckfree((void *)aligned);
-   maxid=ckfree((void *)maxid);
-   tree_weight=ckfree((void *)tree_weight);
-   aln_score();
-/* make the rest (output stuff) into routine clustal_out in file amenu.c */
-   return(nseqs);
-sint seqalign(sint istart,char *phylip_name) /* sequence alignment to existing profile */
-   static 	sint *aligned, *tree_weight;
-   static 	sint *group;
-   static 	sint ix;
-   sint 	*maxid, max;
-   sint 		i,j,status,iseq;
-   sint 		sum,entries;
-   lint		score = 0;
-   info("Start of Multiple Alignment");
-/* get the phylogenetic tree from *.ph */
-   if (nseqs >= 2) 
-     {
-       status = read_tree(phylip_name, (sint)0, nseqs);
-       if (status == 0) return(0);
-     }
-/* calculate sequence weights according to branch lengths of the tree -
-   weights in global variable seq_weight normalised to sum to 100 */
-   calc_seq_weights((sint)0, nseqs, seq_weight);
-   tree_weight = (sint *) ckalloc( (nseqs) * sizeof(sint) );
-   for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-   		tree_weight[i] = seq_weight[i];
-/* recalculate tmat matrix as percent similarity matrix */
-   status = calc_similarities(nseqs);
-   if (status == 0) return((sint)0);
-/* for each sequence, find the most closely related sequence */
-   maxid = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-   for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-     {
-         maxid[i] = -1;
-         for (j=1;j<=nseqs;j++) 
-           if (maxid[i] < tmat[i][j]) maxid[i] = tmat[i][j];
-     }
-/* clear the memory used for the phylogenetic tree */
-        if (nseqs >= 2)
-             clear_tree(NULL);
-        aligned = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-        ix = 0;
-        for (i=1;i<=istart+1;i++)
-         {
-           aligned[i] = 1;
-           ++ix;
-           output_index[i] = i;
-         }
-        for (i=istart+2;i<=nseqs;i++) aligned[i] = 0;
-/* for each unaligned sequence, find it's closest pair amongst the
-   aligned sequences.  */
-    group = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-    while (ix < nseqs)
-      {
-        if (ix > 0) 
-          {
-             for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++) {
-                if (aligned[i] == 0)
-                  {
-                     maxid[i] = -1;
-                     for (j=1;j<=nseqs;j++) 
-                        if ((maxid[i] < tmat[i][j]) && (aligned[j] != 0))
-                            maxid[i] = tmat[i][j];
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-/* find the most closely related sequence to those already aligned */
-         max = -1;
-         for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-           {
-             if ((aligned[i] == 0) && (maxid[i] > max))
-               {
-                  max = maxid[i];
-                  iseq = i;
-               }
-           }
-/* align this sequence to the existing alignment */
-         entries = 0;
-         for (j=1;j<=nseqs;j++)
-           if (aligned[j] != 0)
-              {
-                 group[j] = 1;
-                 entries++;
-              }
-           else if (iseq==j)
-              {
-                 group[j] = 2;
-                 entries++;
-              }
-         aligned[iseq] = 1;
-/* EITHER....., set sequence weights equal to percent identity with new sequence */
-           for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-              seq_weight[j] = tmat[j+1][iseq];
-/* OR...., multiply sequence weights from tree by percent identity with new sequence */
-           for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-              seq_weight[j] = tree_weight[j] * tmat[j+1][iseq];
-if (debug>1)         
-  for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++) if (group[j+1] == 1)fprintf (stdout,"sequence %d: %d\n", j+1,tree_weight[j]);
-  Normalise the weights, such that the sum of the weights = INT_SCALE_FACTOR
-         sum = 0;
-         for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-           if (group[j+1] == 1) sum += seq_weight[j];
-         if (sum == 0)
-          {
-           for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-                seq_weight[j] = 1;
-                sum = j;
-          }
-         for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-             {
-               seq_weight[j] = (seq_weight[j] * INT_SCALE_FACTOR) / sum;
-               if (seq_weight[j] < 1) seq_weight[j] = 1;
-             }
-if (debug > 1) {
-  fprintf(stdout,"new weights\n");
-  for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++) if (group[j+1] == 1)fprintf( stdout,"sequence %d: %d\n", j+1,seq_weight[j]);
-         score = prfalign(group, aligned);
-         info("Sequence:%d     Score:%d",(pint)iseq,(pint)score);
-         if (output_order == INPUT)
-          {
-            ++ix;
-            output_index[iseq] = iseq;
-          }
-         else
-            output_index[++ix] = iseq;
-      }
-   group=ckfree((void *)group);
-   aligned=ckfree((void *)aligned);
-   maxid=ckfree((void *)maxid);
-   aln_score();
-/* make the rest (output stuff) into routine clustal_out in file amenu.c */
-   return(nseqs);
-sint palign1(void)  /* a profile alignment */
-   sint 		i,j,temp;
-   sint 		entries;
-   sint 		*aligned, *group;
-   float        dscore;
-   lint			score;
-   info("Start of Initial Alignment");
-/* calculate sequence weights according to branch lengths of the tree -
-   weights in global variable seq_weight normalised to sum to INT_SCALE_FACTOR */
-   temp = INT_SCALE_FACTOR/nseqs;
-   for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++) seq_weight[i] = temp;
-   distance_tree = FALSE;
-/* do the initial alignment.........  */
-   group = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-   for(i=1; i<=profile1_nseqs; ++i)
-         group[i] = 1;
-   for(i=profile1_nseqs+1; i<=nseqs; ++i)
-         group[i] = 2;
-   entries = nseqs;
-   aligned = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-   for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++) aligned[i] = 1;
-   score = prfalign(group, aligned);
-   info("Sequences:%d      Score:%d",(pint)entries,(pint)score);
-   group=ckfree((void *)group);
-   aligned=ckfree((void *)aligned);
-   for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++) {
-     for (j=i+1;j<=nseqs;j++) {
-       dscore = countid(i,j);
-       tmat[i][j] = ((double)100.0 - (double)dscore)/(double)100.0;
-       tmat[j][i] = tmat[i][j];
-     }
-   }
-   return(nseqs);
-float countid(sint s1, sint s2)
-   char c1,c2;
-   sint i;
-   sint count,total;
-   float score;
-   count = total = 0;
-   for (i=1;i<=seqlen_array[s1] && i<=seqlen_array[s2];i++) {
-     c1 = seq_array[s1][i];
-     c2 = seq_array[s2][i];
-     if ((c1>=0) && (c1<max_aa)) {
-       total++;
-       if (c1 == c2) count++;
-     }
-   }
-   if(total==0) score=0;
-   else
-   score = 100.0 * (float)count / (float)total;
-   return(score);
-sint palign2(char *p1_tree_name,char *p2_tree_name)  /* a profile alignment */
-   sint 	i,j,sum,entries,status;
-   lint 		score;
-   sint 	*aligned, *group;
-   sint		*maxid,*p1_weight,*p2_weight;
-   sint dscore;
-   info("Start of Multiple Alignment");
-/* get the phylogenetic trees from *.ph */
-   if (profile1_nseqs >= 2)
-     {
-        status = read_tree(p1_tree_name, (sint)0, profile1_nseqs);
-        if (status == 0) return(0);
-     }
-/* calculate sequence weights according to branch lengths of the tree -
-   weights in global variable seq_weight normalised to sum to 100 */
-   p1_weight = (sint *) ckalloc( (profile1_nseqs) * sizeof(sint) );
-   calc_seq_weights((sint)0, profile1_nseqs, p1_weight);
-/* clear the memory for the phylogenetic tree */
-   if (profile1_nseqs >= 2)
-        clear_tree(NULL);
-   if (nseqs-profile1_nseqs >= 2)
-     {
-        status = read_tree(p2_tree_name, profile1_nseqs, nseqs);
-        if (status == 0) return(0);
-     }
-   p2_weight = (sint *) ckalloc( (nseqs) * sizeof(sint) );
-   calc_seq_weights(profile1_nseqs,nseqs, p2_weight);
-/* clear the memory for the phylogenetic tree */
-   if (nseqs-profile1_nseqs >= 2)
-        clear_tree(NULL);
-/* convert tmat distances to similarities */
-   for (i=1;i<nseqs;i++)
-        for (j=i+1;j<=nseqs;j++) {
-            tmat[i][j]=100.0-tmat[i][j]*100.0;
-            tmat[j][i]=tmat[i][j];
-        }
-/* weight sequences with max percent identity with other profile*/
-   maxid = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-   for (i=0;i<profile1_nseqs;i++) {
-         maxid[i] = 0;
-         for (j=profile1_nseqs+1;j<=nseqs;j++) 
-                      if(maxid[i]<tmat[i+1][j]) maxid[i] = tmat[i+1][j];
-         seq_weight[i] = maxid[i]*p1_weight[i];
-   }
-   for (i=profile1_nseqs;i<nseqs;i++) {
-         maxid[i] = -1;
-         for (j=1;j<=profile1_nseqs;j++)
-                      if(maxid[i]<tmat[i+1][j]) maxid[i] = tmat[i+1][j];
-         seq_weight[i] = maxid[i]*p2_weight[i];
-   }
-  Normalise the weights, such that the sum of the weights = INT_SCALE_FACTOR
-         sum = 0;
-         for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-            sum += seq_weight[j];
-         if (sum == 0)
-          {
-           for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-                seq_weight[j] = 1;
-                sum = j;
-          }
-         for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-             {
-               seq_weight[j] = (seq_weight[j] * INT_SCALE_FACTOR) / sum;
-               if (seq_weight[j] < 1) seq_weight[j] = 1;
-             }
-if (debug > 1) {
-  fprintf(stdout,"new weights\n");
-  for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++) fprintf( stdout,"sequence %d: %d\n", j+1,seq_weight[j]);
-/* do the alignment.........  */
-   info("Aligning...");
-   group = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-   for(i=1; i<=profile1_nseqs; ++i)
-         group[i] = 1;
-   for(i=profile1_nseqs+1; i<=nseqs; ++i)
-         group[i] = 2;
-   entries = nseqs;
-   aligned = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-   for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++) aligned[i] = 1;
-   score = prfalign(group, aligned);
-   info("Sequences:%d      Score:%d",(pint)entries,(pint)score);
-   group=ckfree((void *)group);
-   p1_weight=ckfree((void *)p1_weight);
-   p2_weight=ckfree((void *)p2_weight);
-   aligned=ckfree((void *)aligned);
-   maxid=ckfree((void *)maxid);
-/* DES   output_index = (int *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (int)); */
-   for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++) output_index[i] = i;
-   return(nseqs);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/matrices.h
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/matrices.h	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/matrices.h	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,854 +0,0 @@
-char *amino_acid_order = "ABCDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ";
-short blosum30mt[]={
-  4,
-  0,  5,
- -3, -2, 17,
-  0,  5, -3,  9,
-  0,  0,  1,  1,  6,
- -2, -3, -3, -5, -4, 10,
-  0,  0, -4, -1, -2, -3,  8,
- -2, -2, -5, -2,  0, -3, -3, 14,
-  0, -2, -2, -4, -3,  0, -1, -2,  6,
-  0,  0, -3,  0,  2, -1, -1, -2, -2,  4,
- -1, -1,  0, -1, -1,  2, -2, -1,  2, -2,  4,
-  1, -2, -2, -3, -1, -2, -2,  2,  1,  2,  2,  6,
-  0,  4, -1,  1, -1, -1,  0, -1,  0,  0, -2,  0,  8,
- -1, -2, -3, -1,  1, -4, -1,  1, -3,  1, -3, -4, -3, 11,
-  1, -1, -2, -1,  2, -3, -2,  0, -2,  0, -2, -1, -1,  0,  8,
- -1, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -3,  1, -2,  0, -2, -1,  3,  8,
-  1,  0, -2,  0,  0, -1,  0, -1, -1,  0, -2, -2,  0, -1, -1, -1,  4,
-  1,  0, -2, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2,  0, -1,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0, -3,  2,  5,
-  1, -2, -2, -2, -3,  1, -3, -3,  4, -2,  1,  0, -2, -4, -3, -1, -1,  1,  5,
- -5, -5, -2, -4, -1,  1,  1, -5, -3, -2, -2, -3, -7, -3, -1,  0, -3, -5, -3, 20,
-  0, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, -1,  0, -1,  0,  0,  0, -2, -1,
- -4, -3, -6, -1, -2,  3, -3,  0, -1, -1,  3, -1, -4, -2, -1,  0, -2, -1,  1,  5, -1,  9,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  5, -4, -2,  0, -3,  1, -1, -1, -1,  0,  4,  0, -1, -1, -3, -1,  0, -2,  4};
-short blosum35mt[]={
-  5,
- -1,  5,
- -2, -2, 15,
- -1,  5, -3,  8,
- -1,  0, -1,  2,  6,
- -2, -2, -4, -3, -3,  8,
-  0,  0, -3, -2, -2, -3,  7,
- -2,  0, -4,  0, -1, -3, -2, 12,
- -1, -2, -4, -3, -3,  1, -3, -3,  5,
-  0,  0, -2, -1,  1, -1, -1, -2, -2,  5,
- -2, -2, -2, -2, -1,  2, -3, -2,  2, -2,  5,
-  0, -2, -4, -3, -2,  0, -1,  1,  1,  0,  3,  6,
- -1,  4, -1,  1, -1, -1,  1,  1, -1,  0, -2, -1,  7,
- -2, -1, -4, -1,  0, -4, -2, -1, -1,  0, -3, -3, -2, 10,
-  0,  0, -3, -1,  2, -4, -2, -1, -2,  0, -2, -1,  1,  0,  7,
- -1, -1, -3, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -3,  2, -2,  0, -1, -2,  2,  8,
-  1,  0, -3, -1,  0, -1,  1, -1, -2,  0, -2, -1,  0, -2,  0, -1,  4,
-  0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, -2,  2,  5,
-  0, -2, -2, -2, -2,  1, -3, -4,  4, -2,  2,  1, -2, -3, -3, -1, -1,  1,  5,
- -2, -3, -5, -3, -1,  1, -1, -4, -1,  0,  0,  1, -2, -4, -1,  0, -2, -2, -2, 16,
-  0, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, -1, -1, -1,  0,  0,  0, -1, -1,
- -1, -2, -5, -2, -1,  3, -2,  0,  0, -1,  0,  0, -2, -3,  0,  0, -1, -2,  0,  3, -1,  8,
- -1,  0, -2,  1,  5, -3, -2, -1, -3,  1, -2, -2,  0,  0,  4,  0,  0, -1, -2, -1,  0, -1,  4};
-short blosum40mt[]={
-  5,
- -1,  5,
- -2, -2, 16,
- -1,  6, -2,  9,
- -1,  1, -2,  2,  7,
- -3, -3, -2, -4, -3,  9,
-  1, -1, -3, -2, -3, -3,  8,
- -2,  0, -4,  0,  0, -2, -2, 13,
- -1, -3, -4, -4, -4,  1, -4, -3,  6,
- -1,  0, -3,  0,  1, -3, -2, -1, -3,  6,
- -2, -3, -2, -3, -2,  2, -4, -2,  2, -2,  6,
- -1, -3, -3, -3, -2,  0, -2,  1,  1, -1,  3,  7,
- -1,  4, -2,  2, -1, -3,  0,  1, -2,  0, -3, -2,  8,
- -2, -2, -5, -2,  0, -4, -1, -2, -2, -1, -4, -2, -2, 11,
-  0,  0, -4, -1,  2, -4, -2,  0, -3,  1, -2, -1,  1, -2,  8,
- -2, -1, -3, -1, -1, -2, -3,  0, -3,  3, -2, -1,  0, -3,  2,  9,
-  1,  0, -1,  0,  0, -2,  0, -1, -2,  0, -3, -2,  1, -1,  1, -1,  5,
-  0,  0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -1,  0, -1, -1,  0,  0, -1, -2,  2,  6,
-  0, -3, -2, -3, -3,  0, -4, -4,  4, -2,  2,  1, -3, -3, -3, -2, -1,  1,  5,
- -3, -4, -6, -5, -2,  1, -2, -5, -3, -2, -1, -2, -4, -4, -1, -2, -5, -4, -3, 19,
-  0, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,  0, -1, -2, -1, -1,  0,  0, -1, -2, -1,
- -2, -3, -4, -3, -2,  4, -3,  2,  0, -1,  0,  1, -2, -3, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1,  3, -1,  9,
- -1,  2, -3,  1,  5, -4, -2,  0, -4,  1, -2, -2,  0, -1,  4,  0,  0, -1, -3, -2, -1, -2,  5};
-short blosum45mt[]={
-  5,
- -1,  4,
- -1, -2, 12,
- -2,  5, -3,  7,
- -1,  1, -3,  2,  6,
- -2, -3, -2, -4, -3,  8,
-  0, -1, -3, -1, -2, -3,  7,
- -2,  0, -3,  0,  0, -2, -2, 10,
- -1, -3, -3, -4, -3,  0, -4, -3,  5,
- -1,  0, -3,  0,  1, -3, -2, -1, -3,  5,
- -1, -3, -2, -3, -2,  1, -3, -2,  2, -3,  5,
- -1, -2, -2, -3, -2,  0, -2,  0,  2, -1,  2,  6,
- -1,  4, -2,  2,  0, -2,  0,  1, -2,  0, -3, -2,  6,
- -1, -2, -4, -1,  0, -3, -2, -2, -2, -1, -3, -2, -2,  9,
- -1,  0, -3,  0,  2, -4, -2,  1, -2,  1, -2,  0,  0, -1,  6,
- -2, -1, -3, -1,  0, -2, -2,  0, -3,  3, -2, -1,  0, -2,  1,  7,
-  1,  0, -1,  0,  0, -2,  0, -1, -2, -1, -3, -2,  1, -1,  0, -1,  4,
-  0,  0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1,  0, -1, -1, -1,  2,  5,
-  0, -3, -1, -3, -3,  0, -3, -3,  3, -2,  1,  1, -3, -3, -3, -2, -1,  0,  5,
- -2, -4, -5, -4, -3,  1, -2, -3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, -3, -2, -2, -4, -3, -3, 15,
-  0, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,  0,  0, -1, -2, -1,
- -2, -2, -3, -2, -2,  3, -3,  2,  0, -1,  0,  0, -2, -3, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1,  3, -1,  8,
- -1,  2, -3,  1,  4, -3, -2,  0, -3,  1, -2, -1,  0, -1,  4,  0,  0, -1, -3, -2, -1, -2,  4};
-short blosum50mt[]={
-  5,
- -2,  5,
- -1, -3, 13,
- -2,  5, -4,  8,
- -1,  1, -3,  2,  6,
- -3, -4, -2, -5, -3,  8,
-  0, -1, -3, -1, -3, -4,  8,
- -2,  0, -3, -1,  0, -1, -2, 10,
- -1, -4, -2, -4, -4,  0, -4, -4,  5,
- -1,  0, -3, -1,  1, -4, -2,  0, -3,  6,
- -2, -4, -2, -4, -3,  1, -4, -3,  2, -3,  5,
- -1, -3, -2, -4, -2,  0, -3, -1,  2, -2,  3,  7,
- -1,  4, -2,  2,  0, -4,  0,  1, -3,  0, -4, -2,  7,
- -1, -2, -4, -1, -1, -4, -2, -2, -3, -1, -4, -3, -2, 10,
- -1,  0, -3,  0,  2, -4, -2,  1, -3,  2, -2,  0,  0, -1,  7,
- -2, -1, -4, -2,  0, -3, -3,  0, -4,  3, -3, -2, -1, -3,  1,  7,
-  1,  0, -1,  0, -1, -3,  0, -1, -3,  0, -3, -2,  1, -1,  0, -1,  5,
-  0,  0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1,  0, -1, -1, -1,  2,  5,
-  0, -4, -1, -4, -3, -1, -4, -4,  4, -3,  1,  1, -3, -3, -3, -3, -2,  0,  5,
- -3, -5, -5, -5, -3,  1, -3, -3, -3, -3, -2, -1, -4, -4, -1, -3, -4, -3, -3, 15,
- -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1,  0, -1, -3, -1,
- -2, -3, -3, -3, -2,  4, -3,  2, -1, -2, -1,  0, -2, -3, -1, -1, -2, -2, -1,  2, -1,  8,
- -1,  2, -3,  1,  5, -4, -2,  0, -3,  1, -3, -1,  0, -1,  4,  0,  0, -1, -3, -2, -1, -2,  5};
-short blosum55mt[]={
-  5,
- -2,  5,
-  0, -4, 13,
- -2,  5, -4,  8,
- -1,  1, -4,  2,  7,
- -3, -5, -3, -5, -4,  9,
-  0, -1, -3, -2, -3, -4,  8,
- -2,  0, -4, -1, -1, -1, -2, 11,
- -2, -4, -2, -4, -4,  0, -5, -4,  6,
- -1,  0, -4, -1,  1, -4, -2,  0, -4,  6,
- -2, -4, -2, -5, -4,  1, -5, -3,  2, -3,  6,
- -1, -3, -2, -4, -3,  0, -3, -2,  2, -2,  3,  8,
- -2,  4, -3,  2,  0, -4,  0,  1, -4,  0, -4, -3,  8,
- -1, -2, -3, -2, -1, -5, -3, -3, -3, -1, -4, -3, -2, 10,
- -1,  0, -4,  0,  2, -4, -2,  1, -4,  2, -3,  0,  0, -1,  7,
- -2, -1, -4, -2,  0, -3, -3,  0, -4,  3, -3, -2, -1, -3,  1,  8,
-  2,  0, -1,  0,  0, -3,  0, -1, -3,  0, -3, -2,  1, -1,  0, -1,  5,
-  0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, -2, -1,  0, -1, -1, -1,  2,  6,
-  0, -4, -1, -4, -3, -1, -4, -4,  4, -3,  1,  1, -4, -3, -3, -3, -2,  0,  5,
- -4, -5, -4, -5, -3,  2, -3, -3, -3, -4, -3, -2, -5, -5, -2, -3, -4, -3, -4, 15,
- -1, -1, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, -1,
- -2, -3, -3, -3, -2,  4, -4,  2, -1, -2, -1, -1, -2, -4, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2,  3, -1,  9,
- -1,  2, -4,  1,  5, -4, -3,  0, -4,  1, -3, -2,  0, -1,  4,  0,  0, -1, -3, -3, -1, -2,  5};
-short blosum62mt[]={
-  4,
- -2,  4,
-  0, -3,  9,
- -2,  4, -3,  6,
- -1,  1, -4,  2,  5,
- -2, -3, -2, -3, -3,  6,
-  0, -1, -3, -1, -2, -3,  6,
- -2,  0, -3, -1,  0, -1, -2,  8,
- -1, -3, -1, -3, -3,  0, -4, -3,  4,
- -1,  0, -3, -1,  1, -3, -2, -1, -3,  5,
- -1, -4, -1, -4, -3,  0, -4, -3,  2, -2,  4,
- -1, -3, -1, -3, -2,  0, -3, -2,  1, -1,  2,  5,
- -2,  3, -3,  1,  0, -3,  0,  1, -3,  0, -3, -2,  6,
- -1, -2, -3, -1, -1, -4, -2, -2, -3, -1, -3, -2, -2,  7,
- -1,  0, -3,  0,  2, -3, -2,  0, -3,  1, -2,  0,  0, -1,  5,
- -1, -1, -3, -2,  0, -3, -2,  0, -3,  2, -2, -1,  0, -2,  1,  5,
-  1,  0, -1,  0,  0, -2,  0, -1, -2,  0, -2, -1,  1, -1,  0, -1,  4,
-  0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1,  0, -1, -1, -1,  1,  5,
-  0, -3, -1, -3, -2, -1, -3, -3,  3, -2,  1,  1, -3, -2, -2, -3, -2,  0,  4,
- -3, -4, -2, -4, -3,  1, -2, -2, -3, -3, -2, -1, -4, -4, -2, -3, -3, -2, -3, 11,
-  0, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1,  0,  0, -1, -2, -1,
- -2, -3, -2, -3, -2,  3, -3,  2, -1, -2, -1, -1, -2, -3, -1, -2, -2, -2, -1,  2, -1,  7,
- -1,  1, -3,  1,  4, -3, -2,  0, -3,  1, -3, -1,  0, -1,  3,  0,  0, -1, -2, -3, -1, -2,  4};
-short blosum62mt2[]={
-  8,
- -4,  8,
-  0, -6, 18,
- -4,  8, -6, 12,
- -2,  2, -8,  4, 10,
- -4, -6, -4, -6, -6, 12,
-  0, -2, -6, -2, -4, -6, 12,
- -4,  0, -6, -2,  0, -2, -4, 16,
- -2, -6, -2, -6, -6,  0, -8, -6,  8,
- -2,  0, -6, -2,  2, -6, -4, -2, -6, 10,
- -2, -8, -2, -8, -6,  0, -8, -6,  4, -4,  8,
- -2, -6, -2, -6, -4,  0, -6, -4,  2, -2,  4, 10,
- -4,  6, -6,  2,  0, -6,  0,  2, -6,  0, -6, -4, 12,
- -2, -4, -6, -2, -2, -8, -4, -4, -6, -2, -6, -4, -4, 14,
- -2,  0, -6,  0,  4, -6, -4,  0, -6,  2, -4,  0,  0, -2, 10,
- -2, -2, -6, -4,  0, -6, -4,  0, -6,  4, -4, -2,  0, -4,  2, 10,
-  2,  0, -2,  0,  0, -4,  0, -2, -4,  0, -4, -2,  2, -2,  0, -2,  8,
-  0, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, -4, -4, -2, -2, -2, -2,  0, -2, -2, -2,  2, 10,
-  0, -6, -2, -6, -4, -2, -6, -6,  6, -4,  2,  2, -6, -4, -4, -6, -4,  0,  8,
- -6, -8, -4, -8, -6,  2, -4, -4, -6, -6, -4, -2, -8, -8, -4, -6, -6, -4, -6, 22,
-  0, -2, -4, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, -2, -2,  0,  0, -2, -4, -2,
- -4, -6, -4, -6, -4,  6, -6,  4, -2, -4, -2, -2, -4, -6, -2, -4, -4, -4, -2,  4, -2, 14,
- -2,  2, -6,  2,  8, -6, -4,  0, -6,  2, -6, -2,  0, -2,  6,  0,  0, -2, -4, -6, -2, -4,  8};
-short blosum65mt[]={
-  4,
- -2,  4,
-  0, -3,  9,
- -2,  4, -4,  6,
- -1,  1, -4,  2,  5,
- -2, -3, -2, -4, -3,  6,
-  0, -1, -3, -1, -2, -3,  6,
- -2,  0, -3, -1,  0, -1, -2,  8,
- -1, -3, -1, -3, -3,  0, -4, -3,  4,
- -1,  0, -3, -1,  1, -3, -2, -1, -3,  5,
- -2, -4, -1, -4, -3,  0, -4, -3,  2, -3,  4,
- -1, -3, -2, -3, -2,  0, -3, -2,  1, -2,  2,  6,
- -2,  3, -3,  1,  0, -3, -1,  1, -3,  0, -4, -2,  6,
- -1, -2, -3, -2, -1, -4, -2, -2, -3, -1, -3, -3, -2,  8,
- -1,  0, -3,  0,  2, -3, -2,  1, -3,  1, -2,  0,  0, -1,  6,
- -1, -1, -4, -2,  0, -3, -2,  0, -3,  2, -2, -2,  0, -2,  1,  6,
-  1,  0, -1,  0,  0, -2,  0, -1, -2,  0, -3, -2,  1, -1,  0, -1,  4,
-  0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1,  0, -1, -1, -1,  1,  5,
-  0, -3, -1, -3, -3, -1, -3, -3,  3, -2,  1,  1, -3, -2, -2, -3, -2,  0,  4,
- -3, -4, -2, -5, -3,  1, -3, -2, -2, -3, -2, -2, -4, -4, -2, -3, -3, -3, -3, 10,
- -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1,
- -2, -3, -2, -3, -2,  3, -3,  2, -1, -2, -1, -1, -2, -3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -1,  2, -1,  7,
- -1,  1, -4,  1,  4, -3, -2,  0, -3,  1, -3, -2,  0, -1,  3,  0,  0, -1, -2, -3, -1, -2,  4};
-short blosum70mt[]={
-  4,
- -2,  4,
- -1, -4,  9,
- -2,  4, -4,  6,
- -1,  1, -4,  1,  5,
- -2, -4, -2, -4, -4,  6,
-  0, -1, -3, -2, -2, -4,  6,
- -2, -1, -4, -1,  0, -1, -2,  8,
- -2, -4, -1, -4, -4,  0, -4, -4,  4,
- -1, -1, -4, -1,  1, -3, -2, -1, -3,  5,
- -2, -4, -2, -4, -3,  0, -4, -3,  2, -3,  4,
- -1, -3, -2, -3, -2,  0, -3, -2,  1, -2,  2,  6,
- -2,  3, -3,  1,  0, -3, -1,  0, -4,  0, -4, -2,  6,
- -1, -2, -3, -2, -1, -4, -3, -2, -3, -1, -3, -3, -2,  8,
- -1,  0, -3, -1,  2, -3, -2,  1, -3,  1, -2,  0,  0, -2,  6,
- -2, -1, -4, -2,  0, -3, -3,  0, -3,  2, -3, -2, -1, -2,  1,  6,
-  1,  0, -1,  0,  0, -3, -1, -1, -3,  0, -3, -2,  0, -1,  0, -1,  4,
-  0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -1, -1, -2, -1,  0, -1, -1, -1,  1,  5,
-  0, -3, -1, -4, -3, -1, -4, -3,  3, -3,  1,  1, -3, -3, -2, -3, -2,  0,  4,
- -3, -4, -3, -5, -4,  1, -3, -2, -3, -3, -2, -2, -4, -4, -2, -3, -3, -3, -3, 11,
- -1, -1, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, -1,
- -2, -3, -3, -4, -3,  3, -4,  2, -1, -2, -1, -1, -2, -3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2,  2, -2,  7,
- -1,  0, -4,  1,  4, -4, -2,  0, -3,  1, -3, -2,  0, -1,  3,  0,  0, -1, -3, -3, -1, -2,  4};
-short blosum75mt[]={
-  4,
- -2,  4,
- -1, -4,  9,
- -2,  4, -4,  6,
- -1,  1, -5,  1,  5,
- -3, -4, -2, -4, -4,  6,
-  0, -1, -3, -2, -3, -4,  6,
- -2, -1, -4, -1,  0, -2, -2,  8,
- -2, -4, -1, -4, -4,  0, -5, -4,  4,
- -1, -1, -4, -1,  1, -4, -2, -1, -3,  5,
- -2, -4, -2, -4, -4,  0, -4, -3,  1, -3,  4,
- -1, -3, -2, -4, -2,  0, -3, -2,  1, -2,  2,  6,
- -2,  3, -3,  1, -1, -4, -1,  0, -4,  0, -4, -3,  6,
- -1, -2, -4, -2, -1, -4, -3, -2, -3, -1, -3, -3, -3,  8,
- -1,  0, -3, -1,  2, -4, -2,  1, -3,  1, -3,  0,  0, -2,  6,
- -2, -1, -4, -2,  0, -3, -3,  0, -3,  2, -3, -2, -1, -2,  1,  6,
-  1,  0, -1, -1,  0, -3, -1, -1, -3,  0, -3, -2,  0, -1,  0, -1,  5,
-  0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -1, -1, -2, -1,  0, -1, -1, -1,  1,  5,
-  0, -4, -1, -4, -3, -1, -4, -4,  3, -3,  1,  1, -3, -3, -2, -3, -2,  0,  4,
- -3, -5, -3, -5, -4,  1, -3, -2, -3, -4, -2, -2, -4, -5, -2, -3, -3, -3, -3, 11,
- -1, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, -1,
- -2, -3, -3, -4, -3,  3, -4,  2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -3, -4, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2,  2, -2,  7,
- -1,  0, -4,  1,  4, -4, -2,  0, -4,  1, -3, -2,  0, -2,  3,  0,  0, -1, -3, -3, -1, -3,  4};
-short blosum80mt[]={
-  7,
- -3,  6,
- -1, -6, 13,
- -3,  6, -7, 10,
- -2,  1, -7,  2,  8,
- -4, -6, -4, -6, -6, 10,
-  0, -2, -6, -3, -4, -6,  9,
- -3, -1, -7, -2,  0, -2, -4, 12,
- -3, -6, -2, -7, -6, -1, -7, -6,  7,
- -1, -1, -6, -2,  1, -5, -3, -1, -5,  8,
- -3, -7, -3, -7, -6,  0, -7, -5,  2, -4,  6,
- -2, -5, -3, -6, -4,  0, -5, -4,  2, -3,  3,  9,
- -3,  5, -5,  2, -1, -6, -1,  1, -6,  0, -6, -4,  9,
- -1, -4, -6, -3, -2, -6, -5, -4, -5, -2, -5, -4, -4, 12,
- -2, -1, -5, -1,  3, -5, -4,  1, -5,  2, -4, -1,  0, -3,  9,
- -3, -2, -6, -3, -1, -5, -4,  0, -5,  3, -4, -3, -1, -3,  1,  9,
-  2,  0, -2, -1, -1, -4, -1, -2, -4, -1, -4, -3,  1, -2, -1, -2,  7,
-  0, -1, -2, -2, -2, -4, -3, -3, -2, -1, -3, -1,  0, -3, -1, -2,  2,  8,
- -1, -6, -2, -6, -4, -2, -6, -5,  4, -4,  1,  1, -5, -4, -4, -4, -3,  0,  7,
- -5, -8, -5, -8, -6,  0, -6, -4, -5, -6, -4, -3, -7, -7, -4, -5, -6, -5, -5, 16,
- -1, -3, -4, -3, -2, -3, -3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, -2, -5, -2,
- -4, -5, -5, -6, -5,  4, -6,  3, -3, -4, -2, -3, -4, -6, -3, -4, -3, -3, -3,  3, -3, 11,
- -2,  0, -7,  1,  6, -6, -4,  0, -6,  1, -5, -3, -1, -2,  5,  0, -1, -2, -4, -5, -1, -4,  6};
-short blosum85mt[]={
-  5,
- -2,  4,
- -1, -4,  9,
- -2,  4, -5,  7,
- -1,  0, -5,  1,  6,
- -3, -4, -3, -4, -4,  7,
-  0, -1, -4, -2, -3, -4,  6,
- -2, -1, -5, -2, -1, -2, -3,  8,
- -2, -5, -2, -5, -4, -1, -5, -4,  5,
- -1, -1, -4, -1,  0, -4, -2, -1, -3,  6,
- -2, -5, -2, -5, -4,  0, -5, -3,  1, -3,  4,
- -2, -4, -2, -4, -3, -1, -4, -3,  1, -2,  2,  7,
- -2,  4, -4,  1, -1, -4, -1,  0, -4,  0, -4, -3,  7,
- -1, -3, -4, -2, -2, -4, -3, -3, -4, -2, -4, -3, -3,  8,
- -1, -1, -4, -1,  2, -4, -3,  1, -4,  1, -3,  0,  0, -2,  6,
- -2, -2, -4, -2, -1, -4, -3,  0, -4,  2, -3, -2, -1, -2,  1,  6,
-  1,  0, -2, -1, -1, -3, -1, -1, -3, -1, -3, -2,  0, -1, -1, -1,  5,
-  0, -1, -2, -2, -1, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, -2, -1,  0, -2, -1, -2,  1,  5,
- -1, -4, -1, -4, -3, -1, -4, -4,  3, -3,  0,  0, -4, -3, -3, -3, -2,  0,  5,
- -3, -5, -4, -6, -4,  0, -4, -3, -3, -5, -3, -2, -5, -5, -3, -4, -4, -4, -3, 11,
- -1, -2, -3, -2, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -2, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -3, -2,
- -3, -4, -3, -4, -4,  3, -5,  2, -2, -3, -2, -2, -3, -4, -2, -3, -2, -2, -2,  2, -2,  7,
- -1,  0, -5,  1,  4, -4, -3,  0, -4,  1, -4, -2, -1, -2,  4,  0, -1, -1, -3, -4, -1, -3,  4};
-short blosum90mt[]={
-  5,
- -2,  4,
- -1, -4,  9,
- -3,  4, -5,  7,
- -1,  0, -6,  1,  6,
- -3, -4, -3, -5, -5,  7,
-  0, -2, -4, -2, -3, -5,  6,
- -2, -1, -5, -2, -1, -2, -3,  8,
- -2, -5, -2, -5, -4, -1, -5, -4,  5,
- -1, -1, -4, -1,  0, -4, -2, -1, -4,  6,
- -2, -5, -2, -5, -4,  0, -5, -4,  1, -3,  5,
- -2, -4, -2, -4, -3, -1, -4, -3,  1, -2,  2,  7,
- -2,  4, -4,  1, -1, -4, -1,  0, -4,  0, -4, -3,  7,
- -1, -3, -4, -3, -2, -4, -3, -3, -4, -2, -4, -3, -3,  8,
- -1, -1, -4, -1,  2, -4, -3,  1, -4,  1, -3,  0,  0, -2,  7,
- -2, -2, -5, -3, -1, -4, -3,  0, -4,  2, -3, -2, -1, -3,  1,  6,
-  1,  0, -2, -1, -1, -3, -1, -2, -3, -1, -3, -2,  0, -2, -1, -1,  5,
-  0, -1, -2, -2, -1, -3, -3, -2, -1, -1, -2, -1,  0, -2, -1, -2,  1,  6,
- -1, -4, -2, -5, -3, -2, -5, -4,  3, -3,  0,  0, -4, -3, -3, -3, -2, -1,  5,
- -4, -6, -4, -6, -5,  0, -4, -3, -4, -5, -3, -2, -5, -5, -3, -4, -4, -4, -3, 11,
- -1, -2, -3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -2, -1, -2, -1, -1, -2, -3, -2,
- -3, -4, -4, -4, -4,  3, -5,  1, -2, -3, -2, -2, -3, -4, -3, -3, -3, -2, -3,  2, -2,  8,
- -1,  0, -5,  0,  4, -4, -3,  0, -4,  1, -4, -2, -1, -2,  4,  0, -1, -1, -3, -4, -1, -3,  4};
-short pam20mt[]={
-  6,
- -5,  6,
- -8,-14, 10,
- -4,  6,-16,  8,
- -3,  0,-16,  2,  8,
- -9,-12,-15,-17,-16,  9,
- -3, -4,-11, -4, -5,-10,  7,
- -8, -2, -8, -5, -6, -7,-10,  9,
- -6, -7, -7, -9, -6, -3,-13,-11,  9,
- -8, -3,-16, -6, -5,-16, -8, -8, -7,  7,
- -7,-10,-17,-15,-10, -4,-12, -7, -2, -9,  7,
- -6,-12,-16,-13, -8, -5,-10,-13, -2, -3,  0, 11,
- -5,  6,-13,  1, -3,-10, -4, -1, -6, -2, -8,-11,  8,
- -2, -8, -9, -9, -7,-11, -7, -5,-10, -8, -8, -9, -7,  8,
- -5, -4,-16, -4,  0,-15, -8,  0, -9, -4, -6, -5, -5, -4,  9,
- -8, -9, -9,-12,-11,-10,-11, -3, -6, -1,-10, -5, -7, -5, -2,  9,
- -1, -2, -4, -5, -5, -7, -3, -7, -8, -5, -9, -6, -1, -3, -6, -4,  7,
- -1, -4, -9, -6, -7,-10, -7, -8, -3, -4, -8, -5, -3, -5, -7, -8,  0,  7,
- -3, -9, -7, -9, -8, -9, -7, -7,  1,-10, -3, -2, -9, -7, -8, -9, -8, -4,  7,
--16,-11,-18,-17,-19, -6,-17, -8,-16,-14, -7,-15, -9,-16,-15, -3, -6,-15,-18, 13,
- -4, -6,-11, -7, -6, -9, -6, -6, -6, -6, -7, -6, -4, -6, -6, -7, -4, -5, -6,-13, -6,
- -9, -7, -5,-13, -9,  1,-16, -4, -7,-10, -8,-13, -5,-16,-14,-11, -8, -7, -8, -6, -9, 10,
- -4, -1,-16,  0,  6,-16, -6, -2, -7, -5, -8, -6, -4, -5,  7, -5, -6, -7, -8,-17, -6,-11,  6};
-short pam60mt[]={
-  5,
- -2,  5,
- -5, -9,  9,
- -2,  5,-10,  7,
- -1,  2,-10,  3,  7,
- -6, -8, -9,-11,-10,  8,
-  0, -2, -7, -2, -2, -7,  6,
- -5,  0, -6, -2, -3, -4, -6,  8,
- -3, -4, -4, -5, -4, -1, -7, -6,  7,
- -5, -1,-10, -2, -3,-10, -5, -4, -4,  6,
- -4, -7,-11, -9, -7, -1, -8, -4,  0, -6,  6,
- -3, -6,-10, -7, -5, -2, -6, -7,  1,  0,  2, 10,
- -2,  5, -7,  2,  0, -6, -1,  1, -4,  0, -5, -6,  6,
-  0, -4, -6, -5, -3, -7, -4, -2, -6, -4, -5, -6, -4,  7,
- -3, -1,-10, -1,  2, -9, -5,  2, -5, -1, -3, -2, -2, -1,  7,
- -5, -5, -6, -6, -6, -7, -7,  0, -4,  2, -6, -2, -3, -2,  0,  8,
-  1,  0, -1, -2, -2, -5,  0, -4, -4, -2, -6, -4,  1,  0, -3, -2,  5,
-  1, -2, -5, -3, -4, -6, -3, -5, -1, -2, -5, -2, -1, -2, -4, -4,  1,  6,
- -1, -5, -4, -6, -4, -5, -4, -5,  3, -6, -1,  0, -5, -4, -5, -5, -4, -1,  6,
--10, -8,-12,-11,-12, -3,-11, -5,-10, -8, -4, -9, -6,-10, -9,  0, -4, -9,-11, 13,
- -2, -3, -6, -3, -3, -5, -3, -3, -3, -3, -4, -3, -2, -3, -3, -4, -2, -2, -3, -8, -3,
- -6, -5, -2, -8, -7,  3,-10, -2, -4, -7, -5, -7, -3,-10, -8, -8, -5, -5, -5, -3, -5,  9,
- -2,  1,-10,  2,  5,-10, -3,  0, -4, -2, -5, -4, -1, -2,  6, -2, -3, -4, -5,-11, -3, -7,  5};
-short pam120mt[]={
-  3,
-  0,  4,
- -3, -6,  9,
-  0,  4, -7,  5,
-  0,  3, -7,  3,  5,
- -4, -5, -6, -7, -7,  8,
-  1,  0, -4,  0, -1, -5,  5,
- -3,  1, -4,  0, -1, -3, -4,  7,
- -1, -3, -3, -3, -3,  0, -4, -4,  6,
- -2,  0, -7, -1, -1, -7, -3, -2, -3,  5,
- -3, -4, -7, -5, -4,  0, -5, -3,  1, -4,  5,
- -2, -4, -6, -4, -3, -1, -4, -4,  1,  0,  3,  8,
- -1,  3, -5,  2,  1, -4,  0,  2, -2,  1, -4, -3,  4,
-  1, -2, -4, -3, -2, -5, -2, -1, -3, -2, -3, -3, -2,  6,
- -1,  0, -7,  1,  2, -6, -3,  3, -3,  0, -2, -1,  0,  0,  6,
- -3, -2, -4, -3, -3, -5, -4,  1, -2,  2, -4, -1, -1, -1,  1,  6,
-  1,  0,  0,  0, -1, -3,  1, -2, -2, -1, -4, -2,  1,  1, -2, -1,  3,
-  1,  0, -3, -1, -2, -4, -1, -3,  0, -1, -3, -1,  0, -1, -2, -2,  2,  4,
-  0, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -2, -3,  3, -4,  1,  1, -3, -2, -3, -3, -2,  0,  5,
- -7, -6, -8, -8, -8, -1, -8, -3, -6, -5, -3, -6, -4, -7, -6,  1, -2, -6, -8, 12,
- -1, -1, -4, -2, -1, -3, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -5, -2,
- -4, -3, -1, -5, -5,  4, -6, -1, -2, -5, -2, -4, -2, -6, -5, -5, -3, -3, -3, -2, -3,  8,
- -1,  2, -7,  3,  4, -6, -2,  1, -3, -1, -3, -2,  0, -1,  4, -1, -1, -2, -3, -7, -1, -5,  4};
-short pam160mt[]={
-  2,
-  0,  3,
- -2, -4,  9,
-  0,  3, -5,  4,
-  0,  2, -5,  3,  4,
- -3, -4, -5, -6, -5,  7,
-  1,  0, -3,  0,  0, -4,  4,
- -2,  1, -3,  0,  0, -2, -3,  6,
- -1, -2, -2, -3, -2,  0, -3, -3,  5,
- -2,  0, -5,  0, -1, -5, -2, -1, -2,  4,
- -2, -4, -6, -4, -3,  1, -4, -2,  2, -3,  5,
- -1, -3, -5, -3, -2,  0, -3, -3,  2,  0,  3,  7,
-  0,  2, -4,  2,  1, -3,  0,  2, -2,  1, -3, -2,  3,
-  1, -1, -3, -2, -1, -4, -1, -1, -2, -2, -3, -2, -1,  5,
- -1,  1, -5,  1,  2, -5, -2,  2, -2,  0, -2, -1,  0,  0,  5,
- -2, -1, -3, -2, -2, -4, -3,  1, -2,  3, -3, -1, -1, -1,  1,  6,
-  1,  0,  0,  0,  0, -3,  1, -1, -2, -1, -3, -2,  1,  1, -1, -1,  2,
-  1,  0, -2, -1, -1, -3, -1, -2,  0,  0, -2, -1,  0,  0, -1, -1,  1,  3,
-  0, -2, -2, -3, -2, -2, -2, -2,  3, -3,  1,  1, -2, -2, -2, -3, -1,  0,  4,
- -5, -5, -7, -6, -7, -1, -7, -3, -5, -4, -2, -4, -4, -5, -5,  1, -2, -5, -6, 12,
-  0, -1, -3, -1, -1, -3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1,  0, -1, -1, -1,  0,  0, -1, -4, -1,
- -3, -3,  0, -4, -4,  5, -5,  0, -2, -4, -2, -3, -2, -5, -4, -4, -3, -3, -3, -1, -3,  8,
-  0,  2, -5,  2,  3, -5, -1,  1, -2,  0, -3, -2,  1, -1,  3,  0, -1, -1, -2, -6, -1, -4,  3};
-short pam250mt[]={
-  2,
-  0,  3,
- -2, -4, 12,
-  0,  3, -5,  4,
-  0,  3, -5,  3,  4,
- -3, -4, -4, -6, -5,  9,
-  1,  0, -3,  1,  0, -5,  5,
- -1,  1, -3,  1,  1, -2, -2,  6,
- -1, -2, -2, -2, -2,  1, -3, -2,  5,
- -1,  1, -5,  0,  0, -5, -2,  0, -2,  5,
- -2, -3, -6, -4, -3,  2, -4, -2,  2, -3,  6,
- -1, -2, -5, -3, -2,  0, -3, -2,  2,  0,  4,  6,
-  0,  2, -4,  2,  1, -3,  0,  2, -2,  1, -3, -2,  2,
-  1, -1, -3, -1, -1, -5,  0,  0, -2, -1, -3, -2,  0,  6,
-  0,  1, -5,  2,  2, -5, -1,  3, -2,  1, -2, -1,  1,  0,  4,
- -2, -1, -4, -1, -1, -4, -3,  2, -2,  3, -3,  0,  0,  0,  1,  6,
-  1,  0,  0,  0,  0, -3,  1, -1, -1,  0, -3, -2,  1,  1, -1,  0,  2,
-  1,  0, -2,  0,  0, -3,  0, -1,  0,  0, -2, -1,  0,  0, -1, -1,  1,  3,
-  0, -2, -2, -2, -2, -1, -1, -2,  4, -2,  2,  2, -2, -1, -2, -2, -1,  0,  4,
- -6, -5, -8, -7, -7,  0, -7, -3, -5, -3, -2, -4, -4, -6, -5,  2, -2, -5, -6, 17,
-  0, -1, -3, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,  0, -1, -1, -1,  0,  0, -1, -4, -1,
- -3, -3,  0, -4, -4,  7, -5,  0, -1, -4, -1, -2, -2, -5, -4, -4, -3, -3, -2,  0, -2, 10,
-  0,  2, -5,  3,  3, -5,  0,  2, -2,  0, -3, -2,  1,  0,  3,  0,  0, -1, -2, -6, -1, -4,  3};
-short pam350mt[]={
-  2,
-  1,  3,
- -2, -5, 18,
-  1,  3, -6,  4,
-  1,  3, -6,  4,  4,
- -4, -5, -5, -6, -6, 13,
-  2,  1, -4,  1,  1, -6,  5,
- -1,  1, -4,  1,  1, -2, -2,  7,
-  0, -2, -3, -2, -2,  2, -2, -2,  5,
- -1,  1, -6,  1,  0, -6, -1,  1, -2,  5,
- -2, -4, -7, -4, -4,  3, -4, -2,  4, -3,  8,
- -1, -2, -6, -3, -2,  1, -3, -2,  3,  0,  5,  6,
-  0,  2, -4,  2,  2, -4,  1,  2, -2,  1, -3, -2,  2,
-  1,  0, -3,  0,  0, -5,  0,  0, -2, -1, -3, -2,  0,  6,
-  0,  2, -6,  2,  3, -5, -1,  3, -2,  1, -2, -1,  1,  1,  4,
- -1,  0, -4, -1,  0, -5, -2,  2, -2,  4, -3,  0,  1,  0,  2,  7,
-  1,  1,  0,  1,  0, -4,  1, -1, -1,  0, -3, -2,  1,  1,  0,  0,  1,
-  1,  0, -2,  0,  0, -3,  1, -1,  0,  0, -2, -1,  1,  1,  0, -1,  1,  2,
-  0, -2, -2, -2, -2, -1, -1, -2,  4, -2,  3,  2, -2, -1, -2, -3, -1,  0,  5,
- -7, -6,-10, -8, -8,  1, -8, -3, -6, -4, -2, -5, -5, -7, -5,  4, -3, -6, -7, 27,
-  0,  0, -3, -1,  0, -2, -1,  0,  0, -1, -1,  0,  0,  0,  0, -1,  0,  0,  0, -5, -1,
- -4, -4,  1, -5, -5, 11, -6,  0,  0, -5,  0, -2, -3, -6, -5, -5, -3, -3, -2,  1, -2, 14,
-  0,  2, -6,  3,  3, -6,  0,  2, -2,  1, -3, -2,  2,  0,  3,  1,  0,  0, -2, -7,  0, -5,  3};
-short md_40mt[]={
-  9,
-  0,  0,
- -7,  0, 16,
- -6,  0,-13, 11,
- -5,  0,-15,  3, 11,
--11,  0, -5,-15,-16, 13,
- -3,  0, -7, -4, -4,-15, 10,
- -9,  0, -6, -4, -8, -7,-10, 14,
- -6,  0,-11,-12,-12, -5,-13,-11, 11,
- -8,  0,-12, -8, -3,-16, -9, -6,-11, 11,
- -9,  0,-10,-14,-13, -1,-14, -7, -1,-12,  9,
- -6,  0, -9,-12,-11, -7,-12, -9,  1, -7,  1, 14,
- -6,  0, -8,  1, -5,-12, -5,  0, -8, -1,-12, -9, 12,
- -2,  0,-11,-11,-11,-11, -9, -4,-11,-10, -5,-10, -9, 12,
- -7,  0,-12, -6,  0,-14, -9,  2,-12, -1, -6, -8, -5, -3, 12,
- -7,  0, -5,-10, -8,-15, -4,  0,-10,  3, -9, -8, -6, -6,  0, 11,
-  0,  0, -2, -6, -8, -6, -2, -6, -8, -7, -7, -8,  1, -1, -7, -5,  9,
-  1,  0, -7, -8, -8,-11, -7, -7, -2, -5, -9, -2, -2, -4, -7, -6,  1, 10,
- -1,  0, -7, -9, -8, -6, -8,-12,  4,-12, -2,  0,-10, -9,-11,-11, -7, -4, 10,
--14,  0, -4,-15,-15, -7, -7,-13,-13,-13, -8,-11,-14,-14,-11, -4, -9,-12,-10, 18,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
--13,  0, -2, -8,-14,  2,-13,  2, -9,-13, -9,-11, -6,-13, -9,-10, -7,-10,-11, -6,  0, 14,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0};
-short md_120mt[]={
-  6,
-  0,  0,
- -3,  0, 14,
- -2,  0, -7,  8,
- -2,  0, -8,  5,  8,
- -6,  0, -2, -9,-10, 11,
-  0,  0, -3,  0, -1, -9,  8,
- -4,  0, -2, -1, -3, -2, -4, 11,
- -1,  0, -5, -7, -7, -1, -6, -6,  7,
- -4,  0, -6, -2,  0, -9, -4, -1, -6,  8,
- -4,  0, -5, -8, -8,  2, -8, -4,  2, -6,  7,
- -2,  0, -5, -7, -6, -2, -6, -5,  3, -4,  3, 10,
- -1,  0, -3,  3, -1, -6, -1,  2, -4,  1, -6, -5,  8,
-  0,  0, -5, -5, -5, -5, -4, -1, -5, -4, -2, -5, -3,  9,
- -3,  0, -6, -1,  2, -7, -4,  4, -6,  2, -3, -4, -1,  0,  9,
- -3,  0, -2, -4, -3, -8, -1,  2, -6,  4, -5, -4, -2, -2,  2,  8,
-  2,  0,  0, -2, -3, -3,  0, -2, -3, -3, -3, -3,  2,  1, -3, -2,  5,
-  2,  0, -3, -3, -4, -6, -2, -3,  0, -2, -4,  0,  1,  0, -3, -3,  2,  6,
-  1,  0, -3, -5, -5, -2, -4, -6,  5, -6,  1,  2, -5, -4, -6, -6, -3,  0,  7,
- -8,  0,  0, -9, -9, -3, -3, -6, -7, -6, -4, -6, -8, -8, -6, -1, -5, -7, -6, 17,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
- -7,  0,  2, -4, -7,  5, -8,  4, -5, -7, -4, -6, -2, -7, -4, -5, -3, -6, -6, -2,  0, 12,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0};
-short md_250mt[]={
-  2,
-  0,  0,
- -1,  0, 11,
- -1,  0, -3,  5,
- -1,  0, -4,  4,  5,
- -3,  0,  0, -5, -5,  8,
-  1,  0, -1,  1,  1, -5,  5,
- -2,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, -2,  6,
-  0,  0, -2, -3, -3,  0, -3, -3,  4,
- -1,  0, -3,  0,  1, -5, -1,  1, -3,  5,
- -1,  0, -2, -4, -4,  2, -4, -2,  2, -3,  5,
-  0,  0, -2, -3, -3,  0, -3, -2,  3, -2,  3,  6,
-  0,  0, -1,  2,  1, -3,  0,  1, -2,  1, -3, -2,  3,
-  1,  0, -2, -2, -2, -2, -1,  0, -2, -1,  0, -2, -1,  6,
- -1,  0, -3,  0,  2, -4, -1,  3, -3,  2, -2, -2,  0,  0,  5,
- -1,  0, -1, -1,  0, -4,  0,  2, -3,  4, -3, -2,  0, -1,  2,  5,
-  1,  0,  1,  0, -1, -2,  1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1,  1,  1, -1, -1,  2,
-  2,  0, -1, -1, -1, -2,  0, -1,  1, -1, -1,  0,  1,  1, -1, -1,  1,  2,
-  1,  0, -2, -3, -2,  0, -2, -3,  4, -3,  2,  2, -2, -1, -3, -3, -1,  0,  4,
- -4,  0,  1, -5, -5, -1, -1, -3, -4, -3, -2, -3, -4, -4, -3,  0, -3, -4, -3, 15,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
- -3,  0,  2, -2, -4,  5, -4,  4, -2, -3, -1, -3, -1, -3, -2, -2, -1, -3, -3,  0,  0,  9,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0};
-short md_350mt[]={
-  1,
-  0,  0,
-  0,  0,  9,
-  0,  0, -2,  3,
-  0,  0, -2,  3,  3,
- -2,  0,  1, -3, -4,  6,
-  1,  0,  0,  1,  1, -3,  4,
- -1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, -1,  3,
-  0,  0, -1, -2, -2,  1, -2, -2,  3,
- -1,  0, -1,  0,  1, -3,  0,  1, -2,  3,
- -1,  0, -1, -3, -3,  2, -2, -1,  2, -2,  3,
-  0,  0, -1, -2, -2,  1, -2, -1,  2, -2,  2,  3,
-  0,  0, -1,  1,  1, -2,  0,  1, -1,  1, -2, -1,  2,
-  1,  0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1,  0, -1, -1,  0, -1,  0,  4,
- -1,  0, -2,  1,  1, -2,  0,  2, -2,  2, -1, -1,  0,  0,  3,
- -1,  0,  0,  0,  0, -3,  0,  1, -2,  3, -2, -1,  0,  0,  2,  3,
-  1,  0,  0,  0,  0, -1,  1,  0, -1,  0, -1, -1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  1,
-  1,  0,  0,  0, -1, -1,  0, -1,  0,  0, -1,  0,  0,  1, -1,  0,  1,  1,
-  0,  0, -1, -2, -2,  0, -1, -2,  2, -2,  1,  2, -1, -1, -2, -2,  0,  0,  2,
- -3,  0,  1, -4, -3,  0, -1, -2, -3, -2, -1, -2, -3, -3, -2,  0, -2, -3, -2, 14,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
- -2,  0,  2, -2, -2,  5, -3,  3, -1, -2,  0, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2,  0,  0,  7,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0};
-short idmat[]={
- 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,10,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,10};
-short gon40mt[]={
-  92,
-   0,   0,
- -31,   0, 163,
- -56,   0,-135, 111,
- -37,   0,-140,  16, 105,
- -92,   0, -64,-152,-143, 126,
- -32,   0, -91, -51, -76,-152, 105,
- -65,   0, -67, -41, -40, -50, -81, 145,
- -76,   0, -87,-150,-106, -39,-158, -94, 104,
- -54,   0,-132, -47, -13,-127, -79, -34, -86, 103,
- -68,   0, -85,-155,-108, -13,-141, -85,   5, -85,  89,
- -45,   0, -63,-130, -80, -16,-114, -60,  10, -57,  16, 140,
- -62,   0, -83,   6, -38,-104, -40,  -7, -99, -20,-112, -91, 115,
- -37,   0,-137, -69, -60,-128, -87, -71,-108, -62, -83,-119, -78, 124,
- -43,   0,-113, -32,  10,-100, -71,   0, -91,   2, -60, -35, -25, -46, 118,
- -61,   0, -86, -77, -50,-130, -69, -31,-103,  19, -84, -81, -47, -73,  -6, 112,
-   0,   0, -35, -36, -41,-111, -37, -48, -95, -43, -95, -64, -11, -35, -35, -51,  99,
- -25,   0, -59, -47, -52, -90, -85, -46, -51, -34, -78, -44, -27, -42, -39, -52,  13, 100,
- -22,   0, -43,-133, -74, -58,-122, -98,  28, -82, -18, -22,-103, -86, -79, -88, -74, -25,  97,
--120,   0, -68,-171,-131,  -6,-108, -70, -93,-127, -71, -72,-119,-149, -87, -63, -98,-120,-115, 181,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
- -95,   0, -56, -98,-107,  31,-129,   5, -76, -88, -64, -66, -62,-106, -81, -75, -69, -87, -73,   1,   0, 135,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0};
-short gon80mt[]={
-  75,
-   0,   0,
- -10,   0, 154,
- -31,   0, -93,  96,
- -17,   0, -94,  31,  88,
- -64,   0, -39,-111,-102, 114,
- -11,   0, -61, -26, -47,-115,  97,
- -39,   0, -43, -17, -17, -26, -53, 127,
- -43,   0, -54,-106, -73, -15,-114, -64,  86,
- -30,   0, -88, -21,   4, -89, -50, -12, -59,  85,
- -43,   0, -55,-109, -75,   7,-104, -57,  22, -58,  77,
- -26,   0, -39, -88, -53,   3, -83, -38,  25, -37,  31, 117,
- -34,   0, -55,  21, -13, -75, -18,   9, -71,  -2, -79, -62,  97,
- -16,   0, -93, -42, -35, -93, -58, -45, -75, -37, -58, -78, -48, 114,
- -22,   0, -76,  -9,  23, -70, -44,  14, -60,  17, -39, -19,  -6, -24,  95,
- -36,   0, -60, -44, -23, -90, -43, -10, -71,  33, -58, -53, -22, -45,  11,  97,
-  14,   0, -15, -14, -19, -77, -16, -25, -62, -20, -64, -41,   5, -14, -15, -27,  78,
-  -5,   0, -34, -24, -27, -62, -52, -24, -28, -15, -49, -25,  -7, -20, -18, -27,  25,  81,
-  -6,   0, -21, -89, -51, -31, -86, -65,  41, -54,   3,   1, -69, -57, -51, -60, -43,  -9,  80,
- -87,   0, -43,-124, -98,  16, -81, -43, -63, -89, -44, -45, -86,-112, -62, -41, -72, -87, -80, 173,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
- -65,   0, -32, -69, -74,  49, -94,  21, -47, -60, -35, -37, -39, -76, -53, -50, -46, -58, -47,  23,   0, 123,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0};
-short gon120mt[]={
-  59,
-   0,   0,
-  -1,   0, 144,
- -18,   0, -69,  82,
-  -9,   0, -68,  35,  72,
- -48,   0, -26, -87, -78, 102,
-  -3,   0, -45, -14, -31, -92,  90,
- -26,   0, -31,  -7,  -6, -14, -37, 110,
- -27,   0, -36, -80, -55,  -3, -87, -48,  72,
- -19,   0, -64,  -8,  11, -67, -34,  -2, -44,  69,
- -30,   0, -39, -82, -57,  15, -82, -42,  28, -44,  66,
- -17,   0, -26, -64, -40,  11, -65, -28,  29, -27,  34,  95,
- -20,   0, -41,  26,  -1, -58,  -7,  14, -55,   5, -61, -46,  80,
-  -6,   0, -68, -28, -22, -72, -41, -31, -56, -24, -44, -56, -32, 105,
- -12,   0, -56,   1,  25, -53, -30,  17, -43,  20, -30, -14,   1, -14,  74,
- -23,   0, -45, -27, -10, -68, -30,  -1, -53,  36, -44, -38, -10, -30,  16,  83,
-  16,   0,  -7,  -5,  -9, -58,  -6, -14, -44, -10, -47, -29,  10,  -5,  -7, -15,  60,
-   2,   0, -21, -13, -15, -47, -35, -14, -17,  -6, -34, -16,   0, -10,  -9, -16,  26,  64,
-   0,   0, -11, -65, -38, -17, -65, -47,  42, -39,  13,  10, -50, -42, -36, -44, -28,  -3,  65,
- -68,   0, -29, -96, -78,  27, -66, -28, -46, -68, -29, -31, -68, -89, -49, -30, -57, -67, -59, 166,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
- -48,   0, -20, -53, -56,  55, -74,  26, -31, -44, -20, -22, -28, -59, -38, -37, -35, -42, -33,  33,   0, 111,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0};
-short gon160mt[]={
-  46,
-   0,   0,
-   3,   0, 135,
- -11,   0, -53,  70,
-  -4,   0, -52,  34,  59,
- -38,   0, -18, -70, -62,  91,
-   2,   0, -34,  -7, -21, -76,  82,
- -18,   0, -23,  -1,  -1,  -7, -27,  93,
- -18,   0, -25, -62, -43,   3, -70, -37,  59,
- -12,   0, -48,  -1,  13, -53, -24,   2, -35,  55,
- -22,   0, -29, -65, -45,  19, -67, -32,  30, -34,  57,
- -12,   0, -19, -50, -31,  14, -52, -21,  29, -21,  34,  76,
- -12,   0, -31,  26,   5, -47,  -2,  15, -44,   8, -48, -36,  65,
-  -1,   0, -52, -19, -14, -58, -30, -22, -43, -16, -35, -42, -22,  96,
-  -7,   0, -42,   6,  23, -41, -21,  17, -32,  20, -24, -12,   5,  -8,  56,
- -16,   0, -35, -16,  -3, -53, -21,   3, -41,  35, -35, -29,  -4, -21,  17,  71,
-  16,   0,  -2,   0,  -3, -45,  -1,  -8, -33,  -4, -36, -23,  11,   0,  -2,  -9,  44,
-   5,   0, -14,  -6,  -8, -36, -24,  -8, -12,  -2, -24, -11,   3,  -4,  -4,  -9,  23,  50,
-   1,   0,  -6, -49, -30,  -8, -52, -35,  40, -30,  17,  14, -38, -32, -27, -34, -20,   0,  53,
- -55,   0, -21, -78, -64,  32, -55, -19, -34, -54, -20, -22, -55, -74, -40, -24, -47, -54, -45, 158,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
- -37,   0, -13, -42, -44,  56, -60,  27, -20, -35, -11, -13, -22, -48, -29, -29, -28, -32, -24,  38,   0, 100,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0};
-short gon250mt[]={
-  24,
-   0,   0,
-   5,   0, 115,
-  -3,   0, -32,  47,
-   0,   0, -30,  27,  36,
- -23,   0,  -8, -45, -39,  70,
-   5,   0, -20,   1,  -8, -52,  66,
-  -8,   0, -13,   4,   4,  -1, -14,  60,
-  -8,   0, -11, -38, -27,  10, -45, -22,  40,
-  -4,   0, -28,   5,  12, -33, -11,   6, -21,  32,
- -12,   0, -15, -40, -28,  20, -44, -19,  28, -21,  40,
-  -7,   0,  -9, -30, -20,  16, -35, -13,  25, -14,  28,  43,
-  -3,   0, -18,  22,   9, -31,   4,  12, -28,   8, -30, -22,  38,
-   3,   0, -31,  -7,  -5, -38, -16, -11, -26,  -6, -23, -24,  -9,  76,
-  -2,   0, -24,   9,  17, -26, -10,  12, -19,  15, -16, -10,   7,  -2,  27,
-  -6,   0, -22,  -3,   4, -32, -10,   6, -24,  27, -22, -17,   3,  -9,  15,  47,
-  11,   0,   1,   5,   2, -28,   4,  -2, -18,   1, -21, -14,   9,   4,   2,  -2,  22,
-   6,   0,  -5,   0,  -1, -22, -11,  -3,  -6,   1, -13,  -6,   5,   1,   0,  -2,  15,  25,
-   1,   0,   0, -29, -19,   1, -33, -20,  31, -17,  18,  16, -22, -18, -15, -20, -10,   0,  34,
- -36,   0, -10, -52, -43,  36, -40,  -8, -18, -35,  -7, -10, -36, -50, -27, -16, -33, -35, -26, 142,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
- -22,   0,  -5, -28, -27,  51, -40,  22,  -7, -21,   0,  -2, -14, -31, -17, -18, -19, -19, -11,  41,   0,  78,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0};
-short gon300mt[]={
-  16,
-   0,   0,
-   5,   0, 104,
-  -1,   0, -24,  37,
-   1,   0, -23,  23,  27,
- -18,   0,  -5, -37, -31,  60,
-   5,   0, -15,   3,  -4, -42,  58,
-  -6,   0, -10,   5,   4,   0, -10,  45,
-  -6,   0,  -7, -30, -21,  11, -36, -16,  33,
-  -2,   0, -21,   6,  11, -26,  -7,   5, -17,  24,
-  -9,   0, -10, -32, -22,  19, -36, -14,  25, -17,  33,
-  -5,   0,  -6, -24, -16,  15, -28, -10,  22, -11,  24,  31,
-  -1,   0, -14,  18,   9, -25,   5,  10, -22,   8, -24, -17,  27,
-   3,   0, -23,  -4,  -2, -30, -11,  -8, -20,  -3, -18, -19,  -6,  66,
-  -1,   0, -18,   9,  14, -20,  -6,   9, -15,  13, -13,  -8,   7,  -1,  18,
-  -4,   0, -17,   0,   5, -25,  -6,   6, -19,  22, -18, -13,   4,  -6,  13,  37,
-   8,   0,   1,   5,   3, -22,   4,  -1, -14,   2, -17, -11,   7,   4,   2,   0,  15,
-   5,   0,  -3,   1,   1, -17,  -7,  -1,  -4,   2,  -9,  -5,   4,   2,   1,  -1,  11,  17,
-   0,   0,   1, -23, -15,   4, -26, -15,  26, -13,  17,  15, -17, -14, -12, -15,  -8,   0,  26,
- -29,   0,  -7, -42, -36,  36, -34,  -5, -13, -28,  -4,  -6, -30, -41, -23, -14, -27, -28, -19, 132,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
- -17,   0,  -3, -22, -22,  46, -33,  18,  -3, -17,   3,   1, -12, -25, -14, -14, -15, -15,  -7,  40,   0,  67,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0};
-short gon350mt[]={
-  10,
-   0,   0,
-   4,   0,  93,
-   0,   0, -19,  29,
-   1,   0, -17,  19,  20,
- -14,   0,  -3, -30, -25,  51,
-   5,   0, -12,   4,  -2, -35,  51,
-  -4,   0,  -8,   5,   4,   1,  -7,  33,
-  -4,   0,  -5, -24, -17,  11, -29, -13,  27,
-  -1,   0, -16,   6,   9, -21,  -4,   5, -13,  18,
-  -7,   0,  -7, -25, -18,  18, -30, -11,  22, -14,  28,
-  -4,   0,  -4, -19, -13,  14, -23,  -8,  19,  -9,  21,  23,
-   0,   0, -11,  15,   9, -20,   5,   8, -18,   7, -19, -14,  20,
-   3,   0, -18,  -2,   0, -25,  -7,  -5, -16,  -2, -15, -14,  -3,  56,
-   0,   0, -14,   8,  11, -16,  -4,   7, -11,  10, -11,  -7,   6,   0,  12,
-  -2,   0, -13,   2,   6, -20,  -4,   6, -15,  18, -14, -11,   4,  -4,  10,  28,
-   6,   0,   1,   5,   3, -18,   5,   0, -11,   2, -13,  -9,   6,   4,   2,   1,  10,
-   4,   0,  -2,   2,   1, -13,  -5,  -1,  -3,   2,  -7,  -4,   4,   2,   1,   0,   8,  11,
-   0,   0,   2, -18, -12,   5, -21, -11,  22, -10,  16,  14, -13, -11,  -9, -12,  -6,   0,  21,
- -24,   0,  -4, -35, -29,  35, -30,  -3,  -9, -23,  -1,  -3, -24, -34, -19, -12, -22, -23, -14, 124,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
- -14,   0,  -1, -18, -17,  42, -27,  15,  -1, -14,   5,   2, -10, -20, -11, -12, -12, -12,  -4,  39,   0,  57,
-   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0};
-char *nucleic_acid_order = "ABCDGHKMNRSTUVWXY";
-short clustalvdnamt[]={
- 10,
-  0,  0,
-  0,  0, 10,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,
-  0,  0,  0,  0, 10,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 10,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 10,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0};
-short swgapdnamt[]={
- 10,
- -9, 10,
- -9, 10, 10,
- 10, 10, -9, 10,
- -9, 10, -9, 10, 10,
- 10, 10, 10, 10, -9, 10,
- -9, 10, -9, 10, 10, 10, 10,
- 10, 10, 10, 10, -9, 10, -9, 10,
- 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
- 10, 10, -9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
- -9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
- -9, 10, -9, 10, -9, 10, 10, -9, 10, -9, -9, 10,
- -9, 10, -9, 10, -9, 10, 10, -9, 10, -9, -9, 10, 10,
- 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, -9, -9, 10,
- 10, 10, -9, 10, -9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, -9, 10, 10, 10, 10,
- 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
- -9, 10, 10, 10, -9, 10, 10, 10, 10, -9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10};

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/matrixseries.gon
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/matrixseries.gon	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/matrixseries.gon	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-MATRIX 61 100 /us1/user/julie/matrices/gon80.bla
-MATRIX 41 60 /us1/user/julie/matrices/gon120.bla
-MATRIX 21 40 /us1/user/julie/matrices/gon250.bla
-MATRIX 0 40 /us1/user/julie/matrices/gon350.bla

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/pairalign.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/pairalign.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/pairalign.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
-/* Change int h to int gh everywhere  DES June 1994 */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
-#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
-#define gap(k)  ((k) <= 0 ? 0 : g + gh * (k))
-#define tbgap(k)  ((k) <= 0 ? 0 : tb + gh * (k))
-#define tegap(k)  ((k) <= 0 ? 0 : te + gh * (k))
- *	Prototypes
- */
-static void add(sint v);
-static sint calc_score(sint iat, sint jat, sint v1, sint v2);
-static float tracepath(sint tsb1,sint tsb2);
-static void forward_pass(char *ia, char *ib, sint n, sint m);
-static void reverse_pass(char *ia, char *ib);
-static sint diff(sint A, sint B, sint M, sint N, sint tb, sint te);
-static void del(sint k);
- *   Global variables
- */
-#ifdef MAC
-#define pwint   short
-#define pwint   int
-static sint		int_scale;
-extern double   **tmat;
-extern float    pw_go_penalty;
-extern float    pw_ge_penalty;
-extern float	transition_weight;
-extern sint 	nseqs;
-extern sint 	max_aa;
-extern sint 	gap_pos1,gap_pos2;
-extern sint  	max_aln_length;
-extern sint 	*seqlen_array;
-extern sint 	debug;
-extern sint  	mat_avscore;
-extern short 	blosum30mt[],pam350mt[],idmat[],pw_usermat[],pw_userdnamat[];
-extern short    clustalvdnamt[],swgapdnamt[];
-extern short    gon250mt[];
-extern short 	def_dna_xref[],def_aa_xref[],pw_dna_xref[],pw_aa_xref[];
-extern Boolean  dnaflag;
-extern char 	**seq_array;
-extern char 	*amino_acid_codes;
-extern char 	pw_mtrxname[];
-extern char 	pw_dnamtrxname[];
-static float 	mm_score;
-static sint 	print_ptr,last_print;
-static sint 	*displ;
-static pwint 	*HH, *DD, *RR, *SS;
-static sint 	g, gh;
-static sint   	seq1, seq2;
-static sint     matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES];
-static pwint    maxscore;
-static sint    	sb1, sb2, se1, se2;
-sint pairalign(sint istart, sint iend, sint jstart, sint jend)
-  short	 *mat_xref;
-  static sint    si, sj, i;
-  static sint    n,m,len1,len2;
-  static sint    maxres;
-  static short    *matptr;
-  static char   c;
-  static float gscale,ghscale;
-  displ = (sint *)ckalloc((2*max_aln_length+1) * sizeof(sint));
-  HH = (pwint *)ckalloc((max_aln_length) * sizeof(pwint));
-  DD = (pwint *)ckalloc((max_aln_length) * sizeof(pwint));
-  RR = (pwint *)ckalloc((max_aln_length) * sizeof(pwint));
-  SS = (pwint *)ckalloc((max_aln_length) * sizeof(pwint));
-#ifdef MAC
-  int_scale = 10;
-  int_scale = 100;
-  gscale=ghscale=1.0;
-  if (dnaflag)
-    {
-      if (debug>1) fprintf(stdout,"matrix %s\n",pw_dnamtrxname);
-      if (strcmp(pw_dnamtrxname, "iub") == 0)
-	{ 
-	  matptr = swgapdnamt;
-	  mat_xref = def_dna_xref;
-	}
-      else if (strcmp(pw_dnamtrxname, "clustalw") == 0)
-	{ 
-	  matptr = clustalvdnamt;
-	  mat_xref = def_dna_xref;
-	  gscale=0.6667;
-	  ghscale=0.751;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  matptr = pw_userdnamat;
-	  mat_xref = pw_dna_xref;
-	}
-      maxres = get_matrix(matptr, mat_xref, matrix, TRUE, int_scale);
-      if (maxres == 0) return((sint)-1);
-      matrix[0][4]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-      matrix[4][0]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-      matrix[2][11]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-      matrix[11][2]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-      matrix[2][12]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-      matrix[12][2]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      if (debug>1) fprintf(stdout,"matrix %s\n",pw_mtrxname);
-      if (strcmp(pw_mtrxname, "blosum") == 0)
-	{
-	  matptr = blosum30mt;
-	  mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-	}
-      else if (strcmp(pw_mtrxname, "pam") == 0)
-	{
-	  matptr = pam350mt;
-	  mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-	}
-      else if (strcmp(pw_mtrxname, "gonnet") == 0)
-	{
-	  matptr = gon250mt;
-	  int_scale /= 10;
-	  mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-	}
-      else if (strcmp(pw_mtrxname, "id") == 0)
-	{
-	  matptr = idmat;
-	  mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  matptr = pw_usermat;
-	  mat_xref = pw_aa_xref;
-	}
-      maxres = get_matrix(matptr, mat_xref, matrix, TRUE, int_scale);
-      if (maxres == 0) return((sint)-1);
-    }
-  for (si=MAX(0,istart);si<nseqs && si<iend;si++)
-    {
-      n = seqlen_array[si+1];
-      len1 = 0;
-      for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
-	c = seq_array[si+1][i];
-	if ((c!=gap_pos1) && (c != gap_pos2)) len1++;
-      }
-      for (sj=MAX(si+1,jstart+1);sj<nseqs && sj<jend;sj++)
-	{
-	  m = seqlen_array[sj+1];
-	  if(n==0 || m==0) {
-	    tmat[si+1][sj+1]=1.0;
-	    tmat[sj+1][si+1]=1.0;
-	    continue;
-	  }
-	  len2 = 0;
-	  for (i=1;i<=m;i++) {
-	    c = seq_array[sj+1][i];
-	    if ((c!=gap_pos1) && (c != gap_pos2)) len2++;
-	  }
-	  if (dnaflag) {
-	    g = 2 * (float)pw_go_penalty * int_scale*gscale;
-	    gh = pw_ge_penalty * int_scale*ghscale;
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    if (mat_avscore <= 0)
-              g = 2 * (float)(pw_go_penalty + log((double)(MIN(n,m))))*int_scale;
-	    else
-              g = 2 * mat_avscore * (float)(pw_go_penalty +
-					    log((double)(MIN(n,m))))*gscale;
-	    gh = pw_ge_penalty * int_scale;
-	  }
-	  if (debug>1) fprintf(stdout,"go %d ge %d\n",(pint)g,(pint)gh);
-	  /*
-	    align the sequences
-	  */
-	  seq1 = si+1;
-        seq2 = sj+1;
-        forward_pass(&seq_array[seq1][0], &seq_array[seq2][0],
-           n, m);
-        reverse_pass(&seq_array[seq1][0], &seq_array[seq2][0]);
-        last_print = 0;
-	print_ptr = 1;
-        sb1 = sb2 = 1;
-        se1 = n-1;
-        se2 = m-1;
-/* use Myers and Miller to align two sequences */
-        maxscore = diff(sb1-1, sb2-1, se1-sb1+1, se2-sb2+1, 
-        (sint)0, (sint)0);
-/* calculate percentage residue identity */
-        mm_score = tracepath(sb1,sb2);
-		if(len1==0 || len2==0) mm_score=0;
-		else
-			mm_score /= (float)MIN(len1,len2);
-        tmat[si+1][sj+1] = ((float)100.0 - mm_score)/(float)100.0;
-        tmat[sj+1][si+1] = ((float)100.0 - mm_score)/(float)100.0;
-if (debug>1)
-        fprintf(stdout,"Sequences (%d:%d) Aligned. Score: %d CompScore:  %d\n",
-                           (pint)si+1,(pint)sj+1, 
-                           (pint)mm_score, 
-                           (pint)maxscore/(MIN(len1,len2)*100));
-        info("Sequences (%d:%d) Aligned. Score:  %d",
-                                      (pint)si+1,(pint)sj+1, 
-                                      (pint)mm_score);
-   }
-  }
-   displ=ckfree((void *)displ);
-   HH=ckfree((void *)HH);
-   DD=ckfree((void *)DD);
-   RR=ckfree((void *)RR);
-   SS=ckfree((void *)SS);
-  return((sint)1);
-static void add(sint v)
-        if(last_print<0) {
-                displ[print_ptr-1] = v;
-                displ[print_ptr++] = last_print;
-        }
-        else
-                last_print = displ[print_ptr++] = v;
-static sint calc_score(sint iat,sint jat,sint v1,sint v2)
-        sint ipos,jpos;
-		sint ret;
-        ipos = v1 + iat;
-        jpos = v2 + jat;
-        ret=matrix[(int)seq_array[seq1][ipos]][(int)seq_array[seq2][jpos]];
-	return(ret);
-static float tracepath(sint tsb1,sint tsb2)
-	char c1,c2;
-    sint  i1,i2,r;
-    sint i,k,pos,to_do;
-	sint count;
-	float score;
-	char s1[600], s2[600];
-        to_do=print_ptr-1;
-        i1 = tsb1;
-        i2 = tsb2;
-	pos = 0;
-	count = 0;
-        for(i=1;i<=to_do;++i) {
-	  if (debug>1) fprintf(stdout,"%d ",(pint)displ[i]);
-	  if(displ[i]==0) {
-	    c1 = seq_array[seq1][i1];
-	    c2 = seq_array[seq2][i2];
-	    if (debug>0)
-	      {
-		if (c1>max_aa) s1[pos] = '-';
-		else s1[pos]=amino_acid_codes[c1];
-		if (c2>max_aa) s2[pos] = '-';
-		else s2[pos]=amino_acid_codes[c2];
-	      }
-	    if ((c1!=gap_pos1) && (c1 != gap_pos2) &&
-		(c1 == c2)) count++;
-	    ++i1;
-	    ++i2;
-	    ++pos;
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    if((k=displ[i])>0) {
-	      if (debug>0)
-		for (r=0;r<k;r++)
-		  {
-		    s1[pos+r]='-';
-		    if (seq_array[seq2][i2+r]>max_aa) s2[pos+r] = '-';
-		    else s2[pos+r]=amino_acid_codes[seq_array[seq2][i2+r]];
-		  }
-	      i2 += k;
-	      pos += k;
-	    }
-	    else {
-	      if (debug>0)
-		for (r=0;r<(-k);r++)
-		  {
-		    s2[pos+r]='-';
-		    if (seq_array[seq1][i1+r]>max_aa) s1[pos+r] = '-';
-		    else s1[pos+r]=amino_acid_codes[seq_array[seq1][i1+r]];
-		  }
-	      i1 -= k;
-	      pos -= k;
-	    }
-	  }
-        }
-	if (debug>0) fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-	if (debug>0) 
-	  {
-	    for (i=0;i<pos;i++) fprintf(stdout,"%c",s1[i]);
-	    fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-	    for (i=0;i<pos;i++) fprintf(stdout,"%c",s2[i]);
-	    fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-	  }
-	/*
-	  if (count <= 0) count = 1;
-	*/
-	score = 100.0 * (float)count;
-	return(score);
-static void forward_pass(char *ia, char *ib, sint n, sint m)
-  sint i,j;
-  pwint f,hh,p,t;
-  maxscore = 0;
-  se1 = se2 = 0;
-  for (i=0;i<=m;i++)
-    {
-       HH[i] = 0;
-       DD[i] = -g;
-    }
-  for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
-     {
-        hh = p = 0;
-		f = -g;
-        for (j=1;j<=m;j++)
-           {
-              f -= gh; 
-              t = hh - g - gh;
-              if (f<t) f = t;
-              DD[j] -= gh;
-              t = HH[j] - g - gh;
-              if (DD[j]<t) DD[j] = t;
-              hh = p + matrix[(int)ia[i]][(int)ib[j]];
-              if (hh<f) hh = f;
-              if (hh<DD[j]) hh = DD[j];
-              if (hh<0) hh = 0;
-              p = HH[j];
-              HH[j] = hh;
-              if (hh > maxscore)
-                {
-                   maxscore = hh;
-                   se1 = i;
-                   se2 = j;
-                }
-           }
-     }
-static void reverse_pass(char *ia, char *ib)
-  sint i,j;
-  pwint f,hh,p,t;
-  pwint cost;
-  cost = 0;
-  sb1 = sb2 = 1;
-  for (i=se2;i>0;i--)
-    {
-       HH[i] = -1;
-       DD[i] = -1;
-    }
-  for (i=se1;i>0;i--)
-     {
-        hh = f = -1;
-        if (i == se1) p = 0;
-        else p = -1;
-        for (j=se2;j>0;j--)
-           {
-              f -= gh; 
-              t = hh - g - gh;
-              if (f<t) f = t;
-              DD[j] -= gh;
-              t = HH[j] - g - gh;
-              if (DD[j]<t) DD[j] = t;
-              hh = p + matrix[(int)ia[i]][(int)ib[j]];
-              if (hh<f) hh = f;
-              if (hh<DD[j]) hh = DD[j];
-              p = HH[j];
-              HH[j] = hh;
-              if (hh > cost)
-                {
-                   cost = hh;
-                   sb1 = i;
-                   sb2 = j;
-                   if (cost >= maxscore) break;
-                }
-           }
-        if (cost >= maxscore) break;
-     }
-static int diff(sint A,sint B,sint M,sint N,sint tb,sint te)
-  sint type;
-  sint midi,midj,i,j;
-  int midh;
-  static pwint f, hh, e, s, t;
-  if(N<=0)  {
-    if(M>0) {
-      del(M);
-    }
-    return(-(int)tbgap(M));
-  }
-  if(M<=1) {
-    if(M<=0) {
-      add(N);
-      return(-(int)tbgap(N));
-    }
-    midh = -(tb+gh) - tegap(N);
-    hh = -(te+gh) - tbgap(N);
-    if (hh>midh) midh = hh;
-    midj = 0;
-    for(j=1;j<=N;j++) {
-      hh = calc_score(1,j,A,B)
-	- tegap(N-j) - tbgap(j-1);
-      if(hh>midh) {
-	midh = hh;
-	midj = j;
-      }
-    }
-    if(midj==0) {
-      del(1);
-      add(N);
-    }
-    else {
-      if(midj>1)
-	add(midj-1);
-      displ[print_ptr++] = last_print = 0;
-      if(midj<N)
-	add(N-midj);
-    }
-    return midh;
-  }
-/* Divide: Find optimum midpoint (midi,midj) of cost midh */
-  midi = M / 2;
-  HH[0] = 0.0;
-  t = -tb;
-  for(j=1;j<=N;j++) {
-    HH[j] = t = t-gh;
-    DD[j] = t-g;
-  }
-  t = -tb;
-  for(i=1;i<=midi;i++) {
-    s=HH[0];
-    HH[0] = hh = t = t-gh;
-    f = t-g;
-    for(j=1;j<=N;j++) {
-      if ((hh=hh-g-gh) > (f=f-gh)) f=hh;
-      if ((hh=HH[j]-g-gh) > (e=DD[j]-gh)) e=hh;
-      hh = s + calc_score(i,j,A,B);
-      if (f>hh) hh = f;
-      if (e>hh) hh = e;
-      s = HH[j];
-      HH[j] = hh;
-      DD[j] = e;
-    }
-  }
-  DD[0]=HH[0];
-  RR[N]=0;
-  t = -te;
-  for(j=N-1;j>=0;j--) {
-    RR[j] = t = t-gh;
-    SS[j] = t-g;
-  }
-  t = -te;
-  for(i=M-1;i>=midi;i--) {
-    s = RR[N];
-    RR[N] = hh = t = t-gh;
-    f = t-g;
-    for(j=N-1;j>=0;j--) {
-      if ((hh=hh-g-gh) > (f=f-gh)) f=hh;
-      if ((hh=RR[j]-g-gh) > (e=SS[j]-gh)) e=hh;
-      hh = s + calc_score(i+1,j+1,A,B);
-      if (f>hh) hh = f;
-      if (e>hh) hh = e;
-      s = RR[j];
-      RR[j] = hh;
-      SS[j] = e;
-    }
-  }
-  SS[N]=RR[N];
-  midh=HH[0]+RR[0];
-  midj=0;
-  type=1;
-  for(j=0;j<=N;j++) {
-    hh = HH[j] + RR[j];
-    if(hh>=midh)
-      if(hh>midh || (HH[j]!=DD[j] && RR[j]==SS[j])) {
-	midh=hh;
-	midj=j;
-      }
-  }
-  for(j=N;j>=0;j--) {
-    hh = DD[j] + SS[j] + g;
-    if(hh>midh) {
-      midh=hh;
-      midj=j;
-      type=2;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Conquer recursively around midpoint  */
-  if(type==1) {             /* Type 1 gaps  */
-    diff(A,B,midi,midj,tb,g);
-    diff(A+midi,B+midj,M-midi,N-midj,g,te);
-  }
-  else {
-    diff(A,B,midi-1,midj,tb,0.0);
-    del(2);
-    diff(A+midi+1,B+midj,M-midi-1,N-midj,0.0,te);
-  }
-  return midh;       /* Return the score of the best alignment */
-static void del(sint k)
-  if(last_print<0)
-    last_print = displ[print_ptr-1] -= k;
-  else
-    last_print = displ[print_ptr++] = -(k);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/param.h
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/param.h	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/param.h	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-#define MAXARGS 100
-typedef struct {
-	char *str;
-	sint *flag;
-	int type;
-	char **arg;
-} cmd_line_data;
-   command line switches
-sint setoptions = -1;
-sint sethelp = -1;
-sint setinteractive = -1;
-sint setbatch = -1;
-sint setgapopen = -1;
-sint setgapext = -1;
-sint setpwgapopen = -1;
-sint setpwgapext = -1;
-sint setoutorder = -1;
-sint setbootlabels = -1;
-sint setpwmatrix = -1;
-sint setmatrix = -1;
-sint setpwdnamatrix = -1;
-sint setdnamatrix = -1;
-sint setnegative = -1;
-sint setnoweights = -1;
-sint setoutput = -1;
-sint setoutputtree = -1;
-sint setquicktree = -1;
-sint settype = -1;
-sint setcase = -1;
-sint setseqno = -1;
-sint setseqno_range = -1;
-sint setrange = -1;
-sint settransweight = -1;
-sint setseed = -1;
-sint setscore = -1;
-sint setwindow = -1;
-sint setktuple = -1;
-sint setkimura = -1;
-sint settopdiags = -1;
-sint setpairgap = -1;
-sint settossgaps = -1;
-sint setnopgap = -1;
-sint setnohgap = -1;
-sint setnovgap = -1;
-sint sethgapres = -1;
-sint setvgapres = -1;
-sint setuseendgaps = -1;
-sint setmaxdiv = -1;
-sint setgapdist = -1;
-sint setdebug = -1;
-sint setoutfile = -1;
-sint setinfile = -1;
-sint setprofile1 = -1;
-sint setprofile2 = -1;
-sint setalign = -1;
-sint setconvert = -1;
-sint setnewtree = -1;
-sint setusetree = -1;
-sint setnewtree1 = -1;
-sint setusetree1 = -1;
-sint setnewtree2 = -1;
-sint setusetree2 = -1;
-sint setbootstrap = -1;
-sint settree = -1;
-sint setprofile = -1;
-sint setsequences = -1;
-sint setsecstr1 = -1;
-sint setsecstr2 = -1;
-sint setsecstroutput = -1;
-sint sethelixgap = -1;
-sint setstrandgap = -1;
-sint setloopgap = -1;
-sint setterminalgap = -1;
-sint sethelixendin = -1;
-sint sethelixendout = -1;
-sint setstrandendin = -1;
-sint setstrandendout = -1;
-   multiple alignment parameters
-float 		dna_gap_open = 15.0,  dna_gap_extend = 6.66;
-float 		prot_gap_open = 10.0, prot_gap_extend = 0.2;
-sint		profile_type = PROFILE;
-sint 		gap_dist = 4;
-sint 		output_order   = ALIGNED;
-sint    	divergence_cutoff = 30;
-sint	    matnum = 3;
-char 		mtrxname[FILENAMELEN+1] = "gonnet";
-sint	    dnamatnum = 1;
-char 		dnamtrxname[FILENAMELEN+1] = "iub";
-char 		hyd_residues[] = "GPSNDQEKR";
-Boolean 	no_weights = FALSE;
-Boolean 	neg_matrix = FALSE;
-Boolean		no_hyd_penalties = FALSE;
-Boolean		no_var_penalties = TRUE;
-Boolean		no_pref_penalties = FALSE;
-Boolean		use_endgaps = FALSE;
-Boolean		endgappenalties = FALSE;
-Boolean		reset_alignments_new  = FALSE;		/* DES */
-Boolean		reset_alignments_all  = FALSE;		/* DES */
-sint		output_struct_penalties = 0;
-sint        struct_penalties1 = NONE;
-sint        struct_penalties2 = NONE;
-Boolean		use_ss1 = TRUE;
-Boolean		use_ss2 = TRUE;
-sint        helix_penalty = 4;
-sint        strand_penalty = 4;
-sint        loop_penalty = 1;
-sint        helix_end_minus = 3;
-sint        helix_end_plus = 0;
-sint        strand_end_minus = 1;
-sint        strand_end_plus = 1;
-sint        helix_end_penalty = 2;
-sint        strand_end_penalty = 2;
-Boolean	    use_ambiguities = FALSE;
-   pairwise alignment parameters
-float  		dna_pw_go_penalty = 15.0,  dna_pw_ge_penalty = 6.66;
-float 		prot_pw_go_penalty = 10.0, prot_pw_ge_penalty = 0.1;
-sint	    pw_matnum = 3;
-char 		pw_mtrxname[FILENAMELEN+1] = "gonnet";
-sint	    pw_dnamatnum = 1;
-char 		pw_dnamtrxname[FILENAMELEN+1] = "iub";
-char     usermtrxname[FILENAMELEN+1], pw_usermtrxname[FILENAMELEN+1];
-char     dnausermtrxname[FILENAMELEN+1], pw_dnausermtrxname[FILENAMELEN+1];
-Boolean  	quick_pairalign = FALSE;
-float		transition_weight = 0.5;
-sint		new_seq;
-   quick pairwise alignment parameters
-sint   	     	dna_ktup      = 2;   /* default parameters for DNA */
-sint    	    	dna_wind_gap  = 5;
-sint    	    	dna_signif    = 4;
-sint    	    	dna_window    = 4;
-sint        	prot_ktup     = 1;   /* default parameters for proteins */
-sint        	prot_wind_gap = 3;
-sint        	prot_signif   = 5;
-sint        	prot_window   = 5;
-Boolean         percent=TRUE;
-Boolean		tossgaps = FALSE;
-Boolean		kimura = FALSE;
-sint	        boot_ntrials  = 1000;
-unsigned sint    boot_ran_seed = 111;
-sint    		debug = 0;
-Boolean        	explicit_dnaflag = FALSE; /* Explicit setting of sequence type on comm.line*/
-Boolean        	lowercase = TRUE; /* Flag for GDE output - set on comm. line*/
-Boolean        	cl_seq_numbers = FALSE;
-Boolean        	seqRange = FALSE; /* Ramu */
-Boolean        	output_clustal = TRUE;
-Boolean        	output_gcg     = FALSE;
-Boolean        	output_phylip  = FALSE;
-Boolean        	output_nbrf    = FALSE;
-Boolean        	output_gde     = FALSE;
-Boolean        	output_nexus   = FALSE;
-Boolean        	output_fasta   = FALSE;
-Boolean         showaln        = TRUE;
-Boolean         save_parameters = FALSE;
-/* DES */
-Boolean        	output_tree_clustal   = FALSE;
-Boolean        	output_tree_phylip    = TRUE;
-Boolean        	output_tree_distances = FALSE;
-Boolean        	output_tree_nexus = FALSE;
-Boolean        	output_pim = FALSE;
-sint		bootstrap_format      = BS_BRANCH_LABELS;
-/*These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in the Gonnet Pam250
-matrix. There are strong and weak groups, defined as strong score >0.5 and
-weak score =<0.5. Strong matching columns to be assigned ':' and weak matches
-assigned '.' in the clustal output format.
