[med-svn] r2650 - trunk/community/infrastructure/scripts
tille at alioth.debian.org
tille at alioth.debian.org
Tue Nov 11 12:55:27 UTC 2008
Author: tille
Date: 2008-11-11 12:55:27 +0000 (Tue, 11 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 2650
Make sure bugs and tasks directory are not overidden by post-commit hook
Modified: trunk/community/infrastructure/scripts/cronfile
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/scripts/cronfile 2008-11-11 06:39:40 UTC (rev 2649)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/scripts/cronfile 2008-11-11 12:55:27 UTC (rev 2650)
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
-00 00 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-bugs
-00 06 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-bugs
-00 12 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-bugs
-00 18 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-bugs
+#00 00 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-bugs
+#00 06 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-bugs
+#00 12 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-bugs
+#00 18 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-bugs
00 00 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-ddtp-wrapper
-00 00 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-tasks-wrapper
-00 12 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-tasks-wrapper
+#00 00 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-tasks-wrapper
+#00 12 * * * $BASE/scripts/update-tasks-wrapper
* * * * * $BASE/scripts/check-static
00 * * * * PERL5LIB=$BASE/scripts/qa $BASE/scripts/qa/fetchdata -c $BASE/.debianqa/qa.conf
Deleted: trunk/community/infrastructure/scripts/update-tasks
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/scripts/update-tasks 2008-11-11 06:39:40 UTC (rev 2649)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/scripts/update-tasks 2008-11-11 12:55:27 UTC (rev 2650)
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -W ignore
-# This Python script is:
-# (C) 2007, David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>,
-# 2008, David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>, Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-# It is licensed under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL)
-# v3, or any later revision.
-from sys import argv, exit, stderr
-print "There is a new mechanism to update the tasks pages of all CDDs"
-print "Please deactivate your cron job."
-print "Just have a look at"
-print " http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Extremadura2008/WebSentinelHowto"
-import apt
-import apt_pkg
-import apt_inst
-import HTMLTemplate
-import re
-import os
-from stat import S_IWGRP, S_IRUSR, S_IRGRP, S_IWUSR, S_IROTH
-import time
-from datetime import datetime
-from email.Utils import formatdate
-from cddtasktools import CddDependencies, HTMLBASE, REPOS
-OUTPUTDIR = { 'debian-med' : HTMLBASE+"/debian-med/static/tasks/",
- 'debian-edu' : HTMLBASE+"/cdd/htdocs/edu/tasks/",
- 'debian-gis' : HTMLBASE+"/cdd/htdocs/gis/tasks/",
- 'debian-junior' : HTMLBASE+"/cdd/htdocs/junior/tasks/",
- 'debian-science' : HTMLBASE+"/cdd/htdocs/science/tasks/",
- }
-PRINTEDNAME={ 'debian-med' : "Debian Med",
- 'debian-edu' : "Debian Edu",
- 'debian-gis' : "Debian GIS",
- 'debian-junior' : "Debian Junior",
- 'debian-science' : "Debian Science",
- }
-EMAILLIST = { 'debian-med' : "debian-med at lists.debian.org",
- 'debian-edu' : "debian-edu at lists.debian.org",
- 'debian-gis' : "pkg-grass-general at lists.alioth.debian.org",
- 'debian-junior' : "debian-junior at lists.debian.org",
- 'debian-science' : "debian-science at lists.debian.org",
- }
-TEMPLATEDIR = "/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/debian-med/htdocs/"
-# Template handlers
-# Do not Encode our strings - we do it ourself and want to take over responsiblity
-# for Links etc.
-def myEncoder(txt):
- # Used to HTML-encode value in 'node.content = value'.
- return txt
-# Do not Decode our strings - we do it ourself and want to take over responsiblity
-# for Links etc.
-def myDecoder(txt):
- # Used to HTML-encode value in 'node.content = value'.
