[med-svn] r8608 - in trunk/packages: . strap strap/trunk strap/trunk/debian strap-base/trunk/debian
Christoph Gille
christophgil-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri Nov 18 18:41:59 UTC 2011
Author: christophgil-guest
Date: 2011-11-18 18:41:58 +0000 (Fri, 18 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 8608
Copied: trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.1 (from rev 8607, trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.1)
--- trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.1 (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.1 2011-11-18 18:41:58 UTC (rev 8608)
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+.TH Strap 1 "October 2011"
+Strap \- Graphical user interface to compare and align proteins by sequence and 3D-structure.
+.SH Synopsis
+.B strap-protein-alignment [\fIprotein_files\fR]
+.B strap-protein-alignment [\fIalignment_files\fR]
+.B strap-protein-alignment
+[\fIoptions\fR] [\fIprotein_files\fR] [\fIalignment_files\fR] [ @ \fIfile_with_list_of_protein_files\fR]
+The free computer program Strap aligns proteins by sequence and
+3D-structure. Strap supports the simultaneous analysis of hundreds of
+proteins and integrates amino acid sequence, secondary structure,
+3D-structure and genomic- and mRNA-sequence. Using standard methods,
+alignments are computed automatically based on sequence and structure.
+Import and export of single proteins is very easy by Drag-and-Drop.
+.SS Home-Page
+.SS Protein/alignment files
+Strap can be started with protein files or alignment files as parameters.
+The following formats are supported: PDB, Swissprot, Embl, Genbank,
+GenPept, Fasta, multiple-Fast, Pir, ClustalW, MSF, Nexus, Prodom,
+Pfam, Stockholm and HSSP.
+If at least one protein file is specified, Strap will choose the
+current working directory as the project directory. Otherwise the
+project directory is requested at the beginning of the session.
+Files with a leading \fB@\fR sign or preceded by a \fB@\fR sign are
+interpreted as lists of files.
+\fBCurly parenthesis\fR are used for placing sequences into the same
+alignment row. At the UNIX command prompt, the parentheses need to be
+quoted. For example \fB'{'\fR \fIprotein1.seq protein2.seq\fR
+\fB'}' '{'\fR \fIprotein3.seq protein4.seq protein5.seq \fR \fB'}'\fR
+would put two proteins into the first and three proteins into the
+second alignment row. If there are more than one sequences in a row,
+only the top most sequence is displayed.
+.SS File Compression
+The following file compression methods are supported: .gz, .bz2 and .Z
+.SS Parts of proteins
+To display only a subset of a protein, a suffix is appended to the
+protein file name.
+Residue subsets are specified by an exclamation mark and a subset
+expression after the protein file. Example:
+"hslv_ecoli.swiss!20-30,50-66". Residue numbering starts with one. To
+refer to pdb-residue numbers use the Rasmol/Jmol syntax \fIPdbResNum\fR:\fIChainLetter\fR. Example: "pdb1ryp.ent!50:A-66:A".
+Program options start with a dash. The values \fBtrue\fR and
+\fBfalse\fR can be abbreviated by \fBt\fR and \fBf\fR. The "=true" or
+"=t" can be ommitted. For example \fB-noSeqres=true\fR can be written
+as \fB-noSeqres=t\fR or \fB-noSeqres\fR. For most settings there is an
+equivalent check-box or choice menu in the graphical user interface.
+If the Web-start script http://www.bioinformatics.org/strap/strap.php
+is started, the options are given as web-variable without the leading
+dash. For example for -noSeqres include \fBnoSeqres=t\fR into the
+Prints this text
+Generates a comprehensive manual for the web browser.
+ Skip SEQRES lines of PDB files.
+Do not load a sequence identical to an already loaded one.
+Opens a certain dialog at start.
+The class name of a dialog is the tab-text can be obtained by opening the help text.
+Examples: -dialog=DialogAlign or -dialog=DialogBlast or or -dialog=DialogDotPlot
+Runs a script at start. See http://www.bioinformatics.org/strap/web/strap_script.html.
+Script files in the current directory should be written with a leading
+"./" like "./myScript.txt" since Strap recognizes files by the
+presence of a slash and the absence of white space and colon.
+Two or more script files can be given:
+-script5=\fIhttp://...../file\fR -script7=\fIhttp://...../file\fR.
+The optional number suffix defines the order of consecutively executed scripts.
+Script commands can be given directly. Assume there are protein files
+in PDB format loaded by Strap. The option -script="open_3D viewName,
+*" would display all proteins with 3D-coordinates three-dimensionally
+(See -v3d=). Scripts consisting of more than one line should be
+stored in a file and the file path or URL should be given.
