[med-svn] r9755 - in trunk/packages/sift/trunk/debian: . patches
Laszlo Kajan
lkajan-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Feb 22 18:09:03 UTC 2012
Author: lkajan-guest
Date: 2012-02-22 18:09:03 +0000 (Wed, 22 Feb 2012)
New Revision: 9755
Laszlos patches merged in
Modified: trunk/packages/sift/trunk/debian/patches/fix_perl_interpreter_and_lib_path
--- trunk/packages/sift/trunk/debian/patches/fix_perl_interpreter_and_lib_path 2012-02-22 16:20:58 UTC (rev 9754)
+++ trunk/packages/sift/trunk/debian/patches/fix_perl_interpreter_and_lib_path 2012-02-22 18:09:03 UTC (rev 9755)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
---- a/bin/SIFT_exome_nssnvs.pl
-+++ b/bin/SIFT_exome_nssnvs.pl
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/SIFT_exome_nssnvs.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/SIFT_exome_nssnvs.pl 2012-02-22 19:00:37.858982104 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/SIFT_exome_nssnvs.pl 2012-02-22 19:00:38.858982216 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
@@ -10,8 +12,10 @@
use List::Util qw[min max];
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Std;
---- a/bin/SIFT_exome_indels.pl
-+++ b/bin/SIFT_exome_indels.pl
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/SIFT_exome_indels.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/SIFT_exome_indels.pl 2012-02-22 19:00:37.886982165 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/SIFT_exome_indels.pl 2012-02-22 19:00:38.862982166 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
@@ -29,3 +33,2757 @@
use vars qw($opt_i $opt_c $opt_d $opt_o);
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/perlscripts/get_BLINK_seq.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/perlscripts/get_BLINK_seq.pl 2012-02-22 19:00:37.918982062 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/perlscripts/get_BLINK_seq.pl 2012-02-22 19:00:38.874982046 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #use strict;
+ use LWP::Simple;
+ use LWP::UserAgent;
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/seqs_chosen_via_median_info.csh
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/seqs_chosen_via_median_info.csh 2012-02-22 19:00:37.946982117 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/seqs_chosen_via_median_info.csh 2012-02-22 19:00:38.878982030 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
++#!/bin/csh -e
+ # seqs_chosen_via_median_info.csh
+ # Arg1 = protein sequence in fasta format
+ # Arg2 = blastpgp database
+@@ -9,11 +9,8 @@
+ # http://blocks.fhcrc.org/sift/license.html and should be attached
+ # to this software
+-set tmpdir = $SIFT_DIR/tmp
+-set bindir = $SIFT_DIR/bin
+-unalias cp
+-unalias rm
++unalias cp || true
++unalias rm || true
+ set seq_database = $2
+ set median_threshold = 2.75;
+@@ -24,22 +21,24 @@
+ set tail = $1:t
+ set pid = $tail:r
+ echo tail is $tail
+-set query = $tmpdir/$tail.query
++set query = $TMPDIR/$tail.query
+ echo query is $query
+-$bindir/fastaseqs $1 $query >& /dev/null
++echo "fastaseqs $1 $query >& /dev/null"
++fastaseqs $1 $query >& /dev/null
+ # (1) PSIBLAST
+- set iterations = 1
++set iterations = 2
+ # the query is called $$.fasta, get pid from that
+ ####### FILTER ############################
+ #$BLASTFILTER/seg $query -x > $query.imp
++echo "cp $query $query.unfiltered"
+ cp $query $query.unfiltered
+-#mv -f $query.imp $query # this has the filtered query
++#mv -f $query.imp $query # this has the filtered query
+ # b option, # of alignments to show (else it is 250)
+ # m option, type of alignment 0-pairwise, 6-flat master slave w/out identites
+@@ -47,10 +46,18 @@
+ # make error file & remove only if PSI-BLAST is finished within time allotted
+ # not filtering query because Jorja says new statistics take care of that
+-echo "PSI-BLAST time limit exceeded." > $tmpdir/$pid.time.error
++echo "PSI-BLAST time limit exceeded." > $TMPDIR/$pid.time.error
+ limit cputime 30m
+-$NCBI/blastpgp -d $seq_database -i $query -o $query.out -m 0 -j $iterations -e .0001 -h 0.002 -b 399
++if ( $?SIFT_DEBUG ) then
++ echo "if ! ( -e "/tmp/savethis.out" ) blastpgp -d $seq_database -i $query -o /tmp/savethis.out -m 0 -j $iterations -e .0001 -h 0.002 -b 399"
++ if ! ( -e "/tmp/savethis.out" ) blastpgp -d $seq_database -i $query -o /tmp/savethis.out -m 0 -j $iterations -e .0001 -h 0.002 -b 399;
++ echo "cp -a /tmp/savethis.out $query.out"
++ cp -a /tmp/savethis.out $query.out
++ echo "blastpgp -d $seq_database -i $query -o $query.out -m 0 -j $iterations -e .0001 -h 0.002 -b 399"
++ blastpgp -d $seq_database -i $query -o $query.out -m 0 -j $iterations -e .0001 -h 0.002 -b 399
+ if ($status != 0) then
+ echo "exiting because stauts not equal to 0"
+@@ -59,45 +66,52 @@
+ unlimit cputime
+ # finished within 10 minutes, remove error file
+-rm -f $tmpdir/$pid.time.error
++echo "rm -f $TMPDIR/$pid.time.error"
++rm -f $TMPDIR/$pid.time.error
+ ##echo done psiblast
+ # get the psiblast alignment of all the sequences found.
+-$bindir/psiblast_res_to_fasta_dbpairwise $query.out $query.globalX $iterations $query.unfiltered
++echo "psiblast_res_to_fasta_dbpairwise $query.out $query.globalX $iterations $query.unfiltered"
++psiblast_res_to_fasta_dbpairwise $query.out $query.globalX $iterations $query.unfiltered
+ if ($status != 0) then
+ exit (-1)
+ endif
+-$bindir/clump_output_alignedseq $query.globalX $tmpdir/$pid.clumped .9 0 >& /dev/null
++echo "clump_output_alignedseq $query.globalX $TMPDIR/$pid.clumped .9 0 >& /dev/null"
++clump_output_alignedseq $query.globalX $TMPDIR/$pid.clumped .9 0 >& /dev/null
+-echo "choose seqs time limit exceeded." > $tmpdir/$pid.time.error
++echo "choose seqs time limit exceeded." > $TMPDIR/$pid.time.error
+ limit cputime 30m
+-$bindir/choose_seqs_via_psiblastseedmedian $query.unfiltered $tmpdir/$pid.clumped $query.selectedclumped 1.0 $pid $median_threshold >& /dev/null
++echo "choose_seqs_via_psiblastseedmedian $query.unfiltered $TMPDIR/$pid.clumped $query.selectedclumped 1.0 $pid $median_threshold"
++ choose_seqs_via_psiblastseedmedian $query.unfiltered $TMPDIR/$pid.clumped $query.selectedclumped 1.0 $pid $median_threshold
+ if ($status != 0) then
+ echo "exiting because stauts not equal to 0"
+ exit (-1)
+ endif
+ unlimit cputime
+-rm -f $tmpdir/$pid.time.error
++rm -f $TMPDIR/$pid.time.error
+-$bindir/consensus_to_seq $query.selectedclumped $tmpdir/$pid.clumped.consensuskey $tmpdir/$pid.selected >& /dev/null
++echo "consensus_to_seq $query.selectedclumped $TMPDIR/$pid.clumped.consensuskey $TMPDIR/$pid.selected >& /dev/null"
++consensus_to_seq $query.selectedclumped $TMPDIR/$pid.clumped.consensuskey $TMPDIR/$pid.selected >& /dev/null
+-$bindir/seqs_from_psiblast_res $query.out $tmpdir/$pid.selected $iterations $query.unfiltered $tmpdir/$pid.alignedfasta $pid
++echo "seqs_from_psiblast_res $query.out $TMPDIR/$pid.selected $iterations $query.unfiltered $TMPDIR/$pid.alignedfasta $pid"
++seqs_from_psiblast_res $query.out $TMPDIR/$pid.selected $iterations $query.unfiltered $TMPDIR/$pid.alignedfasta $pid
+- rm $tmpdir/$pid.clumped*
+- rm $query.selectedclumped*
+- rm $tmpdir/$pid.selected
+- rm $tmpdir/$pid.unaligned
+- rm $query.globalX
+- rm $tmpdir/$pid.psiblastout
+- rm $pid.TEMP*
+- rm $query
+- rm $query.unfiltered
++echo "rm -f"
++ rm -f $TMPDIR/$pid.clumped*
++ rm -f $query.selectedclumped*
++ rm -f $TMPDIR/$pid.selected
++ rm -f $TMPDIR/$pid.unaligned
++ rm -f $query.globalX
++ rm -f $TMPDIR/$pid.psiblastout
++ rm -f $pid.TEMP*
++ rm -f $query
++ rm -f $query.unfiltered
+ exit (0)
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh 2012-02-22 19:00:37.974982205 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh 2012-02-22 19:00:38.886982043 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
++#!/bin/csh -e
+ # SIFT.csh
+ # This program is licensed to you under the Fred
+ # Hutchinos Cancer Research Center (FHCRC)
+@@ -13,27 +13,35 @@
+ ### Set these for your installation
+ # Location of blastpgp
+-setenv NCBI /usr/local/packages/blast-2.2.18/bin/
++#setenv NCBI /usr/local/packages/blast-2.2.18/bin/
+ # Location of BLIMPS
+-setenv BLIMPS_DIR /opt/www/sift/sift3.0/blimps/
++setenv BLIMPS_DIR __MAKE_PREFIX__/share/sift/blimps
+ # Location of SIFT
+-setenv SIFT_DIR /opt/www/sift/sift3.0
++setenv SIFT_DIR __MAKE_PREFIX__/lib/sift/
+ # SIFT's output files are written here
+-set tmpdir = /opt/www/sift/sift3.0/tmp
++setenv TMPDIR `mktemp -d` || exit 1
++setenv BLASTMAT __MAKE_PREFIX__/share/ncbi/data
++if ( -e "$HOME/.siftrc" ) source "$HOME/.siftrc";
+ ### Shouldn't need to make any more changes, look for output in $tmpsift
+-set bindir = $SIFT_DIR/bin
+ set root_file = $1:r
+ set tail_of_root = $root_file:t
+-set tmpfasta = $tmpdir/$tail_of_root.alignedfasta
+-set tmpsift = $tmpdir/$tail_of_root.SIFTprediction
+-$bindir/seqs_chosen_via_median_info.csh $1 $2 $4
+-$bindir/info_on_seqs $tmpfasta $3 $tmpsift
+-echo "Output in $tmpsift"
++set tmpfasta = $TMPDIR/$tail_of_root.alignedfasta
++#set tmpsift = $TMPDIR/$tail_of_root.SIFTprediction
++set tmpsift = $tail_of_root.SIFTprediction
++echo "$SIFT_SCRIPTDIR/seqs_chosen_via_median_info.csh $1 $2 $4"
++$SIFT_SCRIPTDIR/seqs_chosen_via_median_info.csh $1 $2 $4
++echo "sift_info_on_seqs $tmpfasta $3 $tmpsift"
++sift_info_on_seqs $tmpfasta $3 $tmpsift
++rm -rf $TMPDIR
++echo "Output in ($PWD/)$tmpsift"
+ exit
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/SIFT_for_submitting_NCBI_gi_id.csh
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/SIFT_for_submitting_NCBI_gi_id.csh 2012-02-22 19:00:38.006982068 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/SIFT_for_submitting_NCBI_gi_id.csh 2012-02-22 19:00:38.890982033 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
++#!/bin/csh -e
+ # SIFT.csh
+ # This program is licensed to you under the Fred
+ # Hutchinos Cancer Research Center (FHCRC)
+@@ -6,53 +6,59 @@
+ # http://blocks.fhcrc.org/sift/license.html and should be attached
+ # to this software
+-# Argument 1: NCBI protein gi #. Just the number, nothing else.
+-# Argument 2: The substitution file (file containing amino acid substitutions to be predicted on.
+-# Argument 3: Type of sequences to get from NCBI BLink. "BEST" or "ALL"
+-# BEST is recommended if high-confidence scores can be obtained
++# Argument 1: NCBI protein gi #. Just the number, nothing else.
++# Argument 2: The substitution file (file containing amino acid substitutions to be predicted on.
