[med-svn] r542 - in trunk/community/website: . inc inc/XML inc/XML/HTMLSax3

hanska-guest at alioth.debian.org hanska-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Oct 3 21:36:28 UTC 2007

Author: hanska-guest
Date: 2007-10-03 21:36:27 +0000 (Wed, 03 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 542

Members list dynamically generated (hope for best)

Added: trunk/community/website/inc/XML/HTMLSax3/Decorators.php
--- trunk/community/website/inc/XML/HTMLSax3/Decorators.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/website/inc/XML/HTMLSax3/Decorators.php	2007-10-03 21:36:27 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | PHP Version 4                                                        |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,      |
+// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
+// | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
+// | http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.                                  |
+// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
+// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
+// | license at php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Authors: Alexander Zhukov <alex at veresk.ru> Original port from Python |
+// | Authors: Harry Fuecks <hfuecks at phppatterns.com> Port to PEAR + more  |
+// | Authors: Many @ Sitepointforums Advanced PHP Forums                  |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// $Id: Decorators.php,v 1.1 2004/06/02 14:09:19 hfuecks Exp $
+* Decorators for dealing with parser options
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @version $Id: Decorators.php,v 1.1 2004/06/02 14:09:19 hfuecks Exp $
+* @see XML_HTMLSax3::set_option
+* Trims the contents of element data from whitespace at start and end
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_Trim {
+    /**
+    * Original handler object
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_obj;
+    /**
+    * Original handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_method;
+    /**
+    * Constructs XML_HTMLSax3_Trim
+    * @param object handler object being decorated
+    * @param string original handler method
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function XML_HTMLSax3_Trim(&$orig_obj, $orig_method) {
+        $this->orig_obj =& $orig_obj;
+        $this->orig_method = $orig_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Trims the data
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3
+    * @param string element data
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function trimData(&$parser, $data) {
+        $data = trim($data);
+        if ($data != '') {
+            $this->orig_obj->{$this->orig_method}($parser, $data);
+        }
+    }
+* Coverts tag names to upper case
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_CaseFolding {
+    /**
+    * Original handler object
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_obj;
+    /**
+    * Original open handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_open_method;
+    /**
+    * Original close handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_close_method;
+    /**
+    * Constructs XML_HTMLSax3_CaseFolding
+    * @param object handler object being decorated
+    * @param string original open handler method
+    * @param string original close handler method
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function XML_HTMLSax3_CaseFolding(&$orig_obj, $orig_open_method, $orig_close_method) {
+        $this->orig_obj =& $orig_obj;
+        $this->orig_open_method = $orig_open_method;
+        $this->orig_close_method = $orig_close_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Folds up open tag callbacks
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3
+    * @param string tag name
+    * @param array tag attributes
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function foldOpen(&$parser, $tag, $attrs=array(), $empty = FALSE) {
+        $this->orig_obj->{$this->orig_open_method}($parser, strtoupper($tag), $attrs, $empty);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Folds up close tag callbacks
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3
+    * @param string tag name
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function foldClose(&$parser, $tag, $empty = FALSE) {
+        $this->orig_obj->{$this->orig_close_method}($parser, strtoupper($tag), $empty);
+    }
+* Breaks up data by linefeed characters, resulting in additional
+* calls to the data handler
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_Linefeed {
+    /**
+    * Original handler object
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_obj;
+    /**
+    * Original handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_method;
+    /**
+    * Constructs XML_HTMLSax3_LineFeed
+    * @param object handler object being decorated
+    * @param string original handler method
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function XML_HTMLSax3_LineFeed(&$orig_obj, $orig_method) {
+        $this->orig_obj =& $orig_obj;
+        $this->orig_method = $orig_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Breaks the data up by linefeeds
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3
+    * @param string element data
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function breakData(&$parser, $data) {
+        $data = explode("\n",$data);
+        foreach ( $data as $chunk ) {
+            $this->orig_obj->{$this->orig_method}($parser, $chunk);
+        }
+    }
+* Breaks up data by tab characters, resulting in additional
+* calls to the data handler
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_Tab {
+    /**
+    * Original handler object
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_obj;
+    /**
+    * Original handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_method;
+    /**
+    * Constructs XML_HTMLSax3_Tab
+    * @param object handler object being decorated
+    * @param string original handler method
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function XML_HTMLSax3_Tab(&$orig_obj, $orig_method) {
+        $this->orig_obj =& $orig_obj;
