[med-svn] r5547 - trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg

Andreas Tille tille at alioth.debian.org
Wed Dec 8 22:29:53 UTC 2010

Author: tille
Date: 2010-12-08 22:29:52 +0000 (Wed, 08 Dec 2010)
New Revision: 5547

More general (not so bio-centric) explanation of metapackages

Modified: trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg/paper-text.tex
--- trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg/paper-text.tex	2010-12-08 15:55:30 UTC (rev 5546)
+++ trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg/paper-text.tex	2010-12-08 22:29:52 UTC (rev 5547)
@@ -440,18 +440,17 @@
 hospital information systems, medical imaging, documentation,
 molecular biology and medical genetics and others.
-There are two so called metapackages which are named \package{med-bio}
-and \package{med-bio-dev}.  The sense of a meta package is that you
+Each work field has an appropriate metapackage for instance
+\package{med-bio} for packages concerning molecular biology and
+medical genetics and \package{med-practice} which are helpful to
+manage a medical practice.  The sense of a metapackage is that you
 have to install only one single package using a package management
 software inside Debian to get all interesting packages which are
-necessary for a single task.  For instance if a
-user types in: \\
+necessary for a single task.  For
+instance if a user types in: \\
 \hspace*{10mm}\texttt{apt-get install med-bio} \\
 all applications inside Debian which are related to the field of
-molecular biology and medical genetics will be installed. The
-\package{med-bio-dev} package just installs programming libraries and
-tools which are interesting for users who want to develop biological
+molecular biology and medical genetics will be installed.
 \subsubsection{Continuous growth}
@@ -512,7 +511,6 @@
 \caption{Activity on development list}

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