[med-svn] [python-csb] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 1.2.1+dfsg

Tomás Di Domenico tdido-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Oct 10 15:13:34 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tdido-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-csb.

commit de1f8cb0ec5dbe0324b17bded99443029d79d51c
Author: Tomás Di Domenico <tdido at tdido.com.ar>
Date:   Wed Oct 9 20:09:05 2013 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 1.2.1+dfsg
 PKG-INFO                                          |    2 +-
 csb/__init__.py                                   |    2 +-
 csb/apps/__init__.py                              |   10 +-
 csb/apps/buildhmm.py                              |   63 +-
 csb/apps/csfrag.py                                |  542 ++++++++
 csb/apps/hhfrag.py                                |  302 ++++-
 csb/apps/hhsearch.py                              |    5 +-
 csb/apps/precision.py                             |   30 +-
 csb/bio/fragments/__init__.py                     |  207 ++-
 csb/bio/fragments/rosetta.py                      |    4 +-
 csb/bio/io/clans.py                               |    5 +-
 csb/bio/io/cs.py                                  |  206 +++
 csb/bio/io/fasta.py                               |   16 +-
 csb/bio/io/hhpred.py                              |    2 +-
 csb/bio/io/noe.py                                 |  269 ++++
 csb/bio/io/wwpdb.py                               | 1096 +++++++++++----
 csb/bio/nmr/__init__.py                           | 1105 ++++++++++++++-
 csb/bio/nmr/resources/AtomConnectivity.xml        |  812 +++++++++++
 csb/bio/sequence/__init__.py                      |   21 +-
 csb/bio/sequence/alignment.py                     |  617 +++++++++
 csb/bio/structure/__init__.py                     |   52 +-
 csb/build.py                                      |   28 +-
 csb/io/__init__.py                                |    5 +
 csb/io/tsv.py                                     |   38 +-
 csb/numeric/__init__.py                           |   16 +-
 csb/numeric/integrators.py                        |   10 +-
 csb/statistics/__init__.py                        |    4 +-
 csb/statistics/samplers/__init__.py               |   12 +-
 csb/statistics/samplers/mc/__init__.py            |  838 +-----------
 csb/statistics/samplers/mc/multichain.py          | 1502 +++++++++++++++++++--
 csb/statistics/samplers/mc/neqsteppropagator.py   | 1239 +++++++++++++++++
 csb/statistics/samplers/mc/propagators.py         |   55 +-
 csb/statistics/samplers/mc/singlechain.py         |  311 ++++-
 csb/test/__init__.py                              |    2 +-
 csb/test/cases/bio/fragments/__init__.py          |   11 +-
 csb/test/cases/bio/hmm/__init__.py                |   11 +-
 csb/test/cases/bio/io/clans/__init__.py           |   24 +-
 csb/test/cases/bio/io/cs/__init__.py              |   87 ++
 csb/test/cases/bio/io/fasta/__init__.py           |    4 +-
 csb/test/cases/bio/io/noe/__init__.py             |  148 ++
 csb/test/cases/bio/io/wwpdb/__init__.py           |  194 ++-
 csb/test/cases/bio/nmr/__init__.py                |  348 ++++-
 csb/test/cases/bio/sequence/alignment/__init__.py |  196 +++
 csb/test/cases/bio/structure/__init__.py          |   29 +-
 csb/test/cases/core/__init__.py                   |   22 +-
 csb/test/cases/io/__init__.py                     |   87 +-
 csb/test/cases/numeric/__init__.py                |   59 +-
 csb/test/cases/statistics/samplers/__init__.py    |  728 +++++++++-
 csb/test/data/1d3z.regular.pdb                    |  342 ++---
 csb/test/data/2l01.v2.str                         |   31 +
 csb/test/data/2l01.v3.str                         |   45 +
 csb/test/data/Sparky.peaks                        |    5 +
 csb/test/data/Xeasy1.peaks                        |    9 +
 csb/test/data/Xeasy2.peaks                        |    8 +
 csb/test/data/csb.tsv                             |    2 +-
 csb/test/data/mapping.pdb                         |   12 +
 csb/test/data/mapping2.pdb                        |   10 +
 csb/test/data/mapping3.pdb                        |    9 +
 csb/test/data/modified.pdb                        |   16 +
 csb/test/data/modified2.pdb                       |   16 +
 csb/test/data/out.clans                           |   14 +-
 61 files changed, 10224 insertions(+), 1671 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 9303b87..8aca75a 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 1.1
 Name: csb
-Version: 1.1.1
+Version: 1.2.1
 Summary: Computational Structural Biology Toolbox
 Home-page: http://csb.codeplex.com
 Author: Michael Habeck et al.
diff --git a/csb/__init__.py b/csb/__init__.py
index d6434c6..ff4c846 100644
--- a/csb/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/__init__.py
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ CSB is open source and distributed under OSI-approved MIT license::
-__version__ = ''
+__version__ = ''
 class Version(object):
diff --git a/csb/apps/__init__.py b/csb/apps/__init__.py
index 5360565..3a5ccc0 100644
--- a/csb/apps/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/apps/__init__.py
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ class AppExit(Exception):
         self.message = message
         self.code = code
         self.usage = usage
+        super(AppExit, self).__init__(message, code, usage)
 class Application(object):
@@ -98,9 +100,6 @@ class Application(object):
     __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    USAGE = ''
-    HELP = ''
     def __init__(self, args, log=sys.stdout):
         self.__args = None
@@ -329,7 +328,7 @@ class ArgHandler(object):
         self._parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=program, description=description)
-    def _add(self, kind, name, shortname, *a, **k):
+    def _add(self, kind, name, shortname, help="", *a, **k):
         args = []
         kargs = dict(k)
@@ -353,7 +352,8 @@ class ArgHandler(object):
                 args.append(ArgHandler.LONG_PREFIX + name)
         assert len(args) in (1, 2)   
-        args.extend(a)                        
+        args.extend(a)
+        kargs["help"] = help.replace("%", "%%")     # workaround for a bug in argparse           
         self.parser.add_argument(*args, **kargs)
diff --git a/csb/apps/buildhmm.py b/csb/apps/buildhmm.py
index 74aafbf..352c043 100644
--- a/csb/apps/buildhmm.py
+++ b/csb/apps/buildhmm.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Build an HMM from a FASTA sequence. This program is a proxy to buildali.pl
+Build an HMM from a FASTA sequence. This program is a proxy to hhblits/addss.pl
 and hhmake from the HHpred package.
 @note: assuming you have the full HHpred package installed and configured.
@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ class AppRunner(csb.apps.AppRunner):
                               'Used for naming the output files. Also, if the input is a PDB file with '
                               'multiple chains, CHAIN is used to pull the required chain from the file.',
-        cmd.add_scalar_option('tk_root', 't', str, 'path to the ToolkitRoot folder in your HHpred setup', default='/ebio/abt1_toolkit/share/wye')
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('tk-root', 't', str, 'path to the ToolkitRoot folder in your HHsuite setup', default='/ebio/abt1_toolkit/share/wye')
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('database', 'd', str, 'custom HHblits database; if not defined, toolkit\'s unirpto20 will be used', default=None)        
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('tk-config', 'c', str, 'path to a folder containing custom HHsuite configs (e.g. HHPaths.pm)', default='.')
         cmd.add_scalar_option('cpu', None, int, 'maximum degree of parallelism', default=1)        
         cmd.add_boolean_option('no-ss', None, 'do not include secondary structure', default=False)        
@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ class AppRunner(csb.apps.AppRunner):
 class BuildProfileApp(csb.apps.Application):
-    def main(self):
+    def main(self):            
         if os.path.isfile(self.args.query_id + '.hhm'):
             BuildProfileApp.exit('# Profile "{0}" already exists, skipping'.format(self.args.query_id),
@@ -62,11 +64,10 @@ class BuildProfileApp(csb.apps.Application):
             self.log('# Building profile HMM for {0}...'.format(self.args.query))
-            pb = ProfileBuilder.create(self.args.query, self.args.query_id, self.args.tk_root,
+            pb = ProfileBuilder.create(self.args.query, self.args.query_id, self.args.database, self.args.tk_root, self.args.tk_config,
                                        pseudo=not self.args.no_pseudo, ss=not self.args.no_ss, cpu=self.args.cpu)
             if not self.args.no_calibration:                
@@ -119,7 +120,10 @@ class ProfileBuilder(object):
     TRANSITION_PSEUDO = '-gapb 1.0 -gapd 0.15 -gape 1.0 -gapf 0.6 -gapg 0.6 -gapi 0.6'
-    def create(query, target_id, tk_root, pseudo=True, ss=True, cpu=1):
+    def create(query, target_id, database, tk_root, tk_config, pseudo=True, ss=True, cpu=1):
+        if database is None:
+            database = os.path.join(tk_root, "databases", "hhblits", "uniprot20")        
         if not os.path.isfile(query):
             raise BuildIOError('File not found: ' + query)
@@ -130,21 +134,28 @@ class ProfileBuilder(object):
             if line.startswith('>'):
-                return FASTAProfileBuilder(query, target_id, tk_root, pseudo, ss, cpu)
+                return FASTAProfileBuilder(query, target_id, database, tk_root, tk_config, pseudo, ss, cpu)
             elif line.startswith('HEADER') or line.startswith('ATOM'): 
-                return PDBProfileBuilder(query, target_id, tk_root, pseudo, ss, cpu)
+                return PDBProfileBuilder(query, target_id, database, tk_root, tk_config, pseudo, ss, cpu)
                 raise BuildArgError('Unknown input file format')
-    def __init__(self, query, target_id, tk_root, pseudo=True, ss=True, cpu=1):
+    def __init__(self, query, target_id, database, tk_root, tk_config, pseudo=True, ss=True, cpu=1):
         self.tk_root = tk_root
+        self.tk_config = tk_config
+        self.hhlib = os.path.join(tk_root, "bioprogs", "hhsuite")
         if 'TK_ROOT' not in os.environ or not os.environ['TK_ROOT']:
-            os.putenv('TK_ROOT', tk_root)
+            os.putenv('TK_ROOT', self.tk_root)
+        if 'HHLIB' not in os.environ or not os.environ['HHLIB']:
+            os.putenv('HHLIB', self.hhlib)
+        os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + os.path.join(self.hhlib, "bin")
         self.query = query
         self.accession = target_id[:-1]
         self.chain = target_id[-1]
+        self.database = database
         self.pseudo = bool(pseudo)
         self.ss = bool(ss)
         self.cpu = cpu
@@ -172,20 +183,32 @@ class ProfileBuilder(object):
     def build_alignment(self):
         assert self._input is not None
-        program = os.path.join(self.tk_root, 'bioprogs', 'hhpred', 'buildali.pl')
-        if not self.ss:
-            noss = '-noss'
-        else:
-            noss = ''        
-        cmd = 'perl {0} {1} -cpu {2} {3}'.format(program, noss, self.cpu, self._input)
+        program = os.path.join(self.tk_root, 'bioprogs', 'hhsuite', 'bin', 'hhblits')
+        ali = self.target_id + '.a3m'                    
+        cmd = '{0} -cpu {1} -i {2} -d {3} -nodiff -oa3m {4}'.format(
+                                program, self.cpu, self._input, self.database, ali)
         bali = csb.io.Shell.run(cmd)
-        ali = self.target_id + '.a3m'
         if bali.code != 0:
             raise csb.io.ProcessError(bali)
         if not os.path.isfile(ali):
-            raise NoOutputError(ali, bali)        
+            raise NoOutputError(ali, bali)
+        if self.ss:
+            program2 = os.path.join(self.tk_root, 'bioprogs', 'hhsuite', 'scripts', 'addss.pl')
+            with csb.io.TempFile() as patch:
+                for l in open(program2):
+                    if l.lstrip().startswith("use HHPaths"):
+                        patch.write('use lib "{0}";\n'.format(self.tk_config))
+                    patch.write(l);
+                patch.flush()
+                cmd2 = "perl {0} {1}".format(patch.name, ali)
+                addss = csb.io.Shell.run(cmd2)            
+                if addss.code != 0:
+                    raise csb.io.ProcessError(addss)       
         self._ali = ali
         return ali
diff --git a/csb/apps/csfrag.py b/csb/apps/csfrag.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd5985d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/apps/csfrag.py
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+CSfrag: build a dynamic library of analogous fragments, given a list 
+of assigned chemical shifts.
+import os
+import numpy
+import multiprocessing
+import csb.io
+import csb.apps
+from csb.bio.io.wwpdb import FileSystemStructureProvider, StructureNotFoundError, PDBParseError
+from csb.bio.nmr import RandomCoil, ChemShiftScoringModel
+from csb.bio.structure import Chain, Broken3DStructureError
+from csb.bio.fragments import ChemShiftTarget, ChemShiftAssignment, RosettaFragsetFactory
+from csb.bio.io.cs import ChemShiftReader, ChemShiftFormatError
+from csb.bio.io.fasta import SequenceParser, SequenceFormatError
+class ExitCodes(csb.apps.ExitCodes):
+    IO_ERROR = 2
+    NO_OUTPUT = 5    
+class AppRunner(csb.apps.AppRunner):
+    @property
+    def target(self):
+        return CSfragApp
+    def command_line(self):
+        cmd = csb.apps.ArgHandler(self.program, __doc__)
+        cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('database', 'd', str, 'PDBS25 database directory (containing PDBS25cs.scs)', required=True)
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('shifts', 's', str, 'assigned chemical shifts table (NMR STAR file fragment)', required=True)    
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('window', 'w', int, 'sliding window size', default=8)
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('top', 't', int, 'maximum number per starting position', default=25)                
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('cpu', 'c', int, 'maximum degree of parallelism', default=cpu)
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('verbosity', 'v', int, 'verbosity level', default=1)        
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('output', 'o', str, 'output directory', default='.')        
+        cmd.add_boolean_option('filtered-map', 'f', 'make an additional filtered fragment map of centroids', default=False)
+        cmd.add_positional_argument('QUERY', str, 'query sequence  (FASTA file)')
+        return cmd
+class CSfragApp(csb.apps.Application):
+    def main(self):
+        if not os.path.isdir(self.args.output):
+            CSfragApp.exit('Output directory does not exist', code=ExitCodes.INVALID_DATA, usage=True)
+        try:
+            csf = CSfrag(self.args.QUERY, self.args.shifts, self.args.database, self.args.window, logger=self)
+            output = os.path.join(self.args.output, csf.query.accession)                
+            frags = csf.extract_fragments(self.args.top, self.args.cpu)
+            if len(frags) == 0:
+                CSfragApp.exit('No fragments found!', code=ExitCodes.NO_OUTPUT)                
+            fragmap = csf.build_fragment_map()
+            fragmap.dump(output + '.csfrags.08')
+            if self.args.filtered_map:
+                fragmap = csf.build_filtered_map()
+                fragmap.dump(output + '.filtered.08')
+            self.log('\nDONE.')
+        except ArgumentIOError as ae:
+            CSfragApp.exit(str(ae), code=ExitCodes.IO_ERROR)
+        except ArgumentError as ae:
+            CSfragApp.exit(str(ae), code=ExitCodes.INVALID_DATA, usage=True)
+        except ChemShiftFormatError as ce:
+            msg = "Can't parse input chemical shifts: " + str(ce)
+            CSfragApp.exit(msg, code=ExitCodes.INVALID_DATA)
+    def log(self, message, ending='\n', level=1):
+        if level <= self.args.verbosity:
+            super(CSfragApp, self).log(message, ending)
+class SecondaryShiftConverter(object):
+    """
+    Helper, which reads assigned shifts from NMR STAR files and calculates
+    corrected secondary shifts.
+    """
+    def convert(self, file, chain):
+        """
+        Compute secondary shofts.
+        @param file: NMR STAR path and file name
+        @type file: str
+        @param chain: the protein chain, containing the chemical shifts
+                      (L{Chain.from_sequence} may be useful)
+        @type chain: L{Chain}
+        @return: dictionary of the form: [rank: [nucleus: sec shift]]
+        @rtype: dict
+        """
+        rc = RandomCoil.get()
+        cs = {}
+        for ni in ChemShiftReader().guess(file).read_file(file):
+            if ni.name in ChemShiftScoringModel.NUCLEI:    
+                ni.shift = rc.secondary_shift(chain, ni.position, ni.name, ni.shift)
+                cs.setdefault(ni.position, {})
+                cs[ni.position][ni.name] = ni.shift
+        return cs
+class SecondaryShiftReader(object):
+    """
+    Reads secondary shifts from files in CSfrag format.
+    """
+    DB = 'pdbs25cs.scs'
+    def read_shifts(self, string):
+        """
+        Read secondary shifts.
+        @param string: complete secondary shift block
+        @type string: str
+        @return: dictionary of the form: [rank: [nucleus: sec shift]]
+        @rtype: dict
+        """
+        shifts = {}
+        for l in string.splitlines():
+            if l.startswith('#') or not l.strip():
+                continue
+            l = l.split('\t')
+            rank = int(l[0])
+            for n, cs in zip(ChemShiftScoringModel.NUCLEI, l[1:]):
+                if cs != '':
+                    shifts.setdefault(rank, {})[n] = float(cs)
+        return shifts
+    def load_database(self, path, file=DB):
+        """
+        Read the entire PDBS25CS database.
+        @return: dictionary of the form: [entry ID: [rank: [nucleus: sec shift]]]
+        @rtype: dict        
+        """
+        db = {}
+        file = os.path.join(path, file)
+        with open(file) as stream:
+            er = csb.io.EntryReader(stream, '#', None)
+            for e in er.entries():
+                entry = e[10:15]
+                db[entry] = self.read_shifts(e)
+        return db         
+class ScoringHelper(object):
+    def __init__(self, window):
+        self._window = window
+        self._model = ChemShiftScoringModel()
+    @property
+    def window(self):
+        return self._window
+    def score(self, qcs, scs, qstart, qend, sstart, send):
+        window = self._window
+        if window is None:
+            window = min(qend - qstart + 1, send - sstart + 1)
+        off_start, off_end = self.offsets(qstart, qend, window=window)
+        qs = qstart + off_start
+        qe = qend - off_end
+        ss = sstart + off_start
+        se = send - off_end
+        assert qe - qs + 1 == se - ss + 1 == window
+        score = 0
+        for nucleus in ChemShiftScoringModel.NUCLEI:
+            query = []
+            subject = []
+            for qr, sr in zip(range(qs, qe + 1), range(ss, se + 1)):
+                try:
+                    qshift = qcs[qr][nucleus]
+                    sshift = scs[sr][nucleus]
+                    if qshift is not None and sshift is not None:
+                        query.append(qshift)
+                        subject.append(sshift)
+                except KeyError:
+                    continue
+            if query and subject:
+                deltas = numpy.array(query) - numpy.array(subject)
+                score += self._model.score(nucleus, deltas).sum()
+        return score
+    def offsets(self, start, end, window=6):
+        if end - start + 1 <= window:
+            return 0, 0
+        d1 = ((end - start + 1) - window) / 2
+        ns = start + d1
+        ne = ns + window - 1
+        d2 = end - ne
+        return d1, d2
+class ArgumentError(ValueError):
+    pass
+class ArgumentIOError(ArgumentError):
+    pass 
+class InvalidOperationError(ValueError):
+    pass
+class CSfrag(object):
+    """
+    @param query: query FASTA sequence path and file name
+    @type query: str
+    @param cstable: file, containing the table of assigned experimental chemical shifts 
+    @type cstable: str
+    @param database: path to the PDBS25 directory
+    @type database: str
+    @param logger: logging client (needs to have a C{log} method)
+    @type logger: L{Application}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, query, cstable, database, window=8, logger=None):
+        self._query = None
+        self._qcs = None  
+        self._matches = None
+        self._helper = ScoringHelper(window)
+        self._database = None
+        self._window = None
+        self._app = logger
+        self._pdb = None
+        try:
+            fasta = SequenceParser().parse_file(query)
+            if len(fasta) != 1:
+                raise ArgumentError("The input FASTA file should contain one sequence")
+            elif fasta[0].length < 1:
+                raise ArgumentError("Zero-length query sequence")                
+            self._query = Chain.from_sequence(fasta[0], 'A')
+            self._query.accession = fasta[0].id
+            self._qcs = SecondaryShiftConverter().convert(cstable, self._query)
+            if len(self._qcs) == 0:
+                raise ArgumentError("No chemical shifts read; check your input")    
+        except IOError as io:
+            raise ArgumentIOError(str(io))
+        except SequenceFormatError as se:
+            raise ArgumentError("Can't parse FASTA file: {0}".format(str(se)))
+        self.database = database
+        self.window = window
+    @property
+    def query(self):
+        return self._query
+    @property
+    def database(self):
+        return self._database
+    @database.setter
+    def database(self, value):
+        database = value
+        pdbs25cs = os.path.join(value, SecondaryShiftReader.DB)
+        if not os.path.isfile(pdbs25cs):
+            raise ArgumentError('PDBS25CS not found here: ' + pdbs25cs)
+        self._database = database
+        self._pdb = FileSystemStructureProvider(database)
+    @property
+    def window(self):
+        return self._window
+    @window.setter
+    def window(self, value):
+        value = int(value)
+        if value < 1:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid sliding window: {0}".format(value)) 
+        self._window = value        
+    def log(self, *a, **ka):
+        if self._app:
+            self._app.log(*a, **ka)        
+    def extract_fragments(self, top=25, cpu=2):
+        """
+        Extract fragments with matching chemical shifts using a sliding window.
