[med-svn] r1286 - trunk/community/website/docs
hanska-guest at alioth.debian.org
hanska-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Feb 3 17:13:11 UTC 2008
Author: hanska-guest
Date: 2008-02-03 17:13:10 +0000 (Sun, 03 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 1286
Removing unused files
Deleted: trunk/community/website/docs/dirtree.sty
--- trunk/community/website/docs/dirtree.sty 2008-02-03 17:08:12 UTC (rev 1285)
+++ trunk/community/website/docs/dirtree.sty 2008-02-03 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1286)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-link inc/dirtree.sty
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: trunk/community/website/docs/dirtree.tex
--- trunk/community/website/docs/dirtree.tex 2008-02-03 17:08:12 UTC (rev 1285)
+++ trunk/community/website/docs/dirtree.tex 2008-02-03 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1286)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-link inc/dirtree.tex
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: trunk/community/website/docs/policy.tex
--- trunk/community/website/docs/policy.tex 2008-02-03 17:08:12 UTC (rev 1285)
+++ trunk/community/website/docs/policy.tex 2008-02-03 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1286)
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=1cm, right=1cm]{geometry}
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- pdftex,
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- pdfauthor=Debian-Med Group,
- pdftitle=Debian-Med Policy
-% Title Page
-\title{Debian-Med Policy}
-\author{Debian-Med Group}
-%\imgsrc[ALT="Debian-Med CDD"]{/img/debian-med.jpg}
-\HRule \\[0.4cm]
-{\huge \bfseries Group Policy}
-%\texttt{\$policy.tex rev at REV@ - @DATE@ - @AUTHOR@\$}
-\HRule \\[1.5cm]
-\large \emph{Authors:}\\
-David \textsc{Paleino}
-\large \emph{Supervisors:}\\
-Andreas \textsc{Tille}
-Debian-Med is a ``\href{http://people.debian.org/~tille/cdd}{Custom Debian Distribution}'' with the aim to develop Debian into an operating system that is particularly well fit for the requirements for medical practice and research. \\ \\
-The Debian-Med project presents packages that are associated with medicine, pre-clinical research, and life sciences. Its developments are mostly focused on three areas for the moment: medical practice, imaging and bioinformatics. \\ \\
-Over the previous years, several initiatives have spawned that address the scientific disciplines like chemistry or bioinformatics. Debian-Med is not a competition to these efforts but a platform to present the packages to the community as a Custom Debian Distribution.
-\section{How to Contribute}
-From the developer to the user, there is a long chain of tasks in which we always welcome participation. First we must keep ourselves informed about the software landscape in biology and medicine. Software to be packaged is chosen according to criteria such as users' need and the consistency of the distribution. \\
-Once in Debian, the software is monitored for its quality and bugs are fixed, if possible in collaboration with the upstream maintainer(s). All this work would not be very useful if it remains confidential.\\
-We also dedicate some time to advertise it to the world via \url{http://www.debian.org} and to ease the integration of new members through this wiki. \\ \\
-Please contact us on \href{mailto:debian-med at lists.debian.org}{debian-med at lists.debian.org} if you want to help to make medical and biological software available to Debian users. Read the \textbf{Membership} section if you're interested in joining us. \\ \\
-If you speak a language other than English, you can contribute rightaway with translations of package descriptions at \url{http://ddtp.debian.org}. When working on these, you will find immediate targets for improvements of the original English versions, too. For these, though, you need access to Debian-Med's source code repository. Very welcome are tutorials that guide Debian users towards the use of packages to their immediate benefit. You may also consider to write respective articles for Magazines, be they online or in print.
-To request membership to this group, please go on our \href{http://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-med}{\emph{Alioth page}}, or directly follow this \href{http://alioth.debian.org/project/request.php?group_id=30063}{link}. Remember that you \textbf{must} have an Alioth account before requesting membership (see \href{http://alioth.debian.org/account/register.php} to request an Alioth account).
-Our Subversion (SVN) repository is currently hosted on \href{http://alioth.debian.org}{\emph{Alioth}}, the hosting facility provided by Debian to free software developers. You can have a look at the repository through Alioth's \href{http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-med}{web} \href{http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/debian-med}{interfaces}.
-\subsection{Give me the source!}
-To check sources out from SVN, please do:
-\item if you are a member of Debian-Med:
-svn co svn+ssh://user@alioth.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk/...
-\item are \textbf{NOT} a member of Debian-Med:
-svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk/...
-\subsection{Repository structure}
-The SVN repository is structured as follows: \\
-.1 debian-med/.
