[med-svn] r15614 - in trunk/packages/libsbml/tags: . 5.8.0-1 5.8.0-1/patches

Andreas Tille tille at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Dec 26 06:11:49 UTC 2013

Author: tille
Date: 2013-12-26 06:11:48 +0000 (Thu, 26 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 15614

Tagged 5.8.0-1

Deleted: trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/changelog
--- trunk/packages/libsbml/trunk/debian/changelog	2013-12-25 03:24:04 UTC (rev 15608)
+++ trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/changelog	2013-12-26 06:11:48 UTC (rev 15614)
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-libsbml (5.8.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  [ Ivo Maintz ]
-  * update from upstream
-  * switched to cmake for configure (following upstream)
-  * added a patch to use correct matlab extensions in chrooted environments
-  * (re)added doc packages for libsbml5, libsbml5-cil, libsbml5-java,
-    libsbml5-python and libsbml5-perl
-  * debian/*postinst and debian/*postrm:
-    fixed to work on upgrade/downgrade too
-  [ Andreas Tille ]
-  * debian/control:
-     - added libsbml5-dev to libsbml5-cli dependency
-       Closes: #715111
-     - cme fix dpkg-control
-     - canonical Vcs fields
- -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Mon, 23 Dec 2013 21:32:47 +0100
-libsbml (5.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  [ Ivo Maintz ]
-  * update from upstream
-  * configured now with --enable-cpp-namespace
-  [ Steffen Moeller ]
-  * instrucing tar in clean target to keep permissions
- -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Thu, 06 Sep 2012 09:21:33 +0200
-libsbml (5.4.1-4) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  [ Steffen ]
-  * Removed everyone from Uploaders except Ivo
-    - Ivo also builds the libsbml5-matlab package, the 
-      control file is changed dynamically when the Matlab
-      development environment is detected.
-    - Matlab creator Mathworks provides their development
-      package to help us. 
-  [ Andreas Tille ]
-  * debian/upstream: Make author field BibTeX compliant
- -- Steffen <moeller at debian.org>  Tue, 10 Apr 2012 13:50:44 +0200
-libsbml (5.4.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * debian/control: removed dependency on swig2.0 (Closes: #667652)
-    thanks to Peter Green for the hint.
-  * debian/control: added myself to uploaders
- -- Thorsten Alteholz <debian at alteholz.de>  Thu, 05 Apr 2012 18:44:30 +0200
-libsbml (5.4.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * added a patch to correct misspelled words in th source
-  * debian/rules:
-    added some lines to remove almost all lintian remarks
-  * debian/*.docs:
-    added, to have an upstream changelog in every package
-  * debian/docs:
-    removed, is not used anymore
- -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Fri, 30 Mar 2012 14:44:30 +0200
-libsbml (5.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  [ Ivo Maintz ]
-  * update from upstream (Closes: #665837)
-  * debian/control.in: added swig to libsbml5-python dependencies
-  * debian/README.source:
-    added some information
-  * debian/rules:
-    - added code to create a debian/libsbml5-octave.install file
-      dependent on the install dircetory of the octave files
-    - enhanced shlibdeps checking to remove the hardcoded dependency
-      to libc6
-      Closes: #659808
-  * debian/dirs:
-    deleted
-  * debian/libsbml5-octave.install:
-    deleted
-  [ Andreas Tille ]
-  * debian/control:
-    - Added Homepage field
-    - Versioned debhelper dependency
-  * debian/compat: 8
-  * debian/rules:
-     - remove useless dh_make boilerplate
-     - adapt get-orig-source target to what is written
-       in README.source and removed older repackaging
-       code
-  * mv debian/README.Debian-source debian/README.source
-  * debian/docs: No point in installing debian/README.source
-  * delete advise about how to get the source tarball in favour
-    of the code written in debian/rules:get-orig-source target
-  * debian/upstream: citation information
- -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Thu, 29 Mar 2012 18:04:00 +0200
-libsbml (5.4.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * update from upstream
-  * removed the libsbml5-*-doc packages; the docu don't compile
-    with doxygen > 1.6.3
-  * moved libsbml5-matlab to contrib
- -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Tue, 21 Feb 2012 10:43:20 +0100
-libsbml (5.3.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * update from upstream
- -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Thu, 12 Jan 2012 12:15:56 +0100
-libsbml (5.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Update from upstream
-  * Initial upload (Closes: #241111, #277748).