++# Argument 3: Type of sequences to get from NCBI BLink. "BEST" or "ALL"
++# BEST is recommended if high-confidence scores can be obtained
+ ### Set these for your installation
+ # Location of blastpgp
+-setenv NCBI ../../blast
+-setenv NCBI /usr/local/blast/
++#setenv NCBI ../../blast
+ # Location of BLIMPS
+-setenv BLIMPS_DIR ../blimps
++setenv BLIMPS_DIR __MAKE_PREFIX__/share/sift/blimps
+-# Location of SIFT
+-setenv SIFT_DIR ../
++# Location of SIFT
++setenv SIFT_DIR __MAKE_PREFIX__/lib/sift/
+ # SIFT's output files are written here
+-set tmpdir = ../tmp
++setenv TMPDIR `mktemp -d` || exit 1
+-### Shouldn't need to make any more changes, look for output in $tmpdir
+-set bindir = $SIFT_DIR/bin
++setenv BLASTMAT __MAKE_PREFIX__/share/ncbi/data
++if ( -e "$HOME/.siftrc" ) source "$HOME/.siftrc";
++### Shouldn't need to make any more changes, look for output in $tmpdir
+ set gi = $1
+ set polymorphism_file = $2
+-set outfile = $tmpdir/$1.SIFTprediction
+-set bestORall = $3 # if set to BEST, takes best reciprocal hits from BLink,
++#set outfile = $TMPDIR/$1.SIFTprediction
++set outfile = $1.SIFTprediction
++set bestORall = $3 # if set to BEST, takes best reciprocal hits from BLink,
+ # otherwise it will take all hits from BLINK
+ # get unaligned sequences from NCBI
+-set unalignedseqs = $tmpdir/$gi.unaligned
+-perl $bindir/perlscripts/get_BLINK_seq.pl $gi $tmpdir/$gi.unaligned $bestORall
++set unalignedseqs = $TMPDIR/$gi.unaligned
++$SIFT_SCRIPTDIR/get_BLINK_seq.pl $gi $TMPDIR/$gi.unaligned $bestORall
+ # getting the alignment from PSI-BLAST, quick and dirty
+ cat $unalignedseqs | perl -pe 's/\|//' | perl -pe 's/\|/\t/' | perl -pe 's/^\n//' | awk '{if ($1 ~ /^>/) { print $1} else { print;}}' > $unalignedseqs.2
+ set alignedseqs = $unalignedseqs.aligned
+- perl $bindir/perlscripts/separate_query_from_rest_of_seqs.pl $unalignedseqs.2 $unalignedseqs.queryseq $unalignedseqs.database
+- $NCBI/formatdb -i $unalignedseqs.database -o T -p T
++ $SIFT_SCRIPTDIR/separate_query_from_rest_of_seqs.pl $unalignedseqs.2 $unalignedseqs.queryseq $unalignedseqs.database
++ formatdb -i $unalignedseqs.database -o T -p T
+ # extremely large evalues and multipass threshold because want to make sure get
+ #all the
+ # sequences the user submits
+- $NCBI/blastpgp -d $unalignedseqs.database -i $unalignedseqs.queryseq -o $unalignedseqs.psiblastout -m 0 -j 4 -e 10 -h 1 -b 399
++ blastpgp -d $unalignedseqs.database -i $unalignedseqs.queryseq -o $unalignedseqs.psiblastout -m 0 -j 4 -e 10 -h 1 -b 399
+ echo QUERY > $unalignedseqs.listseq
+ grep ">" $unalignedseqs.database | cut -d" " -f1 | cut -c2- >> $unalignedseqs.listseq
+- $bindir/seqs_from_psiblast_res $unalignedseqs.psiblastout $unalignedseqs.listseq 4 $unalignedseqs.queryseq $alignedseqs $$
++ seqs_from_psiblast_res $unalignedseqs.psiblastout $unalignedseqs.listseq 4 $unalignedseqs.queryseq $alignedseqs $$
+-# final scoring
+-$bindir/info_on_seqs $alignedseqs $polymorphism_file $outfile
++# final scoring
++sift_info_on_seqs $alignedseqs $polymorphism_file $outfile
++rm -rf $TMPDIR
++echo "Output in ($PWD/)$outfile"
+ exit
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/Alignment.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/Alignment.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.034982113 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/Alignment.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.902982054 +0100
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ #define _ALIGNMENT_C_
+ #include "PN_convert.c"
+-#define MAXSEQ 400
++#define MAXSEQ 20000
+ #include "Alignment.h"
+@@ -478,6 +478,7 @@
+ fprintf(errorfp, "ERROR! Why haven't %s and %s been freed?\n", prev_name,
+ prev_residues);
+ fprintf (errorfp, "Current %s %s\n", name, residues);
++ fprintf (stderr, "Current %s %s\n", name, residues);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ } /* end of if (line[0] != ' ') */
+@@ -752,7 +753,8 @@
+ }
+ if (feof (fp)) {
+ fclose (fp);
+- fprintf (errorfp, "ERROR! PSI-BLAST found no hits. Program terminating.\n");
++ fprintf (errorfp, "ERROR! PSI-BLAST found no hits. Program terminating.\n");
++ fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d ERROR! PSI-BLAST found no hits. Program terminating.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+@@ -792,7 +794,8 @@
+ fclose (fp);
+ if (return_error) {
+ fprintf (errorfp, "ERROR! PSI-BLAST found no hits. Program terminating.\n");
+- exit (-1);
++ fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d ERROR! PSI-BLAST found no hits. Program terminating.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
++ exit (-1);
+ } else {
+ return (-1);
+ }
+@@ -827,6 +830,7 @@
+ if (feof (fp)) {
+ fclose (fp);
+ fprintf (errorfp, "ERROR! PSI-BLAST found no hits. Program terminating.\n");
++ fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d ERROR! PSI-BLAST found no hits. Program terminating.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ sscanf (line, "Results from round %d", &iteration);
+@@ -1273,6 +1277,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf (errorfp, "EXITING -- couldn't find %s in get_index_from_seqs\n", name);
++ fprintf (stderr, "EXITING -- couldn't find %s in get_index_from_seqs\n", name);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+@@ -1405,8 +1410,9 @@
+ sscanf (strptr, "Expect = %lf", &evalue);
+ } else {
+ fprintf (errorfp, "Unable to read e-value, parsing incorrect");
+- exit (-1);
+- }
++ fprintf (stderr, "Unable to read e-value, parsing incorrect");
++ exit (-1);
++ }
+ /* printf ("evalue is %lf\n", evalue); */
+ /* end get evalue */
+@@ -1491,6 +1497,7 @@
+ assert (seq1->length == seq2->length);
+ if (strcmp (seq1->name, seq2->name ) != 0) {
+ fprintf (errorfp, "seeing whether %s and %s overlap, should be same name\n", seq1->name, seq2->name);
++ fprintf (stderr, "seeing whether %s and %s overlap, should be same name\n", seq1->name, seq2->name);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < seq1->length; i++) {
+@@ -1595,7 +1602,7 @@
+ }
+ if (strstr (line, "Query") == NULL) {
+- printf ("%s line should have Query:\n", line);
++ fprintf (stderr, "%s line should have Query:\n", line);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ strptr = strtok (line, " \t\r\n"); /* this should be Query */
+@@ -1687,7 +1694,7 @@
+ assert (fp != NULL);
+ fgets (line, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, fp);
+ if (strstr (line, "Query") == NULL) {
+- printf ("%s line should have Query:\n");
++ fprintf (stderr,"%s line should have Query:\n");
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ strptr = strtok (line, " \t\r\n"); /* this should be Query */
+@@ -2110,7 +2117,7 @@
+ printf ("Clumped %d sequences into %d clusters\n", nseq, i2);
+ /* keep this print because get # of clustersin awk statement */
+ free(pairs);
+-printf ("exiting clump\n");
++fprintf (stderr, "exiting clump\n");
+ return no_of_clumps;
+ } /* end of cluster */
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/blocklist.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/blocklist.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.058982070 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/blocklist.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.906982119 +0100
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include "blocklist.h"
+-#define MAXSEQ 400
++#define MAXSEQ 20000
+ /*======================================================================
+ routines for a list of blocks
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/choose_seqs_via_psiblastseedmedian.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/choose_seqs_via_psiblastseedmedian.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.086982313 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/choose_seqs_via_psiblastseedmedian.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.910982060 +0100
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ /* (C) Copyright 2000, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center */
+ /* Use, modification or distribution of these programs is subject to */
+-/* the terms of the non-commercial licensing agreement in license.h. */
++/* the terms of the non-commercial licensing agreement in license.h. */
+ /* choose_seqs_via_psiblast.c */
+ /* 02-14-01 use median threshold
+ 05-18-01, changed to add PSIBLAST_TURN sequences at once, if threshold has not
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+ recalculate median threshold for the 1 .. PSIBLAST_TURN sequences
+ that have been added.
+ Should reduce time for calculation of median threshold O (length * seq)
+- by PSIBLAST_TURN x fold
++ by PSIBLAST_TURN x fold
+ */
+ #define EXTERN
+ #include "blocksprogs.h"
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ #include "Matrix_Info.c"
+ #include "Protdist.c"
+ #include "stringhash.c"
+-#include "Psiblast.c"
++#include "Psiblast.c"
+ #include "PN_blocks.c"
+ #include "Clumping.c"
+@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
+ void getargs (int argc, char* argv[],
+ char query_seq_file[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH],
+- FILE** seqfp,
++ FILE** seqfp,
+ FILE** outfp,
+- double* clumping_threshold,
++ double* clumping_threshold,
+ char pid[SMALL_BUFF_LENGTH],
+ double* median_threshold);
+@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
+ FILE* outfp; FILE* temp_chk_fp;
+ FILE* seqfp;
+ int nseqs, db_type, seq_type;
+- int i, k, index, nseqs_written; double dtemp;
++ int i, k, index = 0, nseqs_written; double dtemp;
+ double clumping_threshold;
+ double info_median;
+- Block* workingblock;
++ Block* workingblock;
+ HashTable seqnamehash;
+ char seqname[KEY_WIDTH];
+ char pid[SMALL_BUFF_LENGTH];
+@@ -77,22 +77,22 @@
+ init_frq_qij(); /* matrix conversion in order to calculate R */
+- getargs (argc, argv, query_seq_file, &seqfp, &outfp,
++ getargs (argc, argv, query_seq_file, &seqfp, &outfp,
+ &clumping_threshold, pid, &median_threshold);
+ seqnamehash = InitializeTable (10);
+ i = 0;
+ /**************** READ IN SEQUENCES (to get info comments) ***************/
+ nseqs = 0;
+ db_type = type_dbs (seqfp, DbInfo); seq_type = AA_SEQ;
+ rewind (seqfp);
+- while ( nseqs < MAXSEQ &&
++ while ( nseqs < MAXSEQ &&
+ (seqs[nseqs] = read_a_sequence(seqfp, db_type, seq_type)) != NULL) {
+ nseqs++;
+ }
+ fclose (seqfp);
+-printf ("clumping teshodl is %.2f\n",clumping_threshold);
++fprintf( stderr, "clumping teshodl is %.2f\n",clumping_threshold);
+ /**************** GET SEED BLOCK BY PERCENTAGE IDENTITY ******************/
+ /* cluster_of_seqs = cluster_seqs (clumping_threshold, seqs, nseqs,
+ &num_clusters);
+@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@
+ */
+ /*only copy query sequence (argumen 3 is 1 =>copy 1rst seq. only )*/
+- workingblock = make_block (seqs[0]->length, 0, 1, seqs, FALSE);
++ workingblock = make_block (seqs[0]->length, 0, 1, seqs, FALSE);
+ assert (workingblock != NULL);
+ for (i = 0; i < workingblock->num_sequences; i++) {
+- printf ("inserting %s in hash\n", workingblock->sequences[i].name);
++ fprintf( stderr, "inserting %s in hash\n", workingblock->sequences[i].name);
+ Insert (workingblock->sequences[i].name, seqnamehash);
+ }
+- median = calculate_median_information_of_block (workingblock, FALSE, TRUE);
++ median = calculate_median_information_of_block (workingblock, FALSE, TRUE);
+ /* write the first sequence into a file that will be used as the query
+ for the psiblast search */
+@@ -116,20 +116,20 @@
+ write_seq_to_file (query_filename, seqs[0]);
+ assert (workingblock != NULL);
+-printf ("median is %.2f\n", median);
++fprintf( stderr, "median is %.2f\n", median);
+ /* printf ("finished extracting\n"); */
+-/* fprintf (outfp, "*********SEED BLOCK********\n");
++/* fprintf (outfp, "*********SEED BLOCK********\n");
+ fprintf (outfp, "median %.3f \n", median);
+- output_block_s (workingblock, outfp, FLOAT_OUTPUT);
++ output_block_s (workingblock, outfp, FLOAT_OUTPUT);
+ fflush (outfp); */
+- done = FALSE;
++ done = FALSE;
+ /**********ITERATIVE LOOP *************************************/
+-while ( median > median_threshold && !done) {
++while ( median > median_threshold && !done) {
+ /* before add next sequence, copy this block, which
+ we know that passes criterion, to finalblock */
+- /****PSIBLAST CALL do it only every PSIBLAST_TURN round */
++ /****PSIBLAST CALL do it only every PSIBLAST_TURN round */
+ strcpy (temp_chk_filename, pid);
+ strcat (temp_chk_filename, ".TEMP");
+ strcpy (psiblastres_file, pid);
+@@ -138,31 +138,31 @@
+ strcat (query_database_file, ".TEMP_DB");
+ /*strcpy (temp_chk_filename,"tmpout3pid.TEMP"); */
+- nseqs_written = write_seqs_not_in_hash (query_database_file,
++ nseqs_written = write_seqs_not_in_hash (query_database_file,
+ seqs, nseqs,
+ seqnamehash);
+ if (nseqs_written == 0) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "wrote 0 seqs to database\n");
+ done = TRUE;
+ } else {
+- formatdb_system_call (query_database_file) ;
++ formatdb_system_call (query_database_file) ;
+ if ((temp_chk_fp = fopen (temp_chk_filename, "w")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf (errorfp, "couldn't open checkpoint file %s when choosing sequences\n", temp_chk_filename);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+- block_to_checkpoint_file (workingblock, temp_chk_fp, logfp);
+- fclose (temp_chk_fp);
+- printf ("prior to psiblast system call");
++ block_to_checkpoint_file (workingblock, temp_chk_fp, logfp);
++ fclose (temp_chk_fp);
++ fprintf( stderr, "prior to psiblast system call");
+ psiblast_system_call (temp_chk_filename, query_database_file,
+- psiblastres_file, query_filename, logfp);
+- printf ("finished psiblast system call");
