[med-svn] r11624 - trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian
Luis Ibanez
luisibanez-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Jul 7 16:05:24 UTC 2012
Author: luisibanez-guest
Date: 2012-07-07 16:05:23 +0000 (Sat, 07 Jul 2012)
New Revision: 11624
ENH: Introduced a dedicated get-orig-source file to better use bash commands.
Now preparing the routines.ro and globals.lst files at the moment of packaging
the orig.tar.gz file.
Modified: trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/auto_install
--- trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/auto_install 2012-07-07 15:26:40 UTC (rev 11623)
+++ trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/auto_install 2012-07-07 16:05:23 UTC (rev 11624)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
export GTM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib/fis-gtm/V5.5-000_x86_64
export VISTA_INSTANCE_DIR=debian/var/lib/vista
export CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR=`pwd`/Vista-FOIA
@@ -25,15 +25,6 @@
$GTM_INSTALL_DIR/dse change -f -key_max=1023 -rec=4096
-# Prepare routines and globals for importing
-echo "I: Preparing routines and globals for importing..."
-echo "I: VistA-FOIA sources are in the directory: CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR "
-find $CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR -name "*.m" | sort | python Scripts/PackRO.py > $CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR/routines.ro
-find $CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR -name "*.zwr" | sort > $CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR/globals.lst
# Import routines and globlas into the database
echo "I: Importing Routines..."
Modified: trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/changelog 2012-07-07 15:26:40 UTC (rev 11623)
+++ trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/changelog 2012-07-07 16:05:23 UTC (rev 11624)
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
Reorganized the dh_auto_install section.
Enable CLEAN_DATABASE to trigger the importing of routines and globals.
Specify that auto_install is in the debian directory.
+ Introduced a dedicated get-orig-source file to better use bash commands.
+ * debian/get-orig-source:
+ Now preparing the routines.ro and globals.lst files at the moment of
+ packaging creating the orig.tar.gz file.
* debian/auto_install:
Added process for importing routines and globals into VistA instance.
Making explicit the location of VistA-FOIA directories.
Added: trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/get-orig-source
--- trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/get-orig-source (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/get-orig-source 2012-07-07 16:05:23 UTC (rev 11624)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+export CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR=.vista/Vista-FOIA
+# Download VistA-FOIA and OSEHRA-Automated-Testing from Github.
+echo "I: Downloading VistA-FOIA and OSEHRA-Automated-Testing..."
+wget -O./OSEHRA-VistA-FOIA.orig.tar.gz https://github.com/OSEHRA/VistA-FOIA/tarball/master
+wget -O./OSEHRA-OSEHRA-Automated-Testing.orig.tar.gz https://github.com/OSEHRA/OSEHRA-Automated-Testing/tarball/master
+# Composing the directory tree to be used as sources.
+echo "I: Composing the directory tree to be used as sources."
+mkdir -p vista
+mkdir -p vista/VistA-FOIA
+tar -xzf ./OSEHRA-OSEHRA-Automated-Testing.orig.tar.gz
+tar -xzf ./OSEHRA-VistA-FOIA.orig.tar.gz
+cp -a OSEHRA-OSEHRA-Automated-Testing-0ba5890/* ./vista
+cp -a OSEHRA-VistA-FOIA-d7fb400/* ./vista/VistA-FOIA
+# Prepare routines and globals for importing
+echo "I: Preparing routines and globals for importing..."
+echo "I: VistA-FOIA sources are in the directory: CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR "
+find $CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR -name "*.m" | sort | python Scripts/PackRO.py > $CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR/routines.ro
+find $CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR -name "*.zwr" | sort > $CMAKE_VISTA_FOIA_DIR/globals.lst
+# Put the set of sources in the tar file.
+echo "I: Placing resulting sources in tar file..."
+tar -czf vista_1.0.orig.tar.gz ./vista
+mv vista_1.0.orig.tar.gz ..
Modified: trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/rules
--- trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/rules 2012-07-07 15:26:40 UTC (rev 11623)
+++ trunk/packages/vista/trunk/debian/rules 2012-07-07 16:05:23 UTC (rev 11624)
@@ -27,14 +27,4 @@
- wget -O./OSEHRA-VistA-FOIA.orig.tar.gz https://github.com/OSEHRA/VistA-FOIA/tarball/master
- wget -O./OSEHRA-OSEHRA-Automated-Testing.orig.tar.gz https://github.com/OSEHRA/OSEHRA-Automated-Testing/tarball/master
- mkdir -p vista
- mkdir -p vista/VistA-FOIA
- tar -xzf ./OSEHRA-OSEHRA-Automated-Testing.orig.tar.gz
- tar -xzf ./OSEHRA-VistA-FOIA.orig.tar.gz
- cp -a OSEHRA-OSEHRA-Automated-Testing-0ba5890/* ./vista
- cp -a OSEHRA-VistA-FOIA-d7fb400/* ./vista/VistA-FOIA
- tar -czf vista_1.0.orig.tar.gz ./vista
- mv vista_1.0.orig.tar.gz ..
+ ./debian/get_orig_source
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