- -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Mon, 14 Nov 2011 13:08:05 +0100
-libsbml (5.1.0~b0-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Upstream update
-  * Fix debian/watch to find new upstream versions [Steffen]
- -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:33:42 +0200
-libsbml (3.4.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * Upstream update.
- -- Moriyoshi Koizumi <mozo at sfc.keio.ac.jp>  Tue, 16 Jun 2009 19:42:00 +0900
-libsbml (3.3.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * Upstream update.
- -- Moriyoshi Koizumi <mozo at sfc.keio.ac.jp>  Wed, 03 Jun 2009 02:30:07 +0900
-libsbml (3.3.1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * Initial release (Closes: #241111)
- -- David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>  Tue, 10 Feb 2009 14:36:09 +0100

Copied: trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/changelog (from rev 15613, trunk/packages/libsbml/trunk/debian/changelog)
--- trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/changelog	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/changelog	2013-12-26 06:11:48 UTC (rev 15614)
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+libsbml (5.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Ivo Maintz ]
+  * update from upstream
+  * switched to cmake for configure (following upstream)
+  * added a patch to use correct matlab extensions in chrooted environments
+  * (re)added doc packages for libsbml5, libsbml5-cil, libsbml5-java,
+    libsbml5-python and libsbml5-perl
+  * debian/*postinst and debian/*postrm:
+    fixed to work on upgrade/downgrade too
+  [ Andreas Tille ]
+  * debian/control:
+     - added libsbml5-dev to libsbml5-cli dependency
+       Closes: #715111
+     - cme fix dpkg-control
+     - canonical Vcs fields
+  * debian/patches/format-security.patch:
+    Enable compiling with -Werror=format-security
+  * debian/libsbml5-perl.install: Do not try to install not existing
+    override
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Mon, 23 Dec 2013 21:32:47 +0100
+libsbml (5.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Ivo Maintz ]
+  * update from upstream
+  * configured now with --enable-cpp-namespace
+  [ Steffen Moeller ]
+  * instrucing tar in clean target to keep permissions
+ -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Thu, 06 Sep 2012 09:21:33 +0200
+libsbml (5.4.1-4) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  [ Steffen ]
+  * Removed everyone from Uploaders except Ivo
+    - Ivo also builds the libsbml5-matlab package, the 
+      control file is changed dynamically when the Matlab
+      development environment is detected.
+    - Matlab creator Mathworks provides their development
+      package to help us. 
+  [ Andreas Tille ]
+  * debian/upstream: Make author field BibTeX compliant
+ -- Steffen <moeller at debian.org>  Tue, 10 Apr 2012 13:50:44 +0200
+libsbml (5.4.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * debian/control: removed dependency on swig2.0 (Closes: #667652)
+    thanks to Peter Green for the hint.