+        $this->orig_method = $orig_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Breaks the data up by linefeeds
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3
+    * @param string element data
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function breakData(&$parser, $data) {
+        $data = explode("\t",$data);
+        foreach ( $data as $chunk ) {
+            $this->orig_obj->{$this->orig_method}($this, $chunk);
+        }
+    }
+* Breaks up data by XML entities and parses them with html_entity_decode(),
+* resulting in additional calls to the data handler<br />
+* Requires PHP 4.3.0+
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_Entities_Parsed {
+    /**
+    * Original handler object
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_obj;
+    /**
+    * Original handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_method;
+    /**
+    * Constructs XML_HTMLSax3_Entities_Parsed
+    * @param object handler object being decorated
+    * @param string original handler method
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function XML_HTMLSax3_Entities_Parsed(&$orig_obj, $orig_method) {
+        $this->orig_obj =& $orig_obj;
+        $this->orig_method = $orig_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Breaks the data up by XML entities
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3
+    * @param string element data
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function breakData(&$parser, $data) {
+        $data = preg_split('/(&.+?;)/',$data,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+        foreach ( $data as $chunk ) {
+            $chunk = html_entity_decode($chunk,ENT_NOQUOTES);
+            $this->orig_obj->{$this->orig_method}($this, $chunk);
+        }
+    }
+* Compatibility with older PHP versions
+if (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3', '<') && !function_exists('html_entity_decode') ) {
+    function html_entity_decode($str, $style=ENT_NOQUOTES) {
+        return strtr($str,
+            array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES,$style)));
+    }
+* Breaks up data by XML entities but leaves them unparsed,
+* resulting in additional calls to the data handler<br />
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_Entities_Unparsed {
+    /**
+    * Original handler object
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_obj;
+    /**
+    * Original handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_method;
+    /**
+    * Constructs XML_HTMLSax3_Entities_Unparsed
+    * @param object handler object being decorated
+    * @param string original handler method
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function XML_HTMLSax3_Entities_Unparsed(&$orig_obj, $orig_method) {
+        $this->orig_obj =& $orig_obj;
+        $this->orig_method = $orig_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Breaks the data up by XML entities
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3
+    * @param string element data
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function breakData(&$parser, $data) {
+        $data = preg_split('/(&.+?;)/',$data,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+        foreach ( $data as $chunk ) {
+            $this->orig_obj->{$this->orig_method}($this, $chunk);
+        }
+    }
+* Strips the HTML comment markers or CDATA sections from an escape.
+* If XML_OPTIONS_FULL_ESCAPES is on, this decorator is not used.<br />
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_Escape_Stripper {
+    /**
+    * Original handler object
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_obj;
+    /**
+    * Original handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $orig_method;
+    /**
+    * Constructs XML_HTMLSax3_Entities_Unparsed
+    * @param object handler object being decorated
+    * @param string original handler method
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function XML_HTMLSax3_Escape_Stripper(&$orig_obj, $orig_method) {
+        $this->orig_obj =& $orig_obj;
+        $this->orig_method = $orig_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Breaks the data up by XML entities
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3
+    * @param string element data
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function strip(&$parser, $data) {
+        // Check for HTML comments first
+        if ( substr($data,0,2) == '--' ) {
+            $patterns = array(
+                '/^\-\-/',          // Opening comment: --
+                '/\-\-$/',          // Closing comment: --
+            );
+            $data = preg_replace($patterns,'',$data);
+        // Check for XML CDATA sections (note: don't do both!)
+        } else if ( substr($data,0,1) == '[' ) {
+            $patterns = array(
+                '/^\[.*CDATA.*\[/s', // Opening CDATA
+                '/\].*\]$/s',       // Closing CDATA
+                );
+            $data = preg_replace($patterns,'',$data);
+        }
+        $this->orig_obj->{$this->orig_method}($this, $data);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/community/website/inc/XML/HTMLSax3/States.php
--- trunk/community/website/inc/XML/HTMLSax3/States.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/website/inc/XML/HTMLSax3/States.php	2007-10-03 21:36:27 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | PHP Version 4                                                        |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,      |
+// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
+// | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
+// | http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.                                  |
+// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
+// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
+// | license at php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Authors: Alexander Zhukov <alex at veresk.ru> Original port from Python |
+// | Authors: Harry Fuecks <hfuecks at phppatterns.com> Port to PEAR + more  |
+// | Authors: Many @ Sitepointforums Advanced PHP Forums                  |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// $Id: States.php,v 1.2 2004/06/02 14:22:40 hfuecks Exp $
+* Parsing states.