- return txt
-def renderIndex(node, tasks):
- node.tasks.repeat(renderTaskList, tasks)
- t = datetime.now()
- node.date.content = formatdate(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))
- node.CDD.raw = '<?php $CDD = "%s" ?>' % PRINTEDNAME[CDD]
-def renderTaskList(node, task):
- node.task.raw = """<a href="%s.php" name="%s" id="%s">%s</a>""" % (task, task, task, task.capitalize())
-def renderTasks(node, task, packages, details):
- global cdeps
-# node.CDD.content = PRINTEDNAME[CDD]
-# node.CDDmail.content = '<a href="mailto:%s">%s mailing list</a>' % (EMAILLIST[CDD], PRINTEDNAME[CDD])
- node.CDD.raw = '<?php $CDD = "%s"; $CDDmail = "%s" ?>' % (PRINTEDNAME[CDD], EMAILLIST[CDD])
- node.task.content = details['Task']
- node.shortdesc.content = details['ShortDesc']
- node.heading.content = details['ShortDesc']
- node.longdesc.content = details['LongDesc']
- t = datetime.now()
- node.date.content = formatdate(time.mktime(t.timetuple()))
- official = cdeps.GetNamesOnlyDict(('official',))
- # for deppkg in cdeps.tasks[task].dependencies['official']:
- node.official_head.raw = """<h2>
-<a id="official-debs" name="official-debs"></a>
- Official Debian packages
- # HTML_Template wants a list as argument so we provide a list of indizes to address
- # the list of DependantPackage instances inside renderOfficial
- list_of_dependencies = cdeps.GetListOfDepsForTask(task, dependencytypes=('official',))
- node.official.repeat(renderOfficial,
- range(len(list_of_dependencies)))
-# if task in todo:
-# error = True
-# else:
-# error = False
- unofficial = cdeps.GetNamesOnlyDict(('unofficial',))
- list_of_dependencies = cdeps.GetListOfDepsForTask(task, dependencytypes=('unofficial',))
- if len(list_of_dependencies) > 0:
- node.unofficial_head.raw = """<h2>
-<a id="unofficial-debs" name="unofficial-debs"></a>
- Experimental or unofficial Debian packages, projects with packaging stuff in SVN
- node.unofficial.repeat(renderUnofficial, range(len(list_of_dependencies)))
- # error = False
- prospective = cdeps.GetNamesOnlyDict(('prospective',))
- list_of_dependencies = cdeps.GetListOfDepsForTask(task, dependencytypes=('prospective',))
- if len(list_of_dependencies) > 0:
- node.unavailable_head.raw = """<h2>
-<a id="debs-not-available" name="debs-not-available"></a>
- Debian packages not available
- node.unavailable.repeat(renderProspective, range(len(list_of_dependencies)))
- # error = False
-# if error:
- # The package probably needs a proper prospective entry in the
- # task files. Write it to stdout.
-# print "Error: problems with %s" % task
-def renderOfficial(node, package_no):
- # Here we parse just official packages
- deppkg = cdeps.tasks[task].dependencies['official'][package_no]
- node.shortdesc.content = deppkg.pkgShortDesc
- node.project.raw = "<table class=\"project\" summary=\"%s\">" % deppkg.pkg
- node.anchor.atts['name'] = deppkg.pkg
- node.anchor.atts['id'] = deppkg.pkg
- node.name.content = deppkg.pkg.capitalize()
- node.url.atts['href'] = deppkg.homepage
- if deppkg.homepage == "#":
- node.url.content = "Homepage not available"
- else:
- node.url.content = deppkg.homepage
- node.longdesc.raw = deppkg.pkgLongDesc
- node.version.content = "Version: %s" % deppkg.version
- if deppkg.license != None:
- node.license.content = "License: %s" % deppkg.license
- # In case some '&' made it up to this place
- node.pkgurl.atts['href'] = deppkg.pkgURL ## .replace("&", "%26")
- node.pkgurl.content = "Official Debian package"
- node.deburl.atts['href'] = deppkg.filename
- #~ node.deburl.content = "X" ### TODO: add a nice icon here to download the .deb package
- node.deburl.raw = "<img src=\"/img/deb-icon.png\" />"
- if deppkg.responsible:
- node.responsible.content = deppkg.responsible
- else:
- node.responsible.raw = "no one"
-def renderUnofficial(node, package_no):
- # Here we parse just unofficial packages
- deppkg = cdeps.tasks[task].dependencies['unofficial'][package_no]
- node.shortdesc.content = deppkg.pkgShortDesc
- node.longdesc.raw = deppkg.pkgLongDesc
- node.project.raw = "<table class=\"project\" summary=\"%s\">" % deppkg.pkg
- node.anchor.atts['name'] = deppkg.pkg
- node.anchor.atts['id'] = deppkg.pkg
- node.name.content = deppkg.pkg.capitalize()
- node.url.atts['href'] = deppkg.homepage
- node.url.content = deppkg.homepage
- node.license.content = "License: %s" % deppkg.license
- # In case some '&' made it up to this place
