[med-svn] r1047 - in trunk/community/infrastructure: . LibCIA LibCIA/Formatters LibCIA/IRC LibCIA/Stats LibCIA/Web LibCIA/Web/Stats Nouvelle

hanska-guest at alioth.debian.org hanska-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Dec 30 16:44:45 UTC 2007

Author: hanska-guest
Date: 2007-12-30 16:44:44 +0000 (Sun, 30 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 1047

Importing scripts into SVN

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Cache.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Cache.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Cache.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+""" LibCIA.Cache
+A generic object cache. Arbitrary python objects are mapped to files or strings.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.python import log
+import time, md5, os, random, cPickle, traceback, sys
+from LibCIA import Files
+class CachePerformance:
+    """Collects performance information about a cache.
+       This is not persistent across server sessions.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+        self.hits = 0
+        self.misses = 0
+_cachePerformanceStorage = {}
+def getNamedCachePerformance(name):
+    """Retrieve a CachePerformance object with the given name,
+       creating it if necessary.
+       """
+    global _cachePerformanceStorage
+    try:
+        return _cachePerformanceStorage[name]
+    except KeyError:
+        perf = CachePerformance(name)
+        _cachePerformanceStorage[name] = perf
+        return perf
+def getCachePerformanceList():
+    """Return an iterator for all registered CachePerformance instances"""
+    global _cachePerformanceStorage
+    return _cachePerformanceStorage.itervalues()
+class AbstractFileCache:
+    """An abstract cache mapping arbitrary python parameters to
+       a files. Subclasses should define the miss() function to
+       generate the data being cached in the event of a cache miss.
+       """
+    lifespan = None
+    def get(self, *args):
+        """Retrieve the item associated with some set of arguments.
+           If the item doesn't exist in the cache, this calls miss()
+           with the same arguments to generate the item, and adds it
+           to the cache.
+           Returns a Deferred instance that eventually results in a file object.
+           """
+        filename = self.getFilename(args)
+        perf = getNamedCachePerformance(self.__class__.__name__)
+        if os.path.isfile(filename):
+            result = defer.Deferred()
+            try:
+                self._returnHit(filename, result)
+            except:
+                log.msg("Exception occurred in %s._returnHit(%r)\n%s" % (
+                    self.__class__.__name__, filename,
+                    "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))))
+            else:
+                perf.hits += 1
+                return result
+        # We need to create the file. Do this atomically by first writing
+        # to a temporary file then moving that.
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        defer.maybeDeferred(self.miss, *args).addCallback(
+            self._returnMiss, filename, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        perf.misses += 1
+        return result
+    def _returnHit(self, filename, result):
+        result.callback(open(filename))
+    def _returnMiss(self, tempFilename, filename, result):
+        os.rename(tempFilename, filename)
+        result.callback(open(filename))
+    def miss(self, *args):
+        """Subclasses must implement this to generate the data we're supposed
+           to be caching in the event of a cache miss. Returns a filename where
+           the result can be found- this file will then be moved to the correct
+           place in the cache.
+           Implementations are encouraged, but not required, to get their file
+           name from self.getTempFilename().
+           The return value can optionally be passed via a Deferred.
+           """
+        pass
+    def getFilename(self, args):
+        """Return a filename for a cached object corresponding to the provided args
+           and this data type. This combines a hash of args with the name of this class.
+           We create the cache directory if necessary.
+           """
+        hash = md5.md5(repr(args)).hexdigest()
+        return Files.getCacheFile(self.__class__.__name__, hash)
+    def getTempFilename(self):
+        """Return a suggested temporary file name for miss() to use"""
+        return Files.getTempFile()
+class AbstractStringCache(AbstractFileCache):
+    """Based on AbstractFileCache, this cache provides an interface based on strings
+       rather than files. This still uses the same file-based caching mechanism
+       as AbstractFileCache.
+       """
+    def _returnHit(self, filename, result):
+        result.callback(open(filename, "rb").read())
+    def _returnMiss(self, string, filename, result):
+        tempFilename = self.getTempFilename()
+        open(tempFilename, "wb").write(string)
+        os.rename(tempFilename, filename)
+        result.callback(string)
+class AbstractObjectCache(AbstractFileCache):
+    """Based on AbstractFileCache, this cache provides an interface based on
+       arbitrary Python objects, serialized using cPickle.
+       """
+    def _returnHit(self, filename, result):
+        result.callback(cPickle.load(open(filename, "rb")))
+    def _returnMiss(self, obj, filename, result):
+        tempFilename = self.getTempFilename()
+        cPickle.dump(obj, open(tempFilename, "wb"), cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+        os.rename(tempFilename, filename)
+        result.callback(obj)
+class Maintenance:
+    """Maintenance operations we run regularly to keep the cache in shape:"""
+    def run(self):
+        # FIXME: implement this for the new filesystem-based cache
+        pass
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Cache.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Cache.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/ColorText.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/ColorText.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/ColorText.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+""" LibCIA.ColorText
+Parses the {color} tag format used by original CIA commit messages,
+generating a <colorText> element tree.
+The <colorText> format is much like HTML. Any node can contain text and/or any of the
+nodes defined here. Tags and their effects can be nested like in HTML. The tags are:
+  <b>               Bold, just like in HTML
+  <u>               Underline, just like HTML
+  <br/>             Line break, just like HTML
+  <color fg="foo">  Set the foreground color
+  <color bg="foo">  Set the background color
+Color names are the same as those allowed in the original {color} format, a complete
+list is in allowedColors.
+This code gets awfully fun, since the original format allowed goop like
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import copy
+from LibCIA import XML
+allowedColors = (
+    "black",
+    "dark blue",
+    "dark green",
+    "green",
+    "red",
+    "brown",
+    "purple",
+    "orange",
+    "yellow",
+    "light green",
+    "aqua",
+    "light blue",
+    "blue",
+    "violet",
+    "grey",
+    "gray",
+    "light grey",
+    "light gray",
+    "white",
+    )
+class ColorState:
+    """Represents the current foreground color, background color, bold, and underline
+       state. State changes are generated by tags in the original format, which are
+       used to generate tags in the <colorText> format.
+       """
+    fgColor = None
+    bgColor = None
+    bold = False
+    underline = False
+    def reverseVideo(self):
+        """Swap foreground and background colors"""
+        self.fgColor, self.bgColor = self.bgColor, self.fgColor
+class ColorTextParser:
+    """Parses a commit in the old format (with {color} tags) and generates a <colorText>
+       element containing the message's contents.
+       Common usage:
+         >>> p = ColorTextParser()
+         >>> p.parseToString('hello')
+         '<colorText>hello</colorText>'
+         >>> p.parseToString('{bold}hello')
+         '<colorText><b>hello</b></colorText>'
+         >>> p.parseToString('{bold}hello{normal} world')
+         '<colorText><b>hello</b> world</colorText>'
+       Some pathological examples:
+         >>> p.parseToString('{bold}{dark blue}{reverse}{yellow}hello{normal}{underline} world')
+         '<colorText><color bg="dark blue"><color fg="yellow"><b>hello</b></color></color><u> world</u></colorText>'
+         >>> p.parseToString('{wiggle}')
+         '<colorText>{wiggle}</colorText>'
+         >>> p.parseToString('{blue}')
+         '<colorText/>'
+         >>> p.parseToString('<b>')
+         '<colorText>&lt;b&gt;</colorText>'
+         >>> p.parseToString('{blue}{normal}hello')
+         '<colorText>hello</colorText>'
+       """
+    def parse(self, message):
+        """Given a string of text in the original CIA commit format, return a <colorText>
+           element representing it as a DOM tree.
+           """
+        # Initialize our model of the current text format in the original message
+        self.parsedState = ColorState()
+        self.document = XML.createRootNode()
+        # Initialize our stack of (element, ColorState) tuples representing
+        # the state of the XML document being generated. This starts out with
+        # our root element in it.
+        self.elementStack = [
+            (XML.addElement(self.document, "colorText"), ColorState())
+            ]
+        # Break up the message into lines, each with its whitespace stripped.
+        # Run our lexical scanner on each line separately, turning it into
+        # a stream of events. Insert <br/> tags between lines.
+        lines = []
+        for line in message.split("\n"):
+            # Ignore extra whitespace
+            line = line.strip()
+            # Ignore blank lines
+            if line:
+                lines.append(line)
+        for i in xrange(len(lines)):
+            if i != 0:
+                XML.addElement(self.elementStack[-1][0], 'br')
+            self.lex(lines[i])
+            self.closeTags()
+        return self.document
+    def parseToString(self, message):
+        return XML.toString(self.parse(message).documentElement)
+    def lex(self, message):
+        """A simple lexical scanner to convert an incoming message into a stream of text and tag events"""
+        while message:
+            nextSquiggly = message.find("{")
+            if nextSquiggly != 0:
+                # Normal text
+                if nextSquiggly > 0:
+                    # Process normal text and take it out of the message buffer
+                    self.textEvent(message[:nextSquiggly])
+                    message = message[nextSquiggly:]
+                else:
+                    # This is the last event in the message
+                    self.textEvent(message)
+                    return
+            else:
+                # Possibly the beginning of a tag
+                tagEnd = message.find("}")
+                if tagEnd < 1:
+                    # Unclosed tag, the rest of the message as normal text
+                    self.textEvent(message)
+                    return
+                # Chomp up the tag
+                self.tagEvent(message[1:tagEnd])
+                message = message[tagEnd+1:]
+    def tagEvent(self, tag):
+        """We just received a color tag. If this is a recognized tag, use it
+           to mutate the current parsedState. If not, put the squiggly brackets
+           back on and treat it as plain text.
+           """
+        if tag == "bold":
+            self.parsedState.bold = not self.parsedState.bold
+        elif tag == "underline":
+            self.parsedState.underline = not self.parsedState.underline
+        elif tag == "reverse":
+            self.parsedState.reverseVideo()
+        elif tag == "normal":
+            self.parsedState = ColorState()
+        elif tag in allowedColors:
+            self.parsedState.fgColor = tag
+        else:
+            # Unrecognized tag- output it unmodified
+            self.textEvent("{" + tag + "}")
+    def textEvent(self, text):
+        """We just received some text. Make sure our parsedState matches the
+           state of the current XML node and dump the new text in there.
+           """
+        self.updateState()
+        node = self.elementStack[-1][0]
+        node.appendChild(node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(text))
+    def closeTags(self):
+        """Close all currently opened tags"""
+        self.elementStack = self.elementStack[:1]
+    def pushTag(self, name, attributes={}, stateChanges={}):
+        """Add a new element to the elementStack, placed at
+           the end of the children list for the tag currently
+           at the top of the stack.
+           name:         The name of the new element
+           attributes:   A dict of attributes to set on the new element
+           stateChanges: A dict of attributes to change in the new tag's state
+           """
+        oldTag, oldState = self.elementStack[-1]
+        newTag = XML.addElement(self.elementStack[-1][0], name)
+        for key, value in attributes.iteritems():
+            newTag.setAttributeNS(None, key, value)
+        newState = copy.deepcopy(oldState)
+        newState.__dict__.update(stateChanges)
+        self.elementStack.append((newTag, newState))
+    def updateState(self):
+        """Compare the current parsedState with the ColorState() associated
+           with the XML element topmost on the stack. If they don't match,
+           add and remove elements as necessary to fix this.
+           """
+        if self.elementStack[-1][1] == self.parsedState:
+            # The states match, nothing to do
+            return
+        # For now this is pretty unintelligent- just close all tags
+        # and reopen them as necessary to recreate the new state.
+        self.closeTags()
+        if self.parsedState.bgColor:
+            self.pushTag('color',
+                         {'bg': self.parsedState.bgColor},
+                         {'bgColor': self.parsedState.bgColor}
+                         )
+        if self.parsedState.fgColor:
+            self.pushTag('color',
+                         {'fg': self.parsedState.fgColor},
+                         {'fgColor': self.parsedState.fgColor}
+                         )
+        if self.parsedState.bold:
+            self.pushTag('b',
+                         {},
+                         {'bold': True},
+                         )
+        if self.parsedState.underline:
+            self.pushTag('u',
+                         {},
+                         {'underline': True},
+                         )
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Cron.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Cron.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Cron.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+""" LibCIA.Cron
+A simple scheduler for repeated events. Each event is represented
+by a frequency in seconds, and a callable that handles the event.
+Trigger times are always an integer multiple of the period, so
+any period that one day can be evenly divided into will always run
+at the same time each day. An event with a period of an hour will
+always run at the top of the hour, and an event that runs
+every 15 minutes will always run at :00, :15, :30, and :45.
+Events are guaranteed not to be triggered too early, but they might
+be late if the system is heavily loaded.
+Normally all triggers are run once when they are added, since
+presumably if the server is just starting it will have missed a lot
+of opportunities to trigger events. This makes sense for most
+maintenance tasks. If it doesn't, you can disable that by adding the
+event with runNow=False.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import time
+import TimeUtil
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+from twisted.python import log
+# Just some convenience definitions you can use for event periods
+hourly = 60 * 60
+daily = hourly * 24
+class Event:
+    """An event that can be scheduled by Cron. A callable is run when
+       the event needs to be triggered. Given the current time, an
+       event can report when it needs to run next.
+       If the callable isn't expected to complete its tasks right away,
+       it should return a Deferred.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, period, callable, name=None, runNow=False):
+        if not name:
+            name = repr(callable)
+        self.period = period
+        self.callable = callable
+        self.name = name
+        if runNow:
+            self.triggerTime = 0
+        else:
+            self.triggerTime = self.findNextTriggerTime()
+    def findNextTriggerTime(self, now=None):
+        """Find the next time (in seconds since the epoch) that this
+           event should be triggered, after the current time.
+           """
+        if now is None:
+            now = time.time()
+        return (now // self.period + 1) * self.period
+    def trigger(self):
+        """Trigger this event, and update the time at which
+           the next triggering should occur.
+           """
+        self.triggerTime = self.findNextTriggerTime()
+        log.msg("Cron: running %s, next run at %s" %
+                (self.name, TimeUtil.formatLogDate(self.triggerTime)))
+        defer.maybeDeferred(self.callable).addCallback(self.triggerFinished)
+    def triggerFinished(self, result):
+        log.msg("Cron: finished %s" % self.name)
+class Scheduler:
+    """Holds events, triggering them when they want to be triggered"""
+    def __init__(self, *events):
+        # Maps from event instance to the DelayedCall that schedules it
+        self.events = {}
+        for event in events:
+            self.schedule(event)
+    def cancel(self, event):
+        """Stop triggering the given event"""
+        if event in self.events:
+            if self.events[event].active():
+                self.events[event].cancel()
+            del self.events[event]
+    def schedule(self, event):
+        """Delete any stale DelayedCalls we may have for this event, then
+           create one that will trigger our event at the correct time.
+           """
+        self.cancel(event)
+        delay = event.triggerTime - time.time()
+        if delay > 0:
+            self.events[event] = reactor.callLater(event.triggerTime - time.time(), self.trigger, event)
+        else:
+            self.trigger(event)
+    def trigger(self, event):
+        """Trigger the given event then reschedule it"""
+        event.trigger()
+        self.schedule(event)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Database.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Database.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Database.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+""" LibCIA.Database
+Utilities for accessing CIA's persistent data stored in an SQL database
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
+import MySQLdb.cursors
+import _mysql
+import os
+import XML
+# Import quoting functions for use elsewhere.
+# We use twisted's quote utility most places,
+# but as it doesn't understand MySQL-style binary
+# objects, we use _mysql to define quoteBlob.
+from twisted.enterprise.util import quote
+from _mysql import escape_string as quoteBlob
+# Disable the silly BLOB-to-array() conversion
+# in the latest versions of python-mysqldb
+def removeBlobConversions():
+    from MySQLdb.converters import conversions
+    from MySQLdb.constants import FIELD_TYPE
+    del conversions[FIELD_TYPE.BLOB]
+    removeBlobConversions()
+    pass
+class ConnectionPool(adbapi.ConnectionPool):
+    """Our own ConnectionPool subclass, sets the connection
+       encoding for MySQL 5.x automatically.
+       """
+    def connect(self):
+        conn = adbapi.ConnectionPool.connect(self)
+        cur = conn.cursor()
+        cur.execute("SET NAMES UTF8")
+        cur.close()
+        conn.commit()
+        return conn
+def readDictFile(path):
+    """Read a file formatted as a list of keys and values
+       separated by '=' signs. Any amount of whitespace
+       is allowed around the '=' and at the beginning and
+       end of lines.
+       """
+    d = {}
+    for line in open(path).readlines():
+        line = line.strip()
+        try:
+            key, value = line.split('=', 1)
+            d[key.strip()] = value.strip()
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+    return d
+def createPool(overrides={}, filename="~/.cia_db", serverCursor=False):
+    """
+    This creates the global ConnectionPool object that we use to access our database.
+    Note that a ConnectionPool doesn't actually connect to the database, it
+    just imports the database module, validates it, and provides a way to
+    run queries. This is initialized at the module level, so we can use rebuild
+    to modify the database information if necessary.
+    The database password is retrieved from ~/.mysql_passwd so it isn't stored
+    in this file. If the file can't be read, an exception is raised.
+    """
+    # Defaults
+    info = {
+        'host': 'localhost',
+        'db':   'cia',
+        'user': 'root',
+        # This is so we don't splurt our password out to twistd.log...
+        'cp_noisy':  False,
+        }
+    # With server-side cursors we can iterate over the result set without
+    # copying it all from mysqld to twistd. Unfortunately this can't
+    # be the default yet- server side cursors require the execute/fetch
+    # cycle to be obeyed strictly, and not all of CIA does this yet.
+    if serverCursor:
+        info['cursorclass'] = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor
+    # Load user settings from disk
+    if filename:
+        filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
+        try:
+            info.update(readDictFile(filename))
+            os.chmod(filename, 0600)
+        except IOError:
+            raise Exception("Please create a file %r containing a list of database parameters.\n"
+                            "For example:\n"
+                            "  host = mysql.example.com\n"
+                            "  user = bob\n"
+                            "  passwd = widgets\n"
+                            % filename)
+    # Allow the caller to override settings, and remove Nones
+    info.update(overrides)
+    for key in info.keys():
+        if info[key] is None:
+            del info[key]
+    return ConnectionPool('MySQLdb', **info)
+pool = None
+def init(*args, **kwargs):
+    global pool
+    pool = createPool(*args, **kwargs)
+class Filter(XML.XMLObjectParser):
+    """A Database.Filter is syntactically very similar to a Message.Filter,
+       but describes an SQL expression. This class as-is is a generic SQL expression
+       builder, which is probably too lenient for most apps. Subclasses can
+       define their own variable lookup methods, to restrict the SQL expressions
+       this can generate.
+       After parsing, the completed SQL expression is available in the 'sql' attribute.
+       >>> Filter('<and> \
+                       <or> \
+                           <match var="parent_path">project</match> \
+                           <match var="parent_path">author</match> \
+                       </or> \
+                       <not> \
+                           <match var="target_path">project/muffin-deluxe</match> \
+                       </not> \
+                   </and>').sql
+       u"(((parent_path = 'project') OR (parent_path = 'author')) AND (!((target_path = 'project/muffin-deluxe'))))"
+       """
+    resultAttribute = 'sql'
+    def varLookup(self, var):
+        """Given a variable attribute, return an SQL expression representing it.
+           The default assumes it's already valid SQL, but subclasses may implement
+           this differently.
+           """
+        return var
+    def element_match(self, element):
+        """Compare a given variable exactly to the element's content, not including
+           leading and trailing whitespace.
+           """
+        return "(%s = %s)" % (self.varLookup(element.getAttributeNS(None, 'var')),
+                              quote(XML.shallowText(element).strip(), 'varchar'))
+    def element_like(self, element):
+        """Compare a given variable to the element's content using SQL's 'LIKE' operator,
+           not including leading and trailing whitespace. This is case-insensitive, and includes
+           the '%' wildcard which may be placed at the beginning or end of the string.
+           """
+        return "(%s LIKE %s)" % (self.varLookup(element.getAttributeNS(None, 'var')),
+                                 quote(XML.shallowText(element).strip(), 'varchar'))
+    def element_and(self, element):
+        """Evaluates to True if and only if all child expressions evaluate to True"""
+        return "(%s)" % (" AND ".join([self.parse(node) for node in XML.getChildElements(element)]))
+    def element_or(self, element):
+        """Evaluates to True if and only if any child function evaluates to True"""
+        return "(%s)" % (" OR ".join([self.parse(node) for node in XML.getChildElements(element)]))
+    def element_not(self, element):
+        """The NOR function, returns false if and only if any child expression evaluates to True.
+           For the reasoning behind calling this 'not', see the doc string for this class.
+           """
+        return "(!%s)" % self.element_or(element)
+    def element_true(self, element):
+        """Always evaluates to True"""
+        return "(1)"
+    def element_false(self, element):
+        """Always evaluates to False"""
+        return "(0)"
+    def __and__(self, other):
+        """Perform a logical 'and' on two Filters without evaluating them"""
+        newFilter = Filter()
+        newFilter.sql = "(%s AND %s)" % (self.sql, other.sql)
+        return newFilter
+    def __or__(self, other):
+        """Perform a logical 'or' on two Filters without evaluating them"""
+        newFilter = Filter()
+        newFilter.sql = "(%s OR %s)" % (self.sql, other.sql)
+        return newFilter
+    def __invert__(self):
+        """Perform a logical 'not' on this Filter without evaluating it"""
+        newFilter = Filter()
+        newFilter.sql = "(!%s)" % self.sql
+        return newFilter
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Database.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Database.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Debug.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Debug.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Debug.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+""" LibCIA.Debug
+Remote interfaces for debugging and dynamic reloading while
+CIA is running.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.python import rebuild, log
+import RpcServer
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import gc, sys, traceback, code, types
+class DebugInterface(RpcServer.Interface):
+    """An XML-RPC interface for remote debugging and dynamic reloading of CIA."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        RpcServer.Interface.__init__(self)
+        self.putSubHandler('gc', GcInterface())
+        self.protected_resetInterpreter()
+    def newCommandNamespace(self):
+        """Return a dictionary that acts as a fresh namespace for
+           executing debug console commands in.
+           """
+        return dict(globals())
+    def protected_rebuild(self, *packageNames):
+        """Use twisted.python.rebuild to reload the given package or module
+           and all loaded packages or modules within it.
+           """
+        for packageName in packageNames:
+            log.msg("Starting a rebuild at the package %r" % packageName)
+            # The non-empty fromlist tells __import__ we want the module referred
+            # to by the given path, not just its top-level module.
+            package = __import__(packageName, globals(), locals(), [''])
+            rebuildPackage(package)
+    def protected_resetInterpreter(self):
+        """Reinitialize the debug interpreter, beginning a new session with a new namespace"""
+        self.interpreter = RemoteInterpreter()
+    def protected_eval(self, source):
+        """Evaluate arbitrary code in the context of this module.
+           This is meant to be used to provide an interface similar to the python
+           interpreter. For this reason, incomplete code is detected and causes False
+           to be returned. If the code was complete, it is run and a string indicating
+           the result to display is returned.
+           NOTE: This is an extremely powerful function, so a 'debug' or 'debug.eval'
+                 key should be treated with equivalent respect to a 'universe' key.
+                 It is also quite dangerous. Besides being able to execute arbitrary
+                 code, any infinite loops or code that takes a long time to run
+                 will cause CIA to hang.
+           """
+        log.msg("Executing code in debug.evalCommand: %r" % source)
+        if self.interpreter.runsource(source):
+            # Incomplete
+            return False
+        else:
+            return self.interpreter.collectOutput()
+    def protected_getBanner(self):
+        """Return an appropriate banner string to use for interactive interpreters"""
+        return ('Python %s on %s\n'
+                'Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.\n'
+                '*** Running remotely in CIA: commands can not be interrupted ***' %
+                (sys.version, sys.platform))
+class NullDev:
+    """A fake device, like /dev/null"""
+    def write(self, data):
+        pass
+    def read(self):
+        return ''
+    def readline(self):
+        return ''
+class RemoteInterpreter(code.InteractiveInterpreter):
+    """An interpreter similar to the Python console that takes acts on commands
+       delivered over XML-RPC and captures what would be stdout into a string.
+       """
+    def __init__(self):
+        # By default, give them a new namespace filled with
+        # all the bare functions from this module.
+        ns = {}
+        for name, value in globals().iteritems():
+            if type(value) == types.FunctionType:
+                ns[name] = value
+        code.InteractiveInterpreter.__init__(self, ns)
+        self.capturedOutput = StringIO()
+    def runsource(self, source):
+        # Redirect stdout and stderr to our capturedOutput.
+        # We could just override write() to get tracebacks
+        # and such, but we also want commands that generate
+        # output via 'print' to work.
+        #
+        # We override stdin because it's pretty useless, and
+        # commands like help() that try to read from it will stall.
+        #
+        # This could be dangerous if we have other threads
+        # trying to write to them as well, but that would only
+        # happen (currently at least) if there's an error in
+        # one of our database threads. Since this is only used
+        # for debugging and such, that's an acceptable risk.
+        savedStdout = sys.stdout
+        savedStderr = sys.stderr
+        savedStdin = sys.stdin
+        sys.stdout = self.capturedOutput
+        sys.stderr = self.capturedOutput
+        sys.stdin = NullDev()
+        try:
+            result = code.InteractiveInterpreter.runsource(self, source)
+        finally:
+            sys.stdout = savedStdout
+            sys.stderr = savedStderr
+            sys.stdin = savedStdin
+        return result
+    def collectOutput(self):
+        """Return a string with all output generated since the last call"""
+        output = self.capturedOutput.getvalue()
+        self.capturedOutput = StringIO()
+        return output
+def typeInstances(t):
+    """Use gc mojo to return a list of all instances of the given type
+       (as returned by getTypeName(). This is the implementation of
+       debug.gc.typeInstances, and is provided as a module-level function
+       so it can be used in debug.eval
+       """
+    return [object for object in gc.get_objects() if getTypeName(object) == t]
+def getSingleton(t):
+    """Returns the singleton with the given type name, raising an exception
+       if exactly one object of that type doesn't exist.
+       Meant to be used from inside debug.eval().
+       """
+    insts = typeInstances(t)
+    if len(insts) != 1:
+        raise Exception("Found %d instances of %r, expected it to be a singleton" % (len(insts), t))
+    return insts[0]
+def rebuildPackage(package):
+    """Recursively rebuild all loaded modules in the given package"""
+    rebuild.rebuild(package)
+    # If this is really a package instead of a module, look for children
+    try:
+        f = package.__file__
+    except AttributeError:
+        return
+    if package.__file__.find("__init__") >= 0:
+        for item in package.__dict__.itervalues():
+            # Is it a module?
+            if type(item) == type(package):
+                rebuildPackage(item)
+def getTypeName(obj):
+    """Try as hard and as generically as we can to get a useful type/class name"""
+    try:
+        t = obj.__class__
+    except:
+        t = type(obj)
+    try:
+        t = t.__name__
+    except:
+        pass
+    t = str(t)
+    return t
+_leakTracker = None
+def debugLeaks(reset=False, quiet=False, interestedTypes=None):
+    """Show representations of all objects tracked by the garbage collector that
+       were not present at the last invocation.
+       """
+    global _leakTracker
+    gc.collect()
+    if _leakTracker is None or reset:
+        _leakTracker = {}
+        quiet = True
+    objlist = gc.get_objects()
+    newCount = 0
+    instCount = 0
+    for object in objlist:
+        typename = getTypeName(object)
+        if interestedTypes is not None:
+            if not typename in interestedTypes:
+                continue
+        instCount += 1
+        if _leakTracker.get(id(object)) == typename:
+            continue
+        newCount += 1
+        _leakTracker[id(object)] = typename
+        if not quiet:
+            print repr(object)
+    print "\n-- %d new instances, %d total instances, %d total objects" % (
+        newCount, instCount, len(objlist))
+class GcInterface(RpcServer.Interface):
+    """Memory debugging and profiling via python's garbage collector interface"""
+    def protected_garbageInfo(self):
+        """Return a string representation of the items in gc.garbage"""
+        return map(repr, gc.garbage)
+    def protected_objectsInfo(self):
+        """Return a string representation of the items in gc.get_objects().
+           This can take a while and be very big!
+           """
+        return map(repr, gc.get_objects())
+    def protected_typeInstances(self, t):
+        """Return all objects of any one type, using the same type names as typeProfile"""
+        return typeInstances(t)
+    def protected_collect(self):
+        """Force the garbage collector to run"""
+        log.msg("Forcing garbage collection")
+        gc.collect()
+    def protected_typeProfile(self):
+        """Return a chart showing the most frequently occurring types in memory"""
+        # Create a mapping from type name to frequency,
+        # and a mapping from type name to example instances
+        objects = gc.get_objects()
+        typeFreq = {}
+        typeInstances = {}
+        for object in objects:
+            t = getTypeName(object)
+            # Increment the frequency
+            typeFreq[t] = typeFreq.setdefault(t, 0) + 1
+            # Add to our list of example instances if it isn't already too big
+            inst = typeInstances.setdefault(t, [])
+            if len(inst) < 100:
+                inst.append(repr(object))
+        # Sort by frequency
+        keys = typeFreq.keys()
+        keys.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(typeFreq[a],typeFreq[b]))
+        # And return a nice table
+        lines = []
+        for key in keys:
+            contents = ", ".join(typeInstances[key]).replace("\n", "\\n")
+            if len(contents) > 100:
+                contents = contents[:100] + "..."
+            lines.append("%45s :  %-10d %s" % (key, typeFreq[key], contents))
+        return "\n".join(lines)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Debug.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Debug.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Files.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Files.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Files.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+""" LibCIA.Files
+This module is just a centralized place to manage CIA's filesystem
+usage. A top-level data directory can be set here during initialization,
+and this module is later queried for individual directories to use.
+The top-level directory ('data' by default) is split into three branches:
+  db     Persistent data that should be backed up.
+  temp   Transient files. These should be automatically deleted when they
+         are no longer needed. It's safe to clear this directory when the
+         server isn't running.
+  cache  Data that is cached to improve performance, but can be rebuilt
+         from 'db' at any time. Files in the cache can be safely removed
+         at any time.
+  log    Log files written by the server. These are only for the
+         administrator's benefit, and can be removed at any time.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import os, random
+def setDataRoot(path):
+    """Change the root 'data' directory. This can be called in
+       your .tac file to override the default location for all
+       data files. The default is set below to 'data', in the
+       same directory as LibCIA.
+       """
+    global dataRoot
+    dataRoot = os.path.realpath(path)
+setDataRoot(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], '..', 'data'))
+# Top-level directories
+dbDir = 'db'
+tempDir = 'temp'
+cacheDir = 'cache'
+logDir = 'log'
+def getDir(*seg):
+    """Get a data directory made from the provided path segments.
+       This returns a full path, creating it if necessary.
+       """
+    path = os.path.join(dataRoot, *seg)
+    if not os.path.isdir(path):
+        os.makedirs(path)
+    return path
+def tryGetDir(*seg):
+    """Like getDir, but this will not check the directory
+       for existence nor create any new directories.
+       """
+    return os.path.join(dataRoot, *seg)
+def getCacheFile(ns, digest):
+    """Get a cache file in the provided namespace (directory)
+       for an item with the provided digest string.
+       """
+    return os.path.join(getDir(cacheDir, ns), digest)
+def getTempFile():
+    """Return a new temporary filename, guaranteed
+       not to exist at the moment. This is not designed
+       to be used when our data directory may be shared
+       by other users, so it doesn't deal with the race
+       condition that would result in that situation.
+       """
+    root = getDir(tempDir)
+    for i in xrange(100):
+        path = os.path.join(root, '%d-%d' % (
+            os.getpid(), random.randint(100000, 999999)))
+        if not os.path.isfile(path):
+            return path
+    raise NotImplementedError("getTempFile() appears to be failing")
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Files.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Files.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Builder.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Builder.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Builder.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+""" LibCIA.Formatters.Builder
+Formatters for converting builder messages to other formats.
+Builder messages contain a set of success/failure results and messages
+from some automated build or test process.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from LibCIA import Message, XML
+import Nouvelle
+__all__ = ['BuilderToPlaintext', 'BuilderToIRC', 'BuilderToXHTML']
+class BuilderFormatter(Message.Formatter):
+    """Abstract base class for formatters that operate on builder results."""
+    filter = '<find path="/message/body/builder"/>'
+    def format(self, args):
+        # Format each package inside each result set
+        packages = []
+        for results in XML.getChildElements(XML.dig(args.message.xml, "message", "body", "builder")):
+            if results.nodeName == 'results':
+                for package in XML.getChildElements(results):
+                    if package.nodeName == 'package':
+                        packages.append(self.format_package(package))
+        return self.joinMessage(args.message, packages)
+    def format_package(self, package):
+        """Format the results associated with one package,
+           given the XML <package> element
+           """
+        pass
+    def format_results(self, package):
+        """Given a package, returns a formatted representation of all results for that package"""
+        results = []
+        for element in XML.getChildElements(package):
+            f = getattr(self, 'result_' + element.nodeName, None)
+            if f:
+                results.append(f(element))
+    def joinMessage(self, message, packages):
+        """Join the results for each package into a final result"""
+        content = "builder"
+        branch = XML.digValue(message.xml, str, "message", "source", "branch")
+        if branch:
+            content += " " + self.format_branch(branch.strip())
+        # If we have only one package, put it on the same line as the heading
+        if len(packages) <= 1:
+            content += ": " + packages[0]
+        else:
+            content += "\n" + "\n".join(packages)
+        return content
+    def format_branch(self, branch):
+        return branch
+class BuilderToPlaintext(BuilderFormatter):
+    """Converts builder messages to plain text"""
+    medium = 'plaintext'
+    def format_package(self, package):
+        return "%s (%s)" % (package.getAttributeNS(None, 'name'), package.getAttributeNS(None, 'arch'))
+class BuilderToXHTML(BuilderFormatter):
+    """Converts builder messages to plain text"""
+    medium = 'xhtml'
+    def format_package(self, package):
+        return "%s (%s)" % (package.getAttributeNS(None, 'name'), package.getAttributeNS(None, 'arch'))
+    def joinMessage(self, message, packages):
+        content = []
+        branch = XML.digValue(message.xml, str, "message", "source", "branch")
+        if branch:
+            content.append(Nouvelle.tag('strong')[ self.format_branch(branch.strip()) ])
+        for package in packages:
+            if content:
+                content.append(Nouvelle.tag('br'))
+            content.append(package)
+        return content
+class BuilderToIRC(BuilderFormatter):
+    """Converts builder messages to IRC colorized text"""
+    medium = 'irc'
+    def __init__(self):
+        """By default, use the IRC color formatter"""
+        from LibCIA.IRC.Formatting import format
+        self.colorFormatter = format
+    def format_branch(self, branch):
+        return self.colorFormatter(branch, 'orange')
+    def format_package(self, package):
+        return "%s (%s)" % (package.getAttributeNS(None, 'name'),
+                            self.colorFormatter(package.getAttributeNS(None, 'arch'), 'green'))
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Builder.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Builder.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/ColorText.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/ColorText.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/ColorText.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+""" LibCIA.Formatters.ColorText
+Formatters for converting colorText messages to other formats.
+This is the legacy format that old non-XML commits are converted to.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from LibCIA import Message, XML
+import Nouvelle, re
+import Util
+__all__ = ['ColortextToIRC', 'ColortextTitle', 'ColortextToPlaintext', 'ColortextToXHTML']
+class ColortextFormatter(Message.Formatter):
+    """Abstract base class for formatters that operate on colorText messages"""
+    filter = '<find path="/message/body/colorText"/>'
+class ColortextToIRC(ColortextFormatter):
+    """Converts messages with colorText content to plain text
+       with IRC color tags.
+       """
+    medium = 'irc'
+    color = True
+    def param_noColor(self, tag):
+        self.color = False
+    def __init__(self):
+        from LibCIA.IRC.Formatting import ColortextFormatter
+        self.formatter = ColortextFormatter()
+    def format(self, args):
+        colorText = XML.dig(args.message.xml, "message", "body", "colorText")
+        if self.color:
+            return self.formatter.parse(colorText)
+        else:
+            return XML.allText(colorText)
+class ColortextTitle(ColortextFormatter):
+    """Extracts a title from colorText messages"""
+    medium = 'title'
+    def format(self, args):
+        return Util.extractSummary(XML.dig(args.message.xml, "message", "body", "colorText"))
+class ColortextToPlaintext(ColortextFormatter):
+    """Extracts uncolorized plaintext from colorText messages"""
+    medium = 'plaintext'
+    def format(self, args):
+        return self.Parser(XML.dig(args.message.xml, "message", "body", "colorText")).result
+    class Parser(XML.XMLObjectParser):
+        requiredRootElement = 'colorText'
+        def parseString(self, s):
+            return s
+        def element_br(self, element):
+            return "\n"
+        def unknownElement(self, element):
+            return ''.join([s for s in self.childParser(element) if s])
+class ColortextToXHTML(ColortextFormatter):
+    """Converts messages with colorText content to XHTML (using Nouvelle)
+       with inline CSS representing the colorText formatting.
+       Returns an object that can be serialized into XHTML by a Nouvelle.Serializer.
+       """
+    medium = 'xhtml'
+    def format(self, args):
+        colorText = XML.dig(args.message.xml, "message", "body", "colorText")
+        return self.Parser(colorText).result
+    class Parser(XML.XMLObjectParser):
+        requiredRootElement = 'colorText'
+        colorTable = {
+            'black':        "#000000",
+            'dark-blue':    "#0000cc",
+            'dark-green':   "#00cc00",
+            'green':        "#00cc00",
+            'red':          "#cc0000",
+            'brown':        "#aa0000",
+            'purple':       "#bb00bb",
+            'orange':       "#ffaa00",
+            'yellow':       "#eedd22",
+            'light-green':  "#33d355",
+            'aqua':         "#00cccc",
+            'light-blue':   "#33eeff",
+            'blue':         "#0000ff",
+            'violet':       "#ee22ee",
+            'grey':         "#777777",
+            'gray':         "#777777",
+            'light-grey':   "#999999",
+            'light-gray':   "#999999",
+            'white':        "#FFFFFF",
+            }
+        def element_colorText(self, element):
+            return list(self.childParser(element))
+        def parseString(self, s):
+            return s
+        def element_b(self, element):
+            return Nouvelle.tag('b')[ self.element_colorText(element) ]
+        def element_u(self, element):
+            # We can't use <u> here, it's been deprecated and XHTML
+            # strict can't contain it. Just use some inline CSS instead.
+            return Nouvelle.tag('span', style="text-decoration: underline;")[ self.element_colorText(element) ]
+        def element_br(self, element):
+            return Nouvelle.tag('br')
+        def colorQuote(self, color):
+            """Make a color name safe for inclusion into a class attribute.
+               This just replaces any non-alphabetical characters with hyphens.
+               """
+            return re.sub("[^a-zA-Z]", "-", color)
+        def element_color(self, element):
+            """Convert the fg and bg attributes, if we have them, to <span> tags"""
+            style = ''
+            for attr, css in (
+                ('fg', 'color'),
+                ('bg', 'background'),
+                ):
+                attrValue = element.getAttributeNS(None, attr)
+                if attrValue:
+                    try:
+                        style = "%s%s: %s;" % (style, css, self.colorTable[attrValue])
+                    except KeyError:
+                        pass
+            return Nouvelle.tag('span', style=style)[self.element_colorText(element)]
+class ColortextToXHTMLLong(ColortextToXHTML):
+    """There isn't much extra we can say about a colortext commit, so put up
+       a notice explaining why. This also might be encouragement to upgrade
+       old clients that still give us colortext messages.
+       """
+    medium = 'xhtml-long'
+    def format(self, args):
+        from LibCIA.Web import Template
+        return [            
+            Nouvelle.tag('p')[
+                ColortextToXHTML.format(self, args),
+            ],
+            Template.longError[
+                "This message was received in CIA's legacy format, 'colorText'. "
+                "To see much more detailed information about each commit, "
+                "ask this project's administrators to upgrade their client script."],
+            ]
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/ColorText.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/ColorText.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Commit.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Commit.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Commit.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+""" LibCIA.Formatters.Commit
+Formatters used for converting commit messages to other formats.
+Note that this only handles real XML commit messages. The legacy
+'colorText' messages are handled by a separate module.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from LibCIA import Message, XML
+from Nouvelle import tag
+import re, posixpath
+from twisted.python.util import OrderedDict
+import Util
+__all__ = ['CommitToIRC', 'CommitToPlaintext', 'CommitToXHTML',
+           'CommitTitle', 'CommitToXHTMLLong']
+class CommitFormatter(Message.ModularFormatter):
+    """Base class for formatters that operate on commit messages.
+       Includes a filter for commit messages, and utilities for
+       extracting useful information from the commits.
+       """
+    filter = '<find path="/message/body/commit"/>'
+    defaultComponentTree = """
+    <format>
+        <author/> <branch/> *
+        <version/><autoHide>r<revision/></autoHide>
+        <module/>/<files/>:
+        <log/>
+    </format>
+    """
+    # Subclasses can set this to limit the length of log messages, in lines
+    lineLimit = None
+    # Lines in the log longer than this are wrapped to wrapWidth
+    widthLimit = None
+    wrapWidth = None
+    # If the list of files ends up longer than this many characters, summarize it
+    filesWidthLimit = 60
+    # Instead of using our default pseudo-smart whitespace normalizing algorithm,
+    # we can optionally replace all whitespace with single space characters.
+    crunchWhitespace = False
+    def param_crunchWhitespace(self, tag):
+        self.crunchWhitespace = True
+    def param_lineLimit(self, tag):
+        self.lineLimit = int(XML.shallowText(tag))
+    def param_widthLimit(self, tag):
+        self.widthLimit = int(XML.shallowText(tag))
+        if self.wrapWidth > self.widthLimit:
+            self.wrapWidth = self.widthLimit
+    def param_wrapWidth(self, tag):
+        self.wrapWidth = int(XML.shallowText(tag))
+    def param_filesWidthLimit(self, tag):
+        self.filesWidthLimit = int(XML.shallowText(tag))
+    def component_author(self, element, args):
+        return self.textComponent(element, args, "message", "body", "commit", "author")
+    def component_version(self, element, args):
+        return self.textComponent(element, args, "message", "body", "commit", "version")
+    def component_revision(self, element, args):
+        return self.textComponent(element, args, "message", "body", "commit", "revision")
+    def component_branch(self, element, args):
+        return self.textComponent(element, args, "message", "source", "branch")
+    def component_module(self, element, args):
+        return self.textComponent(element, args, "message", "source", "module")
+    def component_project(self, element, args):
+        return self.textComponent(element, args, "message", "source", "project")
+    def component_files(self, element, args):
+        """Break up our list of files into a common prefix and a sensibly-sized
+           list of filenames after that prefix.
+           """
+        files = XML.dig(args.message.xml, "message", "body", "commit", "files")
+        if not (files and XML.hasChildElements(files)):
+            return [Message.MarkAsHidden()]
+        prefix, endings = self.consolidateFiles(files)
+        endingStr = " ".join(endings)
+        if len(endingStr) > self.filesWidthLimit:
+            # If the full file list is too long, give a file summary instead
+            endingStr = self.summarizeFiles(endings)
+        if prefix.startswith('/'):
+            prefix = prefix[1:]
+        if endingStr:
+            return ["%s (%s)" % (prefix, endingStr)]
+        else:
+            return [prefix]
+    def component_log(self, element, args):
+        log = XML.dig(args.message.xml, "message", "body", "commit", "log")
+        if not log:
+            return [Message.MarkAsHidden()]
+        if self.crunchWhitespace:
+            inputLines = [Util.getCrunchedLog(log)]
+        else:
+            inputLines = Util.getNormalizedLog(log)
+        # Break the log string into wrapped lines
+        lines = []
+        for line in inputLines:
+            # Ignore blank lines
+            if not line:
+                continue
+            # Wrap long lines
+            if self.widthLimit and len(line) > self.widthLimit:
+                lines.extend(Util.wrapLine(line, self.wrapWidth))
+            else:
+                lines.append(line)
+        # If our lineLimit is 1, don't bother starting long logs on the
+        # next line since there will be no long logs. Instead of the
+        # long (log message trimmed), just add an ellipsis.
+        if self.lineLimit == 1:
+            if len(lines) > 1:
+                lines[0] += ' ...'
+                del lines[1:]
+        # Multiline logs shouldn't start on the same line as the metadata
+        elif len(lines) > 1:
+            lines.insert(0, '')
+            # Truncate long log messages if we have a limit
+            if self.lineLimit and len(lines) > self.lineLimit + 1:
+                lines[0] = "(log message trimmed)"
+                del lines[self.lineLimit + 1:]
+        # Reassemble the log message and send it to the default formatter
+        return ["\n".join(lines)]
+    def summarizeFiles(self, files):
+        """Given a list of strings representing file paths, return
+           a summary of those files and/or directories. This is used
+           in place of a full file list when that would be too long.
+           """
+        # Count the number of distinct directories we have
+        dirs = {}
+        for file in files:
+            dirs[posixpath.split(file)[0]] = True
+        if len(dirs) <= 1:
+            return "%d files" % len(files)
+        else:
+            return "%d files in %d dirs" % (len(files), len(dirs))
+    def consolidateFiles(self, xmlFiles):
+        """Given a <files> element, find the directory common to all files
+           and return a 2-tuple with that directory followed by
+           a list of files within that directory.
+           """
+        files = []
+        if xmlFiles:
+            for fileTag in XML.getChildElements(xmlFiles):
+                if fileTag.nodeName == 'file':
+                    files.append(XML.shallowText(fileTag))
+        # If we only have one file, return it as the prefix.
+        # This prevents the below regex from deleting the filename
+        # itself, assuming it was a partial filename.
+        if len(files) == 1:
+            return files[0], []
+        # Start with the prefix found by commonprefix,
+        # then actually make it end with a directory rather than
+        # possibly ending with part of a filename.
+        prefix = re.sub("[^/]*$", "", posixpath.commonprefix(files))
+        endings = []
+        for file in files:
+            ending = file[len(prefix):].strip()
+            if ending == '':
+                    ending = '.'
+            endings.append(ending)
+        return prefix, endings
+class CommitToXHTML(CommitFormatter):
+    """Converts commit messages to XHTML, represented as a Nouvelle tag tree."""
+    medium = 'xhtml'
+    defaultComponentTree = """
+    <format xmlns:n='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>
+        <n:div style='border: 1px solid #888; background-color: #DDD; padding: 0.25em 0.5em; margin: 0em;'>
+            <autoHide> Commit by <n:strong><author/></n:strong></autoHide>
+            <autoHide> on <branch/></autoHide>
+            <n:span style='color: #888;'> :: </n:span>
+            <autoHide><n:b><version/></n:b></autoHide>
+            <autoHide>r<n:b><revision/></n:b></autoHide>
+            <n:b><module/></n:b>/<files/>:
+            <autoHide>(<url/>)</autoHide>
+        </n:div>
+        <n:div style='padding: 0em; margin: 0.5em 0em;'>
+            <log/>
+        </n:div>
+    </format>
+    """
+    # Use a lower width limit for HTML- web browsers typically won't wrap
+    # long paths, and it's generally easier to get to the full file tree
+    # on the web.
+    filesWidthLimit = 40
+    def __init__(self):
+        from LibCIA.Web import RegexTransform
+        self.hyperlinker = RegexTransform.AutoHyperlink()
+    def joinComponents(self, results):
+        """Nouvelle is just fine dealing with lists, don't join anything"""
+        return results
+    def walkComponents(self, nodes, args):
+        """Instead of concatenating lists, this implementation of walkComponents
+           nests them. This is more efficient with nouvelle, and lets us detect
+           empty results for <autoHide>.
+           """
+        results = []
+        for node in nodes:
+            results.append(self.evalComponent(node, args))
+        return results
+    def component_autoHide(self, element, args):
+        """The standard autoHide component is rewritten to properly recurse
+           into the contents of Nouvelle tags.
+           """
+        results = self.walkComponents(element.childNodes, args)
+        if self._checkVisibility(results):
+            return results
+        else:
+            return []
+    def _checkVisibility(self, nodes):
+        """Recursively check visibility for autoHide. Empty lists cause
+           us to return 0, and Nouvelle tags are recursed into.
+           """
+        for node in nodes:
+            if not node:
+                return 0
+            if isinstance(node[0], Message.MarkAsHidden):
+                return 0
+            if isinstance(node[0], tag):
+                if not self._checkVisibility(node[0].content):
+                    return 0
+        return 1
+    def evalComponent(self, node, args):
+        """Here we convert all components starting with 'n:' into Novuelle tags.
+           FIXME: This should really be using proper DOM namespace manipulation and such
+           """
+        if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.nodeName.startswith("n:"):
+            attrs = {}
+            for attr in node.attributes.values():
+                attrs[str(attr.name)] = attr.value
+            return [tag(node.nodeName[2:], **attrs)[ self.walkComponents(node.childNodes, args) ]]
+        return CommitFormatter.evalComponent(self, node, args)
+    def component_url(self, element, args):
+        element = XML.dig(args.message.xml, "message", "body", "commit", "url")
+        if element:
+            return [tag('a', href=XML.shallowText(element))[ 'link' ]]
+        else:
+            return [Message.MarkAsHidden()]
+    def component_log(self, element, args):
+        """Convert the log message to HTML. If the message seems to be preformatted
+           (it has some lines with indentation) it is stuck into a <pre>. Otherwise
+           it is converted to HTML by replacing newlines with <br> tags and converting
+           bulletted lists.
+           """
+        log = XML.dig(args.message.xml, "message", "body", "commit", "log")
+        if not log:
+            return []
+        content = []
+        lines = Util.getNormalizedLog(log)
+        nonListItemLines = []
+        listItems = []
+        if lines:
+            # Scan the message, applying a few heuristics. If we see lines
+            # that are still starting with a space after getNormalizedLog
+            # has done its thing, assume the text is preformatted. Also
+            # look for lines that appear to be list items.
+            isPreFormatted = False
+            for line in lines:
+                if line and line[0] == ' ':
+                    isPreFormatted = True
+                if line.startswith("* ") or line.startswith("- "):
+                    # Assume this is a list item, and convert the bullets to
+                    # a proper XHTML list.
+                    listItems.append(line[2:])
+                else:
+                    if listItems:
+                        # It's a continuation of the last item
+                        listItems[-1] = listItems[-1] + " " + line.strip()
+                    else:
+                        # If we haven't seen a list yet, stick this in nonListItemLines.
+                        # If this log message isn't a list at all, everything will end
+                        # up there but it will be safely ignored
+                        nonListItemLines.append(line)
+            if listItems:
+                # It looks like a bulleted list. First output the nonListItemLines,
+                # then stick the items inside a list.
+                for line in nonListItemLines:
+                    if content:
+                        content.append(tag('br'))
+                    content.append(line)
+                content = [
+                    tag('p')[ content ],
+                    tag('ul')[[ tag('li')[item] for item in listItems ]],
+                    ]
+            elif isPreFormatted:
+                # This is probably a preformatted message, stick it in a <pre>
+                content.append(tag('pre')[ "\n".join(lines) ])
+            else:
+                # Plain old text, just stick <br>s between the lines
+                for line in lines:
+                    if content:
+                        content.append(tag('br'))
+                    content.append(line)
+        else:
+            content.append(tag('i')["No log message"])
+        return self.hyperlinker.apply(content)
+class CommitToXHTMLLong(CommitToXHTML):
+    """Builds on the xhtml formatter to generate a longer representation of the commit,
+       suitable for a full page rather than just an item in a listing.
+       """
+    medium = 'xhtml-long'
+    defaultComponentTree = """
+    <format xmlns:n='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>
+        <n:h1>Commit Message</n:h1>
+        <headers/>
+        <n:div class='messageBody'><log/></n:div>
+        <n:h1>Modified Files</n:h1><files/>
+    </format>
+    """
+    _actionIcon = tag('img', width=12, height=12, _class='actionIcon')
+    actionIcons = {
+        'add':    _actionIcon(src='/images/file_added.png',
+                              title='File Added', alt='Added'),
+        'remove': _actionIcon(src='/images/file_removed.png',
+                              title='File Removed', alt='Removed'),
+        'rename': _actionIcon(src='/images/file_renamed.png',
+                              title='File Renamed', alt='Renamed'),
+        'modify': _actionIcon(src='/images/file_modified.png',
+                              title='File Modified', alt='Modified'),
+        }
+    def component_headers(self, element, args):
+        """Format all relevant commit metadata in an email-style header box"""
+        from LibCIA.Web import Template
+        message   = args.message
+        commit    = XML.dig(message.xml, "message", "body", "commit")
+        source    = XML.dig(message.xml, "message", "source")
+        author    = XML.dig(commit, "author")
+        version   = XML.dig(commit, "version")
+        revision  = XML.dig(commit, "revision")
+        diffLines = XML.dig(commit, "diffLines")
+        url       = XML.dig(commit, "url")
+        log       = XML.dig(commit, "log")
+        project   = XML.dig(source, "project")
+        module    = XML.dig(source, "module")
+        branch    = XML.dig(source, "branch")
+        headers   = OrderedDict()
+        if author:
+            headers['Author'] = XML.shallowText(author)
+        if project:
+            headers['Project'] = XML.shallowText(project)
+        if module:
+            headers['Module'] = XML.shallowText(module)
+        if branch:
+            headers['Branch'] = XML.shallowText(branch)
+        if version:
+            headers['Version'] = XML.shallowText(version)
+        if revision:
+            headers['Revision'] = XML.shallowText(revision)
+        if diffLines:
+            headers['Changed Lines'] = XML.shallowText(diffLines)
+        if url:
+            headers['URL'] = tag('a', href=XML.shallowText(url))[ Util.extractSummary(url) ]
+        return [Template.MessageHeaders(headers)]
+    def component_files(self, element, args):
+        """Format the contents of our <files> tag as a tree with nested lists"""
+        from LibCIA.Web import Template
+        files = XML.dig(args.message.xml, "message", "body", "commit", "files")
+        if not (files and XML.hasChildElements(files)):
+            return []
+        # First we organize the files into a tree of nested dictionaries.
+        # The dictionary we ultimately have FileTree render maps each node
+        # (file or directory) to a dictionary of its contents. The keys
+        # in these dictionaries can be any Nouvelle-renderable object
+        # produced by format_file.
+        #
+        # As a first step, we build a dictionary mapping path segment to
+        # [fileTag, children] lists. We then create a visual representation
+        # of each fileTag and generate the final dictionary.