-char *res_cat1[] = {
-                "STA",
-                "NEQK",
-                "NHQK",
-                "NDEQ",
-                "QHRK",
-                "MILV",
-                "MILF",
-                "HY",
-                "FYW",
-                NULL };
-char *res_cat2[] = {
-                "CSA",
-                "ATV",
-                "SAG",
-                "STNK",
-                "STPA",
-                "SGND",
-                "SNDEQK",
-                "NDEQHK",
-                "NEQHRK",
-                "FVLIM",
-                "HFY",
-                NULL };
-static char *type_arg[] = {
-                "protein",
-                "dna",
-		""};
-static char *bootlabels_arg[] = {
-                "node",
-                "branch",
-		""};
-static char *outorder_arg[] = {
-                "input",
-                "aligned",
-		""};
-static char *case_arg[] = {
-                "lower",
-                "upper",
-		""};
-static char *seqno_arg[] = {
-                "off",
-                "on",
-		""};
-static char *seqno_range_arg[] = {
-                "off",
-                "on",
-		""};
-static char *score_arg[] = {
-                "percent",
-                "absolute",
-		""};
-static char *output_arg[] = {
-                "gcg",
-                "gde",
-                "pir",
-                "phylip",
-                "nexus",
-                "fasta",
-		""};
-static char *outputtree_arg[] = {
-                "nj",
-                "phylip",
-                "dist",
-                "nexus",
-		""};
-static char *outputsecstr_arg[] = {
-                "structure",
-                "mask",
-                "both",
-                "none",
-		""};
-     command line initialisation
-     type = 0    no argument
-     type = 1    integer argument
-     type = 2    float argument
-     type = 3    string argument
-     type = 4    filename
-     type = 5    opts
-#define NOARG 0
-#define INTARG 1
-#define FLTARG 2
-#define STRARG 3
-#define FILARG 4
-#define OPTARG 5
-/* command line switches for DATA       **************************/
-cmd_line_data cmd_line_file[] = {
-     "infile",		&setinfile,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "profile1",	&setprofile1,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "profile2",	&setprofile2,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "",		NULL,			-1};
-/* command line switches for VERBS      **************************/
-cmd_line_data cmd_line_verb[] = {
-     "help",		&sethelp,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "check",       &sethelp,    		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "options",		&setoptions,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "align",		&setalign,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "newtree",		&setnewtree,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "usetree",		&setusetree,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "newtree1",	&setnewtree1,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "usetree1",	&setusetree1,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "newtree2",	&setnewtree2,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "usetree2",	&setusetree2,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "bootstrap",	&setbootstrap,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "tree",		&settree, 		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "quicktree",	&setquicktree,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "convert",		&setconvert,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "interactive",	&setinteractive,	NOARG,	NULL,
-     "batch",		&setbatch,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "",		NULL,			-1};
-/* command line switches for PARAMETERS **************************/
-cmd_line_data cmd_line_para[] = {
-     "type",		&settype,		OPTARG,	type_arg,
-     "profile",	&setprofile,	NOARG,	NULL,
-     "sequences",	&setsequences,	NOARG,	NULL,
-     "matrix",		&setmatrix,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "dnamatrix",	&setdnamatrix,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "negative",	&setnegative,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "noweights",	&setnoweights,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "gapopen", 	&setgapopen,		FLTARG,	NULL,
-     "gapext",		&setgapext,		FLTARG,	NULL,
-     "endgaps",		&setuseendgaps,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "nopgap",		&setnopgap,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "nohgap",		&setnohgap,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "novgap",		&setnovgap,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "hgapresidues",	&sethgapres,		STRARG,	NULL,
-     "maxdiv",		&setmaxdiv,		INTARG,	NULL,
-     "gapdist",		&setgapdist,		INTARG,	NULL,
-     "pwmatrix",	&setpwmatrix,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "pwdnamatrix",	&setpwdnamatrix,	FILARG,	NULL,
-     "pwgapopen",	&setpwgapopen,		FLTARG,	NULL,
-     "pwgapext",	&setpwgapext,		FLTARG,	NULL,
-     "ktuple",		&setktuple,		INTARG,	NULL,
-     "window",		&setwindow,		INTARG,	NULL,
-     "pairgap",		&setpairgap,		INTARG,	NULL,
-     "topdiags",	&settopdiags,		INTARG,	NULL,
-     "score",		&setscore,		OPTARG,	score_arg,
-     "transweight",	&settransweight,	FLTARG,	NULL,
-     "seed",		&setseed,		INTARG,	NULL,
-     "kimura",		&setkimura,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "tossgaps",	&settossgaps,		NOARG,	NULL,
-     "bootlabels",	&setbootlabels,		OPTARG,	bootlabels_arg,
-     "debug",		&setdebug,		INTARG,	NULL,
-     "output",		&setoutput,		OPTARG,	output_arg,
-     "outputtree",	&setoutputtree,		OPTARG,	outputtree_arg,
-     "outfile",		&setoutfile,		FILARG,	NULL,
-     "outorder",	&setoutorder,		OPTARG,	outorder_arg,
-     "case",		&setcase,		OPTARG,	case_arg,
-     "seqnos",		&setseqno,		OPTARG,	seqno_arg,
-     "seqno_range",	&setseqno_range,	OPTARG,	seqno_range_arg, /* this one should be on/off  and */
-     "range",           &setrange,             STRARG, NULL,  /* this one should be like 10:20  ,   messy option settings */
-     "nosecstr1",   &setsecstr1,		NOARG, NULL,
-     "nosecstr2",   &setsecstr2,		NOARG, NULL,
-     "secstrout",   &setsecstroutput,	OPTARG,  outputsecstr_arg,
-     "helixgap",    &sethelixgap,		INTARG, NULL,
-     "strandgap",   &setstrandgap,		INTARG, NULL,
-     "loopgap",     &setloopgap,		INTARG, NULL,
-     "terminalgap", &setterminalgap,	INTARG, NULL,
-     "helixendin",  &sethelixendin,		INTARG, NULL,
-     "helixendout", &sethelixendout,	INTARG, NULL,
-     "strandendin", &setstrandendin,	INTARG, NULL,
-     "strandendout",&setstrandendout,	INTARG, NULL,
-     "",		NULL,			-1};

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/prfalign.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/prfalign.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/prfalign.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,1132 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#define ENDALN 127
-#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
-#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
- *   Prototypes
- */
-static lint 	pdiff(sint A,sint B,sint i,sint j,sint go1,sint go2);
-static lint 	prfscore(sint n, sint m);
-static sint 	gap_penalty1(sint i, sint j,sint k);
-static sint 	open_penalty1(sint i, sint j);
-static sint 	ext_penalty1(sint i, sint j);
-static sint 	gap_penalty2(sint i, sint j,sint k);
-static sint 	open_penalty2(sint i, sint j);
-static sint 	ext_penalty2(sint i, sint j);
-static void 	padd(sint k);
-static void 	pdel(sint k);
-static void 	palign(void);
-static void 	ptracepath(sint *alen);
-static void 	add_ggaps(void);
-static char *     add_ggaps_mask(char *mask, int len, char *path1, char *path2);
- *   Global variables
- */
-extern double 	**tmat;
-extern float 	gap_open, gap_extend;
-extern float    transition_weight;
-extern sint 	gap_pos1, gap_pos2;
-extern sint 	max_aa;
-extern sint 	nseqs;
-extern sint 	*seqlen_array;
-extern sint 	*seq_weight;
-extern sint    	debug;
-extern Boolean 	neg_matrix;
-extern sint 	mat_avscore;
-extern short  	blosum30mt[], blosum40mt[], blosum45mt[];
-extern short  	blosum62mt2[], blosum80mt[];
-extern short  	pam20mt[], pam60mt[];
-extern short  	pam120mt[], pam160mt[], pam350mt[];
-extern short  	gon40mt[], gon80mt[];
-extern short    gon120mt[], gon160mt[], gon250mt[], gon350mt[];
-extern short  	clustalvdnamt[],swgapdnamt[];
-extern short  	idmat[];
-extern short    usermat[];
-extern short    userdnamat[];
-extern Boolean user_series;
-extern UserMatSeries matseries;
-extern short	def_dna_xref[],def_aa_xref[],dna_xref[],aa_xref[];
-extern sint		max_aln_length;
-extern Boolean	distance_tree;
-extern Boolean	dnaflag;
-extern char 	mtrxname[];
-extern char 	dnamtrxname[];
-extern char 	**seq_array;
-extern char 	*amino_acid_codes;
-extern char     *gap_penalty_mask1,*gap_penalty_mask2;
-extern char     *sec_struct_mask1,*sec_struct_mask2;
-extern sint     struct_penalties1, struct_penalties2;
-extern Boolean  use_ss1, use_ss2;
-extern Boolean endgappenalties;
-static sint 	print_ptr,last_print;
-static sint 		*displ;
-static char   	**alignment;
-static sint    	*aln_len;
-static sint    *aln_weight;
-static char   	*aln_path1, *aln_path2;
-static sint    	alignment_len;
-static sint    	**profile1, **profile2;
-static lint 	    *HH, *DD, *RR, *SS;
-static lint 	    *gS;
-static sint    matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES];
-static sint    nseqs1, nseqs2;
-static sint    	prf_length1, prf_length2;
-static sint    *gaps;
-static sint    gapcoef1,gapcoef2;
-static sint    lencoef1,lencoef2;
-static Boolean switch_profiles;
-lint prfalign(sint *group, sint *aligned)
-  static Boolean found;
-  static Boolean negative;
-  static Boolean error_given=FALSE;
-  static sint    i, j, count = 0;
-  static sint  NumSeq;
-  static sint    len, len1, len2, is, minlen;
-  static sint   se1, se2, sb1, sb2;
-  static sint  maxres;
-  static sint int_scale;
-  static short  *matptr;
-  static short	*mat_xref;
-  static char   c;
-  static lint    score;
-  static float  scale;
-  static double logmin,logdiff;
-  static double pcid;
-  alignment = (char **) ckalloc( nseqs * sizeof (char *) );
-  aln_len = (sint *) ckalloc( nseqs * sizeof (sint) );
-  aln_weight = (sint *) ckalloc( nseqs * sizeof (sint) );
-  for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-     if (aligned[i+1] == 0) group[i+1] = 0;
-  nseqs1 = nseqs2 = 0;
-  for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-    {
-        if (group[i+1] == 1) nseqs1++;
-        else if (group[i+1] == 2) nseqs2++;
-    }
-  if ((nseqs1 == 0) || (nseqs2 == 0)) return(0.0);
-  if (nseqs2 > nseqs1)
-    {
-     switch_profiles = TRUE;
-     for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-       {
-          if (group[i+1] == 1) group[i+1] = 2;
-          else if (group[i+1] == 2) group[i+1] = 1;
-       }
-    }
-  else
-  	switch_profiles = FALSE;
-  int_scale = 100;
-   calculate the mean of the sequence pc identities between the two groups
-        count = 0;
-        pcid = 0.0;
-	negative=neg_matrix;
-        for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-          {
-             if (group[i+1] == 1)
-             for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-               if (group[j+1] == 2)
-                    {
-                       count++;
-                       pcid += tmat[i+1][j+1];
-                    }
-          }
-  pcid = pcid/(float)count;
-if (debug > 0) fprintf(stdout,"mean tmat %3.1f\n", pcid);
-  Make the first profile.
-  prf_length1 = 0;
-  for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-       if (group[i+1] == 1)
-		if(seqlen_array[i+1]>prf_length1) prf_length1=seqlen_array[i+1];
-  nseqs1 = 0;
-if (debug>0) fprintf(stdout,"sequences profile 1:\n");
-  for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-    {
-       if (group[i+1] == 1)
-          {
-if (debug>0) {
-extern char **names;
-             len = seqlen_array[i+1];
-             alignment[nseqs1] = (char *) ckalloc( (prf_length1+2) * sizeof (char) );
-             for (j=0;j<len;j++)
-               alignment[nseqs1][j] = seq_array[i+1][j+1];
-		for(j=len;j<prf_length1;j++)
-			alignment[nseqs1][j]=gap_pos1;
-             alignment[nseqs1][j] = ENDALN;
-             aln_len[nseqs1] = prf_length1;
-             aln_weight[nseqs1] = seq_weight[i];
-             nseqs1++;
-          }
-    }
-  Make the second profile.
-  prf_length2 = 0;
-  for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-       if (group[i+1] == 2)
-		if(seqlen_array[i+1]>prf_length2) prf_length2=seqlen_array[i+1];
-  nseqs2 = 0;
-if (debug>0) fprintf(stdout,"sequences profile 2:\n");
-  for (i=0;i<nseqs;i++)
-    {
-       if (group[i+1] == 2)
-          {
-if (debug>0) {
-extern char **names;
-             len = seqlen_array[i+1];
-             alignment[nseqs1+nseqs2] =
-                   (char *) ckalloc( (prf_length2+2) * sizeof (char) );
-             for (j=0;j<len;j++)
-               alignment[nseqs1+nseqs2][j] = seq_array[i+1][j+1];
-		for(j=len;j<prf_length2;j++)
-			alignment[nseqs1+nseqs2][j]=gap_pos1;
-             alignment[nseqs1+nseqs2][j] = ENDALN;
-             aln_len[nseqs1+nseqs2] = prf_length2;
-             aln_weight[nseqs1+nseqs2] = seq_weight[i];
-             nseqs2++;
-          }
-    }
-  max_aln_length = prf_length1 + prf_length2+2;
-   calculate real length of profiles - removing gaps!
-  len1=0;
-  for (i=0;i<nseqs1;i++)
-    {
-       is=0;
-       for (j=0; j<MIN(aln_len[i],prf_length1); j++)
-	  {
-            c = alignment[i][j];
-      	    if ((c !=gap_pos1) && (c != gap_pos2)) is++;
-          }
-       len1+=is;
-    }
-  len1/=(float)nseqs1;
-  len2=0;
-  for (i=nseqs1;i<nseqs2+nseqs1;i++)
-    {
-       is=0;
-       for (j=0; j<MIN(aln_len[i],prf_length2); j++)
-	  {
-            c = alignment[i][j];
-      	    if ((c !=gap_pos1) && (c != gap_pos2)) is++;
-          }
-       len2+=is;
-    }
-  len2/=(float)nseqs2;
-  if (dnaflag)
-     {
-       scale=1.0;
-       if (strcmp(dnamtrxname, "iub") == 0)
-	{
-            matptr = swgapdnamt;
-            mat_xref = def_dna_xref;
-	}
-       else if (strcmp(dnamtrxname, "clustalw") == 0)
-	{
-            matptr = clustalvdnamt;
-            mat_xref = def_dna_xref;
-            scale=0.66;
-	}
-       else 
-        {
-           matptr = userdnamat;
-           mat_xref = dna_xref;
-        }
-            maxres = get_matrix(matptr, mat_xref, matrix, neg_matrix, int_scale);
-            if (maxres == 0) return((sint)-1);
-            matrix[0][4]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-            matrix[4][0]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-            matrix[2][11]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-            matrix[11][2]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-            matrix[2][12]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-            matrix[12][2]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0];
-/* fix suggested by Chanan Rubin at Compugen */
-           matrix[mat_xref[0]][mat_xref[4]]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0]; 
-           matrix[mat_xref[4]][mat_xref[0]]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0]; 
-           matrix[mat_xref[2]][mat_xref[11]]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0]; 
-           matrix[mat_xref[11]][mat_xref[2]]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0]; 
-           matrix[mat_xref[2]][mat_xref[12]]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0]; 
-           matrix[mat_xref[12]][mat_xref[2]]=transition_weight*matrix[0][0]; 
-          gapcoef1 = gapcoef2 = 100.0 * gap_open *scale;
-          lencoef1 = lencoef2 = 100.0 * gap_extend *scale;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-  	if(len1==0 || len2==0) {
-  		logmin=1.0;
-  		logdiff=1.0;
-  	}  
-  	else {
-  		minlen = MIN(len1,len2);
- 		logmin = 1.0/log10((double)minlen);
- 		if (len2<len1)
-    	 		logdiff = 1.0+0.5*log10((double)((float)len2/(float)len1));
-  		else if (len1<len2)
-  	   		logdiff = 1.0+0.5*log10((double)((float)len1/(float)len2));
-  		else logdiff=1.0;
-		if(logdiff<0.9) logdiff=0.9;
-  	}
-if(debug>0) fprintf(stdout,"%d %d logmin %f   logdiff %f\n",
-(pint)len1,(pint)len2, logmin,logdiff);
-       scale=0.75;
-       if (strcmp(mtrxname, "blosum") == 0)
-        {
-           scale=0.75;
-           if (negative || distance_tree == FALSE) matptr = blosum40mt;
-           else if (pcid > 80.0)
-             {
-                matptr = blosum80mt;
-             }
-           else if (pcid > 60.0)
-             {
-                matptr = blosum62mt2;
-             }
-           else if (pcid > 40.0)
-             {
-                matptr = blosum45mt;
-             }
-           else if (pcid > 30.0)
-             {
-                scale=0.5;
-                matptr = blosum45mt;
-             }
-           else if (pcid > 20.0)
-             {
-                scale=0.6;
-                matptr = blosum45mt;
-             }
-           else 
-             {
-                scale=0.6;
-                matptr = blosum30mt;
-             }
-           mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-        }
-       else if (strcmp(mtrxname, "pam") == 0)
-        {
-           scale=0.75;
-           if (negative || distance_tree == FALSE) matptr = pam120mt;
-           else if (pcid > 80.0) matptr = pam20mt;
-           else if (pcid > 60.0) matptr = pam60mt;
-           else if (pcid > 40.0) matptr = pam120mt;
-           else matptr = pam350mt;
-           mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-        }
-       else if (strcmp(mtrxname, "gonnet") == 0)
-        {
-	   scale/=2.0;
-           if (negative || distance_tree == FALSE) matptr = gon250mt;
-           else if (pcid > 35.0)
-             {
-                matptr = gon80mt;
-		scale/=2.0;
-             }
-           else if (pcid > 25.0)
-             {
-                if(minlen<100) matptr = gon250mt;
-                else matptr = gon120mt;
-             }
-           else
-             {
-                if(minlen<100) matptr = gon350mt;
-		else matptr = gon160mt;
-             }
-           mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-           int_scale /= 10;
-        }
-       else if (strcmp(mtrxname, "id") == 0)
-        {
-           matptr = idmat;
-           mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-        }
-       else if(user_series)
-        {
-           matptr=NULL;
-	   found=FALSE;
-	   for(i=0;i<matseries.nmat;i++)
-		if(pcid>=matseries.mat[i].llimit && pcid<=matseries.mat[i].ulimit)
-		{
-			j=i;
-			found=TRUE;
-			break;
-		}
-	   if(found==FALSE)
-	   {
-		if(!error_given)
-		warning(
-"\nSeries matrix not found for sequence percent identity = %d.\n"
-"(Using first matrix in series as a default.)\n"
-"This alignment may not be optimal!\n"
-"SUGGESTION: Check your matrix series input file and try again.",(int)pcid);
-		error_given=TRUE;
-		j=0;
-	   }
-if (debug>0) fprintf(stdout,"pcid %d  matrix %d\n",(pint)pcid,(pint)j+1);
-           matptr = matseries.mat[j].matptr;
-           mat_xref = matseries.mat[j].aa_xref;
-/* this gives a scale of 0.5 for pcid=llimit and 1.0 for pcid=ulimit */
-           scale=0.5+(pcid-matseries.mat[j].llimit)/((matseries.mat[j].ulimit-matseries.mat[j].llimit)*2.0);
-        }
-       else 
-        {
-           matptr = usermat;
-           mat_xref = aa_xref;
-        }
-if(debug>0) fprintf(stdout,"pcid %3.1f scale %3.1f\n",pcid,scale);
-      	maxres = get_matrix(matptr, mat_xref, matrix, negative, int_scale);
-      if (maxres == 0)
-        {
-           fprintf(stdout,"Error: matrix %s not found\n", mtrxname);
-           return(-1);
-        }
-          if (negative) {
-              gapcoef1 = gapcoef2 = 100.0 * (float)(gap_open);
-              lencoef1 = lencoef2 = 100.0 * gap_extend;
-	  }
-          else {
-          if (mat_avscore <= 0)
-              gapcoef1 = gapcoef2 = 100.0 * (float)(gap_open + logmin);
-	  else
-              gapcoef1 = gapcoef2 = scale * mat_avscore * (float)(gap_open/(logdiff*logmin));
-              lencoef1 = lencoef2 = 100.0 * gap_extend;
-	 }
-    }
-if (debug>0)
-fprintf(stdout,"matavscore %d\n",mat_avscore);
-fprintf(stdout,"Gap Open1 %d  Gap Open2 %d  Gap Extend1 %d   Gap Extend2 %d\n",
-   (pint)gapcoef1,(pint)gapcoef2, (pint)lencoef1,(pint)lencoef2);
-fprintf(stdout,"Matrix  %s\n", mtrxname);
-  profile1 = (sint **) ckalloc( (prf_length1+2) * sizeof (sint *) );
-  for(i=0; i<prf_length1+2; i++)
-       profile1[i] = (sint *) ckalloc( (LENCOL+2) * sizeof(sint) );
-  profile2 = (sint **) ckalloc( (prf_length2+2) * sizeof (sint *) );
-  for(i=0; i<prf_length2+2; i++)
-       profile2[i] = (sint *) ckalloc( (LENCOL+2) * sizeof(sint) );
-  calculate the Gap Coefficients.
-     gaps = (sint *) ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-     if (switch_profiles == FALSE)
-        calc_gap_coeff(alignment, gaps, profile1, (struct_penalties1 && use_ss1), gap_penalty_mask1,
-           (sint)0, nseqs1, prf_length1, gapcoef1, lencoef1);
-     else
-        calc_gap_coeff(alignment, gaps, profile1, (struct_penalties2 && use_ss2), gap_penalty_mask2,
-           (sint)0, nseqs1, prf_length1, gapcoef1, lencoef1);
-  calculate the profile matrix.
-     calc_prf1(profile1, alignment, gaps, matrix,
-          aln_weight, prf_length1, (sint)0, nseqs1);
-if (debug>4)
-extern char *amino_acid_codes;
-  for (j=0;j<=max_aa;j++)
-    fprintf(stdout,"%c    ", amino_acid_codes[j]);
- fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-  for (i=0;i<prf_length1;i++)
-   {
-    for (j=0;j<=max_aa;j++)
-      fprintf(stdout,"%d ", (pint)profile1[i+1][j]);
-    fprintf(stdout,"%d ", (pint)profile1[i+1][gap_pos1]);
-    fprintf(stdout,"%d ", (pint)profile1[i+1][gap_pos2]);
-    fprintf(stdout,"%d %d\n",(pint)profile1[i+1][GAPCOL],(pint)profile1[i+1][LENCOL]);
-   }
-  calculate the Gap Coefficients.
-     if (switch_profiles == FALSE)
-        calc_gap_coeff(alignment, gaps, profile2, (struct_penalties2 && use_ss2), gap_penalty_mask2,
-           nseqs1, nseqs1+nseqs2, prf_length2, gapcoef2, lencoef2);
-     else
-        calc_gap_coeff(alignment, gaps, profile2, (struct_penalties1 && use_ss1), gap_penalty_mask1,
-           nseqs1, nseqs1+nseqs2, prf_length2, gapcoef2, lencoef2);
-  calculate the profile matrix.
-     calc_prf2(profile2, alignment, aln_weight,
-           prf_length2, nseqs1, nseqs1+nseqs2);
-     aln_weight=ckfree((void *)aln_weight);
-if (debug>4)
-extern char *amino_acid_codes;
-  for (j=0;j<=max_aa;j++)
-    fprintf(stdout,"%c    ", amino_acid_codes[j]);
- fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-  for (i=0;i<prf_length2;i++)
-   {
-    for (j=0;j<=max_aa;j++)
-      fprintf(stdout,"%d ", (pint)profile2[i+1][j]);
-    fprintf(stdout,"%d ", (pint)profile2[i+1][gap_pos1]);
-    fprintf(stdout,"%d ", (pint)profile2[i+1][gap_pos2]);
-    fprintf(stdout,"%d %d\n",(pint)profile2[i+1][GAPCOL],(pint)profile2[i+1][LENCOL]);
-   }
-  aln_path1 = (char *) ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof(char) );
-  aln_path2 = (char *) ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof(char) );
-   align the profiles
-/* use Myers and Miller to align two sequences */
-  last_print = 0;
-  print_ptr = 1;
-  sb1 = sb2 = 0;
-  se1 = prf_length1;
-  se2 = prf_length2;
-  HH = (lint *) ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (lint) );
-  DD = (lint *) ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (lint) );
-  RR = (lint *) ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (lint) );
-  SS = (lint *) ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (lint) );
-  gS = (lint *) ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (lint) );
-  displ = (sint *) ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-  score = pdiff(sb1, sb2, se1-sb1, se2-sb2, profile1[0][GAPCOL], profile1[prf_length1][GAPCOL]);
-  HH=ckfree((void *)HH);
-  DD=ckfree((void *)DD);
-  RR=ckfree((void *)RR);
-  SS=ckfree((void *)SS);
-  gS=ckfree((void *)gS);
-  ptracepath( &alignment_len);
-  displ=ckfree((void *)displ);
-  add_ggaps();
-  for (i=0;i<prf_length1+2;i++)
-     profile1[i]=ckfree((void *)profile1[i]);
-  profile1=ckfree((void *)profile1);
-  for (i=0;i<prf_length2+2;i++)
-     profile2[i]=ckfree((void *)profile2[i]);
-  profile2=ckfree((void *)profile2);
-  prf_length1 = alignment_len;
-  aln_path1=ckfree((void *)aln_path1);
-  aln_path2=ckfree((void *)aln_path2);
-  NumSeq = 0;
-  for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-    {
-       if (group[j+1]  == 1)
-         {
-            seqlen_array[j+1] = prf_length1;
-	    realloc_seq(j+1,prf_length1);
-            for (i=0;i<prf_length1;i++)
-              seq_array[j+1][i+1] = alignment[NumSeq][i];
-            NumSeq++;
-         }
-    }
-  for (j=0;j<nseqs;j++)
-    {
-       if (group[j+1]  == 2)
-         {
-            seqlen_array[j+1] = prf_length1;
-            seq_array[j+1] = (char *)realloc(seq_array[j+1], (prf_length1+2) * sizeof (char));
-	    realloc_seq(j+1,prf_length1);
-            for (i=0;i<prf_length1;i++)
-              seq_array[j+1][i+1] = alignment[NumSeq][i];
-            NumSeq++;
-         }
-    }
-  for (i=0;i<nseqs1+nseqs2;i++)
-     alignment[i]=ckfree((void *)alignment[i]);
-  alignment=ckfree((void *)alignment);
-  aln_len=ckfree((void *)aln_len);
-  gaps=ckfree((void *)gaps);
-  return(score/100);
-static void add_ggaps(void)
-   sint j;
-   sint i,ix;
-   sint len;
-   char *ta;
-   ta = (char *) ckalloc( (alignment_len+1) * sizeof (char) );
-   for (j=0;j<nseqs1;j++)
-     {
-      ix = 0;
-      for (i=0;i<alignment_len;i++)
-        {
-           if (aln_path1[i] == 2)
-              {
-                 if (ix < aln_len[j])
-                    ta[i] = alignment[j][ix];
-                 else 
-                    ta[i] = ENDALN;
-                 ix++;
-              }
-           else if (aln_path1[i] == 1)
-              {
-   insertion in first alignment...
-                 ta[i] = gap_pos1;
-              }
-           else
-              {
-                 fprintf(stdout,"Error in aln_path\n");
-              }
-         }
-       ta[i] = ENDALN;
-       len = alignment_len;
-       alignment[j] = (char *)realloc(alignment[j], (len+2) * sizeof (char));
-       for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-         alignment[j][i] = ta[i];
-       alignment[j][len] = ENDALN;
-       aln_len[j] = len;
-      }
-   for (j=nseqs1;j<nseqs1+nseqs2;j++)
-     {
-      ix = 0;
-      for (i=0;i<alignment_len;i++)
-        {
-           if (aln_path2[i] == 2)
-              {
-                 if (ix < aln_len[j])
-                    ta[i] = alignment[j][ix];
-                 else 
-                    ta[i] = ENDALN;
-                 ix++;
-              }
-           else if (aln_path2[i] == 1)
-              {
-   insertion in second alignment...
-                 ta[i] = gap_pos1;
-              }
-           else
-              {
-                 fprintf(stdout,"Error in aln_path\n");
-              }
-         }
-       ta[i] = ENDALN;
-       len = alignment_len;
-       alignment[j] = (char *) realloc(alignment[j], (len+2) * sizeof (char) );
-       for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-         alignment[j][i] = ta[i];
-       alignment[j][len] = ENDALN;
-       aln_len[j] = len;
-      }
-   ta=ckfree((void *)ta);
-   if (struct_penalties1 != NONE)
-       gap_penalty_mask1 = add_ggaps_mask(gap_penalty_mask1,alignment_len,aln_path1,aln_path2);
-   if (struct_penalties1 == SECST)
-       sec_struct_mask1 = add_ggaps_mask(sec_struct_mask1,alignment_len,aln_path1,aln_path2);
-   if (struct_penalties2 != NONE)
-       gap_penalty_mask2 = add_ggaps_mask(gap_penalty_mask2,alignment_len,aln_path2,aln_path1);
-   if (struct_penalties2 == SECST)
-       sec_struct_mask2 = add_ggaps_mask(sec_struct_mask2,alignment_len,aln_path2,aln_path1);
-if (debug>0)
-  char c;
-  extern char *amino_acid_codes;
-   for (i=0;i<nseqs1+nseqs2;i++)
-     {
-      for (j=0;j<alignment_len;j++)
-       {
-        if (alignment[i][j] == ENDALN) break;
-        else if ((alignment[i][j] == gap_pos1) || (alignment[i][j] == gap_pos2))  c = '-';
-        else c = amino_acid_codes[alignment[i][j]];
-        fprintf(stdout,"%c", c);
-       }
-      fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-     }
-static char * add_ggaps_mask(char *mask, int len, char *path1, char *path2)
-   int i,ix;
-   char *ta;
-   ta = (char *) ckalloc( (len+1) * sizeof (char) );
-       ix = 0;
-       if (switch_profiles == FALSE)
-        {     
-         for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-           {
-             if (path1[i] == 2)
-              {
-                ta[i] = mask[ix];
-                ix++;
-              }
-             else if (path1[i] == 1)
-                ta[i] = gap_pos1;
-           }
-        }
-       else
-        {
-         for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-          {
-            if (path2[i] == 2)
-             {
-               ta[i] = mask[ix];
-               ix++;
-             }
-            else if (path2[i] == 1)
-             ta[i] = gap_pos1;
-           }
-         }
-       mask = (char *)realloc(mask,(len+2) * sizeof (char));
-       for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-         mask[i] = ta[i];
-       mask[i] ='\0';
-   ta=ckfree((void *)ta);
-   return(mask);
-static lint prfscore(sint n, sint m)
-   sint    ix;
-   lint  score;
-   score = 0.0;
-   for (ix=0; ix<=max_aa; ix++)
-     {
-         score += (profile1[n][ix] * profile2[m][ix]);
-     }
-   score += (profile1[n][gap_pos1] * profile2[m][gap_pos1]);
-   score += (profile1[n][gap_pos2] * profile2[m][gap_pos2]);
-   return(score/10);
-static void ptracepath(sint *alen)
-    sint i,j,k,pos,to_do;
-    pos = 0;
-    to_do=print_ptr-1;
-    for(i=1;i<=to_do;++i) {
-if (debug>1) fprintf(stdout,"%d ",(pint)displ[i]);
-            if(displ[i]==0) {
-                    aln_path1[pos]=2;
-                    aln_path2[pos]=2;
-                    ++pos;
-            }
-            else {
-                    if((k=displ[i])>0) {
-                            for(j=0;j<=k-1;++j) {
-                                    aln_path2[pos+j]=2;
-                                    aln_path1[pos+j]=1;
-                            }
-                            pos += k;
-                    }
-                    else {
-                            k = (displ[i]<0) ? displ[i] * -1 : displ[i];
-                            for(j=0;j<=k-1;++j) {
-                                    aln_path1[pos+j]=2;
-                                    aln_path2[pos+j]=1;
-                            }
-                            pos += k;
-                    }
-            }
-    }
-if (debug>1) fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-   (*alen) = pos;
-static void pdel(sint k)
-        if(last_print<0)
-                last_print = displ[print_ptr-1] -= k;
-        else
-                last_print = displ[print_ptr++] = -(k);
-static void padd(sint k)
-        if(last_print<0) {
-                displ[print_ptr-1] = k;
-                displ[print_ptr++] = last_print;
-        }
-        else
-                last_print = displ[print_ptr++] = k;
-static void palign(void)
-        displ[print_ptr++] = last_print = 0;
-static lint pdiff(sint A,sint B,sint M,sint N,sint go1, sint go2)
-        sint midi,midj,type;
-        lint midh;
-        static lint t, tl, g, h;
-{		static sint i,j;
-        static lint hh, f, e, s;
-/* Boundary cases: M <= 1 or N == 0 */
-if (debug>2) fprintf(stdout,"A %d B %d M %d N %d midi %d go1 %d go2 %d\n", 
-/* if sequence B is empty....                                            */
-        if(N<=0)  {
-/* if sequence A is not empty....                                        */
-                if(M>0) {
-/* delete residues A[1] to A[M]                                          */
-                        pdel(M);
-                }
-                return(-gap_penalty1(A,B,M));
-        }
-/* if sequence A is empty....                                            */
-        if(M<=1) {
-                if(M<=0) {
-/* insert residues B[1] to B[N]                                          */
-                        padd(N);
-                        return(-gap_penalty2(A,B,N));
-                }
-/* if sequence A has just one residue....                                */
-                if (go1 == 0)
-                	midh =  -gap_penalty1(A+1,B+1,N);
-                else
-                	midh =  -gap_penalty2(A+1,B,1)-gap_penalty1(A+1,B+1,N);
-                midj = 0;
-                for(j=1;j<=N;j++) {
-                        hh = -gap_penalty1(A,B+1,j-1) + prfscore(A+1,B+j)
-                            -gap_penalty1(A+1,B+j+1,N-j);
-                        if(hh>midh) {
-                                midh = hh;
-                                midj = j;
-                        }
-                }
-                if(midj==0) {
-                        padd(N);
-                        pdel(1);
-                }
-                else {
-                        if(midj>1) padd(midj-1);
-                        palign();
-                        if(midj<N) padd(N-midj);
-                }
-                return midh;
-        }
-/* Divide sequence A in half: midi */
-        midi = M / 2;
-/* In a forward phase, calculate all HH[j] and HH[j] */
-        HH[0] = 0.0;
-        t = -open_penalty1(A,B+1);
-        tl = -ext_penalty1(A,B+1);
-        for(j=1;j<=N;j++) {
-                HH[j] = t = t+tl;
-                DD[j] = t-open_penalty2(A+1,B+j);
-        }
-		if (go1 == 0) t = 0;
-		else t = -open_penalty2(A+1,B);
-        tl = -ext_penalty2(A+1,B);
-        for(i=1;i<=midi;i++) {
-                s = HH[0];
-                HH[0] = hh = t = t+tl;
-                f = t-open_penalty1(A+i,B+1);
-                for(j=1;j<=N;j++) {
-                	g = open_penalty1(A+i,B+j);
-                	h = ext_penalty1(A+i,B+j);
-                        if ((hh=hh-g-h) > (f=f-h)) f=hh;
-                	g = open_penalty2(A+i,B+j);
-                	h = ext_penalty2(A+i,B+j);
-                        if ((hh=HH[j]-g-h) > (e=DD[j]-h)) e=hh;
-                        hh = s + prfscore(A+i, B+j);
-                        if (f>hh) hh = f;
-                        if (e>hh) hh = e;
-                        s = HH[j];
-                        HH[j] = hh;
-                        DD[j] = e;
-                }
-        }
-        DD[0]=HH[0];
-/* In a reverse phase, calculate all RR[j] and SS[j] */
-        RR[N]=0.0;
-        tl = 0.0;
-        for(j=N-1;j>=0;j--) {
-                g = -open_penalty1(A+M,B+j+1);
-                tl -= ext_penalty1(A+M,B+j+1);
-                RR[j] = g+tl;
-                SS[j] = RR[j]-open_penalty2(A+M,B+j);
-                gS[j] = open_penalty2(A+M,B+j);
-        }
-        tl = 0.0;
-        for(i=M-1;i>=midi;i--) {
-                s = RR[N];
-                if (go2 == 0) g = 0;
-                else g = -open_penalty2(A+i+1,B+N);
-                tl -= ext_penalty2(A+i+1,B+N);
-                RR[N] = hh = g+tl;
-                t = open_penalty1(A+i,B+N);
-                f = RR[N]-t;
-                for(j=N-1;j>=0;j--) {
-                	g = open_penalty1(A+i,B+j+1);
-                	h = ext_penalty1(A+i,B+j+1);
-                        if ((hh=hh-g-h) > (f=f-h-g+t)) f=hh;
-                        t = g;
-                	g = open_penalty2(A+i+1,B+j);
-                	h = ext_penalty2(A+i+1,B+j);
-                        hh=RR[j]-g-h;
-                        if (i==(M-1)) {
-				 e=SS[j]-h;
-			}
-                        else {
-				e=SS[j]-h-g+open_penalty2(A+i+2,B+j);
-				gS[j] = g;
-			}
-                        if (hh > e) e=hh;
-                        hh = s + prfscore(A+i+1, B+j+1);
-                        if (f>hh) hh = f;
-                        if (e>hh) hh = e;
-                        s = RR[j];
-                        RR[j] = hh;
-                        SS[j] = e;
-                }
-        }
-        SS[N]=RR[N];
-        gS[N] = open_penalty2(A+midi+1,B+N);
-/* find midj, such that HH[j]+RR[j] or DD[j]+SS[j]+gap is the maximum */
-        midh=HH[0]+RR[0];
-        midj=0;
-        type=1;
-        for(j=0;j<=N;j++) {
-                hh = HH[j] + RR[j];
-                if(hh>=midh)
-                        if(hh>midh || (HH[j]!=DD[j] && RR[j]==SS[j])) {
-                                midh=hh;
-                                midj=j;
-                        }
-        }
-        for(j=N;j>=0;j--) {
-                hh = DD[j] + SS[j] + gS[j];
-                if(hh>midh) {
-                        midh=hh;
-                        midj=j;
-                        type=2;
-                }
-        }
-/* Conquer recursively around midpoint                                   */
-        if(type==1) {             /* Type 1 gaps  */
-if (debug>2) fprintf(stdout,"Type 1,1: midj %d\n",(pint)midj);
-                pdiff(A,B,midi,midj,go1,1);
-if (debug>2) fprintf(stdout,"Type 1,2: midj %d\n",(pint)midj);
-                pdiff(A+midi,B+midj,M-midi,N-midj,1,go2);
-        }
-        else {
-if (debug>2) fprintf(stdout,"Type 2,1: midj %d\n",(pint)midj);
-                pdiff(A,B,midi-1,midj,go1, 0);
-                pdel(2);
-if (debug>2) fprintf(stdout,"Type 2,2: midj %d\n",(pint)midj);
-                pdiff(A+midi+1,B+midj,M-midi-1,N-midj,0,go2);
-        }
-        return midh;       /* Return the score of the best alignment */
-/* calculate the score for opening a gap at residues A[i] and B[j]       */
-static sint open_penalty1(sint i, sint j)
-   sint g;
-   if (!endgappenalties &&(i==0 || i==prf_length1)) return(0);
-   g = profile2[j][GAPCOL] + profile1[i][GAPCOL];
-   return(g);
-/* calculate the score for extending an existing gap at A[i] and B[j]    */
-static sint ext_penalty1(sint i, sint j)
-   sint h;
-   if (!endgappenalties &&(i==0 || i==prf_length1)) return(0);
-   h = profile2[j][LENCOL];
-   return(h);
-/* calculate the score for a gap of length k, at residues A[i] and B[j]  */
-static sint gap_penalty1(sint i, sint j, sint k)
-   sint ix;
-   sint gp;
-   sint g, h = 0;
-   if (k <= 0) return(0);
-   if (!endgappenalties &&(i==0 || i==prf_length1)) return(0);
-   g = profile2[j][GAPCOL] + profile1[i][GAPCOL];
-   for (ix=0;ix<k && ix+j<prf_length2;ix++)
-      h += profile2[ix+j][LENCOL];
-   gp = g + h;
-   return(gp);
-/* calculate the score for opening a gap at residues A[i] and B[j]       */
-static sint open_penalty2(sint i, sint j)
-   sint g;
-   if (!endgappenalties &&(j==0 || j==prf_length2)) return(0);
-   g = profile1[i][GAPCOL] + profile2[j][GAPCOL];
-   return(g);
-/* calculate the score for extending an existing gap at A[i] and B[j]    */
-static sint ext_penalty2(sint i, sint j)
-   sint h;
-   if (!endgappenalties &&(j==0 || j==prf_length2)) return(0);
-   h = profile1[i][LENCOL];
-   return(h);
-/* calculate the score for a gap of length k, at residues A[i] and B[j]  */
-static sint gap_penalty2(sint i, sint j, sint k)
-   sint ix;
-   sint gp;
-   sint g, h = 0;
-   if (k <= 0) return(0);
-   if (!endgappenalties &&(j==0 || j==prf_length2)) return(0);
-   g = profile1[i][GAPCOL] + profile2[j][GAPCOL];
-   for (ix=0;ix<k && ix+i<prf_length1;ix++)
-      h += profile1[ix+i][LENCOL];
-   gp = g + h;
-   return(gp);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/random.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/random.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/random.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-*	Rand.c
-*	-	linear and additive congruential random number generators
-*		(see R. Sedgewick, Algorithms, Chapter 35)
-*	Implementation: R. Fuchs, EMBL Data Library, 1991
-#include <stdio.h>
-unsigned long linrand(unsigned long r);
-unsigned long addrand(unsigned long r);
-void addrandinit(unsigned long s);
-static unsigned long mult(unsigned long p,unsigned long q);
-#define m1	10000
-#define m	100000000
-static unsigned long mult(unsigned long p, unsigned long q);
-/* linear congruential method
-*	linrand() returns an unsigned long random number in the range 0 to r-1
-unsigned long linrand(unsigned long r)
-	static unsigned long a=1234567;
-	a = (mult(a,31415821)+1) % m;
-	return( ( (a / m1) * r) / m1 );
-static unsigned long mult(unsigned long p, unsigned long q)
-	unsigned long p1,p0,q1,q0;
-	p1 = p/m1; p0 = p % m1;
-	q1 = q/m1; q0 = q % m1;
-	return((((p0*q1 + p1*q0) % m1) * m1 + p0*q0) % m);
-/* additive congruential method
-*	addrand() returns an unsigned long random number in the range 0 to r-1
-*	The random number generator is initialized by addrandinit()
-static unsigned long j;
-static unsigned long a[55];
-unsigned long addrand(unsigned long r)
-int x,y;
-/*        fprintf(stdout,"\n j = %d",j);  */
-	j = (j + 1) % 55;
-/*        fprintf(stdout,"\n j = %d",j);  */
-	x = (j+23)%55;
-	y = (j+54)%55;
-	a[j] = (a[x] + a[y]) % m;
-/*	a[j] = (a[(j+23)%55] + a[(j+54)%55]) % m;  */
-/*        fprintf(stdout,"\n a[j] = %d",a[j]);     */
-	return( ((a[j] / m1) * r) / m1 );
-void addrandinit(unsigned long s)
-	a[0] = s;
-	j = 0;
-	do {
-		++j;
-		a[j] = (mult(31,a[j-1]) + 1) % m;
-	} while (j<54);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/readmat.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/readmat.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/readmat.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#include "matrices.h"
- *   Prototypes
- */
-static Boolean commentline(char *line);
- *   Global variables
- */
-extern char 	*amino_acid_codes;
-extern sint 	gap_pos1, gap_pos2;
-extern sint 	max_aa;
-extern short 	def_dna_xref[],def_aa_xref[];
-extern sint 	mat_avscore;
-extern sint 	debug;
-extern Boolean  dnaflag;
-extern Boolean user_series;
-extern UserMatSeries matseries;
-extern short usermatseries[MAXMAT][NUMRES][NUMRES];
-extern short aa_xrefseries[MAXMAT][NUMRES+1];
-void init_matrix(void)
-   char c1,c2;
-   short i, j, maxres;
-   max_aa = strlen(amino_acid_codes)-2;
-   gap_pos1 = NUMRES-2;          /* code for gaps inserted by clustalw */
-   gap_pos2 = NUMRES-1;           /* code for gaps already in alignment */
-   set up cross-reference for default matrices hard-coded in matrices.h
-   for (i=0;i<NUMRES;i++) def_aa_xref[i] = -1;
-   for (i=0;i<NUMRES;i++) def_dna_xref[i] = -1;
-   maxres = 0;
-   for (i=0;(c1=amino_acid_order[i]);i++)
-     {
-         for (j=0;(c2=amino_acid_codes[j]);j++)
-          {
-           if (c1 == c2)
-               {
-                  def_aa_xref[i] = j;
-                  maxres++;
-                  break;
-               }
-          }
-         if ((def_aa_xref[i] == -1) && (amino_acid_order[i] != '*'))
-            {
-                error("residue %c in matrices.h is not recognised",
-                                       amino_acid_order[i]);
-            }
-     }
-   maxres = 0;
-   for (i=0;(c1=nucleic_acid_order[i]);i++)
-     {
-         for (j=0;(c2=amino_acid_codes[j]);j++)
-          {
-           if (c1 == c2)
-               {
-                  def_dna_xref[i] = j;
-                  maxres++;
-                  break;
-               }
-          }
-         if ((def_dna_xref[i] == -1) && (nucleic_acid_order[i] != '*'))
-            {
-                error("nucleic acid %c in matrices.h is not recognised",
-                                       nucleic_acid_order[i]);
-            }
-     }
-sint get_matrix(short *matptr, short *xref, sint matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES], Boolean neg_flag, sint scale)
-   sint gg_score = 0;
-   sint gr_score = 0;
-   sint i, j, k, ix = 0;
-   sint ti, tj;
-   sint  maxres;
-   sint av1,av2,av3,min, max;
-   default - set all scores to 0
-   for (i=0;i<=max_aa;i++)
-      for (j=0;j<=max_aa;j++)
-          matrix[i][j] = 0;
-   ix = 0;
-   maxres = 0;
-   for (i=0;i<=max_aa;i++)
-    {
-      ti = xref[i];
-      for (j=0;j<=i;j++)
-       {
-          tj = xref[j]; 
-          if ((ti != -1) && (tj != -1))
-            {
-               k = matptr[ix];
-               if (ti==tj)
-                  {
-                     matrix[ti][ti] = k * scale;
-                     maxres++;
-                  }
-               else
-                  {
-                     matrix[ti][tj] = k * scale;
-                     matrix[tj][ti] = k * scale;
-                  }
-               ix++;
-            }
-       }
-    }
-   --maxres;
-   av1 = av2 = av3 = 0;
-   for (i=0;i<=max_aa;i++)
-    {
-      for (j=0;j<=i;j++)
-       {
-           av1 += matrix[i][j];
-           if (i==j)
-              {
-                 av2 += matrix[i][j];
-              }
-           else
-              {
-                 av3 += matrix[i][j];
-              }
-       }
-    }
-   av1 /= (maxres*maxres)/2;
-   av2 /= maxres;
-   av3 /= ((float)(maxres*maxres-maxres))/2;
-  mat_avscore = -av3;
-  min = max = matrix[0][0];
-  for (i=0;i<=max_aa;i++)
-    for (j=1;j<=i;j++)
-      {
-        if (matrix[i][j] < min) min = matrix[i][j];
-        if (matrix[i][j] > max) max = matrix[i][j];
-      }
-if (debug>1) fprintf(stdout,"maxres %d\n",(pint)max_aa);
-if (debug>1) fprintf(stdout,"average mismatch score %d\n",(pint)av3);
-if (debug>1) fprintf(stdout,"average match score %d\n",(pint)av2);
-if (debug>1) fprintf(stdout,"average score %d\n",(pint)av1);
-   if requested, make a positive matrix - add -(lowest score) to every entry
-  if (neg_flag == FALSE)
-   {
-if (debug>1) fprintf(stdout,"min %d max %d\n",(pint)min,(pint)max);
-      if (min < 0)
-        {
-           for (i=0;i<=max_aa;i++)
-            {
-              ti = xref[i];
-              if (ti != -1)
-                {
-                 for (j=0;j<=max_aa;j++)
-                   {
-                    tj = xref[j];
-                    if (tj != -1) matrix[ti][tj] -= (2*av3);
-                    if (tj != -1) matrix[ti][tj] -= min;
-                   }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-       gr_score = av3;
-       gg_score = -av3;
-   }
-  for (i=0;i<gap_pos1;i++)
-   {
-      matrix[i][gap_pos1] = gr_score;
-      matrix[gap_pos1][i] = gr_score;
-      matrix[i][gap_pos2] = gr_score;
-      matrix[gap_pos2][i] = gr_score;
-   }
-  matrix[gap_pos1][gap_pos1] = gg_score;
-  matrix[gap_pos2][gap_pos2] = gg_score;
-  matrix[gap_pos2][gap_pos1] = gg_score;
-  matrix[gap_pos1][gap_pos2] = gg_score;
-  maxres += 2;
-  return(maxres);
-sint read_matrix_series(char *filename, short *usermat, short *xref)
-   FILE *fd = NULL, *matfd = NULL;
-   char mat_filename[FILENAMELEN];
-   char inline1[1024];
-   sint  maxres = 0;
-   sint nmat;
-   sint n,llimit,ulimit;
-   if (filename[0] == '\0')
-     {
-        error("comparison matrix not specified");
-        return((sint)0);
-     }
-   if ((fd=fopen(filename,"r"))==NULL) 
-     {
-        error("cannot open %s", filename);
-        return((sint)0);
-     }
-/* check the first line to see if it's a series or a single matrix */
-   while (fgets(inline1,1024,fd) != NULL)
-     {
-        if (commentline(inline1)) continue;
-	if(linetype(inline1,"CLUSTAL_SERIES"))
-		user_series=TRUE;
-	else
-		user_series=FALSE;
-        break;
-     }
-/* it's a single matrix */
-  if(user_series == FALSE)
-    {
-	fclose(fd);
-   	maxres=read_user_matrix(filename,usermat,xref);
-   	return(maxres);
-    }
-/* it's a series of matrices, find the next MATRIX line */
-   nmat=0;
-   matseries.nmat=0;
-   while (fgets(inline1,1024,fd) != NULL)
-     {
-        if (commentline(inline1)) continue;
-	if(linetype(inline1,"MATRIX"))
-	{
-		if(sscanf(inline1+6,"%d %d %s",&llimit,&ulimit,mat_filename)!=3)
-		{
-			error("Bad format in file %s\n",filename);
-   			fclose(fd);
-			return((sint)0);
-		}
-		if(llimit<0 || llimit > 100 || ulimit <0 || ulimit>100)
-		{
-			error("Bad format in file %s\n",filename);
-   			fclose(fd);
-			return((sint)0);
-		}
-		if(ulimit<=llimit)
-		{
-			error("in file %s: lower limit is greater than upper (%d-%d)\n",filename,llimit,ulimit);
-   			fclose(fd);
-			return((sint)0);
-		}
-   		n=read_user_matrix(mat_filename,&usermatseries[nmat][0][0],&aa_xrefseries[nmat][0]);
-		if(n<=0)
-		{
-			error("Bad format in matrix file %s\n",mat_filename);
-   			fclose(fd);
-			return((sint)0);
-		}
-		matseries.mat[nmat].llimit=llimit;
-		matseries.mat[nmat].ulimit=ulimit;
-		matseries.mat[nmat].matptr=&usermatseries[nmat][0][0];
-		matseries.mat[nmat].aa_xref=&aa_xrefseries[nmat][0];
-		nmat++;
-	}
-    }
-   fclose(fd);
-   matseries.nmat=nmat;
-   maxres=n;
-   return(maxres);
-sint read_user_matrix(char *filename, short *usermat, short *xref)
-   double f;
-   FILE *fd;
-   sint  numargs,farg;
-   sint i, j, k = 0;
-   char codes[NUMRES];
-   char inline1[1024];
-   char *args[NUMRES+4];
-   char c1,c2;
-   sint ix1, ix = 0;
-   sint  maxres = 0;
-   float scale;
-   if (filename[0] == '\0')
-     {
-        error("comparison matrix not specified");
-       	return((sint)0);
-     }
-   if ((fd=fopen(filename,"r"))==NULL) 
-   {
-       	error("cannot open %s", filename);
-       	return((sint)0);
-   }
-   maxres = 0;
-   while (fgets(inline1,1024,fd) != NULL)
-     {
-        if (commentline(inline1)) continue;
-	if(linetype(inline1,"CLUSTAL_SERIES"))
-   	{
-       		error("in %s - single matrix expected.", filename);
-		fclose(fd);
-       		return((sint)0);
-   	}
-   read residue characters.
-        k = 0;
-        for (j=0;j<strlen(inline1);j++)
-          {
-             if (isalpha((int)inline1[j])) codes[k++] = inline1[j];
-             if (k>NUMRES)
-                {
-                   error("too many entries in matrix %s",filename);
-		   fclose(fd);
-                   return((sint)0);
-                }
-          }
-        codes[k] = '\0';
-        break;
-    }
-   if (k == 0) 
-     {
-        error("wrong format in matrix %s",filename);
-  	fclose(fd);
-        return((sint)0);
-     }
-   cross-reference the residues
-   for (i=0;i<NUMRES;i++) xref[i] = -1;
-   maxres = 0;
-   for (i=0;(c1=codes[i]);i++)
-     {
-         for (j=0;(c2=amino_acid_codes[j]);j++)
-           if (c1 == c2)
-               {
-                  xref[i] = j;
-                  maxres++;
-                  break;
-               }
-         if ((xref[i] == -1) && (codes[i] != '*'))
-            {
-                warning("residue %c in matrix %s not recognised",
-                                       codes[i],filename);
-            }
-     }
-   get the weights
-   ix = ix1 = 0;
-   while (fgets(inline1,1024,fd) != NULL)
-     {
-        if (inline1[0] == '\n') continue;
-        if (inline1[0] == '#' ||
-            inline1[0] == '!') break;
-        numargs = getargs(inline1, args, (int)(k+1));
-        if (numargs < maxres)
-          {
-             error("wrong format in matrix %s",filename);
-  	     fclose(fd);
-             return((sint)0);
-          }
-        if (isalpha(args[0][0])) farg=1;
-        else farg=0;
-/* decide whether the matrix values are float or decimal */
-	scale=1.0;
-	for(i=0;i<strlen(args[farg]);i++)
-		if(args[farg][i]=='.')
