[med-svn] r331 - trunk/packages/bioperl/trunk

charles-guest at alioth.debian.org charles-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jun 15 02:37:21 UTC 2007

Author: charles-guest
Date: 2007-06-15 02:37:21 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 331

using quilt instead of diff.gz

Deleted: trunk/packages/bioperl/trunk/Build.PL
--- trunk/packages/bioperl/trunk/Build.PL	2007-06-15 02:36:12 UTC (rev 330)
+++ trunk/packages/bioperl/trunk/Build.PL	2007-06-15 02:37:21 UTC (rev 331)
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# This is a Module::Build script for Bioperl installation.
-# See http://search.cpan.org/~kwilliams/Module-Build/lib/Module/Build.pm
-# Uses a custom subclass of Module::Build called ModuleBuildBioperl that
-# doesn't get installed
-# In the future developers may need to alter the requires and recommends and
-# possibly Network sections of ModuleBuildBioperl->new() below, but otherwise
-# nothing else here is likely to need changing.
-use strict;
-use ModuleBuildBioperl;
-our @drivers;
-# Set up the ModuleBuildBioperl object
-my $build = ModuleBuildBioperl->new(
-    module_name         => 'Bio',
-    dist_name           => 'bioperl',
-    dist_version_from   => 'Bio/Root/Version.pm',
-    dist_author         => 'Bioperl Team <bioperl-l at bioperl.org>',
-    dist_abstract       => 'Bioinformatics Toolkit',
-    license             => 'artistic',
-    requires            => {
-                            'perl'                      => '5.6.1',
-                            'IO::String'                => 0,
-                            'DB_File'                   => 0
-                           },
-    build_requires      => {
-                            'Test::More'                => 0,
-                            'Module::Build'             => 0.2805,
-                            'Test::Harness'             => 2.62,
-                            #'CPAN'                      => 1.81
-                           },
-    recommends          => { # does what you would expect of recommends, except more informative output and generates optional_features in META.yml
-                            'Ace'                       => '0/access of ACeDB database/Bio::DB::Ace,Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::ace',
-                            # this won't actually install due to circular dep, but we have no way of doing a post-install
-                            'Bio::ASN1::EntrezGene'     => '0/parsing entrezgene/Bio::SeqIO::entrezgene',
-                            # we actually need 1.01 of Class::AutoClass, but unfortunately it is versioned as 1.0
-                            'Class::AutoClass'          => '1/creating objects/Bio::Graph::SimpleGraph,Bio::Graph::SimpleGraph::Traversal,Bio::Graph::ProteinGraph',
-                            'Clone'                     => '0/cloning objects/Bio::Graph::ProteinGraph,Bio::Tools::Primer3',
-                            'Convert::Binary::C'        => '0/strider functionality/Bio::SeqIO::strider',
-                            'Data::Stag::XMLWriter'     => '0/writing choas xml files/Bio::SeqIO::chaosxml',
-                            'GD'                        => '1.3/rendering Sequences and Features/Bio::Graphics::Glyph*',
-                            'GD::SVG'                   => '0/creating SVG images/Bio::Graphics::Panel',
-                            # we specifically want Graph::Directed, but that has no VERSION
-                            'Graph'                     => '0/ontology engine implementation for the GO parser/Bio::Ontology::SimpleGOEngine::GraphAdaptor',
-                            'HTML::Entities'            => '0/remote analysis POST submissions/Bio::SearchIO::blastxml',
-                            'HTML::Parser'              => '3/screen scraping www.gdb.org/Bio::DB::GDB',
-                            'HTTP::Request::Common'     => '0/GenBank+GenPept sequence retrieval, remote http Blast jobs/Bio::DB::*,Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast,Bio::Tools::Analysis::Protein*,Bio::Tools::Analysis::DNA*',
-                            'LWP::UserAgent'            => '0/remote access/Bio::DB::*,Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast,Bio::Tools::WebBlat,Bio::WebAgent,Bio::Graphics::Glyph::image',
-                            'PostScript::TextBlock'     => '0/EPS output/Bio::Tree::Draw::Cladogram',
-                            'Set::Scalar'               => '0/proper operation/Bio::Tree::Compatible',
-                            'SOAP::Lite'                => '0/XEMBL Services and Bibliographic queries/Bio::DB::XEMBLService,Bio::DB::Biblio::soap',
-                            'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel'   => '0/parsing Excel files/Bio::SeqIO::excel',