+        @param top: L{MatchTable} capacity per starting position
+        @type top: int
+        @param cpu: degree of parallelism
+        @type cpu: int
+        @rtype: tuple of L{ChemShiftAssignment}s
+        """        
+        self.log("# Reading chemical shifts...", level=1)
+        db = SecondaryShiftReader().load_database(self.database)
+        matches = MatchTable(self.query.length, capacity=top)
+        slices = []
+        fragments = []
+        for qs in range(1, self.query.length + 1):
+            qe = qs + self.window - 1
+            if qe > self.query.length:
+                break
+            slices.append((qs, qe))
+        self.log("\n# Processing target {0}...".format(self.query.accession), level=1)
+        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(cpu)
+        try:
+            for subject in db:
+                tasks = []
+                for qs, qe in slices:
+                    task = pool.apply_async(_task, [self._helper, subject, qs, qe, self._qcs, db[subject]])
+                    tasks.append(task)
+                for task in tasks:
+                    for result in task.get():
+                        if result.score > ChemShiftAssignment.BIT_SCORE_THRESHOLD * self.window:
+                            matches.add(result)
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            pass
+        finally:
+            pool.terminate()
+        for rank in matches:
+            msg = '{0:3} {1:3} ({2:2} aa)    {3:3} fragments'
+            self.log(msg.format(rank, rank + self.window - 1, self.window, len(matches[rank])), 
+                     level=1)                      
+        self.log("\n# Extracting fragments...")
+        for group in matches.by_source:
+            try:
+                source_id = group[0].entry_id
+                source = self._pdb.get(source_id).first_chain
+                source.compute_torsion()
+                for match in group:
+                    try:
+                        row = ' {0.entry_id:5}   L{0.qs:3} {0.qe:3}  {1}aa   S:{0.score:5.1f}'
+                        self.log(row.format(match, self.window), ending='', level=2)
+                        fragment = ChemShiftAssignment(source=source, start=match.ss, end=match.se, 
+                                                       qstart=match.qs, qend=match.qe, 
+                                                       window=self.window, rmsd=None, score=match.score)                
+                        fragments.append(fragment)
+                        self.log('', level=2)                
+                    except Broken3DStructureError:
+                        self.log('    corrupt', level=2)
+                        continue
+            except PDBParseError:
+                continue
+            except StructureNotFoundError:
+                self.log("  Warning: Template {0} is missing!".format(source_id))
+        self._matches = fragments
+        return tuple(fragments)
+    def build_fragment_map(self):
+        """
+        Build a full Rosetta fragset.
+        @rtype: L{RosettaFragmentMap}
+        """
+        if self._matches is None:
+            self.extract_fragments()   
+        self.log('\n# Building fragment map...')
+        target = ChemShiftTarget(self.query.accession, self.query.length, self.query.residues)
+        target.assignall(self._matches)
+        factory = RosettaFragsetFactory()
+        return factory.make_fragset(target)
+    def build_filtered_map(self):
+        """
+        Build a filtered fragset of centroids.
+        @rtype: L{RosettaFragmentMap}
+        """
+        if self._matches is None:
+            self.extract_fragments()  
+        self.log('\n# Building filtered map...')
+        target = ChemShiftTarget(self.query.accession, self.query.length, self.query.residues)
+        target.assignall(self._matches)
+        factory = RosettaFragsetFactory()
+        return factory.make_filtered(target, extend=False)        
+class MatchInfo(object):
+    def __init__(self, entry_id, qs, qe, ss, se, score):
+        self.entry_id = entry_id
+        self.qs = qs
+        self.qe = qe
+        self.ss = ss
+        self.se = se
+        self.score = score
+    def __str__(self):
+        return '{0.qs:4} {0.qe:4} {0.ss:4} {0.se:4} {0.score:10.3f}'.format(self)
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        return cmp(self.score, other.score)        
+class MatchTable(object):
+    def __init__(self, length, capacity=25):
+        if capacity < 1:
+            capacity = 1
+        self._capacity = capacity
+        self._length = length
+        self._t = {}
+        for i in range(1, length + 1):
+            self._t[i] = []
+    def add(self, m):
+        matches = self._t[m.qs]
+        if len(matches) < self._capacity:
+            matches.append(m)
+            matches.sort()
+        elif m.score > matches[-1].score:
+            matches.pop()
+            matches.append(m)
+            matches.sort()
+    def __getitem__(self, rank):
+        return tuple(self._t[rank])
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self._t)
+    @property
+    def by_source(self):
+        matches = {}
+        for rank in self:
+            for m in self[rank]:
+                if m.entry_id not in matches:
+                    matches[m.entry_id] = []
+                matches[m.entry_id].append(m)
+        for entry_id in matches:
+            yield tuple(matches[entry_id])
+def _task(helper, subject, qs, qe, qcs, scs):
+    try:
+        results = []
+        slength = max(scs or [0])
+        for ss in range(1, slength + 1, 3):
+            se = ss + helper.window - 1
+            if se > slength:
+                break
+            score = helper.score(qcs, scs, qs, qe, ss, se)
+            if score is not None:
+                info = MatchInfo(subject, qs, qe, ss, se, score)
+                results.append(info)
+        return results
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        return []
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    args = "cs.py -v 1 -f -t 12 -d /home/ivan/Desktop/cstest/db -s /home/ivan/Desktop/cstest/t.str -o /home/ivan/Desktop/cstest /home/ivan/Desktop/cstest/t.fa".split() 
+    AppRunner().run()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/csb/apps/hhfrag.py b/csb/apps/hhfrag.py
index 456c227..51e0b86 100644
--- a/csb/apps/hhfrag.py
+++ b/csb/apps/hhfrag.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import csb.bio.fragments
 import csb.bio.fragments.rosetta as rosetta
 import csb.bio.structure
-import csb.io
+import csb.io.tsv
 import csb.core
@@ -44,14 +44,18 @@ class AppRunner(csb.apps.AppRunner):
         cmd.add_scalar_option('max', 'M', int, 'maximum query segment length', default=21)
         cmd.add_scalar_option('step', 's', int, 'query segmentation step', default=3)
         cmd.add_scalar_option('cpu', 'c', int, 'maximum degree of parallelism', default=cpu)
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('gap-filling', 'g', str, 'path to a fragment file (e.g. CSfrag or Rosetta NNmake), which will be used '
+                              'to complement low-confidence regions (when specified, a hybrid fragment library be produced)')
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('filtered-filling', 'F', str, 'path to a filtered fragment file (e.g. filtered CSfrag-ments), which will '
+                              'be mixed with the  HHfrag-set and then filtered, resulting in a double-filtered library')
+        cmd.add_boolean_option('filtered-map', 'f', 'make an additional filtered fragment map of centroids and predict torsion angles', default=False)        
+        cmd.add_boolean_option('c-alpha', None, 'include also C-alpha vectors in the output', default=False)
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('confidence-threshold', 't', float, 'confidence threshold for gap filling', default=0.7)
         cmd.add_scalar_option('verbosity', 'v', int, 'verbosity level', default=2)        
-        cmd.add_scalar_option('output', 'o', str, 'output directory', default='.')        
-        cmd.add_scalar_option('gap-filling', 'g', str, 'path to a Rosetta 9-mer fragment file, that will be used '
-                              'to complement gaps in the fragment map (if specified, a joint fragment file will be produced)')
-        cmd.add_boolean_option('filtered-map', 'f', 'make an additional filtered fragment map', default=False)
-        cmd.add_boolean_option('c-alpha', None, 'include also C-alpha vectors in the output', default=False)
+        cmd.add_scalar_option('output', 'o', str, 'output directory', default='.')
         cmd.add_positional_argument('QUERY', str, 'query profile HMM (e.g. created with csb.apps.buildhmm)')
         return cmd
@@ -82,20 +86,29 @@ class HHfragApp(csb.apps.Application):
             fragmap.dump(output + '.hhfrags.09', builder)
             if self.args.filtered_map:
-                fragmap = hhf.build_filtered_map()
+                fragmap, events = hhf.build_filtered_map()
                 fragmap.dump(output + '.filtered.09', builder)
+                tsv = PredictionBuilder.create(events).product
+                tsv.dump(output + '.centroids.tsv')
+            if self.args.filtered_filling:
+                fragmap, events = hhf.build_hybrid_filtered_map(self.args.filtered_filling)
+                fragmap.dump(output + '.hybrid.filtered.09', builder)
+                tsv = PredictionBuilder.create(events).product
+                tsv.dump(output + '.hybrid.centroids.tsv')
             if self.args.gap_filling:
-                fragmap = hhf.build_combined_map(self.args.gap_filling)
+                fragmap = hhf.build_combined_map(self.args.gap_filling, self.args.confidence_threshold)
                 fragmap.dump(output + '.complemented.09', builder)
         except ArgumentIOError as ae:
             HHfragApp.exit(str(ae), code=ExitCodes.IO_ERROR)
         except ArgumentError as ae:
-            HHfragApp.exit(str(ae), code=ExitCodes.INVALID_DATA, usage=True)
+            HHfragApp.exit(str(ae), code=ExitCodes.INVALID_DATA)
         except csb.io.InvalidCommandError as ose:
             msg = '{0!s}: {0.program}'.format(ose)
@@ -107,7 +120,9 @@ class HHfragApp(csb.apps.Application):
         except csb.io.ProcessError as pe:
             message = 'Bad exit code from HHsearch: #{0.code}.\nSTDERR: {0.stderr}\nSTDOUT: {0.stdout}'.format(pe.context)
-            HHfragApp.exit(message, ExitCodes.HHSEARCH_FAILURE)            
+            HHfragApp.exit(message, ExitCodes.HHSEARCH_FAILURE)
     def log(self, message, ending='\n', level=1):
@@ -125,6 +140,18 @@ class InvalidOperationError(ValueError):
 class HHfrag(object):
+    """
+    The HHfrag dynamic fragment detection protocol.
+    @param query: query HMM path and file name
+    @type query: str
+    @param binary: the HHsearch binary
+    @type binary: str
+    @param database: path to the PDBS25 directory
+    @type database: str
+    @param logger: logging client (needs to have a C{log} method)
+    @type logger: L{Application}
+    """
     PDBS = 'pdbs25.hhm'
@@ -140,11 +167,13 @@ class HHfrag(object):
         self._app = logger
         self._database = None
         self._pdbs25 = None
-        self._output = None
         self._aligner = None
         self.database = database
         self.aligner = hhsearch.HHsearch(binary, self.pdbs25, cpu=2)
+        if self.query.layers.length < 1:
+            raise ArgumentError("Zero-length sequence profile")
     def query(self):
@@ -182,6 +211,20 @@ class HHfrag(object):
             self._app.log(*a, **ka)
     def slice_query(self, min=6, max=21, step=3, cpu=None):
+        """
+        Run the query slicer and collect the optimal query segments.
+        @param min: min segment length
+        @type min: int
+        @param max: max segment length
+        @type max: int
+        @param step: slicing step
+        @type step: int
+        @param cpu: degree of parallelism
+        @type cpu: int
+        @rtype: tuple of L{SliceContext}
+        """
         if not 0 < min <= max:
             raise ArgumentError('min and max must be positive numbers, with max >= min')
@@ -221,12 +264,17 @@ class HHfrag(object):
         return tuple(hsqs)
     def extract_fragments(self):
-        self.log('\n# Extracting fragments...')
+        """
+        Extract all matching fragment instances, given the list of optimal 
+        query slices, generated during the first stage.
+        @rtype: tuple of L{Assignment}s
+        """
         if self._hsqs is None:
-            raise InvalidOperationError('The query has to be sliced first')
+            self.slice_query()
+        self.log('\n# Extracting fragments...')        
         fragments = []
         for si in self._hsqs:
@@ -249,10 +297,9 @@ class HHfrag(object):
-                        fragment = csb.bio.fragments.Assignment(source, 
-                                                                chunk.start, chunk.end, hit.id, 
-                                                                chunk.qstart, chunk.qend, chunk.probability, 
-                                                                rmsd=None, tm_score=None)
+                        fragment = csb.bio.fragments.Assignment(source, chunk.start, chunk.end,
+                                                                chunk.qstart, chunk.qend, 
+                                                                probability=chunk.probability)
                         if cn > 1:
                             self.log('    (chunk #{0})'.format(cn), level=2)
@@ -282,46 +329,90 @@ class HHfrag(object):
             self.log(bar, level=2)
     def build_fragment_map(self):
+        """
+        Build a full Rosetta fragset.
+        @rtype: L{RosettaFragmentMap}
+        """
-        self.log('\n# Building dynamic fragment map...')
         if self._matches is None:
-            raise InvalidOperationError('You need to extract some fragments first')
+            self.extract_fragments()        
+        self.log('\n# Building dynamic fragment map...')        
         target = csb.bio.fragments.Target.from_profile(self.query)
         factory = csb.bio.fragments.RosettaFragsetFactory()
         return factory.make_fragset(target)
-    def _filter_event_handler(self, ri):
-        if ri.rep is None:
-            self.log('{0.rank:3}.     {0.confidence:5.3f}    {0.count:3}        -    -   -'.format(ri, ri.rep), level=2)            
+    def _filter_event_handler(self, ri):    
+        if ri.gap is True or ri.confident is False:
+            self.log('{0.rank:3}.     {0.confidence:5.3f}         {0.count:3}'.format(ri), level=2)            
-            self.log('{0.rank:3}.     {0.confidence:5.3f}    {0.count:3}    {1.id:5}  {1.start:3} {1.end:3}'.format(ri, ri.rep), level=2)
+            phi = PredictionBuilder.format_angle(ri.torsion.phi)
+            psi = PredictionBuilder.format_angle(ri.torsion.psi)
+            omega = PredictionBuilder.format_angle(ri.torsion.omega)
+            pred = "{0.source_id:5}  {0.start:3} {0.end:3}    {1} {2} {3}".format(ri.rep, phi, psi, omega)
+            self.log('{0.rank:3}.     {0.confidence:5.3f}         {0.count:3}    {1}'.format(ri, pred), level=2)
     def build_filtered_map(self):
+        """
+        Build a filtered fragset of centroids.
+        @return: filtered fragset and a list of residue-wise predictions
+                 (centroid and torsion angles) 
+        @rtype: L{RosettaFragmentMap}, list of L{ResidueEventInfo}
+        """
+        if self._matches is None:
+            self.extract_fragments()  
         self.log('\n# Building filtered map...')
-        self.log('\n    Confidence  Count    Representative', level=2)
+        self.log('\n    Confidence  Recurrence    Representative       Phi    Psi  Omega', level=2)
+        events = []
+        def logger(ri):
+            events.append(ri)
+            self._filter_event_handler(ri)
         target = csb.bio.fragments.Target.from_profile(self.query)
         factory = csb.bio.fragments.RosettaFragsetFactory()
-        return factory.make_filtered(target, extend=True,
-                                     callback=self._filter_event_handler)
+        fragset = factory.make_filtered(target, extend=True, callback=logger)
+        return fragset, events
-    def _merge_event_handler(self, rei):
-        if rei.confidence is None:
-            self.log('{0.rank:3}.         -    {0.count:3}'.format(rei), level=2)
-        else:
-            self.log('{0.rank:3}.     {0.confidence:5.3f}    {0.count:3}'.format(rei), level=2)        
+    def _merge_event_handler(self, ri):
+        marked = ""
+        if ri.gap is True or ri.confident is False:
+            marked = "*"
+        self.log('{0.rank:3}.     {0.confidence:5.3f}         {0.count:3}     {1:>3}'.format(ri, marked), level=2)        
-    def build_combined_map(self, fragfile, top=25):
+    def build_combined_map(self, fragfile, threshold=0.7, top=25):
+        """
+        Build a hybrid map, where low-confidence regions are complemented
+        with the specified filling.
+        @param threshold: confidence threshold
+        @type threshold: float
+        @param fragfile: filling fragset (Rosetta fragment file)
+        @type fragfile: str
+        @return: filtered fragset and a list of residue-wise predictions
+                 (centroid and torsion angles) 
+        @rtype: L{RosettaFragmentMap}, list of L{ResidueEventInfo}
+        """
+        if self._matches is None:
+            self.extract_fragments()  
         self.log('\n# Building complemented map...')
@@ -329,17 +420,69 @@ class HHfrag(object):
         except IOError as io:
             raise ArgumentIOError(str(io))
-        self.log('\n  {0} rosetta fragments loaded'.format(filling.size))
-        self.log('    Confidence  Count', level=2)               
+        self.log('\n  {0} supplementary fragments loaded'.format(filling.size))
+        self.log('    Confidence  Recurrence   Fill?', level=2)               
         target = csb.bio.fragments.Target.from_profile(self.query)
         factory = csb.bio.fragments.RosettaFragsetFactory()        
-        return factory.make_combined(target, filling, threshold=0.5,
+        return factory.make_combined(target, filling, threshold=threshold,
+    def build_hybrid_filtered_map(self, fragfile):
+        """
+        Mix the fragset with the specified (filtered)filling and then filter 
+        the mixture. If the filling is a filtered CSfrag library, this will 
+        produce a double-filtered map.
+        @param fragfile: filtered filling (filtered CSfrag fragment file)
+        @type fragfile: str        
+        @rtype: L{RosettaFragmentMap}
+        """
+        if self._matches is None:
+            self.extract_fragments()  
+        self.log('\n# Building hybrid filtered map...')