-		{
-/* we've found a float value */
-			scale=10.0;
-			break;
-		}
-        for (i=0;i<=ix;i++)
-          {
-             if (xref[i] != -1)
-               {
-                  f = atof(args[i+farg]);
-                  usermat[ix1++] = (short)(f*scale);
-               }
-          }
-        ix++;
-     }
-   if (ix != k+1)
-     {
-        error("wrong format in matrix %s",filename);
-  	fclose(fd);
-        return((sint)0);
-     }
-  maxres += 2;
-  fclose(fd);
-  return(maxres);
-int getargs(char *inline1,char *args[],int max)
-	char	*inptr;
-#ifndef MAC
-	char	*strtok(char *s1, const char *s2);
-	int	i;
-	inptr=inline1;
-	for (i=0;i<=max;i++)
-	{
-		if ((args[i]=strtok(inptr," \t\n"))==NULL)
-			break;
-		inptr=NULL;
-	}
-	return(i);
-static Boolean commentline(char *line)
-        int i;
-        if(line[0] == '#') return TRUE;
-        for(i=0;line[i]!='\n' && line[i]!=EOS;i++) {
-                if(!isspace(line[i]))
-			return FALSE;
-        }
-        return TRUE;

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/sequence.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/sequence.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/sequence.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,1379 +0,0 @@
-/********* Sequence input routines for CLUSTAL W *******************/
-/* DES was here.  FEB. 1994 */
-/* Now reads PILEUP/MSF and CLUSTAL alignment files */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"	
-#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
-*	Prototypes
-static char * get_seq(char *,sint *,char *);
-static char * get_clustal_seq(char *,sint *,char *,sint);
-static char * get_msf_seq(char *,sint *,char *,sint);
-static void check_infile(sint *);
-static void p_encode(char *, char *, sint);
-static void n_encode(char *, char *, sint);
-static sint res_index(char *,char);
-static Boolean check_dnaflag(char *, sint);
-static sint count_clustal_seqs(void);
-static sint count_pir_seqs(void);
-static sint count_msf_seqs(void);
-static sint count_rsf_seqs(void);
-static void get_swiss_feature(char *line,sint len);
-static void get_rsf_feature(char *line,sint len);
-static void get_swiss_mask(char *line,sint len);
-static void get_clustal_ss(sint length);
-static void get_embl_ss(sint length);
-static void get_rsf_ss(sint length);
-static void get_gde_ss(sint length);
-static Boolean cl_blankline(char *line);
- *	Global variables
- */
-extern sint max_names;
-FILE *fin;
-extern Boolean usemenu, dnaflag, explicit_dnaflag;
-extern Boolean interactive;
-extern char seqname[];
-extern sint nseqs;
-extern sint *seqlen_array;
-extern sint *output_index;
-extern char **names,**titles;
-extern char **seq_array;
-extern Boolean profile1_empty, profile2_empty;
-extern sint gap_pos2;
-extern sint max_aln_length;
-extern char *gap_penalty_mask, *sec_struct_mask;
-extern sint struct_penalties;
-extern char *ss_name;
-extern sint profile_no;
-extern sint debug;
-char *amino_acid_codes   =    "ABCDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ-";  /* DES */
-static sint seqFormat;
-static char chartab[128];
-static char *formatNames[] = {"unknown","EMBL/Swiss-Prot","PIR",
-			      "Pearson","GDE","Clustal","Pileup/MSF","RSF","USER","PHYLIP","NEXUS"};
-void fill_chartab(void)	/* Create translation and check table */
-	register sint i;
-	register char c;
-	for(i=0;i<128;chartab[i++]=0);
-	for(i=0;(c=amino_acid_codes[i]);i++)
-		chartab[(int)c]=chartab[tolower(c)]=c;
-static char * get_msf_seq(char *sname,sint *len,char *tit,sint seqno)
-/* read the seqno_th. sequence from a PILEUP multiple alignment file */
-	static char line[MAXLINE+1];
-	char *seq = NULL;
-	sint i,j,k;
-	unsigned char c;
-	fseek(fin,0,0); 		/* start at the beginning */
-	*len=0;				/* initialise length to zero */
-        for(i=0;;i++) {
-		if(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)==NULL) return NULL; /* read the title*/
-		if(linetype(line,"//") ) break;		    /* lines...ignore*/
-	}
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-		if(!blankline(line)) {
-			for(i=1;i<seqno;i++) fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-                        for(j=0;j<=strlen(line);j++) if(line[j] != ' ') break;
-			for(k=j;k<=strlen(line);k++) if(line[k] == ' ') break;
-			strncpy(sname,line+j,MIN(MAXNAMES,k-j)); 
-			sname[MIN(MAXNAMES,k-j)]=EOS;
-			rtrim(sname);
-                       	blank_to_(sname);
-			if(seq==NULL)
-				seq=(char *)ckalloc((MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-			else
-				seq=(char *)ckrealloc(seq,((*len)+MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-			for(i=k;i<=MAXLINE;i++) {
-				c=line[i];
-				if(c == '.' || c == '~' ) c = '-';
-				if(c == '*') c = 'X';
-				if(c == '\n' || c == EOS) break; /* EOL */
-				c=chartab[c];
-				if(c) seq[++(*len)]=c;
-			}
-			for(i=0;;i++) {
-				if(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)==NULL) return seq;
-				if(blankline(line)) break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return seq;
-static Boolean cl_blankline(char *line)
-	int i;
-	if (line[0] == '!') return TRUE;
-	for(i=0;line[i]!='\n' && line[i]!=EOS;i++) {
-		if( isdigit(line[i]) ||
-		    isspace(line[i]) ||
-		    (line[i] == '*') ||
-		    (line[i] == ':') ||
-                    (line[i] == '.')) 
-			;
-		else
-			return FALSE;
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-static char * get_clustal_seq(char *sname,sint *len,char *tit,sint seqno)
-/* read the seqno_th. sequence from a clustal multiple alignment file */
-	static char line[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char tseq[MAXLINE+1];
-	char *seq = NULL;
-	sint i,j;
-	unsigned char c;
-	fseek(fin,0,0); 		/* start at the beginning */
-	*len=0;				/* initialise length to zero */
-	fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);	/* read the title line...ignore it */
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-		if(!cl_blankline(line)) {
-			for(i=1;i<seqno;i++) fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-			for(j=0;j<=strlen(line);j++) if(line[j] != ' ') break;
-			sscanf(line,"%s%s",sname,tseq);
-			for(j=0;j<MAXNAMES;j++) if(sname[j] == ' ') break;
-			sname[j]=EOS;
-			rtrim(sname);
-                       	blank_to_(sname);
-			if(seq==NULL)
-				seq=(char *)ckalloc((MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-			else
-				seq=(char *)ckrealloc(seq,((*len)+MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-			for(i=0;i<=MAXLINE;i++) {
-				c=tseq[i];
-				/*if(c == '\n' || c == EOS) break;*/ /* EOL */
-				if(isspace(c) || c == EOS) break; /* EOL */
-				c=chartab[c];
-				if(c) seq[++(*len)]=c;
-			}
-			for(i=0;;i++) {
-				if(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)==NULL) return seq;
-				if(cl_blankline(line)) break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return seq;
-static void get_clustal_ss(sint length)
-/* read the structure data from a clustal multiple alignment file */
-	static char title[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char line[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char lin2[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char tseq[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char sname[MAXNAMES+1];
-	sint i,j,len,ix,struct_index=0;
-	char c;
-	fseek(fin,0,0); 		/* start at the beginning */
-	len=0;				/* initialise length to zero */
-	if (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) == NULL) return;	/* read the title line...ignore it */
-	if (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) == NULL) return;  /* read the next line... */
-/* skip any blank lines */
-	for (;;) {
-		if(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)==NULL) return;
-		if(!blankline(line)) break;
-	}
-/* look for structure table lines */
-	ix = -1;
-	for(;;) {
-		if(line[0] != '!') break;
-		if(strncmp(line,"!SS",3) == 0) {
-			ix++;
-			sscanf(line+4,"%s%s",sname,tseq);
-			for(j=0;j<MAXNAMES;j++) if(sname[j] == ' ') break;
-			sname[j]=EOS;
-			rtrim(sname);
-    		blank_to_(sname);
-    		if (interactive) {
-				strcpy(title,"Found secondary structure in alignment file: ");
-				strcat(title,sname);
-				(*lin2)=prompt_for_yes_no(title,"Use it to set local gap penalties ");
-			}
-			else (*lin2) = 'y';
-			if ((*lin2 != 'n') && (*lin2 != 'N'))  {               	
-				struct_penalties = SECST;
-				struct_index = ix;
-				for (i=0;i<length;i++)
-				{
-					sec_struct_mask[i] = '.';
-					gap_penalty_mask[i] = '.';
-				}
-				strcpy(ss_name,sname);
-				for(i=0;len < length;i++) {
-					c = tseq[i];
-					if(c == '\n' || c == EOS) break; /* EOL */
-					if (!isspace(c)) sec_struct_mask[len++] = c;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else if(strncmp(line,"!GM",3) == 0) {
-			ix++;
-			sscanf(line+4,"%s%s",sname,tseq);
-			for(j=0;j<MAXNAMES;j++) if(sname[j] == ' ') break;
-			sname[j]=EOS;
-			rtrim(sname);
-    		blank_to_(sname);
-    		if (interactive) {
-				strcpy(title,"Found gap penalty mask in alignment file: ");
-				strcat(title,sname);
-				(*lin2)=prompt_for_yes_no(title,"Use it to set local gap penalties ");
-			}
-			else (*lin2) = 'y';
-			if ((*lin2 != 'n') && (*lin2 != 'N'))  {               	
-				struct_penalties = GMASK;
-				struct_index = ix;
-				for (i=0;i<length;i++)
-					gap_penalty_mask[i] = '1';
-					strcpy(ss_name,sname);
-				for(i=0;len < length;i++) {
-					c = tseq[i];
-					if(c == '\n' || c == EOS) break; /* EOL */
-					if (!isspace(c)) gap_penalty_mask[len++] = c;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (struct_penalties != NONE) break;
-		if(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)==NULL) return;
-	}
-	if (struct_penalties == NONE) return;
-/* skip any more comment lines */
-	while (line[0] == '!') {
-		if(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)==NULL) return;
-	}
-/* skip the sequence lines and any comments after the alignment */
-	for (;;) {
-		if(isspace(line[0])) break;
-		if(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)==NULL) return;
-	}
-/* read the rest of the alignment */
-	for (;;) {
-/* skip any blank lines */
-			for (;;) {
-				if(!blankline(line)) break;
-				if(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)==NULL) return;
-			}
-/* get structure table line */
-			for(ix=0;ix<struct_index;ix++) {
-				if (line[0] != '!') {
-					if(struct_penalties == SECST)
-						error("bad secondary structure format");
-					else
-						error("bad gap penalty mask format");
-				   	struct_penalties = NONE;
-					return;
-				}
-				if(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)==NULL) return;
-			}
-			if(struct_penalties == SECST) {
-				if (strncmp(line,"!SS",3) != 0) {
-					error("bad secondary structure format");
-					struct_penalties = NONE;
-					return;
-				}
-				sscanf(line+4,"%s%s",sname,tseq);
-				for(i=0;len < length;i++) {
-					c = tseq[i];
-					if(c == '\n' || c == EOS) break; /* EOL */
-					if (!isspace(c)) sec_struct_mask[len++] = c;
-				}			
-			}
-			else if (struct_penalties == GMASK) {
-				if (strncmp(line,"!GM",3) != 0) {
-					error("bad gap penalty mask format");
-					struct_penalties = NONE;
-					return;
-				}
-				sscanf(line+4,"%s%s",sname,tseq);
-				for(i=0;len < length;i++) {
-					c = tseq[i];
-					if(c == '\n' || c == EOS) break; /* EOL */
-					if (!isspace(c)) gap_penalty_mask[len++] = c;
-				}			
-			}
-/* skip any more comment lines */
-		while (line[0] == '!') {
-			if(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)==NULL) return;
-		}
-/* skip the sequence lines */
-		for (;;) {
-			if(isspace(line[0])) break;
-			if(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)==NULL) return;
-		}
-	}
-static void get_embl_ss(sint length)
-	static char title[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char line[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char lin2[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char sname[MAXNAMES+1];
-	char feature[MAXLINE+1];
-	sint i;
-/* find the start of the sequence entry */
-	for (;;) {
-		while( !linetype(line,"ID") )
-			if (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) == NULL) return;
-    	for(i=5;i<=strlen(line);i++)  /* DES */
-			if(line[i] != ' ') break;
-		strncpy(sname,line+i,MAXNAMES); /* remember entryname */
-    		for(i=0;i<=strlen(sname);i++)
-			if(sname[i] == ' ') {
-				sname[i]=EOS;
-				break;
-			}
-		sname[MAXNAMES]=EOS;
-		rtrim(sname);
-    	blank_to_(sname);
-/* look for secondary structure feature table / gap penalty mask */
-		while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-			if (linetype(line,"FT")) {
-				sscanf(line+2,"%s",feature);
-				if (strcmp(feature,"HELIX") == 0 ||
-				    strcmp(feature,"STRAND") == 0)
-				{
-				if (interactive) {
-					strcpy(title,"Found secondary structure in alignment file: ");
-					strcat(title,sname);
-					(*lin2)=prompt_for_yes_no(title,"Use it to set local gap penalties ");
-				}
-				else (*lin2) = 'y';
-				if ((*lin2 != 'n') && (*lin2 != 'N'))  {               	
-					struct_penalties = SECST;
-					for (i=0;i<length;i++)
-						sec_struct_mask[i] = '.';
-					do {
-						get_swiss_feature(&line[2],length);
-						fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-					} while( linetype(line,"FT") );
-				}
-				else {
-					do {
-						fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-					} while( linetype(line,"FT") );
-				}
-				strcpy(ss_name,sname);
-				}
-			}
-			else if (linetype(line,"GM")) {
-				if (interactive) {
-					strcpy(title,"Found gap penalty mask in alignment file: ");
-					strcat(title,sname);
-					(*lin2)=prompt_for_yes_no(title,"Use it to set local gap penalties ");
-				}
-				else (*lin2) = 'y';
-				if ((*lin2 != 'n') && (*lin2 != 'N'))  {               	
-					struct_penalties = GMASK;
-					for (i=0;i<length;i++)
-						gap_penalty_mask[i] = '1';
-					do {
-						get_swiss_mask(&line[2],length);
-						fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-					} while( linetype(line,"GM") );
-				}
-				else {
-					do {
-						fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-					} while( linetype(line,"GM") );
-				}
-				strcpy(ss_name,sname);
-			}
-			if (linetype(line,"SQ"))
-				break;	
-			if (struct_penalties != NONE) break;			
-		}
-	}
-static void get_rsf_ss(sint length)
-	static char title[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char line[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char lin2[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char sname[MAXNAMES+1];
-	sint i;
-/* skip the comments */
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
- 		if(line[strlen(line)-2]=='.' &&
-                                 line[strlen(line)-3]=='.')
-			break;
-	}
-/* find the start of the sequence entry */
-	for (;;) {
-		while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL)
-                	if( *line == '{' ) break;
-		while( !keyword(line,"name") )
-			if (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) == NULL) return;
-    	for(i=5;i<=strlen(line);i++)  /* DES */
-			if(line[i] != ' ') break;
-		strncpy(sname,line+i,MAXNAMES); /* remember entryname */
-    		for(i=0;i<=strlen(sname);i++)
-			if(sname[i] == ' ') {
-				sname[i]=EOS;
-				break;
-			}
-		sname[MAXNAMES]=EOS;
-		rtrim(sname);
-    	blank_to_(sname);
-/* look for secondary structure feature table / gap penalty mask */
-		while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-			if (keyword(line,"feature")) {
-				if (interactive) {
-					strcpy(title,"Found secondary structure in alignment file: ");
-					strcat(title,sname);
-					(*lin2)=prompt_for_yes_no(title,"Use it to set local gap penalties ");
-				}
-				else (*lin2) = 'y';
-				if ((*lin2 != 'n') && (*lin2 != 'N'))  {               	
-					struct_penalties = SECST;
-					for (i=0;i<length;i++)
-						sec_struct_mask[i] = '.';
-					do {
-						if(keyword(line,"feature"))
-							get_rsf_feature(&line[7],length);
-						fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-					} while( !keyword(line,"sequence") );
-				}
-				else {
-					do {
-						fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-					} while( !keyword(line,"sequence") );
-				}
-				strcpy(ss_name,sname);
-			}
-			else if (keyword(line,"sequence"))
-				break;	
-			if (struct_penalties != NONE) break;			
-		}
-	}
-static void get_gde_ss(sint length)
-	static char title[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char line[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char lin2[MAXLINE+1];
-	static char sname[MAXNAMES+1];
-	sint i, len, offset = 0;
-        unsigned char c;
-	for (;;) {
-		line[0] = '\0';
-/* search for the next comment line */
-		while(*line != '"')
-			if (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) == NULL) return;
-/* is it a secondary structure entry? */
-		if (strncmp(&line[1],"SS_",3) == 0) {
-			for (i=1;i<=MAXNAMES-3;i++) {
-				if (line[i+3] == '(' || line[i+3] == '\n')
-						break;
-				sname[i-1] = line[i+3];
-			}
-			i--;
-			sname[i]=EOS;
-			if (sname[i-1] == '(') sscanf(&line[i+3],"%d",&offset);
-			else offset = 0;
-			for(i--;i > 0;i--) 
-				if(isspace(sname[i])) {
-					sname[i]=EOS;	
-				}
-				else break;		
-			blank_to_(sname);
-			if (interactive) {
-				strcpy(title,"Found secondary structure in alignment file: ");
-				strcat(title,sname);
-				(*lin2)=prompt_for_yes_no(title,"Use it to set local gap penalties ");
-			}
-			else (*lin2) = 'y';
-			if ((*lin2 != 'n') && (*lin2 != 'N'))  {               	
-				struct_penalties = SECST;
-				for (i=0;i<length;i++)
-					sec_struct_mask[i] = '.';
-				len = 0;
-				while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)) {
-					if(*line == '%' || *line == '#' || *line == '"') break;
-					for(i=offset;i < length;i++) {
-						c=line[i];
-						if(c == '\n' || c == EOS) 
-							break;			/* EOL */
-						sec_struct_mask[len++]=c;
-					}
-					if (len > length) break;
-				}
-				strcpy(ss_name,sname);
-			}
-		}
-/* or is it a gap penalty mask entry? */
-		else if (strncmp(&line[1],"GM_",3) == 0) {
-			for (i=1;i<=MAXNAMES-3;i++) {
-				if (line[i+3] == '(' || line[i+3] == '\n')
-						break;
-				sname[i-1] = line[i+3];
-			}
-			i--;
-			sname[i]=EOS;
-			if (sname[i-1] == '(') sscanf(&line[i+3],"%d",&offset);
-			else offset = 0;
-			for(i--;i > 0;i--) 
-				if(isspace(sname[i])) {
-					sname[i]=EOS;	
-				}
-				else break;		
-			blank_to_(sname);
-			if (interactive) {
-				strcpy(title,"Found gap penalty mask in alignment file: ");
-				strcat(title,sname);
-				(*lin2)=prompt_for_yes_no(title,"Use it to set local gap penalties ");
-			}
-			else (*lin2) = 'y';
-			if ((*lin2 != 'n') && (*lin2 != 'N'))  {               	
-				struct_penalties = GMASK;
-				for (i=0;i<length;i++)
-					gap_penalty_mask[i] = '1';
-				len = 0;
-				while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)) {
-					if(*line == '%' || *line == '#' || *line == '"') break;
-					for(i=offset;i < length;i++) {
-						c=line[i];
-						if(c == '\n' || c == EOS) 
-							break;			/* EOL */
-						gap_penalty_mask[len++]=c;
-					}
-					if (len > length) break;
-				}
-				strcpy(ss_name,sname);
-			}
-		}
-		if (struct_penalties != NONE) break;			
-	}			
-static void get_swiss_feature(char *line, sint len)
-	char c, s, feature[MAXLINE+1];
-	int  i, start_pos, end_pos;
-	if (sscanf(line,"%s%d%d",feature,&start_pos,&end_pos) != 3) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if (strcmp(feature,"HELIX") == 0) {
-		c = 'A';
-		s = '$';
-	}
-	else if (strcmp(feature,"STRAND") == 0) {
-		c = 'B';
-		s = '%';
-	}
-	else
-		return;
-	if(start_pos >=len || end_pos>=len) return;
-	sec_struct_mask[start_pos-1] = s;
-	for (i=start_pos;i<end_pos-1;i++)
-		sec_struct_mask[i] = c;
-	sec_struct_mask[end_pos-1] = s;
-static void get_rsf_feature(char *line, sint len)
-	char c, s;
-	char str1[MAXLINE+1],str2[MAXLINE+1],feature[MAXLINE+1];
-	int  i, tmp,start_pos, end_pos;
-	if (sscanf(line,"%d%d%d%s%s%s",&start_pos,&end_pos,&tmp,str1,str2,feature) != 6) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if (strcmp(feature,"HELIX") == 0) {
-		c = 'A';
-		s = '$';
-	}
-	else if (strcmp(feature,"STRAND") == 0) {
-		c = 'B';
-		s = '%';
-	}
-	else
-		return;
-	if(start_pos>=len || end_pos >= len) return;
-	sec_struct_mask[start_pos-1] = s;
-	for (i=start_pos;i<end_pos-1;i++)
-		sec_struct_mask[i] = c;
-	sec_struct_mask[end_pos-1] = s;
-static void get_swiss_mask(char *line, sint len)
-	int  i, value, start_pos, end_pos;
-	if (sscanf(line,"%d%d%d",&value,&start_pos,&end_pos) != 3) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if (value < 1 || value > 9) return;
-	if(start_pos>=len || end_pos >= len) return;
-	for (i=start_pos-1;i<end_pos;i++)
-		gap_penalty_mask[i] = value+'0';
-static char * get_seq(char *sname,sint *len,char *tit)
-	static char line[MAXLINE+1];
-	char *seq = NULL;
-	sint i, offset = 0;
-        unsigned char c=EOS;
-	Boolean got_seq=FALSE;
-	switch(seqFormat) {
-		case EMBLSWISS:
-			while( !linetype(line,"ID") )
-				if (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) == NULL) return NULL;
-                        for(i=5;i<=strlen(line);i++)  /* DES */
-				if(line[i] != ' ') break;
-			strncpy(sname,line+i,MAXNAMES); /* remember entryname */
-                	for(i=0;i<=strlen(sname);i++)
-                        	if(sname[i] == ' ') {
-                                	sname[i]=EOS;
-                                	break;
-                        	}
-			sname[MAXNAMES]=EOS;
-			rtrim(sname);
-                        blank_to_(sname);
-			while( !linetype(line,"SQ") )
-				fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-			*len=0;
-			while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)) {
-				if(got_seq && blankline(line)) break;
- 				if( strlen(line) > 2 && line[strlen(line)-2]=='.' && line[strlen(line)-3]=='.' ) 
-					continue;
-				if(seq==NULL)
-					seq=(char *)ckalloc((MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-				else
-					seq=(char *)ckrealloc(seq,((*len)+MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-				for(i=0;i<=MAXLINE;i++) {
-					c=line[i];
-				if(c == '\n' || c == EOS || c == '/')
-					break;			/* EOL */
-				c=chartab[c];
-				if(c) {
-					got_seq=TRUE;
-					seq[++(*len)]=c;
-				}
-				}
-			if(c == '/') break;
-			}
-		break;
-		case PIR:
-			while(*line != '>')
-				fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);			
-                        for(i=4;i<=strlen(line);i++)  /* DES */
-				if(line[i] != ' ') break;
-			strncpy(sname,line+i,MAXNAMES); /* remember entryname */
-			sname[MAXNAMES]=EOS;
-			rtrim(sname);
-                        blank_to_(sname);
-			fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-			strncpy(tit,line,MAXTITLES);
-			i=strlen(tit);
-			if(tit[i-1]=='\n') tit[i-1]=EOS;
-			*len=0;
-			while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)) {
-				if(seq==NULL)
-					seq=(char *)ckalloc((MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-				else
-					seq=(char *)ckrealloc(seq,((*len)+MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-				for(i=0;i<=MAXLINE;i++) {
-					c=line[i];
-				if(c == '\n' || c == EOS || c == '*')
-					break;			/* EOL */
-				c=chartab[c];
-				if(c) seq[++(*len)]=c;
-				}
-			if(c == '*') break;
-			}
-		break;
-		case PEARSON:
-			while(*line != '>')
-				fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-                        for(i=1;i<=strlen(line);i++)  /* DES */
-				if(line[i] != ' ') break;
-			strncpy(sname,line+i,MAXNAMES); /* remember entryname */
-                        for(i=1;i<=strlen(sname);i++)  /* DES */
-				if(sname[i] == ' ') break;
-			sname[i]=EOS;
-			rtrim(sname);
-                        blank_to_(sname);
-			*tit=EOS;
-			*len=0;
-			while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)) {
-				if(seq==NULL)
-					seq=(char *)ckalloc((MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-				else
-					seq=(char *)ckrealloc(seq,((*len)+MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-				for(i=0;i<=MAXLINE;i++) {
-					c=line[i];
-				if(c == '\n' || c == EOS || c == '>')
-					break;			/* EOL */
-				c=chartab[c];
-				if(c) seq[++(*len)]=c;
-			}
-			if(c == '>') break;
-			}
-		break;
-		case GDE:
-			if (dnaflag) {
-				while(*line != '#')
-					fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-			}
-			else {
-				while(*line != '%')
-					fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin);
-			}
-			for (i=1;i<=MAXNAMES;i++) {
-				if (line[i] == '(' || line[i] == '\n')
-                                    break;
-				sname[i-1] = line[i];
-			}
-			i--;
-			sname[i]=EOS;
-			if (sname[i-1] == '(') sscanf(&line[i],"%d",&offset);
-			else offset = 0;
-			for(i--;i > 0;i--) 
-				if(isspace(sname[i])) {
-					sname[i]=EOS;	
-				}
-				else break;		
-                        blank_to_(sname);
-			*tit=EOS;
-			*len=0;
-			for (i=0;i<offset;i++) seq[++(*len)] = '-';
-			while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)) {
-			if(*line == '%' || *line == '#' || *line == '"') break;
-				if(seq==NULL)
-					seq=(char *)ckalloc((MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-				else
-					seq=(char *)ckrealloc(seq,((*len)+MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-				for(i=0;i<=MAXLINE;i++) {
-					c=line[i];
-				if(c == '\n' || c == EOS) 
-					break;			/* EOL */
-				c=chartab[c];
-				if(c) seq[++(*len)]=c;
-				}
-			}
-		break;
-		case RSF:
-			while(*line != '{')
-				if (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) == NULL) return NULL;
-			while( !keyword(line,"name") )
-				if (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) == NULL) return NULL;
-                        for(i=5;i<=strlen(line);i++)  /* DES */
-				if(line[i] != ' ') break;
-			strncpy(sname,line+i,MAXNAMES); /* remember entryname */
-                	for(i=0;i<=strlen(sname);i++)
-                        	if(sname[i] == ' ') {
-                                	sname[i]=EOS;
-                                	break;
-                        	}
-			sname[MAXNAMES]=EOS;
-			rtrim(sname);
-                        blank_to_(sname);
-			while( !keyword(line,"sequence") )
-				if (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) == NULL) return NULL;
-			*len=0;
-			while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin)) {
-				if(seq==NULL)
-					seq=(char *)ckalloc((MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-				else
-					seq=(char *)ckrealloc(seq,((*len)+MAXLINE+2)*sizeof(char));
-				for(i=0;i<=MAXLINE;i++) {
-					c=line[i];
-					if(c == EOS || c == '}')
-						break;			/* EOL */
-					if( c=='.')
-						seq[++(*len)]='-';
-					c=chartab[c];
-					if(c) seq[++(*len)]=c;
-				}
-				if(c == '}') break;
-			}
-		break;
-	}
-	seq[*len+1]=EOS;
-	return seq;
-sint readseqs(sint first_seq) /*first_seq is the #no. of the first seq. to read */
-	char line[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	char fileName[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	static char *seq1,sname1[MAXNAMES+1],title[MAXTITLES+1];
-	sint i,j;
-	sint no_seqs;
-	static sint l1;
-	static Boolean dnaflag1;
-	if(usemenu)
-		getstr("Enter the name of the sequence file",FILENAMELEN+1,line);
-	else
-		strcpy(line,seqname);
-	if(*line == EOS) return -1;
-	if ((sscanf(line,"file://%s",fileName) == 1 )) {
-	  strcpy(line,fileName);
-	}
-	if((fin=fopen(line,"r"))==NULL) {
-		error("Could not open sequence file (%s) ",line);
-		return -1;      /* DES -1 => file not found */
-	}
-	strcpy(seqname,line);
-	no_seqs=0;
-	check_infile(&no_seqs);
-	info("Sequence format is %s",formatNames[seqFormat]);
-	if(seqFormat==NEXUS)
-		error("Cannot read nexus format");
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n File name = %s\n\n",seqname);
-	if(no_seqs == 0)
-		return 0;       /* return the number of seqs. (zero here)*/
-	if((no_seqs + first_seq -1) > MAXN) {
-		error("Too many sequences. Maximum is %d",(pint)MAXN);
-		return 0;
-	}
-/* DES */
-/*	if(seqFormat == CLUSTAL) {
-		info("no of sequences = %d",(pint)no_seqs);
-		return no_seqs;
-	}
-	max_aln_length = 0;
-/* if this is a multiple alignment, or profile 1 - free any memory used
-by previous alignments, then allocate memory for the new alignment */
-	if(first_seq == 1) {
-		max_names = 0;
-		free_aln(nseqs);
-		alloc_aln(no_seqs);
-	}
-/* otherwise, this is a profile 2, and we need to reallocate the arrays,
-leaving the data for profile 1 intact */
-	else realloc_aln(first_seq,no_seqs);
-        for(i=1;i<first_seq;i++)
-	{
-                if(seqlen_array[i]>max_aln_length)
-                        max_aln_length=seqlen_array[i];
-		if(strlen(names[i])>max_names)
-			max_names=strlen(names[i]);
-	}
-	for(i=first_seq;i<=first_seq+no_seqs-1;i++) {    /* get the seqs now*/
-		output_index[i] = i;	/* default output order */
-		if(seqFormat == CLUSTAL) 
-			seq1=get_clustal_seq(sname1,&l1,title,i-first_seq+1);
-		else if(seqFormat == MSF)
-			    seq1=get_msf_seq(sname1,&l1,title,i-first_seq+1);
-		else
-			seq1=get_seq(sname1,&l1,title);
-		if(seq1==NULL) break;
-/* JULIE */
-/*  Set max length of dynamically allocated arrays in prfalign.c */
-		if (l1 > max_aln_length) max_aln_length = l1;
-		seqlen_array[i]=l1;                   /* store the length */
-		strcpy(names[i],sname1);              /*    "   "  name   */
-		strcpy(titles[i],title);              /*    "   "  title  */
-		if(!explicit_dnaflag) {
-			dnaflag1 = check_dnaflag(seq1,l1); /* check DNA/Prot */
-		        if(i == 1) dnaflag = dnaflag1;
-		}			/* type decided by first seq*/
-		else
-			dnaflag1 = dnaflag;
-		alloc_seq(i,l1);
-		if(dnaflag)
-			n_encode(seq1,seq_array[i],l1); /* encode the sequence*/
-		else					/* as ints  */
-			p_encode(seq1,seq_array[i],l1);
-		if(seq1!=NULL) seq1=ckfree(seq1);
-	}
-	max_aln_length *= 2;
-   check sequence names are all different - otherwise phylip tree is 
-   confused.
-	for(i=1;i<=first_seq+no_seqs-1;i++) {
-		for(j=i+1;j<=first_seq+no_seqs-1;j++) {
-			if (strncmp(names[i],names[j],MAXNAMES) == 0) {
-				error("Multiple sequences found with same name, %s (first %d chars are significant)", names[i],MAXNAMES);
-				return 0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	for(i=first_seq;i<=first_seq+no_seqs-1;i++)
-	{
-		if(seqlen_array[i]>max_aln_length)
-			max_aln_length=seqlen_array[i];
-	}
-/* look for a feature table / gap penalty mask (only if this is a profile) */
-	if (profile_no > 0) {
-		rewind(fin);
-		struct_penalties = NONE;
-    		gap_penalty_mask = (char *)ckalloc((max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (char));
-    		sec_struct_mask = (char *)ckalloc((max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (char));
-    		ss_name = (char *)ckalloc((MAXNAMES+1) * sizeof (char));
-		if (seqFormat == CLUSTAL) {
-			get_clustal_ss(max_aln_length);
-		}
-		else if (seqFormat == GDE) {
-			get_gde_ss(max_aln_length);
-		}
-		else if (seqFormat == EMBLSWISS) {
-			get_embl_ss(max_aln_length);
-		}
-		else if (seqFormat == RSF) {
-			get_rsf_ss(max_aln_length);
-		}
-	}
-	for(i=first_seq;i<=first_seq+no_seqs-1;i++)
-	{
-		if(strlen(names[i])>max_names)
-			max_names=strlen(names[i]);
-	}
-	if(max_names<10) max_names=10;
-	fclose(fin);
-	return no_seqs;    /* return the number of seqs. read in this call */
-static Boolean check_dnaflag(char *seq, sint slen)
-/* check if DNA or Protein
-   The decision is based on counting all A,C,G,T,U or N. 
-   If >= 85% of all characters (except -) are as above => DNA  */
-	sint i, c, nresidues, nbases;
-	float ratio;
-	char *dna_codes="ACGTUN";
-	nresidues = nbases = 0;	
-	for(i=1; i <= slen; i++) {
-		if(seq[i] != '-') {
-			nresidues++;
-			if(seq[i] == 'N')
-				nbases++;
-			else {
-				c = res_index(dna_codes, seq[i]);
-				if(c >= 0)
-					nbases++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if( (nbases == 0) || (nresidues == 0) ) return FALSE;
-	ratio = (float)nbases/(float)nresidues;
-/* DES 	fprintf(stdout,"\n nbases = %d, nresidues = %d, ratio = %f\n",
-		(pint)nbases,(pint)nresidues,(pint)ratio); */
-	if(ratio >= 0.85) 
-		return TRUE;
-	else
-		return FALSE;
-static void check_infile(sint *nseqs)
-	char line[MAXLINE+1];
-	sint i;	
-	*nseqs=0;
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-		if(!blankline(line)) 
-			break;
-	}
-	for(i=strlen(line)-1;i>=0;i--)
-		if(isgraph(line[i])) break;
-	line[i+1]=EOS;
-	for(i=0;i<=6;i++) line[i] = toupper(line[i]);
-	if( linetype(line,"ID") ) {					/* EMBL/Swiss-Prot format ? */
-		seqFormat=EMBLSWISS;
-		(*nseqs)++;
-	}
-        else if( linetype(line,"CLUSTAL") ) {
-		seqFormat=CLUSTAL;
-	}
- 	else if( linetype(line,"PILEUP") ) {
-		seqFormat = MSF;
-	}
- 	else if( linetype(line,"!!AA_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT") ) {
-		seqFormat = MSF;
-		dnaflag = FALSE;
-	}
- 	else if( linetype(line,"!!NA_MULTIPLE_ALIGNMENT") ) {
-		seqFormat = MSF;
-		dnaflag = TRUE;
-	}
- 	else if( strstr(line,"MSF") && line[strlen(line)-1]=='.' &&
-                                 line[strlen(line)-2]=='.' ) {
-		seqFormat = MSF;
-	}
- 	else if( linetype(line,"!!RICH_SEQUENCE") ) {
-		seqFormat = RSF;
-	}
- 	else if( linetype(line,"#NEXUS") ) {
-		seqFormat=NEXUS;
-		return;
-	}
-	else if(*line == '>') {						/* no */
-		seqFormat=(line[3] == ';')?PIR:PEARSON; /* distinguish PIR and Pearson */
-		(*nseqs)++;
-	}
-	else if((*line == '"') || (*line == '%') || (*line == '#')) {
-		seqFormat=GDE; /* GDE format */
-		if (*line == '%') {
-                        (*nseqs)++;
-			dnaflag = FALSE;
-		}
-		else if (*line == '#') {
-			(*nseqs)++;
-			dnaflag = TRUE;
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		seqFormat=UNKNOWN;
-		return;
-	}
-	while(fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-		switch(seqFormat) {
-			case EMBLSWISS:
-				if( linetype(line,"ID") )
-					(*nseqs)++;
-				break;
-			case PIR:
-				*nseqs = count_pir_seqs();
-				fseek(fin,0,0);
-				return;
-			case PEARSON:
-                                if( *line == '>' )
-                                        (*nseqs)++;
-                                break;
-			case GDE:
-				if(( *line == '%' ) && ( dnaflag == FALSE))
-					(*nseqs)++;
-				else if (( *line == '#') && ( dnaflag == TRUE))
-					(*nseqs)++;
-				break;
-			case CLUSTAL:
-				*nseqs = count_clustal_seqs();
-/* DES */ 			/* fprintf(stdout,"\nnseqs = %d\n",(pint)*nseqs); */
-				fseek(fin,0,0);
-				return;
-			case MSF:
-				*nseqs = count_msf_seqs();
-				fseek(fin,0,0);
-				return;
-			case RSF:
-				fseek(fin,0,0);
-				*nseqs = count_rsf_seqs();
-				fseek(fin,0,0);
-				return;
-			case USER:
-			default:
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	fseek(fin,0,0);
-static sint count_pir_seqs(void)
-/* count the number of sequences in a pir alignment file */
-	char line[MAXLINE+1],c;
-	sint  nseqs, i;
-	Boolean seq_ok;
-	seq_ok = FALSE;
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) { /* Look for end of first seq */
-		if(*line == '>') break;
-		for(i=0;seq_ok == FALSE;i++) {
-			c=line[i];
-			if(c == '*') {
-				seq_ok = TRUE;	/* ok - end of sequence found */
-				break;
-			}			/* EOL */
-			if(c == '\n' || c == EOS)
-				break;			/* EOL */
-		}
-		if (seq_ok == TRUE)
-			break;
-	}
-	if (seq_ok == FALSE) {
-		error("PIR format sequence end marker '*'\nmissing for one or more sequences.");
-		return (sint)0;	/* funny format*/
-	}
-	nseqs = 1;
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-		if(*line == '>') {		/* Look for start of next seq */
-			seq_ok = FALSE;
-			while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) { /* Look for end of seq */
-				if(*line == '>') {
-					error("PIR format sequence end marker '*' missing for one or more sequences.");
-					return (sint)0;	/* funny format*/
-				}
-				for(i=0;seq_ok == FALSE;i++) {
-					c=line[i];
-					if(c == '*') {
-						seq_ok = TRUE;	/* ok - sequence found */
-						break;
-					}			/* EOL */
-					if(c == '\n' || c == EOS)
-						break;			/* EOL */
-				}
-				if (seq_ok == TRUE) {
-					nseqs++;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return (sint)nseqs;
-static sint count_clustal_seqs(void)
-/* count the number of sequences in a clustal alignment file */
-	char line[MAXLINE+1];
-	sint  nseqs;
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-		if(!cl_blankline(line)) break;		/* Look for next non- */
-	}						/* blank line */
-	nseqs = 1;
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-		if(cl_blankline(line)) return nseqs;
-		nseqs++;
-	}
-	return (sint)0;	/* if you got to here-funny format/no seqs.*/
-static sint count_msf_seqs(void)
-/* count the number of sequences in a PILEUP alignment file */
-	char line[MAXLINE+1];
-	sint  nseqs;
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-		if(linetype(line,"//")) break;
-	}
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-		if(!blankline(line)) break;		/* Look for next non- */
-	}						/* blank line */
-	nseqs = 1;
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-		if(blankline(line)) return nseqs;
-		nseqs++;
-	}
-	return (sint)0;	/* if you got to here-funny format/no seqs.*/
-static sint count_rsf_seqs(void)
-/* count the number of sequences in a GCG RSF alignment file */
-	char line[MAXLINE+1];
-	sint  nseqs;
-	nseqs = 0;
-/* skip the comments */
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
- 		if(line[strlen(line)-2]=='.' &&
-                                 line[strlen(line)-3]=='.')
-			break;
-	}
-	while (fgets(line,MAXLINE+1,fin) != NULL) {
-                if( *line == '{' )
-                      nseqs++;
-	}
-	return (sint)nseqs;
-static void p_encode(char *seq, char *naseq, sint l)
-{				/* code seq as ints .. use gap_pos2 for gap */
-	register sint i;
-/*	static char *aacids="CSTPAGNDEQHRKMILVFYW";*/
-	for(i=1;i<=l;i++)
-		if(seq[i] == '-')
-			naseq[i] = gap_pos2;
-		else
-			naseq[i] = res_index(amino_acid_codes,seq[i]);
-	naseq[i] = -3;
-static void n_encode(char *seq,char *naseq,sint l)
-{				/* code seq as ints .. use gap_pos2 for gap */
-	register sint i;
-/*	static char *nucs="ACGTU";	*/
-	for(i=1;i<=l;i++) {
-    	if(seq[i] == '-')          	   /* if a gap character -> code = gap_pos2 */
-			naseq[i] = gap_pos2;   /* this is the code for a gap in */
-		else {                     /* the input files */
-			naseq[i]=res_index(amino_acid_codes,seq[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	naseq[i] = -3;
-static sint res_index(char *t,char c)
-	register sint i;
-	for(i=0;t[i] && t[i] != c;i++)
-		;
-	if(t[i]) return(i);
-	else return -1;

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/showpair.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/showpair.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/showpair.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"	
-static void make_p_ptrs(sint *tptr, sint *pl, sint naseq, sint l);
-static void make_n_ptrs(sint *tptr, sint *pl, sint naseq, sint len);
-static void put_frag(sint fs, sint v1, sint v2, sint flen);
-static sint frag_rel_pos(sint a1, sint b1, sint a2, sint b2);
-static void des_quick_sort(sint *array1, sint *array2, sint array_size);
-static void pair_align(sint seq_no, sint l1, sint l2);
-*	Prototypes
-*	 Global variables
-extern sint *seqlen_array;
-extern char **seq_array;
-extern sint  dna_ktup, dna_window, dna_wind_gap, dna_signif; /* params for DNA */
-extern sint prot_ktup,prot_window,prot_wind_gap,prot_signif; /* params for prots */
-extern sint 	nseqs;
-extern Boolean 	dnaflag;
-extern double 	**tmat;
-extern sint 	max_aa;
-extern sint  max_aln_length;
-static sint 	next;
-static sint 	curr_frag,maxsf,vatend;
-static sint 	**accum;
-static sint 	*diag_index;
-static char 	*slopes;
-sint ktup,window,wind_gap,signif;    		      /* Pairwise aln. params */
-sint *displ;
-sint *zza, *zzb, *zzc, *zzd;
-extern Boolean percent;
-static void make_p_ptrs(sint *tptr,sint *pl,sint naseq,sint l)
-	static sint a[10];
-	sint i,j,limit,code,flag;
-	char residue;
-	for (i=1;i<=ktup;i++)
-           a[i] = (sint) pow((double)(max_aa+1),(double)(i-1));
-	limit = (sint) pow((double)(max_aa+1),(double)ktup);
-	for(i=1;i<=limit;++i)
-		pl[i]=0;
-	for(i=1;i<=l;++i)
-		tptr[i]=0;
-	for(i=1;i<=(l-ktup+1);++i) {
-		code=0;
-		flag=FALSE;
-		for(j=1;j<=ktup;++j) {
-			residue = seq_array[naseq][i+j-1];
-			if((residue<0) || (residue > max_aa)){
-				flag=TRUE;
-				break;
-			}
-			code += ((residue) * a[j]);
-		}
-		if(flag)
-			continue;
-		++code;
-		if(pl[code]!=0)
-			tptr[i]=pl[code];
-		pl[code]=i;
-	}
-static void make_n_ptrs(sint *tptr,sint *pl,sint naseq,sint len)
-	static sint pot[]={ 0, 1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096 };
-	sint i,j,limit,code,flag;
-	char residue;
-	limit = (sint) pow((double)4,(double)ktup);
-	for(i=1;i<=limit;++i)
-		pl[i]=0;
-	for(i=1;i<=len;++i)
-		tptr[i]=0;
-	for(i=1;i<=len-ktup+1;++i) {
-		code=0;
-		flag=FALSE;
-		for(j=1;j<=ktup;++j) {
-			residue = seq_array[naseq][i+j-1];
-			if((residue<0) || (residue>4)){
-				flag=TRUE;
-				break;
-			}
-			code += ((residue) * pot[j]);  /* DES */
-		}
-		if(flag)
-			continue;
-		++code;
-		if(pl[code]!=0)
-			tptr[i]=pl[code];
-		pl[code]=i;
-	}
-static void put_frag(sint fs,sint v1,sint v2,sint flen)
-	sint end;
-	accum[0][curr_frag]=fs;
-	accum[1][curr_frag]=v1;
-	accum[2][curr_frag]=v2;
-	accum[3][curr_frag]=flen;
-	if(!maxsf) {
-		maxsf=1;
-		accum[4][curr_frag]=0;
-		return;
-	}
-        if(fs >= accum[0][maxsf]) {
-		accum[4][curr_frag]=maxsf;
-		maxsf=curr_frag;
-		return;
-	}
-	else {
-		next=maxsf;
-		while(TRUE) {
-			end=next;
-			next=accum[4][next];
-			if(fs>=accum[0][next])
-				break;
-		}
-		accum[4][curr_frag]=next;
-		accum[4][end]=curr_frag;
-	}
-static sint frag_rel_pos(sint a1,sint b1,sint a2,sint b2)
-	sint ret;
-	ret=FALSE;
-	if(a1-b1==a2-b2) {
-		if(a2<a1)
-			ret=TRUE;
-	}
-	else {
-		if(a2+ktup-1<a1 && b2+ktup-1<b1)
-			ret=TRUE;
-	}
-	return ret;
-static void des_quick_sort(sint *array1, sint *array2, sint array_size)
-/*  */
-/* Quicksort routine, adapted from chapter 4, page 115 of software tools */
-/* by Kernighan and Plauger, (1986) */
-/* Sort the elements of array1 and sort the */
-/* elements of array2 accordingly */
-/*  */
-	sint temp1, temp2;
-	sint p, pivlin;
-	sint i, j;
-	sint lst[50], ust[50];       /* the maximum no. of elements must be*/
-								/* < log(base2) of 50 */
-	lst[1] = 1;
-	ust[1] = array_size-1;
-	p = 1;
-	while(p > 0) {
-		if(lst[p] >= ust[p])
-			p--;
-		else {
-			i = lst[p] - 1;
-			j = ust[p];
-			pivlin = array1[j];
-			while(i < j) {
-				for(i=i+1; array1[i] < pivlin; i++)
-					;
-				for(j=j-1; j > i; j--)
-					if(array1[j] <= pivlin) break;
-				if(i < j) {
-					temp1     = array1[i];
-					array1[i] = array1[j];
-					array1[j] = temp1;
-					temp2     = array2[i];
-					array2[i] = array2[j];
-					array2[j] = temp2;
-				}
-			}
-			j = ust[p];
-			temp1     = array1[i];
-			array1[i] = array1[j];
-			array1[j] = temp1;
-			temp2     = array2[i];
-			array2[i] = array2[j];
-			array2[j] = temp2;
-			if(i-lst[p] < ust[p] - i) {
-				lst[p+1] = lst[p];
-				ust[p+1] = i - 1;
-				lst[p]   = i + 1;
-			}
-			else {
-				lst[p+1] = i + 1;
-				ust[p+1] = ust[p];
-				ust[p]   = i - 1;
-			}
-			p = p + 1;
-		}
-	}
-	return;
-static void pair_align(sint seq_no,sint l1,sint l2)
-	sint pot[8],i,j,l,m,flag,limit,pos,tl1,vn1,vn2,flen,osptr,fs;
-	sint tv1,tv2,encrypt,subt1,subt2,rmndr;
-	char residue;
-	if(dnaflag) {
-		for(i=1;i<=ktup;++i)
-			pot[i] = (sint) pow((double)4,(double)(i-1));
-		limit = (sint) pow((double)4,(double)ktup);
-	}
-	else {
-		for (i=1;i<=ktup;i++)
-           		pot[i] = (sint) pow((double)(max_aa+1),(double)(i-1));
-		limit = (sint) pow((double)(max_aa+1),(double)ktup);
-	}
-	tl1 = (l1+l2)-1;
-	for(i=1;i<=tl1;++i) {
-		slopes[i]=displ[i]=0;
-		diag_index[i] = i;
-	}
-/* increment diagonal score for each k_tuple match */
-	for(i=1;i<=limit;++i) {
-		vn1=zzc[i];
-		while(TRUE) {
-			if(!vn1) break;
-			vn2=zzd[i];
-			while(vn2 != 0) {
-				osptr=vn1-vn2+l2;
-				++displ[osptr];
-				vn2=zzb[vn2];
-			}
-			vn1=zza[vn1];
-		}
-	}
-/* choose the top SIGNIF diagonals */
-	des_quick_sort(displ, diag_index, tl1);
-	j = tl1 - signif + 1;
-	if(j < 1) j = 1;
-/* flag all diagonals within WINDOW of a top diagonal */
-	for(i=tl1; i>=j; i--) 
-		if(displ[i] > 0) {
-			pos = diag_index[i];
-			l = (1  >pos-window) ? 1   : pos-window;
-			m = (tl1<pos+window) ? tl1 : pos+window;
-			for(; l <= m; l++) 
-				slopes[l] = 1;
-		}
-	for(i=1; i<=tl1; i++)  displ[i] = 0;
-	curr_frag=maxsf=0;
-	for(i=1;i<=(l1-ktup+1);++i) {
-		encrypt=flag=0;
-		for(j=1;j<=ktup;++j) {
-			residue = seq_array[seq_no][i+j-1];
-			if((residue<0) || (residue>max_aa)) {
-				flag=TRUE;
-				break;
-			}
-			encrypt += ((residue)*pot[j]);
-		}
-		if(flag) continue;
-		++encrypt;
-		vn2=zzd[encrypt];
-		flag=FALSE;
-		while(TRUE) {
-			if(!vn2) {
-				flag=TRUE;
-				break;
-			}
-			osptr=i-vn2+l2;
-			if(slopes[osptr]!=1) {
-				vn2=zzb[vn2];
-				continue;
-			}
-			flen=0;
-			fs=ktup;
-			next=maxsf;		
-		/*
-		* A-loop
-		*/
-			while(TRUE) {
-				if(!next) {
-					++curr_frag;
-					if(curr_frag>=2*max_aln_length) {
-						info("(Partial alignment)");
-						vatend=1;
-						return;
-					}
-					displ[osptr]=curr_frag;
-					put_frag(fs,i,vn2,flen);
-				}
-				else {
-					tv1=accum[1][next];
-					tv2=accum[2][next];
-					if(frag_rel_pos(i,vn2,tv1,tv2)) {
-						if(i-vn2==accum[1][next]-accum[2][next]) {
-							if(i>accum[1][next]+(ktup-1))
-								fs=accum[0][next]+ktup;
-							else {
-								rmndr=i-accum[1][next];
-								fs=accum[0][next]+rmndr;
-							}
-							flen=next;
-							next=0;
-							continue;
-						}
-						else {
-							if(displ[osptr]==0)
-								subt1=ktup;
-							else {
-								if(i>accum[1][displ[osptr]]+(ktup-1))
-									subt1=accum[0][displ[osptr]]+ktup;
-								else {
-									rmndr=i-accum[1][displ[osptr]];
-									subt1=accum[0][displ[osptr]]+rmndr;
-								}
-							}
-							subt2=accum[0][next]-wind_gap+ktup;
-							if(subt2>subt1) {
-								flen=next;
-								fs=subt2;
-							}
-							else {
-								flen=displ[osptr];
-								fs=subt1;
-							}
-							next=0;
-							continue;
-						}
-					}
-					else {
-						next=accum[4][next];
-						continue;
-					}
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-		/*
-		* End of Aloop
-		*/
-			vn2=zzb[vn2];
-		}
-	}
-	vatend=0;
-void show_pair(sint istart, sint iend, sint jstart, sint jend)
-	sint i,j,dsr;
-	double calc_score;
-	accum = (sint **)ckalloc( 5*sizeof (sint *) );
-	for (i=0;i<5;i++)
-		accum[i] = (sint *) ckalloc((2*max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-	displ      = (sint *) ckalloc( (2*max_aln_length +1) * sizeof (sint) );
-	slopes     = (char *)ckalloc( (2*max_aln_length +1) * sizeof (char));
-	diag_index = (sint *) ckalloc( (2*max_aln_length +1) * sizeof (sint) );
-	zza = (sint *)ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-	zzb = (sint *)ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-	zzc = (sint *)ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-	zzd = (sint *)ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-        if(dnaflag) {
-                ktup     = dna_ktup;
-                window   = dna_window;
-                signif   = dna_signif;
-                wind_gap = dna_wind_gap;
-        }
-        else {
-                ktup     = prot_ktup;
-                window   = prot_window;
-                signif   = prot_signif;
-                wind_gap = prot_wind_gap;
-        }
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-	for(i=istart+1;i<=iend;++i) {
-		if(dnaflag)
-			make_n_ptrs(zza,zzc,i,seqlen_array[i]);
-		else
-			make_p_ptrs(zza,zzc,i,seqlen_array[i]);
-		for(j=jstart+2;j<=jend;++j) {
-			if(dnaflag)
-				make_n_ptrs(zzb,zzd,j,seqlen_array[j]);
-			else
-				make_p_ptrs(zzb,zzd,j,seqlen_array[j]);
-			pair_align(i,seqlen_array[i],seqlen_array[j]);
-			if(!maxsf)
-				calc_score=0.0;
-			else {
-				calc_score=(double)accum[0][maxsf];
-				if(percent) {
-					dsr=(seqlen_array[i]<seqlen_array[j]) ?
-							seqlen_array[i] : seqlen_array[j];
-				calc_score = (calc_score/(double)dsr) * 100.0;
-				}
-			}
-			tmat[i][j]=calc_score;
-			tmat[j][i]=calc_score;
-                        tmat[i][j] = (100.0 - calc_score)/100.0;
-                        tmat[j][i] = (100.0 - calc_score)/100.0;
-			if(calc_score>0.1) 
-				info("Sequences (%d:%d) Aligned. Score: %lg",
-               			(pint)i,(pint)j,calc_score);
-			else
-				info("Sequences (%d:%d) Not Aligned",
-						(pint)i,(pint)j);
-		}
-	}
-	for (i=0;i<5;i++)
-	   accum[i]=ckfree((void *)accum[i]);
-	accum=ckfree((void *)accum);
-	displ=ckfree((void *)displ);
-	slopes=ckfree((void *)slopes);
-	diag_index=ckfree((void *)diag_index);
-	zza=ckfree((void *)zza);
-	zzb=ckfree((void *)zzb);
-	zzc=ckfree((void *)zzc);
-	zzd=ckfree((void *)zzd);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/trees.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/trees.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/trees.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,2166 +0,0 @@
-/* Phyle of filogenetic tree calculating functions for CLUSTAL W */
-/* DES was here  FEB. 1994 */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#include "dayhoff.h"    /* set correction for amino acid distances >= 75% */
- *   Prototypes
- */
-Boolean transition(sint base1, sint base2);
-void tree_gap_delete(void);
-void distance_matrix_output(FILE *ofile);
-void nj_tree(char **tree_description, FILE *tree);
-void compare_tree(char **tree1, char **tree2, sint *hits, sint n);
-void print_phylip_tree(char **tree_description, FILE *tree, sint bootstrap);
-void print_nexus_tree(char **tree_description, FILE *tree, sint bootstrap);
-sint two_way_split(char **tree_description, FILE *tree, sint start_row, sint flag, sint bootstrap);
-sint two_way_split_nexus(char **tree_description, FILE *tree, sint start_row, sint flag, sint bootstrap);
-void print_tree(char **tree_description, FILE *tree, sint *totals);
-static Boolean is_ambiguity(char c);
-static void overspill_message(sint overspill,sint total_dists);
- *   Global variables
- */
-extern sint max_names;
-extern double **tmat;     /* general nxn array of reals; allocated from main */
-                          /* this is used as a distance matrix */
-extern Boolean dnaflag;   /* TRUE for DNA seqs; FALSE for proteins */
-extern Boolean tossgaps;  /* Ignore places in align. where ANY seq. has a gap*/
-extern Boolean kimura;    /* Use correction for multiple substitutions */
-extern Boolean output_tree_clustal;   /* clustal text output for trees */
-extern Boolean output_tree_phylip;    /* phylip nested parentheses format */
-extern Boolean output_tree_distances; /* phylip distance matrix */
-extern Boolean output_tree_nexus;     /* nexus format tree */
-extern Boolean output_pim;     /* perc identity matrix output Ramu */
-extern sint    bootstrap_format;      /* bootstrap file format */
-extern Boolean empty;                 /* any sequences in memory? */
-extern Boolean usemenu;   /* interactive (TRUE) or command line (FALSE) */
-extern sint nseqs;
-extern sint max_aln_length;
-extern sint *seqlen_array; /* the lengths of the sequences */
-extern char **seq_array;   /* the sequences */
-extern char **names;       /* the seq. names */
-extern char seqname[];		/* name of input file */
-extern sint gap_pos1,gap_pos2;
-extern Boolean use_ambiguities;
-extern char *amino_acid_codes;
-static double 	*av;
-static double 	*left_branch, *right_branch;
-static double 	*save_left_branch, *save_right_branch;
-static sint	*boot_totals;
-static sint 	*tkill;
-  The next line is a fossil from the days of using the cc ran()
-static int 	ran_factor;
-static sint 	*boot_positions;
-static FILE 	*phylip_phy_tree_file;
-static FILE 	*clustal_phy_tree_file;
-static FILE 	*distances_phy_tree_file;
-static FILE 	*nexus_phy_tree_file;
-static FILE     *pim_file; /* Ramu */
-static Boolean 	verbose;
-static char 	*tree_gaps;
-static sint first_seq, last_seq;
-                     /* array of weights; 1 for use this posn.; 0 don't */
-extern sint boot_ntrials;		/* number of bootstrap trials */
-extern unsigned sint boot_ran_seed;	/* random number generator seed */
-void phylogenetic_tree(char *phylip_name,char *clustal_name,char *dist_name, char *nexus_name, char *pim_name)
-   Calculate a tree using the distances in the nseqs*nseqs array tmat.
-   This is the routine for getting the REAL trees after alignment.
-{	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	sint i, j;
-	sint overspill = 0;
-	sint total_dists;
-	static char **standard_tree;
-	static char **save_tree;
-	char lin2[10];
-	if(empty) {
-		error("You must load an alignment first");
-		return;
-	}
-	if(nseqs<2) {
-		error("Alignment has only %d sequences",nseqs);
-		return;
-	}
-	first_seq=1;
-	last_seq=nseqs;
-	get_path(seqname,path);
-if(output_tree_clustal) {
-        if (clustal_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                if((clustal_phy_tree_file = open_explicit_file(
-                clustal_name))==NULL) return;
-        }
-        else {
-		if((clustal_phy_tree_file = open_output_file(
-		"\nEnter name for CLUSTAL    tree output file  ",path,
-		clustal_name,"nj")) == NULL) return;
-        }
-if(output_tree_phylip) {
-        if (phylip_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                if((phylip_phy_tree_file = open_explicit_file(
-                phylip_name))==NULL) return;
-        }
-        else {
-                 if((phylip_phy_tree_file = open_output_file(
-		"\nEnter name for PHYLIP     tree output file  ",path,
-                phylip_name,"ph")) == NULL) return;
-        }
-        if (dist_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                if((distances_phy_tree_file = open_explicit_file(
-                dist_name))==NULL) return;
-        }
-        else {
-		if((distances_phy_tree_file = open_output_file(
-		"\nEnter name for distance matrix output file  ",path,
-		dist_name,"dst")) == NULL) return;
-        }
-        if (nexus_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                if((nexus_phy_tree_file = open_explicit_file(
-                nexus_name))==NULL) return;
-        }
-        else {
-		if((nexus_phy_tree_file = open_output_file(
-		"\nEnter name for NEXUS tree output file  ",path,
-		nexus_name,"tre")) == NULL) return;
-        }
-        if (pim_name[0]!=EOS) {
-        	if((pim_file = open_explicit_file(
-		pim_name))==NULL) return;
-      }
-      else {
-        	if((pim_file = open_output_file(
-		"\nEnter name for % Identity matrix output file  ",path,
-                pim_name,"pim")) == NULL) return;
-      }
-	boot_positions = (sint *)ckalloc( (seqlen_array[first_seq]+2) * sizeof (sint) );
-	for(j=1; j<=seqlen_array[first_seq]; ++j) 
-		boot_positions[j] = j;		
-	if(output_tree_clustal) {
-		verbose = TRUE;     /* Turn on file output */
-		if(dnaflag)
-			overspill = dna_distance_matrix(clustal_phy_tree_file);
-		else 
-			overspill = prot_distance_matrix(clustal_phy_tree_file);
-	}
-	if(output_tree_phylip) {
-		verbose = FALSE;     /* Turn off file output */
-		if(dnaflag)
-			overspill = dna_distance_matrix(phylip_phy_tree_file);
-		else 
-			overspill = prot_distance_matrix(phylip_phy_tree_file);
-	}
-	if(output_tree_nexus) {
-		verbose = FALSE;     /* Turn off file output */
-		if(dnaflag)
-			overspill = dna_distance_matrix(nexus_phy_tree_file);
-		else 
-			overspill = prot_distance_matrix(nexus_phy_tree_file);
-	}
-        if(output_pim) { /* Ramu  */
-          	verbose = FALSE;     /* Turn off file output */
-          	if(dnaflag)
-           		calc_percidentity(pim_file);
-          	else
-            		calc_percidentity(pim_file);
-        }
-	if(output_tree_distances) {
-		verbose = FALSE;     /* Turn off file output */
-		if(dnaflag)
-			overspill = dna_distance_matrix(distances_phy_tree_file);
-		else 
-			overspill = prot_distance_matrix(distances_phy_tree_file);
-      		distance_matrix_output(distances_phy_tree_file);
-	}
-/* check if any distances overflowed the distance corrections */
-	if ( overspill > 0 ) {
-		total_dists = (nseqs*(nseqs-1))/2;
-		overspill_message(overspill,total_dists);
-	}
-	if(output_tree_clustal) verbose = TRUE;     /* Turn on file output */
-	standard_tree   = (char **) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (char *) );
-	for(i=0; i<nseqs+1; i++) 
-		standard_tree[i]  = (char *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof(char) );
-	save_tree   = (char **) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (char *) );
-	for(i=0; i<nseqs+1; i++) 
-		save_tree[i]  = (char *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof(char) );
-	if(output_tree_clustal || output_tree_phylip || output_tree_nexus) 
-		nj_tree(standard_tree,clustal_phy_tree_file);
-	for(i=1; i<nseqs+1; i++) 
-		for(j=1; j<nseqs+1; j++) 
-			save_tree[i][j]  = standard_tree[i][j];
-	if(output_tree_phylip) 
-		print_phylip_tree(standard_tree,phylip_phy_tree_file,0);
-	for(i=1; i<nseqs+1; i++) 
-		for(j=1; j<nseqs+1; j++) 
-			standard_tree[i][j]  = save_tree[i][j];
-	if(output_tree_nexus) 
-		print_nexus_tree(standard_tree,nexus_phy_tree_file,0);
-	print_tree(standard_tree,phy_tree_file);
-	tree_gaps=ckfree((void *)tree_gaps);
-	boot_positions=ckfree((void *)boot_positions);
-	if (left_branch != NULL) left_branch=ckfree((void *)left_branch);
-	if (right_branch != NULL) right_branch=ckfree((void *)right_branch);
-	if (tkill != NULL) tkill=ckfree((void *)tkill);
-	if (av != NULL) av=ckfree((void *)av);
-	for (i=0;i<nseqs+1;i++)
-		standard_tree[i]=ckfree((void *)standard_tree[i]);
-	standard_tree=ckfree((void *)standard_tree);
-	for (i=0;i<nseqs+1;i++)
-		save_tree[i]=ckfree((void *)save_tree[i]);
-	save_tree=ckfree((void *)save_tree);
-if(output_tree_clustal) {
-	fclose(clustal_phy_tree_file);	
-	info("Phylogenetic tree file created:   [%s]",clustal_name);
-if(output_tree_phylip) {
-	fclose(phylip_phy_tree_file);	
-	info("Phylogenetic tree file created:   [%s]",phylip_name);
-if(output_tree_distances) {
-	fclose(distances_phy_tree_file);	
-	info("Distance matrix  file  created:   [%s]",dist_name);
-if(output_tree_nexus) {
-	fclose(nexus_phy_tree_file);	
-	info("Nexus tree file  created:   [%s]",nexus_name);
-if(output_pim) {
-	fclose(pim_file);
-	info(" perc identity matrix file  created:   [%s]",pim_name);
-static void overspill_message(sint overspill,sint total_dists)
-	char err_mess[1024]="";
-	sprintf(err_mess,"%d of the distances out of a total of %d",
-	(pint)overspill,(pint)total_dists);
-	strcat(err_mess,"\n were out of range for the distance correction.");
-	strcat(err_mess,"\n");
-	strcat(err_mess,"\n SUGGESTIONS: 1) remove the most distant sequences");
-	strcat(err_mess,"\n           or 2) use the PHYLIP package");
-	strcat(err_mess,"\n           or 3) turn off the correction.");
-	strcat(err_mess,"\n Note: Use option 3 with caution! With this degree");
-	strcat(err_mess,"\n of divergence you will have great difficulty");
-	strcat(err_mess,"\n getting robust and reliable trees.");
-	strcat(err_mess,"\n\n");
-	warning(err_mess);
-Boolean transition(sint base1, sint base2) /* TRUE if transition; else FALSE */
-   assumes that the bases of DNA sequences have been translated as
-   a,A = 0;   c,C = 1;   g,G = 2;   t,T,u,U = 3;  N = 4;  
-   a,A = 0;   c,C = 2;   g,G = 6;   t,T,u,U =17;  
-   A <--> G  and  T <--> C  are transitions;  all others are transversions.
-	if( ((base1 == 0) && (base2 == 6)) || ((base1 == 6) && (base2 == 0)) )
-		return TRUE;                                     /* A <--> G */
-	if( ((base1 ==17) && (base2 == 2)) || ((base1 == 2) && (base2 ==17)) )
-		return TRUE;                                     /* T <--> C */
-    return FALSE;
-void tree_gap_delete(void)   /* flag all positions in alignment that have a gap */
-{			  /* in ANY sequence */
-	sint seqn;
-	sint posn;
-	tree_gaps = (char *)ckalloc( (max_aln_length+1) * sizeof (char) );
-	for(posn=1; posn<=seqlen_array[first_seq]; ++posn) {
-		tree_gaps[posn] = 0;
-     	for(seqn=1; seqn<=last_seq-first_seq+1; ++seqn)  {
-			if((seq_array[seqn+first_seq-1][posn] == gap_pos1) ||
-			   (seq_array[seqn+first_seq-1][posn] == gap_pos2)) {
-			   tree_gaps[posn] = 1;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void distance_matrix_output(FILE *ofile)
-	sint i,j;
-	fprintf(ofile,"%6d",(pint)last_seq-first_seq+1);
-	for(i=1;i<=last_seq-first_seq+1;i++) {
-		fprintf(ofile,"\n%-*s ",max_names,names[i]);
-		for(j=1;j<=last_seq-first_seq+1;j++) {
-			fprintf(ofile,"%6.3f ",tmat[i][j]);
-			if(j % 8 == 0) {
-				if(j!=last_seq-first_seq+1) fprintf(ofile,"\n"); 
-				if(j != last_seq-first_seq+1 ) fprintf(ofile,"          ");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void nj_tree(char **tree_description, FILE *tree)
-	register int i;
-	sint l[4],nude,k;
-	sint nc,mini,minj,j,ii,jj;
-	double fnseqs,fnseqs2=0,sumd;
-	double diq,djq,dij,d2r,dr,dio,djo,da;
-	double tmin,total,dmin;
-	double bi,bj,b1,b2,b3,branch[4];
-	sint typei,typej;             /* 0 = node; 1 = OTU */
-	fnseqs = (double)last_seq-first_seq+1;
-/*********************** First initialisation ***************************/
-	if(verbose)  {
-		fprintf(tree,"\n\n\t\t\tNeighbor-joining Method\n");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n Saitou, N. and Nei, M. (1987)");
-		fprintf(tree," The Neighbor-joining Method:");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n A New Method for Reconstructing Phylogenetic Trees.");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n Mol. Biol. Evol., 4(4), 406-425\n");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n\n This is an UNROOTED tree\n");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n Numbers in parentheses are branch lengths\n\n");
-	}	
-	if (fnseqs == 2) {
-		if (verbose) fprintf(tree,"Cycle   1     =  SEQ:   1 (%9.5f) joins  SEQ:   2 (%9.5f)",tmat[first_seq][first_seq+1],tmat[first_seq][first_seq+1]);
-		return;
-	}
-	mini = minj = 0;
-	left_branch 	= (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+2) * sizeof (double)   );
-	right_branch    = (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+2) * sizeof (double)   );
-	tkill 		= (sint *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-	av   		= (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (double)   );
-	for(i=1;i<=last_seq-first_seq+1;++i) 
-		{
-		tmat[i][i] = av[i] = 0.0;
-		tkill[i] = 0;
-		}
-/*********************** Enter The Main Cycle ***************************/
- /*	for(nc=1; nc<=(last_seq-first_seq+1-3); ++nc) {  */            	/**start main cycle**/
-	for(nc=1; nc<=(last_seq-first_seq+1-3); ++nc) {
-		sumd = 0.0;
-		for(j=2; j<=last_seq-first_seq+1; ++j)
-			for(i=1; i<j; ++i) {
-				tmat[j][i] = tmat[i][j];
-				sumd = sumd + tmat[i][j];
-			}
-		tmin = 99999.0;
-/*.................compute SMATij values and find the smallest one ........*/
-		for(jj=2; jj<=last_seq-first_seq+1; ++jj) 
-			if(tkill[jj] != 1) 
-				for(ii=1; ii<jj; ++ii)
-					if(tkill[ii] != 1) {
-						diq = djq = 0.0;
-						for(i=1; i<=last_seq-first_seq+1; ++i) {
-							diq = diq + tmat[i][ii];
-							djq = djq + tmat[i][jj];
-						}
-						dij = tmat[ii][jj];
-						d2r = diq + djq - (2.0*dij);
-						dr  = sumd - dij -d2r;
-						fnseqs2 = fnseqs - 2.0;
-					        total= d2r+ fnseqs2*dij +dr*2.0;
-						total= total / (2.0*fnseqs2);
-						if(total < tmin) {
-							tmin = total;
-							mini = ii;
-							minj = jj;
-						}
-					}
-/*.................compute branch lengths and print the results ........*/
-		dio = djo = 0.0;
-		for(i=1; i<=last_seq-first_seq+1; ++i) {
-			dio = dio + tmat[i][mini];
-			djo = djo + tmat[i][minj];
-		}
-		dmin = tmat[mini][minj];
-		dio = (dio - dmin) / fnseqs2;
-		djo = (djo - dmin) / fnseqs2;
-		bi = (dmin + dio - djo) * 0.5;
-		bj = dmin - bi;
-		bi = bi - av[mini];
-		bj = bj - av[minj];
-		if( av[mini] > 0.0 )
-			typei = 0;
-		else
-			typei = 1;
-		if( av[minj] > 0.0 )
-			typej = 0;
-		else
-			typej = 1;
-		if(verbose) 
-	 	    fprintf(tree,"\n Cycle%4d     = ",(pint)nc);
-   set negative branch lengths to zero.  Also set any tiny positive
-   branch lengths to zero.
-*/		if( fabs(bi) < 0.0001) bi = 0.0;
-		if( fabs(bj) < 0.0001) bj = 0.0;
-	    	if(verbose) {
-		    if(typei == 0) 
-			fprintf(tree,"Node:%4d (%9.5f) joins ",(pint)mini,bi);
-		    else 
-			fprintf(tree," SEQ:%4d (%9.5f) joins ",(pint)mini,bi);
-		    if(typej == 0) 
-			fprintf(tree,"Node:%4d (%9.5f)",(pint)minj,bj);
-		    else 
-			fprintf(tree," SEQ:%4d (%9.5f)",(pint)minj,bj);
-		    fprintf(tree,"\n");
-	    	}	
-	    	left_branch[nc] = bi;
-	    	right_branch[nc] = bj;
-		for(i=1; i<=last_seq-first_seq+1; i++)
-			tree_description[nc][i] = 0;
-	     	if(typei == 0) { 
-			for(i=nc-1; i>=1; i--)
-				if(tree_description[i][mini] == 1) {
-					for(j=1; j<=last_seq-first_seq+1; j++)  
-					     if(tree_description[i][j] == 1)
-						    tree_description[nc][j] = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-		}
-		else
-			tree_description[nc][mini] = 1;
-		if(typej == 0) {
-			for(i=nc-1; i>=1; i--) 
-				if(tree_description[i][minj] == 1) {
-					for(j=1; j<=last_seq-first_seq+1; j++)  
-					     if(tree_description[i][j] == 1)
-						    tree_description[nc][j] = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-		}
-		else
-			tree_description[nc][minj] = 1;
-   Here is where the -0.00005 branch lengths come from for 3 or more
-   identical seqs.
-/*		if(dmin <= 0.0) dmin = 0.0001; */
-                if(dmin <= 0.0) dmin = 0.000001;
-		av[mini] = dmin * 0.5;
-		fnseqs = fnseqs - 1.0;
-		tkill[minj] = 1;
-		for(j=1; j<=last_seq-first_seq+1; ++j) 
-			if( tkill[j] != 1 ) {
-				da = ( tmat[mini][j] + tmat[minj][j] ) * 0.5;
-				if( (mini - j) < 0 ) 
-					tmat[mini][j] = da;
-				if( (mini - j) > 0)
-					tmat[j][mini] = da;
-			}
-		for(j=1; j<=last_seq-first_seq+1; ++j)
-			tmat[minj][j] = tmat[j][minj] = 0.0;
-/****/	}						/**end main cycle**/
-/******************************Last Cycle (3 Seqs. left)********************/
-	nude = 1;
-	for(i=1; i<=last_seq-first_seq+1; ++i)
-		if( tkill[i] != 1 ) {
-			l[nude] = i;
-			nude = nude + 1;
-		}
-	b1 = (tmat[l[1]][l[2]] + tmat[l[1]][l[3]] - tmat[l[2]][l[3]]) * 0.5;
-	b2 =  tmat[l[1]][l[2]] - b1;
-	b3 =  tmat[l[1]][l[3]] - b1;
-	branch[1] = b1 - av[l[1]];
-	branch[2] = b2 - av[l[2]];
-	branch[3] = b3 - av[l[3]];
-/* Reset tiny negative and positive branch lengths to zero */
-	if( fabs(branch[1]) < 0.0001) branch[1] = 0.0;
-	if( fabs(branch[2]) < 0.0001) branch[2] = 0.0;
-	if( fabs(branch[3]) < 0.0001) branch[3] = 0.0;
-	left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1-2] = branch[1];
-	left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1-1] = branch[2];
-	left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1]   = branch[3];
-	for(i=1; i<=last_seq-first_seq+1; i++)
-		tree_description[last_seq-first_seq+1-2][i] = 0;
-	if(verbose)
-		fprintf(tree,"\n Cycle%4d (Last cycle, trichotomy):\n",(pint)nc);
-	for(i=1; i<=3; ++i) {
-	   if( av[l[i]] > 0.0) {
-	      	if(verbose)
-	      	    fprintf(tree,"\n\t\t Node:%4d (%9.5f) ",(pint)l[i],branch[i]);
-		for(k=last_seq-first_seq+1-3; k>=1; k--)
-			if(tree_description[k][l[i]] == 1) {
-				for(j=1; j<=last_seq-first_seq+1; j++)
-				 	if(tree_description[k][j] == 1)
-					    tree_description[last_seq-first_seq+1-2][j] = i;
-				break;
-			}
-	   }
-	   else  {
-	      	if(verbose)
-	   	    fprintf(tree,"\n\t\t  SEQ:%4d (%9.5f) ",(pint)l[i],branch[i]);
-		tree_description[last_seq-first_seq+1-2][l[i]] = i;
-	   }
-	   if(i < 3) {
-	      	if(verbose)
-	            fprintf(tree,"joins");
-	   }
-	}
-	if(verbose)
-		fprintf(tree,"\n");
-#else /* ORIGINAL_NJ_TREE */
-void nj_tree(char **tree_description, FILE *tree) {
-	void fast_nj_tree();
-	/*fprintf(stderr, "****** call fast_nj_tree() !!!! ******\n");*/
-	fast_nj_tree(tree_description, tree);
- * [ Improvement ideas in fast_nj_tree() ] by DDBJ & FUJITSU Limited.
- *						written by Tadashi Koike
- *						(takoike at genes.nig.ac.jp)
- *******************
- * <IMPROVEMENT 1> : Store the value of sum of the score to temporary array,
- *                   and use again and again.