-                            'Storable'                  => '0/storing sequence objects in local file cache/Bio::DB::FileCache,Bio::SeqFeature::Collection,Bio::PopGen::HtSNP,Bio::PopGen::TagHaplotype,Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::berkeleydb',
-                            'SVG'                       => '2.26/SVG output/Bio::Graphics::Pictogram',
-                            'SVG::Graph'                => '0.01/creating SVG images/Bio::TreeIO::svggraph',
-                            'Text::Shellwords'          => '0/test scripts/Bio::Graphics',
-                            'URI::Escape'               => '0/dealing with web resources/Bio::Tools::WebBlat,Bio::FeatureIO::gff,Bio::FeatureIO::interpro,Bio::DB::Biblio::eutils,Bio::DB::EUtilities::Cookie,Bio::DB::Query::GenBank,Bio::DB::NCBIHelper,Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated',
-                            'XML::DOM::XPath'           => '0.13/parsing interpro features/Bio::FeatureIO::interpro',
-                            'XML::Parser'               => '0/parsing xml/Bio::Biblio::IO::medlinexml',
-                            'XML::Parser::PerlSAX'      => '0/parsing xml/Bio::SeqIO::tinyseq,Bio::SeqIO::game::gameSubs,Bio::OntologyIO::InterProParser,Bio::ClusterIO::dbsnp',
-                            'XML::SAX'                  => '0.15/parsing xml/Bio::SearchIO::blastxml,Bio::SeqIO::tigrxml,Bio::SeqIO::bsml_sax',
-                            'XML::SAX::Writer'          => '0/writing xml/Bio::SeqIO::tigrxml',
-                            'XML::Twig'                 => '0/parsing xml/Bio::Variation::IO::xml,Bio::DB::Taxonomy::entrez,Bio::DB::Biblio::eutils,Bio::Graph::IO::psi_xml',
-                            'XML::Writer'               => '0.4/parsing and writing xml/Bio::SeqIO::agave,Bio::SeqIO::game::gameWriter,Bio::SeqIO::chadoxml,Bio::SeqIO::tinyseq,Bio::Variation::IO::xml,Bio::SearchIO::Writer::BSMLResultWriter'
-                           },
-    get_options         => {
-                            network => { } # not actually used by anything yet, but in the future say perl Build.PL --network
-                           },
-    auto_features       => {
-                            BioDBSeqFeature_BDB   => {
-                                                        description      => "BDB tests for Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store",
-                                                        feature_requires => { 'DB_File' => 0 } # feature_requires is like requires, execpt that it doesn't trigger installation
-                                                     },
-                            BioDBGFF              => {
-                                                        description      => "BioDBGFF database tests (will need to answer questions before really enabling)",
-                                                        feature_requires => { 'DBI' => 0 },
-                                                        excludes_os      => ['mswin'],
-                                                        test             => \&test_biodbgff # ModuleBuildBioperl unique requirement that after everything else succeeds, supplied code ref must also return undef
-                                                     },
-                            BioDBSeqFeature_mysql => {
-                                                        description      => "MySQL tests for Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store",
-                                                        feature_requires => { 'DBI' => 0, 'DBD::mysql' => 0 },
-                                                        test             => \&test_db
-                                                     },
-# The following code works, but since no tests in the test suite actually make use of this functionality, don't use it yet
-#                            Network               => {
-#                                                        description => "Enable tests that need an internet connection",
-#                                                        requires    => { 'LWP::UserAgent' => 0 },
-#                                                        options     => ['network'], # ModuleBuildBioperl unique requirement that --network was supplied
-#                                                        test        => \&ModuleBuildBioperl::test_internet
-#                                                     }
-                           },
-    dynamic_config      => 1
-    #pm_files           => {} # modules in Bio are treated as if they were in lib and auto-installed
-    #script_files       => [] # scripts in scripts directory are installed on-demand
-# Handle auto features
-if ($build->feature('BioDBSeqFeature_BDB')) {
-    make_bdb_test();
-if ($build->feature('BioDBSeqFeature_mysql')) {
-    make_dbi_test();
-    $build->notes(network => $build->feature('Network'));
-    # then in test script:
-    #   use Module::Build;
-    #   my $build = Module::Build->current;
-    #   my $do_network_tests = $build->notes('network');
-# Ask questions
-prompt_for_biodbgff() if $build->feature('BioDBGFF');
-# Request that some scripts run post-installation
-$build->add_post_install_script('maintenance/symlink_script.pl'); # takes a unix file path regardless of local OS
-# Add extra things to MANIFEST.SKIP
-$build->add_to_manifest_skip('bioperl.lisp', 'Bio/Tools/WebBlat.pm');
-# Create the build script and exit
-sub make_bdb_test {
-    my $path0 = File::Spec->catfile('t', 'BioDBSeqFeature.t');
-    my $path = File::Spec->catfile('t', 'BioDBSeqFeature_BDB.t');
-    open my $F, ">$path";
-    print $F <<END;
-system 'perl $path0 -adaptor berkeleydb -create 1 -temp 1';
-    close $F;
-    $build->add_to_cleanup($path);
-    $build->add_to_manifest_skip($path);
-sub test_db {
-    eval {require DBI;};  # if not installed, this sub won't actually be called
-    unless (eval {DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:test',undef,undef,{RaiseError=>0,PrintError=>0})}) {
-        return "Could not connect to test database";
-    }
-    return;
-sub make_dbi_test {
-    my $path0 = File::Spec->catfile('t', 'BioDBSeqFeature.t');
-    my $path = File::Spec->catfile('t', 'BioDBSeqFeature_mysql.t');
-    open my $F,">$path";
-    print $F <<END;
-system 'perl $path0 -adaptor DBI::mysql -create 1 -temp 1 -dsn test';
-    close $F;
-    $build->add_to_cleanup($path);
-    $build->add_to_manifest_skip($path);
-sub test_biodbgff {
-    eval {require DBI;};  # if not installed, this sub won't actually be called
-    @drivers = DBI->available_drivers;
-    unless (grep {/mysql|Pg|Oracle/i} @drivers) {
-        return "MySQL, Pg nor Oracle DBI drivers are installed";
-    }
-    return;
-sub prompt_for_biodbgff {
-    my $proceed = $build->y_n("Do you want to run the BioDBGFF live database tests? y/n", 'n');
-    if ($proceed) {
-        my @driver_choices;
-        foreach my $poss ('mysql', 'Pg', 'Oracle') {
-            if (grep {/$poss/i} @drivers) {
-                my $choice = $poss;
-                $choice =~ s/^(.)/[$1]/;
-                push(@driver_choices, $choice);
-            }
-        }
-        my $cfg = {};
-        my $driver;
-        if (@driver_choices > 1) {
-            my ($default) = $driver_choices[0] =~ /\[(.)/;
-            $driver = $build->prompt("Which database driver should be used? ".join(" ", @driver_choices), $default);
-        }
-        else {
-            ($driver) = $driver_choices[0] =~ /\[(.)/;
-        }
-        if ($driver =~ /^[mM]/) {
-            $driver = 'mysql';
-        }
-        elsif ($driver =~ /^[pP]/) {
-            $driver = 'Pg';
-        }
-        elsif ($driver =~ /^[oO]/) {
-            $driver = 'Oracle';
-        }
-        $cfg->{dbd_driver} = $driver;
-        $cfg->{test_db} = $build->prompt("Which database should I use for testing the $driver driver?", 'test');
-        $cfg->{test_host} = $build->prompt("On which host is database $cfg->{test_db} running (hostname, ip address or host:port)", 'localhost');
-        my $test_user = $build->prompt("User name for connecting to database $cfg->{test_db}?", 'undef');
-        $cfg->{test_user} = $test_user eq 'undef' ? '' : $test_user;
-        my $test_pass = $build->prompt("Password for connecting to database $cfg->{test_db}?", 'undef');
-        $cfg->{test_pass} = $test_pass eq 'undef' ? '' : $test_pass;
-        my $use_host = 1;
-        if ($cfg->{test_host} eq 'undef' || $cfg->{test_host} eq 'localhost') {
-            $use_host = 0;
-        }
-        my $test_dsn;
-        if ($driver eq 'Pg') {
-            $test_dsn = "dbi:$driver:dbname=$cfg->{test_db}";
-        }
-        else {
-            $test_dsn = "dbi:$driver:database=$cfg->{test_db}";
-        }
-        if ($use_host) {
-            $test_dsn .= ";host=$cfg->{test_host}";
-        }
-        $cfg->{test_dsn} = $test_dsn;
-        my $path = File::Spec->catfile('t', 'do_biodbgff.tests');
-        if (open T,">$path") {
-            while (my ($key, $value) = each %$cfg) {
-                print T $key, "\t", $value,"\n";
-            }
-            close T;
-        }
-        $build->add_to_cleanup($path);
-        $build->add_to_manifest_skip($path);
-        $build->log_info("  - will run the BioDBGFF tests with database driver '$driver' and these settings:\n",
-                        "    Database $cfg->{test_db}\n",
-                        "    Host     $cfg->{test_host}\n",
-                        "    DSN      $test_dsn\n",
-                        "    User     $test_user\n",
-                        "    Password $test_pass\n");
-    }
-    else {
-        $build->log_info("  - will not run the BioDBGFF live database tests\n");
-    }
-    $build->log_info("\n");

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