[med-svn] r3309 - trunk/packages/glam2/trunk/debian
Charles Plessy
plessy at alioth.debian.org
Tue Apr 21 12:52:03 UTC 2009
Author: plessy
Date: 2009-04-21 12:52:03 +0000 (Tue, 21 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 3309
Simplified long description and moved bibliographic references to a new file.
Modified: trunk/packages/glam2/trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/glam2/trunk/debian/changelog 2009-04-21 11:21:14 UTC (rev 3308)
+++ trunk/packages/glam2/trunk/debian/changelog 2009-04-21 12:52:03 UTC (rev 3309)
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+glam2 (1064-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/control, debian/reference: simplified long description and moved
+ bibliographic references to a new file.
+ -- Charles Plessy <plessy at debian.org> Tue, 21 Apr 2009 21:49:54 +0900
glam2 (1064-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Charles Plessy ]
Modified: trunk/packages/glam2/trunk/debian/control
--- trunk/packages/glam2/trunk/debian/control 2009-04-21 11:21:14 UTC (rev 3308)
+++ trunk/packages/glam2/trunk/debian/control 2009-04-21 12:52:03 UTC (rev 3309)
@@ -19,17 +19,11 @@
pattern: typical examples are the TATA box and the CAAX prenylation motif. The
main innovation of GLAM2 is that it allows insertions and deletions in motifs.
- The package includes these programs:
- glam2: discovering motifs shared by a set of sequences;
- glam2scan: finding matches, in a sequence database, to a motif discovered
- by glam2;
- glam2format: converting glam2 motifs to standard alignment formats;
- glam2mask: masking glam2 motifs out of sequences, so that weaker motifs
- can be found;
- glam2-purge: removing highly similar members of a set of sequences.
+ This package includes programs for discovering motifs shared by a set of
+ sequences and finding matches to these motifs in a sequence database, as well
+ as utilities for converting glam2 motifs to standard alignment formats,
+ masking glam2 motifs out of sequences so that weaker motifs can be found, and
+ removing highly similar members of a set of sequences.
- In this package, the fast Fourier algorithm (FFT) was enabled for glam2.
- .
- If you use GLAM2, please cite: MC Frith, NFW Saunders, B Kobe, TL Bailey
- (2008) Discovering sequence motifs with arbitrary insertions and deletions,
- PLoS Computational Biology (in press).
+ In this binary package, the fast Fourier algorithm (FFT) was enabled for the
+ glam2 program.
Added: trunk/packages/glam2/trunk/debian/reference
--- trunk/packages/glam2/trunk/debian/reference (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/glam2/trunk/debian/reference 2009-04-21 12:52:03 UTC (rev 3309)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ at article{10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000071,
+ author = {Frith, Martin C. AND Saunders, Neil F. W. AND Kobe, Bostjan AND Bailey, Timothy L.},
+ journal = {PLoS Comput Biol},
+ publisher = {Public Library of Science},
+ title = {Discovering Sequence Motifs with Arbitrary Insertions and Deletions},
+ year = {2008},
+ month = {05},
+ volume = {4},
+ url = {http://dx.plos.org/10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1000071},
+ pages = {e1000071},
+ number = {5},
+ doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000071}
Property changes on: trunk/packages/glam2/trunk/debian/reference
Added: svn:mergeinfo
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