[med-svn] [SCM] ray branch, master, updated. 4a96829165a657ad6e471719ac879f51b6a0ccae

Sébastien Boisvert sebastien.boisvert.3 at ulaval.ca
Wed Nov 14 13:33:28 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 4a96829165a657ad6e471719ac879f51b6a0ccae
Author: Sébastien Boisvert <sebastien.boisvert.3 at ulaval.ca>
Date:   Wed Nov 14 08:32:41 2012 -0500

    simplified changelog -- detailed logs are in git
    Signed-off-by: Sébastien Boisvert <sebastien.boisvert.3 at ulaval.ca>

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 52ceed8..b633ffc 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,33 +1,5 @@
 ray (2.1.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * Fixed the target distribution for debian 
-  * Fixed E: ray-doc: extended-description-is-empty
-  * Fixed E: ray-extra: extended-description-is-empty
-  * Fixed W: ray: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/Ray
-  * Fixed W: ray source: newer-standards-version 3.9.3 (current is 3.9.1)
-  * Fixed W: ray: manpage-has-useless-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man1/Ray.1.gz
-  * Some tweaks (Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>):
-    1. Added a watch file to make "uscan" work
-    2. Removed zlib1g and libbz2-1.0 runtime deps in control file as
-       ${shlibs:Depends} does this for you.  Also removed build-essential
-       and make as these are a given.
-    3. Removed "Ray -- " from the description to match standard convention
-    4. Patched makefile to keep g++ linker on Ubuntu happy
-    5. Updated clean target in rules - it need to remove every single thing
-       that the build makes.
-    6. Updated standards version in control
-    7. Added dependency on Python as there are Python scripts included
-    8. Added dep on r-base-core as there is an R script included
-    9. Don't package INSTALL.txt LICENSE.txt gpl-3.0.txt as license is given
-       in copyright file and user of package has no need to install.
-    10. Renamed the two README files.
-  * Added a man page
-  * Now packaging 3 packages: ray, ray-extra, ray-doc
-  * Added Tim Booth as a uploader
-  * Fixed non-ASCII symbols in the man page
-  * Fixed lintian warning for watch file
-  * Switched to debhelper 9 for hardening
-  * Target is now UNRELEASED
   * Initial Debian release, Closes: #692238
- -- Sébastien Boisvert <sebastien.boisvert.3 at ulaval.ca>  Fri, 02 Nov 2012 19:39:00 +0000
+ -- Sébastien Boisvert <sebastien.boisvert.3 at ulaval.ca>  Fri, 14 Nov 2012 13:32:00 +0000

Packaging of Ray in Debian

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