+  * debian/control: added myself to uploaders
+ -- Thorsten Alteholz <debian at alteholz.de>  Thu, 05 Apr 2012 18:44:30 +0200
+libsbml (5.4.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * added a patch to correct misspelled words in th source
+  * debian/rules:
+    added some lines to remove almost all lintian remarks
+  * debian/*.docs:
+    added, to have an upstream changelog in every package
+  * debian/docs:
+    removed, is not used anymore
+ -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Fri, 30 Mar 2012 14:44:30 +0200
+libsbml (5.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Ivo Maintz ]
+  * update from upstream (Closes: #665837)
+  * debian/control.in: added swig to libsbml5-python dependencies
+  * debian/README.source:
+    added some information
+  * debian/rules:
+    - added code to create a debian/libsbml5-octave.install file
+      dependent on the install dircetory of the octave files
+    - enhanced shlibdeps checking to remove the hardcoded dependency
+      to libc6
+      Closes: #659808
+  * debian/dirs:
+    deleted
+  * debian/libsbml5-octave.install:
+    deleted
+  [ Andreas Tille ]
+  * debian/control:
+    - Added Homepage field
+    - Versioned debhelper dependency
+  * debian/compat: 8
+  * debian/rules:
+     - remove useless dh_make boilerplate
+     - adapt get-orig-source target to what is written
+       in README.source and removed older repackaging
+       code
+  * mv debian/README.Debian-source debian/README.source
+  * debian/docs: No point in installing debian/README.source
+  * delete advise about how to get the source tarball in favour
+    of the code written in debian/rules:get-orig-source target
+  * debian/upstream: citation information
+ -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Thu, 29 Mar 2012 18:04:00 +0200
+libsbml (5.4.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * update from upstream
+  * removed the libsbml5-*-doc packages; the docu don't compile
+    with doxygen > 1.6.3
+  * moved libsbml5-matlab to contrib
+ -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Tue, 21 Feb 2012 10:43:20 +0100
+libsbml (5.3.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * update from upstream
+ -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Thu, 12 Jan 2012 12:15:56 +0100
+libsbml (5.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Update from upstream
+  * Initial upload (Closes: #241111, #277748).
+ -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Mon, 14 Nov 2011 13:08:05 +0100
+libsbml (5.1.0~b0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Upstream update
+  * Fix debian/watch to find new upstream versions [Steffen]
+ -- Ivo Maintz <ivo at maintz.de>  Mon, 19 Sep 2011 15:33:42 +0200
+libsbml (3.4.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Upstream update.
+ -- Moriyoshi Koizumi <mozo at sfc.keio.ac.jp>  Tue, 16 Jun 2009 19:42:00 +0900
+libsbml (3.3.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Upstream update.
+ -- Moriyoshi Koizumi <mozo at sfc.keio.ac.jp>  Wed, 03 Jun 2009 02:30:07 +0900
+libsbml (3.3.1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Initial release (Closes: #241111)
+ -- David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>  Tue, 10 Feb 2009 14:36:09 +0100

Deleted: trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/libsbml5-perl.install
--- trunk/packages/libsbml/trunk/debian/libsbml5-perl.install	2013-12-25 03:24:04 UTC (rev 15608)
+++ trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/libsbml5-perl.install	2013-12-26 06:11:48 UTC (rev 15614)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-../lintian/libsbml5-perl usr/share/lintian/overrides

Copied: trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/libsbml5-perl.install (from rev 15612, trunk/packages/libsbml/trunk/debian/libsbml5-perl.install)
--- trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/libsbml5-perl.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/libsbml5-perl.install	2013-12-26 06:11:48 UTC (rev 15614)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Copied: trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/patches/format-security.patch (from rev 15609, trunk/packages/libsbml/trunk/debian/patches/format-security.patch)
--- trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/patches/format-security.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/patches/format-security.patch	2013-12-26 06:11:48 UTC (rev 15614)
@@ -0,0 +1,2188 @@
+Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+Last-Update: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 21:32:47 +0100
+Description: Enable compiling with -Werror=format-security
+--- a/src/bindings/ruby/local.i
++++ b/src/bindings/ruby/local.i
+@@ -283,11 +283,11 @@ namespace std
+   }
+   catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+     static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-    rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++    rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+   }
+   catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+     static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-    rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++    rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+   }
+ }
+ %enddef
+@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ SBMLCONSTRUCTOR_EXCEPTION(ListOfUnits)
+   }
+   catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+     static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-    rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++    rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+   }
+ }
+ %enddef
+--- a/src/bindings/ruby/libsbml_wrap.cpp
++++ b/src/bindings/ruby/libsbml_wrap.cpp
+@@ -3517,7 +3517,7 @@ SWIG_AsPtr_std_basic_string_Sl_char_Sg_
+       }
+     }
+     if (val) {
+-      rb_raise( rb_eTypeError, "a string is expected");
++      rb_raise( rb_eTypeError, "%s", "a string is expected");
+     }
+     return 0;
+   }
+@@ -4589,7 +4589,7 @@ SWIGINTERN VALUE std_basic_string_Sl_cha
+       }
+ SWIGINTERN std::basic_string< char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > > *std_basic_string_Sl_char_Sg__each(std::basic_string< char > *self){