+        fileTree = {}
+        for fileTag in XML.getChildElements(files):
+            if fileTag.nodeName == 'file':
+                # Separate the file into path segments and walk into our tree
+                node = [None, fileTree]
+                for segment in XML.shallowText(fileTag).split('/'):
+                    if segment:
+                        node = node[1].setdefault(segment, [None, {}])
+                # The leaf node owns this fileTag
+                node[0] = fileTag
+        return [Template.FileTree(self.format_file_tree(fileTree))]
+    def format_file_tree(self, fileTree):
+        """This is the second half of format_files- it recursively
+           converts a tree of [fileTag,children] style dictionaries
+           into a tree of Template.FileTree() compatible dicts,
+           using format_file() to render each fileTag.
+           """
+        result = {}
+        for name, t in fileTree.iteritems():
+            fileTag, children = t
+            result[self.format_file(name, fileTag)] = self.format_file_tree(children)
+        return result
+    def format_file(self, name, fileTag=None):
+        """Given the short name of a file, and optionally its XML tag,
+           return a Nouvelle-serializable representation.
+           """
+        if fileTag:
+            # If we have a 'uri' attribute, make this file a hyperlink
+            uri = fileTag.getAttribute('uri')
+            if uri:
+                name = tag('a', href=uri)[ name ]
+            # If we have an 'action' attribute, represent it with an icon
+            actionIcon = self.actionIcons.get(fileTag.getAttribute('action'))
+            if actionIcon:
+                name = (name, actionIcon)
+        return name
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Commit.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Commit.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Other.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Other.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Other.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+""" LibCIA.Formatters.Other
+Formatters that don't fit into the other categories- mostly
+formatters that can be referred to by name to modify a message
+rather than being automatically applied.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from LibCIA import Message, XML
+class IRCProjectName(Message.Formatter):
+    """Prepends the project name to each line of the input message, boldinated for IRC"""
+    medium = 'irc'
+    def format(self, args):
+        if not args.input:
+            return
+        project = XML.dig(args.message.xml, "message", "source", "project")
+        if project:
+            from LibCIA.IRC.Formatting import format
+            prefix = format("%s:" % XML.shallowText(project), 'bold') + " "
+            return "\n".join([prefix + line for line in args.input.split("\n")])
+        else:
+            return args.input
+class IRCFormat(Message.Formatter):
+    """Apply arbitrary IRC formatting to the input. A color name or other
+       formatting code may be supplied inside this formatter's XML tag.
+       """
+    medium = 'irc'
+    formattingCode = 'normal'
+    def format(self, args):
+        if input:
+            from LibCIA.IRC.Formatting import format
+            return format(args.input, self.formattingCode)
+    def loadParametersFrom(self, xml):
+        self.formattingCode = XML.shallowText(xml).strip()
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Other.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Other.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Patch.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Patch.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Patch.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+""" LibCIA.Formatters.Patch
+Formatters for converting patch messages to other formats.
+Patch messages contain an author, log, and optional URL for new
+patches available from some patch tracker system.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from LibCIA import Message
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Patch.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Patch.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Util.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Util.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Util.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+""" LibCIA.Formatters.Util
+Utilities shared by several formatters
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from LibCIA import XML
+import re
+def getCrunchedLog(xml):
+    """Given the DOM node for a <log> tag, return the log as
+       a string with all groups of one or more whitespace
+       characters replaced with a single space.
+       """
+    return re.sub("\s+", " ", XML.shallowText(xml)).strip()
+def getNormalizedLog(xml, tabWidth=8):
+    """Given the DOM node for a <log> tag, return a list of
+       text lines with whitespace normalized appropriately.
+       This strips all whitespace from the right side, and homogeneously
+       strips whitespace from the left side as much as possible.
+       Leading and trailing blank lines are removed, but internal
+       blank lines are not.
+       """
+    if not xml:
+        return []
+    lines = []
+    maxLeftStrip = None
+    for line in XML.shallowText(xml).split("\n"):
+        # Expand tabs and strip righthand whitespace
+        line = line.replace("\t", " "*tabWidth).rstrip()
+        strippedLine = line.lstrip()
+        # Blank lines don't count in determining the left strip amount
+        if strippedLine:
+            # Determine how much we can strip from the left side
+            leftStrip = len(line) - len(strippedLine)
+            # Determine the maximum amount of space we can strip
+            # from the left side homogeneously across the whole text
+            if maxLeftStrip is None or leftStrip < maxLeftStrip:
+                maxLeftStrip = leftStrip
+        # Skip leading blank lines
+        if lines or strippedLine:
+            lines.append(line)
+    # Remove trailing blank lines
+    while lines and not lines[-1].strip():
+        del lines[-1]
+    # Homogeneous left strip
+    if maxLeftStrip is None:
+        return lines
+    else:
+        return [line[maxLeftStrip:] for line in lines]
+def wrapLine(line, width):
+    """Given a long line, wrap it if possible to the given width,
+       returning a list of lines.
+       """
+    lines = []
+    newLine = ''
+    for word in line.split(" "):
+        oldLine = newLine
+        if newLine:
+            newLine = newLine + ' ' + word
+        else:
+            newLine = word
+        if len(newLine) > width:
+            oldLine = oldLine.rstrip()
+            if oldLine:
+                lines.append(oldLine)
+            newLine = word
+    if newLine:
+        lines.append(newLine.rstrip())
+    return lines
+def extractSummary(element, widthLimit=80):
+    """Extract all text from the given XML element, remove extra
+       whitespace, and truncate it to no longer than the given width.
+       """
+    # Extract all text, eating extra whitespace
+    text = re.sub("\s+", " ", XML.allText(element)).strip()
+    # Use wrapLine to cleanly break it if possible, but
+    # truncate it if necessary- wrapLine will not break words in
+    # half if they are longer than the wrap width.
+    lines = wrapLine(text, widthLimit)
+    if lines:
+        summary = lines[0][:widthLimit]
+        if len(summary) < len(text):
+            summary += "..."
+        return summary
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Util.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/Util.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/__init__.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/__init__.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+""" LibCIA.Formatters
+A collection of Formatter subclasses that can be searched and
+instantiated via the 'factory' object here.
+This is a package holding modules for each category of formatter.
+The modules are aggregated together here and indexed by the factory.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import Commit, ColorText, Builder, Other, Patch
+_factory = None
+def getFactory():
+    from LibCIA import Message
+    global _factory
+    if not _factory:
+        _factory = Message.FormatterFactory(Commit, ColorText, Builder, Other, Patch)
+    return _factory
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/__init__.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Formatters/__init__.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Bots.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Bots.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Bots.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,1267 @@
+""" LibCIA.IRC.Bots
+A small library for managing multiple IRC bots on multiple IRC networks.
+The code in this module runs in a separate daemon, so other CIA components
+can be restarted without effecting the bots.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.protocols import irc
+from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer
+from twisted.python import log, util
+from twisted.spread import pb
+import time, random, Queue
+from LibCIA import TimeUtil
+from LibCIA.IRC import Network
+class Request(pb.Referenceable):
+    """The Request object specifies a network, optionally a channel, and
+       a number of bots that need to inhabit that network/channel.
+       When a request is created, it registers itself with the BotNetwork,
+       which then tries its hardest to keep the request satisfied. The
+       bots satisfying this request are available in its 'bots' member.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, botNet, network, channel=None, numBots=1):
+        self.bots = []
+        self._active = True
+        self.botNet = botNet
+        self.network = network
+        self.channel = channel
+        self.numBots = numBots
+        log.msg("New %r" % self)
+        botNet.addRequest(self)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        if self.numBots == 1:
+            botInfo = "1 bot"
+        else:
+            botInfo = "%d bots" % self.numBots
+        if self.channel:
+            chanInfo = " in %s" % self.channel
+        else:
+            chanInfo = ''
+        return "<Request for %s%s on %s>" % (botInfo, chanInfo, self.network)
+    def active(self):
+        """Return True if this request is still active, similar to DelayedCall's interface"""
+        return self._active
+    def cancel(self):
+        """Indicate that this request is no longer needed. It is removed from the bot network."""
+        self.botNet.removeRequest(self)
+        self._active = False
+        log.msg("Cancelled %r" % self)
+    def findBots(self):
+        """Find bots that match this request, storing them in self.bots"""
+        # Look for our network and channel in the map from networks to bot lists
+        matches = []
+        if self.network in self.botNet.networks:
+            # Look for our channel in the map from channel names to bot lists
+            for bot in self.botNet.networks[self.network]:
+                if (not self.channel) or (self.channel in bot.channels):
+                    matches.append(bot)
+        # Ignore any bots we don't need
+        self.bots = matches[:self.numBots]
+    def isFulfilled(self):
+        return len(self.bots) == self.numBots
+    def getUserCount(self):
+        """Return the number of users this request services directly.
+           This only works with requests for a channel, as we can't really
+           tell for channel requests. The returned number is the number of
+           users in the channel minus the number of bots we're using.
+           If the number of users can't be determined, this returns None.
+           """
+        if self.channel and self.bots:
+            nicks = self.bots[0].channels[self.channel].nicks
+            if nicks:
+                return len(nicks) - len(self.bots)
+    def remote_getInfoDict(self):
+        return {
+            'server': str(self.network),
+            'channel': self.channel,
+            'user_count': self.getUserCount(),
+            'is_fulfilled': self.isFulfilled(),
+            'is_active': self.active(),
+            'bots': [bot.remote_getInfoDict() for bot in self.bots],
+            }
+    def remote_active(self):
+        return self.active()
+    def remote_cancel(self):
+        self.cancel()
+    def remote_getBots(self):
+        return self.bots
+    def remote_getNumBots(self):
+        return self.numBots
+    def remote_getBotNicks(self):
+        return [bot.nickname for bot in self.bots]
+    def remote_isFulfilled(self):
+        return self.isFulfilled()
+    def remote_getChannel(self):
+        return self.channel
+    def remote_getNetworkName(self):
+        return str(self.network)
+    def remote_getUserCount(self):
+        return self.getUserCount()
+    def remote_msg(self, target, line):
+        """Use an arbitrary bot in this request to send a message to a
+           supplied target (channel or nickname). Currently this always
+           uses the first bot if possible and ignores the request if no
+           bots are available. This may be a good place to implement
+           smarter queueing and load balancing later. Currently bots
+           implement their own anti-flood queues.
+           """
+        if self.bots:
+            self.bots[0].queueMessage(target, line)
+    def remote_msgList(self, target, lines):
+        """Send multiple msg()es"""
+        for line in lines:
+            self.remote_msg(target, line)
+class NickAllocator:
+    """A nick allocator is responsible for determining what constitutes a valid nick,
+       and generating a list of valid nicks. This is an abstract base class.
+       """
+    username = 'CIA'
+    realname = 'CIA Bot (http://cia.vc)'
+    def isValid(self, nick):
+        """Returns True if the given nickname would be a valid output for our generator"""
+        return False
+    def generate(self):
+        """Generate a sequence of valid nicks, starting with the most preferable.
+           This must be an infinite (or nearly infinite) generator.
+           """
+        pass
+class SequentialNickAllocator(NickAllocator):
+    """Generate sequentially numbered nicks starting with a given prefix"""
+    def __init__(self, prefix):
+        self.prefix = prefix
+    def isValid(self, nick):
+        if not nick.startswith(self.prefix):
+            return False
+        numericPart = nick[len(self.prefix):]
+        try:
+            int(numericPart)
+            return True
+        except ValueError:
+            return False
+    def generate(self):
+        i = 1
+        while True:
+            yield self.prefix + str(i)
+            i += 1
+class RandomAcronymNickAllocator(NickAllocator):
+    """A nick allocator that generates random acronyms of a given length.
+       No, it doesn't know what they mean yet :)
+       """
+    def __init__(self, length=3, alphabet="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"):
+        self.length = length
+        self.alphabet = alphabet
+    def isValid(self, nick):
+        if len(nick) != self.length:
+            return False
+        for letter in nick:
+            if letter not in self.alphabet:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def generate(self):
+        while True:
+            yield "".join([random.choice(self.alphabet) for i in xrange(self.length)])
+class MessageLog:
+    """A log that stores a fixed number of messages"""
+    numMessages = 20
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.buffer = []
+    def log(self, message):
+        self.buffer = self.buffer[-self.numMessages:] + [message]
+class BotNetwork(pb.Root):
+    """A collection of IRC bots that work to satisfy a collection of Request objects.
+       Users should interact with the BotNetwork via Request instances.
+       """
+    # In addition to checking bot status immediately after changes that*******
+    # are likely to be important, we check bot status periodically, every
+    # botCheckInterval seconds.
+    botCheckInterval = 60
+    # Bots are given this many seconds after being marked inactive before they're
+    # disconnected. This way if a request is deleted then immediately replaced
+    # with another that has similar requirements, we don't end up replacing
+    # a bot we just deleted. I'm sure it has other good qualities too.
+    botInactivityTimeout = 60 * 5
+    # Maximum acceptable lag, in seconds. After this much the bot is disconnected
+    # This should be a fairly large number, since the bots may experience a minute
+    # or more of lag routinely when trying to join channels on connection.
+    maximumLag = 60 * 3
+    botCheckTimer = None
+    def __init__(self, nickAllocator):
+        self.nickAllocator = nickAllocator
+        self.requests = []
+        self.unknownMessageLog = MessageLog()
+        # A map from Network to list of Bots
+        self.networks = {}
+        # A list of all networks for which bots are being created currently.
+        # Maps from BaseNetwork instance to a DelayedCall signalling a timeout.
+        self.newBotNetworks = {}
+        # Lists all bots we're thinking about deleting due to inactivity.
+        # Maps from Bot instance to a DelayedCall.
+        self.inactiveBots = {}
+        # Start the bot checking cycle
+        self.checkBots()
+    def findBot(self, host, nickname, port=None):
+        """Find the bot currently on the given network with the given nick.
+           This is mostly for use with the debug console. Note that for
+           convenience, the network is specified as a host and port here.
+           A BaseNetwork instance will be created.
+           """
+        network = Network.find(host, port)
+        try:
+            bots = self.networks[network]
+        except KeyError:
+            return None
+        for bot in bots:
+            if bot.nickname == nickname:
+                return bot
+    def findRequest(self, network, channel):
+        """Find a request matching the given network, and channel"""
+        for req in self.requests:
+            if req.network == network and req.channel == channel:
+                return req
+    def addRequest(self, request):
+        """Add a request to be serviced by this bot network. This should
+           only be called by the Request class, as it automatically registers
+           itself with the botNet it was constructed for.
+           """
+        self.requests.append(request)
+        self.checkBots()
+    def removeRequest(self, request):
+        """Indicates that a request is no longer needed"""
+        self.requests.remove(request)
+        self.checkBots()
+    def checkBots(self):
+        """Search for unfulfilled requests, trying to satisfy them, then search
+           for unused bots and channels, deleting them or scheduling them for deletion.
+           """
+        # Scan through all requests, trying to satisfy those that aren't.
+        # Make note of which bots and which channels are actually being used.
+        # activeBots is a map from Bot instance to a map of channels that are being used.
+        usedBots = {}
+        for request in self.requests:
+            request.findBots()
+            if not request.isFulfilled():
+                # This request isn't fulfilled, try to change that
+                self.tryToFulfill(request)
+            for reqBot in request.bots:
+                # Make note of the bots and channels this request needs,
+                # and if the bot is already marked as inactive, cancel that.
+                usedBots.setdefault(reqBot, util.InsensitiveDict())[request.channel] = True
+                # Make sure that any referenced bots are no longer marked inactive
+                if reqBot in self.inactiveBots:
+                    timer = self.inactiveBots[reqBot]
+                    if timer.active():
+                        timer.cancel()
+                    del self.inactiveBots[reqBot]
+        # Now look for unused bots and/or channels
+        for network in self.networks.itervalues():
+            for bot in network:
+                if bot in usedBots:
+                    usedChannels = usedBots[bot]
+                    # We need this bot.. but are all the channels necessary?
+                    for channel in bot.channels.iterkeys():
+                        if channel not in usedChannels:
+                            bot.part(channel)
+                    # Since we need this bot, make sure it's still responsive. If its lag
+                    # is too high, force it to give up. IF we have to disconnect the bot,
+                    # give up this checkBots() and start over when botDisconnected() calls
+                    # us again.
+                    if bot.getLag() > self.maximumLag:
+                        bot.quit()
+                        self.botDisconnected(bot)
+                        return
+                else:
+                    # We don't need this bot. Tell it to part all of its channels,
+                    # and if it isn't already, schedule it for deletion.
+                    for channel in bot.channels.iterkeys():
+                        bot.part(channel)
+                    if bot not in self.inactiveBots:
+                        self.inactiveBots[bot] = reactor.callLater(
+                            self.botInactivityTimeout, self.botInactivityCallback, bot)
+        # Set up the next round of bot checking
+        if self.botCheckTimer and self.botCheckTimer.active():
+            self.botCheckTimer.cancel()
+        self.botCheckTimer = reactor.callLater(self.botCheckInterval, self.checkBots)
+    def tryToFulfill(self, request):
+        """Given an unfulfilled request, try to take actions to fulfill it"""
+        # How many more bots do we need?
+        neededBots = request.numBots - len(request.bots)
+        # Do we have any existing bots that can join a channel to fulfill the request?
+        if request.channel and request.network in self.networks:
+            for bot in self.networks[request.network]:
+                if bot not in request.bots:
+                    # If the bot's already trying to connect to our channel,
+                    # decrease the needed bots count so we don't end up asking
+                    # all our bots to join this channel before the first one succeeds
+                    if request.channel in bot.requestedChannels:
+                        neededBots -= 1
+                    elif not bot.isFull():
+                        bot.join(request.channel)
+                        neededBots -= 1
+                    if neededBots <= 0:
+                        return
+        # Nope... how about asking more bots to join the request's network?
+        if not request.network in self.newBotNetworks:
+            self.createBot(request.network)
+    def createBot(self, network):
+        """Create a new bot for the given network, retrying if necessary"""
+        # We're not already trying to connect a bot, or our previous attempt failed.
+        # Start trying to connect a bot, and set a timeout.
+        log.msg("Creating a new IRC bot for %s" % network)
+        BotFactory(self, network)
+        self.newBotNetworks[network] = reactor.callLater(network.newBotTimeout, self.newBotTimedOut, network)
+    def newBotTimedOut(self, network):
+        """We just timed out waiting for a new bot connection. Try again."""
+        log.msg("Timed out waiting for an IRC bot to connect to %s" % network)
+        del self.newBotNetworks[network]
+        # Don't immediately assume that we need to try again, but give us a chance to check
+        self.checkBots()
+    def botInactivityCallback(self, bot):
+        """Bots that have been unused for a while eventually end up here, and are disconnected"""
+        log.msg("Disconnecting inactive bot %r" % bot)
+        bot.quit()
+    def botConnected(self, bot):
+        """Called by a bot when it has been successfully connected."""
+        self.networks.setdefault(bot.network, []).append(bot)
+        try:
+            timer = self.newBotNetworks[bot.network]
+            if timer.active():
+                timer.cancel()
+            del self.newBotNetworks[bot.network]
+        except KeyError:
+            # Hmm, we weren't waiting for this bot to connect?
+            # Oh well, this bot will be garbage collected soon if that's really the case.
+            pass
+        self.checkBots()
+    def botDisconnected(self, bot):
+        """Called by a bot when it has been disconnected for any reason. Since
+           this might have been a disconnection we didn't intend, do another bot
+           check right away.
+           """
+        try:
+            self.networks[bot.network].remove(bot)
+            if not self.networks[bot.network]:
+                del self.networks[bot.network]
+        except:
+            # The bot might have not been in our network list in the first
+            # place, if it got disconnected before becoming fully connected
+            # or if its disconnection gets detected in multiple ways (socket
+            # closed, ping timeout, etc)
+            pass
+        # The maximum lag autodisconnect code in checkBots relies on this being
+        # called whether or not we actually removed the bot- the above 'pass'
+        # can not be safely replaced with 'return'.
+        self.checkBots()
+    def botJoined(self, bot, channel):
+        self.checkBots()
+    def botLeft(self, bot, channel):
+        self.checkBots()
+    def botKicked(self, bot, channel, kicker, message):
+        # FIXME: remove the ruleset
+        pass
+    def remote_findRequest(self, host, port, channel, create=True):
+        """Find and return a request, optionally creating it if necessary"""
+        network = Network.find(host, port)
+        r = self.findRequest(network, channel)
+        if r:
+            return r
+        elif create:
+            return Request(self, network, channel)
+        else:
+            return None
+    def remote_getRequests(self):
+        """Return a dictionary mapping (host, port, channel) to request instances"""
+        d = {}
+        for request in self.requests:
+            d[ request.network.getIdentity() + (request.channel,) ] = request
+        return d
+    def remote_getAllRequestInfo(self):
+        """Return a list of dictionaries describing each request."""
+        return [req.remote_getInfoDict() for req in self.requests]
+    def remote_findRequestInfo(self, host, port, channel):
+        """Return an info dictionary for a single request"""
+        req = self.remote_findRequest(host, port, channel, create=False)
+        if req:
+            return req.remote_getInfoDict()
+    def remote_getTotals(self):
+        """Return a dictionary of impressive-looking totals related to the bots"""
+        totals = dict(
+            networks = 0,
+            bots = 0,
+            channels = 0,
+            users = 0,
+            requests = 0,
+            unfulfilled = 0,
+            )
+        for network in self.networks.iterkeys():
+            totals['networks'] += 1
+            for bot in self.networks[network]:
+                totals['bots'] += 1
+                totals['channels'] += len(bot.channels)
+        for request in self.requests:
+            totals['requests'] += 1
+            totals['users'] += request.getUserCount() or 0
+            if not request.isFulfilled():
+                totals['unfulfilled'] += 1
+        return totals
+    def remote_getBots(self):
+        bots = []
+        for networkBots in self.networks.itervalues():
+            bots.extend(networkBots)
+        return bots
+    def remote_getMessageLog(self):
+        return self.unknownMessageLog.buffer
+    def remote_getNewBots(self):
+        """Return a list of bots that are currently trying to
+           connect, represented as (network, deadline) tuples.
+           """
+        newBots = []
+        for network, timer in self.newBotNetworks.iteritems():
+            newBots.append((str(network), timer.getTime()))
+        return newBots
+class ChannelInfo:
+    """A container for information about an IRC channel. Currently
+       this just holds things we will be told without asking, like the
+       channel's occupants and its topic.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+        self.nicks = []
+        self.topic = None
+        # This list collects names mentioned in an RPL_NAMREPLY.
+        # Upon receiving an RPL_ENDOFNAMES this is transferred to
+        # 'nicks' and replaced with a new empty list.
+        self.nickCollector = []
+class MessageQueue:
+    """A single message FIFO with a fixed maximum size. If messages
+       are dropped, this emits a warning at the proper time.
+       Normally, this acts just like a bare Queue object, except that
+       it never blocks. Once it fills up, each new message increments
+       a 'dropped' counter.
+       Logically, the dropped messages will always be at the back of
+       the queue. After the queue empties, a new message is added
+       indicating how many lines were dropped. Normal queueing resumes
+       after this.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, maxSize):
+        self._fifo = Queue.Queue(maxSize)
+        self._numDropped = 0
+        self._next = None
+    def put(self, message):
+        """Push a new message onto the Queue. Never blocks, but it
+           may drop messages if the queue is full. The message
+           should never be None.
+           """
+        if self._numDropped:
+            self._numDropped += 1
+        else:
+            try:
+                self._fifo.put(message, False)
+            except Queue.Full:
+                self._numDropped = 1
+    def get(self):
+        """Return the next message, discarding it from the queue."""
+        try:
+            return self._fifo.get(False)
+        except Queue.Empty:
+            if self._numDropped:
+                n = self._numDropped
+                self._numDropped = 0
+                return "(%d lines omitted)" % n
+class FairQueue:
+    """A FairQueue tracks pending messages to any number of targets,
+       each of which own their own independent queue. This prevents
+       floods to one target from affecting timely delivery to other
+       targets. All queues are checked in round-robin order.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, queueSize):
+        self._queueSize = queueSize
+        self._targetDict = {}
+        self._pendingQueue = Queue.Queue()
+        self._next = None
+    def put(self, target, message):
+        """Queue up a new message to the supplied target"""
+        if target not in self._targetDict:
+            queue = MessageQueue(self._queueSize)
+            self._targetDict[target] = queue
+            self._pendingQueue.put(target, False)
+        else:
+            queue = self._targetDict[target]
+        queue.put(message)
+    def peek(self):
+        """Return the next message to be processed, without discarding
+           it. A subsequent call to peek() will return the same message.
+           Returns a (target, message) tuple if a message is available,
+           or None if all queues are empty.
+           """
+        if self._next is None:
+            while 1:
+                # Get the next queue target in round-robin order
+                try:
+                    target = self._pendingQueue.get(False)
+                except Queue.Empty:
+                    break
+                queue = self._targetDict[target]
+                message = queue.get()
+                if message:
+                    # We got a message. Reschedule this queue for later.
+                    self._next = (target, message)
+                    self._pendingQueue.put(target, False)
+                    break
+                else:
+                    # This queue is empty. Discard it.
+                    del self._targetDict[target]
+        return self._next
+    def flush(self):
+        """Discard the last message returned by peek()"""
+        self._next = None
+class Bot(irc.IRCClient, pb.Referenceable):
+    """An IRC bot connected to one network any any number of channels,
+       sending messages on behalf of the BotController.
+       The Bot class is responsible for keeping track of the timers and
+       limits associated with joining channels, but it doesn't map itself
+       onto Requests, nor does it manage bot connection and disconnection.
+       """
+    # Timeout, in seconds, for joining channels
+    joinTimeout = 60
+    # Important timestamps
+    lastPingTimestamp = None
+    lastPongTimestamp = None
+    signonTimestamp = None
+    lastPingTransmitTimestamp = None
+    # Byte counters. We maintain a perpetually incrementing byte counter,
+    # tracking the amount of data sent over the life of the connection.
+    # This byte counter is sent with PING, and we record the value returned
+    # with the last PONG. Taking (txByteCount - txConfirmedBytes) gives us
+    # the number of bytes transmitted but not confirmed: the maximum amount
+    # of data the server may be buffering on our behalf. This buffer
+    # level must be controlled, to avoid being kicked for flooding.
+    txByteCount = 0
+    txConfirmedBytes = 0
+    # Maximum number of lines to queue per target (channel/user)
+    maxQueueSize = 20
+    # Unhandled commands to ignore, rather than log
+    ignoredCommands = [
+        "ERR_NOCHANMODES",     # Freenode spamming us to register
+        506,                   # PLD spamming us to register
+        333,                   # Freenode sends these with channel registration info
+        ]
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.emptyChannels()
+        self._messageQueue = FairQueue(self.maxQueueSize)
+        self.pendingWhoisTests = {}
+        self.connectTimestamp = None
+    def emptyChannels(self):
+        """Called when we know we're not in any channels and we shouldn't
+           be trying to join any yet.
+           """
+        # Map from channel name to ChannelInfo instance. This only holds
+        # channels we're actually in, not those we've been asked to join
+        # but aren't in yet.
+        self.channels = util.InsensitiveDict()
+        # clear stale timers
+        if hasattr(self, 'requestedChannels'):
+            for timer in self.requestedChannels.itervalues():
+                if timer.active():
+                    timer.cancel()
+        # A map from channel name to a DelayedCall instance representing its timeout
+        self.requestedChannels = util.InsensitiveDict()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<Bot %r on network %s>" % (self.nickname, self.network)
+    def isFull(self):
+        return len(self.channels) + len(self.requestedChannels) >= self.network.maxChannels
+    def connectionMade(self):
+        """Called by IRCClient when we have a socket connection to the server."""
+        self.emptyChannels()
+        self.connectTimestamp = time.time()
+        self.network = self.factory.network
+        self.botNet = self.factory.botNet
+        # Start picking an initial nickname. This is really only expected to work
+        # on servers where this is the only CIA bot. If this one is in use, we get
+        # an ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE which we handle by picking a temporary nick we can
+        # use to search for a better one.
+        self.nickname = self.findNickQuickly()
+        self.nicknames = [self.nickname]
+        irc.IRCClient.connectionMade(self)
+    def irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE(self, prefix, params):
+        """An alternate nickname-in-use error handler that generates a random
+           temporary nick. This will let us at least connect to the server and
+           issue WHOIS queries to efficiently find a better nick.
+           As soon as we get the nickChanged back from this operation, we will
+           realize this nick doesn't match those allowed by nickAllocator and
+           start looking for a better one.
+           """
+        tempNick = "CIA-temp%03d" % random.randint(0, 999)
+        self.nicknames.append(tempNick)
+        self.setNick(tempNick)
+    def sendLine(self, line):
+        # Override sendLine() to update txByteCount.
+        # Note that the text of 'line' doesn't count a CRLF,
+        # but we should include that in our buffer estimates.
+        self.txByteCount += len(line) + 2
+        irc.IRCClient.sendLine(self, line)
+    def nickChanged(self, newname):
+        irc.IRCClient.nickChanged(self, newname)
+        if self.botNet.nickAllocator.isValid(newname):
+            # The nick was valid. If we aren't completely connected yet, fix that
+            if self.signonTimestamp is None:
+                self.finishConnection()
+        else:
+            # We got a bad nick, try to find a better one. If it doesn't
+            # work within 1 minute, self-destruct.
+            log.msg("%r starting nick negotiation" % self)
+            reactor.callLater(60, self.enforceNickDeadline)
+            self.findNick().addCallback(self.foundBetterNick)
+    def enforceNickDeadline(self):
+        """If this bot doesn't have a valid nick yet, kill it."""
+        if not self.botNet.nickAllocator.isValid(self.nickname):
+            self.sendLine("QUIT")
+    def register(self, nickname, hostname='foo', servername='bar'):
+        """Twisted's default register() is silly in that it doesn't let us
+           specify a new username. We want all the usernames to be the
+           same, so filters can be written and things are just in general
+           better when bots are renaming themselves dynamically.
+           """
+        if self.password is not None:
+            self.sendLine("PASS %s" % self.password)
+        self.setNick(nickname)
+        self.sendLine("USER %s %s %s :%s" % (self.botNet.nickAllocator.username,
+                                             hostname,
+                                             servername,
+                                             self.botNet.nickAllocator.realname))
+    def foundBetterNick(self, nick):
+        log.msg("%r found a better nick, renaming to %r" % (self, nick))
+        self.nicknames.append(nick)
+        self.setNick(nick)
+    def findNickQuickly(self):
+        """This is used to get an initial nick during registration, before
+           we're allowed to make WHOIS queries. It only checks whether a nick
+           is already in use by one of our bots. If we happened to grab a nick
+           that's already in use, the server will rename us and our nickChanged()
+           handler will try to find a better nick.
+           """
+        for nick in self.botNet.nickAllocator.generate():
+            if not nick in self.botNet.networks.get(self.network, []):
+                return nick
+    def findNick(self):
+        """Find a new unused nickname for this bot. As this requires
+           testing whether each desired nickname is in use, it returns a Deferred.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        self._findNick(True, None, self.botNet.nickAllocator.generate(), result)
+        return result
+    def _findNick(self, isUsed, testedNick, generator, result):
+        """Callback implementing the guts of findNick.
+           On the first call, isUsed is True and testedNick is None.
+           We grab the next nick from the provided generator and
+           start testing it, providing this function as the deferred's
+           callback. If the nick isn't used, we send the nick to
+           our result callback. Otherwise, the cycle continues.
+           """
+        if isUsed:
+            nextNick = generator.next()
+            self.isNickUsed(nextNick).addCallback(self._findNick, nextNick, generator, result)
+        else:
+            result.callback(testedNick)
+    def isNickUsed(self, nick):
+        """Determine if the given nick is in use, using WHOIS.
+           Returns a Deferred that eventually resolves to a boolean.
+           If the server doesn't respond to the WHOIS, we assume the nick
+           isn't in use. This way if we're on a server that somehow has a broken
+           WHOIS, we end up with an ugly nick rather than sitting in an infinite loop.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        # First check whether any of our own bots are using this nick
+        for bot in self.botNet.networks.get(self.network, []):
+            if nick == bot.nickname:
+                result.callback(True)
+                return result
+        # It's not that easy- try a WHOIS query
+        if nick in self.pendingWhoisTests:
+            # We already have a request on the wire, tack another deferred onto it
+            self.pendingWhoisTests[nick].append(result)
+        else:
+            # Send a new request
+            self.pendingWhoisTests[nick] = [result]
+            self.sendLine("WHOIS %s" % nick)
+        return result
+    def irc_RPL_WHOISUSER(self, prefix, params):
+        """Reply to the WHOIS command we use to evaluate if a nick is used or not.
+           This one would indicate that the nick is indeed used.
+           """
+        nick = params[1]
+        if nick in self.pendingWhoisTests:
+            for result in self.pendingWhoisTests[nick]:
+                result.callback(True)
+            del self.pendingWhoisTests[nick]
+    def irc_ERR_NOSUCHNICK(self, prefix, params):
+        """Reply to the WHOIS command we use to evaluate if a nick is used or not.
+           This indicates that the nick is available.
+           """
+        nick = params[1]
+        if nick in self.pendingWhoisTests:
+            for result in self.pendingWhoisTests[nick]:
+                result.callback(False)
+            del self.pendingWhoisTests[nick]
+    # These are several other WHOIS replies that we want to ignore
+    def irc_RPL_WHOISSERVER(self, prefix, params):
+        pass
+    def irc_RPL_WHOISIDLE(self, prefix, params):
+        pass
+    def irc_RPL_WHOISCHANNELS(self, prefix, params):
+        pass
+    def irc_RPL_ENDOFWHOIS(self, prefix, params):
+        pass
+    def signedOn(self):
+        """IRCClient is notifying us that we've finished connecting to
+           the IRC server and can finally start joining channels.
+           """
+        self.emptyChannels()
+        # Check our initial nick, finish our connection if it was good
+        self.nickChanged(self.nickname)
+    def finishConnection(self):
+        log.msg("%r connected" % self)
+        self.botNet.botConnected(self)
+        self.signonTimestamp = time.time()
+        # Start the cycle of pinging the server to ensure our connection
+        # is still up and measure lag. IRC servers seem to often fail in
+        # ways that leave clients' sockets connected but ignore all data
+        # from them, and this lets us measure lag for free.
+        self._lagPingLoop()
+    def sendServerPing(self):
+        """Send a ping stamped with the current time and byte count"""
+        self.lastPingTransmitTimestamp = time.time()
+        self.sendLine("PING %s-%f" % (self.txByteCount, self.lastPingTransmitTimestamp))
+    def _lagPingLoop(self):
+        self.sendServerPing()
+        reactor.callLater(self.network.pingInterval, self._lagPingLoop)
+    def irc_PONG(self, prefix, params):
+        """Handle the responses to pings sent with sendServerPing. This compares
+           the timestamp in the pong (from when the ping was sent) and the current
+           time, storing the lag and the current time.
+           """
+        try:
+            # Most IRC servers send back a server name as params[0] then the
+            # ping argument as params[1].. but some (broken?) ones send back
+            # only a single argument, with the ping parameter.
+            if len(params) >= 2:
+                pingParam = params[1]
+            else:
+                pingParam = params[0]
+            byteCount, timestamp = pingParam.split("-")
+            self.txConfirmedBytes = int(byteCount)
+            self.lastPingTimestamp = float(timestamp)
+        except (ValueError, IndexError):
+            # This must be some broken IRC server that's not preserving our ping timestamp.
+            # The best we can do is assume this is the pong for the most recent ping we sent.
+            log.msg("%r received bad PONG reply: %r" % (self, params))
+            self.lastPingTimestamp = self.lastPingTransmitTimestamp
+            self.txConfirmedBytes = self.txByteCount
+        now = time.time()
+        self.lastPongTimestamp = now
+        self._pollMessageQueue(now)
+    def connectionLost(self, reason):
+        self.emptyChannels()
+        log.msg("%r disconnected" % self)
+        self.botNet.botDisconnected(self)
+        irc.IRCClient.connectionLost(self)
+    def getLag(self):
+        """Calculate a single figure for the lag between us and the server.
+           If pings have been coming back on time this is just the raw lag,
+           but if our latest ping has been particularly late, it's the average
+           of the latest successful ping's lag and the amount of time we've been
+           waiting for this late ping.
+           """
+        if self.lastPongTimestamp is None:
+            # We've never received a successful pong
+            if self.signonTimestamp is None:
+                # Hmm, we've also never signed on. Nothing more we can do
+                return None
+            else:
+                # We've signed on, but never received a good pong. Let's pretend
+                # the time since the last pong is just the time since signon- if
+                # we really have that funky of a connection this will at least eventually
+                # let us detect that.
+                timeSincePong = time.time() - self.signonTimestamp
+            lag = None
+        else:
+            timeSincePong = time.time() - self.lastPongTimestamp
+            if self.lastPingTimestamp is None:
+                lag = None
+            else:
+                lag = self.lastPongTimestamp - self.lastPingTimestamp
+        if timeSincePong < self.network.pingInterval * 2:
+            # We're doing fine, report the raw lag
+            return lag
+        else:
+            # Yikes, it's been a while since we've had a good pong.
+            # Weigh that in to the returned lag figure as described above.
+            return ((lag or 0) + (timeSincePong - self.network.pingInterval)) / 2
+    def join(self, channel):
+        """Called by the bot's owner to request that a channel be joined.
+           If this channel isn't already on our requests list, we send a join
+           command and set up a timeout.
+           """
+        if channel not in self.requestedChannels and channel not in self.channels:
+            self.requestedChannels[channel] = reactor.callLater(self.joinTimeout, self.joinTimedOut, channel)
+            irc.IRCClient.join(self, channel)
+    def cancelRequest(self, channel):
+        """Cancels a request to join the given channel if we have one"""
+        if channel in self.requestedChannels:
+            timer = self.requestedChannels[channel]
+            if timer.active():
+                timer.cancel()
+            del self.requestedChannels[channel]
+    def joinTimedOut(self, channel):
+        """Our join() timed out, remove the channel from our request list"""
+        self.cancelRequest(channel)
+    def part(self, channel):
+        """Called to request that a bot leave the given channel.
+           This removes the channel from our requests list if necessary
+           before sending the part command.
+           """
+        self.cancelRequest(channel)
+        irc.IRCClient.part(self, channel)
+    def joined(self, channel):
+        """A channel has successfully been joined"""
+        log.msg("%r joined %r" % (self, channel))
+        self.cancelRequest(channel)
+        self.channels[channel] = ChannelInfo(channel)
+        self.factory.botNet.botJoined(self, channel)
+    def left(self, channel):
+        """Called when part() is successful and we've left a channel.
+           Implicitly also called when we're kicked via kickedFrom().
+           """
+        log.msg("%r left %r" % (self, channel))
+        del self.channels[channel]
+        self.factory.botNet.botLeft(self, channel)
+    def kickedFrom(self, channel, kicker, message):
+        log.msg("%r was kicked from %r by %r: %r" % (self, channel, kicker, message))
+        self.left(channel)
+        self.factory.botNet.botKicked(self, channel, kicker, message)
+    def ctcpUnknownQuery(self, user, channel, tag, data):
+        """Ignore unknown queries, so if someone sends a CTCP BAGEL to
+           the channel CIA doesn't respond needlessly.
+           """
+        pass
+    def irc_unknown(self, prefix, command, params):
+        """Log unknown commands, making debugging easier. This also lets
+           us see responses in the log for commands sent via debug_tool.
+           """
+        if command in self.ignoredCommands:
+            return
+        log.msg("%r received unknown IRC command %s: %r" % (self, command, params))
+        self.factory.botNet.unknownMessageLog.log((
+            time.time(),
+            self.nickname,
+            str(self.network),
+            command,
+            repr(params)[1:-1],
+            ))
+    def topicUpdated(self, user, channel, newTopic):
+        self.channels[channel].topic = newTopic
+    def irc_JOIN(self, prefix, params):
+        """This is a modified implementation that checks the nick against
+           both our current nickname and our previous one. This hopefully
+           avoids a race condition when we're joining a channel and changing
+           our nick at nearly the same time.
+           """
+        nick = prefix.split('!')[0]
+        channel = params[-1]
+        if nick in self.nicknames:
+            self.joined(channel)
+        else:
+            self.userJoined(nick, channel)
+    def irc_NICK(self, prefix, params):
+        """This is a modified implementation that checks the nick against
+           both our current nickname and our previous one. This ensures
+           that we get confirmation for our own nick changes.
+           """
+        nick = prefix.split('!')[0]
+        if nick in self.nicknames:
+            self.nickChanged(params[0])
+        else:
+            self.userRenamed(nick, params[0])
+    def irc_RPL_NAMREPLY(self, prefix, params):
+        """Collect usernames from this channel. Several of these
+           messages may be sent to cover the channel's full nicklist.
+           An RPL_ENDOFNAMES signals the end of the list.
+           """
+        # We just separate these into individual nicks and stuff them in
+        # the nickCollector, transferred to 'nicks' when we get the RPL_ENDOFNAMES.
+        channel = self.channels[params[2]]
+        for name in params[3].split():
+            # Remove operator and voice prefixes
+            if name[0] in '@+':
+                name = name[1:]
+            channel.nickCollector.append(name)
+    def irc_RPL_ENDOFNAMES(self, prefix, params):
+        """This is sent after zero or more RPL_NAMREPLY commands to
+           terminate the list of users in a channel.
+           """
+        channel = self.channels[params[1]]
+        channel.nicks = channel.nickCollector
+        channel.nickCollector = []
+    def userJoined(self, user, channel):
+        """Update the channel's nick list when we see someone join"""
+        self.channels[channel].nicks.append(user)
+    def irc_QUIT(self, prefix, params):
+        # Another user quit, remove them from any of our channel lists
+        nick = prefix.split('!')[0]
+        for channel in self.channels.itervalues():
+            try:
+                channel.nicks.remove(nick)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+    def userLeft(self, user, channel):
+        """Update the channel's nick list when a user voluntarily leaves"""
+        self.channels[channel].nicks.remove(user)
+    def userKicked(self, user, channel, kicker, message):
+        """Update the channel's nick list when a user is kicked"""
+        self.channels[channel].nicks.remove(user)
+    def userRenamed(self, oldname, newname):
+        # Blah, this doesn't give us a channel name. Search for this user
+        # in each of our channels, renaming them.
+        for channel in self.channels.itervalues():
+            try:
+                channel.nicks.remove(oldname)
+                channel.nicks.append(newname)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+    def queueMessage(self, target, text):
+        """A msg() workalike which queues messages and provides flood protection.
+           Text sent with queueMessage() isn't guaranteed to ever be sent to the
+           server.
+           """
+        self._messageQueue.put(target, text)
+        self._pollMessageQueue(time.time())
+    def _pollMessageQueue(self, now):
+        """Check whether it's safe to send any queued messages"""
+        while self._messageQueue.peek():
+            target, text = self._messageQueue.peek()
+            # Length estimate: Includes the "PRIVMSG %s :%s" boilerplate, plus the CRLF
+            length = len(text) + len(target) + 12
+            # Make a worst-case prediction of the server's buffer fill level after we
+            # would have sent this string.
+            predictedFill = self.txByteCount - self.txConfirmedBytes
+            # If we're up to half our buffer fill and we haven't sent a ping
+            # recently, send another in an attempt to lower the predicted
+            # fill estimate.
+            if predictedFill > self.network.bufferSize / 2 and self.lastPingTransmitTimestamp + 5 < now:
+                self.sendServerPing()
+            # If we'd go above the hard limit, we can't send the message.
+            if predictedFill > self.network.bufferSize:
+                break
+            self.msg(target, text)
+            self._messageQueue.flush()
+    def action(self, user, channel, message):
+        """Just for fun"""
+        text = message.lower().strip()
+        me = self.nickname.lower()
+        them = user.split('!')[0]
+        if text == 'hugs %s' % me:
+            self.me(channel, 'hugs %s' % them)
+        elif text == 'kicks %s' % me:
+            self.say(channel, 'ow')
+        elif text == 'kills %s' % me:
+            self.me(channel, 'dies')
+        elif text == 'eats %s' % me:
+            self.me(channel, 'tastes crunchy')
+        elif text == "rubs %s's tummy" % me:
+	    self.say(channel, "*purr*")
+    def remote_getInfoDict(self):
+        return {
+            'nickname': self.nickname,
+            'current_channels': self.channels.keys(),
+            'requested_channels': self.requestedChannels.keys(),
+            'network': self.remote_getNetworkInfo(),
+            'current_time': time.time(),
+            'connect_time': self.connectTimestamp,
+            'inactive_time': self.remote_getInactivity(),
+            'is_full': self.isFull(),
+            'lag': self.getLag(),
+            }
+    def remote_msg(self, target, text):
+        """A remote request directly to this bot, ignoring the usual queueing"""
+        self.msg(target, text)
+    def remote_getNickname(self):
+        return self.nickname
+    def remote_getChannels(self):
+        return self.channels.keys()
+    def remote_getRequestedChannels(self):
+        # Convert from an InsensitiveDict to a normal one
+        return self.requestedChannels.keys()
+    def remote_getNetworkInfo(self):
+        """Returns a (networkName, host, port) tuple"""
+        host, port = self.transport.addr
+        return (str(self.network), host, port)
+    def remote_repr(self):
+        return repr(self)
+    def remote_getConnectTimestamp(self):
+        return self.connectTimestamp
+    def remote_getInactivity(self):
+        """If this bot is inactive, returns the time at which it will be garbage
+           collected. If not, returns None.
+           """
+        if self in self.botNet.inactiveBots:
+            return self.botNet.inactiveBots[self].getTime()
+    def remote_isFull(self):
+        return self.isFull()
+    def remote_isEmpty(self):
+        return (not self.channels) and (not self.requestedChannels)
+    def remote_getStatusText(self):
+        """Get a textual description of this bot's status"""
+        indicators = []
+        if self.remote_isFull():
+            indicators.append('full')
+        if self.remote_isEmpty():
+            indicators.append('empty')
+        timer = self.remote_getInactivity()
+        if timer:
+            indicators.append('GC in %s' % TimeUtil.formatDuration(timer - time.time()))
+        return ', '.join(indicators)
+    def remote_getLag(self):
+        return self.getLag()
+class BotFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
+    """Twisted ClientFactory for creating Bot instances"""
+    protocol = Bot
+    def __init__(self, botNet, network):
+        self.botNet = botNet
+        self.network = network
+        host, port = network.getNextServer()
+        log.msg("Using server %s:%s for %r" % (host, port, network))
+        reactor.connectTCP(host, port, self)
+    def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
+        log.msg("IRC Connection to %r lost: %r" % (self.network, reason))
+    def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
+        log.msg("IRC Connection to %r failed: %r" % (self.network, reason))
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Formatting.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Formatting.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Formatting.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+""" LibCIA.IRC.Formatting
+A thin abstraction for IRC formatting codes, and a converter
+that generates IRC-formatted text from a <colorText> XML document.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from LibCIA import XML, ColorText
+import types
+class FormattingCode(object):
+    """Represents a code used to format text in IRC"""
+    codes = {
+        # Colors
+        "black"       : "\x0301",
+        "dark blue"   : "\x0302",
+        "dark green"  : "\x0303",
+        "green"       : "\x0303",
+        "red"         : "\x0304",
+        "light red"   : "\x0304",
+        "dark red"    : "\x0305",
+        "purple"      : "\x0306",
+        "brown"       : "\x0307",  # On some clients this is orange, others it is brown
+        "orange"      : "\x0307",
+        "yellow"      : "\x0308",
+        "light green" : "\x0309",
+        "aqua"        : "\x0310",
+        "light blue"  : "\x0311",
+        "blue"        : "\x0312",
+        "violet"      : "\x0313",
+        "grey"        : "\x0314",
+        "gray"        : "\x0314",
+        "light grey"  : "\x0315",
+        "light gray"  : "\x0315",
+        "white"       : "\x0316",
+        # Other formatting
+        "normal"      : "\x0F",
+        "bold"        : "\x02",
+        "reverse"     : "\x16",
+        "underline"   : "\x1F",
+        }
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+        self.value = self.codes[name]
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.value
+def format(text, *codeNames):
+    """Apply each formatting code from the given list of code names
+       to the given text, returnging a string ready for consumption
+       by an IRC client.
+       """
+    if codeNames:
+        codes = "".join([str(FormattingCode(codeName)) for codeName in codeNames])
+        return codes + text + str(FormattingCode('normal'))
+    else:
+        return text
+class ColorStack:
+    """This is An important building block for converting tree-structured documents
+       with color into IRC-formatted text. The document is represented as a list of
+       FormattingCodes and/or strings. This document can be wrapped in additional
+       formatting layers, using our stack to restore codes properly after a 'normal'
+       code is issued.
+       Normal usage is to push() a list of formatting codes, evaluate all children
+       of that formatting level, then wrap() the result of that evaluation.
+       """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.empty()
+    def empty(self):
+        self.codes = []
+    def push(self, *codeNames):
+        self.codes.append([FormattingCode(name) for name in codeNames])
+    def wrap(self, children):
+        parent = self.codes.pop()
+        if not children:
+            # If we have nothing to wrap, return nothing. This is important
+            # for the correct operation of the <autoHide> modular formatter
+            # component, since a 'normal' code by itself still prevents it
+            # from hiding the group.
+            return []
+        parent.extend(children)
+        # An important optimization- since we're about to insert new codes
+        # for everything in codeStack, remove codes from our 'parent' list until
+        # we hit actual text. This prevents sequences from appearing in the output
+        # where several codes are applied then immediately erased by a 'normal' code.
+        # This also handles optimizing out formatting codes with no children.
+        while parent and isinstance(parent[-1], FormattingCode):
+            del parent[-1]
+        # Now stick on a 'normal' code and the contents of our stack,
+        # to revert the codes we were given.
+        parent.append(FormattingCode('normal'))
+        for level in self.codes:
+            parent.extend(level)
+        return parent
+def parseColorElement(xml):
+    """Given a <color> element, return the corresponding list of color code names"""
+    codes = []
+    bg = xml.getAttributeNS(None, 'bg')
+    fg = xml.getAttributeNS(None, 'fg')
+    if bg:
+        if bg in ColorText.allowedColors:
+            codes.append(bg)
+            codes.append('reverse')
+        else:
+            raise XML.XMLValidityError("%r is not a color" % bg)
+    if fg:
+        if fg in ColorText.allowedColors:
+            codes.append(fg)
+        else:
+            raise XML.XMLValidityError("%r is not a color" % fg)
+    return codes
+class ColortextFormatter(XML.XMLObjectParser):
+    r"""Given a DOM tree with <colorText>-formatted text
+        generate an equivalent message formatted for IRC.
+        >>> f = ColortextFormatter()
+        >>> f.parse(XML.parseString('<colorText><u><b>Hello</b> World</u></colorText>'))
+        '\x1f\x02Hello\x0f\x1f World\x0f'
+        >>> f.parse(XML.parseString(
+        ...    "<colorText>" +
+        ...        "<color bg='dark blue'><color fg='yellow'>" +
+        ...            "<b>hello</b>" +
+        ...        "</color></color>" +
+        ...        "<u> world</u>" +
+        ...    "</colorText>"))
+        '\x0302\x16\x0308\x02hello\x0f\x1f world\x0f'
+        """
+    def element_colorText(self, node):
+        # The root element converts our list of formatting codes to a flat string
+        codes = []
+        self.colorStack = ColorStack()
+        for childCodes in self.childParser(node):
+            codes.extend(childCodes)
+        return "".join(map(str, codes))
+    def codeWrap(self, node, *codeNames):
+        """Wrap the children of the given xml element with the given formatting codes.
+           This prepends the code list and appends a 'normal' tag, using colorStack
+           to restore any codes we don't want to disable with the 'normal' tag.
+           """
+        self.colorStack.push(*codeNames)
+        children = []
+        for child in self.childParser(node):
+            children.extend(child)
+        return self.colorStack.wrap(children)
+    def element_b(self, xml):
+        """Just wrap our contents in a bold tag"""
+        return self.codeWrap(xml, 'bold')
+    def element_u(self, xml):
+        """Just wrap our contents in an underline tag"""
+        return self.codeWrap(xml, 'underline')
+    def element_br(self, xml):
+        """Insert a literal newline"""
+        return ["\n"]
+    def element_color(self, xml):
+        """Generates formatting codes appropriate to represent a foreground and/or background color"""
+        return self.codeWrap(xml, *parseColorElement(xml))
+    def parseString(self, text):
+        return [text]
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Handler.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Handler.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Handler.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+""" LibCIA.IRC.Handler
+The irc:// URI handler, acting as a frontend to our network of bots
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.spread import pb
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+from twisted.python import log
+from LibCIA import Ruleset
+class IrcURIHandler(Ruleset.RegexURIHandler):
+    """Handles irc:// URIs in rulesets. This creates a message queue
+       for each URI, and delivers formatted messages to the proper
+       message queue instance.
+       This follows a subset of the internet draft at:
+          http://www.w3.org/Addressing/draft-mirashi-url-irc-01.txt
+       In short, the following sorts of URIs are valid:
+          irc://irc.foo.net/boing
+            Refers to the channel #boing at irc.foo.net on the default port
+          irc://irc.foo.net:1234/boing
+            Refers to the channel #boing at irc.foo.net, on port 1234
+          irc://irc.foo.net/muffin,isnick
+            Refers to a users with the nick 'muffin' on irc.foo.net's default port
+       The full hostname may also be replaced with a network name, as defined
+       in Network.py. This implies a random choice from multiple servers, and possibly
+       other network-specific behaviour.
+       This is starting to be updated to a newer irc:// draft that recommends
+       including the #, but still supports the above URIs.
+       """
+    scheme = 'irc'
+    regex = r"""
+       ^irc://(?P<host>(  ([a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?) |
+                          ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){3})
+                       ))
+       (:(?P<port>[0-9]+))?/(?P<target>[^\s,]+)(?P<isnick>,isnick)?$
+       """
+    def __init__(self, remoteBots):
+        # A map from URI to message queue
+        self.queueMap = {}
+        self.remoteBots = remoteBots
+        Ruleset.RegexURIHandler.__init__(self)
+    def createQueueFromURI(self, uri):
+        """Convert a URI to a new message queue instance"""
+        d = self.parseURI(uri)
+        if d['isnick']:
+            # This refers to a nickname- deliver private messages to that user
+            return PrivateMessageQueue(self.remoteBots, d['host'], d['port'], d['target'])
+        else:
+            # It's a channel. Add the # if necesary.