++ psiblastres_file, query_filename, logfp);
++ fprintf( stderr, "finished psiblast system call");
+ } /* end of if seqs written to database file */
+- for (k = 0; k < PSIBLAST_TURN && !done; k++) {
+- get_top_seq (seqname, seqnamehash, psiblastres_file);
+- printf ( "top sequence is %s\n", seqname);
++ for (k = 0; k < PSIBLAST_TURN && !done; k++) {
++ get_top_seq (seqname, seqnamehash, psiblastres_file);
++ fprintf( stderr, "top sequence is %s\n", seqname);
+ if (seqname[0] != '\0' && seqname[0] != ' ') {
+ /**** ADD TOP SEQ to BLOCK *******************/
+ index = get_index_from_seqs (seqname, seqs, nseqs);
+@@ -170,28 +170,28 @@
+ /* block not weighted */
+ add_sequence_to_block (workingblock,seqs[index], FALSE);
+ if (workingblock->num_sequences == nseqs) {
+- /* added all the possible sequences to the block
++ /* added all the possible sequences to the block
+ have chosen all of the sequences, done*/
+ done = TRUE;
+ }
+- Insert (seqname, seqnamehash); /* update hash */
++ Insert (seqname, seqnamehash); /* update hash */
+ } else {
+ fprintf (stderr, "done\n");
+ done = TRUE;
+ }
+ } /* done adding PSIBLAST_TURN sequences ***/
+- median = calculate_median_information_of_block (workingblock,
++ median = calculate_median_information_of_block (workingblock,
+ fprintf (logfp, "added %s %s median:%.3f median %d seq total\n",
+ workingblock->sequences[workingblock->num_sequences-1].name,
+- seqs[index]->info, median, workingblock->num_sequences);
++ seqs[index]->info, median, workingblock->num_sequences);
+ fflush (logfp); fflush (stderr);
+- fflush (errorfp); fflush (outfp);
++ fflush (errorfp); fflush (outfp);
+ /* prepare to run psiblast on next iteration */
+ fprintf (stderr, "rm search files\n");
+- rm_file (temp_chk_filename);
++ rm_file (temp_chk_filename);
+ rm_file (psiblastres_file);
+ strcat (query_database_file, ".*");
+ rm_file (query_database_file);
+@@ -208,15 +208,15 @@
+ /* print_block_ids (workingblock, outfp, TRUE); */
+ /* should free memeory, clean up later */
+ /* fclose (outfp); fclose (errorfp); fclose (logfp);
+- exit (0);*/
++ exit (0);*/
+ /* exit 0 else will generate an error in shell that calls this program*/
+ }
+ /* now of the last PSIBLAST_TURN sequences added, find out which one gives
+- approaches the right median */
++ approaches the right median */
+ num_seqs_removed = 0;
+ while (median < median_threshold) {
+ workingblock->num_sequences--;
+- median = calculate_median_information_of_block (workingblock,
++ median = calculate_median_information_of_block (workingblock,
+ num_seqs_removed++;
+ }
+@@ -225,30 +225,30 @@
+ fprintf (logfp, "********FINAL BLOCK ****** ");
+ fprintf (logfp, "last block : median %.3f with %d sequences\n", median,
+- workingblock->num_sequences);
+-/* output_block_s (workingblock, outfp, FLOAT_OUTPUT); */
++ workingblock->num_sequences);
++/* output_block_s (workingblock, outfp, FLOAT_OUTPUT); */
+-/* print_block_sequences (workingblock, outfp); */
+- print_block_ids (workingblock, outfp, TRUE);
++/* print_block_sequences (workingblock, outfp); */
++ print_block_ids (workingblock, outfp, TRUE);
+- workingblock->num_sequences+= num_seqs_removed;
++ workingblock->num_sequences+= num_seqs_removed;
+ /* increase it back to deallocate
+- memory properly */
++ memory properly */
+ free_seqs (seqs, nseqs);
+ free_block (workingblock);
+ DestroyTable (seqnamehash);
+ fprintf (logfp, "SUCCESSFUL\n");
+- fclose (outfp);
++ fclose (outfp);
+ fclose (errorfp);
+- fclose (logfp);
++ fclose (logfp);
+ rm_file (errorfilename);
+ exit (0);
+ } /* end of main */
+ /* return the number of sequences written */
+ int
+-write_seqs_not_in_hash (char query_database_file[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH],
++write_seqs_not_in_hash (char query_database_file[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH],
+ Sequence* seqs[MAXSEQ], int nseqs,
+ HashTable hash)
+ {
+@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
+ nseqs_written = 0;
+ if ( (outfp = fopen (query_database_file, "w")) == NULL) {
+- fprintf (errorfp, "couldn't write to %s \n",
++ fprintf (errorfp, "couldn't write to %s \n",
+ query_database_file);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+@@ -273,15 +273,15 @@
+ fclose (outfp);
+ return nseqs_written;
+ } /* end write_seqs_not_in_block */
+ void
+-getargs (int argc, char* argv[],
++getargs (int argc, char* argv[],
+ char query_seq_file[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH],
+- FILE** seqfp,
+- FILE** outfp,
+- double* clumping_threshold,
++ FILE** seqfp,
++ FILE** outfp,
++ double* clumping_threshold,
+ char pid[SMALL_BUFF_LENGTH],
+ double* median_threshold)
+ {
+@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
+ if (argc > 1) strcpy (query_seq_file, argv[1]);
+ else {
+ printf ("Enter query sequence file\n");
+- gets (query_seq_file);
++ fgets(query_seq_file, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin );
+ }
+@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("Enter sequence file \n");
+- gets (seqfile);
++ fgets(seqfile, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin);
+ }
+ if ( (*seqfp = fopen (seqfile, "r")) == NULL )
+ {
+@@ -315,10 +315,10 @@
+ }
+ if ( argc > 3) strcpy (outfile, argv[3]);
+- else
++ else
+ {
+ printf ("Enter outfile \n");
+- gets (outfile);
++ fgets( outfile, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin );
+ }
+ strcpy (errorfilename, outfile);
+@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
+ }
+ if (argc > 4) *clumping_threshold = atof (argv[4]);
+- else
++ else
+ {
+ printf ("Enter clumping threshold\n");
+ scanf ("%lf\n", clumping_threshold);
+@@ -351,10 +351,10 @@
+ if (argc > 5) strcpy (pid, argv[5]);
+ else {
+ printf ("Enter process identification number\n");
+- gets (pid);
+- printf ("gets %s\n", pid);
++ fgets( pid, SMALL_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin );
++ printf ("fgets %s\n", pid);
+ }
+ if (argc > 6) *median_threshold = atof (argv[6]);
+ else {
+ printf ("Enter median threshold\n");
+@@ -363,10 +363,10 @@
+ }
+-} /* end of getargs */
++} /* end of getargs */
+ void
+-write_seq_to_file (char filename[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH], Sequence* seq)
++write_seq_to_file (char filename[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH], Sequence* seq)
+ {
+ FILE* fp;
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/clump_output_alignedseq.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/clump_output_alignedseq.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.114982284 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/clump_output_alignedseq.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.918982082 +0100
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+ #include "Clumping.c"
+ #define MINSEQ 2
+-#define MAXSEQ 400
++#define MAXSEQ 20000
+ #define INDEX(n, col, row) (col*n - (col*(col+3))/2 - 1 + row)
+ #define MIN_CLUSTERS 3
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("Enter filename with sequences:\n");
+- gets (seqfilename);
++ fgets( seqfilename, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin );
+ }
+ if ((*seqfp = fopen (seqfilename, "r")) == NULL)
+ {
+@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("Enter name of outfile\n");
+- gets (outfilename);
++ fgets( outfilename, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin );
+ }
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/consensus_to_seq.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/consensus_to_seq.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.142982305 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/consensus_to_seq.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.922982104 +0100
+@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("Enter filename with sequences:\n");
+- gets (seqfilename);
++ fgets( seqfilename, LINE_LEN, stdin );
+ }
+ if ((*seqfp = fopen (seqfilename, "r")) == NULL)
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("Enter file with keys and elements\n");
+- gets (keyfilename);
++ fgets( keyfilename, LINE_LEN, stdin );
+ }
+ if ((*keyfp = fopen (keyfilename, "r")) == NULL)
+ {
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("Enter name of outfile\n");
+- gets (outfilename);
++ fgets( outfilename, LINE_LEN, stdin );
+ }
+ if ( (*outfp = fopen (outfilename, "w")) == NULL)
+ {
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/info_on_seqs.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/info_on_seqs.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.170982073 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/info_on_seqs.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.930982180 +0100
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ #include "Psiblast.c"
+ /* #include "Information.c */
+-#define MAXSEQ 400 /* Maximum number of sequences */
++#define MAXSEQ 20000 /* Maximum number of sequences */
+ #define LINE_LEN 800
+ #define FALSE 0
+ #define TRUE 1
+@@ -198,10 +198,10 @@
+ int substitution, original_aa;
+ int substitution_exists;
+ int pos;
+- double median;
++ double median = 0;
+ AAnode current;
+- Block* block_with_seqs_at_pos;
+- double* info_array;
++ Block* block_with_seqs_at_pos = NULL;
++ double* info_array = NULL;
+ int block_constructed;
+ substitution_exists = FALSE;
+@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
+ fprintf (outfp, "%d\n", residues_stored[pos]);
+ */
+ /* the array will be sorted in call for median_of_array*/
+-printf ("looking for median\n");
++fprintf( stderr, "looking for median\n");
+ median = median_of_array (info_array, prot_length);
+ printf ("found mediant %.2f\n", median);
+ fprintf (outfp, "%.3f\t%d\t%d\n",
+@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
+ assert (oldblock->sequences[0].sequence != NULL);
+ assert (oldblock->sequences != NULL);
+ assert (oldblock != NULL);
+-printf ("finished comments oninfo\n");
++fprintf( stderr, "finished comments oninfo\n");
+ }
+ double
+@@ -524,23 +524,23 @@
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("Enter filename with sequences:\n");
+- gets (seqfilename);
++ fgets( seqfilename, LINE_LEN, stdin );
+ }
+-printf ("fawegwa\n");
++fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ if ((*seqfp = fopen (seqfilename, "r")) == NULL)
+ {
+ printf ("cannot open file %s \n", seqfilename);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+-printf ("eaegrtjkl\n");
++fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ if (argc > 2) strcpy (substfilename, argv[2]);
+ else {
+- printf ("Enter file with substitutions.\n");
+- printf ("format:\n");
+- printf ("M1Y\n");
+- printf ("S2K\n");
+- printf ("...\n\n");
+- gets (substfilename);
++ fprintf( stderr, "Enter file with substitutions.\n");
++ fprintf( stderr, "format:\n");
++ fprintf( stderr, "M1Y\n");
++ fprintf( stderr, "S2K\n");
++ fprintf( stderr, "...\n\n");
++ fgets( substfilename, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin );
+ }
+ if (substfilename[0] == '-') { *polymorphfp = NULL; }
+ else if ((*polymorphfp = fopen (substfilename, "r")) == NULL)
+@@ -553,8 +553,8 @@
+ if (argc > 3) strcpy (outfilename, argv[3]);
+ else
+ {
+- printf ("Enter name of outfile\n");
+- gets (outfilename);
++ fprintf( stderr, "Enter name of outfile\n");
++ fgets( outfilename, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin );
+ }
+ strcpy (errorfilename, outfilename);
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/Makefile
+--- /dev/null 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/Makefile 2012-02-22 19:00:38.934982116 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
++include-prefix := $(prefix)
++lib-prefix := $(prefix)
++BIN := choose_seqs_via_psiblastseedmedian \
++ clump_output_alignedseq \
++ consensus_to_seq \
++ info_on_seqs \
++ psiblast_res_to_fasta_dbpairwise \
++ seqs_from_psiblast_res
++CC := gcc
++CFLAGS := -I$(include-prefix)/include/blimps -O2 -D__MAKE_PREFIX__=\"$(prefix)\" $(CFLAGS)
++LDFLAGS := -L$(lib-prefix)/lib -lblimps $(LDFLAGS)
++all: bin
++bin: $(BIN)
++ rm -rf *.o $(BIN)
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/sift && \
++ cp -a \
++ choose_seqs_via_psiblastseedmedian \
++ clump_output_alignedseq \
++ consensus_to_seq \
++ psiblast_res_to_fasta_dbpairwise \
++ seqs_from_psiblast_res \
++ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/sift/ && \
++ cp -a info_on_seqs $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/sift/sift_info_on_seqs
++.PHONY: all bin clean help install
++ $(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $(addsuffix .c,$(BIN)) > $@
++include deps.mk
++# vim:ai:
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/Matrix_Info.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/Matrix_Info.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.218982174 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/Matrix_Info.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.950982088 +0100
+@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@
+ int pos_observed_tolerant, pos_error_tn, pos_notobserved_intolerant,
+ pos_error_fp, pos_total;
+ char c; int l;
+- int print_correct, print_incorrect, print_X, print_type;
++ int print_correct, print_incorrect, print_X, print_type = 0;
+ print_correct = 1; print_incorrect = 2; print_X =3;
+ correct = 0; error_fp=0; error_tn = 0, total=0;
+@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
+ observed_tolerant++; pos_observed_tolerant++;
+ print_type = print_correct;
+ }
+- else { printf ("missing somethingdsaff\n"); }
++ else { fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d missing something\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }
+ } else if (info_matrix->info[aa_atob[c]][l] == not_allowed) {
+ if ( matrix->weights[aa_atob[c]][l] >= 0 )