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @version $Id: States.php,v 1.2 2004/06/02 14:22:40 hfuecks Exp $
+* Define parser states
+define('XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_STOP', 0);
+define('XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_TAG', 2);
+define('XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_JASP', 7);
+define('XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_PI', 8);
+* StartingState searches for the start of any XML tag
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_StartingState  {
+    /**
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
+    * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_TAG
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function parse(&$context) {
+        $data = $context->scanUntilString('<');
+        if ($data != '') {
+            $context->handler_object_data->
+                {$context->handler_method_data}($context->htmlsax, $data);
+        }
+        $context->IgnoreCharacter();
+        return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_TAG;
+    }
+* Decides which state to move one from after StartingState
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_TagState {
+    /**
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
+    * @return constant the next state to move into
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function parse(&$context) {
+        switch($context->ScanCharacter()) {
+        case '/':
+            return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_CLOSING_TAG;
+            break;
+        case '?':
+            return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_PI;
+            break;
+        case '%':
+            return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_JASP;
+            break;
+        case '!':
+            return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_ESCAPE;
+            break;
+        default:
+            $context->unscanCharacter();
+            return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_OPENING_TAG;
+        }
+    }
+* Dealing with closing XML tags
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_ClosingTagState {
+    /**
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
+    * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function parse(&$context) {
+        $tag = $context->scanUntilCharacters('/>');
+        if ($tag != '') {
+            $char = $context->scanCharacter();
+            if ($char == '/') {
+                $char = $context->scanCharacter();
+                if ($char != '>') {
+                    $context->unscanCharacter();
+                }
+            }
+            $context->handler_object_element->
+                {$context->handler_method_closing}($context->htmlsax, $tag, FALSE);
+        }
+        return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START;
+    }
+* Dealing with opening XML tags
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_OpeningTagState {
+    /**
+    * Handles attributes
+    * @param string attribute name
+    * @param string attribute value
+    * @return void
+    * @access protected
+    * @see XML_HTMLSax3_AttributeStartState
+    */
+    function parseAttributes(&$context) {
+        $Attributes = array();
+        $context->ignoreWhitespace();
+        $attributename = $context->scanUntilCharacters("=/> \n\r\t");
+        while ($attributename != '') {
+            $attributevalue = NULL;
+            $context->ignoreWhitespace();
+            $char = $context->scanCharacter();
+            if ($char == '=') {
+                $context->ignoreWhitespace();
+                $char = $context->ScanCharacter();
+                if ($char == '"') {
+                    $attributevalue= $context->scanUntilString('"');
+                    $context->IgnoreCharacter();
+                } else if ($char == "'") {
+                    $attributevalue = $context->scanUntilString("'");
+                    $context->IgnoreCharacter();
+                } else {
+                    $context->unscanCharacter();
+                    $attributevalue =
+                        $context->scanUntilCharacters("> \n\r\t");
+                }
+            } else if ($char !== NULL) {
+                $attributevalue = NULL;
+                $context->unscanCharacter();
+            }
+            $Attributes[$attributename] = $attributevalue;
+            $context->ignoreWhitespace();
+            $attributename = $context->scanUntilCharacters("=/> \n\r\t");
+        }
+        return $Attributes;
+    }
+    /**
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
+    * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function parse(&$context) {
+        $tag = $context->scanUntilCharacters("/> \n\r\t");
+        if ($tag != '') {
+            $this->attrs = array();
+            $Attributes = $this->parseAttributes($context);
+            $char = $context->scanCharacter();
+            if ($char == '/') {
+                $char = $context->scanCharacter();
+                if ($char != '>') {
+                    $context->unscanCharacter();
+                }
+                $context->handler_object_element->
+                    {$context->handler_method_opening}($context->htmlsax, $tag, 
+                    $Attributes, TRUE);
+                $context->handler_object_element->
+                    {$context->handler_method_closing}($context->htmlsax, $tag, 
+                    TRUE);
+            } else {
+                $context->handler_object_element->
+                    {$context->handler_method_opening}($context->htmlsax, $tag, 
+                    $Attributes, FALSE);
+            }
+        }
+        return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START;
+    }
+* Deals with XML escapes handling comments and CDATA correctly
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_EscapeState {
+    /**
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
+    * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function parse(&$context) {
+        $char = $context->ScanCharacter();
+        if ($char == '-') {
+            $char = $context->ScanCharacter();
+            if ($char == '-') {
+                $context->unscanCharacter();
+                $context->unscanCharacter();
+                $text = $context->scanUntilString('-->');
+                $text .= $context->scanCharacter();
+                $text .= $context->scanCharacter();
+            } else {
+                $context->unscanCharacter();
+                $text = $context->scanUntilString('>');
+            }
+        } else if ( $char == '[') {
+            $context->unscanCharacter();
+            $text = $context->scanUntilString(']>');
+            $text.= $context->scanCharacter();
+        } else {
+            $context->unscanCharacter();
+            $text = $context->scanUntilString('>');
+        }
+        $context->IgnoreCharacter();
+        if ($text != '') {
+            $context->handler_object_escape->
+            {$context->handler_method_escape}($context->htmlsax, $text);
+        }
+        return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START;
+    }
+* Deals with JASP/ASP markup
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_JaspState {
+    /**
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
+    * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function parse(&$context) {
+        $text = $context->scanUntilString('%>');
+        if ($text != '') {
+            $context->handler_object_jasp->