+-script2="open_3D viewName, *" -script3="3D_select $ALL" -script7="3D_ribbons on" -script8="superimpose *"
+ Displays the script defined with the -script option.
+\fB\-dasRegistry\fR=\fISpace-separated list of URLs of alternative DAS-registries\fR
+Only needed for DAS servers that are
+Sets the Java class to superimpose proteins.
+A short name can be used such as "tm_align" for "Superimpose_TM_align".
+Example: -s3d=tm_align or -s3d=ce or -s3d=gangstaplus
+Sets the Java class to compute structure based sequence alignments.
+Examples: -a3d=tm_align or -a3d=mapsci or -a3d=matt or -a3d=mustang
+Sets the Java class to display 3D-structures.
+Example: -v3d=jmol or -v3d=pymol or -v3d=astex
+All 3D-commands which are sent to 3D-protein viewers are printed to stdout.
+\fB\-useDebian=false\fR \fB\-useDebian=true\fR
+If set to true, use the Debian packages for external programs rather
+than the program versions included in Strap. For example Strap would
+use /usr/bin/pymol instead of downloading and using the Pymol from
+\fB\-sysProxies=true\fR or \fB-probeWebProxy=true\fR or \fB-probeWebProxy=false\fR
+See section Web proxies.
+ Do not use cached results of previous
+computations. This setting can be changed in the graphical user
+interface with a check-box.
+This setting influences the result of searches in growing
+databases. For example consider the similarity search method
+Blast. With the cache turned on, Strap would present a previously
+computed Blast result even though new sequences might have been
+published since last run.
+Do not delete temp-files after the session. This is only important for
+This is an option of the java command and not of Strap.
+It sets the heap size to 500 Megabyte.
+Sets the size and location of the application frame to width 666,
+height 333, horizontal screen position 11 and vertical position 22;
+-laf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel ( or short -laf=m)
+-laf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel ( or short -laf=N)
+-laf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel ( or short -laf=G)
+-laf=javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel ( or short -laf=M)
+Also non-standard Look'n Feels can be used. Consider tinylaf which
+can be installed as a Debian package. The following two options would
+apply tinylaf:
+ \fB-cp=\fR/usr/share/java/tinylaf.jar
+See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Look_and_feel.
+\fB\-toMultipleFasta\fR or \fB\-toClustal\fR or \fB\-toFasta\fR \fIProtein or alignment files\fR
+Loads the proteins and generates protein or ungapped multiple sequence
+files with the respective format. The file paths are written to
+stdout. The program terminates.
+.SS Security
+\fB\-askUpload\fR[=t/f] The user is asked each time data is uploaded
+to remote servers. The user might not want unpublished sequences to be
+sent to servers.
+The project directory holds information for gaps, 3D-transformations,
+annotations and exported files. Usually, the protein files are also
+located in the project directory. The project directory path must not
+contain white space, such as "My data" or "Eigene Dateien". Therefore
+the project directory can usually not be located in the home directory
+on Windows-XP.
+With the option \fB-probeWebProxy=t\fR, strap attempts to access the Web in
+three different ways: (1) Directly, without Web-proxy (2) With the
+settings found in the environment variable http_proxy and (3) using
+the default mechanism of Java to apply the system wide settings. With the
+setting \fB-probeWebProxy=f\fR, however, Strap will directly connect to the
+Internet. with the option \fB-sysProxies=t\fR Strap will use the
+Java-built-in mechanism to find the system wide settings, (which might
+not work properly, depending on the Java system).
+Supported formats are Multiple-Fasta, ClustalW, MSF, HSSP. A
+colorized alignment with highlighted residue selections and secondary
+structure can be exported in HTML and PDF. The colorized HTML output
+can be modified in MS-Word or other text processors. The rendering
+styles of the PDF output can be stored in annotations of residue
+The following 3D-protein viewers are tightly linked with the alignment
+view: Pymol, Jmol, OpenAstex. The rendering styles can be stored
+within residue selections. There is a generic Rasmol like scripting
+language which can be applied to all embedded visualization software.