- *
- *	In the main cycle, these are calculated again and again :
- *	    diq = sum of tmat[n][ii]   (n:1 to last_seq-first_seq+1),
- *	    djq = sum of tmat[n][jj]   (n:1 to last_seq-first_seq+1),
- *	    dio = sum of tmat[n][mini] (n:1 to last_seq-first_seq+1),
- *	    djq = sum of tmat[n][minj] (n:1 to last_seq-first_seq+1)
- *		// 'last_seq' and 'first_seq' are both constant values //
- *	and the result of above calculations is always same until 
- *	a best pair of neighbour nodes is joined.
- *
- *	So, we change the logic to calculate the sum[i] (=sum of tmat[n][i]
- *	(n:1 to last_seq-first_seq+1)) and store it to array, before
- *	beginning to find a best pair of neighbour nodes, and after that 
- *	we use them again and again.
- *
- *	    tmat[i][j]
- *	              1   2   3   4   5
- *	            +---+---+---+---+---+
- *	          1 |   |   |   |   |   |
- *	            +---+---+---+---+---+
- *	          2 |   |   |   |   |   |  1) calculate sum of tmat[n][i]
- *	            +---+---+---+---+---+        (n: 1 to last_seq-first_seq+1)
- *	          3 |   |   |   |   |   |  2) store that sum value to sum[i]
- *	            +---+---+---+---+---+
- *	          4 |   |   |   |   |   |  3) use sum[i] during finding a best
- *	            +---+---+---+---+---+     pair of neibour nodes.
- *	          5 |   |   |   |   |   |
- *	            +---+---+---+---+---+
- *	              |   |   |   |   |
- *	              V   V   V   V   V  Calculate sum , and store it to sum[i]
- *	            +---+---+---+---+---+
- *	     sum[i] |   |   |   |   |   |
- *	            +---+---+---+---+---+
- *
- *	At this time, we thought that we use upper triangle of the matrix
- *	because tmat[i][j] is equal to tmat[j][i] and tmat[i][i] is equal 
- *	to zero. Therefore, we prepared sum_rows[i] and sum_cols[i] instead 
- *	of sum[i] for storing the sum value.
- *
- *	    tmat[i][j]
- *	              1   2   3   4   5     sum_cols[i]
- *	            +---+---+---+---+---+     +---+
- *	          1     | # | # | # | # | --> |   | ... sum of tmat[1][2..5]
- *	            + - +---+---+---+---+     +---+
- *	          2         | # | # | # | --> |   | ... sum of tmat[2][3..5]
- *	            + - + - +---+---+---+     +---+
- *	          3             | # | # | --> |   | ... sum of tmat[3][4..5]
- *	            + - + - + - +---+---+     +---+
- *	          4                 | # | --> |   | ... sum of tmat[4][5]
- *	            + - + - + - + - +---+     +---+
- *	          5                     | --> |   | ... zero
- *	            + - + - + - + - + - +     +---+
- *	              |   |   |   |   |
- *	              V   V   V   V   V  Calculate sum , sotre to sum[i]
- *	            +---+---+---+---+---+
- *	sum_rows[i] |   |   |   |   |   |
- *	            +---+---+---+---+---+
- *	              |   |   |   |   |
- *	              |   |   |   |   +----- sum of tmat[1..4][5]
- *	              |   |   |   +--------- sum of tmat[1..3][4]
- *	              |   |   +------------- sum of tmat[1..2][3]
- *	              |   +----------------- sum of tmat[1][2]
- *	              +--------------------- zero
- *
- *	And we use (sum_rows[i] + sum_cols[i]) instead of sum[i].
- *
- *******************
- * <IMPROVEMENT 2> : We manage valid nodes with chain list, instead of
- *                   tkill[i] flag array.
- *
- *	In original logic, invalid(killed?) nodes after nodes-joining
- *	are managed with tkill[i] flag array (set to 1 when killed).
- *	By this method, it is conspicuous to try next node but skip it
- *	at the latter of finding a best pair of neighbor nodes.
- *
- *	So, we thought that we managed valid nodes by using a chain list 
- *	as below:
- *
- *	1) declare the list structure.
- *		struct {
- *		    sint n;		// entry number of node.
- *		    void *prev;		// pointer to previous entry.
- *		    void *next;		// pointer to next entry.
- *		}
- *	2) construct a valid node list.
- *
- *       +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+        +-----+
- * NULL<-|prev |<---|prev |<---|prev |<---|prev |<- - - -|prev |
- *       |  0  |    |  1  |    |  2  |    |  3  |        |  n  |
- *       | next|--->| next|--->| next|--->| next|- - - ->| next|->NULL
- *       +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +-----+        +-----+
- *
- *	3) when finding a best pair of neighbor nodes, we use
- *	   this chain list as loop counter.
- *
- *	4) If an entry was killed by node-joining, this chain list is
- *	   modified to remove that entry.
- *
- *	   EX) remove the entry No 2.
- *       +-----+    +-----+               +-----+        +-----+
- * NULL<-|prev |<---|prev |<--------------|prev |<- - - -|prev |
- *       |  0  |    |  1  |               |  3  |        |  n  |
- *       | next|--->| next|-------------->| next|- - - ->| next|->NULL
- *       +-----+    +-----+               +-----+        +-----+
- *                             +-----+
- *                       NULL<-|prev |
- *                             |  2  |
- *                             | next|->NULL
- *                             +-----+
- *
- *	By this method, speed is up at the latter of finding a best pair of
- *	neighbor nodes.
- *
- *******************
- * <IMPROVEMENT 3> : Cut the frequency of division.
- *
- * At comparison between 'total' and 'tmin' in the main cycle, total is
- * divided by (2.0*fnseqs2) before comparison.  If N nodes are available, 
- * that division happen (N*(N-1))/2 order.
- *
- * We thought that the comparison relation between tmin and total/(2.0*fnseqs2)
- * is equal to the comparison relation between (tmin*2.0*fnseqs2) and total.
- * Calculation of (tmin*2.0*fnseqs2) is only one time. so we stop dividing
- * a total value and multiply tmin and (tmin*2.0*fnseqs2) instead.
- *
- *******************
- * <IMPROVEMENT 4> : some transformation of the equation (to cut operations).
- *
- * We transform an equation of calculating 'total' in the main cycle.
- *
- */
-void fast_nj_tree(char **tree_description, FILE *tree)
-	register int i;
-	sint l[4],nude,k;
-	sint nc,mini,minj,j,ii,jj;
-	double fnseqs,fnseqs2=0,sumd;
-	double diq,djq,dij,d2r,dr,dio,djo,da;
-	double tmin,total,dmin;
-	double bi,bj,b1,b2,b3,branch[4];
-	sint typei,typej;             /* 0 = node; 1 = OTU */
-	/* IMPROVEMENT 1, STEP 0 : declare  variables */
-	double *sum_cols, *sum_rows, *join;
-	/* IMPROVEMENT 2, STEP 0 : declare  variables */
-	sint loop_limit;
-	typedef struct _ValidNodeID {
-	    sint n;
-	    struct _ValidNodeID *prev;
-	    struct _ValidNodeID *next;
-	} ValidNodeID;
-	ValidNodeID *tvalid, *lpi, *lpj, *lpii, *lpjj, *lp_prev, *lp_next;
-	/*
-	 * correspondence of the loop counter variables.
-	 *   i .. lpi->n,	ii .. lpii->n
-	 *   j .. lpj->n,	jj .. lpjj->n
-	 */
-	fnseqs = (double)last_seq-first_seq+1;
-/*********************** First initialisation ***************************/
-	if(verbose)  {
-		fprintf(tree,"\n\n\t\t\tNeighbor-joining Method\n");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n Saitou, N. and Nei, M. (1987)");
-		fprintf(tree," The Neighbor-joining Method:");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n A New Method for Reconstructing Phylogenetic Trees.");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n Mol. Biol. Evol., 4(4), 406-425\n");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n\n This is an UNROOTED tree\n");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n Numbers in parentheses are branch lengths\n\n");
-	}	
-	if (fnseqs == 2) {
-		if (verbose) fprintf(tree,"Cycle   1     =  SEQ:   1 (%9.5f) joins  SEQ:   2 (%9.5f)",tmat[first_seq][first_seq+1],tmat[first_seq][first_seq+1]);
-		return;
-	}
-	mini = minj = 0;
-	left_branch 	= (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+2) * sizeof (double)   );
-	right_branch    = (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+2) * sizeof (double)   );
-	tkill 		= (sint *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-	av   		= (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (double)   );
-	/* IMPROVEMENT 1, STEP 1 : Allocate memory */
-	sum_cols	= (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (double)   );
-	sum_rows	= (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (double)   );
-	join		= (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (double)   );
-	/* IMPROVEMENT 2, STEP 1 : Allocate memory */
-	tvalid	= (ValidNodeID *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (ValidNodeID) );
-	/* tvalid[0] is special entry in array. it points a header of valid entry list */
-	tvalid[0].n = 0;
-	tvalid[0].prev = NULL;
-	tvalid[0].next = &tvalid[1];
-	/* IMPROVEMENT 2, STEP 2 : Construct and initialize the entry chain list */
-	for(i=1, loop_limit = last_seq-first_seq+1,
-		lpi=&tvalid[1], lp_prev=&tvalid[0], lp_next=&tvalid[2] ;
-		i<=loop_limit ;
-		++i, ++lpi, ++lp_prev, ++lp_next)
-		{
-		tmat[i][i] = av[i] = 0.0;
-		tkill[i] = 0;
-		lpi->n = i;
-		lpi->prev = lp_prev;
-		lpi->next = lp_next;
-		/* IMPROVEMENT 1, STEP 2 : Initialize arrays */
-		sum_cols[i] = sum_rows[i] = join[i] = 0.0;
-		}
-	tvalid[loop_limit].next = NULL;
-	/*
-	 * IMPROVEMENT 1, STEP 3 : Calculate the sum of score value that 
-	 * is sequence[i] to others.
-	 */
-	sumd = 0.0;
-	for (lpj=tvalid[0].next ; lpj!=NULL ; lpj = lpj->next) {
-		double tmp_sum = 0.0;
-		j = lpj->n;
-		/* calculate sum_rows[j] */
-		for (lpi=tvalid[0].next ; lpi->n < j ; lpi = lpi->next) {
-			i = lpi->n;
-			tmp_sum += tmat[i][j];
-			/* tmat[j][i] = tmat[i][j]; */
-		}
-		sum_rows[j] = tmp_sum;
-		tmp_sum = 0.0;
-		/* Set lpi to that lpi->n is greater than j */
-		if ((lpi != NULL) && (lpi->n == j)) {
-			lpi = lpi->next;
-		}
-		/* calculate sum_cols[j] */
-		for( ; lpi!=NULL ; lpi = lpi->next) {
-			i = lpi->n;
-			tmp_sum += tmat[j][i];
-			/* tmat[i][j] = tmat[j][i]; */
-		}
-		sum_cols[j] = tmp_sum;
-	}
-/*********************** Enter The Main Cycle ***************************/
-	for(nc=1, loop_limit = (last_seq-first_seq+1-3); nc<=loop_limit; ++nc) {
-		sumd = 0.0;
-		/* IMPROVEMENT 1, STEP 4 : use sum value */
-		for(lpj=tvalid[0].next ; lpj!=NULL ; lpj = lpj->next) {
-			sumd += sum_cols[lpj->n];
-		}
-		/* IMPROVEMENT 3, STEP 0 : multiply tmin and 2*fnseqs2 */
-		fnseqs2 = fnseqs - 2.0;		/* Set fnseqs2 at this point. */
-		tmin = 99999.0 * 2.0 * fnseqs2;
-/*.................compute SMATij values and find the smallest one ........*/
-		mini = minj = 0;
-		/* jj must starts at least 2 */
-		if ((tvalid[0].next != NULL) && (tvalid[0].next->n == 1)) {
-			lpjj = tvalid[0].next->next;
-		} else {
-			lpjj = tvalid[0].next;
-		}
-		for( ; lpjj != NULL; lpjj = lpjj->next) {
-			jj = lpjj->n;
-			for(lpii=tvalid[0].next ; lpii->n < jj ; lpii = lpii->next) {
-				ii = lpii->n;
-				diq = djq = 0.0;
-				/* IMPROVEMENT 1, STEP 4 : use sum value */
-				diq = sum_cols[ii] + sum_rows[ii];
-				djq = sum_cols[jj] + sum_rows[jj];
-				/*
-				 * always ii < jj in this point. Use upper
-				 * triangle of score matrix.
-				 */
-				dij = tmat[ii][jj];
-				/*
-				 * IMPROVEMENT 3, STEP 1 : fnseqs2 is
-				 * already calculated.
-				 */
-				/* fnseqs2 = fnseqs - 2.0 */
-				/* IMPROVEMENT 4 : transform the equation */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*
-   * OPTIMIZE of expression 'total = d2r + fnseqs2*dij + dr*2.0'       *
-   * total = d2r + fnseq2*dij + 2.0*dr                                 *
-   *       = d2r + fnseq2*dij + 2(sumd - dij - d2r)                    *
-   *       = d2r + fnseq2*dij + 2*sumd - 2*dij - 2*d2r                 *
-   *       =       fnseq2*dij + 2*sumd - 2*dij - 2*d2r + d2r           *
-   *       = fnseq2*dij + 2*sumd - 2*dij - d2r                         *
-   *       = fnseq2*dij + 2*sumd - 2*dij - (diq + djq - 2*dij)         *
-   *       = fnseq2*dij + 2*sumd - 2*dij - diq - djq + 2*dij           *
-   *       = fnseq2*dij + 2*sumd - 2*dij + 2*dij - diq - djq           *
-   *       = fnseq2*dij + 2*sumd  - diq - djq                          *
-   *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-				total = fnseqs2*dij + 2.0*sumd  - diq - djq;
-				/* 
-				 * IMPROVEMENT 3, STEP 2 : abbrevlate
-				 * the division on comparison between 
-				 * total and tmin.
-				 */
-				/* total = total / (2.0*fnseqs2); */
-				if(total < tmin) {
-					tmin = total;
-					mini = ii;
-					minj = jj;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		/* MEMO: always ii < jj in avobe loop, so mini < minj */
-/*.................compute branch lengths and print the results ........*/
-		dio = djo = 0.0;
-		/* IMPROVEMENT 1, STEP 4 : use sum value */
-		dio = sum_cols[mini] + sum_rows[mini];
-		djo = sum_cols[minj] + sum_rows[minj];
-		dmin = tmat[mini][minj];
-		dio = (dio - dmin) / fnseqs2;
-		djo = (djo - dmin) / fnseqs2;
-		bi = (dmin + dio - djo) * 0.5;
-		bj = dmin - bi;
-		bi = bi - av[mini];
-		bj = bj - av[minj];
-		if( av[mini] > 0.0 )
-			typei = 0;
-		else
-			typei = 1;
-		if( av[minj] > 0.0 )
-			typej = 0;
-		else
-			typej = 1;
-		if(verbose) 
-	 	    fprintf(tree,"\n Cycle%4d     = ",(pint)nc);
-   set negative branch lengths to zero.  Also set any tiny positive
-   branch lengths to zero.
-*/		if( fabs(bi) < 0.0001) bi = 0.0;
-		if( fabs(bj) < 0.0001) bj = 0.0;
-	    	if(verbose) {
-		    if(typei == 0) 
-			fprintf(tree,"Node:%4d (%9.5f) joins ",(pint)mini,bi);
-		    else 
-			fprintf(tree," SEQ:%4d (%9.5f) joins ",(pint)mini,bi);
-		    if(typej == 0) 
-			fprintf(tree,"Node:%4d (%9.5f)",(pint)minj,bj);
-		    else 
-			fprintf(tree," SEQ:%4d (%9.5f)",(pint)minj,bj);
-		    fprintf(tree,"\n");
-	    	}	
-	    	left_branch[nc] = bi;
-	    	right_branch[nc] = bj;
-		for(i=1; i<=last_seq-first_seq+1; i++)
-			tree_description[nc][i] = 0;
-	     	if(typei == 0) { 
-			for(i=nc-1; i>=1; i--)
-				if(tree_description[i][mini] == 1) {
-					for(j=1; j<=last_seq-first_seq+1; j++)  
-					     if(tree_description[i][j] == 1)
-						    tree_description[nc][j] = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-		}
-		else
-			tree_description[nc][mini] = 1;
-		if(typej == 0) {
-			for(i=nc-1; i>=1; i--) 
-				if(tree_description[i][minj] == 1) {
-					for(j=1; j<=last_seq-first_seq+1; j++)  
-					     if(tree_description[i][j] == 1)
-						    tree_description[nc][j] = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-		}
-		else
-			tree_description[nc][minj] = 1;
-   Here is where the -0.00005 branch lengths come from for 3 or more
-   identical seqs.
-/*		if(dmin <= 0.0) dmin = 0.0001; */
-                if(dmin <= 0.0) dmin = 0.000001;
-		av[mini] = dmin * 0.5;
-		fnseqs = fnseqs - 1.0;
-		tkill[minj] = 1;
-		/* IMPROVEMENT 2, STEP 3 : Remove tvalid[minj] from chain list. */
-		/* [ Before ]
-		 *  +---------+        +---------+        +---------+       
-		 *  |prev     |<-------|prev     |<-------|prev     |<---
-		 *  |    n    |        | n(=minj)|        |    n    |
-		 *  |     next|------->|     next|------->|     next|----
-		 *  +---------+        +---------+        +---------+ 
-		 *
-		 * [ After ]
-		 *  +---------+                           +---------+       
-		 *  |prev     |<--------------------------|prev     |<---
-		 *  |    n    |                           |    n    |
-		 *  |     next|-------------------------->|     next|----
-		 *  +---------+                           +---------+ 
-		 *                     +---------+
-		 *              NULL---|prev     |
-		 *                     | n(=minj)|
-		 *                     |     next|---NULL
-		 *                     +---------+ 
-		 */
-		(tvalid[minj].prev)->next = tvalid[minj].next;
-		if (tvalid[minj].next != NULL) {
-			(tvalid[minj].next)->prev = tvalid[minj].prev;
-		}
-		tvalid[minj].prev = tvalid[minj].next = NULL;
-		/* IMPROVEMENT 1, STEP 5 : re-calculate sum values. */
-		for(lpj=tvalid[0].next ; lpj != NULL ; lpj = lpj->next) {
-			double tmp_di = 0.0;
-			double tmp_dj = 0.0;
-			j = lpj->n;
-			/* 
-			 * subtrace a score value related with 'minj' from
-			 * sum arrays .
-			 */
-			if (j < minj) {
-				tmp_dj = tmat[j][minj];
-				sum_cols[j] -= tmp_dj;
-			} else if (j > minj) {
-				tmp_dj = tmat[minj][j];
-				sum_rows[j] -= tmp_dj;
-			} /* nothing to do when j is equal to minj. */
-			/* 
-			 * subtrace a score value related with 'mini' from
-			 * sum arrays .
-			 */
-			if (j < mini) {
-				tmp_di = tmat[j][mini];
-				sum_cols[j] -= tmp_di;
-			} else if (j > mini) {
-				tmp_di = tmat[mini][j];
-				sum_rows[j] -= tmp_di;
-			} /* nothing to do when j is equal to mini. */
-			/* 
-			 * calculate a score value of the new inner node.
-			 * then, store it temporary to join[] array.
-			 */
-			join[j] = (tmp_dj + tmp_di) * 0.5;
-		}
-		/* 
-		 * 1)
-		 * Set the score values (stored in join[]) into the matrix,
-		 * row/column position is 'mini'.
-		 * 2)
-		 * Add a score value of the new inner node to sum arrays.
-		 */
-		for(lpj=tvalid[0].next ; lpj != NULL; lpj = lpj->next) {
-			j = lpj->n;
-			if (j < mini) {
-				tmat[j][mini] = join[j];
-				sum_cols[j] += join[j];
-			} else if (j > mini) {
-				tmat[mini][j] = join[j];
-				sum_rows[j] += join[j];
-			} /* nothing to do when j is equal to mini. */
-		}
-		/* Re-calculate sum_rows[mini],sum_cols[mini]. */
-		sum_cols[mini] = sum_rows[mini] = 0.0;
-		/* calculate sum_rows[mini] */
-		da = 0.0;
-		for(lpj=tvalid[0].next ; lpj->n < mini ; lpj = lpj->next) {
-                      da += join[lpj->n];
-		}
-		sum_rows[mini] = da;
-		/* skip if 'lpj->n' is equal to 'mini' */
-		if ((lpj != NULL) && (lpj->n == mini)) {
-			lpj = lpj->next;
-		}
-		/* calculate sum_cols[mini] */
-		da = 0.0;
-		for( ; lpj != NULL; lpj = lpj->next) {
-                      da += join[lpj->n];
-		}
-		sum_cols[mini] = da;
-		/*
-		 * Clean up sum_rows[minj], sum_cols[minj] and score matrix
-		 * related with 'minj'.
-		 */
-		sum_cols[minj] = sum_rows[minj] = 0.0;
-		for(j=1; j<=last_seq-first_seq+1; ++j)
-			tmat[minj][j] = tmat[j][minj] = join[j] = 0.0;
-/****/	}						/**end main cycle**/
-/******************************Last Cycle (3 Seqs. left)********************/
-	nude = 1;
-	for(lpi=tvalid[0].next; lpi != NULL; lpi = lpi->next) {
-		l[nude] = lpi->n;
-		++nude;
-	}
-	b1 = (tmat[l[1]][l[2]] + tmat[l[1]][l[3]] - tmat[l[2]][l[3]]) * 0.5;
-	b2 =  tmat[l[1]][l[2]] - b1;
-	b3 =  tmat[l[1]][l[3]] - b1;
-	branch[1] = b1 - av[l[1]];
-	branch[2] = b2 - av[l[2]];
-	branch[3] = b3 - av[l[3]];
-/* Reset tiny negative and positive branch lengths to zero */
-	if( fabs(branch[1]) < 0.0001) branch[1] = 0.0;
-	if( fabs(branch[2]) < 0.0001) branch[2] = 0.0;
-	if( fabs(branch[3]) < 0.0001) branch[3] = 0.0;
-	left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1-2] = branch[1];
-	left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1-1] = branch[2];
-	left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1]   = branch[3];
-	for(i=1; i<=last_seq-first_seq+1; i++)
-		tree_description[last_seq-first_seq+1-2][i] = 0;
-	if(verbose)
-		fprintf(tree,"\n Cycle%4d (Last cycle, trichotomy):\n",(pint)nc);
-	for(i=1; i<=3; ++i) {
-	   if( av[l[i]] > 0.0) {
-	      	if(verbose)
-	      	    fprintf(tree,"\n\t\t Node:%4d (%9.5f) ",(pint)l[i],branch[i]);
-		for(k=last_seq-first_seq+1-3; k>=1; k--)
-			if(tree_description[k][l[i]] == 1) {
-				for(j=1; j<=last_seq-first_seq+1; j++)
-				 	if(tree_description[k][j] == 1)
-					    tree_description[last_seq-first_seq+1-2][j] = i;
-				break;
-			}
-	   }
-	   else  {
-	      	if(verbose)
-	   	    fprintf(tree,"\n\t\t  SEQ:%4d (%9.5f) ",(pint)l[i],branch[i]);
-		tree_description[last_seq-first_seq+1-2][l[i]] = i;
-	   }
-	   if(i < 3) {
-	      	if(verbose)
-	            fprintf(tree,"joins");
-	   }
-	}
-	if(verbose)
-		fprintf(tree,"\n");
-	/* IMPROVEMENT 1, STEP 6 : release memory area */
-	ckfree(sum_cols);
-	ckfree(sum_rows);
-	ckfree(join);
-	/* IMPROVEMENT 2, STEP 4 : release memory area */
-	ckfree(tvalid);
-#endif /* ORIGINAL_NJ_TREE */
-void bootstrap_tree(char *phylip_name,char *clustal_name, char *nexus_name)
-	sint i,j;
-	int ranno;
-	char path[MAXLINE+1];
-    char dummy[10];
-	char err_mess[1024];
-	static char **sample_tree;
-	static char **standard_tree;
-	static char **save_tree;
-	sint total_dists, overspill = 0, total_overspill = 0;
-	sint nfails = 0;
-	if(empty) {
-		error("You must load an alignment first");
-		return;
-	}
-        if(nseqs<4) {
-                error("Alignment has only %d sequences",nseqs);
-                return;
-        }
-	if(!output_tree_clustal && !output_tree_phylip && !output_tree_nexus) {
-		error("You must select either clustal or phylip or nexus tree output format");
-		return;
-	}
-	get_path(seqname, path);
-	if (output_tree_clustal) {
-        if (clustal_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                if((clustal_phy_tree_file = open_explicit_file(
-                clustal_name))==NULL) return;
-        }
-        else {
-		if((clustal_phy_tree_file = open_output_file(
-		"\nEnter name for bootstrap output file  ",path,
-		clustal_name,"njb")) == NULL) return;
-        }
-	}
-	first_seq=1;
-	last_seq=nseqs;
-	if (output_tree_phylip) {
-        if (phylip_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                if((phylip_phy_tree_file = open_explicit_file(
-                phylip_name))==NULL) return;
-        }
-	else {
-		if((phylip_phy_tree_file = open_output_file(
-		"\nEnter name for bootstrap output file  ",path,
-		phylip_name,"phb")) == NULL) return;
-	}
-	}
-	if (output_tree_nexus) {
-        if (nexus_name[0]!=EOS) {
-                if((nexus_phy_tree_file = open_explicit_file(
-                nexus_name))==NULL) return;
-        }
-	else {
-		if((nexus_phy_tree_file = open_output_file(
-		"\nEnter name for bootstrap output file  ",path,
-		nexus_name,"treb")) == NULL) return;
-	}
-	}
-	boot_totals    = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-	for(i=0;i<nseqs+1;i++)
-		boot_totals[i]=0;
-	boot_positions = (sint *)ckalloc( (seqlen_array[first_seq]+2) * sizeof (sint) );
-	for(j=1; j<=seqlen_array[first_seq]; ++j)  /* First select all positions for */
-		boot_positions[j] = j;	   /* the "standard" tree */
-	if(output_tree_clustal) {
-		verbose = TRUE;     /* Turn on file output */
-		if(dnaflag)
-			overspill = dna_distance_matrix(clustal_phy_tree_file);
-		else 
-			overspill = prot_distance_matrix(clustal_phy_tree_file);
-	}
-	if(output_tree_phylip) {
-		verbose = FALSE;     /* Turn off file output */
-		if(dnaflag)
-			overspill = dna_distance_matrix(phylip_phy_tree_file);
-		else 
-			overspill = prot_distance_matrix(phylip_phy_tree_file);
-	}
-	if(output_tree_nexus) {
-		verbose = FALSE;     /* Turn off file output */
-		if(dnaflag)
-			overspill = dna_distance_matrix(nexus_phy_tree_file);
-		else 
-			overspill = prot_distance_matrix(nexus_phy_tree_file);
-	}
-/* check if any distances overflowed the distance corrections */
-	if ( overspill > 0 ) {
-		total_dists = (nseqs*(nseqs-1))/2;
-		overspill_message(overspill,total_dists);
-	}
-	tree_gaps=ckfree((void *)tree_gaps);
-	if (output_tree_clustal) verbose = TRUE;   /* Turn on screen output */
-	standard_tree   = (char **) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (char *) );
-	for(i=0; i<nseqs+1; i++) 
-		standard_tree[i]   = (char *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof(char) );
-/* compute the standard tree */
-	if(output_tree_clustal || output_tree_phylip || output_tree_nexus)
-		nj_tree(standard_tree,clustal_phy_tree_file);
-	if (output_tree_clustal)
-		fprintf(clustal_phy_tree_file,"\n\n\t\t\tBootstrap Confidence Limits\n\n");
-/* save the left_branch and right_branch for phylip output */
-	save_left_branch = (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+2) * sizeof (double)   );
-	save_right_branch = (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+2) * sizeof (double)   );
-	for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++) {
-		save_left_branch[i] = left_branch[i];
-		save_right_branch[i] = right_branch[i];
-	}
-  The next line is a fossil from the days of using the cc ran()
-	ran_factor = RAND_MAX / seqlen_array[first_seq]; 
-	if(usemenu) 
-   		boot_ran_seed = 
-getint("\n\nEnter seed no. for random number generator ",1,1000,boot_ran_seed);
-/* do not use the native cc ran()
-	srand(boot_ran_seed);
-       	addrandinit((unsigned long) boot_ran_seed);
-	if (output_tree_clustal)
-		fprintf(clustal_phy_tree_file,"\n Random number generator seed = %7u\n",
-		boot_ran_seed);
-	if(usemenu) 
-  		boot_ntrials = 
-getint("\n\nEnter number of bootstrap trials ",1,10000,boot_ntrials);
-	if (output_tree_clustal) {
-  		fprintf(clustal_phy_tree_file,"\n Number of bootstrap trials   = %7d\n",
-	(pint)boot_ntrials);
-		fprintf(clustal_phy_tree_file,
-		"\n\n Diagrammatic representation of the above tree: \n");
-		fprintf(clustal_phy_tree_file,"\n Each row represents 1 tree cycle;");
-		fprintf(clustal_phy_tree_file," defining 2 groups.\n");
-		fprintf(clustal_phy_tree_file,"\n Each column is 1 sequence; ");
-		fprintf(clustal_phy_tree_file,"the stars in each line show 1 group; ");
-		fprintf(clustal_phy_tree_file,"\n the dots show the other\n");
-		fprintf(clustal_phy_tree_file,"\n Numbers show occurences in bootstrap samples.");
-	}
-	print_tree(standard_tree, clustal_phy_tree_file, boot_totals);
-	verbose = FALSE;                   /* Turn OFF screen output */
-	left_branch=ckfree((void *)left_branch);
-	right_branch=ckfree((void *)right_branch);
-	tkill=ckfree((void *)tkill);
-	av=ckfree((void *)av);
-	sample_tree   = (char **) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (char *) );
-	for(i=0; i<nseqs+1; i++) 
-		sample_tree[i]   = (char *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof(char) );
-	if (usemenu)
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\nEach dot represents 10 trials\n\n");
-        total_overspill = 0;
-	nfails = 0;
-	for(i=1; i<=boot_ntrials; ++i) {
-		for(j=1; j<=seqlen_array[first_seq]; ++j) { /* select alignment */
-							    /* positions for */
-			ranno = addrand( (unsigned long) seqlen_array[1]) + 1;
-			boot_positions[j] = ranno; 	    /* bootstrap sample */
-		}
-		if(output_tree_clustal) {
-			if(dnaflag)
-				overspill = dna_distance_matrix(clustal_phy_tree_file);
-			else 
-				overspill = prot_distance_matrix(clustal_phy_tree_file);
-		}
-		if(output_tree_phylip) {
-			if(dnaflag)
-				overspill = dna_distance_matrix(phylip_phy_tree_file);
-			else 
-				overspill = prot_distance_matrix(phylip_phy_tree_file);
-		}
-		if(output_tree_nexus) {
-			if(dnaflag)
-				overspill = dna_distance_matrix(nexus_phy_tree_file);
-			else 
-				overspill = prot_distance_matrix(nexus_phy_tree_file);
-		}
-		if( overspill > 0) {
-			total_overspill = total_overspill + overspill;
-			nfails++;
-		}			
-		tree_gaps=ckfree((void *)tree_gaps);
-		if(output_tree_clustal || output_tree_phylip || output_tree_nexus) 
-			nj_tree(sample_tree,clustal_phy_tree_file);
-	 	left_branch=ckfree((void *)left_branch);
-		right_branch=ckfree((void *)right_branch);
-		tkill=ckfree((void *)tkill);
-		av=ckfree((void *)av);
-		compare_tree(standard_tree, sample_tree, boot_totals, last_seq-first_seq+1);
-		if (usemenu) {
-			if(i % 10  == 0) fprintf(stdout,".");
-			if(i % 100 == 0) fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-		}
-	}
-/* check if any distances overflowed the distance corrections */
-	if ( nfails > 0 ) {
-		total_dists = (nseqs*(nseqs-1))/2;
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n WARNING: %ld of the distances out of a total of %ld times %ld",
-		(long)total_overspill,(long)total_dists,(long)boot_ntrials);
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n were out of range for the distance correction.");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n This affected %d out of %d bootstrap trials.",
-		(pint)nfails,(pint)boot_ntrials);
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n This may not be fatal but you have been warned!");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n SUGGESTIONS: 1) turn off the correction");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n           or 2) remove the most distant sequences");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n           or 3) use the PHYLIP package.");
-		fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-		if (usemenu) 
-			getstr("Press [RETURN] to continue",10,dummy);
-	}
-	boot_positions=ckfree((void *)boot_positions);
-	for (i=1;i<nseqs+1;i++)
-		sample_tree[i]=ckfree((void *)sample_tree[i]);
-	sample_tree=ckfree((void *)sample_tree);
-	fprintf(clustal_phy_tree_file,"\n\n Bootstrap totals for each group\n");
-	if (output_tree_clustal)
-		print_tree(standard_tree, clustal_phy_tree_file, boot_totals);
-	save_tree   = (char **) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (char *) );
-	for(i=0; i<nseqs+1; i++) 
-		save_tree[i]   = (char *) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof(char) );
-	for(i=1; i<nseqs+1; i++) 
-		for(j=1; j<nseqs+1; j++) 
-			save_tree[i][j]  = standard_tree[i][j];
-	if(output_tree_phylip) {
-		left_branch 	= (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+2) * sizeof (double)   );
-		right_branch    = (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+2) * sizeof (double)   );
-		for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++) {
-			left_branch[i] = save_left_branch[i];
-			right_branch[i] = save_right_branch[i];
-		}
-		print_phylip_tree(standard_tree,phylip_phy_tree_file,
-						 bootstrap_format);
-		left_branch=ckfree((void *)left_branch);
-		right_branch=ckfree((void *)right_branch);
-	}
-	for(i=1; i<nseqs+1; i++) 
-		for(j=1; j<nseqs+1; j++) 
-			standard_tree[i][j]  = save_tree[i][j];
-	if(output_tree_nexus) {
-		left_branch 	= (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+2) * sizeof (double)   );
-		right_branch    = (double *) ckalloc( (nseqs+2) * sizeof (double)   );
-		for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++) {
-			left_branch[i] = save_left_branch[i];
-			right_branch[i] = save_right_branch[i];
-		}
-		print_nexus_tree(standard_tree,nexus_phy_tree_file,
-						 bootstrap_format);
-		left_branch=ckfree((void *)left_branch);
-		right_branch=ckfree((void *)right_branch);
-	}
-	boot_totals=ckfree((void *)boot_totals);
-	save_left_branch=ckfree((void *)save_left_branch);
-	save_right_branch=ckfree((void *)save_right_branch);
-	for (i=1;i<nseqs+1;i++)
-		standard_tree[i]=ckfree((void *)standard_tree[i]);
-	standard_tree=ckfree((void *)standard_tree);
-	for (i=0;i<nseqs+1;i++)
-		save_tree[i]=ckfree((void *)save_tree[i]);
-	save_tree=ckfree((void *)save_tree);
-	if (output_tree_clustal)
-		fclose(clustal_phy_tree_file);
-	if (output_tree_phylip)
-		fclose(phylip_phy_tree_file);
-	if (output_tree_nexus)
-		fclose(nexus_phy_tree_file);
-	if (output_tree_clustal)
-		info("Bootstrap output file completed       [%s]"
-		,clustal_name);
-	if (output_tree_phylip)
-		info("Bootstrap output file completed       [%s]"
-		,phylip_name);
-	if (output_tree_nexus)
-		info("Bootstrap output file completed       [%s]"
-		,nexus_name);
-void compare_tree(char **tree1, char **tree2, sint *hits, sint n)
-	sint i,j,k;
-	sint nhits1, nhits2;
-	for(i=1; i<=n-3; i++)  {
-		for(j=1; j<=n-3; j++)  {
-			nhits1 = 0;
-			nhits2 = 0;
-			for(k=1; k<=n; k++) {
-				if(tree1[i][k] == tree2[j][k]) nhits1++;
-				if(tree1[i][k] != tree2[j][k]) nhits2++;
-			}
-			if((nhits1 == last_seq-first_seq+1) || (nhits2 == last_seq-first_seq+1)) hits[i]++;
-		}
-	}
-void print_nexus_tree(char **tree_description, FILE *tree, sint bootstrap)
-	sint i;
-	sint old_row;
-	fprintf(tree,"#NEXUS\n\n");
-	fprintf(tree,"BEGIN TREES;\n\n");
-	fprintf(tree,"\tTRANSLATE\n");
-	for(i=1;i<nseqs;i++) {
-		fprintf(tree,"\t\t%d	%s,\n",(pint)i,names[i]);
-	}
-	fprintf(tree,"\t\t%d	%s\n",(pint)nseqs,names[nseqs]);
-	fprintf(tree,"\t\t;\n");
-	fprintf(tree,"\tUTREE PAUP_1= ");
-	if(last_seq-first_seq+1==2) {
-		fprintf(tree,"(%d:%7.5f,%d:%7.5f);",first_seq,tmat[first_seq][first_seq+1],first_seq+1,tmat[first_seq][first_seq+1]);
-	}
-	else {
-	fprintf(tree,"(");
-	old_row=two_way_split_nexus(tree_description, tree, last_seq-first_seq+1-2,1,bootstrap);
-	fprintf(tree,":%7.5f",left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1-2]);
-	if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (old_row>0) && (boot_totals[old_row]>0))
-		fprintf(tree,"[%d]",(pint)boot_totals[old_row]);
-	fprintf(tree,",");
-	old_row=two_way_split_nexus(tree_description, tree, last_seq-first_seq+1-2,2,bootstrap);
-	fprintf(tree,":%7.5f",left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1-1]);
-	if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (old_row>0) && (boot_totals[old_row]>0))
-		fprintf(tree,"[%d]",(pint)boot_totals[old_row]);
-	fprintf(tree,",");
-	old_row=two_way_split_nexus(tree_description, tree, last_seq-first_seq+1-2,3,bootstrap);
-	fprintf(tree,":%7.5f",left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1]);
-	if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (old_row>0) && (boot_totals[old_row]>0))
-		fprintf(tree,"[%d]",(pint)boot_totals[old_row]);
-	fprintf(tree,")");
-        if (bootstrap==BS_NODE_LABELS) fprintf(tree,"TRICHOTOMY");
-	fprintf(tree,";");
-	}
-	fprintf(tree,"\nENDBLOCK;\n");
-sint two_way_split_nexus
-(char **tree_description, FILE *tree, sint start_row, sint flag, sint bootstrap)
-	sint row, new_row = 0, old_row, col, test_col = 0;
-	Boolean single_seq;
-	if(start_row != last_seq-first_seq+1-2) fprintf(tree,"("); 
-	for(col=1; col<=last_seq-first_seq+1; col++) {
-		if(tree_description[start_row][col] == flag) {
-			test_col = col;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	single_seq = TRUE;
-	for(row=start_row-1; row>=1; row--) 
-		if(tree_description[row][test_col] == 1) {
-			single_seq = FALSE;
-			new_row = row;
-			break;
-		}
-	if(single_seq) {
-		tree_description[start_row][test_col] = 0;
-		fprintf(tree,"%d",test_col+first_seq-1);
-		if(start_row == last_seq-first_seq+1-2) {
-			return(0);
-		}
-		fprintf(tree,":%7.5f,",left_branch[start_row]);
-	}
-	else {
-		for(col=1; col<=last_seq-first_seq+1; col++) {
-		    if((tree_description[start_row][col]==1)&&
-		       (tree_description[new_row][col]==1))
-				tree_description[start_row][col] = 0;
-		}
-		old_row=two_way_split_nexus(tree_description, tree, new_row, (sint)1, bootstrap);
-		if(start_row == last_seq-first_seq+1-2) {
-			return(new_row);
-		}
-		fprintf(tree,":%7.5f",left_branch[start_row]);
-		if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (boot_totals[old_row]>0))
-			fprintf(tree,"[%d]",(pint)boot_totals[old_row]);
-		fprintf(tree,",");
-	}
-	for(col=1; col<=last_seq-first_seq+1; col++) 
-		if(tree_description[start_row][col] == flag) {
-			test_col = col;
-			break;
-		}
-	single_seq = TRUE;
-	new_row = 0;
-	for(row=start_row-1; row>=1; row--) 
-		if(tree_description[row][test_col] == 1) {
-			single_seq = FALSE;
-			new_row = row;
-			break;
-		}
-	if(single_seq) {
-		tree_description[start_row][test_col] = 0;
-		fprintf(tree,"%d",test_col+first_seq-1);
-		fprintf(tree,":%7.5f)",right_branch[start_row]);
-	}
-	else {
-		for(col=1; col<=last_seq-first_seq+1; col++) {
-		    if((tree_description[start_row][col]==1)&&
-		       (tree_description[new_row][col]==1))
-				tree_description[start_row][col] = 0;
-		}
-		old_row=two_way_split_nexus(tree_description, tree, new_row, (sint)1, bootstrap);
-		fprintf(tree,":%7.5f",right_branch[start_row]);
-		if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (boot_totals[old_row]>0))
-			fprintf(tree,"[%d]",(pint)boot_totals[old_row]);
-		fprintf(tree,")");
-	}
-	if ((bootstrap==BS_NODE_LABELS) && (boot_totals[start_row]>0))
-			fprintf(tree,"%d",(pint)boot_totals[start_row]);
-	return(start_row);
-void print_phylip_tree(char **tree_description, FILE *tree, sint bootstrap)
-	sint old_row;
-	if(last_seq-first_seq+1==2) {
-		fprintf(tree,"(%s:%7.5f,%s:%7.5f);",names[first_seq],tmat[first_seq][first_seq+1],names[first_seq+1],tmat[first_seq][first_seq+1]);
-		return;
-	}
-	fprintf(tree,"(\n");
-	old_row=two_way_split(tree_description, tree, last_seq-first_seq+1-2,1,bootstrap);
-	fprintf(tree,":%7.5f",left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1-2]);
-	if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (old_row>0) && (boot_totals[old_row]>0))
-		fprintf(tree,"[%d]",(pint)boot_totals[old_row]);
-	fprintf(tree,",\n");
-	old_row=two_way_split(tree_description, tree, last_seq-first_seq+1-2,2,bootstrap);
-	fprintf(tree,":%7.5f",left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1-1]);
-	if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (old_row>0) && (boot_totals[old_row]>0))
-		fprintf(tree,"[%d]",(pint)boot_totals[old_row]);
-	fprintf(tree,",\n");
-	old_row=two_way_split(tree_description, tree, last_seq-first_seq+1-2,3,bootstrap);
-	fprintf(tree,":%7.5f",left_branch[last_seq-first_seq+1]);
-	if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (old_row>0) && (boot_totals[old_row]>0))
-		fprintf(tree,"[%d]",(pint)boot_totals[old_row]);
-	fprintf(tree,")");
-        if (bootstrap==BS_NODE_LABELS) fprintf(tree,"TRICHOTOMY");
-	fprintf(tree,";\n");
-sint two_way_split
-(char **tree_description, FILE *tree, sint start_row, sint flag, sint bootstrap)
-	sint row, new_row = 0, old_row, col, test_col = 0;
-	Boolean single_seq;
-	if(start_row != last_seq-first_seq+1-2) fprintf(tree,"(\n"); 
-	for(col=1; col<=last_seq-first_seq+1; col++) {
-		if(tree_description[start_row][col] == flag) {
-			test_col = col;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	single_seq = TRUE;
-	for(row=start_row-1; row>=1; row--) 
-		if(tree_description[row][test_col] == 1) {
-			single_seq = FALSE;
-			new_row = row;
-			break;
-		}
-	if(single_seq) {
-		tree_description[start_row][test_col] = 0;
-		fprintf(tree,"%.*s",max_names,names[test_col+first_seq-1]);
-		if(start_row == last_seq-first_seq+1-2) {
-			return(0);
-		}
-		fprintf(tree,":%7.5f,\n",left_branch[start_row]);
-	}
-	else {
-		for(col=1; col<=last_seq-first_seq+1; col++) {
-		    if((tree_description[start_row][col]==1)&&
-		       (tree_description[new_row][col]==1))
-				tree_description[start_row][col] = 0;
-		}
-		old_row=two_way_split(tree_description, tree, new_row, (sint)1, bootstrap);
-		if(start_row == last_seq-first_seq+1-2) {
-			return(new_row);
-		}
-		fprintf(tree,":%7.5f",left_branch[start_row]);
-		if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (boot_totals[old_row]>0))
-			fprintf(tree,"[%d]",(pint)boot_totals[old_row]);
-		fprintf(tree,",\n");
-	}
-	for(col=1; col<=last_seq-first_seq+1; col++) 
-		if(tree_description[start_row][col] == flag) {
-			test_col = col;
-			break;
-		}
-	single_seq = TRUE;
-	new_row = 0;
-	for(row=start_row-1; row>=1; row--) 
-		if(tree_description[row][test_col] == 1) {
-			single_seq = FALSE;
-			new_row = row;
-			break;
-		}
-	if(single_seq) {
-		tree_description[start_row][test_col] = 0;
-		fprintf(tree,"%.*s",max_names,names[test_col+first_seq-1]);
-		fprintf(tree,":%7.5f)\n",right_branch[start_row]);
-	}
-	else {
-		for(col=1; col<=last_seq-first_seq+1; col++) {
-		    if((tree_description[start_row][col]==1)&&
-		       (tree_description[new_row][col]==1))
-				tree_description[start_row][col] = 0;
-		}
-		old_row=two_way_split(tree_description, tree, new_row, (sint)1, bootstrap);
-		fprintf(tree,":%7.5f",right_branch[start_row]);
-		if ((bootstrap==BS_BRANCH_LABELS) && (boot_totals[old_row]>0))
-			fprintf(tree,"[%d]",(pint)boot_totals[old_row]);
-		fprintf(tree,")\n");
-	}
-	if ((bootstrap==BS_NODE_LABELS) && (boot_totals[start_row]>0))
-			fprintf(tree,"%d",(pint)boot_totals[start_row]);
-	return(start_row);
-void print_tree(char **tree_description, FILE *tree, sint *totals)
-	sint row,col;
-	fprintf(tree,"\n");
-	for(row=1; row<=last_seq-first_seq+1-3; row++)  {
-		fprintf(tree," \n");
-		for(col=1; col<=last_seq-first_seq+1; col++) { 
-			if(tree_description[row][col] == 0)
-				fprintf(tree,"*");
-			else
-				fprintf(tree,".");
-		}
-		if(totals[row] > 0)
-			fprintf(tree,"%7d",(pint)totals[row]);
-	}
-	fprintf(tree," \n");
-	for(col=1; col<=last_seq-first_seq+1; col++) 
-		fprintf(tree,"%1d",(pint)tree_description[last_seq-first_seq+1-2][col]);
-	fprintf(tree,"\n");
-sint dna_distance_matrix(FILE *tree)
-	sint m,n;
-	sint j,i;
-	sint res1, res2;
-    sint overspill = 0;
-	double p,q,e,a,b,k;	
-	tree_gap_delete();  /* flag positions with gaps (tree_gaps[i] = 1 ) */
-	if(verbose) {
-		fprintf(tree,"\n");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n DIST   = percentage divergence (/100)");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n p      = rate of transition (A <-> G; C <-> T)");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n q      = rate of transversion");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n Length = number of sites used in comparison");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n");
-	    if(tossgaps) {
-		fprintf(tree,"\n All sites with gaps (in any sequence) deleted!");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n");
-	    }
-	    if(kimura) {
-		fprintf(tree,"\n Distances corrected by Kimura's 2 parameter model:");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n\n Kimura, M. (1980)");
-		fprintf(tree," A simple method for estimating evolutionary ");
-		fprintf(tree,"rates of base");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n substitutions through comparative studies of ");
-		fprintf(tree,"nucleotide sequences.");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n J. Mol. Evol., 16, 111-120.");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n\n");
-	    }
-	}
-	for(m=1;   m<last_seq-first_seq+1;  ++m)     /* for every pair of sequence */
-	for(n=m+1; n<=last_seq-first_seq+1; ++n) {
-		p = q = e = 0.0;
-		tmat[m][n] = tmat[n][m] = 0.0;
-		for(i=1; i<=seqlen_array[first_seq]; ++i) {
-			j = boot_positions[i];
-                    	if(tossgaps && (tree_gaps[j] > 0) ) 
-				goto skip;          /* gap position */
-			res1 = seq_array[m+first_seq-1][j];
-			res2 = seq_array[n+first_seq-1][j];
-			if( (res1 == gap_pos1)     || (res1 == gap_pos2) ||
-                            (res2 == gap_pos1) || (res2 == gap_pos2)) 
-				goto skip;          /* gap in a seq*/
-			if(!use_ambiguities)
-			if( is_ambiguity(res1) || is_ambiguity(res2))
-				goto skip;          /* ambiguity code in a seq*/
-			e = e + 1.0;
-                        if(res1 != res2) {
-				if(transition(res1,res2))
-					p = p + 1.0;
-				else
-					q = q + 1.0;
-			}
-		        skip:;
-		}
-	/* Kimura's 2 parameter correction for multiple substitutions */
-		if(!kimura) {
-			if (e == 0) {
-				fprintf(stdout,"\n WARNING: sequences %d and %d are non-overlapping\n",m,n);
-				k = 0.0;
-				p = 0.0;
-				q = 0.0;
-			}
-			else {
-				k = (p+q)/e;
-				if(p > 0.0)
-					p = p/e;
-				else
-					p = 0.0;
-				if(q > 0.0)
-					q = q/e;
-				else
-					q = 0.0;
-			}
-			tmat[m][n] = tmat[n][m] = k;
-			if(verbose)                    /* if screen output */
-				fprintf(tree,        
- 	     "%4d vs.%4d:  DIST = %7.4f; p = %6.4f; q = %6.4f; length = %6.0f\n"
-        	                 ,(pint)m,(pint)n,k,p,q,e);
-		}
-		else {
-			if (e == 0) {
-				fprintf(stdout,"\n WARNING: sequences %d and %d are non-overlapping\n",m,n);
-				p = 0.0;
-				q = 0.0;
-			}
-			else {
-				if(p > 0.0)
-					p = p/e;
-				else
-					p = 0.0;
-				if(q > 0.0)
-					q = q/e;
-				else
-					q = 0.0;
-			}
-			if( ((2.0*p)+q) == 1.0 )
-				a = 0.0;
-			else
-				a = 1.0/(1.0-(2.0*p)-q);
-			if( q == 0.5 )
-				b = 0.0;
-			else
-				b = 1.0/(1.0-(2.0*q));
-/* watch for values going off the scale for the correction. */
-			if( (a<=0.0) || (b<=0.0) ) {
-				overspill++;
-				k = 3.5;  /* arbitrary high score */ 
-			}
-			else 
-				k = 0.5*log(a) + 0.25*log(b);
-			tmat[m][n] = tmat[n][m] = k;
-			if(verbose)                      /* if screen output */
-	   			fprintf(tree,
-             "%4d vs.%4d:  DIST = %7.4f; p = %6.4f; q = %6.4f; length = %6.0f\n"
-        	                ,(pint)m,(pint)n,k,p,q,e);
-		}
-	}
-	return overspill;	/* return the number of off-scale values */
-sint prot_distance_matrix(FILE *tree)
-	sint m,n;
-	sint j,i;
-	sint res1, res2;
-    sint overspill = 0;
-	double p,e,k, table_entry;	
-	tree_gap_delete();  /* flag positions with gaps (tree_gaps[i] = 1 ) */
-	if(verbose) {
-		fprintf(tree,"\n");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n DIST   = percentage divergence (/100)");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n Length = number of sites used in comparison");
-		fprintf(tree,"\n\n");
-	        if(tossgaps) {
-			fprintf(tree,"\n All sites with gaps (in any sequence) deleted");
-			fprintf(tree,"\n");
-		}
-	    	if(kimura) {
-			fprintf(tree,"\n Distances up tp 0.75 corrected by Kimura's empirical method:");
-			fprintf(tree,"\n\n Kimura, M. (1983)");
-			fprintf(tree," The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution.");
-			fprintf(tree,"\n Page 75. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.");
-			fprintf(tree,"\n\n");
-	    	}
-	}
-	for(m=1;   m<nseqs;  ++m)     /* for every pair of sequence */
-	for(n=m+1; n<=nseqs; ++n) {
-		p = e = 0.0;
-		tmat[m][n] = tmat[n][m] = 0.0;
-		for(i=1; i<=seqlen_array[1]; ++i) {
-			j = boot_positions[i];
-	            	if(tossgaps && (tree_gaps[j] > 0) ) goto skip; /* gap position */
-			res1 = seq_array[m][j];
-			res2 = seq_array[n][j];
-			if( (res1 == gap_pos1)     || (res1 == gap_pos2) ||
-                            (res2 == gap_pos1) || (res2 == gap_pos2)) 
-                                    goto skip;   /* gap in a seq*/
-			e = e + 1.0;
-                        if(res1 != res2) p = p + 1.0;
-		        skip:;
-		}
-		if(p <= 0.0) 
-			k = 0.0;
-		else
-			k = p/e;
-/* DES debug */
-/* fprintf(stdout,"Seq1=%4d Seq2=%4d  k =%7.4f \n",(pint)m,(pint)n,k); */
-/* DES debug */
-		if(kimura) {
-			if(k < 0.75) { /* use Kimura's formula */
-				if(k > 0.0) k = - log(1.0 - k - (k * k/5.0) );
-			}
-			else {
-				if(k > 0.930) {
-				   overspill++;
-				   k = 10.0; /* arbitrarily set to 1000% */
-				}
-				else {
-				   table_entry = (k*1000.0) - 750.0;
-                                   k = (double)dayhoff_pams[(int)table_entry];
-                                   k = k/100.0;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		tmat[m][n] = tmat[n][m] = k;
-		    if(verbose)                    /* if screen output */
-			fprintf(tree,        
- 	                 "%4d vs.%4d  DIST = %6.4f;  length = %6.0f\n",
- 	                 (pint)m,(pint)n,k,e);
-	}
-	return overspill;
-void guide_tree(FILE *tree,sint firstseq,sint numseqs)
-   Routine for producing unrooted NJ trees from seperately aligned
-   pairwise distances.  This produces the GUIDE DENDROGRAMS in
-   PHYLIP format.
-        static char **standard_tree;
-        sint i;
-	float dist;
-	phylip_phy_tree_file=tree;
-        verbose = FALSE;
-	first_seq=firstseq;
-	last_seq=first_seq+numseqs-1;
-	if(numseqs==2) {
-		dist=tmat[firstseq][firstseq+1]/2.0;
-		fprintf(tree,"(%s:%0.5f,%s:%0.5f);\n",
-			names[firstseq],dist,names[firstseq+1],dist);
-	}
-	else {
-        standard_tree   = (char **) ckalloc( (last_seq-first_seq+2) * sizeof (char *) );
-        for(i=0; i<last_seq-first_seq+2; i++)
-                standard_tree[i]  = (char *) ckalloc( (last_seq-first_seq+2) * sizeof(char));
-        nj_tree(standard_tree,clustal_phy_tree_file);
-        print_phylip_tree(standard_tree,phylip_phy_tree_file,0);
-        if(left_branch != NULL) left_branch=ckfree((void *)left_branch);
-        if(right_branch != NULL) right_branch=ckfree((void *)right_branch);
-        if(tkill != NULL) tkill=ckfree((void *)tkill);
-        if(av != NULL) av=ckfree((void *)av);
-        for (i=1;i<last_seq-first_seq+2;i++)
-                standard_tree[i]=ckfree((void *)standard_tree[i]);
-        standard_tree=ckfree((void *)standard_tree);
-	}
-        fclose(phylip_phy_tree_file);
-static Boolean is_ambiguity(char c)
-        int i;
-	char codes[]="ACGTU";
-        if(use_ambiguities==TRUE)
-        {
-         return FALSE;
-        }
-	for(i=0;i<5;i++)
-        	if(amino_acid_codes[c]==codes[i])
-             	   return FALSE;
-        return TRUE;

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/util.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/util.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/util.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-extern char **seq_array;
-extern sint  *seqlen_array;
-extern char **names,**titles;
-extern sint *output_index;
-extern sint *seq_weight;
-extern double **tmat;
-*	ckalloc()
-*	Tries to allocate "bytes" bytes of memory. Exits program if failed.
-*	Return value:
-*		Generic pointer to the newly allocated memory.
-void *ckalloc(size_t bytes)
-	register void *ret;
-	if( (ret = calloc(bytes, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
-	if( (ret = malloc(bytes)) == NULL)
-		fatal("Out of memory\n");
-	else
-		return ret;	
-	return ret;	
-*	ckrealloc()
-*	Tries to reallocate "bytes" bytes of memory. Exits program if failed.
-*	Return value:
-*		Generic pointer to the re-allocated memory.
-void *ckrealloc(void *ptr, size_t bytes)
-	register void *ret=NULL;
-	if (ptr == NULL)	
-		fatal("Bad call to ckrealloc\n");
-	else if( (ret = realloc(ptr, bytes)) == NULL)
-		fatal("Out of memory\n");
-	else
-		return ret;	
-	return ret;	
-*	ckfree()
-*	Tries to free memory allocated by ckalloc.
-*	Return value:
-*		None.
-void *ckfree(void *ptr)
-	if (ptr == NULL)
-		warning("Bad call to ckfree\n");
-	else {
-	 	free(ptr);
-		ptr = NULL;
-	}
-	return ptr;
-*	rtrim()
-*	Removes trailing blanks from a string
-*	Return values:
-*		Pointer to the processed string
-char * rtrim(char *str)
-	register int p;
-	p = strlen(str) - 1;
-	while ( isspace(str[p]) )
-		p--;
-	str[p + 1] = EOS;
-	return str;
-*	blank_to_()
-*	Replace blanks in a string with underscores
-*       Also replaces , ; : ( or ) with _
-*	Return value:
-*		Pointer to the processed string
-char * blank_to_(char *str)
-	int i,p;
-	p = strlen(str) - 1;
-	for(i=0;i<=p;i++) 
-		if(
-                     (str[i]==' ') ||
-                     (str[i]==';') ||
-                     (str[i]==',') ||
-                     (str[i]=='(') ||
-                     (str[i]==')') ||
-                     (str[i]==':') 
-                  )
-                      str[i] = '_';
-	return str;
-*	upstr()
-*	Converts string str to uppercase.
-*	Return values:
-*		Pointer to the converted string.
-char * upstr(char *str)
-	register char *s = str;
-	while( (*s = toupper(*s)) )
-		s++;
-	return str;
-*	lowstr()
-*	Converts string str to lower case.
-*	Return values:
-*		Pointer to the converted string.
-char * lowstr(char *str)
-	register char *s = str;
-	while( (*s = tolower(*s)) )
-		s++;
-	return str;
-void getstr(char *instr, int n, char *outstr)
-	int sl;
-	fprintf(stdout,"%s: ",instr);
-	fgets(outstr,n,stdin);
-	/*
-	 * modify outstr for compatibility with prior used (insecure) gets()
-	 */
-	sl=strlen(outstr);
-	if(sl>0 && '\n'==outstr[sl-1]) {
-		outstr[sl-1]=0;
-	}
-double getreal(char *instr,double minx,double maxx,double def)
-	int status;
-	float ret;
-	char line[MAXLINE];	
-	while(TRUE) {
-		fprintf(stdout,"%s (%.1f-%.1f)   [%.1f]: ",instr,minx,maxx,def);
-		fgets(line,MAXLINE,stdin);
-		status=sscanf(line,"%f",&ret);
-		if(status == EOF) return def;
-		if(ret>maxx) {
-			fprintf(stdout,"ERROR: Max. value=%.1f\n\n",maxx);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(ret<minx) {
-			fprintf(stdout,"ERROR: Min. value=%.1f\n\n",minx);
-			continue;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	return (double)ret;
-int getint(char *instr,int minx,int maxx, int def)
-	int ret,status;
-	char line[MAXLINE];	
-	while(TRUE) {
-		fprintf(stdout,"%s (%d..%d)    [%d]: ",
-		instr,(pint)minx,(pint)maxx,(pint)def);
-		fgets(line,MAXLINE,stdin);
-		status=sscanf(line,"%d",&ret);
-		if(status == EOF) return def;
-		if(ret>maxx) {
-			fprintf(stdout,"ERROR: Max. value=%d\n\n",(pint)maxx);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(ret<minx) {
-			fprintf(stdout,"ERROR: Min. value=%d\n\n",(pint)minx);
-			continue;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	return ret;
-void do_system(void)
-	char line[MAXLINE];
-	getstr("\n\nEnter system command",MAXLINE,line);
-	if(*line != EOS)
-		system(line);
-	fprintf(stdout,"\n\n");
-Boolean linetype(char *line,char *code)
-	return( strncmp(line,code,strlen(code)) == 0 );
-Boolean keyword(char *line,char *code)
-	int i;
-	char key[MAXLINE];
-	for(i=0;!isspace(line[i]) && line[i]!=EOS;i++)
-		key[i]=line[i];
-	key[i]=EOS;
-	return( strcmp(key,code) == 0 );
-Boolean blankline(char *line)
-	int i;
-	for(i=0;line[i]!='\n' && line[i]!=EOS;i++) {
-		if( isdigit(line[i]) ||
-		    isspace(line[i]) ||
-		    (line[i] == '*') ||
-		    (line[i] == ':') ||
-                    (line[i] == '.')) 