+            channel = d['target']
+            if channel[0] != '#':
+                channel = '#' + channel
+            return ChannelMessageQueue(self.remoteBots, d['host'], d['port'], channel)
+    def assigned(self, uri, newRuleset):
+        # If this URI is new, create a new message queue for it
+        if not uri in self.queueMap:
+            q = self.createQueueFromURI(uri)
+            self.queueMap[uri] = q
+    def unassigned(self, uri):
+        self.queueMap[uri].cancel()
+        del self.queueMap[uri]
+    def message(self, uri, message, content):
+        self.queueMap[uri].send(unicode(content).encode('utf-8'))
+    def rulesetsRefreshed(self):
+        """Synchronize our requests with the server's only once rulesets have
+           refreshed, so we don't inadvertently delete a request that hasn't
+           finished loading yet.
+           """
+        self.remoteBots.allowSync = True
+        self.remoteBots.syncRequests()
+class RequestIdentity:
+    """An object that can represent the identity of a Request remotely"""
+    __slots__ = ["host", "port", "channel"]
+    def __init__(self, host, port, channel):
+        self.__dict__.update(dict(
+            host = host,
+            port = port,
+            channel = channel,
+            ))
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return hash((self.host, self.port, self.channel))
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        return cmp((self.host, self.port, self.channel),
+                   (other.host, other.port, other.channel))
+    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+        raise TypeError("RequestIdentity instances are immuatble")
+class ReconnectingPBClient(pb.PBClientFactory):
+    """A PBClientFactory that automatically tries to reconnect
+       using a supplied method if the connection fails.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, reconnector, delay=4):
+        self.reconnector = reconnector
+        self.delay = delay
+        pb.PBClientFactory.__init__(self)
+    def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
+        reactor.callLater(self.delay, self.reconnector)
+    def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
+        reactor.callLater(self.delay, self.reconnector)
+class RemoteBots:
+    """Represents a bot server running elsewhere, that we connect to
+       using Perspective Broker. This caches references to currently
+       registered requests, and ensures that the remote request list
+       matches the local one even when the bot server restarts.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, socketName):
+        self.socketName = socketName
+        self.botNet = None
+        self.factory = ReconnectingPBClient(self.connect)
+        self.allowSync = False
+        # Maps RequestIdentity instances to remote requests. Requests
+        # that should exist but don't yet are mapped to None.
+        self.requestMap = {}
+        self.connect()
+    def connect(self):
+        log.msg("Trying to connect to bots on socket %r..." % self.socketName)
+        self.botNet = None
+        reactor.connectUNIX(self.socketName, self.factory)
+        if not self.factory.rootObjectRequests:
+            self.factory.getRootObject().addCallback(
+                self._gotRootObject)
+    def _gotRootObject(self, root):
+        log.msg("Connected to bot server")
+        self.botNet = root
+        if self.allowSync:
+            # Sync on connect only if we can be sure we've loaded all requests
+            self.syncRequests()
+    def findRequest(self, requestId):
+        """Find a remote Request reference matching the given request ID,
+           creating it if necessary. Returns the remote reference via
+           a Deferred. Returns None if the request doesn't exist yet
+           and can't be created (for example, if the bot server is down).
+           Even if the bot server is unavailable, this request is added
+           to our local list.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        if self.requestMap.get(requestId) and self.botNet:
+            # This request already exists
+            result.callback(self.requestMap[requestId])
+        else:
+            # It doesn't exist. Mark that it should
+            self.requestMap[requestId] = None
+            if self.botNet:
+                # If we have a connection to the bot net, try to add the request
+                self.botNet.callRemote("findRequest", requestId.host, requestId.port,
+                                       requestId.channel).addCallback(
+                    self._findRequest, requestId, result).addErrback(
+                    result.errback)
+            else:
+                # Nope, give up for now
+                result.callback(None)
+        return result
+    def _findRequest(self, requestRef, requestId, result):
+        self.requestMap[requestId] = requestRef
+        result.callback(requestRef)
+    def removeRequest(self, requestId):
+        """Ask the bot server to remove a request, given a RequestIdentity.
+           Returns, via a Deferred, True if the request could be removed
+           or False if we can't currently contact the bot server. In either
+           case, the request is removed from our local list.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        if requestId in self.requestMap:
+            if self.botNet:
+                # We already have a reference to this request and our server is up.
+                # Send the request a message to cancel itself.
+                self.requestMap[requestId].callRemote("cancel").addCallback(
+                    self._cancelledRequest, result).addErrback(
+                    result.errback)
+            else:
+                result.callback(False)
+            # Whether the server is up or not, remove it from our local list
+            del self.requestMap[requestId]
+        else:
+            # We don't have a reference to it. See if it exists server-side
+            if self.botNet:
+                self.botNet.callRemote("findRequest", requestId.host, requestId.port,
+                                       requestId.channel, False).addCallback(
+                    self._removeFoundRequest, result).addErrback(
+                    result.errback)
+            else:
+                result.callback(False)
+        return result
+    def _cancelledRequest(self, completed, result):
+        # Our request was successfully cancelled
+        result.callback(True)
+    def _removeFoundRequest(self, ref, result):
+        if ref:
+            # There is indeed an instance of this request on the server. Cancel it.
+            ref.callRemote("cancel").addCallback(
+                self._cancelledRequest, result).addErrback(
+                result.errback)
+        else:
+            # Nothing to do
+            result.callback(True)
+    def _removeRequest(self, requestRef, requestId, result):
+        self.requestMap[requestId] = requestRef
+        result.callback(requestRef)
+    def syncRequests(self):
+        """Flush our local references to remote request objects. If a server
+           connection has been established, this retrieves new request references
+           and adds and removes requests as necessary.
+           """
+        log.msg("Synchronizing bot requests")
+        for id in self.requestMap.keys():
+            self.requestMap[id] = None
+        if self.botNet:
+            # Get the server's request list
+            self.botNet.callRemote("getRequests").addCallback(
+                self._syncRequests)
+    def _syncRequests(self, serverRequests):
+        for (host, port, channel), ref in serverRequests.iteritems():
+            id = RequestIdentity(host, port, channel)
+            if id in self.requestMap:
+                # Good, this is a request that we need and we have. Save the reference
+                self.requestMap[id] = ref
+            else:
+                # This is a request that the server has but we don't need. Cancel it
+                ref.callRemote("cancel")
+        # Start trying to reestablish all remaining requests with no reference
+        for id, ref in self.requestMap.iteritems():
+            if not ref:
+                self.findRequest(id)
+class MessageQueue:
+    """Abstract base class for a queue we can deliver IRC messages to"""
+    def __init__(self, remoteBots, host, port, channel, target):
+        self.target = target
+        self.remoteBots = remoteBots
+        self.requestId = RequestIdentity(host, port, channel)
+        self.remoteBots.findRequest(self.requestId)
+    def cancel(self):
+        """Cancel the request associated with this message queue"""
+        self.remoteBots.removeRequest(self.requestId)
+    def send(self, message):
+        """Split up a message into lines and queue it for transmission"""
+        self.remoteBots.findRequest(self.requestId).addCallback(self._send, message)
+    def _send(self, request, message):
+        """Once we have a reference to the remote request, send our message"""
+        # If the request doesn't exist yet on the server, ignore this.
+        if request:
+            request.callRemote("msgList", self.target, message.split('\n'))
+class PrivateMessageQueue(MessageQueue):
+    """Send private messages to a particular user, using one bot"""
+    def __init__(self, remoteBots, host, port, nick):
+        MessageQueue.__init__(self, remoteBots, host, port, None, nick)
+class ChannelMessageQueue(MessageQueue):
+    """Send messages to a channel, using multiple bots if necessary"""
+    def __init__(self, remoteBots, host, port, channel):
+        MessageQueue.__init__(self, remoteBots, host, port, channel, channel)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Network.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Network.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/Network.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+""" LibCIA.IRC.Network
+IRC Networks define a collection of servers, and optionally
+define special behaviour relevant to that IRC network.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+class BaseNetwork:
+    """Base class for IRC networks. A network may consist of multiple servers-
+       it provides a 'connect' method that picks one to use. Networks may also
+       define other IRC-network-specific behaviour.
+       """
+    alias = None
+    defaultPort = 6667
+    currentServer = 0
+    # Maximum number of IRC channels a single bot is allowed in
+    maxChannels = 18
+    # Timeout, in seconds, for creating new bots. By default this is 16
+    # minutes, since most of the smaller networks we're on get annoyed
+    # if we retry too quickly. We override this in the larger networks below.
+    newBotTimeout = 60 * 16
+    # Maximum amount of data to buffer server-side, in bytes. Larger values improve
+    # speed, but if this is larger than a fixed-size buffer on the server we could be
+    # flood-kicked.
+    bufferSize = 1024
+    # How often to ping the server, in seconds
+    pingInterval = 60
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.alias
+    def getIdentity(self):
+        """Return a (host, port) tuple that can be used to return this network
+           from a search.
+           """
+        return (self.alias, None)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<IRC.Network.%s>" % self.__class__.__name__
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        if type(self) is type(other) and (
+            isinstance(self, BaseNetwork) and isinstance(other, BaseNetwork)):
+            return cmp(self.alias or self.servers,
+                       other.alias or other.servers)
+        else:
+            return cmp(self, other)
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return hash(self.alias)
+    def getNextServer(self):
+        """Return the next server, as a (host, port) tuple, to use for this network."""
+        # By default, just try them all round-robin style
+        self.currentServer = self.currentServer % len(self.servers)
+        host, port = self.servers[self.currentServer]
+        self.currentServer += 1
+        if port is None:
+            port = self.defaultPort
+	return (host, port)
+class GenericNetwork(BaseNetwork):
+    """A generic IRC network has no alias, refers to only one server, and
+       uses defaults for all other parameters. This is used when a particular
+       network isn't specified, and it acts as the base class for all other
+       networks.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, host, port=None):
+        if port is not None:
+            port = int(port)
+        self.servers = ( (host, port), )
+    def getIdentity(self):
+        return self.servers[0]
+    def __str__(self):
+        host, port = self.servers[0]
+        if port is None:
+            return host
+        else:
+            return "%s:%d" % (host, port)
+    def __repr__(self):
+            return "<IRC.Network.%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self)
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return hash(self.servers)
+class Freenode(BaseNetwork):
+    alias = 'freenode'
+    # Really short timeout- there are a lot of freenode servers and they can
+    # take it. Reconnecting all hosts to Freenode just takes way too long with
+    # the default value.
+    newBotTimeout = 60
+    servers = (
+        ('irc.freenode.net', None),
+        ('saberhagen.freenode.net', None),
+        ('kornbluth.freenode.net', None),
+        ('orwell.freenode.net', None),
+        ('sterling.freenode.net', None),
+        ('calvino.freenode.net', None),
+        ('adams.freenode.net', None),
+        ('leguin.freenode.net', None),
+        )
+class Undernet(BaseNetwork):
+    alias = 'undernet'
+    servers = (
+        ('london.uk.eu.undernet.org', None),
+        ('washington.dc.us.undernet.org', None),
+        ('amsterdam.nl.eu.undernet.org', None),
+        )
+class Worldforge(BaseNetwork):
+    alias = 'worldforge'
+    servers = (
+        ('lester.mithis.com', None),
+        #('irc.worldforge.org', None),
+        #('purple.worldforge.org', None),
+        )
+class IRCNet(BaseNetwork):
+    alias = 'ircnet'
+    servers = (
+        #('irc.osanet.cz', None),
+        #('irc.felk.cvut.cz', 6666),
+	# Bert Hubert claims either of these should be fine
+	('us.ircnet.org', None),
+	('irc.choopa.net', None),
+        )
+class EFNet(BaseNetwork):
+    alias = 'efnet'
+    servers = (
+        ('irc.desync.com', None),
+        ('efnet.xs4all.nl', None),
+        ('irc.mzima.net', None),
+        )
+_aliasCache = None
+_instCache = {}
+def find(host, port=None):
+    """Find a network corresponding to the given host (or alias) and port"""
+    global _aliasCache
+    global _instCache
+    if _aliasCache is None:
+        # Cache a dict mapping aliases to classes
+        _aliasCache = {}
+        for name, obj in globals().iteritems():
+            if type(obj) is type(BaseNetwork) and issubclass(obj, BaseNetwork):
+                _aliasCache[obj.alias] = obj
+    if host in _aliasCache:
+        # It's a known alias, return a cached instance of that network class
+        try:
+            return _instCache[host]
+        except KeyError:
+            inst = _aliasCache[host]()
+            _instCache[host] = inst
+            return inst
+    else:
+        # Create a new GenericNetwork for this host and port
+        return GenericNetwork(host, port)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/__init__.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IRC/__init__.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+""" LibCIA.IRC
+A package containing all of CIA's IRC-related functionality. This includes
+a small library for managing collections of IRC bots, utilities for IRC
+color formatting, and the irc:// URI handler.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IncomingMail.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IncomingMail.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/IncomingMail.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+""" LibCIA.IncomingMail
+Includes an IncomingMailParser that converts emails to Messages
+and delivers them to the Message.Hub.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from Message import Message
+from ColorText import ColorTextParser
+import XML, RpcServer
+import email
+# List of email headers worth logging.
+# This should cover all those that are really interesting
+# from a security or identity point of view. Most other headers
+# are redundant with other information included in the message.
+interestingHeaders = (
+    'From',
+    'Received',
+    'Message-Id',
+    'Date'
+    )
+class MailInterface(RpcServer.Interface):
+    """An XML-RPC interface for delivering messages via an IncomingMailParser
+       to the Message.Hub.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, hub):
+        self.hub = hub
+        RpcServer.Interface.__init__(self)
+    def xmlrpc_deliver(self, message):
+        """Given the raw text of an email message, log it and process it if applicable."""
+        parsed = IncomingMailParser().parseString(message)
+        if parsed:
+            self.hub.deliver(parsed)
+class IncomingMailParser:
+    """Parses commands from incoming email messages, generating an XML Message
+       object representing its contents. This returned object can be dispatched
+       by a Message.Hub.
+       """
+    def parseString(self, string):
+        """Convert the given string to an email.Message, then parse it"""
+        # The 'email' module does not support Unicode objects! It will
+        # generate a garbage message if we pass it in.
+        if type(string) is unicode:
+            string = string.encode('utf8')
+        return self.parse(email.message_from_string(string))
+    def parse(self, message):
+        """Given an email.Message instance, determines the command it represents
+           (if any) and passes control to it.
+           """
+        self.message = message
+        subject = message['Subject']
+        # No subject, ignore this mail
+        if not subject:
+            return None
+        subject = subject.strip()
+        if not subject:
+            return None
+        # The subject line is formatted like a simple command line
+        subjectFields = subject.split(" ")
+        command = subjectFields[0]
+        args = subjectFields[1:]
+        try:
+            f = getattr(self, "command_" + command)
+        except AttributeError:
+            # Unknown command, ignore this mail
+            return None
+        # Pass on control to the command_* function...
+        xml = f(*args)
+        # If the command generated a message, perform some common postprocessing
+        if xml:
+            return Message(self.postprocessMessage(xml))
+    def postprocessMessage(self, xml):
+        """Gets a chance to modify all XML messages before they're loaded
+           and dispatched to the Hub. This does the following:
+             - If there is no <generator> at all, adds a generic one
+             - Removes any <mailHeaders> tag that may already exist in <generator>
+             - Adds a correct <mailHeaders> tag to the <generator>
+           """
+        # Create the <generator> tag if it doesn't exist
+        if not XML.dig(xml, "message", "generator"):
+            xml.documentElement.appendChild(self.getLocalGenerator(xml))
+        generator = XML.dig(xml, "message", "generator")
+        # Delete an existing <mailHeaders>
+        for child in list(XML.getChildElements(generator)):
+            if child.nodeName == "mailHeaders":
+                generator.removeChild(child)
+        # Add a new <mailHeaders>
+        generator.appendChild(self.getXMLMailHeaders(xml))
+        return xml
+    def getLocalGenerator(self, document):
+        """Return a <generator> tag for messages produced locally"""
+        node = document.createElementNS(None, "generator")
+        XML.addElement(node, "name", content="CIA IncomingMailParser")
+        return node
+    def getXMLMailHeaders(self, document):
+        """Return a <mailHeaders> tag representing a subset of the headers
+           for this message. This is placed in the <generator> tag of any
+           message passing through this module, to document and log the
+           message's true source.
+           """
+        node = document.createElementNS(None, "mailHeaders")
+        for name, value in self.message.items():
+            if name in interestingHeaders:
+                XML.addElement(node, "header", content=str(value)).setAttributeNS(None, 'name', name)
+        return node
+    def command_Announce(self, project):
+        """Old-style announcements: Announce <project> in the subject line.
+           The body of the email contained the message's text, marked up
+           with {color} tags but with no metadata.
+           """
+        xml = XML.createRootNode()
+        # Convert the given project name to a <project> tag inside <source>,
+        # after filtering it a bit... in the old CIA project names and IRC channel
+        # names weren't particularly distinct, so preceeding "#" characters on
+        # projects were ignored. We preserve this behaviour.
+        if project[0] == "#":
+            project = project[1:]
+        XML.buryValue(xml, project, "message", "source", "project")
+        # Since old-style commits didn't have any metadata, the best we can do
+        # is to represent the log in a <colorText> element
+        colorText = ColorTextParser().parse(self.message.get_payload()).documentElement
+        XML.bury(xml, "message", "body").appendChild(xml.importNode(colorText, True))
+        return xml
+    def command_DeliverXML(self):
+        """Deliver a message already formatted in XML"""
+        # Note that parseString will convert UTF8 to Unicode for us.
+        return XML.parseString(self.message.get_payload())
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Message.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Message.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Message.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+""" LibCIA.Message
+Classes to represent, distribute, and filter messages represented
+by XML documents.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.python import log
+import time, types, re
+import XML, RpcServer
+class HubInterface(RpcServer.Interface):
+    """A simple interface for delivering XML messages to the hub over XML-RPC
+       """
+    def __init__(self, hub):
+        RpcServer.Interface.__init__(self)
+        self.hub = hub
+    def xmlrpc_deliver(self, xml):
+        """Deliver an XML message, returning its result on success or a Fault on failure"""
+        return self.hub.deliver(Message(xml))
+class Message(XML.XMLObject):
+    """Abstract container for a notification message. All messages
+       are represented by XML DOM trees. The message document type
+       is described with examples and a schema in the 'xml' directory
+       of this project.
+       For the most part, a message is very free-form and its structure
+       isn't validated. A few exceptions...
+       A message must have a <message> tag at its root:
+         >>> msg = Message('<message/>')
+         >>> msg = Message('<monkey/>')
+         Traceback (most recent call last):
+         ...
+         XMLValidityError: A Message's root node must be named 'message'
+       If a message doesn't include a timestamp, one will be added with
+       the current time:
+         >>> msg = Message('<message/>')
+         >>> t = XML.digValue(msg.xml, int, "message", "timestamp")
+         >>> time.time() - t < 2
+         True
+       """
+    immutable = True
+    def preprocess(self):
+        message = XML.dig(self.xml, "message")
+        if not message:
+            raise XML.XMLValidityError("A Message's root node must be named 'message'")
+        # Stamp it with the current time if it has no timestamp yet
+        if not XML.dig(message, "timestamp"):
+            XML.addElement(message, "timestamp", "%d" % time.time())
+class Hub(object):
+    """A central location where messages are delivered, filtered, and dispatched
+       to interested parties.
+       """
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Maps callables to filters
+        self.clients = {}
+        self.updateClients()
+    def addClient(self, callable, filter=None):
+        """Add a callable object to the list of those notified when new messages
+           arrive. If filter is not None, the callable is only called if the filter
+           evaluates to True.
+           If the callable returns non-None, the returned value will be returned
+           by deliver(). If multiple client callables return non-None, the last
+           seen value is used.
+           """
+        self.clients[callable] = filter
+        self.updateClients()
+    def delClient(self, callable):
+        """Delate a callable object from the list of those notified when new messages arrive"""
+        del self.clients[callable]
+        self.updateClients()
+    def updateClients(self):
+        """Update a cached items() list for our clients dict, to speed up deliver().
+           Must be called whenever clients changes.
+           """
+        self.clientItems = self.clients.items()
+    def deliver(self, message):
+        """Given a Message instance, determine who's interested
+           in its contents and delivers it to them.
+           """
+        result = None
+        for callable, filter in self.clientItems:
+            if filter and not filter(message):
+                continue
+            itemResult = callable(message)
+            if itemResult is not None:
+                result = itemResult
+        return result
+class Filter(XML.XMLFunction):
+    """A filter is a description of some subset of all valid Message objects,
+       described using a simple XML-based format and a subset of XPath. The
+       filter document type is described with examples and a schema in the
+       'xml' directory of this project.
+       To test the filter against a message, call it with the message instance.
+       A boolean value will be returned.
+       Some examples, matching against the sample commit message...
+         >>> msg = Message(open('xml/samples/simple-message.xml'))
+       The <match> tag returns true if the entire text content of any tag
+       matched by the given XPath matches the text in the <match> tag:
+         >>> f = Filter('<match path="/message/source/project">navi-misc</match>')
+         >>> f(msg)
+         True
+         >>> Filter('<match path="/message/source/project">jetstream</match>')(msg)
+         False
+       It's important to note that the <match> tag can match any of the XPath
+       matches independently. Here, the XPath will return multiple <file> tags,
+       one of which satisfies the <match> tag:
+         >>> f = Filter('<match path="/message/body/commit/files/file">' +
+         ...            '    trunk/cia/LibCIA/Message.py' +
+         ...            '</match>')
+         >>> f(msg)
+         True
+       By the same rule, if the XPath never matches, the <match> tag never
+       gets a chance to either:
+         >>> Filter('<match path="/path/that/doesnt/exist"/>')(msg)
+         False
+       The match by default is case insensitive. The caseSensitive attribute can
+       be set to one to change this:
+         >>> f = Filter('<match path="/message/source/project">' +
+         ...            '    NAVI-MISC' +
+         ...            '</match>')
+         >>> f(msg)
+         True
+         >>> f = Filter('<match path="/message/source/project" caseSensitive="1">' +
+         ...            '    NAVI-MISC' +
+         ...            '</match>')
+         >>> f(msg)
+         False
+       The <find> tag is just like <match> but the given text only has to occur
+       in an XPath match rather than exactly matching it:
+         >>> Filter('<find path="/message/source/project">navi</find>')(msg)
+         True
+         >>> Filter('<find path="/message/source/project">' +
+         ...        '    NAVI-MISC' +
+         ...        '</find>')(msg)
+         True
+         >>> Filter('<find path="/message/source/project">navi-miscski</find>')(msg)
+         False
+         >>> Filter('<find path="/message/source">trunk</find>')(msg)
+         True
+       The <find> tag with an empty search string can be used to test for the
+       existence of an XPath match:
+         >>> Filter('<find path="/message/body/commit"/>')(msg)
+         True
+         >>> Filter('<find path="/message/body/snail"/>')(msg)
+         False
+       For completeness, there are tags that always evaluate to a constant value:
+         >>> Filter('<true/>')(msg)
+         True
+         >>> Filter('<false/>')(msg)
+         False
+       Tags can be combined using boolean algebra:
+         >>> Filter('<and><true/><false/><true/></and>')(msg)
+         False
+         >>> Filter('<and><true/><true/><true/></and>')(msg)
+         True
+         >>> Filter('<or><false/><false/><false/></or>')(msg)
+         False
+         >>> Filter('<or><false/><false/><true/></or>')(msg)
+         True
+       The <not> tag, in its simplest use, negates a single argument:
+         >>> Filter('<not><true/></not>')(msg)
+         False
+         >>> Filter('<not><false/></not>')(msg)
+         True
+       Of course, it would be silly for a tag to only work with one child.
+       It would be intuitive for <not> to also be useful for listing several items,
+       any of which can make the entire expression false. The <not> tag therefore
+       actually implements a logical NOR function:
+         >>> Filter('<not><false/><false/><false/></not>')(msg)
+         True
+         >>> Filter('<not><false/><true/><false/></not>')(msg)
+         False
+       As if we weren't already having too much fun, several of the Python bitwise
+       operators can be used like logical operators to combine Filter instances
+       after they're parsed but before their value has been determined:
+         >>> f = Filter('<false/>') | Filter('<false/>')
+         >>> f(msg)
+         False
+         >>> f = Filter('<true/>') | Filter('<false/>')
+         >>> f(msg)
+         True
+         >>> f = Filter('<false/>') & Filter('<true/>')
+         >>> f(msg)
+         False
+         >>> f = Filter('<true/>') & Filter('<true/>')
+         >>> f(msg)
+         True
+         >>> f = ~Filter('<true/>')
+         >>> f(msg)
+         False
+         >>> f = ~Filter('<false/>')
+         >>> f(msg)
+         True
+       """
+    def pathMatchTag(self, element, function, textExtractor=XML.shallowText):
+        """Implements the logic common to all tags that test the text matched by
+           an XPath against the text inside our element. The given function is used
+           to determine if the text matches. This implements the properties common to
+           several elements:
+             - The caseSensitive attribute defaults to 1, but can be set to zero
+               to force both strings to lowercase.
+             - Each XPath match is tested separately, with 'or' semantics:
+               if any of the XPath matches cause the provided function to match,
+               this returns True
+             - If there are no XPath matches, returns False
+           """
+        path = element.getAttributeNS(None, 'path')
+        xp = XML.XPath(XML.pathShortcuts.get(path, path))
+        # Are we doing a case sensitive match? Default is no.
+        caseSensitive = element.getAttributeNS(None, 'caseSensitive')
+        if caseSensitive:
+            caseSensitive = int(caseSensitive)
+        else:
+            caseSensitive = 0
+        text = XML.shallowText(element).strip()
+        if not caseSensitive:
+            text = text.lower()
+        def filterMatch(msg):
+            # Use queryobject then str() so that matched
+            # nodes without any text still give us at least
+            # the empty string. This is important so that <find>
+            # with an empty search string can be used to test
+            # for the existence of an XPath match.
+            nodes = xp.queryObject(msg)
+            if nodes:
+                matchStrings = map(textExtractor, nodes)
+                # Any of the XPath matches can make our match true
+                for matchString in matchStrings:
+                    matchString = matchString.strip()
+                    if not caseSensitive:
+                        matchString = matchString.lower()
+                    if function(matchString, text):
+                        return True
+            return False
+        return filterMatch
+    def element_match(self, element):
+        """Evaluates to True if the text matched by our 'path' attribute matches
+           this element's content, not including leading and trailing whitespace.
+           """
+        return self.pathMatchTag(element, lambda matchString, text: matchString == text)
+    def element_find(self, element):
+        """Evaluates to True if the text in this tag is contained within any of the
+           XPath match strings.
+           """
+        return self.pathMatchTag(element, lambda matchString, text: matchString.find(text) >= 0,
+                                 textExtractor = XML.allText)
+    def element_and(self, element):
+        """Evaluates to True if and only if all child functions evaluate to True"""
+        childFunctions = list(self.childParser(element))
+        def filterAnd(msg):
+            for child in childFunctions:
+                if child and not child(msg):
+                    return False
+            return True
+        return filterAnd
+    def element_or(self, element):
+        """Evaluates to True if and only if any child function evaluates to True"""
+        childFunctions = list(self.childParser(element))
+        def filterOr(msg):
+            for child in childFunctions:
+                if child and child(msg):
+                    return True
+            return False
+        return filterOr
+    def element_not(self, element):
+        """The NOR function, returns false if and only if any child function evaluates to True.
+           For the reasoning behind calling this 'not', see the doc string for this class.
+           """
+        childFunctions = list(self.childParser(element))
+        def filterNot(msg):
+            for child in childFunctions:
+                if child and child(msg):
+                    return False
+            return True
+        return filterNot
+    def element_true(self, element):
+        """Always evaluates to True"""
+        def alwaysTrue(msg):
+            return True
+        return alwaysTrue
+    def element_false(self, element):
+        """Always evaluates to False"""
+        def alwaysFalse(msg):
+            return False
+        return alwaysFalse
+    def __and__(self, other):
+        """Perform a logical 'and' on two Filters without evaluating them"""
+        newFilter = Filter()
+        newFilter.f = lambda msg: self(msg) and other(msg)
+        return newFilter
+    def __or__(self, other):
+        """Perform a logical 'or' on two Filters without evaluating them"""
+        newFilter = Filter()
+        newFilter.f = lambda msg: self(msg) or other(msg)
+        return newFilter
+    def __invert__(self):
+        """Perform a logical 'not' on this Filter without evaluating it"""
+        newFilter = Filter()
+        newFilter.f = lambda msg: not self(msg)
+        return newFilter
+class FormatterArgs:
+    """Contains all arguments passed between formatters. This includes
+       the input string, preferences dictionary, and the message being processed.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, message, input=None, preferences={}):
+        self.message = message
+        self.input = input
+        self.preferences = dict(preferences)
+    def copy(self, **kwargs):
+        """Make a copy of the arguments, optionally overriding attributes at the same time"""
+        new = FormatterArgs(self.message, self.input, self.preferences)
+        new.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+        return new
+    def getPreference(self, name, default):
+        """If a preference with the given name has been set, converts it to the same type
+           as the supplied default and returns it. Otherwise, returns the default.
+           """
+        if name in self.preferences:
+            return type(default)(self.preferences[name])
+        else:
+            return default
+class Formatter:
+    """An abstract object capable of creating and/or modifying alternate
+       representations of a Message. This could include converting it to HTML,
+       converting it to plaintext, or annotating the result of another Formatter
+       with additional information.
+       """
+    # If non-none, this is a Filter string that can be tested against
+    # a message to detect whether this formatter is applicable.
+    filter = None
+    # A string identifying this formatter's output medium. Could be 'html',
+    # 'irc', etc.
+    medium = None
+    def formatMessage(self, message):
+        """A convenience function to format a message without any prior input
+           or other arguments.
+           """
+        return self.format(FormatterArgs(message))
+    def format(self, args):
+        """Given a FormatterArgs instance, return a formatted representation of the message."""
+        pass
+    def loadParametersFrom(self, xml, unused=None):
+        """This is given a <formatter> element possibly containing
+           extra parameters for the formatter to process and store.
+           Any problems should be signalled with an XML.XMLValidityError.
+           By default, this tries to find a param_* handler for each
+           element it comes across.
+           Returns a set object, containing the names of all unused
+           parameters. This allows callers, during validation, to look
+           for misspelled or otherwise unused elements.
+           """
+        unused = set()
+        for tag in XML.getChildElements(xml):
+            f = getattr(self, 'param_'+tag.nodeName, None)
+            if f:
+                f(tag)
+            else:
+                unused.add(tag.nodeName)
+        return unused
+class MarkAsHidden(str):
+    """This object acts like an empty string, but has the side effect
+       of hiding a containing <autoHide> element. This should be returned
+       by components when their result is nonexistent or not applicable,
+       so that the colors, prefixes, or suffixes around that component
+       are also hidden.
+       """
+    def __new__(self):
+        return str.__new__(self, "")
+class ModularFormatter(Formatter):
+    """A Formatter consisting of multiple components that can be rearranged
+       by changing the 'format' parameter. The current component arrangement
+       is stored as a DOM tree in 'componentTree', generated from the XML
+       string in 'defaultComponentTree'. It is overridden in param_format().
+       """
+    defaultComponentTree = None
+    componentTree = None
+    # Cache a parsed defaultComponentTree
+    _cachedDefaultTree = None
+    _defaultTreeOwner = None
+    def param_format(self, tree):
+        """Handles the <format> parameter. Note that since the format generally
+           can't be shared between different types of formatters, there is an
+           optional (but recommended) 'appliesTo' attribute that lists one or more
+           space separated formatter names.
+           """
+        appliesTo = tree.getAttributeNS(None, 'appliesTo')
+        if appliesTo:
+            if self.__class__.__name__ not in appliesTo.split():
+                return
+        self.componentTree = tree
+        # Validate the component tree by parsing a null message once.
+        # Any errors in the components or their arguments should
+        # trigger XMLValidityErrors at this point.
+        self.formatMessage(Message("<message/>"))
+    def format(self, args):
+        """The formatter entry point. This just finds the current component
+           tree and invokes walkComponents and joinComponents on it.
+           """
+        # Parse the default component tree, caching it per-class
+        if self.__class__._defaultTreeOwner is not self.__class__.defaultComponentTree:
+            self.__class__._defaultTreeOwner = self.__class__.defaultComponentTree
+            self.__class__._cachedDefaultTree = XML.parseString(self.__class__.defaultComponentTree).documentElement
+        # This will use the default component tree if it hasn't been overridden in this instance
+        tree = self.componentTree or self.__class__._cachedDefaultTree
+        return self.joinComponents(self.walkComponents(tree.childNodes, args))
+    def evalComponent(self, node, args):
+        """Given a DOM node for a component, evaluate it and return the result
+           list. An empty list always indicates that the component ran but
+           had nothing to format- we return None if the node is ignored.
+           Text nodes return a list with only their data. Newline characters
+           in a text node are converted to spaces, so newlines and tabs can be used
+           to prettify the XML without it affecting the final output- this combined with
+           the redundant whitespace elimination in joinComponents() gives HTML-like
+           semantics. Literal linebreaks can be obtained with the <br/> component.
+           Elements invoke the corresponding component_* handler, which must
+           return a sequence.
+           """
+        if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
+            return [node.data.replace("\n", " ")]
+        elif node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+            f = getattr(self, "component_" + node.nodeName, None)
+            if f:
+                return f(node, args)
+            else:
+                raise XML.XMLValidityError("Unknown component name in %s: %r" %
+                                            (self.__class__.__name__, node.nodeName))
+    def walkComponents(self, nodes, args):
+        """Walk through all the given XML nodes, returning a list of formatted objects."""
+        results = []
+        for node in nodes:
+            results.extend(self.evalComponent(node, args))
+        return results
+    def component_autoHide(self, element, args):
+        """A built-in component that evaluates all children, hiding them all if
+           any return an empty list. This makes it easy to add prefixes, suffixes, or
+           other formatting to a component that disappears when it does.
+           """
+        results = self.walkComponents(element.childNodes, args)
+        for result in results:
+            if isinstance(result, MarkAsHidden):
+                # Hidden markers don't propagage, return a normal empty list
+                return []
+        return results
+    def component_br(self, element, args):
+        """A built-in component that just returns a newline"""
+        return ["\n"]
+    def textComponent(self, element, args, *path):
+        """A convenience function for defining components that just look for a node
+           in the message and return its shallowText.
+           """
+        element = XML.dig(args.message.xml, *path)
+        if element:
+            return [XML.shallowText(element)]
+        else:
+            return [MarkAsHidden()]
+    def component_text(self, element, args):
+        """This is a generic version of textComponent, in which 'path' can
+           be specified by users. Any textComponent can be rewritten as a
+           <text> component.
+           """
+        path = element.getAttributeNS(None, 'path')
+        if not path:
+            raise XML.XMLValidityError("The 'path' attribute on <text> is required.")
+        xp = XML.XPath(XML.pathShortcuts.get(path, path))
+        nodes = xp.queryObject(args.message)
+        if nodes:
+            return [XML.shallowText(nodes[0])]
+        else:
+            return [MarkAsHidden()]
+    def joinComponents(self, results):
+        """Given a list of component results, return the formatter's final result.
+           The default implementation converts to strings, joins, then removes excess
+           whitespace. Subclasses should override this if they're formatting Nouvelle
+           trees or other non-string data types.
+           """
+        return re.sub(r'[ \t]+', ' ', ''.join(map(unicode, results))).strip()
+filterCache = {}
+def getCachedFilter(xml):
+    """Get the Filter instance corresponding to the given XML
+       fragment, creating one if it doesn't exist yet. As the cache
+       doesn't get cleaned yet, this should only be used for
+       non-user-provided Filter strings.
+       """
+    global filterCache
+    try:
+        return filterCache[xml]
+    except KeyError:
+        f = Filter(xml)
+        filterCache[xml] = f
+        return f
+class NoFormatterError(Exception):
+    pass
+class FormatterFactory:
+    """An object that keeps track of a collection of Formatter objects
+       and can create formatters to match particular requirements.
+       This class should be constructed with a dictionary to pull Formatter
+       instances out of and catalog.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        self.nameMap = {}
+        self.mediumMap = {}
+        for arg in args:
+            self.install(arg)
+    def install(self, obj):
+        """Install a module, Formatter instance, or dict containing Formatters
+           such that they are searchable by this FormatterFactory.
+           """
+        if type(obj) == type(Formatter) and issubclass(obj, Formatter):
+            self.nameMap[obj.__name__] = obj
+            if obj.filter and obj.medium:
+                self.mediumMap.setdefault(obj.medium, []).append(obj)
+        elif type(obj) == dict:
+            for subobj in obj.itervalues():
+                # We only look at Formtter instances inside dicts, to
+                # avoid recursively drilling down into modules.
+                if type(subobj) == type(Formatter) and issubclass(subobj, Formatter):
+                    self.install(subobj)
+        elif type(obj) == types.ModuleType:
+            self.install(obj.__dict__)
+    def findName(self, name):
+        """Find a particular formatter by name"""
+        try:
+            cls = self.nameMap[name]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise NoFormatterError('No such formatter "%s"' % name)
+        return cls()
+    def _getFormattersForMedium(self, medium):
+        """Return a non-empty list with all formatters for a particular medium."""
+        l = self.mediumMap.get(medium)
+        if l:
+            return l
+        else:
+            raise NoFormatterError('No formatters for the "%s" medium' % medium)
+    def findMedium(self, medium, message):
+        """Find a formatter for the given medium and matching the given message."""
+        for cls in self._getFormattersForMedium(medium):
+            if getCachedFilter(cls.filter)(message):
+                return cls()
+        raise NoFormatterError('No matching formatters for the "%s" medium' % medium)
+    def _reportUnusedParameters(self, unused):
+        if unused:
+            l = [ '"%s"' % el for el in unused ]
+            l.sort()
+            raise XML.XMLValidityError(
+                "Some formatter parameters were not recognized: " + ", ".join(l))
+    def fromXml(self, xml, message=None):
+        """Create a formatter to match the given <formatter> element.
+           The formatter element may have a 'name' attribute to specify a particular
+           formatter class or a 'medium' attribute to automatically find a matching
+           formatter to output to a given medium.
+           If 'message' is None and a medium is requested rather than a particular
+           formatter, this will return None after validating the medium.
+           """
+        attrNames = [attr.name for attr in xml.attributes.values()]
+        # Load a single formatter, by name
+        if attrNames == ['name']:
+            f = self.findName(xml.getAttributeNS(None, 'name'))
+            self._reportUnusedParameters(f.loadParametersFrom(xml))
+            return f
+        # Search for a matching formatter, by medium.  If we have no
+        # message to match, this will validate the parameters against
+        # all formatters for the medium.
+        if attrNames == ['medium']:
+            medium = xml.getAttributeNS(None, 'medium')
+            if message:
+                f = self.findMedium(medium, message)
+                f.loadParametersFrom(xml)
+                return f
+            else:
+                # Take the intersection of all formatters' unused parameters
+                unused = None
+                for cls in self._getFormattersForMedium(medium):
+                    next = cls().loadParametersFrom(xml)
+                    if unused is None:
+                        unused = next
+                    else:
+                        unused.intersection_update(next)
+                self._reportUnusedParameters(unused)
+                return
+        raise XML.XMLValidityError("<formatter> must have either a 'name' attribute or a 'medium' attribute")
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Message.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Message.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/RpcClient.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/RpcClient.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/RpcClient.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+""" LibCIA.RpcClient
+URI handlers that deliver messages over various RPC methods to other servers
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.web import xmlrpc
+import Ruleset
+import re
+class XmlrpcURIHandler(Ruleset.RegexURIHandler):
+    """Handles xmlrpc:// URIs, specifying an XML-RPC call to make,
+       with an argument list optionally including literals, the
+       message content, and the ruleset's resulting content.
+       If the specified server name includes no path, '/RPC2' will be assumed.
+       Some examples...
+       To deliver a message to another CIA server running on some.host.net:
+          xmlrpc://some.host.net/RPC2?hub.deliver(message)
+       To call the function 'recordData' with 'muffin' and 42 as the first
+       two arguments, and the formatter's result as the second argument, on
+       an XML-RPC server located at http://example.com:8080/services/rpc:
+          xmlrpc://example.com:8080/services/rpc?recordData('muffin',42,content)
+       Only string literals, numeric literals, and variables are currently supported.
+       Note that all connections are performed over http- this doesn't
+       support making XML-RPC connections over https, and there would
+       really be no point.
+       """
+    scheme = 'xmlrpc'
+    regex = r"""
+       ^xmlrpc://                                      # URI scheme
+       (?P<server>[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])? # Hostname
+       (:[0-9]+)?                                      # Port
+       (/[^ /\?]+)*)                                   # Path
+       \?(?P<function>[^ \(\)]+)                       # Function name
+       \((?P<args>.*)\)$                               # Args
+       """
+    argLexer = re.compile(r"""
+        # Whitespace before each parameter
+        \s*
+        (
+            # Literal types
+            (?P<float>        \-?((\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?|\d+[eE][-+]?\d+))|
+            (?P<int>          \-?[1-9]\d*)|
+            (?P<string>       ( \"([^\\\"]|\\.)*\" | \'([^\\\']|\\.)*\' ))|
+            # Variables
+            (?P<var>          [a-zA-Z0-9_]+)
+        )
+        # Whitespace and an optional comma after each parameter
+        \s*,?\s*
+        """, re.VERBOSE)
+    def parseArgs(self, args, **vars):
+        """Parse an argument list, as a string, with the given variables.
+           Returns a list of parsed arguments, or raises an InvalidURIException.
+           """
+        argList = []
+        for token in self.argLexer.finditer(args):
+            for tokenType, tokenValue in token.groupdict().items():
+                if tokenValue is not None:
+                    argList.append(getattr(self, 'argtoken_'+tokenType)(tokenValue, vars))
+        return argList
+    def argtoken_float(self, value, vars):
+        return float(value)
+    def argtoken_var(self, value, vars):
+        try:
+            return vars[value]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise Ruleset.InvalidURIException("Unknown variable name %r" % value)
+    def argtoken_int(self, value, vars):
+        return int(value)
+    def argtoken_string(self, value, vars):
+        # CHEESY HACK!
+        return value[1:-1]
+    def assigned(self, uri, newRuleset):
+        """Just validate the URI and argument list"""
+        self.parseArgs(self.parseURI(uri)['args'], content=None, message=None)
+    def message(self, uri, message, content):
+        groups = self.parseURI(uri)
+        # Add the implicit /RPC2 and http://, creating a server proxy object
+        server = groups['server']
+        if server.find('/') < 0:
+            server = server + '/RPC2'
+        server = 'http://' + server
+        proxy = xmlrpc.Proxy(server)
+        # Parse arguments, allowing use of our 'message' and 'content' variables.
+        args = self.parseArgs(groups['args'],
+                              message = str(message),
+                              content = content)
+        # Make the call, ignoring the resulting Deferred. If it succeeds,
+        # we don't really care. If it fails, the error will get logged.
+        proxy.callRemote(groups['function'], *args)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/RpcServer.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/RpcServer.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/RpcServer.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+""" LibCIA.RpcServer
+Base classes implementing CIA's XML-RPC interface. This extend's twisted's
+usual XML-RPC support with our own security and exception handling code.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.web import xmlrpc, server
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.python import log
+import xmlrpclib, time, cPickle
+class Interface(xmlrpc.XMLRPC):
+    """A web resource representing a set of XML-RPC functions, optionally
+       with other Interfaces attached as subhandlers.
+       This is based on Twisted's XMLRPC server class, but overrides most
+       of its functions :)
+       Improvements in this, as compared to twisted's default XMLRPC class:
+         - This makes the request object available to functions if they
+           want it, making it possible for them to read HTTP headers.
+         - This implements multiple function prefixes, each defining a
+           different interface that function operates under.
+         - A 'protected' function prefix requires a valid capability key
+           to use the function, helping to enforce our security policies.
+         - Less buggy (compared to Twisted 1.1.1) handling of
+           nested subhandlers
+       """
+    def render(self, request):
+        """This is a modified version of render() from XMLRPC that will
+           pass keyword arguments with extra state information if it can.
+           Currently this just consists of the current request.
+           """
+        request.content.seek(0, 0)
+        args, functionPath = xmlrpclib.loads(request.content.read())
+        try:
+            function = self._getFunction(functionPath)
+        except xmlrpc.NoSuchFunction:
+            self._cbRender(
+                xmlrpc.Fault(self.NOT_FOUND, "no such function %s" % functionPath),
+                request
+            )
+        else:
+            request.setHeader("content-type", "text/xml")
+            # Pass as many keyword args to the function as we can.
+            # Note that this currently doesn't work on protected functions.
+            kwargs = {}
+            try:
+                if 'request' in function.func_code.co_varnames:
+                    kwargs['request'] = request
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+            defer.maybeDeferred(function, *args, **kwargs).addErrback(
+                self._ebRender
+            ).addCallback(
+                self._cbRender, request
+            )
+        return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+    def call(self, fqname, *args):
+        """A convenience function for calling methods in the RPC tree internally.
+           Returns a Deferred.
+           """
+        return defer.maybeDeferred(self._getFunction(fqname), *args)
+    def _getFunction(self, fqname):
+        """Functions named xmlrpc_* are found and returned as-is, without any capability testing.
+           Functions named protected_* are called only if the first argument is verified to be
+           a valid capability key. By default, the list of capabilities accepted for a function is
+           generated as 'universe', the fully qualified XML-RPC name of this function, and the
+           fully qualified name of each interface containing this function.
+           This behaviour can be overriden per-function by defining caps_* for this function
+           as either a callable (called with the same arguments as the function) or a static
+           sequence of capabilities.
+           """
+        # The default _getFunction expands subhandlers recursively. We don't do that, since
+        # our capability generation code needs to know the fully qualified names involved.
+        if fqname.find(self.separator) == -1:
+            path = (fqname,)
+        else:
+            path = fqname.split(self.separator)
+        # Find the Interface instance that owns this function
+        interface = self
+        for subHandler in path[:-1]:
+            interface = interface.getSubHandler(subHandler)
+            if interface is None:
+                raise xmlrpc.NoSuchFunction
+        # Do we have a normal non-protected function?
+        f = getattr(interface, "xmlrpc_%s" % path[-1], None)
+        if f and callable(f):
+            return f
+        # Do we have a protected function?
+        f = getattr(interface, "protected_%s" % path[-1], None)
+        if f and callable(f):
+            return self.protect(interface, path, f)
+        raise xmlrpc.NoSuchFunction
+    def protect(self, interface, path, f):
+        """Given a protected RPC function, return a wrapper that
+           checks capabilities before executing the original function.
+           """
+        def rpcWrapper(*args):
+            import Security
+            result = defer.Deferred()
+            # First argument is the key
+            try:
+                key = args[0]
+                args = args[1:]
+            except IndexError:
+                raise TypeError("This is a protected function, the first argument must be a capability key")
+            # Look up the capabilities list
+            caps = getattr(interface, "caps_%s" % path[-1], None)
+            if not caps:
+                caps = self.makeDefaultCaps(path)
+            if callable(caps):
+                caps = caps(path, *args)
+            # A callback invoked when our key is successfully validated
+            def keyValidated(unimportant):
+                d = defer.maybeDeferred(f, *args)
+                d.addBoth(Security.logProtectedCall, path, args, user)
+                d.chainDeferred(result)
+            def keyError(failure):
+                Security.logProtectedCall(failure, path, args, user, allowed=False)
+                result.errback(failure)
+            # Check the capabilities asynchronously (requires a database query)
+            user = Security.User(key=str(key))
+            d = user.require(*caps)
+            d.addCallback(keyValidated)
+            d.addErrback(keyError)
+            return result
+        return rpcWrapper
+    def _cbRender(self, result, request):
+        """Wrap the default _cbRender, converting None (which can't be serialized) into True"""
+        if result is None:
+            result = True
+        xmlrpc.XMLRPC._cbRender(self, result, request)
+    def _ebRender(self, failure):
+        """Override the default errback for rendering such that non-Faults
+           are wrapped usefully rather than being converted into an unhelpful 'error'.
+           """
+        if isinstance(failure.value, xmlrpc.Fault):
+            return failure.value
+        log.err(failure)
+        return xmlrpc.Fault(str(failure.type), str(failure.value))
+    def makeDefaultCaps(self, path):
+        """Create a default list of acceptable capability IDs for the given path"""
+        caps = ['universe']
+        base = []
+        for segment in path:
+            base.append(str(segment))
+            caps.append(".".join(base))
+        return caps
+# rebuild()-friendly mojo.
+# Normally this will just create _rootInterface, but if we're rebuild()'ing this
+# module, overwriting it would be a Bad Thing(tm), causing a new root interface
+# with no children to replace it.
+if '_rootInterface' not in globals():
+    global _rootInterface
+    _rootInterface = None
+def getRootInterface():
+    # Interface should be a singleton, this retrieves the instance, creating it if necessary
+    global _rootInterface
+    if not _rootInterface:
+        _rootInterface = Interface()
+    return _rootInterface
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/RpcServer.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/RpcServer.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Ruleset.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Ruleset.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Ruleset.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+""" LibCIA.Ruleset
+Rulesets tie together all the major components of CIA. They hold
+filters and formatters that define which messages they apply
+to and how to display those messages, and specify a URI that
+gives the finished message a destination.
+A Ruleset by itself is just a function that, given a message,
+returns a formatted version of that message or None. To be of
+any use for actually processing messages, a URIHandler for the
+message's URI is looked up, and a RulesetDelivery object is used
+to join the Ruleset and URIHandler. The RulesetDelivery is registered
+as a client of the Message.Hub. Upon receiving a message, it runs
+it through the ruleset and if a result comes out, sends that result
+to the URIHandler.
+RulesetStorage holds a persistent list of rulesets, with URIHandlers
+assigned to each via URIRegistry.
+RulesetController attaches to a Message.Hub and listens for messages
+used to store and query rulesets in a RulesetStorage.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import XML, Message, Debug, Security, RpcServer, Formatters
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+import sys, traceback, re, os
+class InvalidURIException(Exception):
+    """An exception that URI handlers can raise when a URI is invalid"""
+    pass
+class RulesetInterface(RpcServer.Interface):
+    """An XML-RPC interface used to set and query the rulesets in a RulesetStorage"""
+    def __init__(self, storage):
+        self.storage = storage
+        RpcServer.Interface.__init__(self)
+    def protected_store(self, xml):
+        """Stores a ruleset provided as XML text. Deleting a ruleset is equivalent
+           to storing an empty one with the same URI.
+           """
+        self.storage.store(xml)
+    def caps_store(self, path, xml):
+        """Generate a list of acceptable capabilities to grant access to 'store'.
+           In addition to the usual ones, allow ('ruleset.uri', x) where x is the
+           ruleset's URI.
+           """
+        uri = XML.parseString(xml).documentElement.getAttributeNS(None, 'uri')
+        return self.makeDefaultCaps(path) + [('ruleset.uri', uri)]
+    def protected_grantUri(self, uri, uid):
+        """Returns a key for the capability ('ruleset.uri', uri).
+           This can be used to delegate control of a particular URI's ruleset-
+           an administrator would call this function to retrieve a key for a particular
+           URI, then hand that to someone else who would only have the ability
+           to edit that URI.
+           """
+        return Security.User(int(uid)).grant(('ruleset.uri', str(uri)))
+    def xmlrpc_getUriList(self):
+        """Return a list of all URIs with non-empty rulesets"""
+        return self.storage.rulesetMap.keys()
+    def xmlrpc_getRuleset(self, uri):
+        """Return the ruleset associated with the given URI, or False if there is no ruleset"""
+        try:
+            return str(self.storage.rulesetMap[uri].ruleset)
+        except KeyError:
+            return False
+    def xmlrpc_getRulesetMap(self):
+        """Returns all rulesets in the form of a mapping from URI to ruleset text"""
+        results = {}
+        for delivery in self.storage.rulesetMap.itervalues():
+            results[delivery.ruleset.uri] = str(delivery.ruleset)
+        return results
+class RulesetReturnException(Exception):
+    """Used to implement <return> in a Ruleset.
+       This exception is caught in the <ruleset> root node,
+       causing it to return with the current result value right away.
+       """
+    pass
+class Ruleset(XML.XMLFunction):
+    r"""A ruleset is a tree that makes decisions about an incoming message
+        using filters and generates output using formatters.
+        A ruleset may contain the following elements, which are evaluated sequentially.
+        The output from the last formatter is returned upon calling this ruleset, and
+        each formatter is given the previous formatter's output as input, so they may be stacked.
+        <formatter *>               : Chooses and applies a formatter. All attributes and
+                                      contents are passed on to the FormatterFactory, refer
+                                      to its documentation for more information.
+        any Filter tag              : Evaluates the filter, terminating the current rule
+                                      if it returns false.
+        <rule>                      : Marks a section of the ruleset that can be exited
+                                      when a filter returns false. A <rule> with a filter
+                                      as the first child can be used to create conditionals.
+        <return [path='/foo/bar']>  : Normally the result of the last formatter is returned.
+                                      This returns from the ruleset immediately. If a path
+                                      is supplied, the string value of that XPath match is
+                                      returned. If not, the content of the <return> tag is
+                                      returned. An empty tag or no XPath match will cause
+                                      the ruleset to return None.
+        <break>                     : Return immediately from the ruleset, but don't change
+                                      the current return value
+        <ruleset [uri="foo://bar"]> : Like <rule>, but this is always the root tag.
+                                      It may include a 'uri' attribute specifying the
+                                      destination of a message passed through this ruleset.
+                                      This ruleset object will store a URI if one is present,
+                                      but does not require one. The typical application of
+                                      rulesets however does require a URI to be specified.