+ 	if ( !rb_block_given_p() )
+-	  rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "no block given");
++	  rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "%s", "no block given");
+ 	VALUE r;
+ 	std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > >::const_iterator i = self->begin();
+@@ -4604,7 +4604,7 @@ SWIGINTERN std::basic_string< char,std::
+       }
+ SWIGINTERN std::basic_string< char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > > *std_basic_string_Sl_char_Sg__select(std::basic_string< char > *self){
+       if ( !rb_block_given_p() )
+-	rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "no block given" );
++	rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "%s", "no block given" );
+       std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > >* r = new std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > >;
+       std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > >::const_iterator i = self->begin();
+@@ -4620,7 +4620,7 @@ SWIGINTERN std::basic_string< char,std::
+     }
+ SWIGINTERN std::basic_string< char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > > *std_basic_string_Sl_char_Sg__reject_bang(std::basic_string< char > *self){
+       if ( !rb_block_given_p() )
+-	rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "no block given" );
++	rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "%s", "no block given" );
+       std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > >::iterator i = self->begin();
+       std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > >::iterator e = self->end();
+@@ -4659,7 +4659,7 @@ SWIGINTERN std::basic_string< char >::va
+     }
+ SWIGINTERN std::basic_string< char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > > *std_basic_string_Sl_char_Sg__reject(std::basic_string< char > *self){
+       if ( !rb_block_given_p() )
+-	rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "no block given" );
++	rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "%s", "no block given" );
+       std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > >* r = new std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits< char >,std::allocator< char > >;
+       std::remove_copy_if( self->begin(), self->end(),              
+@@ -4705,7 +4705,7 @@ SWIGINTERN VALUE std_basic_string_Sl_cha
+ SWIGINTERN VALUE std_basic_string_Sl_char_Sg____getitem____SWIG_2(std::basic_string< char > const *self,VALUE i){
+       if ( rb_obj_is_kind_of( i, rb_cRange ) == Qfalse )
+ 	{
+-	  rb_raise( rb_eTypeError, "not a valid index or range" );
++	  rb_raise( rb_eTypeError, "%s", "not a valid index or range" );
+ 	}
+       VALUE r = Qnil;
+@@ -19811,11 +19811,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOf__SWIG_0(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -19848,11 +19848,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOf__SWIG_1(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -19877,11 +19877,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOf__SWIG_2(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -19914,11 +19914,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOf__SWIG_3(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -19977,11 +19977,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOf__SWIG_4(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -20944,11 +20944,11 @@ _wrap_new_Model__SWIG_0(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -20981,11 +20981,11 @@ _wrap_new_Model__SWIG_1(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -21044,11 +21044,11 @@ _wrap_new_Model__SWIG_2(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -29838,11 +29838,11 @@ _wrap_new_SBMLDocument__SWIG_0(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -29875,11 +29875,11 @@ _wrap_new_SBMLDocument__SWIG_1(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -29904,11 +29904,11 @@ _wrap_new_SBMLDocument__SWIG_2(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -29941,11 +29941,11 @@ _wrap_new_SBMLDocument__SWIG_3(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -30004,11 +30004,11 @@ _wrap_new_SBMLDocument__SWIG_4(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -32257,11 +32257,11 @@ _wrap_new_FunctionDefinition__SWIG_0(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -32294,11 +32294,11 @@ _wrap_new_FunctionDefinition__SWIG_1(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -32357,11 +32357,11 @@ _wrap_new_FunctionDefinition__SWIG_2(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -33162,11 +33162,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfFunctionDefinitions__SWI
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -33216,11 +33216,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfFunctionDefinitions__SWI
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -33886,11 +33886,11 @@ _wrap_new_Unit__SWIG_0(int argc, VALUE *
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -33923,11 +33923,11 @@ _wrap_new_Unit__SWIG_1(int argc, VALUE *
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -33986,11 +33986,11 @@ _wrap_new_Unit__SWIG_2(int argc, VALUE *
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -35740,11 +35740,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfUnits__SWIG_0(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -35794,11 +35794,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfUnits__SWIG_1(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -36144,11 +36144,11 @@ _wrap_new_UnitDefinition__SWIG_0(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -36181,11 +36181,11 @@ _wrap_new_UnitDefinition__SWIG_1(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -36244,11 +36244,11 @@ _wrap_new_UnitDefinition__SWIG_2(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -37593,11 +37593,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfUnitDefinitions__SWIG_0(
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -37647,11 +37647,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfUnitDefinitions__SWIG_1(
