[med-svn] r1447 - trunk/packages/dialign/trunk
charles-guest at alioth.debian.org
charles-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Feb 19 04:47:22 UTC 2008
Author: charles-guest
Date: 2008-02-19 04:47:21 +0000 (Tue, 19 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 1447
Switched to MergeWithUpstream mode
Deleted: trunk/packages/dialign/trunk/INSTALLATION_GUIDE
--- trunk/packages/dialign/trunk/INSTALLATION_GUIDE 2008-02-19 04:44:44 UTC (rev 1446)
+++ trunk/packages/dialign/trunk/INSTALLATION_GUIDE 2008-02-19 04:47:21 UTC (rev 1447)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- installation guide for
- ========
- program code written by
- Burkhard Morgenstern and Said Abdeddaim
- e-mail contact: dialign at gobics.de
-(1) cd to the directory `src' that contains the dialign source code
-(2) type `make' to compile the program. This should create an executable
- binary file called `dialign2-2'.
-(3) you may remove all object files (type `rm *.o')
-(4) to run DIALIGN2, you must create an environment variable
- `DIALIGN2_DIR' pointing to the directory `dialign2_dir'
- (type `setenv DIALIGN2_DIR /your_path/dialign2_dir/' where
- `your_path' is the directory where you de-tarred the file with the
- sources)
- The program needs the files
- tp400_dna
- tp400_prot
- tp400_trans
- that are contained in the directory `dialign2_dir'. You may move
- these files to any other directory and set DIALIGN2_DIR accordingly.
-Please note that, unlike in the first version of DIALIGN, it is NOT
-POSSIBLE to replace the BLOSUM matrix by other similarity matrices !!
-DIALIGN comes with a detailed user guide. For additional information, please
-consult the DIALIGN home page at
- http://bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/dialign/
-BM, Goettingen, February 2003
Deleted: trunk/packages/dialign/trunk/USER_GUIDE
--- trunk/packages/dialign/trunk/USER_GUIDE 2008-02-19 04:44:44 UTC (rev 1446)
+++ trunk/packages/dialign/trunk/USER_GUIDE 2008-02-19 04:47:21 UTC (rev 1447)
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
- DIALIGN 2.2.2
- User Guide
- Program code written by
- Burkhard Morgenstern, Said Abdeddaim
-at University of Bielefeld (FSPM and International Graduate School in
-Bioinformatics and Genome Research), GSF (ISG, IBB, MIPS/IBI),
-North Carolina State University, Universite de Rouen, MPI fuer
-Biochemie (Martinsried), University of Goettingen, Institute of
-Microbiology and Genetics.
-E-mail contact: dialign at gobics.de
- Reference:
- B. Morgenstern (1999).
- DIALIGN 2: improvement of the segment-to-segment approach to
- multiple sequence alignment.
- Bioinformatics 15, 211 - 218.
-Public research assisted by DIALIGN should cite this article. For more
-information, updated references etc. please visit the DIALIGN home page at
- http://dialign.gobics.de/
-Program usage:
- dialign2-2 [ options ] <seq_file>
-<seq_file> is the name of the input sequence file; this must be a multiple
-FASTA file (all sequences in one file), a description of the format is
-given below. The following options are available (a more detailed description
-of these options is given below):
- -afc Creates additional output file "*.afc" containing data of
- all fragments considered for alignment
- WARNING: this file can be HUGE !
- -afc_v like "-afc" but verbose: fragments are explicitly printed
- WARNING: this file can be EVEN BIGGER !
- -anc Anchored alignment. Requires a file <seq_file>.anc
- containing anchor points.
- -cs if segments are translated, not only the `Watson strand'
- but also the `Crick strand' is looked at.
- -cw additional output file in CLUSTAL W format.
- -ds `dna alignment speed up' - non-translated nucleic acid
- fragments are taken into account only if they start with
- at least two matches. Speeds up DNA alignment at the expense
- of sensitivity.
- -fa additional output file in FASTA format.
- -ff Creates file *.frg containing information about all
- fragments that are part of the respective optimal pairwise
- alignmnets plus information about consistency in the multiple
- alignment
- -fn <out_file> output files are named <out_file>.<extension> .
- -fop Creates file *.fop containing coordinates of all fragments
- that are part of the respective pairwise alignments.
- -fsm Creates file *.fsm containing coordinates of all fragments
- that are part of the final alignment
- -iw overlap weights switched off (by default, overlap weights are
- used if up to 35 sequences are aligned). This option
- speeds up the alignment but may lead to reduced alignment
- quality.
- -lgs `long genomic sequences' - combines the following options:
- -ma, -thr 2, -lmax 30, -smin 8, -nta, -ff,
- -fop, -ff, -cs, -ds, -pst
- -lgs_t Like "-lgs" but with all segment pairs assessed at the
- peptide level (rather than 'mixed alignments' as with the
- "-lgs" option). Therefore faster than -lgs but not very
- sensitive for non-coding regions.