-			;
-		else
-			return FALSE;
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-void get_path(char *str,char *path)
-	register int i;
-	strcpy(path,str);
-	for(i=strlen(path)-1;i>-1;--i) {
-		if(str[i]==DIRDELIM) {
-			i = -1;
-			break;
-		}
-		if(str[i]=='.') break;
-	}
-	if(i<0)
-		strcat(path,".");
-	else
-		path[i+1]=EOS;
-void alloc_aln(sint nseqs)
-	sint i,j;
-        seqlen_array = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-        seq_array = (char **)ckalloc( (nseqs + 1) * sizeof (char *) );
-	for(i=0;i<nseqs+1;i++)
-		seq_array[i]=NULL;
-        names = (char **)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (char *) );
-        for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-                names[i] = (char *)ckalloc((MAXNAMES+1) * sizeof (char));
-        titles = (char **)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (char *) );
-        for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-                titles[i] = (char *)ckalloc((MAXTITLES+1) * sizeof (char));
-        output_index = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-        tmat = (double **) ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (double *) );
-        for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-                tmat[i] = (double *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (double) );
-        for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-        	for(j=1;j<=nseqs;j++)
-			tmat[i][j]=0.0;
-        seq_weight = (sint *)ckalloc( (nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-        for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-		seq_weight[i]=100;
-void realloc_aln(sint first_seq,sint nseqs)
-	sint i,j;
-        seqlen_array = (sint *)ckrealloc(seqlen_array, (first_seq+nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-        seq_array = (char **)ckrealloc(seq_array, (first_seq+nseqs+1) * sizeof (char *) );
-	for(i=first_seq;i<first_seq+nseqs+1;i++)
-		seq_array[i]=NULL;
-        names = (char **)ckrealloc(names, (first_seq+nseqs+1) * sizeof (char *) );
-        for(i=first_seq;i<first_seq+nseqs;i++)
-                names[i] = (char *)ckalloc((MAXNAMES+1) * sizeof (char));
-        titles = (char **)ckrealloc(titles, (first_seq+nseqs+1) * sizeof (char *) );
-        for(i=first_seq;i<first_seq+nseqs;i++)
-                titles[i] = (char *)ckalloc((MAXTITLES+1) * sizeof (char));
-        output_index = (sint *)ckrealloc(output_index, (first_seq+nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-        seq_weight = (sint *)ckrealloc(seq_weight, (first_seq+nseqs+1) * sizeof (sint));
-        for(i=first_seq;i<first_seq+nseqs;i++)
-		seq_weight[i]=100;
-        tmat = (double **) ckrealloc(tmat, (first_seq+nseqs+1) * sizeof (double *) );
-        for(i=1;i<first_seq;i++)
-                tmat[i] = (double *)ckrealloc(tmat[i], (first_seq+nseqs+1) * sizeof (double) );
-        for(i=first_seq;i<first_seq+nseqs;i++)
-                tmat[i] = (double *)ckalloc( (first_seq+nseqs+1) * sizeof (double) );
-        for(i=1;i<first_seq;i++)
-        	for(j=first_seq;j<first_seq+nseqs;j++)
-		{
-			tmat[i][j]=0.0;
-			tmat[j][i]=0.0;
-		}
-void free_aln(sint nseqs)
-	sint i;
-	if(nseqs<=0) return;
-	seqlen_array = ckfree(seqlen_array);
-        for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-		seq_array[i] = ckfree(seq_array[i]);
-	seq_array = ckfree(seq_array);
-	for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-		names[i] = ckfree(names[i]);
-	names = ckfree(names);
-	for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-		titles[i] = ckfree(titles[i]);
-	titles = ckfree(titles);
-	output_index = ckfree(output_index);
-	seq_weight = ckfree(seq_weight);
-        for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-		tmat[i] = ckfree(tmat[i]);
-	tmat = ckfree(tmat);
-void alloc_seq(sint seq_no,sint length)
-	seq_array[seq_no] = (char *)ckalloc((length+2) * sizeof (char));
-void realloc_seq(sint seq_no,sint length)
-	seq_array[seq_no] = (char *)realloc(seq_array[seq_no], (length+2) * sizeof (char));
-void free_seq(sint seq_no)
-	seq_array[seq_no]=ckfree(seq_array[seq_no]);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xcolor.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xcolor.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xcolor.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,1191 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <vibrant.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#include "xmenu.h"
-#define SIMPLE 1
-#define COMPOUND 2
-#define LEFTMARGIN 20
-#define SEPARATION 2
-#define CHARHEIGHT 10
-#define CHARWIDTH 6
-#define A4X 564
-#define A4Y 800
-#define A3X 832
-#define A3Y 1159
-#define USLETTERX 564
-#define USLETTERY 750
-#define SCOREY 3
-#define HEADER 7
-#define NOHEADER 0
-#define MAXRESNO 6
-#define MAXPARLEN 10
-#define MAXPAR 100
-static void print_ps_info(FILE *fd,int pagesize);
-static void print_page_header(FILE *fd,int ps_rotation,int maxx,int maxy,
-int page,int numpages,Boolean header,char *str_time,
-char *ps_file,int ps_xtrans,int ps_ytrans,float ps_scale);
-static void print_header_line(FILE *fd,panel_data name_data, panel_data seq_data,
-int ix,int fr,int lr);
-static void print_footer_line(FILE *fd,panel_data name_data, panel_data seq_data,
-int ix,int fr,int lr);
-static void print_quality_curve(FILE *fd,panel_data seq_data
-,int fr,int lr,int score_height);
-static void print_seq_line(FILE *fd,panel_data name_data, panel_data seq_data,
-int row,int seq,int fr,int lr,int res_number);
-typedef struct consensus_parameters
-char consensus;
-int cutoff;
-int length;
-char cutoff_list[20];
-} consensus_para;
-typedef struct color_parameters
-int type;
-char residue;
-int color;
-int length;
-char cons_list[20];
-} color_para;
-static void init_color_lut(FILE *fd);
-static int init_printer_lut(char *filename);
-static char *init_consensus(panel_data data);
-static int SaveColPara(char word[MAXPAR][MAXPARLEN],int num_words,int count);
-static int SaveConPara(char word[MAXPAR][MAXPARLEN],int num_words,int count);
-static int get_line(char *sinline,char word[MAXPAR][MAXPARLEN]);
-static int residue_color(char res,char consensus);
-static Boolean commentline(char *line);
-#define DEF_NCOLORS 4
-#define MAX_NCOLORS 8
-#define DEFAULT_COLOR 0
-typedef struct rgb_color {
-	char name[20];
-	float r,g,b;
-} rgb_color;
-rgb_color def_color_lut[MAX_NCOLORS]={
-	"RED"          ,0.9, 0.1, 0.1,
-	"BLUE"         ,0.1, 0.1, 0.7,
-	"GREEN"        ,0.1, 0.9, 0.1,
-	"ORANGE"       ,0.9, 0.6, 0.3,
-	"CYAN"         ,0.1, 0.9, 0.9,
-	"PINK"         ,0.9, 0.5, 0.5,
-	"MAGENTA"      ,0.9, 0.1, 0.9,
-	"YELLOW"       ,0.9, 0.9, 0.0,
-char def_aacolor[MAX_NCOLORS][26]={"krh",
-				"fwy",
-				"ilmv",
-				"gpst"};
-char def_dnacolor[MAX_NCOLORS][26]={"a",
-				"c",
-				"tu",
-				"g"};
-extern char revision_level[];
-extern int max_names;
-extern int ncolors;
-extern int ncolor_pars;
-extern color color_lut[];
-extern int inverted;
-extern Boolean residue_exceptions;
-extern Boolean segment_exceptions;
-extern Boolean dnaflag;
-int NumColParas;
-int NumConParas;
-color_para Col_Par[100];
-consensus_para Con_Par[100];
-void make_colormask(panel_data data)
-	int i,j;
-	for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		for(j=0;j<data.ncols;j++)
-			data.colormask[i][j] = DEFAULT_COLOR;
-	if (ncolors > 1)
-	{
-        	data.consensus=init_consensus(data);
-		for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-			for(j=0;j<data.ncols;j++)
-				data.colormask[i][j] = residue_color(data.lines[i][j],data.consensus[j]);
-	}
-static void init_color_lut(FILE *fd)
-	char sinline[1025];
-	char *args[10];
-	int i,numargs;
-	Boolean found=FALSE;
-	if (inverted==FALSE)
-	{
-        	strcpy(color_lut[0].name,"BLACK");
-		color_lut[0].r=0.4;
-		color_lut[0].g=0.4;
-		color_lut[0].b=0.4;
-		SelectColor(color_lut[0].r*255, color_lut[0].g*255, color_lut[0].b*255);
-		color_lut[0].val=GetColor();
-	}
-	else
-	{
-        	strcpy(color_lut[0].name,"WHITE");
-		color_lut[0].r=1.0;
-		color_lut[0].g=1.0;
-		color_lut[0].b=1.0;
-		SelectColor(color_lut[0].r*255, color_lut[0].g*255, color_lut[0].b*255);
-		color_lut[0].val=GetColor();
-	}
-	ncolors=1;
-	if (fd != NULL)
-	{
-		for (;fgets(sinline,1024,fd)!=NULL;)
-		{
-			sinline[strlen(sinline)-1] = '\0';
-			if (strcmp(sinline,"@rgbindex")==0) 
-			{
-				found = TRUE;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (found == TRUE)
-	{
-		for (;fgets(sinline,1024,fd)!=NULL;)
-		{
-			if (commentline(sinline)) continue;
-			if (sinline[0]=='@') break;
-			numargs = getargs(sinline, args, 4);
-			if (numargs != 4)
-			{
-				error("Problem in color rgb index - line %d\n",ncolors+1);
-				break;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				strcpy(color_lut[ncolors].name, args[0]);
-				color_lut[ncolors].r=atof(args[1]);
-				color_lut[ncolors].g=atof(args[2]);
-				color_lut[ncolors].b=atof(args[3]);
-				SelectColor(color_lut[ncolors].r*255, color_lut[ncolors].g*255, color_lut[ncolors].b*255);
-				color_lut[ncolors].val=GetColor();
-				ncolors++;
-				if (ncolors>=MAXCOLORS) 
-				{
-					warning("Only using first %d colors in rgb index.",MAXCOLORS);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/* if we can't find a table, use the hard-coded colors */
-        if (ncolors==1)
-        {
-		ncolors=MAX_NCOLORS+1;
-		for(i=1;i<ncolors;i++)
-		{
-			strcpy(color_lut[i].name,def_color_lut[i-1].name);
-			color_lut[i].r=def_color_lut[i-1].r;
-			color_lut[i].g=def_color_lut[i-1].g;
-			color_lut[i].b=def_color_lut[i-1].b;
-			SelectColor(color_lut[i].r*255, color_lut[i].g*255, color_lut[i].b*255);
-			color_lut[i].val=GetColor();
-		}
-	}
-void init_color_parameters(char *par_file)
-	int i,j,err;
-	char sinline[1025];
-	int maxparas = 50;
-	char inword[MAXPAR][MAXPARLEN];
-	int num_words;
-	int in_consensus=FALSE,in_color=FALSE;
-	int consensus_found=FALSE,color_found=FALSE;
-	FILE *par_fd=NULL;
-	if(par_file!=NULL)
-		par_fd=fopen(par_file,"r");
-	if(par_fd==NULL)
-	{
-                info("No color file found - using defaults");
-		ncolor_pars=0;
-	}
-	init_color_lut(par_fd);
-	if (par_fd != NULL) rewind(par_fd);
-	if (ncolors==0) return;
-	NumColParas=0;
-	NumConParas=0;
-	if (par_fd != NULL)
-	{
-		for(;fgets(sinline,1024,par_fd) != NULL;)
-		{
-			sinline[strlen(sinline)-1] = '\0';
-			if (commentline(sinline)) continue;
-			switch(sinline[0])
-			{	
-				case '\0':
-					break;
-				case '@':
-					if (strcmp((char*)(sinline+1),"consensus")==0) 
-					{
-						in_consensus = TRUE;
-						in_color = FALSE;
-						consensus_found = TRUE;
-					}
-					else if (strcmp((char*)(sinline+1),"color")==0)
-					{
-						in_consensus = FALSE;
-						in_color = TRUE;
-						color_found = TRUE;
-					}
-					break;
-				default:
-					num_words = get_line(sinline,inword);
-					if (in_consensus == TRUE) 
-					{
-						err = SaveConPara(inword,num_words,NumConParas);
-						if (err == 0) NumConParas++;
-					}
-					else if (in_color == TRUE)
-					{
-						err = SaveColPara(inword,num_words,NumColParas);
-						if (err == 0) NumColParas++;
-					}
-					if((NumColParas>maxparas) || (NumConParas>maxparas))
-				     	error("Too many parameters in color file");
-			}
-		}
-		if (color_found == FALSE)
-		{
-			error("@color not found in parameter file - using defaults\n");
-			ncolor_pars=0;
-		}
-		fclose(par_fd);
-	}
-	ncolor_pars=NumColParas;
-/* if no color parameters found, use the default aa groupings */
-	if(ncolor_pars==0)
-	{
-		if (dnaflag)
-		{
-			for(i=0;i<DEF_NCOLORS;i++)
-			{
-				for(j=0;j<strlen(def_dnacolor[i]);j++)
-				{
-					Col_Par[ncolor_pars].type=SIMPLE;
-					Col_Par[ncolor_pars].residue=def_dnacolor[i][j];
-					Col_Par[ncolor_pars].color=i+1;
-					ncolor_pars++;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			for(i=0;i<DEF_NCOLORS;i++)
-			{
-				for(j=0;j<strlen(def_aacolor[i]);j++)
-				{
-					Col_Par[ncolor_pars].type=SIMPLE;
-					Col_Par[ncolor_pars].residue=def_aacolor[i][j];
-					Col_Par[ncolor_pars].color=i+1;
-					ncolor_pars++;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	NumColParas=ncolor_pars;
-char *find_file(char *def_file)
-	char filename[FILENAMELEN];
-	char *retname;
-	FILE *fd;
-	Boolean found=FALSE;
-#ifdef UNIX
-        char *path, *path1, *deb, *fin;
-        sint lf, ltot;
-        char *home;
-        strcpy(filename,def_file);
-        fd = fopen(filename,"r");
-	if (fd != NULL)
-		found=TRUE;
-#ifdef UNIX
-        if (found == FALSE)
-        {
-                home = getenv("HOME");
-		if (home != NULL)
-		{
-                	sprintf(filename,"%s/%s",home,def_file);
-                	fd = fopen(filename,"r");
-			if (fd != NULL)
-				found=TRUE;
-		}
-                if (found == FALSE)
-                {
-			path=getenv("PATH");/* get the list of path directories,
-                        			separated by : */
-			/* added for File System Standards  - Francois */
-			path1=(char *)ckalloc((strlen(path)+64)*sizeof(char));
-			strcpy(path1,path);
-			strcat(path1,"/usr/share/clustalx:/usr/local/share/clustalx"); 
-        		lf=(sint)strlen(def_file);
-        		deb=path1;
-        		do
-                	{
-                		fin=strchr(deb,':');
-                		if(fin!=NULL)
-                        	{
-					strncpy(filename,deb,fin-deb);
-					ltot=fin-deb;
-				}
-                		else
-                        	{
-					strcpy(filename,deb);
-					ltot=(sint)strlen(filename);
-				}
-                		/* now one directory is in filename */
-                		if( ltot + lf + 1 <= FILENAMELEN)
-                        	{
-                        		filename[ltot]='/';
-                        		strcpy(filename+ltot+1,def_file); /* now dir is appended with filename */
-                        		if( (fd = fopen(filename,"r") ) != NULL)
-					{
-						found=TRUE;
-						break;
-                        		}
-                        	}
-                		else found = FALSE;
-                		deb=fin+1;
-                	}
-        		while (fin != NULL);
-                }
-        }
-	if (found == TRUE)
-	{
-		fclose(fd);
-		retname=(char *)ckalloc((strlen(filename)+1)*sizeof(char));
-		strcpy(retname,filename);
-	}
-	else
-		retname=NULL;
-	return(retname);
-static char *init_consensus(panel_data data)
-	char *cons_data;
-        int num_res,seq,res,par,cons_total,i;
-        char residue;
-	cons_data=(char *)ckalloc((data.ncols+1)*sizeof(char));
-        for (res=0;res<data.ncols;res++)
-        {
-                cons_data[res] = '.';
-                for (par=0;par<NumConParas;par++)
-                {
-                        cons_total = num_res = 0;
-                        for (seq=0;seq<data.nseqs;seq++)
-                        {
-				residue=tolower(data.lines[seq][res]);
-				if (isalpha(residue))
-					num_res++;
-                                for (i=0;i<Con_Par[par].length;i++)
-                                        if (residue==tolower(Con_Par[par].cutoff_list[i]))
-                                                cons_total++;
-                        }
-                        if (num_res != 0)
-                                if (((cons_total*100)/num_res) >= Con_Par[par].cutoff)
-                                        cons_data[res] = Con_Par[par].consensus;
-                }
-        }
-	return(cons_data);
-static int SaveColPara(char word[MAXPAR][MAXPARLEN],int num_words,int count)
-	int i;
-	if (num_words < 3)
-	{
-		error("Wrong format in color list");
-		return(1);
-	}
-	if (word[1][0] != '=')
-	{
-		error("Wrong format in color list");
-		return(2);
-	}
-	if (num_words == 3)
-	{
-		Col_Par[count].type = SIMPLE;
-		Col_Par[count].residue = word[0][0];
-		Col_Par[count].color = -1;
-		for (i=0;i<ncolors;i++)
-			if (strcmp(word[2],color_lut[i].name)==0) Col_Par[count].color = i;
-		if (Col_Par[count].color == -1)
-		{
-			error("%s not found in rgb index - using %s",word[2],color_lut[0].name);
-			Col_Par[count].color = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (strcmp(word[3],"if")==0)
-		{
-			Col_Par[count].type = COMPOUND;
-			Col_Par[count].residue = word[0][0];
-			Col_Par[count].color = -1;
-			for (i=0;i<ncolors;i++)
-				if (strcmp(word[2],color_lut[i].name)==0) Col_Par[count].color = i;
-			if (Col_Par[count].color == -1)
-			{
-				error("%s not found in rgb index - using %s",word[2],color_lut[0].name);
-				Col_Par[count].color = 0;
-			}
-			Col_Par[count].length = num_words - 4;
-			for (i=4;i<num_words;i++)
-				Col_Par[count].cons_list[i-4] = word[i][0];
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			error("Wrong format in color list");
-			return(3);
-		}
-	}
-	return(0);
-static int SaveConPara(char word[MAXPAR][MAXPARLEN],int num_words,int count)
-	int i;
-	if (num_words < 3)
-	{
-		error("Wrong format in consensus list");
-		return(1);
-	}
-	if (word[1][0] != '=')
-	{
-		error("Wrong format in consensus list");
-		return(2);
-	}
-	Con_Par[count].consensus = word[0][0];
-	for (i=0;i<MAXPARLEN-1;i++)
-	{
-		if(word[2][i]=='%') word[2][i] = '\0';
-	}
-	Con_Par[count].cutoff = atoi(word[2]);
-	Con_Par[count].length = num_words - 3;
-	for (i=3;i<num_words;i++)
-	{
-		Con_Par[count].cutoff_list[i-3] = word[i][0];
-	}
-	return(0);
-static int get_line(char *sinline,char word[MAXPAR][MAXPARLEN])
-	int i=0, j, word_count=0, char_count=0;
-	int in_word=FALSE;
-	for(i=0;i<MAXPAR-1;i++)
-		for(j=0;j<MAXPARLEN-1;j++)
-			word[i][j]='\0';
-	for (i=0;i<=strlen(sinline);i++)
-	{
-		switch (sinline[i])
-		{
-			case ' ':
-			case '\t':
-			case '\0':
-			case ':':
-				if (in_word)
-				{
-					word[word_count][char_count] = '\0';
-					word_count++;
-					char_count = 0;
-					in_word = FALSE;
-				}
-				break;
-			default:
-				in_word = TRUE;
-				word[word_count][char_count] = sinline[i];
-				char_count++;
-				break;
-		}		
-	}
-	return(word_count);
-static int residue_color(char res,char consensus)
-	int i,j;
-        for (i=0;i<NumColParas;i++)
-        {
-                if (tolower(res) == tolower(Col_Par[i].residue))
-                {
-                        switch (Col_Par[i].type)
-                        {
-                        case SIMPLE:
-                                return(Col_Par[i].color);
-                        case COMPOUND:
-                                for (j=0;j<Col_Par[i].length;j++)
-                                {
-                                        if (consensus == Col_Par[i].cons_list[j]
-                                                return(Col_Par[i].color);
-                                }
-                                break;
-                        default:
-                                return(DEFAULT_COLOR);
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        return(DEFAULT_COLOR);
-static Boolean commentline(char *line)
-        int i;
-	if (line[0] == '#') return TRUE;
-        for(i=0;line[i]!='\n' && line[i]!=EOS;i++) {
-                if( !isspace(line[i]) )
-                        return FALSE;
-        }
-        return TRUE;
-int block_height,block_left,block_top;
-int header_top,seq_top,footer_top,curve_top;
-void write_ps_file(spanel p,char *ps_file,char *par_file,int pagesize,
-int orientation,Boolean header, Boolean ruler, Boolean resno, Boolean resize,
-int first_printres,int last_printres,
-int blength,Boolean show_curve)
-	int i,j,bn,seq,numseqs;
-	int err;
-	int blocklen,numpages;
-	int fr,lr;
-	int page,row;
-	int ps_rotation=0,ps_xtrans=0,ps_ytrans=0;
-	float ps_scale,hscale,wscale;
-	int maxseq;
-	int maxx=0,maxy=0;
-	int score_height=0;
-	int main_header=0;
-	int numelines,numecols;
-	int nhead,nfoot;
-	int ppix_width;    /* width of the page in pixels */
-	int pchar_height;    /* height of the page in chars for sequences */
-	int ppix_height;    /* height of the page in pixels for sequences */
-        int blocksperpage,numblocks;
-	int *res_number;
-	panel_data name_data,seq_data;
-	FILE *fd;
-	time_t *tptr=NULL,ttime;
-	char *str_time;
-/* open the output file */
-	if ((fd=fopen(ps_file,"w"))==NULL)
-	{
-		error("Cannot open file %s",ps_file);
-		return;
-	}
-/* check for printer-specific rgb values */
-	err=init_printer_lut(par_file);
-	if(err>0) warning("No PS Colors file: using default colors\n");
-/* get the page size parameters */
-	if (pagesize==A4)
-	{
-		if (orientation==PORTRAIT)
-		{
-			maxx=A4X;
-			maxy=A4Y;
-			ps_rotation=0;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			maxx=A4Y;
-			maxy=A4X;
-			ps_rotation=-90;
-		}
-	}
-	else if (pagesize==A3)
-	{
-		if (orientation==PORTRAIT)
-		{
-			maxx=A3X;
-			maxy=A3Y;
-			ps_rotation=0;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			maxx=A3Y;
-			maxy=A3X;
-			ps_rotation=-90;
-		}
-	}
-	else if (pagesize==USLETTER)
-	{
-		if (orientation==PORTRAIT)
-		{
-			maxx=USLETTERX;
-			maxy=USLETTERY;
-			ps_rotation=0;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			maxx=USLETTERY;
-			maxy=USLETTERX;
-			ps_rotation=-90;
-		}
-	}
-	if(show_curve) score_height=SCOREY;
-	if(header) main_header=HEADER;
-	else main_header=NOHEADER;
-        ppix_width=maxx-LEFTMARGIN*2;
-        ppix_height=maxy-main_header*CHARHEIGHT;
-/* get the name data */
-	GetPanelExtra(p.names,&name_data);
-/* get the sequence data */
-	GetPanelExtra(p.seqs,&seq_data);
-	numseqs=seq_data.nseqs;
-	nhead=seq_data.nhead;
-	if(ruler)
-		nfoot=seq_data.nfoot;
-	else
-		nfoot=seq_data.nfoot-1;
-	numelines=nhead+nfoot+score_height+SEPARATION;
-/* check the block length, residue range parameters */
-	if(first_printres<=0)
-		first_printres=1;
-	if((last_printres<=0) || (last_printres>seq_data.ncols))
-		last_printres=seq_data.ncols;
-	if(first_printres>last_printres)
-	{
-		error("Bad residue range - cannot write postscript");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (blength==0 || last_printres-first_printres+1<blength) 
-		blocklen=last_printres-first_printres+1;
-	else
-		blocklen=blength;
-	res_number=(int *)ckalloc((name_data.nseqs+1)*sizeof(int));
-	for(i=0;i<name_data.nseqs;i++)
-	{
-		res_number[i]=0;
-		for(j=0;j<first_printres-1;j++)
-			if(isalpha(seq_data.lines[i][j])) res_number[i]++;
-	}
-	if(resno)
-		numecols=MAXRESNO+1+max_names;
-	else
-		numecols=1+max_names;
-/* print out the PS revision level etc. */
-	ttime = time(tptr);
-	str_time = ctime(&ttime);
-	print_ps_info(fd,pagesize);
-/* calculate scaling factors, block sizes to fit the page etc. */
-        if (resize==FALSE || blocklen==last_printres-first_printres+1)
-        {
-/* split the alignment into blocks of sequences. If the blocks are too long
-for the page - tough! */
-		if(resize==FALSE)
-                	ps_scale=1.0;
-		else
-			ps_scale=(float)ppix_width/(float)((blocklen+numecols)*CHARWIDTH);
-		ps_xtrans= LEFTMARGIN * (1-ps_scale);
-		ps_ytrans= ppix_height * (1-ps_scale);
-		if (pagesize!=A3 && orientation==LANDSCAPE)
-			ps_xtrans-=LEFTMARGIN;
-        	pchar_height=((maxy/CHARHEIGHT)-main_header)/ps_scale;
-        	maxseq=pchar_height-numelines;
-		block_height = (maxseq+numelines) * CHARHEIGHT;
-		numpages = (numseqs/maxseq) + 1;
-		seq=0;
-		for (page=0;page<numpages;page++)
-		{
-/* print the top of page header */
-			print_page_header(fd,ps_rotation,maxx,maxy,
-			   page,numpages,header,str_time,
-			   ps_file,ps_xtrans,ps_ytrans,ps_scale);
-			block_top = maxy - main_header*CHARHEIGHT;
-			block_left = LEFTMARGIN + (1+max_names)*CHARWIDTH; 
-			header_top = block_top;
-			fr=first_printres-1;
-			lr=last_printres-1;
-/*  show the header lines */
-			for (i=0;i<nhead;i++)
-				print_header_line(fd,name_data,seq_data,i,fr,lr);
-			seq_top = block_top-nhead*CHARHEIGHT;
-/*  show the sequence lines */
-			for (row=0;row<maxseq ;row++)
-			{
-				if(resno)
-				{
-					for(i=fr;i<=lr;i++)
-						if(isalpha(seq_data.lines[seq][i]))
-							res_number[seq]++;
-				}
-				print_seq_line(fd,name_data,seq_data,row,seq,fr,lr,res_number[seq]);
-				seq++;
-				if(seq>=numseqs)
-				{
-					row++;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			footer_top = seq_top-row*CHARHEIGHT;
-/*  show the footer lines */
-			for (i=0;i<nfoot;i++)
-				print_footer_line(fd,name_data,seq_data,i,fr,lr);
-			curve_top = footer_top-nfoot*CHARHEIGHT;
-/* show the quality curve */
-			if(show_curve)
-				print_quality_curve(fd,seq_data,fr,lr,score_height);
-			fprintf(fd,"\nshowpage\n");
-			fprintf(fd,"restore\n");
-		}
-        }
-        else
-        {
-/* split the alignment into blocks of residues, and scale the blocks to fit the page */
-        	maxseq=ppix_height/CHARHEIGHT-numelines-main_header;
-		hscale=(float)maxseq/(float)numseqs;
-		wscale=(float)ppix_width/(float)((blocklen+numecols)*CHARWIDTH);
-                ps_scale=MIN(hscale,wscale);
-		ps_xtrans= LEFTMARGIN * (1-ps_scale);
-		ps_ytrans= ppix_height * (1-ps_scale);
-		if (pagesize!=A3 && orientation==LANDSCAPE)
-			ps_xtrans-=LEFTMARGIN;
-        	pchar_height=((maxy/CHARHEIGHT)-main_header)/ps_scale;
-        	maxseq=pchar_height-numelines;
-		block_height = (numseqs+numelines) * CHARHEIGHT;
-		blocksperpage = pchar_height/(numseqs+numelines);
-		if (blocksperpage==0)
-		{
-			error("illegal combination of print parameters");
-			return;
-		}
-		numblocks = (last_printres-first_printres) / blocklen + 1;
-        	if (numblocks % blocksperpage == 0)
-			numpages = numblocks / blocksperpage;
-        	else
-			numpages = numblocks / blocksperpage + 1;
-		for (bn=0;bn<numblocks;bn++)
-		{
-			page = bn / blocksperpage;
-/* print the top of page header */
-			if (bn % blocksperpage == 0)
-				print_page_header(fd,ps_rotation,maxx,maxy,
-			   	page,numpages,header,str_time,
-			   	ps_file,ps_xtrans,ps_ytrans,ps_scale);
-			block_top = maxy - main_header*CHARHEIGHT-block_height*(bn%blocksperpage);
-			block_left = LEFTMARGIN + (1+max_names)*CHARWIDTH; 
-			header_top = block_top;
-			seq_top = block_top-nhead*CHARHEIGHT;
-			footer_top = block_top-(nhead+numseqs)*CHARHEIGHT;
-			curve_top = block_top-(nhead+numseqs+nfoot)*CHARHEIGHT;
-			fr=first_printres-1 + blocklen*bn;
-			lr=fr+blocklen-1;
-			if(lr>=last_printres) lr=last_printres-1;
-/*  show the header lines */
-			for (i=0;i<nhead;i++)
-				print_header_line(fd,name_data,seq_data,i,fr,lr);
-/*  show the sequence lines */
-			for (i=0;i<numseqs;i++)
-			{
-				row = i % maxseq;
-				if(resno)
-				{
-					for(j=fr;j<=lr;j++)
-						if(isalpha(seq_data.lines[i][j]))
-							res_number[i]++;
-				}
-				print_seq_line(fd,name_data,seq_data,row,i,fr,lr,res_number[i]);
-			}
-/*  show the footer lines */
-			for (i=0;i<nfoot;i++)
-				print_footer_line(fd,name_data,seq_data,i,fr,lr);
-/* show the quality curve */
-			if(show_curve)
-				print_quality_curve(fd,seq_data,fr,lr,score_height);
-			if ((bn == (numblocks-1)) || ((bn % blocksperpage == blocksperpage-1)))
-			{
-				fprintf(fd,"\nshowpage\n");
-				fprintf(fd,"restore\n");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	fclose(fd);
-	return;
-static int init_printer_lut(char *filename)
-	FILE *fd;
-	char sinline[1025];
-	char *args[10];
-	char name[20];
-	int i,numargs;
-	Boolean found=FALSE;
-	char *par_file=NULL;
-/* reset the printer rgb colors to the color file rgb values */
-	for(i=0;i<ncolors;i++)
-	{
-		color_lut[i].pr=color_lut[i].r;
-		color_lut[i].pg=color_lut[i].g;
-		color_lut[i].pb=color_lut[i].b;
-	}
-/* search for the printer color file */
-	if(filename[0]==EOS) return 1;
-	par_file=find_file(filename);
-	if(par_file==NULL)
-	{
-		error("Cannot find printer file %s",filename);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if ((fd=fopen(par_file,"r"))==NULL)
-	{
-		error("Cannot open printer file %s",par_file);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	for (;fgets(sinline,1024,fd)!=NULL;)
-	{
-		if (commentline(sinline)) continue;
-		numargs = getargs(sinline, args, 4);
-		if (numargs != 4)
-		{
-			error("Problem in parameter file - line %d\n",ncolors+1);
-			break;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-/* we've found a color - find the index the color lut */
-			strcpy(name, args[0]);
-			for(i=0;i<ncolors;i++)
-			{
-				if(strcmp(name,color_lut[i].name)==0)
-				{
-					color_lut[i].pr=atof(args[1]);
-					color_lut[i].pg=atof(args[2]);
-					color_lut[i].pb=atof(args[3]);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	ckfree(par_file);
-	return 0;
-static void print_ps_info(FILE *fd,int pagesize)
-	fprintf(fd,"%%!PS-Adobe-1.0\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"%%%%Creator: Julie Thompson\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"%%%%Title:ClustalX Alignment\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"%%%%EndComments\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"/box { newpath\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\t-0 -3 moveto\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\t-0 %d lineto\n",CHARHEIGHT-3);
-	fprintf(fd,"\t%d %d lineto\n",CHARWIDTH,CHARHEIGHT-3);
-	fprintf(fd,"\t%d -3 lineto\n",CHARWIDTH);
-	fprintf(fd,"\tclosepath\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"      } def\n\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"/color_char { gsave\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tsetrgbcolor\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tmoveto\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tshow\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tgrestore\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"      } def\n\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"/cbox { gsave\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\ttranslate\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tnewpath\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\t0 0 moveto\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tlineto\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tlineto\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tlineto\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tclosepath\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tfill\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tgrestore\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"      } def\n\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"/color_inv { gsave\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tsetrgbcolor\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\ttranslate\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tbox fill\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tgrestore\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tmoveto\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"\tshow\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"      } def\n\n");
-        fprintf(fd,"/white_inv { gsave\n");
-        fprintf(fd,"\tsetrgbcolor\n");
-        fprintf(fd,"\ttranslate\n");
-        fprintf(fd,"\tbox fill\n");
-        fprintf(fd,"\tgrestore\n");
-        fprintf(fd,"\tgsave\n");
-        fprintf(fd,"\tsetrgbcolor\n");
-        fprintf(fd,"\tmoveto\n");
-        fprintf(fd,"\tshow\n");
-        fprintf(fd,"\tgrestore\n");
-        fprintf(fd,"      } def\n\n");
-	if (pagesize==A3)
-		fprintf(fd,"statusdict begin a3 end\n\n");
-/* For canon color printer, use a3tray instead of a3!! */
-static void print_page_header(FILE *fd,int ps_rotation,int maxx,int maxy,
-int page,int numpages,Boolean header,char *str_time,
-char *ps_file,int ps_xtrans,int ps_ytrans,float ps_scale)
-	int ps_x,ps_y;
-	char tstr[50];
-	fprintf(fd,"%%%%Page: P%d\n",page);
-	fprintf(fd,"save\n\n");
-	if (ps_rotation==-90)
-	{
-		fprintf(fd,"0 %d translate\n",maxx);
-		fprintf(fd,"%d rotate\n",ps_rotation);
-	}
-	if (header)
-	{
-		sprintf(tstr,"CLUSTAL %s MULTIPLE SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT",revision_level);
-		ps_x = (maxx-strlen(tstr)*10)/2;
-		ps_y = maxy - 2*CHARHEIGHT;
-		fprintf(fd,"%d %d moveto\n",ps_x,ps_y);
-		fprintf(fd,"/Times-Bold findfont 14 scalefont setfont\n");
-		fprintf(fd,"(%s) show\n\n",tstr);
-		ps_x = 20;
-		ps_y = maxy - 4*CHARHEIGHT;
-		fprintf(fd,"%d %d moveto\n",ps_x,ps_y);
-		fprintf(fd,"(File: %s) show\n\n",ps_file);
-		sprintf(tstr,"Date: %s",str_time);
-		ps_x = maxx-strlen(tstr)*8-20;
-		ps_y = maxy - 4*CHARHEIGHT;
-		fprintf(fd,"%d %d moveto\n",ps_x,ps_y);
-		fprintf(fd,"(%s) show\n\n",tstr);
-		sprintf(tstr,"Page %d of %d",page+1,numpages);
-		ps_x = 20;
-		ps_y = maxy - 5*CHARHEIGHT-4;
-		fprintf(fd,"%d %d moveto\n",ps_x,ps_y);
-		fprintf(fd,"(%s) show\n\n",tstr);
-	}	
-	fprintf(fd,"%d %d translate\n",ps_xtrans,ps_ytrans);
-	fprintf(fd,"%#3.2f %#3.2f scale\n",ps_scale,ps_scale);
-	fprintf(fd,"/Courier-Bold findfont 10 scalefont setfont\n");
-static void print_header_line(FILE *fd,panel_data name_data, panel_data seq_data,
-int ix,int fr,int lr)
-	int i;
-	int ps_x,ps_y;
-	ps_x = LEFTMARGIN;
-	ps_y = header_top - (ix * CHARHEIGHT);
-	fprintf(fd,"%d %d moveto\n",ps_x,ps_y);
-	fprintf(fd,"(%*s ) show\n",max_names,name_data.header[ix]);
-	for(i=fr;i<=lr;i++)
-	{
-		ps_x = block_left + (i-fr) * CHARWIDTH; 
-		fprintf(fd,"(");
-		fprintf(fd,"%c",seq_data.header[ix][i]);
-		fprintf(fd,") ");
-		fprintf(fd,"%d %d %d %d 1.0 1.0 1.0 color_inv\n",ps_x,ps_y,ps_x,ps_y);
-	}
-	fprintf(fd,"\n");
-static void print_footer_line(FILE *fd,panel_data name_data, panel_data seq_data,
-int ix,int fr,int lr)
-	int i;
-	int ps_x,ps_y;
-	ps_x = LEFTMARGIN;
-	ps_y = footer_top - (ix * CHARHEIGHT);
-	fprintf(fd,"%d %d moveto\n",ps_x,ps_y);
-	fprintf(fd,"(%*s ) show\n",max_names,name_data.footer[ix]);
-	for(i=fr;i<=lr;i++)
-	{
-		ps_x = block_left + (i-fr) * CHARWIDTH; 
-		fprintf(fd,"(");
-		fprintf(fd,"%c",seq_data.footer[ix][i]);
-		fprintf(fd,") ");
-		fprintf(fd,"%d %d %d %d 1.0 1.0 1.0 color_inv\n",ps_x,ps_y,ps_x,ps_y);
-	}
-	fprintf(fd,"\n");
-static void print_quality_curve(FILE *fd,panel_data seq_data,
-int fr,int lr,int score_height)
-	int i,w,h;
-	int ps_x,ps_y,curve_bottom;
-	ps_x = block_left+CHARWIDTH;
-       	curve_bottom=curve_top-score_height*CHARHEIGHT;
-	fprintf(fd,"0.3 0.3 0.3 setrgbcolor\n");
-	for(i=fr+1;i<=lr;i++)
-	{
-		fprintf(fd,"%d %d moveto\n",ps_x,curve_bottom);
-       		h=score_height*CHARHEIGHT*((float)seq_data.colscore[i]/100.0);
-		if(h<1) h=1;
-		fprintf(fd,"%d 0 %d %d 0 %d %d %d cbox\n",w,w,h,h,ps_x,curve_bottom);
-		ps_x+=CHARWIDTH;
-	}
-	fprintf(fd,"0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor\n");
-static void print_seq_line(FILE *fd,panel_data name_data, panel_data seq_data,
-int row,int seq,int fr,int lr,int res_number)
-	int i,color;
-	int ps_x,ps_y;
-	float red, green, blue;
-	ps_x = LEFTMARGIN;
-	ps_y = seq_top - (row * CHARHEIGHT);
-	fprintf(fd,"%d %d moveto\n",ps_x,ps_y);
-	fprintf(fd,"(%*s ) show\n",max_names,name_data.lines[seq]);
-	for(i=fr;i<=lr;i++)
-	{
-		color = seq_data.colormask[seq][i];
-		red = color_lut[color].pr;
-		green = color_lut[color].pg;
-		blue = color_lut[color].pb;
-		ps_x = block_left + (i-fr) * CHARWIDTH; 
-		fprintf(fd,"(");
-		fprintf(fd,"%c",seq_data.lines[seq][i]);
-		fprintf(fd,") ");
-                if(segment_exceptions && seq_data.segment_exception[seq][i] > 0)
-                {
-                       fprintf(fd,"%d %d %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f %d %d %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f white_inv\n",
-				ps_x,ps_y,1.0,1.0,1.0,ps_x,ps_y,0.1,0.1,0.1);
-                }
-                else if(residue_exceptions && seq_data.residue_exception[seq][i] == TRUE)
-                {
-                       fprintf(fd,"%d %d %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f %d %d %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f white_inv\n",
-				ps_x,ps_y,1.0,1.0,1.0,ps_x,ps_y,0.4,0.4,0.4);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                       if(inverted)
-                              fprintf(fd,"%d %d %d %d %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f color_inv\n",
-				ps_x,ps_y,ps_x,ps_y,red,green,blue);
-                       else
-                              fprintf(fd,"%d %d %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f color_char\n",
-				ps_x,ps_y,red,green,blue);
-                }
-	}
-	if(res_number>0)
-	{
-		ps_x = block_left + (lr-fr+1) * CHARWIDTH; 
-		ps_y = seq_top - (row * CHARHEIGHT);
-		fprintf(fd,"%d %d moveto\n",ps_x,ps_y);
-		fprintf(fd,"(%*d) show\n",MAXRESNO,res_number);
-	}
-	fprintf(fd,"\n");

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xdisplay.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xdisplay.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xdisplay.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,2191 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <vibrant.h>
-#include <document.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#include "xmenu.h"
-static void VscrollMulti(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-static void HscrollMultiN(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-static void HscrollMultiS(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-static void VscrollPrf1(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-static void HscrollPrf1N(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-static void HscrollPrf1S(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-static void VscrollPrf2(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-static void HscrollPrf2N(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-static void HscrollPrf2S(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-static void NameClick(PaneL panel, PoinT pt);
-static void NameDrag(PaneL panel, PoinT pt);
-static void NameRelease(PaneL panel, PoinT pt);
-static void SeqClick(PaneL panel, PoinT pt);
-static void SeqDrag(PaneL panel, PoinT pt);
-static void SeqRelease(PaneL panel, PoinT pt);
-static void fit_seq_display(RecT wr,Boolean mv_message);
-static void fit_prf_displays(RecT wr,int numseqs1,int numseqs2,Boolean mv_message);
-static void vscrollnames(BaR bar, int newval, int oldval);
-static void hscrollnames(BaR bar, int newval, int oldval);
-static void vscrollseqs(BaR bar, int newval, int oldval);
-static void hscrollseqs(BaR bar, int newval, int oldval);
-static void correct_scrollbar(BaR b,int visible,int total,int value,Boolean reset);
-static PaneL make_panel(int type,GrouP g,int width,int height,int firstline,int tlines);
-static panel_data free_panel_data(panel_data data);
-static panel_data alloc_name_data(panel_data data);
-static panel_data alloc_seq_data(panel_data data);
-extern sint max_names;
-extern int    mheader; /* maximum header lines */
-extern int    mfooter; /* maximum footer lines */
-extern int max_plines;     /*   profile align display length */
-extern int min_plines1;     /*   profile align display length */
-extern int min_plines2;     /*   profile align display length */
-extern int loffset,boffset,toffset;
-extern int roffset;
-extern int poffset;
-extern Boolean aln_mode;
-extern Boolean fixed_prf_scroll;
-extern Boolean window_displayed;
-extern PrompT   message;           /* used in temporary message window */
-extern spanel  seq_panel;        /* data for multiple alignment area */
-extern spanel  prf_panel[];       /* data for profile alignment areas */
-extern spanel  active_panel;       /* 'in-use' panel -scrolling,clicking etc. */
-extern FonT datafont;
-extern WindoW mainw;
-extern GrouP  seq_display,prf1_display,prf2_display;
-extern int ncolors;
-extern int    inverted;
-extern Boolean  dnaflag;
-extern sint     nseqs;
-extern sint    profile1_nseqs;
-extern sint     output_order;
-extern sint     *output_index;
-extern sint     *seqlen_array;
-extern char     **seq_array;
-extern char     **names, **titles;
-extern char     *amino_acid_codes;
-extern sint     gap_pos1, gap_pos2;
-extern char *gap_penalty_mask1,*gap_penalty_mask2;
-extern char *sec_struct_mask1,*sec_struct_mask2;
-extern sint struct_penalties1,struct_penalties2;
-extern sint output_struct_penalties;
-extern Boolean use_ss1, use_ss2;
-extern char *explicit_par_file;
-extern char *par_file;
-extern char def_protpar_file[];
-extern char def_dnapar_file[];
-extern sint     ncutseqs;
-extern Boolean residue_exceptions;
-extern Boolean segment_exceptions;
-extern color color_lut[];
-extern char *res_cat1[];
-extern char *res_cat2[];
-static range selected_seqs;           /* sequences selected by clicking on names */
-static range selected_res;           /* residues selected by clicking on seqs */
-static int fromvscroll,fromhscroll; /* set by scrolling functions,
-                            used by DrawPanel, draw_names, draw_seqs */
-void resize_multi_window(void)
-	RecT r;
-	ObjectRect(mainw,&r);
-	fit_seq_display(r,FALSE);
-void resize_prf_window(int numseqs1,int numseqs2)
-	RecT r;
-	SelectFont(datafont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-        stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	if(numseqs1>max_plines)
-		numseqs1=max_plines;
-	else if(numseqs1<min_plines1)
-		numseqs1=min_plines1;
-	if(numseqs2>max_plines)
-		numseqs2=max_plines;
-	else if(numseqs2<min_plines2)
-		numseqs2=min_plines2;
-	ObjectRect(mainw,&r);
-	fit_prf_displays(r,numseqs1,numseqs2,FALSE);
-static void fit_seq_display(RecT wr,Boolean mv_message)
-	int width,height,moffset;
-	RecT nr,sr,mr;
-	panel_data data;
-	ObjectRect(seq_panel.names,&nr);
-	ObjectRect(message,&mr);
-	moffset=mr.top-nr.bottom;
-	width=nr.right-nr.left;
-	height=wr.bottom-wr.top-boffset-toffset;
-	nr.top=toffset;
-	nr.left=loffset;
-	nr.bottom=nr.top+height;
-	nr.right=nr.left+width;
-	SetPosition(seq_panel.names,&nr);
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-	data.vlines=(height-SCOREHEIGHT)/data.lineheight - MARGIN;
-	data.vseqs=data.vlines-data.nhead-data.nfoot;
-	SetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-	sr.top=nr.top;
-	sr.left=nr.right;
-	sr.bottom=sr.top+height;
-	sr.right=wr.right-wr.left-roffset;
-	width=sr.right-sr.left;
-	SetPosition(seq_panel.seqs,&sr);
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-	data.vcols=width/data.charwidth - MARGIN*2;
-	data.vlines=(height-SCOREHEIGHT)/data.lineheight - MARGIN;
-	data.vseqs=data.vlines-data.nhead-data.nfoot;
-	SetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-	if(mv_message) {
-		height=mr.bottom-mr.top;
-		mr.top=nr.bottom+moffset;
-		mr.bottom=mr.top+height;
-		SetPosition(message,&mr);
-	}
-	position_scrollbars(seq_panel);
-	correct_name_bars(TRUE);
-	correct_seq_bars(TRUE);
-static void fit_prf_displays(RecT wr,int numseqs1,int numseqs2,Boolean mv_message)
-	int width,height,moffset;
-	RecT mr,nr,sr;
-	panel_data data;
-	ObjectRect(prf_panel[1].names,&nr);
-	ObjectRect(message,&mr);
-	moffset=mr.top-nr.bottom;
-	ObjectRect(prf_panel[0].names,&nr);
-	width=nr.right-nr.left;
-	nr.top=toffset;
-	nr.left=loffset;
-	height=(wr.bottom-wr.top-boffset-toffset-poffset)*numseqs1/(numseqs1+numseqs2);
-	nr.bottom=nr.top+height;
-	nr.right=nr.left+width;
-	SetPosition(prf_panel[0].names,&nr);
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].names,&data);
-	data.vlines=(height-SCOREHEIGHT)/data.lineheight - MARGIN;
-	data.vseqs=data.vlines-data.nhead-data.nfoot;
-	SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].names,&data);
-	sr.top=nr.top;
-	sr.left=nr.right;
-	sr.bottom=sr.top+height;
-	sr.right=wr.right-wr.left-roffset;
-	width=sr.right-sr.left;
-	SetPosition(prf_panel[0].seqs,&sr);
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-	data.vcols=width/data.charwidth - MARGIN*2;
-	data.vlines=(height-SCOREHEIGHT)/data.lineheight - MARGIN;
-	data.vseqs=data.vlines-data.nhead-data.nfoot;
-	SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-	position_scrollbars(prf_panel[0]);
-	nr.top=nr.bottom+poffset;
-	height=(wr.bottom-wr.top-boffset-toffset-poffset)*numseqs2/(numseqs1+numseqs2);
-	nr.bottom=nr.top+height;
-	SetPosition(prf_panel[1].names,&nr);
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].names,&data);
-	data.vlines=(height-SCOREHEIGHT)/data.lineheight - MARGIN;
-	data.vseqs=data.vlines-data.nhead-data.nfoot;
-	SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].names,&data);
-	sr.top=nr.top;
-	sr.bottom=sr.top+height;
-	SetPosition(prf_panel[1].seqs,&sr);
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-	data.vcols=width/data.charwidth - MARGIN*2;
-	data.vlines=(height-SCOREHEIGHT)/data.lineheight - MARGIN;
-	data.vseqs=data.vlines-data.nhead-data.nfoot;
-	SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-	position_scrollbars(prf_panel[1]);
-	if(mv_message) {
-		height=mr.bottom-mr.top;
-		mr.top=nr.bottom+moffset;
-		mr.bottom=mr.top+height;
-		SetPosition(message,&mr);
-	}
-	correct_name_bars(TRUE);
-	correct_seq_bars(TRUE);
-void ResizeWindowProc(WindoW w)
-	int numseqs1,numseqs2;
-	RecT wr;
-	panel_data data;
-	if(window_displayed==FALSE) return;
-	ObjectRect(w,&wr);
-	if (aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-	{
-/* if the window is too small, hide everything */
-		if(wr.bottom-wr.top < toffset+boffset)
-		{
-			Hide(seq_display);
-			Hide(message);
-			return;
-		}
-		fit_seq_display(wr,TRUE);
-		Show(seq_display);
-		Show(message);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-/* if the window is too small, hide everything */
-		if(wr.bottom-wr.top < toffset+boffset+2*poffset)
-		{
-			Hide(prf1_display);
-			Hide(prf2_display);
-			Hide(message);
-			return;
-		}
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].names,&data);
-		numseqs1=data.nseqs;
-		if(numseqs1<min_plines1)numseqs1=min_plines1;
-		else if(numseqs1>max_plines)numseqs1=max_plines;
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].names,&data);
-		numseqs2=data.nseqs;
-		if(numseqs2<min_plines2)numseqs2=min_plines2;
-		else if(numseqs2>max_plines)numseqs2=max_plines;
-		fit_prf_displays(wr,numseqs1,numseqs2,TRUE);
-		Show(prf1_display);
-		Show(prf2_display);
-		Show(message);
-	}
-void position_scrollbars(spanel p)
-	int height;
-	RecT hr,vr,nr,sr;
-	panel_data data;
-	ObjectRect(p.names,&nr);
-	GetPanelExtra(p.names,&data);
-	ObjectRect(data.hscrollbar,&hr);
-	height=hr.bottom-hr.top;
-	LoadRect(&hr,nr.left,nr.bottom,nr.right,nr.bottom+height);
-	SetPosition(data.hscrollbar,&hr);
-#ifdef WIN_MAC
-	AdjustPrnt(data.hscrollbar,&hr,FALSE);
-	ObjectRect(p.seqs,&sr);
-	GetPanelExtra(p.seqs,&data);
-	ObjectRect(data.hscrollbar,&hr);
-	height=hr.bottom-hr.top;
-	LoadRect(&hr,sr.left,sr.bottom,sr.right,sr.bottom+height);
-	SetPosition(data.hscrollbar,&hr);
-#ifdef WIN_MAC
-	AdjustPrnt(data.hscrollbar,&hr,FALSE);
-	ObjectRect(data.vscrollbar,&vr);
-	LoadRect(&vr,vr.left,sr.top,vr.right,sr.bottom);
-	SetPosition(data.vscrollbar,&vr);
-#ifdef WIN_MAC
-	AdjustPrnt(data.vscrollbar,&vr,FALSE);
-void load_aln_data(spanel p,int fs,int ls,Boolean reset)
-	int i,j,slength=0;
-	int nhead;
-	sint val;
-	panel_data name_data,seq_data;
-	WatchCursor();
-	GetPanelExtra(p.names,&name_data);
-	GetPanelExtra(p.seqs,&seq_data);
-	name_data=free_panel_data(name_data);
-	seq_data=free_panel_data(seq_data);
-	SetPanelExtra(p.names,&name_data);
-	SetPanelExtra(p.seqs,&seq_data);
-	name_data.nseqs=ls-fs+1;
-	seq_data.nseqs=name_data.nseqs;
-	name_data.firstseq=fs;
-	seq_data.firstseq=fs;
-/* find the maximum length of sequence */
-	for(i=fs;i<=ls;i++)
-           	if (slength < seqlen_array[i+1]) slength = seqlen_array[i+1];
-	name_data.ncols=max_names;
-	seq_data.ncols=slength;
-	if (name_data.nseqs>0)
-	{
-		name_data=alloc_name_data(name_data);
-		seq_data=alloc_seq_data(seq_data);
-		for(i=fs;i<=ls;i++)
-        	{
-                	strncpy(name_data.lines[i-fs],names[i+1],MAXNAMES);
-                	name_data.lines[i-fs][MAXNAMES]='\0';
-                	for(j=0;j<seqlen_array[i+1];j++)
-                	{
-                        	val = seq_array[i+1][j+1];
-                        	if((val == -3) || (val == 253))
-                                	break;
-                        	else if((val == gap_pos1) || (val == gap_pos2))
-                                	seq_data.lines[i-fs][j] = '-';
-                        	else {
-                                	seq_data.lines[i-fs][j] = amino_acid_codes[val];
-                        	}
-                	}
-                	for(j=seqlen_array[i+1];j<slength;j++)
-                        	seq_data.lines[i-fs][j] = ' ';
-			seq_data.lines[i-fs][j]='\0';
-			name_data.selected[i-fs]=FALSE;
-        	}
-		make_consensus(seq_data,name_data.header[0],seq_data.header[0]);
-		nhead=make_struct_data(seq_data.prf_no,slength,name_data.header[1],seq_data.header[1]);
-		if (nhead==0)
-			nhead=make_gp_data(seq_data.prf_no,slength,name_data.header[1],seq_data.header[1]);
-		seq_data.nhead=name_data.nhead=nhead+1;
-		seq_data.nfoot=name_data.nfoot=1;
-		seq_data.consensus=NULL;
-		make_ruler(slength,name_data.footer[0],seq_data.footer[0]);
-		make_colscores(seq_data);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		seq_data.ncols=name_data.ncols=0;
-	}
-	if(reset==TRUE)
-	{
-		name_data.firstvline=0;
-		name_data.firstvcol=0;
-		seq_data.firstvline=0;
-		seq_data.firstvcol=0;
-	}
-        name_data.vseqs=name_data.vlines-name_data.nhead-name_data.nfoot;
-        seq_data.vseqs=seq_data.vlines-seq_data.nhead-seq_data.nfoot;
-	if(seq_data.nseqs>0)
-	{
-/* try to find the user's color parameter file */
-		if (explicit_par_file == NULL)
-		{
-			if (par_file != NULL)
-				ckfree(par_file);
-			if(dnaflag)
-				par_file=find_file(def_dnapar_file);
-			else
-				par_file=find_file(def_protpar_file);
-		}
-        	init_color_parameters(par_file);
-        	make_colormask(seq_data);
-	}
-	SetPanelExtra(p.names,&name_data);
-	SetPanelExtra(p.seqs,&seq_data);
-	ArrowCursor();
-void load_aln(spanel p,int fs,int ls,Boolean reset)
-	load_aln_data(p,fs,ls,reset);
-	DrawPanel(p.names);
-	DrawPanel(p.seqs);
-	correct_name_bars(reset);
-	correct_seq_bars(reset);
-static panel_data alloc_name_data(panel_data data)
-	int i;
-	data.lines=(char **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1)*sizeof(char *));
-	data.colormask=NULL;
-	data.selected=(int *)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1)*sizeof(int));
-	for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-        {
-		data.lines[i]=(char *)ckalloc((MAXNAMES+1)*sizeof(char));
-		strncpy(data.lines[i],names[i+1],MAXNAMES);
-		data.lines[i][MAXNAMES]='\0';
-	}
-	data.header=(char **)ckalloc((mheader+1)*sizeof(char *));
-	for(i=0;i<mheader;i++)
-		data.header[i]=(char *)ckalloc((MAXNAMES+1)*sizeof(char));
-	data.footer=(char **)ckalloc((mfooter+1)*sizeof(char *));
-	for(i=0;i<mfooter;i++)
-		data.footer[i]=(char *)ckalloc((MAXNAMES+1)*sizeof(char));
-	return(data);
-static panel_data alloc_seq_data(panel_data data)
-	int i;
-	data.lines=(char **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1)*sizeof(char *));
-	data.colormask=(char **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1)*sizeof(char *));
-	data.firstsel=data.lastsel=-1;
-	for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-        {
-		data.lines[i]=(char *)ckalloc((data.ncols+1)*sizeof(char));
-		data.colormask[i]=(char *)ckalloc((data.ncols+1)*sizeof(char));
-	}
-	data.selected=(int *)ckalloc((data.ncols+1)*sizeof(int));
-	for(i=0;i<data.ncols;i++)
-		data.selected[i]=FALSE;
-	data.header=(char **)ckalloc((mheader+1)*sizeof(char *));
-	for(i=0;i<mheader;i++)
-		data.header[i]=(char *)ckalloc((data.ncols+1)*sizeof(char));
-	data.colscore=(sint *)ckalloc((data.ncols+1)*sizeof(sint));
-	data.residue_exception=(Boolean **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1)*sizeof(Boolean *));
-	for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		data.residue_exception[i]=(Boolean *)ckalloc((data.ncols+1)*sizeof(Boolean));
-	data.segment_exception=(short **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1)*sizeof(short *));
-	for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		data.segment_exception[i]=(short *)ckalloc((data.ncols+1)*sizeof(short));
-	data.footer=(char **)ckalloc((mfooter+1)*sizeof(char *));
-	for(i=0;i<mfooter;i++)
-		data.footer[i]=(char *)ckalloc((data.ncols+1)*sizeof(char));
-	return(data);
-void correct_name_bars(Boolean reset)
-	panel_data data,data1;
-	if(aln_mode==PROFILEM)
-	{
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].names,&data);
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].names,&data1);
-		if(reset==TRUE)
-		{
-			data.firstvcol=0;
-			data1.firstvcol=0;
-		}
-		correct_scrollbar(data.hscrollbar,data.vcols,data.ncols,data.firstvcol,reset);
-		correct_scrollbar(data1.hscrollbar,data1.vcols,data1.ncols,data.firstvcol,reset);
-		if(reset==TRUE)
-		{
-			data.firstvline=0;
-			data1.firstvline=0;
-		}
-		correct_scrollbar(data.vscrollbar,data.vseqs,data.nseqs,data.firstvline,reset);
-		correct_scrollbar(data1.vscrollbar,data1.vseqs,data1.nseqs,data1.firstvline,reset);
-		SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].names,&data);
-		SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].names,&data1);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-		if(reset==TRUE)
-		{
-			data.firstvcol=0;
-			data.firstvline=0;
-		}
-		correct_scrollbar(data.vscrollbar,data.vseqs,data.nseqs,data.firstvline,reset);
-		correct_scrollbar(data.hscrollbar,data.vcols,data.ncols,data.firstvcol,reset);
-		SetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-	}
-void correct_seq_bars(Boolean reset)
-	int maxcols,m1,m2;
-	panel_data data,data1;
-	if(aln_mode==PROFILEM)
-	{
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data1);
-		if(fixed_prf_scroll==TRUE)
-		{
-			Hide(data.hscrollbar);
-			m1=MAX(data.firstvcol,data1.firstvcol);
-			m2=MAX(data.ncols-data.firstvcol,data1.ncols-data1.firstvcol);
-			maxcols=m1+m2;
-			if(reset==TRUE)
-			{
-				data.firstvcol=0;
-				data1.firstvcol=0;
-			}
-			data.lockoffset= -MAX(data1.firstvcol-data.firstvcol,0);
-			data1.lockoffset= -MAX(data.firstvcol-data1.firstvcol,0);
-			correct_scrollbar(data1.hscrollbar,data1.vcols,maxcols,m1,TRUE);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			Show(data.hscrollbar);
-			if(reset==TRUE)
-			{
-				data.firstvcol=0;
-				data1.firstvcol=0;
-			}
-			data.lockoffset=0;
-			data1.lockoffset=0;
-			correct_scrollbar(data.hscrollbar,data.vcols,data.ncols,data.firstvcol,reset);
-			correct_scrollbar(data1.hscrollbar,data1.vcols,data1.ncols,data.firstvcol,reset);
-		}
-		if(reset==TRUE)
-		{
-			data.firstvline=0;
-			data1.firstvline=0;
-		}
-		correct_scrollbar(data.vscrollbar,data.vseqs,data.nseqs,data.firstvline,reset);
-		correct_scrollbar(data1.vscrollbar,data1.vseqs,data1.nseqs,data.firstvline,reset);
-		SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-		SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data1);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-		if(reset==TRUE)
-		{
-			data.firstvcol=0;
-			data.firstvline=0;
-		}
-		correct_scrollbar(data.vscrollbar,data.vseqs,data.nseqs,data.firstvline,reset);
-		correct_scrollbar(data.hscrollbar,data.vcols,data.ncols,data.firstvcol,reset);
-		SetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-	}
-static void correct_scrollbar(BaR b,int visible,int total,int value,Boolean reset)
-	int max;
-	if (b!=NULL)
-	{
-		if (visible > 0 && total > visible)
-			max=total-visible;
-		else
-			max=0;
-       		if(reset==TRUE) CorrectBarValue(b,0);
-       		CorrectBarPage(b,visible,visible);
-       		CorrectBarValue(b,value);
-       		CorrectBarMax(b,max);
-	}
-void color_seqs(void)
-	panel_data data;
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-	if (data.nseqs == 0) return;
-	info("Coloring sequences...");
-	make_colormask(data);
-	DrawPanel(seq_panel.seqs);
-	info("Done.");
-void color_prf1(void)
-	panel_data data;
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-	if (data.nseqs == 0) return;
-	make_colormask(data);
-	info("Coloring profile 1...");
-	DrawPanel(prf_panel[0].seqs);
-	info("Done.");
-void color_prf2(void)
-	panel_data data;
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-	if (data.nseqs == 0) return;
-	make_colormask(data);
-	info("Coloring profile 2...");
-	DrawPanel(prf_panel[1].seqs);
-	info("Done.");
-void remove_gap_pos(int fseq, int lseq,int prf_no)
-	int i,j,k,ngaps;
-	if (fseq>=lseq) return;
-	for (i=1;i<=seqlen_array[fseq];)
-	{
-		ngaps=0;
-		for (j=fseq;j<=lseq;j++)
-			if(seq_array[j][i]==gap_pos1 || seq_array[j][i]==gap_pos2) ngaps++;
-		if (ngaps==lseq-fseq+1)
-		{
-			for (j=fseq;j<=lseq;j++)
-			{
-				for(k=i+1;k<=seqlen_array[j]+1;k++)
-					seq_array[j][k-1]=seq_array[j][k];
-				seqlen_array[j]--;
-			}
-			if(prf_no==1 && sec_struct_mask1 != NULL)
-				for(k=i;k<=seqlen_array[fseq];k++)
-					sec_struct_mask1[k-1]=sec_struct_mask1[k];
-			if(prf_no==1 && gap_penalty_mask1 != NULL)
-				for(k=i;k<=seqlen_array[fseq];k++)
-					gap_penalty_mask1[k-1]=gap_penalty_mask1[k];
-			if(prf_no==2 && sec_struct_mask2 != NULL)
-				for(k=i;k<=seqlen_array[fseq];k++)
-					sec_struct_mask2[k-1]=sec_struct_mask2[k];
-			if(prf_no==2 && gap_penalty_mask2 != NULL)
-				for(k=i;k<=seqlen_array[fseq];k++)
-					gap_penalty_mask2[k-1]=gap_penalty_mask2[k];
-			if(seqlen_array[fseq]<=0) break;
-		}
-		else i++;
-	}
-/* width and height passed here are in pixels */
-static PaneL make_panel(int type,GrouP g,int width,int height,int firstseq,int nseqs)
-	int i,l,length=0;
-	PaneL p;
-	panel_data data;
-	data.type=type;
-	SelectFont(datafont);
-	data.lineheight=LineHeight();
-	data.charwidth=CharWidth('A');
-	if(type==NAMES)
-	{
-/* find the maximum length of sequence name */
-        	for (i=firstseq;i<=firstseq+nseqs-1;i++)
-		{
-           		l = strlen(names[i]);
-           		if (length < l) length = l;
-		}
-		data.vcols=width/data.charwidth - MARGIN*2 - DNUMBER;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-        	for (i=firstseq;i<=firstseq+nseqs-1;i++)
-           		if (length < seqlen_array[i]) length = seqlen_array[i];
-		data.vcols=width/data.charwidth - MARGIN*2;
-	}
-	data.lines=NULL;
-	data.nhead=0;
-	data.nfoot=0;
-	data.header=NULL;
-	data.footer=NULL;
-	data.consensus=NULL;
-	data.colormask=NULL;
-	data.vlines=(height-SCOREHEIGHT)/data.lineheight - MARGIN;
-	data.vseqs=data.vlines-data.nhead-data.nfoot;
-	data.nseqs=nseqs;
-	data.ncols=length;
-	data.firstseq=firstseq-1;
-	data.firstvline=0;
-	data.firstvcol=0;
-	data.lockoffset=0;
-	data.ascent=Ascent();
-	data.descent=Descent();
-	data.selected=NULL;
-	data.firstsel=-1;
-	data.lastsel=-1;
-	data.colscore=NULL;
-	data.seqweight=NULL;
-	data.subgroup=NULL;
-	data.residue_exception=NULL;
-	data.segment_exception=NULL;
-	data.vscrollbar=NULL;
-	data.hscrollbar=NULL;
-	p=AutonomousPanel(g, width, height, DrawPanel, NULL,NULL,sizeof(panel_data), NULL, NULL);
-	SetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-	return p;
-void DrawPanel(PaneL p)
-	RecT r;
-        panel_data data;
-	int pixelwidth,pixelheight;
-	UseWindow(mainw);
-	Select(p);
-	if (fromvscroll==0 && fromhscroll==0)
-	{
-		ObjectRect(p,&r);
-        	pixelwidth=r.right-r.left;
-        	pixelheight=r.bottom-r.top;
-		SelectFont(datafont);
-		GetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-		data.lineheight=LineHeight();
-		data.charwidth=CharWidth('A');
-		if (data.type==NAMES)
-			data.vcols=pixelwidth/data.charwidth-MARGIN*2-DNUMBER;
-		else
-			data.vcols=pixelwidth/data.charwidth-MARGIN*2;
-		data.vlines=(pixelheight-SCOREHEIGHT)/data.lineheight - MARGIN;
-		data.vseqs=data.vlines-data.nhead-data.nfoot;
-		if(data.vseqs<0)data.vseqs=0;
-		if(data.vcols<0)data.vcols=0;
-		SetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-/* draw the outside frame */
-		ObjectRect (p, &r);
-		Black();
-		FrameRect(&r);
-		InsetRect(&r,1,1);
-		black_on_white();
-		EraseRect(&r);
-		if(data.nseqs == 0) return;
-	}
-/* draw the structure and gap penalty data */
-/* draw the footer */
-	if (fromvscroll==0)
-	{
-		draw_header(p);
-		draw_footer(p);
-		draw_colscores(p);
-	}
-/* draw the data lines */
-	if (data.type==NAMES)
-		draw_names(p);
-	else
-		draw_seqs(p);
-void hscrollnames(BaR bar, int newval, int oldval)
-	PaneL		p;
-        panel_data        data;
-	p = active_panel.names;
-        GetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-        data.firstvcol = newval;
-        SetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-        Select(p);
-	if (data.vseqs<=0) return;
-	draw_names(p);
-void vscrollnames(BaR bar, int newval, int oldval)
-	PaneL		p;
-        panel_data        data;
-	p = active_panel.names;
-        GetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-        data.firstvline = newval;
-        SetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-        Select(p);
-	if (data.vseqs<=0) return;
-	draw_names(p);
-void vscrollseqs(BaR bar, int newval, int oldval)
-	PaneL		p;
-        panel_data        data;
-        RecT            block,rect;
-	int 		l;
-	p = active_panel.seqs;
-        GetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-	l=data.firstvline;
-        data.firstvline = newval;
-        SetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-        Select(p);
-	if (data.vseqs<=0) return;
-	if (data.vseqs<3 || data.nseqs-l < data.vseqs)
-	{
-		fromvscroll=0;
-		draw_seqs(p);
-		return;
-	}
-        if (newval == oldval + 1) {
-		fromvscroll=1;
-                ObjectRect(p, &rect);
-		InsetRect(&rect,1,1);
-                block.top = rect.top+(data.nhead)*data.lineheight+data.descent+1;
-                block.bottom = block.top+(data.vseqs)*data.lineheight;
-		block.left=rect.left;
-		block.right=rect.right;
-                ScrollRect(&block, 0, -data.lineheight);
-        } else if (newval == oldval - 1) {
-		fromvscroll=-1;
-                ObjectRect(p, &rect);
-		InsetRect(&rect,1,1);
-                block.top = rect.top+(data.nhead)*data.lineheight+data.descent+1;
-                block.bottom = block.top+(data.vseqs)*data.lineheight;
-		block.left=rect.left;
-		block.right=rect.right;
-                ScrollRect(&block, 0, data.lineheight);
-        } else {
-		fromvscroll=0;
-        }
-	draw_seqs(p);
-void hscrollseqs(BaR bar, int newval, int oldval)
-	PaneL p;
-        panel_data        data;
-        RecT            rect;
-	p = active_panel.seqs;
-        GetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-        data.firstvcol = newval+data.lockoffset;
-        SetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-        Select(p);
-	if (data.vcols<=0) return;
-	if (data.vcols<3)
-	{
-		fromhscroll=0;
-		draw_header(p);
-		draw_seqs(p);
-		draw_footer(p);
-		draw_colscores(p);
-		return;
-	}
-        if (newval == oldval + 1) {
-		fromhscroll=1;
-                ObjectRect(p, &rect);
-                InsetRect(&rect,1,1);
-                rect.left+=data.charwidth;
-                ScrollRect(&rect, -data.charwidth, 0);
-        } else if (newval == oldval - 1) {
-		fromhscroll=-1;
-                ObjectRect(p, &rect);
-                InsetRect(&rect,1,1);
-                rect.right=rect.left+(data.vcols+1)*data.charwidth;
-                ScrollRect(&rect, data.charwidth, 0);
-        } else {
-		fromhscroll=0;
-        }
-	draw_header(p);
-	draw_seqs(p);
-	draw_footer(p);
-	draw_colscores(p);
-void draw_names(PaneL p)
-	int i,f,l;
-	panel_data data;
-	UseWindow(mainw);
-	Select(p);
-	GetPanelExtra(p,&data);
-	if(data.lines==NULL) return;
-	SelectFont(datafont);
-	if (fromvscroll==0)
-	{
-		f=data.firstvline;
-		l=data.firstvline+data.vseqs-1;
-	}
-	else if (fromvscroll==-1)
-		f=l=data.firstvline;
-	else
-		f=l=data.firstvline+data.vseqs-1;
-	if(l>=data.nseqs) l=data.nseqs-1;
-	for(i=f;i<=l;i++)
-		if (data.selected[i]==TRUE)
-			draw_nameline(p,i,i,HIGHLIGHT);
-		else
-			draw_nameline(p,i,i,NORMAL);
-void draw_seqs(PaneL p)
-	int i,f,l,s,x,y,format;
-	int fs,ls;
-	panel_data data;
-	PoinT pt;
-	RecT r,block;
-	UseWindow(mainw);
-	Select(p);
-	GetPanelExtra(p,&data);
-	if(data.lines==NULL) return;
-	SelectFont(datafont);
-	black_on_white();
-	if (fromhscroll==-1)
-	{
-		f=data.firstvcol;
-		if ((f>=data.firstsel) && (f<=data.lastsel))
-			format=HIGHLIGHT;
-		else format=NORMAL; 
-		draw_seqcol(p,f,format);
-	}
-	else if (fromhscroll==1)
-	{
-		f=data.firstvcol+data.vcols-1;
-		if ((f>=data.firstsel) && (f<=data.lastsel))
-			format=HIGHLIGHT;
-		else format=NORMAL; 
-		draw_seqcol(p,f,format);
-	}
-	else
-	{
- 		if (fromvscroll==-1)
-		{
-			f=l=data.firstvline;
-		}
-		else if (fromvscroll==1)
-		{
-			f=l=data.firstvline+data.vseqs-1;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			f=data.firstvline;
-			l=data.firstvline+data.vseqs-1;
-		}
-		if(l>=data.nseqs) l=data.nseqs-1;
-        	s=f-data.firstvline;
-        	ObjectRect (p, &r);
-        	InsetRect(&r,1,1);
-		data_colors();
-        	block.top=r.top+((s+data.nhead)*data.lineheight)+data.descent+1;
-        	block.bottom=block.top+(l-f+1)*data.lineheight;
-        	block.left=r.left;
-        	block.right=r.right;
-        	EraseRect(&block);
-        	if(data.nseqs == 0) return;
-		if(data.firstsel != -1)
-		{
-			if ((data.firstsel>=data.firstvcol && data.firstsel<data.firstvcol+data.vcols)||
-	   		(data.lastsel>=data.firstvcol && data.lastsel<data.firstvcol+data.vcols))
-			{
-				fs=data.firstsel-data.firstvcol;
-				if (fs<0) fs=0;
-				if (fs>=data.vcols) fs=data.vcols-1;
-				ls=data.lastsel-data.firstvcol;
-				if (ls<0) ls=0;
-				if (ls>=data.vcols) ls=data.vcols-1;
-        			block.left=r.left+(fs+1)*data.charwidth;
-        			block.right=r.left+(ls+2)*data.charwidth;
-				text_colors();
-        			EraseRect(&block);
-			}
-		}
-        	x=r.left+data.charwidth;
-        	for(i=f;i<=l;i++)
-        	{
-               		y=block.top+(i-f+1)*data.lineheight-data.descent-1;
-			LoadPt(&pt,x,y);
-               		draw_seqline(data,i,pt,data.firstvcol,data.firstvcol+data.vcols-1,NORMAL);
-        	}
-	}
-	black_on_white();
-	fromvscroll=fromhscroll=0;
-static void NameClick(PaneL panel, PoinT pt)
-	int i;
-	panel_data data;
-	RecT r;
-	GetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-	if(data.prf_no==1)
-	{
-/* revert selected area in profile 2 to normal */
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].names,&data);
-		if(data.nseqs==0)
-			draw_seq_pointer(prf_panel[1].names,0,NORMAL);
-		for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-			if (data.selected[i]==TRUE)
-				draw_nameline(prf_panel[1].names,i,i,NORMAL);
-		SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].names,&data);
-	}
-	else if(data.prf_no==2)
-	{
-/* revert selected area in profile 1 to normal */
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].names,&data);
-		if(data.nseqs==0)
-			draw_seq_pointer(prf_panel[0].names,0,NORMAL);
-		for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-			if (data.selected[i]==TRUE)
-				draw_nameline(prf_panel[0].names,i,i,NORMAL);
-		SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].names,&data);
-	}
-	GetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-	Select(panel);
-	ObjectRect(panel,&r);
-	if (!shftKey)
-	{
-/* revert existing selected area to normal */
-		for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-			if (data.selected[i]==TRUE)
-				draw_nameline(panel,i,i,NORMAL);
-	}
-	selected_seqs.first = (pt.y - r.top-data.lineheight/2)/data.lineheight + data.firstvline-data.nhead;
-	if (selected_seqs.first <0) selected_seqs.first=0;
-	if (selected_seqs.first >=data.nseqs) selected_seqs.first=data.nseqs-1;
-	if (selected_seqs.first==-1 && ncutseqs > 0)
-	{
-		selected_seqs.last=selected_seqs.first=0;
-		draw_seq_pointer(panel,0,HIGHLIGHT);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		selected_seqs.last=selected_seqs.first;
-		draw_nameline(panel,selected_seqs.first,selected_seqs.last,HIGHLIGHT);
-	}
-	black_on_white();
-static void NameDrag(PaneL panel, PoinT pt)
-	panel_data data;
-	RecT r;
-	int s;
-	GetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-	Select(panel);
-	ObjectRect(panel,&r);
-	s = (pt.y - r.top-data.lineheight/2)/data.lineheight + data.firstvline-data.nhead;
-	if (s<0) s=0;
-	if (s>=data.nseqs) s=data.nseqs-1;
-	if (s==selected_seqs.first)
-	{
-		if (s!=selected_seqs.last)
-		{
-			draw_nameline(panel,selected_seqs.first,selected_seqs.last,NORMAL);
-			draw_nameline(panel,selected_seqs.first,s,HIGHLIGHT);
-		}
-	}
-	else if (s>selected_seqs.first)
-	{
-		if (s>selected_seqs.last)
-			draw_nameline(panel,selected_seqs.last+1,s,HIGHLIGHT);
-		else if (s<selected_seqs.last)
-			draw_nameline(panel,s+1,selected_seqs.last,NORMAL);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (s<selected_seqs.last)
-			draw_nameline(panel,s,selected_seqs.last-1,HIGHLIGHT);
-		else if (s>selected_seqs.last)
-			draw_nameline(panel,selected_seqs.last,s-1,NORMAL);
-	}
-	selected_seqs.last=s;
-	black_on_white();
-static void NameRelease(PaneL panel, PoinT pt)
-	int t;
-	panel_data data;
-	if (selected_seqs.first > selected_seqs.last)
-	{
-		t=selected_seqs.first;
-		selected_seqs.first=selected_seqs.last;
-		selected_seqs.last=t;
-	}	
-	active_panel.names = panel;
-	GetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-	active_panel.seqs = data.index;
-void draw_seq_pointer(PaneL panel,int seq,int format)
-	RecT r,block;
-	panel_data data;
-	Select(panel);
-	GetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-	ObjectRect(panel,&r);
-	InsetRect(&r,1,1);
-	block.top=r.top+((seq+data.nhead)*data.lineheight)+data.descent+1;
-	block.bottom=block.top+data.lineheight;
-	block.left=r.left;
-	block.right=r.right;
-	if (format==HIGHLIGHT)
-		Black();
-	else
-		White();
-	PaintRect(&block);
-static void SeqClick(PaneL panel, PoinT pt)
-	int s;
-	int f,l;
-	panel_data data;
-	RecT r;
-	GetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-	if(data.prf_no==1)
-	{
-/* revert selected area in profile 2 to normal */
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-		f=data.firstsel;
-		l=data.lastsel;
-		data.firstsel=-1;
-		data.lastsel=-1;
-		SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-		if (f != -1) highlight_seqrange(prf_panel[1].seqs,f,l,NORMAL);
-	}
-	else if(data.prf_no==2)
-	{
-/* revert selected area in profile 1 to normal */
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-		f=data.firstsel;
-		l=data.lastsel;
-		data.firstsel=-1;
-		data.lastsel=-1;
-		SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-		if (f != -1) highlight_seqrange(prf_panel[0].seqs,f,l,NORMAL);
-	}
-	GetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-	Select(panel);
-	ObjectRect(panel,&r);
-	s = (pt.x - r.left-data.charwidth)/data.charwidth + data.firstvcol;
-	if (s <0) s=0;
-	if (s<data.firstvcol) s=data.firstvcol;
-	if (s >=data.ncols) s=data.ncols-1;
-	if (s >=data.firstvcol+data.vcols) s=data.firstvcol+data.vcols-1;
-	if (shftKey && data.firstsel != -1)
-	{
-		if (s>data.lastsel)
-		{
-			highlight_seqrange(panel,data.firstsel,s,HIGHLIGHT);
-			data.lastsel=s;
-		}
-		else if (s<data.firstsel)
-		{
-			highlight_seqrange(panel,s,data.lastsel,HIGHLIGHT);
-			data.firstsel=s;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			highlight_seqrange(panel,s+1,data.lastsel,NORMAL);
-			highlight_seqrange(panel,data.firstsel,s,HIGHLIGHT);
-			data.lastsel=s;
-		}
-		selected_res.first=data.firstsel;
-		selected_res.last=data.lastsel;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-/* revert existing selected area to normal */
-		f=data.firstsel;
-		l=data.lastsel;
-		data.firstsel=-1;
-		data.lastsel=-1;
-		SetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-		if (f != -1) highlight_seqrange(panel,f,l,NORMAL);
-		selected_res.first=selected_res.last=s;
-		highlight_seqrange(panel,selected_res.first,selected_res.last,HIGHLIGHT);
-		data.firstsel=selected_res.first;
-		data.lastsel=selected_res.last;
-	}
-	SetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-	black_on_white();
-static void SeqDrag(PaneL panel, PoinT pt)
-	panel_data data;
-	RecT r;
-	int s;
-	GetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-	Select(panel);
-	ObjectRect(panel,&r);
-	s = (pt.x - r.left-data.charwidth)/data.charwidth + data.firstvcol;
-	if (s<0) s=0;
-	if (s<data.firstvcol) s=data.firstvcol;
-	if (s>=data.ncols) s=data.ncols-1;
-	if (s >=data.firstvcol+data.vcols) s=data.firstvcol+data.vcols-1;
-	if (s==selected_res.first)
-	{
-		if (s!=selected_res.last)
-		{
-			highlight_seqrange(panel,selected_res.first,selected_res.last,NORMAL);
-			highlight_seqrange(panel,selected_res.first,s,HIGHLIGHT);
-		}
-	}
-	else if (s>selected_res.first)
-	{
-		if (s>selected_res.last)
-			highlight_seqrange(panel,selected_res.last+1,s,HIGHLIGHT);
-		else if (s<selected_res.last)
-			highlight_seqrange(panel,s+1,selected_res.last,NORMAL);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (s<selected_res.last)
-			highlight_seqrange(panel,s,selected_res.last-1,HIGHLIGHT);
-		else if (s>selected_res.last)
-			highlight_seqrange(panel,selected_res.last,s-1,NORMAL);
-	}
-	selected_res.last=s;
-	black_on_white();
-static void SeqRelease(PaneL panel, PoinT pt)
-	int t;
-	panel_data data;
-        if (selected_res.first > selected_res.last)
-        {
-                t=selected_res.first;
-                selected_res.first=selected_res.last;
-                selected_res.last=t;
-        }
-	active_panel.seqs = panel;
-	GetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-	active_panel.names = data.index;
-	data.firstsel=selected_res.first;
-	data.lastsel=selected_res.last;
-	SetPanelExtra(panel,&data);
-void draw_header(PaneL p)
-	RecT  block,r;
-	PoinT pt;
-	int i, j, x, y;
-	panel_data data;
-	char *line;
-	UseWindow(mainw);
-	Select(p);
-	SelectFont(datafont);
-	GetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-	if(data.nseqs == 0) return;
-	if(data.header == NULL) return;
-	if(data.vlines<data.nhead) return;
-	if(data.vcols<=0) return;
-	line=(char *)ckalloc((data.vcols+1) * sizeof(char));
-	ObjectRect (p, &r);
-	InsetRect(&r,1,1);
-	block.top=r.top+data.descent/2;
-	block.bottom=block.top+(data.nhead*data.lineheight);
-	block.left=r.left;
-	block.right=r.right;
-	text_colors();
-	EraseRect(&block);
-	if (data.type==NAMES)
-        	x=r.left+DNUMBER*data.charwidth;
-	else
-        	x=r.left+data.charwidth;
-        y=r.top+data.lineheight-data.descent/2;
-	for(i=0;i<data.nhead;i++)
-	{
-		for(j=data.firstvcol;j<data.firstvcol+data.vcols && j<data.ncols;j++)
-			if(j>=0)
-				line[j-data.firstvcol]=data.header[i][j];
-			else
-				line[j-data.firstvcol]=' ';
-		line[j-data.firstvcol]='\0';
-		LoadPt(&pt, x, y);
-		SetPen(pt);
-		PaintString(line);
-		y+=data.lineheight;
-	}
-	black_on_white();
-	ckfree(line);
-void draw_footer(PaneL p)
-	RecT  block,r;
-	PoinT pt;
-	int i, j,x, y;
-	panel_data data;
-	char *line;
-	UseWindow(mainw);
-	Select(p);
-	SelectFont(datafont);
-	GetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-	if(data.nseqs == 0) return;
-	if(data.footer == NULL) return;
-	if(data.vlines<data.nfoot) return;
-	if(data.vcols<=0) return;
-	line=(char *)ckalloc((data.vcols+1) * sizeof(char));
-	ObjectRect (p, &r);
-	InsetRect(&r,1,1);
-	block.top=r.top+((data.vlines-data.nfoot)*data.lineheight)+data.descent+data.ascent/2;
-	block.bottom=block.top+data.nfoot*data.lineheight;
-	block.left=r.left;
-	block.right=r.right;
-	text_colors();
-	EraseRect(&block);
-	if(data.type==NAMES)
-        	x=block.left+DNUMBER*data.charwidth;
-	else
-        	x=block.left+data.charwidth;
-        y=block.top+data.lineheight-1;
-	for(i=0;i<data.nfoot;i++)
-	{
-		for(j=data.firstvcol;j<data.firstvcol+data.vcols && j<data.ncols;j++)
-			if(j>=0)
-				line[j-data.firstvcol]=data.footer[i][j];
-			else
-				line[j-data.firstvcol]=' ';
-		line[j-data.firstvcol]='\0';
-		LoadPt(&pt, x, y);