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -38227,11 +38227,11 @@ _wrap_new_CompartmentType__SWIG_0(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -38264,11 +38264,11 @@ _wrap_new_CompartmentType__SWIG_1(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -38327,11 +38327,11 @@ _wrap_new_CompartmentType__SWIG_2(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -38732,11 +38732,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfCompartmentTypes__SWIG_0
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -38786,11 +38786,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfCompartmentTypes__SWIG_1
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -39330,11 +39330,11 @@ _wrap_new_SpeciesType__SWIG_0(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -39367,11 +39367,11 @@ _wrap_new_SpeciesType__SWIG_1(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -39430,11 +39430,11 @@ _wrap_new_SpeciesType__SWIG_2(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -39835,11 +39835,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfSpeciesTypes__SWIG_0(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -39889,11 +39889,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfSpeciesTypes__SWIG_1(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -40433,11 +40433,11 @@ _wrap_new_Compartment__SWIG_0(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -40470,11 +40470,11 @@ _wrap_new_Compartment__SWIG_1(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -40533,11 +40533,11 @@ _wrap_new_Compartment__SWIG_2(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -41960,11 +41960,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfCompartments__SWIG_0(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -42014,11 +42014,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfCompartments__SWIG_1(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -42558,11 +42558,11 @@ _wrap_new_Species__SWIG_0(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -42595,11 +42595,11 @@ _wrap_new_Species__SWIG_1(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -42658,11 +42658,11 @@ _wrap_new_Species__SWIG_2(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -44447,11 +44447,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfSpecies__SWIG_0(int argc
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -44501,11 +44501,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfSpecies__SWIG_1(int argc
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -45045,11 +45045,11 @@ _wrap_new_Parameter__SWIG_0(int argc, VA
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -45082,11 +45082,11 @@ _wrap_new_Parameter__SWIG_1(int argc, VA
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -45145,11 +45145,11 @@ _wrap_new_Parameter__SWIG_2(int argc, VA
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -45994,11 +45994,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfParameters__SWIG_0(int a
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -46048,11 +46048,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfParameters__SWIG_1(int a
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -46592,11 +46592,11 @@ _wrap_new_LocalParameter__SWIG_0(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -46629,11 +46629,11 @@ _wrap_new_LocalParameter__SWIG_1(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -46675,11 +46675,11 @@ _wrap_new_LocalParameter__SWIG_2(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -46732,11 +46732,11 @@ _wrap_new_LocalParameter__SWIG_3(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -47036,11 +47036,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfLocalParameters__SWIG_0(
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -47090,11 +47090,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfLocalParameters__SWIG_1(
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -47670,11 +47670,11 @@ _wrap_new_InitialAssignment__SWIG_0(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -47707,11 +47707,11 @@ _wrap_new_InitialAssignment__SWIG_1(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -47770,11 +47770,11 @@ _wrap_new_InitialAssignment__SWIG_2(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -48580,11 +48580,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfInitialAssignments__SWIG
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -48634,11 +48634,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfInitialAssignments__SWIG
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -50423,11 +50423,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfRules__SWIG_0(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -50477,11 +50477,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfRules__SWIG_1(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -51069,11 +51069,11 @@ _wrap_new_AlgebraicRule__SWIG_0(int argc
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -51123,11 +51123,11 @@ _wrap_new_AlgebraicRule__SWIG_1(int argc
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -51278,11 +51278,11 @@ _wrap_new_AssignmentRule__SWIG_0(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -51332,11 +51332,11 @@ _wrap_new_AssignmentRule__SWIG_1(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -51528,11 +51528,11 @@ _wrap_new_RateRule__SWIG_0(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -51582,11 +51582,11 @@ _wrap_new_RateRule__SWIG_1(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -51778,11 +51778,11 @@ _wrap_new_Constraint__SWIG_0(int argc, V
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -51815,11 +51815,11 @@ _wrap_new_Constraint__SWIG_1(int argc, V
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -51878,11 +51878,11 @@ _wrap_new_Constraint__SWIG_2(int argc, V
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -52419,11 +52419,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfConstraints__SWIG_0(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -52473,11 +52473,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfConstraints__SWIG_1(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -52823,11 +52823,11 @@ _wrap_new_Reaction__SWIG_0(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -52860,11 +52860,11 @@ _wrap_new_Reaction__SWIG_1(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -52923,11 +52923,11 @@ _wrap_new_Reaction__SWIG_2(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -55552,11 +55552,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfReactions__SWIG_0(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -55606,11 +55606,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfReactions__SWIG_1(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -56150,11 +56150,11 @@ _wrap_new_KineticLaw__SWIG_0(int argc, V