+        >>> msg = Message.Message(
+        ...           '<message>' +
+        ...              '<source>' +
+        ...                 '<project>robo-hamster</project>' +
+        ...              '</source>' +
+        ...              '<body>' +
+        ...                 '<colorText>' +
+        ...                    '<b>Hello</b>World' +
+        ...                 '</colorText>' +
+        ...              '</body>' +
+        ...           '</message>')
+        >>> r = Ruleset('<ruleset><formatter medium="irc"/></ruleset>')
+        >>> r(msg)
+        '\x02Hello\x0fWorld'
+        >>> r = Ruleset('<ruleset><return>Boing</return><formatter medium="irc"/></ruleset>')
+        >>> r(msg)
+        u'Boing'
+        >>> r = Ruleset('<ruleset>' +
+        ...                 '<formatter medium="irc"/>' +
+        ...                 '<rule>' +
+        ...                    '<match path="/message/source/project">robo-hamster</match>' +
+        ...                    '<return>*censored*</return>' +
+        ...                 '</rule>' +
+        ...             '</ruleset>')
+        >>> r(msg)
+        u'*censored*'
+        >>> r = Ruleset('<ruleset>' +
+        ...                 '<formatter medium="irc"/>' +
+        ...                 '<rule>' +
+        ...                    '<match path="/message/source/project">duck-invader</match>' +
+        ...                    '<return>Quack</return>' +
+        ...                 '</rule>' +
+        ...                 '<formatter name="IRCProjectName"/>' +
+        ...             '</ruleset>')
+        >>> r(msg)
+        u'\x02robo-hamster:\x0f \x02Hello\x0fWorld'
+        >>> r = Ruleset('<ruleset><return/></ruleset>')
+        >>> r(msg) is None
+        True
+        >>> r = Ruleset('<ruleset><return path="/message/source/project"/></ruleset>')
+        >>> r(msg)
+        u'robo-hamster'
+        >>> Ruleset('<ruleset/>').uri is None
+        True
+        >>> Ruleset('<ruleset uri="sponge://"/>').uri
+        'sponge://'
+        """
+    requiredRootElement = "ruleset"
+    def element_ruleset(self, element):
+        """<ruleset> for the most part works just like <rule>, but since
+           it's the root node it's responsible for initializing and returning
+           the ruleset's result.
+           """
+        if element is not self.xml.documentElement:
+            raise XML.XMLValidityError("The <ruleset> element must only occur at the document " +
+                                       "root. Use <rule> to create nested rules.")
+        # Go ahead and store the URI attribute if we have one.
+        # If not, this will be None.
+        self.uri = element.getAttributeNS(None, 'uri') or None
+        # URIs are always encoded if necessary, since just about everywhere we'd need to
+        # use a URI we can't support Unicode yet. Specific examples are IRC servers/channels
+        # and as dict keys in an XML-RPC response.
+        if type(self.uri) is unicode:
+            self.uri = self.uri.encode()
+        # Create a function to evaluate this element as a <rule> would be evaluated
+        ruleFunc = self.element_rule(element)
+        # Now wrap this function in one that performs our initialization and such
+        def rulesetRoot(msg):
+            self.result = None
+            try:
+                ruleFunc(msg)
+            except RulesetReturnException:
+                pass
+            result = self.result
+            del self.result
+            return result
+        return rulesetRoot
+    def element_rule(self, element):
+        """Evaluate each child element in sequence until one returns False"""
+        childFunctions = list(self.childParser(element))
+        def rulesetRule(msg):
+            for child in childFunctions:
+                if child:
+                    if not child(msg):
+                        break
+            return True
+        return rulesetRule
+    def element_return(self, element):
+        """Set the current result and exit the ruleset immediately"""
+        if element.hasAttributeNS(None, 'path'):
+            path = element.getAttributeNS(None, 'path')
+            xp = XML.XPath(XML.pathShortcuts.get(path, path))
+            # Define a rulesetReturn function that returns the value of the XPath
+            def rulesetReturn(msg):
+                nodes = xp.queryObject(msg)
+                if nodes:
+                    self.result = XML.allText(nodes[0]).strip()
+                else:
+                    self.result = None
+                raise RulesetReturnException()
+            return rulesetReturn
+        else:
+            # No path, define a rulesetReturn function that returns this element's string value
+            def rulesetReturn(msg):
+                self.result = XML.shallowText(element)
+                if not self.result:
+                    self.result = None
+                raise RulesetReturnException()
+            return rulesetReturn
+    def element_break(self, element):
+        """Just exit the ruleset immediately"""
+        def rulesetBreak(msg):
+            raise RulesetReturnException()
+        return rulesetBreak
+    def element_formatter(self, element):
+        """Creates a Formatter instance matching the element's description,
+           returns a function that applies the formatter against the current
+           message and result.
+           """
+        # Evaluate this once at parse-time so any silly errors
+        # like unknown formatters or media can be detected.
+        Formatters.getFactory().fromXml(element)
+        def rulesetFormatter(msg):
+            args = Message.FormatterArgs(msg, self.result)
+            self.result = Formatters.getFactory().fromXml(element, msg).format(args)
+            return True
+        return rulesetFormatter
+    def unknownElement(self, element):
+        """Check whether this element is a filter before giving up"""
+        try:
+            f = Message.Filter(element)
+        except XML.UnknownElementError:
+            # Nope, not a filter.. let XMLFunction give an error
+            XML.XMLFunction.unknownElement(self, element)
+        # We can just return the filter, since it has the same calling
+        # signature as any of our other element implementation functions.
+        return f
+    def isEmpty(self):
+        """Returns True if the ruleset has no contents"""
+        return not XML.hasChildElements(self.xml.documentElement)
+class BaseURIHandler(object):
+    """A URIHandler instance defines a particular URI scheme, actions to
+       be taken when a URI matching that scheme is assigned or unassigned
+       a ruleset, and a way to deliver messages to a matching URI.
+       This is an abstract base class, it must be subclassed
+       to implement a particular URI scheme.
+       """
+    # Subclasses must either set this to the name of the URI scheme
+    # (such as 'irc' or 'http') or override the 'detect' function.
+    scheme = None
+    def detect(self, uri):
+        """Return True if this URI handler is applicable to the given URI.
+           The default implementation checks it against our URI scheme.
+           """
+        return uri.startswith(self.scheme + ':')
+    def assigned(self, uri, newRuleset):
+        """This optional function is called when a URI matching this handler is
+           assigned a new ruleset. This includes being assigned a ruleset after
+           previously not having one. Generally this is used whenever a connection
+           must be initialized to the object referred to by the URI.
+           """
+        pass
+    def unassigned(self, uri):
+        """This optional function is called when a URI matching this handler
+           has its ruleset removed. Generally this is used to disconnect any
+           connection formed by assigned().
+           """
+        pass
+    def message(self, uri, message, content):
+        """Deliver a message to the given URI. The 'message' is the original
+           unprocessed message resulting in this content, and the 'content'
+           is the result of passing the message through whatever ruleset
+           caused it to end up here.
+           """
+        pass
+    def rulesetsRefreshed(self):
+        """If the handler is interested, it can override this method to be
+           notified when rulesets are done refreshing.
+           """
+        pass
+class RegexURIHandler(BaseURIHandler):
+    """A URIHandler that validates and parses URIs using a regular expression.
+       This class provides  a parseURI method that generates a dictionary of
+       groups matched in the regex, or raises an UnsupportedURI exception if
+       the regex does not match. It implements a default assigned() function
+       that runs parseURI just to cause an error in setting the URI if it's invalid.
+       """
+    regex = None
+    regexFlags = re.VERBOSE
+    def parseURI(self, uri):
+        """Given a valid URI, return a dictionary of named groups in the regex match"""
+        match = re.match(self.regex, uri, self.regexFlags)
+        if not match:
+            raise InvalidURIException("Invalid URI: %r" % uri)
+        return match.groupdict()
+    def assigned(self, uri, newRuleset):
+        self.parseURI(uri)
+class RulesetDelivery(object):
+    """Combines the given Ruleset and URIHandler handlers into a callable
+       object that can be used as a Message.Hub client. Incoming messages
+       are tested against the ruleset, and if a non-None result is generated
+       that is sent to the given URIHandler.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, ruleset, uriHandler):
+        self.ruleset = ruleset
+        self.uriHandler = uriHandler
+    def __call__(self, message):
+        # We catch exceptions here and log them, preventing one bad ruleset
+        # or URI handler from preventing message delivery to other clients.
+        # We can't do this in the Message.Hub because sometimes it's good for
+        # exceptions to be propagated to the original sender of the message.
+        # In ruleset delivery however, messages never have a return value
+        # and shouldn't raise exceptions.
+        try:
+            result = self.ruleset(message)
+            if result:
+                self.uriHandler.message(self.ruleset.uri, message, result)
+        except:
+            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+            log.msg(("Exception occurred in RulesetDelivery for %r\n" +
+                    "--- Original message\n%s\n--- Exception\n%s") %
+                    (self.ruleset.uri,
+                     unicode(message).encode('ascii', 'replace'),
+                     "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))))
+class UnsupportedURI(Exception):
+    """Raised on failure in URIRegistry.query()"""
+    pass
+class URIRegistry(object):
+    """A central authority for storing URIHandler instances and looking up
+       one appropriate for a given URI.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, *handlers):
+        self.handlers = list(handlers)
+    def register(self, handler):
+        self.handlers.append(handler)
+    def query(self, uri):
+        """Return a URIHandler instance appropriate for the given URI.
+           Raises an UnsupportedURI exception on failure.
+           """
+        for handler in self.handlers:
+            if handler.detect(uri):
+                return handler
+        raise UnsupportedURI("No registered URI handler supports %r" % uri)
+    def rulesetsRefreshed(self):
+        """Notify all URI handlers that rulesets are done being refreshed"""
+        for handler in self.handlers:
+            handler.rulesetsRefreshed()
+class RulesetStorage:
+    """Abstract base class for a persistent list of Rulesets, stored in
+       RulesetDelivery objects with URIHandlers looked up from the provided
+       URIRegistry. The generated RulesetDelivery objects are automatically added
+       to and removed from the supplied Message.Hub.
+       At startup, rulesets are loaded from some persistent source and any
+       modifications are recorded. Subclasses must implement this persistence.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, hub, uriRegistry):
+        self.uriRegistry = uriRegistry
+        self.hub = hub
+        self._emptyStorage()
+        self.refreshUntilDone()
+    def refreshUntilDone(self, interval=5):
+        """Refresh rulesets, retrying if an error occurs"""
+        self.refresh().addErrback(self._reRefresh, interval)
+    def _reRefresh(self, failure, interval):
+        log.msg("Refresh failed, retrying in %r seconds (%s)" %
+                (interval, failure.getBriefTraceback()))
+        reactor.callLater(interval, self.refreshUntilDone)
+    def refresh(self):
+        """Begin the process of loading our rulesets in from the SQL database.
+           Returns a Deferred that signals the operation's completion.
+           """
+        log.msg("Starting to refresh rulesets...")
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        defer.maybeDeferred(self.dbIter).addCallback(
+            self._refresh, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _refresh(self, seq, result):
+        self._emptyStorage()
+        count = 0
+        for ruleset in seq:
+            try:
+                self._store(Ruleset(ruleset))
+                count += 1
+            except:
+                log.msg("Failed to load ruleset %r:\n%s" % (
+                    ruleset,
+                    "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())),
+                    ))
+        log.msg("%d rulesets loaded" % count)
+        self.uriRegistry.rulesetsRefreshed()
+        result.callback(None)
+        return seq
+    def _emptyStorage(self):
+        # Remove any existing rulesets from the Message.Hub
+        if hasattr(self, 'rulesetMap'):
+            for value in self.rulesetMap.itervalues():
+                self.hub.delClient(value)
+        # self.rulesetMap maps URIs to RulesetDelivery instances
+        self.rulesetMap = {}
+    def store(self, rulesetXml):
+        """Find a URIHandler for the given ruleset and add it to
+           our mapping and to the hub. 'ruleset' is given as a DOM tree.
+           Storing an empty ruleset for a particular URI is equivalent
+           to removing that URI's ruleset.
+           It is important that this function doesn't actually
+           remove or change the ruleset in quesion unless any possible
+           input errors have already been detected.
+           This updates both our in-memory mapping of compiled rulesets,
+           and the table of XML rulesets in our persistent storage.
+           Returns a deferred, the callback of which is executed
+           when the SQL database for this ruleset has been updated.
+           The in-memory database will be updated immediately.
+           """
+        ruleset = Ruleset(rulesetXml)
+        self._store(ruleset)
+        self.dbStore(ruleset)
+    def _store(self, ruleset):
+        """Internal version of store() that doesn't update the database,
+           and requires the ruleset to already be parsed.
+           """
+        # We need to find an appropriate URI handler whether our ruleset
+        # is empty or not, since we have to be able to notify the handler.
+        handler = self.uriRegistry.query(ruleset.uri)
+        # Is this ruleset non-empty?
+        if not ruleset.isEmpty():
+            # It's important that we give the URI handler a chance
+            # to return errors before removing the old ruleset.
+            handler.assigned(ruleset.uri, ruleset)
+            # If there was an old ruleset, remove its hub client
+            if self.rulesetMap.has_key(ruleset.uri):
+                self.hub.delClient(self.rulesetMap[ruleset.uri])
+            # Stick on an appropriate URI handler and add the
+            # resulting RulesetDelivery instance to the message hub
+            delivery = RulesetDelivery(ruleset, handler)
+            self.rulesetMap[ruleset.uri] = delivery
+            self.hub.addClient(delivery)
+            log.msg("Set ruleset for %r" % ruleset.uri)
+        else:
+            # Remove the ruleset completely if there was one
+            if self.rulesetMap.has_key(ruleset.uri):
+                self.hub.delClient(self.rulesetMap[ruleset.uri])
+                del self.rulesetMap[ruleset.uri]
+            log.msg("Removed ruleset for %r" % ruleset.uri)
+            handler.unassigned(ruleset.uri)
+    def flatten(self):
+        """Return a flat list of all Ruleset objects so we can store 'em"""
+        for delivery in self.rulesetMap.itervalues():
+            yield delivery.ruleset
+    def dbIter(self):
+        """Returns (optionally via a Deferred) an iterable that
+           contains a Ruleset object (or a string or DOM representing
+           a ruleset) for every ruleset stored persistently.
+           Implemented by subclasses.
+           """
+        return []
+    def dbStore(self, ruleset):
+        """Stores the given Ruleset object persistently in our
+           database. If ruleset.isEmpty(), this should end up
+           deleting the stored ruleset for the given URI if it exists.
+           """
+        pass
+class DatabaseRulesetStorage(RulesetStorage):
+    """A RulesetStorage that keeps rulesets in an SQL database"""
+    def dbIter(self):
+        """Begin the process of loading our rulesets in from the SQL database.
+           Returns the list of rulesets via a deferred.
+           """
+        import Database
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        d = Database.pool.runQuery("SELECT * FROM rulesets")
+        d.addCallback(self._storeDbRulesets, result)
+        d.addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _storeDbRulesets(self, rulesets, result):
+        """The second step in the refresh() process, loading the retrieved list of rulesets"""
+        result.callback(self._iterRulesetValues(rulesets))
+        return rulesets
+    def _iterRulesetValues(self, rulesets):
+        for uri, ruleset in rulesets:
+            yield ruleset
+    def dbStore(self, ruleset):
+        """Store a ruleset persistently in our SQL database"""
+        import Database
+        # Delete the old ruleset, if there was one
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        d = Database.pool.runOperation("DELETE FROM rulesets WHERE uri = %s" % Database.quote(ruleset.uri, 'text'))
+        # If we need to insert a new ruleset, do that after the delete finishes
+        if ruleset.isEmpty():
+            d.addCallback(result.callback)
+        else:
+            d.addCallback(self._insertRuleset, result, ruleset)
+        d.addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _insertRuleset(self, none, result, ruleset):
+        """Callback used by store() to insert a new or modified ruleset into the SQL database"""
+        import Database
+        d = Database.pool.runOperation("INSERT INTO rulesets (uri, xml) values(%s, %s)" % (
+            Database.quote(ruleset.uri, 'text'), Database.quote(XML.toString(ruleset.xml), 'text')))
+        d.addCallback(result.callback)
+        d.addErrback(result.errback)
+class FileRulesetStorage(RulesetStorage):
+    """A simple RulesetStorage that uses a simple flat text file"""
+    def __init__(self, hub, uriRegistry, path):
+        self.path = path
+        RulesetStorage.__init__(self, hub, uriRegistry)
+    def dbIter(self):
+        if os.path.isfile(self.path):
+            dom = XML.parseStream(open(self.path))
+            for element in XML.getChildElements(dom.documentElement):
+                if element.nodeName == "ruleset":
+                    yield element
+        else:
+            log.msg("The file %r does not exist, loading no rulesets" % self.path)
+    def dbStore(self, ruleset=None):
+        """Write all rulesets to disk in one big XML file"""
+        doc = XML.parseString("<rulesets>\n"
+                              "<!--\n"
+                              "This is a ruleset storage for CIA. It tells the CIA server\n"
+                              "how to deliver messages. Don't edit it by hand while the server\n"
+                              "is running, use tools/ruleset_editor.py\n"
+                              "-->\n"
+                              "\n"
+                              "</rulesets>")
+        root = doc.documentElement
+        for ruleset in self.flatten():
+            root.appendChild(XML.Domlette.ConvertDocument(ruleset.xml).documentElement)
+            root.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("\n\n"))
+        f = open(self.path, "w")
+        XML.Domlette.Print(doc, f)
+        f.write("\n")
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Ruleset.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Ruleset.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Security.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Security.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Security.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+""" LibCIA.Security
+Implements CIA's simple security model. CIA uses a simple
+capabilities-like system, where a particular capability is represented
+on the wire as an unguessable random key, and internally by nearly any
+python object.
+Generally the 'universe' key will be saved somewhere only the server's
+owner can access it on startup. The 'universe' key can be used to grant
+other keys, which can then be distributed to other people or machines.
+Note that this system has many of the same qualities as traditional
+capabilities, but is not implemented in the same way. In traditional
+capabilities, the unguessable keys map directly to objects that provide
+whatever interface that key grants permissions to. This is simple and
+effective for some systems, however in CIA the meaning of a key must be
+preserved over a long period of time regardless of code changes- simply
+making keys map to pickled callable objects would be too fragile.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.web import xmlrpc
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.python import failure, log
+import string, os, md5, time, cPickle
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import Database, RpcServer
+# PyCAPTCHA is optional. We use it for certain operations
+# that should be easy for humans to perform but should not
+# be scriptable, like creating new users and granting capabilities to them.
+    import Captcha
+    import Captcha.Visual.Tests
+    # This trick keeps our factory from being overwritten on rebuild()
+    if 'captchaFactory' not in globals():
+        captchaFactory = Captcha.Factory()
+except ImportError:
+    captchaFactory = None
+class SecurityException(Exception):
+    pass
+class NoSuchUser(SecurityException):
+    pass
+class InsufficientCapabilities(SecurityException):
+    pass
+class SecurityInterface(RpcServer.Interface):
+    """An XML-RPC interface to the global capabilities database"""
+    def protected_createUser(self, fullName, email, loginName=None):
+        """Create a new user with the given identity, returning
+           a (uid, key) tuple for the new user.
+           """
+        u = User(full_name=fullName, email=email,
+                 login_name=loginName, create=True)
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        u.getInfo().addCallback(self._createUser, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _createUser(self, info, result):
+        """This gets the user info dict from User.getInfo()
+           and reformats it into a (uid, key) tuple for createUser()
+           """
+        result.callback((info['uid'], info['secret_key']))
+    def protected_grant(self, capability, uid):
+        """Grant the given capability to the given user. Note that this means
+           that the capability to use this function is effectively equivalent
+           to the 'universe' key
+           """
+        # XML-RPC will munge tuples into lists, when we really want a tuple
+        if type(capability) == list:
+            capability = tuple(capability)
+        return User(int(uid)).grant(capability)
+    def xmlrpc_test(self, key, *capabilities):
+        """Test the given key against one or more capabilities, returning True if it
+           matches any of them, False otherwise.
+           """
+        return caps.test(key, *capabilities)
+    def getCaptchaFactory(self):
+        """Return our current CAPTCHA factory"""
+        global captchaFactory
+        if not captchaFactory:
+            raise SecurityException("PyCAPTCHA is not installed")
+        return captchaFactory
+    def getCaptchaFromID(self, id):
+        """Get a CAPTCHA test given its ID"""
+        test = self.getCaptchaFactory().get(id)
+        if not test:
+            raise SecurityException("No test with the given ID was found, it might have expired")
+        return test
+    def xmlrpc_newCaptcha(self):
+        """Creates a new CAPTCHA test that the caller can solve to perform
+           certain operations that humans should be able to do easily but
+           shouldn't be scriptable. Returns an ID that uniquely identifies
+           this CAPTCHA test.
+           """
+        return self.getCaptchaFactory().new(Captcha.Visual.Tests.PseudoGimpy).id
+    def xmlrpc_renderCaptcha(self, id):
+        """Renders a (value, type) tuple containing a rendered version of
+           the CAPTCHA test with the given ID. Currently the type will
+           always be image/jpeg.
+           """
+        io = StringIO()
+        self.getCaptchaFromID(id).render().save(io, "JPEG")
+        return (xmlrpc.Binary(io.getvalue()), "image/jpeg")
+    def requireCaptcha(self, id, solutions):
+        """A utility for XML-RPC interfaces that require that they were
+           originally invoked by a human. The caller must have previously
+           requested and rendered a test using newCaptcha() and renderCaptcha(),
+           then presented it to the user. They must then present the test ID and
+           solution(s) to gain access to this function.
+           A particular CAPTCHA test can only be used once.
+           """
+        if not self.getCaptchaFromID(id).testSolutions(solutions):
+            raise SecurityException("Incorrect or expired CAPTCHA solution(s)")
+    def xmlrpc_selfCreateUser(self, captchaId, captchaSolutions, fullName, email, loginName=None):
+        """Whereas createUser() above requires special permissions,
+           anyone can call this function if they can prove they're human
+           by solving a CAPTCHA test. This lets people create new accounts
+           for themselves on their own. Unlike createUser(), this can not be
+           used to retrieve information about an existing user.
+           """
+        self.requireCaptcha(captchaId, captchaSolutions)
+        u = User(full_name=fullName, email=email,
+                 login_name=loginName, create=True)
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        u.getInfo().addCallback(self._selfCreateUser, u, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _selfCreateUser(self, info, user, result):
+        if not user.newUser:
+            raise SecurityException("That user already exists")
+        result.callback((info['uid'], info['secret_key']))
+    def xmlrpc_selfGrant(self, captchaId, captchaSolutions, userKey, capability):
+        """Any user can use this function, and a CAPTCHA solution (to prevent
+           scripted aquisition of many capabilities) to grant themselves certain
+           capabilities. Only a limited number of capabilities can be granted
+           with this function.
+           """
+        self.requireCaptcha(captchaId, captchaSolutions)
+        # XML-RPC will munge tuples into lists, when we really want a tuple
+        if type(capability) == list:
+            capability = tuple(capability)
+        # Make sure the capability is one we allow
+        if not self.isSelfGrantable(capability):
+            raise SecurityException("This capability can not be self-granted")
+        return User(key=userKey).grant(capability)
+    def isSelfGrantable(self, capability):
+        """Defines policy on which capabilities can be self-granted by a user"""
+        if type(capability) == tuple and len(capability) == 2:
+            # Two-element tuples...
+            if capability[0] == "stats.path":
+                # Granting a capability to a stats path is allowed
+                return True
+        return False
+def createRandomKey(bytes = 24,
+                    allowedChars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits):
+    """Create a somewhat-secure random string of the given length.
+       This implementation probably only works on Linux and similar systems.
+       Also note that since we're using /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random,
+       the system might be out of entropy. Using /dev/random however could
+       block, and would make everything else here more complex.
+       The result will be base64-encoded.
+       """
+    s = ''
+    f = open("/dev/urandom")
+    for i in xrange(bytes):
+        s += allowedChars[ ord(f.read(1)) % len(allowedChars) ]
+    f.close()
+    return s
+def logProtectedCall(result, path, args, user, allowed=True):
+    """This should be called when a protected call was attempted,
+       successful or not. It logs the attempt and its results in the
+       audit_trail database. This audit trail can be used for several things-
+       listing recently updated metadata (perhaps for a 'whats new?' page)
+       or detecting and recovering from malicious use of keys.
+       """
+    # Store the first argument separately so we can relatively efficiently search for it
+    if args:
+        main_param = str(args[0])
+    else:
+        main_param = None
+    # Get the user's UID. If it hasn't even been looked up successfully,
+    # this is just a failed operation on a nonexistent user and it's not worth logging.
+    uid = user.getCachedUid()
+    if uid is None:
+        return
+    Database.pool.runOperation(
+        "INSERT INTO audit_trail (timestamp, uid, action_domain, action_name,"
+        " main_param, params, allowed, results)"
+        " VALUES(%d, %d, 'protected_call', %s, %s, '%s', %d, '%s')" % (
+        time.time(),
+        uid,
+        Database.quote(".".join(path), 'text'),
+        Database.quote(main_param, 'text'),
+        Database.quoteBlob(cPickle.dumps(args)),
+        allowed,
+        Database.quoteBlob(cPickle.dumps(result))))
+    return result
+class User:
+    """Representation of one user. A user always has a secret key
+       and a list of capabilities. Most users have a name, though
+       this isn't required. Users may also have login information.
+       A User instance may be created in several different ways:
+         - From a user ID
+         - From a full name
+         - From a login name
+         - From a secret key
+         - If nothing else is specified, this returns the default (system)
+           user, which has no name.
+       Normally if a matching user can't be found, this throws a NoSuchUser
+       exception. If create=True and we're searching by full name, this
+       can create a new user if necessary.
+       Note that any exception won't be generated until the user is
+       first queried (such as via getUid) since a database lookup
+       must be made.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, uid=None, full_name=None, login_name=None, key=None,
+                 email=None, create=False):
+        self._uid = uid
+        self._full_name = full_name
+        self._login_name = login_name
+        self._key = key
+        self._create = create
+        self._email = email
+        self.newUser = False
+        self._validatedUid = None
+    def getUid(self):
+        """Return, via a Deferred, this user's ID"""
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._getUid)
+    def _getUid(self, cursor):
+        """Return the user ID, given a database cursor. Caches the validated UID"""
+        if self._validatedUid is None:
+            self._validatedUid = self._uncachedGetUid(cursor)
+        return self._validatedUid
+    def getCachedUid(self):
+        """If we've already looked up this UID before, this will immediately
+           return the UID. It returns None instead of a deferred if we don't
+           know what our UID is yet.
+           """
+        return self._validatedUid
+    def _uncachedGetUid(self, cursor):
+        """Internal function to find a valid UID, without caching"""
+        if self._uid is not None:
+            return self._validateUid(cursor, self._uid)
+        if self._key is not None:
+            # Look for a user with the given key
+            return self._getUidFromKey(cursor, self._key)
+        if self._login_name is not None:
+            # Get/create a user with the given login name
+            try:
+                return self._getUidFromLoginName(cursor, self._login_name)
+            except NoSuchUser:
+                if self._create:
+                    return self._createUser(cursor)
+                else:
+                    raise
+        if self._full_name is not None:
+            # Get/create a user with the given full name
+            try:
+                return self._getUidFromFullName(cursor, self._full_name)
+            except NoSuchUser:
+                if self._create:
+                    return self._createUser(cursor)
+                else:
+                    raise
+        if self._email is not None:
+            # Look for a user by email address (can't create one unless a name is given too)
+            return self._getUidFromEmail(cursor, self._email)
+        # Nothing specified, get/create the default user.
+        # Since we should always have a default user, ignore the create flag
+        # and always create if necessary.
+        try:
+            return self._getUidFromFullName(cursor, None)
+        except NoSuchUser:
+            return self._createUser(cursor)
+    def getInfo(self):
+        """Return, via a Deferred, a dictionary of information about this user.
+           Dict keys match database columns. This includes uid, secret_key,
+           active, full_name, email, creation_time, key_atime, login_name,
+           login_passwd_md5, login_atime, and login_mtime.
+           """
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._getInfo)
+    def _getInfo(self, cursor):
+        uid = self._getUid(cursor)
+        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid = %d" % uid)
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        d = {}
+        for i in xrange(len(row)):
+            d[cursor.description[i][0]] = row[i]
+        return d
+    def saveKey(self, file, *grantCapabilities):
+        """Save a key for this user to disk, after optionally
+           granting them capabilities if necessary. This is here to
+           bootstrap the capability system, since normally creating
+           users and granting capabilities requires one to already have
+           a powerful user's key.
+           """
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._saveKey, file, *grantCapabilities)
+    def _saveKey(self, cursor, file, *grantCapabilities):
+        file = os.path.expanduser(file)
+        self._grant(cursor, *grantCapabilities)
+        key = self._getInfo(cursor)['secret_key']
+        f = open(file, "w")
+        os.chmod(file, 0600)
+        f.write(key)
+        f.close()
+    def test(self, *capabilities):
+        """Test this user for one or more of the given capabilities.
+           Returns true if the user has any of the given capabilities,
+           false if they have none, or raises a NoSuchUser exception
+           if this isn't a valid user. Returns its result in a Deferred.
+           If the capabilities list is empty, this will always return True
+           for a valid user.
+           """
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._test, *capabilities)
+    def _test(self, cursor, *capabilities):
+        # If the user has been disabled, they have no capabilities
+        cursor.execute("SELECT active FROM users WHERE uid = %d" % self._getUid(cursor))
+        if not int(cursor.fetchone()[0]):
+            return False
+        if cursor.execute(self._createTestQuery(self._getUid(cursor), capabilities)):
+            # We do have permission, update the key's access time and return
+            cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET key_atime = %d WHERE uid = %d" %
+                            (time.time(), self._getUid(cursor)))
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def grant(self, *capabilities):
+        """Grant all capabilities in the given list, ignoring any the user already has"""
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._grant, *capabilities)
+    def _grant(self, cursor, *capabilities):
+        uid = self._getUid(cursor)
+        for capability in capabilities:
+            rep = repr(capability)
+            cursor.execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO capabilities (uid, cap_md5, cap_repr)"
+                           " VALUES(%d, %s, %s)" % (
+                uid,
+                Database.quote(md5.new(rep).hexdigest(), 'char'),
+                Database.quote(rep, 'text')))
+    def require(self, *capabilities):
+        """Like test(), but in case none of the listed capabilities have been
+           granted to this user, raises a SecurityException.
+           This is guaranteed to either return None or a Failure, where the
+           Failure should be a SecurityException.
+           """
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._require, *capabilities)
+    def _require(self, cursor, *capabilities):
+        try:
+            if not self._test(cursor, *capabilities):
+                raise InsufficientCapabilities("One of the following capabilities are required: " +
+                                               repr(capabilities)[1:-1])
+        except:
+            return failure.Failure()
+    def _createTestQuery(self, uid, capabilities):
+        """Create an SQL query that returns something nonzero if a uid matches any of
+           a list of capabilities. If the capabilities list is empty, this creates a
+           query that always has a nonzero result.
+           """
+        if capabilities:
+            return "SELECT 1 FROM capabilities WHERE uid = %d AND (%s) LIMIT 1" % (
+                uid,
+                " OR ".join(["cap_md5 = " + Database.quote(md5.new(repr(c)).hexdigest(),
+                                                           'char') for c in capabilities]),
+                )
+        else:
+            return "SELECT 1"
+    def _getUidFromKey(self, cursor, key):
+        """Find a user by their key"""
+        cursor.execute("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE secret_key = %s" %
+                       Database.quote(key.strip(), 'varchar'))
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        if row:
+            return int(row[0])
+        else:
+            raise NoSuchUser("No user found matching the given key")
+    def _getUidFromLoginName(self, cursor, name):
+        """Find a user by login name"""
+        cursor.execute("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE login_name = %s" %
+                       Database.quote(name, 'text'))
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        if row:
+            return int(row[0])
+        else:
+            raise NoSuchUser("No such login name: %r" % name)
+    def _getUidFromFullName(self, cursor, name):
+        """Find a user by full name"""
+        if name is None:
+            cursor.execute("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE full_name is NULL")
+        else:
+            cursor.execute("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE full_name = %s" %
+                           Database.quote(name, 'text'))
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        if row:
+            return int(row[0])
+        else:
+            raise NoSuchUser("No such name: %r" % name)
+    def _getUidFromEmail(self, cursor, name):
+        """Find a user by email address"""
+        cursor.execute("SELECT uid FROM users WHERE email = %s" %
+                       Database.quote(name, 'text'))
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        if row:
+            return int(row[0])
+        else:
+            raise NoSuchUser("No such email address: %r" % name)
+    def _createUser(self, cursor):
+        """Create a new user, optionally setting the given parameters.
+           Returns the new user ID.
+           """
+        log.msg("Creating new user %r" % self._full_name)
+        self.newUser = True
+        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO users (secret_key, creation_time, full_name, email, login_name) "
+                       "VALUES (%s, %d, %s, %s, %s)" % (
+            Database.quote(createRandomKey(), 'varchar'),
+            time.time(),
+            Database.quote(self._full_name, 'text'),
+            Database.quote(self._email, 'text'),
+            Database.quote(self._login_name, 'varchar')))
+        cursor.execute("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()")
+        return int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
+    def _validateUid(self, cursor, uid):
+        """We have a UID. Validate it, returning a valid UID or raising NoSuchUser"""
+        cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE uid = %d" % uid)
+        if cursor.fetchone():
+            return uid
+        else:
+            raise NoSuchUser("No such user ID: %d" % uid)
+    def getCapabilities(self):
+        """Return a list of capability names (strings) that this user has, via a Deferred"""
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._getCapabilities)
+    def _getCapabilities(self, cursor):
+        uid = self._getUid(cursor)
+        cursor.execute("SELECT cap_repr FROM capabilities WHERE uid = %d" % uid)
+        return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Security.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Security.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Graph.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Graph.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Graph.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+""" LibCIA.Stats.Graph
+Maintains an undirected graph of associations between stats targets.
+These associations are reinforced when one message is delivered to
+multiple targets.
+Using this graph stored in the database, various methods of visualization
+have been implemented here.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from LibCIA import Database, Cache
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, protocol, error
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import time, math
+class Relation:
+    """Represents a relationship between two stats targets- an edge on the stats graph.
+       These relationships can be queried or reinforced. You can ask a stats target for
+       a list of relations containing it.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, a, b):
+        # Our targets must be sorted by path, to make this edge unique
+        if a.path > b.path:
+            a, b = b, a
+        self.a = a
+        self.b = b
+    def reinforce(self):
+        """Increment this relation's strength and set its freshness to the current time"""
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._reinforce)
+    def _reinforce(self, cursor):
+        """Database interaction implementing reinforce()"""
+        # First touch the edge to make sure it exists. We have to do this
+        # inside two autoCreateTargetFor levels, to create both stats targets
+        # if they don't yet exist.
+        self.a._autoCreateTargetFor(cursor, self.b._autoCreateTargetFor,
+                                    cursor, cursor.execute,
+                                    "INSERT IGNORE INTO stats_relations "
+                                    "(target_a_path, target_b_path) VALUES(%s, %s)" %
+                                    (Database.quote(self.a.path, 'varchar'),
+                                     Database.quote(self.b.path, 'varchar')))
+        cursor.execute("UPDATE stats_relations "
+                       "SET strength = strength + 1, freshness = %s "
+                       "WHERE target_a_path = %s AND target_b_path = %s" %
+                       (Database.quote(int(time.time()), 'bigint'),
+                        Database.quote(self.a.path, 'varchar'),
+                        Database.quote(self.b.path, 'varchar')))
+class Selector:
+    """A selector provides SQL and Python syntax for picking some
+       subset of stats targets, and describes how those stats targets
+       should be rendered.
+       This is an abstract base class.
+       """
+    def getSQL(self, varName):
+        """Returns an SQL expression that is true if the stats target
+           path in 'varName' is part of this selector's subset.
+           """
+        pass
+    def __contains__(self, path):
+        """Returns True if the given path is part of this selector's subset."""
+        pass
+    def getAttributes(self, path):
+        """Given a path contained by this selector's subset, return a
+           dictionary of node attributes to pass to Graphviz.
+           """
+        pass
+class PrefixSelector(Selector):
+    """A selector that returns all nodes beginning with a particular prefix,
+       drawing them without the prefix but with a distinctive style.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, prefix, **style):
+        self.prefix = prefix
+        self.style = style
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<PrefixSelector %r %r>" % (self.prefix, self.style)
+    def getSQL(self, varName):
+        return "%s LIKE '%s%%'" % (varName, self.prefix)
+    def __contains__(self, path):
+        return path.startswith(self.prefix)
+    def getAttributes(self, path):
+        d = dict(self.style)
+        d['label'] = path[len(self.prefix):]
+        return d
+class RelationGrapher:
+    """Creates graphs showing relationships between stats targets.
+       One or more Selectors are used to find interesting nodes and
+       describe how they should be drawn. The output is given as a
+       'dot' file that can be passed to the 'neato' utility in the
+       AT&T Graphviz package.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, *selectors):
+        self.selectors = selectors
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<RelationGrapher %r>" % (self.selectors,)
+    def getAllSelectorsSQL(self, varName):
+        """Return an SQL expression that is true if any selector is
+           interested in the stats target in the given variable name.
+           """
+        return "(%s)" % " OR ".join(["(%s)" % sel.getSQL(varName) for sel in self.selectors])
+    def getQuery(self):
+        """Returns an SQL query that returns all interesting edges in the
+           relation graph, according to our list of selectors.
+           """
+        return ("SELECT target_a_path, target_b_path, strength, freshness "
+                "FROM stats_relations WHERE %s AND %s" % (
+            self.getAllSelectorsSQL("target_a_path"),
+            self.getAllSelectorsSQL("target_b_path")))
+    def render(self, f):
+        """Generate the 'dot' code for our graph, writing it to the given
+           file-like object. Returns a Deferred signaling completion.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        Database.pool.runQuery(self.getQuery()).addCallback(
+            self._generateDot, f, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def quote(self, t):
+        """Quote the given text for inclusion in a dot file"""
+        if type(t) in (int, float, bool):
+            return str(t)
+        else:
+            t = str(t)
+            for badChar in '\\":<>|':
+                t = t.replace(badChar, '\\' + badChar)
+            return '"' + t + '"'
+    def dictToAttrs(self, d):
+        """Convert a dictionary to a dot attribute string"""
+        if d:
+            return "[%s]" % ",".join(['%s=%s' % (key, self.quote(value))
+                                      for key, value in d.iteritems()])
+        else:
+            return ""
+    def _generateDot(self, rows, f, result):
+        """Finish generateDot after receiving the SQL query results"""
+        graphAttrs = {
+            'packmode': 'graph',
+            'center': True,
+            'Damping': 0.9,
+            }
+        f.write("graph G {\n")
+        f.write(''.join(['\t%s=%s;\n' % (key, self.quote(value))
+                         for key, value in graphAttrs.iteritems()]))
+        # Make a unique list of all nodes in this graph
+        nodes = {}
+        for row in rows:
+            nodes[row[0]] = None
+            nodes[row[1]] = None
+        # Keep track of node parents, so later we can use them for special cases
+        # and for determining how many children a particular node has.
+        parents = {}
+        for node in nodes:
+            segments = node.split('/')
+            # Make sure all ancestors of this node exist in the parents map
+            for i in xrange(len(segments)):
+                parent = '/'.join(segments[:i])
+                if parent:
+                    parents.setdefault(parent, [])
+            # Add the node to its immediate parent
+            if len(segments) > 1:
+                parents[parent].append(node)
+        # Find a selector for each node, and write out their attributes
+        for node in nodes.keys():
+            attributes = {}
+            for selector in self.selectors:
+                if node in selector:
+                    nodes[node] = selector
+                    attributes = selector.getAttributes(node)
+                    break
+            f.write('\t%s %s;\n' % (self.quote(node), self.dictToAttrs(attributes)))
+        # Find the maximum strength and minimum freshness in our dataset
+        now = time.time()
+        maxStrength = 0
+        minFreshness = now
+        for row in rows:
+            a, b, strength, freshness = row
+            if strength > maxStrength:
+                maxStrength = strength
+            if freshness < minFreshness:
+                minFreshness = freshness
+        # Write edges
+        for row in rows:
+            a, b, strength, freshness = row
+            # Exclude edges between nodes of dissimilar selectors when a parent node
+            # is involved. The rationale for this is that this edge doesn't give any
+            # real information, since the non-parent node will also have an edge
+            # connecting to a child of the parent node. For example, this would
+            # prevent author/bob from being linked to both project/kde/libwidgets
+            # and project/kde. The link between author/bob and project/kde would
+            # just clutter up the graph.
+            if (parents.has_key(a) or parents.has_key(b)) and nodes[a] != nodes[b]:
+                continue
+            # Scale the strength and freshness logarithmically to be values between 0 and 1
+            unitStrength = math.log(strength) / math.log(maxStrength)
+            unitFreshness = 1 - (math.log(now - freshness) / math.log(now - minFreshness))
+            # Determine the number of children this edge involves, for length scaling purposes
+            children = len(parents.get(a,())) + len(parents.get(b,()))
+            attributes = {
+                # The length is semantically unimportant, but try to give the graph a good
+                # layout. Increase the length proportionately with the number of children
+                # our nodes have.
+                'len': 5.0 + math.log(children + 1),
+                'weight': 5.0,
+                # Scale the line width according to the edge's strength
+                'style': 'setlinewidth(%d)' % int(unitStrength * 10 + 1),
+                }
+            f.write('\t%s -- %s %s;\n' % (self.quote(a),
+                                          self.quote(b),
+                                          self.dictToAttrs(attributes)))
+        f.write("}\n")
+        result.callback(None)
+class StreamProcessProtocol(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
+    """Upon connection to the child process, stdinCallback is called with
+       a file-like object representing the process's stdin. When the
+       stdinCallback returns (possibly via a Deferred) the subprocess'
+       stdin is closed.
+       The process' stdout is directed to the provided file-like object
+       stdoutStream. When the process finishes, a None is sent to
+       resultDeferred. Errors are errback()'ed to resultDeferred.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, stdinCallback, stdoutStream, resultDeferred):
+        self.stdinCallback = stdinCallback
+        self.stdoutStream = stdoutStream
+        self.resultDeferred = resultDeferred
+    def connectionMade(self):
+        defer.maybeDeferred(self.stdinCallback, self.transport).addCallback(
+            self._finishedWriting).addErrback(self.resultDeferred.errback)
+    def _finishedWriting(self, result):
+        self.transport.closeStdin()
+    def outReceived(self, data):
+        self.stdoutStream.write(data)
+    def errReceived(self, data):
+        log.err(data)
+    def processEnded(self, reason):
+        if isinstance(reason.value, error.ProcessDone):
+            self.resultDeferred.callback(None)
+        else:
+            self.resultDeferred.errback(reason)
+class GraphLayout:
+    """Given an object with a render(f) function that writes 'dot' source to
+       a file-like object, this runs Graphviz's 'neato' utility to lay out the
+       graph and produce a vector image.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, dataSource, format="svg", bin="neato"):
+        self.dataSource = dataSource
+        self.bin = bin
+        self.args = [bin, "-T%s" % format]
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<GraphLayout for %r using %r>" % (self.dataSource, self.args)
+    def render(self, f):
+        """Lay out a graph using input from our data source, writing
+           the completed graph to the given file-like object.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        p = StreamProcessProtocol(self.dataSource.render, f, result)
+        reactor.spawnProcess(p, self.bin, self.args, env=None)
+        return result
+class HeaderChoppingProtocol(StreamProcessProtocol):
+    """This is a protocol that works around sodipodi's tencency to spew some
+       debuggative cruft to stdout rather than to stderr. Ignores all writes
+       we get before the first one >= 1 kB.
+       """
+    inhibit = True
+    def outReceived(self, data):
+        if self.inhibit:
+            if len(data) < 1024:
+                return
+            self.inhibit = False
+        self.stdoutStream.write(data)
+class SvgRasterizer:
+    """Uses sodipodi to rasterize SVG vector images into PNG bitmaps.
+       dataSource is any object with a render(f) function that can
+       write an SVG to a file-like object and might return a deferred.
+       This provides a render() function that writes the resulting PNG
+       image to a file-like object.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, dataSource,
+                 width      = None,
+                 height     = None,
+                 dpi        = None,
+                 size       = None,
+                 background = None,
+                 bin        = "sodipodi"):
+        self.dataSource = dataSource
+        self.bin = bin
+        self.args = [bin, "-f", "-", "-e", "/dev/stdout"]
+        if dpi:
+            self.args.extend(["-d", str(dpi)])
+        if background:
+            self.args.extend(["-b", str(background)])
+        if size:
+            self.args.extend(["-w", str(size[0]), "-h", str(size[1])])
+        if width:
+            self.args.extend(["-w", str(width)])
+        if height:
+            self.args.extend(["-h", str(height)])
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<SvgRasterizer for %r using %r>" % (self.dataSource, self.args)
+    def render(self, f):
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        p = HeaderChoppingProtocol(self.dataSource.render, f, result)
+        reactor.spawnProcess(p, self.bin, self.args, env=None)
+        return result
+class RenderCache(Cache.AbstractStringCache):
+    """A cache that transparently wraps any object with a render(f) function
+       that writes its results to a file-like object and has a repr() that
+       uniquely represents its state.
+       Cached results expire after 4 hours by default.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, obj, lifespan=60*60*4):
+        self.obj = obj
+        self.lifespan = lifespan
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<RenderCache of %r>" % self.obj
+    def render(self, f):
+        """A render() function that should appear to work just like the
+           original object's render() function.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        self.get(self.obj).addCallback(
+            self._render, f, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render(self, value, f, result):
+        f.write(value)
+        result.callback(None)
+    def miss(self, obj):
+        """The cache miss function, as required by AbstractStringCache.
+           The cache is keyed on our renderable object, and this eventually
+           returns a string.
+           """
+        f = StringIO()
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        defer.maybeDeferred(obj.render, f).addCallback(
+            self._finishedRendering, f, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _finishedRendering(self, d, f, result):
+        result.callback(f.getvalue())
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Graph.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Graph.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Handler.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Handler.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Handler.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+""" LibCIA.Stats.Handler
+The stats:// URI handler
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from LibCIA import Ruleset
+import time, posixpath
+from Target import StatsTarget
+from Graph import Relation
+class StatsURIHandler(Ruleset.RegexURIHandler):
+    """Handles stats:// URIs. A stats target is chosen,
+       and the message is delivered to it.
+       """
+    scheme = 'stats'
+    regex = r"^stats://(?P<path>([^/]+(/[^/]+)*)?)$"
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.lastMessage = None
+        self.messageTargets = []
+    def message(self, uri, message, content):
+        """Appends 'content' to the path represented by the given URI
+           and delivers a message to its associated stats target.
+           This includes a bit of a hack for tracking associations
+           between stats targets. We assume that messages are delivered
+           one at a time- if we get a duplicate message (presumably to a
+           different stats target) we add that stats target to the list of
+           targets this message has been delivered to, and reinforce the
+           new relations this forms.
+           """
+        path = posixpath.join(self.parseURI(uri)['path'], content)
+        target = StatsTarget(path)
+        target.deliver(message)
+        if message == self.lastMessage:
+            for prevTarget in self.messageTargets:
+                Relation(prevTarget, target).reinforce()
+        else:
+            self.messageTargets = []
+        self.messageTargets.append(target)
+        self.lastMessage = message
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Handler.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Handler.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Interface.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Interface.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Interface.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+""" LibCIA.Stats.Handler
+The stats:// URI handler, the root of the stats XML-RPC interface,
+and the maintenance system. All the usual entry points for the stats system.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.web import xmlrpc
+from LibCIA import RpcServer, Database, XML
+from Target import StatsTarget
+import cPickle, urlparse, time
+class StatsInterface(RpcServer.Interface):
+    """An XML-RPC interface used to query stats"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        RpcServer.Interface.__init__(self)
+        self.putSubHandler('metadata', MetadataInterface())
+        self.putSubHandler('subscribe', SubscriptionInterface())
+    def xmlrpc_catalog(self, path=''):
+        """Return a list of subdirectories within this stats path"""
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        d = StatsTarget(path).catalog()
+        d.addErrback(result.errback)
+        d.addCallback(self._catalog, result)
+        return result
+    def _catalog(self, items, result):
+        """Convert the returned catalog into target names and return them via
+           the provided Deferred instance.
+           """
+        result.callback([target.name for target in items])
+    def xmlrpc_getLatestMessages(self, path, limit=None):
+        """Return 'limit' latest messages delivered to this stats target,
+           or all available recent messages if 'limit' isn't specified.
+           """
+        return [(id, XML.toString(doc)) for id, doc in
+                StatsTarget(path).messages.getLatest(limit)]
+    def xmlrpc_getCounterValues(self, path, name):
+        """Returns a dictionary with current values for the given counter.
+           Note that times are returned as UNIX-style seconds since
+           the epoch in UTC.
+           """
+        return StatsTarget(path).counters.getCounter(name)
+    def protected_clearTarget(self, path):
+        """Deletes any data stored at a given stats target or in any of its subtargets"""
+        log.msg("Clearing stats path %r" % path)
+        return StatsTarget(path).clear()
+    def caps_clearTarget(self, rpcPath, statsPath):
+        """In addition to the usual capabilities, allow ('stats.path', path)"""
+        return self.makeDefaultCaps(rpcPath) + [('stats.path', statsPath)]
+class MetadataInterface(RpcServer.Interface):
+    """An XML-RPC interface for querying and modifying stats metadata"""
+    def wrapTuple(self, t):
+        """Wrap the value in a (value, type) tuple in an xmlrpc.Binary
+           if the type doesn't start with text/.
+           """
+        if t and not t[1].startswith("text/"):
+            return (xmlrpc.Binary(t[0]), t[1])
+        else:
+            return t
+    def xmlrpc_get(self, path, name, default=False):
+        """Get a (value, type) tuple for the metadata key with the given
+           name, returning 'default' if it isn't found
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        StatsTarget(path).metadata.get(name, default).addCallback(
+            self._get, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _get(self, t, result):
+        """Backend for get() that ensures the results are serializable"""
+        result.callback(self.wrapTuple(t))
+    def xmlrpc_dict(self, path):
+        """Return a mapping of names to (value, type) tuples for the given path"""
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        StatsTarget(path).metadata.dict().addCallback(
+            self._dict, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _dict(self, original, result):
+        """Backend for dict() that ensures the results are serializable"""
+        d = {}
+        for name, t in original.iteritems():
+            d[name] = self.wrapTuple(t)
+        result.callback(d)
+    def caps_set(self, rpcPath, statsPath, name, value, mimeType=None):
+        """In addition to the usual capabilities, allow ('stats.path', path),
+           ('stats.metadata.path', path), and ('stats.metadata.key', path, name)
+           for setting metadata.
+           """
+        return self.makeDefaultCaps(rpcPath) + [
+            ('stats.path', statsPath),
+            ('stats.metadata.path', statsPath),
+            ('stats.metadata.key', statsPath, name),
+            ]
+    def caps_clear(self, rpcPath, statsPath):
+        return self.makeDefaultCaps(rpcPath) + [
+            ('stats.path', statsPath),
+            ('stats.metadata.path', statsPath),
+            ]
+    def caps_remove(self, rpcPath, statsPath, name):
+        return self.makeDefaultCaps(rpcPath) + [
+            ('stats.path', statsPath),
+            ('stats.metadata.path', statsPath),
+            ('stats.metadata.key', statsPath, name),
+            ]
+    def protected_set(self, path, name, value, mimeType='text/plain'):
+        """Set a metadata key's value and MIME type"""
+        return StatsTarget(path).metadata.set(name, str(value), mimeType)
+    def protected_clear(self, path):
+        """Remove all metadata for one target"""
+        return StatsTarget(path).metadata.clear()
+    def protected_remove(self, path, name):
+        """Remove one metadata key for this target, if it exists"""
+        return StatsTarget(path).metadata.remove(name)
+class SubscriptionInterface(RpcServer.Interface):
+    """An XML-RPC interface for subscribing to be notified when changes
+       occur to a stats target. This provides multiple ways of subscribing,
+       for compatibility with multiple existing standards.
+       """
+    def _unsubscribe(self, cursor, client):
+        """Remove all subscriptions for the given client.
+           This is intended to be run inside a database interaction.
+           """
+        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM stats_subscriptions WHERE client = %s" %
+                       Database.quote(client, 'varchar'))
+    def makeTrigger(self, triggerFunc, *triggerArgs, **triggerKwargs):
+        """Given a trigger function and the arguments to pass it,
+           returns a pickled representation of the trigger.
+           """
+        return cPickle.dumps((triggerFunc, triggerArgs, triggerKwargs))
+    def _subscribe(self, cursor, target, client, trigger, scope=None, ttl=25*60*60):
+        """A database interaction for adding subscriptions.
+           'target' must be the StatsTarget object this subscription is for.
+           'client' is the IP address of the client requesting this subscription.
+           'trigger' is a trigger pickle, as returned by makeTrigger
+           'scope' refers to a part of the stats target this refers to. By default, all of it.
+           'ttl' is the time to live for this subscription, 25 hours by default.
+           """
+        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO stats_subscriptions "
+                       "(target_path, expiration, scope, client, `trigger`) "
+                       "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, '%s')" %
+                       (Database.quote(target.path, 'varchar'),
+                        Database.quote(int(time.time() + ttl), 'bigint'),
+                        Database.quote(scope, 'varchar'),
+                        Database.quote(client, 'varchar'),
+                        Database.quoteBlob(trigger)))
+    def xmlrpc_rss2(self, procedureName, clientPort, responderPath, protocol, urls, request=None):
+        """This is the flavor of subscription required for the RSS 2.0 <cloud>
+           tag. The client IP should be determined from this request. 'urls'
+           is a list of URLs the client is interested in monitoring- we have
+           to convert those into stats targets.
+           """
+        log.msg("Received an RSS 2.0 subscription request for %r reporting via %r at %r on port %r to %r" %
+                (urls, protocol, responderPath, clientPort, procedureName))
+        # Reject protocols we can't handle
+        if protocol != 'xml-rpc':
+            log.msg("Rejecting request: unsupported protocol")
+            return False
+        # Poing off into a database interaction for most of this...
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._rss2, procedureName, clientPort,
+                                            responderPath, urls, request.getClientIP())
+    def _rss2(self, cursor, procedureName, clientPort, responderPath, urls, clientIP):
+        """The database interaction implementing RSS 2.0 subscriptions"""
+        # Unsubscribe all of this client's previous requests
+        self._unsubscribe(cursor, clientIP)
+        # Generate a new subscription for each of its new URLs
+        for url in urls:
+            # Figure out the associated stats target for this URL
+            target = self.getTargetFromURL(url)
+            if not target:
+                log.msg("Ignoring URL %r which doesn't appear to be a stats target" % url)
+                continue
+            # Make a trigger that notifies the client as requested.
