[med-svn] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianMed/LiveCD" by SteffenMoeller

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Sat Sep 26 12:40:58 UTC 2009

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The "DebianMed/LiveCD" page has been changed by SteffenMoeller:

     sudo mkdir /mnt/stick # prepare mount point
     mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/stick
-    debootstrap squeeze /mnt/stick http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian #  please adjust to your mirror
+    debootstrap --include=dropbear squeeze /mnt/stick http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian #  please adjust to your mirror
- A disadvantage of this setup is the limited space to cache the packages - the binaries eat up the disk space that is needed to unpack them. And apt-get does not care about removing packages from /var/cache/apt to free disk space during installation. After the debootstrap, one should hence loop over $packages to install, like
+ A disadvantage of this setup is the limited space to cache the packages - the binaries eat up the disk space that is needed to unpack them. And apt-get does not care about removing packages from /var/cache/apt to free disk space during installation. After the debootstrap, one should install in fractions rather than all in one - also depending on the size of your medium. A 4GB USB stick was found far less comfy than originally anticipated. Go for at least 8GB.
     chroot /mnt/stick
-    packages="debian-keyring build-essential boinc-client autodock autogrid autodocktools gromacs"
+    # some basic infrastructure
+    apt-get install debian-keyring build-essential dhcp3-client 
+    # debian-med
+    apt-get install med-bio-dev
+    apt-get clean
+    # more advanced packages - adjust to your liking
+    packages="boinc-client autodock autogrid autodocktools gromacs r-cran-qtl r-recommended"
-    for p in $packages; do echo "Installing $p"; apt-get install $p && apt-get clean; done
+    for p in $packages; do echo "Installing $p"; apt-get --no-install-recommends install $p && apt-get clean; done
  While still in the chroot, the password of root needs to be set.

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