- -lmax <x> maximum fragment length = x (default: x = 40 or x = 120
- for `translated' fragments). Shorter x speeds up the program
- but may affect alignment quality.
- -lo (Long Output) Additional file *.log with information abut
- fragments selected for pairwise alignment and about
- consistency in multi-alignment proceedure
- -ma `mixed alignments' consisting of P-fragments and N-fragments
- if nucleic acid sequences are aligned.
- -mask residues not belonging to selected fragments are replaced
- by `*' characters in output alignment (rather than being
- printed in lower-case characters)
- -mat Creates file *mat with substitution counts derived from the
- fragments that have been selected for alignment
- -mat_thr <t> Like "-mat" but only fragments with weight score > t
- are considered
- -max_link "maximum linkage" clustering used to construct sequence tree
- (instead of UPGMA).
- -min_link "minimum linkage" clustering used.
- -mot "motif" option.
- -msf separate output file in MSF format.
- -n input sequences are nucleic acid sequences. No translation
- of fragments.
- -nt input sequences are nucleic acid sequences and `nucleic acid
- segments' are translated to `peptide segments'.
- -nta `no textual alignment' - textual alignment suppressed. This
- option makes sense if other output files are of intrest --
- e.g. the fragment files created with -ff, -fop, -fsm or -lo
- -o fast version, resulting alignments may be slightly different.
- -ow overlap weights enforced (By default, overlap weights are
- used only if up to 35 sequences are aligned since calculating
- overlap weights is time consuming). Warning: overlap weights
- generally improve alignment quality but the running time
- increases in the order O(n^4) with the number of sequences.
- This is why, by default, overlap weights are used only for
- sequence sets with < 35 sequences.
- -pst "print status". Creates and updates a file *.sta with
- information about the current status of the program run.
- This option is recommended if large data sets are aligned
- since it allows the user to estimate the remaining running
- time.
- -smin <x> minimum similarity value for first residue pair (or codon
- pair) in fragments. Speeds up protein alignment or alignment
- of translated DNA fragments at the expense of sensitivity.
- -stars <x> maximum number of `*' characters indicating degree of
- local similarity among sequences. By default, no stars
- are used but numbers between 0 and 9, instead.
- -stdo Results written to standard output.
- -ta standard textual alignment printed (overrides suppression
- of textual alignments in special options, e.g. -lgs)
- -thr <x> Threshold T = x.
- -xfr "exclude fragments" - list of fragments can be specified
- that are NOT considered for pairwise alignment
-General remark: If contradictory options are used, subsequent options
-override previous ones, e.g.:
- dialign2-2 -nt -n <seq_file>
-runs the program with the "-n" option (no translation!), while
- dialign2-2 -n -nt <seq_file>
-runs it with the "-nt" option (translation!).
- Input File:
-Sequences to be aligned must be contained in a single file in FASTA
-format. Example:
- >HTL2
-The first line for each sequence starts with ">" and contains the name of
-the sequence. Please make sure, that the first line in the input file is
-not empty and that the first character in the first line is not blank.
-Some details about avaliable options:
- (1) Sequence Type:
- The user can decide if nucleic acid or protein sequences are to be
- aligned.
- (2) Threshold T:
- As described in our papers, the program DIALIGN constructs alignments
- from gapfree pairs of similar segments of the sequences. Such segment
- pairs are referred to as `(alignment) fragments' (previously, we called
- them `diagonals').
- Every possible fragment is given a so-called weight reflecting the
- degree of similarity among the two segments involved. The overall
- score of an alignment is then defined as the sum of weights of the
- fragments it consists of and the program tries to find an alignment with
- maximum score -- in other words: the program tries to find a consistent
- collection of fragments with maximum sum of weights. This novel scoring
- scheme for alignments is the basic difference between DIALIGN and other
- global or local alignment methods. Note that DIALIGN does not employ any
- kind of gap penalty.
- It is possible to use a threshold T for the quality of the fragments.
- In this case, a fragment is considered for alignment only if its
- `weight' exceeds this threshold. Regions of lower similarity are ignored.
- In the first version of the program (DIALIGN 1), this threshold was in
- many situations absolutely necessary to obtain meaningful alignments.
- By contrast, DIALIGN 2 should produce reasonable alignments without a
- threshold, i.e. with T = 0. This is the most important difference between
- DIALIGN 2 and the first version of the program. Nevertheless, it is still
- possible to use a positive threshold T to filter out regions of lower
- significance and to include only high scoring fragments into the
- alignment.
