[med-svn] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianMed/LiveCD" by SteffenMoeller

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Sun Oct 3 15:30:06 UTC 2010

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The "DebianMed/LiveCD" page has been changed by SteffenMoeller:

  The Wiki page Network_Image_Server has more information on this matter. It also gives a reference for a tutorial for Creating_a_Test_environment .
+ === Protocol for VirtualBox / VMware ===
+ Virtualbox is phenomenal for its cross-platform availability - just like VMware. Above created live CDs are directly usable with either virtualisation software.
+ You may however prefer a setup that comes with persistency, e.g. because you want to change the image after it was created. To do so, follow the instructions of VMware of the respective GUI to create a new machine, create a new virtual hard drive of 2GB or more and download the [[http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/|netinst/business CD]] of Debian testing.
  === Protocol for Clouds ===
  Conceptionally, there is no difference in preparing for local or remote virtual images. To learn more about it, 

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