+                {$context->handler_method_jasp}($context->htmlsax, $text);
+        }
+        $context->IgnoreCharacter();
+        $context->IgnoreCharacter();
+        return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START;
+    }
+* Deals with XML processing instructions
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_PiState {
+    /**
+    * @param XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser subclass
+    * @return constant XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function parse(&$context) {
+        $target = $context->scanUntilCharacters(" \n\r\t");
+        $data = $context->scanUntilString('?>');
+        if ($data != '') {
+            $context->handler_object_pi->
+            {$context->handler_method_pi}($context->htmlsax, $target, $data);
+        }
+        $context->IgnoreCharacter();
+        $context->IgnoreCharacter();
+        return XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/community/website/inc/XML/HTMLSax3.php
--- trunk/community/website/inc/XML/HTMLSax3.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/website/inc/XML/HTMLSax3.php	2007-10-03 21:36:27 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | PHP Version 4                                                        |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,      |
+// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
+// | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
+// | http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.                                  |
+// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
+// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
+// | license at php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Authors: Alexander Zhukov <alex at veresk.ru> Original port from Python |
+// | Authors: Harry Fuecks <hfuecks at phppatterns.com> Port to PEAR + more  |
+// | Authors: Many @ Sitepointforums Advanced PHP Forums                  |
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// $Id: HTMLSax3.php,v 1.1 2004/06/02 14:09:19 hfuecks Exp $
+* Main parser components
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @version $Id: HTMLSax3.php,v 1.1 2004/06/02 14:09:19 hfuecks Exp $
+* Required classes
+if (!defined('XML_HTMLSAX3')) {
+    define('XML_HTMLSAX3', 'XML/');
+require_once(XML_HTMLSAX3 . 'HTMLSax3/States.php');
+require_once(XML_HTMLSAX3 . 'HTMLSax3/Decorators.php');
+* Base State Parser
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+* @abstract
+class XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser {
+    /**
+    * Instance of user front end class to be passed to callbacks
+    * @var XML_HTMLSax3
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $htmlsax;
+    /**
+    * User defined object for handling elements
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_object_element;
+    /**
+    * User defined open tag handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_method_opening;
+    /**
+    * User defined close tag handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_method_closing;
+    /**
+    * User defined object for handling data in elements
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_object_data;
+    /**
+    * User defined data handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_method_data;
+    /**
+    * User defined object for handling processing instructions
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_object_pi;
+    /**
+    * User defined processing instruction handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_method_pi;
+    /**
+    * User defined object for handling JSP/ASP tags
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_object_jasp;
+    /**
+    * User defined JSP/ASP handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_method_jasp;
+    /**
+    * User defined object for handling XML escapes
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_object_escape;
+    /**
+    * User defined XML escape handler method
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_method_escape;
+    /**
+    * User defined handler object or NullHandler
+    * @var object
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $handler_default;
+    /**
+    * Parser options determining parsing behavior
+    * @var array
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $parser_options = array();
+    /**
+    * XML document being parsed
+    * @var string
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $rawtext;
+    /**
+    * Position in XML document relative to start (0)
+    * @var int
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $position;
+    /**
+    * Length of the XML document in characters
+    * @var int
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $length;
+    /**
+    * Array of state objects
+    * @var array
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $State = array();
+    /**
+    * Constructs XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser setting up states
+    * @var XML_HTMLSax3 instance of user front end class
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser (& $htmlsax) {
+        $this->htmlsax = & $htmlsax;
+        $this->State[XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START] =& new XML_HTMLSax3_StartingState();
+        $this->State[XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_CLOSING_TAG] =& new XML_HTMLSax3_ClosingTagState();
+        $this->State[XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_TAG] =& new XML_HTMLSax3_TagState();
+        $this->State[XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_OPENING_TAG] =& new XML_HTMLSax3_OpeningTagState();
+        $this->State[XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_PI] =& new XML_HTMLSax3_PiState();
+        $this->State[XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_JASP] =& new XML_HTMLSax3_JaspState();
+        $this->State[XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_ESCAPE] =& new XML_HTMLSax3_EscapeState();
+    }
+    /**
+    * Moves the position back one character
+    * @access protected
+    * @return void
+    */
+    function unscanCharacter() {
+        $this->position -= 1;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Moves the position forward one character
+    * @access protected
+    * @return void
+    */
+    function ignoreCharacter() {
+        $this->position += 1;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the next character from the XML document or void if at end
+    * @access protected
+    * @return mixed
+    */
+    function scanCharacter() {
+        if ($this->position < $this->length) {
+            return $this->rawtext{$this->position++};
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns a string from the current position to the next occurance
+    * of the supplied string
+    * @param string string to search until
+    * @access protected
+    * @return string
+    */
+    function scanUntilString($string) {
+        $start = $this->position;
+        $this->position = strpos($this->rawtext, $string, $start);
+        if ($this->position === FALSE) {
+            $this->position = $this->length;
+        }
+        return substr($this->rawtext, $start, $this->position - $start);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns a string from the current position until the first instance of
+    * one of the characters in the supplied string argument
+    * @param string string to search until
+    * @access protected
+    * @return string
+    * @abstract
+    */
+    function scanUntilCharacters($string) {}
+    /**
