[med-svn] [SCM] aghermann branch, master, updated. 4f7a3b774136ffffbaf9b05d90bd568347bc5461

Andrei Zavada johnhommer at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 00:50:46 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 99590ad246f0cfe69b1d0b5f775a43fa4fe3f16a
Author: Andrei Zavada <johnhommer at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Nov 5 01:43:30 2012 +0200

    use VteTerminal widget instead of xterm for Experiment.tar.bz2 download

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 09fff6c..8409f0b 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+v.0.7.3 (2012-..-..)
+	* Display Experiment.tar.bz2 Download process in a vte widget.
 v. 0.7.2 (2012-10-28)
 	* Enable SMP for mass profile constructions and most other heavy
diff --git a/src/ui/mw/Makefile.am b/src/ui/mw/Makefile.am
index 61549a4..8bc2ff4 100644
--- a/src/ui/mw/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/ui/mw/Makefile.am
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ liba_a_SOURCES = \
 	mw.cc \
 	mw_cb.cc \
 	mw-construct.cc \
+	mw-splash.cc \
 	mw-populate.cc \
 	mw-measurements.cc \
 	mw-measurements_cb.cc \
diff --git a/src/ui/mw/mw-splash.cc b/src/ui/mw/mw-splash.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..648410b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/mw/mw-splash.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// ;-*-C++-*-
+ *       File name:  ui/mw/mw-splash.cc
+ *         Project:  Aghermann
+ *          Author:  Andrei Zavada <johnhommer at gmail.com>
+ * Initial version:  2012-11-05
+ *
+ *         Purpose:  SExpDesignUI::try_download and supporting bits
+ *
+ *         License:  GPL
+ */
+#include <functional>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <vte/vte.h>
+#include "ui/misc.hh"
+#include "mw.hh"
+using namespace std;
+inline namespace {
+extern "C" {
+bDownload_clicked_cb( GtkButton*, gpointer userdata)
+	auto& ED = *(aghui::SExpDesignUI*)userdata;
+	ED.try_download();
+download_process_child_exited_cb( VteTerminal*, gpointer userdata)
+	auto& ED = *(aghui::SExpDesignUI*)userdata;
+	if ( ED.dl_watch_busyblock ) {
+		delete ED.dl_watch_busyblock;
+		ED.dl_watch_busyblock = nullptr;
+		ED.ED->scan_tree( bind (&aghui::SExpDesignUI::sb_main_progress_indicator, &ED,
+					placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2, placeholders::_3));
+		ED.populate( false);
+	} else
+		FAFA;
+		//throw runtime_error ("Who's here?");
+} // extern "C"
+} // inline namespace
+	gtk_container_foreach( (GtkContainer*)cMeasurements,
+			       (GtkCallback) gtk_widget_destroy,
+			       NULL);
+	const char *blurb =
+		"<b><big>Empty experiment\n</big></b>\n"
+		"When you have your recordings ready as a set of .edf files,\n"
+		"• Create your experiment tree as follows: <i>Experiment/Group/Subject/Session</i>;\n"
+		"• Have your EDF sources named <i>Episode</i>.edf, and placed in the corresponding <i>Session</i> directory, or\n"
+		"• Drag-and-Drop any EDF sources onto this window and identify and place them individually.\n\n"
+		"Once set up, either:\n"
+		"• select <b>Experiment→Change</b> and select the top directory of the (newly created) experiment tree, or\n"
+		"• select <b>Experiment→Rescan Tree</b> if this is the tree you have just populated.\n"
+		"\n"
+		"Or, If you have none yet, here is a <a href=\"http://johnhommer.com/academic/code/aghermann/Experiment.tar.bz2\">set of EEG data</a>, for a primer;"
+		" push the button below to download it into the current directory:";