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -56187,11 +56187,11 @@ _wrap_new_KineticLaw__SWIG_1(int argc, V
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -56250,11 +56250,11 @@ _wrap_new_KineticLaw__SWIG_2(int argc, V
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -58832,11 +58832,11 @@ _wrap_new_SpeciesReference__SWIG_0(int a
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -58869,11 +58869,11 @@ _wrap_new_SpeciesReference__SWIG_1(int a
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -58932,11 +58932,11 @@ _wrap_new_SpeciesReference__SWIG_2(int a
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -59829,11 +59829,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfSpeciesReferences__SWIG_
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -59883,11 +59883,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfSpeciesReferences__SWIG_
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -60439,11 +60439,11 @@ _wrap_new_ModifierSpeciesReference__SWIG
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -60493,11 +60493,11 @@ _wrap_new_ModifierSpeciesReference__SWIG
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -60696,11 +60696,11 @@ _wrap_new_Event__SWIG_0(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -60733,11 +60733,11 @@ _wrap_new_Event__SWIG_1(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -60796,11 +60796,11 @@ _wrap_new_Event__SWIG_2(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -62673,11 +62673,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfEvents__SWIG_0(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -62727,11 +62727,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfEvents__SWIG_1(int argc,
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -63271,11 +63271,11 @@ _wrap_new_EventAssignment__SWIG_0(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -63308,11 +63308,11 @@ _wrap_new_EventAssignment__SWIG_1(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -63371,11 +63371,11 @@ _wrap_new_EventAssignment__SWIG_2(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -64181,11 +64181,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfEventAssignments__SWIG_0
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -64235,11 +64235,11 @@ _wrap_new_ListOfEventAssignments__SWIG_1
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -64815,11 +64815,11 @@ _wrap_new_Trigger__SWIG_0(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -64852,11 +64852,11 @@ _wrap_new_Trigger__SWIG_1(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -64915,11 +64915,11 @@ _wrap_new_Trigger__SWIG_2(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -65536,11 +65536,11 @@ _wrap_new_Delay__SWIG_0(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -65573,11 +65573,11 @@ _wrap_new_Delay__SWIG_1(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -65636,11 +65636,11 @@ _wrap_new_Delay__SWIG_2(int argc, VALUE
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -66247,11 +66247,11 @@ _wrap_new_Priority__SWIG_0(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -66284,11 +66284,11 @@ _wrap_new_Priority__SWIG_1(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -66347,11 +66347,11 @@ _wrap_new_Priority__SWIG_2(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -67893,11 +67893,11 @@ _wrap_new_StoichiometryMath__SWIG_0(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -67930,11 +67930,11 @@ _wrap_new_StoichiometryMath__SWIG_1(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -67993,11 +67993,11 @@ _wrap_new_StoichiometryMath__SWIG_2(int
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -68604,11 +68604,11 @@ _wrap_new_SBMLNamespaces__SWIG_0(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -68641,11 +68641,11 @@ _wrap_new_SBMLNamespaces__SWIG_1(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -68670,11 +68670,11 @@ _wrap_new_SBMLNamespaces__SWIG_2(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -68749,11 +68749,11 @@ _wrap_new_SBMLNamespaces__SWIG_3(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res3)) delete arg3;
+@@ -68819,11 +68819,11 @@ _wrap_new_SBMLNamespaces__SWIG_4(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res3)) delete arg3;
+@@ -68884,11 +68884,11 @@ _wrap_new_SBMLNamespaces__SWIG_5(int arg
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+     catch (const SBMLExtensionException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("SBMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -80352,7 +80352,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLAttributes__SWIG_0(int argc
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -80411,7 +80411,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLAttributes__SWIG_1(int argc
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -82119,7 +82119,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNamespaces__SWIG_0(int argc
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -82178,7 +82178,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNamespaces__SWIG_1(int argc
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -83147,7 +83147,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_0(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -83221,7 +83221,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_1(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -83287,7 +83287,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_2(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -83345,7 +83345,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_3(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -83408,7 +83408,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_4(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -83463,7 +83463,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_5(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -83510,7 +83510,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_6(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -83562,7 +83562,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_7(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -83606,7 +83606,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_8(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -83642,7 +83642,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_9(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -83696,7 +83696,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_10(int argc, VA