- node.pkgurl.atts['href'] = deppkg.pkgURL ## .replace("&", "%26")
- node.pkgurl.content = "Unofficial Debian package"
- if deppkg.responsible:
- node.responsible.content = deppkg.responsible
- else:
- node.responsible.raw = "no one"
- if deppkg.wnpp:
- node.wnpp.raw = " — <a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/%s\">wnpp</a>" % deppkg.wnpp
- # Let's try to get the version from the package name
- # (following Debian standards: <name>_<ver>_<arch>.deb)
- regex = ".*/%s_(?P<version>.*)_.*\.deb$" % deppkg.pkg
- p = re.compile(regex)
- m = p.search(deppkg.pkgURL)
- if m:
- node.version.content = "Version: %s" % m.group("version")
- else:
- node.version.content = "Version: N/A"
-def renderProspective(node, package_no):
- # Parsing unavailable packages :(
- deppkg = cdeps.tasks[task].dependencies['prospective'][package_no]
- if deppkg.pkgShortDesc:
- node.shortdesc.content = deppkg.pkgShortDesc
- else:
- node.shortdesc.content = "N/A"
- if deppkg.pkgLongDesc:
- node.longdesc.content = deppkg.pkgLongDesc
- else:
- node.longdesc.content = "N/A"
- node.longdesc.raw = deppkg.pkgLongDesc
- node.project.raw = "<table class=\"project\" summary=\"%s\">" % deppkg.pkg
- if deppkg.responsible:
- node.responsible.content = deppkg.responsible
- else:
- node.responsible.raw = "no one"
- if deppkg.wnpp:
- node.wnpp.raw = " — <a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/%s\">wnpp</a>" % deppkg.wnpp
- node.anchor.atts['name'] = deppkg.pkg
- node.anchor.atts['id'] = deppkg.pkg
- node.name.content = deppkg.pkg.capitalize()
- if deppkg.homepage:
- node.url.atts['href'] = deppkg.homepage
- node.url.content = deppkg.homepage
- else:
- node.url.atts['href'] = "#"
- node.url.content = "N/A"
- if deppkg.license:
- node.license.raw = "<?=_('License')?>: %s" % deppkg.license
- else:
- node.license.raw = "<?=_('License')?>: N/A"
-if len(argv) <= 1 :
- print >>stderr, "Warning: No CDD name given as command line argument. Using %s." % CDD
- if argv[1] not in REPOS.keys():
- print >>stderr, "Unknown CDD name: %s. Don't know what to do." % CDD
- exit(-1)
- CDD = argv[1]
-# Let's render the Tasks Page index, first
-f = open(TEMPLATEDIR + "tasks_idx.tmpl")
-tmpl = HTMLTemplate.Template(renderIndex, f.read(), codecs=(None,None)) ##myEncoder, myDecoder))
-# Make sure OUTPUTDIR exists
-if not os.access(OUTPUTDIR[CDD], os.W_OK):
- try:
- os.makedirs(OUTPUTDIR[CDD])
- print "Created output dir " + OUTPUTDIR[CDD]
- except:
- print >> stderr, "Unable to create output directory", OUTPUTDIR[CDD]
-outputfile = OUTPUTDIR[CDD] + "index.php"
-# Remove the file first, to enable other users to change permissions easily
- os.unlink(outputfile)
- # don't fail if there is nothing to remove (if a new CDD get's added)
- pass
-f = open(outputfile, "w")
-tasks = cdeps.tasknames
-packages = cdeps.GetNamesOnlyDict()
-task_details = cdeps.GetTaskDescDict()
- os.chmod(outputfile,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH)
- # chmod is not allowed to other peoples files
- pass
-# Let's render single pages now.
-f = open(TEMPLATEDIR + "tasks.tmpl")
-tmpl = HTMLTemplate.Template(renderTasks, f.read())
-for task in tasks:
- outputfile = OUTPUTDIR[CDD] + task + '.php'
- try:
- os.unlink(outputfile)
- except: # simply continue if file does not exist
- pass
- f = open(outputfile, "w")
- # This is to avoid useless <br>eaks before closing the cell
- source = tmpl.render(task, packages[task], task_details[task])
- f.write(re.sub(r"<br /><br />[ ]*</td>", "</td>", source))
- f.close()
- try:
- except:
- # chmod is not allowed to other peoples files
- pass
Modified: trunk/community/infrastructure/scripts/update-website
--- trunk/community/infrastructure/scripts/update-website 2008-11-11 06:39:40 UTC (rev 2649)
+++ trunk/community/infrastructure/scripts/update-website 2008-11-11 12:55:27 UTC (rev 2650)
@@ -8,7 +8,16 @@
echo "Updating website... rev. $REV"
-mv $BASE/htdocs/* $BASE/htdocs-backup/ && rm -rf $BASE/htdocs/*
+for tomove in `find $BASE/htdocs -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1` ; do
+ case "`basename $tomove`" in
+ "bugs"|"tasks")
+ echo "Do not move bugs or tasks"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ mv "$tomove" $BASE/htdocs-backup/
+ ;;
+ esac
svn --force export $URL_REPOS $BASE/htdocs/
[ "x$?" == "x0" ] && rm -rf $BASE/htdocs-backup/*
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