+    * Moves the position forward past any whitespace characters
+    * @access protected
+    * @return void
+    * @abstract
+    */
+    function ignoreWhitespace() {}
+    /**
+    * Begins the parsing operation, setting up any decorators, depending on
+    * parse options invoking _parse() to execute parsing
+    * @param string XML document to parse
+    * @access protected
+    * @return void
+    */
+    function parse($data) {
+        if ($this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_TRIM_DATA_NODES']==1) {
+            $decorator =& new XML_HTMLSax3_Trim(
+                $this->handler_object_data,
+                $this->handler_method_data);
+            $this->handler_object_data =& $decorator;
+            $this->handler_method_data = 'trimData';
+        }
+        if ($this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING']==1) {
+            $open_decor =& new XML_HTMLSax3_CaseFolding(
+                $this->handler_object_element,
+                $this->handler_method_opening,
+                $this->handler_method_closing);
+            $this->handler_object_element =& $open_decor;
+            $this->handler_method_opening ='foldOpen';
+            $this->handler_method_closing ='foldClose';
+        }
+        if ($this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_LINEFEED_BREAK']==1) {
+            $decorator =& new XML_HTMLSax3_Linefeed(
+                $this->handler_object_data,
+                $this->handler_method_data);
+            $this->handler_object_data =& $decorator;
+            $this->handler_method_data = 'breakData';
+        }
+        if ($this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_TAB_BREAK']==1) {
+            $decorator =& new XML_HTMLSax3_Tab(
+                $this->handler_object_data,
+                $this->handler_method_data);
+            $this->handler_object_data =& $decorator;
+            $this->handler_method_data = 'breakData';
+        }
+        if ($this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_ENTITIES_UNPARSED']==1) {
+            $decorator =& new XML_HTMLSax3_Entities_Unparsed(
+                $this->handler_object_data,
+                $this->handler_method_data);
+            $this->handler_object_data =& $decorator;
+            $this->handler_method_data = 'breakData';
+        }
+        if ($this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_ENTITIES_PARSED']==1) {
+            $decorator =& new XML_HTMLSax3_Entities_Parsed(
+                $this->handler_object_data,
+                $this->handler_method_data);
+            $this->handler_object_data =& $decorator;
+            $this->handler_method_data = 'breakData';
+        }
+        // Note switched on by default
+        if ($this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_STRIP_ESCAPES']==1) {
+            $decorator =& new XML_HTMLSax3_Escape_Stripper(
+                $this->handler_object_escape,
+                $this->handler_method_escape);
+            $this->handler_object_escape =& $decorator;
+            $this->handler_method_escape = 'strip';
+        }
+        $this->rawtext = $data;
+        $this->length = strlen($data);
+        $this->position = 0;
+        $this->_parse();
+    }
+    /**
+    * Performs the parsing itself, delegating calls to a specific parser
+    * state
+    * @param constant state object to parse with
+    * @access protected
+    * @return void
+    */
+    function _parse($state = XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_START) {
+        do {
+            $state = $this->State[$state]->parse($this);
+        } while ($state != XML_HTMLSAX3_STATE_STOP &&
+                    $this->position < $this->length);
+    }
+* Parser for PHP Versions below 4.3.0. Uses a slower parsing mechanism than
+* the equivalent PHP 4.3.0+  subclass of StateParser
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+* @see XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser_Gtet430
+class XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser_Lt430 extends XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser {
+    /**
+    * Constructs XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser_Lt430 defining available
+    * parser options
+    * @var XML_HTMLSax3 instance of user front end class
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser_Lt430(& $htmlsax) {
+        parent::XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser($htmlsax);
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_TRIM_DATA_NODES'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_LINEFEED_BREAK'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_TAB_BREAK'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_ENTITIES_PARSED'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_ENTITIES_UNPARSED'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_STRIP_ESCAPES'] = 0;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns a string from the current position until the first instance of
+    * one of the characters in the supplied string argument
+    * @param string string to search until
+    * @access protected
+    * @return string
+    */
+    function scanUntilCharacters($string) {
+        $startpos = $this->position;
+        while ($this->position < $this->length && strpos($string, $this->rawtext{$this->position}) === FALSE) {
+            $this->position++;
+        }
+        return substr($this->rawtext, $startpos, $this->position - $startpos);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Moves the position forward past any whitespace characters
+    * @access protected
+    * @return void
+    */
+    function ignoreWhitespace() {
+        while ($this->position < $this->length && 
+            strpos(" \n\r\t", $this->rawtext{$this->position}) !== FALSE) {
+            $this->position++;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Begins the parsing operation, setting up the unparsed XML entities
+    * decorator if necessary then delegating further work to parent
+    * @param string XML document to parse
+    * @access protected
+    * @return void
+    */
+    function parse($data) {
+        parent::parse($data);
+    }
+* Parser for PHP Versions equal to or greater than 4.3.0. Uses a faster
+* parsing mechanism than the equivalent PHP < 4.3.0 subclass of StateParser
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+* @see XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser_Lt430
+class XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser_Gtet430 extends XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser {
+    /**
+    * Constructs XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser_Gtet430 defining available
+    * parser options
+    * @var XML_HTMLSax3 instance of user front end class
+    * @access protected
+    */
+    function XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser_Gtet430(& $htmlsax) {
+        parent::XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser($htmlsax);
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_TRIM_DATA_NODES'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_LINEFEED_BREAK'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_TAB_BREAK'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_ENTITIES_PARSED'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_ENTITIES_UNPARSED'] = 0;
+        $this->parser_options['XML_OPTION_STRIP_ESCAPES'] = 0;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns a string from the current position until the first instance of
+    * one of the characters in the supplied string argument.