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res1)) delete arg1;
+@@ -83744,7 +83744,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_11(int argc, VA
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res1)) delete arg1;
+@@ -83784,7 +83784,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_12(int argc, VA
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res1)) delete arg1;
+@@ -83845,7 +83845,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLToken__SWIG_13(int argc, VA
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87029,7 +87029,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_0(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87065,7 +87065,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_1(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87139,7 +87139,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_2(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87205,7 +87205,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_3(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87263,7 +87263,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_4(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87326,7 +87326,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_5(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87381,7 +87381,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_6(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87428,7 +87428,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_7(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87480,7 +87480,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_8(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87524,7 +87524,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_9(int argc, VALU
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87560,7 +87560,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_10(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87614,7 +87614,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_11(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res1)) delete arg1;
+@@ -87662,7 +87662,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_12(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res1)) delete arg1;
+@@ -87702,7 +87702,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_13(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res1)) delete arg1;
+@@ -87740,7 +87740,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_14(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -87799,7 +87799,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLNode__SWIG_15(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -89382,7 +89382,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLOutputStream__SWIG_0(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete arg2;
+@@ -89458,7 +89458,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLOutputStream__SWIG_1(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete arg2;
+@@ -89519,7 +89519,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLOutputStream__SWIG_2(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete arg2;
+@@ -89570,7 +89570,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLOutputStream__SWIG_3(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete arg2;
+@@ -89625,7 +89625,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLOutputStream__SWIG_4(int ar
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -92695,7 +92695,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLError__SWIG_0(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete arg2;
+@@ -92767,7 +92767,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLError__SWIG_1(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete arg2;
+@@ -92831,7 +92831,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLError__SWIG_2(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete arg2;
+@@ -92887,7 +92887,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLError__SWIG_3(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete arg2;
+@@ -92935,7 +92935,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLError__SWIG_4(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   if (SWIG_IsNewObj(res2)) delete arg2;
+@@ -92970,7 +92970,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLError__SWIG_5(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -92995,7 +92995,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLError__SWIG_6(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;
+@@ -93048,7 +93048,7 @@ _wrap_new_XMLError__SWIG_7(int argc, VAL
+     }
+     catch (const XMLConstructorException &e){
+       static VALUE cpperror = rb_define_class("XMLConstructorException", rb_eArgError);
+-      rb_raise(cpperror, e.what());    
++      rb_raise(cpperror, "%s", e.what());    
+     }
+   }
+   return self;

Deleted: trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/patches/series
--- trunk/packages/libsbml/trunk/debian/patches/series	2013-12-25 03:24:04 UTC (rev 15608)
+++ trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/patches/series	2013-12-26 06:11:48 UTC (rev 15614)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

Copied: trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/patches/series (from rev 15609, trunk/packages/libsbml/trunk/debian/patches/series)
--- trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/patches/series	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/libsbml/tags/5.8.0-1/patches/series	2013-12-26 06:11:48 UTC (rev 15614)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

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