-		SetPen(pt);
-		PaintString(line);
-		y+=data.lineheight;
-	}
-	black_on_white();
-	ckfree(line);
-void draw_nameline(PaneL p,int fseq,int lseq,int format)
-	RecT  block,r;
-	PoinT pt;
-	int n,i, j, t, f,l,x, y,ix;
-	panel_data data;
-	char *line;
-	Select(p);
-	SelectFont(datafont);
-	GetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-	if(data.nseqs == 0) return;
-	n=1;
-	i=data.nseqs;
-	for(;;)
-	{
-		i/=10;
-		if(i==0) break;
-		n++;
-	}
-	line=(char *)ckalloc((data.vcols+1) * sizeof(char));
-	if (fseq > lseq)
-	{
-		t=fseq;
-		fseq=lseq;
-		lseq=t;
-	}	
-	if (format==HIGHLIGHT)
-		for(i=fseq;i<=lseq;i++) data.selected[i]=TRUE;
-	else
-		for(i=fseq;i<=lseq;i++) data.selected[i]=FALSE;
-	SetPanelExtra(p,&data);
-	if (fseq<data.firstvline)
-		fseq=data.firstvline;
-	if (fseq>=data.firstvline+data.vseqs)
-		fseq=data.firstvline+data.vseqs;
-	if (lseq<data.firstvline)
-		lseq=data.firstvline;
-	if (lseq>=data.firstvline+data.vseqs)
-		lseq=data.firstvline+data.vseqs-1;
-	f=fseq-data.firstvline;
-	l=lseq-data.firstvline;
-	ObjectRect (p, &r);
-	InsetRect(&r,1,1);
-	block.top=r.top+((f+data.nhead)*data.lineheight)+data.descent+1;
-	block.bottom=block.top+((l-f+1)*data.lineheight);
-	block.left=r.left;
-	block.right=r.right;
-	if (format==HIGHLIGHT)
-		white_on_black();
-	else
-		data_colors();
-	EraseRect(&block);
-        y=block.top+data.lineheight-data.descent-1;
-	for(i=fseq;i<=lseq;i++)
-	{
-        	x=r.left+data.charwidth;
-		sprintf(line,"%*d",n,i+1);
-		LoadPt(&pt, x, y);
-		SetPen(pt);
-		Gray();
-		PaintString(line);
-		y+=data.lineheight;
-	}
-        y=block.top+data.lineheight-data.descent-1;
-	for(i=fseq;i<=lseq;i++)
-	{
-		ix=output_index[i+1]-1;
-        	x=r.left+DNUMBER*data.charwidth;
-		for(j=0;j<data.vcols && j<data.ncols-data.firstvcol;j++)
-			line[j]=data.lines[ix][j+data.firstvcol];
-		line[j]='\0';
-		LoadPt(&pt, x, y);
-		SetPen(pt);
-		if(format==HIGHLIGHT) White();
-		else Black();
-		PaintString(line);
-		y+=data.lineheight;
-	}
-	black_on_white();
-	ckfree(line);
-void draw_seqline(panel_data data,int seq,PoinT pt,int fcol,int lcol,int format)
-	RecT r;
-	int i, j, ix;
-	char *line[MAXCOLORS+1];
-	if(data.nseqs == 0) return;
-/* draw colored character on white background */
-	for(i=0;i<ncolors;i++)
-	{
-		line[i]=(char *)ckalloc((data.vcols+1) * sizeof(char));
-		for(j=0;j<data.vcols;j++)
-		line[i][j]=' ';
-		line[i][j]='\0';
-	}
-	ix=output_index[seq+1]-1;
-	r.top=pt.y-data.lineheight+data.descent+1;
-	r.bottom=r.top+data.lineheight;
-	for(j=fcol;j<=lcol && j<data.ncols;j++)
-	{
-		if(j>=0)
-		{
-		if(segment_exceptions && data.segment_exception[ix][j] > 0)
-		{
-			r.left=pt.x;
-			r.right=r.left+data.charwidth;
-			DkGray();
-			PaintRect(&r);
-			White();
-		}
-		else if(residue_exceptions && data.residue_exception[ix][j] == TRUE)
-		{
-			r.left=pt.x;
-			r.right=r.left+data.charwidth;
-		/*	LtGray(); */
-			SelectColor(150,150,150);
-			PaintRect(&r);
-			White();
-		}
-		else
-		{
-                        if(inverted)
-                        {
-				if(format==HIGHLIGHT || (j>=data.firstsel && j<=data.lastsel))
-					Black();
-				else
-				{
-                                	r.left=pt.x;
-#ifdef UNIX
-                	                r.right=r.left+data.charwidth-1;
-                	                r.right=r.left+data.charwidth;
-                                 	SetColor(color_lut[(int)data.colormask[ix][j]].val);
-                       	         	PaintRect(&r);
-                       	         	Black();
-				}
-                        }
-                        else
-                                SetColor(color_lut[(int)data.colormask[ix][j]].val);
-		}
-		SetPen(pt);
-		PaintChar(data.lines[ix][j]);
-		}
-		pt.x+=data.charwidth;
-	}
-	for(i=0;i<ncolors;i++)
-		ckfree(line[i]);
-	Black();
-void draw_seqcol(PaneL p,int col,int format)
-	RecT  block,r, r2;
-	PoinT pt;
-	int totseqs,i, c,x,y,ix;
-	panel_data data;
-	Select(p);
-	SelectFont(datafont);
-	GetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-	if(data.nseqs == 0) return;
-	if(data.ncols == 0) return;
-	SetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-	if (col<data.firstvcol)
-		col=data.firstvcol;
-	if (col>=data.firstvcol+data.vcols)
-		col=data.firstvcol+data.vcols-1;
-	c=col-data.firstvcol;
-	totseqs=data.vseqs;
-	if (totseqs>data.nseqs) totseqs=data.nseqs;
-	ObjectRect (p, &r);
-	InsetRect(&r,1,1);
-	block.top=r.top+(data.nhead*data.lineheight)+data.descent+1;
-	block.bottom=block.top+(totseqs)*data.lineheight;
-	block.left=r.left+(c+1)*data.charwidth;
-	block.right=block.left+data.charwidth;
-        if (format==HIGHLIGHT)
-                text_colors();
-        else
-                data_colors();
-	EraseRect(&block);
-	x=r.left+(c+1)*data.charwidth;
-       	y=block.top+data.lineheight-data.descent-1;
-	r2.left=x;
-	r2.right=r2.left+data.charwidth;
-	for(i=data.firstvline;i<data.firstvline+data.vseqs && i<data.nseqs;i++)
-	{	
-		ix=output_index[i+1]-1;
-		if(segment_exceptions && data.segment_exception[ix][col] > 0)
-		{
-			r2.top=y-data.lineheight+data.descent+1;
-			r2.bottom=r.top+data.lineheight;
-			DkGray();
-			PaintRect(&r2);
-			White();
-		}
-		else if(residue_exceptions && data.residue_exception[ix][col] == TRUE)
-		{
-			r2.top=y-data.lineheight+data.descent+1;
-			r2.bottom=r.top+data.lineheight;
-		/*	LtGray(); */
-			SelectColor(150,150,150);
-			PaintRect(&r2);
-			White();
-		}
-		else
-		{
-                        if(inverted)
-                        {
-                                r2.top=y-data.lineheight+data.descent+1;
-                                r2.bottom=r2.top+data.lineheight;
-                                if(format==HIGHLIGHT)
-				{
-                                        LtGray();
-				}
-                                else
-                                SetColor(color_lut[(int)data.colormask[ix][col]].val);
-                                PaintRect(&r2);
-                                Black();
-                        }
-                        else
-                                SetColor(color_lut[(int)data.colormask[ix][col]].val);
-		}
-		LoadPt(&pt,x,y);
-		SetPen(pt);
-		PaintChar(data.lines[ix][col]);
-		y+=data.lineheight;
-	}
-	Black();
-void highlight_seqrange(PaneL p,int fcol,int lcol, int format)
-	RecT  block,r;
-	int i,t,x,y;
-	int fseq,lseq,s;
-	panel_data data;
-	PoinT pt;
-	Select(p);
-	SelectFont(datafont);
-	GetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-	if(data.nseqs == 0) return;
-	if(data.ncols == 0) return;
-        if (fcol > lcol)
-        {
-                t=fcol;
-                fcol=lcol;
-                lcol=t;
-        }
-	if ((fcol>=data.firstvcol && fcol<data.firstvcol+data.vcols)||
-	   (lcol>=data.firstvcol && lcol<data.firstvcol+data.vcols))
-	{
-		if (fcol<data.firstvcol) fcol=data.firstvcol;
-		if (fcol>=data.firstvcol+data.vcols) fcol=data.firstvcol+data.vcols-1;
-		if (lcol<data.firstvcol) lcol=data.firstvcol;
-		if (lcol>=data.firstvcol+data.vcols) lcol=data.firstvcol+data.vcols-1;
-	}
-	fseq=data.firstvline;
-	lseq=data.firstvline+data.vseqs-1;
-	if(lseq>=data.nseqs) lseq=data.nseqs-1;
-        s=fseq-data.firstvline;
-        ObjectRect (p, &r);
-        InsetRect(&r,1,1);
-	if(format==HIGHLIGHT)
-		text_colors();
-	else
-		data_colors();
-       	block.top=r.top+((s+data.nhead)*data.lineheight)+data.descent+1;
-       	block.bottom=block.top+(lseq-fseq+1)*data.lineheight;
-       	block.left=r.left+(fcol-data.firstvcol+1)*data.charwidth;
-       	block.right=r.left+(lcol-data.firstvcol+2)*data.charwidth;
-        EraseRect(&block);
-       	x=r.left+(fcol-data.firstvcol+1)*data.charwidth;
-       	for(i=fseq;i<=lseq;i++)
-       	{
-               	y=block.top+(i-fseq+1)*data.lineheight-data.descent-1;
-		LoadPt(&pt,x,y);
-               	draw_seqline(data,i,pt,fcol,lcol,format);
-       	}
-	black_on_white();
-GrouP make_scroll_area(GrouP w,int prf_no,int nwidth,int swidth,int height,int firstseq,int nseqs,spanel *p)
-	panel_data ndata,sdata;
-        GrouP display;
-	RecT rect;
-        PoinT pt;
-	PaneL names,seqs;
-	BaR vscrollbar,hnscrollbar,hsscrollbar;
-	BarScrlProc hscrollnameproc, hscrollseqproc, vscrollproc;
-	if(prf_no==0)
-	{
-		hscrollnameproc=HscrollMultiN;
-		hscrollseqproc=HscrollMultiS;
-		vscrollproc=VscrollMulti;
-	}
-	else if (prf_no==1)
-	{
-		hscrollnameproc=HscrollPrf1N;
-		hscrollseqproc=HscrollPrf1S;
-		vscrollproc=VscrollPrf1;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		hscrollnameproc=HscrollPrf2N;
-		hscrollseqproc=HscrollPrf2S;
-		vscrollproc=VscrollPrf2;
-	}
-        display=HiddenGroup(w, 0, 0, NULL);
-        SetGroupSpacing(display, 0, 0);
-	Hide(display);
-        vscrollbar=ScrollBar(display, -1, 1, vscrollproc);
-        ObjectRect(vscrollbar, &rect);/* vscrollbar for names */
-        pt.x=rect.right; /*how near they should be with name panel Ramu */
-        pt.y=rect.top;
-        SetNextPosition(display, pt); 
-        names=make_panel(NAMES,display, nwidth+(5*max_names), height, firstseq,nseqs); /* 5*max_names  Ramu */
-        ObjectRect(names, &rect);
-        pt.x=rect.right;
-        pt.y=rect.top;
-        SetNextPosition(display, pt);
-        seqs=make_panel(SEQS,display, swidth, height, firstseq,nseqs);
-/* horizontal scroll bars */
-        ObjectRect(names, &rect);
-        pt.x=rect.left;
-        pt.y=rect.bottom;
-        SetNextPosition(display, pt);
-        hnscrollbar=ScrollBar(display, 1, -1, hscrollnameproc);
-        ObjectRect(seqs, &rect);
-        pt.x=rect.left;
-        pt.y=rect.bottom;
-        SetNextPosition(display, pt);
-        hsscrollbar=ScrollBar(display, 1, -1, hscrollseqproc);
-	SetRange(hsscrollbar,1,1,0);
-	SetRange(hnscrollbar,1,1,0);
-	SetRange(vscrollbar,1,1,0);
-	GetPanelExtra(names,&ndata);
-	ndata.hscrollbar=hnscrollbar;
-	ndata.index=seqs;
-        ndata.prf_no=prf_no;
-	GetPanelExtra(seqs,&sdata);
-	sdata.vscrollbar=vscrollbar;
-	sdata.hscrollbar=hsscrollbar;
-	sdata.index=names;
-        sdata.prf_no=prf_no;
-	SetPanelClick(names,NameClick, NameDrag, NULL, NameRelease);
-	SetPanelClick(seqs,SeqClick, SeqDrag, NULL, SeqRelease);
-	p->names = names;
-	p->seqs = seqs;
-	ndata=alloc_name_data(ndata);
-	sdata=alloc_seq_data(sdata);
-	SetPanelExtra(names,&ndata);
-	SetPanelExtra(seqs,&sdata);
-	Show(display);
-	return(display);
-void white_on_black(void)
-	Black(); InvertColors(); White();
-void black_on_white(void)
-	White(); InvertColors(); Black();
-void text_colors(void)
-	SelectColor(220,220,220);
-	InvertColors();
-	Black();
-void data_colors(void)
-	White();
-	InvertColors();
-	Black();
-void make_ruler(int length, char *name,char *seq)
-	int i,j;
-	char marker[5];
-	int marker_len;
-	strcpy(name,"ruler");
-	seq[0] = '1';
-	for (i=1;i<length;i++)
-	{
-		if ((i+1)%10 > 0)
-			seq[i] = '.';
-		else
-		{
-			sprintf(marker,"%d",((i+1)/10)*10);
-			marker_len = strlen(marker);
-			for (j=0;j<marker_len && i+1+j-marker_len < length;j++)
-				seq[i+1+j-marker_len] = marker[j];
-		}
-	}
-	seq[length]='\0';
-panel_data free_panel_data(panel_data data)
-	int i;
-	if (data.header!=NULL)
-	{
-		for (i=0;i<mheader;i++)
-		{
-			if(data.header[i] != NULL) ckfree(data.header[i]);
-			data.header[i]=NULL;
-		}
-		ckfree(data.header);
-		data.header=NULL;
-	}
-	if (data.footer!=NULL)
-	{
-		for (i=0;i<mfooter;i++)
-		{
-			if(data.footer[i] != NULL) ckfree(data.footer[i]);
-			data.footer[i]=NULL;
-		}
-		ckfree(data.footer);
-		data.footer=NULL;
-	}
-	if (data.consensus!=NULL)
-	{
-		ckfree(data.consensus);
-		data.consensus=NULL;
-	}
-	if (data.lines!=NULL)
-	{
-		for (i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		{
-			if(data.lines[i] != NULL) ckfree(data.lines[i]);
-			data.lines[i]=NULL;
-		}
-		ckfree(data.lines);
-		data.lines=NULL;
-	}
-	if (data.colormask!=NULL)
-	{
-		for (i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		{
-			if(data.colormask[i] != NULL) ckfree(data.colormask[i]);
-			data.colormask[i]=NULL;
-		}
-		ckfree(data.colormask);
-		data.colormask=NULL;
-	}
-	if (data.selected!=NULL) ckfree(data.selected);
-	data.selected=NULL;
-	if (data.seqweight!=NULL) ckfree(data.seqweight);
-	data.seqweight=NULL;
-	if (data.subgroup!=NULL) ckfree(data.subgroup);
-	data.subgroup=NULL;
-	if (data.colscore!=NULL) ckfree(data.colscore);
-	data.colscore=NULL;
-	if (data.residue_exception!=NULL)
-	{
-		for (i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		{
-			if(data.residue_exception[i] != NULL) ckfree(data.residue_exception[i]);
-			data.residue_exception[i]=NULL;
-		}
-		ckfree(data.residue_exception);
-		data.residue_exception=NULL;
-	}
-	if (data.segment_exception!=NULL)
-	{
-		for (i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		{
-			if(data.segment_exception[i] != NULL) ckfree(data.segment_exception[i]);
-			data.segment_exception[i]=NULL;
-		}
-		ckfree(data.segment_exception);
-		data.segment_exception=NULL;
-	}
-	return(data);
-void make_consensus(panel_data data,char *name,char *seq1)
- 	char c;
-	sint catident1[NUMRES],catident2[NUMRES],ident;
-	sint i,j,k,l;
-	strcpy(name,"");    
-    	for(i=0; i<data.ncols; i++) {
-			seq1[i]=' ';
-			ident=0;
-			for(j=0;res_cat1[j]!=NULL;j++) catident1[j] = 0;
-			for(j=0;res_cat2[j]!=NULL;j++) catident2[j] = 0;
-			for(j=0;j<data.nseqs;++j) {
-				if(isalpha(data.lines[0][i])) {
-					if(data.lines[0][i] == data.lines[j][i])
-					++ident;
-					for(k=0;res_cat1[k]!=NULL;k++) {
-					        for(l=0;(c=res_cat1[k][l]);l++) {
-					        if (c=='\0') break;
-							if (data.lines[j][i]==c)
-							{
-								catident1[k]++;
-								break;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					for(k=0;res_cat2[k]!=NULL;k++) {
-					        for(l=0;(c=res_cat2[k][l]);l++) {
-					        if (c=='\0') break;
-							if (data.lines[j][i]==c)
-							{
-								catident2[k]++;
-								break;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if(ident==data.nseqs)
-				seq1[i]='*';
-			else if (!dnaflag) {
-				for(k=0;res_cat1[k]!=NULL;k++) {
-					if (catident1[k]==data.nseqs) {
-						seq1[i]=':';
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-				if(seq1[i]==' ')
-				for(k=0;res_cat2[k]!=NULL;k++) {
-					if (catident2[k]==data.nseqs) {
-						seq1[i]='.';
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-int make_struct_data(int prf_no,int len, char *name,char *seq)
-	int i,n=0;
-	char val;
-        char *ss_mask;
-	seq[0]='\0';
-	name[0]='\0';
-if (prf_no == 1)
-        if (struct_penalties1 == SECST && use_ss1 == TRUE) {
-		n=1;
-		strcpy(name,"Structures");
-                ss_mask = (char *)ckalloc((seqlen_array[1]+10) * sizeof(char));
-                for (i=0;i<seqlen_array[1];i++)
-                        ss_mask[i] = sec_struct_mask1[i];
-                print_sec_struct_mask(seqlen_array[1],sec_struct_mask1,ss_mask)
-                for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
-                        val=ss_mask[i];
-                        if (val == gap_pos1)
-                                seq[i]='-';
-                        else
-                                seq[i]=val;
-                }
-                seq[i]=EOS;
-        	ckfree(ss_mask);
-        }
-else if (prf_no == 2)
-        if (struct_penalties2 == SECST && use_ss2 == TRUE) {
-		n=1;
-		strcpy(name,"Structures");
-                ss_mask = (char *)ckalloc((seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1]+10) *
-                for (i=0;i<seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1];i++)
-                        ss_mask[i] = sec_struct_mask2[i];
-                print_sec_struct_mask(seqlen_array[profile1_nseqs+1],sec_struct_mask2,ss_mask);
-                for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
-                        val=ss_mask[i];
-                        if (val == gap_pos1)
-                                seq[i]='-';
-                        else
-                                seq[i]=val;
-                }
-                seq[i]=EOS;
-       		ckfree(ss_mask);
-       }
-	return(n);
-int make_gp_data(int prf_no,int len, char *name,char *seq)
-	int i,n=0;
-	char val;
-	seq[0]='\0';
-	name[0]='\0';
-if (prf_no == 1)
-        if (struct_penalties1 == GMASK && use_ss1 == TRUE) {
-		n=1;
-		strcpy(name,"Gap Penalties");
-                for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
-                        val=gap_penalty_mask1[i];
-                        if (val == gap_pos1)
-                                seq[i]='-';
-                        else
-                                seq[i]=val;
-                }
-                seq[i]=EOS;
-        }
-else if (prf_no == 2)
-        if (struct_penalties2 == GMASK && use_ss2 == TRUE) {
-		n=1;
-		strcpy(name,"Gap Penalties");
-                for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
-                        val=gap_penalty_mask2[i];
-                        if (val == gap_pos1)
-                                seq[i]='-';
-                        else
-                                seq[i]=val;
-                }
-                seq[i]=EOS;
-        }
-	return(n);
-static void VscrollMulti(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-	active_panel=seq_panel;
-	vscrollnames(bar, newval, oldval);
-	vscrollseqs(bar, newval, oldval);
-static void HscrollMultiN(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-	active_panel=seq_panel;
-	hscrollnames(bar, newval, oldval);
-static void HscrollMultiS(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-	active_panel=seq_panel;
-	hscrollseqs(bar, newval, oldval);
-static void VscrollPrf1(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-	active_panel=prf_panel[0];
-	vscrollnames(bar, newval, oldval);
-	vscrollseqs(bar, newval, oldval);
-static void HscrollPrf1N(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-	active_panel=prf_panel[0];
-	hscrollnames(bar, newval, oldval);
-static void HscrollPrf1S(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-	active_panel=prf_panel[0];
-	hscrollseqs(bar, newval, oldval);
-	if(fixed_prf_scroll==TRUE)
-	{
-		active_panel=prf_panel[1];
-		hscrollseqs(bar, newval, oldval);
-	}
-static void VscrollPrf2(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-	active_panel=prf_panel[1];
-	vscrollnames(bar, newval, oldval);
-	vscrollseqs(bar, newval, oldval);
-static void HscrollPrf2N(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-	active_panel=prf_panel[1];
-	hscrollnames(bar, newval, oldval);
-static void HscrollPrf2S(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-	if(fixed_prf_scroll==TRUE)
-	{
-		active_panel=prf_panel[0];
-		hscrollseqs(bar, newval, oldval);
-	}
-	active_panel=prf_panel[1];
-	hscrollseqs(bar, newval, oldval);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xmenu.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xmenu.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xmenu.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,4636 +0,0 @@
- *
- *
- *
- *   History 
- *
- *   27.3.2002   - color parameter chooser can browse filenames like load sequences - Jose
- *   16.1.2002   - remove the 'cut sequences' dialog box, not needed - Jise
- *   17.1.2002   - 'Remove positions that contain gaps in all sequences ?'  removed, no need for confirmation - Toby
- *
- *
- *
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <vibrant.h>
-#include <document.h>
-/* #include <ncbi.h>   ramu   for time funs */
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#include "xmenu.h"
-static void RemoveWin(WindoW w);
-static void QuitWinW(WindoW w);
-static void QuitWinI(IteM i);
-static void QuitHelpW(WindoW w);
-static void QuitHelpB(ButtoN b);
-static void SearchStrWin (IteM item);
-static void SavePSSeqWin (IteM item);
-static void SavePSPrf1Win (IteM item);
-static void SavePSPrf2Win (IteM item);
-static void SaveSeqFileWin (IteM item);
-static void SavePrf1FileWin (IteM item);
-static void SavePrf2FileWin (IteM item);
-static void OpenColorParWin (IteM item);
-static void SearchStr(ButtoN but);
-static void SavePSSeqFile(ButtoN but);
-static void SavePSPrf1File(ButtoN but);
-static void SavePSPrf2File(ButtoN but);
-static void SaveSeqFile(ButtoN but);
-static void SavePrf1File(ButtoN but);
-static void SavePrf2File(ButtoN but);
-static void SaveScoresWin (IteM item);
-static void SaveScores(ButtoN but);
-static void OpenColorPar(ButtoN but);
-static void CancelWin(ButtoN but);
-static void SaveTreeWin (IteM item);
-static void CAlignWin (IteM item);
-static void RealignSeqsWin (IteM item);
-static void RealignSeqRangeWin (IteM item);
-static void DrawTreeWin (IteM item);
-static void AlignFromTreeWin(IteM item);
-static void PrfPrfAlignWin(IteM item);
-static void PrfPrfTreeAlignWin(IteM item);
-static void SeqPrfAlignWin(IteM item);
-static void SeqPrfTreeAlignWin(IteM item);
-static void BootstrapTreeWin (IteM item);
-static void CreateAlignTree(ButtoN but);
-static void CompleteAlign(ButtoN but);
-static void RealignSeqs(ButtoN but);
-static void RealignSeqRange(ButtoN but);
-static void DrawTree(ButtoN but);
-static void AlignFromTree(ButtoN but);
-static void PrfPrfAlign(ButtoN but);
-static void PrfPrfTreeAlign(ButtoN but);
-static void SeqPrfAlign(ButtoN but);
-static void SeqPrfTreeAlign(ButtoN but);
-static void BootstrapTree(ButtoN but);
-static void OpenSeqFile (IteM item);
-static void AppendSeqFile (IteM item);
-static void OpenPrf1File (IteM item);
-static void OpenPrf2File (IteM item);
-static void ScoreWin(IteM item);
-static void SegmentWin(IteM item);
-static void ScoreSegments(ButtoN but);
-static void PWParameters(IteM item);
-static void MultiParameters(IteM item);
-static void GapParameters(IteM item);
-static void SSParameters(IteM item);
-static void OutputParameters(IteM item);
-static void OutputTreeParameters(IteM item);
-static void HelpProc(IteM item);
-static void DefColorPar(IteM item);
-static void BlackandWhite(IteM item);
-static void set_reset_new_gaps(IteM i);
-static void set_reset_all_gaps(IteM i);
-static void SearchStringAgain(ButtoN but);
-static PopuP make_toggle(GrouP g,CharPtr title,CharPtr true_text, CharPtr false_text,
-				 Boolean *value,PupActnProc SetProc);
-static PrompT make_scale(GrouP g,CharPtr title,int length,int value,int max,BarScrlProc SetProc);
-static PrompT make_prompt(GrouP g,CharPtr title);
-static void CutSequences(IteM item);
-static void PasteSequences(IteM item);
-static void RemoveGaps(IteM item);
-static void RemoveGapPos(IteM item);
-static void SelectSeqs(IteM item);
-static void SelectPrf1(IteM item);
-static void SelectPrf2(IteM item);
-static void MergeProfiles(IteM item);
-static void ClearSeqs(IteM item);
-static void cut_multiplem(void);
-static void cut_profile1(void);
-static void cut_profile2(void);
-static void ssave(int j);
-static void sscpy(int i,int j);
-static void sload(int i);
-static void clear_seqrange(spanel p);
-static void select_seqs(spanel p,Boolean flag);
-static void clear_seg_exceptions(spanel p);
-static void make_menu_headers(WindoW w);
-static void make_help_menu(void);
-static void make_score_menu(void);
-static void make_file_menu(void);
-static void make_edit_menu(void);
-static void make_align_menu(void);
-static void make_tree_menu(void);
-static void make_color_menu(void);
-static void save_aln_window(int prf_no,char *title,char *prompt,void save_proc(ButtoN but));
-static void save_ps_window(int prf_no,char *prompt,void save_proc(ButtoN but));
-static void read_file_window(char *title,char *prompt,char *filename,void read_proc(ButtoN but));
-static void do_align_window(WindoW *alignw,TexT *treetext,Boolean treestatus,char *title,void align_proc(ButtoN but));
-static void do_palign_window(WindoW *alignw,TexT *tree1text,TexT *tree2test,Boolean treestatus,char *title,void align_proc(ButtoN but));
-static Boolean open_aln_files(void);
-static void write_file(int fseq,int lseq,int fres,int lres);
-Boolean x_menus=FALSE;
-int    mheader = 2; /* maximum header lines */
-int    mfooter = 1; /* maximum footer lines */
-int max_mlines = 20;      /*   multiple align display length */
-int min_mlines = 10;      /*   multiple align display length */
-int max_plines = 8;     /*   profile align display length */
-int min_plines1 = 5;     /*   profile align display length */
-int min_plines2 = 3;     /*   profile align display length */
-Boolean aln_mode = MULTIPLEM;
-Boolean window_displayed = FALSE;
-int    save_format = CLUSTAL;
-Boolean fixed_prf_scroll = FALSE;
-int loffset,boffset,toffset;
-int roffset;
-int poffset;
-int score_cutoff=5;    /* cutoff for residue exceptions */
-int score_hwin=5;    /* half window for summing alignment column scores */
-int score_scale=5;
-int segment_dnascale=5;
-int length_cutoff=1;    /* length cutoff for segment exceptions */
-Boolean residue_exceptions=FALSE;
-Boolean segment_exceptions=FALSE;
-int score_matnum=4;
-char score_mtrxname[FILENAMELEN];
-int segment_matnum=3;
-char segment_mtrxname[FILENAMELEN];
-int score_dnamatnum=1;
-char score_dnamtrxname[FILENAMELEN];
-int segment_dnamatnum=1;
-char segment_dnamtrxname[FILENAMELEN];
-Boolean output_ss;
-Boolean output_gp;
-extern char     revision_level[];
-extern Boolean interactive;
-extern char seqname[];
-extern char     outfile_name[];
-extern char    profile1_name[];
-extern char    profile2_name[];
-extern char     usermtrxname[], pw_usermtrxname[];
-extern char     dnausermtrxname[], pw_dnausermtrxname[];
-extern Boolean usemenu;
-extern Boolean use_tree_file;
-extern Boolean use_tree1_file,use_tree2_file;
-extern Boolean  dnaflag;
-extern sint     nseqs;
-extern sint    profile1_nseqs;
-extern sint profile_no;
-extern sint     max_aa;
-extern sint     *seqlen_array;
-extern char     **seq_array;
-extern char     **names, **titles;
-extern Boolean empty;
-extern Boolean profile1_empty, profile2_empty;
-extern sint     gap_pos1, gap_pos2;
-extern Boolean use_ambiguities;
-extern float    gap_open,      gap_extend;
-extern float    dna_gap_open,  dna_gap_extend;
-extern float    prot_gap_open, prot_gap_extend;
-extern float    pw_go_penalty,      pw_ge_penalty;
-extern float    dna_pw_go_penalty,  dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-extern float    prot_pw_go_penalty, prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-extern sint    wind_gap,ktup,window,signif;
-extern sint    dna_wind_gap, dna_ktup, dna_window, dna_signif;
-extern sint    prot_wind_gap,prot_ktup,prot_window,prot_signif;
-extern sint        helix_penalty;
-extern sint        strand_penalty;
-extern sint        loop_penalty;
-extern sint        helix_end_minus;
-extern sint        helix_end_plus;
-extern sint        strand_end_minus;
-extern sint        strand_end_plus;
-extern sint        helix_end_penalty;
-extern sint        strand_end_penalty;
-extern sint     divergence_cutoff;
-extern sint     gap_dist;
-extern sint boot_ntrials;               /* number of bootstrap trials */
-extern unsigned sint boot_ran_seed;     /* random number generator seed */
-extern sint        matnum,pw_matnum;
-extern char     mtrxname[], pw_mtrxname[];
-extern sint        dnamatnum,pw_dnamatnum;
-extern char     dnamtrxname[], pw_dnamtrxname[];
-extern MatMenu matrix_menu;
-extern MatMenu pw_matrix_menu;
-extern MatMenu dnamatrix_menu;
-extern Boolean  quick_pairalign;
-extern sint        matnum,pw_matnum;
-extern Boolean  neg_matrix;
-extern float    transition_weight;
-extern char     hyd_residues[];
-extern Boolean  no_var_penalties, no_hyd_penalties, no_pref_penalties;
-extern Boolean         use_endgaps;
-extern Boolean         endgappenalties;
-extern Boolean  output_clustal, output_nbrf, output_phylip, output_gcg, output_gde, output_nexus;
-extern Boolean output_fasta; /* Ramu */
-extern Boolean  save_parameters;
-extern Boolean  output_tree_clustal, output_tree_phylip, output_tree_distances, output_tree_nexus, output_pim;
-extern Boolean  lowercase; /* Flag for GDE output - set on comm. line*/
-extern Boolean  cl_seq_numbers;
-extern Boolean  seqRange;
-extern sint     output_order;
-extern sint     *output_index;
-extern Boolean  reset_alignments_new;               /* DES */
-extern Boolean  reset_alignments_all;               /* DES */
-extern FILE     *clustal_outfile, *gcg_outfile, *nbrf_outfile, *phylip_outfile;
-extern FILE     *gde_outfile, *nexus_outfile;
-extern FILE     *fasta_outfile;
-extern sint     max_aln_length;
-extern Boolean tossgaps;  /* Ignore places in align. where ANY seq. has a gap*/
-extern Boolean kimura;    /* Use correction for multiple substitutions */
-extern sint    bootstrap_format;      /* bootstrap file format */
-extern sint output_struct_penalties;
-extern Boolean use_ss1, use_ss2;
-extern char *res_cat1[];
-extern char *res_cat2[];
-extern char     *amino_acid_codes;
-PrompT   message;           /* used in temporary message window */
-static Char filename[FILENAMELEN]; /* used in temporary file selection window */
-Boolean mess_output=TRUE;
-Boolean save_log=FALSE;
-FILE *save_log_fd=NULL;
-static char save_log_filename[FILENAMELEN];
-static IteM save_item1,save_item2,exc_item;
-spanel  seq_panel;        /* data for multiple alignment area */
-spanel  prf_panel[2];       /* data for profile alignment areas */
-spanel  active_panel;       /* 'in-use' panel -scrolling,clicking etc. */
-static range selected_seqs;           /* sequences selected by clicking on names */
-static range selected_res;           /* residues selected by clicking on seqs */
-int firstres, lastres;	/* range of alignment for saving as ... */
-/* data for Search function */
-char find_string[MAXFINDSTR]="";
-aln_pos find_pos;
-/* arrays for storing clustalw data for cut-and-paste sequences */
-static sint     *saveseqlen_array=NULL;
-static char     **saveseq_array=NULL;
-static char     **savenames=NULL, **savetitles=NULL;
-sint     ncutseqs=0;
-FonT datafont,helpfont;
-WindoW mainw=NULL;
-WindoW messagew=NULL;
-WindoW readfilew=NULL;
-WindoW savealnw=NULL;
-WindoW savescoresw=NULL;
-WindoW savepsw=NULL;
-WindoW findw=NULL;
-WindoW calignw=NULL;
-WindoW ralignw=NULL;
-WindoW rralignw=NULL;
-WindoW talignw=NULL;
-WindoW palignw=NULL;
-WindoW salignw=NULL;
-WindoW scorew=NULL;
-WindoW exceptionw=NULL;
-TexT savealntext;
-TexT savescorestext;
-TexT savepstext;
-TexT findtext;
-TexT pspartext;
-TexT ctreetext;
-TexT rtreetext;
-TexT rrtreetext;
-TexT ttreetext;
-TexT ptree1text,ptree2text;
-TexT streetext;
-TexT readfiletext;
-WindoW savetreew=NULL;
-TexT savetreetext;
-WindoW drawtreew=NULL;
-TexT drawnjtreetext;
-TexT drawphtreetext;
-TexT drawdsttreetext;
-TexT drawnxstreetext;
-TexT drawpimtext;
-WindoW boottreew=NULL;
-TexT bootnjtreetext;
-TexT bootphtreetext;
-TexT bootnxstreetext;
-TexT blocklentext;
-PrompT mattext,pwmattext,dnamattext,pwdnamattext,scoremattext,segmentmattext;
-PrompT scorednamattext,segmentdnamattext;
-GrouP seg_matrix_list,score_matrix_list;
-GrouP seg_dnamatrix_list,score_dnamatrix_list;
-GrouP matrix_list,pw_matrix_list,dnamatrix_list,pw_dnamatrix_list;
-TexT cl_outtext,pir_outtext,msf_outtext,phylip_outtext,gde_outtext,nexus_outtext;
-TexT fasta_outtext; /* Ramu */
-GrouP slow_para,fast_para;
-GrouP  seq_display,prf1_display,prf2_display;
-MenU   filem,alignm,editm,treem,colorm;
-menu_item file_item,align_item,edit_item,tree_item,color_item;
-MenU   scorem,helpmenu;
-menu_item score_item,help_item;
-IteM segment_item;
-IteM bw_item,defcol_item,usercol_item;
-IteM new_gaps_item,all_gaps_item;
-WindoW helpw[MAXHELPW];
-int numhelp=0;
-PopuP modetext,flisttext;
-ButtoN pscrolltext;
-ButtoN selFonts;
-PopuP show_seg_toggle;
-PrompT residue_cutofftext;
-PrompT length_cutofftext;
-PrompT scorescaletext;
-PrompT segmentdnascaletext;
-#define MAXFONTS 6
-int nfonts=6;   /*shoud be MAXFONTS ................ ramu */
-int av_font[MAXFONTS]={8,10,12,14,18,24};
-int font_size=1;
-int ncolors=0;
-int ncolor_pars=0;
-color color_lut[MAXCOLORS+1];
-char def_protpar_file[]="colprot.par";
-char def_dnapar_file[]="coldna.par";
-char *explicit_par_file = NULL;
-char *par_file = NULL;
-int    inverted = TRUE;
-int usebw=FALSE,usedefcolors=TRUE,useusercolors=FALSE;
-char ps_par_file[FILENAMELEN]="colprint.par";
-int pagesize=A4;
-int orientation=LANDSCAPE;
-Boolean ps_header=TRUE;
-Boolean ps_ruler=TRUE;
-Boolean resize=TRUE;
-int first_printres=0,last_printres=0,blocklen;
-Boolean ps_curve=TRUE;
-Boolean ps_resno=TRUE;
-PoinT display_pos;
-int namewidth,seqwidth; /* fixed widths of sequence display areas */
-Boolean         realign_endgappenalties=TRUE;
-Boolean         align_endgappenalties=FALSE;
-char helptext[MAXHELPLENGTH];
-/* ramu  */
-#include <time.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <pwd.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
-float cputime(float *seconds);  /*  Ramu ,   need's reset function */
-float cputime(float *seconds)
-  struct tms buf;
-  static time_t last=0, first;
-  static int calls=0;
-  int hertz=sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
-  time_t this;
-  /* get the current number of user and system cpu ticks */
-  times(&buf);
-  this = buf.tms_utime + buf.tms_stime;
-  /* if this is the first call then this is time zero */
-  if ( !calls ) {
-    first = this;
-    calls = -1; 
-  }
-  else
-      this = this - first;
-  if(seconds)
-      *seconds = ((float)(this - last))/(float)hertz;
-  last = this;
-  return ((float)this)/(float)hertz;
-/*  Ramu   */
-/* main subroutine called from clustalx.c, initialises windows and enters a
-   forever loop monitoring user input */
-void x_menu(void)
-	int i,n;
-	char font[30];
-	char tstr[30];
-	int height;
-	PrompT   fsize;
-	RecT wr,r,r1;
-/*  make the pulldown menu bar  */
-#ifdef WIN_MAC
-	MenU   m;
-        m=AppleMenu (NULL);
-        DeskAccGroup (m);
-	make_menu_headers(NULL);
-#ifndef UNIX
-	ProcessUpdatesFirst(FALSE);
-	sprintf(tstr,"Clustal%s",revision_level);
-/*#ifdef WIN_MSWIN
-	mainw = FixedWindow (-50,-33,-10,-10,tstr,QuitWinW);
-	mainw = DocumentWindow (-50,-33,-10,-10,tstr,QuitWinW,ResizeWindowProc);
-/*#endif*/	SetGroupSpacing(mainw,0,10);
-	SetGroupSpacing(mainw,0,10);
-	x_menus=TRUE;
-#ifndef WIN_MAC
-	make_menu_headers(mainw);
-/* decide if we're starting in profile or sequence mode */
-	if (!profile1_empty) aln_mode=PROFILEM;
-	else aln_mode=MULTIPLEM;
-	make_file_menu();
-	make_edit_menu();
-	make_align_menu();
-	make_tree_menu();
-	make_color_menu();
-	make_score_menu();
-	make_help_menu();
-/*  add a button to switch between multiple and profile alignment modes */
-	modetext=PopupList(mainw,TRUE,set_aln_mode);
-	PopupItem(modetext,"Multiple Alignment Mode");
-	PopupItem(modetext,"Profile Alignment Mode");
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-		SetValue(modetext,1);
-	else
-		SetValue(modetext,2);
-	sprintf(font, "%s,%d,%c", "courier", av_font[font_size], 'm');
-        datafont=ParseFont(font);
-	sprintf(font, "%s,%d,%c", "courier", 10, 'm');
-        helpfont=ParseFont(font);
-	Advance(mainw);
-	shift(mainw,20,0);
-/*  add a button to select font size */
-	fsize=StaticPrompt(mainw,"Font Size:",0,dialogTextHeight,systemFont,'r');
-	Advance(mainw);
-	flisttext=PopupList(mainw,TRUE,set_font_size);
-	for(i=0;i<nfonts;i++)
-	{
-		sprintf(tstr,"%d",av_font[i]);
-		PopupItem(flisttext,tstr);
-	}
-	SetValue(flisttext,font_size+1);
-	Advance(mainw);
-	shift(mainw,20,0);
-	/* ramu .........
-	selFonts = PushButton(mainw,"Select Fonts",VSeqMgrFontProc);
-	Advance(mainw);
-	shift(mainw,20,0);
-	end ramu ........... */
-/*  add a button to switch profile scrolling modes */
-        pscrolltext=CheckBox(mainw,"Lock Scroll",set_pscroll_mode);
-	if(fixed_prf_scroll) SetStatus(pscrolltext,TRUE);
-	Break(mainw);
-	selected_seqs.first=selected_seqs.last=-1;
-        selected_res.first=selected_res.last=-1;
-/*  initialise the multiple alignment display area */
-	SelectFont(datafont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	GetNextPosition(mainw,&display_pos);
-/* calculate initial pixel width and height of displays */
-	namewidth=(DNAMES+DNUMBER+1)*stdCharWidth;
-	seqwidth=(DCOLS+2*MARGIN)*stdCharWidth+2;
-	n=screenRect.right-screenRect.left;
-	if(seqwidth+namewidth>n) seqwidth=n-namewidth;
-	height=(max_mlines+mfooter+MARGIN)*stdLineHeight+2+SCOREHEIGHT;
-	n=screenRect.bottom-screenRect.top;
-	if(height>n) height=n;
-	seq_display=make_scroll_area(mainw,0,namewidth+20,seqwidth,height,1,nseqs,&seq_panel);
-	position_scrollbars(seq_panel);
-/*  initialise the profile alignment display area */
-	SetNextPosition(mainw,display_pos);
-	height=(max_plines+MARGIN)*stdLineHeight+2+SCOREHEIGHT;
-	if(height>n) height=n;
-	prf1_display=make_scroll_area(mainw,1,namewidth,seqwidth,height,1,profile1_nseqs,&prf_panel[0]);
-	position_scrollbars(prf_panel[0]);
-	prf2_display=make_scroll_area(mainw,2,namewidth,seqwidth,height,profile1_nseqs+1,nseqs-profile1_nseqs,&prf_panel[1]);
-	position_scrollbars(prf_panel[1]);
-/*  add the message line */
-	Break(mainw);
-	Advance(mainw);
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	message = StaticPrompt(mainw, "",500, 0,systemFont,'l');
-/* save some pixel sizes for future resizing events */
-	if(aln_mode==PROFILEM)
-	{
-		Hide(seq_display);
-		profile_no=1;
-		Show(prf1_display);
-		Show(prf2_display);
-		Show(pscrolltext);
-		active_panel=prf_panel[0];
-		Select(prf1_display);
-		load_aln(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,TRUE);
-		load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,TRUE);
-		Show(mainw);
-		ObjectRect(mainw,&wr);
-		ObjectRect(prf_panel[0].names,&r);
-		ObjectRect(prf_panel[1].names,&r1);
-		boffset=wr.bottom-wr.top-r1.bottom;
-		loffset=r.left;
-		toffset=r.top;
-		ObjectRect(prf_panel[0].seqs,&r);
-		roffset=wr.right-wr.left-r.right;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		Hide(prf1_display);
-		Hide(prf2_display);
-		Hide(pscrolltext);
-		profile_no=0;
-		Show(seq_display);
-		active_panel=seq_panel;
-		Select(seq_display);
-		load_aln(seq_panel,0,nseqs-1,TRUE);
-		Show(mainw);
-		ObjectRect(mainw,&wr);
-		ObjectRect(seq_panel.names,&r);
-		boffset=wr.bottom-wr.top-r.bottom;
-		loffset=r.left;
-		toffset=r.top;
-		ObjectRect(seq_panel.seqs,&r);
-		roffset=wr.right-wr.left-r.right;
-	}
-	ObjectRect(prf_panel[0].names,&r);
-	ObjectRect(prf_panel[1].names,&r1);
-	poffset=r1.top-r.bottom;
-/* initialise some variables before we display the window */
-        if(orientation==LANDSCAPE)
-        {
-                if(pagesize==A4) blocklen=150;
-                else if (pagesize==A3) blocklen=250;
-		else blocklen=150;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-                if(pagesize==A4) blocklen=80;
-                else if (pagesize==A3) blocklen=150;
-		else blocklen=150;
-        }
-/* ok - Go! */
-	window_displayed=TRUE;
-	ProcessEvents();
-static void RemoveWin(WindoW w)
-	Remove(w);
-static void QuitWinW(WindoW w)
-	if(aln_mode == MULTIPLEM)
-	{
-		if(seq_panel.modified)
-			if (Message(MSG_YN,"Alignment has not been saved.\n"
-			"Quit program anyway?")==ANS_NO) return;
-	}
-	else if(aln_mode == PROFILEM)
-	{
-		if(prf_panel[0].modified)
-			if (Message(MSG_YN,"Profile 1 has not been saved.\n"
-			"Quit program anyway?")==ANS_NO) return;
-		if(prf_panel[1].modified)
-			if (Message(MSG_YN,"Profile 2 has not been saved.\n"
-			"Quit program anyway?")==ANS_NO) return;
-	}
-	QuitProgram ();
-static void SearchStrWin (IteM item)
-	int i;
-	Boolean sel=FALSE;
-	GrouP findgr;
-	ButtoN find_can,find_ok;
-	PopuP ps,or;
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	char str[FILENAMELEN];
-	panel_data data;
-	GetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&data);
-	if (data.nseqs==0)
-	{
-		Message(MSG_OK,"No file loaded.");
-		return;
-	}
-	for (i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		if(data.selected[i]==TRUE)
-		{
-			sel=TRUE;
-			break;
-		}
-	if(sel==FALSE)
-	{
-		Message(MSG_OK,"Select sequences by clicking on the names.");
-		return;
-	}
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	findw=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "SEARCH IN SELECTED SEQUENCES",RemoveWin);
-        stdLineHeight=18;
-        SelectFont(programFont);
-	findtext=DialogText(findw, "", 35, NULL);
-	Break(findw);
-	find_ok=PushButton(findw, "SEARCH FROM START", SearchStr);
-	Break(findw);
-	find_ok=PushButton(findw, "SEARCH AGAIN", SearchStringAgain);
-	Break(findw);
-	find_can=PushButton(findw, "CLOSE", CancelWin);
-	Show(findw);
-static void SavePSSeqWin (IteM item)
-	if (empty)
-	{
-		error("No file loaded");
-		return;
-	}
-	save_ps_window(0,"WRITE SEQUENCES TO:",SavePSSeqFile);
-static void SavePSPrf1Win (IteM item)
-	if (profile1_empty)
-	{
-		error("No file loaded");
-		return;
-	}
-	save_ps_window(1,"WRITE PROFILE 1 TO:",SavePSPrf1File);
-static void SavePSPrf2Win (IteM item)
-	if (profile2_empty)
-	{
-		error("No file loaded");
-		return;
-	}
-	save_ps_window(2,"WRITE PROFILE 2 TO:",SavePSPrf2File);
-static void save_ps_window(int prf_no,char *prompt,void save_proc(ButtoN but))
-	GrouP savegr;
-	ButtoN save_can,save_ok;
-	PopuP ps,or;
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	char str[FILENAMELEN];
-	panel_data data;
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	savepsw=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "WRITE POSTSCRIPT FILE",RemoveWin);
-	make_prompt(savepsw, prompt);
-        stdLineHeight=18;
-        SelectFont(programFont);
-	savepstext=DialogText(savepsw, "", 35, NULL);
-	Break(savepsw);
-	make_prompt(savepsw, "PS Colors File :");
-	pspartext=DialogText(savepsw, ps_par_file, 35, NULL);
-	Break(savepsw);
-       	make_prompt(savepsw, "Page Size");
-	Advance(savepsw);
-	ps=PopupList(savepsw,TRUE,set_pagesize);
-	PopupItem(ps,"A4");
-	PopupItem(ps,"A3");
-	PopupItem(ps,"US Letter");
-	if (pagesize == A4)
-		SetValue(ps,1);
-	else if (pagesize == A3)
-		SetValue(ps,2);
-	else if (pagesize == USLETTER)
-		SetValue(ps,3);
-	Break(savepsw);
-       	make_prompt(savepsw, "Orientation");
-	Advance(savepsw);
-	or=PopupList(savepsw,TRUE,set_orientation);
-	PopupItem(or,"LANDSCAPE");
-	PopupItem(or,"PORTRAIT");
-	if (orientation == LANDSCAPE)
-		SetValue(or,1);
-	else if (orientation == PORTRAIT)
-		SetValue(or,2);
-	Break(savepsw);
-	make_toggle(savepsw,"Print Header :","YES","NO",&ps_header,set_header);
-	Advance(savepsw);
-	make_toggle(savepsw,"Print Quality Curve :","YES","NO",&ps_curve,set_curve);
-	Break(savepsw);
-	make_toggle(savepsw,"Print Ruler :","YES","NO",&ps_ruler,set_ruler);
-	Advance(savepsw);
-	make_toggle(savepsw,"Print Residue Numbers :","YES","NO",&ps_resno,set_resno);
-	Break(savepsw);
-	make_toggle(savepsw,"Resize to fit page:","YES","NO",&resize,set_resize);
-	Break(savepsw);
-	first_printres=1;
-	if (prf_no==0)
-		GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-	else if (prf_no==1)
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-	else
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-	last_printres=data.ncols;
-        make_prompt(savepsw, "Print from position :");
-	Advance(savepsw);
-	sprintf(str,"%5d",first_printres);
-        DialogText(savepsw, str, 5,set_fpres);
-	Advance(savepsw);
-        make_prompt(savepsw, "to :");
-	Advance(savepsw);
-	sprintf(str,"%5d",last_printres);
-        DialogText(savepsw, str, 5,set_lpres);
-	Break(savepsw);
-        make_prompt(savepsw, "Use block length :");
-	Advance(savepsw);
-	sprintf(str,"%5d",blocklen);
-        blocklentext=DialogText(savepsw, str, 5,set_blocklen);
-	Break(savepsw);
-	savegr=HiddenGroup(savepsw, 2, 0, NULL);
-	shift(savegr, 60, 20);
-	save_ok=PushButton(savegr, "  OK  ", save_proc);
-	shift(savegr, 20,0);
-	save_can=PushButton(savegr, "CLOSE", CancelWin);
-	if(prf_no==0)
-		get_path(seqname,path);
-	else if(prf_no==1)
-		get_path(profile1_name,path);
-	else if(prf_no==2)
-		get_path(profile2_name,path);
-	strcat(path,"ps");
-	SetTitle(savepstext, path);
-	Show(savepsw);
-static void SaveScoresWin (IteM item)
-	int i;
-	Boolean sel=FALSE;
-	GrouP scoregr;
-	ButtoN score_can,score_ok;
-	PopuP ps,or;
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	char str[FILENAMELEN];
-	panel_data data;
-	if (empty)
-	{
-		error("No file loaded");
-		return;
-	}
-	GetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&data);
-	for (i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		if(data.selected[i]==TRUE)
-		{
-			sel=TRUE;
-			break;
-		}
-	if(sel==FALSE)
-	{
-		Message(MSG_OK,"Select sequences to be written by clicking on the names.");
-		return;
-	}
-        get_path(seqname,path);
-	strcat(path,"qscores");
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	savescoresw=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "SAVE QUALITY SCORES",RemoveWin);
-        stdLineHeight=18;
-        SelectFont(programFont);
-	make_prompt(savescoresw, "SAVE QUALITY SCORES TO:");
-        stdLineHeight=18;
-        SelectFont(programFont);
-	Break(savescoresw);
-	savescorestext=DialogText(savescoresw, "", 35, NULL);
-	Break(savescoresw);
-	scoregr=HiddenGroup(savescoresw, 2, 0, NULL);
-	shift(scoregr, 60, 20);
-	score_ok=PushButton(scoregr, "  OK  ", SaveScores);
-	shift(scoregr, 20,0);
-	score_can=PushButton(scoregr, "CANCEL", CancelWin);
-	SetTitle(savescorestext, path);
-	Show(savescoresw);
-	Advance(savescoresw);
-	Show(savescoresw);
-static void SaveScores(ButtoN but)
-	char c;
-	int i,j,val;
-	int length=0;
-	FILE *outfile;
-	panel_data name_data,seq_data;
-	Boolean gap;
-	GetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&name_data);
-	GetPanelExtra(active_panel.seqs,&seq_data);
-	GetTitle(savescorestext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-	outfile=open_explicit_file(filename); 
-/* get the maximum length of the selected sequences */
-        for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-           if (name_data.selected[i-1]==TRUE && length < seqlen_array[i]) length = seqlen_array[i];
-	for(j=1;j<=length;j++)
-	{
-/* first check for a column of gaps */
-		gap=TRUE;
-        	for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-           		if (name_data.selected[i-1]==TRUE)
-			{
-                                val = seq_array[i][j];
-                                if(j<=seqlen_array[i] && (val != gap_pos1) && (val != gap_pos2))
-				{
-					gap=FALSE;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		if(gap==FALSE)
-		{
-        		for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-			{
-           			if (name_data.selected[i-1]==TRUE)
-				{
-                                	val = seq_array[i][j];
-                                	if(j>seqlen_array[i] || (val == gap_pos1) || (val == gap_pos2))
-                                        	c = '-';
-                                	else {
-                                        	c = amino_acid_codes[val];
-                                	}
-					fprintf(outfile,"%c ",c);
-				}
-			}
-			fprintf(outfile,"\t%3d\n",seq_data.colscore[j-1]);
-		}
-	}
-	fclose(outfile);
-        if (Visible(savescoresw))
-        {
-                Remove(savescoresw);
-                savescoresw=NULL;
-        }
-	info("File %s saved",filename);
-static void SaveSeqFileWin (IteM item)
-	if (empty)
-	{
-		error("No file loaded");
-		return;
-	}
-	save_aln_window(0,"SAVE SEQUENCES","SAVE SEQUENCES AS:",SaveSeqFile);
-static void SavePrf1FileWin (IteM item)
-	if (profile1_empty)
-	{
-		error("No file loaded");
-		return;
-	}
-	save_aln_window(1,"SAVE PROFILE","SAVE PROFILE 1 AS:",SavePrf1File);
-static void SavePrf2FileWin (IteM item)
-	if (profile2_empty)
-	{
-		error("No file loaded");
-		return;
-	}
-	save_aln_window(2,"SAVE PROFILE","SAVE PROFILE 2 AS:",SavePrf2File);
-static void save_aln_window(int prf_no,char *title,char *prompt,void save_proc(ButtoN but))
-	GrouP savegr;
-	ButtoN save_ok, save_can;
-	GrouP maing;
-        GrouP format_list;
-	ButtoN formatb[6+1]; /* + 1 for fasta */
-	PopuP case_toggle,snos_toggle;
-	PopuP seqRange_toggle; /* Ramu */
-	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	char str[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	savealnw=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, title,RemoveWin);
-        format_list=NormalGroup(savealnw,3,0,"Format",systemFont,set_format);
-        formatb[0]=RadioButton(format_list,"CLUSTAL");
-        formatb[1]=RadioButton(format_list,"NBRF/PIR");
-        formatb[2]=RadioButton(format_list,"GCG/MSF");
-        formatb[3]=RadioButton(format_list,"PHYLIP");
-        formatb[4]=RadioButton(format_list,"GDE");
-        formatb[5]=RadioButton(format_list,"NEXUS");
-        formatb[6]=RadioButton(format_list,"FASTA");
-	if(prf_no==0)
-        	get_path(seqname,path);
-	else if(prf_no==1)
-        	get_path(profile1_name,path);
-	else if(prf_no==2)
-        	get_path(profile2_name,path);
-	if (save_format==CLUSTAL)
-	{
-        	SetValue(format_list,1);
-		strcat(path,"aln");
-	}
-	else if (save_format==PIR)
-	{
-        	SetValue(format_list,2);
-		strcat(path,"pir");
-	}
-	else if (save_format==MSF)
-	{
-        	SetValue(format_list,3);
-		strcat(path,"msf");
-	}
-	else if (save_format==PHYLIP)
-	{
-        	SetValue(format_list,4);
-		strcat(path,"phy");
-	}
-	else if (save_format==GDE)
-	{
-        	SetValue(format_list,5);
-		strcat(path,"gde");
-	}
- 	else if (save_format==NEXUS)
-	{
-        	SetValue(format_list,6);
-		strcat(path,"nxs");
-	}
- 	else if (save_format==FASTA)
-	{
-        	SetValue(format_list,7);
-		strcat(path,"fasta");
-	}
-	maing=HiddenGroup(savealnw,0,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,0,10);
-	case_toggle=make_toggle(maing,"GDE output case :","Lower","Upper",&lowercase,set_case);
-	Break(maing);
-	snos_toggle=make_toggle(maing,"CLUSTALW sequence numbers :","ON","OFF",&cl_seq_numbers,set_snos);
-	Break(maing);
-        make_prompt(maing, "Save range from  :");
-	Advance(maing);
-	firstres = 0; /* init always ramu */
-	lastres = 0; /* init always ramu */
-	sprintf(str,"%5d",firstres);
-        DialogText(maing, str, 5,set_fres);
-	Advance(maing);
-        make_prompt(maing, "to :");
-	Advance(maing);
-	sprintf(str,"%5d",lastres);
-        DialogText(maing, str, 5,set_lres);
-	/* <Ramu> */
-	Advance(maing);
-	seqRange_toggle=make_toggle(maing,"  and include range numbers :","ON","OFF",&seqRange,setRange);
-	/*</Ramu>*/
-	Break(maing);
-	shift(savealnw, 0, 20);
-	make_prompt(savealnw, prompt);
-        stdLineHeight=18;
-        SelectFont(programFont);
-	Break(savealnw);
-	savealntext=DialogText(savealnw, "", 35, NULL);
-	Break(savealnw);
-	savegr=HiddenGroup(savealnw, 2, 0, NULL);
-	shift(savegr, 60, 20);
-	save_ok=PushButton(savegr, "  OK  ", save_proc);
-	shift(savegr, 20,0);
-	save_can=PushButton(savegr, "CANCEL", CancelWin);
-	SetTitle(savealntext, path);
-	Show(savealnw);
-static void read_file_window(char *title,char *prompt,char *filename,void read_proc(ButtoN but))
-	GrouP readgr;
-	ButtoN read_ok, read_can;
-	GrouP maing;
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	readfilew=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, title,RemoveWin);
-	maing=HiddenGroup(readfilew,2,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,0,10);
-	shift(readfilew, 0, 20);
-	make_prompt(readfilew, prompt);
-        stdLineHeight=18;
-        SelectFont(programFont);
-	Break(readfilew);
-	readfiletext=DialogText(readfilew, "", 35, NULL);
-	if (filename != NULL) SetTitle(readfiletext, filename);
-	Break(readfilew);
-	readgr=HiddenGroup(readfilew, 2, 0, NULL);
-	shift(readgr, 60, 20);
-	read_ok=PushButton(readgr, "  OK  ", read_proc);
-	shift(readgr, 20,0);
-	read_can=PushButton(readgr, "CANCEL", CancelWin);
-	Show(readfilew);
-static void CancelWin (ButtoN but)
-	Remove(ParentWindow(but));
-static void SearchStr(ButtoN but)
-/* reset the current position */
-	find_pos.seq=0;
-	find_pos.res=-1;
-/* find the next occurrence of the string */
-	SearchStringAgain(but);
-static void SearchStringAgain(ButtoN but)
-	int i,j,ix,length;
-	int seq,res,start_res;
-	Boolean in_string,found;
-	panel_data ndata,sdata;
-	GetTitle(findtext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-	strncpy(find_string,filename,MAXFINDSTR);
-	length=strlen(find_string);
-	if(length==0) return;
-	for(i=0;i<length;i++)
-		find_string[i]=toupper(find_string[i]);
-        GetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&ndata);
-        GetPanelExtra(active_panel.seqs,&sdata);
-	in_string=FALSE;
-	found=FALSE;
-	start_res=0;
-	ix=0;
-	seq=find_pos.seq;
-	res=find_pos.res+1;
-        while (seq<ndata.nseqs)
-	{
-                if(ndata.selected[seq]==TRUE)
-                {
-        		while (res<sdata.ncols)
-			{
-				if(sdata.lines[seq][res]==find_string[ix])
-				{
-					if(in_string==FALSE) 
-						start_res=res;
-					ix++;
-					in_string=TRUE;
-				}
-				else if(in_string==TRUE)
-				{
-					res=start_res;
-					ix=0;
-					in_string=FALSE;
-				}
-				if(ix==length)
-				{
-					find_pos.seq=seq;
-					find_pos.res=start_res;
-					found=TRUE;
-					break;
-				}
-				res++;
-				while(res<sdata.ncols && sdata.lines[seq][res]=='-')
-					res++;
-			}
-                }
-		if(found) break;
-		seq++;
-		res=0;
-	}
-	if(found==FALSE)
-		info("String %s not found",find_string);
-	else
-	{
-		info("String %s in sequence %s, column %d",find_string,names[find_pos.seq+1],find_pos.res+1);
-	}
-static void SavePSSeqFile(ButtoN but)
-	char *ps_file;
-	GetTitle(savepstext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-        ps_file=(char *)ckalloc(FILENAMELEN*sizeof(char));
-	strcpy(ps_file,filename); 
-	GetTitle(pspartext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-	strcpy(ps_par_file,filename); 
-	write_ps_file(seq_panel,ps_file,ps_par_file,pagesize,orientation,
-		ps_header,ps_ruler,ps_resno,
-		resize,first_printres,last_printres,blocklen,ps_curve);
-	info("Postscript file %s written",ps_file);
-	ckfree(ps_file);
-static void SavePSPrf1File(ButtoN but)
-	char *ps_file;
-	char *ps_par_file;
-	GetTitle(savepstext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-        ps_file=(char *)ckalloc(FILENAMELEN*sizeof(char));
-	strcpy(ps_file,filename); 
-	GetTitle(pspartext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-        ps_par_file=(char *)ckalloc(FILENAMELEN*sizeof(char));
-	strcpy(ps_par_file,filename); 
-	write_ps_file(prf_panel[0],ps_file,ps_par_file,pagesize,orientation,
-		ps_header,ps_ruler,ps_resno,
-		resize,first_printres,last_printres,blocklen,ps_curve);
-	info("Postscript file %s written",ps_file);
-	ckfree(ps_file);
-static void SavePSPrf2File(ButtoN but)
-	char *ps_file;
-	char *ps_par_file;
-	GetTitle(savepstext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-        ps_file=(char *)ckalloc(FILENAMELEN*sizeof(char));
-	strcpy(ps_file,filename); 
-	GetTitle(pspartext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-        ps_par_file=(char *)ckalloc(FILENAMELEN*sizeof(char));
-	strcpy(ps_par_file,filename); 
-	write_ps_file(prf_panel[1],ps_file,ps_par_file,pagesize,orientation,
-		ps_header,ps_ruler,ps_resno,
-		resize,first_printres,last_printres,blocklen,ps_curve);
-	info("Postscript file %s written",ps_file);
-	ckfree(ps_file);
-static void SaveSeqFile(ButtoN but)
-	write_file(1,nseqs,firstres,lastres);
-	seq_panel.modified=FALSE;
-	info("File %s saved",filename);
-static void SavePrf1File(ButtoN but)
-	write_file(1,profile1_nseqs,firstres,lastres);
-	prf_panel[0].modified=FALSE;
-	info("File %s saved",filename);
-static void SavePrf2File(ButtoN but)
-	write_file(profile1_nseqs+1,nseqs,firstres,lastres);
-	prf_panel[1].modified=FALSE;
-	info("File %s saved",filename);
-/* this is equivalent to open_alignment_output(), but uses the window
-interface to input file names */
-static Boolean open_aln_files(void)
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	if(!output_clustal && !output_nbrf && !output_gcg &&
-		 !output_phylip && !output_gde && !output_nexus) {
-                error("You must select an alignment output format");
-                return FALSE;
-        }
-	if(output_clustal) {
-		GetTitle(cl_outtext,filename,FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		if((clustal_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-			filename))==NULL) return FALSE;
-	}
-	if(output_nbrf) {
-		GetTitle(pir_outtext,filename,FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		if((nbrf_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-			filename))==NULL) return FALSE;
-	}
-	if(output_gcg) {
-		GetTitle(msf_outtext,filename,FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		if((gcg_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-			filename))==NULL) return FALSE;
-	}
-	if(output_phylip) {
-		GetTitle(phylip_outtext,filename,FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		if((phylip_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-			filename))==NULL) return FALSE;
-	}
-	if(output_gde) {
-		GetTitle(gde_outtext,filename,FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		if((gde_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-			filename))==NULL) return FALSE;
-	}
-	if(output_nexus) {
-		GetTitle(nexus_outtext,filename,FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		if((nexus_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-			filename))==NULL) return FALSE;
-	}
-/* <Ramu> */
-	if(output_fasta) {
-		GetTitle(fasta_outtext,filename,FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		if((fasta_outfile = open_explicit_file(
-			filename))==NULL) return FALSE;
-	}
-/* </Ramu> */
-	if(save_log)
-	{
-        	get_path(seqname,path);
-        	strcpy(save_log_filename,path);
-        	strcat(save_log_filename,"log");
-		if ((save_log_fd=fopen(save_log_filename,"a"))==NULL)
-			error("Cannot open log file %s",save_log_filename);
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-static void write_file(int fseq, int lseq, int fres, int lres)
-	int i,length=0;
-	FILE *outfile;
-	GetTitle(savealntext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-	outfile=open_explicit_file(filename); 
-        for (i=fseq;i<=lseq;i++)
-           if (length < seqlen_array[i]) length = seqlen_array[i];
-	if(fres<1) fres=1;
-	if(lres<1) lres=length;
-	length=lres-fres+1;
-        if(save_format==CLUSTAL) {
-                clustal_out(outfile, fres, length, fseq, lseq);
-                fclose(outfile);
-                info("CLUSTAL format file created  [%s]",filename);
-        }
-        else if(save_format==PIR)  {
-                nbrf_out(outfile, fres, length, fseq, lseq);
-                fclose(outfile);
-                info("NBRF/PIR format file created  [%s]",filename);
-        }
-        else if(save_format==MSF)  {
-                gcg_out(outfile, fres, length, fseq, lseq);
-                fclose(outfile);
-                info("GCG/MSF format file created  [%s]",filename);
-        }
-        else if(save_format==PHYLIP)  {
-                phylip_out(outfile, fres, length, fseq, lseq);
-                fclose(outfile);
-                info("PHYLIP format file created  [%s]",filename);
-        }
-        else if(save_format==GDE)  {
-                gde_out(outfile, fres, length, fseq, lseq);
-                fclose(outfile);
-                info("GDE format file created  [%s]",filename);
-        }
-        else if(save_format==NEXUS)  {
-                nexus_out(outfile, fres, length, fseq, lseq);
-                fclose(outfile);
-                info("NEXUS format file created  [%s]",filename);
-        }
-/* <Ramu> */
-        else if(save_format==FASTA)  {
-                fasta_out(outfile, fres, length, fseq, lseq);
-                fclose(outfile);
-                info("FASTA format file created  [%s]",filename);
-        }
-/* </Ramu> */
-	if (Visible(savealnw))
-	{
-		Remove(savealnw);
-		savealnw=NULL;
-	}
-static void SaveTreeWin (IteM item)
-	GrouP savegr;
-	ButtoN save_ok, save_can;
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	if (empty)
-	{
-		error("No file loaded");
-		return;
-	}
-        if (nseqs < 2)
-	{
-                error("Alignment has only %d sequences",nseqs);
-                return;
-        }
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	savetreew=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "CREATE TREE",RemoveWin);
-	shift(savetreew, 0, 20);
-	make_prompt(savetreew, "SAVE TREE AS :");
-	Advance(savetreew);
-	shift(savetreew, 0, -10);
-	stdLineHeight=18;
-	SelectFont(programFont);
-	savetreetext=DialogText(savetreew, "", 35, NULL);
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdLineHeight=15;
-	Break(savetreew);
-	savegr=HiddenGroup(savetreew, 2, 0, NULL);
-	shift(savegr, 140, 20);
-	save_ok=PushButton(savegr, "  OK  ", CreateAlignTree);
-	shift(savegr, 20, 0);
-	save_can=PushButton(savegr, "CANCEL", CancelWin);
-	get_path(seqname,path);
-	strcat(path,"dnd");
-	SetTitle(savetreetext, path);
-	Show(savetreew);
-static void DrawTreeWin (IteM item)
-	GrouP drawgr;
-	GrouP output_list;
-	ButtoN draw_ok, draw_can;
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	char name[FILENAMELEN];
-	if (empty)
-	{
-		error("No file loaded");
-		return;
-	}
-        if (nseqs < 2)
-	{
-                error("Alignment has only %d sequences",nseqs);
-                return;
-        }
-	get_path(seqname,path);
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	drawtreew=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "DRAW TREE",RemoveWin);
-	output_list=HiddenGroup(drawtreew, 2, 0, NULL);
-	if (output_tree_clustal)
-	{
-		make_prompt(output_list, "SAVE CLUSTAL TREE AS :");
-		drawnjtreetext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-        	strcat(name,"nj");
-		SetTitle(drawnjtreetext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if (output_tree_phylip)
-	{
-		make_prompt(output_list, "SAVE PHYLIP TREE AS :");
-		drawphtreetext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-        	strcat(name,"ph");
-		SetTitle(drawphtreetext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if (output_tree_distances)
-	{
-		make_prompt(output_list, "SAVE DISTANCE MATRIX AS :");
-		drawdsttreetext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-        	strcat(name,"dst");
-		SetTitle(drawdsttreetext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if (output_tree_nexus)
-	{
-		make_prompt(output_list, "SAVE NEXUS TREE AS :");
-		drawnxstreetext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-        	strcat(name,"tre");
-		SetTitle(drawnxstreetext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if (output_pim)
-	{
-		make_prompt(output_list, "SAVE % IDENTITY MATRIX AS :");
-		drawpimtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-        	strcat(name,"pim");
-		SetTitle(drawpimtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdLineHeight=15;
-	Break(drawtreew);
-	drawgr=HiddenGroup(drawtreew, 2, 0, NULL);
-	shift(drawgr, 140, 20);
-	draw_ok=PushButton(drawgr, "  OK  ", DrawTree);
-	shift(drawgr, 20, 0);
-	draw_can=PushButton(drawgr, "CANCEL", CancelWin);
-	Show(drawtreew);
-static void BootstrapTreeWin (IteM item)
-	GrouP bootgr;
-	ButtoN boot_ok, boot_can;
-	TexT seed,ntrials;
-	char name[FILENAMELEN];
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	char str[FILENAMELEN];
-	GrouP output_list;
-	if (empty)
-	{
-		error("No file loaded");
-		return;
-	}
-        if (nseqs < 2)
-	{
-                error("Alignment has only %d sequences",nseqs);
-                return;
-        }
-	get_path(seqname,path);
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	boottreew=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "BOOTSTRAP TREE",RemoveWin);
-        make_prompt(boottreew, "Random number generator seed [1-1000] :");
-	Advance(boottreew);
-	sprintf(str,"%4d",boot_ran_seed);
-        seed=DialogText(boottreew, str, 4,set_ran_seed);
-	Break(boottreew);
-        make_prompt(boottreew, "Number of bootstrap trials [1-10000] :");
-	Advance(boottreew);
-	sprintf(str,"%5d",boot_ntrials);
-        ntrials=DialogText(boottreew, str, 5,set_ntrials);
-	Break(boottreew);
-	output_list=HiddenGroup(boottreew, 2, 0, NULL);
-	if (output_tree_clustal)
-	{
-		make_prompt(output_list, "SAVE CLUSTAL TREE AS :");
-		bootnjtreetext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-        	strcat(name,"njb");
-		SetTitle(bootnjtreetext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if (output_tree_phylip)
-	{
-		make_prompt(output_list, "SAVE PHYLIP TREE AS :");
-		bootphtreetext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-        	strcat(name,"phb");
-		SetTitle(bootphtreetext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if (output_tree_nexus)
-	{
-		make_prompt(output_list, "SAVE NEXUS TREE AS :");
-		bootnxstreetext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-        	strcat(name,"treb");
-		SetTitle(bootnxstreetext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdLineHeight=15;
-	Break(boottreew);
-	bootgr=HiddenGroup(boottreew, 2, 0, NULL);
-	shift(bootgr, 140, 20);
-	boot_ok=PushButton(bootgr, "  OK  ", BootstrapTree);
-	shift(bootgr, 20, 0);
-	boot_can=PushButton(bootgr, "CANCEL", CancelWin);
-	Show(boottreew);
-static void CreateAlignTree(ButtoN but)
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	char phylip_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	GetTitle(savetreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	strcpy(phylip_name,filename);
-	stripspace(filename);
-	info("Doing pairwise alignments...");
-	if(save_log)
-	{
-        	get_path(seqname,path);
-        	strcpy(save_log_filename,path);
-        	strcat(save_log_filename,"log");
-		if ((save_log_fd=fopen(save_log_filename,"a"))==NULL)
-			error("Cannot open log file %s",save_log_filename);
-	}
-	WatchCursor();
-	if (Visible(savetreew))
-	{
-		Remove(savetreew);
-		savetreew=NULL;
-	}
-	make_tree(phylip_name);
-	if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-	{
-		fclose(save_log_fd);
-		save_log_fd=NULL;
-	}
-	ArrowCursor();
-	info("Tree %s created",filename);
-static void DrawTree(ButtoN but)
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	char phylip_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	char clustal_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	char dist_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	char nexus_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	char pim_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	if(output_tree_clustal)
-	{
-		GetTitle(drawnjtreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		strcpy(clustal_name,filename);
-	}
-	if(output_tree_phylip)
-	{
-		GetTitle(drawphtreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		strcpy(phylip_name,filename);
-	}
-	if(output_tree_distances)
-	{
-		GetTitle(drawdsttreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		strcpy(dist_name,filename);
-	}
-	if(output_tree_nexus)
-	{
-		GetTitle(drawnxstreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		strcpy(nexus_name,filename);
-	}
-	if(output_pim)  /* if this is absent, no file gets created ??? */
-	{
-		GetTitle(drawpimtext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		strcpy(pim_name,filename);
-	}
-	info("Calculating tree...");
-	WatchCursor();
-	if(save_log)
-	{
-        	get_path(seqname,path);
-        	strcpy(save_log_filename,path);
-        	strcat(save_log_filename,"log");
-		if ((save_log_fd=fopen(save_log_filename,"a"))==NULL)
-			error("Cannot open log file %s",save_log_filename);
-	}
-	if (Visible(drawtreew))
-	{
-		Remove(drawtreew);
-		drawtreew=NULL;
-	}
-	phylogenetic_tree(phylip_name,clustal_name,dist_name,nexus_name,pim_name);
-	if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-	{
-		fclose(save_log_fd);
-		save_log_fd=NULL;
-	}
-	ArrowCursor();
-	info("Tree %s created",filename);
-static void BootstrapTree(ButtoN but)
-	char phylip_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	char clustal_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	char nexus_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	if(output_tree_clustal)
-	{
-		GetTitle(bootnjtreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		strcpy(clustal_name,filename);
-	}
-	if(output_tree_phylip)
-	{
-		GetTitle(bootphtreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		strcpy(phylip_name,filename);
-	}
-	if(output_tree_nexus)
-	{
-		GetTitle(bootnxstreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-		stripspace(filename);
-		strcpy(nexus_name,filename);
-	}
-	info("Bootstrapping tree...");
-	WatchCursor();
-	if(save_log)
-	{
-        	get_path(seqname,path);
-        	strcpy(save_log_filename,path);
-        	strcat(save_log_filename,"log");
-		if ((save_log_fd=fopen(save_log_filename,"a"))==NULL)
-			warning("Cannot open log file %s",save_log_filename);
-	}
-	if (Visible(boottreew))
-	{
-		Remove(boottreew);
-		boottreew=NULL;
-	}
-	bootstrap_tree(phylip_name,clustal_name,nexus_name);
-	if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-	{
-		fclose(save_log_fd);
-		save_log_fd=NULL;
-	}
-	info("Bootstrap tree %s created",filename);
-	ArrowCursor();
-static void OpenSeqFile (IteM item)
-	int n;
-	panel_data data;
-	if (nseqs>0)
-	{
-		if (Message(MSG_YN,"Replace existing sequences ?")==ANS_NO)
-			return;
-	}
-	if (!GetInputFileName (filename,FILENAMELEN,"","")) return;
-	strcpy(seqname,filename);
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-	data.nseqs=0;
-	data.vseqs=0;
-	SetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-	data.nseqs=0;
-	data.vseqs=0;
-	SetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-	n=seq_input(FALSE);
-	if (n<=0)
-	{
-		info("File %s not loaded.",seqname);
-		return;
-	}
-	load_aln(seq_panel,0,nseqs-1,TRUE);
-	ncutseqs=0;
-	info("File %s loaded.",seqname);
-static void AppendSeqFile (IteM item)
-	int n;
-	panel_data data;
-	if (!GetInputFileName (filename,FILENAMELEN,"","")) return;
-	strcpy(seqname,filename);
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-	data.nseqs=0;
-	SetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-	n=seq_input(TRUE);
-	if (n<=0)
-	{
-		info("File %s not loaded.",seqname);
-		return;
-	}
-	load_aln(seq_panel,0,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	info("File %s appended.",seqname);
-static void OpenPrf1File (IteM item)
-	int i,j,n,tmpn=0,tmpfs;
-	sint *tmplen_array;
-	sint *tmpindex;
-	char **tmp_array;
-	char **tmpnames;
-	char **tmptitles;
-	panel_data data;
-	if (profile1_nseqs>0)
-	{
-		if (Message(MSG_YN,"Replace existing sequences ?")==ANS_NO)
-			return;
-	}
-	if (!GetInputFileName (filename,FILENAMELEN,"","")) return;
-	if(!profile2_empty)
-	{
-		tmpn=nseqs-profile1_nseqs;
-		tmpfs=profile1_nseqs;
-		tmpnames=(char **)ckalloc((tmpn+1)*sizeof(char *));
-		tmptitles=(char **)ckalloc((tmpn+1)*sizeof(char *));
-		tmplen_array=(sint *)ckalloc((tmpn+1)*sizeof(sint));
-		tmpindex=(sint *)ckalloc((tmpn+1)*sizeof(sint));
-		tmp_array=(char **)ckalloc((tmpn+1)*sizeof(char *));
-		for(i=profile1_nseqs+1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-		{
-			tmpnames[i-profile1_nseqs-1]=(char *)ckalloc((MAXNAMES+2)*sizeof(char));
-			tmptitles[i-profile1_nseqs-1]=(char *)ckalloc((MAXTITLES+2)*sizeof(char));
-			strcpy(tmpnames[i-profile1_nseqs-1],names[i]);
-			strcpy(tmptitles[i-profile1_nseqs-1],titles[i]);
-			tmplen_array[i-profile1_nseqs-1]=seqlen_array[i];
-			tmpindex[i-profile1_nseqs-1]=output_index[i]-tmpfs+profile1_nseqs;
-			tmp_array[i-profile1_nseqs-1]=(char *)ckalloc((seqlen_array[i]+2)*sizeof(char));
-			for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];j++)
-				tmp_array[i-profile1_nseqs-1][j]=seq_array[i][j];
-		}
-	}
-	strcpy(seqname,filename);
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].names,&data);
-	data.nseqs=0;
-	data.vseqs=0;
-	SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].names,&data);
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-	data.nseqs=0;
-	data.vseqs=0;
-	SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-        profile_no = 1;
-        n=profile_input();
-	if (n<=0)
-	{
-		info("File %s not loaded.",seqname);
-		return;
-	}
-	strcpy(profile1_name,seqname);
-	load_aln(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,TRUE);
-	if(tmpn!=0)
-	{
-		nseqs=tmpn+profile1_nseqs;
-		realloc_aln(profile1_nseqs+1,nseqs);
-		for(i=profile1_nseqs+1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-		{
-			names[i]=(char *)ckalloc((MAXNAMES+2)*sizeof(char));
-			titles[i]=(char *)ckalloc((MAXTITLES+2)*sizeof(char));
-			strcpy(names[i],tmpnames[i-profile1_nseqs-1]);
-			ckfree(tmpnames[i-profile1_nseqs-1]);
-			strcpy(titles[i],tmptitles[i-profile1_nseqs-1]);
-			ckfree(tmptitles[i-profile1_nseqs-1]);
-			seqlen_array[i]=tmplen_array[i-profile1_nseqs-1];
-			output_index[i]=tmpindex[i-profile1_nseqs-1]-tmpfs+profile1_nseqs;
-			seq_array[i]=(char *)ckalloc((seqlen_array[i]+2)*sizeof(char));
-			for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];j++)
-				seq_array[i][j]=tmp_array[i-profile1_nseqs-1][j];
-			ckfree(tmp_array[i-profile1_nseqs-1]);
-		}
-		ckfree(tmpnames);
-		ckfree(tmptitles);
-		ckfree(tmplen_array);
-		ckfree(tmpindex);
-		ckfree(tmp_array);
-		profile2_empty=FALSE;
-	}
-	load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,TRUE);
-	ncutseqs=0;
-	info("File %s loaded.",profile1_name);
-static void OpenPrf2File (IteM item)
-	int n;
-	panel_data data;
-	if(profile1_empty)
-	{
-		error("You must load profile 1 first.");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (nseqs>profile1_nseqs)
-	{
-		if (Message(MSG_YN,"Replace existing sequences ?")==ANS_NO)
-			return;
-	}
-	if (!GetInputFileName (filename,FILENAMELEN,"","")) return;
-	strcpy(seqname,filename);
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].names,&data);
-	data.nseqs=0;
-	data.vseqs=0;
-	SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].names,&data);
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-	data.nseqs=0;
-	data.vseqs=0;
-	SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-        profile_no = 2;
-        n=profile_input();
-	if (n<=0)
-	{
-		info("File %s not loaded.",seqname);
-		return;
-	}
-	strcpy(profile2_name,seqname);
-	ncutseqs=0;
-	load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,TRUE);
-	info("File %s loaded.",profile2_name);
-static void BlackandWhite(IteM item)
-	ncolors=1;
-	if (aln_mode == MULTIPLEM)
-		color_seqs();
-	else
-	{
-		color_prf1();
-		color_prf2();
-	}
-	usebw=TRUE;
-	usedefcolors=FALSE;
-	useusercolors=FALSE;
-        SetStatus(bw_item,usebw);
-        SetStatus(defcol_item,usedefcolors);
-        SetStatus(usercol_item,useusercolors);
-	info("Done.");
-static void DefColorPar(IteM item)
-	if (explicit_par_file != NULL)
-		ckfree(explicit_par_file);
-	explicit_par_file=NULL;
-	if(dnaflag)
-		par_file=find_file(def_dnapar_file);
-	else
-		par_file=find_file(def_protpar_file);
-	init_color_parameters(par_file);
-	if (aln_mode == MULTIPLEM)
-		color_seqs();
-	else
-	{
-		color_prf1();
-		color_prf2();
-	}
-	usebw=FALSE;
-	usedefcolors=TRUE;
-	useusercolors=FALSE;
-        SetStatus(bw_item,usebw);
-        SetStatus(defcol_item,usedefcolors);
-        SetStatus(usercol_item,useusercolors);
-	info("Done.");
-void set_reset_new_gaps(IteM i)
-        reset_alignments_new=GetStatus(i);
-	if(reset_alignments_new==TRUE)
-	{
-		reset_alignments_all=FALSE;
-        	SetStatus(all_gaps_item,reset_alignments_all);
-	}
-void set_reset_all_gaps(IteM i)
-        reset_alignments_all=GetStatus(i);
-	if(reset_alignments_all==TRUE)
-	{
-		reset_alignments_new=FALSE;
-        	SetStatus(new_gaps_item,reset_alignments_new);
-	}
-static void OpenColorParWin(IteM item)
