[med-svn] [SCM] ray annotated tag, crocodile, created. crocodile

Sébastien Boisvert seb at boisvert.info
Sat Nov 3 20:44:31 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, crocodile has been created
        at  3a4942e861a18f81ed923c1dfb665d26e8deef74 (tag)
   tagging  ef31b1058be4f6d860097da24386d003ad1f4915 (commit)
 tagged by  Sébastien Boisvert
        on  Fri Jan 29 21:46:40 2010 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------

Sébastien Boisvert (22):
      Moving stuff around
      Loading a parameter: the directory name
      added a message limit
      Changes, test1, test2, and test3 are working properly
      MPI_Waitall is better
      * possibly proceed separatly for direct and reverse for edges.
      * possibly proceed separatly for direct and reverse for edges.
      * possibly proceed separatly for direct and reverse for edges.
      test1, test2, and SRA001125 file 1 load
      * free message memory
      commit 7938e7a2edaabf8ee0f55eb1b34e30f76e53c015
      test1 and test2 ok with coverage calculation
      Works ok.
      Sending code
      Added command for MPICH2
      commit 6686b74dbe4d2e6ad6577bd1d978602b5d4b77cc
      commit 72db23dd80245fe0706462eda62e138ff2ce94b4
      commit 3c9cb7ae8bcba1e7c0df4a136cdb90536bf11065
      commit 1e3ad1ba3bcb24442b441740b1d42d290fb88c0c
      commit 639ecd60b249491e3523c7d596aa72461297a887


Packaging of Ray in Debian

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