[med-svn] r5574 - trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg
Andreas Tille
tille at alioth.debian.org
Thu Dec 9 22:02:38 UTC 2010
Author: tille
Date: 2010-12-09 22:02:32 +0000 (Thu, 09 Dec 2010)
New Revision: 5574
Followed some hints in comments; Acknowledgement section (is this to abstract?)
Modified: trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg/paper-text.tex
--- trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg/paper-text.tex 2010-12-09 21:52:11 UTC (rev 5573)
+++ trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg/paper-text.tex 2010-12-09 22:02:32 UTC (rev 5574)
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@
-The real of Free Software for medical care is very heterogeneous,
+The real use of Free Software for medical care is very heterogeneous,
even if some fields like micro biology are
better covered than others. The continuous updates of data and the
addition of novel important tools for a general medical environment
@@ -838,17 +838,25 @@
All that said about Debian, at the end of the day it is the Freeness
of the software that is important. OpenSuSE and Fedora, with
slight variations, have adopted much of the principles that Debian
-spearheaded. We still need to advance mechanisms like the tool alien
-\marginpar{ref to Alien?} to work together as Linux users, maybe along
+spearheaded. We still need to advance mechanisms like the packaging
+format conversion tool \packagealien}
+to work together as Linux users, maybe along
the lines of the collaboration between Debian and Ubuntu. And we all,
users, packagers and developers, need to understand more about cross
platform developments that also includes MacOS X and Windows.
-% ???? I think this should go, it is a bad last setence
-Further important software which is listed at
- list of open source healthcare software}\cite{wikipediaoslist:2008}
-like for instance OpenVista\cite{openvista:2008} and other enterprise
-grade health care information systems has to be packaged for Debian.
+% FIXME: Should be moved to a "links section" where we also mention
+% MedFloss.org
+%Further important software which is listed at
+% list of open source healthcare software}\cite{wikipediaoslist:2008}
+%like for instance OpenVista\cite{openvista:2008} and other enterprise
+%grade health care information systems has to be packaged for Debian.
-% What about an Acknowledgement section?
+Thanks to all those people who made the \DebianMed project possible
+which are on one hand the developers of the team but not to forget
+those upstream authors who decided to put their medical software under
+a free license.
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