[med-svn] r5579 - trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg
Michael Hanke
mih at alioth.debian.org
Fri Dec 10 01:39:04 UTC 2010
Author: mih
Date: 2010-12-10 01:39:04 +0000 (Fri, 10 Dec 2010)
New Revision: 5579
Status section.
Modified: trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg/paper-text.tex
--- trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg/paper-text.tex 2010-12-10 01:16:03 UTC (rev 5578)
+++ trunk/community/papers/11_med-floss_luxemburg/paper-text.tex 2010-12-10 01:39:04 UTC (rev 5579)
@@ -98,48 +98,53 @@
\subsection{Status of Free Software in health care}
More common programs like a web server, or a mail user agent are installed
-manifold and have a very large user base. This increases the chance to \marginpar{what \emph{manifold} was supposed to be?}
-attract gifted programmers who could have an almost intuitive spontaneous
-understanding on the structure of the control flow of the program
-(by understanding the problem domain extremely well) and could map
-this to the source code (since they would have solve the problem
-in a similar way). Such users are really valuable since they can
-implement any change they need for themselves
-without too much of a personal investment and contribute it back to
-the project. For the
-larger challenges there may be many different driving forces coming
-together. \marginpar{explain?}
+on a vast amount of computers and have a very large user base.
+% that might be a little far fetched
+%This increases the chance to
+%attract gifted programmers who could have an almost intuitive spontaneous
+%understanding on the structure of the control flow of the program
+%(by understanding the problem domain extremely well) and could map
+%this to the source code (since they would have solve the problem
+%in a similar way).
+A large use base, in turn increases the likelihood of attracting skilled
+programmers that tackle unresolved problems or general improvements of the
+software they are using.
+This type of user is extremely valuable to a project, because they can
+implement and contribute any modification they need by themselves without having to rely
+on a projects manpower.
+%For the
+%larger challenges there may be many different driving forces coming
+%together. \marginpar{explain?}
The fact that a piece of software is needed for one's own work is often
the basic motivation to write Free Software. Biological software is
-frequently developed by scientists themselves because they are the only
-ones with the insight in a particular topic and the development is
+frequently developed by scientists themselves, because they are experts
+in a particular topic and the development is
inseparable from their research. Many authors of
-such software realised the gains in prestige, feedback and the faster
-development of scientific progress that is expected from sharing their
-code and thus the field of computational biology is really well covered by Free
+such software realise the benefits regarding prestige, feedback and facilitation
+of scientific progress that is expected from sharing their
+code and thus the field of computational biology is well covered by Free
+Software solutions.
-Reciprocal domains shared with the researchers in other fields of
-science benefits \DebianMed. So common interest in neuroimaging software allowed
-NeuroDebian project \cite{neurodebian} to significantly contribute to
-\DebianMed coverage of medical imaging software.
-Even if important packages like Bio Image Suite
-\cite{bioimagesuite:2008} are not yet packaged for Debian,
-there is already an extensive coverage of viewers, data analysis pipelines, and development
-tools supporting a variety of existing data formats (\emph{e.g.}
-DICOM, NIfTI) as well as other software products of particular utility in medical
+There are many ties between adjacent fields of science and also software
+developers and users outside of biological research benefit from \DebianMed's
+and similar efforts. Mutual interest in neuroimaging software led the
+NeuroDebian project \cite{neurodebian} join forces with \DebianMed to improve
+the coverage of medical imaging software in Debian. Even if some important
+packages like the Bio Image Suite \cite{bioimagesuite:2008} are not yet
+packaged for Debian, there is already an extensive coverage of viewers, data
+analysis pipelines, and development tools supporting a variety of data formats
+(\emph{e.g.} DICOM, NIfTI) as well as other software products of particular
+utility in medical imaging.
Medical health record applications in patient management
are considered essential by most people.
-Currently, the only representative of this software
-included in Debian is GNUmed \cite{gnumed:2008}. It has turned out
-that there are numerous similar Free Software projects that try to
+As a starting point GNUmed \cite{gnumed:2008} has been included into Debian.
+Howeverm there are numerous similar Free Software projects that try to
solve more or less the same problem, but diverge in implementation details
(programming language, database server, etc.), user interface (GUI or
web application) and basic concepts of work flow and philosophy. It
-is planned to include those alternatives that fit Debian's quality
+is planned to also integrate those alternatives that fit Debian's quality
standards and look promising regarding the longevity of the respective project.
In addition to GNUmed, Debian has packaged the pharmaceutical drugs
@@ -154,7 +159,7 @@
with a strong technical background and familiarity with the peculiarities of
OpenVista. To overcome this problem, the strategy of
\DebianMed is to try to involve the upstream authors into the
-packaging. This has happened in August 2009 and we are positive that
+packaging. This has started in August 2009 and we are positive that
we will see OpenVista in Debian at some point in the future.
Another application for hospital management is
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