+            xmlrpcUrl = "http://%s:%s%s" % (clientIP, clientPort, responderPath)
+            trigger = self.makeTrigger(xmlrpc.Proxy(xmlrpcUrl).callRemote,
+                                       procedureName, url)
+            # Finally jam the trigger in our database
+            self._subscribe(cursor, target, clientIP, trigger)
+        # According to the RSS 2.0 spec, return True to indicate success
+        return True
+    def getTargetFromURL(self, url):
+        """Given a URL that presumably refers to our HTTP server, extract a stats
+           target from it. The URL should be to an RSS feed, but we won't be too
+           picky. If we can't find a related stats target, return None.
+           """
+        # We ignore everything except the path, assuming the URL actually
+        # refers to this host. There's no reason for someone to ask us to
+        # notify them if another server's page changes, and it would take
+        # more effort than it's worth to accurately determine if the given
+        # host refers to this CIA server, with all the proxying and DNS
+        # multiplicity that could be going on.
+        path = urlparse.urlparse(url)[2]
+        # FIXME: really cheesy hack!
+        if not path.startswith("/stats/"):
+            return None
+        return StatsTarget(path[7:].split("/.",1)[0])
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Interface.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Interface.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Messages.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Messages.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Messages.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+""" LibCIA.Stats.Messages
+This package provides a file format that stores a bounded amount
+of recent message data, as an indexed ring buffer of compressed
+SAX events.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import struct, os, datetime
+import xml.sax, xml.dom.minidom
+class CircularFile:
+    """This is a file-like object wrapper that turns a fixed-size
+       normal file into a file that wraps around at the end, creating
+       a ring buffer. This can optionally work within a subset of
+       the entire file by providing a smaller size and a nonzero origin.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, original, size, origin=0):
+        self.original = original
+        self.origin = origin
+        self.size = size
+        self.origin = origin
+    def seek(self, offset):
+        self.original.seek(self.origin + (offset % self.size))
+    def tell(self):
+        return self.original.tell() - self.origin
+    def write(self, data, offset=None):
+        """Write data to the circular file, wrapping around if we hit the end.
+           """
+        if offset is not None:
+            self.seek(offset)
+        initial = self.tell()
+        dataLen = len(data)
+        while dataLen > 0:
+            final = initial + dataLen
+            if final < self.size:
+                # This write will fit without wrapping
+                self.original.write(data)
+                return
+            elif final == self.size:
+                # This write just barely fits, but the file pointer needs
+                # to come back to the beginning afterwards.
+                self.original.write(data)
+                self.seek(0)
+                return
+            else:
+                # This write will straddle the end of the file. Write
+                # what we can now, and catch the rest later. This iterative
+                # method handles writes that are larger than the entire
+                # buffer without any special cases.
+                chunkLen = self.size - initial
+                chunk = data[:chunkLen]
+                data = data[chunkLen:]
+                dataLen -= chunkLen
+                self.original.write(chunk)
+                del chunk
+                self.seek(0)
+                initial = 0
+    def read(self, dataLen, offset=None):
+        """Read from the circular file, wrapping around if we hit the end"""
+        blocks = []
+        self.readBlocks(dataLen, blocks, offset)
+        return ''.join(blocks)
+    def readBlocks(self, dataLen, blocks, offset=None):
+        """Like read(), but instead of returning a single string this
+           adds each individual piece to the 'blocks' list. This is intended
+           to improve efficiency when doing several reads into the
+           same buffer.
+           If an initial offset is given, we seek to that rather than
+           reading the current offset in the file.
+           """
+        if offset is not None:
+            self.seek(offset)
+        offset = self.tell()
+        while dataLen > 0:
+            final = offset + dataLen
+            if final < self.size:
+                # This read will fit without wrapping
+                blocks.append(self.original.read(dataLen))
+                break
+            elif final == self.size:
+                # This read just barely fits, but the file pointer needs
+                # to come back to the beginning afterwards.
+                blocks.append(self.original.read(dataLen))
+                self.seek(0)
+                break
+            else:
+                # This read will straddle the end of the file
+                chunkLen = self.size - offset
+                dataLen -= chunkLen
+                blocks.append(self.original.read(chunkLen))
+                self.seek(0)
+                offset = 0
+    def readSlice(self, firstOffset, stoppingOffset):
+        """Read all data starting at the firstOffset and stopping just before
+           we reach the stoppingOffset. This is the same style of half-open range
+           that python list slicing uses. stoppingOffset may be less than
+           firstOffset, in which case we wrap around. If stoppingOffset equals
+           firstOffset, this returns nothing.
+           """
+        return self.read((stoppingOffset - firstOffset) % self.size, offset=firstOffset)
+class SAXEncoder(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
+    """Encodes a SAX event stream as a unicode text
+       stream, with string memoization.
+       Every event begins with a single unicode
+       character that has an opcode packed into the low
+       2 bits, and a paramter occupying all upper bits.
+       Opcodes:
+         0. The parameter specifies the number of endElement events to emit
+         1. The parameter is a string length L. The following L bytes define
+            a new string, which is also added to the memo.
+         2. Emit a memoized string. The parameter is the memo ID of that string.
+            Memo IDs start at zero, but the memo is generally pre-populated with
+            a database-wide dictionary.
+         3. Emit whitespace. The parameter is a number of blank spaces to insert.
+       Strings, either included directly or copied from the memo, may appear in
+       multiple forms:
+         - In the default context, a string can be interpreted as either character
+           data or as an element. Character data strings are prefixed with 0x01,
+           while element data strings are prefixed with 0x02 plus their attribute
+           count. After an element with attributes, the stream alternates between
+           attribute name and attribute value contexts.
+         - In attribute name/value contexts, no string prefix is used.
+       This method of encoding actually makes an element's arity part of its name,
+       as far as our compression is concerned.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, dictionary=()):
+        self.dictionary = dictionary
+    def startDocument(self):
+        self.output = []
+        self.memo = {}
+        self.state = (None,)
+        for item in self.dictionary:
+            self.memoize(item)
+    def memoize(self, string):
+        self.memo[string] = len(self.memo)
+    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+        self.flush()
+        attrNames = attrs.getNames()
+        self.encode_element(name, len(attrNames))
+        for attr in attrNames:
+            self.encode_string(attr)
+            self.encode_string(attrs[attr])
+    def endElement(self, name):
+        if self.state[0] == 'END':
+            self.state = ('END', self.state[1] + 1)
+        else:
+            self.flush()
+            self.state = ('END', 1)
+    def characters(self, content):
+        if self.state[0] == 'CHAR':
+            self.state = ('CHAR', self.state[1] + content)
+        else:
+            self.flush()
+            self.state = ('CHAR', content)
+    def flush(self):
+        if self.state[0] == 'CHAR':
+            self.encode_chardata(self.state[1])
+        elif self.state[0] == 'END':
+            self.encode_end(self.state[1])
+        self.state = (None,)
+    def encode_chardata(self, data):
+        # Split the character data into leading whitespace,
+        # a normal string, and trailing whitespace
+        dlen = len(data)
+        s = data.lstrip()
+        slen = len(s)
+        if slen != dlen:
+            self.encode_whitespace(dlen - slen)
+            data = s
+            dlen = slen
+        dlen = len(data)
+        s = data.rstrip()
+        slen = len(s)
+        if s:
+            self.encode_string(unichr(1) + s)
+        if slen != dlen:
+            self.encode_whitespace(dlen - slen)
+    def encode_element(self, name, params):
+        self.encode_string(unichr(params + 2) + name)
+    def encode_string(self, data):
+        if data in self.memo:
+            self.encode_memoized(self.memo[data])
+            return
+        self.memoize(data)
+        self.output.append(unichr((len(data) << 2) | 1))
+        self.output.append(data)
+    def encode_end(self, count):
+        self.output.append(unichr(count << 2))
+    def encode_memoized(self, index):
+        self.output.append(unichr((index << 2) | 2))
+    def encode_whitespace(self, count):
+        self.output.append(unichr((count << 2) | 3))
+    def getvalue(self):
+        return u''.join(self.output).encode('utf-8')
+def SAXDecoder(encoded, dictionary):
+    """Decode the stream produced by SAXEncoder, returning a minidom tree.
+       This function is a bit hard to follow and it relies on minidom
+       internals- unfortunately it's a big speed bottleneck, so
+       any extra performance is worth a little obfuscation here.
+       """
+    dom = xml.dom.minidom
+    memo = list(dictionary)
+    stack = [dom.Document()]
+    attrs = None
+    top = stack[-1]
+    m = unicode(encoded, 'utf8')
+    mlen = len(m)
+    i = 0
+    while i < mlen:
+        op = ord(m[i])
+        type = op & 3
+        param = op >> 2
+        # Decode a memoized string
+        if type == 2:
+            item = memo[param]
+            i += 1
+        # Decode and memoize a literal string
+        elif type == 1:
+            i += 1
+            item = m[i:i+param]
+            i += param
+            memo.append(item)
+        # End elements
+        elif type == 0:
+            del stack[-param:]
+            top = stack[-1]
+            i += 1
+            continue
+        # Whitespace
+        elif type == 3:
+            node = dom.Text()
+            node.data = " " * param
+            # _append_child(top, node)
+            childNodes = top.childNodes
+            if childNodes:
+                last = childNodes[-1]
+                node.__dict__["previousSibling"] = last
+                last.__dict__["nextSibling"] = node
+            childNodes.append(node)
+            node.__dict__["parentNode"] = top
+            node.__dict__["ownerDocument"] = stack[0]
+            i += 1
+            continue
+        # Processing this string in the default context
+        if attrs is None:
+            op = ord(item[0])
+            # Character data
+            if op == 1:
+                node = dom.Text()
+                node.data = item[1:]
+                # _append_child(top, node)
+                childNodes = top.childNodes
+                if childNodes:
+                    last = childNodes[-1]
+                    node.__dict__["previousSibling"] = last
+                    last.__dict__["nextSibling"] = node
+                childNodes.append(node)
+                node.__dict__["parentNode"] = top
+                node.__dict__["ownerDocument"] = stack[0]
+            # Element with no attributes (fast path)
+            elif op == 2:
+                node = dom.Element(item[1:])
+                # _append_child(top, node)
+                childNodes = top.childNodes
+                if childNodes:
+                    last = childNodes[-1]
+                    node.__dict__["previousSibling"] = last
+                    last.__dict__["nextSibling"] = node
+                childNodes.append(node)
+                node.__dict__["parentNode"] = top
+                node.__dict__["ownerDocument"] = stack[0]
+                stack.append(node)
+                top = node
+            # Element with attributes, general
+            else:
+                attrRemaining = op - 2
+                attrKey = None
+                attrs = dom.Element(item[1:])
+        # Attribute context
+        else:
+            # Attribute key
+            if attrKey is None:
+                attrKey = dom.Attr(item)
+            # Attribute value
+            else:
+                d = attrKey.__dict__
+                d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = item
+                d["ownerDocument"] = stack[0]
+                # _set_attribute_node(attrs, attrKey)
+                attrs._attrs[attrKey.name] = attrKey
+                attrKey.__dict__['ownerElement'] = attrs
+                attrRemaining -= 1
+                attrKey = None
+                # Finished an element with attributes?
+                if not attrRemaining:
+                    # _append_child(top, attrs)
+                    childNodes = top.childNodes
+                    if childNodes:
+                        last = childNodes[-1]
+                        node.__dict__["previousSibling"] = last
+                        last.__dict__["nextSibling"] = node
+                    childNodes.append(attrs)
+                    attrs.__dict__["parentNode"] = top
+                    attrs.__dict__["ownerDocument"] = stack[0]
+                    stack.append(attrs)
+                    top = attrs
+                    attrs = None
+    return stack[0]
+class MessageBuffer:
+    """This object represents on-disk storage for a stats target's
+       recent messages. It is based on two ring buffers: one with
+       message IDs, and one with message content.
+       Message IDs are implemented as seek offsets into the content
+       buffer. The IDs increase monotonically, are unique within
+       this particular MessageBuffer, and are validated on access.
+       Message content is encoded using a simple method of representing
+       SAX event streams as Unicode strings. This gives about the same
+       performance as gzip on small messages, but worse performance on
+       large messages. The huge advantage of this SAX format, though,
+       is that message buffers as a whole compress much better. This
+       is important for backups.
+       Format:
+         - Fixed-size header
+             - Magic number
+             - Dictionary size
+             - Index size
+             - Content size
+             - Tail pointer
+         - Dictionary, NUL-separated UTF-8
+         - Index ringbuffer
+         - Content ringbuffer
+       """
+    magic = "CIA Message Buffer v1\r\n\x00"
+    headerFmt = ">24sIIII"
+    headerSize = struct.calcsize(headerFmt)
+    #
+    # Defaults only.
+    # When opening existing databases, these are read from the header.
+    #
+    indexSize = 4096
+    contentSize = 256 * 1024
+    def __init__(self, path, filename="_msg", file=None):
+        self.dirPath = path
+        self.file = file
+        self.filePath = os.path.join(path, filename)
+        self._initialized = False
+    def close(self):
+        if self._initialized:
+            self.file.close()
+            self._initialized = False
+    def _initRingBuffers(self):
+        # Place our two ring buffers in the file. This should be called
+        # as soon as the sizes in the header are all known.
+        self.indexRing = CircularFile(self.file, self.indexSize,
+                                      self.headerSize + self.dictionarySize)
+        self.contentRing = CircularFile(self.file, self.contentSize,
+                                        self.headerSize + self.dictionarySize +
+                                        self.indexSize)
+    def _init(self, msg=None):
+        """Either read header data from an existing database, or set
+           up the header and dictionary on a new database.
+           If the database doesn't exist and 'msg' is not None, this
+           message will be used to help build the dictionary.
+           If the 'msg' is None, this will never set up a new database.
+           If the database is not already initialized, it will return
+           False and change nothing.
+           """
+        if not self.file:
+            self.file = os.fdopen(os.open(self.filePath, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT, 0666), 'w+')
+        header = self.file.read(self.headerSize)
+        if header:
+            # Unpack the header
+            try:
+                (magic, self.dictionarySize, self.indexSize,
+                 self.contentSize, self.tail) = struct.unpack(self.headerFmt, header)
+            except struct.error:
+                magic = None
+            if magic != self.magic:
+                raise ValueError("File header is incorrect")
+            # Unpack the original dictionary
+            self.dictionary = unicode(self.file.read(self.dictionarySize), 'utf8').split('\x00')
+            self._initRingBuffers()
+        elif msg is None:
+            return False
+        else:
+            self.dictionary = self._createDictionary(msg)
+            # Measure the encoded dictionary and set up critical sizes
+            encodedDict = u'\x00'.join(self.dictionary).encode('utf8')
+            self.dictionarySize = len(encodedDict)
+            self._initRingBuffers()
+            # Zero out the whole index, point to the beginning of it
+            self.tail = 0
+            self.indexRing.write('\x00' * self.indexSize, 0)
+            # Initialize the dictionary
+            self.file.seek(self.headerSize)
+            self.file.write(encodedDict)
+            self._commitHeader()
+        self._initialized = True
+        return True
+    def _commitHeader(self):
+        self.file.seek(0)
+        self.file.write(struct.pack(
+            self.headerFmt, self.magic, self.dictionarySize,
+            self.indexSize, self.contentSize, self.tail))
+        self.file.flush()
+    def _createDictionary(self, msg):
+        """Decide on a dictionary, using the first message as a hint"""
+        #
+        # Start out with a default dictionary that contains some
+        # general-purpose strings, so that even if msg is some
+        # pathological case we still have a somewhat usable
+        # dictionary.
+        #
+        encoder = SAXEncoder((
+            u'\x01name', u'\x03header', u'\x02file', u'\x01Received',
+            u'\x02source', u'\x02project', u'\x02name', u'\x02generator',
+            u'\x02body', u'\x02timestamp', u'\x02message', u'\x02commit',
+            u'\x02author', u'\x02log', u'\x02files', u'\x02version',
+            u'\x03file', u'action', u'From', u'Date', u'\x02mailHeaders',
+            u'Message-Id', u'\x02module', u'modify', u'\x02revision',
+            u'\x02url', u'\x02diffLines', u'\x01uri', u'\x02branch',
+            u'\x04file', u'\x01add',
+            ))
+        # Feed in the first message, to populate the memo with strings
+        # that may be common in this particular database.
+        xml.sax.parseString(msg, encoder)
+        #
+        # Put shorter symbols first, since they're
+        # more likely to be the common ones. Completely
+        # discard anything really long, since it's likely
+        # to be just a log message or something equally
+        # useless.
+        #
+        dict = [ key for key in encoder.memo if len(key) < 64 ]
+        dict.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(len(a), len(b)))
+        # Put an upper limit on the number of dictionary symbols,
+        # to avoid really pathological messages using up lots of
+        # disk space in the file header.
+        return dict[:128]
+    def push(self, msg):
+        """Append a new message to the buffer, returning its ID"""
+        if not self._initialized:
+            # Create the parent directory if necessary
+            if not os.path.isdir(self.dirPath):
+                os.makedirs(self.dirPath)
+            self._init(msg)
+        # Parse the message into a compressed SAX event stream
+        encoder = SAXEncoder(self.dictionary)
+        xml.sax.parseString(msg, encoder)
+        zmsg = encoder.getvalue()
+        # Read the tail offset. This is our new message ID
+        msgId = struct.unpack(">I", self.indexRing.read(4, self.tail))[0]
+        # Every message is preceeded with a marker that identifies its
+        # full message ID (to identify a location uniquely across wrap-arounds).
+        # The zeroes on either side are for framing- messages never include
+        # zeroes, so this ensures that we're actually reading a marker.    
+        content = struct.pack(">BIIB", 0, msgId, len(zmsg), 0) + zmsg
+        self.contentRing.write(content, msgId)
+        # Update the index with the next message ID
+        self.tail += 4
+        nextId = msgId + len(content)
+        self.indexRing.write(struct.pack(">I", nextId), self.tail)
+        self._commitHeader()
+        return msgId
+    def getMessageById(self, msgId):
+        """Retrieve a particular message, by ID. Returns None if the
+           message doesn't exist or has been overwritten.
+           """
+        if not self._initialized:
+            # This shouldn't ever create the file
+            if not os.path.isfile(self.filePath):
+                return
+            if not self._init():
+                return
+        try:
+            zero1, checkId, size, zero2 = struct.unpack(
+                ">BIIB", self.contentRing.read(10, msgId)) 
+        except struct.error:
+            return
+        if checkId == msgId and zero1 == 0 and zero2 == 0:
+            return SAXDecoder(self.contentRing.read(size), self.dictionary)
+    def getLatest(self, limit=None):
+        """Yield up to 'limit' of the most recent messages, in
+           the same order they were added. Yields (id, msg) tuples.
+           """
+        if not self._initialized:
+            # This shouldn't ever create the file
+            if not os.path.isfile(self.filePath):
+                return
+            if not self._init():
+                return
+        if limit is None:
+            limit = self.indexSize // 4
+        tail = self.tail
+        head = max(0, tail - min(limit * 4, self.indexSize))
+        index = self.indexRing.read(tail - head, head)
+        for i in xrange(0, len(index), 4):
+            msgId = struct.unpack(">I", index[i:i+4])[0]
+            msg = self.getMessageById(msgId)
+            if msg is not None:
+                yield (msgId, msg)
+class MessageArchive:
+    """Whereas a MessageBuffer stores a limited number of recent messages,
+       and uses a built-in index, a MessageArchive is designed to store an
+       unlimited number of messages using an external index.
+       MessageArchives are not pre-sorted by stats target. All incoming
+       messages are sent to a single MessageArchive, which is separated
+       into files by day. (Note that these dates are based on the *current*
+       date, not the message's timestamp! We don't want to allow backdated
+       commit messages to modify data which may have already been backed
+       up.)
+       MessageArchives use a static dictionary. To avoid the hassle of
+       atomically generating a file header, dictionaries are specified
+       per-message. In the future this may be used to smoothly upgrade
+       the dictionary when new elements are added to the XML schema.
+       The MessageArchive file has no header. Each message is represented by:
+         1. One NUL byte, indicating the beginning of the message. This
+            is used as a flag character, since messages may not contain
+            an internal NUL.
+         2. The length of this message, including all headers, as a
+            32-bit big endian integer.
+         3. The message version, as a single byte. This identifies
+            the dictionary used to encode the message, and it can indicate
+            the presence of extra fields in the message header.
+       There is no unique message identifier, since it isn't worth the
+       effort to generate one atomically. The file name and file offset
+       will become a unique identifier the moment the message is appended
+       to disk.
+       """
+    # All versions use the same header currently
+    header_format = ">BIB"
+    header_size = struct.calcsize(header_format)
+    # You may define new versions, but never change the existing dicts!
+    dictionaries = {
+        1: (u'\x01name', u'\x03header', u'\x02file', u'\x01Received',
+            u'\x02source', u'\x02project', u'\x02name', u'\x02generator',
+            u'\x02body', u'\x02timestamp', u'\x02message', u'\x02commit',
+            u'\x02author', u'\x02log', u'\x02files', u'\x02version',
+            u'\x03file', u'action', u'From', u'Date', u'\x02mailHeaders',
+            u'Message-Id', u'\x02module', u'modify', u'\x02revision',
+            u'\x02url', u'\x02diffLines', u'\x01uri', u'\x02branch',
+            u'\x04file', u'\x01add'),
+        }
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        self._path = path
+        self._file = None
+        self._date = None
+    def _setDate(self, date):
+        """Change days, opening a new log file."""
+        if date == self._date:
+            return
+        self._date = date
+        # makedirs() is racy- better for us to just call mkdir()
+        # multiple times and ignore failures.
+        p = self._path
+        for segment in ("%04d" % date.year,
+                        "%04d-%02d" % (date.year, date.month),
+                        "%04d-%02d-%02d.bsax" % (date.year, date.month, date.day)):
+            try:
+                os.mkdir(p)
+            except OSError:
+                pass
+            p = os.path.join(p, segment)
+        self._file = open(p, 'ab')
+    def push(self, msg):
+        """Append a new message to the buffer, given a UTf-8 byte string.
+           Returns None, as we can't efficiently return the message ID just yet.
+           """
+        self._setDate(datetime.datetime.now().date())
+        # Parse the message into a compressed SAX event stream
+        version = self.LATEST_VERSION
+        encoder = SAXEncoder(self.dictionaries[version])
+        xml.sax.parseString(msg, encoder)
+        zmsg = encoder.getvalue()
+        # Pack the message header
+        header = struct.pack(self.header_format, 0,
+                             self.header_size + len(zmsg),
+                             version)
+        # Atomically write to the file
+        os.write(self._file.fileno(), header + zmsg)
+    def deliver(self, msg):
+        """Deliver a Message instance to the archive. This is silly, because
+           we have to convert the Message (a DOM) right back to UTF-8 text
+           just so we can re-serialize it with SAX. This is a stopgap measure
+           until the message filtering architecture is redesigned.
+           """
+        self.push(unicode(msg).encode('utf-8'))
+    def readNextFromFile(self, f):
+        """Read a single message from a file-like object, advancing the file
+           pointer to the next message. Returns None on EOF.
+           """
+        header = f.read(self.header_size)
+        if not header:
+            return None
+        zero, size, version = struct.unpack(self.header_format, header)
+        assert zero == 0
+        return SAXDecoder(f.read(size - self.header_size), self.dictionaries[version])
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Messages.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Messages.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Metadata.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Metadata.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Metadata.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+""" LibCIA.Stats.Metadata
+A system for storing and retrieving metadata associated with a
+stats target. This includes an AbstractStringCache subclass
+used to cache thumbnails generated with PIL.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from LibCIA import Database, Cache
+import time
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import Image
+class Metadata:
+    """An abstraction for the metadata that may be stored for any stats target.
+       Metadata objects consist of a name, a MIME type, and a value. The value
+       can be any binary or text object stored as a string.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, target):
+        self.target = target
+        self._cache = None
+    def get(self, name, default=None):
+        """Return a Deferred that results in the (value, type) tuple for the the
+           given metadata key, or 'default' if a result can't be found.
+           """
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._get, name, default)
+    def getValue(self, name, default=None, typePrefix='text/'):
+        """Like get(), but only returns the value. Ensures the MIME type
+           begins with typePrefix. If it doesn't, a TypeError is raised.
+           """
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._getValue, name, default, typePrefix)
+    def getMTime(self, name, default=None):
+        """Returns a Deferred that eventually results in the modification
+           time for the specified metadata object, in seconds since the epoch.
+           This returns the specified default if the item doesn't exist. Note that
+           None might be returned if the object was created before mtime support
+           was included in the metadata table.
+           """
+        # This is not supported by the new stats database, and it isn't
+        # needed now that images are stored separately.
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def set(self, name, value, mimeType='text/plain'):
+        """Set a metadata key, creating it if it doesn't exist"""
+        # Writing to metadata from the LibCIA codebase is deprecated
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def keys(self):
+        """Return (via a Deferred) a list of all valid metadata key names"""
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._keys)
+    def dict(self):
+        """Return (via a Deferred) a mapping from names to (value, type) tuples"""
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._dict)
+    def clear(self):
+        """Delete all metadata for this target. Returns a Deferred"""
+        # Writing to metadata from the LibCIA codebase is deprecated
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def remove(self, name):
+        """Remove one metadata key, with the given name"""
+        # Writing to metadata from the LibCIA codebase is deprecated
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def has_key(self, name):
+        """Returs True (via a Deferred) if the given key name exists for this target"""
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._has_key, name)
+    def _update_cache(self, cursor):
+        """Retrieve all metadata keys for this target, populating self._cache."""
+        # XXX: This only works for text keys. Images can't be fully represented
+        #      in the old system, so we're ignoring them until the transition is complete.
+        keys = ('title', 'subtitle', 'url', 'description', 'links-filter', 'related-filter')
+        # Our new column names use underscores instead of dashes
+        columns = [key.replace('-', '_') for key in keys]
+        cursor.execute("SELECT %s FROM stats_statstarget WHERE path = %s" % (
+            ', '.join(columns),
+            Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar')))
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        self._cache = {}
+        if row:
+            for i, key in enumerate(keys):
+                self._cache[key] = row[i]
+    def _has_key(self, cursor, name):
+        """Database interaction implemented has_key()"""
+        if self._cache is None:
+            self._update_cache(cursor)
+        return self._cache.get(name) is not None
+    def _get(self, cursor, name, default):
+        """Database interaction to return the value and type for a particular key"""
+        if self._cache is None:
+            self._update_cache(cursor)
+        v = self._cache.get(name)
+        if v is None:
+            return default
+        else:
+            return v, 'text/plain'
+    def _getValue(self, cursor, name, default, typePrefix):
+        # XXX: typePrefrix is being ignored. This is an artifact of the
+        #      transition from old metadata system to new...
+        if self._cache is None:
+            self._update_cache(cursor)
+        v = self._cache.get(name)
+        if v is None:
+            return default
+        else:
+            return v
+    def _dict(self, cursor):
+        """Database interaction to return to implement dict()"""
+        if self._cache is None:
+            self._update_cache(cursor)
+        d = {}
+        for k, v in self._cache.items():
+           d[k] = (v, 'text/plain')
+        return d
+    def _keys(self, cursor):
+        """Database interaction implementing keys()"""
+        if self._cache is None:
+            self._update_cache(cursor)
+        return self._cache.keys()
+class MetadataThumbnailCache(Cache.AbstractFileCache):
+    """A cache for thumbnails of image metadata, generated using PIL.
+       The cache is keyed by a target, metadata key, maximum
+       thumbnail size, and metadata key modification time.
+       """
+    # The mime type our generated thumbnails should be in
+    mimeType = 'image/png'
+    def miss(self, target, metadataKey, size, mtime=None):
+        # Get the metadata value first
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        target.metadata.getValue(metadataKey, typePrefix='image/').addCallback(
+            self.makeThumbnail, size, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def makeThumbnail(self, imageData, size, result):
+        i = Image.open(StringIO(imageData))
+        # Our thumbnails look much better if we paste the image into
+        # a larger transparent one first with a margin about equal to one
+        # pixel in our final thumbnail size. This smoothly blends
+        # the edge of the image to transparent rather than chopping
+        # off a fraction of a pixel. It looks, from experimentation,
+        # like this margin is only necessary on the bottom and right
+        # sides of the image.
+        margins = (i.size[0] // size[0] + 1,
+                   i.size[1] // size[1] + 1)
+        bg = Image.new("RGBA",
+                       (i.size[0] + margins[0],
+                        i.size[1] + margins[1]),
+                       (255, 255, 255, 0))
+        bg.paste(i, (0,0))
+        bg.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
+        tempFilename = self.getTempFilename()
+        bg.save(tempFilename, 'PNG')
+        result.callback(tempFilename)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Metadata.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Metadata.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Target.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Target.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Target.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+""" LibCIA.Stats.Target
+Implements the core objects for representing and
+interacting with stats targets.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import os, string
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.python import log
+from LibCIA import Ruleset, Database, TimeUtil, Files
+import time, posixpath, sys, cPickle, random
+from LibCIA.Stats.Metadata import Metadata
+from LibCIA.Stats.Messages import MessageBuffer
+class StatsTarget(object):
+    """Encapsulates all the stats-logging features used for one particular
+       target. This can be one project, one class of messages, etc.
+       Every StatsTarget is identified by a UNIX-style pathname.
+       The root stats target's path is the empty string.
+       This object doesn't store any of the actual data, it's just a way to
+       access the persistent data stored in our global SQL database.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, path=''):
+        self.setPath(path)
+        self._messages = None
+        self._counters = None
+        self._metadata = None
+    def _getMessages(self):
+        if self._messages is None:
+            self._messages = MessageBuffer(self.getDiskPath())
+        return self._messages
+    messages = property(_getMessages)
+    def _getCounters(self):
+        if self._counters is None:
+            self._counters = Counters(self)
+        return self._counters
+    counters = property(_getCounters)
+    def _getMetadata(self):
+        if self._metadata is None:
+            self._metadata = Metadata(self)
+        return self._metadata
+    metadata = property(_getMetadata)
+    def setPath(self, path):
+        # Remove leading and trailing slashes, remove duplicate
+        # slashes, process '.' and '..' directories. We don't
+        # allow paths beginning with '.' or '_'.
+        self.pathSegments = []
+        for segment in path.split('/'):
+            if segment == '..':
+                if self.pathSegments:
+                    del self.pathSegments[-1]
+            elif segment in ('.', ''):
+                pass
+            elif segment[0] in ('.', '_'):
+                raise ValueError("Stats path segment %r begins with a reserved character"
+                                 % segment)
+            else:
+                self.pathSegments.append(segment)
+        self.path = '/'.join(self.pathSegments)
+        # Our database uses VARCHAR(128), make sure this fits
+        if len(self.path) > 128:
+            raise Ruleset.InvalidURIException("Stats paths are currently limited to 128 characters")
+        # Our name is the last path segment, or None if we're the root
+        if self.pathSegments:
+            self.name = self.pathSegments[-1]
+        else:
+            self.name = None
+    def getDiskPath(self):
+        """Every target gets a directory on disk. This returns it, without any
+           guarantee that it exists yet.
+           """
+        return Files.tryGetDir(Files.dbDir, 'stats', *map(string.lower, self.pathSegments))
+    def deliver(self, message=None):
+        """An event has occurred which should be logged by this stats target"""
+        if message:
+            self.messages.push(unicode(message).encode('utf-8'))
+            # XXX:
+            # We want to close the file now, even if this StatsTarget instance lingers
+            # for a while due to references from Deferreds. I've seen StatsTargets stick
+            # around for a seemingly infinite amount of time- probably a side effect of
+            # all the circular references between here and Messages/Counters :(
+            self.messages.close()
+        self.counters.increment()
+        # XXX: Disable subscriptions for speed. Nobody uses them anyway.
+        # SubscriptionDelivery(self).notify('messages')
+    def child(self, name):
+        """Return the StatsTarget for the given sub-target name under this one"""
+        return StatsTarget(posixpath.join(self.path, name))
+    def parent(self):
+        """Return the parent StatsTarget of this one, or None if we're the root"""
+        if self.path:
+            return self.child('..')
+    def catalog(self):
+        """Return a list of StatsTargets instances representing all children of this target"""
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._catalog)
+    def getTitle(self):
+        """Return the human-readable title of this stats target. In
+           decreasing order of preference, this is:
+             - our 'title' metadata key
+             - self.name, the last segment of our path
+             - 'Stats'
+           The result will always be a Deferred.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        self.metadata.getValue('title').addCallback(self._getTitle, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _getTitle(self, metadataTitle, result):
+        if metadataTitle is not None:
+            result.callback(metadataTitle)
+        elif self.name:
+            result.callback(self.name)
+        else:
+            result.callback('Stats')
+    def getMTime(self):
+        """Get the modification time of this stats target, in seconds since the epoch.
+           Currently this ignores metadata changes and reports the lastEventTime of the
+           'forever' event counter. The result will be delivered via a Deferred.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        self.counters.getCounter('forever').addCallback(
+            self._getMTime, result
+            ).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _getMTime(self, counter, result):
+        if counter:
+            result.callback(counter['lastEventTime'])
+        else:
+            result.callback(None)
+    def clear(self):
+        """Delete everything associated with this stats target. Returns a Deferred
+           indicating the completion of this operation.
+           """
+        # Delete the item in stats_target- the other tables will be
+        # deleted due to cascading foreign keys
+        return Database.pool.runOperation("DELETE FROM stats_catalog WHERE target_path = %s" %
+                                          Database.quote(self.path, 'varchar'))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<StatsTarget at %r>" % self.path
+    def _create(self, cursor):
+        """Internal function to create a new stats target, meant to be run from
+           inside a database interaction. This is actually a recursive operation
+           that tries to create parent stats targets if necessary.
+           NOTE: this -must- ignore duplicate keys to avoid a race condition in which
+                 one thread, in _autoCreateTargetFor, decides to create a new target
+                 but before that target is fully created another thread also decides
+                 it needs a new target.
+           """
+        parent = self.parent()
+        if parent:
+            # If we have a parent, we have to worry about creating it
+            # if it doesn't exist and generating the proper parent path.
+            parent._autoCreateTargetFor(cursor, cursor.execute,
+                                        "INSERT IGNORE INTO stats_catalog (parent_path, target_path) VALUES(%s, %s)" %
+                                        (Database.quote(parent.path, 'varchar'),
+                                         Database.quote(self.path, 'varchar')))
+        else:
+            # This is the root node. We still need to insert a parent to keep the
+            # table consistent, but our parent in this case is NULL.
+            cursor.execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO stats_catalog (target_path) VALUES(%s)" %
+                           Database.quote(self.path, 'varchar'))
+    def _autoCreateTargetFor(self, cursor, func, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Run the given function. If an exception occurs that looks like a violated
+           foreign key constraint, add our path to the database and try
+           again (without attempting to catch any exceptions).
+           This is fast way to create stats targets that don't exist without
+           a noticeable performance penalty when executing operations on
+           existing stats targets.
+           NOTE: This is meant to be run inside a database interaction, hence
+                 a cursor is required. This cursor will be used to
+                 create the new stats target if one is required.
+           """
+        try:
+            func(*args, **kwargs)
+        except:
+            # Cheesy way to detect foreign key errors without being too DBMS-specific
+            if str(sys.exc_info()[1]).find("foreign key") >= 0:
+                self._create(cursor)
+                func(*args, **kwargs)
+            else:
+                raise
+    def _catalog(self, cursor):
+        """Database interaction representing the internals of catalog()"""
+        cursor.execute("SELECT target_path FROM stats_catalog WHERE parent_path = %s" %
+                            Database.quote(self.path, 'varchar'))
+        results = []
+        while True:
+            row = cursor.fetchone()
+            if row is None:
+                break
+            results.append(StatsTarget(row[0]))
+        return results
+class SubscriptionDelivery:
+    """The object responsible for actually notifiying entities that
+       have subscribed to a stats target.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, target):
+        self.target = target
+    def notify(self, scope):
+        """Notify all subscribers to this stats target of a change in 'scope'"""
+        # Get a list of applicable triggers from the database
+        Database.pool.runQuery("SELECT id, `trigger` FROM stats_subscriptions "
+                               "WHERE target_path = %s "
+                               "AND (scope is NULL or scope = %s)" %
+                               (Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar'),
+                                Database.quote(scope, 'varchar'))).addCallback(self.runTriggers)
+    def runTriggers(self, rows):
+        """After retrieving a list of applicable triggers, this calls them.
+           'rows' should be a sequence of (id, trigger) tuples.
+           """
+        if rows:
+            log.msg("Notifying %d subscribers for %r" % (len(rows), self.target))
+        for id, trigger in rows:
+            f, args, kwargs = cPickle.loads(trigger)
+            defer.maybeDeferred(f, *args, **kwargs).addCallback(
+                self.triggerSuccess, id).addErrback(
+                self.triggerFailure, id)
+    def triggerSuccess(self, result, id):
+        """Record a successful trigger run for the given subscription id"""
+        # Zero the consecutive failure count
+        Database.pool.runOperation("UPDATE stats_subscriptions SET failures = 0 WHERE id = %s" %
+                                   Database.quote(id, 'bigint'))
+    def triggerFailure(self, failure, id):
+        """Record an unsuccessful trigger run for the given subscription id"""
+        Database.pool.runInteraction(self._triggerFailure, failure, id)
+    def _triggerFailure(self, cursor, failure, id, maxFailures=3):
+        # Increment the consecutive failure count
+        log.msg("Failed to notify subscriber %d for %r: %r" % (id, self.target, failure))
+        cursor.execute("UPDATE stats_subscriptions SET failures = failures + 1 WHERE id = %s" %
+                       Database.quote(id, 'bigint'))
+        # Cancel the subscription if we've had too many failures
+        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM stats_subscriptions WHERE id = %s AND failures > %s" %
+                       (Database.quote(id, 'bigint'),
+                        Database.quote(maxFailures, 'int')))
+        if cursor.rowcount:
+            log.msg("Unsubscribing subscriber %d for %r, more than %d consecutive failures" %
+                    (id, self.target, maxFailures))
+class Counters:
+    """A set of counters which are used together to track how many
+       events occur and how frequently in each of several time intervals.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, target):
+        self.target = target
+        self.cache = None
+    def increment(self):
+        """Increment all applicable counters, signaling the arrival of a new event"""
+        # Automatically create the stats target if it doesn't exist
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._incrementWrapper)
+    def _incrementWrapper(self, cursor):
+        """Database interaction implementing increment(). Ensures
+           the stats target exists while calling _increment().
+           """
+        self.target._autoCreateTargetFor(cursor, self._increment, cursor)
+    def _createCounter(self, cursor, name):
+        """Internal function to create one blank counter if it doesn't exist."""
+        try:
+            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO stats_counters (target_path, name) VALUES(%s, %s)" %
+                           (Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar'),
+                            Database.quote(name, 'varchar')))
+        except:
+            # Ignore duplicate key errors
+            if str(sys.exc_info()[1]).find("duplicate key") < 0:
+                raise
+    def _increment(self, cursor):
+        """Internal function, run within a database interaction, that ensures
+           all required counters exist then updates them all.
+           """
+        self._incrementCounter(cursor, 'forever')
+        self._incrementCounter(cursor, 'today')
+        self._incrementCounter(cursor, 'thisWeek')
+        self._incrementCounter(cursor, 'thisMonth')
+    def _incrementCounter(self, cursor, name):
+        """Increment one counter, creating it if necessary"""
+        now = int(time.time())
+        # Invalidate the cache for this counter if we have one
+        self.cache = None
+        # Insert a default value, which will be ignored if the counter already exists
+        cursor.execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO stats_counters (target_path, name, first_time) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)" %
+                       (Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar'),
+                        Database.quote(name, 'varchar'),
+                        Database.quote(now, 'bigint')))
+        # Increment the counter and update its timestamp
+        cursor.execute("UPDATE stats_counters SET "
+                       "event_count = event_count + 1,"
+                       "last_time = %s "
+                       "WHERE target_path = %s AND name = %s" %
+                       (Database.quote(now, 'bigint'),
+                        Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar'),
+                        Database.quote(name, 'varchar')))
+    def getCounter(self, name):
+        """Return a Deferred that eventually results in a dictionary,
+           including the following keys:
+           firstEventTime : The time, in UTC seconds since the epoch, when the first event occurred
+           lastEventTime  : The time when the most recent event occurred
+           eventCount     : The number of events that have occurred
+           """
+        if self.cache is not None:
+            result = defer.Deferred()
+            result.callback(self.cache.get(name))
+            return result
+        else:
+            return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._getCounter, name)
+    def dict(self):
+        """Return a Deferred that eventually results in a dictionary mapping
+           counter name to the dictionary that would be returned by getCounter.
+           """
+        if self.cache is not None:
+            # This is the cache itself
+            result = defer.Deferred()
+            result.callback(self.cache)
+            return result
+        else:
+            return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._dict)
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._dict)
+    def _updateCache(self, cursor):
+        """Database interaction to update our counter cache"""
+        cursor.execute("SELECT name, first_time, last_time, event_count FROM stats_counters WHERE"
+                       " target_path = %s" %
+                       Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar'))
+        results = {}
+        while True:
+            row = cursor.fetchone()
+            if row is None:
+                break
+            results[row[0]] = {
+                'firstEventTime': row[1],
+                'lastEventTime':  row[2],
+                'eventCount':     row[3],
+                }
+        self.cache = results
+    def _getCounter(self, cursor, name):
+        """Database interaction implementing getCounter"""
+        self._updateCache(cursor)
+        return self.cache.get(name)
+    def _dict(self, cursor):
+        """Database interaction implementing _getCounterDict"""
+        self._updateCache(cursor)
+        return self.cache
+    def clear(self):
+        """Delete all counters for this target. Returns a Deferred"""
+        self.cache = {}
+        return Database.pool.runOperation("DELETE FROM stats_counters WHERE target_path = %s" %
+                                          Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar'))
+class Maintenance:
+    """This class performs periodic maintenance of the stats database, including
+       counter rollover and removing old messages.
+       """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.targetQueue = []
+    def run(self):
+        """Performs one stats maintenance cycle, returning a Deferred that
+           yields None when the maintenance is complete.
+           """
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._run)
+    def _run(self, cursor):
+        """Database interaction implementing the maintenance cycle"""
+        self.checkRollovers(cursor)
+        self.pruneSubscriptions(cursor)
+    def checkOneRollover(self, cursor, previous, current):
+        """Check for rollovers in one pair of consecutive time intervals,
+           like yesterday/today or lastMonth/thisMonth. This is meant to
+           be run inside a database interaction.
+           """
+        # Delete counters that are too old to bother keeping at all
+        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM stats_counters "
+                       "WHERE (name = %s OR name = %s) "
+                       "AND first_time < %s" %
+                       (Database.quote(previous, 'varchar'),
+                        Database.quote(current, 'varchar'),
+                        Database.quote(long(TimeUtil.Interval(previous).getFirstTimestamp()), 'bigint')))
+        # Roll over remaining counters that are too old for current
+        # but still within the range of previous. Note that there is a
+        # race condition in which this update will fail because a timer
+        # has been incremented between it and the above DELETE. It could
+        # be prevented by locking the table, but it's probably not worth
+        # it. If the rollover fails this time, it will get another chance.
+        cursor.execute("UPDATE stats_counters SET name = %s "
+                       "WHERE name = %s "
+                       "AND first_time < %s" %
+                       (Database.quote(previous, 'varchar'),
+                        Database.quote(current, 'varchar'),
+                        Database.quote(long(TimeUtil.Interval(current).getFirstTimestamp()), 'bigint')))
+    def checkRollovers(self, cursor):
+        """Check all applicable counters for rollovers. This should
+           be executed inside a database interaction.
+           """
+        self.checkOneRollover(cursor, 'yesterday', 'today')
+        self.checkOneRollover(cursor, 'lastWeek', 'thisWeek')
+        self.checkOneRollover(cursor, 'lastMonth', 'thisMonth')
+    def pruneSubscriptions(self, cursor, maxFailures=3):
+        """Delete subscriptions that have expired"""
+        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM stats_subscriptions WHERE expiration < %s" %
+                       Database.quote(int(time.time()), 'bigint'))
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Target.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/Target.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/__init__.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/__init__.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+""" LibCIA.Stats
+The stats subsystem of CIA provides a way to associate messages
+with 'stats targets', storing and retrieving the resulting data.
+A target is a place messages can be delivered, identified by
+a unix-style path name. Note that this path has no connection
+to the real filesystem, it's just a convenient notation.
+When a message is delivered to a stats target, the message itself
+is stored in a FIFO, counters keeping track of that target's
+activity are incremented, and associations between stats targets
+are strengthened.
+Additionally, metadata can be assigned to these stats targets
+to help present them in a less abstract way.
+This package is the backend for the stats system. It takes care
+of actually storing and retrieving the data, and it provides
+python and XML-RPC interfaces to this functionality. Messages
+are directed into the stats subsystem using a stats:// URI handler.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Convenience imports
+import Handler
+import Interface
+import Target
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/__init__.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Stats/__init__.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/TimeUtil.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/TimeUtil.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/TimeUtil.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+""" LibCIA.TimeUtil
+Date/time utilities. This includes a class for representing common
+time intervals like 'today' and 'last week', and methods for formatting
+dates and durations.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import Units
+import time, datetime, calendar
+class Interval(object):
+    """Represents some interval of time, like 'yesterday' or 'this week'.
+       Provides functions for returning the bounds of the
+       interval and testing whether a particular time is within it.
+       Represents time using datetime objects. By default, the interval
+       is created relative to the current date and time in UTC. To override
+       this, a datetime object can be passed to the constructor.
+       Interval is constructed with the name of the interval
+       it should represent.
+       >>> now = datetime.datetime(2003, 12, 19, 2, 19, 39, 50279)
+       >>> Interval('today', now)
+       <Interval from 2003-12-19 00:00:00 to 2003-12-20 00:00:00>
+       >>> Interval('yesterday', now)
+       <Interval from 2003-12-18 00:00:00 to 2003-12-19 00:00:00>
+       >>> Interval('thisWeek', now)
+       <Interval from 2003-12-15 00:00:00 to 2003-12-22 00:00:00>
+       >>> Interval('lastWeek', now)
+       <Interval from 2003-12-08 00:00:00 to 2003-12-15 00:00:00>
+       >>> Interval('thisMonth', now)
+       <Interval from 2003-12-01 00:00:00 to 2004-01-01 00:00:00>
+       >>> Interval('lastMonth', now)
+       <Interval from 2003-11-01 00:00:00 to 2003-12-01 00:00:00>
+       """
+    def __init__(self, name, now=None):
+        if not now:
+            now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+        self.range = getattr(self, name)(now)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<Interval from %s to %s>" % self.range
+    def __contains__(self, dt):
+        if not isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime):
+            dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(dt)
+        return dt >= self.range[0] and dt < self.range[1]
+    def getFirstTimestamp(self):
+        """Return the first timestamp value within this range"""
+        return datetimeToTimestamp(self.range[0])
+    def today(self, now):
+        midnightToday = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
+        midnightTomorrow = midnightToday + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+        return (midnightToday, midnightTomorrow)
+    def yesterday(self, now):
+        midnightToday = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
+        midnightYesterday = midnightToday - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+        return (midnightYesterday, midnightToday)
+    def thisWeek(self, now):
+        midnightToday = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
+        beginning = midnightToday - datetime.timedelta(days=calendar.weekday(now.year, now.month, now.day))
+        end = beginning + datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)
+        return (beginning, end)
+    def lastWeek(self, now):
+        thisWeek = self.thisWeek(now)
+        return (thisWeek[0] - datetime.timedelta(weeks=1), thisWeek[0])
+    def thisMonth(self, now):
+        beginning = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, day=1)
+        try:
+            end = beginning.replace(month=now.month+1)
+        except ValueError:
+            # Next year
+            end = beginning.replace(month=1, year=now.year+1)
+        return (beginning, end)
+    def lastMonth(self, now):
+        end = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, day=1)
+        try:
+            beginning = end.replace(month=now.month-1)
+        except ValueError:
+            # Last year
+            beginning = end.replace(month=12, year=now.year-1)
+        return (beginning, end)
+formatDuration = Units.TimeUnits().format
+def formatDate(t):
+    """Format a date, in UTC seconds since the epoch.
+       This should use a format that doesn't necessarily adhere to
+       any standard, but is easy to read and fairly universal.
+       """
+    return time.strftime("%H:%M on %b %d, %Y", time.gmtime(t))
+def formatRelativeDate(t):
+    """Like formatDate, this is an arbitrary format chosen to be
+       easily human-readable, but this function is allowed to
+       render it relative to the current time.
+       """
+    now = time.time()
+    delta = int(now - t)
+    if delta < 0:
+        return "%ss in the future" % -delta
+    if delta < 1:
+        return "< 1 sec ago"
+    if delta < 60:
+        return "%d sec ago" % delta
+    delta /= 60
+    if delta < 60:
+        return "%d min ago" % delta
+    tmNow = time.gmtime(now)
+    tm = time.gmtime(t)
+    if tm.tm_year == tmNow.tm_year:
+        if tm.tm_yday == tmNow.tm_yday:
+            return time.strftime("%H:%M today", tm)
+        if tm.tm_yday == tmNow.tm_yday - 1:
+            return time.strftime("%H:%M yesterday", tm)
+        if tmNow.tm_yday - tm.tm_yday < 7:
+            return time.strftime("%H:%M %A", tm)
+        return time.strftime("%H:%M on %b %d", tm)
+    return time.strftime("%H:%M on %b %d, %Y", tm)
+def formatLogDate(t):
+    """Format a date in the format they should be in our log file.
+       This should look just like the date Twisted puts in automatically,
+       in the local time zone.
+       """
+    y,mon,d,h,min, iigg,nnoo,rree,daylight = time.localtime(t)
+    return "%0.4d/%0.2d/%0.2d %0.2d:%0.2d %s" % (
+        y, mon, d, h, min, time.tzname[daylight])
+def formatDateRFC822(t):
+    """Format a date, in UTC seconds since the epoch, using RFC822 formatting"""
+    return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime(t))
+def formatDateISO8601(t):
+    """Format a date, in UTC seconds since the epoch, using ISO 8601 format"""
+    return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(t))
+def mktime_utc(data):
+    t = time.mktime(data[:8] + (0,))
+    return t - time.timezone
+def datetimeToTimestamp(datetime):
+    """Convert a UTC datetime object to a UTC timestamp"""
+    return mktime_utc(datetime.utctimetuple())
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/TimeUtil.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/TimeUtil.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Units.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Units.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Units.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+""" LibCIA.Units
+A small framework for defining collections of units for a particular
+quantity and formatting values with a proper unit automatically.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from __future__ import division
+class UnitCollection:
+    """An abstract group of units for some quntity"""
+    # A list of (singular name, plural name, multiplier) tuples.
+    # Must be sorted by multiplier in descending order.
+    units = []
+    # If the converted value would be less than this
+    # threshold, a smaller unit will be chosen.
+    threshold = 0.8
+    # Smallest decimal place to represent
+    precision = 0.01
+    def format(self, value):
+        """Pick an appropriate unit and format the given value"""
+        for singular, plural, multiplier in self.units:
+            converted = value / multiplier
+            if converted > self.threshold:
+                break
+        # Round the converted value to our set precision
+        converted += self.precision / 2
+        converted -= converted % self.precision
+        # Is it close enough to 1 to use our singular form?
+        if abs(converted - 1) < self.precision:
+            unit = singular
+        else:
+            unit = plural
+        # Chop off the trailing .0 if there is one
+        s = str(converted)
+        if s.endswith('.0'):
+            s = s[:-2]
+        return s + ' ' + unit
+class TimeUnits(UnitCollection):
+    """Time units, standard unit is 1 second"""
+    units = [
+        ('year',        'years',        365 * 24 * 60 * 60),
+        ('month',       'months',       30 * 24 * 60 * 60),
+        ('week',        'weeks',        7 * 24 * 60 * 60),
+        ('day',         'days',         24 * 60 * 60),
+        ('hour',        'hours',        60 * 60),
+        ('minute',      'minutes',      60),
+        ('second',      'seconds',      1),
+        ('millisecond', 'milliseconds', 0.001),
+        ('microsecond', 'microseconds', 0.000001),
+        ]
+class StorageUnits(UnitCollection):
+    """Storage unit, standard is 1 bytes"""
+    units = [
+        ('TB',   'TB',    1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024),
+        ('GB',   'GB',    1024 * 1024 * 1024),
+        ('MB',   'MB',    1024 * 1024),
+        ('kB',   'kB',    1024),
+        ('byte', 'bytes', 1),
+        ]
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Units.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Units.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Info.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Info.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Info.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Info
+Just a cute little page with informational doodads on it.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from __future__ import division
+import Template, Server
+from LibCIA import TimeUtil, XML, Database, Units, Cache
+from Nouvelle import place, tag
+import LibCIA, Nouvelle
+from twisted.internet import defer
+import time, sys, os
+class Component(Server.Component):
+    """A server component showing the info page"""
+    name = 'Server Info'
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.resource = Page()
+    def __contains__(self, page):
+        return isinstance(page, Page)
+class Clock(Template.Section):
+    title = 'UTC clock'
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        return [TimeUtil.formatDate(time.time())]
+class Version(Template.Section):
+    title = 'version'
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        rows = [Template.value[LibCIA.__version__]]
+        svnRev = self.getSvnRevision()
+        if svnRev:
+            rows.append(["SVN revision ", Template.value[svnRev]])
+        rows.append(["Database version ", self.getDbVersion()])
+        return rows
+    def getSvnRevision(self):
+        """Return the current Subversion repository revision, or None
+           if we're not in an svn working copy or it can't be parsed.