+ { /* ERROR of OBSERVED, but INTOLERANT false positive */
+@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
+ notobserved_intolerant++;
+ pos_notobserved_intolerant++;
+ print_type = print_correct;
+- } else {printf ("dfafaw\n"); }
++ } else {fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }
+ } else if (info_matrix->info[aa_atob[c]][l] == less_severe) {
+ switch (severity_option) {
+ case 1: /* include +- phenotype with + */
+@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
+ pos_error_tn++;
+ error_tn++;
+ print_type = print_incorrect;
+- } else {printf ("something is wrong\n");}
++ } else {fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d something is wrong\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );}
+ break;
+ case 2: /* +- phenotype is - */
+ if ( matrix->weights[aa_atob[c]][l] > 0.0) {
+@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@
+ pos_notobserved_intolerant++;
+ notobserved_intolerant++;
+ print_type = print_correct;
+- }else {printf ("what?\n"); }
++ }else {fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d what?\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(errorfp, "severity option error %d\n", severity_option);
+@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@
+ int pos_observed_tolerant, pos_error_tn, pos_notobserved_intolerant,
+ pos_error_fp, pos_total;
+ char c; int l;
+- int print_correct, print_incorrect, print_X, print_type;
++ int print_correct, print_incorrect, print_X, print_type = 0;
+ print_correct = 1; print_incorrect = 2; print_X =3;
+ correct = 0; error_fp=0; error_tn = 0, total=0;
+@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@
+ observed_tolerant++; pos_observed_tolerant++;
+ print_type = print_correct;
+ }
+- else { printf ("missing somethingdsaff\n"); }
++ else { fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d missing something\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }
+ } else if (info_matrix->info[aa_atob[c]][l] == not_allowed) {
+ if ( matrix->weights[aa_atob[c]][l] >= 0.01 )
+ { /* ERROR of OBSERVED, but INTOLERANT false positive */
+@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@
+ pos_error_tn++;
+ error_tn++;
+ print_type = print_incorrect;
+- } else {printf ("something is wrong\n");}
++ } else {fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d something is wrong\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );}
+ break;
+ case 2: /* +- phenotype is - */
+ if ( matrix->weights[aa_atob[c]][l] > 0.01) {
+@@ -847,10 +847,10 @@
+ */
+ len = 0;
+-printf ("matrix width %d\n", matrix->width);
++fprintf( stderr, "matrix width %d\n", matrix->width);
+ /* skip the letters */
+ fgets(Buffer, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, mfp);
+-printf ("skiipping letters %s\n", Buffer);
++fprintf( stderr, "skipping letters %s\n", Buffer);
+ /* read in the numbers */
+ while (fgets(Buffer, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, mfp) &&
+ !blank_line(Buffer) &&
+@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
+ min_aa_in_column (Matrix * matrix, int pos)
+ {
+ double min;
+- int min_aa, aa;
++ int min_aa = 0, aa;
+ min = 1000;
+ for (aa = 0; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@
+ case 'W': return 18;
+ case 'Y' : return 19;
+- default: printf ("unknown character %c\n", c );
++ default: fprintf( stderr, "unknown character %c\n", c );
+ } /* end switch */
+ }
+@@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@
+ int pos_observed_tolerant, pos_error_tn, pos_notobserved_intolerant,
+ pos_error_fp, pos_total;
+ char c; int l;
+- int print_correct, print_incorrect, print_X, print_type;
++ int print_correct, print_incorrect, print_X, print_type = 0;
+ int uncertain_aa, uncertain_tolerant, uncertain_intolerant;
+ int pos_uncertain_aa, pos_uncertain_tolerant, pos_uncertain_intolerant;
+ int total_correct, total_counted;
+@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@
+ ;
+ print_type = print_correct;
+ }
+- else { printf ("missing somethingdsaff\n"); }
++ else { fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d missing something\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }
+ } else if (info_matrix->info[aa_atob[c]][l] == not_allowed) {
+ if ( matrix->weights[aa_atob[c]][l] >= THRESHOLD )
+ { /* ERROR of OBSERVED, but INTOLERANT false positive */
+@@ -1506,9 +1506,9 @@
+ polymorph_data[i]->aa = aa_atob['-'];
+ polymorph_data[i]->next = NULL;
+ }
+- if (infofp == NULL) { printf ("no substitutions read\n");
++ if (infofp == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "no substitutions read\n");
+ return polymorph_data;} /* no file to read*/
+-printf ("before seg fault?\n");
++fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d before seg fault?\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ while (fgets (line, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, infofp) != NULL) {
+ word1[0] = '\0'; word2[0] = '\0';
+ stringp = strtok (line, " \r\n\t");
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/PN_blocks.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/PN_blocks.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.246982103 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/PN_blocks.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.962982072 +0100
+@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@
+ Block* newblock;
+ Residue* residue_pointer;
+ int i, pos;
+- int non_X_length, newblockpos;
++ int non_X_length, newblockpos = 0;
+ non_X_length = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < block->width; i++) {
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/PN_convert.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/PN_convert.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.274982085 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/PN_convert.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.970982120 +0100
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ /* (C) Copyright 2000, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center */
+ /* Use, modification or distribution of these programs is subject to */
+-/* the terms of the non-commercial licensing agreement in license.h. */
++/* the terms of the non-commercial licensing agreement in license.h. */
+ /* convert.c: functions for different methods of converting a block into a */
+ /* matrix */
+@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
+ /* Change log information is at the end of the file. */
+ /* PN_convert.c copied from convert.c to allow for large block widths */
+-/*07-13-00 changed in counts() so that if an X is not observed, counts is NOT
+-evenly distributed throughout. For gaps, counts is evenly distributed
++/*07-13-00 changed in counts() so that if an X is not observed, counts is NOT
++evenly distributed throughout. For gaps, counts is evenly distributed
+ throughout.
+ */
+ /* system headers not in global.h */
+@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+ #include <assert.h>
+ #include <math.h>
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include "sift_blimps.h"
+ #include "PN_convert.h"
+ #include "queue.c"
+ #include "SortList.c"
+@@ -47,7 +50,7 @@
+ void pb_weights(/*block*/);
+ /*
+- * Matrix construction methods. Build matricies from blocks and
++ * Matrix construction methods. Build matricies from blocks and
+ * sequence weights.
+ */
+@@ -133,7 +136,7 @@
+ break;
+ case 22: /* instead of adding RTot * diffaas*/
+ /* as in option 20, add RTot * (diffass - 1), thus not adding*/
+- /* any pseudocounts to completely conserved columns */
++ /* any pseudocounts to completely conserved columns */
+ /* qij's as pseudocounts */
+ PN_altschul_data_dependent_conversion_method (block, matrix, 22);
+ break;
+@@ -141,13 +144,13 @@
+ /* exp. pseudocounts*/
+ PN_altschul_data_dependent_conversion_method (block, matrix, 23);
+ break;
+- case 24:
++ case 24:
+ PN_altschul_data_dependent_conversion_method (block, matrix, 24);
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ PN_altschul_data_dependent_conversion_method (block, matrix, 25);
+ break;
+- case 26:
++ case 26:
+ PN_altschul_data_dependent_conversion_method (block, matrix, 26);
+ break;
+ case 27:
+@@ -172,7 +175,7 @@
+ qij_matrix_profile (block, matrix, Qij);
+ break;
+ default: /* the default case */
+- sprintf(ErrorBuffer,
++ sprintf(ErrorBuffer,
+ "Invalid block to matrix conversion method specified, %d.",
+ conversion_method);
+ ErrorReport(WARNING_ERR_LVL);
+@@ -213,10 +216,10 @@
+ ErrorReport(WARNING_ERR_LVL);
+ sprintf(ErrorBuffer, /* ^^^^----------------vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv */ "Using the default conversion method of Altschul's data-dependent method.\n");
+ ErrorReport(WARNING_ERR_LVL);
+ altschul_data_dependent_conversion_method(block, matrix, 0);
+- }
++ }
+ /* return the matrix */
+ return matrix;
+@@ -241,11 +244,11 @@
+ {
+ struct working *col;
+ int aa;
+ CheckMem(
+ col = (struct working *) malloc(sizeof(struct working))
+ );
+ col->totcnt = col->totreg = 0.0;
+ for (aa=0; aa < AASALL; aa++) {
+ col->cnt[aa] = col->reg[aa] = 0.0;
+@@ -262,7 +265,7 @@
+ struct work_pssm *pssm;
+ int pos, aa;
+ double* double_pointer;
+ CheckMem(
+ pssm = (struct work_pssm *) malloc(sizeof(struct work_pssm))
+ );
+@@ -270,7 +273,7 @@
+ double_pointer = (double*) calloc (length * AASALL, sizeof (double));
+ pssm->value = (double **) calloc (length, sizeof (double*));
+ pssm->sum = (double *) calloc (length, sizeof (double));
+ for (pos = 0; pos < length; pos++) {
+ pssm->value[pos] = &(double_pointer[pos * AASALL]);
+ }
+@@ -306,7 +309,7 @@
+ }
+ } /* end of for */
+ } /* end of subroutine */
+ /*======================================================================*/
+ static void counts(block, col, pos)
+ Block *block;
+@@ -316,7 +319,7 @@
+ int seq, aa, aa1;
+ col->totcnt = col->totraw = col->totreg = 0.0;
+- for (aa = 0; aa < AASALL; aa++) {
++ for (aa = 0; aa < AASALL; aa++) {
+ col->cnt[aa] = col->raw[aa] = col->reg[aa] = 0.0;
+ }
+@@ -358,7 +361,7 @@
+ struct working *col;
+ {
+ int aa, nr;
+ nr = 0;
+ for (aa = 1; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+ if (col->cnt[aa] > 0.0) nr++;
+@@ -375,9 +378,9 @@
+ double beta;
+ {
+ int aa, row;
+ col->totreg = 0.0;
+ /*---------- get the pseudo counts -------------------------------*/
+ for (aa=1; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+ col->reg[aa] = 0.0;
+@@ -395,7 +398,7 @@
+ int
+ find_min_aa_in_pssm (struct working* col, struct work_pssm* pssm, const int pos)
+ {
+- int aa, min_aa;
++ int aa, min_aa = 0;
+ double min_value;
+ min_value = 1000;
+@@ -422,7 +425,7 @@
+ min_aa = find_min_aa_in_pssm(col, pssm, pos);
+ min = pssm->value[pos][min_aa] * threshold;
+ for (aa = 0; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+- pssm->value[pos][aa] -= min;
++ pssm->value[pos][aa] -= min;
+ }
+@@ -438,14 +441,14 @@
+ FILE* matrixfp;
+ char matrix_file[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH];
+ int pos, original_aa, aa;
+- char* blimps_dir;
++ const char* blimps_dir;
+ /* read matrix */
+- blimps_dir = getenv ("BLIMPS_DIR");
++ blimps_dir = getblimpsdir();
+ sprintf (matrix_file, "%s/docs/blosum62.bla.new", blimps_dir);
+-/* strcpy (matrix_file, "/tuna/blocks_5.0/blosum/blosum62.bla.new");*/
++/* strcpy (matrix_file, "/tuna/blocks_5.0/blosum/blosum62.bla.new");*/
+ if ( (matrixfp = fopen (matrix_file, "r")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf (errorfp, "can't read the matrix %s\n", matrix_file);
+ exit (-1);
+@@ -479,7 +482,7 @@
+ } /* end of qij_matrix_profile */
+ static void Pauline_pseudo_alts (col, qij, epsilon)
+ struct working* col;
+ struct float_qij *qij;
+@@ -487,7 +490,7 @@
+ {
+ int aa, row;
+- col->totreg = 0.0;
++ col->totreg = 0.0;
+ /*---------- get the pseudo counts -------------------------------*/
+ for (aa=1; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+ col->reg[aa] = 0.0;
+@@ -508,13 +511,13 @@
+ struct work_pssm *pssm;
+ {
+ int aa;
+- pssm->sum[pos] = 0.0;
++ pssm->sum[pos] = 0.0;
+ for (aa=1; aa < AAS; aa++)
+ {
+ pssm->value[pos][aa] = col->cnt[aa] + col->reg[aa];
+ pssm->value[pos][aa] /= (col->totcnt + col->totreg);
+ /* compute the odds ratio */
+ if (freqs[aa] > 0.0) {
+ pssm->value[pos][aa] /= freqs[aa];
+@@ -524,7 +527,7 @@
+ if (pssm->value[pos][aa] > 0.0) {
+ pssm->value[pos][aa] = log(pssm->value[pos][aa]);
+ }
+ pssm->sum[pos] += pssm->value[pos][aa];
+ }
+ } /* end of log_odds */
+@@ -553,17 +556,17 @@
+ /*
+ * find the partitions of D, N, E, and Q for B and Z
+ */
+- part_D = frequency[aa_atob['D']] /
++ part_D = frequency[aa_atob['D']] /
+ ( frequency[aa_atob['D']] + frequency[aa_atob['N']] );
+- part_N = frequency[aa_atob['N']] /
++ part_N = frequency[aa_atob['N']] /
+ ( frequency[aa_atob['D']] + frequency[aa_atob['N']] );
+- part_E = frequency[aa_atob['E']] /
++ part_E = frequency[aa_atob['E']] /
+ ( frequency[aa_atob['E']] + frequency[aa_atob['Q']] );
+- part_Q = frequency[aa_atob['Q']] /
++ part_Q = frequency[aa_atob['Q']] /
+ ( frequency[aa_atob['E']] + frequency[aa_atob['Q']] );
+ /* fill in the matrix for B, Z, X, gap, stop and non */
+- matrix->weights[aa_atob['B']][col] =
++ matrix->weights[aa_atob['B']][col] =
+ (part_D * matrix->weights[aa_atob['D']][col] +
+ part_N * matrix->weights[aa_atob['N']][col]);
+ matrix->weights[aa_atob['Z']][col] =
+@@ -589,7 +592,7 @@
+ /*=========================================================================
+ Adds negative minval to give all positive matrix,
+- then multiplies by 99/maxval to give scores ranging from 0 to 99
++ then multiplies by 99/maxval to give scores ranging from 0 to 99
+ NOTE: Not 0 to 100 because "output_matrix" routine might not leave
+ enough space.