+    * @param string string to search until
+    * @access protected
+    * @return string
+    */
+    function scanUntilCharacters($string) {
+        $startpos = $this->position;
+        $length = strcspn($this->rawtext, $string, $startpos);
+        $this->position += $length;
+        return substr($this->rawtext, $startpos, $length);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Moves the position forward past any whitespace characters
+    * @access protected
+    * @return void
+    */
+    function ignoreWhitespace() {
+        $this->position += strspn($this->rawtext, " \n\r\t", $this->position);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Begins the parsing operation, setting up the parsed and unparsed
+    * XML entity decorators if necessary then delegating further work
+    * to parent
+    * @param string XML document to parse
+    * @access protected
+    * @return void
+    */
+    function parse($data) {
+        parent::parse($data);
+    }
+* Default NullHandler for methods which were not set by user
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access protected
+class XML_HTMLSax3_NullHandler {
+    /**
+    * Generic handler method which does nothing
+    * @access protected
+    * @return void
+    */
+    function DoNothing() {
+    }
+* User interface class. All user calls should only be made to this class
+* @package XML_HTMLSax3
+* @access public
+class XML_HTMLSax3 {
+    /**
+    * Instance of concrete subclass of XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser
+    * @var XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser
+    * @access private
+    */
+    var $state_parser;
+    /**
+    * Constructs XML_HTMLSax3 selecting concrete StateParser subclass
+    * depending on PHP version being used as well as setting the default
+    * NullHandler for all callbacks<br />
+    * <b>Example:</b>
+    * <pre>
+    * $myHandler = & new MyHandler();
+    * $parser = new XML_HTMLSax3();
+    * $parser->set_object($myHandler);
+    * $parser->set_option('XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING');
+    * $parser->set_element_handler('myOpenHandler','myCloseHandler');
+    * $parser->set_data_handler('myDataHandler');
+    * $parser->parser($xml);
+    * </pre>
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function XML_HTMLSax3() {
+        if (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.3', 'ge')) {
+            $this->state_parser =& new XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser_Gtet430($this);
+        } else {
+            $this->state_parser =& new XML_HTMLSax3_StateParser_Lt430($this);
+        }
+        $nullhandler =& new XML_HTMLSax3_NullHandler();
+        $this->set_object($nullhandler);
+        $this->set_element_handler('DoNothing', 'DoNothing');
+        $this->set_data_handler('DoNothing');
+        $this->set_pi_handler('DoNothing');
+        $this->set_jasp_handler('DoNothing');
+        $this->set_escape_handler('DoNothing');
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the user defined handler object. Returns a PEAR Error
+    * if supplied argument is not an object.
+    * @param object handler object containing SAX callback methods
+    * @access public
+    * @return mixed
+    */
+    function set_object(&$object) {
+        if ( is_object($object) ) {
+            $this->state_parser->handler_default =& $object;
+            return true;
+        } else {
+            require_once('PEAR.php');
+            PEAR::raiseError('XML_HTMLSax3::set_object requires '.
+                'an object instance');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets a parser option. By default all options are switched off.
+    * Returns a PEAR Error if option is invalid<br />
+    * <b>Available options:</b>
+    * <ul>
+    * <li>XML_OPTION_TRIM_DATA_NODES: trim whitespace off the beginning
+    * and end of data passed to the data handler</li>
+    * <li>XML_OPTION_LINEFEED_BREAK: linefeeds result in additional data
+    * handler calls</li>
+    * <li>XML_OPTION_TAB_BREAK: tabs result in additional data handler
+    * calls</li>
+    * <li>XML_OPTION_ENTITIES_UNPARSED: XML entities are returned as
+    * seperate data handler calls in unparsed form</li>
+    * <li>XML_OPTION_ENTITIES_PARSED: (PHP 4.3.0+ only) XML entities are
+    * returned as seperate data handler calls and are parsed with 
+    * PHP's html_entity_decode() function</li>
+    * <li>XML_OPTION_STRIP_ESCAPES: strips out the -- -- comment markers
+    * or CDATA markup inside an XML escape, if found.</li>
+    * </ul>
+    * To get HTMLSax to behave in the same way as the native PHP SAX parser,
+    * using it's default state, you need to switch on XML_OPTION_LINEFEED_BREAK,
+    * @param string name of parser option
+    * @param int (optional) 1 to switch on, 0 for off
+    * @access public
+    * @return boolean
+    */
+    function set_option($name, $value=1) {
+        if ( array_key_exists($name,$this->state_parser->parser_options) ) {
+            $this->state_parser->parser_options[$name] = $value;
+            return true;
+        } else {
+            require_once('PEAR.php');
+            PEAR::raiseError('XML_HTMLSax3::set_option('.$name.') illegal');
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the data handler method which deals with the contents of XML
+    * elements.<br />
+    * The handler method must accept two arguments, the first being an
+    * instance of XML_HTMLSax3 and the second being the contents of an
+    * XML element e.g.
+    * <pre>
+    * function myDataHander(& $parser,$data){}
+    * </pre>
+    * @param string name of method
+    * @access public
+    * @return void
+    * @see set_object
+    */
+    function set_data_handler($data_method) {
+        $this->state_parser->handler_object_data =& $this->state_parser->handler_default;
+        $this->state_parser->handler_method_data = $data_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the open and close tag handlers
+    * <br />The open handler method must accept three arguments; the parser,
+    * the tag name and an array of attributes e.g.