-.2 trunk/.
-.3 community/.
-.4 debtags/.
-.4 infrastructure/.
-.4 website/.
-.3 packages/.
-.4 <package>/.
-.5 branches/.
-.5 tags/.
-.5 trunk/.
-.6 debian/.
-\subsection{Announcing intent to package}
-If you intent to work on a Debian package you should follow the
-\href{http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/#l1}{normal Debian rules} and
-file a \texttt{WNPP} bug report. It is a good idea to keep the
-Debian-Med mailing list
-\href{mailto:debian-med at lists.debian.org}{debian-med at lists.debian.org}
-in CC or forward the response of the BTS that includes the bug number
-to the mailing list to keep your co-workers informed.
-In addition to this you should add a user tag to this WNPP bug to
-make sure that your intent is in focus of the Debian-Med team. This
-can be done by sending a mail to
-\href{mailto:request at bugs.debian.org}{request at bugs.debian.org} with
-the following content:
-user debian-med at lists.debian.org
-usertag <bug-number> + wnpp med-<task>
-For instance if you want to tag an ITP with bug number \#123456 for
-Debian-Med section biology you would do the following:
-mailx -s "Tagging bug #123456" request at bugs.debian.org <<...
-user debian-med at lists.debian.org
-usertag 123456 + wnpp med-bio
-Please, in \texttt{debian/control}, use these values:
-Section: ...
-Priority: ...
-Maintainer: Debian-Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
-Uploaders: <yourname> <youremail>
-Standards-Version: 3.7.3
-Homepage: http://...
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk/packages/<package>/trunk/
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-med/trunk/packages/<package>/trunk/?rev=0&sc=0
-Make sure you use the right Section and Priority fields for the package. Also, be sure to use the latest Standards-Version. Please also add the Homepage field, we aim at having our packages the most complete as they can be.
-\subsection{Injecting a new package}
-To inject a new package to the SVN repository, you must have write access to it; i.e. you must be a member of this group. \\
-You can inject a new package only \emph{after} successfully building it with \textbf{dpkg-buildpackage} (or any wrapper around it). Then you can:
-$ svn-inject package.dsc svn+ssh://user@alioth.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk/packages/
-The \texttt{svn-inject} command is found in the \texttt{svn-buildpackage} package (just \texttt{apt-get} it). \\
-Once you uploaded a new package please make sure that it is mentioned
-in the apropriate tasks file in the package source of the debian-med
-SVN}. Normally maintainer watch the changes in the Debian-Med
-packaging pool but it helps if the maintainer of a certain package
-verifies that everything is in the right place.
-\subsection{Building the packages}
-To build the package, just use the tools that \texttt{svn-buildpackage} carries. First of all, we suggest you to define some aliases for the most common commands:
-alias svn-b='svn-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot --svn-ignore'
-alias svn-br='svn-b --svn-dont-purge --svn-reuse'
-alias svn-bt='svn-buildpackage --svn-tag -rfakeroot'
-You're ready now to checkout the sources (see the proper section). \\ \\
-Once done, you're ready to do the work. First, cd to the \texttt{trunk} directory, and download the upstream sources (if there is a debian\slash{watch} file):
-echo "origDir=.." >> .svn/deb-layout && uscan --force-download
-Alternatively, you can try this, it depends on how the package was built (again, from the \texttt{trunk} directory:
-debian/rules get-orig-source
-Once done, edit the files you need, and then build the package with \texttt{svn-b} or \texttt{svn-br}. \\ \\
-If you're a Debian-Med member, you can commit your changes:
-svn commit
-(also \texttt{svn ci}). \\
-Otherwise, you can ask to be added to the group (see the Membership section), or send the result of \texttt{svn diff} to the \href{mailto:debian-med at lists.debian.org}{mailing list} (gzip it, if it's too large).
-\subsection{Tagging packages}
-It may happen that a package version has been uploaded to Debian repositories, and you forgot to tag the last build with
-svn-buildpackage --svn-tag
-You can tag this package also retroactively. A first step, creating the \texttt{tags\slash} directory, can be achieved in two ways:
-\item create it locally (it is a sibling of \texttt{trunk\slash}), and commit:
-svn mkdir tags
-svn commit
-\item create it remotely:
-svn mkdir svn+ssh://user@svn.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk/packages/<package>/tags
-After the \texttt{tags\slash} directory has been created, you're ready to tag the package:
-svn-buildpackage --svn-tag-only --svn-no-autodch
-(\texttt{--svn-no-autodch} avoids \texttt{debian\slash{changelog}} to be marked as \texttt{UNRELEASED}).