+ ===========================================================================*/
+@@ -609,7 +612,7 @@
+ if (pssm->value[pos][aa] > maxval) maxval = pssm->value[pos][aa];
+ }
+ }
+ if (minval < 0.0) {
+ factor = 99.0 / (maxval - minval);
+ }
+@@ -638,7 +641,7 @@
+ {
+ int aa;
+-/* old version. changed July 2, 2001 to make it linux compatible
++/* old version. changed July 2, 2001 to make it linux compatible
+ assert (oldfreqs[MATRIX_AA_WIDTH] != NULL);
+ assert (newfreqs[MATRIX_AA_WIDTH] != NULL);
+ */
+@@ -653,7 +656,7 @@
+ /* pseudocounts from Altschul's 1997 NAR gapped blast and PSI-BLAST paper */
+ psiblast_alts (Block* block, Matrix* matrix, double* freqs, struct float_qij* qij)
+ {
+ double beta;
+@@ -703,14 +706,14 @@
+ free (pssm->value); free(pssm->sum);
+ free(pssm);
+ find_max_aa_in_col (struct working* col)
+ {
+- int aa, max_aa;
++ int aa, max_aa = 0;
+ double max = 0.0;
+ for (aa = 1; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+ if (col->cnt[aa] > max) {
+ max = col->cnt[aa];
+@@ -724,7 +727,7 @@
+ int
+ find_max_aa_in_pssm (struct work_pssm* pssm , int pos)
+ {
+- int aa, max_aa;
++ int aa, max_aa = 0;
+ double max;
+ max = 0.0;
+@@ -736,7 +739,7 @@
+ }
+ return max_aa;
+ }
+ /*==========================================================================
+ Uses Altschul's method of getting pseudo-counts with a qij matrix,
+ ===========================================================================*/
+@@ -756,12 +759,12 @@
+ int original_aa;
+ struct dirichlet* diric;
+ int min_aa, max_aa;
+- double min_freq, no_of_gaps;
++ double min_freq = 0, no_of_gaps;
+ double cutoff_freq[MATRIX_AA_WIDTH];
+ int rank_matrix[AAS][AAS];
+ double number_of_observed_aas;
+ int diri_pseudo;
+- char* blimps_dir;
++ const char* blimps_dir;
+ char diri_file[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH];
+ if (scale == 30) {
+@@ -774,15 +777,15 @@
+ col = make_col();
+ pssm = PN_make_pssm(block->width);
+- blimps_dir = getenv ("BLIMPS_DIR");
+- printf ("blimps dir is %s\n", blimps_dir);
+- sprintf (diri_file , "%s/docs/default.diri", blimps_dir);
+- printf ("diri file is %s\n", diri_file);
++ blimps_dir = getblimpsdir();
++ fprintf( stderr, "blimps dir is %s\n", blimps_dir);
++ sprintf (diri_file , "%s/docs/default.diri", blimps_dir);
++ fprintf( stderr, "diri file is %s\n", diri_file);
+ /* diric = load_diri_file ("/howard2/pauline/src/merge-opt.13compnew"); */
+ diric = load_diri_file (diri_file);
+ construct_rank_matrix ( rank_matrix);
+-printf ("diri file loaded\n");
++fprintf( stderr, "diri file loaded\n");
+ /*-------------- Do one position at a time -------------------*/
+ for (pos = 0; pos < block->width; pos++)
+ {
+@@ -796,8 +799,8 @@
+ if (itemp ==1 ) {epsilon = 0; }
+ else {
+ original_aa = block->residues[0][pos];
+- dtemp = similarity_dependent_scale_0 ( col, rank_matrix, original_aa);
+- epsilon = exp (dtemp);
++ dtemp = similarity_dependent_scale_0 ( col, rank_matrix, original_aa);
++ epsilon = exp (dtemp);
+ }
+ } else if (scale == 20) {
+@@ -813,7 +816,7 @@
+ /*---------- get the pseudo counts -------------------------------*/
+ if (scale == 27 || scale == 29 || scale == 30 || scale == 26) {
+ diri_pseudo = TRUE;
+- pseudo_diric (col, diric, epsilon );
++ pseudo_diric (col, diric, epsilon );
+ } else {
+ pseudo_alts(col, qij, epsilon);
+ }
+@@ -832,8 +835,8 @@
+ /* Count+pseudo proportions; returned if scale == 20 */
+ if (scale <= 20 || scale == 22 || scale == 25 || scale == 23
+- || scale == 26)
++ || scale == 26)
+ {
+ pssm->value[pos][aa] = col->cnt[aa] + col->reg[aa];
+ if ( (col->totcnt + col->totreg) > 0.0)
+@@ -890,7 +893,7 @@
+ /* by subtracting the min. value for all positions ----- */
+ if (!scale) positive_matrix(freqs, pssm, matrix);
+-printf ("left make _alts\n");
++fprintf( stderr, "left make _alts\n");
+ free (diric);
+ free(col);
+ free_struct_work_pssm (pssm );
+@@ -903,7 +906,7 @@
+ option: diri_pseudocounts
+ TRUE: use 13-component Dirichlet
+ FALSE use BLOSUM62 qij's
+-option: gap: TRUE -allow everything
++option: gap: TRUE -allow everything
+ FALSE - just look at 20 amino acids
+ option: exp (m)
+ m=0 # of amino acids at pos (default)
+@@ -919,9 +922,9 @@
+ Matrix* pssm;
+ pssm = copy_block_info_to_matrix (block);
+ if (Qij == NULL) {
+- printf ("qij matrix missng\n");
++ fprintf( stderr, "qij matrix missing\n");
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ normalize (block);
+@@ -963,13 +966,13 @@
+ for (aa = 1; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+ printf ("pos %d aa %c counts %.2f weight %.2f\n",
+ pos, aa_btoa[aa], col->cnt[aa], col->totcnt);
+- }
++ }
+ }
+ }
+-static void SIFT_alts(Block* block, Matrix* matrix, double* freqs,
+- struct float_qij* qij,
+- int diri_pseudocounts, int gap_option,
++static void SIFT_alts(Block* block, Matrix* matrix, double* freqs,
++ struct float_qij* qij,
++ int diri_pseudocounts, int gap_option,
+ int exp_option, int subtract_threshold)
+ {
+ double dtemp, dtemp2, epsilon;
+@@ -984,7 +987,7 @@
+ int div_by_max;
+ int rank_matrix[AAS][AAS];
+ FILE* rfp;
+- char* blimps_dir;
++ const char* blimps_dir;
+ char diri_file[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH];
+ div_by_max = TRUE;
+@@ -992,25 +995,25 @@
+ col = make_col();
+ pssm = PN_make_pssm(block->width);
+- blimps_dir = getenv ("BLIMPS_DIR");
++ blimps_dir = getblimpsdir();
+ sprintf (diri_file , "%s/docs/default.diri", blimps_dir);
+ diric = load_diri_file (diri_file);
+ if (exp_option == 1) {
+- construct_rank_matrix ( rank_matrix);
++ construct_rank_matrix ( rank_matrix);
+ }
+ /*-------------- Do one position at a time -------------------*/
+- for (pos = 0; pos < block->width; pos++)
++ for (pos = 0; pos < block->width; pos++)
+ {
+ /*-------- count the number of each aa in this position ------------*/
+ if (gap_option) {
+ counts (block,col, pos);
+ } else {
+- counts_no_gaps(block, col, pos);
+- }
++ counts_no_gaps(block, col, pos);
++ }
+ /*-------- determine total number of pseudo-counts in column ------*/
+ epsilon = 0;
+@@ -1020,24 +1023,24 @@
+ if (exp_option == 1) {
+ /*printf ("pos %d : ", pos); */
+ dtemp = similarity_dependent_scale_0(col, rank_matrix, original_aa);
+- if (itemp == 1) {
+- epsilon = 0;
+- } else {
++ if (itemp == 1) {
++ epsilon = 0;
++ } else {
+ epsilon = exp (dtemp);
+ }
+- } else {
++ } else {
+ if (itemp == 1) { epsilon = 0; }
+ else if (itemp > 7) { epsilon = 1000; }
+ else { epsilon = exp( (double) itemp) ; }
+- }
++ }
+ /*---------- get the pseudo counts -------------------------------*/
+ if (diri_pseudocounts) {
+- pseudo_diric (col, diric, epsilon );
++ pseudo_diric (col, diric, epsilon );
+ } else {
+ pseudo_alts(col, qij, epsilon);
+- }
++ }
+ /*--------- Fill in the matrix entries --------------------*/
+ pssm->sum[pos] = 0.0;
+@@ -1058,11 +1061,11 @@
+ for (aa = 1; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+ pssm->value[pos][aa] /= min_freq;
+ }
+- }
++ }
+ if (subtract_threshold) {
+ for (aa = 1; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+- pssm->value[pos][aa] -= TOLERANCE_PROB_THRESHOLD;
++ pssm->value[pos][aa] -= TOLERANCE_PROB_THRESHOLD;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1078,7 +1081,7 @@
+ if ( (matrix->weights[original_aa][pos] < TOLERANCE_PROB_THRESHOLD
+ && (!subtract_threshold))
+ ||
+- (matrix->weights[original_aa][pos] < 0.0 && subtract_threshold)
++ (matrix->weights[original_aa][pos] < 0.0 && subtract_threshold)
+ ) {
+ printf ("WARNING!!! Amino acid %c at pos %d in your original sequence had score %.3f and was not allowed by the prediction.<BR>\n", aa_btoa[original_aa], pos + 1, matrix->weights[original_aa][pos]);
+ }
+@@ -1111,7 +1114,7 @@
+ int div_by_max;
+ int rank_matrix[AAS][AAS];
+ FILE* rfp;
+- char* blimps_dir;
++ const char* blimps_dir;
+ char diri_file[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH];
+ char matrix_file[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH];
+@@ -1121,7 +1124,7 @@
+ col = make_col();
+ pssm = PN_make_pssm(block->width);
+ diri_pseudocounts = TRUE;
+- blimps_dir = getenv ("BLIMPS_DIR");
++ blimps_dir = getblimpsdir();
+ sprintf (diri_file , "%s/docs/default.diri", blimps_dir);
+@@ -1132,8 +1135,8 @@
+ construct_rank_matrix ( rank_matrix);
+ }
+- sprintf (matrix_file, "%s/docs/default.qij");
+- init_frq_qij_for_matrix (matrix_file);
++ sprintf (matrix_file, "%s/docs/default.qij", blimps_dir );
++ init_frq_qij_for_matrix (matrix_file);
+ /*-------------- Do one position at a time -------------------*/
+ for (pos = 0; pos < block->width; pos++)
+@@ -1262,7 +1265,7 @@
+ }
+ ratio_mutated_to_normal (struct working* col, int standard_aa)
+ {
+ int aa;
+@@ -1280,7 +1283,7 @@
+ {
+ int gaps;
+ int seq;
+ assert (matrix->block != NULL);
+ /* printf ("entering gap_positive scores\n"); */
+ gaps = 0;
+@@ -1292,7 +1295,7 @@
+ if (gaps == 0) { /* printf ("no gaps\n"); */return; }
+ else { /* printf ("gaps %d\n", gaps) ; */
+ assign_positive_scores_to_column (matrix, pos, gaps); }
+ } /* end of assign_gap_positive_scores */
+ void
+@@ -1305,7 +1308,7 @@
+ for (aa = 1; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+ matrix->weights[aa][pos] = 0.05;
+ }
+-} /* end of positive_column */
++} /* end of positive_column */
+ /*=========================================================================
+ Normalize sequence weights to add up to the number of sequences
+@@ -1337,11 +1340,11 @@
+ }
+ /* check to see if the block has sequence weights */
+-printf ("enter normalize block\n");
++fprintf( stderr, "enter normalize block\n");
+ normalize(block); /* Make weights sum to number of sequences */
+-printf ("enter PN_make_alts\n");
+- PN_make_alts(block, matrix, frequency, Qij, RTot, scale);
+-printf ("exit PN_make_alts\n");
++fprintf( stderr, "enter PN_make_alts\n");
++ PN_make_alts(block, matrix, frequency, Qij, RTot, scale);
++fprintf( stderr, "exit PN_make_alts\n");
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -1383,7 +1386,7 @@
+ for (clust=0; clust<block->num_clusters; clust++) {
+ weight = 1.0/(double)block->clusters[clust].num_sequences;
+ /* fill each sequence in the cluster */
+- for (seq=seq_num; seq<seq_num+block->clusters[clust].num_sequences;
++ for (seq=seq_num; seq<seq_num+block->clusters[clust].num_sequences;
+ seq++) {
+ seq_weight[seq] = weight;
+ }
+@@ -1402,7 +1405,7 @@
+ * Return codes: a pointer to the sequence weights array.