- (3) Different levels of sequence similarity:
- If (possibly) coding nucleic acid sequences are to be aligned, DIALIGN
- optionally translates the compared `nucleic acid segments' to `peptide
- segments' according to the genetic code -- without presupposing any of
- the three possible reading frames, so all combinations of reading frames
- get checked for significant similarity. If this option is used, the
- similarity among segments will be assessed on the `peptide level' rather
- than on the `nucleotide level'.
- We strongly recommend to use the `translation' option if nucleic acid
- sequences are expected to contain protein coding regions, as it will
- significantly increase the sensitivity of the alignment procedure in
- such cases.
- For the levels of sequence similarity, release 2.2 of DIALIGN has
- two additional options:
- (a) it can measure the similarity among segment pairs at both levels
- of similarity (nucleotide-level and peptide-level similarity). The
- score of a fragment is based on whatever similarity is stronger. As a
- result, the program can now produce `mixed alignments' that contain
- both types of fragments. Fragments with stronger similarity at the
- `nucleotide level' referred to as N-fragments whereas fragments with
- stronger similarity a the peptide level are called P-fragments.
- (b) if the `translation' or `mixed alignment' option is used, it is
- possible to consider the `reverse complements' of segments, too. In
- this case, both the original segments and their reverse complements
- are translated and both pairs of implied `peptide segments' are
- compared. This option is useful if DNA sequences contain coding regions
- not only on the `Watson strand' but also on the `Crick strand'.
- (4) The score that DIALIGN assigns to a fragment is based on the
- probability to find a fragment of the same respective length and number
- of matches (or BLOSUM values, if the translation option is used) in
- random sequences of the same length as the input sequences. If long
- genomic sequences are aligned, an iterative procedure can be applied
- where the program first looks for fragments with strong similarity.
- In subsequent steps, regions between these fragments are realigned.
- Here, the score of a fragment is based on random occurrence in these
- regions between the previously aligned segment pairs.
- (5) With the -ff (or -lgs) option, a file with all fragments contained
- in the output alignment can be returned. This file contains additional
- information about the identified fragments such as
- - start coordinates in the respective sequences
- - length
- - fragment weight,
- - iteration step (if the iterative option is used)
- - whether the similarity among the segments is strongest at the
- nucleotide level (N-frg) or at the peptide level (P-frg) if the
- `mixed alignment' option is used
- - whether the similarity is stronger on the `Watson strand' (" + " )
- or on the `Crick strand' (" - " ) - if a fragment is translated
- and the respective option is used
- All this information can be used to further post-process the DIALIGN
- output, for example by customized visualisation tools.
- The file containing this information looks like this:
- # program call: ./dialign2-2 -lgs seq_file
- seq_len: 552 527
- sequences: seq1 seq2
- 1) seq: 1 2 beg: 161 351 len: 27 wgt: 7.60 it: 1 cons P-frg +
- 2) seq: 1 2 beg: 300 507 len: 17 wgt: 4.40 it: 1 cons N-frg
- 3) seq: 1 2 beg: 111 170 len: 12 wgt: 4.34 it: 1 cons N-frg
- (6) Degree of local sequence similarity:
- Numbers between 0 and 9 are printed below the alignment to indicate
- the degree of local sequence similarity (in previous verions of the
- program, "*" characters were used instead of numbers). These numbers
- are normalized such that the region of highest similarity gets a
- score of 9. With the -stars option, "*" characters can be used as
- previously.
- (7) `overlap weights':
- This option improves the sensitivity of the program if multiple sequences
- are aligned but it also increases the running time, especially if large
- numbers of sequences are aligned. By default, `overlap weights' are used
- if up to 35 sequences are aligned but switched off for larger data sets.
- In the command-line version, `overlap weights' can be switched on or off
- for data sets of any size, see below.
- (8) `anchored alignment':
- Forces the program to align user-specified anchor points to speed-up
- the alignment procedure for long sequences. Anchor points are given in
- a file <seq_file>.anc where <seq_file> is the name of the sequence file
- (without extension .fa or .seq). Note that anchoring is possible for
- pairwise as well as for multiple alignment. The format of the .anc file
- is as follows (each line represents one anchor point):
- 2 5 13724 7646 23 23.45345
- 1 3 6596 517 5 12.34555
- 3 5 33511 9438 34 27.45459
- The first two columns are the sequences to be anchored, columns 3
- and 4 contain the beginning positions of the anchored segments in
- the specified sequences, and column 5 contains a score of the
- anchor that specifies its priority compared to other anchoring
- regions in case there is a conflict between inconsistent anchor
- points (see below).
- In the above example, three anchored segment pairs are specified.
- Here, 13724 is the beginning position of the first anchor in sequence 2,
- 7646 is the beginning position of the first anchor in sequence 5 and
- 23 is the length of the first anchor. In other words, the program is
- forced to align positions 13724 - 13746 in sequence 2 with positions
- 7646 - 7668 in sequence 5. Similarly, a segment of sequence 1 starting
- at position 6596 is anchored with a segment of sequence 3 starting
- at position 517 etc.