+    * <pre>
+    * function myOpenHander(& $parser,$tagname,$attrs=array()){}
+    * </pre>
+    * The close handler method must accept two arguments; the parser and
+    * the tag name e.g.
+    * <pre>
+    * function myCloseHander(& $parser,$tagname){}
+    * </pre>
+    * @param string name of open method
+    * @param string name of close method
+    * @access public
+    * @return void
+    * @see set_object
+    */
+    function set_element_handler($opening_method, $closing_method) {
+        $this->state_parser->handler_object_element =& $this->state_parser->handler_default;
+        $this->state_parser->handler_method_opening = $opening_method;
+        $this->state_parser->handler_method_closing = $closing_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the processing instruction handler method e.g. for PHP open
+    * and close tags<br />
+    * The handler method must accept three arguments; the parser, the
+    * PI target and data inside the PI
+    * <pre>
+    * function myPIHander(& $parser,$target, $data){}
+    * </pre>
+    * @param string name of method
+    * @access public
+    * @return void
+    * @see set_object
+    */
+    function set_pi_handler($pi_method) {
+        $this->state_parser->handler_object_pi =& $this->state_parser->handler_default;
+        $this->state_parser->handler_method_pi = $pi_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the XML escape handler method e.g. for comments and doctype
+    * declarations<br />
+    * The handler method must accept two arguments; the parser and the
+    * contents of the escaped section
+    * <pre>
+    * function myEscapeHander(& $parser, $data){}
+    * </pre>
+    * @param string name of method
+    * @access public
+    * @return void
+    * @see set_object
+    */
+    function set_escape_handler($escape_method) {
+        $this->state_parser->handler_object_escape =& $this->state_parser->handler_default;
+        $this->state_parser->handler_method_escape = $escape_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Sets the JSP/ASP markup handler<br />
+    * The handler method must accept two arguments; the parser and
+    * body of the JASP tag
+    * <pre>
+    * function myJaspHander(& $parser, $data){}
+    * </pre>
+    * @param string name of method
+    * @access public
+    * @return void
+    * @see set_object
+    */
+    function set_jasp_handler ($jasp_method) {
+        $this->state_parser->handler_object_jasp =& $this->state_parser->handler_default;
+        $this->state_parser->handler_method_jasp = $jasp_method;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the current string position of the "cursor" inside the XML
+    * document
+    * <br />Intended for use from within a user defined handler called
+    * via the $parser reference e.g.
+    * <pre>
+    * function myDataHandler(& $parser,$data) {
+    *     echo( 'Current position: '.$parser->get_current_position() );
+    * }
+    * </pre>
+    * @access public
+    * @return int
+    * @see get_length
+    */
+    function get_current_position() {
+        return $this->state_parser->position;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Returns the string length of the XML document being parsed
+    * @access public
+    * @return int
+    */
+    function get_length() {
+        return $this->state_parser->length;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Start parsing some XML
+    * @param string XML document
+    * @access public
+    * @return void
+    */
+    function parse($data) {
+        $this->state_parser->parse($data);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/community/website/inc/parser.inc.php
--- trunk/community/website/inc/parser.inc.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/website/inc/parser.inc.php	2007-10-03 21:36:27 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+function ParseMembersTable(int $project_id) {
+	$url = "http://alioth.debian.org/project/memberlist.php?group_id=".$project_id;
+	$fp = fopen($url, "r");
+	if ($fp) {
+		while (!feof($fp)) {
+			$page .= fgets($fp, 4096);
+		}
+		fclose($fp);
+	} else {
+		echo "Cannot open $url.\n";
+	}
+	/* We now need to extract our table from the mess of the page.
+	 * We're looking for:
+	 *     <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
+	 * since it is the only occurrence on the page.
+	 */
+	$needle = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">';
+	$toend = strstr($page, $needle);
+	// In PHP6, we would do this:
+	//$needle = '</table>';
+	//$table = strstr($toend, $needle, true);
+	$needle = "</table>";
+	$offset = strpos($toend, $needle);
+	$table = substr($toend, 0, $offset + strlen($needle));
+	$arr = TableParser::Go($table);
+	array_shift($arr);
+	$members = array();
+	foreach ($arr as $person) {
+		$name = ($person[0]) ? $person[0] : $person[1]; // take the name. Admins have index 1, Devs 0.