+ * Error codes: NULL if all of the weights in the block are <= zero.
+ */
+ static double *pre_weighted_sequences(block)
+ Block* block;
+ {
+@@ -1422,9 +1425,9 @@
+ CheckMem(
+ seq_weight = (double *) calloc(block->num_sequences, sizeof(double))
+ );
+ num_seqs = block->num_sequences;
+ /* fill each sequence weight from the block */
+ max_weight = 0.0;
+ for (seq=0; seq<num_seqs; seq++) {
+@@ -1437,16 +1440,16 @@
+ if (max_weight <= 0) {
+ /* all weights were zero */
+ free(seq_weight);
+ return NULL; /* the error is handled in the calling function */
+- }
++ }
+ return seq_weight;
+ } /* end of pre_weighted_sequences */
+ /*
+- * Matrix construction methods. Build matricies from blocks and
++ * Matrix construction methods. Build matricies from blocks and
+ * sequence weights.
+ */
+@@ -1456,7 +1459,7 @@
+ */
+ * basic_matrix_construction
+ * This is the most general matrix construction method. Each
+ * occurence of a residue in a sequence contributes the sequence
+@@ -1468,7 +1471,7 @@
+ * X, '-', '*', & non-code scores are read straight from the frequencies
+ * the frequencies for B and Z are ignored, when a B or Z is encountered
+ * it is partitioned between D & N or E & Q.
+- * the matrix scores for B and Z are computed from the matrix scores of
++ * the matrix scores for B and Z are computed from the matrix scores of
+ * D & N and E & Q.
+ * Parameters:
+ * Block *block: the block to be converted
+@@ -1512,13 +1515,13 @@
+ /*
+ * find the partitions of D, N, E, and Q for B and Z
+ */
+- part_D = frequency[aa_atob['D']] /
++ part_D = frequency[aa_atob['D']] /
+ ( frequency[aa_atob['D']] + frequency[aa_atob['N']] );
+- part_N = frequency[aa_atob['N']] /
++ part_N = frequency[aa_atob['N']] /
+ ( frequency[aa_atob['D']] + frequency[aa_atob['N']] );
+- part_E = frequency[aa_atob['E']] /
++ part_E = frequency[aa_atob['E']] /
+ ( frequency[aa_atob['E']] + frequency[aa_atob['Q']] );
+- part_Q = frequency[aa_atob['Q']] /
++ part_Q = frequency[aa_atob['Q']] /
+ ( frequency[aa_atob['E']] + frequency[aa_atob['Q']] );
+@@ -1553,13 +1556,13 @@
+ /* otherwise, if it is B, partition B between D and N */
+ else if (res == aa_atob['B']) {
+ if (frequency[aa_atob['D']] != 0.0) { /* try to protect div by zero */
+- count[aa_atob['D']] +=
++ count[aa_atob['D']] +=
+ (part_D * seq_weight[seq]) / frequency[aa_atob['D']];
+ total +=
+ (part_D * seq_weight[seq]) / frequency[aa_atob['D']];
+ }
+ if (frequency[aa_atob['N']] != 0.0) { /* try to protect div by zero */
+- count[aa_atob['N']] +=
++ count[aa_atob['N']] +=
+ (part_N * seq_weight[seq]) / frequency[aa_atob['N']];
+ total +=
+ (part_N * seq_weight[seq]) / frequency[aa_atob['N']];
+@@ -1568,13 +1571,13 @@
+ /* otherwise, if it is Z, partition Z between E and Q */
+ else if (res == aa_atob['Z']) {
+ if (frequency[aa_atob['E']] != 0.0) { /* try to protect div by zero */
+- count[aa_atob['E']] +=
++ count[aa_atob['E']] +=
+ (part_E * seq_weight[seq]) / frequency[aa_atob['E']];
+ total +=
+ (part_E * seq_weight[seq]) / frequency[aa_atob['E']];
+ }
+ if (frequency[aa_atob['Q']] != 0.0) { /* try to protect div by zero */
+- count[aa_atob['Q']] +=
++ count[aa_atob['Q']] +=
+ (part_Q * seq_weight[seq]) / frequency[aa_atob['Q']];
+ total +=
+ (part_Q * seq_weight[seq]) / frequency[aa_atob['Q']];
+@@ -1602,7 +1605,7 @@
+ }
+ /* fill in the matrix for B, Z, X, gap, stop and non */
+- matrix->weights[aa_atob['B']][col] =
++ matrix->weights[aa_atob['B']][col] =
+ (part_D * matrix->weights[aa_atob['D']][col] +
+ part_N * matrix->weights[aa_atob['N']][col]);
+ matrix->weights[aa_atob['Z']][col] =
+@@ -1637,7 +1640,7 @@
+ int pos;
+ seq = (Sequence *) malloc (sizeof (Sequence));
+- seq->sequence = (Residue *) calloc (matrix->width, sizeof (Residue) );
++ seq->sequence = (Residue *) calloc (matrix->width, sizeof (Residue) );
+ strcpy (seq->name, "CONSENSUS");
+ seq->info[0] = '\0';
+ seq->position = 0;
+@@ -1647,7 +1650,7 @@
+ for (pos = 0; pos < matrix->width; pos++) {
+ res = find_max_aa_in_pos (matrix, pos);
+ seq->sequence[pos] = res;
+- printf ("res %c pos %d\n", aa_btoa[seq->sequence[pos]], pos);
++ //fprintf( stderr, "res %c pos %d\n", aa_btoa[seq->sequence[pos]], pos);
+ }
+ return seq;
+@@ -1709,7 +1712,7 @@
+ {
+ int i;
+ double index;
+ index = 0;
+@@ -1721,7 +1724,7 @@
+ }
+-/* returns a state , given a cumulative probability vector P with
++/* returns a state , given a cumulative probability vector P with
+ MATRIX_AA_WIDTH states ranging from 0 to 1 */
+ int
+ random_pick (double* P)
+@@ -1732,13 +1735,13 @@
+ /* printf ("random pick: "); */
+ random = (double) rand() / (double) RAND_MAX * 100 ;
+ while (random > P[i] && i < MATRIX_AA_WIDTH) {
+-/* printf ("| %.3f, %c |", P[i], aa_btoa[i]); */
++/* printf ("| %.3f, %c |", P[i], aa_btoa[i]); */
+ i++;
+ }
+ /* printf ("picked %c with rand %.3f prob %.3f\n", aa_btoa[i], random, P[i]); */
+ if (i == MATRIX_AA_WIDTH) { /* no aa in this column, return an X */
+ return (aa_atob['X']);
+- } else {
++ } else {
+ return (i);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1924,21 +1927,21 @@
+ /*=====================================================================*/
+ /* This routine initializes the blimps global variables
+- Qij, RTot and frequency[]
++ Qij, RTot and frequency[]
+ Input Parameters .qij file
+ .out file (Jorja's format, to get frq)
+ */
+-void init_frq_qij_for_matrix(char qijname[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH])
++void init_frq_qij_for_matrix(char qijname[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH])
+ {
+ FILE *fqij;
+ if (Qij != NULL) {
+ free (Qij);
+ Qij = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( (fqij=fopen(qijname, "r")) != NULL)
+ { Qij = load_qij(fqij); fclose(fqij); }
+- else {printf ("could not open %s qij file\n", qijname); }
++ else {fprintf( stderr, "could not open %s qij file\n", qijname); }
+ } /* end of frq_qij */
+@@ -1995,7 +1998,7 @@
+ {
+ col->probj[j] = log(diric->q[j]) + col->probn[j] - denom;
+ /* printf("j=%d probn[j]=%f probj[j]=%f\n",
+- j, exp(col->probn[j]), exp(col->probj[j])); */
++ j, exp(col->probn[j]), exp(col->probj[j])); */
+ }
+@@ -2004,31 +2007,31 @@
+ for (aa = 1; aa < AAS; aa++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < diric->ncomp; j++) {
+- col->reg[aa] +=
++ col->reg[aa] +=
+ (exp(col->probj[j]) * diric->alpha[j][aa]);
+- /* * epsilon); */
++ /* * epsilon); */
+ }
+ col->totreg += col->reg[aa];
+ }
+ /* printf (" total prob. %.2f\n", col->totreg); */
+-/* scale dirichlet to probabilities */
++/* scale dirichlet to probabilities */
+ total = 0.0;
+ for (aa = 1; aa < AAS; aa ++) {
+ col->reg[aa] /= col->totreg;
+ total += col->reg[aa];
+ }
+ /* printf ("%.2f total\n", total); */
+ /* printf ("%c %.3f", aa_btoa[aa], col->reg[aa]);
+- if (col->cnt[aa] > 0.0) {printf ("*\n"); } else { printf ("\n");} */
++ if (col->cnt[aa] > 0.0) {printf ("*\n"); } else { printf ("\n");} */
+ } /* end of pseudo_diric */
+ /* aa observed in block that has small pseudocount */
+ find_min_aa_in_col_reg (struct working* col)
+ {
+- int aa, min_aa;
++ int aa, min_aa = 0;
+ double min;
+ min = 10000;
+@@ -2042,10 +2045,10 @@
+ return min_aa;
+ }
+ find_min_aa_in_col (struct working* col)
+ {
+- int aa, min_aa;
++ int aa, min_aa = 0;
+ double min;
+ min = 1000;
+@@ -2073,7 +2076,7 @@
+ struct dirichlet *diric;
+ double denom;
+ double background_frequency[21];
+- printf ("filename is %s\n", filename);
++ fprintf( stderr, "filename is %s\n", filename);
+ if ((fin = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf (errorfp, "Cannot open dirichlet file %s\n", filename);
+ exit (-1);
+@@ -2124,7 +2127,7 @@
+ for (aa = 1; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+ denom = 0.0;
+ for (i = 0; i < numc; i++) {
+- denom += (diric->q[i] * diric->alpha[i][aa] /
++ denom += (diric->q[i] * diric->alpha[i][aa] /
+ diric->altot[i]);
+ }
+ background_frequency[aa] = denom;
+@@ -2132,7 +2135,7 @@
+ for (i =0; i < numc; i++) {
+ /* printf ("Component %d ratio of aa relative to background \n", i); */
+ for (aa = 1; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+- diric->frequency_to_background_ratio[i][aa] =
++ diric->frequency_to_background_ratio[i][aa] =
+ diric->alpha[i][aa]/(diric->altot[i] * background_frequency[aa]);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -2142,7 +2145,7 @@
+ cutoff_target_freq (double* cutoff_freq, int original_aa, struct float_qij *qij)
+ {
+@@ -2160,8 +2163,9 @@
+ void init_frq_qij()
+ {
+ FILE *fqij;
+- char *blimps_dir, qijname[80], frqname[80];
+- blimps_dir = getenv ("BLIMPS_DIR");
++ const char *blimps_dir;
++ char qijname[80], frqname[80];
++ blimps_dir = getblimpsdir();
+ /*"/howard/servers/blimps/blimps";*/ /* getenv("BLIMPS_DIR"); */
+ if (blimps_dir != NULL)
+ {
+@@ -2177,6 +2181,13 @@
+ Qij = NULL;
+ if ( (fqij=fopen(qijname, "r")) != NULL)