+        filling = []
+        events = []
+        def logger(ri):
+            events.append(ri)
+            self._filter_event_handler(ri)
+        try:
+            db = csb.bio.io.wwpdb.FileSystemStructureProvider(self.database)
+            for f in rosetta.RosettaFragmentMap.read(fragfile):
+                filling.append(csb.bio.fragments.Assignment.from_fragment(f, db))
+        except IOError as io:
+            raise ArgumentIOError(str(io))
+        except csb.bio.io.wwpdb.StructureNotFoundError as sne:
+            msg = "{0} is not a PDBS25-derived fragset (template {1} not found)"
+            raise ArgumentIOError(msg.format(fragfile, str(sne)))
+        self.log('\n  {0} supplementary fragments loaded'.format(len(filling)))
+        self.log('\n    Confidence  Recurrence    Representative       Phi    Psi  Omega', level=2)
+        if len(filling) > self.query.layers.length:
+            msg = "{0} does not look like a filtered fragset (too many centroids)"
+            raise ArgumentError(msg.format(fragfile))
+        target = csb.bio.fragments.Target.from_profile(self.query)
+        target.assignall(self._matches)
+        target.assignall(filling)
+        factory = csb.bio.fragments.RosettaFragsetFactory()
+        fragset = factory.make_filtered(target, extend=False, callback=logger)
+        return fragset, events
 class SliceContext(hhsearch.Context):
     def __init__(self, segment, start, end):
@@ -372,8 +515,75 @@ class SliceContext(hhsearch.Context):
             return self.recurrence < other.recurrence
+class PredictionBuilder(object):
+    HEADER = "rank:int residue:str confidence:float centroid:str phi:float psi:float omega:float" 
+    @staticmethod
+    def format_angle(angle):
+        """
+        @param angle: torsion angle value
+        @type angle: float
+        """
+        if angle is None:
+            return '{0:>6}'.format("-")
+        else:
+            return '{0:6.1f}'.format(angle)  
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(ri):
+        """
+        @param ri: all predictions
+        @type ri: list of L{ResidueEventInfo}
+        """
+        builder = PredictionBuilder()
+        builder.addall(ri)
+        return builder
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._tsv = csb.io.tsv.Table(PredictionBuilder.HEADER)
+    @property
+    def product(self):
+        """
+        @rtype: L{Table}
+        """
+        return self._tsv
+    def add(self, ri):
+        """
+        @param ri: single residue prediction
+        @type ri: L{ResidueEventInfo}
+        """
+        row = [ri.rank, repr(ri.type), ri.confidence]
+        if ri.rep:
+            row.append(ri.rep.id)
+            row.append(ri.torsion.phi)
+            row.append(ri.torsion.psi)
+            row.append(ri.torsion.omega)
+        else:
+            row.extend([None] * 4)
+        self.product.insert(row)
+    def addall(self, ri):
+        """
+        @param ri: all predictions
+        @type ri: list of L{ResidueEventInfo}
+        """
+        ri = list(ri)
+        ri.sort(key=lambda i: i.rank)
+        for i in ri:
+            self.add(i)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/csb/apps/hhsearch.py b/csb/apps/hhsearch.py
index fc5d1be..eeab329 100644
--- a/csb/apps/hhsearch.py
+++ b/csb/apps/hhsearch.py
@@ -266,10 +266,9 @@ class HHsearch(object):
             for c in pool.map(_task, taskargs):
         except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            pass
+        finally:
-        except:
-            pool.terminate()
-            raise
         return results
diff --git a/csb/apps/precision.py b/csb/apps/precision.py
index 030eb65..cbe8632 100644
--- a/csb/apps/precision.py
+++ b/csb/apps/precision.py
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class LibrarySuperimposer(object):
         self._library = library
         self._output = os.path.abspath(output)
         self._tab = os.path.join(self._output, native.entry_id + '.fragments.tab')
-        self._figure = os.path.join(self._output, native.entry_id + '.precision.png')
+        self._figure = os.path.join(self._output, native.entry_id + '.precision.pdf')
         self._out = open(self._tab, 'w')
         self._save = bool(save)
         self._cutoff = float(cutoff)
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ class LibrarySuperimposer(object):
+        pool.terminate()
         return matches
     def plot(self, matches):
@@ -229,8 +230,8 @@ class LibrarySuperimposer(object):
         with csb.io.plots.Chart() as chart:
-            chart.plot.bar(residues, background, color='#FFB0B0', linewidth=None, edgecolor='#FFB0B0')
-            chart.plot.bar(residues, precision2, color='#50A6DA', linewidth=None, edgecolor='#50A6DA')            
+            chart.plot.bar(residues, background, color='#f5f5f5', linewidth=None, edgecolor='#f5f5f5')
+            chart.plot.bar(residues, precision2, color='#5ba9da', linewidth=None, edgecolor='#5ba9da')            
@@ -238,15 +239,28 @@ class LibrarySuperimposer(object):
             chart.plot.set_ylabel('Precision, %')
             chart.plot.set_ylim(0, 100)
-            xaxis = chart.plot.axes.xaxis            
-            xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.IndexLocator(1, 0))
-            xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.IndexLocator(5, 0))   
+            xaxis = chart.plot.axes.xaxis
+            yaxis = chart.plot.axes.yaxis            
+            #xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.IndexLocator(1, 0))
+            xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.IndexLocator(10, 0))   
+            xaxis.tick_bottom()
+            yaxis.tick_left()
+            for t in xaxis.get_major_ticks(): 
+                t.tick1On = False 
+                t.tick2On = False
+            for t in xaxis.get_ticklabels():
+                t.set_fontsize(16)
+            for t in yaxis.get_ticklabels():
+                t.set_fontsize(16)
+            chart.plot.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
+            chart.plot.spines["top"].set_visible(False)                             
                 chart.width = 15
                 chart.height = 5.5
-                chart.save(self._figure)
+                chart.save(self._figure, chart.formats.PDF)
             except IOError as io:
                 raise ArgumentIOError("Can't save figure: " + str(io))
diff --git a/csb/bio/fragments/__init__.py b/csb/bio/fragments/__init__.py
index a9582e8..68735c3 100644
--- a/csb/bio/fragments/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/bio/fragments/__init__.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import csb.core
 import csb.bio.utils
 import csb.bio.structure
 import csb.bio.sequence
 from csb.bio.structure import SecondaryStructure
@@ -384,6 +385,17 @@ class AssignmentFactory(object):
     def assignment(self, *a, **k):
         return Assignment(*a, **k)
+class ChemShiftAssignmentFactory(object):
+    def target(self, *a, **k):
+        return ChemShiftTarget(*a, **k)
+    def residue(self, *a, **k):
+        return ChemShiftTargetResidue(*a, **k)
+    def assignment(self, *a, **k):
+        return ChemShiftAssignment(*a, **k)    
 class Target(csb.core.AbstractNIContainer):
@@ -570,7 +582,28 @@ class Target(csb.core.AbstractNIContainer):
                                       overlap=self._overlap, segments=segments)
         return target        
+class ChemShiftTarget(Target):
+    def __init__(self, id, length, residues, overlap=None):
+        super(ChemShiftTarget, self).__init__(id, length, residues, overlap=overlap,
+                                              segments=None, factory=ChemShiftAssignmentFactory())
+    def assign(self, fragment):
+        if not 1 <= fragment.qstart <= fragment.qend <= len(self._residues):
+            raise ValueError("Fragment out of range")
+        self._assignments._append_item(fragment)
+        rank = fragment.qstart
+        ai = ResidueAssignmentInfo(fragment, rank)
+        self._residues[rank].assign(ai)
+    def clone(self):
+        return self._factory.target(self.id, self.length, [r.native for r in self.residues],
+                                    overlap=self._overlap)         
 class TargetResidue(object):
@@ -683,6 +716,25 @@ class TargetResidue(object):
             pos = len(positive) * 100.0 / self.assignments.length
             return pos
+class ChemShiftTargetResidue(TargetResidue):
+    def verybest(self):
+        best = None
+        for ai in self.assignments:
+            a = ai.fragment
+            if a.score < ChemShiftAssignment.BIT_SCORE_THRESHOLD * a.window:
+                continue
+            if best is None or a.score > best.score:
+                best = a
+            elif a.score == best.score and a.length > best.length:
+                best = a
+        return best        
 class TargetSegment(object):
@@ -949,8 +1001,8 @@ class Assignment(FragmentMatch):
     @type rmsd: float
-    def __init__(self, source, start, end, id, qstart, qend, probability, rmsd, tm_score=None,
-                 score=None, neff=None, segment=None, internal_id=None):
+    def __init__(self, source, start, end, qstart, qend, id=None, probability=None, rmsd=None,
+                 tm_score=None, score=None, neff=None, segment=None, internal_id=None):
         assert source.has_torsion
         sub = source.subregion(start, end, clone=True)
@@ -975,6 +1027,9 @@ class Assignment(FragmentMatch):
         self._segment_start = segment
         self.internal_id = internal_id
+        if id is None:
+            id = "{0}:{1}-{2}".format(self.source_id, self.start, self.end)
         super(Assignment, self).__init__(id, qstart, qend, probability, rmsd, tm_score, None)
         self._ss = SecondaryStructure('-' * self.length)
@@ -991,14 +1046,17 @@ class Assignment(FragmentMatch):
         @rtype: L{Assignment}
-        structure = provider.get(fragment.accession)
+        try:
+            structure = provider.get(fragment.accession)
+        except KeyError:
+            structure = provider.get(fragment.source_id)
         source = structure.chains[fragment.chain]
         id = "{0}:{1}-{2}".format(fragment.source_id, fragment.start, fragment.end)
-        return Assignment(source, fragment.start, fragment.end, id,
-                          fragment.qstart, fragment.qend, 0, 0)        
+        return Assignment(source, fragment.start, fragment.end,
+                          fragment.qstart, fragment.qend, id, 0, 0)        
     def backbone(self):
@@ -1164,6 +1222,8 @@ class Assignment(FragmentMatch):
         @rtype: float
+        if self is other:
+            return 0
         common = self.overlap(other)
@@ -1251,6 +1311,22 @@ class Assignment(FragmentMatch):
             stream.write(' {0:4} {1:1} {2:>5} {3!s:1} {4!s:1} {5:>8.3f} {6:>8.3f} {7:>8.3f} {8:>8.3f}\n'.format(acc, ch, start, aa, ss, phi, psi, omega, weight))            
         return stream.getvalue()    
+class ChemShiftAssignment(Assignment):
+    def __init__(self, source, start, end, qstart, qend, window, score, rmsd):
+        self._window = window
+        super(ChemShiftAssignment, self).__init__(
+                            source, start, end, qstart, qend, id=None, probability=1.0,
+                            rmsd=rmsd, tm_score=None, score=score, neff=None, segment=None, internal_id=None)
+    @property
+    def window(self):
+        return self._window       
 class ClusterExhaustedError(ValueError):
@@ -1277,8 +1353,9 @@ class FragmentCluster(object):
     @param threshold: RMSD threshold; continue shrinking until the mean distance
                       drops below this value (default=1.5) 
     @type threshold: float
-    @param connectedness: use only nodes which are connected to at least c% of all
-                          initial nodes (default=0.5, that means 50%)
+    @param connectedness: when calculating centroids, consider only nodes 
+                          connected to at least c% of all surviving vertices 
+                          (default=0.5)
     @type connectedness: float
@@ -1291,26 +1368,34 @@ class FragmentCluster(object):
         self._matrix = {}        
         self._threshold = float(threshold)
         self._connectedness = float(connectedness)
+        self._weight = 0
+        self._edges = 0
+        visited = set()
         for i in items:
-            self._matrix[i] = {}
-            conn = 0.0
+            self._matrix.setdefault(i, {})
             for j in items:
-                distance = i.distance(j)
-                if distance is not None:
-                    conn += 1
-                    self._matrix[i][j] = distance
-            if conn / len(items) < self.connectedness:
-                # reject i as a first class node
-                del self._matrix[i]
+                self._matrix.setdefault(j, {})
+                if (j, i) not in visited:
+                    visited.add((i, j))
+                    distance = i.distance(j)
+                    if distance is not None:                  
+                        self._matrix[i][j] = distance
+                        self._matrix[j][i] = distance
+                        i.weight += distance
+                        j.weight += distance
+                        self._weight += distance  
+                        self._edges += 1                      
         self._items = set(self._matrix.keys())
         if len(self._items) < 1:
-            raise ClusterEmptyError()
+            raise ClusterEmptyError() 
         self._initcount = self.count 
@@ -1363,14 +1448,21 @@ class FragmentCluster(object):
         @return: the current mean distance in the cluster
         @rtype: float
-        d = self._distances(skip=skip) 
+        if self._edges == 0:
+            raise ClusterExhaustedError()
-        if len(d) > 0:
-            return numpy.mean(d)
+        if not skip:
+            return float(self._weight) / self._edges
-            raise ClusterExhaustedError()
+            weight = self._weight - skip.weight
+            edges = self._edges - len(self._matrix[skip])
+            if edges < 1:
+                return 0
+            else:  
+                return float(weight) / edges
     def centroid(self):
         @return: the current representative fragment
@@ -1387,10 +1479,11 @@ class FragmentCluster(object):
         avg = None
         for i in self._matrix:
+            edges = len(self._matrix[i]) or (1.0 / self.count)
+            curravg = float(i.weight) / edges
+            conn = len(self._matrix[i]) / float(self.count)
-            curravg = numpy.mean(list(self._matrix[i].values()))
-            if avg is None or curravg < avg:
+            if avg is None or (curravg < avg and conn >= self.connectedness):
                 avg = curravg
                 cen = i
             elif curravg == avg:
@@ -1398,7 +1491,7 @@ class FragmentCluster(object):
                     cen = i
         d = self._distances()
-        mean = numpy.mean(d)
+        mean = numpy.mean(d) 
         cons = sum(1.0 for i in d if i <= self.threshold) / len(d)
         for i in self._matrix:
@@ -1418,16 +1511,20 @@ class FragmentCluster(object):
         @type item: L{ClusterNode}
         @raise ClusterExhaustedError: if this is the last remaining item
         if self.count == 1:
             raise ClusterExhaustedError()
         assert not item.fixed
         for i in self._matrix:
-            if item in self._matrix[i]:
+            if item in self._matrix[i]:                
+                distance = self._matrix[i][item]    
+                self._weight -= distance
+                i.weight -= distance
                 del self._matrix[i][item]
+                self._edges -= 1                
         del self._matrix[item]
@@ -1526,6 +1623,7 @@ class ClusterNode(object):
         self.fragment = fragment
         self.fixed = bool(fixed)
+        self.weight = 0
         self._distance = getattr(self.fragment, distance)
@@ -1743,14 +1841,31 @@ class SmoothFragmentMap(csb.core.AbstractContainer):
 class ResidueEventInfo(object):
-    def __init__(self, rank, confidence=None, count=None, confident=True, rep=None):
+    def __init__(self, residue, confidence=0, count=0, confident=True, gap=False, rep=None):
-        self.rank = rank
+        self.residue = residue
         self.confidence = confidence
         self.confident = confident
+        self.gap = gap
         self.count = count
         self.rep = rep
+    @property
+    def rank(self):
+        return self.residue.rank
+    @property
+    def type(self):
+        return self.residue.type
+    @property
+    def torsion(self):
+        if self.rep:
+            return self.rep.torsion_at(self.rank, self.rank)[0]
+        else:
+            return None
 class RosettaFragsetFactory(object):
     Simplifies the construction of fragment libraries.
@@ -1824,19 +1939,23 @@ class RosettaFragsetFactory(object):
             if r.assignments.length == 0:
                 if callback:
-                    callback(ResidueEventInfo(r.native.rank, None, 0, False))
+                    callback(ResidueEventInfo(r.native, gap=True))
             cluster = r.filter()
             if cluster is None:
                 if callback:
-                    callback(ResidueEventInfo(r.native.rank, 0, 0, False))                
+                    callback(ResidueEventInfo(r.native, 0, 0, confident=False))                
             if cluster.confidence >= threshold:
-            elif callback:
-                callback(ResidueEventInfo(r.native.rank, cluster.confidence, cluster.count, False))
+                confident = True
+            else:
+                confident = False
+            if callback:
+                callback(ResidueEventInfo(r.native, cluster.confidence, cluster.count, confident))
         for r in target.residues:
             if r.native.rank not in covered:               # true for gaps and low-conf residues
@@ -1865,10 +1984,14 @@ class RosettaFragsetFactory(object):
         for r in target.residues:
             if r.assignments.length == 0:
-                continue    
+                if callback:
+                    callback(ResidueEventInfo(r.native, gap=True))
+                continue
             cluster = r.filter(extend=extend)
             if cluster is None:
+                if callback:
+                    callback(ResidueEventInfo(r.native, 0, 0, confident=False))
             if extend and cluster.has_alternative:
@@ -1879,7 +2002,7 @@ class RosettaFragsetFactory(object):
             fragment = self.rosetta.RosettaFragment.from_object(best)
             if callback:
-                callback(ResidueEventInfo(r.native.rank, cluster.confidence, cluster.count, rep=cluster.centroid))
+                callback(ResidueEventInfo(r.native, cluster.confidence, cluster.count, rep=cluster.centroid))
         return self.rosetta.RosettaFragmentMap(fragments, target.length)
diff --git a/csb/bio/fragments/rosetta.py b/csb/bio/fragments/rosetta.py
index 27b46ca..d727fbc 100644
--- a/csb/bio/fragments/rosetta.py
+++ b/csb/bio/fragments/rosetta.py
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class RosettaFragment(object):
         for rank, aa, torsion, calpha in zip(range(a.start, a.end + 1), a.sequence, a.torsion, a.backbone):
             residues.append(ResidueInfo(rank, aa, 'L', torsion, calpha))
-        return RosettaFragment(a.source_id, a.qstart, a.qend, a.start, a.end, 1 - a.probability, residues)
+        return RosettaFragment(a.source_id, a.qstart, a.qend, a.start, a.end, 1 - (a.probability or 0.0), residues)
     def length(self):
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class RosettaFragment(object):
     def id(self):
-        return '{0.source_id}.{0.start}-{0.end}'.format(self)
+        return '{0.source_id}:{0.start}-{0.end}'.format(self)
     def qstart(self):
diff --git a/csb/bio/io/clans.py b/csb/bio/io/clans.py
index 611d767..18abd0c 100644
--- a/csb/bio/io/clans.py
+++ b/csb/bio/io/clans.py
@@ -477,11 +477,12 @@ class ClansParser(object):
         groups = []
         for line in block:
-            p, v = line.split('=')
+            p, v = line.split('=', 1)
             if p == 'name':
                 groups.append({'name': v})
             elif p == 'numbers':
-                groups[-1][p] = [int(val) for val in v.split(';')[:-1]]
+                ## empty groups with terminal semicolon ("numbers=;") contained an empty string in v.split(';')
+                groups[-1][p] = [int(val) for val in [member for member in v.split(';')[:-1] if member != '']]
                 groups[-1][p] = v
         return groups
diff --git a/csb/bio/io/cs.py b/csb/bio/io/cs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db36d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/bio/io/cs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+Simple NMR STAR chemical shift readers.
+from csb.bio.nmr import ChemShiftInfo
+class ChemShiftFormatError(ValueError):
+    pass
+class ChemShiftReader(object):
+    """
+    Simple NMR STAR v2 chemical shift reader. 
+    @note: This is not a full-fledged, semantic NMR STAR parser. It handles
+           only the chemical shift table. 
+    """
+    FRAME = 'save_assigned_chemical_shifts'
+    RANK = '_Residue_seq_code'
+    RESIDUE = '_Residue_label'
+    ATOM = '_Atom_name'
+    ELEMENT = '_Atom_type'
+    SHIFT = '_Chem_shift_value'
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(frame=FRAME, version=2):
+        """
+        Parser factory: create a new parser, given a saveframe name 
+        and format verison.
+        @param frame: name of the saveframe to read
+        @type frame: str
+        @param version: NMR STAR format version
+        @type version: int
+        @return: an instance of any L{ChemShiftReader} class
+        @rtype: L{ChemShiftReader}
+        """
+        if version == 3:
+            return ChemShift3Reader(frame=frame)
+        elif version == 2:
+            return ChemShiftReader(frame=frame)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('Unknown NMR-STAR version')
+    @staticmethod
+    def guess(file, frame=FRAME):
+        """
+        Parser factory: try to guess the correct NMR STAR version from a given
+        file and create an appropriate parser.
+        @param file: NMR STAR path and file name
+        @type file: str 
+        @param frame: name of the saveframe to read
+        @type frame: str
+        @return: an instance of any L{ChemShiftReader} class
+        @rtype: L{ChemShiftReader}
+        @raise ChemShiftFormatError: on failure to determine the NMR STAR version
+        """
+        with open(file) as cs:
+            content = cs.read()
+            if not content.strip():
+                return ChemShiftReader.create()
+            elif ChemShift3Reader.SHIFT3 in content:
+                return ChemShiftReader.create(frame, version=3)
+            elif ChemShiftReader.SHIFT in content:
+                return ChemShiftReader.create(frame, version=2)
+            else:
+                raise ChemShiftFormatError("Can't guess NMR-STAR version")
+    def __init__(self, frame=FRAME):
+        self._frame = frame
+    def read_file(self, filename):
+        """
+        Parse the specified file.
+        @param filename: file path and name
+        @type filename: str
+        @rtype: tuple of L{ChemShiftInfo}     
+        """
+        with open(filename) as input:
+            return self.read_shifts(input.read())
+    def read_shifts(self, star_table):
+        """
+        Parse a given NMR STAR chemical shift table.
+        @param star_table: NMR STAR chemical shift table
+        @type star_table: str
+        @rtype: tuple of L{ChemShiftInfo} 
+        @raise ChemShiftFormatError: on parse error    
+        """
+        shifts = []
+        init = False
+        in_shifts = False
+        fields = []
+        lines = iter(star_table.splitlines())
+        if self._frame in star_table:
+            self._scroll(lines, self._frame)
+        for l in lines:
+            ls = l.strip()
+            if not in_shifts:
+                if ls == 'loop_':
+                    assert in_shifts is False and not fields and init is False
+                    init = True
+                    continue
+                elif init and ls.startswith('_'):
+                    assert in_shifts is False
+                    fields.append(l.strip())
+                    continue
+                elif init and not ls:
+                    if len(fields) < 1:
+                        raise ChemShiftFormatError("No fields found in the CS table")             
+                    in_shifts = True
+                    continue
+            else:
+                if ls == 'stop_':
+                    break
+                elif ls.startswith('#'):
+                    continue
+                elif ls:
+                    values = l.split()
+                    if len(values) < len(fields):
+                        raise ChemShiftFormatError("Insufficient number of values: {0}".format(l))
+                    data = dict(zip(fields, values))
+                    shifts.append(self._create_shift(data))
+        return tuple(shifts)
+    def _scroll(self, iterator, field):
+        for line in iterator:
+            if line.lstrip().startswith(field):
+                break
+    def _create_shift(self, data):
+        try:
+            position = int(data[ChemShiftReader.RANK])
+            residue = data[ChemShiftReader.RESIDUE]
+            name = data[ChemShiftReader.ATOM]
+            element = data[ChemShiftReader.ELEMENT]
+            shift = float(data[ChemShiftReader.SHIFT])
+        except KeyError as ke:
+            raise ChemShiftFormatError("Required field {0} not found".format(str(ke)))
+        except ValueError as ve:
+            raise ChemShiftFormatError("Can't parse value: {0}".format(str(ve)))
+        return ChemShiftInfo(position, residue, name, element, shift)
+class ChemShift3Reader(ChemShiftReader):
+    """
+    Simple NMR STAR v3 chemical shift reader. 
+    @note: This is not a full-fledged, semantic NMR STAR parser. It handles
+           only the chemical shift table. 