+           """
+        try:
+            entries = XML.parseString(open(".svn/entries").read()).documentElement
+            highestRev = 0
+            for tag in XML.getChildElements(entries):
+                if tag.nodeName == 'entry':
+                    rev = tag.getAttributeNS(None, 'committed-rev')
+                    if rev and rev > highestRev:
+                        highestRev = rev
+            return highestRev
+        except:
+            return None
+    def getDbVersion(self):
+        """Return our database's schema version via a Deferred"""
+        return Database.pool.runInteraction(self._getDbVersion)
+    def _getDbVersion(self, cursor):
+        cursor.execute("SELECT value FROM meta WHERE name = 'version'")
+        row = cursor.fetchone()
+        if row:
+            return Template.value[ row[0] ]
+        else:
+            return Template.error["unknown"]
+class WebServer(Template.Section):
+    title = 'web server'
+    def render_requestCount(self, context):
+        return context['request'].site.requestCount
+    def render_uptime(self, context):
+        return TimeUtil.formatDuration(time.time() - context['request'].site.serverStartTime)
+    def render_mtbr(self, context):
+        site = context['request'].site
+        if site.requestCount > 0:
+            return TimeUtil.formatDuration((time.time() - site.serverStartTime) / site.requestCount)
+        else:
+            return Template.error["unknown"]
+    rows = [
+               [
+                   Template.value[ place('requestCount') ],
+                   ' requests have been processed since the server was loaded',
+               ],
+               [
+                   'The server has been up for ',
+                   Template.value[ place('uptime') ],
+               ],
+               [
+                   'On average, there is a request every ',
+                   Template.value[ place('mtbr') ],
+               ],
+           ]
+class IndexedStorageColumn(Nouvelle.IndexedColumn):
+    """An IndexedColumn that renders its content as a
+       size, in bytes- rescaled into an appropriate unit
+       """
+    def render_data(self, context, row):
+        return Units.StorageUnits().format(self.getValue(row))
+class HitRatioColumn(Nouvelle.Column):
+    """Show the ratio of hits to total cache accesses, as a percentage"""
+    heading = 'hit ratio'
+    def getValue(self, perf):
+        total = perf.hits + perf.misses
+        if total > 0:
+            return perf.hits / total * 100
+    def render_data(self, context, perf):
+        value = self.getValue(perf)
+        if value is None:
+            return Template.error["unknown"]
+        else:
+            return "%.02f %%" % value
+class CachePerformance(Template.Section):
+    title = 'cache performance'
+    columns = [
+        Nouvelle.AttributeColumn('name', 'name'),
+        Nouvelle.AttributeColumn('hits', 'hits'),
+        Nouvelle.AttributeColumn('misses', 'misses'),
+        HitRatioColumn(),
+        ]
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        perfList = list(Cache.getCachePerformanceList())
+        if perfList:
+            return [Template.Table(perfList, self.columns, id='cachePerf')]
+        else:
+            return []
+class DbTables(Template.Section):
+    title = 'database tables'
+    columns = [
+        Nouvelle.IndexedColumn('name', 0),
+        IndexedStorageColumn('data size', 5),
+        IndexedStorageColumn('index size', 7),
+        Nouvelle.IndexedColumn('type', 1),
+        Nouvelle.IndexedColumn('approx. rows', 3),
+        ]
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        # Fetch the results of a 'show table status' before we can do anything
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        Database.pool.runQuery('SHOW TABLE STATUS').addCallback(
+            self._render_rows, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_rows(self, tableInfo, result):
+        result.callback([
+            Template.Table(list(tableInfo), self.columns, id='db'),
+            ])
+class System(Template.Section):
+    title = 'system'
+    def render_pyInfo(self, context):
+        result = []
+        for line in ('Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform)).split("\n"):
+            if result:
+                result.append(tag('br'))
+            result.append(line)
+        return result
+    def render_sysUptime(self, context):
+        # This only works on linux systems for now
+        try:
+            seconds = float(open("/proc/uptime").read().split()[0])
+        except:
+            return "System uptime unknown"
+        else:
+            return ["This system has been up for ",
+                    Template.value[ TimeUtil.formatDuration(seconds) ]]
+    def render_load(self, context):
+        # Also only works on linux now
+        try:
+            load = os.getloadavg()
+        except OSError:
+            return "Load average unknown"
+        else:
+            return ["Load average: ",
+                    Template.value[ load[0] ],
+                    " ", load[1], " ", load[2]]
+    rows = [
+               place('pyInfo'),
+               place('sysUptime'),
+               place('load'),
+           ]
+class Page(Template.Page):
+    """A web page showing information about the server"""
+    mainTitle = 'Server Info'
+    subTitle = 'so that everyone needs to hang on tighter just to keep from being thrown to the wolves'
+    leftColumn = [
+        Version(),
+        Clock(),
+        ]
+    mainColumn = [
+        WebServer(),
+        System(),
+        CachePerformance(),
+        DbTables(),
+        ]
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Info.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Info.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Overview.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Overview.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Overview.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Overview
+A front page for CIA showing a concise overview of the day's open
+source development activity.
+Note that this is currently the *only* module in CIA that makes
+assumptions about the way the stats hierarchy is organized. If you
+have CIA set up differently, you will need to modify this page
+or choose not to use it in your .tac file.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import random
+import Template
+from LibCIA import Database
+from LibCIA.Stats import Target
+from LibCIA.Web.Stats import Columns
+from Nouvelle import tag, place
+import Nouvelle
+from twisted.internet import defer
+class ActivitySection(Template.Section):
+    """A Section displaying links to the most or least active items within
+       a given stats target.
+       """
+    query = """
+        STAT.target_path,
+        ST.title,
+        ICO.path,
+        STAT.%(counter_attrib)s,
+        ICO.width,
+        ICO.height
+    FROM stats_counters STAT FORCE INDEX (%(counter_attrib)s)
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN stats_catalog  T           ON (STAT.target_path = T.target_path)
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN stats_statstarget ST       ON (T.target_path = ST.path)
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN images_imageinstance ICO   ON (ICO.source_id = IF(ST.icon_id IS NOT NULL, ST.icon_id, ST.photo_id) AND ICO.thumbnail_size = 32)
+        WHERE STAT.name = %(counter)s AND T.parent_path = %(path)s
+    ORDER BY STAT.%(counter_attrib)s %(sort)s
+    LIMIT %(limit)d
+    """
+    def __init__(self, targetPath, title,
+                 numItems      = 15,
+                 counter       = 'today',
+                 counterAttrib = 'event_count',
+                 sort          = 'DESC',
+                 columnTitle   = 'events today',
+                 ):
+        self.targetPath = targetPath
+        self.title = title
+        self.numItems = numItems
+        self.counter = counter
+        self.counterAttrib = counterAttrib
+        self.sort = sort
+        self.columnTitle = columnTitle
+        self.title = title
+        self.initQuery()
+        self.initColumns()
+    def initQuery(self):
+        self.query = self.query % dict(
+            path = Database.quote(self.targetPath, 'varchar'),
+            limit = self.numItems,
+            counter = Database.quote(self.counter, 'varchar'),
+            counter_attrib = self.counterAttrib,
+            sort = self.sort,
+            )
+    def initColumns(self):
+        self.columns = [
+            Columns.IndexedIconColumn(iconIndex=2, widthIndex=4, heightIndex=5),
+            Columns.TargetTitleColumn(pathIndex=0, titleIndex=1),
+            Columns.IndexedBargraphColumn(self.columnTitle, 3),
+            ]
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        # First we run a big SQL query to gather all the data for this catalog.
+        # Control is passed to _render_rows once we have the query results.
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        Database.pool.runQuery(self.query).addCallback(
+            self._render_rows, context, result
+            ).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_rows(self, queryResults, context, result):
+        # Use a non-resortable table for this, since we've already dictated
+        # how our data is sorted in the SQL query and the user can't do much about it yet.
+        result.callback([Nouvelle.Table.BaseTable(list(queryResults), self.columns)])
+class TimestampSection(ActivitySection):
+    """A section showing the newest or oldest items within a stats target"""
+    def __init__(self, targetPath, title,
+                 numItems      = 15,
+                 counter       = 'forever',
+                 counterAttrib = 'first_time',
+                 sort          = 'DESC',
+                 columnTitle   = 'first event',
+                 ):
+        ActivitySection.__init__(self, targetPath, title, numItems,
+                                 counter, counterAttrib, sort, columnTitle)
+    def initColumns(self):
+        self.columns = [
+            Columns.IndexedIconColumn(iconIndex=2, widthIndex=4, heightIndex=5),
+            Columns.TargetTitleColumn(pathIndex=0, titleIndex=1),
+            Columns.TargetLastEventColumn(self.columnTitle, 3),
+            ]
+class OverviewPage(Template.Page):
+    """A web page showing an overview of open source activity, meant to
+       be used as a front page for the CIA web site. We want to act as
+       a jumping-off point for the rest of the site, so this page doesn't
+       include its own sidebar- it will copy the sidebar from a given page.
+       """
+    titleElements = [
+        tag('img', _class='banner', src='/media/img/banner-70-nb.png', width=329, height=52,
+            alt='CIA.vc: The open source version control informant.'),
+    ]
+    logoElements = []
+    heading = Template.pageBody[
+        "This is a brief overview of the information collected recently. ",
+        tag("a", href="/doc")[ "Learn more about CIA" ],
+        ]
+    def __init__(self, sidebarPath='doc/.default.sidebar'):
+        self.leftColumn = self._loadSidebar(sidebarPath)
+    def _loadSidebar(self, path):
+        """Load sidebar links from a simple text file format.
+           Lines beginning with a dash specify a new section heading,
+           links are made by lines of the form 'title :: URL'.
+           Other lines are ignored.
+           """
+        sections = []
+        for line in open(path).xreadlines():
+            line = line.strip()
+            if not line:
+                continue
+            if line[0] == '-':
+                sections.append(Template.StaticSection(line[1:].strip()))
+                continue
+            pieces = line.split("::", 1)
+            if len(pieces) > 1:
+                title, url = pieces
+                sections[-1].rows.append( tag('a', href=url.strip())[title.strip()] )
+        return sections
+    def render_mainColumn(self, context):
+        return [
+            self.heading,
+            [
+                Template.SectionGrid(
+                    [
+                        ActivitySection("project", "Most active projects today"),
+                        ActivitySection("author", "Most active authors today"),
+                    ],
+                    [
+                        TimestampSection("project", "Newest projects"),
+                        TimestampSection("author", "Newest authors"),
+                    ],
+                ),
+            ]
+        ]
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Overview.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Overview.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/RegexTransform.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/RegexTransform.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/RegexTransform.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.RegexTransform
+Applies formatting to text in Nouvelle trees using regular expressions.
+Each formatting class includes a dictionary of regular expressions mapped
+to handler functions. When a regular expression is encountered, the handler
+is called with the match object and the returned Nouvelle tree is inserted
+in the original text's place.
+This system can be used to auto-hyperlink URLs, format source code, and
+probably much more.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import re, types, Nouvelle
+import Template
+class RegexTransformBase(object):
+    """Abstract base class for regex transformation engines. Subclasses
+       must provide their own 'regexes' dictionary, mapping regex
+       strings or compiled regexes to member functions. The constructor
+       for this class walks through the class' ancestors and compiles
+       regular expressions as necessary.
+       """
+    regexes = {}
+    def __init__(self):
+        # If this class doesn't have a compiled regex map, generate it
+        if not hasattr(self.__class__, '_compiled'):
+            self.__class__._compiled = self.compile()
+    def compile(self):
+        """Create a map of compiled regexes to handlers
+           for this class and all its ancestors.
+           """
+        c = {}
+        for cls in self.__class__.__mro__:
+            # Stop when we get to this base class
+            if cls is RegexTransformBase:
+                break
+            for uncompiled, handler in cls.regexes.iteritems():
+                if type(uncompiled) in types.StringTypes:
+                    compiled = re.compile(uncompiled)
+                else:
+                    compiled = uncompiled
+                c[compiled] = handler
+        return c
+    def apply(self, tree, memo={}):
+        """Recursively apply our compiled regexes to a Nouvelle tree,
+           returning the transformed Nouvelle tree.
+           """
+        if type(tree) is tuple or type(tree) is list:
+            return [self.apply(item, memo) for item in tree]
+        elif type(tree) in types.StringTypes:
+            # Yay, we found a string. Can we match any regexes?
+            # Remember in the memo each regex that we process
+            # so that we can avoid processing the same tree fragment
+            # with this regex again later.
+            memo = dict(memo)
+            for regex, handler in self.__class__._compiled.iteritems():
+                if regex in memo:
+                    continue
+                memo[regex] = 1
+                results = []
+                allStrings = True
+                # For each regex, scan our string for matches.
+                # Non-matched sections of the string and transformed
+                # matches are accumulated into 'results'. If all
+                # results are strings, the results are joined and
+                # we can move on to the next regex immediately.
+                # If not, we have to give this up now and recursively
+                # transform each result.
+                lastMatch = None
+                for match in regex.finditer(tree):
+                    # Store the fragment between the last match (if there was one)
+                    # and the beginning of this match.
+                    if lastMatch:
+                        start = lastMatch.end()
+                    else:
+                        start = 0
+                    results.append(tree[start:match.start()])
+                    # Store the transformed result of this match.
+                    # Note that we're passing self to handler!
+                    # This is a bit of a hack since the handlers in
+                    # self.regexes won't be bound methods normally.
+                    transformed = handler(self, match)
+                    results.append(transformed)
+                    if type(transformed) not in types.StringTypes:
+                        allStrings = False
+                    lastMatch = match
+                # Store the fragment between the last match and the end
+                if lastMatch:
+                    results.append(tree[lastMatch.end():])
+                    # If we can join the results back into a string, do so
+                    # and go ahead on to the next regex. If not, abort this
+                    # and recursively process the results.
+                    if allStrings:
+                        tree = "".join(results)
+                    else:
+                        return [self.apply(item, memo) for item in results]
+            return tree
+        elif isinstance(tree, Nouvelle.tag):
+            # Recursively process the tag's content
+            return tree[self.apply(tree.content, memo)]
+        # Anything else (hopefully a Nouvelle-serializable class) passes through unmodified
+        return tree
+class AutoHyperlink(RegexTransformBase):
+    """A transform class that automatically hyperlinks all URLs.
+       For Example:
+       >>> linker = AutoHyperlink()
+       >>> serial = Nouvelle.Serializer()
+       >>> tree = linker.apply('Visit http://foo.bar today for a free toothbrush')
+       >>> serial.render(tree)
+       'Visit <a href="http://foo.bar">http://foo.bar</a> today for a free toothbrush'
+       (This works for email addresses as well, but they aren't demonstrated here because
+       the automatic email address obfuscation is not deterministic)
+       """
+    def link_url(self, match):
+        url = match.group()
+        return Nouvelle.tag('a', href=url)[ url ]
+    def link_email(self, match):
+        address = match.group()
+        return Template.EmailLink("mailto:"+address)[ address ]
+    regexes = {
+        '(ht|f)tps?://[^\s\>\]\)]+':                    link_url,
+        '[\w\.\-\+]+@([0-9a-zA-Z\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]+':     link_email,
+        }
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/RegexTransform.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/RegexTransform.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Server.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Server.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Server.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Server
+General classes for CIA's web server, including subclasses of twisted.web's
+Site and Request classes.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.web import server, static
+from twisted.python import log
+import ServerPages
+import time, gc, os
+class Request(server.Request):
+    """A Request subclass overriding some default policies
+       of twisted.web, including exception reporting
+       """
+    def processingFailed(self, reason):
+        """A replacement for twisted.web's usual traceback page.
+           We disable the traceback and only report the actual exception,
+           for a few reasons:
+            - Often the data structures in use are large, and repr()'ing them
+              for the web page is very slow
+            - Showing the values of variables on the stack may disclose capability
+              keys or other values that the web users shouldn't be able to see
+            - The tracebacks really aren't any more helpful than the
+              ones reported to twistd.log :)
+        """
+        log.err(reason)
+        page = ServerPages.InternalErrorPage(reason)
+        page.render(self)
+        self.finish()
+        return reason
+    def getClientIP(self):
+        """Get the real IP address of our client. This is aware of proxies
+           that support the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header.
+           """
+        xff = self.getHeader('X-Forwarded-For')
+        if xff:
+            return xff.split(',', 1)[0].strip()
+        return server.Request.getClientIP(self)
+    def process(self):
+        # Allow environment variables to override the host/port of this machine,
+        # with an extra header to enable SSL. This is an alternative to VHostMonster
+        # that works with the "pound" proxy and load balancer.
+        host = os.getenv("REQUEST_HOST")
+        if host:
+            xfp = self.getHeader('X-Forwarded-Proto')
+            if xfp and xfp.strip().lower() == "https":
+                self.setHost(host, 443)
+                self.isSecure = lambda: 1
+            else:
+                self.setHost(host, int(os.getenv("REQUEST_PORT", 80)))
+                self.isSecure = lambda: 0
+        # Count this request, yay
+        server.Request.process(self)
+        self.site.requestCount += 1
+class File(static.File):
+    """A local subclass of static.File that overrides the default MIME type map
+       and directory listing behaviour. We would rather all the scripts in /clients
+       be given out as text/plain so they're easy to view in a browser, and the directory
+       listings should be given using our own template rather than Twisted's.
+       """
+    contentTypes = {
+        '.png':   'image/png',
+        '.ico':   'image/png',
+        '.jpeg':  'image/jpeg',
+        '.jpg':   'image/jpeg',
+        '.gif':   'image/gif',
+        '.xml':   'text/xml',
+        '.html':  'text/html',
+        '.css':   'text/css',
+        '.js':    'application/x-javascript',
+	'.svg':   'image/svg+xml',
+        }
+    def listNames(self):
+        """Override listNames to hide hidden files, like .svn and .xvpics"""
+        listing = static.File.listNames(self)
+        return [item for item in listing if not item.startswith(".")]
+    def directoryListing(self):
+        """Use our own directory lister rather than relying on Twisted's default.
+           This lets us keep the site's look more consistent, and doesn't pull
+           in all of Woven just for a silly listing page.
+           """
+        return ServerPages.DirectoryListing(self)
+class StaticJoiner(File):
+    """This web page acts mostly like a static.File, and all children
+       are files under the given directory- however this page itself
+       renders the provided 'index' page. This can be used to create
+       a dynamically generated front page that references static pages
+       or images as its children.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, path, indexPage,
+                 defaultType = "text/plain",
+                 ignoredExts = (),
+                 registry    = None,
+                 allowExt    = 0):
+        self.indexPage = indexPage
+        static.File.__init__(self, path, defaultType, ignoredExts, registry, allowExt)
+    def getChild(self, path, request):
+        if path:
+            return static.File.getChild(self, path, request)
+        else:
+            return self
+    def render(self, request):
+        return self.indexPage.render(request)
+    def createSimilarFile(self, path):
+        f = File(path, self.defaultType, self.ignoredExts, self.registry)
+        f.processors = self.processors
+        f.indexNames = self.indexNames[:]
+        return f
+class Component:
+    """A component is some top-level area of the site that is explicitly
+       assigned a URL and may be visible to the user in some sort of
+       site-wide navigation system. Every component must have a root URL
+       and a root resource- indeed, the major reason Components exist is
+       to give a subsystem a way to bind itself to a subset of a site's URL
+       space.
+       """
+    # The component's URL, will be set by the Site
+    url = None
+    # The component's resource, will be set by the component's constructor.
+    # Optional. Components implemented in the Django server won't have this.
+    resource = None
+    # The component's user-visible name, if it has one
+    name = None
+    def __init__(self, name=None):
+        self.name = name
+    def __contains__(self, page):
+        """Subclasses must implement this to test whether a page
+           belongs to this component.
+           """
+        return False
+class Site(server.Site):
+    """A twisted.web.server.Site subclass, to use our modified Request class"""
+    requestFactory = Request
+    def __init__(self, resource):
+        # Some extra widgets for tracking server uptime and hit count
+        self.requestCount = 0
+        self.serverStartTime = time.time()
+        self.components = []
+        server.Site.__init__(self, resource)
+    def putComponent(self, childName, component):
+        """Install the given component instance at 'childName'"""
+        component.url = '/' + childName
+        if component.resource:
+            self.resource.putChild(childName, component.resource)
+        self.components.append(component)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Server.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Server.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/ServerPages.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/ServerPages.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/ServerPages.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.ServerPages
+Web pages used internally to the server, including the "internal server error"
+page and a directory listing page.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.web import http
+from Nouvelle import tag, place, Twisted
+from LibCIA import TimeUtil, Units
+import Template
+import time, Nouvelle
+class InternalErrorPage(Twisted.Page):
+    """An internal server error page, generated when we encounter an exception
+       generating the intended page. This page should be fairly simple, so there's
+       little risk in it causing an exception also.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, failure):
+        self.failure = failure
+    def preRender(self, context):
+        request = context['request']
+        request.setHeader('content-type', "text/html")
+        request.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
+    def render_time(self, context):
+        return TimeUtil.formatDateRFC822(time.time())
+    def render_excType(self, context):
+        return str(self.failure.value.__class__)
+    def render_excValue(self, context):
+        return str(self.failure.value)
+    def render_traceback(self, context):
+        return self.failure.getTraceback()
+    def render_uri(self, context):
+        return context['request'].uri
+    document = tag('html')[
+                   tag('head')[
+                       tag('title')[ "Internal Server Error" ],
+                   ],
+                   tag('body')[
+                       tag('h2')[ "Internal Server Error" ],
+                       # Friendly message
+                       tag('p')[
+                           "Sorry, it looks like you just found a bug. If you would like to "
+                           "help us identify the problem, please email a copy of this page to the "
+                           "webmaster of this site along with a description of what happened. Thanks!"
+                       ],
+                       # Table of useful values
+                       tag('table', cellpadding=5) [
+                           tag('tr')[
+                               tag('td')[ tag('b')[ 'Current time:' ]],
+                               tag('td')[ place('time') ],
+                           ],
+                           tag('tr')[
+                               tag('td')[ tag('b')[ 'Requested path:' ]],
+                               tag('td')[ place('uri') ],
+                           ],
+                           tag('tr')[
+                               tag('td')[ tag('b')[ 'Exception type:' ]],
+                               tag('td')[ place('excType') ],
+                           ],
+                           tag('tr')[
+                               tag('td')[ tag('b')[ 'Exception value:' ]],
+                               tag('td')[ place('excValue') ],
+                           ],
+                       ],
+                       # Traceback
+                       tag('p')[
+                           tag('b')[ 'Traceback:' ],
+                       ],
+                       tag('p')[
+                           tag('pre')[ place('traceback') ],
+                       ],
+                   ],
+               ]
+class DirectoryListing(Template.Page):
+    """Generates pretty listings for static directories"""
+    def __init__(self, dir):
+        self.dir = dir
+        self.mainTitle = self.dir.basename()
+        self.subTitle = 'directory listing'
+        self.leftColumn = [
+            DirectoryTreeSection(self.dir)
+            ]
+        self.mainColumn = [
+            DirectoryContentsSection(self.dir)
+            ]
+class DirectoryTreeSection(Template.Section):
+    """A section showing this directory's location in the tree"""
+    title = 'tree'
+    def __init__(self, dir):
+        self.dir = dir
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        """Assemble our file tree in the form of nested dictionaries,
+           then let Template.FileTree render it.
+           """
+        request = context['request']
+        tree = {}
+        node = tree
+        urlSegments = ['']
+        # Walk down the tree putting in our ancestor directories
+        # (not counting the root directory, since navigating to
+        # it is better done using our tabs or site name link)
+        for path in request.prepath:
+            if path:
+                urlSegments.append(path)
+                link = tag('a', href="/".join(urlSegments))[ path ]
+                node = node.setdefault(link, {})
+        return [Template.FileTree(tree)]
+class FileNameColumn(Nouvelle.Column):
+    heading = 'name'
+    def getValue(self, file):
+        return file.basename()
+    def render_data(self, context, file):
+        """We hyperlink the file name, and give it an icon to indicate directory vs file"""
+        if file.isdir():
+            icon = Template.dirIcon
+        else:
+            icon = Template.fileIcon
+        name = file.basename()
+        return [
+            icon,
+            tag('a', href=name)[ name ],
+            ]
+class FileSizeColumn(Nouvelle.Column):
+    heading = 'size'
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.formatter = Units.StorageUnits().format
+    def getValue(self, file):
+        return file.getFileSize()
+    def render_data(self, context, file):
+        if file.isfile():
+            return self.formatter(file.getFileSize())
+        else:
+            return ''
+class DirectoryContentsSection(Template.Section):
+    """A section showing this directory's contents"""
+    title = 'directory contents'
+    columns = [
+        FileNameColumn(),
+        FileSizeColumn(),
+        ]
+    def __init__(self, dir):
+        self.dir = dir
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        files = self.dir.listEntities()
+        if files:
+            return [Template.Table(files, self.columns, id="contents")]
+        else:
+            return ["No visible files"]
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/ServerPages.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/ServerPages.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Browser.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Browser.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Browser.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Stats.Browser
+Implements CIA's actual stats browser pages. This uses Sections provided
+by other modules in this package, and detects magic URLs that rediect one
+to metadata or RSS pages.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.web import error, resource, server, http
+from LibCIA.Web import Template, Info, Server
+from LibCIA import Stats, Message, TimeUtil, Formatters, XML
+from Nouvelle import tag, place
+import Nouvelle, time, sys, posixpath, re
+import Metadata, Catalog, Feed, Link, MessageViewer, Graph
+class Component(Server.Component):
+    """A server component representing the whole stats interface"""
+    name = "Stats"
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.resource = Page(self)
+    def __contains__(self, page):
+        for cls in (Page,
+                    Feed.CustomizeRSS,
+                    MessageViewer.MessagePage,
+                    ):
+            if isinstance(page, cls):
+                return True
+        return False
+class Page(Template.Page):
+    """A web page providing an interface to one StatsTarget.
+       The root of the stats namespace should be created with the
+       capabilities database and StatsStorage. Children will
+       be automatically created with child targets.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, component, target=None):
+        if target is None:
+            target = Stats.Target.StatsTarget()
+        self.component = component
+        self.target = target
+    def parent(self):
+        parentTarget = self.target.parent()
+        if parentTarget:
+            return self.__class__(self.component, parentTarget)
+    def getURL(self, context):
+        return posixpath.join(self.component.url, self.target.path)
+    def getChildWithDefault(self, name, request):
+        """Part of IResource, called by twisted.web to retrieve pages for URIs
+           below this one. This just creates a Page instance for our StatsTarget's child,
+           with a few special cases used for metadata and editing.
+           """
+        childFactories = {
+            '.message':  MessageViewer.RootPage,
+            '.rss':      Feed.RSSFrontend,
+            '.xml':      Feed.XMLFeed,
+            }
+        if not name:
+            # Ignore empty path sections
+            return self
+        elif name in childFactories:
+            return childFactories[name](self)
+        else:
+            # Return the stats page for a child
+            try:
+                child = self.target.child(name)
+            except ValueError:
+                # Reserved word in stats target
+                return error.NoResource("Invalid stats path")
+            else:
+                return self.__class__(self.component, child)
+    def preRender(self, context):
+        context['component'] = self.component
+    def render_mainTitle(self, context):
+        return self.target.getTitle()
+    def render_subTitle(self, context):
+        return self.target.metadata.getValue('subtitle', 'Real-time open source activity stats')
+    def render_mainColumn(self, context):
+        return [
+            Counters(self.target),
+            Catalog.CatalogSection(self.target),
+            RecentMessages(self.target),
+            ]
+    def render_leftColumn(self, context):
+        return [
+            Metadata.Info(self.target),
+            LinksSection(self.target),
+            Graph.RelatedSection(self.target),
+            Info.Clock(),
+            ]
+    def render_extraHeaders(self, context):
+        # Add a <link> tag pointing at our RSS feed. Some RSS
+        # aggregators can use this to automatically detect feeds.
+        return tag('link',
+                   rel   = 'alternate',
+                   type  = 'application/rss+xml',
+                   title = 'RSS',
+                   href  = Link.RSSLink(self.target).getURL(context),
+                   )
+class Counters(Template.Section):
+    """A Section displaying the counters from a StatsTarget"""
+    title = "event counters"
+    rows = [
+               [
+                   'The last message was received ',
+                   Template.value[ place('value', 'forever', 'lastEventTime', 'relativeDate') ],
+                   ' ago at ',
+                   Template.value[ place('value', 'forever', 'lastEventTime', 'date') ],
+               ],
+               [
+                   Template.value[ place('value', 'today', 'eventCount') ],
+                   ' messages so far today, ',
+                   Template.value[ place('value', 'yesterday', 'eventCount') ],
+                   ' messages yesterday',
+               ],
+               [
+                   Template.value[ place('value', 'thisWeek', 'eventCount') ],
+                   ' messages so far this week, ',
+                   Template.value[ place('value', 'lastWeek', 'eventCount') ],
+                   ' messages last week',
+               ],
+               [
+                   Template.value[ place('value', 'thisMonth', 'eventCount') ],
+                   ' messages so far this month, ',
+                   Template.value[ place('value', 'lastMonth', 'eventCount') ],
+                   ' messages last month',
+               ],
+               [
+                   Template.value[ place('value', 'forever', 'eventCount') ],
+                   ' messages since the first one, ',
+                   Template.value[ place('value', 'forever', 'firstEventTime', 'relativeDate') ],
+                   ' ago',
+                   place('averagePeriod', 'forever'),
+               ],
+        ]
+    def __init__(self, target):
+        self.counters = target.counters
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        """If this target has received at least one event, render the rows normally..
+           otherwise, hide this section completely.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        self.counters.getCounter('forever').addCallback(
+            self._render_rows, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_rows(self, foreverCounter, result):
+        if foreverCounter and foreverCounter['eventCount'] > 0:
+            result.callback(self.rows)
+        else:
+            result.callback([])
+    def render_value(self, context, counterName, valueName, filter=None):
+        """Fetch a counter value, rendering its value optionally via
+           a filter function. 'filter' is a string which will be used to
+           look up a filter_* method from this class.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        self.counters.getCounter(counterName).addCallback(
+            self._render_value, valueName, filter, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_value(self, counter, valueName, filter, result):
+        if counter:
+            value = counter.get(valueName, 0)
+        else:
+            value = 0
+        if filter:
+            value = getattr(self, 'filter_'+filter)(value)
+        result.callback(value)
+    def filter_date(self, value):
+        return TimeUtil.formatDate(value)
+    def filter_relativeDate(self, value):
+        return TimeUtil.formatDuration(time.time() - value)
+    def render_averagePeriod(self, context, counterName):
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        self.counters.getCounter(counterName).addCallback(
+            self._render_averagePeriod, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_averagePeriod(self, counter, result):
+        if not counter:
+            result.callback('')
+            return
+        events = counter.get('eventCount', 0)
+        first = counter.get('firstEventTime')
+        if events < 2 or not first:
+            result.callback('')
+            return
+        result.callback([
+            ', for an average of ',
+            Template.value[ TimeUtil.formatDuration( (time.time() - first) / events ) ],
+            ' between messages',
+            ])
+class MessageDateColumn(Nouvelle.Column):
+    """A column that displays a message's date"""
+    heading = 'date'
+    def getValue(self, message):
+	try:
+            return XML.digValue(message.xml, int, "message", "timestamp")
+        except ValueError:
+            return None
+    def render_data(self, context, message):
+        value = self.getValue(message)
+        if value:
+            return TimeUtil.formatRelativeDate(value)
+        else:
+            return Template.error[ "Invalid Date" ]
+class MessageProjectColumn(Nouvelle.Column):
+    """A column that displays the project a message originated from"""
+    heading = 'project'
+    def getValue(self, message):
+        project = XML.dig(message.xml, "message", "source", "project")
+        if project:
+            return XML.shallowText(project)
+class MessageContentColumn(Nouvelle.Column):
+    """A column that displays a message, formatted in XHTML"""
+    heading = 'content'
+    def getValue(self, message):
+        try:
+            return Formatters.getFactory().findMedium('xhtml', message).formatMessage(message)
+        except:
+            return Template.error[str(sys.exc_info()[1])]
+class MessageList(Template.Section):
+    """A list of messages, with metadata and hyperlinks. Must be
+       constructed with a list of Message instances.
+       """
+    title = "messages"
+    columns = [
+        MessageDateColumn(),
+        MessageProjectColumn(),
+        MessageContentColumn(),
+        Nouvelle.AttributeColumn('link', 'hyperlink'),
+        ]
+    def renderMessages(self, context, messages):
+        return [
+            Template.Table(messages, self.columns,
+                           defaultSortReversed = True,
+                           id = 'message'),
+            ]
+class RecentMessages(MessageList):
+    """A section displaying recent messages from a given stats target"""
+    title = "recent messages"
+    def __init__(self, target, limit=20):
+        self.target = target
+        self.limit = limit
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        parsed = []
+        for id, xml in self.target.messages.getLatest(self.limit):
+            m = Message.Message(xml)
+            m.hyperlink = Link.MessageLink(self.target, id, text="#")
+            parsed.append(m)
+        if parsed:
+            return self.renderMessages(context, parsed)
+        else:
+            return []
+class LinksSection(Template.Section):
+    """A section displaying useful links for a particular stats target. All links
+       are classes in the Link module that take only our stats target as a constructor argument.
+       We have a list of allowed links and default links, but the exact links we display may
+       be modified by the links-filter metadata key.
+       The links-filter format is simple- one entry per line, each entry consists of an
+       action and a link name regex, separated by whitespace. The action can be "+" to add the
+       link(s) or "-" to remove the link(s).
+       """
+    title = 'syndicate'
+    availableLinkNames = [
+        "RSSLink",
+        "RSSCustomizer",
+        "XMLLink",
+        ]
+    defaultLinkNames = [
+        "RSSLink",
+        "RSSCustomizer",
+        "XMLLink",
+        ]
+    def __init__(self, target):
+        self.target = target
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        # First look for a links-filter metadata key for this target.
+        # The default is empty.
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        self.target.metadata.getValue("links-filter", default="").addCallback(
+            self._render_rows, context, result
+            ).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_rows(self, linksFilter, context, result):
+        linkNames = list(self.defaultLinkNames)
+        for line in linksFilter.split("\n"):
+            line = line.strip()
+            if line:
+                action, name = line.split(None, 1)
+                regex = re.compile(name)
+                if action == "+":
+                    for available in self.availableLinkNames:
+                        if regex.match(available):
+                            linkNames.append(available)
+                elif action == "-":
+                    filtered = []
+                    for name in linkNames:
+                        if not regex.match(name):
+                            filtered.append(name)
+                    linkNames = filtered
+        result.callback([getattr(Link, linkName)(self.target) for linkName in linkNames])
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Browser.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Browser.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Catalog.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Catalog.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Catalog.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Stats.Catalog
+Implements the 'catalog' section in stats, pages, a fast way to
+get an overview of all stats targets directly under the current one.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from LibCIA.Web import Template
+from LibCIA import Database
+import Columns
+class CatalogSection(Template.Section):
+    """A Section displaying links to all children of a StatsTarget, with
+       other information about the children displayed as applicable.
+       """
+    title = "catalog"
+    limit = 100
+    query = """
+        T.target_path,
+        ST.title,
+        ICO.path,
+        C_TODAY.event_count,
+        C_YESTERDAY.event_count,
+        C_FOREVER.event_count,
+        C_FOREVER.last_time,
+        COUNT(CHILD.target_path),
+        ICO.width,
+        ICO.height
+    FROM stats_catalog T
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN stats_catalog  CHILD       ON (CHILD.parent_path = T.target_path)
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN stats_statstarget ST       ON (T.target_path = ST.path)
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN images_imageinstance ICO   ON (ICO.source_id = IF(ST.icon_id IS NOT NULL, ST.icon_id, ST.photo_id) AND ICO.thumbnail_size = 32)
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN stats_counters C_TODAY     ON (T.target_path = C_TODAY.target_path     AND C_TODAY.name     = 'today')
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN stats_counters C_YESTERDAY ON (T.target_path = C_YESTERDAY.target_path AND C_YESTERDAY.name = 'yesterday')
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN stats_counters C_FOREVER   ON (T.target_path = C_FOREVER.target_path   AND C_FOREVER.name   = 'forever')
+        WHERE T.parent_path = %(path)s
+        T.target_path,
+        ST.title,
+        ICO.path,
+        C_TODAY.event_count,
+        C_YESTERDAY.event_count,
+        C_FOREVER.event_count,
+        C_FOREVER.last_time
+    ORDER BY NULL LIMIT %(limit)s
+    """
+    columns = [
+        Columns.IndexedIconColumn(iconIndex=2, widthIndex=8, heightIndex=9),
+        Columns.TargetTitleColumn(pathIndex=0, titleIndex=1),
+        Columns.IndexedBargraphColumn('events today', 3),
+        Columns.IndexedBargraphColumn('events yesterday', 4),
+        Columns.IndexedBargraphColumn('total events', 5),
+        Columns.IndexedPercentColumn('% total', 5),
+        Columns.TargetLastEventColumn('last event', 6),
+        Columns.IndexedUnitColumn('contents', 7),
+        ]
+    def __init__(self, target):
+        self.target = target
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        # First we run a big SQL query to gather all the data for this catalog.
+        # Control is passed to _render_rows once we have the query results.
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        Database.pool.runQuery(self.query % {
+            'path': Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar'),
+	    'limit': self.limit,
+            }).addCallback(
+            self._render_rows, context, result
+            ).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_rows(self, queryResults, context, result):
+        if queryResults:
+            content = [Template.Table(list(queryResults), self.columns,
+                                      id = 'catalog',
+                                      defaultSortColumnIndex = 1)]
+            if len(queryResults) == self.limit:
+                content.insert(0, Template.longError[
+                    "This page has a very large number of child items, "
+                    "and CIA can not yet display them all or browse them "
+                    "incrementally. Below is an arbitrary set of %d "
+                    "items. Sorry for the inconvenience, we're working "
+                    "on resolving this issue." % self.limit
+                    ])
+            result.callback(content)
+	else:
+            result.callback(None)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Catalog.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Catalog.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Columns.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Columns.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Columns.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Stats.Columns
+A collection of Nouvelle.Column subclasses used
+to visualize tabular data in the stats browser.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from __future__ import division
+from LibCIA.Web import Template
+from LibCIA import Stats, TimeUtil
+import Nouvelle, time, math
+import Link
+class TargetTitleColumn(Nouvelle.Column):
+    """A Column displaying a target's title as a StatsLink. To avoid having to make
+       a query for every row in the table, this looks for the title to use in the
+       indicated SQL query column number. iconIndex should rever to the column
+       number with the metadata key to use for an icon, or None if the target has
+       no icon.
+       """
+    heading = 'title'
+    def __init__(self, pathIndex, titleIndex):
+        self.pathIndex = pathIndex
+        self.titleIndex = titleIndex
+    def _findTitle(self, row):
+        """Use our titleIndex to return the title according to the metadata if that
+           exists, otherwise make up a title based on the path.
+           """
+        title = row[self.titleIndex]
+        if title is None:
+            return Stats.Target.StatsTarget(row[self.pathIndex]).name
+        else:
+            return title
+        # Note that we don't have to worry about the case (name is None)
+        # because this is only used for listing children of some target,
+        # and the root target has no parent.
+    def getValue(self, row):
+        # For case-insensitive sorting by title
+        return self._findTitle(row).lower()
+    def render_data(self, context, row):
+        # Create a StatsLink. Note that we could leave it up to the StatsLink
+        # to look up the title, but that would end up creating an SQL query
+        # for each row in the table- not good when we're trying to view a page
+        # with 1000 projects without making our server explode.
+        target = Stats.Target.StatsTarget(row[self.pathIndex])
+        return Link.StatsLink(target, text=self._findTitle(row))
+class IndexedUnitColumn(Nouvelle.IndexedColumn):
+    """A Nouvelle.IndexedColumn that appends a fixed unit qualifier to each rendered item.
+       Hides individual cells when zero, hides the column when all cells are zero.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, heading, index, singularUnit='item', pluralUnit='items'):
+        self.singularUnit = singularUnit
+        self.pluralUnit = pluralUnit
+        Nouvelle.IndexedColumn.__init__(self, heading, index)
+    def isVisible(self, context):
+        return context['table'].reduceColumn(self, self._visibilityTest)
+    def _visibilityTest(self, seq):
+        """Visibility testing operator for this column's data"""
+        for item in seq:
+            if item != 0:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def render_data(self, context, row):
+        value = row[self.index]
+        if value == 0:
+            return ''
+        elif value == 1:
+            unit = self.singularUnit
+        else:
+            unit = self.pluralUnit
+        return "%s %s" % (row[self.index], unit)
+class RankIndexedColumn(Nouvelle.IndexedColumn):
+    """An IndexedColumn tweaked for numeric rankings.
+       None is treated as zero, sorting is reversed, the column
+       is hidden if all values are zero or less.
+       """
+    def cmp(self, a, b):
+        """Reverse sort"""
+        return -cmp(a[self.index],b[self.index])
+    def getValue(self, row):
+        return row[self.index] or 0
+    def isVisible(self, context):
+        return context['table'].reduceColumn(self, self._visibilityTest)
+    def _visibilityTest(self, seq):
+        """Visibility testing operator for this column's data"""
+        for item in seq:
+            if item != 0:
+                return True
+        return False
+class IndexedBargraphColumn(RankIndexedColumn):
+    """An IndexedColumn that renders as a logarithmic bar chart"""
+    def render_data(self, context, row):
+        value = row[self.index]
+        if not value:
+            return ''
+        logMax = math.log(context['table'].reduceColumn(self, max))
+        if logMax > 0:
+            fraction = math.log(value) / logMax
+        else:
+            fraction = 1
+        return Template.Bargraph(fraction)[ value ]
+class IndexedPercentColumn(RankIndexedColumn):
+    """An IndexedColumn that renders itself as a percent of the column's total"""
+    def render_data(self, context, row):
+        value = row[self.index]
+        if not value:
+            return ''
+        total = context['table'].reduceColumn(self, sum)
+        return "%.03f" % (value / total * 100)
+class IndexedIconColumn(RankIndexedColumn):
+    """An IndexedColumn that, if its value is nonzero, renders an
+       icon from the named metadata key, thumbnailed to the given max size.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, iconIndex, widthIndex, heightIndex, heading='icon'):
+        RankIndexedColumn.__init__(self, heading, iconIndex)
+        self.widthIndex = widthIndex
+        self.heightIndex = heightIndex
+    def render_data(self, context, row):
+        path = row[self.index]
+        if path:
+            return Nouvelle.tag('img', src = '/images/db/' + path,
+                                width = row[self.widthIndex],
+                                height = row[self.heightIndex])
+        else:
+            return ()
+class TargetLastEventColumn(Nouvelle.IndexedColumn):
+    """A Column displaying the amount of time since the last message was delivered to
+       each target, given a column containing the last event timestamp.
+       """
+    def getValue(self, row):
+        """Returns the number of seconds since the last event"""
+        lastTime = row[self.index]
+        if lastTime:
+            return time.time() - lastTime
+    def isVisible(self, context):
+        return context['table'].reduceColumn(self, self._visibilityTest)
+    def _visibilityTest(self, seq):
+        """Visibility testing operator for this column's data"""
+        for item in seq:
+            if item:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def render_data(self, context, target):
+        value = self.getValue(target)
+        if value is None:
+            return ''
+        else:
+            return "%s ago" % TimeUtil.formatDuration(self.getValue(target))
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Columns.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Columns.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Feed.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Feed.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Feed.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Stats.Feed
+Pages for getting real-time message feeds in RSS and unformatted XML
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.web import resource, server, http
+from twisted.python import log
+from LibCIA import Message, Formatters, TimeUtil, XML, Database
+import Nouvelle
+import Nouvelle.Twisted
+from Nouvelle import tag, place, xml, quote
+from LibCIA.Web import Template
+import Link
+import sys, traceback
+class BaseFeed(Nouvelle.Twisted.Page):
+    """Abstract base classes for XML message feeds, using Nouvelle
+       to render text/xml pages from a list of recent messages.
+       """
+    defaultLimit = 20
+    mimeType = 'text/xml'
+    def __init__(self, statsPage, limit=None):
+        if not limit:
+            limit = self.defaultLimit
+        self.limit = limit
+        self.statsPage = statsPage
+        self.target = statsPage.target
+        Nouvelle.Twisted.Page.__init__(self)
+    def preRender(self, context):
+        context['component'] = self.statsPage.component
+        context['request'].setHeader('content-type', self.mimeType)
+    def render(self, request):
+        """Intercept the normal rendering operations to check our
+           stats target's modification time. If the browser already
+           has a recent copy of this feed, we can get away without
+           rendering at all.
+           """
+        self.target.getMTime().addCallback(
+            self._render, request
+            ).addErrback(request.processingFailed)
+        return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+    def _render(self, mtime, request):
+        if (mtime is None) or (request.setLastModified(mtime) is not http.CACHED):
+            # We don't know the mtime or the browser's copy is no good, render as usual
+            Nouvelle.Twisted.Page.render(self, request)
+        else:
+            # Finish without rendering anything
+            request.finish()
+    def render_items(self, context):
+        """Renders the most recent commits as items in the feed"""
+	latest = list(self.target.messages.getLatest(self.limit))
+	latest.reverse()
+        return self.formatItems(latest, context)
+class FormattedFeed(BaseFeed):
+    """Abstract base classes that apply formatters to each message they include"""
+    def __init__(self, statsPage, limit=None, medium='xhtml'):
+        self.medium = medium
+        BaseFeed.__init__(self, statsPage, limit)
+    def formatMessage(self, m, medium=None):
+        """Format a message in the requested medium"""
+        if medium is None:
+            medium = self.medium
+        # Look for a proper format_* function to handle special feed-only media
+        f = getattr(self, 'format_' + medium, None)
+        try:
+            if f:
+                return f(m)
+            else:
+                # No special formatter, find a normal one
+                return Formatters.getFactory().findMedium(medium, m).formatMessage(m)
+        except Message.NoFormatterError:
+            return self.formatError()
+    def formatError(self):
+        """Subclasses should override this to generate error messages for formatMessage"""
+        return "(Unable to format message)"
+    def format_unquoted(self, m):
+        """Our 'unquoted' medium is plaintext inside an xml() marker to prevent quoting"""
+        return xml(self.formatMessage(m, 'plaintext'))
+class RSSFeed(FormattedFeed):
+    """An abstract base class for code shared between versions of the RSS format"""
+    def render_photo(self, context):
+        # First figure out if we have a photo. Actually render it in the Deferred if we do.
+        photo_query = """
+        SELECT IM.path
+        FROM stats_statstarget ST
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN images_imageinstance IM
+        ON (IM.source_id = ST.photo_id AND IM.thumbnail_size = 128)
+        WHERE ST.path = %s
+        """ % Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar')
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        Database.pool.runQuery(photo_query).addCallback(
+            self._render_photo, context, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_photo(self, query_results, context, result):
+        if query_results and query_results[0][0]:
+            result.callback(tag('image')[
+                tag('url')[ '/images/db/' + query_results[0][0] ],
+                tag('title')[ place('title') ],
+                tag('link')[ place('link') ],
+                ])
+        else:
+            result.callback([])
+    def render_title(self, context):
+        return self.target.getTitle()
+    def render_link(self, context):
+        return self.target.metadata.getValue('url', Link.StatsLink(self.target).getURL(context))
+    def render_description(self, context):
+        return self.target.metadata.getValue('description', 'CIA Stats')
+class RSS2Feed(RSSFeed):
+    """A web resource representing an RSS 2.0 feed for a particular stats target,
+       constructed according to the spec at http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss
+       """
+    def formatItems(self, messages, context):
+        items = []
+        for id, content in messages:
+            try:
+                items.append(tag('item')[self.messageToItemContent(context, Message.Message(content), id)])
+            except:
+                log.msg("Exception occurred in %s.formatItems\n%s" % (
+                    self.__class__.__name__,
+                    "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))))
+        return items
+    def messageToItemContent(self, context, m, id):
+        """Render an XML message as the content of an RSS <item>"""
+        url = Link.MessageLink(self.target, id).getURL(context)
+        tags = [
+            tag('pubDate')[ TimeUtil.formatDateRFC822(XML.digValue(m.xml, int, "message", "timestamp")) ],
+            tag('guid')[url],
+            tag('link')[url],
+            tag('description')[ quote(self.formatMessage(m)) ],
+            ]
+        # Generate a title if we can, but if we can't don't worry too much
+        try:
+            tags.append(tag('title')[ Formatters.getFactory().findMedium('title', m).formatMessage(m) ])
+        except Message.NoFormatterError:
+            pass
+        return tags
+    def render_cloud(self, context):
+        """Implements the first step of supporting the RSS 2.0 <cloud> tag.
+           This element describes how the RSS aggregator can subscribe for instant
+           notification of changes to this resource.
+           """
+        return tag('cloud',
+                   domain            = context['request'].getRequestHostname(),
+                   port              = context['request'].host[2],
+                   path              = '/RPC2',
+                   protocol          = 'xml-rpc',
+                   registerProcedure = 'stats.subscribe.rss2',
+                   )
+    document = [
+        xml('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'),
+        tag('rss', version='2.0')[
+            tag('channel')[
+                tag('title')[ place('title') ],
+                tag('link')[ place('link') ],
+                tag('description')[ place('description') ],
+                place('photo'),
+                place('cloud'),
+                place('items'),
+            ],
+        ],
+    ]
+class RSS1Feed(RSSFeed):
+    """A web resource representing an RSS 1.0 feed for a particular stats target,
+       constructed according to the standard at http://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/spec
+       This uses mostly core RSS 1.0, with the dublin core module for datestamps.
+       """
+    def messageToItemContent(self, context, m, id):
+        return []
+    def formatItems(self, messages, context):
+        """This is called after we've retrieved a list of the target's recent messages.
+           Most of the document can't be formatted until this point, as we need to generate
+           both <item> elements and the <items> table of contents.
+           """
+        # Add our channel description to the content of our <rdf>
+        content = [ self.render_channel(context, messages) ]
+        # Add <item>s for each message
+        for id, messageContent in messages:
+            try:
+                content.append(self.render_item(context, id, messageContent))
+            except:
+                log.msg("Exception occurred in %s.formatItems\n%s" % (
+                    self.__class__.__name__, 
+                    "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))))
+        return content
+    def render_channel(self, context, messages):
+        """Generate our <channel> element and all of its children"""
+        # Make a table of contents for the messages
+        toc = []
+        for id, content in messages:
+            url = Link.MessageLink(self.target, id).getURL(context)
+            toc.append(tag('rdf:li', resource=url))
+        targetUrl = Link.StatsLink(self.target).getURL(context)
+        return tag('channel', **{
+                   'rdf:about': targetUrl,
+               })[
+                   tag('title')[ place('title') ],
+                   tag('link')[ targetUrl ],
+                   tag('description')[ place('description') ],
+                   place('photo'),
+                   tag('items')[
+                       tag('rdf:Seq')[ toc ],
+                   ],
+               ]
+    def render_item(self, context, id, content):
+        url = Link.MessageLink(self.target, id).getURL(context)
+        m = Message.Message(content)
+        tags = [
+            tag('link')[ url ],
+            tag('dc:date')[ TimeUtil.formatDateISO8601(XML.digValue(m.xml, int, "message", "timestamp")) ],
+            tag('description')[ quote(self.formatMessage(m)) ],
+            ]
+        # Generate a title if we can, but if we can't don't worry too much
+        try:
+            tags.append(tag('title')[ Formatters.getFactory().findMedium('title', m).formatMessage(m) ])
+        except Message.NoFormatterError:
+            pass
+        return tag('item', **{'rdf:about': url})[tags]
+    document = [
+        xml('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'),
+        tag('rdf:RDF', **{
+            'xmlns:rdf': "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
+            'xmlns:dc':  "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/",
+            'xmlns':     "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/",
+        })[
+            place('items'),
+        ],
+    ]
+class XMLFeed(BaseFeed):
+    """A web resource representing a feed of unformatted XML commits for a stats target."""
+    def formatItems(self, messages, context):
+        return [self.formatItem(content) for id, content in messages]
+    def formatItem(self, content):
+	# Convert the root node, not the document- we don't want to
+	# be outputting another XML declaration inside our larger document.
+	return xml(XML.toString(content.childNodes[0]).encode('utf8'))
+    def render_metadata(self, context):
+        # Look up all the metadata first
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        self.target.metadata.dict().addCallback(
+            self._render_metadata, context, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_metadata(self, metadict, context, result):
+        result.callback([self.renderMetadataItem(name, t[0], t[1], context)
+                         for name, t in metadict.iteritems()])
+    def renderMetadataItem(self, name, value, mimeType, context):
+        """Render a single metadata item. If the content is short and in
+           a text format, we include it directly. Otherwise, just link to it.
+           XXX: These links don't really make sense any more, since the metadata
+                format changed.
+           """
+        valueTag = tag('value', _type=mimeType)[ str(value) ]
+        return tag('item', _name=name)[ valueTag ]
+    def render_counters(self, context):
+        # Look up all the counters first
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        self.target.counters.dict().addCallback(
+            self._render_counters, context, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_counters(self, counterdict, context, result):
+        tags = []
+        for name, valueDict in counterdict.iteritems():
+            eventCount = valueDict.get('eventCount', 0)
+            try:
+                del valueDict['eventCount']
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            tags.append(tag('counter', _name = name, **valueDict)[ eventCount ])
+        result.callback(tags)
+    def render_statsLink(self, context):
+        return Link.StatsLink(self.target).getURL(context)
+    document = [
+        xml('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'),
+        tag('statsTarget')[
+            tag('link')[ place('statsLink') ],
+            tag('counters')[ place('counters') ],
+            tag('metadata')[ place('metadata') ],
+            tag('recentMessages') [ place('items') ],
+        ],
+    ]
+class CustomizeRSS(Template.Page):
+    """A web page that lets the user generate a customized RSS feed for a particular
+       stats target. This can change the format, message style, number of messages, and such.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, statsPage):
+        Template.Page.__init__(self)
+        self.statsPage = statsPage
+    def parent(self):
+        return self.statsPage
+    def preRender(self, context):
+        context['component'] = self.statsPage.component
+    def render_subTitle(self, context):
+        return ["for ", self.statsPage.render_mainTitle(context)]
+    def render_form(self, context):
+        return tag('form',
+                   action = Link.RSSLink(self.statsPage.target).getURL(context),
+                   )[place('formContent')]
+    mainTitle = "Customized RSS"
+    leftColumn = [
+        Template.StaticSection('information')[
+            "This page is a form you can use to tweak everything tweakable about "
+            "the way CIA generates RSS feeds. After finding the settings you want, "
+            "the submission button at the bottom will redirect you to the customized "
+            "RSS feed."
+        ],
+    ]
+    mainColumn = [
+        Template.pageBody[ place('form') ],
+    ]
+    formContent = [
+        tag('h1')[ "RSS Format" ],
+        tag('p')[
+            "There are two current RSS format specifications. Both are named RSS, but "
+            "they are actually very different formats with different goals. RSS 2.0 is not "
+            "'newer' or 'better' than RSS 1.0 just because 2 is greater than 1; they are "
+            "just two separate specifications. CIA gives you the choice of either."