+ { Qij = load_qij(fqij); fclose(fqij); }
++ else
++ {
++ fprintf (stderr, "Can't open file '%s': %s.\n", qijname, strerror(errno) );
++ fprintf (stderr, "Current dir:\n", qijname );
++ system( "pwd" );
++ exit (-1);
++ }
+ } /* end of frq_qij */
+@@ -2195,7 +2206,7 @@
+ original_aa = max_aa; /* change to max aa 10/24/00 */
+ n = 0;
+- sum = 0.0;
++ sum = 0.0;
+ for (aa = 1; aa <= 20 ; aa++) {
+ if (col->cnt[aa] > 0.0) {
+ n++;
+@@ -2217,20 +2228,20 @@
+ struct float_qij* rank_Qij;
+ FILE* qijfp;
+ int aa;
+- char* blimps_dir;
++ const char* blimps_dir;
+ char filename[80];
+- blimps_dir = getenv ("BLIMPS_DIR");
++ blimps_dir = getblimpsdir();
+ sprintf (filename, "%s/docs/default.sij", blimps_dir);
+ if ( (qijfp = fopen (filename, "r"))
+ == NULL) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Can't opeen blosum62.sij file in construct_rank_matrix looked in %s\n", blimps_dir);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ rank_Qij = load_qij (qijfp);
+- fclose (qijfp);
++ fclose (qijfp);
+ for (original_aa = 0; original_aa < AAS; original_aa++) {
+ copy_values_to_ranklist (aalist, original_aa, rank_Qij);
+@@ -2248,14 +2259,14 @@
+ for (rank = 0; rank < AAS; rank++) {
+ aa = aalist[rank].aa;
+- rank_matrix[original_aa][aa] = rank + 1;
++ rank_matrix[original_aa][aa] = rank + 1;
+ /* otherwise rank starts from 0
+ to AAS-1 rather than 1 to AAS */
+ }
+ }
+ void
+-copy_values_to_ranklist (struct rank_cell aalist[AAS], int original_aa,
++copy_values_to_ranklist (struct rank_cell aalist[AAS], int original_aa,
+ struct float_qij* rankQij) {
+ int aa;
+@@ -2263,8 +2274,8 @@
+ /* 01/03/00 rankQij has -1 for gap, which will mess up
+ ranks. Assign it a really negative value so it will have
+ the lowest rank */
+- aalist[0].aa = 0;
++ aalist[0].aa = 0;
+ aalist[0].value = -50;
+ for (aa = 1; aa < AAS; aa++) {
+@@ -2332,7 +2343,7 @@
+ count = 0;
+ for (seq = 0; seq < block->num_sequences; seq++) {
+- if (block->residues[seq][pos] >= 1 &&
++ if (block->residues[seq][pos] >= 1 &&
+ block->residues[seq][pos] <=20) {
+ count++;
+ }
+@@ -2341,7 +2352,7 @@
+ } /* end of number_of_real_aminoacids */
+ double*
+-calculate_basic_aa_fraction (Block* block)
++calculate_basic_aa_fraction (Block* block)
+ {
+ double* fraction_stored;
+ double percent_obsaa_div_seq;
+@@ -2371,15 +2382,15 @@
+ }
+ void
+-free_struct_work_pssm (struct work_pssm* pssm)
++free_struct_work_pssm (struct work_pssm* pssm)
+ {
+ free (pssm->value[0]); /* holy cow, Ithink this works. This points
+ to space allocated in double pointer*/
+ free (pssm->value); /* this points to an array of block length .
+- each cell points to values allocated by double pointer*/
++ each cell points to values allocated by double pointer*/
+ free (pssm->sum);
+ free (pssm);
+- pssm = NULL;
++ pssm = NULL;
+ }
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/Protdist.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/Protdist.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.302982197 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/Protdist.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.982982146 +0100
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
+ {
+ double max_dist;
+ int i;
+- int index_of_max_seq;
++ int index_of_max_seq = 0;
+ max_dist = 0;
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/Psiblast.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/Psiblast.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.330982123 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/Psiblast.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.990982065 +0100
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ /* (C) Copyright 2000, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center */
+ /* Use, modification or distribution of these programs is subject to */
+-/* the terms of the non-commercial licensing agreement in license.h. */
++/* the terms of the non-commercial licensing agreement in license.h. */
+ #ifndef _PSIBLAST_C_
+ #define _PSIBLAST_C_
+@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+ #include "Alignment.c" /* for the function read_psiblast_header_until_first*/
+ #include "PN_convert.c"
+ #include "stringhash.c"
++#include <inttypes.h>
+ void process_sequence_line(Sequence* seq, char* buff);
+@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
+ /* passing first line in entry that begins with >seq_id in Buffer */
+ Aligned_Pair* alignment, *new_alignment;
+ Aligned_Pair * cursor;
+ alignment = initialize_Aligned_Pair (Buffer);
+ cursor = alignment;
+@@ -33,14 +34,14 @@
+ new_alignment =initialize_Aligned_Pair (Buffer);
+ cursor->next = new_alignment;
+ cursor = new_alignment;
+- reading_alignment_at_score_line (cursor, Buffer, fp);
++ reading_alignment_at_score_line (cursor, Buffer, fp);
+ }
+ return (alignment);
+ } /* end of read_psiblast entry*/
+ Aligned_Pair*
+-initialize_Aligned_Pair (char Buffer[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH])
++initialize_Aligned_Pair (char Buffer[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH])
+ {
+ Aligned_Pair* alignment;
+ char* stringptr;
+@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
+ } /* end of initialize_Aligned_Pair*/
+ void
+-reading_alignment_at_score_line (Aligned_Pair* alignment,
++reading_alignment_at_score_line (Aligned_Pair* alignment,
+ char Buffer[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH], FILE* fp)
+ {
+ char* buff;
+@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@
+ /* Note: The buff may have characters that are not residues, this is */
+ /* ok, there will just be a little extra space */
+ while ((saved_length + estimated_length) > seq->max_length) {
+- resize_sequence(seq);
++ resize_sequence(seq);
+ }
+ /* temporarily increase the room to put the sequence into */
+@@ -192,23 +193,23 @@
+ free (alignment);
+ }
+ alignment = NULL;
+ }
+-void block_to_checkpoint_file (Block* block, FILE* fp, FILE* outfp)
++void block_to_checkpoint_file (Block* block, FILE* fp, FILE* outfp)
+ {
+ Matrix* pssm;
+- long ltemp;
++ int32_t ltemp;
+ int pos;
+ char ctemp[12];
+ int aa; double dtemp;
+-printf ("in block to checkpoint file\n");
++fprintf( stderr, "in block to checkpoint file\n");
+ pssm = PN_block_to_matrix (block, 20);
+-/* print_matrix (pssm);*/
+-printf ("after conversion\n");
+- ltemp = (long) block->width;
+- fwrite (<emp, sizeof (long), 1, fp);
++/* print_matrix (pssm);*/
++fprintf( stderr, "after conversion\n");
++ ltemp = (int32_t) block->width;
++ fwrite (<emp, sizeof(ltemp), 1, fp);
+ for (pos = 0; pos < block->width; pos++)
+ {
+ ctemp[0] = toupper (aa_btoa[block->sequences[0].sequence[pos]]);
+@@ -222,24 +223,24 @@
+ }
+ }
+ free_matrix (pssm);
+-printf ("finished converting to checkpointsuccessful\n");
++fprintf( stderr, "finished converting to checkpoint successful\n");
+ } /* end block_to_checkpoint_file */
+ void
+ psiblast_system_call (char chkpoint_filename[], char database[],
+ char result_file[], char query_seq_file[], FILE* outfp)
+ {
++ int ret;
+ char command_line[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH * 4];
+- char* ncbi_dir;
+- ncbi_dir = getenv ("NCBI");
+- sprintf (command_line, "%s/blastpgp -d %s -i %s -o %s -m 6 -R %s\n",
+- ncbi_dir, database, query_seq_file, result_file,
++ sprintf (command_line, "blastpgp -d %s -i %s -o %s -m 6 -R %s",
++ database, query_seq_file, result_file,
+ chkpoint_filename);
+- system (command_line);
++ fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d About to call '%s'\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, command_line );
++ ret = system (command_line);
++ if( ret ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d Error calling '%s'!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, command_line ); exit(-1); }
+ }
+ void
+@@ -247,29 +248,27 @@
+ {
+ char command_line[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH];
+- sprintf (command_line, "rm -f %s\n", filename);
+- system ("unalias rm");
++ sprintf (command_line, "\\rm -f %s\n", filename);
++ //system ("unalias rm");
+ system (command_line);
+ }
+ formatdb_system_call (char database[])
+ {
+ char command_line[LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH *2];
+- char* ncbi_dir;
+- ncbi_dir = getenv ("NCBI");
+- sprintf (command_line, "%s/formatdb -i %s -o T -p T\n", ncbi_dir, database);
+- printf ("formatting database command_line %s\n", command_line);
++ sprintf (command_line, "formatdb -i %s -o T -p T\n", database);
++ fprintf( stderr, "formatting database command_line %s\n", command_line);
+ system (command_line);
+- printf ("finished formatting database\n");
++ fprintf( stderr, "finished formatting database\n");
+ } /* end formatdb_system_call */
+ /* opens psiblast result file and reads the top-scoring matches. The top match
+ that isn't already in the sequence name hash is returned in next_seq_to_add.