+    """    
+    RANK3 = '_Atom_chem_shift.Seq_ID'
+    RESIDUE3 = '_Atom_chem_shift.Comp_ID'
+    ATOM3 = '_Atom_chem_shift.Atom_ID'
+    ELEMENT3 = '_Atom_chem_shift.Atom_type'
+    SHIFT3 = '_Atom_chem_shift.Val'
+    def _create_shift(self, data):
+        try:        
+            position = data[ChemShift3Reader.RANK3]
+            residue = data[ChemShift3Reader.RESIDUE3]
+            name = data[ChemShift3Reader.ATOM3]
+            element = data[ChemShift3Reader.ELEMENT3]
+            shift = data[ChemShift3Reader.SHIFT3]
+        except KeyError as ke:
+            raise ChemShiftFormatError("Required field {0} not found".format(str(ke)))
+        except ValueError as ve:
+            raise ChemShiftFormatError("Can't parse value: {0}".format(str(ve)))
+        return ChemShiftInfo(position, residue, name, element, shift)
diff --git a/csb/bio/io/fasta.py b/csb/bio/io/fasta.py
index 8fd85ed..c46e4c0 100644
--- a/csb/bio/io/fasta.py
+++ b/csb/bio/io/fasta.py
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ from csb.bio.sequence import SequenceAlignment, StructureAlignment, A3MAlignment
 from csb.bio.sequence import SequenceCollection, AbstractSequence, Sequence, RichSequence, ChainSequence
+class SequenceFormatError(ValueError):
+    pass
 class BaseSequenceParser(object):
     FASTA parser template. Subclasses must implement the way FASTA strings are
@@ -92,6 +96,8 @@ class BaseSequenceParser(object):
         @return: a new sequence, created with L{BaseSequenceParser.product_factory}
         @rtype: L{AbstractSequence}
+        @raise SequenceFormatError: on parse error
@@ -104,6 +110,8 @@ class BaseSequenceParser(object):
         @return: a list of L{Sequence}s
         @rtype: L{SequenceCollection}
+        @raise SequenceFormatError: on parse error        
         stream = csb.io.MemoryStream()
@@ -120,6 +128,8 @@ class BaseSequenceParser(object):
         @return: a list of L{Sequence}s
         @rtype: L{SequenceCollection}
+        @raise SequenceFormatError: on parse error        
         if isinstance(fasta_file, csb.core.string):
             stream = open(fasta_file)
@@ -143,6 +153,8 @@ class BaseSequenceParser(object):
         @return: efficient cursor over all L{Sequence}s (parse on demand)
         @rtype: iterator
+        @raise SequenceFormatError: on parse error        
         if isinstance(fasta_file, csb.core.string):
             stream = open(fasta_file)
@@ -166,7 +178,7 @@ class SequenceParser(BaseSequenceParser):
         if not lines[0].startswith(AbstractSequence.DELIMITER):
             lines = [''] + lines
         if len(lines) < 2:
-            raise ValueError('Empty FASTA entry')
+            raise SequenceFormatError('Empty FASTA entry')
         header = lines[0]
         id = header[1:].split()[0]
@@ -185,7 +197,7 @@ class PDBSequenceParser(SequenceParser):
         seq = super(PDBSequenceParser, self).read_sequence(string)
         if not (seq.header and seq.id) or not (len(seq.id) in(5, 6) and seq.header.find('mol:') != -1):
-            raise ValueError('Does not look like a PDB header: {0}'.format(seq.header))
+            raise SequenceFormatError('Does not look like a PDB header: {0}'.format(seq.header))
         seq.id = seq.id.replace('_', '')
         stype = seq.header.partition('mol:')[2].partition(' ')[0]
diff --git a/csb/bio/io/hhpred.py b/csb/bio/io/hhpred.py
index f8e1367..044bd28 100644
--- a/csb/bio/io/hhpred.py
+++ b/csb/bio/io/hhpred.py
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class HHProfileParser(object):
         s = csb.bio.io.StructureParser(input_pdb).parse_structure()
         chain = s.chains[chain_id]
-        if s.first_chain.length != hmm.layers.length:
+        if chain.length != hmm.layers.length:
             raise StructureFormatError(
                         "{0}: Incorrect number of residues".format(chain.entry_id)) 
diff --git a/csb/bio/io/noe.py b/csb/bio/io/noe.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7863861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/bio/io/noe.py
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+Simple XEASY and Sparky peak list parsers.
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from csb.bio.nmr import NOESpectrum
+class PeakListFormatError(ValueError):
+    pass
+class BasePeakListReader(object):
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    @abstractmethod
+    def read(self, table):
+        """
+        Parse a peak list table.
+        @param table: input peak list table
+        @type table: str
+        @rtype: L{NOESpectrum}
+        """
+        pass
+    def read_file(self, filename):
+        """
+        Parse a peak list file.
+        @param filename: input file name
+        @type filename: str
+        @rtype: L{NOESpectrum}
+        """
+        with open(filename) as input:
+            return self.read(input.read())
+    def read_all(self, filenames):
+        """
+        Parse a list of peak list files and merge the resulting spectra.
+        All spectra must have identical dimensions.
+        @param filenames: input file names
+        @type filenames: iterable of str
+        @return: joint spectrum
+        @rtype: L{NOESpectrum}
+        """
+        spectra = [self.read_file(f) for f in filenames]
+        return NOESpectrum.join(*spectra)
+class SparkyPeakListReader(BasePeakListReader):
+    """
+    Sparky NOE peak list parser.
+    @param elements: list of element names for each dimension
+    @type elements: list of (str or L{EnumItem})
+    @param connected: list of covalently connected dimension indices in the
+                      format: [(i1,i2),...]
+    @type connected: list of (int,int) tuples
+    """
+    def __init__(self, elements, connected):
+        self._elements = list(elements)
+        self._connected = [(d1, d2) for d1, d2 in connected]
+        if len(self._elements) < 1:
+            raise ValueError("Can't parse a 0-dimensional peak list")
+    def read(self, table):
+        """
+        Parse a Sparky peak list table.
+        @param table: input peak list
+        @type table: str
+        @rtype: L{NOESpectrum}
+        """
+        offset = 0                
+        spectrum = NOESpectrum(self._elements)
+        for d1, d2 in self._connected:
+            spectrum.connect(d1, d2)
+        for l in table.splitlines():
+            if not l.strip() or ('w1' in l and 'w2' in l):
+                if l.lstrip().lower().startswith('assignment'):
+                    offset = 1
+                continue
+            line = l.split()[offset:]
+            try:
+                float(line[-1])             # last item may or may not be a comment
+            except ValueError:
+                if len(line) > 0:
+                    line.pop()
+            items = list(map(float, line))
+            intensity = items[-1]
+            dimensions = items[:-1]
+            if len(dimensions) != len(self._elements):
+                raise PeakListFormatError("Expected {0} dimensional spectrum, got {1}".format(
+                                                                    len(self._elements), len(dimensions)))
+            spectrum.add(intensity, dimensions)
+        return spectrum       
+class XeasyPeakListReader(BasePeakListReader):
+    """
+    XEASY NOE peak list parser.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def read(self, table):
+        """
+        Parse an XEASY peak list table.
+        @param table: input peak list
+        @type table: str
+        @rtype: L{NOESpectrum}
+        """      
+        lines = table.splitlines()  
+        spectrum = self._read_header(lines)
+        for l in lines:
+            if not l.strip() or l.startswith('#'):
+                continue
+            parts = l.split()[1:]
+            peak = parts[:spectrum.num_dimensions]
+            height = parts[spectrum.num_dimensions + 2] 
+            intensity = float(height)
+            dimensions = map(float, peak)
+            spectrum.add(intensity, dimensions)
+        return spectrum           
+    def _read_header(self, lines):
+        num = 0
+        dim = {}
+        el = {}
+        el2 = {}
+        connectivity = None
+        for l in lines:
+            if l.startswith('#'):
+                if l[1:].lstrip().lower().startswith('number of dimensions'):
+                    num = int(l.split()[-1])
+                if l.startswith('#INAME'):
+                    parts = l.split()[1:]
+                    if len(parts) != 2:
+                        raise PeakListFormatError("Invalid Xeasy header")                    
+                    index = int(parts[0]) - 1
+                    if index < 0:
+                        raise PeakListFormatError("Invalid Xeasy header: dimension index < 1")
+                    element = ''.join(i for i in parts[1] if i.isalpha())
+                    el[parts[1]] = index
+                    el2[element] = index
+                    dim[index] = element
+                if l.startswith('#CYANAFORMAT'):
+                    connectivity = l.split()[1]
+        if len(dim) != num or num == 0:
+            raise PeakListFormatError("Invalid Xeasy header")
+        elements = tuple(dim[i] for i in sorted(dim))
+        spectrum = NOESpectrum(elements)
+        if connectivity:
+            # cyanaformat - explicitly defines connected dimensions:
+            # upper case dimensions are connected, e.g. "#CYANAFORMAT hCH" => 2-3 
+            if connectivity.upper() != ''.join(elements).upper():
+                raise ValueError("Invalid XEASY/CYANA header") 
+            for i1 in range(len(connectivity)):
+                for i2 in range(len(connectivity)):
+                    e1, e2 = connectivity[i1], connectivity[i2] 
+                    if i1 != i2 and e1.isupper() and e2.isupper():
+                        spectrum.connect(i1, i2)                        
+        else:
+            # dimension labels starting with a number are connected, e.g. "1A B2 3C" => 1-3
+            if len(el) != num:
+                raise PeakListFormatError("Invalid XEASY header")                
+            for e1 in el:
+                for e2 in el:
+                    if e1 != e2:
+                        element1 = dim[el[e1]]
+                        element2 = dim[el[e2]]
+                        num1 = e1.replace(element1, '')
+                        num2 = e2.replace(element2, '')
+                        if e1.startswith(num1) and e2.startswith(num2):
+                            spectrum.connect(el[e1], el[e2])
+        return spectrum
+class XeasyFileBuilder(object):
+    """
+    XEASY output format builder.
+    @param stream: destination stream, were the output is written
+    @type stream: file
+    """
+    def __init__(self, stream):
+        self._out = stream
+    def add_spectrum(self, spectrum):
+        self.add_header(spectrum)
+        self.add_peaks(spectrum)
+    def add_header(self, spectrum):
+        """
+        Write the XEASY header.
+        @param spectrum: NOE spectrum
+        @type spectrum: L{NOESpectrum} 
+        """
+        self._out.write(
+            '# Number of dimensions {0}\n'.format(spectrum.num_dimensions))
+        conn = ''
+        for en, e in enumerate(spectrum.dimensions, start=1):
+            element = repr(e).upper()
+            self._out.write('#INAME {0} {1}{0}\n'.format(en, element))
+            if spectrum.has_connected_dimensions(en - 1):
+                conn += element.upper()
+            else:
+                conn += element.lower()
+        self._out.write(
+            '#CYANAFORMAT {0}\n'.format(conn))
+    def add_peaks(self, spectrum):
+        """
+        Write all peaks from C{spectrum}.
+        @param spectrum: NOE spectrum
+        @type spectrum: L{NOESpectrum} 
+        """
+        for pn, peak in enumerate(spectrum, start=1):
+            self._out.write("{0:5} ".format(pn))
+            for dim in range(spectrum.num_dimensions):
+                data = "{0:7.3f} ".format(peak.get(dim))
+                self._out.write(data)
+            self._out.write("2 U ")
+            self._out.write("{0:18e} ".format(peak.intensity))
+            self._out.write("0.00e+00 m   0    0    0    0 0\n")
diff --git a/csb/bio/io/wwpdb.py b/csb/bio/io/wwpdb.py
index 47cef14..3070714 100644
--- a/csb/bio/io/wwpdb.py
+++ b/csb/bio/io/wwpdb.py
@@ -29,6 +29,20 @@ input PDB file. If the input file looks like a regular PDB file, the factory
 returns a L{RegularStructureParser}, otherwise it instantiates L{LegacyStructureParser}.
 L{StructureParser} is in fact an alias for L{AbstractStructureParser.create_parser}.
+Writing your own, customized PDB parser is easy. Suppose that you are trying to
+parse a PDB-like file which misuses the charge column to store custom info. This
+will certainly crash L{RegularStructureParser} (for good), but you can create your
+own parser as a workaround. All you need to to is to override the virtual
+C{_read_charge} hook method::
+    class CustomParser(RegularStructureParser):
+        def _read_charge(self, line):
+            try:
+                return super(CustomParser, self)._read_charge(line)
+            except StructureFormatError:
+                return None
 Another important abstraction in this module is L{StructureProvider}. It has several
 implementations which can be used to retrieve PDB L{Structure}s from various sources:
 file system directories, remote URLs, etc. You can easily create your own provider as
@@ -54,6 +68,8 @@ import datetime
 import multiprocessing
 import csb.bio.structure
+import csb.bio.sequence
+import csb.bio.sequence.alignment as alignment
 import csb.core
 import csb.io
@@ -135,6 +151,9 @@ class StructureNotFoundError(KeyError):
 class InvalidEntryIDError(StructureFormatError):
+class ResidueMappingError(StructureFormatError):
+    pass
 class EntryID(object):
@@ -268,7 +287,10 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
     @type structure_file: str
     @param check_ss: if True, secondary structure errors in the file will cause 
                      L{SecStructureFormatError} exceptions
-    @type check_ss: bool    
+    @type check_ss: bool
+    @param mapper: residue mapper, used to align ATOM records to SEQRES.
+                   If None, use the default (L{CombinedResidueMapper})
+    @type mapper: L{AbstractResidueMapper}    
     @raise IOError: when the input file cannot be found
@@ -276,7 +298,7 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
     __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def create_parser(structure_file, check_ss=False):
+    def create_parser(structure_file, check_ss=False, mapper=None):
         A StructureParser factory, which instantiates and returns the proper parser
         object based on the contents of the PDB file.
@@ -287,6 +309,12 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
         @param structure_file: the PDB file to parse
         @type structure_file: str
+        @param check_ss: if True, secondary structure errors in the file will cause 
+                         L{SecStructureFormatError} exceptions
+        @type check_ss: bool
+        @param mapper: residue mapper, used to align ATOM records to SEQRES.
+                       If None, use the default (L{CombinedResidueMapper})
+        @type mapper: L{AbstractResidueMapper}          
         @rtype: L{AbstractStructureParser}
@@ -298,23 +326,39 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
         if has_seqres:
-            return RegularStructureParser(structure_file)
+            return RegularStructureParser(structure_file, check_ss, mapper)
-            return LegacyStructureParser(structure_file)        
+            return LegacyStructureParser(structure_file, check_ss, mapper)        
-    def __init__(self, structure_file, check_ss=False):
+    def __init__(self, structure_file, check_ss=False, mapper=None):
         self._file = None
         self._stream = None
-        self._check_ss = bool(check_ss)        
+        self._mapper = CombinedResidueMapper()
+        self._check_ss = bool(check_ss)
         self.filename = structure_file
+        if mapper is not None:
+            self.mapper = mapper
     def __del__(self):
+    @property
+    def mapper(self):
+        """
+        Current residue mapping strategy
+        @rtype: L{AbstractResidueMapper}
+        """
+        return self._mapper
+    @mapper.setter
+    def mapper(self, value):
+        if not isinstance(value, AbstractResidueMapper):
+            raise TypeError(value)
+        self._mapper = value
     def filename(self):
@@ -363,13 +407,44 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
             return models
             return []
+    def guess_chain_type(self, residue_labels):
+        """
+        Try to guess what is the sequence type of a chunk of PDB
+        C{residue_label}s. The list of labels is probed starting from the middle
+        first, because PDB chains often contain modified / unknown residues at
+        the termini. If none of the probed residues can be used to determine
+        chain's type, just give up and return L{SequenceTypes.Unknown}.
+        @param residue_labels: an iterable of PDB residue labels
+        @type residue_labels: iterable 
+        @return: a L{SequenceTypes} enum member
+        @rtype: L{csb.core.EnumItem}              
+        """
+        labels = list(residue_labels)
+        middle = int(len(labels) / 2)
+        reordered = labels[middle:] + list(reversed(labels[:middle]))
+        for label in reordered:
+            try:
+                type = self.guess_sequence_type(label)
+                if type != SequenceTypes.Unknown:
+                    return type
+            except UnknownPDBResidueError:
+                continue
+        return SequenceTypes.Unknown
-    def guess_sequence_type(self, residue_name):
+    def guess_sequence_type(self, residue_label):
-        Try to guess what is the sequence type of a PDB C{residue_name}.
+        Try to guess what is the sequence type of a PDB C{residue_label}.
-        @param residue_name: a PDB-conforming name of a residue
-        @type residue_name: str
+        @param residue_label: a PDB-conforming name of a residue
+        @type residue_label: str
         @return: a L{SequenceTypes} enum member
         @rtype: L{csb.core.EnumItem}
@@ -377,22 +452,22 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
         @raise UnknownPDBResidueError: when there is no such PDB residue name
                                        in the catalog tables
-        if residue_name in PDB_AMINOACIDS:
+        if residue_label in PDB_AMINOACIDS:
             return SequenceTypes.Protein                                
-        elif residue_name in PDB_NUCLEOTIDES:
+        elif residue_label in PDB_NUCLEOTIDES:
             return SequenceTypes.NucleicAcid                            
-            raise UnknownPDBResidueError(residue_name)
+            raise UnknownPDBResidueError(residue_label)
-    def parse_residue(self, residue_name, as_type=None):
+    def parse_residue(self, residue_label, as_type=None):
-        Try to parse a PDB C{residue_name} and return its closest 'normal'
+        Try to parse a PDB C{residue_label} and return its closest 'normal'
         string representation. If a sequence type (C{as_type}) is defined,
         guess the alphabet based on that information, otherwise try first to
         parse it as a protein residue.
-        @param residue_name: a PDB-conforming name of a residue
-        @type residue_name: str
+        @param residue_label: a PDB-conforming name of a residue
+        @type residue_label: str
         @param as_type: suggest a sequence type (L{SequenceTypes} member)
         @type L{scb.core.EnumItem}
@@ -403,25 +478,25 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
                                        in the catalog table(s)
         if as_type is None:
-            as_type = self.guess_sequence_type(residue_name)         
+            as_type = self.guess_sequence_type(residue_label)         
             if as_type == SequenceTypes.Protein:                            
-                return PDB_AMINOACIDS[residue_name]
+                return PDB_AMINOACIDS[residue_label]
             elif as_type == SequenceTypes.NucleicAcid:                      
-                return PDB_NUCLEOTIDES[residue_name]
+                return PDB_NUCLEOTIDES[residue_label]
-                raise UnknownPDBResidueError(residue_name)
+                raise UnknownPDBResidueError(residue_label)
         except KeyError:
-            raise UnknownPDBResidueError(residue_name)
+            raise UnknownPDBResidueError(residue_label)
-    def parse_residue_safe(self, residue_name, as_type):
+    def parse_residue_safe(self, residue_label, as_type):
         Same as C{parse_residue}, but returns UNK/Any instead of raising
-        @param residue_name: a PDB-conforming name of a residue
-        @type residue_name: str
+        @param residue_label: a PDB-conforming name of a residue
+        @type residue_label: str
         @param as_type: suggest a sequence type (L{SequenceTypes} member)
         @type L{scb.core.EnumItem}
@@ -429,7 +504,7 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
         @rtype: str
-            return self.parse_residue(residue_name, as_type)
+            return self.parse_residue(residue_label, as_type)
         except UnknownPDBResidueError:
             if as_type == SequenceTypes.Protein:                        
                 return repr(SequenceAlphabets.Protein.UNK)              
@@ -464,8 +539,13 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
         if model is not None:
             model = int(model)
-        structure = self._parse_header(model)
+        try:            
+            structure = self._parse_header(model)
+        except PDBParseError:
+            raise
+        except ValueError as ex:
+            raise HeaderFormatError("Malformed header: {0}".format(ex))
         self._parse_atoms(structure, model)
@@ -582,6 +662,11 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
         molecule identifiers, chains and residues. This structure object is
         then internally passed to the C{_parse_atoms} hook, responsible for
         attachment of the atoms to the residues in the structure.