-       read_file_window("Input Color File","COLOR PARAMETER FILE NAME:",explicit_par_file,OpenColorPar);
-static void OpenColorPar(ButtoN but)
-  /*<ramu> this might do to open a file selection window */
-  if (par_file != NULL)
-    ckfree(par_file);
-  par_file=(char *)ckalloc(FILENAMELEN*sizeof(char));
-  if (!GetInputFileName (par_file,FILENAMELEN,"par","")) return; 
-  /* GetTitle(readfiletext, filename, FILENAMELEN); */
-  /*  stripspace(filename); */
-  if (explicit_par_file != NULL)
-    ckfree(explicit_par_file);
-  explicit_par_file=(char *)ckalloc(FILENAMELEN*sizeof(char));
-  /*  if (par_file != NULL)
-    ckfree(par_file);
-    par_file=(char *)ckalloc(FILENAMELEN*sizeof(char)); 
-    strcpy(explicit_par_file,filename); */
-  strcpy(explicit_par_file,par_file);
-  /*strcpy(par_file,filename); */
-  info("Loading color file: %s\n",par_file);
-  init_color_parameters(par_file);
-  if (Visible(readfilew))
-    {
-      Remove(readfilew);
-      readfilew=NULL;
-    }
-  if (aln_mode == MULTIPLEM)
-    color_seqs();
-  else
-    {
-      color_prf1();
-      color_prf2();
-    }
-  usebw=FALSE;
-  usedefcolors=FALSE;
-  useusercolors=TRUE;
-  SetStatus(bw_item,usebw);
-  SetStatus(defcol_item,usedefcolors);
-  SetStatus(usercol_item,useusercolors);
-  info("Done.");
-static void RemoveGapPos(IteM item)
-	int i,j,sl;
-	Boolean sel=FALSE;
-	if (nseqs==0)
-	{
-		Message(MSG_OK,"No file loaded.");
-		return;
-	}
-	/*  no need for a confirmation!  Ramu
-	if (Message(MSG_YN,"Remove positions that contain gaps in all sequences ?")==ANS_NO)
-		return;
-	*/
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-	{
-		remove_gap_pos(1,nseqs,0);
-		load_aln(seq_panel,0,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		remove_gap_pos(1,profile1_nseqs,1);
-		load_aln(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,FALSE);
-		remove_gap_pos(profile1_nseqs+1,nseqs,2);
-		load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	}
-	/*	info("Gap positions removed.");*/
-	info("All the columns that contains only the gaps, are removed!");
-static void RemoveGaps(IteM item)
-	int i,j,sl;
-	panel_data data;
-	Boolean sel=FALSE;
-	if (nseqs==0)
-	{
-		Message(MSG_OK,"No file loaded.");
-		return;
-	}
-	GetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&data);
-	for (i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		if(data.selected[i]==TRUE)
-		{
-			sel=TRUE;
-			break;
-		}
-	if(sel==FALSE)
-	{
-		Message(MSG_OK,"Select sequences by clicking on the names.");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (Message(MSG_YN,"Remove gaps from selected sequences ?")==ANS_NO)
-		return;
-	for (i=data.firstseq+1;i<=data.firstseq+data.nseqs;i++)
-		if(data.selected[i-data.firstseq-1]==TRUE)
-		{
-                	sl=0;
-                	for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];++j) {
-                        	if((seq_array[i][j] == gap_pos1) ||
-                        	   (seq_array[i][j] == gap_pos2)) continue;
-                        	++sl;
-                        	seq_array[i][sl]=seq_array[i][j];
-                	}
-                        seq_array[i][sl+1]=-3;
-                	seqlen_array[i]=sl;
-		}
-	load_aln(active_panel,data.firstseq,data.firstseq+data.nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	active_panel.modified=TRUE;
-	info("Gaps in selected sequences removed.");
-static void CutSequences(IteM item)
-	int i,pos;
-	Boolean sel=FALSE;
-	panel_data data;
-	if (nseqs==0)
-	{
-		Message(MSG_OK,"No file loaded.");
-		return;
-	}
-	GetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&data);
-	for (i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		if(data.selected[i]==TRUE)
-		{
-			sel=TRUE;
-			pos=i;
-			break;
-		}
-	if(sel==FALSE)
-	{
-		Message(MSG_OK,"Select sequences to be cut by clicking on the names.");
-		return;
-	}
-	/*	if(ncutseqs>0)
-	{
-		if (Message(MSG_YN,"The previously cut sequences will be lost.\nDo you want to continue?")==ANS_NO) return;
-	}
-	*/
-	if (saveseqlen_array!=NULL) ckfree(saveseqlen_array);
-	if (saveseq_array!=NULL)
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<ncutseqs;i++)
-		{
-			if (saveseq_array[i]!=NULL) ckfree(saveseq_array[i]);
-		}
-		ckfree(saveseq_array);
-	}
-	if (savetitles!=NULL)
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<ncutseqs;i++)
-		{
-			if (savetitles[i]!=NULL) ckfree(savetitles[i]);
-		}
-		ckfree(savetitles);
-	}
-	if (savenames!=NULL)
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<ncutseqs;i++)
-		{
-			if (savenames[i]!=NULL) ckfree(savenames[i]);
-		}
-		ckfree(savenames);
-	}
-	ncutseqs=0;
-	savenames=(char **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1) * sizeof(char *));
-	savetitles=(char **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1) * sizeof(char *));
-	saveseq_array=(char **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1) * sizeof(char *));
-	saveseqlen_array=(sint *)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1) * sizeof(sint));
-	for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-	{
-		savenames[i]=NULL;
-		savetitles[i]=NULL;
-		saveseq_array[i]=NULL;
-	}
-	if (data.prf_no == 0)
-		cut_multiplem();
-	else if (data.prf_no == 1)
-		cut_profile1();
-	else if (data.prf_no == 2)
-		cut_profile2();
-	GetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&data);
-	if(pos>=data.nseqs) pos=data.nseqs-1;
-	if(data.nseqs>0)
-		data.selected[pos]=TRUE;
-	SetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&data);
-	DrawPanel(active_panel.names);
-	active_panel.modified=TRUE;
-	info("Cut %d sequences.",ncutseqs);
-static void cut_multiplem(void)
-	int i,j;
-	panel_data data;
-        GetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&data);
-	for (i=data.nseqs;i>0;i--)
-	{
-		if(data.selected[i-1]==TRUE)
-		{
-			ssave(i);
-			for(j=i;j<data.nseqs;j++)
-				sscpy(j,j+1);
-		}
-	}
-        nseqs-=ncutseqs;
-        if (nseqs<=0) empty=TRUE;
-	if (ncutseqs>0)
-		if(nseqs<=data.vseqs)
-			load_aln(active_panel,0,nseqs-1,TRUE);
-		else
-			load_aln(active_panel,0,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-static void cut_profile1(void)
-	int i,j;
-	panel_data data;
-        GetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&data);
-	for (i=data.nseqs;i>0;i--)
-	{
-		if(data.selected[i-1]==TRUE)
-		{
-			ssave(i);
-			for(j=i;j<nseqs;j++)
-				sscpy(j,j+1);
-		}
-	}
-        profile1_nseqs-=ncutseqs;
-	nseqs-=ncutseqs;
-        if (profile1_nseqs<=0) profile1_empty=TRUE;
-        if (nseqs<=0) empty=TRUE;
-	if (ncutseqs>0)
-	{
-		if(profile1_nseqs<=data.vseqs)
-			load_aln(active_panel,0,profile1_nseqs-1,TRUE);
-		else
-			load_aln(active_panel,0,profile1_nseqs-1,FALSE);
-		if (!profile2_empty)
-			load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	}
-static void cut_profile2(void)
-	int i,j;
-	panel_data data;
-        GetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&data);
-	for (i=data.nseqs;i>0;i--)
-	{
-		if(data.selected[i-1]==TRUE)
-		{
-			ssave(i+profile1_nseqs);
-			for(j=i+profile1_nseqs;j<nseqs;j++)
-				sscpy(j,j+1);
-		}
-	}
-        nseqs-=ncutseqs;
-        if (nseqs-profile1_nseqs<=0) profile2_empty=TRUE;
-        if (nseqs<=0) empty=TRUE;
-	if (ncutseqs>0)
-		if(nseqs-profile1_nseqs<=data.vseqs)
-			load_aln(active_panel,profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-		else
-			load_aln(active_panel,profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,TRUE);
-static void PasteSequences(IteM item)
-	int insert;
-	int i,n;
-	panel_data data;
-	if (ncutseqs<=0)
-	{
-		Message(MSG_OK,"No sequences available for pasting.\n"
-                  " Cut selected sequences first.");
-		 return;
-	}
-	GetPanelExtra(active_panel.names,&data);
-	n=ncutseqs;
-	insert=-1;
-        if (data.nseqs>0)
-        {
-                for(i=data.nseqs-1;i>=0;i--)
-                        if(data.selected[i]==TRUE)
-                        {
-                                insert=i;
-                                break;
-                        }
-                if (insert==-1)
-                {
-                        Message(MSG_OK,"Select a sequence by clicking on the name.\n"
-                        " Cut sequences will be pasted after this one.");
-			return;
-                }
-        }
-	if (data.prf_no == 2)
-	{
-		insert += profile1_nseqs;
-		for(i=profile1_nseqs+data.nseqs;i>insert+1;i--)
-			sscpy(i+ncutseqs,i);
-		for(i=1;ncutseqs>0;i++)
-			sload(insert+i+1);
-	}
-       	else
-	{
-		for(i=nseqs;i>insert+1;i--)
-			sscpy(i+ncutseqs,i);
-		for(i=1;ncutseqs>0;i++)
-			sload(insert+i+1);
-	}
-        if(data.prf_no==0)
-        {
-                nseqs=data.nseqs+n;
-                if (nseqs>0) empty=FALSE;
-		load_aln(seq_panel,0,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-        }
-        else if(data.prf_no==1)
-        {
-                profile1_nseqs=data.nseqs+n;
-                nseqs+=n;
-                if (profile1_nseqs>0) profile1_empty=FALSE;
-		load_aln(active_panel,0,profile1_nseqs-1,FALSE);
-		if (!profile2_empty)
-			load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-        }
-        else if(data.prf_no==2)
-        {
-                nseqs=profile1_nseqs+data.nseqs+n;
-                if (profile1_nseqs<nseqs)
-		{
-			profile2_empty=FALSE;
-			empty=FALSE;
-		}
-		load_aln(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,FALSE);
-		load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-        }
-	active_panel.modified=TRUE;
-	info("Pasted %d sequences.",n);
-/* copies a sequence from clustal arrays position j to temp arrays */
-static void ssave(int j)
-	int k;
-	if (saveseq_array[ncutseqs] != NULL) ckfree(saveseq_array[ncutseqs]);
-	if (savenames[ncutseqs] != NULL) ckfree(savenames[ncutseqs]);
-	if (savetitles[ncutseqs] != NULL) ckfree(savetitles[ncutseqs]);
-	savenames[ncutseqs]=(char *)ckalloc((MAXNAMES+2)*sizeof(char));
-	savetitles[ncutseqs]=(char *)ckalloc((MAXTITLES+2)*sizeof(char));
-	strcpy(savenames[ncutseqs],names[j]);
-	strcpy(savetitles[ncutseqs],titles[j]);
-	saveseqlen_array[ncutseqs]=seqlen_array[j];
-	saveseq_array[ncutseqs]=(char *)ckalloc((seqlen_array[j]+2)*sizeof(char));
-	for(k=1;k<=seqlen_array[j];k++)
-		saveseq_array[ncutseqs][k]=seq_array[j][k];
-	saveseq_array[ncutseqs][k]= -3;
-	ncutseqs++;
-/* copies a sequence from clustal arrays position i to position j */
-static void sscpy(int i,int j)
-	int k;
-	strcpy(names[i],names[j]);
-	strcpy(titles[i],titles[j]);
-	seqlen_array[i]=seqlen_array[j];
-	realloc_seq(i,seqlen_array[i]);
-	for(k=1;k<=seqlen_array[j];k++)
-		seq_array[i][k]=seq_array[j][k];
-	seq_array[i][k]= -3;
-/* copies last sequence in temp arrays to clustal arrays after entry i */
-static void sload(int i)
-	int k;
-	if (ncutseqs<1) return;
-	ncutseqs--;
-	strcpy(names[i],savenames[ncutseqs]);
-	strcpy(titles[i],savetitles[ncutseqs]);
-	seqlen_array[i]=saveseqlen_array[ncutseqs];
-	realloc_seq(i,seqlen_array[i]);
-	for(k=1;k<=seqlen_array[i];k++)
-		seq_array[i][k]=saveseq_array[ncutseqs][k];
-	seq_array[i][k]= -3;
-static void SelectSeqs(IteM item)
-	select_seqs(seq_panel,TRUE);
-static void SelectPrf1(IteM item)
-	select_seqs(prf_panel[0],TRUE);
-static void SelectPrf2(IteM item)
-	select_seqs(prf_panel[1],TRUE);
-static void MergeProfiles(IteM item)
-        if (profile2_empty)
-        {
-                error("Profile 2 not loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-	profile_no=1;
-	profile1_nseqs=nseqs;
-	profile2_empty=TRUE;
-	load_aln(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	active_panel=prf_panel[0];
-	info("Added Profile 2 to Profile 1.");
-static void ClearSeqRange(IteM item)
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-		clear_seqrange(seq_panel);
-	else
-	{
-		clear_seqrange(prf_panel[1]);
-		clear_seqrange(prf_panel[0]);
-	}
-static void ClearSeqs(IteM item)
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-		select_seqs(seq_panel,FALSE);
-	else
-	{
-		select_seqs(prf_panel[1],FALSE);
-		select_seqs(prf_panel[0],FALSE);
-	}
-static void clear_seqrange(spanel p)
-	int f,l;
-	panel_data data;
-	GetPanelExtra(p.seqs,&data);
-	f=data.firstsel;
-	l=data.lastsel;
-	data.firstsel=data.lastsel=-1;
-	SetPanelExtra(p.seqs,&data);
-	highlight_seqrange(p.seqs,f,l,NORMAL);
-static void select_seqs(spanel p,Boolean flag)
-	int i;
-	panel_data data;
-	GetPanelExtra(p.names,&data);
-	if (data.nseqs == 0) return;
-	for (i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		data.selected[i]=flag;
-	SetPanelExtra(p.names,&data);
-	draw_names(p.names);
-	if(flag==TRUE) active_panel=p;
-static void CAlignWin (IteM item)
-        if (empty)
-        {
-                error("No sequences loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-        if (nseqs <= 1)
-	{
-                error("Alignment has only %d sequences",nseqs);
-                return;
-        }
-	do_align_window(&calignw,&ctreetext,NEW,"Complete Alignment",CompleteAlign);
-void CompleteAlign(ButtoN but)
-	char phylip_name[FILENAMELEN];
-    float etime = 0;
-    /* time_t startTime, timeElapsed; */
-	GetTitle(ctreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-        strcpy(phylip_name,filename);
-	if (!open_aln_files()) return;
-	WatchCursor();
-	if (Visible(calignw))
-	{
-		Remove(calignw);
-		calignw=NULL;
-	}
-	cputime(0);  /*  Start timing ........  Ramu */
-	/* startTime = GetSecs(); */
-        align(phylip_name);
-	if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-	{
-		fclose(save_log_fd);
-		save_log_fd=NULL;
-	}
-/* reload the sequences from the output file (so that the sequence order is
-correct - either INPUT or ALIGNED , don't output messages */
-	reload_alignment();
-        load_aln(seq_panel,0,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	ArrowCursor();
-	/* timeElapsed = GetSecs() - startTime;   */
-	info("\n Elapsed time : %7.2f  Secs ",cputime(0));  /*  Ramu   */
-static void RealignSeqsWin (IteM item)
-	int i;
-	Boolean sel=FALSE;
-	panel_data data;
-        if (empty)
-        {
-                error("No sequences loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-        if (nseqs <= 1)
-	{
-                error("Alignment has only %d sequences",nseqs);
-                return;
-        }
-/* check some sequences have been selected */
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-	for (i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-		if(data.selected[i]==TRUE)
-		{
-			sel=TRUE;
-			break;
-		}
-	if(sel==FALSE)
-	{
-		Message(MSG_OK,"Select sequences to be realigned\n"
-                               "by clicking on the names.");
-		return;
-	}
-	do_align_window(&ralignw,&rtreetext,NEW,"Realign Sequences",RealignSeqs);
-static void RealignSeqs(ButtoN but)
-	int insert;
-	int i,j,n;
-	panel_data data;
-	char phylip_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	GetTitle(rtreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-        strcpy(phylip_name,filename);
-	if (!open_aln_files()) return;
-/* cut selected sequences */
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-	if (saveseqlen_array!=NULL) ckfree(saveseqlen_array);
-	if (saveseq_array!=NULL)
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<ncutseqs;i++)
-		{
-			if (saveseq_array[i]!=NULL) ckfree(saveseq_array[i]);
-		}
-		ckfree(saveseq_array);
-	}
-	if (savetitles!=NULL)
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<ncutseqs;i++)
-		{
-			if (savetitles[i]!=NULL) ckfree(savetitles[i]);
-		}
-		ckfree(savetitles);
-	}
-	if (savenames!=NULL)
-	{
-		for(i=0;i<ncutseqs;i++)
-		{
-			if (savenames[i]!=NULL) ckfree(savenames[i]);
-		}
-		ckfree(savenames);
-	}
-	ncutseqs=0;
-	savenames=(char **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1) * sizeof(char *));
-	savetitles=(char **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1) * sizeof(char *));
-	saveseq_array=(char **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1) * sizeof(char *));
-	saveseqlen_array=(sint *)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1) * sizeof(sint));
-	for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-	{
-		savenames[i]=NULL;
-		savetitles[i]=NULL;
-		saveseq_array[i]=NULL;
-	}
-	for (i=data.nseqs;i>0;i--)
-	{
-		if(data.selected[i-1]==TRUE)
-		{
-			ssave(i);
-			for(j=i;j<data.nseqs;j++)
-				sscpy(j,j+1);
-		}
-	}
-        nseqs=data.nseqs-ncutseqs;
-        if (nseqs<=0) empty=TRUE;
-/* paste selected sequences at the end */
-	n=ncutseqs;
-	profile1_nseqs=nseqs;
-	insert=profile1_nseqs-1;
-	for(i=nseqs;i>insert+1;i--)
-		sscpy(i+ncutseqs,i);
-	for(i=1;ncutseqs>0;i++)
-		sload(insert+i+1);
-        nseqs=profile1_nseqs+n;
-/* align profile 2 sequences to profile 1 */
-	WatchCursor();
-	if (Visible(ralignw))
-	{
-		Remove(ralignw);
-		ralignw=NULL;
-	}
-        new_sequence_align(phylip_name);
-	if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-	{
-		fclose(save_log_fd);
-		save_log_fd=NULL;
-	}
-/* reload the sequences from the output file (so that the sequence order is
-correct - either INPUT or ALIGNED */
-	reload_alignment();
-	load_aln(seq_panel,0,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-	for (i=0;i<profile1_nseqs;i++)
-		data.selected[i]=FALSE;
-	for (i=profile1_nseqs;i<nseqs;i++)
-		data.selected[i]=TRUE;
-	SetPanelExtra(seq_panel.names,&data);
-	draw_names(seq_panel.names);
-	ArrowCursor();
-	info("Selected sequences realigned.");
-static void RealignSeqRangeWin (IteM item)
-	panel_data data;
-	GrouP aligngr;
-	GrouP output_list;
-	ButtoN align_ok, align_can;
-	GrouP maing;
-	PopuP end_gap_toggle;
-	char name[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
-        if (empty)
-        {
-                error("No sequences loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-        if (nseqs <= 1)
-	{
-                error("Alignment has only %d sequences",nseqs);
-                return;
-        }
-/* check a range has been selected */
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-	if(data.firstsel==-1)
-	{
-		Message(MSG_OK,"Select residue range to be realigned\n"
-                               "by clicking in the sequence display area.");
-		return;
-	}
-	get_path(seqname,path);
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	rralignw=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10,"Realign Residue Range",RemoveWin);
-	maing=HiddenGroup(rralignw,2,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,0,10);
-	make_prompt(rralignw, "Output Guide Tree File:");
-        stdLineHeight=18;
-        SelectFont(programFont);
-	Break(rralignw);
-	rrtreetext=DialogText(rralignw, "", 35, NULL);
-	strcpy(name,path);
-	strcat(name,"dnd");
-	SetTitle(rrtreetext, name);
-	Break(rralignw);
-	make_prompt(rralignw, "Output Alignment Files:");
-	output_list=HiddenGroup(rralignw, 2, 0, NULL);
-	if(output_clustal) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"Clustal: ");
-		cl_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"aln");
-		SetTitle(cl_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_nbrf) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"NBRF/PIR: ");
-		pir_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"pir");
-		SetTitle(pir_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_gcg) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"GCG/MSF: ");
-		msf_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"msf");
-		SetTitle(msf_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_phylip) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"Phylip: ");
-		phylip_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"phy");
-		SetTitle(phylip_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_gde) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"GDE: ");
-		gde_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"gde");
-		SetTitle(gde_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_nexus) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"Nexus: ");
-		nexus_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"nxs");
-		SetTitle(nexus_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	Break(rralignw);
-	end_gap_toggle=make_toggle(rralignw,"Realign Segment End Gap Penalties","ON","OFF",&realign_endgappenalties,set_realign_endgappenalties);
-	Break(rralignw);
-	aligngr=HiddenGroup(rralignw, 2, 0, NULL);
-	shift(aligngr, 60, 20);
-	align_ok=PushButton(aligngr, " ALIGN ", RealignSeqRange);
-	shift(aligngr, 20,0);
-	align_can=PushButton(aligngr, "CANCEL", CancelWin);
-	Show(rralignw);
-static void RealignSeqRange(ButtoN but)
-	int i,j;
-	int fs,save_order,length,length1,length2;
-	panel_data data;
-	sint *tmplen_array;
-	char **tmp_array;
-	sint *newlen_array;
-	char **new_array;
-	char phylip_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	GetTitle(rrtreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-        strcpy(phylip_name,filename);
-	if (!open_aln_files()) return;
-	WatchCursor();
-	if (Visible(rralignw))
-	{
-		Remove(rralignw);
-		rralignw=NULL;
-	}
-/* save the alignment into a temporary area */
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-	tmplen_array=(sint *)ckalloc((data.nseqs+2) * sizeof(sint));
-	tmp_array=(char **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+2) * sizeof(char *));
-	for (i=1;i<=data.nseqs;i++)
-	{
-		tmplen_array[i]=seqlen_array[i];
-		tmp_array[i]=(char *)ckalloc((data.ncols+2) * sizeof(char));
-		for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];j++)
-			tmp_array[i][j]=seq_array[i][j];
-		for(j=seqlen_array[i]+1;j<=data.ncols;j++)
-			tmp_array[i][j]=gap_pos2;
-	}
-/* copy the selected residue range to the clustal alignment arrays */
-	fs=data.firstsel;
-	length=data.lastsel-data.firstsel+1;
-	max_aln_length=2*length;
-	for (i=1;i<=data.nseqs;i++)
-	{
-		seqlen_array[i]=length;
-		realloc_seq(i,length);
-		for(j=data.firstsel;j<=data.lastsel;j++)
-			seq_array[i][j-data.firstsel+1]=tmp_array[i][j+1];
-		seq_array[i][j-data.firstsel+1]=-3;
-	}
-/* temporarily set the output order to be the same as the input */
-	save_order=output_order;
-	output_order=INPUT;
-/* set the end gaps penalties */
-	endgappenalties=realign_endgappenalties;
-/* align the residue range */
-        align(phylip_name);
-	if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-	{
-		fclose(save_log_fd);
-		save_log_fd=NULL;
-	}
-	output_order=save_order;
-/* reset the end gaps penalties */
-	endgappenalties=align_endgappenalties;
-/* remove positions that contain just gaps */
-	remove_gap_pos(1,nseqs,0);
-/* save the new alignment into another temporary area */
-	newlen_array=(sint *)ckalloc((data.nseqs+2) * sizeof(sint));
-	new_array=(char **)ckalloc((data.nseqs+2) * sizeof(char *));
-	for (i=1;i<=data.nseqs;i++)
-	{
-		newlen_array[i]=seqlen_array[i];
-		new_array[i]=(char *)ckalloc((seqlen_array[i]+2) * sizeof(char));
-		for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];j++)
-			new_array[i][j]=seq_array[i][j];
-	}
-/* paste the realigned range back into the alignment */
-	max_aln_length=0;
-	length1=length2=0;
-	for (i=1;i<=data.nseqs;i++)
-	{
-		length1=tmplen_array[i]-length+newlen_array[i];
-		if(length1>max_aln_length) max_aln_length=length1;
-		length2=newlen_array[i];
-		seqlen_array[i]=length1;
-		realloc_seq(i,length1);
-		for(j=1;j<=data.firstsel;j++)
-			seq_array[i][j]=tmp_array[i][j];
-		for(j=data.firstsel+1;j<=data.firstsel+length2;j++)
-			seq_array[i][j]=new_array[i][j-data.firstsel];
-		for(j=data.firstsel+length2+1;j<=length1;j++)
-			seq_array[i][j]=tmp_array[i][data.lastsel+j-data.firstsel-length2+1];
-	}
-	max_aln_length*=2;
-	ckfree(tmplen_array);
-	for(i=1;i<=data.nseqs;i++)
-		ckfree(tmp_array[i]);
-	ckfree(tmp_array);
-	ckfree(newlen_array);
-	for(i=1;i<=data.nseqs;i++)
-		ckfree(new_array[i]);
-	ckfree(new_array);
-	if (open_aln_files())
-        	create_alignment_output(1,data.nseqs);
-	load_aln(seq_panel,0,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-	data.firstsel=fs;
-	data.lastsel=data.firstsel+length2-1;
-	SetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-	highlight_seqrange(seq_panel.seqs,data.firstsel,data.lastsel,HIGHLIGHT);
-	ArrowCursor();
-	info("Selected sequence range realigned.");
-void AlignFromTreeWin(IteM item)
-        if (empty)
-        {
-                error("No sequences loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-        if (nseqs < 2)
-	{
-                error("Alignment has only %d sequences",nseqs);
-                return;
-        }
-	do_align_window(&talignw,&ttreetext,OLD,"Alignment from Guide Tree",AlignFromTree);
-static void do_align_window(WindoW *ralignw,TexT *rtreetext,Boolean treestatus,char *title,void align_proc(ButtoN but))
-	WindoW alignw;
-	TexT treetext;
-	GrouP aligngr;
-	GrouP output_list;
-	ButtoN align_ok, align_can;
-	GrouP maing;
-	char name[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	get_path(seqname,path);
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	alignw=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10,title,RemoveWin);
-	maing=HiddenGroup(alignw,2,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,0,10);
-	if(treestatus==NEW)
-		make_prompt(alignw, "Output Guide Tree File:");
-	else 
-		make_prompt(alignw, "Input Guide Tree File:");
-       	stdLineHeight=18;
-       	SelectFont(programFont);
-	Break(alignw);
-	treetext=DialogText(alignw, "", 35, NULL);
-	strcpy(name,path);
-	strcat(name,"dnd");
-	SetTitle(treetext, name);
-	Break(alignw);
-	make_prompt(alignw, "Output Alignment Files:");
-	output_list=HiddenGroup(alignw, 2, 0, NULL);
-	if(output_clustal) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"Clustal: ");
-		cl_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"aln");
-		SetTitle(cl_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_nbrf) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"NBRF/PIR: ");
-		pir_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"pir");
-		SetTitle(pir_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_gcg) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"GCG/MSF: ");
-		msf_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"msf");
-		SetTitle(msf_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_phylip) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"Phylip: ");
-		phylip_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"phy");
-		SetTitle(phylip_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_gde) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"GDE: ");
-		gde_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"gde");
-		SetTitle(gde_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_nexus) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"Nexus: ");
-		nexus_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"nxs");
-		SetTitle(nexus_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-/* Ramu */
-	if(output_fasta) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"Fasta: ");
-		fasta_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"fasta");
-		SetTitle(fasta_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-/* Ramu */
-	Break(alignw);
-	aligngr=HiddenGroup(alignw, 2, 0, NULL);
-	shift(aligngr, 60, 20);
-	align_ok=PushButton(aligngr, " ALIGN ", align_proc);
-	shift(aligngr, 20,0);
-	align_can=PushButton(aligngr, "CANCEL", CancelWin);
-	*ralignw=alignw;
-	*rtreetext=treetext;
-	Show(alignw);
-static void do_palign_window(WindoW *ralignw,TexT *rtree1text,TexT *rtree2text,Boolean treestatus,char *title,void align_proc(ButtoN but))
-	Boolean istree=FALSE;
-	WindoW alignw;
-	TexT tree1text,tree2text;
-	GrouP aligngr;
-	GrouP output_list;
-	ButtoN align_ok, align_can;
-	GrouP maing;
-	char name[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	char path[FILENAMELEN+1];
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	alignw=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10,title,RemoveWin);
-	maing=HiddenGroup(alignw,2,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,0,10);
-	if(treestatus==NEW) 
-		make_prompt(alignw, "Output Guide Tree Files:");
-	else 
-		make_prompt(alignw, "Input Guide Tree Files:");
-        stdLineHeight=18;
-        SelectFont(programFont);
-	Break(alignw);
-	tree1text=DialogText(alignw, "", 35, NULL);
-	get_path(profile1_name,path);
-	strcpy(name,path);
-	strcat(name,"dnd");
-	SetTitle(tree1text, name);
-	Break(alignw);
-	tree2text=DialogText(alignw, "", 35, NULL);
-	get_path(profile2_name,path);
-	strcpy(name,path);
-	strcat(name,"dnd");
-	SetTitle(tree2text, name);
-	Break(alignw);
-	make_prompt(alignw, "Output Alignment Files:");
-	output_list=HiddenGroup(alignw, 2, 0, NULL);
-	if(output_clustal) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"Clustal: ");
-		cl_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"aln");
-		SetTitle(cl_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_nbrf) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"NBRF/PIR: ");
-		pir_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"pir");
-		SetTitle(pir_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_gcg) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"GCG/MSF: ");
-		msf_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"msf");
-		SetTitle(msf_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_phylip) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"Phylip: ");
-		phylip_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"phy");
-		SetTitle(phylip_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_gde) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"GDE: ");
-		gde_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"gde");
-		SetTitle(gde_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-	if(output_nexus) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"Nexus: ");
-		nexus_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"nxs");
-		SetTitle(nexus_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-/* Ramu */
-	if(output_fasta) {
-		make_prompt(output_list,"Fasta: ");
-		fasta_outtext=DialogText(output_list, "", 35, NULL);
-		strcpy(name,path);
-		strcat(name,"fasta");
-		SetTitle(fasta_outtext, name);
-		Break(output_list);
-	}
-/* Ramu */
-	Break(alignw);
-	aligngr=HiddenGroup(alignw, 2, 0, NULL);
-	shift(aligngr, 60, 20);
-	align_ok=PushButton(aligngr, " ALIGN ", align_proc);
-	shift(aligngr, 20,0);
-	align_can=PushButton(aligngr, "CANCEL", CancelWin);
-	*ralignw=alignw;
-	*rtree1text=tree1text;
-	*rtree2text=tree2text;
-	Show(alignw);
-void AlignFromTree(ButtoN but)
-	FILE *tree;
-	char phylip_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	GetTitle(ttreetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-        strcpy(phylip_name,filename);
-#ifdef VMS
-        if((tree=fopen(phylip_name,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var"))==NULL) {
-        if((tree=fopen(phylip_name,"r"))==NULL) {
-                error("Cannot open tree file [%s]",phylip_name);
-                return;
-        }
-	if (!open_aln_files()) return;
-	WatchCursor();
-	info("Doing alignments from guide tree...");
-	if (Visible(talignw))
-	{
-		Remove(talignw);
-		talignw=NULL;
-	}
-	get_tree(phylip_name);
-	if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-	{
-		fclose(save_log_fd);
-		save_log_fd=NULL;
-	}
-/* reload the sequences from the output file (so that the sequence order is
-correct - either INPUT or ALIGNED */
-	reload_alignment();
-        load_aln(seq_panel,0,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	ArrowCursor();
-	info("Done.");
-static void PrfPrfAlignWin (IteM item)
-        if (profile1_empty)
-        {
-                error("Profile 1 not loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-        if (profile2_empty)
-        {
-                error("Profile 2 not loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-	do_palign_window(&palignw,&ptree1text,&ptree2text,NEW,"Profile to Profile Alignment",PrfPrfAlign);
-static void PrfPrfTreeAlignWin (IteM item)
-        if (profile1_empty)
-        {
-                error("Profile 1 not loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-        if (profile2_empty)
-        {
-                error("Profile 2 not loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-	do_palign_window(&palignw,&ptree1text,&ptree2text,OLD,"Profile Alignment from Tree",PrfPrfTreeAlign);
-static void SeqPrfAlignWin (IteM item)
-        if (profile1_empty)
-        {
-                error("Profile 1 not loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-        if (profile2_empty)
-        {
-                error("Profile 2 not loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-	do_align_window(&salignw,&streetext,NEW,"Sequence to Profile Alignment",SeqPrfAlign);
-static void SeqPrfTreeAlignWin (IteM item)
-        if (profile1_empty)
-        {
-                error("Profile 1 not loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-        if (profile2_empty)
-        {
-                error("Profile 2 not loaded");
-                return;
-        }
-	do_align_window(&salignw,&streetext,OLD,"Sequence to Profile Alignment from Tree",SeqPrfTreeAlign);
-static void PrfPrfAlign(ButtoN but)
-	char p1_tree_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	char p2_tree_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	GetTitle(ptree1text, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-	use_tree1_file=FALSE;
-       	strcpy(p1_tree_name,filename);
-	GetTitle(ptree2text, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-	use_tree2_file=FALSE;
-       	strcpy(p2_tree_name,filename);
-	if (!open_aln_files()) return;
-	WatchCursor();
-	if (Visible(palignw))
-	{
-		Remove(palignw);
-		palignw=NULL;
-	}
-        profile_align(p1_tree_name,p2_tree_name);
-	if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-	{
-		fclose(save_log_fd);
-		save_log_fd=NULL;
-	}
-	load_aln(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	ArrowCursor();
-static void PrfPrfTreeAlign(ButtoN but)
-	char p1_tree_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	char p2_tree_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	GetTitle(ptree1text, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-	if(filename[0]!=EOS) use_tree1_file=TRUE;
-       	strcpy(p1_tree_name,filename);
-	GetTitle(ptree2text, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-	if(filename[0]!=EOS) use_tree2_file=TRUE;
-       	strcpy(p2_tree_name,filename);
-	if (!open_aln_files()) return;
-	WatchCursor();
-	if (Visible(palignw))
-	{
-		Remove(palignw);
-		palignw=NULL;
-	}
-        profile_align(p1_tree_name,p2_tree_name);
-	if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-	{
-		fclose(save_log_fd);
-		save_log_fd=NULL;
-	}
-	load_aln(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	ArrowCursor();
-static void SeqPrfAlign(ButtoN but)
-	char phylip_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	GetTitle(streetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-        strcpy(phylip_name,filename);
-	use_tree_file=FALSE;
-	if (!open_aln_files()) return;
-	WatchCursor();
-	if (Visible(salignw))
-	{
-		Remove(salignw);
-		salignw=NULL;
-	}
-        new_sequence_align(phylip_name);
-	if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-	{
-		fclose(save_log_fd);
-		save_log_fd=NULL;
-	}
-/* reload the sequences from the output file (so that the sequence order is
-correct - either INPUT or ALIGNED */
-	reload_alignment();
-	load_aln(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	ArrowCursor();
-static void SeqPrfTreeAlign(ButtoN but)
-	char phylip_name[FILENAMELEN];
-	GetTitle(streetext, filename, FILENAMELEN);
-	stripspace(filename);
-        strcpy(phylip_name,filename);
-	use_tree_file=TRUE;
-	if (!open_aln_files()) return;
-	WatchCursor();
-	if (Visible(salignw))
-	{
-		Remove(salignw);
-		salignw=NULL;
-	}
-        new_sequence_align(phylip_name);
-	if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-	{
-		fclose(save_log_fd);
-		save_log_fd=NULL;
-	}
-/* reload the sequences from the output file (so that the sequence order is
-correct - either INPUT or ALIGNED */
-	reload_alignment();
-	load_aln(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	ArrowCursor();
-void reload_alignment(void)
-	int i,k;
-	sint     *sseqlen_array;
-	char     **sseq_array;
-	char     **snames, **stitles;
-	if (nseqs==0) return;
-	if (output_order == INPUT) return;
-	snames=(char **)ckalloc((nseqs+2) * sizeof(char *));
-	stitles=(char **)ckalloc((nseqs+2) * sizeof(char *));
-	sseq_array=(char **)ckalloc((nseqs+2) * sizeof(char *));
-	sseqlen_array=(sint *)ckalloc((nseqs+2) * sizeof(sint));
-	for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-	{
-		snames[i]=(char *)ckalloc((MAXNAMES+2)*sizeof(char));
-		stitles[i]=(char *)ckalloc((MAXTITLES+2)*sizeof(char));
-		sseq_array[i]=(char *)ckalloc((seqlen_array[output_index[i]]+2)*sizeof(char));
-		strcpy(snames[i],names[output_index[i]]);
-		strcpy(stitles[i],titles[output_index[i]]);
-		sseqlen_array[i]=seqlen_array[output_index[i]];
-		for(k=1;k<=seqlen_array[output_index[i]];k++)
-			sseq_array[i][k]=seq_array[output_index[i]][k];
-	}
-	for (i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-	{
-		strcpy(names[i],snames[i]);
-		strcpy(titles[i],stitles[i]);
-		seqlen_array[i]=sseqlen_array[i];
-		realloc_seq(i,seqlen_array[i]);
-		for(k=1;k<=seqlen_array[i];k++)
-			seq_array[i][k]=sseq_array[i][k];
-		output_index[i]=i;
-	}
-	ckfree(sseqlen_array);
-	for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-		ckfree(sseq_array[i]);
-	ckfree(sseq_array);
-	for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-		ckfree(stitles[i]);
-	ckfree(stitles);
-	for(i=1;i<=nseqs;i++)
-		ckfree(snames[i]);
-	ckfree(snames);
-	ncutseqs=0;
-static void SegmentWin(IteM item)
-	WindoW w;
-	GrouP maing;
-	ButtoN closeb;
-	GrouP mat_list;
-	ButtoN matrixb[5];
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	w=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "Low-Scoring Segment Parameters",RemoveWin);
-	maing=HiddenGroup(w,0,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,20,10);
-	closeb=PushButton(maing, "CLOSE", CancelWin);
-	Break(maing);
-	/*PushButton(maing, "Calculate Low-Scoring Segments", calc_segment_exceptions);
-	Break(maing);*/
-	length_cutofftext=make_scale(maing,"Minimum Length of Segments:",9,length_cutoff,19,set_lengthcutoff);
-	Break(maing);
-	segmentdnascaletext=make_scale(maing,"DNA Marking Scale:",9,segment_dnascale,9,set_segment_dnascale);
-	if(!dnaflag) Disable(segmentdnascaletext);
-	Break(maing);
-	mat_list=NormalGroup(maing,4,0,"Protein Weight Matrix",systemFont,set_segment_matrix);
-	matrixb[0]=RadioButton(mat_list,"Gonnet PAM 80");
-	matrixb[1]=RadioButton(mat_list,"Gonnet PAM 120");
-	matrixb[2]=RadioButton(mat_list,"Gonnet PAM 250");
-	matrixb[3]=RadioButton(mat_list,"Gonnet PAM 350");
-	matrixb[4]=RadioButton(mat_list,"User defined");
-	SetValue(mat_list,segment_matnum);
-	seg_matrix_list=mat_list;
-	Break(maing);
-	PushButton(maing, "Load protein matrix: ", set_segment_user_matrix);
-	Advance(maing);
-	segmentmattext=StaticPrompt(maing,"", MAXPROMPTLEN, dialogTextHeight, systemFont, 'l');
-	SetTitle(segmentmattext,segment_mtrxname);
-	Break(maing);
-	mat_list=NormalGroup(maing,4,0,"DNA Weight Matrix",systemFont,set_segment_dnamatrix);
-	matrixb[0]=RadioButton(mat_list,"IUB");
-	matrixb[1]=RadioButton(mat_list,"CLUSTALW(1.6)");
-	matrixb[2]=RadioButton(mat_list,"User defined");
-	SetValue(mat_list,segment_dnamatnum);
-	seg_dnamatrix_list=matrix_list;
-	Break(maing);
-	PushButton(maing, "Load DNA matrix: ", set_segment_user_dnamatrix);
-	Advance(maing);
-	segmentdnamattext=StaticPrompt(maing,"", MAXPROMPTLEN, dialogTextHeight, systemFont, 'l');
-	SetTitle(segmentdnamattext,segment_dnamtrxname);
-	Break(maing);
-	Show(w);
-static void ScoreWin(IteM item)
-	WindoW w;
-	GrouP maing;
-	ButtoN closeb;
-	GrouP mat_list;
-	PopuP show_exceptions;
-	ButtoN matrixb[6];
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	w=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "Score Parameters",RemoveWin);
-	maing=HiddenGroup(w,0,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,20,10);
-	closeb=PushButton(maing, "CLOSE", CancelWin);
-	Break(maing);
-/* add a scale to set the scaling value for the alignment scoring function */
-	scorescaletext=make_scale(maing,"Score Plot Scale:",9,score_scale,9,set_scorescale);
-	Break(maing);
-	residue_cutofftext=make_scale(maing,"Residue Exception Cutoff:",9,score_cutoff,9,set_scorecutoff);
-	Break(maing);
-	mat_list=NormalGroup(maing,4,0,"Protein Weight Matrix",systemFont,set_score_matrix);
-	matrixb[0]=RadioButton(mat_list,"Identity");
-	matrixb[1]=RadioButton(mat_list,"Gonnet PAM 80");
-	matrixb[2]=RadioButton(mat_list,"Gonnet PAM 120");
-	matrixb[3]=RadioButton(mat_list,"Gonnet PAM 250");
-	matrixb[4]=RadioButton(mat_list,"Gonnet PAM 350");
-	matrixb[5]=RadioButton(mat_list,"User defined");
-	SetValue(mat_list,score_matnum);
-	score_matrix_list=mat_list;
-	Break(maing);
-	PushButton(maing, "Load protein matrix: ", set_score_user_matrix);
-	Advance(maing);
-	scoremattext=StaticPrompt(maing,"", MAXPROMPTLEN, dialogTextHeight, systemFont, 'l');
-	SetTitle(scoremattext,score_mtrxname);
-	Break(maing);
-	mat_list=NormalGroup(maing,4,0,"DNA Weight Matrix",systemFont,set_score_dnamatrix);
-	matrixb[0]=RadioButton(mat_list,"IUB");
-	matrixb[1]=RadioButton(mat_list,"CLUSTALW(1.6)");
-	matrixb[2]=RadioButton(mat_list,"User defined");
-	SetValue(mat_list,score_dnamatnum);
-	score_dnamatrix_list=mat_list;
-	Break(maing);
-	PushButton(maing, "Load DNA matrix: ", set_score_user_dnamatrix);
-	Advance(maing);
-	scorednamattext=StaticPrompt(maing,"", MAXPROMPTLEN, dialogTextHeight, systemFont, 'l');
-	SetTitle(scorednamattext,score_dnamtrxname);
-	Break(maing);
-	Show (w);
-static void PWParameters(IteM item)
-	int i;
-	WindoW w;
-	PoinT pt;
-	GrouP maing;
-	ButtoN closeb;
-	TexT go_scale,ge_scale;
-	TexT gp_scale,ktuple_scale,topdiags_scale,window_scale;
-	PopuP fs_toggle;
-	GrouP mat_list;
-	ButtoN matrixb[5];
-	char str[FILENAMELEN];
-        if(dnaflag) {
-                gap_open   = dna_gap_open;
-                gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
-                pw_go_penalty     = dna_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty     = dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = dna_ktup;
-                window     = dna_window;
-                signif     = dna_signif;
-                wind_gap   = dna_wind_gap;
-        }
-        else {
-                gap_open   = prot_gap_open;
-                gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
-                pw_go_penalty     = prot_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty     = prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = prot_ktup;
-                window     = prot_window;
-                signif     = prot_signif;
-                wind_gap   = prot_wind_gap;
-        }
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	w=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "Pairwise Parameters",RemoveWin);
-	maing=HiddenGroup(w,0,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,0,10);
-	closeb=PushButton(maing, "CLOSE", CancelWin);
-	Break(maing);
-	fs_toggle=make_toggle(maing,"Pairwise Alignments :","Fast-Approximate","Slow-Accurate",&quick_pairalign,set_fs_toggle);
-	Break(maing);
-	GetNextPosition(maing,&pt);
-	slow_para=NormalGroup(maing,0,0,"Pairwise Parameters",systemFont,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(slow_para,0,10);
-	make_prompt(slow_para, "Gap Opening [0-100] :");
-	Advance(slow_para);
-	sprintf(str,"%.2f",pw_go_penalty);
-	go_scale=DialogText(slow_para, str, 5, set_pw_go_penalty);
-	Break(slow_para);
-	make_prompt(slow_para, "Gap Extension [0-100] :");
-	Advance(slow_para);
-	sprintf(str,"%.2f",pw_ge_penalty);
-	ge_scale=DialogText(slow_para, str, 5, set_pw_ge_penalty);
-	Break(slow_para);
-	mat_list=NormalGroup(slow_para,4,0,"Protein Weight Matrix",systemFont,set_pw_matrix);
-	for(i=0;i<pw_matrix_menu.noptions;i++)
-		matrixb[i]=RadioButton(mat_list,pw_matrix_menu.opt[i].title);
-	SetValue(mat_list,pw_matnum);
-	pw_matrix_list=mat_list;
-	Break(slow_para);
-	PushButton(slow_para, "Load protein matrix: ", set_pw_user_matrix);
-	Advance(slow_para);
-	pwmattext=StaticPrompt(slow_para,"", MAXPROMPTLEN, dialogTextHeight, systemFont, 'l');
-	SetTitle(pwmattext,pw_usermtrxname);
-	Break(slow_para);
-	mat_list=NormalGroup(slow_para,4,0,"DNA Weight Matrix",systemFont,set_pw_dnamatrix);
-	for(i=0;i<dnamatrix_menu.noptions;i++)
-		matrixb[i]=RadioButton(mat_list,dnamatrix_menu.opt[i].title);
-	SetValue(mat_list,pw_dnamatnum);
-	pw_dnamatrix_list=mat_list;
-	Break(slow_para);
-	PushButton(slow_para, "Load DNA matrix: ", set_pw_user_dnamatrix);
-	Advance(slow_para);
-	pwdnamattext=StaticPrompt(slow_para,"", MAXPROMPTLEN, dialogTextHeight, systemFont, 'l');
-	SetTitle(pwdnamattext,pw_dnausermtrxname);
-	Break(slow_para);
-/* fast parameters */
-	SetNextPosition(maing,pt);
-	fast_para=NormalGroup(maing,2,0,"Pairwise Parameters",systemFont,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(fast_para,0,10);
-	make_prompt(fast_para, "Gap Penalty [1-500]:");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",wind_gap);
-	gp_scale=DialogText(fast_para, str, 3, set_gp);
-	make_prompt(fast_para, "K-Tuple Size [1-2]:");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",ktup);
-	ktuple_scale=DialogText(fast_para, str, 1, set_ktuple);
-	make_prompt(fast_para, "Top Diagonals [1-50]:");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",signif);
-	topdiags_scale=DialogText(fast_para, str, 2, set_topdiags);
-	make_prompt(fast_para, "Window Size [1-50]:");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",window);
-	window_scale=DialogText(fast_para, str, 2, set_window);
-	if (quick_pairalign)
-	{
-		Hide(slow_para);
-		Show(fast_para);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		Hide(fast_para);
-		Show(slow_para);
-	}
-	Break(maing);
-	Show (w);
-static void MultiParameters(IteM item)
-	int i;
-	WindoW w;
-	GrouP maing;
-	ButtoN closeb;
-	TexT go_scale,ge_scale;
-	GrouP mat_list;
-	ButtoN matrixb[5];
-	GrouP multi_para;
-	TexT div_seq;
-	TexT transitions;
-	PopuP neg_mat_toggle;
-	PopuP end_gap_toggle;
-	char str[FILENAMELEN];
-        if(dnaflag) {
-                gap_open   = dna_gap_open;
-                gap_extend = dna_gap_extend;
-                pw_go_penalty     = dna_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty     = dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = dna_ktup;
-                window     = dna_window;
-                signif     = dna_signif;
-                wind_gap   = dna_wind_gap;
-        }
-        else {
-                gap_open   = prot_gap_open;
-                gap_extend = prot_gap_extend;
-                pw_go_penalty     = prot_pw_go_penalty;
-                pw_ge_penalty     = prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-                ktup       = prot_ktup;
-                window     = prot_window;
-                signif     = prot_signif;
-                wind_gap   = prot_wind_gap;
-        }
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	w=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "Alignment Parameters",RemoveWin);
-	maing=HiddenGroup(w,0,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,0,10);
-	closeb=PushButton(maing, "CLOSE", CancelWin);
-	Break(maing);
-/* multiple alignment parameters */
-	multi_para=NormalGroup(maing,0,0,"Multiple Parameters",systemFont,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(multi_para,0,10);
-        make_prompt(multi_para, "Gap Opening [0-100] :");
-	Advance(multi_para);
-	sprintf(str,"%.2f",gap_open);
-        go_scale=DialogText(multi_para, str, 5, set_go_penalty);
-	Advance(multi_para);
-        make_prompt(multi_para, "Gap Extention [0-100] :");
-	Advance(multi_para);
-	sprintf(str,"%.2f",gap_extend);
-        ge_scale=DialogText(multi_para, str, 5, set_ge_penalty);
-	Break(multi_para);
-        make_prompt(multi_para, "Delay Divergent Sequences (%) :");
-	Advance(multi_para);
-	sprintf(str,"%d",divergence_cutoff);
-        div_seq=DialogText(multi_para, str, 3, set_div_seq);
-	Break(multi_para);
-        make_prompt(multi_para, "DNA Transition Weight [0-1] :");
-        Advance(multi_para);
-        sprintf(str,"%.2f",transition_weight);
-        transitions=DialogText(multi_para, str, 5, set_transitions);
-        Break(multi_para);
-	neg_mat_toggle=make_toggle(multi_para,"Use Negative Matrix","ON","OFF",&neg_matrix,set_neg_matrix);
-	Break(multi_para);
-        mat_list=NormalGroup(multi_para,2,0,"Protein Weight Matrix",systemFont,set_matrix);
-	for(i=0;i<matrix_menu.noptions;i++)
-		matrixb[i]=RadioButton(mat_list,matrix_menu.opt[i].title);
-        SetValue(mat_list,matnum);
-	matrix_list=mat_list;
-	Break(multi_para);
-	PushButton(multi_para, "Load protein matrix: ", set_user_matrix);
-	Advance(multi_para);
-	mattext=StaticPrompt(multi_para,"", MAXPROMPTLEN, dialogTextHeight, systemFont, 'l');
-	SetTitle(mattext,usermtrxname);
-	Break(multi_para);
-        mat_list=NormalGroup(multi_para,2,0,"DNA Weight Matrix",systemFont,set_dnamatrix);
-	for(i=0;i<dnamatrix_menu.noptions;i++)
-		matrixb[i]=RadioButton(mat_list,dnamatrix_menu.opt[i].title);
-        SetValue(mat_list,dnamatnum);
-	dnamatrix_list=mat_list;
-	Break(multi_para);
-	PushButton(multi_para, "Load DNA: ", set_user_dnamatrix);
-	Advance(multi_para);
-	dnamattext=StaticPrompt(multi_para,"", MAXPROMPTLEN, dialogTextHeight, systemFont, 'l');
-	SetTitle(dnamattext,dnausermtrxname);
-	Show (w);
-static void GapParameters(IteM item)
-	WindoW gapparaw;
-	GrouP maing;
-	ButtoN closeb;
-	PopuP rp_toggle,vp_toggle,hp_toggle,end_gap_toggle;
-	TexT gdist,hyd_text;
-	char str[80];
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	gapparaw=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "Protein Gap Parameters",RemoveWin);
-	maing=HiddenGroup(gapparaw,0,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,0,10);
-	closeb=PushButton(maing, "CLOSE", CancelWin);
-	Break(maing);
-	rp_toggle=make_toggle(maing,"Residue-specific Penalties","OFF","ON",&no_pref_penalties,set_pref_penalties);
-	Break(maing);
-	hp_toggle=make_toggle(maing,"Hydrophilic Penalties","OFF","ON",&no_hyd_penalties,set_hyd_penalties);
-	Break(maing);
-        make_prompt(maing, "Hydrophilic Residues :");
-	Advance(maing);
-        hyd_text=DialogText(maing, hyd_residues, 20, set_hyd_res);
-	Break(maing);
-        make_prompt(maing, "Gap Separation Distance [0-100] :");
-	Advance(maing);
-	sprintf(str,"%d",gap_dist);
-        gdist=DialogText(maing, str, 3, set_gap_dist);
-	Break(maing);
-	end_gap_toggle=make_toggle(maing,"End Gap Separation","ON","OFF",&use_endgaps,set_endgaps);
-	Show (gapparaw);
-static void SSParameters(IteM item)
-	WindoW ssparaw;
-	GrouP maing;
-	ButtoN closeb;
-	PopuP use_p1,use_p2;
-	TexT helix_gp,strand_gp,loop_gp,terminal_gp,helix_minus,helix_plus;
-	TexT strand_minus,strand_plus;
-	GrouP output_list;
-	ButtoN outputb[4]; 
-	char str[80];
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	ssparaw=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "Secondary Structure Options",RemoveWin);
-	closeb=PushButton(ssparaw, "CLOSE", CancelWin);
-	Break(ssparaw);
-	use_p1=make_toggle(ssparaw,"Use profile 1 secondary structure / penalty mask","YES","NO",&use_ss1,set_use_ss1);
-	Break(ssparaw);
-	use_p2=make_toggle(ssparaw,"Use profile 2 secondary structure / penalty mask","YES","NO",&use_ss2,set_use_ss2);
-	Break(ssparaw);
-        output_list=NormalGroup(ssparaw,2,0,"Output ",systemFont,NULL)
-        outputb[0]=CheckBox(output_list,"Secondary Structure",set_ss_output);
-	if(output_struct_penalties==0 || output_struct_penalties==2) 
-		output_ss=TRUE;
-	else
-		output_ss=FALSE;
-	SetStatus(outputb[0],output_ss);
-        outputb[1]=CheckBox(output_list,"Gap Penalty Mask",set_gp_output);
-	if(output_struct_penalties==1 || output_struct_penalties==2) 
-		output_gp=TRUE;
-	else
-		output_gp=FALSE;
-	SetStatus(outputb[1],output_gp);
-	Break(ssparaw);
-	maing=HiddenGroup(ssparaw,2,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,0,10);
-        make_prompt(maing, "Helix Gap Penalty [0-9] :");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",helix_penalty);
-        helix_gp=DialogText(maing, str, 1, set_helix_gp);
-        make_prompt(maing, "Strand Gap Penalty [0-9] :");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",strand_penalty);
-        strand_gp=DialogText(maing, str, 1, set_strand_gp);
-        make_prompt(maing, "Loop Gap Penalty [0-9] :");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",loop_penalty);
-        loop_gp=DialogText(maing, str, 1, set_loop_gp);
-        make_prompt(maing, "Secondary Structure Terminal Penalty [0-9] :");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",helix_end_penalty);
-        terminal_gp=DialogText(maing, str, 1, set_terminal_gp);
-        make_prompt(maing, "Helix Terminal Positions [0-3]            within:");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",helix_end_minus);
-        helix_minus=DialogText(maing, str, 1, set_helix_minus);
-        make_prompt(maing, "outside:");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",helix_end_plus);
-        helix_plus=DialogText(maing, str, 1, set_helix_plus);
-        make_prompt(maing, "Strand Terminal Penalty [0-3]             within:");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",strand_end_minus);
-        strand_minus=DialogText(maing, str, 1, set_strand_minus);
-        make_prompt(maing, "outside:");
-	sprintf(str,"%d",strand_end_plus);
-        strand_plus=DialogText(maing, str, 1, set_strand_plus);
-	Show (ssparaw);
-static void OutputParameters(IteM item)
-	WindoW outputparaw;
-	GrouP maing;
-	ButtoN closeb;
-	GrouP output_list;
-	ButtoN outputb[6+1]; /* +1 for fasta */
-	PopuP order_toggle,para_toggle;
-	PopuP case_toggle,snos_toggle;
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	outputparaw=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "Output Format Options",RemoveWin);
-	closeb=PushButton(outputparaw, "CLOSE", CancelWin);
-	Break(outputparaw);
-        output_list=NormalGroup(outputparaw,2,0,"Output Files",systemFont,NULL);
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-        outputb[0]=CheckBox(output_list,"CLUSTAL format",set_output_clustal);
-	if(output_clustal) SetStatus(outputb[0],TRUE);
-        outputb[1]=CheckBox(output_list,"NBRF/PIR format",set_output_nbrf);
-	if(output_nbrf) SetStatus(outputb[1],TRUE);
-        outputb[2]=CheckBox(output_list,"GCG/MSF format",set_output_gcg);
-	if(output_gcg) SetStatus(outputb[2],TRUE);
-        outputb[3]=CheckBox(output_list,"PHYLIP format",set_output_phylip);
-	if(output_phylip) SetStatus(outputb[3],TRUE);
-        outputb[4]=CheckBox(output_list,"GDE format",set_output_gde);
-	if(output_gde) SetStatus(outputb[4],TRUE);
-        outputb[5]=CheckBox(output_list,"NEXUS format",set_output_nexus);
-	if(output_nexus) SetStatus(outputb[5],TRUE);
-/* Ramu */
-        outputb[6]=CheckBox(output_list,"FASTA format",set_output_fasta);
-	if(output_fasta) SetStatus(outputb[6],TRUE);
-/* Ramu */
-	maing=HiddenGroup(outputparaw,2,0,NULL);
-	SetGroupSpacing(maing,0,10);
-	case_toggle=make_toggle(maing,"GDE output case :","Lower","Upper",&lowercase,set_case);
-	snos_toggle=make_toggle(maing,"CLUSTALW sequence numbers :","ON","OFF",&cl_seq_numbers,set_snos);
-       	make_prompt(maing, "Output order");
-	order_toggle=PopupList(maing,TRUE,set_output_order);
-	PopupItem(order_toggle,"INPUT");
-	PopupItem(order_toggle,"ALIGNED");
-	if (output_order == INPUT)
-		SetValue(order_toggle,1);
-	else if (output_order == ALIGNED)
-		SetValue(order_toggle,2);
-	para_toggle=make_toggle(maing,"Parameter output","ON","OFF",&save_parameters,set_save_paras);
-	Show (outputparaw);
-static void OutputTreeParameters(IteM item)
-	WindoW outputtreeparaw;
-	ButtoN closeb;
-	GrouP output_list;
-	ButtoN outputb[5]; /* ButtoN outputb[3]; Ramu, crash????; 5th one for perc_ident mat */
-	PopuP boot_format;
-	SelectFont(systemFont);
-	stdCharWidth=CharWidth('A');
-	stdLineHeight=LineHeight();
-	outputtreeparaw=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "Output Tree Format Options",RemoveWin);
-	closeb=PushButton(outputtreeparaw, "CLOSE", CancelWin);
-	Break(outputtreeparaw);
-        output_list=NormalGroup(outputtreeparaw,2,0,"Output Files",systemFont,NULL);
-        outputb[0]=CheckBox(output_list,"CLUSTAL format tree",set_output_tree_clustal);
-	if(output_tree_clustal) SetStatus(outputb[0],TRUE);
-        outputb[1]=CheckBox(output_list,"Phylip format tree",set_output_tree_phylip);
-	if(output_tree_phylip) SetStatus(outputb[1],TRUE);
-        outputb[2]=CheckBox(output_list,"Phylip distance matrix",set_output_tree_distances);
-	if(output_tree_distances) SetStatus(outputb[2],TRUE);
-        outputb[3]=CheckBox(output_list,"Nexus format tree",set_output_tree_nexus);
-	if(output_tree_nexus) SetStatus(outputb[3],TRUE);
-        outputb[4]=CheckBox(output_list,"% identity matrix",set_output_pim); /* pim?  perc ident matr */
-	if(output_pim) SetStatus(outputb[4],TRUE);
-	Break(outputtreeparaw);
-       	make_prompt(outputtreeparaw, "Bootstrap labels on:");
-	Advance(outputtreeparaw);
-	boot_format=PopupList(outputtreeparaw,TRUE,set_boot_format);
-	PopupItem(boot_format ,"NODE");
-	PopupItem(boot_format ,"BRANCH");
-	if (bootstrap_format == BS_NODE_LABELS)
-		SetValue(boot_format ,1);
-	if (bootstrap_format == BS_BRANCH_LABELS)
-		SetValue(boot_format ,2);
-	Show (outputtreeparaw);
-static PrompT make_prompt(GrouP g,CharPtr title)
-	PrompT p=NULL;
-	if (title != NULL)
-        	p=StaticPrompt(g, title, 0, dialogTextHeight, systemFont, 'l');
-	return p;
-static PrompT make_scale(GrouP g,CharPtr title,int length, int value,int max,BarScrlProc SetProc)
-	char str[FILENAMELEN];
-	BaR scale;
-	PrompT t;
-	sprintf(str,"%s   %3d",title,value);
-	t=make_prompt(g,str);
-	Advance(g);
-        scale=ScrollBar(g, length, -1, SetProc);
-       	CorrectBarPage(scale,(Int4)1,(Int4)1);
-        CorrectBarMax(scale,(Int4)max);
-        CorrectBarValue(scale,(Int4)value);
-	return t;
-static PopuP make_toggle(GrouP g,CharPtr title,CharPtr true_text, CharPtr false_text, Boolean *value,PupActnProc SetProc)
-	PopuP p;
-	if (title != NULL)
-        	make_prompt(g, title);
-	Advance(g);
-	p=PopupList(g,TRUE,SetProc);
-	PopupItem(p,true_text);
-	PopupItem(p,false_text);
-	if (*value)
-		SetValue(p,1);
-	else
-		SetValue(p,2);
-	return p;
-void switch_mode(void)
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-	{
-		Hide(prf1_display);
-		Hide(prf2_display);
-		Hide(pscrolltext);
-		SetValue(modetext,1);
-		resize_multi_window();
-		profile_no=0;
-		check_menus(file_item,PROFILEM);
-		check_menus(align_item,PROFILEM);
-		check_menus(edit_item,PROFILEM);
-		check_menus(tree_item,PROFILEM);
-		check_menus(color_item,PROFILEM);
-		active_panel=seq_panel;
-		fix_gaps();
-		load_aln_data(seq_panel,0,nseqs-1,TRUE);
-		Show(seq_display);
-	}
-	else if(aln_mode==PROFILEM)
-	{
-		Hide(seq_display);
-		resize_prf_window(nseqs,0);
-		SetValue(modetext,2);
-		profile_no=1;
-		profile1_nseqs=nseqs;
-		if (profile1_nseqs > 0) profile1_empty = FALSE;
-		profile2_empty = TRUE;
-		check_menus(file_item,MULTIPLEM);
-		check_menus(align_item,MULTIPLEM);
-		check_menus(edit_item,MULTIPLEM);
-		check_menus(tree_item,MULTIPLEM);
-		check_menus(color_item,MULTIPLEM);
-		active_panel=prf_panel[0];
-		get_path(seqname,path);
-		strcpy(profile1_name,path);
-		strcat(profile1_name,"1.");
-		strcpy(profile2_name,path);
-		strcat(profile2_name,"2.");
-		fix_gaps();
-		load_aln_data(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,TRUE);
-		load_aln_data(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,TRUE);
-		Show(prf1_display);
-		Show(prf2_display);
-		Show(pscrolltext);
-	}
-static void make_menu_headers(WindoW w)
-        filem = PulldownMenu (w,"File/FFF");
-        editm = PulldownMenu (w,"Edit/EEE");
-        alignm = PulldownMenu (w,"Alignment/AAA");
-	treem = PulldownMenu(w,"Trees/TTT");
-	colorm = PulldownMenu(w,"Colors/CCC");
-	scorem = PulldownMenu(w,"Quality/UUU");
-	helpmenu = PulldownMenu(w,"Help/HHH");
-static void make_file_menu(void)
-	int n=0;
-	file_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-       	file_item.i[n] = CommandItem (filem,"Load Sequences/OOO", OpenSeqFile); n++;
-	file_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-       	file_item.i[n] = CommandItem (filem,"Append Sequences", AppendSeqFile); n++;
-	file_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-       	file_item.i[n] = CommandItem (filem,"Save Sequences as.../SSS", SaveSeqFileWin); n++;
-	file_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	file_item.i[n] = CommandItem (filem,"Load Profile 1", OpenPrf1File); n++;
-	file_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	file_item.i[n] = CommandItem (filem,"Load Profile 2", OpenPrf2File); n++;
-	file_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	file_item.i[n] = CommandItem (filem,"Save Profile 1 as...", SavePrf1FileWin); n++;
-	file_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	file_item.i[n] = CommandItem (filem,"Save Profile 2 as...", SavePrf2FileWin); n++;
-	file_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-       	file_item.i[n] = CommandItem (filem,"Write Alignment as PostScript/PPP", SavePSSeqWin); n++;
-	file_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	file_item.i[n] = CommandItem (filem,"Write Profile 1 as PostScript", SavePSPrf1Win); n++;
-	file_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	file_item.i[n] = CommandItem (filem,"Write Profile 2 as PostScript", SavePSPrf2Win); n++;
-       	file_item.i[n] = CommandItem (filem,"Quit/QQQ", QuitWinI); n++;
-	file_item.num = n;
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-		check_menus(file_item,PROFILEM);
-	else
-		check_menus(file_item,MULTIPLEM);
-static void QuitWinI (IteM i)
-	if(aln_mode == MULTIPLEM)
-	{
-		if(seq_panel.modified)
-			if (Message(MSG_YN,"Alignment has not been saved.\n"
-			"Quit program anyway?")==ANS_NO) return;
-	}
-	else if(aln_mode == PROFILEM)
-	{
-		if(prf_panel[0].modified)
-			if (Message(MSG_YN,"Profile 1 has not been saved.\n"
-			"Quit program anyway?")==ANS_NO) return;
-		if(prf_panel[1].modified)
-			if (Message(MSG_YN,"Profile 2 has not been saved.\n"
-			"Quit program anyway?")==ANS_NO) return;
-	}
-	QuitProgram ();
-static void make_score_menu(void)
-	int n=0;
-	score_item.i[n] = CommandItem (scorem,"Calculate Low-Scoring Segments", calc_segment_exceptions); n++;
-	segment_item=score_item.i[n]=StatusItem(scorem, "Show Low-Scoring Segments", set_show_segments);
-        SetStatus(score_item.i[n],segment_exceptions); n++;
-	score_item.i[n]=StatusItem(scorem, "Show Exceptional Residues", set_residue_exceptions);
-        SetStatus(score_item.i[n],residue_exceptions); n++;
-       	score_item.i[n] = CommandItem (scorem,"Low-Scoring Segment Parameters",SegmentWin); n++;
-	score_item.i[n] = CommandItem (scorem,"Column Score Parameters",ScoreWin); n++;
-	score_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-	score_item.i[n]=CommandItem(scorem, "Save Column Scores to File", SaveScoresWin); n++;
-	score_item.num = n;
-static void make_help_menu(void)
-	int n=0;
-	help_item.ptr[n] = 'G';
-       	help_item.i[n] = CommandItem (helpmenu,"General",HelpProc); n++;
-	help_item.ptr[n] = 'F';
-       	help_item.i[n] = CommandItem (helpmenu,"Input & Output Files",HelpProc); n++;
-	help_item.ptr[n] = 'E';
-       	help_item.i[n] = CommandItem (helpmenu,"Editing Alignments",HelpProc); n++;
-	help_item.ptr[n] = 'M';
-       	help_item.i[n] = CommandItem (helpmenu,"Multiple Alignments",HelpProc); n++;
-	help_item.ptr[n] = 'P';
-       	help_item.i[n] = CommandItem (helpmenu,"Profile Alignments",HelpProc); n++;
-	help_item.ptr[n] = 'B';
-       	help_item.i[n] = CommandItem (helpmenu,"Secondary Structures",HelpProc); n++;
-	help_item.ptr[n] = 'T';
-       	help_item.i[n] = CommandItem (helpmenu,"Trees",HelpProc); n++;
-	help_item.ptr[n] = 'C';
-       	help_item.i[n] = CommandItem (helpmenu,"Colors",HelpProc); n++;
-	help_item.ptr[n] = 'Q';
-       	help_item.i[n] = CommandItem (helpmenu,"Alignment Quality",HelpProc); n++;
-	help_item.ptr[n] = '9';
-       	help_item.i[n] = CommandItem (helpmenu,"Command Line Parameters",HelpProc); n++;
-	help_item.ptr[n] = 'R';
-       	help_item.i[n] = CommandItem (helpmenu,"References",HelpProc); n++;
-	help_item.num = n;
-static void HelpProc(IteM item)
-	int n,index=-1;
-	FILE *fd;
-	int  i, number, nlines;
-	Boolean found_help;
-	char temp[MAXLINE+1];
-	char token;
-	char *digits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
-	char *help_marker    = ">>HELP";
-	TexT htext;
-	char *help_file = NULL;
-	extern char *help_file_name;
-	helptext[0]='\0';
-	for(n=0;n<help_item.num;n++)
-		if (item==help_item.i[n])
-		{
-			index=n;
-			break;
-		}
-	if (index==-1)
-	{
-		error("Problem with HELP routines\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	help_file=find_file(help_file_name);
-	if(help_file==NULL) {
-            error("Cannot find help file");
-            return;
-        }
-        if((fd=fopen(help_file,"r"))==NULL) {
-            error("Cannot open help file [%s]",help_file);
-            return;
-        }
-	nlines = 0;
-	number = -1;
-	found_help = FALSE;
-	while(TRUE) {
-		if(fgets(temp,MAXLINE+1,fd) == NULL) {
-			if(!found_help)
-				error("No help found in help file [%s]",help_file);
-			fclose(fd);
-			return;
-		}
-		if(strstr(temp,help_marker)) {
-                        token = ' ';
-			for(i=strlen(help_marker); i<8; i++)
-				if(strchr(digits, temp[i])) {
-					token = temp[i];
-					break;
-				}
-			if(token == help_item.ptr[index]) {
-				found_help = TRUE;
-				while(fgets(temp,MAXLINE+1,fd)) {
-					if(strstr(temp, help_marker)) break;
-					if(strlen(helptext)+strlen(temp) >MAXHELPLENGTH)
-						break;
-						for(i=strlen(temp)-1;i>=0;i--)
-							if(iscntrl(temp[i])||isspace(temp[i]))
-								temp[i]='\0';
-							else break;
-/* ignore lines starting with < - these are for html output processing */
-					if(temp[0]!='<') {
-			       			strcat(helptext,temp);
-#ifdef WIN_MAC
-			       			strcat(helptext,"\r");
-#ifdef WIN32
-			       			strcat(helptext,"\r\n");
-			       			strcat(helptext,"\n");
-			       			++nlines;
-					}
-				}
-				fclose(fd);
-#ifdef WIN_MAC
-				if(numhelp>=1)
-				if(numhelp>=MAXHELPW)
-				{
-					error("Too many help windows");
-					return;
-				}
-				numhelp++;
-				helpw[numhelp]=FixedWindow(-50, -33, -10, -10, "", QuitHelpW);
-				SelectFont(helpfont);
-#ifdef WIN_MAC
-				htext=ScrollText(helpw[numhelp], 60, 20, helpfont, TRUE, NULL);
-				htext=ScrollText(helpw[numhelp], 80, 30, helpfont, TRUE, NULL);
-				Break(helpw[numhelp]);
-				PushButton(helpw[numhelp], "OK", QuitHelpB);
-				SetTitle(htext, helptext);
-				Show(helpw[numhelp]);
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void QuitHelpB(ButtoN b)
-	Remove(ParentWindow(b));
-	numhelp--;
-void QuitHelpW(WindoW w)
-	Remove(w);
-	numhelp--;
-static void make_edit_menu(void)
-	int n=0;
-       	edit_item.i[n] = CommandItem (editm,"Cut Sequences/XXX", CutSequences); n++;
-       	edit_item.i[n] = CommandItem (editm,"Paste Sequences/VVV", PasteSequences); n++;
-	edit_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-       	edit_item.i[n] = CommandItem (editm,"Select All Sequences/AAA", SelectSeqs); n++;
-	edit_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	edit_item.i[n] = CommandItem (editm,"Select Profile 1", SelectPrf1); n++;
-	edit_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	edit_item.i[n] = CommandItem (editm,"Select Profile 2", SelectPrf2); n++;
-	edit_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	edit_item.i[n] = CommandItem (editm,"Add Profile 2 to Profile 1", MergeProfiles); n++;
-       	edit_item.i[n] = CommandItem (editm,"Clear Sequence Selection",ClearSeqs); n++;
-       	edit_item.i[n] = CommandItem (editm,"Clear Range Selection",ClearSeqRange); n++;
-	SeparatorItem(editm);
-       	edit_item.i[n] = CommandItem (editm,"Search for String/FFF", SearchStrWin); n++;
-	SeparatorItem(editm);
-       	edit_item.i[n] = CommandItem (editm,"Remove All Gaps", RemoveGaps); n++;
-       	edit_item.i[n] = CommandItem (editm,"Remove Gap-Only Columns", RemoveGapPos); n++;
-	edit_item.num = n;
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-		check_menus(edit_item,PROFILEM);
-	else
-		check_menus(edit_item,MULTIPLEM);
-static void make_align_menu(void)
-	MenU parasm;
-	int n=0;
-	align_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (alignm,"Do Complete Alignment/LLL",CAlignWin); n++;
-	align_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (alignm,"Produce Guide Tree Only/GGG",SaveTreeWin); n++;
-	align_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (alignm,"Do Alignment from Guide Tree",AlignFromTreeWin); n++;
-	SeparatorItem(alignm);
-	align_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (alignm,"Realign Selected Sequences",RealignSeqsWin); n++;
-	align_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (alignm,"Realign Selected Residue Range",RealignSeqRangeWin); n++;
-	align_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (alignm,"Align Profile 2 to Profile 1",PrfPrfAlignWin); n++;
-	align_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (alignm,"Align Profiles from Guide Trees",PrfPrfTreeAlignWin); n++;
-	align_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (alignm,"Align Sequences to Profile 1",SeqPrfAlignWin); n++;
-	align_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (alignm,"Align Sequences to Profile 1 from Tree",SeqPrfTreeAlignWin); n++;
-       	SeparatorItem(alignm);
-	parasm=SubMenu(alignm,"Alignment Parameters");
-	new_gaps_item=align_item.i[n]=StatusItem(parasm, "Reset New Gaps before Alignment", set_reset_new_gaps);
-	SetStatus(align_item.i[n],reset_alignments_new); n++;
-	all_gaps_item=align_item.i[n]=StatusItem(parasm, "Reset All Gaps before Alignment", set_reset_all_gaps);
-	SetStatus(align_item.i[n],reset_alignments_all); n++;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (parasm,"Pairwise Alignment Parameters",PWParameters); n++;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (parasm,"Multiple Alignment Parameters",MultiParameters); n++;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (parasm,"Protein Gap Parameters",GapParameters); n++;
-	align_item.mode[n] = PROFILEM;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (parasm,"Secondary Structure Parameters",SSParameters); n++;
-	align_item.i[n]=StatusItem(alignm, "Save Log File", set_save_log);
-	save_item1=align_item.i[n];
-	SetStatus(save_item1,save_log); n++;
-       	align_item.i[n] = CommandItem (alignm,"Output Format Options",OutputParameters); n++;
-	align_item.num = n;
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-		check_menus(align_item,PROFILEM);
-	else
-		check_menus(align_item,MULTIPLEM);
-void set_save_log(IteM i)
-        save_log=GetStatus(i);
-	SetStatus(save_item1,save_log);
-	SetStatus(save_item2,save_log);
-static void make_tree_menu(void)
-	int n=0;
-	tree_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-        tree_item.i[n] = CommandItem (treem,"Draw N-J Tree/RRR",DrawTreeWin); n++;
-	tree_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-        tree_item.i[n] = CommandItem (treem,"Bootstrap N-J Tree/BBB",BootstrapTreeWin); n++;
-        SeparatorItem(treem);
-	tree_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-	tree_item.i[n]=StatusItem(treem, "Exclude Positions with Gaps", set_tossgaps);
-	SetStatus(tree_item.i[n],tossgaps); n++;
-	tree_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-	tree_item.i[n]=StatusItem(treem, "Correct for Multiple Substitutions", set_kimura);
-	SetStatus(tree_item.i[n],kimura); n++;
-        SeparatorItem(treem);
-	tree_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-	tree_item.i[n]=StatusItem(treem, "Save Log File", set_save_log);
-	save_item2=tree_item.i[n];
-	SetStatus(save_item2,save_log); n++;
-	tree_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-        tree_item.i[n] = CommandItem (treem,"Output Format Options",OutputTreeParameters); n++;
-	tree_item.mode[n] = MULTIPLEM;
-	tree_item.num = n;
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-		check_menus(tree_item,PROFILEM);
-	else
-		check_menus(tree_item,MULTIPLEM);
-static void make_color_menu(void)
-	int n=0;
-        color_item.i[n]=StatusItem(colorm, "Background Coloring", set_inverted);
-        SetStatus(color_item.i[n],inverted); n++;
-       	SeparatorItem(colorm);
-        bw_item=color_item.i[n] = StatusItem (colorm,"Black and White",BlackandWhite);
-        SetStatus(color_item.i[n],usebw); n++;
-        defcol_item=color_item.i[n] = StatusItem (colorm,"Default Colors",DefColorPar);
-        SetStatus(color_item.i[n],usedefcolors); n++;
-        /*usercol_item=color_item.i[n] = StatusItem (colorm,"Load Color Parameter File",OpenColorParWin);*/
-        usercol_item=color_item.i[n] = StatusItem (colorm,"Load Color Parameter File",OpenColorPar);
-        SetStatus(color_item.i[n],useusercolors); n++;
-	color_item.num = n;
-void check_menus(menu_item m,int mode)
-	int i;
-	for (i=0;i<m.num;i++)
-		if (m.mode[i] == mode)
-			Disable(m.i[i]);
-		else
-			Enable(m.i[i]);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xmenu.h
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xmenu.h	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xmenu.h	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-#define MAXHELPLENGTH 50000
-#define MAXHELPW 2
-#define DCOLS  60     /*   sequence display width */
-#define DNAMES  15
-#define DNUMBER 6
-#define SCREENMARGIN 10
-#define SCOREHEIGHT 50
-#define MAXMENU 20
-#define MAXCOLORS 16
-#define MESSLENGTH 70
-#define MESSLINES 10
-#define MAXPROMPTLEN 300
-#define MULTIPLEM 1
-#define PROFILEM 2
-#define NEW 1
-#define OLD 0
-#define HIGHLIGHT 1
-#define NORMAL 0
-#define MARGIN 1
-#define A4 0
-#define A3 1
-#define USLETTER 2
-#define PORTRAIT 1
-#define LANDSCAPE 0
-#define MAXFINDSTR 20
-typedef struct aln_pos {
-	int seq;
-	int res;
-} aln_pos;
-typedef struct menu_item {
-	int num;
-	IteM i[MAXMENU];
-	int mode[MAXMENU];
-	char ptr[MAXMENU];
-} menu_item;
-typedef struct color {
-	char name[20];
-	Uint4 val;
-	float r,g,b;
-	float pr,pg,pb;
-} color;
-#define NAMES 0
-#define SEQS 1
-typedef struct panel_data {
-	int type;                  /* = NAMES or SEQS */
-	PaneL index;
-	int   prf_no;
-	char **lines;
-	char **header;
-	char **footer;
-	char **colormask;
-	int nhead;
-	int nfoot;
-        PnlActnProc callback;
-	int pixelheight;
-	int pixelwidth;
-        int vlines;
-        int vseqs;
-        int vcols;
-        int nseqs;
-        int ncols;
-        int firstseq;
-        int firstvline;
-        int firstvcol;
-        int lockoffset;
-        int *selected;
-	int firstsel;
-	int lastsel;
-        int lineheight, charwidth, ascent, descent;
-	BaR vscrollbar,hscrollbar;
-	int *seqweight;
-	int *subgroup;
-	int *colscore;
-	char *consensus;
-	Boolean **residue_exception;
-	short **segment_exception;
-} panel_data;
-typedef struct spanel {
-        PaneL names;
-        PaneL seqs;
-	Boolean modified;
-} spanel;
-typedef struct range {
-        int first;
-        int last;
-} range;
-   PROTOTYPES - subroutines with capitalised names are defined in NCBI toolkit
-                and cannot be modified!