+If the desired effect can not be achieved with this generic commands,
+also specific commands can be associated with residue
+Christoph Gille \(co 1999-2011
+License GPL
+A comprehensive manual is created with the option \fB-manual\fR
+.BR jalview (1)
+.BR clustalx (1)
+.BR seaview (1)
+.BR boxshade (1)
+.BR pymol (1)
+.BR openastex (1)
+.BR strap-text-viewer (1)
Copied: trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.desktop (from rev 8607, trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.desktop)
--- trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.desktop (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.desktop 2011-11-18 18:41:58 UTC (rev 8608)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Strap protein alignments
+# Icon=
+MimeType=chemical/seq-aa-fasta;chemical/x-pdb;application/x-mfa;chemical/x-nexus;chemical/x-swissprot;chemical/seq-na-genbank;application/x-gp chemical/seq-aa-genpept;
+GenericName=Strap protein alignments
+Comment=Sequence- and 3D-Alignments of proteins
Copied: trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.links (from rev 8607, trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.links)
--- trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.links (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.links 2011-11-18 18:41:58 UTC (rev 8608)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+usr/bin/strap usr/bin/strap-protein-alignment
+usr/share/man/man1/strap.1 usr/share/man/man1/strap-protein-alignment.1
Copied: trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.manpages (from rev 8607, trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.manpages)
--- trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.manpages (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/strap/trunk/debian/strap.manpages 2011-11-18 18:41:58 UTC (rev 8608)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Modified: trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/control
--- trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/control 2011-11-18 18:24:26 UTC (rev 8607)
+++ trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/control 2011-11-18 18:41:58 UTC (rev 8608)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Source: strap
+Source: strap-base
Section: science
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
@@ -6,26 +6,15 @@
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8), openjdk-6-jdk | sun-java6-jdk, libcommons-httpclient-java, libcommons-compress-java, libhttpmime-java, libjavatar-java,libhttpclient-java, libgeronimo-activation-1.1-spec-java
Standards-Version: 3.9.2
Homepage: http://www.bioinformatics.org/strap/
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-med/trunk/packages/strap/trunk/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/debian-med/trunk/packages/strap/trunk/
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-med/trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/debian-med/trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/
-Package: strap
+Package: strap-base
Architecture: all
-Depends: openjdk-6-jre | sun-java6-jre, java-wrappers, ${misc:Depends}, gwrite, catdoc, libcommons-httpclient-java, libcommons-compress-java, libhttpmime-java, libjavatar-java,libhttpclient-java, libgeronimo-activation-1.1-spec-java
-Recommends: neobio
-Suggests: texlive-latex-base
-Enhances: clustalw, tm-align
-Description: Compute and edit Sequence and structure alignments of proteins.
- Strap is a work-bench for proteins. It can compute multiple sequence
- alignments and structure alignments and it is used structure/function
- prediction and database searching. Modern standard tools can be used
- in an intuitive graphical user interface which follows the paradigms
- of modern user interfaces such as drag'n drop. The sequence
- alignment view and the 3D-visualization (Pymol, Jmol or OpenAstex)
- are tightly linked. Information can be attached to residue
- selections such as free text notes as well as 3D and 1D display
- styles. Figures can be created in publication quality. The alignment
- can be exported in several formats: PDF, MS-Word, HTML, Jalview,
- Multiple-Fasta, ClustalW, MSF, HSSP - see http://3d-alignment.eu/ for
- details. Interactive alignments can be published in Web-pages. For
- this purpose, HTML code is generated automatically.
+Depends: openjdk-6-jre | sun-java6-jre, java-wrappers, ${misc:Depends}, libcommons-httpclient-java, libcommons-compress-java, libhttpmime-java, libjavatar-java,libhttpclient-java, libgeronimo-activation-1.1-spec-java
+Description: Base for the bioinformatics tool Strap and related utilities
+ This package is required for Strap.
+ Strap is a work-bench for protein sequences and structures.
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.1
--- trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.1 2011-11-18 18:24:26 UTC (rev 8607)
+++ trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.1 2011-11-18 18:41:58 UTC (rev 8608)
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-.TH Strap 1 "October 2011"
-Strap \- Graphical user interface to compare and align proteins by sequence and 3D-structure.
-.SH Synopsis
-.B strap-protein-alignment [\fIprotein_files\fR]
-.B strap-protein-alignment [\fIalignment_files\fR]
-.B strap-protein-alignment
-[\fIoptions\fR] [\fIprotein_files\fR] [\fIalignment_files\fR] [ @ \fIfile_with_list_of_protein_files\fR]
-The free computer program Strap aligns proteins by sequence and
-3D-structure. Strap supports the simultaneous analysis of hundreds of
-proteins and integrates amino acid sequence, secondary structure,
-3D-structure and genomic- and mRNA-sequence. Using standard methods,
-alignments are computed automatically based on sequence and structure.