+        @param model: model ID to parse
+        @type model: str
+        @rtype: L{Structure}
@@ -597,7 +682,7 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
                 raise ValueError('No such model {0} in the structure.'.format(model))
             if line.startswith('MODEL'):
-                model_id = int(line[10:14])
+                model_id = self._read_model(line)
                 if model == model_id:
                     return model_id      
@@ -605,16 +690,24 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
         Parse the ATOMs from the specified C{model} and attach them to the
+        @param structure: L{Structure} being constructed
+        @type structure:L{Structure}
+        @param model: model ID to parse
+        @type model: str        
         structure.model_id = None
-        atoms = dict( (chain, []) for chain in structure.chains )
         chains = set()
         total_chains = len([c for c in structure.items if c.length > 0])
-        het_residues = dict( (chain, set()) for chain in structure.chains )
+        residues = dict( (chain, []) for chain in structure.chains )
+        seen_residues = dict( (chain, {}) for chain in structure.chains )
         in_ligands = False                
         in_atom = False
+        read_model = False
         while True:
@@ -624,87 +717,28 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
             except StopIteration:
-            if line.startswith('HET '):
-                het_residue, het_chain, het_residue_id = line[7:10].strip(), line[12], line[13:18].strip()
+            if line.startswith('MODEL'):
+                if read_model:
+                    break
+                else:
+                    self._parse_model_line(line, structure, model)
+                    model = structure.model_id
+                    read_model = True
+            elif line.startswith('ATOM') or \
+                            (line.startswith('HETATM') and not in_ligands):
+                in_atom = True
-                if het_chain in structure:
-                    chain = structure.chains[het_chain]
-                    if chain.type == SequenceTypes.Protein and het_residue in PDB_AMINOACIDS:              
-                        het_residues[het_chain].add(het_residue_id)
-                    elif chain.type == SequenceTypes.NucleicAcid and het_residue in PDB_NUCLEOTIDES:       
-                        het_residues[het_chain].add(het_residue_id)              
+                info = self._parse_atom_line(line, structure)                
+                chains.add(info.chain)
-            elif line.startswith('MODEL'):
-                if model and model != int(line[10:14]):
-                    self._scroll_model(model, self._stream)
-                    structure.model_id = model
+                if info.id not in seen_residues[info.chain]:
+                    residues[info.chain].append(info)
+                    seen_residues[info.chain][info.id] = info
-                    model = int(line[10:14])
-                    structure.model_id = model
-            elif line.startswith('ATOM') \
-                     or (line.startswith('HETATM') and not in_ligands):
-                    in_atom = True
+                    atom = info.atoms[0]
+                    seen_residues[info.chain][info.id].atoms.append(atom)
-                    rank = int(line[22:26])
-                    serial_number = int(line[6:11])
-                    name = line[12:16]
-                    x, y, z = line[30:38], line[38:46], line[46:54]
-                    vector = numpy.array([float(x), float(y), float(z)])
-                    element = line[76:78].strip()
-                    if element:
-                        try:
-                            element = csb.core.Enum.parsename(ChemElements, element)
-                        except csb.core.EnumMemberError:
-                            if element in ('D', 'X'):
-                                element = ChemElements.x                            
-                            else:
-                                raise StructureFormatError('Unknown chemical element: {0}'.format(element))
-                    else:
-                        element = None
-                    atom = csb.bio.structure.Atom(serial_number, name, element,
-                                                  vector)
-                    atom._het = line.startswith('HETATM')
-                    atom._rank = rank
-                    atom._sequence_number = int(line[22:26].strip())
-                    atom._residue_id = str(atom._sequence_number)
-                    atom._insertion_code = line[26].strip()
-                    if not atom._insertion_code:
-                        atom._insertion_code = None
-                    else:
-                        atom._residue_id += atom._insertion_code
-                    atom.alternate = line[16].strip()
-                    if not atom.alternate:
-                        atom.alternate = None
-                    atom._chain = line[21].strip()
-                    if atom._chain not in structure.chains:
-                        raise StructureFormatError(
-                                    'Atom {0}: chain {1} is undefined'.format(serial_number, atom._chain))
-                    chains.add(atom._chain)
-                    residue_name = line[17:20].strip()
-                    residue_name = self.parse_residue_safe(residue_name, as_type=structure.chains[atom._chain].type)
-                    if structure.chains[atom._chain].type == SequenceTypes.NucleicAcid:                               
-                        atom._residue_name = csb.core.Enum.parsename(SequenceAlphabets.Nucleic, residue_name)
-                    else:
-                        atom._residue_name = csb.core.Enum.parsename(SequenceAlphabets.Protein, residue_name)
-                    atom.occupancy = float(line[54:60].strip() or 0)
-                    atom.bfactor = float(line[60:66].strip() or 0)
-                    charge = line[78:80].strip()
-                    if charge:
-                        if charge in ('+', '-'):
-                            charge += '1'
-                        if charge[-1] in ('+', '-'):
-                            charge = charge[::-1]
-                        atom.charge = int(charge)
-                    atoms[atom._chain].append(atom)
             elif in_atom and line.startswith('TER'):
                 in_atom = False
                 if len(chains) == total_chains:
@@ -718,97 +752,265 @@ class AbstractStructureParser(object):
         if structure.model_id != model:
             raise ValueError('No such model {0} in the structure.'.format(model))
+        self._map_residues(structure, residues)
+    def _parse_model_line(self, line, structure, model):
+        """
+        Handle a new MODEL line. The default implementation will read the model
+        ID and attach it to the C{structure}.
+        @param line: raw string line to parse
+        @type line: str
+        @param structure: L{Structure} being constructed
+        @type structure:L{Structure}
+        @note: this method may have side effects: scrolls the current stream
+        @return: read model ID
+        @rtype: int
+        """
+        if model and model != self._read_model(line):
+            self._scroll_model(model, self._stream)
+            structure.model_id = model
+        else:
+            model = self._read_model(line)
+            structure.model_id = model
+        return model
+    def _parse_atom_line(self, line, structure):
+        """
+        Handle a new ATOM or HETATM line. The default implementation will read
+        all data fields and create a new L{Atom}.
+        @param line: raw string line to parse
+        @type line: str
+        @param structure: L{Structure} being constructed
+        @type structure:L{Structure}
+        @return: newly constructed atom
+        @rtype: L{ResidueInfo}
+        """
-        self._map_residues(structure, atoms, het_residues)        
-    def _map_residues(self, structure, atoms, het_residues):
-        assert set(structure.chains) == set(atoms.keys())
-        for chain in structure.chains:
-            subject = structure.chains[chain].sequence
-            query = ''
-            fragments = []
-            seq_numbers = []
-            lookup = {}
-            i = -1
-            for a in atoms[chain]:
-                if a._residue_id not in lookup:
-                    i += 1
-                    lookup[a._residue_id] = [a._sequence_number, a._insertion_code]
-                    seq_numbers.append(a._residue_id)
-                    res_name = a._residue_name.value
-                    res_id = '{0}{1}'.format(a._sequence_number or '', a._insertion_code or '').strip()
-                    if a._het and res_id not in het_residues[chain]:
-                        # if it is a HETATM, but not a modified residue, initiate an optional fragment
-                        fragments.append([res_name, '?'])
-                    elif a._insertion_code and not (i > 0 and lookup[seq_numbers[i - 1]][1]):
-                        fragments.append([res_name])
-                    elif i == 0 or a._sequence_number - lookup[seq_numbers[i - 1]][0] not in (0, 1, -1):
-                        # if residues [i, i-1] are not consecutive or 'overlapping', initiate a new fragment:
-                        fragments.append([res_name])
-                    else:
-                        # then they are consecutive
-                        if fragments[-1][-1] == '?':
-                            # but the prev was optional (maybe HET), all optionals *MUST* reside in 
-                            # singleton fragments, so start a new fragment
-                            fragments.append([res_name])
-                        else:
-                            # append the new residue to the end of the last fragment                            
-                            fragments[-1].append(res_name)
+        atom = self._read_atom(line)
+        rank = self._read_sequence_number(line)            
+        sequence_number = rank            
+        insertion_code = self._read_insertion_code(line)        
+        id = str(sequence_number)        
+        if insertion_code:
+            id += insertion_code
+        chain = self._read_chain_id(line)
+        if chain not in structure.chains:
+            raise StructureFormatError("Chain {0} is undefined".format(chain))
+        type = self._read_residue(line, structure.chains[chain])
+        label = self._read_residue_raw(line)
+        atom.alternate = self._read_alternate(line)
+        atom.occupancy = self._read_occupancy(line)
+        atom.bfactor = self._read_bfactor(line)
+        atom.charge = self._read_charge(line)
+        info = ResidueInfo(chain, rank, id, sequence_number, insertion_code, type, label)
+        info.atoms = [atom]
+        return info
+    def _read_model(self, line):
+        """
+        @return: model identifier
+        @rtype: int
+        """          
+        try:
+            return int(line[10:14])
+        except ValueError:
+            raise StructureFormatError("Invalid model ID: {0}".format(line))  
+    def _read_atom(self, line):
+        """
+        @return: a new atom (serial_number, name, element, vector)
+        @rtype: L{Atom}
+        """
+        try:
+            serial_number = int(line[6:11])
+            name = line[12:16]
+            x, y, z = line[30:38], line[38:46], line[46:54]
+            vector = numpy.array([float(x), float(y), float(z)])
+        except ValueError as ve:
+            raise StructureFormatError("Invalid ATOM line: {0}".format(ve))
+        element = self._read_element(line)
+        return csb.bio.structure.Atom(serial_number, name, element, vector)        
+    def _read_sequence_number(self, line):
+        """
+        @return: PDB sequence number
+        @rtype: int
+        """
+        try:
+            return int(line[22:26])
+        except ValueError:
+            raise StructureFormatError("Invalid sequence number")
+    def _read_insertion_code(self, line):
+        """
+        @return: PDB insertion code
+        @rtype: str or None
+        """       
+        code = line[26].strip()
+        if code:
+            return code
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _read_chain_id(self, line):
+        """
+        @return: chain identifier
+        @rtype: str
+        """          
+        return line[21].strip()
+    def _read_residue(self, line, chain):
+        """
+        @param chain: owning L{Chain} object 
+        @type chain: L{Chain}
+        @return: a member of any alphabet (e.g. L{SequenceAlphabets.Protein})
+        @rtype: L{EnumItem}
+        """
+        raw = self._read_residue_raw(line)
+        residue = self.parse_residue_safe(raw, as_type=chain.type)
+        try:
+            if chain.type == SequenceTypes.NucleicAcid:                               
+                return csb.core.Enum.parsename(SequenceAlphabets.Nucleic, residue)
+            else:
+                return csb.core.Enum.parsename(SequenceAlphabets.Protein, residue)
+        except csb.core.EnumMemberError:
+            raise StructureFormatError("{0} is not a valid {1} residue".format(raw, chain.type))  
+    def _read_residue_raw(self, line):
+        """
+        @rtype: str
+        """
+        return line[17:20].strip()              
+    def _read_element(self, line):
+        """
+        @return: a member of L{ChemElements}
+        @rtype: L{EnumItem} or None
+        """
+        element = line[76:78].strip()
+        if element:
+            try:
+                element = csb.core.Enum.parsename(ChemElements, element)
+            except csb.core.EnumMemberError:
+                if element in ('D', 'X'):
+                    element = ChemElements.x                            
+                else:
+                    raise StructureFormatError('Unknown chemical element: {0}'.format(element))
+        else:
+            element = None
+        return element
+    def _read_alternate(self, line):
+        """
+        @return: alt identifier
+        @rtype: str or None
+        """
+        alternate = line[16].strip()
+        if not alternate:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return alternate
+    def _read_occupancy(self, line):
+        """
+        @return: occupancy
+        @rtype: float or None
+        """        
+        try:
+            return float(line[54:60].strip() or 0)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise StructureFormatError("Malformed occupancy field")
+    def _read_bfactor(self, line):
+        """
+        @return: b-factor
+        @rtype: float or None
+        """
+        try:
+            return float(line[60:66].strip() or 0)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise StructureFormatError("Malformed bfactor field")        
+    def _read_charge(self, line):
+        """
+        @return: charge
+        @rtype: int or None
+        """        
+        charge = line[78:80].strip()
+        if charge:
+            if charge in ('+', '-'):
+                charge += '1'
+            if charge[-1] in ('+', '-'):
+                charge = charge[::-1]
+            try:
+                return int(charge)
+            except ValueError:
+                raise StructureFormatError("Malformed charge field") 
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _map_residues(self, structure, residues):
+        """
+        Attach each L{Atom} to its corresponding L{Residue}.
+        So far we have constructed a sparse (fragmented) chain given the information
+        we have read from the ATOM/HETATM records. That includes PDB sequence
+        identifiers and insertion codes, which cover only residues with XYZ coordinates
+        and often do not correspond to our L{Residue} ranks.
+        Our job is to find the right correspondence by matching this unreal sequence
+        to what we have got from the SEQRES fields (the complete, gap-free protein
+        sequence). Here we delegate this task to the current L{AbstractResidueMapper}
+        strategy, which does all the magic.
+        @param structure: L{Structure} being constructed
+        @type structure:L{Structure}
+        @param residues: all L{Atom}s which have been constructed so far.
+                         This must be a map of the form:
+                         <chainID: [L{ResidueInfo}1, L{ResidueInfo}2...]>
+        @type residues: dict of L{ResidueInfo}        
+        """
+        if set(structure.chains) != set(residues.keys()):
+            raise PDBParseError("Corrupt PDB file")
+        for chain in structure.items:            
+            if chain.length == 0 or len(residues[chain.id]) == 0:
+                continue
-            for i, frag in enumerate(fragments):
-                fragments[i] = ''.join(frag)
-            if len(fragments) > 100:
-                # Python's regex engine will crash with more than 100 groups
-                raise StructureFormatError("Can't map structure with more than 100 fragments in ATOMS") 
-            query = '^.*?({0}).*?$'.format(').*?('.join(fragments))
+            reference = SparseChainSequence.create(chain)
+            sparse = SparseChainSequence(
+                            "atoms", "", residues[chain.id], chain.type)
-            matches = re.match(query, subject)
+            aligned = self.mapper.map(sparse, reference)
+            assert aligned.length == chain.length 
-            if matches:
-                seq_numitem = -1
-                for frag_number, frag in enumerate(matches.groups(), start=1):
-                    if frag is '':
-                        # optional fragment, which did not match (NOTE: all optionals must occupy 
-                        # their own fragments of length 1 residue)
-                        seq_numitem += 1    # this 1 implies that all optional fragments are 1 residue long
-                    else:
-                        for i, dummy in enumerate(frag, start=1):
-                            seq_numitem += 1
-                            # lookup[res_id] is finally set to give the final rank of residue under id res_id:
-                            try:
-                                lookup[ seq_numbers[seq_numitem] ] = matches.start(frag_number) + i
-                            except:
-                                raise 
-                fixed_residue = None
-                for atom in atoms[chain]:
-                    if not isinstance(lookup[atom._residue_id], int):
-                        continue                                    # this atom was not mapped (e.g. HET)
-                    atom._rank = lookup[atom._residue_id]
-                    residue = structure.chains[chain].residues[atom._rank]
-                    if residue is not fixed_residue:
-                        residue.id = atom._sequence_number, atom._insertion_code
-                        fixed_residue = residue
-                    assert str(residue.type) == subject[atom._rank - 1]
-                    residue.atoms.append(atom)
+            for residue, mapped in zip(chain.residues, aligned.residues):
+                if mapped.type != sparse.alphabet.GAP:
+                    residue.id = (mapped.sequence_number, mapped.insertion_code)
-                    del atom._rank
-                    del atom._insertion_code
-                    del atom._sequence_number
-                    del atom._chain
-                    del atom._residue_id
-                    del atom._residue_name
-            else:
-                if structure.chains[chain].length == 0 and len(atoms[chain]) > 0:
-                    raise StructureFormatError("Can't add atoms: chain {0} has no residues".format(chain))
-                else:            
-                    raise StructureFormatError("Can't map atoms")
+                    for atom in mapped.atoms:
+                        residue.atoms.append(atom)
     def _parse_ss(self, structure):
@@ -979,56 +1181,84 @@ class RegularStructureParser(AbstractStructureParser):
                                 chains += ', ' + line[11:].strip()
-                    chain_name = chain_name.strip()[:-1]
-                    for chain in chains.replace(';', ' ').replace(',', ' ').split() or ['']:  # the second part deals with an empty chain id
-                        new_chain = csb.bio.structure.Chain(chain, type=SequenceTypes.Unknown,
-                                                            name=chain_name, accession=structure.accession)
-                        new_chain.molecule_id = mol_id
-                        try:
-                            structure.chains.append(new_chain)
-                        except csb.core.DuplicateKeyError:
-                            raise HeaderFormatError('Chain {0} is already defined.'.format(new_chain.id))
+                    chain_ids = chains.replace(';', ' ').replace(',', ' ').split() or ['']  # the second part deals with an empty chain id
+                    self._add_chains(structure, chain_name, mol_id, *chain_ids)
             elif line.startswith('REMARK   2 RESOLUTION'):
-                res = re.search("(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s+ANGSTROM", line)
-                if res and res.groups():
-                    structure.resolution = float(res.group(1))
+                structure.resolution = self._read_resolution(line)
             elif line.startswith('SEQRES'):
-                # Correct handling of empty chain id
-                seq_fields = [line[7:10], line[11], line[13:17] ]
-                seq_fields.extend(line[18:].split())
-                rank_base = int(seq_fields[0])
-                chain_id = seq_fields[1].strip()
-                if chain_id not in structure.chains:
-                    raise HeaderFormatError('Chain {0} is undefined'.format(chain_id))
+                chain_id, residues = self._parse_seqres_line(line, structure)
                 chain = structure.chains[chain_id]
-                if chain.type == SequenceTypes.Unknown:
-                    inner_residuerank = int(len(seq_fields[3:]) / 2) + 3
-                    for i in [inner_residuerank, 3, -1]:
-                        try:
-                            chain.type = self.guess_sequence_type(seq_fields[i])
-                            break
-                        except UnknownPDBResidueError:
-                            pass
-                for i, residue_name in enumerate(seq_fields[3:]):
-                    rank = rank_base * 13 - (13 - (i + 1))
-                    rname = self.parse_residue_safe(residue_name, as_type=chain.type)
-                    residue = csb.bio.structure.Residue.create(chain.type, rank=rank, type=rname)
-                    residue._pdb_name = residue_name
-                    structure.chains[chain_id].residues.append(residue)
-                    assert structure.chains[chain_id].residues.last_index == rank        
+                for residue in residues:
+                    chain.residues.append(residue)
+                    if chain.residues.last_index != residue.rank:
+                        raise HeaderFormatError("Malformed SEQRES")
             elif line.startswith('MODEL') or line.startswith('ATOM'):
-        return structure   
+        return structure  
+    def _add_chains(self, structure, name, mol_id, *chain_ids):
+        name = name.strip().rstrip(";")
+        for chain in chain_ids:
+            new_chain = csb.bio.structure.Chain(chain, type=SequenceTypes.Unknown,
+                                                name=name, accession=structure.accession)
+            new_chain.molecule_id = mol_id
+            try:
+                structure.chains.append(new_chain)
+            except csb.bio.structure.DuplicateChainIDError:
+                raise HeaderFormatError('Chain {0} is already defined.'.format(new_chain.id))
+    def _read_resolution(self, line):
+        """
+        @return: resolution
+        @rtype: float or None
+        """
+        res = re.search("(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s+ANGSTROM", line)
+        if res and res.groups():
+            return float(res.group(1))
+        else:
+            return None         
+    def _parse_seqres_line(self, line, structure):
+        """
+        Parse a SEQRES line, build and return newly constructed residues.
+        If the current sequence type of the chain is unknown, try to guess it
+        before parsing the residues.