-\subsection{Handling patches}
-Often happens that the upstream code doesn't fit well into the Debian distribution: be this wrong paths, missing features, anything that implies editing the source files. When you directly edit upstream's source files, your changes will be put into a \texttt{.diff.gz} file, which should instead contain only \texttt{debian\slash}. Because of this, it's best using a \emph{patch handling system} which keeps patches under the \texttt{debian\slash} directory. \\
-The most known are \texttt{quilt} and \texttt{dpatch}. Please don't use any other patch system in Debian-Med, unless absolutely necessary.
-\subsubsection{Using \texttt{quilt}}
-Using \texttt{quilt} is rather easy. \\
-First, make sure you have correctly setup \texttt{quilt}: open \texttt{.quiltrc} in your home directory (create it if you don't have one), and make sure it looks like this:
-QUILT_DIFF_ARGS="--no-timestamps --no-index"
-QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="--no-timestamps --no-index"
-After this, you're ready to start working with quilt.
-\paragraph{Creating a patch}
-\texttt{new}, \texttt{edit}, \texttt{refresh}\\
-To create a patch, use the \texttt{new} command. Run:
-quilt new <patch_name>.patch
-This will create (if it doesn't exist yet) a \texttt{debian\slash{patches}\slash{series}} file, which contains all the patches to be applied by quilt. Moreover, the new patch is also the \emph{topmost} (the currently applied). \\ \\
-Now start editing files, with:
-quilt edit <file>
-and repeat the process for each file the patch is involved with. At the end, run
-quilt refresh
-This will compare the noted state of the edited files with the current state, and will produce a patch in \texttt{debian\slash{patches}}. Remember: the patch is currently \textbf{applied} (you can check this with \texttt{quilt applied}).
-\paragraph{Applying and unapplying patches}
-\texttt{push}, \texttt{pop}, \texttt{applied}, \texttt{unapplied}\\
-Just two easy commands to do the job: \\ \\
-\texttt{quilt pop} will unapply the topmost patch. \\
-\texttt{quilt push} will apply the next patch in \texttt{debian/patches/series}. \\
-You can just add a ``-a'' flag to the commands above, to respectively apply/unapply \textbf{all} patches in the series. \\ \\
-You can check which patches are applied\slash{unapplied} with, respectively, \texttt{quilt applied} and \texttt{quilt unapplied}.
-\paragraph{Editing patches}
-\texttt{push}, \texttt{pop}, \texttt{edit}, \texttt{refresh}\\
-To edit a patch, first make it the topmost:
-quilt push <patch_name>
-If the patch is already applied, but is not the topmost, run \texttt{quilt pop} until it becomes the currently applied one. \\ \\
-You can now run \texttt{quilt edit} on the files you want to change, and, when you're done, \texttt{quilt refresh}.
-\paragraph{Renaming patches}
-Sometimes it's useful to rename a patch. Without any hassle, do:
-quilt rename -P <old_name>.patch <new_name>.patch
-\paragraph{Other commands}
-Please see \texttt{man 1 quilt} to have a comprehensive list of commands.
-\paragraph{Integration in the build process}
-Add in the very first part of \texttt{debian\slash{rules}} (i.e. \textit{before} the targets), the line:
-include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make
-Remember to add the needed dependencies to \texttt{Makefile}'s targets:
-build: patch build-stamp
-build-stamp: configure
-This kind of dependency will ensure that if you also patch the build system, you get a working \textit{patched} build process. Please don't also put \textit{configure} as a dependency of \texttt{build} (leave it in \texttt{build-stamp}): that may cause problems during parallel buildings (i.e. the \texttt{-j} flag of \texttt{make}).\\
-Now add a dependency to the clean target:
-clean: unpatch
-If you've also patched the build system, using upstream's \texttt{clean} target might fail. This is what you should do:
-clean: clean-patched unpatch
-Obviously, you could always use an approach like this, but it's an useless complication if you don't patch the build system, and you should keep \texttt{debian\slash{rules}} the simplest you can.
-\subsubsection{Using \texttt{dpatch}}
-\paragraph{Creating a patch}
-\paragraph{Applying and unapplying patches}
-\texttt{apply(-all)}, \texttt{unapply(-all)}, \texttt{status}\\
-\paragraph{Editing a patch}
-\paragraph{Integration in the build process}
-Follow the instructions for \texttt{quilt} and adapt the path of inclusion to \texttt{\slash{usr}\slash{share}\slash{dpatch}\slash{dpatch.make}}.
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