+        ],
+        tag('div', _class='formChoice')[
+            tag('input', _type='radio', value='2', _name='ver', checked='checked'),
+            tag('strong')[ " RSS 2.0 " ],
+            tag('p')[
+                "The default format. RSS 2.0 is simple, and has a publish/subscribe "
+                "system that can make it possible to receive updates immediately without "
+                "polling. Unfortunately, very few news aggregators currently implement "
+                "the <cloud> tag necessary for publish/subscribe. "
+            ],
+            tag('p')[
+                "The CIA server implements the <cloud> tag, so if you have a compatible "
+                "aggregator and a globally routable IP address you should see RSS feed "
+                "updates almost instantly. However, the only compatible aggregator we're "
+                "aware of at the moment is Radio Userland, and it is a commercial product. "
+                "The ability to receive RSS updates in real-time would go a long way toward "
+                "CIA's goals, so please let us know if you have seen other RSS aggregators "
+                "supporting the <cloud> tag."
+            ],
+        ],
+        tag('div', _class='formChoice')[
+            tag('input', _type='radio', value='1', _name='ver'),
+            tag('strong')[ " RSS 1.0 " ],
+            tag('p')[
+                "RSS 1.0 is more of an attempt to rethink RSS and design it with extensibility "
+                "in mind. It makes use of XML namespaces to provide a core set of functionality "
+                "along with 'modules' that can add domain-specific elements or attributes. RSS 1.0 "
+                "is based on the RDF (Resource Description Framework) W3C reccomendation, giving "
+                "it a rich and well-defined way to represent metadata. "
+            ],
+            tag('p')[
+                "CIA doesn't yet make use of an RSS 1.0 module to provide full metadata on commits. "
+                "Until an RSS 1.0 module for commit messages is designed, the best way to get all "
+                "possible information from CIA is to use the raw XML feeds."
+            ],
+            tag('p')[
+                "There was a 'changedpage' module in the works for RSS 1.0 that would have provided "
+                "features similar to the <cloud> element mentioned above for RSS 2.0, however the page "
+                "for it seems to have disappeared. Please contact us with more information if you have any."
+            ],
+        ],
+        tag('h1')[ "Messages" ],
+        tag('p')[
+            "This section controls which medium CIA tries to format messages in before embedding "
+            "them in the RSS feed. The default of XHTML is optimal, but alternatives are provided "
+            "if you need them."
+        ],
+        tag('div', _class='formChoice')[
+            tag('input', _type='radio', value='xhtml', _name='medium', checked='checked'),
+            tag('strong')[ " XHTML " ],
+            tag('p')[
+                "Format messages as XHTML with embedded CSS styles. This should "
+                "work and look good in most RSS aggregators. "
+            ],
+        ],
+        tag('div', _class='formChoice')[
+            tag('input', _type='radio', value='plaintext', _name='medium'),
+            tag('strong')[ " Plain Text " ],
+            tag('p')[
+                "Format messages in plain text, properly quoted for inclusion in RSS. "
+                "This is the preferred choice if your RSS aggregator runs on a text-only "
+                "console or can't handle HTML. "
+            ],
+        ],
+        tag('div', _class='formChoice')[
+            tag('input', _type='radio', value='unquoted', _name='medium'),
+            tag('strong')[ " Unquoted Text " ],
+            tag('p')[
+                "Format messages as plain text, but instead of quoting them twice (once "
+                "on account of the RSS feed being in XML, once because the content is "
+                "interpreted as HTML) this only quotes the text once. This should "
+                "only be used if your RSS aggregator is buggy and does not follow the "
+                "specification!"
+            ],
+        ],
+        tag('p')[
+            "You can optionally change the maximum number of messages a feed will contain "
+            "at once. Leave it blank to use the default of %s. There is no explicit upper limit, "
+            "But the database does store a finite number of messages for each stats target. "
+            "Please be reasonable. " % BaseFeed.defaultLimit
+        ],
+        tag('div', _class='formChoice')[
+            tag('p')[ "Retrieve at most: " ],
+            tag('p')[ tag('input', _type='text', _name='limit', size=10), " messages" ],
+        ],
+        tag('h1')[ "Your RSS Feed" ],
+        tag('p')[
+            "This button will now redirect you to an RSS feed with the settings above, "
+            "ripe for opening in your favorite RSS aggregator or copying and pasting somewhere useful."
+        ],
+        tag('p')[
+            tag('input', _type='submit', value='Get my customized RSS feed'),
+        ],
+    ]
+class RSSFrontend(resource.Resource):
+    """A web resource representing an RSS feed, the format and content of which depends
+       on parameters passed to us. Children are supported- for now this includes the
+       'customize' page that helps you build RSS URLs with non-default options.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, statsPage):
+        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+        self.statsPage = statsPage
+        self.putChild('customize', CustomizeRSS(statsPage))
+    def render(self, request):
+        # Check the requested RSS version
+        version = request.args.get('ver')
+        if version and version[-1]:
+            # Pick a feed factory based on the RSS version
+            factory = {
+                '1': RSS1Feed,
+                '2': RSS2Feed,
+                }[version[-1]]
+        else:
+            # Use RSS 2 by default
+            factory = RSS2Feed
+        # The rest of the arguments get transformed into keyword args
+        kwargs = {}
+        # Check the requested message medium, defaulting to XHTML
+        medium = request.args.get('medium')
+        if medium and medium[-1]:
+            kwargs['medium'] = medium[-1]
+        # Get the message limit, with BaseFeed's default
+        limit = request.args.get('limit')
+        if limit and limit[-1]:
+            kwargs['limit'] = int(limit[-1])
+        # Now construct the proper feed object and render it
+        return factory(self.statsPage, **kwargs).render(request)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Feed.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Feed.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Graph.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Graph.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Graph.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Stats.Graph
+Implements web interfaces based on the stats_relations graph.
+This includes the 'related' section on all stats targets, and
+visually graphing the relationships between stats targets.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from LibCIA.Web import Template
+from LibCIA import Stats, Database
+from Nouvelle import tag
+import Nouvelle
+from twisted.web import resource, server
+import LibCIA.Stats.Graph
+import Link, Columns
+class RelatedTable(Nouvelle.BaseTable):
+    tableTag = tag('table', _class='related')
+class RelatedFilter(Database.Filter):
+    """An XML filter that can control what's displayed in the 'related' box
+       on a per-stats-target basis. These filters come from stats metadata,
+       so we need to restrict the available SQL variables.
+       """
+    def varLookup(self, var):
+        # Map from some abstract variable names to concrete variable names.
+        # The returned variables must match the ones in RelatedSection.query below.
+        return {
+            'parent_path': 'C.parent_path',
+            'target_path': 'C.target_path',
+            }[var]
+class RelatedSection(Template.Section):
+    """A section showing links to related stats targets. This works by looking for
+       nodes connected to this one in the stats_relations graph. The paths and
+       titles of related nodes are fetched using one SQL query, for efficiency.
+       The query sorts first by parent path, so we can extract each section in one
+       piece, and second in descending order by freshness. This way, instead of
+       constantly having the strongest associations at the top, every time an
+       association is reinforced it pops up to the top, showing our visitors what's
+       cool and hip.
+       """
+    title = 'related'
+    query = """
+        C.parent_path,
+        R.freshness,
+        PARENT_ST.title,
+        C.target_path,
+        ST.title,
+        ICO.path,
+        ICO.width,
+        ICO.height
+    FROM stats_relations R
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN stats_catalog C
+            ON (C.target_path = target_%(otherSide)s_path)
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN stats_statstarget ST        ON (C.target_path = ST.path)
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN images_imageinstance ICO    ON (ICO.source_id = IF(ST.icon_id IS NOT NULL, ST.icon_id, ST.photo_id) AND ICO.thumbnail_size = 32)
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN stats_statstarget PARENT_ST ON (C.parent_path = PARENT_ST.path)
+        WHERE R.target_%(thisSide)s_path = %(path)s
+            AND C.parent_path != %(path)s
+            AND %(filter)s
+    """
+    sectionLimit = 15
+    columns = [
+        Columns.IndexedIconColumn(iconIndex=4, widthIndex=5, heightIndex=6),
+        Columns.TargetTitleColumn(pathIndex=2, titleIndex=3),
+        ]
+    def __init__(self, target):
+        self.target = target
+    def makeLink(self, path, title):
+        """Link to a stats target when we already know the title"""
+        target = Stats.Target.StatsTarget(path)
+        if title is None:
+            title = target.name
+        return Link.StatsLink(target, text=title)
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        # First look for a related-filter metadata key for this target.
+        # The default allows all related items to be displayed.
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        self.target.metadata.getValue("related-filter", default="<true/>").addCallback(
+            self._startQuery, context, result
+            ).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _startQuery(self, filter, context, result):
+        # We have our related-filter, start a db interaction to do our actual
+        # queries then pass the results on to _render_rows.
+        Database.pool.runInteraction(self._runQuery, filter).addCallback(
+            self._render_rows, context, result
+            ).addErrback(result.errback)
+    def _runQuery(self, cursor, filter):
+        # Set up and run two SQL queries, one for each side of the graph link that this
+        # target may be on. We can't do this in one step and still have the server use
+        # its indexes effectively.
+        filterSql = RelatedFilter(filter).sql
+        sections = {}
+        for thisSide, otherSide in ( ('a','b'), ('b', 'a') ):
+            cursor.execute(self.query % dict(
+                path = Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar'),
+                filter = filterSql,
+                thisSide = thisSide,
+                otherSide = otherSide,
+                ))
+            while 1:
+                row = cursor.fetchone()
+                if not row:
+                    break
+                # Drop rows into sections according to their parent path
+                try:
+                    sections[row[0]].append(row[1:])
+                except KeyError:
+                    sections[row[0]] = [row[1:]]
+        # Sort sections descending by freshness
+        for items in sections.itervalues():
+            items.sort()
+            items.reverse()
+        return sections
+    def _render_rows(self, queryResults, context, result):
+        # Sort sections by decreasing size. We want the most interesting ones at
+        # the top, and those are usually the biggest.
+        sections = queryResults.keys()
+        sections.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(len(queryResults[b]), len(queryResults[a])))
+        result.callback([self.render_section(section, queryResults[section]) for section in sections])
+    def render_section(self, section, rows):
+        """Given a heading renderable and a list of rows for that
+           heading, render one section of the 'related' box.
+           """
+        # Truncate the rows if we need to
+        if len(rows) > self.sectionLimit:
+            footer = tag('div', _class='relatedFooter')[
+                '(%d others)' % (len(rows) - self.sectionLimit)
+                ]
+            rows = rows[:self.sectionLimit]
+        else:
+            footer = ()
+        parentTitle = rows[0][1]
+        return [
+            tag('div', _class='relatedHeading')[ self.makeLink(section, parentTitle) ],
+            RelatedTable(rows, self.columns, showHeading=False),
+            footer,
+            ]
+class GraphPage(resource.Resource):
+    """Implements a web resource that generates rasterized and cached
+       graphs from the stats_relations table.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.grapher = Stats.Graph.RelationGrapher(*args, **kwargs)
+    def render(self, request):
+        """Figure out what format the user wants this graph in, and
+           call one of our format_* functions.
+           Each format function must return an object with a render(f)
+           method that writes the finished page to a file-like object
+           and returns a Deferred signalling completion.
+           The format function probably also should be setting the
+           content-type header to an appropriate value.
+           """
+        format = request.args.get('format', ['png'])[0]
+        render = getattr(self, 'format_'+format)(request).render
+        render(request).addCallback(
+            self._renderDone, request).addErrback(
+            request.processingFailed)
+        return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+    def _renderDone(self, x, request):
+        request.finish()
+    def format_dot(self, request):
+        """Return the graph in its original .dot source format"""
+        request.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain')
+        return Stats.Graph.RenderCache(self.grapher)
+    def format_svg(self, request):
+        """Perform graph layout but not rasterization, and return the SVG"""
+        request.setHeader('content-type', 'image/svg+xml')
+        graphCache = Stats.Graph.RenderCache(self.grapher)
+        layout = Stats.Graph.GraphLayout(graphCache)
+        return Stats.Graph.RenderCache(layout)
+    def format_png(self, request, defaultWidth=600, maxWidth=2000):
+        """Return a fully rasterized graph image at a specified
+           size, with caching at every interesting stage.
+           """
+        # Let our user specify a width, up to a preset maximum.
+        # Height will follow automatically to keep the aspect ratio correct.
+        width = min(int(request.args.get('width', [defaultWidth])[0]), maxWidth)
+        # Let the user specify a background color, or the empty string
+        # to leave the background transparent.
+        bg = request.args.get('bg', ['white'])[0]
+        if not bg:
+            bg = None
+        request.setHeader('content-type', 'image/png')
+        graphCache = Stats.Graph.RenderCache(self.grapher)
+        layoutCache = Stats.Graph.RenderCache(Stats.Graph.GraphLayout(graphCache))
+        raster = Stats.Graph.SvgRasterizer(layoutCache, width=width, background=bg)
+        return Stats.Graph.RenderCache(raster)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Graph.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Graph.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Link.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Link.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Link.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Stats.Link
+Classes for forming hyperlinks between stats browser pages
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from Nouvelle import tag
+from urllib import quote
+from LibCIA.Web import Template
+import posixpath
+class TargetRelativeLink:
+    """Abstract base class for a link to a stats target or something relative to it"""
+    def __init__(self, target, relativePathSegments=()):
+        self.target = target
+        self.relativePathSegments = tuple(relativePathSegments)
+    def getURL(self, context):
+        # Make this an absolute URL- currently it's required for
+        # links placed in the RSS and XML feeds, and won't
+        # hurt elsewhere.
+        req = context['request']
+        port = req.host[2]
+        hostname = req.getRequestHostname()
+        if req.isSecure():
+            default = 443
+        else:
+            default = 80
+        if port == default:
+            hostport = ''
+        else:
+            hostport = ':%d' % port
+        path = posixpath.join('/stats',
+                              *(tuple(self.target.pathSegments) + self.relativePathSegments))
+        return quote('http%s://%s%s%s' % (
+            req.isSecure() and 's' or '',
+            hostname,
+            hostport,
+            path), "/:")
+class StatsLink(TargetRelativeLink):
+    """An anchor tag linking to the given stats target.
+       Text for the link may be specified, but by default the
+       target's title is used.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, target, tagFactory=tag('a'), text=None):
+        TargetRelativeLink.__init__(self, target)
+        self.tagFactory = tagFactory
+        self.text = text
+    def render(self, context):
+        text = self.text
+        if text is None:
+            text = self.target.getTitle()
+        return self.tagFactory(href=self.getURL(context))[text]
+class MessageLink(TargetRelativeLink):
+    """A link to a particular message delivered to a stats target"""
+    def __init__(self, target, id, extraSegments=(), tagFactory=tag('a'), text=None):
+        TargetRelativeLink.__init__(self, target, ('.message', "%x" % id) + extraSegments)
+        self.tagFactory = tagFactory
+        self.text = text
+    def render(self, context):
+        return self.tagFactory(href=self.getURL(context))[self.text]
+class MetadataLink(TargetRelativeLink):
+    """An anchor tag linking to an item in the given stats target's metadata.
+       Text for the link may be specified, but by default the key is used.
+       This class only works for keys that are strings. A key of None links
+       to the metadata index.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, target, key=None, tagFactory=tag('a'), text=None):
+        segments = ['.metadata']
+        if key:
+            segments.append(key)
+        TargetRelativeLink.__init__(self, target, segments)
+        self.tagFactory = tagFactory
+        self.key = key
+        self.text = text
+    def render(self, context):
+        text = self.text
+        if text is None:
+            if self.key is None:
+                text = "View/Edit Metadata"
+            else:
+                text = self.key
+        return self.tagFactory(href=self.getURL(context))[text]
+class RSSLink(TargetRelativeLink):
+    """An anchor tag linking to the default RSS feed for a particular stats target"""
+    def __init__(self, target, text="RSS 2.0 Feed", extraSegments=()):
+        TargetRelativeLink.__init__(self, target, ('.rss',) + extraSegments)
+        self.text = text
+    def render(self, context):
+        return Template.SubscriptionLink(self.getURL(context), self.text)
+class RSSCustomizer(RSSLink):
+    """An anchor tag leading to a page that lets the user customize the generated RSS"""
+    def __init__(self, target, text="Customized RSS"):
+        RSSLink.__init__(self, target, text, ('customize',))
+    def render(self, context):
+        return tag('a', href=self.getURL(context))[self.text]
+class XMLLink(TargetRelativeLink):
+    """An anchor tag linking to the XML feed for a given stats target"""
+    def __init__(self, target, tagFactory=tag('a'), text=None):
+        TargetRelativeLink.__init__(self, target, ('.xml',))
+        self.tagFactory = tagFactory
+        self.text = text
+    def render(self, context):
+        text = self.text
+        if text is None:
+            text = "Unformatted XML"
+        return self.tagFactory(href=self.getURL(context))[text]
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Link.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Link.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/MessageViewer.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/MessageViewer.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/MessageViewer.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Stats.MessageViewer
+An interface for viewing the individual messages stored by the stats subsystem
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.web import resource, error, server
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from LibCIA.Web import Template, Info
+from Nouvelle import tag, place
+from LibCIA import Formatters, Message, XML, TimeUtil
+import Link
+class RootPage(resource.Resource):
+    """A page that doesn't generate any interesting output, but whose children are message IDs"""
+    def __init__(self, statsPage):
+        self.statsPage = statsPage
+        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+    def render(self, request):
+        return error.NoResource("There's no index here, you need a message ID").render(request)
+    def getChildWithDefault(self, name, request):
+        if not name:
+            # Ignore empty path sections
+            return self
+        else:
+            try:
+                return MessagePage(self.statsPage, int(name, 16))
+            except ValueError:
+                return error.NoResource("Message ID is invalid")
+class EnvelopeSection(Template.Section):
+    """A section displaying general information contained in a message's envelope"""
+    title = 'envelope'
+    def __init__(self, target, message):
+        self.target = target
+        self.message = message
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        if not self.message:
+            return []
+        rows = []
+        timestamp = XML.dig(self.message.xml, "message", "timestamp")
+        if timestamp:
+            rows.append(self.format_timestamp(timestamp))
+        generator = XML.dig(self.message.xml, "message", "generator")
+        if generator:
+            rows.append(self.format_generator(generator))
+        return rows
+    def format_generator(self, gen):
+        """Format the information contained in this message's <generator> tag"""
+        name = XML.digValue(gen, str, "name")
+        url = XML.digValue(gen, str, "url")
+        version = XML.digValue(gen, str, "version")
+        if url:
+            name = tag('a', href=url)[ name ]
+        items = ["Generated by ", Template.value[ name ]]
+        if version:
+            items.extend([" version ", version])
+        return items
+    def format_timestamp(self, stamp):
+        return ["Received ", Template.value[TimeUtil.formatRelativeDate(int(XML.shallowText(stamp)))]]
+class LinksSection(Template.Section):
+    """A section displaying useful links for a particular message"""
+    title = 'links'
+    def __init__(self, target, messageId):
+        self.target = target
+        self.messageId = messageId
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        return [
+            Link.MessageLink(self.target, self.messageId,
+                             extraSegments = ('xml',),
+                             text = 'Unformatted XML',
+                             ),
+            ]
+class UnformattedMessagePage(resource.Resource):
+    """A page that sends back the raw XML text of a particular message"""
+    def __init__(self, target, id):
+        self.target = target
+        self.id = id
+        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+    def render(self, request):
+        xml = self.target.messages.getMessageById(self.id)
+        if xml:
+            request.setHeader('content-type', 'text/xml')
+            request.write(unicode(XML.toString(xml)).encode('utf-8'))
+            request.finish()
+        else:
+            request.write(error.NoResource("Message not found").render(request))
+            request.finish()
+	return ""
+class HTMLPrettyPrinter(XML.XMLObjectParser):
+    """An object parser that converts arbitrary XML to pretty-printed
+       representations in the form of Nouvelle-serializable tag trees.
+       """
+    def parseString(self, s):
+        s = s.strip()
+        if s:
+            return tag('p', _class='xml-text')[ s ]
+        else:
+            return ()
+    def unknownElement(self, element):
+        # Format the element name and attributes
+        elementName = tag('span', _class="xml-element-name")[ element.nodeName ]
+        elementContent = [ elementName ]
+        for attr in element.attributes.values():
+            elementContent.extend([
+                ' ',
+                tag('span', _class='xml-attribute-name')[ attr.name ],
+                '="',
+                tag('span', _class='xml-attribute-value')[ attr.value ],
+                '"',
+                ])
+        # Now the contents...
+        if element.hasChildNodes():
+            completeElement = [
+                "<", elementContent, ">",
+                tag('blockquote', _class='xml-element-content')[
+                    [self.parse(e) for e in element.childNodes],
+                ],
+                "</", elementName, ">",
+                ]
+        else:
+            completeElement = ["<", elementContent, "/>"]
+        return tag('div', _class='xml-element')[ completeElement ]
+htmlPrettyPrint = HTMLPrettyPrinter().parse
+class MessagePage(Template.Page):
+    """A page that views one message from the stats database"""
+    mainTitle = 'Archived Message'
+    def __init__(self, statsPage, id):
+        self.statsPage = statsPage
+        self.id = id
+        Template.Page.__init__(self)
+        self.putChild('xml', UnformattedMessagePage(self.statsPage.target, self.id))
+    def parent(self):
+        return self.statsPage
+    def preRender(self, context):
+        # Load the message once, so multiple components can share it
+        xml = self.statsPage.target.messages.getMessageById(self.id)
+        if xml:
+            self.message = Message.Message(xml)
+        else:
+            self.message = None
+        context['component'] = self.statsPage.component
+    def render_subTitle(self, context):
+        return ["for ",
+                self.statsPage.render_mainTitle(context)]
+    def render_message(self, context):
+        if not self.message:
+            context['request'].setResponseCode(404)
+	    return self.notFoundMessage
+        # Try to format it using several media, in order of decreasing preference.
+        # The 'xhtml-long' formatter lets messages define a special formatter to
+        # use when an entire page is devoted to their one message, possibly showing
+        # it in greater detail. 'xhtml' is the formatter most messages should have.
+        # 'plaintext' is a nice fallback.
+        #
+        # This default list of media to try can be overridden with an argument in our URL.
+        if 'media' in context['args']:
+            mediaList = context['args']['media'][0].split()
+        else:
+            mediaList = ('xhtml-long', 'xhtml', 'plaintext')
+        for medium in mediaList:
+            try:
+                formatted = Formatters.getFactory().findMedium(
+                    medium, self.message).formatMessage(self.message)
+            except Message.NoFormatterError:
+                continue
+            return formatted
+        # Still no luck? Display a warning message and a pretty-printed XML tree
+        return [
+            tag('h1')[ "No formatter available" ],
+            XML.htmlPrettyPrint(self.message.xml),
+            ]
+    def render_leftColumn(self, context):
+        return [
+            EnvelopeSection(self.statsPage.target, self.message),
+            LinksSection(self.statsPage.target, self.id),
+            Info.Clock(),
+            ]
+    notFoundMessage = [
+        tag('h1')[ "Not Found" ],
+        tag('p')[
+            "This message was not found in our database. The number could be "
+            "incorrect, or the message may be old enough that it was deleted "
+            "from the database. Each stats target archives a fixed number of messages, "
+            "so you might be able to find another copy of it on a different stats "
+            "target with less traffic."
+        ]
+    ]
+    mainColumn = [
+        Template.pageBody[ place('message') ],
+        ]
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/MessageViewer.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/MessageViewer.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Metadata.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Metadata.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Metadata.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Stats.Metadata
+Viewers and editors for the metadata associated with each stats target
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from LibCIA.Web import Template
+from LibCIA import Units, Database
+from Nouvelle import tag
+class Info(Template.Section):
+    """A section that displays a StatsTarget's miscellaneous metadata"""
+    title = "information"
+    def __init__(self, target):
+        self.target = target
+        self.metadata = target.metadata
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        photo_query = """
+        SELECT IM.path, IM.width, IM.height
+        FROM stats_statstarget ST
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN images_imageinstance IM
+        ON (IM.source_id = ST.photo_id AND IM.thumbnail_size = 256)
+        WHERE ST.path = %s
+        """ % Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar')
+        # XXX: This is hacky. Search for exclusive owners of this target.
+        owner_query = """
+        SELECT UA.id, UA.access, UA.user_id
+        FROM stats_statstarget ST
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN accounts_project PROJ ON (PROJ.target_id = ST.id)
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN accounts_author AUTH ON (AUTH.target_id = ST.id)
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN django_content_type CT_AUTH
+          ON (CT_AUTH.app_label = 'accounts' AND CT_AUTH.model = 'author')
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN django_content_type CT_PROJ
+          ON (CT_PROJ.app_label = 'accounts' AND CT_PROJ.model = 'project')
+        LEFT OUTER JOIN accounts_userasset UA
+          ON (   (UA.content_type_id = CT_AUTH.id AND UA.object_id = AUTH.id)
+              OR (UA.content_type_id = CT_PROJ.id AND UA.object_id = PROJ.id))
+        WHERE ST.path = %s AND UA.access > 1
+        """ % Database.quote(self.target.path, 'varchar')
+        # Grab the metadata keys we'll need and wait for them to become available
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        defer.gatherResults([
+            self.metadata.getValue('url'),
+            self.metadata.getValue('description'),
+            Database.pool.runQuery(photo_query),
+            Database.pool.runQuery(owner_query),
+            ]).addCallback(self._render_rows, context, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_rows(self, metadata, context, result):
+        url, description, photo_results, owner_results = metadata
+        rows = []
+        if url:
+            rows.append(tag('a', href=url)[url])
+        if photo_results and photo_results[0][0]:
+            path, width, height = photo_results[0]
+            rows.append(Template.Photo('/images/db/' + path, width=width, height=height))
+        if description:
+            rows.append(description)
+        # XXX: This is kind of a hack, but it should improve usability
+        #      between the old and new sites. Show 'edit' links if
+        #      this is something users can edit (projects or authors)
+        #      and if it isn't claimed exclusively already.
+        if (not owner_results and
+            len(self.target.pathSegments) >= 2 and
+            self.target.pathSegments[0] in ('project', 'author')):
+            rows.append(tag('a', href='/account/%ss/add/%s/' % (
+                self.target.pathSegments[0], '/'.join(self.target.pathSegments[1:])))
+                        ["Edit..."])
+        result.callback(rows)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Metadata.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/Metadata.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/__init__.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/__init__.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Stats
+Implements the web interface to CIA's stats subsystem
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Convenience imports
+import Browser
+from Browser import Component
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/__init__.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Stats/__init__.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Template.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Template.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Template.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web.Template
+Template classes for building web pages using our particular style
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import Nouvelle
+import Nouvelle.Twisted
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from Nouvelle import tag, place, xml, subcontext
+import types, random
+# Verify we have a new enough Nouvelle
+if (not hasattr(Nouvelle, "version_info")) or Nouvelle.version_info < (0, 92, 1):
+    raise Exception("The installed copy of Nouvelle is too old")
+# Tag templates
+catalogList = tag('ul', _class="catalog")
+value = tag('strong')
+error = tag('span', _class="error")
+longError = tag('p', _class="error")
+unableToFormat = error[ "Unable to format data" ]
+breadcrumbSeparator = xml(" &raquo; ")
+pageBody = tag('div', _class="pageBody")
+# Stock images
+fileIcon = tag('img', src="/images/bullet.png", _class="left-icon", width=9, height=9, alt="file")
+dirIcon = tag('img', src="/images/folder.png", _class="left-icon", width=14, height=12, alt="directory")
+def Photo(url, **attrs):
+    """A factory for images presented as a photo"""
+    return tag('div', _class='photo')[ tag('img', _class='photo', src=url, alt="Photo", **attrs) ]
+def Bargraph(value, width=4, padding=0.2):
+    """A factory for tags that use their size to express a value between 0 and 1"""
+    return tag('span', _class='bargraph',
+               style="padding: 0em %.4fem" % (value * width + padding))
+def SubscriptionLink(url, content, icon="/images/rss.png", iconSize=(36,14)):
+    """An anchor tag that can be used to link to RSS feeds.
+       """
+    return tag('a', href = url)[
+              tag('img', src=icon, _class="left-icon", alt="RSS",
+                  width=iconSize[0], height=iconSize[1]),
+              content,
+           ]
+def SectionGrid(*rows):
+    """Create a grid of sections, for layouts showing a lot of small boxes
+       in a regular pattern.
+       """
+    return tag('table', _class="sectionGrid")[[
+        tag('tr', _class="sectionGrid")[[
+            tag('td', _class="sectionGrid")[
+                cell
+            ] for cell in row
+        ]] for row in rows
+    ]]
+def MessageHeaders(d):
+    """A factory for displaying message headers from a dictionary-like object.
+       If order is important (it probably is) use twisted.python.util.OrderedDict.
+       """
+    return tag('table', _class="messageHeaders")[[
+        tag('tr')[
+            tag('td', _class='name')[ name, ":" ],
+            tag('td', _class='value')[ value ],
+        ]
+        for name, value in d.iteritems()
+    ]]
+def randomlySubdivide(string, minLength, maxLength):
+    """Randomly break a string into pieces not smaller than minLength
+       or longer than maxLength.
+       """
+    parts = []
+    while string:
+        l = random.randint(minLength, maxLength)
+        parts.append(string[:l])
+        string = string[l:]
+    return parts
+def treeReplace(tree, a, b):
+    """Replace any occurrance of 'a' with 'b' recursively in a tree of strings"""
+    if type(tree) in (list, tuple):
+        return [treeReplace(i, a, b) for i in tree]
+    elif type(tree) in (str, unicode):
+        return tree.replace(a, b)
+    else:
+        return tree
+class EmailLink:
+    """This is a tag-like class for generating obfuscated links to email addresses,
+       using the javascript-based technique described by Kieth Bell at:
+          http://www.december14.net/ways/js/nospam.shtml
+       """
+    def __init__(self, href):
+        self.href = href
+        self.content = []
+    def __getitem__(self, content):
+        self.content = content
+        return self
+    def render(self, context):
+        # Obfuscate the content
+        content = treeReplace(self.content, "@", " at ")
+        content = treeReplace(content, ".", " dot ")
+        # Create an 'onmouseover' script that will replace our link's
+        # href with the correct one. We start by randomly dividing the
+        # email address into small chunks.
+        parts = randomlySubdivide(self.href, 1, 5)
+        script = "this.href=" + "+".join(["'%s'" % part for part in parts])
+        # Assemble and render the final link
+        return tag('a', href="/doc/mail", onmouseover=script)[ content ].render(context)
+def FileTree(tree):
+    """A factory for rendering file trees from a tree of nested dictionaries.
+       Dictionaries with no children are treated as files, dictionaries with
+       children are treated as directories.
+       """
+    keys = tree.keys()
+    keys.sort()
+    items = []
+    for key in keys:
+        if not key:
+            # This can happen when there's a trailing slash, for example because a new directory
+            # was added. (in clients that are smart enough to detect that) Ignore it here for now.
+            continue
+        if tree[key]:
+            items.append( tag('li', _class='directory')[ key, FileTree(tree[key]) ])
+        else:
+            items.append( tag('li', _class='file')[ key ])
+    return tag('ul', _class='fileTree')[ items ]
+class Section:
+    """A renderable portion of the web page with a title and a body,
+       that may be placed in any of the page's columns.
+       A section can be made up of any number of 'rows', which manifest
+       themselves as whitespace-padded sections. A section without any
+       rows is completely hidden.
+       """
+    def render_title(self, context):
+        return self.title
+    def render_rows(self, context):
+        return self.rows
+    def render(self, context):
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        defer.maybeDeferred(self.render_rows, context).addCallback(
+            self._render, result).addErrback(result.errback)
+        # Optimize out Deferreds where we can
+        if result.called:
+            return result.result
+        return result
+    def _render(self, rows, result):
+        """The backend for render(), called once our rows list is known"""
+        if rows:
+            result.callback(subcontext(owner=self)[
+                tag('span', _class="section")[ place("title") ],
+                tag('div', _class="section")[
+                    tag('div', _class="sectionTop")[" "],
+                    [tag('div', _class="row")[r] for r in rows],
+                ],
+            ])
+        else:
+            result.callback([])
+class Table(Nouvelle.ResortableTable):
+    """Add sorting indicators to Nouvelle's normal ResortableTable"""
+    reversedSortIndicator = tag('img', _class='sortIndicator', width=11, height=7,
+                                src="/images/sort_up.png", alt="Reversed sort column")
+    sortIndicator = tag('img', _class='sortIndicator', width=11, height=7,
+                        src="/images/sort_down.png", alt="Sort column")
+class HideFromSpiders:
+    """Hides its contents when isWebSpider is true. This can be used to show
+       content that shouldn't be indexed by search engines if possible.
+       """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.content = []
+    def __getitem__(self, content):
+        self.content = content
+        return self
+    def render(self, context):
+        if context['request'].isWebSpider():
+            return []
+        else:
+            return self.content
+class StaticSection(Section):
+    """A section containing static content, usable with tag-like syntax:
+       StaticSection(title)[body]
+       """
+    def __init__(self, title=None, rows=None):
+        if rows is None:
+            # This is important- remember that default values are only created
+            # once and reused forever. A list specified as a default value would
+            # be shared by all instances that don't specify their own list.
+            rows = []
+        self.title = title
+        self.rows = rows
+    def __call__(self, title=None, rows=None):
+        n = StaticSection()
+        if title is None:
+            n.title = self.title
+        else:
+            n.title = title
+        if rows is None:
+            n.rows = list(self.rows)
+        else:
+            n.rows = rows
+        return n
+    def __getitem__(self, rows):
+        return self.__class__(self.title, [rows])
+class Page(Nouvelle.Twisted.Page):
+    """A template for pages using our CSS- all pages have a heading with
+       title, subtitle, and site name. The content of each page is in
+       columns holding sections, while each page shares certain navigation
+       features- section tabs at the top, and a 'breadcrumbs' display
+       linking to and showing a page's parent pages.
+       """
+    siteName = "CIA.vc"
+    mainTitle = None
+    subTitle = []
+    leftColumn  = []
+    mainColumn  = []
+    extraHeaders = []
+    # Placeholders for site-specific customization
+    site_belowLeftColumn = []
+    site_bottomOfFooter = []
+    titleElements = [
+        tag('div', _class="mainTitle")[ place("mainTitle") ],
+        tag('div', _class="subTitle")[ place("subTitle") ],
+    ]
+    logoElements = [
+        tag('a', _class="sitename", href="/")[
+            tag('img', src='/media/img/nameplate-24.png', width=87, height=24,
+                alt='CIA.vc'),
+        ],
+    ]
+    document = [
+        xml('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" '
+            '"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">\n'),
+        tag('html', xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")[
+            tag('head')[
+                tag('title')[ place("pageTitle") ],
+                place('baseTag'),
+		xml('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />'),
+                tag('link', rel='stylesheet', href='/media/css/old-site.css', type='text/css'),
+                tag('link', rel='shortcut icon', href='/favicon.ico', type='image/png'),
+                tag('script', type='text/javascript', src='/media/js/base.js')[ " " ],
+                place('extraHeaders'),
+            ],
+            tag('body')[
+                tag('div', _class="heading")[
+                    tag('div', _class="topRight")[
+                        tag('input', type='text', id='search'),
+                        place("tabs"),
+                        place('logoElements'),
+                    ],
+                    tag('div', _class="topLeft")[
+                        place('titleElements'),
+                    ],
+                    tag('div', _class="tabBar")[ place("breadcrumbs") ],
+                ],
+                # The page body. We really shouldn't still be using a table for this...
+                tag('table', _class="columns")[ tag('tr')[
+                    tag('td', _class="left")[
+                        place("templateLeftColumn"),
+                    ],
+                    tag('td', _class="main")[
+                        place("mainColumn")
+                    ],
+                ]],
+                tag('div', _class="footer")[
+                    # Legal goop
+                    tag('p', _class='smallprint')[
+                        xml("The CIA.vc server is Copyright &copy; 2003-2007 "),
+                        EmailLink('mailto:micah at navi.cx')["Micah Dowty"],
+                        ", and released under the ",
+                        tag('a', _href='/doc/COPYING')["GNU GPL"], ".", tag('br'),
+                        "All hosted messages and metadata are owned by their respective authors.",
+                    ],
+                    # More optional text
+                    place("site_bottomOfFooter"),
+                ],
+                xml('<script type="text/javascript">'
+                    'CIASearch.init("/api/search/", "search", "Search CIA.vc");'
+                    '</script>'),
+            ],
+        ],
+    ]
+    def render_pageTitle(self, context):
+        # Wait for the title and site name to resolve into strings so we can mess with them a bit more
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        defer.gatherResults([
+            defer.maybeDeferred(self.render_mainTitle, context),
+            defer.maybeDeferred(self.render_siteName, context),
+            ]).addCallback(
+            self._render_pageTitle, context, result
+            ).addErrback(result.errback)
+        return result
+    def _render_pageTitle(self, titleAndSite, context, result):
+        # Now that the title and site name have fully resolved, we can apply some heuristics...
+        title, siteName = titleAndSite
+        if title is None:
+            result.callback(siteName)
+            return
+        if type(title) in types.StringTypes and type(siteName) in types.StringTypes:
+            # The title and site are plain strings. If it starts with or ends with the site name,
+            # just use it as-is to avoid being overly redundant.
+            if title == siteName or title.startswith(siteName + " ") or title.endswith(" " + siteName):
+                result.callback(title)
+                return
+        # Otherwise, stick the title and site name together
+        result.callback([title, ' - ', siteName])
+    def render_templateLeftColumn(self, context):
+        """A sneaky little rendering function that runs render_leftColumn,
+           but then sticks in the site_* modifiers where possible. Note that
+           this won't work if render_leftColumn returns a Deferred, but
+           nothing in the CIA server does this yet.
+           """
+        return self.render_leftColumn(context) + self.site_belowLeftColumn
+    def render_siteName(self, context):
+        return self.siteName
+    def render_mainTitle(self, context):
+        return self.mainTitle
+    def render_subTitle(self, context):
+        return self.subTitle
+    def render_leftColumn(self, context):
+        return self.leftColumn
+    def render_mainColumn(self, context):
+        return self.mainColumn
+    def render_breadcrumbs(self, context):
+        places = [self.render_mainTitle(context)]
+        node = self.parent()
+        # If we don't at least have a parent node, breadcrumbs
+        # are going to be pretty useless. Just stick in a
+        # non-breaking space as a placeholder.
+        if not node:
+            return xml("&nbsp;")
+        while node:
+            places.insert(0, breadcrumbSeparator)
+            places.insert(0, node.render_link(context))
+            node = node.parent()
+        return places
+    def render_baseTag(self, context):
+        """Return an HTML <base> tag pointing at this page's original URL.
+           This keeps the page from breaking if it's saved to disk or copied elsewhere.
+           """
+        return tag('base', href = context['request'].prePathURL())
+    def render_link(self, context):
+        """Return a serializable object that should be used to link to this page.
+           By default, this returns a plain link with the page's title, pointing
+           to the page's URL.
+           """
+        return tag('a', href=self.getURL(context))[self.render_mainTitle(context)]
+    def parent(self):
+        """Pages must implement this to return their parent page.
+           This is used for the default implementation of breadcrumbs.
+           """
+        pass
+    def render_tabs(self, context):
+        """The page's tabs show all named components"""
+        tabs = []
+        for component in context['request'].site.components:
+            if component.name:
+                tabs.append(tag('li')[
+                    xml('&raquo; '),
+                    tag('a', href=component.url)[ component.name ],
+                ])
+        return tag('ul', _class='heading')[ tabs ]
+    def getURL(self, context):
+        """Retrieve a URL suitable for linking to this page."""
+        pass
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Template.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/Template.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/__init__.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/__init__.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+""" LibCIA.Web
+twisted.web resources and templates implementing CIA's web interface
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Convenience imports
+import Stats
+import Server
+import Overview
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/__init__.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/Web/__init__.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/XML.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/XML.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/XML.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+""" LibCIA.XML
+Classes and utility functions to make the DOM suck less. CIA has been
+ported across DOM implementations multiple times, and may need to be
+ported again in the future. This file, in addition to making life easier,
+should hide quirks of particular DOM implementations as best as possible.
+This implementation uses Minidom.
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import re
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from xml.sax import SAXParseException as ParseException
+class XMLObject(object):
+    """An object based on an XML document tree. This class provides
+       methods to load it from a string or a DOM tree, and convert
+       it back to an XML string.
+       'doc' is either a DOM node, a string containing
+       the message in XML, or a stream-like object.
+       """
+    # Subclasses can set this to enable some caches
+    immutable = False
+    _xpcache = None
+    def __init__(self, doc=None, uri=None):
+        if type(doc) in (str, unicode):
+            self.loadFromString(doc, uri)
+        elif hasattr(doc, 'read'):
+            self.loadFromStream(doc, uri)
+        elif hasattr(doc, 'nodeType'):
+            self.loadFromDom(doc)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return toString(self.xml)
+    def loadFromString(self, string, uri=None):
+        """Parse the given string as XML and set the contents of the message"""
+        self.loadFromDom(parseString(string))
+    def loadFromStream(self, stream, uri=None):
+        """Parse the given stream as XML and set the contents of the message"""
+        self.loadFromDom(parseStream(stream))
+    def loadFromDom(self, root):
+        """Set the contents of the Message from a parsed DOM tree"""
+        if hasattr(root, "documentElement"):
+            self.xml = root
+        else:
+            # Encase the given tree fragment in a Document
+            self.xml = createRootNode()
+            self.xml.appendChild(self.xml.importNode(root, True))
+        self.preprocess()
+    def preprocess(self):
+        """A hook where subclasses can add code to inspect a freshly
+           loaded XML document and/or fill in any missing information.
+           """
+        pass
+class XMLObjectParser(XMLObject):
+    """An XMLObject that is parsed recursively on creation into any
+       python object, stored in 'resultAttribute'. parse() dispatches
+       control to an element_* method when it finds an element, and
+       to parseString when it comes to character data.
+       """
+    requiredRootElement = None
+    resultAttribute = 'result'
+    def preprocess(self):
+        """Upon creating this object, parse the XML tree recursively.
+           The result returned from parsing the tree's root element
+           is set to our resultAttribute.
+           """
+        # Validate the root element type if the subclass wants us to.
+        # This is hard to do elsewhere, since the element handlers don't
+        # know where they are in the XML document.
+        if self.requiredRootElement is not None:
+            rootElement = None
+            if self.xml.nodeType == self.xml.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+                rootElement = self.xml.documentElement
+            elif self.xml.nodeType == self.xml.ELEMENT_NODE:
+                rootElement = self.xml
+            if (not rootElement) or rootElement.nodeName != self.requiredRootElement:
+                raise UnknownElementError("Missing a required %r root element" %
+                                          self.requiredRootElement)
+        setattr(self, self.resultAttribute, self.parse(self.xml))
+    def parse(self, node, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Given a DOM node, finds an appropriate parse function and invokes it"""
+        if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
+            return self.parseString(node.data, *args, **kwargs)
+        elif node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+            f = getattr(self, "element_" + node.nodeName, None)
+            if f:
+                return f(node, *args, **kwargs)
+            else:
+                return self.unknownElement(node, *args, **kwargs)
+        elif node.nodeType == node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+            return self.parse(node.documentElement, *args, **kwargs)
+    def childParser(self, node, *args, **kwargs):
+        """A generator that parses all relevant child nodes, yielding their return values"""
+        parseableTypes = (node.TEXT_NODE, node.ELEMENT_NODE)
+        for child in node.childNodes:
+            if child.nodeType in parseableTypes:
+                yield self.parse(child, *args, **kwargs)
+    def parseString(self, s):
+        """The analogue to element_* for character data"""
+        pass
+    def unknownElement(self, element):
+        """An unknown element was found, by default just generates an exception"""
+        raise UnknownElementError("Invalid element in %s: '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, element.nodeName))
+class XMLFunction(XMLObjectParser):
+    """An XMLObject that is parsed on creation into a function,
+       making this class callable. The parser relies on member functions
+       starting with 'element_' to recursively parse each element of the XML
+       tree, returning a function implementing it.
+       """
+    resultAttribute = 'f'
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self.f(*args, **kwargs)
+class XMLValidityError(Exception):
+    """This error is raised by subclasses of XMLObject that encounter problems
+       in the structure of XML documents presented to them. Normally this should
+       correspond with the document not being valid according to its schema,
+       but we don't actually use a validating parser.
+       """
+    pass
+class UnknownElementError(XMLValidityError):
+    pass
+def allTextGenerator(node):
+    """A generator that, given a DOM tree, yields all text fragments in that tree"""
+    if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
+        yield node.data
+    for child in node.childNodes:
+        for text in allTextGenerator(child):
+            yield text
+def allText(node):
+    """Concatenate all text under the given element recursively, and return it"""
+    return "".join(allTextGenerator(node))
+def shallowTextGenerator(node):
+    """A generator that, given a DOM tree, yields all text fragments contained immediately within"""
+    for child in node.childNodes:
+        if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
+            yield child.data
+def shallowText(node):
+    """Concatenate all text immediately within the given node"""
+    return "".join(shallowTextGenerator(node))
+def dig(node, *subElements):
+    """Search for the given named subelements inside a node. Returns
+       None if any subelement isn't found.
+       """
+    if not node:
+        return None
+    for name in subElements:
+        nextNode = None
+        for child in node.childNodes:
+            if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == name:
+                nextNode = child
+                break
+        if nextNode:
+            node = nextNode
+        else:
+            return None
+    return node
+def digValue(node, _type, *subElements):
+    """Search for a subelement using 'dig', then retrieve all contained
+       text and convert it to the given type. Strips extra whitespace.
+       """
+    foundNode = dig(node, *subElements)
+    if foundNode:
+        return _type(shallowText(foundNode).strip())
+def bury(node, *subElements):
+    """Search for the given named subelements inside a node,
+       creating any that can't be found.
+       """
+    for name in subElements:
+        nextNode = None
+        for child in node.childNodes:
+            if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE and child.nodeName == name:
+                nextNode = child
+                break
+        if nextNode:
+            node = nextNode
+        else:
+            node = addElement(node, name)
+    return node
+def buryValue(node, value, *subElements):
+    """Search for a subelement using 'bury' then store the given value,
+       overwriting the previous content of that node.
+       """
+    node = bury(node, *subElements)
+    for child in list(node.childNodes):
+        if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
+            node.removeChild(child)
+    node.appendChild(node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(str(value)))
+def addElement(node, name, content=None, attributes={}):
+    """Add a new child element to the given node, optionally containing
+       the given text and attributes. The attributes are specified as a
+       simple mapping from name string to value string. This function
+       does not support namespaces.
+       """
+    if node.nodeType == node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+        doc = node
+    else:
+        doc = node.ownerDocument
+    newElement = doc.createElementNS(None, name)
+    if content:
+        newElement.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(content))
+    for attrName, attrValue in attributes.iteritems():
+        newElement.setAttributeNS(None, attrName, attrValue)
+    node.appendChild(newElement)
+    return newElement
+parseStream = minidom.parse
+def parseString(string):
+    # Grarr.. minidom can't directly parse Unicode objects
+    if type(string) is unicode:
+        string = string.encode('utf-8')
+    return minidom.parseString(string)
+def createRootNode():
+    return minidom.getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, None, None)
+def toString(doc):
+    """Convert a DOM tree back to a string"""
+    return doc.toxml()
+def getChildElements(doc):
+    """A generator that returns all child elements of a node"""
+    for child in doc.childNodes:
+        if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE:
+            yield child
+def firstChildElement(doc):
+    try:
+        return getChildElements(doc).next()
+    except StopIteration:
+        return None
+def hasChildElements(doc):
+    # Force a boolean result
+    return firstChildElement(doc) is not None
+class XPathBase:
+    """Abstract base XPath implementation"""
+    def queryObject(self, obj):
+        return self.queryForNodes(obj.xml)
+class XPathFull(XPathBase):
+    """Full XPath implementation, using 4XPath.  Caches all xpaths by
+       default, in a global dictionary. XPaths are never evicted from
+       the cache.
+       """
+    cache = {}
+    enableCache = True
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        if self.enableCache:
+            try:
+                self.compiled = self.cache[path]
+            except KeyError:
+                self.compiled = self._compile(path)
+                self.cache[path] = self.compiled
+        else:
+            self.compiled = self._compile(path)
+    def _compile(self, path):
+        # xpath.Compile() seems to have broken error handling-
+        # it's reporting syntax errors as RuntimeException.INTERNAL.
+        # Work around this by instantiating the parser directly.
+        import xml.xpath
+        try:
+            return xml.xpath.parser.new().parse(path)
+        except xml.xpath.yappsrt.SyntaxError, e:
+            raise XMLValidityError('XPath syntax error in "%s" at char %d: %s' % (
+                path, e.pos, e.msg))
+    def queryForNodes(self, doc):
+        """Query an XML DOM, returning the result set"""
+        return self.compiled.evaluate(xml.xpath.CreateContext(doc))
+class XPathTiny(XPathBase):
+    """Implements a very tiny XPath subset, which only supports absolute
+       paths using only the default (child::) axis.
+       """
+    _validation_re = re.compile(r"^(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]*)+$")
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        if not self._validation_re.match(path):
+            raise XMLValidityError('"%s" is not valid in the supported subset of XPath' % path)
+        self.compiled = path.split("/")[1:]
+    def queryForNodes(self, doc):
+        current = [doc]
+        for name in self.compiled: 
+            next = []
+            for el in current:
+                for child in el.childNodes:
+                    if child.nodeType == ELEMENT and child.nodeName == name:
+                        next.append(child)
+            current = next
+        return current
+# Our big switch to choose the default XPath implementation
+XPath = XPathTiny
+# The general form of "path" is an XPath, but we actually only support
+# a very tiny subset of XPath. To make filters a little less overly verbose
+# without making our XPaths (and eventually our Esquilax index) less
+# efficient, we'll define some shortcuts for common paths.
+pathShortcuts = {
+    'branch': '/message/source/branch',
+    'project': '/message/source/project',
+    'module': '/message/source/module',
+    'revision': '/message/body/commit/revision',
+    'version': '/message/body/commit/version',
+    'author': '/message/body/commit/author',
+    'log': '/message/body/commit/log',
+    'files': '/message/body/commit/files',
+    'url': '/message/body/commit/url',
+    }
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/XML.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/XML.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/__init__.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/__init__.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+""" LibCIA
+This is a Python package providing modules used to implement the CIA
+open source notification system.
+CIA provides a way for projects to send messages from their version
+control and bug tracking systems to anyone interested- mainly a
+network of IRC bots and a web site.
+Where does the name CIA come from? It was originally designed to
+monitor commits from PicoGUI's Subversion repository, and Lalo came
+up with the name CIA: it was a brainless entity designed to keep
+an eye on Subversion ;)
+# CIA open source notification system
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Micah Dowty <micah at navi.cx>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+__version__ = "0.91svn"
+# Check the python version here before we proceed further
+requiredPythonVersion = (2,2,1)
+import sys, string
+if sys.version_info < requiredPythonVersion:
+    raise Exception("%s requires at least Python %s, found %s instead." % (
+        name,
+        string.join(map(str, requiredPythonVersion), "."),
+        string.join(map(str, sys.version_info), ".")))
+del sys
+del string
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/__init__.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/LibCIA/__init__.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/BaseHTTP.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/BaseHTTP.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/BaseHTTP.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+""" Nouvelle.BaseHTTP
+Glue for using Nouvelle with Python's builtin BaseHTTPServer module.
+This provides a Page class that lets objects be attached as children
+to it, a RequestHandler that dispatches HTTP requests to a root Page,
+and a simple main function that makes it quick and easy to start a
+server with a particular Page at its root.
+# Nouvelle web framework
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Micah Dowty <micahjd at users.sourceforge.net>
+#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import Nouvelle
+from Nouvelle import tag
+import BaseHTTPServer, urlparse
+class Page:
+    """A web resource that renders a tree of tag instances from its 'document'
+       attribute, and can have child resources attached to it.
+       """
+    serializerFactory = Nouvelle.Serializer
+    responseCode = 200
+    def handleRequest(self, request, args):
+        """Given a RequestHandler instance, send back an HTTP response code,
+           headers, and a rendition of this page.
+           """
+        request.send_response(self.responseCode)
+        self.sendHeaders(request)
+        context  = {
+            'owner': self,
+            'request': request,
+            'args': args,
+            }
+        self.preRender(context)
+        rendered = str(self.serializerFactory().render(self.document, context))
+        request.wfile.write(rendered)
+    def sendHeaders(self, request):
+        """Send back HTTP headers for a given request"""
+        request.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
+        request.end_headers()
+    def preRender(self, context):
+        """Called prior to rendering each request, subclasses can use this to annotate
+           'context' with extra information or perform other important setup tasks.
+           """
+        pass
+    def addChild(self, name, page):
+        """Add the given Page instance as a child under this one in the URL tree"""
+        if not hasattr(self, 'children'):
+            self.children = {}
+        self.children[name] = page
+    def findChild(self, name):
+        """Return the named child of this Page. By default this looks in
+           self.children, and if a page isn't found returns Error404.
+           """
+        if not name:
+            # Ignore empty path segments
+            return self
+        if hasattr(self, 'children') and self.children.has_key(name):
+            return self.children[name]
+        return Error404()
+class Error404(Page):
+    """A 404 error, resource not found"""
+    responseCode = 404
+    document = tag('html')[
+                   tag('head')[
+                       tag('title')[ "404 - Resource not found" ],
+                   ],
+                   tag('body')[
+                       tag('h1')[ "404" ],
+                       tag('h3')[ "Resource not found" ],
+                   ],
+               ]
+class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+    def do_GET(self):
+        # Parse the path we were given as a URL...
+        scheme, host, path, parameters, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
+        # Find the page corresponding with our URL's path
+        page = self.rootPage
+        for segment in path.split("/"):
+            page = page.findChild(segment)
+        # Split the query into key-value pairs
+        args = {}
+        for pair in query.split("&"):
+            if pair.find("=") >= 0:
+                key, value = pair.split("=", 1)
+                args.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
+            else:
+                args[pair] = []
+        page.handleRequest(self, args)
+def main(rootPage, port=8080):
+    handler = RequestHandler
+    handler.rootPage = rootPage
+    BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', port), handler).serve_forever()
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/ModPython.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/ModPython.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/ModPython.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+""" Nouvelle.ModPython
+Glue for using Nouvelle with mod_python. Page objects here, once instantiated,
+can be rendered by the publisher handler using their 'publish' method or 'handler'
+can be used to implement a standalone request handler.
+# Nouvelle web framework
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Micah Dowty <micahjd at users.sourceforge.net>
+#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import Nouvelle
+from Nouvelle import tag
+from mod_python import apache
+class Page:
+    """A web resource that renders a tree of tag instances from its 'document'
+       attribute when called.