- The program can use only consistent sets of anchor points. This means,
- that all anchored regions must fit into one single multiple alignment
- (see our papers for our notion of "consistency"). The anchor points
- in the specified file are sorted according to their scores (as given
- in the last column of the anchor file) and then accepted one-by-one
- -- provided they are consistent with the already accepted anchor points.
- This is exactly the way, dialign includes fragments (segment pairs
- or "diagonals") into a resulting multiple alignment, see the dialign
- papers for more details.
- Anchor points can be created by any suitable software program,
- for example by CHAOS developed by Mike Brudno, Stanford:
- http://www.stanford.edu/~brudno/chaos/
- (9) `Motif' option:
- A motif can be specified by a simple regular expression such as "TY[ILV]A".
- Gaps are not allowed in motifs; all residues within brackets are allowed
- at the respective position. For example, "TYIA", "TYLA" and "TYVA" would
- match the above motif. Alignments where instances of the motif are aligned
- to each other, are preferred. They receive a bonus which can be specified
- by the user. There are two paramters to determine the bonus for matched
- motifs: a first weighting factor (fct1) assigns a bonus for aligned
- instances of the motif occurring at the same relative position in the
- input sequences. The bonus decreases with the distance between the
- matched motif in the sequences. A second parameter (fct2) controls how fast
- the bonus decreases.
- With the two user-defined parameters fct1 and fct2, the bonus for each
- matched motif is calculated as follows: If a matched motif occurs at
- positions i and j in two of the input sequences, |i-j| is the `offset'
- of the motif. The bonus is then
- fct1 * exp - ( |i-j|^2 / (fct2^2 * 10 ) )
- I.e. a high value of fct2 means that even matches of the motif that are
- far apart within the sequences reveive a high bonus.
- With the motif-search option, the program call is:
- ./dialign2-2 [para] -mot <regex> <fct1> <fct2> [para] <seq>
- where
- <regex> is a regular expression, e.g. "AT[CG]XT",
- <fct1> is the first parameter
- <fct2> is the second parameter
- <seq> is the input sequence file and
- [para] are (optional) additional program parameters
-Similarity Matrix:
-DIALIGN 2 uses the BLOSUM62 amino acid substitution matrix. In the current
-version, it is NOT possible to replace BLOSUM62 by other similarity matrices,
-since the probability values contained in the files n_prob and p_prob refer
-to the BLOSUM62 matrix.
- Program Output:
-By default, DIALIGN creates a single file containing
- - An alignment of the input sequences in DIALIGN format.
- - The same alignment in FASTA format.
- - A sequence tree in PHYLIP format. This tree is constructed by applying
- the UPGMA clustering method to the DIALIGN similarity scores. It roughly
- reflects the different degrees of similarity among sequences. For
- detailed phylogenetic analysis, we recommend the usual methods for
- phylogenetic reconstruction.
-This is the DIALIGN alignment format:
-SMb21199_AA- 1 mtemkdsila vrglkvdfyt pd-GTVE-AV KGIDLDVRSG ETLAVVGESG
- 0000000000 0000000000 0002222022 2222233356 6666666666
-SMb21199_AA- 49 SGKSQTMMGI MGLLakngtv tgsaryrgqe lvgLAPKALN KVRGS-KITM
-SMb21206_AA- 51 AGKTTLIRLM TGLMLPDAGT IE-------- ---VLGydtr rdpasiQAAI
-SMb21605_AA- 40 CGKSTLLRMI AGLEETTGGE IR-------- ---Idaedvt hkePS-KRGV
- 6666666666 6664333333 3300000000 0003110000 0001102222
- 2222222222 2222222222 2222202222 2220000000 0000000000
- Names of aligned sequences are shown on the left hand side of the
- alignment.
- Numbers on the left hand side of the alignment denote the position
- of the first residue in a line within the respective sequence.
- Capital letters denote aligned residues, i.e. residues involved in
- at least one of the fragments the alignment consists of. Lower-case
- letters denote residues not belonging to any of these selected
- fragments. They are not considered to be aligned by DIALIGN. Thus,
- if a lower-case letter is standing in the same column with other letters,
- this is pure chance; these residues are not considered to be homologous.
- Numbers below the alignment reflects the degree of local similarity
- among sequences. More precisely: They represent the sum of `weights'
- of fragments connecting residues at the respective position.
- These numbers are normalized such that regions of maximum similarity
- always get a score of 9 - no matter how strong this maximum simliarity
- is.
-This is FASTA alignment format:
-This is PHYLIP tree format:
-Trees can be visualized using the treetool program that is part of
-Joe Felsenstein's PHYLIP software package:
- http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip.html
-Last update by Burkhard Morgenstern, Goettingen, February 2005
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