+        @return: parsed chain_id and L{Residue}s
+        @rtype: 2-tuple: (str, iterable of L{Residue})
+        """
+        residues = []
+        rownum = int(line[7:10])
+        chain_id = line[11].strip()
+        labels = line[18:].split()
+        if chain_id not in structure.chains:
+            raise HeaderFormatError('Chain {0} is undefined'.format(chain_id))
+        chain = structure.chains[chain_id]
+        if chain.type == SequenceTypes.Unknown:
+            chain.type = self.guess_chain_type(labels)
+        for rn, label in enumerate(labels):
+            rank = rownum * 13 - (13 - (rn + 1))
+            rtype = self.parse_residue_safe(label, as_type=chain.type)
+            residue = csb.bio.structure.Residue.create(chain.type, rank=rank, type=rtype)
+            residue.label = label
+            residues.append(residue)
+        return chain_id, residues
 class PDBHeaderParser(RegularStructureParser):
@@ -1067,6 +1297,7 @@ class LegacyStructureParser(AbstractStructureParser):
         in_atom = False
         has_atoms = False
+        has_model = False
         chains = csb.core.OrderedDict()
         header = next(self._stream)
@@ -1086,73 +1317,396 @@ class LegacyStructureParser(AbstractStructureParser):
             if line.startswith('MODEL'):
-                if model and model != int(line[10:14]):
-                    self._scroll_model(model, self._stream)
-                    structure.model_id = model
+                if has_model:
+                    break
-                    model = int(line[10:14])
-                    structure.model_id = model
+                    self._parse_model_line(line, structure, model)
+                    model = structure.model_id
+                    has_model = True
             elif line.startswith('ATOM') \
                      or (in_atom and line.startswith('HETATM')):
                     in_atom = True
                     has_atoms = True
-                    residue_id = line[22:27].strip()
-                    residue_name = line[17:20].strip()
-                    chain_id = line[21].strip()
+                    seq_number = self._read_sequence_number(line)
+                    ins_code = self._read_insertion_code(line)
+                    residue_id = (seq_number, ins_code)
+                    label = self._read_residue_raw(line)
+                    chain_id = self._read_chain_id(line)
                     if chain_id not in chains:
                         chains[chain_id] = csb.core.OrderedDict()
-                        new_chain = csb.bio.structure.Chain(
-                                            chain_id, 
-                                            type=SequenceTypes.Unknown, 
-                                            accession=structure.accession)
-                        new_chain.molecule_id = '1'
-                        structure.chains.append(new_chain)                        
+                        self._add_chain(structure, chain_id)
                     if residue_id not in chains[chain_id]:
-                        chains[chain_id][residue_id] = residue_name
-                        if structure.chains[chain_id].type == SequenceTypes.Unknown:
-                            try:
-                                structure.chains[chain_id].type = self.guess_sequence_type(residue_name)
-                            except UnknownPDBResidueError:
-                                pass
+                        chains[chain_id][residue_id] = label
+                        chain = structure.chains[chain_id] 
+                        if chain.type == SequenceTypes.Unknown:
+                            self._fix_chain(chain, label)
             elif in_atom and line.startswith('TER'):
                 in_atom = False
             elif line.startswith('ENDMDL'):
             elif line.startswith('END'):
         if not has_atoms:
             raise HeaderFormatError("Can't parse legacy structure: no ATOMs found")                                     
+        for chain in structure.items:    
+            self._build_chain(chain, chains[chain.id])
-        for chain_id in structure.chains:
-            chain = structure.chains[chain_id]
+        return structure
+    def _add_chain(self, structure, chain_id):
+        new_chain = csb.bio.structure.Chain(chain_id,
+                                            type=SequenceTypes.Unknown, 
+                                            accession=structure.accession)
+        new_chain.molecule_id = '1'
+        structure.chains.append(new_chain)      
+    def _build_chain(self, chain, residues):
+        for residue_id, label in residues.items():
+            rank = (chain.residues.last_index or 0) + 1
-            for residue_id in chains[chain_id]:
-                residue_name = chains[chain_id][residue_id]
-                rank = (chain.residues.last_index or 0) + 1
+            rname = self.parse_residue_safe(label, as_type=chain.type)
+            residue = csb.bio.structure.Residue.create(chain.type, rank=rank, type=rname)
+            residue.label = label
+            residue.id = residue_id
+            chain.residues.append(residue)
+    def _fix_chain(self, chain, probe):
-                rname = self.parse_residue_safe(residue_name, as_type=structure.chains[chain_id].type)
-                residue = csb.bio.structure.Residue.create(chain.type, rank=rank, type=rname)
-                residue._pdb_name = residue_name
-                chain.residues.append(residue)                                  
-        return structure    
+        try:
+            chain.type = self.guess_sequence_type(probe)
+        except UnknownPDBResidueError:
+            pass  
+    def _map_residues(self, structure, residues):
+        for chain in structure.items:
+            for residue_info in residues[chain.id]:
+                try:
+                    residue = chain.find(residue_info.sequence_number, residue_info.insertion_code)
+                    for atom in residue_info.atoms:
+                        residue.atoms.append(atom)
+                except csb.bio.structure.EntityNotFoundError:
+                    pass         
 StructureParser = AbstractStructureParser.create_parser
 Alias for L{AbstractStructureParser.create_parser}.
+class ResidueInfo(object):
+    """
+    High-performance struct, which functions as a container for unmapped
+    L{Atom}s.
+    @note: This object must implement the L{csb.bio.sequence.ResidueInfo}
+           interface. This is not enforced through inheritance solely
+           to save some CPU (by exposing public fields and no properties).
+           However, on an abstract level this object is_a ResidueInfo
+           and is used to build L{AbstractSequence}s.
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['chain', 'rank', 'id' , 'sequence_number', 'insertion_code', 'type', 'label', 'atoms']
+    def __init__(self, chain, rank, id, seq_number, ins_code, type, label):
+        self.chain = chain
+        self.rank = rank
+        self.id = id
+        self.sequence_number = seq_number
+        self.insertion_code = ins_code
+        self.type = type
+        self.label = label
+        self.atoms = []
+    @property
+    def is_modified(self):
+        if self.type.enum is SequenceAlphabets.Nucleic:
+            return self.label != str(self.type)
+        else:
+            return self.label != repr(self.type)
+class SparseChainSequence(csb.bio.sequence.ChainSequence):
+    """
+    Sequence view for reference (SEQRES) or sparse (ATOM) PDB chains.
+    The residue instances passed to the constructor must be
+    L{csb.bio.structure.Residue} or L{csb.bio.io.wwpdb.ResidueInfo} objects.
+    See L{csb.bio.sequence.AbstractSequence} for details.
+    """
+    def _add(self, residue):
+        if not isinstance(residue, (csb.bio.structure.Residue, ResidueInfo)):
+            raise TypeError(residue)
+        else:
+            self._residues.append(residue)
+    def _get(self, rank):
+        return self._residues[rank - 1]
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(chain):
+        """
+        Create a new L{SparseChainSequence} from existing L{Chain}.
+        @type chain: L{csb.bio.structure.Chain}
+        @rtype: L{SparseChainSequence}
+        """        
+        return SparseChainSequence(
+                chain.entry_id, chain.header, chain.residues, chain.type)    
+class AbstractResidueMapper(object):
+    """
+    Defines the base interface of all residue mappers, used to align PDB ATOM
+    records to the real (SEQRES) sequence of a chain.
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    @abstractmethod
+    def map(self, sparse, reference):
+        """
+        Map L{sparse}'s residues to L{reference}. Return all C{sparse} residues,
+        aligned over C{reference}, with artificial gap residues inserted at
+        relevant positions. The resulting sequence of sparse residues will
+        always have the same length as the C{reference} sequence.
+        @note: C{sparse}'s ranks won't be touched because the C{rank} property
+        of the underlying L{ResidueInfo} implementation is not necessarily r/w.
+        @param sparse: sparse sequence (e.g. derived from ATOMS records)
+        @type sparse: L{SparseChainSequence}
+        @param reference: reference, complete sequence
+                          (e.g. derived from SEQRES records)
+        @type reference: L{SparseChainSequence}
+        @return: all C{sparse} residues, optimally aligned over C{reference}
+                 (with gaps)
+        @rtype: L{SparseChainSequence}
+        @raise ResidueMappingError: if the specified sequences are not alignable
+        """
+        pass
+    def create_gap(self, alphabet=SequenceAlphabets.Protein):
+        """
+        Create and return a new gap residue.
+        @param alphabet: sequence alphabet; a member of L{SequenceAlphabets}
+                         which has GAP item
+        @type alphabet: L{enum}
+        @rtype: L{ResidueInfo}
+        """
+        return ResidueInfo(None, -1, None, None, None, alphabet.GAP, "-")
+    def _build(self, sparse, aligned):
+        return SparseChainSequence(
+                    sparse.id, sparse.header, aligned, sparse.type)        
+class FastResidueMapper(AbstractResidueMapper):
+    """
+    RegExp-based residue mapper. Fails on heavily malformed input (i.e. it cannot
+    insert gaps in the C{reference}), but it is very fast (linear) and memory
+    efficient. 
+    """
+    FORBIDDEN_CHARS = set('^.*?()-')
+    CODEC = "utf-8"
+    DELIMITER = ").*?(".encode(CODEC).decode(CODEC)
+    PATTERN = "^.*?({0}).*?$".encode(CODEC).decode(CODEC)
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._charcode = FastResidueMapper.MIN_UNICODE_CHAR
+        self._cache = {} 
+    def map(self, sparse, reference):
+        aligned = []
+        mapping = {}
+        residues = list(sparse.residues)
+        pattern = self._build_pattern(residues)
+        seqres = self._encode_sequence(reference)
+        matches = re.match(pattern, seqres)
+        if matches:
+            unmapped_item = -1
+            for fn, fragment in enumerate(matches.groups(), start=1):
+                assert fragment != ''
+                for offset in range(1, len(fragment) + 1):
+                    unmapped_item += 1
+                    rank = matches.start(fn) + offset 
+                    mapped_residue = residues[unmapped_item] 
+                    real_residue = reference.residues[rank]                    
+                    assert real_residue.type == mapped_residue.type
+                    mapping[real_residue] = mapped_residue                    
+        else:
+            raise ResidueMappingError("Can't map ATOM records")
+        for rank, residue in enumerate(reference.residues, start=1):
+            if residue in mapping:
+                aligned.append(mapping[residue])
+            else:
+                aligned.append(self.create_gap(sparse.alphabet))
+        assert len(aligned) == reference.length
+        return self._build(sparse, aligned)
+    def _build_pattern(self, residues):
+        """
+        Build and return a sparse regular rexpression for C{residues}.
+        """
+        fragments = []
+        for rn, r in enumerate(residues):
+            res_name = self._encode(r)
+            if rn == 0:
+                # First residue, start a new fragment:
+                fragments.append([res_name])
+            elif r.insertion_code: # and not residues[rn - 1].insertion_code:
+                # If residue i has an insertion code, initiate a new fragment:
+                fragments.append([res_name])
+            elif r.sequence_number - residues[rn - 1].sequence_number in (0, 1, -1):
+                # If the seq numbers of residues [i-1, i] are consecutive, extend the last fragment:
+                fragments[-1].append(res_name)
+            else:
+                # They are not consecutive, so we better start a new fragment:
+                fragments.append([res_name])
+        for i, frag in enumerate(fragments):
+            fragments[i] = ''.join(frag)
+        if len(fragments) > FastResidueMapper.MAX_FRAGMENTS:
+            # Wow, that's a lot of fragments. Better use a different mapper
+            raise ResidueMappingError("Can't map chain with large number of fragments")
+        blocks = FastResidueMapper.DELIMITER.join(fragments)
+        pattern = FastResidueMapper.PATTERN.format(blocks)
+        return pattern
+    def _encode(self, r):
+        """
+        Return a unique single-letter representation of C{r.type}. 
+        """
+        if not r.is_modified:
+            return str(r.type)
+        else:             
+            return self._register_label(r.label)
+    def _encode_sequence(self, s):
+        return ''.join(map(self._encode, s.residues))
+    def _register_label(self, label):
+        """
+        Assign a new unicode character to C{label} and cache it.
+        @return: cached single-letter representation of label.
+        @rtype: unicode char
+        """
+        if label not in self._cache:
+            if set(label).intersection(FastResidueMapper.FORBIDDEN_CHARS):
+                raise ResidueMappingError("Invalid residue label")
+            self._charcode += 1
+            code = self._charcode
+            self._cache[label] = csb.io.unichr(code)
+        return self._cache[label]    
+class RobustResidueMapper(AbstractResidueMapper):
+    """
+    Exhaustive residue mapper, which uses Needleman-Wunsch global alignment.
+    Much slower (quadratic), but fail-proof even with incompatible sequences
+    (can insert gaps in both the C{sparse} and the C{reference} sequence).
+    @param match: score for a match
+    @type match: float
+    @param mismatch: score for a mismatch (by default mismatches are heavily
+                     penalized, while gaps are allowed)
+    @type mismatch: float
+    @param gap: gap penalty
+    @type gap: float  
+    """
+    class GlobalAligner(alignment.GlobalAlignmentAlgorithm):
+        def _sequence(self, s):
+            return [r.label for r in s.residues]
+    def __init__(self, match=1, mismatch=-10, gap=0):
+        scoring = alignment.IdentityMatrix(match=match, mismatch=mismatch)
+        aligner = RobustResidueMapper.GlobalAligner(scoring=scoring, gap=gap)
+        self._aligner = aligner
+    def map(self, sparse, reference):
+        aligned = []
+        ali = self._aligner.align(sparse, reference)
+        if ali.is_empty:
+            raise ResidueMappingError("Global alignment failed")
+        for mapped, residue in zip(ali.query, ali.subject):
+            if residue.type == reference.alphabet.GAP:
+                continue
+            elif mapped.type == sparse.alphabet.GAP:
+                aligned.append(self.create_gap(sparse.alphabet))
+            else:
+                aligned.append(mapped)
+        return self._build(sparse, aligned)
+class CombinedResidueMapper(AbstractResidueMapper):
+    """
+    The best of both worlds: attempts to map the residues using
+    L{FastResidueMapper}, but upon failure secures success by switching to
+    L{RobustResidueMapper}. 
+    """
+    FAST = FastResidueMapper()
+    ROBUST = RobustResidueMapper()
+    def map(self, sparse, reference):
+        try:
+            return CombinedResidueMapper.FAST.map(sparse, reference)        
+        except ResidueMappingError:
+            return CombinedResidueMapper.ROBUST.map(sparse, reference)
 class FileBuilder(object):
     Base abstract files for all structure file formatters.
@@ -1260,7 +1814,7 @@ class PDBFileBuilder(FileBuilder):
         for chain_id in master.chains:
             chain = master.chains[chain_id]
-            res = [ r._pdb_name for r in chain.residues ]
+            res = [ r.label for r in chain.residues ]
             rn = 0
             for j in range(0, chain.length, 13):
@@ -1306,7 +1860,7 @@ class PDBFileBuilder(FileBuilder):
                         element = ' '
                     self.writeline('ATOM  {0:>5} {1:>4}{2}{3:>3} {4}{5:>4}{6}   {7:>8.3f}{8:>8.3f}{9:>8.3f}{10:>6.2f}{11:>6.2f}{12:>12}{13:2}'.format(
                                         atom.serial_number, atom._full_name, isnull(alt, ' '), 
-                                        residue._pdb_name, chain.id, 
+                                        residue.label, chain.id, 
                                         isnull(residue.sequence_number, residue.rank), isnull(residue.insertion_code, ' '), 
                                         atom.vector[0], atom.vector[1], atom.vector[2], isnull(atom.occupancy, 0.0), isnull(atom.bfactor, 0.0), 
                                         element, isnull(atom.charge, ' ') ))        
diff --git a/csb/bio/nmr/__init__.py b/csb/bio/nmr/__init__.py
index 893b7af..7c23f67 100644
--- a/csb/bio/nmr/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/bio/nmr/__init__.py
@@ -3,10 +3,15 @@ NMR related objects.
 import os
+import numpy.linalg
+import xml.dom.minidom
 import csb.io.tsv
 import csb.core as pu
-from csb.bio.sequence import SequenceAlphabets
+from csb.statistics.pdf import GeneralizedNormal
+from csb.bio.sequence import ProteinAlphabet
+from csb.bio.structure import ChemElements
 class InvalidResidueError(ValueError):
@@ -71,7 +76,7 @@ class RandomCoil(object):
         header = 'Residue:str Nucleus:str Value:float'
         for row in csb.io.tsv.Table.from_tsv(ref, header):
-            residue = pu.Enum.parsename(SequenceAlphabets.Protein, row[0])
+            residue = pu.Enum.parsename(ProteinAlphabet, row[0])
             nucleus, value = row[1:]
             if residue not in self._reference:
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@ class RandomCoil(object):
         header = 'Residue:str Nucleus:str CS1:float CS2:float CS3:float CS4:float'
         for row in csb.io.tsv.Table.from_tsv(cor, header):   
-            residue = pu.Enum.parsename(SequenceAlphabets.Protein, row[0])
+            residue = pu.Enum.parsename(ProteinAlphabet, row[0])
             nucleus = row[1]
             values = row[2:]
@@ -111,11 +116,11 @@ class RandomCoil(object):
             if isinstance(residue, pu.string):
                 if len(residue) == 1:
-                    residue = pu.Enum.parse(SequenceAlphabets.Protein, residue)
+                    residue = pu.Enum.parse(ProteinAlphabet, residue)
-                    residue = pu.Enum.parsename(SequenceAlphabets.Protein, residue)
+                    residue = pu.Enum.parsename(ProteinAlphabet, residue)
-                if residue.enum is not SequenceAlphabets.Protein:
+                if residue.enum is not ProteinAlphabet:
                     raise TypeError(residue)
             return value - self._reference[residue][nucleus]
@@ -165,4 +170,1090 @@ class RandomCoil(object):
         return shift
\ No newline at end of file
+class AtomConnectivity(object):
+    RESOURCES = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'resources')
+    _instance = None
+    @staticmethod
+    def get():
+        """
+        Get the current L{AtomConnectivity} instance (and create it if this
+        method is invoked for the first time).
+        @rtype: L{AtomConnectivity}
+        """
+        if AtomConnectivity._instance is None:
+            AtomConnectivity._instance = AtomConnectivity()
+        return AtomConnectivity._instance
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._table = {}
+        self._initialize()
+    def _initialize(self):
+        resource = os.path.join(AtomConnectivity.RESOURCES, 'AtomConnectivity.xml')
+        root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(resource)
+        for r in root.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('residue'):
+            residue = pu.Enum.parsename(ProteinAlphabet, r.getAttribute('type'))
+            self._table[residue] = {}
+            for a in r.getElementsByTagName('atom'):
+                atom = a.getAttribute('name')
+                self._table[residue][atom] = set()
+            for b in r.getElementsByTagName('bond'):
+                atom1 = b.getAttribute('atom1')
+                atom2 = b.getAttribute('atom2')
+                self._table[residue][atom1].add(atom2)
+                self._table[residue][atom2].add(atom1)
+    def connected(self, residue, atom1, atom2):
+        """
+        Return True if C{atom1} is covalently connected to C{atom2} in C{residue}
+        @param residue: residue type (a member of L{ProteinAlphabet})
+        @type residue: L{EnumItem} 
+        @param atom1: first atom name (IUPAC)
+        @type atom1: str
+        @param atom2: second atom name (IUPAC)
+        @type atom2: str
+        @rtype: boolean
+        """
+        if residue in self._table:
+            r = self._table[residue]
+            if atom1 in r:
+                return atom2 in r[atom1]
+        return False
+    def connected_atoms(self, residue, atom):
+        """
+        Return all atoms covalently connected to C{atom} in C{residue}.
+        @param residue: residue type (a member of L{ProteinAlphabet})
+        @type residue: L{EnumItem}         
+        @param atom: source atom name (IUPAC)
+        @type atom: str
+        @rtype: tuple of str
+        """
+        if residue in self._table:
+            r = self._table[residue]
+            if atom in r:
+                return tuple(r[atom])
+        return tuple()
+    def contains(self, residue, atom):
+        """
+        Return True if C{atom} name is contained in C{residue}.
+        @param residue: residue type (a member of L{ProteinAlphabet})
+        @type residue: L{EnumItem}  
+        @param atom: atom name (IUPAC)
+        @type atom: str
+        @rtype: bool        
+        """
+        if residue in self._table:
+            return atom in self._table[residue]
+        return False        
+    def get_atoms(self, residue, prefix=''):
+        """
+        Get all atoms contained in C{residue}.
+        @param residue: residue type (a member of L{ProteinAlphabet})
+        @type residue: L{EnumItem}         
+        @param prefix: atom name prefix wildcard (IUPAC)
+        @type prefix: str
+        @return: set of atom names
+        @rtype: frozenset of str
+        """
+        t = self._table[residue]
+        if residue in self._table:
+            return frozenset(a for a in t if a.startswith(prefix))
+        return frozenset()
+class Filters(object):
+    """
+    Pre-built atom filters for L{ContactMap}s. 
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def ALL(a):
+        return True
+    @staticmethod
+    def HYDROGENS(a):
+        return a.element == ChemElements.H
+    @staticmethod
+    def CARBONS(a):
+        return a.element == ChemElements.C
+    @staticmethod
+    def CALPHAS(a):
+        return a.name == 'CA'
+class ContactMap(object):
+    """
+    Describes a protein contact map. Atoms positioned at distance below
+    a given cutoff are considered to be in contact.
+    @param chain: source protein chain
+    @type chain: L{csb.bio.structure.Chain} 
+    @param cutoff: distance cutoff in angstroms
+    @type cutoff: float
+    @param filter: a callable with signature 'bool def(csb.bio.structure.Atom)',
+                   invoked for every atom, which determines whether a given atom 
+                   should be skipped (False) or considered (True). See L{Filters}
+    @type filter: lambda 
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def load(filename):
+        """
+        Deserialize from a pickle.
+        """
+        with open(filename, 'rb') as stream:
+            return csb.io.Pickle.load(stream)
+    def __init__(self, chain, cutoff=DISTANCE_CUTOFF, filter=None):
+        self._cutoff = float(cutoff)
+        self._chain = chain
+        self._atoms = []
+        self._atomset = set()
+        self._map = {}
+        self._coords = {}
+        if filter is None:
+            filter = lambda i: True
+        for residue in chain.residues:
+            self._coords[residue.rank] = {}
+            atoms = [a for a in residue.items if filter(a)]
+            if len(atoms) == 0:
+                continue
+            step = 1.0 / len(atoms)
+            n = 0
+            for atom in atoms:
+                self._atoms.append(atom)
+                self._atomset.add(atom)
+                self._coords[residue.rank][atom.name] = residue.rank + n * step
+                n += 1        
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self.contacts
+    def __contains__(self, atom):
+        return atom in self._atomset
+    @property
+    def cutoff(self):
+        """
+        Distance cutoff in Angstroms
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        return self._cutoff
+    @property
+    def chain(self):
+        """
+        Source protein chain
+        @rtype: L{Chain}        
+        """        
+        return self._chain
+    @property
+    def atoms(self):
+        """
+        All atoms involved in this map, sorted by residue number
+        @rtype: tuple of L{Atom}
+        """
+        return tuple(self._atoms)
+    @property
+    def contacts(self):
+        """
+        All atom contacts: an iterator over all contacting 
+        (L{Atom}, L{Atom}) pairs.