+	GtkLabel *blurb_label = (GtkLabel*)gtk_label_new( "");
+	gtk_label_set_markup( blurb_label, blurb);
+	gtk_box_pack_start( (GtkBox*)cMeasurements,
+			    (GtkWidget*)blurb_label,
+			    TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+	GtkWidget *bDownload = gtk_button_new_with_label("  Download  ");
+	g_object_set( (GObject*)bDownload,
+		      "expand", FALSE,
+		      "halign", GTK_ALIGN_CENTER,
+		      NULL);
+	g_signal_connect( bDownload, "clicked",
+			  (GCallback)bDownload_clicked_cb,
+			  this);
+	gtk_box_pack_start( (GtkBox*)cMeasurements,
+			    bDownload,
+			    FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+	gtk_box_pack_start( (GtkBox*)cMeasurements,
+			    (GtkWidget*)gtk_image_new_from_file(
+					    PACKAGE_DATADIR "/" PACKAGE "/idle-bg.svg"),
+			    TRUE, FALSE, 0);
+	gtk_widget_show_all( (GtkWidget*)cMeasurements);
+	gtk_container_foreach( (GtkContainer*)cMeasurements,
+			       (GtkCallback) gtk_widget_destroy,
+			       NULL);
+	const char
+		*url = "http://johnhommer.com/academic/code/aghermann/Experiment.tar.bz2",
+		*archive_file = "Experiment.tar.bz2";
+	snprintf_buf( " wget -c \"%s\" && "
+		      " tar xjf \"%s\" && "
+		      " rm -f \"%s\" && "
+		      " echo \"Sample data set downloaded and unpacked\" && "
+		      " read -p \"Press <Enter> to close this window...\"",
+		      url, archive_file, archive_file);
+	auto tTerm = (VteTerminal*)vte_terminal_new();
+	// (dl_watch_busyblock = new aghui::SBusyBlock (wMainWindow),
+	dl_watch_busyblock = nullptr;
+	g_signal_connect( tTerm, "child-exited",
+			  (GCallback)download_process_child_exited_cb,
+			   this);
+	gtk_box_pack_start( (GtkBox*)cMeasurements,
+			    (GtkWidget*)tTerm,
+			    TRUE, FALSE, 0);
+	// punch a hole for VteTerminal for any user ^C
+	gtk_widget_set_sensitive( (GtkWidget*)tTerm, TRUE);
+	gtk_widget_show_all( (GtkWidget*)cMeasurements);
+	GPid pid;
+	GError *Error = NULL;
+	char *argv[] = {
+		vte_get_user_shell(),
+		"-c",
+		__buf__,
+	};
+	vte_terminal_fork_command_full(
+		tTerm,
+		ED->session_dir().c_str(),
+		argv,
+		NULL, // char **envv,
+		(GSpawnFlags)G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, // GSpawnFlags spawn_flags,
+		NULL, // GSpawnChildSetupFunc child_setup,
+		NULL, // gpointer child_setup_data,
+		&pid,
+		&Error); // GError **error);
+	if ( Error ) {
+		aghui::pop_ok_message(
+			wMainWindow,
+			"Failed to download dataset",
+			"%s\n", Error->message);
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		vte_terminal_watch_child( tTerm, pid);
+		return 0;
+	}
+// eof
diff --git a/src/ui/mw/mw.cc b/src/ui/mw/mw.cc
index e326fa1..766742f 100644
--- a/src/ui/mw/mw.cc
+++ b/src/ui/mw/mw.cc
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 #include <cstring>
 #include <ctime>
 #include <functional>
+#include <stdexcept>
-//#include <vte/vte.h>
 #include "common/config-validate.hh"
 #include "libsigfile/page-metrics-base.hh"
@@ -498,108 +498,6 @@ show_changelog()
-	gtk_container_foreach( (GtkContainer*)cMeasurements,
-			       (GtkCallback) gtk_widget_destroy,
-			       NULL);
-	const char *blurb =
-		"<b><big>Empty experiment\n</big></b>\n"
-		"When you have your recordings ready as a set of .edf files,\n"
-		"• Create your experiment tree as follows: <i>Experiment/Group/Subject/Session</i>;\n"
-		"• Have your EDF sources named <i>Episode</i>.edf, and placed in the corresponding <i>Session</i> directory, or\n"
