[med-svn] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianMed" by CharlesPlessy
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Mon Mar 21 12:36:01 UTC 2011
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The "DebianMed" page has been changed by CharlesPlessy:
* Meetings
* [[CustomDebian/Extremadura2007]]
* [[DebianMed/Meeting/Luebeck2011]] - a Bioinformatics Sprint
- === Using subversion to group-maintain packages ===
+ === Using Subversion and Git to group-maintain packages ===
- Subversion is most convenient for organizing packages as a team and even for oneself since work can continue at multiple physical locations - like work, school, public transport and home. To join in, do as follows, a nice introduction due to be merged with this one (go ahead!) was found in [[Games/VCS]]:
+ Our source packages are managed in Subversion and Git
+ repositories. Every Debian Developer and member of the Alioth
+ {{{debian-med}}} project have write permissions on them.
+ Our [[http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/docs/policy.html|Group policy]] explains most
+ details. The [[http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/docs/policy.html#ssh-tips|SSH]],
+ [[http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/docs/policy.html#subversion-tips|Subversion]]
+ and [[http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/docs/policy.html#git-tips|Git]]
+ tips are a recommended reading for the beginners.
- 1. pre set up - install packages
- {{{
- sudo apt-get install svn-buildpackage devscripts
- }}}
- 1. set up - create aliases for the most common commands
- {{{
- alias svn-b='svn-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot --svn-ignore'
- alias svn-br='svn-b --svn-dont-purge --svn-reuse'
- alias svn-bt='svn-buildpackage --svn-tag -rfakeroot'
- }}}
- . The source of these aliases was lost. 'svn-b' does regularly build using the information of the repository. 'svn-br' speeds up the process by avoiding the un''tar''ing of the upstream source but is reusing the existing source tree of the prior build. The 3^rd^ one does not need too often, don't use it, it is listed here as a reference only.
- 1. checkout everything. If you have an account on Alioth then use it if you are interested in write access to the repository (you are)
- {{{
- svn co svn+ssh://yourid-guest@svn.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk debian-med
- }}}
- . Substitute yourid-guest with your Alioth account. The password you may have to enter multiple times if you do not use the {{{ssh-add}}} command. For read only access do
- {{{
- svn co svn://svn.debian.org/debian-med/trunk debian-med
- }}}
- 1. {{{cd debian-med}}}
- 1. If interested in packaging, not some other community efforts, then {{{cd packages}}}
- 1. The package or your interest is aleady maintained with debian-med? Then it should be here. Go that directory. It might offer a directory 'trunk'. Go into that directory and in there you should find the directory 'debian'.
- 1. You need the upstream sources. There are different ways to get it. What should work is
- * {{{./debian/rules get-orig-source}}}
- * and if this does not work, then {{{uscan --force-download}}}. This will only work if there is a {{{watch}}} file in trunk/debian.
- * if that does not work, then inspect debian/copyright and/or debian/README.source for an indication how to retrieve it.
- 1. If the above command retrieved a new version of the source, and would like to upgrade your package, use {{{svn-upgrade ../newsourcefile}}}. This will, among other things, update your changelog.
- 1. The packages are to be built with svn-buildpackage. It should be informed on the whereabout of your sources. Inform it with {{{echo "origDir=.." >> .svn/deb-layout}}}.
- 1. Edit files and build the package with svn-b (or svn-br)
- 1. Are you a developer of Alioth and registered for !DebianMed?
- * No: Register yourself and ask to be added as a developer
- * Or: Send the result of {{{svn diff}}} to the Debian Med mailing list
- * Yes: {{{svn commit}}}
- 1. When a new version got accepted in the Debian archive, and you didn't tag the last build via
- {{{
- svn-buildpackage --svn-tag
- }}}
- . you can tag this version retroactively:
- 1. create the tags directory within your package-folder, e.g. debian-med/trunk/packages/gwyddion, if it doesn't yet exist
- {{{
- svn mkdir tags}}}
- and commit or directly type the long phrase
- {{{
- svn mkdir svn+ssh://<username>@svn.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk/packages/<package>/tags}}}
- 1. Then tag the release
- {{{
- svn-buildpackage --svn-tag-only --svn-noautodch}}}
- which avoids the changelog getting tagged UNRELEASED.
== References ==
More information about the debian-med-commit
mailing list