+ */
+ void
+-get_top_seq (char next_seq_to_add[], HashTable namehash,
++get_top_seq (char next_seq_to_add[], HashTable namehash,
+ char psiblastres_file[])
+ {
+ FILE* psiblastfp;
+@@ -286,7 +285,7 @@
+ if (read_psiblast_header_until_first_no_error (psiblastfp, FALSE) == -1) {
+- next_seq_to_add[0] = '\0';
++ next_seq_to_add[0] = '\0';
+ } else {
+ fgets (line, LINE_LEN, psiblastfp);
+@@ -295,24 +294,24 @@
+ assert ( strlen(strptr) < KEY_WIDTH);
+ strncpy (name, strptr, KEY_WIDTH);
+ name[KEY_WIDTH-1] = '\0';
+- }
++ }
+ while (Exists(name, namehash)) {
+- fgets (line, LINE_LEN, psiblastfp);
++ fgets (line, LINE_LEN, psiblastfp);
+ strptr = strtok(line, " \t\n");
+ if (strptr == NULL) {
+- printf ("entered no line\n");
++ fprintf( stderr, "entered no line\n");
+ name[0] = '\0';
+ } else {
+ strncpy (name, strptr, KEY_WIDTH);
+ /* strptr[strlen(strptr)] = '\0' ; */
+- name[KEY_WIDTH-1] = '\0';
++ name[KEY_WIDTH-1] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ strncpy (next_seq_to_add, name, KEY_WIDTH);
+ next_seq_to_add[KEY_WIDTH -1] = '\0';
+ fclose (psiblastfp);
+ } /* end get_top_seq */
+ #endif
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/psiblast_res_to_fasta_dbpairwise.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/psiblast_res_to_fasta_dbpairwise.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.358982082 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/psiblast_res_to_fasta_dbpairwise.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.994982229 +0100
+@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
+ #include "Protdist.c"
+ #include "Psiblast.c"
+-#define MAXSEQ 400 /* Maximum number of sequences */
+-#define MIN_SEQ 5
++#define MAXSEQ 20000 /* Maximum number of sequences */
++#define MIN_SEQ 2
+ #define LINE_LEN 800
+ #define FALSE 0
+ #define TRUE 1
+@@ -113,17 +113,17 @@
+ free_seqs (alignedseqs, nseqs);
+ if (nseqs < MIN_SEQ) {
+- fprintf (errorfp, "ERROR! Not enough sequences (only %d) found by the PSI-BLAST search! Program terminated.\n", nseqs -1);
+- exit (-1);
++ fprintf (stderr, "Warning: few sequences (only %d, MIN_SEQ = %d) found by the PSI-BLAST search.\n", nseqs -1, MIN_SEQ);
++ fprintf (errorfp, "Warning: few sequences (only %d, MIN_SEQ = %d) found by the PSI-BLAST search.\n", nseqs -1, MIN_SEQ);
++ exit(0);
+ } else if (nseqs > MAXSEQ) {
+- fprintf (errorfp, "WARNING: exceeded maximum # of alignments in processing PSIBLAST result\n");
+- exit (-1);
++ fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: exceeded maximum number of alignments (%d > %d) in processing PSIBLAST result\n", nseqs, MAXSEQ );
++ fprintf (errorfp, "ERROR: exceeded maximum number of alignments (%d > %d) in processing PSIBLAST result\n", nseqs, MAXSEQ );
++ exit(-1);
+ }
+ fclose (errorfp);
+ rm_file (errorfilename);
+ exit (0);
+ } /* end main */
+ void getargs (int argc, char* argv[], FILE** psiblastfp,
+@@ -147,33 +147,33 @@
+ else
+ {
+ printf ("Enter name of psiblast outfile with pairwise alignments:\n");
+- gets (psiblastfilename);
++ fgets( psiblastfilename, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin );
+ }
+ if ((*psiblastfp = fopen (psiblastfilename, "r")) == NULL)
+ {
+- printf ("cannot open file %s \n", psiblastfilename);
++ fprintf(stderr, "cannot open file %s \n", psiblastfilename);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ if (argc > 2) strcpy (queryaligned_outfilename, argv[2]);
+ else
+ {
+- printf ("Enter name of output file for which the psiblast \n");
+- printf ("alignment to the query will be printed out in \n");
+- printf ("fasta format\n");
+- gets (queryaligned_outfilename);
++ fprintf( stderr, "Enter name of output file for which the psiblast \n");
++ fprintf( stderr, "alignment to the query will be printed out in \n");
++ fprintf( stderr, "fasta format\n");
++ fgets( queryaligned_outfilename, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin );
+ }
+ if ((*outfpqueryalign = fopen (queryaligned_outfilename, "w")) == NULL)
+ {
+- printf ("cannot open file %s\n", queryaligned_outfilename);
++ fprintf( stderr, "cannot open file %s\n", queryaligned_outfilename);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ strcpy (errorfilename, queryaligned_outfilename);
+ strcat (errorfilename, ".error");
+ if ((errorfp = fopen (errorfilename, "w")) == NULL) {
+- printf ("couldn't open file %s\n", errorfilename);
++ fprintf (stderr, "couldn't open file %s\n", errorfilename);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@
+ Sequence* seq;
+ if ((fp = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL) {
++ fprintf (stderr, "couldn't open %s in processing PSIBLAST results\n", filename);
+ fprintf (errorfp, "couldn't open %s in processing PSIBLAST results\n", filename);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/seqs_from_psiblast_res.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/seqs_from_psiblast_res.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.386982373 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/seqs_from_psiblast_res.c 2012-02-22 19:00:39.002982155 +0100
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+ #include "stringhash.c"
+ #include "Psiblast.c"
+-#define MAXSEQ 400 /* Maximum number of sequences */
++#define MAXSEQ 20000 /* Maximum number of sequences */
+ #define LINE_LEN 800
+ #define FALSE 0
+ #define TRUE 1
+@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@
+ if (argc > 1) strcpy (psiblastfilename, argv[1]);
+ else
+ {
+- printf ("Enter name of psiblast outfile with pairwise alignments:\n");
+- gets (psiblastfilename);
++ fprintf( stderr, "Enter name of psiblast outfile with pairwise alignments:\n");
++ fgets( psiblastfilename, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin );
+ }
+ if ((*psiblastfp = fopen (psiblastfilename, "r")) == NULL)
+@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@
+ if (argc > 2) strcpy (seqfilename, argv[2]);
+ else
+ {
+- printf ("Enter name of seq file for which the psiblast \n");
+- printf ("sequences will be printed \n");
+- gets (seqfilename);
++ fprintf( stderr, "Enter name of seq file for which the psiblast \n");
++ fprintf( stderr, "sequences will be printed \n");
++ fgets( seqfilename, LARGE_BUFF_LENGTH, stdin );
+ }
+ if ((*seqfp = fopen (seqfilename, "r")) == NULL)
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/sift_blimps.h
+--- /dev/null 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/sift_blimps.h 2012-02-22 19:00:39.010982010 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++#ifndef SIFT_BLIMPS_H
++#define SIFT_BLIMPS_H
++inline const char* getblimpsdir()
++ const char* blimps_dir = getenv ("BLIMPS_DIR");
++ if( blimps_dir == NULL ) blimps_dir = __MAKE_PREFIX__ "/share/sift/blimps";
++ return blimps_dir;
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/src/SortList.c
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/src/SortList.c 2012-02-22 19:00:38.434982061 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/src/SortList.c 2012-02-22 19:00:39.018982004 +0100
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
+ lowest_scoring_aa (Matrix* matrix, int pos)
+ {
+ struct working* col;
+- int aa, min_aa;
++ int aa, min_aa = 0;
+ double min;
+ min = 10000;
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh.pod
+--- /dev/null 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
++++ sift-4.0.3b/SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh.pod 2012-02-22 19:00:39.030982082 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
++=head1 NAME
++SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh - predict effect of an amino acid substitution on protein function
++=head1 SYNOPSIS
++SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh <FASTA_FILE> <BLAST_DB> [SUBSTITUTIONS_FILE]
++SIFT predicts whether an amino acid substitution affects protein function based on sequence homology and the physical properties of amino acids.
++Results are stored in F<< ./<seq_file>.SIFTprediction >>.
++This program is used for FASTA input and is part of the SIFT suite.
++=head1 OPTIONS
++=item <FASTA_FILE>
++protein sequence in fasta format
++=item <BLAST_DB>
++Protein database to search. These sequences are assumed to be functional.
++File of substitutions to be predicted on (optional). See /usr/share/doc/sift/test/lacI.subst for an example of the format. This file is optional. Alternatively, you can print scores for the entire protein sequence.
++=head1 EXAMPLES
++C<SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh /usr/share/doc/sift/test/lacI.fasta [BLAST_DB] /usr/share/doc/sift/test/lacI.subst>
++=head1 AUTHOR
++Pauline Ng
++(C) Copyright 1993-2001, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
++Noncommercial license. See /usr/share/doc/sift/copyright for details.
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/Classify_SNPs_Indels.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/Classify_SNPs_Indels.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:06.990896077 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/Classify_SNPs_Indels.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:14.254917862 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ $bin = "$SIFT_HOME/bin";
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/SIFT_intersect_cds.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/SIFT_intersect_cds.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.031044471 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/SIFT_intersect_cds.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:17.591044446 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ $| = 1;
+ use Getopt::Std;
+ use File::Basename;
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/SNPClassifier/Classify_SNPs.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/SNPClassifier/Classify_SNPs.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.071044526 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/SNPClassifier/Classify_SNPs.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:20.783044586 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ ###############################################################################
+ # #
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/SNPClassifier/Extract_Coding_Info.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/SNPClassifier/Extract_Coding_Info.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.111044554 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/SNPClassifier/Extract_Coding_Info.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:23.655044475 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ ###############################################################################
+ # #
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/detect_indel.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/detect_indel.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.151044633 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/detect_indel.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:27.259044551 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
++#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+ use strict;
+ # This program is licensed to you under the Fred
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/detect_repeat.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/detect_repeat.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.191044540 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/detect_repeat.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:30.531044561 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # This program is licensed to you under the Fred
+ # Hutchinos Cancer Research Center (FHCRC)
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/get_sequences.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/get_sequences.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.231044538 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/get_sequences.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:39.311044572 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#! /opt/local/bin/perl5 -w
++#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+ #####################################################################
+ #
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/indelfile_to_gff.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/indelfile_to_gff.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.271044539 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/indelfile_to_gff.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:42.495044498 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # This program is licensed to you under the Fred
+ # Hutchinos Cancer Research Center (FHCRC)
+ # NONCOMMERICAL LICENSE. A copy of the license may be found at
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/map_coords_to_bin.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/map_coords_to_bin.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.351044410 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/map_coords_to_bin.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:48.566952010 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # This program is licensed to you under the Fred
+ # Hutchinos Cancer Research Center (FHCRC)
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/map_coords_to_bin_indels.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/map_coords_to_bin_indels.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.311044483 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/map_coords_to_bin_indels.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:45.650957846 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # This program is licensed to you under the Fred
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/model_transcript.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/model_transcript.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.387044539 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/model_transcript.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:52.035044606 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
++#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+ use strict;
+ use DBI;
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/reformat_chrfile.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/reformat_chrfile.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.427044485 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/reformat_chrfile.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:55.835042109 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # This program is licensed to you under the Fred
+ # Hutchinos Cancer Research Center (FHCRC)
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/sift_feed_to_chr_coords_batch.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/sift_feed_to_chr_coords_batch.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.467044605 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/sift_feed_to_chr_coords_batch.pl 2012-02-22 19:04:00.695044421 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ my $bin = "$SIFT_HOME/bin";
+Index: sift-4.0.3b/bin/snv_db_engine.pl
+--- sift-4.0.3b.orig/bin/snv_db_engine.pl 2012-02-22 19:03:07.507044529 +0100
++++ sift-4.0.3b/bin/snv_db_engine.pl 2012-02-22 19:04:04.095044531 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ use Class::Struct;
+ #
Modified: trunk/packages/sift/trunk/debian/rules
--- trunk/packages/sift/trunk/debian/rules 2012-02-22 16:20:58 UTC (rev 9754)
+++ trunk/packages/sift/trunk/debian/rules 2012-02-22 18:09:03 UTC (rev 9755)
@@ -3,27 +3,53 @@
# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
export DH_VERBOSE=1
+SIFT_SCRIPTDIR := $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/sift/bin
+parallel := 1
dh --with quilt $@
+.PHONY: man
+man: $(MAN1)
+%.1: %.pod
+ pod2man -c 'User Commands' --release="$(VERSION)" $< > $@
rm -rf bin/linux
rm -rf bin/solaris
( cd bin ; rm -f choose_seqs_via_psiblastseedmedian consensus_to_seq psiblast_res_to_fasta_dbpairwise \
clump_output_alignedseq fastaseqs info_on_seqs seqs_from_psiblast_res )
+ rm -f $(MAN1)
+ if [ -e src/Makefile ]; then make -j$(parallel) -C src prefix=$(prefix) clean; fi
- ( cd src ; \
- for f in `grep '^\./cccb' compile.csh | cut -d ' ' -f 2` ; do \
- gcc -O2 -o $$f $$f.c -lblimps -lm -I/usr/include/blimps ; \
- mv $$f ../bin ; \
- done )
+override_dh_auto_build: man
+ make -j$(parallel) -C src prefix=$(prefix) VERSION=$(VERSION) deps.mk && \
+ make -j$(parallel) -C src prefix=$(prefix) VERSION=$(VERSION)
+ make -C src DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) prefix=$(prefix) install
- dh_install -X.svn bin /usr/lib/sift/
- #Below command simply replaced with -X above
- #find debian/sift -type d -name '.svn' -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'
+ dh_install -X.svn bin $(prefix)/lib/sift/
#Links are created by debian/links
+ for f in SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh SIFT_for_submitting_NCBI_gi_id.csh; do \
+ sed --in-place -e 's|\b__MAKE_PREFIX__\b|$(prefix)|g;s|__SIFT_SCRIPTDIR__|$(SIFT_SCRIPTDIR)|g;' $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/sift/bin/$$f; \
+ done;
+ for f in seqs_chosen_via_median_info.csh SIFT_for_submitting_fasta_seq.csh SIFT_for_submitting_NCBI_gi_id.csh; do \
+ sed --in-place -e 's|\b__MAKE_PREFIX__\b|$(prefix)|g;s|__SIFT_SCRIPTDIR__|$(SIFT_SCRIPTDIR)|g;' $(SIFT_SCRIPTDIR)/$$f; \
+ done;
+ chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/sift/bin/perlscripts/separate_query_from_rest_of_seqs.pl
+ # look out: DNA_PROT_SUBROUTINES.pl is really a module(should be pm)!
+ chmod -x $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib/sift/bin/{IntersectFeatures.jar,SIFT_subroutines.pm,DNA_PROT_SUBROUTINES.pl}
mkdir -p ../tarballs
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