-		"• Drag-and-Drop any EDF sources onto this window and identify and place them individually.\n\n"
-		"Once set up, either:\n"
-		"• select <b>Experiment→Change</b> and select the top directory of the (newly created) experiment tree, or\n"
-		"• select <b>Experiment→Rescan Tree</b> if this is the tree you have just populated.\n"
-		"\n"
-		"Or, If you have none yet, here is a <a href=\"http://johnhommer.com/academic/code/aghermann/Experiment.tar.bz2\">set of EEG data</a>, for a primer;"
-		" push the button below to download it into the current directory:";
-	GtkLabel *blurb_label = (GtkLabel*)gtk_label_new( "");
-	gtk_label_set_markup( blurb_label, blurb);
-	gtk_box_pack_start( (GtkBox*)cMeasurements,
-			    (GtkWidget*)blurb_label,
-			    TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-	GtkWidget *bDownload = gtk_button_new_with_label("  Download  ");
-	g_object_set( (GObject*)bDownload,
-		      "expand", FALSE,
-		      "halign", GTK_ALIGN_CENTER,
-		      NULL);
-	g_signal_connect( bDownload, "clicked",
-			  (GCallback)bDownload_clicked_cb,
-			  this);
-	gtk_box_pack_start( (GtkBox*)cMeasurements,
-			    bDownload,
-			    FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-	gtk_box_pack_start( (GtkBox*)cMeasurements,
-			    (GtkWidget*)gtk_image_new_from_file(
-					    PACKAGE_DATADIR "/" PACKAGE "/idle-bg.svg"),
-			    TRUE, FALSE, 0);
-	gtk_widget_show_all( (GtkWidget*)cMeasurements);
-extern "C" void
-bDownload_clicked_cb( GtkButton* button, gpointer userdata)
-	auto EDp = (SExpDesignUI*)userdata;
-	EDp->try_download();
-	const char
-		*url = "http://johnhommer.com/academic/code/aghermann/Experiment.tar.bz2",
-		*archive_file = "Experiment.tar.bz2";
-	snprintf_buf( "xterm -e sh -c "
-		      "'cd \"%s\" && "
-		      " wget -c \"%s\" && "
-		      " tar xjf \"%s\" && "
-		      " rm -f \"%s\" && "
-		      " echo \"Sample data set downloaded and unpacked\" && "
-		      " read -p \"Press <Enter> to close this window...\"'",
-		      ED->session_dir().c_str(), url, archive_file, archive_file);
-	aghui::SBusyBlock bb (wMainWindow);
-	if ( system( __buf__) ) {
-		gtk_statusbar_pop( sbMainStatusBar, sbMainContextIdGeneral);
-		gtk_statusbar_push( sbMainStatusBar, sbMainContextIdGeneral,
-				    "Download failed for some reason");
-	}
-	do_rescan_tree( true);
-	populate( true);
-	// gtk_container_foreach( (GtkContainer*)cMeasurements,
-	// 		       (GtkCallback) gtk_widget_destroy,
-	// 		       NULL);
-	// GtkWidget *tTerm = vte_terminal_new();
-	// gtk_box_pack_start( (GtkBox*)cMeasurements,
-	// 		    tTerm,
-	// 		    TRUE, FALSE, 0);
-	// GPid download_process_pid;
-	// char *argv[] = {
-	// 	"ls",
-	// 	".",
-	// };
-	// vte_terminal_fork_command_full(
-	// 	(VteTerminal*)tTerm,
-	// 	ED->session_dir(),
-	// 	argv,
-	// 	NULL, // char **envv,
-	// 	(GSpawnFlags)0, // GSpawnFlags spawn_flags,
-	// 	NULL, // GSpawnChildSetupFunc child_setup,
-	// 	NULL, // gpointer child_setup_data,
-	// 	&download_process_pid,
-	// 	NULL); // GError **error);
-	return 0;
diff --git a/src/ui/mw/mw.hh b/src/ui/mw/mw.hh
index e49081f..3ec9658 100644
--- a/src/ui/mw/mw.hh
+++ b/src/ui/mw/mw.hh
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ class SExpDesignUI
 	void update_subject_details_interactively( agh::CSubject&);
 	void show_empty_experiment_blurb();
 	int try_download();
+	aghui::SBusyBlock *dl_watch_busyblock;
       // collected ED info
         // ED strings (channels, sessions, etc)

Sleep experiment manager

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