+       """
+    serializerFactory = Nouvelle.Serializer
+    contentType = "text/html"
+    isLeaf = True
+    def publish(self, **kwargs):
+        """Render this page via the publisher handler"""
+        request = kwargs['req']
+        del kwargs['req']
+        context = dict(owner=self, request=request, args=kwargs)
+        self.preRender(context)
+        return self.render(context)
+    def handler(self, req):
+        """Implement a standalone request handler. This can handle child requests
+           through the getChild() method.
+           """
+        # Recurse into child pages as necessary
+        current = self
+        for seg in req.path_info.split('/'):
+            if not seg:
+                continue
+            try:
+                current = current.getChild(seg)
+            except KeyError:
+                return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
+            if not current:
+                return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
+        # Split the query into key-value pairs
+        args = {}
+        if req.args:
+            for pair in req.args.split("&"):
+                if pair.find("=") >= 0:
+                    key, value = pair.split("=", 1)
+                    args.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
+                else:
+                    args[pair] = []
+        context = dict(owner=current, request=req, args=args)
+        current.preRender(context)
+        return current.render(context)
+    def render(self, context):
+        """Render the current page, writing the results via the context's request object"""
+        req = context['request']
+        # If this isn't a leaf resource and doesn't end with a slash, redirect there
+        if not self.isLeaf and not req.uri.endswith("/"):
+            self.redirect(req, req.uri + "/")
+        page = str(self.serializerFactory().render(self.document, context))
+        req.content_type = self.contentType
+        req.write(page)
+        return apache.OK
+    def redirect(self, req, url, temporary=False, seeOther=False):
+        """Immediately redirects the request to the given url. If the
+           seeOther parameter is set, 303 See Other response is sent, if the
+           temporary parameter is set, the server issues a 307 Temporary
+           Redirect. Otherwise a 301 Moved Permanently response is issued.
+           This function is from Stian Soiland's post to mod_python's mailing list at:
+           http://www.modpython.org/pipermail/mod_python/2004-January/014865.html
+           """
+        from mod_python import apache
+        if seeOther:
+            status = apache.HTTP_SEE_OTHER
+        elif temporary:
+            status = apache.HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT
+        else:
+            status = apache.HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
+        req.headers_out['Location'] = url
+        req.status = status
+        raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, status
+    def preRender(self, context):
+        """Called prior to rendering each request, subclasses can use this to annotate
+           'context' with extra information or perform other important setup tasks.
+           """
+        pass
+    def getChild(self, name):
+        """Return a child resource. The default implementation looks in a 'children' database,
+           but this can be overridden by subclasses to implement more dynamic behavior.
+           """
+        d = getattr(self, 'children', {})
+        return d.get(name)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/Serial.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/Serial.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/Serial.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+""" Nouvelle.Serial
+Core functionality for Nouvelle's object serialization system, including
+the tag, place, and Serializer objects.
+The lowercase 'place', 'xml', and 'tag' classes break my naming
+convention, but since they aren't really used like conventional classes
+I think lowercase makes more sense.
+# Nouvelle web framework
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Micah Dowty <micahjd at users.sourceforge.net>
+#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+__all__ = ['place', 'xml', 'subcontext', 'tag', 'quote', 'Serializer', 'DocumentOwner']
+# Use psyco if we can, as this module is the bottleneck in most web apps
+# and the code is small enough that the memory penalty is minimal
+    from psyco.classes import __metaclass__
+except ImportError:
+    pass
+class place:
+    """A placeholder for data that can be rendered by a document's owner.
+       For example, place('title') calls render_title() in the object owning
+       the current document, context['owner']. If there is not render_title
+       function, this will look for a 'title' attribute to return verbatim.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.name = name
+        self.args = args
+        self.kwargs = kwargs
+    def render(self, context):
+        try:
+            f = getattr(context['owner'], 'render_' + self.name)
+        except AttributeError:
+            return getattr(context['owner'], self.name)
+        return f(context, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
+class xml(str):
+    """A marker indicating data that is already represented in raw XML and
+       needs no further processing.
+       """
+    __slots__ = []
+class quote:
+    """A wrapper for any serializable object that fully serializes it then
+       leaves the result as a string rather than an xml() object, so it is quoted.
+       This is useful for rendering HTML as quoted text inside of other XML
+       documents, for example. If this is used on normal text, note that the
+       text will be quoted twice.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, item):
+        self.item = item
+class tag:
+    """A renderable XHTML tag, containing other renderable objects.
+       If an object enclosed doesn't have a 'render' method, it is casted
+       to a string and quoted.
+       This class was inspired by nevow, but much simpler. In CIA, dynamically
+       rebuilding the code to implement changes at runtime is more important
+       than speed, and this avoids much of the complexity (and power) of
+       nevow's ISerializable.
+       Attributes are quoted and converted to tag attributes. Leading underscores
+       are removed, so they can be used to define attributes that are reserved
+       words in Python.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, name, **attributes):
+        self.name = name
+        self.content = []
+        self._setAttributes(attributes)
+    def __call__(self, name=None, **attributes):
+        """A tag instance can be called just like the tag
+           class, so any tag instance can be used in place
+           of 'tag' to provide default values.
+           """
+        if name is None:
+            name = self.name
+        attrs = dict(self.attributes)
+        attrs.update(attributes)
+        return tag(name, **attrs)[ self.content ]
+    def _stringizeAttributes(self, attributes):
+        """Return a string representation of the given attribute dictionary,
+           with a leading space if there are any attributes. Returns the empty
+           string if no attributes were given.
+           """
+        s = ''
+        for key, value in attributes.iteritems():
+            if key[0] == '_':
+                key = key[1:]
+            if value is not None:
+                s += ' %s="%s"' % (key, escapeToXml(str(value), True))
+        return s
+    def _setAttributes(self, attributes):
+        """Change this tag's attributes, rerendering the opening and closing text"""
+        self.attributes = attributes
+        attrString = self._stringizeAttributes(attributes)
+        self.renderedOpening = xml('<%s%s>' % (self.name, attrString))
+        self.renderedEmpty = xml('<%s%s />' % (self.name, attrString))
+        self.renderedClosing = xml('</%s>' % self.name)
+    def __getitem__(self, content):
+        """Overloads the [] operator used, in Tag, to return a new tag
+           with the given content
+           """
+        newTag = tag(self.name, **self.attributes)
+        newTag.content = content
+        return newTag
+    def render(self, context=None):
+        if self.content in ('', [], ()):
+            return self.renderedEmpty
+        else:
+            return [self.renderedOpening, self.content, self.renderedClosing]
+class subcontext:
+    """A wrapper for any serializable object that makes note of a modified
+       context to serialize all content in. This can be used like a tag,
+       with content in [] and context changes in ().
+       It is not enforced, but normally subcontexts should be immutable.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, content=None, **modifications):
+        self.content = content
+        self.modifications = modifications
+    def __call__(self, content=None, **modifications):
+        """Like tags, instances can be used as templates for creating other
+           subcontexts. This returns a new distinct subcontext based on
+           the current one.
+           """
+        if content is None:
+            content = self.content
+        newMods = dict(self.modifications)
+        newMods.update(modifications)
+        return subcontext(content, **newMods)
+    def __getitem__(self, content):
+        """Returns a new subcontext, like this one but with the indicated content"""
+        return subcontext(content, **self.modifications)
+def escapeToXml(text, isAttrib=0):
+    text = text.replace("&", "&amp;")
+    text = text.replace("<", "&lt;")
+    text = text.replace(">", "&gt;")
+    if isAttrib == 1:
+        text = text.replace("'", "&apos;")
+        text = text.replace("\"", "&quot;")
+    return text
+class Serializer:
+    """Convert arbitrary objects to xml markers recursively. Renderable objects
+       are allowed to render themselves, other types must have renderers looked
+       up in this class's render_* methods.
+       """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.cache = {}
+    def render(self, obj, context={}):
+        # We cache rendering functions based on obj.__class__.
+        # This assumes that classes won't spontaneously
+        # grow a render() method, which is safe enough for our purposes.
+        # If you know otherwise, you can just create a new Serializer or
+        # invalidate the cache on this one.
+        try:
+            f = self.cache[obj.__class__]
+        except KeyError:
+            f = self.lookupRenderer(obj.__class__)
+            self.cache[obj.__class__] = f
+        return f(obj, context)
+    def lookupRenderer(self, cls):
+        """Look up a rendering function for the given class"""
+        if hasattr(cls, 'render'):
+            return self.render_renderable
+        try:
+            return getattr(self, 'render_' + cls.__name__)
+        except AttributeError:
+            return self.render_other
+    def render_xml(self, obj, context):
+        return obj
+    def render_list(self, obj, context):
+        return xml(''.join([self.render(o, context) for o in obj]))
+    def render_tuple(self, obj, context):
+        return self.render_list(obj, context)
+    def render_quote(self, obj, context):
+        return xml(escapeToXml(str(self.render(obj.item, context))))
+    def render_function(self, obj, context):
+        return self.render(obj(context), context)
+    def render_instancemethod(self, obj, context):
+        return self.render(obj(context), context)
+    def render_renderable(self, obj, context):
+        return self.render(obj.render(context), context)
+    def render_subcontext(self, obj, context):
+        newContext = dict(context)
+        newContext.update(obj.modifications)
+        return self.render(obj.content, newContext)
+    def render_other(self, obj, context):
+        return xml(escapeToXml(str(obj)))
+class DocumentOwner(object):
+    """A base class defining a 'render' function for objects that own a document"""
+    serializerFactory = Serializer
+    def render(self, context={}):
+        return subcontext(self.document, owner=self)
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/Table.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/Table.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/Table.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+""" Nouvelle.Table
+A fancy table renderable for Nouvelle. The dataset is represented by a
+sequence containing arbitrary objects representing rows. Columns
+are classes that know how to retrieve a particular piece of data
+from the table and optionally format it.
+ResortableTable is a Table in which each column heading is a link that
+toggles sorting by that column and the direction of the sort.
+# Nouvelle web framework
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Micah Dowty <micahjd at users.sourceforge.net>
+#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+from __future__ import generators
+from Serial import tag, xml
+import re
+__all__ = ['BaseTable', 'Column', 'AttributeColumn', 'IndexedColumn',
+           'ResortableTable']
+class Column:
+    """A column provides a way to view and sort by some aspect of
+       the data stored in a row. This is an abstract base class defining
+       a Column's interface.
+       """
+    def render_heading(self, context):
+        """Returns a serializable object representing this column in a table's heading"""
+        return self.heading
+    def render_data(self, context, row):
+        """Returns a serializable object representing this column's data for a particular row.
+           Normally this will be a visible representation of getValue's results.
+           By default it's just getValue's result without any extra formatting.
+           """
+        return self.getValue(row)
+    def getValue(self, row):
+        """Return a single value representing this column's perspective of the row.
+           This is used by reduceColumn, and for sorting.
+           """
+        pass
+    def cmp(self, a, b):
+        """This column's comparison function, used for sorting a table by this column.
+           By default this does an ascending sort using getValue.
+           """
+        return cmp(self.getValue(a), self.getValue(b))
+    def isVisible(self, context):
+        """Subclasses can override this to hide the entire column in some circumstances"""
+        return True
+class AttributeColumn(Column):
+    """A Column that has a fixed heading and returns some attribute from each row,
+       with no special formatting.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, heading, attribute):
+        self.heading = heading
+        self.attribute = attribute
+    def getValue(self, row):
+        return getattr(row, self.attribute)
+class IndexedColumn(Column):
+    """A Column that has a fixed index it uses to retrieve an item from the row
+       and return it with no special formatting.
+       """
+    def __init__(self, heading, index):
+        self.heading = heading
+        self.index = index
+    def getValue(self, row):
+        return row[self.index]
+class BaseTable:
+    """A renderable that creates an XHTML table viewing some dataset using
+       a list of Column instances. The Columns are used to generate headings
+       and data cells for each column of the table.
+       Subclasses can override the tag factories here to change the generated
+       XHTML, possibly by adding CSS 'class' attributes to the tags.
+       """
+    tableTag   = tag('table')
+    rowTag     = tag('tr')
+    headingTag = tag('th')
+    dataTag    = tag('td')
+    def __init__(self, rows, columns, showHeading=True):
+        self.rows = rows
+        self.columns = columns
+        self.showHeading = showHeading
+        self._reduceColumnCache = {}
+    def render(self, context={}):
+        """Render the entire table, returning an unserialized tag tree"""
+        context = dict(context)
+        context['table'] = self
+        body = []
+        if self.showHeading:
+            body.append(self.rowTag[self.render_headings(context)])
+        for row in self.rows:
+            body.append(self.rowTag[self.render_row(context, row)])
+        return self.tableTag[body]
+    def render_headings(self, context):
+        """Return a list of headingTag instances labelling each column"""
+        return [self.headingTag[self.render_heading(context, c)] for c in self.getVisibleColumns(context)]
+    def render_heading(self, context, column):
+        """Return a serializable representation of one column heading"""
+        return column.render_heading(context)
+    def getVisibleColumns(self, context):
+        """Return an iterator over all visible columns"""
+        for column in self.columns:
+            if column.isVisible(context):
+                yield column
+    def render_row(self, context, row):
+        """Return a list of dataTag instances for each column in the given row"""
+        return [self.dataTag[c.render_data(context, row)] for c in self.getVisibleColumns(context)]
+    def getColumnValues(self, column):
+        """Return an iterator that iterates over all values in the specified column"""
+        for row in self.rows:
+            yield column.getValue(row)
+    def reduceColumn(self, column, operation):
+        """Calls the provided 'operation' with a generator that returns the getValue()
+           result for the given column on every row. The result is cached.
+           This is good for summing columns in the table, for example, by
+           passing the Python builtin 'sum' as the operation.
+           """
+        key = (column, operation)
+        if not self._reduceColumnCache.has_key(key):
+            self._reduceColumnCache[key] = operation(self.getColumnValues(column))
+        return self._reduceColumnCache[key]
+    def sortByColumn(self, column, reverse=False):
+        if reverse:
+            self.rows.sort(lambda a,b: -column.cmp(a,b))
+        else:
+            self.rows.sort(column.cmp)
+class ResortableTable(BaseTable):
+    """A Table with hyperlinks on each table column that set that column
+       as the sort column, or if it's already the sort column reverse the
+       order.
+       By default, this generates link URLs and retrieves the user's sort
+       setting by assuming context['args'] is a dictionary of arguments
+       passed in the query section of our URL, mapping key names to lists
+       of values.
+       Subclasses can override getCookieFromContext and getCookieHyperlink
+       to change this behaviour. The 'cookie' is an opaque piece of information
+       used to keep the table's state across page views.
+       """
+    headingLinkTag = tag('a')
+    sortIndicator = xml(" &darr;")
+    reversedSortIndicator = xml(" &uarr;")
+    sortArgPrefix = "s_"
+    def __init__(self, rows, columns,
+                 defaultSortColumnIndex = 0,
+                 defaultSortReversed    = False,
+                 id                     = None,
+                 ):
+        self.defaultSortColumnIndex = defaultSortColumnIndex
+        self.defaultSortReversed = defaultSortReversed
+        BaseTable.__init__(self, rows, columns)
+        self.sortArgName = self.sortArgPrefix + (id or '')
+    def render(self, context={}):
+        cookie = self.getCookieFromContext(context)
+        if cookie:
+            self.setSortFromCookie(cookie)
+        else:
+            self.sortColumnIndex = self.defaultSortColumnIndex
+            self.sortReversed = self.defaultSortReversed
+        self.sortByColumn(self.columns[self.sortColumnIndex], self.sortReversed)
+        return BaseTable.render(self, context)
+    def render_heading(self, context, column):
+        """Override render_heading to insert hyperlinks generated with createSortCookie,
+           and indicators on the current sort column.
+           """
+        url = self.getCookieHyperlink(context, self.getSortCookie(column))
+        heading = self.headingLinkTag(href=url)[column.render_heading(context)]
+        if self.columns[self.sortColumnIndex] is column:
+            heading = self.addSortIndicator(heading, self.sortReversed)
+        return heading
+    def addSortIndicator(self, heading, reversed=False):
+        if reversed:
+            indicator = self.reversedSortIndicator
+        else:
+            indicator = self.sortIndicator
+        return [heading, indicator]
+    def setSortFromCookie(self, cookie):
+        """Set our current sort using the given cookie.
+           Our cookies are just the column index (in the original
+           column list, not just visible columns) optionally
+           followed by 'R' for reversed sorts.
+           """
+        match = re.match("(?P<column>[0-9]+)(?P<reversed>R)?", str(cookie))
+        self.sortColumnIndex = int(match.group('column'))
+        self.sortReversed = bool(match.group('reversed'))
+    def getSortCookie(self, column):
+        """Return the cookie that should be used after the user clicks the given column.
+           If this is the current sort column already, we reverse the sorting direction.
+           If not, we set the column.
+           """
+        index = self.columns.index(column)
+        if index == self.sortColumnIndex and not self.sortReversed:
+            return "%dR" % index
+        else:
+            return str(index)
+    def getCookieFromContext(self, context):
+        try:
+            return context['args'][self.sortArgName][0]
+        except:
+            return None
+    def getCookieHyperlink(self, context, cookie):
+        """Build a new hyperlink including the new sort cookie and all arguments
+           that are safe to include in the new hyperlink.
+           """
+        newArgs = self.getCookieHyperlinkArgs(context)
+        newArgs[self.sortArgName] = [cookie]
+        pairs = []
+        for key in newArgs:
+            for value in newArgs[key]:
+                pairs.append('%s=%s' % (key, value))
+        return '?' + '&'.join(pairs)
+    def getCookieHyperlinkArgs(self, context):
+        """Return a new dictionary of arguments that are safe to include in our hyperlinks"""
+        d = {}
+        for key, values in context['args'].iteritems():
+            if key.startswith(self.sortArgPrefix):
+                d[key] = values
+        return d
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/Twisted.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/Twisted.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/Twisted.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+""" Nouvelle.Twisted
+Glue to help interface Nouvelle with twisted.web.
+This includes a twisted.web.resource that renders a Nouvelle document,
+and support for asynchronous rendering using Deferred.
+# Nouvelle web framework
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Micah Dowty <micahjd at users.sourceforge.net>
+#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import Nouvelle
+from Nouvelle import xml
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.web import server, error, resource, http
+class TwistedSerializer(Nouvelle.Serializer):
+    """A subclass of Nouvelle.Serializer that understands twisted's Deferred
+       objects and can render web pages asynchronously. If at any time a Deferred
+       object is encountered, a new Deferred object is created to represent the
+       serialized form of the original Deferred. If a Deferred is left over after
+       rendering the complete document, the document is rendered in the Deferred's
+       callback and our render function returns server.NOT_DONE_YET.
+       """
+    def render_Deferred(self, obj, context):
+        """A handler for rendering Deferred instances. This returns a new Deferred
+           instance representing the first deferred's serialized form.
+           """
+        result = defer.Deferred()
+        obj.addCallbacks(self.deferredRenderCallback,
+                         result.errback,
+                         callbackArgs = (context, result),
+                         )
+        return result
+    def deferredRenderCallback(self, obj, context, result):
+        """A Deferred callback that renders data when it becomes available, adding the
+           result to our 'result' deferred.
+           """
+        r = self.render(obj, context)
+        # If the render result was a deferred, chain it to our result
+        if isinstance(r, defer.Deferred):
+            r.addCallback(result.callback).addErrback(result.errback)
+        else:
+            result.callback(r)
+        return obj
+    def render_list(self, obj, context):
+        """A new version of render_list that returns a Deferred
+           if any item in the list is a Deferred.
+           """
+        # Render each item in the list, noting whether we have any Deferreds
+        renderedItems = []
+        hasDeferreds = False
+        for item in obj:
+            rendered = self.render(item, context)
+            renderedItems.append(rendered)
+            if isinstance(rendered, defer.Deferred):
+                hasDeferreds = True
+        # If we had any deferred items, we need to create a DeferredList
+        # so we get notified once all of our content is rendered. Otherwise
+        # we can join them now.
+        if hasDeferreds:
+            result = defer.Deferred()
+            # Convert every result to a Deferred, wrapping non-deferred
+            # objects in deferreds that are already completed.
+            deferreds = []
+            for item in renderedItems:
+                if not isinstance(item, defer.Deferred):
+                    d = defer.Deferred()
+                    d.callback(item)
+                    item = d
+                deferreds.append(item)
+                # Propagate errors to our parent. This is necessary
+                # even with an errback in our DeferredList, as the
+                # DeferredList doesn't absorb errors, it only detects them.
+                item.addErrback(self.listRenderErrback, result)
+            # Wait until all deferreds are completed
+            dl = defer.DeferredList(deferreds)
+            dl.addCallbacks(self.listRenderCallback,
+                            self.listRenderErrback,
+                            callbackArgs = (context, result),
+                            errbackArgs = (result,),
+                            )
+            return result
+        else:
+            return xml(''.join(renderedItems))
+    def listRenderCallback(self, obj, context, result):
+        results = []
+        if result.called:
+            return obj
+        for success, item in obj:
+            if success:
+                results.append(str(item))
+            else:
+                # If we had any failures, our listRenderErrback
+                # should have already been called. Ignore this.
+                return
+        result.callback(xml(''.join(results)))
+        return obj
+    def listRenderErrback(self, failure, result):
+        # Propagate this error to our result if it hasn't
+        # already seen an error. (This ignores all but the first
+        # error if we had multiple failures)
+        if not result.called:
+            result.errback(failure)
+class Page(resource.Resource):
+    """A web resource that renders a tree of tag instances from its 'document' attribute"""
+    serializer = TwistedSerializer()
+    def render(self, request):
+        context  = {
+            'owner': self,
+            'request': request,
+            'args': request.args,  # For compatibility across systems utilizing Nouvelle
+            }
+        defer.maybeDeferred(self.preRender, context).addCallback(
+            self._afterPreRender, context).addErrback(self.pageErrorCallback, context)
+        return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+    def _afterPreRender(self, preRenderResult, context):
+        if preRenderResult is not None:
+            if type(preRenderResult) in (str, unicode):
+                context['request'].write(preRenderResult)
+                context['request'].finish()
+            else:
+                assert preRenderResult == server.NOT_DONE_YET
+            return
+        request = context['request']
+        defer.maybeDeferred(self.serializer.render, self.document, context).addCallback(
+            self.pageFinishedCallback, context).addErrback(self.pageErrorCallback, context)
+    def pageFinishedCallback(self, obj, context):
+        """Callback for asynchronous page rendering from a Deferred object"""
+        context['request'].write(str(obj))
+        context['request'].finish()
+    def pageErrorCallback(self, failure, context):
+        """Error handler for pages rendered asynchronously"""
+        context['request'].processingFailed(failure)
+    def preRender(self, context):
+        """Called prior to rendering each request, subclasses can use this to annotate
+           'context' with extra information or perform other important setup tasks.
+           If this returns a Deferred, rendering will be delayed until it is resolved.
+           If it returns anything but None, normal rendering is aborted and render() returns
+           that value.
+           """
+        pass
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/__init__.py
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/Nouvelle/__init__.py	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+""" Nouvelle
+Nouvelle is a simple web framework, similar to the 'nevow' package
+in Quotient. Nouvelle has many similarities to nevow, but several
+key differences:
+  - nevow is based on Twisted, while Nouvelle can work in any web
+    server environment without requiring more than Python's standard
+    library. Nouvelle supports twisted.web and deferred rendering,
+    but this is in an add-on rather than in the core of Nouvelle.
+  - While nevow is a relatively simple web framework, Nouvelle is
+    even simpler, making it very easy to understand and quick to load.
+  - nevow keeps as much separation of content and presentation as
+    possible by using a registry of ISerializable adaptors for various
+    data types. Nouvelle takes a simpler approach in which a Serializer
+    object looks up a method to handle each type. The default Serializer
+    includes methods for important builtin types, but instead of
+    encouraging the user to create ISerializable adaptors for their
+    data, Nouvelle encourages the user to create objects with a 'render'
+    method that may wrap a data model object if necessary.
+  - When a tag from nevow's 'stan' module is called or indexed into, to
+    change its attributes or content, the tag is modified and returns
+    itself. This causes problems when you want to create one tag as
+    a template then create tags based on it without modifying the template.
+    Nouvelle's tags are normally immutable, so this sort of template
+    system is quite easy.
+Like nevow's 'stan' module, Nouvelle has a simple pure-python syntax
+for expressing XHTML documents efficiently. The 'tag' object is a class,
+which must be instantiated with a tag name. Keyword arguments are converted
+to tag attributes. Leading underscores are stripped, so it's still possible
+to represent attributes that are reserved words in Python. Once a tag object
+is instantiated, it can be called again to instantiate a new tag with a name
+and/or attributes based on the original tag. Finally, using square brackets
+a new tag may be instantiated with the same name and attributes but new
+content, described in the brackets. Some examples...
+    uvLink = tag('a', _class='ultraviolet')
+    warning = tag('strong')[
+                  'Your spam is on ',
+                  uvLink(href='fire_safety.html')[ 'fire' ],
+              ]
+    page = tag('html')[
+               tag('head')[
+                   tag('title')[ 'Slinkies Around the World' ],
+               ],
+               tag('body')[
+                   warning,
+               ],
+           ]
+All tag objects are renderable- that is, they have a 'render' method that
+can be called to convert that tag and its contents recursively to an 'xml'
+object. Normally, Nouvelle quotes all strings appropriately. xml objects
+are just special string objects that signify data that's already in XML.
+Any python object can be embedded inside a tag. Renderable objects will
+have their 'render' method called, and the returned data will be processed
+in place of the renderable objects. Lists and tuples will have their contents
+concatenated. Strings are quoted and inserted into the resulting document.
+Other objects are casted to strings.
+It is common to include tag trees as class attributes. This is efficient,
+as the tag tree only needs to be constructed once, and during initialization
+the 'tag' object can pre-serialize itself. However, it also means the tags
+can't contain any dynamic content. This is where the 'place' renderable
+comes in handy. It acts as a placeholder for dynamic information.
+A place instance is created with the name of a piece of information, and
+optionally with extra parameters. If the object owning the current tag tree
+(context['owner']) has a render_* method for the given name, it is called
+to return a value for the placeholder. If not, the placeholder will look
+for an attribute by the given name and call it. This is helpful when you
+want to insert information that is usually static, but should be overridable
+by subclasses. For example:
+class WebThingy(DocumentOwner):
+    title = 'Default Title'
+    def render_body(self, context):
+        return fetchSomeData()
+    document = [
+        tag('h3')[ place('title') ],
+        tag('p')[ place('body') ],
+        ]
+The DocumentOwner class our hypothetical WebThingy subclasses can be anything
+that context['owner'] to itself before serializing self.document. The 'context'
+dictionary is passed to all render() functions, starting with that of the
+Serializer. It keeps track of important extra data, without requiring rendering
+functions to know what that data might be. It can be used to hold information
+about the current web request, for example.
+# Nouvelle web framework
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Micah Dowty <micahjd at users.sourceforge.net>
+#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+__version__ = "1.0"
+# The third number will be zero for releases, and an increasing
+# number for development versions.
+version_info = (1, 0, 0)
+# Check the python version here before we proceed further
+requiredPythonVersion = (2,2,1)
+import sys, string
+if sys.version_info < requiredPythonVersion:
+    raise Exception("%s requires at least Python %s, found %s instead." % (
+        name,
+        string.join(map(str, requiredPythonVersion), "."),
+        string.join(map(str, sys.version_info), ".")))
+del sys
+del string
+# Convenience imports
+import Serial, Table
+from Serial import *
+from Table import *
+### The End ###

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/check-static
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/check-static	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/check-static	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+cp -rf $BASE/static/* $BASE/htdocs/

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/check-static
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/update-bugs
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/update-bugs	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/update-bugs	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# This Python script is:
+#  (C) 2007, David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>
+# It is licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL) v2 or later.
+import SOAPpy
+import HTMLTemplate
+import os
+import re
+from datetime import datetime
+from email.Utils import formatdate
+import time
+from Tools import parseTasks
+url = "http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/soap.cgi"
+base = "/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/debian-med"
+namespace = "Debbugs/SOAP"
+maint = "debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org"
+tasks_repos = "svn://svn.debian.org/svn/cdd/projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/"
+soap = SOAPpy.SOAPProxy(url, namespace)
+def getStatus(*args):
+	return soap.get_status(*args)
+def getBugs(*args):
+	"""
+		Possible keys are:
+		package, submitter, maint, src, severity, status, tag, owner, bugs
+		To be called like getBugs(key, value), i.e.:
+		getBugs("maint", "my at address.com")
+	"""
+	return soap.get_bugs(*args)
+def getField(bug, field):
+	return getStatus(bug).__getitem__('item').__getitem__('value').__getitem__(field)
+#<SOAPpy.Types.structType s-gensym3 at -1216426292>: {'item': 
+#<SOAPpy.Types.structType item at -1217077972>: {'value': 
+#<SOAPpy.Types.structType value at -1217031444>: {
+#'fixed_versions': [], 
+#'blockedby': '',
+#'keywords': 'unreproducible moreinfo',
+#'done': '"Nelson A. de Oliveira" <naoliv at gmail.com>',
+#'unarchived': '', 
+#'owner': '',
+#'id': 444343,
+#'subject': 'mummer: needs build dependency on libc headers and C++ compiler',
+#'forwarded': '',
+#'msgid': '<2007092721230716338.7665.reportbug at toblerone.sgn.cornell.edu>', 
+#'location': 'db-h',
+#'pending': 'done',
+#'found_date': [],
+#'originator': 'Robert Buels <rmb32 at cornell.edu>',
+#'blocks': '',
+#'tags': 'unreproducible moreinfo',
+#'date': 1190928242,
+#'mergedwith': '',
+#'severity': 'important',
+#'package': 'mummer',
+#'log_modified': 1191328025,
+#'fixed_date': [],
+#'found_versions': ['mummer/3.19-1'], 
+#'found': <SOAPpy.Types.structType found at -1216488532>: {'item': 
+#<SOAPpy.Types.structType item at -1216488340>: {'value': None, 'key': 
+#'mummer/3.19-1'}}, 'fixed': ''}, 'key': 444343}}
+def getSubject(bug):
+	return getField(bug, "subject")
+def getOriginator(bug):
+	return getField(bug, "originator")
+def getCloser(bug):
+	return getField(bug, "done")
+def getTags(bug):
+	return getField(bug, "tags")
+def getDate(bug):
+	return getField(bug, "date")
+def getSeverity(bug):
+	return getField(bug, "severity")
+def getPackage(bug):
+	return getField(bug, "package")
+def getAffectedVersions(bug):
+	return getField(bug, "found_versions")["data"]
+def getFixedVersions(bug):
+	return getField(bug, "fixed_versions")["data"]
+def getPending(bug):
+	return getField(bug, "pending")
+# We're going to handle the HTML template here
+# this is used later, for single-package pages
+pairs = []
+def renderTemplate(node, package, bugs):
+	global pairs
+	node.package.content = package
+	node.count.content = str(len(bugs))
+	t = datetime.now()
+	node.date.content = formatdate(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))
+	#node.date.content = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
+	#Sat, 13 Oct 2007 10:39:27 +0200
+	bugs.sort()
+	openbugs = {}
+	fixedbugs = {}
+	opencount = 0
+	fixedcount = 0
+	for tuple in bugs:
+		name, id = tuple
+		if getPending(id) != "done":
+			if name not in openbugs:
+				openbugs[name] = []
+			openbugs[name].append(id)
+			opencount += 1
+		else:
+			if name not in fixedbugs:
+				fixedbugs[name] = []
+			fixedbugs[name].append(id)
+			fixedcount += 1
+	openlist = openbugs.items()
+	openlist.sort()
+	node.opencount.content = str(opencount)
+	fixedlist = fixedbugs.items()
+	fixedlist.sort()
+	node.fixedcount.content = str(fixedcount)
+	tmp = openlist + fixedlist
+	dict = {}
+	for tuple in tmp:
+		name, bugs = tuple
+		if name not in dict:
+			dict[name] = []
+		for bug in bugs:
+			dict[name].append(bug)
+	for item in dict:
+		pairs.append((item, dict[item]))
+	node.openlist.repeat(renderPackage, openlist)
+	node.fixedlist.repeat(renderPackage, fixedlist, True)
+def renderPackage(node, buglist, showfixed = False):
+	name, bugs = buglist
+	node.name.content = name
+	node.count.content = str(len(bugs))
+	node.numbers.repeat(renderBugs, bugs, name, showfixed)
+def renderBugs(node, number, package, showfixed):
+	#url = "bug_details.php?id=%s" % str(number)
+	url = "pkgs/%s.php#%s" % (package, str(number))
+	severity = getSeverity(number)
+	subject = getSubject(number)
+	node.id.atts["class"] = "bugid %s" % severity
+	node.id.raw = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, str(number))
+	node.summary.atts["class"] = "summary %s" % severity
+	node.summary.raw = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, subject)
+	node.severity.atts["class"] = "severity %s" % severity
+	node.severity.content = severity
+	if showfixed:
+		node.fixed.atts["class"] = "fixed %s" % severity
+		value = "<br />".join(getFixedVersions(number)).replace("%s/" % package, "")
+		node.fixed.raw = value
+# These are the single-package pages method
+def renderStatic(node, package, bugs):
+	node.package.content = package
+	node.count.content = str(len(bugs))
+	t = datetime.now()
+	node.date.content = formatdate(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))
+	node.allbugs.repeat(renderStaticBugs, bugs, package)
+def renderStaticBugs(node, bug, package):
+	node.id.content = str(bug)
+	node.id.atts["href"] = "http://bugs.debian.org/%s" % str(bug)
+	node.id.atts["name"] = str(bug)
+	fields = ["Subject",
+		"Sender",
+		"Tags",
+		"Date",
+		"Severity",
+		"Found in",
+		"Fixed in"]
+	node.singlebug.repeat(renderStaticBugDetails, fields, bug, package)
+def renderStaticBugDetails(node, field, bug, package):
+	node.field.raw = '<?=_("%s")?>' % field
+	if field == "Subject":
+		value = getSubject(bug)
+	elif field == "Sender":
+		value = getOriginator(bug)
+	elif field == "Tags":
+		value = getTags(bug)
+	elif field == "Date":
+		value = datetime.fromtimestamp(getDate(bug)).strftime("%c")
+	elif field == "Severity":
+		value = getSeverity(bug)
+	elif field == "Found in":
+		value = " ".join(getAffectedVersions(bug)).replace("%s/" % package, "")
+	elif field == "Fixed in":
+		value = " ".join(getFixedVersions(bug)).replace("%s/" % package, "")
+	node.value.content = str(value).strip()
+# Let's parse our task files (from Tools.py)
+tasks_packages = parseTasks()
+# Let's get our bugs
+bugs = []
+for package in tasks_packages:
+	for bug in getBugs("package", package):
+		bugs.append((package, bug))
+#bugs = [("a",1),("b",2),("b",3),("c",0),("c",4),("a",67809),("c",1208)]
+# Let's render bugs.php
+f = open("%s/htdocs/bugs.tmpl" % base)
+tmpl = HTMLTemplate.Template(renderTemplate, f.read())
+package = "all"
+f = open("%s/static/bugs.php" % base, "w")
+f.write(tmpl.render(package, bugs))
+# Let's do the <package>.php pages
+for pair in pairs:
+	name, bugs = pair
+	outfile = "%s.php" % name
+	f = open("%s/htdocs/bug_details.tmpl" % base)
+	tmpl = HTMLTemplate.Template(renderStatic, f.read())
+	f.close
+	f = open("%s/static/pkgs/%s" % (base, outfile), "w")
+	f.write(tmpl.render(name, bugs))
+	f.close()

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/update-bugs
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/update-ddtp
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/update-ddtp	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/update-ddtp	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# This Python script is:
+#  (C) 2007, David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>
+# It is licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL)
+# v3, or any later revision.
+from urllib import urlopen, urlretrieve
+import re
+import HTMLTemplate
+from datetime import datetime
+from email.Utils import formatdate
+import time
+from Tools import parseTasks, grep
+base = "/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/debian-med"
+#base = "/home/neo/tmp/debmed"
+ddtp_url = "http://ddtp.debian.net/debian/dists/sid/main/i18n/Translation-%s"
+fetch_url = "http://kleptog.org/cgi-bin/ddtss2-cgi/%s/fetch?package=%s"
+trans_url = "http://kleptog.org/cgi-bin/ddtss2-cgi/%s/translate/%s"
+# Should we dinamically get this list from PO translations
+# of the website?
+langs = ["de", "fr", "it", "pt_BR", "es", "ja"]
+dict = {}
+longs = {}
+shorts = {}
+#['adun.app', 'amap-align', 'amide', 'arb', 'bioimagesuite', 'bioperl', 'biosquid', 'blast2', 'boxshade', 'chemtool', 
+#'cimg-dev', 'clustalw', 'clustalw-mpi', 'clustalx', 'ctn', 'ctn-dev', 'ctsim', 'cycle', 'dcmtk', 'dialign', 
+#'dialign-t', 'dicomnifti', 'emboss', 'fastdnaml', 'fastlink', 'garlic', 'gdpc', 'gff2aplot', 'gff2ps', 'ghemical', 
+#'gnumed-client', 'gromacs', 'hmmer', 'imagej', 'kalign', 'libbio-ruby', 'libfslio0', 'libfslio0-dev', 
+#'libinsighttoolkit-dev', 'libmdc2-dev', 'libminc0-dev', 'libncbi6-dev', 'libniftiio0', 'libniftiio0-dev', 'loki', 
+#'mcl', 'medcon', 'melting', 'mencal', 'minc-tools', 'mipe', 'molphy', 'mummer', 'muscle', 'ncbi-epcr', 
+#'ncbi-tools-bin', 'ncbi-tools-x11', 'nifti-bin', 'njplot', 'octave', 'octave2.1', 'paw++', 'perlprimer', 'phylip', 
+#'poa', 'primer3', 'probcons', 'proda', 'pymol', 'python-biopython', 'python-nifti', 'r-base', 'r-base-core', 
+#'r-cran-qtl', 'rasmol', 'readseq', 'seaview', 'sibsim4', 'sigma-align', 'sim4', 't-coffee', 'tigr-glimmer', 
+#'tm-align', 'tree-ppuzzle', 'tree-puzzle', 'treetool', 'treeviewx', 'wise', 'xmedcon', 'zope-zms']
+def force_fetch(packages, lang = langs):
+	global langs
+	# If it's a single language to be updated...
+	#
+	if type(lang) == "str":
+		for name in packages:
+			urlopen(fetch_url % (lang, name))
+	else:
+		for lang_name in lang:
+			for pkg_name in packages:
+				#print "Fetching %s - %s" % (lang_name, pkg_name)
+				urlopen(fetch_url % (lang_name, pkg_name))
+def get_status(package):
+	global dict
+	global langs
+	status = {}
+	for lang in langs:
+#		print "Parsing %s - %s" % (package, lang)
+		if grep("Package: %s\n" % package, "%s/data/ddtp/Translation-%s" % (base, lang)):
+			status[lang] = 1
+		else:
+			status[lang] = 0
+	dict[package] = status
+def parse_description(package):
+	global dict
+	global longs
+	global shorts
+	tmp_long = {}
+	tmp_short = {}
+	for lang in langs:
+		if dict[package][lang]:
+			f = open("%s/data/ddtp/Translation-%s" % (base, lang), "r")
+			# Package: 9wm\nDescription-md5: (?P<md5sum>.{32})\nDescription-\w+: (?P<short>.*)\n(?P<long>.*\n)\n
+			# TODO: Fix the regex. (it worked in Kodos :()
+			regex = r"""Package: %s
+Description-md5: (?P<md5sum>.{32})
+Description-\w+: (?P<short>.*)
+(?P<long>(^ .*$\n)+\n?)""" % package
+			p = re.compile(regex, re.MULTILINE)
+			m = p.search(f.read())
+			if m:
+				tmp_long[lang] = m.group("long").replace("\n ", "<br />").replace("<br />.<br />", "<br /><br />")
+				tmp_short[lang] = m.group("short")
+			f.close()
+	longs[package] = tmp_long
+	shorts[package] = tmp_short
+def renderTemplate(node, langs, statuses):
+	node.langs.repeat(renderLangs, langs)
+	names = statuses.keys()
+	names.sort()
+	node.packages.repeat(renderStatuses, names, statuses)
+	t = datetime.now()
+	node.date.content = formatdate(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))
+def renderLangs(node, lang):
+	node.code.raw = "<img src=\"/img/langs/%s.png\" alt=\"%s\" />" % (lang, lang)
+def renderStatuses(node, package, status):
+	node.name.raw = '<a href="/ddtp/%s.php">%s</a>' % (package, package)
+	langs = dict[package].keys()
+	langs.sort()
+	node.translations.repeat(renderTrans, langs, package, dict[package])
+def renderTrans(node, lang, package, status):
+	if status[lang] == 0:
+		node.status.raw = '<a href="%s"><img src="/img/no.png" alt="no" title="%s - <?=_("translation not available")?>" /></a>' % (trans_url % (lang, package), lang)
+	else:
+		node.status.raw = '<a href="%s"><img src="/img/ok.png" alt="<?=_("yes")?>" title="%s - <?=_("translated")?>" /></a><a href="%s"><img src="/img/go.png" alt="<?=_("edit")?>" title="%s - <?=_("edit translation")?>" /></a>' % ("/ddtp/%s.php" % package, lang, trans_url % (lang, package), lang)
+#	con:package
+#	rep:langs
+#		con:name
+#		con:short
+#		con:long                                                               
+def renderStatic(node, package):
+	node.package.content = package
+	node.langs.repeat(renderSingleTrans, dict[package], package)
+	t = datetime.now()
+	node.date.content = formatdate(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))
+def renderSingleTrans(node, lang, package):
+	node.name.raw = '<img src="/img/langs/%s.png" alt="%s" title="%s"/>' % (lang, lang, lang)
+	if dict[package][lang]:
+		node.short.raw = shorts[package][lang]
+		node.long.raw = longs[package][lang]
+	else:
+		node.short.raw = '<?=_("untranslated")?>'
+		node.long.raw = '<?=_("untranslated")?><br /><?=_("Please follow the link below to start translating")?>:<br /><br /><a href="%s">%s</a>' % (trans_url % (lang, package), trans_url % (lang, package))
+for lang in langs:
+	url = ddtp_url % lang
+	pos = url.rfind("/")
+	name = "%s/data/ddtp/%s" % (base, url[pos + 1:])
+	urlretrieve(url, name)
+packages = parseTasks()
+#packages = ["adun.app", "gcc", "emboss-explorer"]
+# Re-enable this to force-fetch the packages.
+# Shouldn't be done unless having talked to DDTSS admins.
+#  -- David
+for item in packages:
+	get_status(item)
+	parse_description(item)
+#print dict
+#print longs
+#print shorts
+# Let's generate the overview page
+f = open("%s/htdocs/ddtp.tmpl" % base)
+tmpl = HTMLTemplate.Template(renderTemplate, f.read())
+f = open("%s/static/ddtp.php" % base, "w")
+f.write(tmpl.render(langs, dict))
+# Let's generate nice static overview per-package pages
+for name in packages:
+	outfile = "%s/static/ddtp/%s.php" % (base, name)
+	f = open("%s/htdocs/ddtp_details.tmpl" % base)
+	tmpl = HTMLTemplate.Template(renderStatic, f.read())
+	f.close()
+#	print tmpl.structure()
+	f = open(outfile, "w")
+	f.write(tmpl.render(name))
+	f.close()

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/update-ddtp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/update-tasks
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/update-tasks	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/update-tasks	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -W ignore
+# This Python script is:
+#  (C) 2007, David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>
+# It is licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL)
+# v3, or any later revision.
+import apt
+import apt_pkg
+import apt_inst
+import HTMLTemplate
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+from email.Utils import formatdate
+from Tools import *
+base = "/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/debian-med"
+tasks = "%s/scripts/tasks" % base
+official = {}	# Official packages
+todo = {}		# Packages not in repositories, nor unofficial,
+				# nor prospected. They will eventually go into
+				# "unavailable".
+det = {}		# Official Packages details
+# let's get our nice dict in the form:
+# { 'task_foo': ['package1', 'package2', '...'],
+#   'task_bar': ['package3', 'package4', '...']}
+packages = parseTasks(None, True)
+unofficial = parseTasksNonOff()
+unavailable = parseTasksUnavail()
+task_details = parseTaskDetails()
+tasks = packages.keys()
+#~ apt_pkg.Config.Set("APT::Acquire::Translation", "it")
+cache = apt_pkg.GetCache()
+depcache = apt_pkg.GetDepCache(cache)
+aptcache = apt.Cache()
+# Wrappers around apt_pkg
+def __getRecords(package):
+	### TODO: convert to Python API
+	(f, index) = depcache.GetCandidateVer(cache[package]).TranslatedDescription.FileList.pop(0)
+	records = apt_pkg.GetPkgRecords(cache)
+	records.Lookup ((f, index))
+	return records
+def __getDesc(package):
+	regex = r"""(?P<short>.*)
+(?P<long>(^ .*$\n)+\n?)"""
+	p = re.compile(regex, re.MULTILINE)
+	m = p.match(getSections(package)['Description'])
+	if m:
+		return {'ShortDesc': m.group("short"), 'LongDesc': m.group("long")}
+	else:
+		return False
+def getShort(package):
+	### TODO: convert to Python API
+	desc = __getDesc(package)
+	if desc:
+		return desc['ShortDesc']
+	else:
+		# Fallback to the C++ wrapper
+		return __getRecords(package).ShortDesc
+def getLong(package):
+	### TODO: convert to Python API
+	desc = __getDesc(package)
+	if desc:
+		return desc['LongDesc']
+	else:
+		# Fallback to the C++ wrapper
+		return __getRecords(package).LongDesc
+def getHomepage(package):
+	sect = getSections(package)
+	try:
+		return sect['Homepage']
+	# Fallback to the old "  Homepage: ..." pseudo-field
+	# TODO: also renders _wrong_ "URL" pseudo-fields! Fix the packages!
+	except:
+		p = re.compile(".*(?P<field>Homepage|URL): (?P<url>.*)", re.DOTALL)
+		m = p.match(getLong(package))
+		if m:
+			tmp = det[package]['LongDesc']
+			det[package]['LongDesc'] = tmp.replace(m.group("field") + ": " + m.group("url"), "")
+			return m.group("url")
+		else:
+			# We don't have any valid field for homepage,
+			# return a suitable "#" for <a href>s.
+			return "#"
+def getDebUrl(package):
+	try:
+		return getSections(package)["Filename"]
+	except:
+		return "#"
+def getVersion(package):
+	try:
+		return getSections(package)["Version"]
+	except:
+		# Fallback to the C++ wrapper
+		for pkg in cache.Packages:
+			if pkg.Name in det:
+				if not pkg.VersionList:
+					return "N/A"
+				else:
+					return pkg.VersionList[0].VerStr
+def getLicense(package):
+	### FIX
+	return "GPL-foo"
+def getSections(package):
+	pkg = aptcache[package]
+	pkg._lookupRecord(True)
+	return apt_pkg.ParseSection(pkg._records.Record)
+# Template handlers
+def renderIndex(node, tasks):
+	node.tasks.repeat(renderTaskList, tasks)
+	t = datetime.now()
+	node.date.content = formatdate(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))
+def renderTaskList(node, task):
+	node.task.raw = """<a href="/tasks/%s.php" name="%s" id="%s">%s</a>""" % (task, task, task, task.capitalize())
+def renderTasks(node, task, packages, details):
+	node.task.content = details['Task']
+	node.shortdesc.content = details['ShortDesc']
+	node.heading.content = details['ShortDesc']
+	node.longdesc.content = details['LongDesc']
+	t = datetime.now()
+	node.date.content = formatdate(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))
+	# Let's separate official packages from others
+	for pkg in packages:
+		# If the package has a short description in cache,
+		# there's an high chance it is an official package.
+		# Probably we can use a better algorithm? (I believe
+		# Alioth's APT cache won't be contaminated by external
+		# repositories)
+		try:
+			short = getShort(pkg)
+			if not task in official:
+				official[task] = []
+			official[task].append(pkg)
+			det[pkg] = {}
+			det[pkg]['ShortDesc'] = short
+			det[pkg]['LongDesc'] = getLong(pkg).replace("%s\n" % short, "")
+			det[pkg]['LongDesc'] = det[pkg]['LongDesc'].replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
+			# getHomepage() does some magic on ['LongDesc']
+			det[pkg]['Homepage'] = getHomepage(pkg)
+			det[pkg]['LongDesc'] = det[pkg]['LongDesc'].replace("\n .\n", "<br /><br />").replace("\n", "")
+			det[pkg]['Version'] = getVersion(pkg)
+			det[pkg]['License'] = getLicense(pkg)
+			det[pkg]['Task'] = task
+			det[pkg]['Pkg-URL'] = "http://packages.debian.org/unstable/%s/%s" % (getSections(pkg)['Section'], pkg)
+			### BUG: some packages don't get the right Filename
+			###      see, for example, "treeviewx": it has a Filename
+			###      field, but doesn't get parsed.
+			### FIX: installed packages with versions newer than the
+			###      one in repositories don't have that field. :@!
+			det[pkg]['Deb-URL'] = "http://ftp.debian.org/%s" % getDebUrl(pkg)
+		except:
+			pass
+	if task in official:
+		node.official_head.raw = """<h2>
+<a id="official-debs" name="official-debs"></a>
+	Official Debian packages
+		node.official.repeat(renderOfficial, official[task], task)
+	if task in todo:
+		error = True
+	else:
+		error = False
+	if task in unofficial:
+		node.unofficial_head.raw = """<h2>
+<a id="inofficial-debs" name="inofficial-debs"></a>
+	Inofficial Debian packages
+		node.unofficial.repeat(renderUnofficial, unofficial[task])
+		error = False
+	if task in unavailable:
+		node.unavailable_head.raw = """<h2>
+<a id="debs-not-available" name="debs-not-available"></a>
+	Debian packages not available
+		node.unavailable.repeat(renderUnavailable, unavailable[task])
+		error = False
+	if error:
+		# The package probably needs a proper prospective entry in the
+		# task files. Write it to stdout.
+		print "Error: problems with %s" % task
+def renderOfficial(node, package, task):
+	# Here we parse just official packages
+	node.shortdesc.content = det[package]['ShortDesc']
+	node.project.raw = "<table class=\"project\" summary=\"%s\">" % package
+	node.anchor.atts['name'] = package
+	node.anchor.atts['id'] = package
+	node.name.content = package.capitalize()
+	node.url.atts['href'] = det[package]['Homepage']
+	if det[package]['Homepage'] == "#":
+		node.url.content = "Homepage not available"
+	else:
+		node.url.content = det[package]['Homepage']
+	node.longdesc.raw = det[package]['LongDesc']
+	node.version.content = "Version: %s" % det[package]['Version']
+	node.license.content = "License: %s" % det[package]['License']
+	node.pkgurl.atts['href'] = det[package]['Pkg-URL']
+	node.pkgurl.content = "Official Debian package"
+	node.deburl.atts['href'] = det[package]['Deb-URL']
+	#~ node.deburl.content = "X" ### TODO: add a nice icon here to download the .deb package
+	node.deburl.raw = "<img src=\"/img/deb-icon.png\" />"
+def renderUnofficial(node, package):
+	# Here we parse just unofficial packages
+	node.shortdesc.content = package['ShortDesc']
+	node.longdesc.raw = package['LongDesc']
+	node.project.raw = "<table class=\"project\" summary=\"%s\">" % package['Package']
+	node.anchor.atts['name'] = package['Package']
+	node.anchor.atts['id'] = package['Package']
+	node.name.content = package['Package'].capitalize()
+	node.url.atts['href'] = package['Homepage']
+	node.url.content = package['Homepage']
+	node.license.content = "License: %s" %package['License']
+	node.pkgurl.atts['href'] = package['Pkg-URL']
+	node.pkgurl.content = "Inofficial Debian package"
+	# Let's try to get the version from the package name
+	# (following Debian standards: <name>_<ver>_<arch>.deb)
+	regex = ".*/%s_(?P<version>.*)_.*\.deb$" % package['Package']
+	p = re.compile(regex)
+	m = p.search(package['Pkg-URL'])
+	if m:
+		node.version.content = "Version: %s" % m.group("version")
+	else:
+		node.version.content = "Version: N/A"
+def renderUnavailable(node, package):
+	# Parsing unavailable packages :(
+	name = package['Package']
+	if package['ShortDesc']:
+		node.shortdesc.content = package['ShortDesc']
+	else:
+		node.shortdesc.content = "N/A"
+	node.longdesc.raw = package['LongDesc']
+	node.project.raw = "<table class=\"project\" summary=\"%s\">" % name
+	if package['Responsible']:
+		node.responsible.content = package['Responsible']
+	else:
+		node.responsible.raw = "no one"
+	if package['WNPP']:
+		node.wnpp.raw = " &mdash; <a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/%s\">wnpp</a>" % package['WNPP']
+	node.anchor.atts['name'] = name
+	node.anchor.atts['id'] = name
+	node.name.content = name.capitalize()
+	if package['Homepage']:
+		node.url.atts['href'] = package['Homepage']
+		node.url.content = package['Homepage']
+	else:
+		node.url.atts['href'] = "#"
+		node.url.content = "N/A"
+	if package['License']:
+		node.license.raw = "<?=_('License')?>: %s" % package['License']
+	else:
+		node.license.raw = "<?=_('License')?>: N/A"
+# Let's render the Tasks Page index, first
+f = open("%s/htdocs/tasks_idx.tmpl" % base)
+tmpl = HTMLTemplate.Template(renderIndex, f.read())
+f = open("%s/static/tasks/index.php" % base, "w")
+# Let's render single pages now.
+f = open("%s/htdocs/tasks.tmpl" % base)
+tmpl = HTMLTemplate.Template(renderTasks, f.read())
+for task in tasks:
+	f = open("%s/static/tasks/%s.php" % (base, task), "w")
+	# This is to avoid useless <br>eaks before closing the cell
+	source = tmpl.render(task, packages[task], task_details[task])
+	f.write(re.sub(r"<br /><br />[ ]*</td>", "</td>", source))
+	f.close()

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/update-tasks
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/infrastructure/update-tasks-wrapper
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/update-tasks-wrapper	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/update-tasks-wrapper	2007-12-30 16:44:44 UTC (rev 1047)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+python $SCRIPT 2&>/dev/null

Property changes on: trunk/community/infrastructure/update-tasks-wrapper
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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