+        @rtype: iterator of 2-tuples   
+        """
+        visited = set()
+        for a1 in self._map:
+            for a2 in self._map[a1]:
+                if (a1, a2) not in visited:
+                    visited.add((a1, a2))
+                    visited.add((a2, a1))
+                    yield (a1, a2)        
+    def build(self):
+        """
+        Extract all contacts from the chain using the current distance cutoff.
+        """
+        self._map = {}
+        for atom1 in self._atoms:
+            for atom2 in self._atoms:
+                if atom1 is not atom2:
+                    distance = numpy.linalg.norm(atom1.vector - atom2.vector)
+                    if distance <= self._cutoff:
+                        self._connect(atom1, atom2)
+    def connect(self, atom1, atom2):
+        """
+        Define a contact between C{atom1} and C{atom2}.
+        @param atom1: first atom
+        @type atom1: L{Atom}
+        @param atom2: second atom
+        @type atom2: L{Atom}        
+        """
+        for atom in [atom1, atom2]:
+            if atom not in self._atomset:
+                raise ValueError("No such atom in contact map: {0}".format(atom))        
+        self._connect(atom1, atom2)        
+    def _connect(self, atom1, atom2):
+        if atom1 not in self._map:
+            self._map[atom1] = set()
+        self._map[atom1].add(atom2)
+        if atom2 not in self._map:
+            self._map[atom2] = set()
+        self._map[atom2].add(atom1)
+    def connected(self, atom1, atom2):
+        """
+        Return True if the specified atoms are in contact.
+        @param atom1: first atom
+        @type atom1: L{Atom}
+        @param atom2: second atom
+        @type atom2: L{Atom}   
+        """
+        if atom1 in self._map:
+            return atom2 in self._map[atom1]
+        return False    
+    def atom_contacts(self, atom):
+        """
+        Return all atoms within C{self.cutoff} angstroms of C{atom}.
+        @param atom: anchor atom
+        @type atom: L{Atom}
+        @rtype: frozenset of L{Atom}
+        """
+        if atom in self._map:
+            return frozenset(self._map[atom])
+        else:
+            return frozenset()
+    def residue_contacts(self, residue):
+        """
+        Return all residues, having neighboring atoms within C{self.cutoff}
+        angstroms from any of the C{residue}'s atoms.
+        @param residue: anchor residue
+        @type residue: L{Residue}
+        @rtype: frozenset of L{Residue}
+        """        
+        partners = set()
+        for atom in residue.items:
+            if atom in self._map:
+                for partner in self._map[atom]:
+                    partners.add(partner.residue)
+        return frozenset(partners)
+    def position(self, rank, atom_name):
+        """
+        Compute the location of C{atom} on the contact map.
+        @param rank: residue rank (1-based)
+        @type rank: int 
+        @param atom_name: atom name
+        @type atom_name: str
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        residue = self._chain.residues[rank]
+        atom = residue.atoms[atom_name]
+        try:
+            return self._coords[residue.rank][atom.name]
+        except KeyError:
+            msg = "No atom {0} at #{1} in contact map: {2}"
+            raise ValueError(msg.format(atom_name, rank, self._coords[residue.rank].values()))
+    def atom_matrix(self):
+        """
+        Build a 2D binary contact matrix (0=no contact, 1=contact). The order of elements
+        in each dimension will match the order of atoms in the contact map
+        (see L{ContactMap.atoms} and iter(L{ContactMap}). That means, the atoms in
+        each dimension are sorted by residue number first.
+        @deprecated: This method can be removed in future versions
+        @rtype: numpy.array (2D) 
+        """
+        matrix = []
+        for i, atom1 in enumerate(self.atoms):
+            matrix.append([])
+            for atom2 in self.atoms:
+                if atom1 in self._map and atom2 in self._map[atom1]:
+                    matrix[i].append(1)
+                else:
+                    matrix[i].append(0)
+        return numpy.array(matrix)
+    def draw(self, plot, color="black"):
+        """
+        Visualize this contact map.
+        @param plot: L{csb.io.plots.Chart}'s plot to draw on
+        @type plot: matplotlib.AxesSubplot
+        @param color: pixel color (must be a matplotlib color constant)
+        @type color: str
+        """
+        x, y = [], []
+        for atom1 in self.atoms:
+            for atom2 in self.atom_contacts(atom1):
+                pos1 = self.position(atom1.residue.rank, atom1.name)
+                pos2 = self.position(atom2.residue.rank, atom2.name)
+                assert None not in (pos1, pos2), (atom1, atom2)
+                x.append(pos1)
+                y.append(pos2)
+        plot.plot(x, y, color=color, marker=",", linestyle='none')
+        plot.set_xlim(0, self.chain.length)
+        plot.set_ylim(0, self.chain.length)
+        return plot      
+    @staticmethod
+    def compare(query, reference, min_distance=0):
+        """
+        Compare a query contact map against a reference.
+        @type query: L{ContactMap}
+        @type reference: L{ContactMap}
+        @param min_distance: consider only contacts between atoms, separated by
+                             the given minimum number of residues
+        @type min_distance: int
+        @return: precision and coverage
+        @rtype: L{ContactMapComparisonInfo}  
+        """
+        if query.chain is not reference.chain:
+            raise ValueError("Contact maps are not comparable")
+        if not query._map and not reference._map:
+            raise ValueError("Can't compare empty contact maps")
+        true_pos = 0.0
+        false_pos = 0.0
+        false_neg = 0.0
+        for a1, a2 in query.contacts:
+            if abs(a1.residue.rank - a2.residue.rank) >= min_distance: 
+                if reference.connected(a1, a2):
+                    true_pos += 1.0
+                else:
+                    false_pos += 1.0
+        for a1, a2 in reference.contacts:
+            if abs(a1.residue.rank - a2.residue.rank) >= min_distance:            
+                if not query.connected(a1, a2):
+                    false_neg += 1.0
+        try:
+            precision = true_pos / (true_pos + false_pos)
+            coverage = true_pos / (true_pos + false_neg)
+            return ContactMapComparisonInfo(precision, coverage)
+        except ZeroDivisionError:
+            return ContactMapComparisonInfo(0, 0)
+class ContactMapComparisonInfo(object):
+    def __init__(self, precision, coverage):
+        self.precision = precision
+        self.coverage = coverage
+class Label(object):
+    """
+    Utility class for working with chemical shift labels.
+    @param residue: residue type
+    @type residue: L{EnumItem}
+    @param rank: residue position (1-based)
+    @type rank: int
+    @param atom_name: nucleus name
+    @type atom_name: str 
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def build(residue_type, position, atom_name):
+        """
+        Build a new string label by specifying its components.
+        @rtype: str        
+        """
+        return '{0!s}#{1}:{2}'.format(residue_type, position, atom_name)
+    @staticmethod    
+    def from_shift(shift):
+        """
+        Build a new string label from a L{ChemShiftInfo}.
+        @rtype: str        
+        """
+        return Label.build(shift.residue, shift.position, shift.name)
+    @staticmethod    
+    def from_atom(atom):
+        """
+        Build a new string label from an L{Atom}.
+        @rtype: str        
+        """        
+        return Label.build(atom.residue.type, atom.residue.rank, atom.name)
+    @staticmethod
+    def match(shift, atom):
+        """
+        Return True if the labels of a L{ChemShiftInfo} and an L{Atom} match.
+        @rtype: bool        
+        """          
+        l = Label.from_shift(shift)
+        r = Label.from_atom(atom)
+        return r == l
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_atom(chain, label):
+        """
+        Get the L{Atom} in a L{Chain}, designated by a given string label.
+        @rtype: L{Atom}
+        """
+        dummy, rank, atom = Label.parse(label)
+        return chain.residues[rank].atoms[atom]
+    @staticmethod    
+    def parse(label):
+        """
+        Parse the components of a string nucleus label.
+        @return: (residue, rank, atom)
+        @rtype: 3-tuple
+        """        
+        parts = label.split("#")
+        residue = parts[0]
+        subparts = parts[1].split(":")
+        rank = int(subparts[0])
+        atom = subparts[1]
+        return (residue, rank, atom)
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_string(label):
+        """
+        Parse the a string nucleus label and create a new L{Label}.
+        @rtype: L{Label}
+        """           
+        residue, rank, atom = Label.parse(label)
+        return Label(residue, rank, atom)
+    def __init__(self, residue, rank, atom_name):
+        self._residue = residue
+        self._rank = rank
+        self._atom = atom_name
+    @property
+    def residue(self):
+        """
+        Residue type (a L{ProteinAlphabet} member)
+        """
+        return self._residue
+    @property
+    def rank(self):
+        """
+        Residue rank (1-based)
+        """
+        return self._rank
+    @property
+    def atom_name(self):
+        """
+        Nucleus name
+        """        
+        return self._atom
+    def __str__(self):
+        return Label.build(self._residue, self._rank, self._atom)
+class ChemShiftInfo(object):
+    """
+    Chemical shift struct.
+    @param position: residue rank (1-based)
+    @type position: int
+    @param residue: amino acid type (a member of L{ProteinAlphabet})
+    @type residue: str or L{EnumItem}
+    @param name: nucleus label
+    @type name: str
+    @param element: nucleus type (a member of L{ChemElements})
+    @type element: str or L{EnumItem}
+    @param shift: chemical shift value
+    @type shift: float
+    """
+    def __init__(self, position, residue, name, element, shift):
+        if not isinstance(residue, pu.EnumItem) or residue.enum is not ProteinAlphabet:
+            residue = pu.Enum.parsename(ProteinAlphabet, str(residue))
+        if not isinstance(element, pu.EnumItem) or element.enum is not ChemElements:
+            element = pu.Enum.parsename(ChemElements, str(element))            
+        self.position = int(position)
+        self.residue = residue
+        self.name = str(name)
+        self.element = element
+        self.shift = float(shift)
+    def clone(self, name):
+        """
+        Clone the current shift and create a new one with the specified
+        nucleus label.
+        @rtype: L{ChemShiftInfo}
+        """
+        ni = self
+        return ChemShiftInfo(ni.position, repr(ni.residue), name, repr(ni.element), ni.shift)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "{0!s}#{1}:{2}".format(self.residue, self.position, self.name)
+    @property
+    def label(self):
+        """
+        String label representation
+        @rtype: str
+        """
+        return str(self)
+class ChemicalShiftNetwork(object):
+    """
+    Describes a network of covalently connected, chemical shift visible nuclei.
+    @param shifts: chemical shift instances
+    @type shifts: iterable of L{ChemShiftInfo}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, shifts):
+        self._neighbors = {}
+        labels = {}
+        for cs in shifts:
+            self._neighbors[cs] = set()
+            id = Label.from_shift(cs)
+            labels[id] = cs
+        conn = AtomConnectivity.get()
+        for cs in shifts:
+            for atom_name in conn.connected_atoms(cs.residue, cs.name):
+                target = Label.build(cs.residue, cs.position, atom_name)
+                if target in labels:
+                    self.connect(cs, labels[target])
+    def connect(self, cs1, cs2):
+        """
+        Connect two nuclei.
+        @param cs1: first chemical shift instance
+        @type cs1: L{ChemShiftInfo}
+        @param cs2: second chemical shift instance         
+        @type cs2: L{ChemShiftInfo}
+        """
+        try:
+            self._neighbors[cs1].add(cs2)
+            self._neighbors[cs2].add(cs1)
+        except KeyError:
+            raise ValueError("Unknown chemical shift")
+    def connected_shifts(self, source, element=None):
+        """
+        Return an iterator over all covalently connected neuclei to a given
+        C{source}.
+        @param source: source chemical shift
+        @type source: L{ChemShiftInfo}
+        @rtype: iterator of L{ChemShiftInfo}
+        """
+        if source not in self._neighbors:
+            raise ValueError("No such chemical shift in this network")
+        for cs in self._neighbors[source]:
+            if element is None or cs.element == element:
+                yield cs
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self._neighbors)
+class ChemShiftScoringModel(object):
+    """
+    Chemical shift similarity scoring model. See C{ScoringModel.NUCLEI} for
+    a list of supported chemical shift types. 
+    """
+    NUCLEI = ('CA', 'CB', 'C', 'N', 'HA')
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._pos = {}
+        self._neg = {}
+        self._pos['CA'] = GeneralizedNormal(0.02, 1.32, 1.1)
+        self._neg['CA'] = GeneralizedNormal(-0.08, 4.23, 2.2)
+        self._pos['CB'] = GeneralizedNormal(0.06, 1.32, 1.0)
+        self._neg['CB'] = GeneralizedNormal(0.08, 2.41, 1.2)
+        self._pos['C']  = GeneralizedNormal(0.12, 1.52, 1.4)
+        self._neg['C']  = GeneralizedNormal(-0.13, 3.42, 2.1)
+        self._pos['N']  = GeneralizedNormal(0.23, 4.39, 1.4)
+        self._neg['N']  = GeneralizedNormal(0.17, 7.08, 1.9)
+        self._pos['HA'] = GeneralizedNormal(0.00, 0.27, 1.0)
+        self._neg['HA'] = GeneralizedNormal(-0.01, 0.66, 1.4)
+        assert set(self._pos) == set(ChemShiftScoringModel.NUCLEI)
+        assert set(self._neg) == set(ChemShiftScoringModel.NUCLEI) 
+    def positive(self, nucleus, deltas):
+        """
+        Return the probability that a given chemical shift difference
+        indicates structural similarity (true positive match).
+        @param nucleus: chemical shift (a member of C{ScoringModel.NUCLEI})
+        @type nucleus:  str
+        @param deltas: chemical shift difference(s): q-s
+        @type deltas:  float or list of floats
+        @return: the raw value of the probability density function
+        @rtype: float or array of floats
+        """
+        results = self._pos[nucleus].evaluate([deltas]) 
+        return results[0]
+    def negative(self, nucleus, deltas):
+        """
+        Return the probability that a given chemical shift difference
+        indicates no structural similarity (true negative match).
+        @param nucleus: chemical shift (a member of C{ScoringModel.NUCLEI})
+        @type nucleus:  str
+        @param deltas: chemical shift difference(s): q-s
+        @type deltas:  float or list of floats
+        @return: the raw value of the probability density function
+        @rtype: float or array of floats
+        """        
+        results = self._neg[nucleus].evaluate([deltas]) 
+        return results[0]
+    def score(self, nucleus, deltas):
+        """
+        Return the bit score for a given chemical shift difference.
+        @param nucleus: chemical shift (a member of C{ScoringModel.NUCLEI})
+        @type nucleus:  str
+        @param deltas: chemical shift difference(s): q-s
+        @type deltas:  float or list of floats
+        @return: bit score
+        @rtype: float or array of floats
+        """
+        pos = self.positive(nucleus, deltas)
+        neg = self.negative(nucleus, deltas)
+        return numpy.log2(pos / neg)
+class NOEPeak(object):
+    """
+    Describes a single NOE peak.
+    @param intensity: peak intensity
+    @type intensity: float
+    @param dimensions: list of dimension values
+    @type dimensions: iterable of float
+    @param spectrum: owning NOE spectrum
+    @type spectrum: L{NOESpectrum}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, intensity, dimensions, spectrum):
+        self._dimensions = list(dimensions)
+        self._intensity = float(intensity)
+        self._spectrum = spectrum
+    @property
+    def intensity(self):
+        """
+        Peak intensity
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        return self._intensity
+    @property
+    def num_dimensions(self):
+        """
+        Number of dimensions
+        @rtype: int
+        """        
+        return len(self._dimensions)
+    def has_element(self, e):
+        """
+        Return True if the owning spectrum contains a dimension of the specified type
+        @param e: element (dimension) type (see L{ChemElements})
+        @type e: L{EnumItem}
+        @rtype: bool
+        """        
+        return self._spectrum.has_element(e) 
+    def __getitem__(self, column):
+        return self.get(column)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self._dimensions)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return '<NOEPeak: {0}, I={1}>'.format(self._dimensions, self._intensity)
+    def element(self, i):
+        """
+        Return the dimension (nucleus) type at dimension index i
+        @param i: dimension index (0-based)
+        @type i: int
+        @return: nucleus type
+        @rtype: L{EnumItem}
+        """
+        return self._spectrum.element(i)
+    def get(self, column):
+        """
+        Get the value of the specified dimension. 
+        @param column: dimension index (0-based)
+        @type column: int
+        @return: dimension value        
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        if 0 <= column < len(self._dimensions):  
+            return self._dimensions[column]
+        else:
+            raise IndexError("Dimension index out of range")
+    def has_connected_dimensions(self, i):
+        """
+        Return True of dimension index C{i} has covalently connected dimensions.
+        @param i: dimension index (0-based)
+        @type i: int
+        @rtype: bool
+        """
+        return self._spectrum.has_connected_dimensions(i)
+    def connected_dimensions(self, i):
+        """
+        Return a list of all dimension indices, covalently connected to
+        dimension C{i}.
+        @param i: dimension index (0-based)
+        @type i: int
+        @rtype: iterable of L{EnumItem}         
+        """
+        return self._spectrum.connected_dimensions(i)
+class NOESpectrum(object):
+    """
+    Describes an NOE spectrum.
+    @param elements: list of dimension (nucleus) types for each dimension
+    @type elements: iterable of L{EnumItem} (L{ChemElements}) or str 
+    """
+    def __init__(self, elements):
+        self._elements = []
+        self._elemset = set()        
+        self._connected = {}
+        self._protondim = set() 
+        self._peaks = []
+        self._min = float("inf")
+        self._max = float("-inf")
+        for i, n in enumerate(elements):
+            if not isinstance(n, pu.EnumItem) or n.enum is not ChemElements:
+                element = pu.Enum.parsename(ChemElements, n)
+            else:
+                element = n
+            self._elements.append(element)
+            if element == ChemElements.H:
+                self._protondim.add(i)
+        self._elemset = set(self._elements) 
+    @staticmethod
+    def join(spectrum, *spectra):
+        """
+        Merge multiple L{NOESpectrum} instances. All C{spectra} must have matching
+        dimensions according to the master C{spectrum}.
+        @return: merged spectrum
+        @rtype: L{NOESpectrum}
+        """
+        elements = tuple(spectrum.dimensions)
+        joint = NOESpectrum(map(repr, elements))
+        for i, dummy in enumerate(elements):
+            for j in spectrum.connected_dimensions(i):
+                joint.connect(i, j)
+        for s in [spectrum] + list(spectra):
+            if tuple(s.dimensions) != elements:
+                raise ValueError("Incompatible spectrum: {0}".format(s))
+            for p in s: 
+                joint.add(p.intensity, list(p))
+        return joint 
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self._peaks)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self._peaks)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return '<NOESpectrum: {0}>'.format(self._elements)
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        try:
+            return self._peaks[i]
+        except IndexError:
+            raise IndexError("Peak index out of range")
+    @property
+    def min_intensity(self):
+        """
+        Minimum intensity
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        return self._min
+    @property
+    def max_intensity(self):
+        """
+        Maximum intensity
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        return self._max
+    @property
+    def dimensions(self):
+        """
+        Tuple of all dimensions (nucleus types)
+        @rtype: tuple of L{EnumItem}
+        """
+        return tuple(self._elements)
+    @property
+    def proton_dimensions(self):
+        """
+        Tuple of all proton dimension indices
+        @rtype: tuple of int
+        """
+        return tuple(self._protondim)    
+    @property    
+    def num_dimensions(self):
+        """
+        Number of dimensions
+        @rtype: int
+        """        
+        return len(self._elements)
+    @property    
+    def num_proton_dimensions(self):
+        """
+        Number of proton dimensions
+        @rtype: int
+        """             
+        return len(self._protondim)    
+    def has_element(self, e):
+        """
+        Return True if the spectrum contains a dimension of the specified type
+        @param e: element (dimension) type (see L{ChemElements})
+        @type e: L{EnumItem}
+        @rtype: bool
+        """          
+        return e in self._elemset
+    def connect(self, i1, i2):
+        """
+        Mark dimensions with indices C{i1} and C{i2} as covalently connected.
+        @param i1: dimension index 1 (0-based)
+        @type i1: int
+        @param i2: dimension index 2 (0-based)
+        @type i2: int         
+        """
+        for i in [i1, i2]:
+            if not 0 <= i < self.num_dimensions:
+                raise IndexError("Dimension index out of range")
+        if i1 == i2:
+            raise ValueError("Can't connect a dimension to itself")
+        if not self._can_connect(i1, i2):
+            raise ValueError("Only proton-nonproton bonds are allowed")        
+        self._connected.setdefault(i1, set()).add(i2)
+        self._connected.setdefault(i2, set()).add(i1)
+    def _can_connect(self, i1, i2):
+        pair = set()
+        for i in [i1, i2]:
+            is_proton = self.element(i) == ChemElements.H
+            pair.add(is_proton)
+        if True in pair and False in pair:
+            return True
+        return False        
+    def has_connected_dimensions(self, i):
+        """
+        Return True of dimension index C{i} has covalently connected dimensions.
+        @param i: dimension index (0-based)
+        @type i: int
+        @rtype: bool
+        """
+        if i in self._connected:
+            return len(self._connected[i]) > 0
+        return False
+    def connected_dimensions(self, i):
+        """
+        Return a list of all dimension indices, covalently connected to
+        dimension C{i}.
