[med-svn] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianMed/Meeting/Kiel2013" by LaszloKajan
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Wed Feb 13 17:07:40 UTC 2013
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The "DebianMed/Meeting/Kiel2013" page has been changed by LaszloKajan:
evfold added
* [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/flexbar/|flexbar]]: A. Tille, T. Travis
* [[http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-med/trunk/packages/goby-framework/trunk/|goby]] A. Tille, O. Sallou
* [[OpenMM]], revisiting [[http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debichem/experimental/openmm/debian/|rogue package]]: Steffen (priority with Taverna)
- * Suggestion: freecontact - a new, free, [[http://rostlab.org/~lkajan/freecontact.pdf|fast]] reimplementation of the [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22101153|PSICOV]] algorithm: L. Kajan
+ * Suggestion: freecontact - a free, [[http://rostlab.org/~lkajan/freecontact.pdf|fast]] protein contact predictor that implements (the contact predictor of) [[http://evfold.org/|EVfold]] and [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22101153|PSICOV]]: L. Kajan
* [[http://search.cpan.org/dist/Genome-Model-Tools-Music/|Genome Music]]: O. Sallou
* [[http://genometools.org|gt Ruby bindings]], rmblast, maybe RepeatMasker: S. Steinbiss
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