-void x_menu(void);
-void ResizeWindowProc(WindoW w);
-void shift(Handle a, int dx, int dy);
-void swap(float *scores,int s1, int s2);
-void sort_scores(float *scores,int f,int l);
-void reload_alignment(void);
-void DrawPanel(PaneL p);
-void resize_multi_window(void);
-void resize_prf_window(int numseqs1,int numseqs2);
-void position_scrollbars(spanel p);
-void color_seqs(void);
-void color_prf1(void);
-void color_prf2(void);
-void select_panel(spanel p);
-void deselect_panel(spanel p);
-void correct_name_bars(Boolean reset);
-void correct_seq_bars(Boolean reset);
-void load_aln_data(spanel p, int fs, int ls, Boolean reset);
-void load_aln(spanel p, int fs, int ls, Boolean reset);
-void remove_gap_pos(int fseq,int lseq,int prf_no);
-GrouP make_scroll_area(GrouP w,int prf_no,int nwidth,int swidth,int height,int firstseq,int nseqs,spanel *p);
-void draw_seq_pointer(PaneL p,int pos,int format);
-void draw_names(PaneL p);
-void draw_seqs(PaneL p);
-void draw_header(PaneL p);
-void draw_footer(PaneL p);
-void draw_colscores(PaneL p);
-void draw_allseqs(PaneL p,int fseq,int lseq);
-void draw_nameline(PaneL p,int fseq,int lseq,int format);
-void draw_seqline(panel_data data,int seq,PoinT pt,int fcol,int lcol,int format);
-void draw_seqcol(PaneL p,int col,int format);
-void highlight_seqrange(PaneL p,int fcol,int lcol,int format);
-void make_ruler(int length,char *name,char *seq);
-void make_consensus(panel_data data,char *name,char *seq);
-void make_colscores(panel_data data);
-int calc_colscore(sint matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES],int col);
-void calc_seg_exceptions(void);
-int make_struct_data(int prf_no,int length,char *name,char *seq);
-int make_gp_data(int prf_no,int length,char *name,char *seq);
-void make_colormask(panel_data data);
-void init_color_parameters(char *filename);
-char *find_file(char *filename);
-void white_on_black(void);
-void black_on_white(void);
-void text_colors(void);
-void data_colors(void);
-void switch_mode(void);
-void show_segment_exceptions(void);
-void check_menus(menu_item m,int mode);
-FILE *  open_input_file(char *file_name);
-void stripspace(char *str);
-void set_scorecutoff(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-void set_lengthcutoff(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-void set_scorescale(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-void set_go_penalty(TexT t);
-void set_ge_penalty(TexT t);
-void set_gap_dist(TexT t);
-void set_ntrials(TexT t);
-void set_ran_seed(TexT t);
-void set_div_seq(TexT t);
-void set_pw_go_penalty(TexT t);
-void set_pw_ge_penalty(TexT t);
-void set_gp(TexT t);
-void set_ktuple(TexT t);
-void set_topdiags(TexT t);
-void set_window(TexT t);
-void set_hyd_res(TexT t);
-void set_matrix(GrouP g);
-void set_dnamatrix(GrouP g);
-void set_user_matrix(ButtoN but);
-void set_user_dnamatrix(ButtoN but);
-int get_user_matrixname(char *usermtrxname,short *usermat,short *aa_xref,int usermatnum,int *matnum,PrompT mattext);
-void set_format(GrouP g);
-void set_button(ButtoN l,Boolean *value);
-void set_toggle(PopuP l,Boolean *value);
-void set_pref_penalties(PopuP l);
-void set_hyd_penalties(PopuP l);
-void set_var_penalties(PopuP l);
-void set_endgaps(PopuP l);
-void set_align_endgappenalties(PopuP l);
-void set_realign_endgappenalties(PopuP l);
-void set_case(PopuP l);
-void set_snos(PopuP l);
-void setRange(PopuP l);
-void set_save_paras(PopuP l);
-void set_transitions(TexT t);
-void set_save_log(IteM i);
-void set_neg_matrix(PopuP l);
-void set_ambiguities(PopuP l);
-void set_aln_mode(PopuP g);
-void set_pscroll_mode(ButtoN l);
-void set_show_segments(IteM l);
-void set_font_size(PopuP g);
-void set_residue_exceptions(IteM i);
-void set_segment_exceptions(IteM i);
-void set_segment_dnascale(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval);
-void set_fs_toggle(PopuP l);
-void set_score_matrix(GrouP g);
-void set_segment_matrix(GrouP g);
-void set_score_user_matrix(ButtoN but);
-void set_segment_user_matrix(ButtoN but);
-void set_score_dnamatrix(GrouP g);
-void set_segment_dnamatrix(GrouP g);
-void set_score_user_dnamatrix(ButtoN but);
-void set_segment_user_dnamatrix(ButtoN but);
-void set_pagesize(PopuP g);
-void set_orientation(PopuP g);
-void set_header(PopuP l);
-void set_ruler(PopuP l);
-void set_curve(PopuP l);
-void set_resno(PopuP l);
-void set_resize(PopuP l);
-void set_fres(TexT t);
-void set_lres(TexT t);
-void set_fpres(TexT t);
-void set_lpres(TexT t);
-void set_blocklen(TexT t);
-void set_output_clustal(ButtoN l);
-void set_output_nbrf(ButtoN l);
-void set_output_phylip(ButtoN l);
-void set_output_gcg(ButtoN l);
-void set_output_gde(ButtoN l);
-void set_output_nexus(ButtoN l);
-void set_output_pim(ButtoN l); /* Ramu */
-void set_output_fasta(ButtoN l); /* Ramu */
-void set_pw_matrix(GrouP g);
-void set_pw_dnamatrix(GrouP g);
-void set_pw_user_matrix(ButtoN but);
-void set_pw_user_dnamatrix(ButtoN but);
-void set_output_order(PopuP g);
-void set_output_tree_clustal(ButtoN l);
-void set_output_tree_phylip(ButtoN l);
-void set_output_tree_distances(ButtoN l);
-void set_output_tree_nexus(ButtoN l);
-void set_inverted(IteM i);
-void set_tossgaps(IteM i);
-void set_kimura(IteM i);
-void set_boot_format(PopuP g);
-void set_use_ss1(PopuP l);
-void set_use_ss2(PopuP l);
-void set_helix_gp(TexT t);
-void set_strand_gp(TexT t);
-void set_loop_gp(TexT t);
-void set_terminal_gp(TexT t);
-void set_helix_minus(TexT t);
-void set_helix_plus(TexT t);
-void set_strand_minus(TexT t);
-void set_strand_plus(TexT t);
-void set_ss_output(ButtoN b);
-void set_gp_output(ButtoN b);
-void calc_segment_exceptions(IteM i);
-void write_ps_file(spanel p,char *ps_file,char *par_file,int pagesize,
-int orientation,Boolean header, Boolean ruler, Boolean resno, Boolean resize,
-int first_printres,int last_printres,
-int blocklen,Boolean show_curve);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xscore.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xscore.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xscore.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,1017 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <vibrant.h>
-#include <document.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#include "xmenu.h"
-static void build_profile(int prf_length,int first_seq,int last_seq,sint matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES],
-					sint *weight,sint **profile);
-static void calc_colscores(Boolean update_seqs,Boolean update_scores);
-static void calc_panel_segment_exceptions(PaneL p);
-static void calc_weights(PaneL p);
-static void remove_short_segments(PaneL p);
-extern Boolean aln_mode;
-extern Boolean profile1_empty,profile2_empty;
-extern int score_cutoff;    /* cutoff for residue exceptions */
-extern int score_hwin;    /* half window for summing alignment column scores */
-extern int score_scale;
-extern int segment_dnascale;
-extern int length_cutoff; /* cutoffs for segment exceptions */
-extern Boolean residue_exceptions;
-extern Boolean segment_exceptions;
-extern int score_matnum;
-extern char score_mtrxname[];
-extern int segment_matnum;
-extern char segment_mtrxname[];
-extern int score_dnamatnum;
-extern char score_dnamtrxname[];
-extern int segment_dnamatnum;
-extern char segment_dnamtrxname[];
-extern IteM segment_item;
-extern double   **tmat;
-extern short score_matrix[];
-extern short score_aa_xref[];
-extern short segment_matrix[];
-extern short segment_aa_xref[];
-extern short score_dnamatrix[];
-extern short score_dna_xref[];
-extern short segment_dnamatrix[];
-extern short segment_dna_xref[];
-extern WindoW mainw;
-extern FonT datafont;
-extern short idmat[];
-extern short   def_dna_xref[],def_aa_xref[];
-extern short   swgapdnamt[],clustalvdnamt[];  /* used for alignment scores */
-extern short   gon80mt[],gon120mt[],gon250mt[],gon350mt[];
-extern Boolean  dnaflag;
-extern sint     max_aa;
-extern sint     *seqlen_array;
-extern char     **seq_array;
-extern sint     gap_pos1, gap_pos2;
-extern sint	*output_index;
-extern spanel  seq_panel;        /* data for multiple alignment area */
-extern spanel  prf_panel[];       /* data for profile alignment areas */
-extern PrompT residue_cutofftext;
-extern PrompT length_cutofftext;
-extern PrompT scorescaletext;
-extern PrompT segmentdnascaletext;
-extern PrompT scoremattext;
-extern PrompT segmentmattext;
-extern PrompT scorednamattext;
-extern PrompT segmentdnamattext;
-extern PopuP show_seg_toggle;
-extern GrouP score_matrix_list,seg_matrix_list;
-extern GrouP score_dnamatrix_list,seg_dnamatrix_list;
-static Char filename[FILENAMELEN]; /* used in temporary file selection window */
-void draw_colscores(PaneL p)
-	RecT  block,r;
-	int i, b, x, y;
-	panel_data data;
-	UseWindow(mainw);
-	Select(p);
-	SelectFont(datafont);
-	GetPanelExtra(p, &data);
-	if(data.nseqs == 0) return;
-	if(data.colscore == NULL) return;
-	if(data.vcols<=0) return;
-	ObjectRect (p, &r);
-	InsetRect(&r,1,1);
-	block.bottom=r.bottom;
-	block.top=block.bottom-SCOREHEIGHT-1;
-	block.left=r.left;
-	block.right=r.right;
-	data_colors();
-	EraseRect(&block);
-	Gray();
-        r.left=block.left+data.charwidth;
-	r.bottom=b=block.bottom;
-	for(i=data.firstvcol;i<data.firstvcol+data.vcols && i<data.ncols;i++)
-	{
-		x=r.left;
-		MoveTo(x,b);
-		r.right=r.left+data.charwidth;
-        	r.top=block.bottom-SCOREHEIGHT*(float)data.colscore[i]/100.0;
-		PaintRect(&r);
-		r.left+=data.charwidth;
-	}
-	black_on_white();
-void make_colscores(panel_data data)
-/*	FILE *fd;*/
-	int n,i,s,p,r,r1;
-	short  *mat_xref, *matptr;
-	float median,mean;
-	float t,q1,q3,ul;
-	float *seqdist,*sorteddist,diff;
-	sint maxres;
-	sint *seqvector;
-	sint *freq,**profile;
-        sint   matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES];
-	Boolean include_gaps=FALSE;
-	panel_data data1;
-	if(dnaflag)
-	{
-		if (score_dnamatnum==1)
-		{
-			matptr = swgapdnamt;
-			mat_xref = def_dna_xref;
-		}
-		else if (score_dnamatnum==2)
-		{
-			matptr = clustalvdnamt;
-			mat_xref = def_dna_xref;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			matptr = score_dnamatrix;
-			mat_xref = score_dna_xref;
-		}
-	}
-	else if (score_matnum==1)
-	{
-		matptr = idmat;
-		mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-	}
-	else if (score_matnum==2)
-	{
-		matptr = gon80mt;
-		mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-	}
-	else if (score_matnum==3)
-	{
-		matptr = gon120mt;
-		mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-	}
-	else if (score_matnum==4)
-	{
-		matptr = gon250mt;
-		mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-	}
-	else if (score_matnum==5)
-	{
-		matptr = gon350mt;
-		mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		matptr = score_matrix;
-		mat_xref = score_aa_xref;
-	}
-	maxres = get_matrix(matptr, mat_xref, matrix, FALSE, 100);
-	if (maxres == 0)
-	{
-		error("matrix not found for aln score");
-		return;
-	}
-	profile = (sint **) ckalloc( (data.ncols+2) * sizeof (sint *) );
-	for(p=0; p<data.ncols; p++)
-		profile[p] = (sint *) ckalloc( (max_aa+2) * sizeof(sint) );
-	freq = (sint *) ckalloc( (max_aa+2) * sizeof (sint) );
-	for(p=0;p<data.ncols;p++)
-	{
-		for(r=0;r<max_aa;r++)
-			freq[r]=0;
-		for(s=data.firstseq;s<data.firstseq+data.nseqs;s++)
-			if(p<seqlen_array[s+1] && seq_array[s+1][p+1]>=0 && seq_array[s+1][p+1]<max_aa)
-			{
-				freq[seq_array[s+1][p+1]]++;
-			}
-		for(r=0;r<max_aa;r++)
-		{
-			profile[p][r]=0;
-			for(r1=0;r1<max_aa;r1++)
-				profile[p][r]+=freq[r1]*matrix[r1][r];
-			profile[p][r]/=(float)data.nseqs;
-		}
-	}
-	for(p=0;p<data.ncols;p++)
-		fprintf(fd,"%d\t",profile[p][r]);
-	fprintf(fd,"\n");
-	seqvector = (sint *) ckalloc( (max_aa+2) * sizeof(sint) );
-	seqdist=(float *)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1)*sizeof(float));
-	sorteddist=(float *)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1)*sizeof(float));
-    	for(p=0; p<data.ncols; p++)
-	{
-    		for(s=data.firstseq; s<data.firstseq+data.nseqs; s++)
-		{
-			if (p<seqlen_array[s+1])
-				for (r=0;r<max_aa; r++)
-					seqvector[r]=matrix[r][(int)seq_array[s+1][p+1]];
-			else
-				for (r=0;r<max_aa; r++)
-					seqvector[r]=matrix[r][gap_pos1];
-			seqdist[s-data.firstseq]=0.0;
-			for(r=0;r<max_aa;r++)
-			{
-				diff=profile[p][r]-seqvector[r];
-				diff/=1000.0;
-				seqdist[s-data.firstseq]+=diff*diff;
-			}
-			seqdist[s-data.firstseq]=sqrt((double)seqdist[s-data.firstseq]);
-		}
-fprintf(fd,"\n\nPosition %d:\n",p+1);
-fprintf(fd,"Sequence Distances...\n");
-	fprintf(fd,"%.1f\t",seqdist[s]);
-/* calculate mean,median and rms of seq distances */
-		mean=median=0.0;
-		if(include_gaps)
-		{
-    			for(s=0; s<data.nseqs; s++)
-				mean+=seqdist[s];
-			mean/=data.nseqs;
-			n=data.nseqs;
-    			for(s=0; s<data.nseqs; s++)
-					sorteddist[s]=seqdist[s];
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			n=0;
-    			for(s=data.firstseq; s<data.firstseq+data.nseqs; s++)
-				if(p<seqlen_array[s+1] && seq_array[s+1][p+1]>=0 && seq_array[s+1][p+1]<max_aa)
-				{
-					mean+=seqdist[s-data.firstseq];
-					n++;
-				}
-			if(n>0) mean/=n;
-    			for(s=data.firstseq,i=0; s<data.firstseq+data.nseqs; s++)
-				if(p<seqlen_array[s+1] && seq_array[s+1][p+1]>=0 && seq_array[s+1][p+1]<max_aa)
-					sorteddist[i++]=seqdist[s-data.firstseq];
-		}
-		sort_scores(sorteddist,0,n-1);
-	fprintf(fd,"%.1f ",sorteddist[s]);
-		if(n == 0)
-			median = 0;
-		else if(n % 2 == 0)
-			median=(sorteddist[n/2-1]+sorteddist[n/2])/2.0;
-		else
-			median=sorteddist[n/2];
-		if(score_scale<=5)
-			data.colscore[p]=exp((double)(-mean*(6-score_scale)/4.0))*100.0*n/data.nseqs;
-		else
-			data.colscore[p]=exp((double)(-mean/(4.0*(score_scale-4))))*100.0*n/data.nseqs;
-fprintf(fd,"\nMean %.1f Median %.1f Score %.1f\n",mean,median,data.colscore[p]);
-		if(n==0)
-		{
-			ul=0;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			t = n/4.0 + 0.5;
-			if(t - (int)t == 0.5)
-			{
-				q3=(sorteddist[(int)t]+sorteddist[(int)t+1])/2.0;
-				q1=(sorteddist[n-(int)t]+sorteddist[n-(int)t-1])/2.0;
-			}
-			else if(t - (int)t > 0.5)
-			{
-				q3=sorteddist[(int)t+1];
-				q1=sorteddist[n-(int)t-1];
-			}
-			else 
-			{
-				q3=sorteddist[(int)t];
-				q1=sorteddist[n-(int)t];
-			}
-			if (n<4)ul=sorteddist[0];
-			else ul=q3+(q3-q1)*((float)score_cutoff/2.0);
-		}
-fprintf(fd,"\nMedian %.1f Q1 %.1f Q3 %.1f UL %.1f\n",median,q1,q3,ul);
-fprintf(fd,"\nExceptions: ");
-	if(seqdist[s]>ul) fprintf(fd,"%d ",s+1);
-		for(s=data.firstseq;s<data.firstseq+data.nseqs;s++)
-			if(seqdist[s-data.firstseq]>ul && p<seqlen_array[s+1] && seq_array[s+1][p+1]>=0 && seq_array[s+1][p+1]<max_aa)
-				data.residue_exception[s-data.firstseq][p]=TRUE;
-			else
-				data.residue_exception[s-data.firstseq][p]=FALSE;
-	}
-	for(p=0;p<data.ncols;p++)
-		ckfree(profile[p]);
-	ckfree(profile);
-	ckfree(freq);
-	ckfree(seqvector);
-	ckfree(seqdist);
-	ckfree(sorteddist);
-void sort_scores(float *scores,int f,int l)
-	int i,last;
-	if(f>=l) return;
-	swap(scores,f,(f+l)/2);
-	last=f;
-	for(i=f+1;i<=l;i++)
-	{
-		if(scores[i]>scores[f])
-			swap(scores,++last,i);
-	}
-	swap(scores,f,last);
-	sort_scores(scores,f,last-1);
-	sort_scores(scores,last+1,l);
-void swap(float *scores,int s1, int s2)
-	float temp;
-	temp=scores[s1];
-	scores[s1]=scores[s2];
-	scores[s2]=temp;
-void set_scorescale(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-        char str[FILENAMELEN];
-	panel_data data;
-        score_scale = newval+1;
-	calc_colscores(FALSE,TRUE);
-	sprintf(str,"Score Plot Scale:   %2d",score_scale);
-	SetTitle(scorescaletext,str);
-void set_scorecutoff(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-        char str[FILENAMELEN];
-	int temp;
-	panel_data data;
-	temp=newval+1;
-        score_cutoff = temp;
-	calc_colscores(residue_exceptions,FALSE);
-	sprintf(str,"Residue Exception Cutoff:   %2d",score_cutoff);
-	SetTitle(residue_cutofftext,str);
-void calc_segment_exceptions(IteM i)
-	WatchCursor();
-	segment_exceptions=TRUE;
-	calc_seg_exceptions();
-	show_segment_exceptions();
-	SetValue(show_seg_toggle,1);
-	SetStatus(segment_item,segment_exceptions);
-	ArrowCursor();
-void set_lengthcutoff(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-        char str[100];
-	int temp;
-	temp=newval+1;
-        length_cutoff = temp;
-	sprintf(str,"Minimum Length of Segments:   %2d",length_cutoff);
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-	{
-		remove_short_segments(seq_panel.seqs);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		remove_short_segments(prf_panel[0].seqs);
-		remove_short_segments(prf_panel[1].seqs);
-	}
-	if(segment_exceptions) show_segment_exceptions();
-	SetTitle(length_cutofftext,str);
-void set_score_user_matrix(ButtoN but)
-	if(get_user_matrixname(score_mtrxname,score_matrix,score_aa_xref,6,&score_matnum,scoremattext))
-	{
-		calc_colscores(residue_exceptions,TRUE);
-		SetValue(score_matrix_list,score_matnum);
-	}
-void set_score_matrix(GrouP g)
-	int tmp;
-        tmp = GetValue(g);
-	if(tmp>0 && tmp<6)
-	{
-		score_matnum=tmp;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-                if (score_mtrxname[0]=='\0')
-		{
-			get_user_matrixname(score_mtrxname,score_matrix,score_aa_xref,6,&score_matnum,scoremattext);
-		}
-		else score_matnum=6;
-	}
-	calc_colscores(residue_exceptions,TRUE);
-	SetValue(score_matrix_list,score_matnum);
-void set_segment_user_matrix(ButtoN but)
-	if(get_user_matrixname(segment_mtrxname,segment_matrix,segment_aa_xref,5,&segment_matnum,segmentmattext))
-	{
-		calc_seg_exceptions();
-		if(segment_exceptions) show_segment_exceptions();
-		SetValue(seg_matrix_list,segment_matnum);
-	}
-void set_segment_matrix(GrouP g)
-	int tmp;
-        tmp = GetValue(g);
-	if(tmp>0 && tmp<5)
-	{
-		segment_matnum=tmp;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (segment_mtrxname[0]=='\0')
-		{
-			get_user_matrixname(segment_mtrxname,segment_matrix,segment_aa_xref,5,&segment_matnum,segmentmattext);
-		}
-		else segment_matnum=5;
-	}
-	calc_seg_exceptions();
-	if(segment_exceptions) show_segment_exceptions();
-	SetValue(seg_matrix_list,segment_matnum);
-void set_score_user_dnamatrix(ButtoN but)
-	if(get_user_matrixname(score_dnamtrxname,score_dnamatrix,score_dna_xref,3,&score_dnamatnum,scorednamattext))
-	{
-		calc_colscores(residue_exceptions,TRUE);
-		SetValue(score_dnamatrix_list,score_dnamatnum);
-	}
-void set_score_dnamatrix(GrouP g)
-	int tmp;
-        tmp = GetValue(g);
-	if(tmp>0 && tmp<3)
-	{
-		score_dnamatnum=tmp;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-                if (score_dnamtrxname[0]=='\0')
-		{
-			get_user_matrixname(score_dnamtrxname,score_dnamatrix,score_dna_xref,3,&score_dnamatnum,scorednamattext);
-		}
-		else score_dnamatnum=3;
-	}
-	calc_colscores(residue_exceptions,TRUE);
-	SetValue(score_dnamatrix_list,score_dnamatnum);
-void set_segment_user_dnamatrix(ButtoN but)
-	if(get_user_matrixname(segment_dnamtrxname,segment_dnamatrix,segment_dna_xref,3,&segment_dnamatnum,segmentdnamattext))
-		calc_seg_exceptions();
-	if(segment_exceptions) show_segment_exceptions();
-	SetValue(seg_dnamatrix_list,segment_dnamatnum);
-void set_segment_dnamatrix(GrouP g)
-        int tmp;
-        tmp = GetValue(g);
-        if(tmp>0 && tmp<3)
-        {
-                segment_dnamatnum=tmp;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-                if (segment_dnamtrxname[0]=='\0')
-                {
-			get_user_matrixname(segment_dnamtrxname,segment_dnamatrix,segment_dna_xref,3,&segment_dnamatnum,segmentdnamattext);
-                }
-                else segment_dnamatnum=3;
-        }
-	calc_seg_exceptions();
-        if(segment_exceptions) show_segment_exceptions();
-        SetValue(seg_dnamatrix_list,segment_dnamatnum);
-static void calc_colscores(Boolean update_seqs,Boolean update_scores)
-	panel_data data;
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-	{
-		GetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-		make_colscores(data);
-		SetPanelExtra(seq_panel.seqs,&data);
-		if(update_seqs) draw_seqs(seq_panel.seqs);
-		if(update_scores) draw_colscores(seq_panel.seqs);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-		make_colscores(data);
-		SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-		if(update_seqs) draw_seqs(prf_panel[0].seqs);
-		if(update_scores) draw_colscores(prf_panel[0].seqs);
-		GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-		make_colscores(data);
-		SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-		if(update_seqs) draw_seqs(prf_panel[1].seqs);
-		if(update_scores) draw_colscores(prf_panel[1].seqs);
-	}
-void calc_seg_exceptions(void)
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-	{
-		calc_panel_segment_exceptions(seq_panel.seqs);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		calc_panel_segment_exceptions(prf_panel[0].seqs);
-		calc_panel_segment_exceptions(prf_panel[1].seqs);
-	}
-void show_segment_exceptions(void)
-	if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-	{
-		draw_seqs(seq_panel.seqs);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		draw_seqs(prf_panel[0].seqs);
-		draw_seqs(prf_panel[1].seqs);
-	}
-static void remove_short_segments(PaneL p)
-	int i,j,k,start;
-	panel_data data;
-	GetPanelExtra(p,&data);
-	if(data.nseqs<=0) return;
-/* Reset all the exceptions - a value of 1 indicates an exception that
-will be displayed. A value of -1 is used to remember exceptions that
-are temporarily hidden in the display */
-        for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-                for(j=0;j<data.ncols;j++)
-			if(data.segment_exception[i][j] == -1)
-				data.segment_exception[i][j] = 1;
-        for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-        {
-		start = -1;
-                for(j=0;j<=data.ncols;j++)
-                {
-			if(start == -1)
-			{
-				if(data.segment_exception[i][j]==1)
-					start=j;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if(j==data.ncols || data.segment_exception[i][j]==0)
-				{
-					if(j-start<length_cutoff)
-						for(k=start;k<j;k++)
-							data.segment_exception[i][k] = -1;
-					start = -1;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	SetPanelExtra(p,&data);
-static void calc_weights(PaneL p)
-	int i,j;
-	int status;
-	sint *weight;
-	float dscore;
-	FILE *tree;
-	panel_data data;
-#ifdef UNIX
-	char tree_name[FILENAMELEN]=".score.ph";
-	char tree_name[FILENAMELEN]="tmp.ph";
-	GetPanelExtra(p,&data);
-	if(data.nseqs<=0) return;
-/* if sequence weights have been calculated before - don't bother
-doing it again (it takes too long). data.seqweight is set to NULL when
- new sequences are loaded. */
-	if(data.seqweight!=NULL) return;
-	WatchCursor();
-	info("Calculating sequence weights...");
-/* count pairwise percent identities to make a phylogenetic tree */
-	if(data.nseqs>=2)
-	{
-        	for (i=1;i<=data.nseqs;i++) {
-                	for (j=i+1;j<=data.nseqs;j++) {
-                        	dscore = countid(i+data.firstseq,j+data.firstseq);
-                        	tmat[i][j] = (100.0 - dscore)/100.0;
-                        	tmat[j][i] = tmat[i][j];
-                	}
-        	}
-                if((tree = open_explicit_file(tree_name))==NULL) return;
-		guide_tree(tree,data.firstseq+1,data.nseqs);
-       		status = read_tree(tree_name, data.firstseq, data.firstseq+data.nseqs);
-        	if (status == 0) return;
-	}
-	weight = (sint *) ckalloc( (data.firstseq+data.nseqs+1) * sizeof(sint) );
-/* get the sequence weights */
- 	calc_seq_weights(data.firstseq, data.firstseq+data.nseqs,weight);
-	if(data.seqweight==NULL) data.seqweight=(sint *)ckalloc((data.nseqs+1) * sizeof(sint));
-	for(i=data.firstseq;i<data.firstseq+data.nseqs;i++)
-		data.seqweight[i-data.firstseq]=weight[i];
-/* clear the memory for the phylogenetic tree */
-   	if (data.nseqs >= 2)
-	{
-        	clear_tree(NULL);
-		remove(tree_name);
-	}
-	ckfree(weight);
-	SetPanelExtra(p,&data);
-	info("Done.");
-	ArrowCursor();
-static void calc_panel_segment_exceptions(PaneL p)
-        int i,j;
-        float sum,prev_sum;
-	float gscale;
-	sint **profile;
-	sint *weight,sweight;
-	sint *gaps;
-	sint maxres;
-	int max=0,offset;
-	short  *mat_xref, *matptr;
-	sint matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES];
-	float *fsum;
-	float *bsum;
-	float *pscore;
-	panel_data data;
-/* First, calculate sequence weights which will be used to build the
-profile */
-	calc_weights(p);
-	GetPanelExtra(p,&data);
-	if(data.nseqs<=0) return;
-	WatchCursor();
-	info("Calculating profile scores...");
-        for(i=0;i<data.nseqs;i++)
-                for(j=0;j<data.ncols;j++)
-                     	data.segment_exception[i][j]=0;
-/* get the comparison matrix for building the profile */
-	if(dnaflag)
-	{
-		if (segment_dnamatnum==1)
-		{
-			matptr = swgapdnamt;
-			mat_xref = def_dna_xref;
-		}
-		else if (segment_dnamatnum==2)
-		{
-			matptr = clustalvdnamt;
-			mat_xref = def_dna_xref;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			matptr = segment_dnamatrix;
-			mat_xref = segment_dna_xref;
-		}
-/* get a positive matrix - then adjust it according to scale */
-		maxres = get_matrix(matptr, mat_xref, matrix, FALSE, 100);
-/* find the maximum value */
-	for(i=0;i<=max_aa;i++)
-		for(j=0;j<=max_aa;j++)
-			if(matrix[i][j]>max) max=matrix[i][j];
-/* subtract max*scale/2 from each matrix value */
-	offset=(float)(max*segment_dnascale)/20.0;
-	for(i=0;i<=max_aa;i++)
-		for(j=0;j<=max_aa;j++)
-			matrix[i][j]-=offset;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (segment_matnum==1)
-		{
-			matptr = gon80mt;
-			mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-		}
-		else if (segment_matnum==2)
-		{
-			matptr = gon120mt;
-			mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-		}
-		else if (segment_matnum==3)
-		{
-			matptr = gon250mt;
-			mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-		}
-		else if (segment_matnum==4)
-		{
-			matptr = gon350mt;
-			mat_xref = def_aa_xref;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			matptr = segment_matrix;
-			mat_xref = segment_aa_xref;
-		}
-/* get a negative matrix */
-		maxres = get_matrix(matptr, mat_xref, matrix, TRUE, 100);
-	}
-	profile = (sint **) ckalloc( (data.ncols+2) * sizeof (sint *) );
-	for(i=0; i<data.ncols+1; i++)
-		profile[i] = (sint *) ckalloc( (LENCOL+2) * sizeof(sint) );
-/* calculate the profile */
-	gaps = (sint *) ckalloc( (data.ncols+1) * sizeof (sint) );
-	for (j=1; j<=data.ncols; j++)
-	{
-		gaps[j-1] = 0;
-		for(i=data.firstseq+1;i<data.firstseq+data.nseqs;i++)
-			if (j<seqlen_array[i])
-				if ((seq_array[i][j] < 0) || (seq_array[i][j] > max_aa))
-					gaps[j-1]++;
-	}
-	weight = (sint *) ckalloc( (data.firstseq+data.nseqs+1) * sizeof(sint) );
-	for(i=data.firstseq;i<data.firstseq+data.nseqs;i++)
-		weight[i]=data.seqweight[i-data.firstseq];
-	build_profile(data.ncols,data.firstseq,data.firstseq+data.nseqs,matrix,weight,profile);
-	sweight=0;
-        for(i=data.firstseq;i<data.firstseq+data.nseqs;i++)
-		sweight+=weight[i];
-/*Now, use the profile scores to mark segments of each sequence which score
-badly. */
-	fsum = (float *) ckalloc( (data.ncols+2) * sizeof (float) );
-	bsum = (float *) ckalloc( (data.ncols+2) * sizeof (float) );
-	pscore = (float *) ckalloc( (data.ncols+2) * sizeof (float) );
-        for(i=data.firstseq+1;i<data.firstseq+data.nseqs+1;i++)
-        {
-/* In a forward phase, sum the profile scores. Mark negative sums as exceptions.
-If the sum is positive, then it gets reset to 0. */
-		sum=0.0;
-                for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];j++)
-                {
-           		gscale = (float)(data.nseqs-gaps[j-1]) / (float)data.nseqs;
-			if(seq_array[i][j]<0 || seq_array[i][j]>=max_aa)
-			{
-				pscore[j-1]=0.0;
-				sum=0.0;
-			}
-			else
-                        	pscore[j-1]=(profile[j][seq_array[i][j]]-
-			weight[i-1]*matrix[seq_array[i][j]][seq_array[i][j]])*gscale/sweight;
-                        sum+=pscore[j-1];
-			if(sum>0.0) sum=0.0;
-			fsum[j-1]=sum;
-                }
-/* trim off any positive scoring residues from the end of the segments */
-		prev_sum=0;
-                for(j=seqlen_array[i]-1;j>=0;j--)
-                {
-			if(prev_sum>=0.0 && fsum[j]<0.0 && pscore[j]>=0.0)
-				fsum[j]=0.0;
-			prev_sum=fsum[j];
-                }
-/* Now, in a backward phase, do the same summing process. */
-		sum=0.0;
-                for(j=seqlen_array[i];j>=1;j--)
-                {
-			if(seq_array[i][j]<0 || seq_array[i][j]>=max_aa)
-				sum=0;
-			else
-                        	sum+=pscore[j-1];
-			if(sum>0.0) sum=0.0;
-			bsum[j-1]=sum;
-                }
-/* trim off any positive scoring residues from the start of the segments */
-		prev_sum=0;
-                for(j=0;j<seqlen_array[i];j++)
-                {
-			if(prev_sum>=0.0 && bsum[j]<0.0 && pscore[j]>=0.0)
-				bsum[j]=0.0;
-			prev_sum=bsum[j];
-                }
-/*Mark residues as exceptions if they score negative in the forward AND backward directions. */
-                for(j=1;j<=seqlen_array[i];j++)
-			if(fsum[j-1]<0.0 && bsum[j-1]<0.0)
-				if(seq_array[i][j]>=0 && seq_array[i][j]<max_aa)
-				data.segment_exception[i-data.firstseq-1][j-1]=-1;
-if(i==5) {
-fprintf(stderr,"%4d ",j);
-fprintf(stderr,"%4d ",(int)fsum[j]);
-        }
-	for(i=0; i<data.ncols+1; i++)
-		ckfree(profile[i]);
-	ckfree(profile);
-	ckfree(weight);
-	ckfree(gaps);
-	ckfree(pscore);
-	ckfree(fsum);
-	ckfree(bsum);
-	SetPanelExtra(p,&data);
-/* Finally, apply the length cutoff to the segments - removing segments shorter
-than the cutoff */
-	remove_short_segments(p);
-	info("Done.");
-	ArrowCursor();
-void set_segment_dnascale(BaR bar, GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 newval, Nlm_Int2 oldval)
-        char str[FILENAMELEN];
-	panel_data data;
-        segment_dnascale = newval+1;
-	calc_seg_exceptions();
-	if(segment_exceptions) show_segment_exceptions();
-	sprintf(str,"DNA Marking Scale:   %2d",segment_dnascale);
-	SetTitle(segmentdnascaletext,str);
-static void build_profile(int prf_length,int first_seq,int last_seq,sint matrix[NUMRES][NUMRES],sint *weight,sint **profile)
-  sint **weighting, d, i, res; 
-  sint r, pos;
-  int f;
-  weighting = (sint **) ckalloc( (NUMRES+2) * sizeof (sint *) );
-  for (i=0;i<NUMRES+2;i++)
-    weighting[i] = (sint *) ckalloc( (prf_length+2) * sizeof (sint) );
-  for (r=0; r<prf_length; r++)
-   {
-      for (d=0; d<=max_aa; d++)
-        {
-            weighting[d][r] = 0;
-            for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-		if (r+1<seqlen_array[i+1])
-               		if (d == seq_array[i+1][r+1]) weighting[d][r] += weight[i];
-        }
-      weighting[gap_pos1][r] = 0;
-      for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-	if (r+1<seqlen_array[i+1])
-         if (gap_pos1 == seq_array[i+1][r+1]) weighting[gap_pos1][r] += weight[i];
-      weighting[gap_pos2][r] = 0;
-      for (i=first_seq; i<last_seq; i++)
-	if (r+1<seqlen_array[i+1])
-         if (gap_pos2 == seq_array[i+1][r+1]) weighting[gap_pos2][r] += weight[i];
-   }
-  for (pos=0; pos< prf_length; pos++)
-    {
-           for (res=0; res<=max_aa; res++)
-             {
-                f = 0;
-                for (d=0; d<=max_aa; d++)
-                     f += (weighting[d][pos] * matrix[d][res]);
-                f += (weighting[gap_pos1][pos] * matrix[gap_pos1][res]);
-                f += (weighting[gap_pos2][pos] * matrix[gap_pos2][res]);
-                profile[pos+1][res] = f;
-             }
-           f = 0;
-           for (d=0; d<=max_aa; d++)
-                f += (weighting[d][pos] * matrix[d][gap_pos1]);
-           f += (weighting[gap_pos1][pos] * matrix[gap_pos1][gap_pos1]);
-           f += (weighting[gap_pos2][pos] * matrix[gap_pos2][gap_pos1]);
-           profile[pos+1][gap_pos1] = f;
-           f = 0;
-           for (d=0; d<=max_aa; d++)
-                f += (weighting[d][pos] * matrix[d][gap_pos2]);
-           f += (weighting[gap_pos1][pos] * matrix[gap_pos1][gap_pos2]);
-           f += (weighting[gap_pos2][pos] * matrix[gap_pos2][gap_pos2]);
-           profile[pos+1][gap_pos2] = f;
-    }
-  for (i=0;i<=max_aa;i++)
-    weighting[i]=ckfree((void *)weighting[i]);
-  weighting=ckfree((void *)weighting);

Deleted: trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xutils.c
--- trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xutils.c	2007-08-12 13:21:13 UTC (rev 398)
+++ trunk/packages/clustalw/trunk/xutils.c	2007-08-12 15:08:40 UTC (rev 399)
@@ -1,1340 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <vibrant.h>
-#include "clustalw.h"
-#include "xmenu.h"
-char fontbuf[80];
-FonT tmpFont=NULL;
-static void VSeqMgrFontProc ();
-static int get_series_matrixname(char *usermtrxname, short *usermat,short *aa_xref,int usermatnum,int *matnum,PrompT mattext);
-extern Boolean x_menus;
-extern WindoW mainw;
-extern GrouP matrix_list,pw_matrix_list;
-extern GrouP dnamatrix_list,pw_dnamatrix_list;
-extern GrouP seg_matrix_list,seg_dnamatrix_list;
-extern GrouP score_matrix_list,score_dnamatrix_list;
-extern Boolean  interactive;
-extern Boolean  dnaflag;
-extern char     hyd_residues[];
-extern sint     gap_dist;
-extern Boolean  no_var_penalties, no_hyd_penalties, no_pref_penalties;
-extern Boolean  use_endgaps;
-extern Boolean  realign_endgappenalties;
-extern Boolean  align_endgappenalties;
-extern sint     divergence_cutoff;
-extern Boolean  lowercase; /* Flag for GDE output - set on comm. line*/
-extern Boolean  cl_seq_numbers;
-extern Boolean  seqRange;
-extern sint     output_order;
-extern Boolean  save_log;
-extern Boolean  quick_pairalign;
-extern Boolean  neg_matrix;
-extern Boolean  output_clustal, output_nbrf, output_phylip, output_gcg, output_gde, output_nexus;
-extern Boolean output_fasta;
-extern Boolean  save_parameters;
-extern Boolean  output_tree_clustal, output_tree_phylip, output_tree_distances, output_tree_nexus, output_pim;
-extern char	seqname[];
-extern float	transition_weight;
-extern float    gap_open,      gap_extend;
-extern float    dna_gap_open,  dna_gap_extend;
-extern float    prot_gap_open, prot_gap_extend;
-extern float    pw_go_penalty,      pw_ge_penalty;
-extern float    dna_pw_go_penalty,  dna_pw_ge_penalty;
-extern float    prot_pw_go_penalty, prot_pw_ge_penalty;
-extern sint    wind_gap,ktup,window,signif;
-extern sint    dna_wind_gap, dna_ktup, dna_window, dna_signif;
-extern sint    prot_wind_gap,prot_ktup,prot_window,prot_signif;
-extern Boolean tossgaps;  /* Ignore places in align. where ANY seq. has a gap*/
-extern Boolean kimura;    /* Use correction for multiple substitutions */
-extern sint boot_ntrials;               /* number of bootstrap trials */
-extern unsigned sint boot_ran_seed;     /* random number generator seed */
-extern sint    bootstrap_format;
-extern sint struct_penalties,struct_penalties1,struct_penalties2;
-extern sint output_struct_penalties;
-extern sint    profile1_nseqs;
-extern sint     nseqs;
-extern Boolean use_ss1, use_ss2;
-extern int inverted;
-extern char     mtrxname[], pw_mtrxname[];
-extern char     usermtrxname[], pw_usermtrxname[];
-extern sint        matnum,pw_matnum;
-extern short    usermat[], pw_usermat[];
-extern short    aa_xref[], pw_aa_xref[];
-extern char     dnamtrxname[], pw_dnamtrxname[];
-extern char     dnausermtrxname[], pw_dnausermtrxname[];
-extern sint        dnamatnum,pw_dnamatnum;
-extern short    userdnamat[], pw_userdnamat[];
-extern short    dna_xref[], pw_dna_xref[];
-extern Boolean  use_ambiguities;
-extern MatMenu matrix_menu;
-extern MatMenu dnamatrix_menu;
-extern MatMenu pw_matrix_menu;
-extern sint        helix_penalty;
-extern sint        strand_penalty;
-extern sint        loop_penalty;
-extern sint        helix_end_minus;
-extern sint        helix_end_plus;
-extern sint        strand_end_minus;
-extern sint        strand_end_plus;
-extern sint        helix_end_penalty;
-extern sint        strand_end_penalty;
-extern TexT savealntext;
-extern GrouP slow_para,fast_para;
-extern PrompT   message;           /* used in temporary message window */
-extern Boolean mess_output;
-extern FILE *save_log_fd;
-extern color color_lut[];
-extern spanel  seq_panel;        /* data for multiple alignment area */
-extern spanel  prf_panel[];       /* data for profile alignment areas */
-extern Boolean aln_mode;
-extern Boolean fixed_prf_scroll;
-extern Boolean output_ss;
-extern Boolean output_gp;
-extern PrompT mattext,pwmattext;
-extern PrompT dnamattext,pwdnamattext;
-extern int    save_format;
-extern Boolean residue_exceptions;
-extern Boolean segment_exceptions;
-extern int font_size;
-extern FonT datafont;
-extern int av_font[];
-extern TexT blocklentext;
-extern IteM segment_item;
-extern int      pagesize;
-extern int      orientation;
-extern Boolean  ps_ruler,ps_header,resize,ps_curve,ps_resno;
-extern int      first_printres,last_printres,blocklen;
-extern int      firstres,lastres;
-void set_go_penalty(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	float temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atof(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
-		return;
-	gap_open=temp;
-        if(dnaflag)
-         	dna_gap_open     = gap_open;
-	else
-         	prot_gap_open     = gap_open;
-void set_ge_penalty(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	float temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atof(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
-		return;
-	gap_extend=temp;
-        if(dnaflag)
-         	dna_gap_extend     = gap_extend;
-	else
-         	prot_gap_extend     = gap_extend;
-void set_gap_dist(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	int temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atoi(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
-		return;
-	gap_dist = temp;
-void set_ntrials(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        int temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	if (str == NULL) return;
-	temp = atoi(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 10000)
-                return;
-        boot_ntrials = temp;
-void set_ran_seed(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        int temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-        temp = atoi(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 1000)
-                return;
-        boot_ran_seed = temp;
-void set_div_seq(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	int temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atoi(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
-		return;
-	divergence_cutoff = temp;
-void set_pw_go_penalty(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        float temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-        temp = atof(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
-                return;
-	pw_go_penalty = temp;
-        if(dnaflag)
-         	dna_pw_go_penalty     = pw_go_penalty;
-	else
-         	prot_pw_go_penalty     = pw_go_penalty;
-void set_pw_ge_penalty(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        float temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-        temp = atof(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
-                return;
-	pw_ge_penalty = temp;
-        if(dnaflag)
-         	dna_pw_ge_penalty     = pw_ge_penalty;
-	else
-         	prot_pw_ge_penalty     = pw_ge_penalty;
-void set_gp(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        int temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-        temp = atoi(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
-                return;
-	wind_gap = temp;
-        if(dnaflag)
-         	dna_wind_gap       = wind_gap;
-	else
-         	prot_wind_gap       = wind_gap;
-void set_ktuple(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        int temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-        temp = atoi(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
-                return;
-	ktup = temp;
-        if(dnaflag)
-         	dna_ktup       = ktup;
-	else
-         	prot_ktup       = ktup;
-void set_topdiags(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        int temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-        temp = atoi(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
-                return;
-	signif = temp;
-        if(dnaflag)
-         	dna_signif     = signif;
-	else
-         	prot_signif     = signif;
-void set_window(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        int temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-        temp = atoi(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
-                return;
-	window = temp;
-        if(dnaflag)
-         	dna_window     = window;
-	else
-         	prot_window     = window;
-void set_hyd_res(TexT t)
-	int i,j;
-	char tstr[27];
-	GetTitle(t,tstr,27);
-	for (i=0,j=0;i<strlen(hyd_residues) && i<27;i++)
-	{
-		if (isalpha(tstr[i]))
-			hyd_residues[j++] = tstr[i];
-	}
-	hyd_residues[j]='\0';
-void set_button(ButtoN l,Boolean *value)
-	int tmp;
-	tmp = GetStatus(l);
-	if (tmp == TRUE)
-		*value = TRUE;
-	else
-		*value = FALSE;
-void set_toggle(PopuP l,Boolean *value)
-	int tmp;
-	tmp = GetValue(l);
-	if (tmp == 1)
-		*value = TRUE;
-	else
-		*value = FALSE;
-void set_pref_penalties(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&no_pref_penalties);
-void set_hyd_penalties(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&no_hyd_penalties);
-void set_var_penalties(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&no_var_penalties);
-void set_endgaps(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&use_endgaps);
-void set_align_endgappenalties(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&align_endgappenalties);
-void set_realign_endgappenalties(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&realign_endgappenalties);
-void set_case(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&lowercase);
-void set_snos(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&cl_seq_numbers);
-void setRange(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l, &seqRange);
-void set_save_paras(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&save_parameters);
-void set_transitions(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        float temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-        temp = atof(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 100)
-                return;
-        transition_weight = temp;
-void set_ambiguities(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&use_ambiguities);
-void set_neg_matrix(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&neg_matrix);
-void set_output_nbrf(ButtoN l)
-	set_button(l,&output_nbrf);
-void set_output_phylip(ButtoN l)
-	set_button(l,&output_phylip);
-void set_output_gcg(ButtoN l)
-	set_button(l,&output_gcg);
-void set_output_order(PopuP g)
-	int tmp;
-	tmp = GetValue(g);
-	if (tmp == 1)
-		output_order=INPUT;
-	else
-		output_order=ALIGNED;
-void set_pagesize(PopuP g)
-	int tmp;
-	char tstr[10];
-	tmp = GetValue(g);
-	if (tmp == 1)
-		pagesize=A4;
-	else if (tmp == 2)
-		pagesize=A3;
-	else
-		pagesize=USLETTER;
-	if(orientation==LANDSCAPE)
-	{
-		if(pagesize==A4) blocklen=150;
-		else if (pagesize==A3) blocklen=250;
-		else blocklen=150;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if(pagesize==A4) blocklen=80;
-		else if (pagesize==A3) blocklen=150;
-		else blocklen=150;
-	}
-	sprintf(tstr,"%d",blocklen);
-	SetTitle(blocklentext,tstr);
-void set_orientation(PopuP g)
-	int tmp;
-	char tstr[10];
-	tmp = GetValue(g);
-	if (tmp == 1)
-		orientation=LANDSCAPE;
-	else
-		orientation=PORTRAIT;
-	if(orientation==LANDSCAPE)
-	{
-		if(pagesize==A4) blocklen=150;
-		else if (pagesize==A3) blocklen=250;
-		else blocklen=150;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if(pagesize==A4) blocklen=80;
-		else if (pagesize==A3) blocklen=150;
-		else blocklen=150;
-	}
-	sprintf(tstr,"%d",blocklen);
-	SetTitle(blocklentext,tstr);
-void set_resno(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&ps_resno);
-void set_curve(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&ps_curve);
-void set_ruler(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&ps_ruler);
-void set_header(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&ps_header);
-void set_resize(PopuP l)
-	set_toggle(l,&resize);
-void set_fres(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        int temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	if (str == NULL) return;
-	temp = atoi(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 100000)
-                return;
-        firstres = temp;
-void set_lres(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        int temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	if (str == NULL) return;
-	temp = atoi(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 100000)
-                return;
-        lastres = temp;
-void set_fpres(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        int temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	if (str == NULL) return;
-	temp = atoi(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 10000)
-                return;
-        first_printres = temp;
-void set_lpres(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        int temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	if (str == NULL) return;
-	temp = atoi(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 10000)
-                return;
-        last_printres = temp;
-void set_blocklen(TexT t)
-        char str[10];
-        int temp;
-        GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	if (str == NULL) return;
-	temp = atoi(str);
-        if (temp < 0 || temp > 10000)
-                return;
-        blocklen = temp;
-void set_output_tree_nexus(ButtoN l)
-	set_button(l,&output_tree_nexus);
-void set_output_pim(ButtoN l)
-	set_button(l,&output_pim);
-void set_output_tree_clustal(ButtoN l)
-	set_button(l,&output_tree_clustal);
-void set_output_tree_phylip(ButtoN l)
-	set_button(l,&output_tree_phylip);
-void set_output_tree_distances(ButtoN l)
-	set_button(l,&output_tree_distances);
-void set_tossgaps(IteM i)
-	tossgaps=GetStatus(i);
-void set_kimura(IteM i)
-	kimura=GetStatus(i);
-void set_boot_format(PopuP g)
-	int tmp;
-	tmp = GetValue(g);
-	if (tmp == 1)
-		bootstrap_format=BS_NODE_LABELS;
-	else
-		bootstrap_format=BS_BRANCH_LABELS;
-char prompt_for_yes_no(char *title,char *prompt)
-        char lin2[MESSLENGTH*MESSLINES];
-	if(!x_menus) return;
-	strcpy(lin2,title);
-	strcat(lin2,".\n");
-	strcat(lin2,prompt);
-	strcat(lin2,"?");
-	if (Message(MSG_YN,lin2)==ANS_NO)
-                return('n');
-        else
-                return('y');
-*	fatal()
-*	Prints error msg and exits.
-*	Variadic parameter list can be passed.
-*	Return values:
-*		none
-void fatal( char *msg,...)
-	va_list ap;
-	char vstr[1000];
-	va_start(ap,msg);
-	vsprintf(vstr,msg,ap);
-	va_end(ap);
-	strncat(istr,vstr,MESSLENGTH*MESSLINES-20);
-	Message(MSG_FATAL,istr);
-*	error()
-*	Prints error msg.
-*	Variadic parameter list can be passed.
-*	Return values:
-*		none
-void error( char *msg,...)
-	va_list ap;
-	char vstr[1000];
-	va_start(ap,msg);
-	vsprintf(vstr,msg,ap);
-	va_end(ap);
-	strncat(istr,vstr,MESSLENGTH*MESSLINES-10);
-	if (!interactive)
-		fprintf(stdout,"%s",istr);
-	else
-		Message(MSG_ERROR,istr);
-*	warning()
-*	Prints warning msg.
-*	Variadic parameter list can be passed.
-*	Return values:
-*		none
-void warning( char *msg,...)
-	va_list ap;
-	char vstr[1000];
-	va_start(ap,msg);
-	vsprintf(vstr,msg,ap);
-	va_end(ap);
-	strncat(istr,vstr,MESSLENGTH*MESSLINES-10);
-	if (!interactive)
-		fprintf(stdout,"%s",istr);
-	else
-		Message(MSG_ERROR,istr);
-*	info()
-*	Prints info msg.
-*	Variadic parameter list can be passed.
-*	Return values:
-*		none
-void info( char *msg,...)
-	va_list ap;
-	char istr[MESSLENGTH+10] = "";
-	char vstr[1000];
-	if (!mess_output) return;
-	va_start(ap,msg);
-	vsprintf(vstr,msg,ap);
-	va_end(ap);
-	strncat(istr,vstr,MESSLENGTH);
-	if (!interactive)
-		fprintf(stdout,"%s\n",istr);
-	else
-	{
-		UseWindow(mainw);
-		SelectFont(systemFont);	
-		SetTitle(message,istr);
-		if(save_log && save_log_fd!=NULL)
-			fprintf(save_log_fd,"%s\n",istr);
-		Update();
-	}
-void set_helix_gp(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	int temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atoi(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 9)
-		return;
-	helix_penalty = temp;
-void set_strand_gp(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	int temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atoi(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 9)
-		return;
-	strand_penalty = temp;
-void set_loop_gp(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	int temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atoi(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 9)
-		return;
-	loop_penalty = temp;
-void set_terminal_gp(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	int temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atoi(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 9)
-		return;
-	helix_end_penalty = temp;
-void set_helix_minus(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	int temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atoi(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 9)
-		return;
-	helix_end_minus = temp;
-void set_helix_plus(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	int temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atoi(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 9)
-		return;
-	helix_end_plus = temp;
-void set_strand_plus(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	int temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atoi(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 9)
-		return;
-	strand_end_plus = temp;
-void set_strand_minus(TexT t)
-	char str[10];
-	int temp;
-	GetTitle(t,str,10);
-	temp = atoi(str);
-	if (temp < 0 || temp > 9)
-		return;
-	strand_end_minus = temp;
-void set_inverted(IteM i)
-        inverted=GetStatus(i);
-        if (inverted==FALSE)
-        {
-                strcpy(color_lut[0].name,"BLACK");
-                color_lut[0].r=0.4;
-                color_lut[0].g=0.4;
-                color_lut[0].b=0.4;
-                SelectColor(color_lut[0].r*255, color_lut[0].g*255, color_lut[0].b*255);
-                color_lut[0].val=GetColor();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-                strcpy(color_lut[0].name,"WHITE");
-                color_lut[0].r=1.0;
-                color_lut[0].g=1.0;
-                color_lut[0].b=1.0;
-                SelectColor(color_lut[0].r*255, color_lut[0].g*255, color_lut[0].b*255);
-                color_lut[0].val=GetColor();
-        }
-        if(aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-                DrawPanel(seq_panel.seqs);
-        else
-        {
-                DrawPanel(prf_panel[0].seqs);
-                DrawPanel(prf_panel[1].seqs);
-        }
-void set_ss_output(ButtoN b)
-        int tmp;
-        tmp = GetStatus(b);
-        if (tmp) output_ss = TRUE;
-	else output_ss = FALSE;
-	if (output_ss && output_gp)
-		output_struct_penalties=2;
-	else if (output_ss)
-		output_struct_penalties=0;
-	else if (output_gp)
-		output_struct_penalties=1;
-	else
-		output_struct_penalties=3;
-void set_gp_output(ButtoN b)
-        int tmp;
-        tmp = GetStatus(b);
-        if (tmp) output_gp = TRUE;
-	else output_gp = FALSE;
-	if (output_ss && output_gp)
-		output_struct_penalties=2;
-	else if (output_ss)
-		output_struct_penalties=0;
-	else if (output_gp)
-		output_struct_penalties=1;
-	else
-		output_struct_penalties=3;
-void set_user_matrix(ButtoN but)
-	if(get_series_matrixname(usermtrxname,usermat,aa_xref,5,&matnum,mattext))
-		strcpy(mtrxname,usermtrxname);
-	SetValue(matrix_list,matnum);
-void set_pw_user_matrix(ButtoN but)
-	if(get_user_matrixname(pw_usermtrxname,pw_usermat,pw_aa_xref,5,&pw_matnum,pwmattext))
-		strcpy(pw_mtrxname,pw_usermtrxname);
-	SetValue(pw_matrix_list,pw_matnum);
-void set_pw_matrix(GrouP g)
-        int tmp;
-        tmp = GetValue(g);
-        if (tmp>0 && tmp<pw_matrix_menu.noptions) 
-        {
-                pw_matnum = tmp;
-		strcpy(pw_mtrxname,pw_matrix_menu.opt[tmp-1].string);
-        }
-        else if(pw_usermtrxname[0]=='\0')
-	{
-		if(get_user_matrixname(pw_usermtrxname,pw_usermat,pw_aa_xref,pw_matrix_menu.noptions,&pw_matnum,pwmattext))
-			strcpy(pw_mtrxname,pw_usermtrxname);
-	}
-	else
-		pw_matnum=pw_matrix_menu.noptions;
-	SetValue(pw_matrix_list,pw_matnum);
-void set_matrix(GrouP g)
-	int tmp;
-	int status;
-        tmp = GetValue(g);
-        if (tmp>0 && tmp<matrix_menu.noptions) 
-        {
-        	matnum = tmp;
-		strcpy(mtrxname,matrix_menu.opt[tmp-1].string);
-        }
-        else if(usermtrxname[0]=='\0')
-	{
-		if(get_series_matrixname(usermtrxname,usermat,aa_xref,matrix_menu.noptions,&matnum,mattext))
-			strcpy(mtrxname,usermtrxname);
-	}
-	else matnum=matrix_menu.noptions;
-	SetValue(matrix_list,matnum);
-static int get_series_matrixname(char *usermtrxname, short *usermat,short *aa_xref,int usermatnum,int *matnum,PrompT mattext)
-	int ret=0;
-	static Char filename[FILENAMELEN];
-        if (GetInputFileName(filename,FILENAMELEN,"","")) 
-	{
-        	if(user_mat_series(filename, usermat, aa_xref))
-        	{
-                	strcpy(usermtrxname,filename);
-                	*matnum=usermatnum;
-			SetTitle(mattext,usermtrxname);
-			ret=1;
-        	}
-	} 
-	return ret;
-int get_user_matrixname(char *usermtrxname, short *usermat,short *aa_xref,int usermatnum,int *matnum,PrompT mattext)
-	int ret=0;
-	static Char filename[FILENAMELEN];
-        if (GetInputFileName(filename,FILENAMELEN,"","")) 
-	{
-        	if(user_mat(filename, usermat, aa_xref))
-        	{
-                	strcpy(usermtrxname,filename);
-                	*matnum=usermatnum;
-			SetTitle(mattext,usermtrxname);
-			ret=1;
-        	}
-	} 
-	return ret;
-void set_user_dnamatrix(ButtoN but)
-	if(get_user_matrixname(dnausermtrxname,userdnamat,dna_xref,3,&dnamatnum,dnamattext))
-		strcpy(dnamtrxname,dnausermtrxname);
-	SetValue(dnamatrix_list,dnamatnum);
-void set_pw_user_dnamatrix(ButtoN but)
-	if(get_user_matrixname(pw_dnausermtrxname,pw_userdnamat,pw_dna_xref,3,&pw_dnamatnum,pwdnamattext))
-		strcpy(pw_dnamtrxname,pw_dnausermtrxname);
-	SetValue(pw_dnamatrix_list,pw_dnamatnum);
-void set_pw_dnamatrix(GrouP g)
-        int tmp;
-        tmp = GetValue(g);
-        if (tmp>0 && tmp<dnamatrix_menu.noptions) 
-        {
-                pw_dnamatnum = tmp;
-		strcpy(pw_dnamtrxname,dnamatrix_menu.opt[tmp-1].string);
-        }
-        else if(pw_dnausermtrxname[0]=='\0')
-	{
-		if(get_user_matrixname(pw_dnausermtrxname,pw_userdnamat,pw_dna_xref,dnamatrix_menu.noptions,&pw_dnamatnum,pwdnamattext))
-			strcpy(pw_dnamtrxname,pw_dnausermtrxname);
-	}
-	else pw_dnamatnum=dnamatrix_menu.noptions;
-	SetValue(pw_dnamatrix_list,pw_dnamatnum);
-void set_dnamatrix(GrouP g)
-	int tmp;
-        tmp = GetValue(g);
-        if (tmp>0 && tmp<dnamatrix_menu.noptions) 
-        {
-        	dnamatnum = tmp;
-		strcpy(dnamtrxname,dnamatrix_menu.opt[tmp-1].string);
-        }
-        else if(dnausermtrxname[0]=='\0')
-	{
-		if(get_user_matrixname(dnausermtrxname,userdnamat,dna_xref,dnamatrix_menu.noptions,&dnamatnum,dnamattext))
-			strcpy(dnamtrxname,dnausermtrxname);
-	}
-	else dnamatnum=dnamatrix_menu.noptions;
-	SetValue(dnamatrix_list,dnamatnum);
-FILE *  open_input_file(char *file_name)
-        FILE * file_handle;
-        if (*file_name == EOS) {
-                error("Bad input file [%s]",file_name);
-                return NULL;
-        }
-#ifdef VMS
-        if((file_handle=fopen(file_name,"r","rat=cr","rfm=var"))==NULL) {
-        if((file_handle=fopen(file_name,"r"))==NULL) {
-                error("Cannot open input file [%s]",file_name);
-                return NULL;
-        }
-        return file_handle;
-void set_use_ss1(PopuP l)
-        set_toggle(l,&use_ss1);
-	load_aln(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-void set_use_ss2(PopuP l)
-        set_toggle(l,&use_ss2);
-	load_aln(prf_panel[0],0,profile1_nseqs-1,FALSE);
-	load_aln(prf_panel[1],profile1_nseqs,nseqs-1,FALSE);
-void set_output_clustal(ButtoN l)
-        set_button(l,&output_clustal);
-void set_output_gde(ButtoN l)
-        set_button(l,&output_gde);
-void set_output_nexus(ButtoN l)
-        set_button(l,&output_nexus);
-void set_output_fasta(ButtoN l)
-        set_button(l,&output_fasta);
-void set_format(GrouP g)
-        int i;
-	char path[FILENAMELEN];
-	get_path(seqname,path);
-	GetTitle(savealntext, path,FILENAMELEN);
-/* remove the current extension */
-	for(i=strlen(path)-1;i>=0;i--)
-		if(path[i]=='.')
-		{
-			path[i]='\0';
-			break;
-		}
-        i = GetValue(g);
-        if (i==1)
-	{
-                save_format=CLUSTAL;
-		strcat(path,".aln");
-	}
-        else if (i==2)
-	{
-                save_format=PIR;
-		strcat(path,".pir");
-	}
-        else if (i==3)
-	{
-                save_format=MSF;
-		strcat(path,".msf");
-	}
-        else if (i==4)
-	{
-                save_format=PHYLIP;
-		strcat(path,".phy");
-	}
-        else if (i==5)
-	{
-                save_format=GDE;
-		strcat(path,".gde");
-	}
-        else if (i==6)
-	{
-                save_format=NEXUS;
-		strcat(path,".nxs");
-	}
-        else if (i==7)
-	{
-                save_format=FASTA;
-		strcat(path,".fasta");
-	}
-	SetTitle(savealntext, path);
-void set_residue_exceptions(IteM i)
-	if (residue_exceptions==FALSE)
-		residue_exceptions=TRUE;
-	else
-		residue_exceptions=FALSE;
-	if (aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-		DrawPanel(seq_panel.seqs);
-	else
-	{
-		DrawPanel(prf_panel[0].seqs);
-		DrawPanel(prf_panel[1].seqs);
-	}
-void set_fs_toggle(PopuP l)
-        set_toggle(l,&quick_pairalign);
-        if (quick_pairalign)
-        {
-                Hide(slow_para);
-                Show(fast_para);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-                Hide(fast_para);
-                Show(slow_para);
-        }
-void set_font_size(PopuP g)
-        int tmp;
-	char font[30];
-	tmp = GetValue(g);
-	/*
-	if ( tmp == 6 ) {
-	  printf("\n choosing differnt fonts %d\n ",tmp);
-	  VSeqMgrFontProc();
-	  printf("\n choosing differnt fonts ( %s ) ",fontbuf);
-	  datafont=ParseFont(fontbuf);
-	}
-	else {
-	  printf("\n NOT......... choosing differnt fonts   %d\n ",tmp);
-	*/
-	  font_size=tmp-1;
-	  sprintf(font, "%s,%d,%c", "courier", av_font[font_size], 'm');
-	  datafont=ParseFont(font);
-	  /*	} */
-	if (aln_mode==MULTIPLEM)
-	{
-		DrawPanel(seq_panel.names);
-		DrawPanel(seq_panel.seqs);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		DrawPanel(prf_panel[0].names);
-		DrawPanel(prf_panel[0].seqs);
-		DrawPanel(prf_panel[1].names);
-		DrawPanel(prf_panel[1].seqs);
-	}
-	correct_name_bars(FALSE);
-	correct_seq_bars(FALSE);
-void set_pscroll_mode(ButtoN l)
-	panel_data data;
-        set_button(l,&fixed_prf_scroll);
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-	if(fixed_prf_scroll)
-		data.lockoffset=data.firstvcol;
-	else
-		data.lockoffset=0;
-	SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[0].seqs,&data);
-	GetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-	if(fixed_prf_scroll)
-		data.lockoffset=data.firstvcol;
-	else
-		data.lockoffset=0;
-	SetPanelExtra(prf_panel[1].seqs,&data);
-	correct_seq_bars(FALSE);
-void set_aln_mode(PopuP g)
-        int tmp;
-        tmp = GetValue(g);
-        if (tmp == 1)
-                aln_mode = MULTIPLEM;
-        else
-                aln_mode = PROFILEM;
-        switch_mode();
-void set_show_segments(IteM l)
-        if (segment_exceptions==FALSE)
-                segment_exceptions=TRUE;
-        else
-                segment_exceptions=FALSE;
-	calc_seg_exceptions();
-	SetStatus(segment_item,segment_exceptions);
-        show_segment_exceptions();
-void shift(Handle a, int dx, int dy)
-	PoinT pt;
-	GetNextPosition (a, &pt);
-	pt.x+=dx;
-	pt.y+=dy;
-	SetNextPosition(a, pt);
-void stripspace(char *str)
-	register int i,j,p;
-	char *tstr;
-#ifndef UNIX
-	return;
-        p = strlen(str) - 1;
-        while ( isspace(str[p]) )
-                p--;
-        str[p + 1] = EOS;
-	tstr=(char *)ckalloc((p+2)*sizeof(char));
-	for(i=0,j=0;i<=p;i++)
-		if(!isspace(str[i]))
-			tstr[j++]=str[i];
-	tstr[j] = EOS;
-	strcpy(str,tstr);
-	ckfree(tstr);
-/*   extra code  */
-static void VSeqMgrFontProc ()
-        Nlm_FontSpec font;
-        FonT f;
-        /* GetFontSpec(vsmp->font, &font); */
-	printf(" before getfontspec \n");
-        GetFontSpec(tmpFont, &font);
-	printf(" done getfontspec \n");
-        if (ChooseFont(&font, CFF_READ_FSP, NULL))
-        {
-                /***
-                f = GetPermanentFont(&font);
-                ***/
-                f = CreateFont(&font);
-                tmpFont = f;
-                SelectFont(f);
-                /* vsmp->lineheight = LineHeight();
-                vsmp->leading = Leading();
-                vsmp->charw = MaxCharWidth();
-                vsmp->update_all = TRUE; */
-                /* VSeqMgrShow(); */
-		FontSpecToStr(&font, fontbuf, 80);
-		datafont = ParseFont(fontbuf);
-		printf(" font info \n   ( %s )   \n", fontbuf);
-        }
-        return ;

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