-Import and export of single proteins is very easy by Drag-and-Drop.
-.SS Home-Page
-.SS Protein/alignment files
-Strap can be started with protein files or alignment files as parameters.
-The following formats are supported: PDB, Swissprot, Embl, Genbank,
-GenPept, Fasta, multiple-Fast, Pir, ClustalW, MSF, Nexus, Prodom,
-Pfam, Stockholm and HSSP.
-If at least one protein file is specified, Strap will choose the
-current working directory as the project directory. Otherwise the
-project directory is requested at the beginning of the session.
-Files with a leading \fB@\fR sign or preceded by a \fB@\fR sign are
-interpreted as lists of files.
-\fBCurly parenthesis\fR are used for placing sequences into the same
-alignment row. At the UNIX command prompt, the parentheses need to be
-quoted. For example \fB'{'\fR \fIprotein1.seq protein2.seq\fR
-\fB'}' '{'\fR \fIprotein3.seq protein4.seq protein5.seq \fR \fB'}'\fR
-would put two proteins into the first and three proteins into the
-second alignment row. If there are more than one sequences in a row,
-only the top most sequence is displayed.
-.SS File Compression
-The following file compression methods are supported: .gz, .bz2 and .Z
-.SS Parts of proteins
-To display only a subset of a protein, a suffix is appended to the
-protein file name.
-Residue subsets are specified by an exclamation mark and a subset
-expression after the protein file. Example:
-"hslv_ecoli.swiss!20-30,50-66". Residue numbering starts with one. To
-refer to pdb-residue numbers use the Rasmol/Jmol syntax \fIPdbResNum\fR:\fIChainLetter\fR. Example: "pdb1ryp.ent!50:A-66:A".
-Program options start with a dash. The values \fBtrue\fR and
-\fBfalse\fR can be abbreviated by \fBt\fR and \fBf\fR. The "=true" or
-"=t" can be ommitted. For example \fB-noSeqres=true\fR can be written
-as \fB-noSeqres=t\fR or \fB-noSeqres\fR. For most settings there is an
-equivalent check-box or choice menu in the graphical user interface.
-If the Web-start script http://www.bioinformatics.org/strap/strap.php
-is started, the options are given as web-variable without the leading
-dash. For example for -noSeqres include \fBnoSeqres=t\fR into the
-Prints this text
-Generates a comprehensive manual for the web browser.
- Skip SEQRES lines of PDB files.
-Do not load a sequence identical to an already loaded one.
-Opens a certain dialog at start.
-The class name of a dialog is the tab-text can be obtained by opening the help text.
-Examples: -dialog=DialogAlign or -dialog=DialogBlast or or -dialog=DialogDotPlot
-Runs a script at start. See http://www.bioinformatics.org/strap/web/strap_script.html.
-Script files in the current directory should be written with a leading
-"./" like "./myScript.txt" since Strap recognizes files by the
-presence of a slash and the absence of white space and colon.
-Two or more script files can be given:
--script5=\fIhttp://...../file\fR -script7=\fIhttp://...../file\fR.
-The optional number suffix defines the order of consecutively executed scripts.
-Script commands can be given directly. Assume there are protein files
-in PDB format loaded by Strap. The option -script="open_3D viewName,
-*" would display all proteins with 3D-coordinates three-dimensionally
-(See -v3d=). Scripts consisting of more than one line should be
-stored in a file and the file path or URL should be given.
--script2="open_3D viewName, *" -script3="3D_select $ALL" -script7="3D_ribbons on" -script8="superimpose *"
- Displays the script defined with the -script option.
-\fB\-dasRegistry\fR=\fISpace-separated list of URLs of alternative DAS-registries\fR
-Only needed for DAS servers that are
-Sets the Java class to superimpose proteins.
-A short name can be used such as "tm_align" for "Superimpose_TM_align".
-Example: -s3d=tm_align or -s3d=ce or -s3d=gangstaplus
-Sets the Java class to compute structure based sequence alignments.
-Examples: -a3d=tm_align or -a3d=mapsci or -a3d=matt or -a3d=mustang
-Sets the Java class to display 3D-structures.
-Example: -v3d=jmol or -v3d=pymol or -v3d=astex
-All 3D-commands which are sent to 3D-protein viewers are printed to stdout.
-\fB\-useDebian=false\fR \fB\-useDebian=true\fR
-If set to true, use the Debian packages for external programs rather
-than the program versions included in Strap. For example Strap would
-use /usr/bin/pymol instead of downloading and using the Pymol from
-\fB\-sysProxies=true\fR or \fB-probeWebProxy=true\fR or \fB-probeWebProxy=false\fR
-See section Web proxies.