+		$name = trim($name);
+		foreach ($person as $value) {
+			if ($person[2]) { // if index 2 is present, then it's not an admin -- fix indexes properly
+				$members[$name]["userid"] = $person[2];
+				$members[$name]["role"] = "developer";
+			} else {
+				$members[$name]["userid"] = $person[3];
+				$members[$name]["role"] = "admin";
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return $members;	

Deleted: trunk/community/website/inc/rss-backup.php
--- trunk/community/website/inc/rss-backup.php	2007-10-03 15:28:42 UTC (rev 541)
+++ trunk/community/website/inc/rss-backup.php	2007-10-03 21:36:27 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-	$xml = "http://cia.vc/stats/project/Debian-Med/.rss";
-	phpinfo();	
-//	$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
-//	$xmlDoc->load($xml);
-//	echo $xmlDoc->saveXML();
-	// get elements from <channel>
-	$channel = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName("channel")->item(0);
-	$channel_title = $channel->getElementsByTagName("title")->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
-	$channel_link = $channel->getElementsByTagName("link")->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
-	$channel_desc = $channel->getElementsByTagName("description")->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
-	// output elements from <channel>
-	echo "<p><a href=\"$channel_link\">$channel_title</a>";
-	echo "<br />";
-	echo "$channel_desc</p>";
-	// get and output <item>s
-	$x = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName("item");
-	// show only last 10 messages
-	for ($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) {
-		$item_title = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("title")->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
-		$item_link = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("link")->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
-		$item_desc = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("description")->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
-		echo "<p><a href=\"$item_link\">$item_title</a>";
-		echo "<br />";
-		echo "$item_desc</p>";
-	}

Added: trunk/community/website/inc/table-parser.inc.php
--- trunk/community/website/inc/table-parser.inc.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/website/inc/table-parser.inc.php	2007-10-03 21:36:27 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * Example of how to parse an HTML table using PEAR XML_HTTPSax3.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Toby Inkster
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this program.
+ * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @author Toby Inkster
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 Toby Inkster
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public Licence
+ */
+ * Parser class.
+ *
+ * You probably only need to directly access the "Go" method.
+ */
+class TableParser
+	private $currow = -1;
+	private $curcol = -1;
+	private $shape = array();
+	private $data= array();
+	public function openHandler ($parser, $tag, $attrs)	{
+		$tag = strtolower($tag);
+		// Move to the correct cell co-ordinates.
+		if ($tag == 'tr') {
+			$this->currow++;
+			$this->curcol = -1;
+		}
+		elseif ($tag == 'td'|| $tag == 'th') {
+			$this->curcol++;
+		}
+		// This should account for rowspan and colspan.
+		while ($this->shape[$this->currow][$this->curcol])
+			$this->curcol++;
+		$rowspan = 1;
+		$colspan = 1;
+		foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
+			$k = strtolower($k);
+			if ($k == 'rowspan')
+				$rowspan = (int)$v;
+			elseif ($k == 'colspan')
+				$colspan = (int)$v;
+		}
+		for ($i=0; $i<$rowspan; $i++)
+			for ($j=0; $j<$colspan; $j++) {
+				$x = $this->currow + $i;
+				$y = $this->curcol + $j;
+				if ($this->shape[$x][$y])
+					error_log('Overlap!');
+				$this->shape[$x][$y] = TRUE;
+			}
+	}
+	public function closeHandler ($parser, $tag) {
+	}
+	public function dataHandler ($parser, $data) {
+		$this->data[$this->currow][$this->curcol] .= $data;
+	}
+	public function getData () {
+		unset($this->data[-1]);
+		foreach ($this->data as $k => $v)
+			unset($this->data[$k][-1]);
+		return $this->data;
+	}
+	public static function Go ($table_html) {
+		require_once 'XML/HTMLSax3.php';
+		$sax = new XML_HTMLSax3;
+		$hdlr = new TableParser;
+		$sax->set_object($hdlr);
+		$sax->set_element_handler('openHandler', 'closeHandler');
+		$sax->set_data_handler('dataHandler');
+		$sax->parse($table_html);
+		return $hdlr->getData();
+	}

Modified: trunk/community/website/index.php
--- trunk/community/website/index.php	2007-10-03 15:28:42 UTC (rev 541)
+++ trunk/community/website/index.php	2007-10-03 21:36:27 UTC (rev 542)
@@ -37,35 +37,13 @@
 				<div class="relatedHeading">
 					<table class="related">
-						$members = array(
-									"admin" => array(
-										"Andreas Tille",
-										"Charles Plessy",
-										"Steffen Möller",
-										"Thijs Kinkhorst"),
-									"developer" => array(
-										"Changyan Xie",
-										"Daniel Bayer",
-										"David Paleino",
-										"Michael Hanke",
-										"Moriyoshi Koizumi",
-										"Nelson A. de Oliveira",
-										"Philipp Benner",
-										"Steven Michael Robbins",
-										"Vincent Danjean")
-									);
+						$members = ParseMembersTable(30063);
-						foreach ($members as $role => $names) {
-							foreach($names as $person) {
-								$sorted_members[$person] = $role;
-							}
-						}
+						ksort($members);
-						ksort($sorted_members);
 						$img = "";
-						foreach ($sorted_members as $member => $role) {
-							switch ($role) {
+						foreach ($members as $name => $details) {
+							switch ($details["role"]) {
 								case "admin":
 									$img = "/img/wh_green.png";
 									$alt = "Project Administrator";
@@ -78,7 +56,7 @@
 						<img src="<?=$img?>" alt="<?=$alt?>" title="<?=$alt?>" />
-						<?=$member?>
+						<a href="http://alioth.debian.org/users/<?=$details["userid"]?>"><?=$name?></a>

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