- Do not use cached results of previous
-computations. This setting can be changed in the graphical user
-interface with a check-box.
-This setting influences the result of searches in growing
-databases. For example consider the similarity search method
-Blast. With the cache turned on, Strap would present a previously
-computed Blast result even though new sequences might have been
-published since last run.
-Do not delete temp-files after the session. This is only important for
-This is an option of the java command and not of Strap.
-It sets the heap size to 500 Megabyte.
-Sets the size and location of the application frame to width 666,
-height 333, horizontal screen position 11 and vertical position 22;
--laf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel ( or short -laf=m)
--laf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel ( or short -laf=N)
--laf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel ( or short -laf=G)
--laf=javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel ( or short -laf=M)
-Also non-standard Look'n Feels can be used. Consider tinylaf which
-can be installed as a Debian package. The following two options would
-apply tinylaf:
- \fB-cp=\fR/usr/share/java/tinylaf.jar
-See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Look_and_feel.
-\fB\-toMultipleFasta\fR or \fB\-toClustal\fR or \fB\-toFasta\fR \fIProtein or alignment files\fR
-Loads the proteins and generates protein or ungapped multiple sequence
-files with the respective format. The file paths are written to
-stdout. The program terminates.
-.SS Security
-\fB\-askUpload\fR[=t/f] The user is asked each time data is uploaded
-to remote servers. The user might not want unpublished sequences to be
-sent to servers.
-The project directory holds information for gaps, 3D-transformations,
-annotations and exported files. Usually, the protein files are also
-located in the project directory. The project directory path must not
-contain white space, such as "My data" or "Eigene Dateien". Therefore
-the project directory can usually not be located in the home directory
-on Windows-XP.
-With the option \fB-probeWebProxy=t\fR, strap attempts to access the Web in
-three different ways: (1) Directly, without Web-proxy (2) With the
-settings found in the environment variable http_proxy and (3) using
-the default mechanism of Java to apply the system wide settings. With the
-setting \fB-probeWebProxy=f\fR, however, Strap will directly connect to the
-Internet. with the option \fB-sysProxies=t\fR Strap will use the
-Java-built-in mechanism to find the system wide settings, (which might
-not work properly, depending on the Java system).
-Supported formats are Multiple-Fasta, ClustalW, MSF, HSSP. A
-colorized alignment with highlighted residue selections and secondary
-structure can be exported in HTML and PDF. The colorized HTML output
-can be modified in MS-Word or other text processors. The rendering
-styles of the PDF output can be stored in annotations of residue
-The following 3D-protein viewers are tightly linked with the alignment
-view: Pymol, Jmol, OpenAstex. The rendering styles can be stored
-within residue selections. There is a generic Rasmol like scripting
-language which can be applied to all embedded visualization software.
-If the desired effect can not be achieved with this generic commands,
-also specific commands can be associated with residue
-Christoph Gille \(co 1999-2011
-License GPL
-A comprehensive manual is created with the option \fB-manual\fR
-.BR jalview (1)
-.BR clustalx (1)
-.BR seaview (1)
-.BR boxshade (1)
-.BR pymol (1)
-.BR openastex (1)
-.BR strap-text-viewer (1)
Deleted: trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.desktop
--- trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.desktop 2011-11-18 18:24:26 UTC (rev 8607)
+++ trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.desktop 2011-11-18 18:41:58 UTC (rev 8608)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=Strap protein alignments
-# Icon=
-MimeType=chemical/seq-aa-fasta;chemical/x-pdb;application/x-mfa;chemical/x-nexus;chemical/x-swissprot;chemical/seq-na-genbank;application/x-gp chemical/seq-aa-genpept;
-GenericName=Strap protein alignments
-Comment=Sequence- and 3D-Alignments of proteins
Deleted: trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.links
--- trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.links 2011-11-18 18:24:26 UTC (rev 8607)
+++ trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.links 2011-11-18 18:41:58 UTC (rev 8608)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-usr/bin/strap usr/bin/strap-protein-alignment
-usr/share/man/man1/strap.1 usr/share/man/man1/strap-protein-alignment.1
Deleted: trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.manpages
--- trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.manpages 2011-11-18 18:24:26 UTC (rev 8607)
+++ trunk/packages/strap-base/trunk/debian/strap.manpages 2011-11-18 18:41:58 UTC (rev 8608)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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