+        @param i: dimension index (0-based)
+        @type i: int
+        @rtype: iterable of int        
+        """        
+        if i in self._connected:
+            return tuple(self._connected[i])
+        return tuple()    
+    def add(self, intensity, dimensions):
+        """
+        Add a new NOE peak.
+        @param intensity: peak intensity
+        @type intensity: float
+        @param dimensions: list of dimension values
+        @param dimensions: iterable of float
+        """
+        dimensions = list(dimensions)       
+        if len(dimensions) != self.num_dimensions:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid number of dimensions")
+        peak = NOEPeak(intensity, dimensions, self)
+        self._peaks.append(peak)
+        if peak.intensity < self._min:
+            self._min = peak.intensity            
+        if peak.intensity > self._max:
+            self._max = peak.intensity            
+    def element(self, i):
+        """
+        Return the chemical element (nucleus) type at dimension index C{i}.
+        @rtype: L{EnumItem}
+        """
+        return self._elements[i]
diff --git a/csb/bio/nmr/resources/AtomConnectivity.xml b/csb/bio/nmr/resources/AtomConnectivity.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f0f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/bio/nmr/resources/AtomConnectivity.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+<!DOCTYPE connectivity SYSTEM "connectivity1.0.dtd">
+  <residue type="ALA">
+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="H1"/>
+    <atom name="H2"/>
+    <atom name="H3"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB1"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <atom name="O'"/>
+    <atom name="O''"/>
+    <bond atom1="C" atom2="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="C" atom2="O'"/>
+    <bond atom1="C" atom2="O''"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="C"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="CB"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="HA"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB1"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB3"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="CA"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="H"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="H1"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="H2"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="H3"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi1" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="CB" atom4="HB1"/>
+    <dihedral name="omega" atom1="O-" atom2="C-" atom3="N" atom4="CA"/>
+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
+    <dihedral name="psi" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="C" atom4="N+"/>
+  </residue>
+  <residue type="ARG">
+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
+    <atom name="CD"/>
+    <atom name="CG"/>
+    <atom name="CZ"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HD2"/>
+    <atom name="HD3"/>
+    <atom name="HE"/>
+    <atom name="HG2"/>
+    <atom name="HG3"/>
+    <atom name="HH11"/>
+    <atom name="HH21"/>
+    <atom name="HH22"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="NE"/>
+    <atom name="NH1"/>
+    <atom name="NH2"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="C" atom2="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="C"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="CB"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="HA"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="CG"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB3"/>
+    <bond atom1="CD" atom2="HD2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CD" atom2="HD3"/>
+    <bond atom1="CD" atom2="NE"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="CD"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="HG2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="HG3"/>
+    <bond atom1="CZ" atom2="NH1"/>
+    <bond atom1="CZ" atom2="NH2"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="CA"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="H"/>
+    <bond atom1="NE" atom2="CZ"/>
+    <bond atom1="NE" atom2="HE"/>
+    <bond atom1="NH1" atom2="HH11"/>
+    <bond atom1="NH2" atom2="HH21"/>
+    <bond atom1="NH2" atom2="HH22"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi1" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="CB" atom4="CG"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi2" atom1="CA" atom2="CB" atom3="CG" atom4="CD"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi3" atom1="CB" atom2="CG" atom3="CD" atom4="NE"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi4" atom1="CG" atom2="CD" atom3="NE" atom4="CZ"/>
+    <dihedral name="omega" atom1="O-" atom2="C-" atom3="N" atom4="CA"/>
+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
+    <dihedral name="psi" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="C" atom4="N+"/>
+  </residue>
+  <residue type="ASN">
+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
+    <atom name="CG"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HD21"/>
+    <atom name="HD22"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="ND2"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <atom name="OD1"/>
+    <bond atom1="C" atom2="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="C"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="CB"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="HA"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="CG"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB3"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="ND2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="OD1"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="CA"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="H"/>
+    <bond atom1="ND2" atom2="HD21"/>
+    <bond atom1="ND2" atom2="HD22"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi1" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="CB" atom4="CG"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi2" atom1="CA" atom2="CB" atom3="CG" atom4="ND2"/>
+    <dihedral name="omega" atom1="O-" atom2="C-" atom3="N" atom4="CA"/>
+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
+    <dihedral name="psi" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="C" atom4="N+"/>
+  </residue>
+  <residue type="ASP">
+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
+    <atom name="CG"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HD2"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <atom name="OD1"/>
+    <atom name="OD2"/>
+    <bond atom1="C" atom2="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="C"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="CB"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="HA"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="CG"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB3"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="OD1"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="OD2"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="CA"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="H"/>
+    <bond atom1="OD2" atom2="HD2"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi1" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="CB" atom4="CG"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi2" atom1="CA" atom2="CB" atom3="CG" atom4="OD1"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi32" atom1="CB" atom2="CG" atom3="OD2" atom4="HD2"/>
+    <dihedral name="omega" atom1="O-" atom2="C-" atom3="N" atom4="CA"/>
+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
+    <dihedral name="psi" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="C" atom4="N+"/>
+  </residue>
+  <residue type="CYS">
+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HG"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <atom name="SG"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="C"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="CB"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="CA"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="SG"/>
+    <bond atom1="C" atom2="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB3"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="HA"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="H"/>
+    <bond atom1="SG" atom2="HG"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi1" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="CB" atom4="SG"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi2" atom1="CA" atom2="CB" atom3="SG" atom4="HG"/>
+    <dihedral name="omega" atom1="O-" atom2="C-" atom3="N" atom4="CA"/>
+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
+    <dihedral name="psi" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="C" atom4="N+"/>
+  </residue>
+  <residue type="GLN">
+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
+    <atom name="CD"/>
+    <atom name="CG"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HE21"/>
+    <atom name="HE22"/>
+    <atom name="HG2"/>
+    <atom name="HG3"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="NE2"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <atom name="OE1"/>
+    <bond atom1="C" atom2="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="C"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="CB"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="HA"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="CG"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB3"/>
+    <bond atom1="CD" atom2="NE2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CD" atom2="OE1"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="CD"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="HG2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="HG3"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="CA"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="H"/>
+    <bond atom1="NE2" atom2="HE21"/>
+    <bond atom1="NE2" atom2="HE22"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi1" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="CB" atom4="CG"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi2" atom1="CA" atom2="CB" atom3="CG" atom4="CD"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi3" atom1="CB" atom2="CG" atom3="CD" atom4="NE2"/>
+    <dihedral name="omega" atom1="O-" atom2="C-" atom3="N" atom4="CA"/>
+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
+    <dihedral name="psi" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="C" atom4="N+"/>
+  </residue>
+  <residue type="GLU">
+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
+    <atom name="CD"/>
+    <atom name="CG"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HE2"/>
+    <atom name="HG2"/>
+    <atom name="HG3"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <atom name="OE1"/>
+    <atom name="OE2"/>
+    <bond atom1="C" atom2="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="C"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="CB"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="HA"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="CG"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB3"/>
+    <bond atom1="CD" atom2="OE1"/>
+    <bond atom1="CD" atom2="OE2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="CD"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="HG2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CG" atom2="HG3"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="CA"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="H"/>
+    <bond atom1="OE2" atom2="HE2"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi1" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="CB" atom4="CG"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi2" atom1="CA" atom2="CB" atom3="CG" atom4="CD"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi3" atom1="CB" atom2="CG" atom3="CD" atom4="OE1"/>
+    <dihedral name="chi42" atom1="CG" atom2="CD" atom3="OE2" atom4="HE2"/>
+    <dihedral name="omega" atom1="O-" atom2="C-" atom3="N" atom4="CA"/>
+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
+    <dihedral name="psi" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="C" atom4="N+"/>
+  </residue>
+  <residue type="GLY">
+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA2"/>
+    <atom name="HA3"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="C" atom2="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="C"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="HA3"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="HA2"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="CA"/>
+    <bond atom1="N" atom2="H"/>
+    <dihedral name="omega" atom1="O-" atom2="C-" atom3="N" atom4="CA"/>
+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
+    <dihedral name="psi" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="C" atom4="N+"/>
+  </residue>
+  <residue type="HIS">
+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
+    <atom name="CD2"/>
+    <atom name="CE1"/>
+    <atom name="CG"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HD1"/>
+    <atom name="HD2"/>
+    <atom name="HE1"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="ND1"/>
+    <atom name="NE2"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="C" atom2="O"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="C"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="CB"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="HA"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="CG"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB3"/>
+    <bond atom1="CD2" atom2="HD2"/>
+    <bond atom1="CD2" atom2="CG"/>
+    <bond atom1="CE1" atom2="HE1"/>
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+  </residue>
+  <residue type="ILE">
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+    <atom name="H2"/>
+    <atom name="H3"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB"/>
+    <atom name="HD11"/>
+    <atom name="HD12"/>
+    <atom name="HD13"/>
+    <atom name="HG12"/>
+    <atom name="HG13"/>
+    <atom name="HG21"/>
+    <atom name="HG22"/>
+    <atom name="HG23"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
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+  </residue>
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+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
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+    <atom name="HD12"/>
+    <atom name="HD13"/>
+    <atom name="HD21"/>
+    <atom name="HD22"/>
+    <atom name="HD23"/>
+    <atom name="HG"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
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+  </residue>
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+    <atom name="CB"/>
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+    <atom name="CE"/>
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+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HD2"/>
+    <atom name="HD3"/>
+    <atom name="HE2"/>
+    <atom name="HE3"/>
+    <atom name="HG2"/>
+    <atom name="HG3"/>
+    <atom name="HZ1"/>
+    <atom name="HZ2"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="NZ"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
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+  </residue>
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+    <atom name="CB"/>
+    <atom name="CE"/>
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+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HE1"/>
+    <atom name="HE2"/>
+    <atom name="HE3"/>
+    <atom name="HG2"/>
+    <atom name="HG3"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <atom name="SD"/>
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+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
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+  </residue>
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+    <atom name="CE2"/>
+    <atom name="CG"/>
+    <atom name="CZ"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HD1"/>
+    <atom name="HD2"/>
+    <atom name="HE1"/>
+    <atom name="HE2"/>
+    <atom name="HZ"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
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+  </residue>
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+    <atom name="CB"/>
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+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HD2"/>
+    <atom name="HD3"/>
+    <atom name="HG2"/>
+    <atom name="HG3"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
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+    <dihedral name="omega" atom1="O-" atom2="C-" atom3="N" atom4="CA"/>
+  </residue>
+  <residue type="SER">
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+    <atom name="CB"/>
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+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HG"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <atom name="OG"/>
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+    <dihedral name="omega" atom1="O-" atom2="C-" atom3="N" atom4="CA"/>
+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
+    <dihedral name="psi" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="C" atom4="N+"/>
+  </residue>
+  <residue type="THR">
+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
+    <atom name="CG2"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB"/>
+    <atom name="HG1"/>
+    <atom name="HG21"/>
+    <atom name="HG22"/>
+    <atom name="HG23"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <atom name="OG1"/>
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+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
+    <dihedral name="psi" atom1="N" atom2="CA" atom3="C" atom4="N+"/>
+  </residue>
+  <residue type="TRP">
+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
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+    <atom name="CD2"/>
+    <atom name="CE2"/>
+    <atom name="CE3"/>
+    <atom name="CG"/>
+    <atom name="CH2"/>
+    <atom name="CZ2"/>
+    <atom name="CZ3"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HD1"/>
+    <atom name="HE1"/>
+    <atom name="HE3"/>
+    <atom name="HH2"/>
+    <atom name="HZ2"/>
+    <atom name="HZ3"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="NE1"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
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+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="C"/>
+    <bond atom1="CA" atom2="CB"/>
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+    <bond atom1="CB" atom2="HB3"/>
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+  </residue>
+  <residue type="TYR">
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+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
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+    <atom name="CD2"/>
+    <atom name="CE1"/>
+    <atom name="CE2"/>
+    <atom name="CG"/>
+    <atom name="CZ"/>
+    <atom name="H"/>
+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB2"/>
+    <atom name="HB3"/>
+    <atom name="HD1"/>
+    <atom name="HD2"/>
+    <atom name="HE1"/>
+    <atom name="HE2"/>
+    <atom name="HH"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
+    <atom name="OH"/>
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+  </residue>
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+    <atom name="C"/>
+    <atom name="CA"/>
+    <atom name="CB"/>
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+    <atom name="CG2"/>
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+    <atom name="HA"/>
+    <atom name="HB"/>
+    <atom name="HG11"/>
+    <atom name="HG12"/>
+    <atom name="HG13"/>
+    <atom name="HG21"/>
+    <atom name="HG22"/>
+    <atom name="HG23"/>
+    <atom name="N"/>
+    <atom name="O"/>
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+    <dihedral name="phi" atom1="C-" atom2="N" atom3="CA" atom4="C"/>
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+  </residue>
diff --git a/csb/bio/sequence/__init__.py b/csb/bio/sequence/__init__.py
index 650e17a..70b6313 100644
--- a/csb/bio/sequence/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/bio/sequence/__init__.py
@@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ class SequenceAlphabets(object):
             SequenceTypes.DNA: NucleicAlphabet,
             SequenceTypes.RNA: NucleicAlphabet,
             SequenceTypes.Unknown: UnknownAlphabet }
+    ALL_ALPHABETS = set([ProteinAlphabet, NucleicAlphabet, UnknownAlphabet])
     assert set(MAP) == csb.core.Enum.members(SequenceTypes)
@@ -136,8 +138,20 @@ class SequenceAlphabets(object):
     def get(type):
         Get the alphabet corresponding to the specified sequence C{type}
+        @param type: a member of L{SequenceTypes}
+        @type type: L{csb.core.EnumItem}
+        @rtype: L{csb.core.enum} 
+        """
+        return SequenceAlphabets.MAP[type]  
+    @staticmethod
+    def contains(alphabet):
-        return SequenceAlphabets.MAP[type]    
+        Return True if C{alphabet} is a sequence alphabet
+        @type alphabet: L{csb.core.enum}
+        @rtype: bool
+        """
+        return alphabet in SequenceAlphabets.ALL_ALPHABETS        
 class SequenceError(ValueError):
@@ -195,7 +209,7 @@ class ResidueInfo(object):
         return self._type
     def type(self, type):
-        if type.enum not in (ProteinAlphabet, NucleicAlphabet, UnknownAlphabet):
+        if not SequenceAlphabets.contains(type.enum):
             raise TypeError(type)
         self._type = type
@@ -1313,5 +1327,6 @@ class A3MAlignment(AbstractAlignment):
         @rtype: L{A3MAlignment}
         from csb.bio.io.fasta import SequenceAlignmentReader
-        return SequenceAlignmentReader(strict=strict).read_a3m(string)    
+        return SequenceAlignmentReader(strict=strict).read_a3m(string)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/csb/bio/sequence/alignment.py b/csb/bio/sequence/alignment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6593997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/bio/sequence/alignment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+Collection of sequence alignment algorithms.
+ at note: The classes in this module have been optimized for performance.
+       Think twice before switching a field to a generally nicer property
+       access, because it turns out that these things often add significant
+       constants to the running time of a dynamic programming algorithm.
+from csb.bio.sequence import AbstractSequence, SequenceAlignment, RichSequence, ResidueInfo
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+class ResidueNotFoundError(KeyError):
+    pass
+class AbstractScoringMatrix(object):
+    """
+    Defines a pairwise sequence alignment scoring function.
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    @abstractmethod
+    def score(self, x, y):
+        """
+        Return the pairwise score of residues C{x} and C{y}.
+        C{x} and C{y} must be comparable (e.g. implement __eq__ and __hash__).
+        @param x: first residue
+        @type x: object
+        @param y: second residue
+        @type y: object
+        @rtype: float
+        @raise ResidueNotFoundError: if C{x} or C{y} cannot be handled by this
+        scoring matrix          
+        """
+        pass
+class IdentityMatrix(AbstractScoringMatrix):
+    """
+    Simple identity-based scoring matrix.
+    @param match: score for a match
+    @type match: float
+    @param mismatch: score for a mismatch
+    @type mismatch: float
+    """
+    def __init__(self, match=1, mismatch=-1):
+        self._match = float(match)
+        self._mismatch = float(mismatch)
+    @property
+    def match(self):
+        """
+        Score for a match
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        return self._match
+    @property
+    def mismatch(self):
+        """
+        Score for a mismatch
+        @rtype: float
+        """        
+        return self._mismatch
+    def score(self, x, y):
+        if x == y:
+            return self._match
+        else:
+            return self._mismatch      
+class SimilarityMatrix(AbstractScoringMatrix):
+    """
+    Similarity scoring matrix.
+    @param matrix: 
+    """
+    BLOSUM62 = { 
+        'A': { 'A': 4.0, 'R':-1.0, 'N':-2.0, 'D':-2.0, 'C': 0.0, 'Q':-1.0, 'E':-1.0, 'G': 0.0, 'H':-2.0, 'I':-1.0, 'L':-1.0, 'K':-1.0, 'M':-1.0, 'F':-2.0, 'P':-1.0, 'S': 1.0, 'T': 0.0, 'W':-3.0, 'Y':-2.0, 'V': 0.0, 'B':-2.0, 'Z':-1.0, 'X': 0.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'R': { 'A':-1.0, 'R': 5.0, 'N': 0.0, 'D':-2.0, 'C':-3.0, 'Q': 1.0, 'E': 0.0, 'G':-2.0, 'H': 0.0, 'I':-3.0, 'L':-2.0, 'K': 2.0, 'M':-1.0, 'F':-3.0, 'P':-2.0, 'S':-1.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-3.0, 'Y':-2.0, 'V':-3.0, 'B':-1.0, 'Z': 0.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'N': { 'A':-2.0, 'R': 0.0, 'N': 6.0, 'D': 1.0, 'C':-3.0, 'Q': 0.0, 'E': 0.0, 'G': 0.0, 'H': 1.0, 'I':-3.0, 'L':-3.0, 'K': 0.0, 'M':-2.0, 'F':-3.0, 'P':-2.0, 'S': 1.0, 'T': 0.0, 'W':-4.0, 'Y':-2.0, 'V':-3.0, 'B': 3.0, 'Z': 0.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'D': { 'A':-2.0, 'R':-2.0, 'N': 1.0, 'D': 6.0, 'C':-3.0, 'Q': 0.0, 'E': 2.0, 'G':-1.0, 'H':-1.0, 'I':-3.0, 'L':-4.0, 'K':-1.0, 'M':-3.0, 'F':-3.0, 'P':-1.0, 'S': 0.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-4.0, 'Y':-3.0, 'V':-3.0, 'B': 4.0, 'Z': 1.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'C': { 'A': 0.0, 'R':-3.0, 'N':-3.0, 'D':-3.0, 'C': 9.0, 'Q':-3.0, 'E':-4.0, 'G':-3.0, 'H':-3.0, 'I':-1.0, 'L':-1.0, 'K':-3.0, 'M':-1.0, 'F':-2.0, 'P':-3.0, 'S':-1.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-2.0, 'Y':-2.0, 'V':-1.0, 'B':-3.0, 'Z':-3.0, 'X':-2.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'Q': { 'A':-1.0, 'R': 1.0, 'N': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'C':-3.0, 'Q': 5.0, 'E': 2.0, 'G':-2.0, 'H': 0.0, 'I':-3.0, 'L':-2.0, 'K': 1.0, 'M': 0.0, 'F':-3.0, 'P':-1.0, 'S': 0.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-2.0, 'Y':-1.0, 'V':-2.0, 'B': 0.0, 'Z': 3.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'E': { 'A':-1.0, 'R': 0.0, 'N': 0.0, 'D': 2.0, 'C':-4.0, 'Q': 2.0, 'E': 5.0, 'G':-2.0, 'H': 0.0, 'I':-3.0, 'L':-3.0, 'K': 1.0, 'M':-2.0, 'F':-3.0, 'P':-1.0, 'S': 0.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-3.0, 'Y':-2.0, 'V':-2.0, 'B': 1.0, 'Z': 4.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'G': { 'A': 0.0, 'R':-2.0, 'N': 0.0, 'D':-1.0, 'C':-3.0, 'Q':-2.0, 'E':-2.0, 'G': 6.0, 'H':-2.0, 'I':-4.0, 'L':-4.0, 'K':-2.0, 'M':-3.0, 'F':-3.0, 'P':-2.0, 'S': 0.0, 'T':-2.0, 'W':-2.0, 'Y':-3.0, 'V':-3.0, 'B':-1.0, 'Z':-2.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'H': { 'A':-2.0, 'R': 0.0, 'N': 1.0, 'D':-1.0, 'C':-3.0, 'Q': 0.0, 'E': 0.0, 'G':-2.0, 'H': 8.0, 'I':-3.0, 'L':-3.0, 'K':-1.0, 'M':-2.0, 'F':-1.0, 'P':-2.0, 'S':-1.0, 'T':-2.0, 'W':-2.0, 'Y': 2.0, 'V':-3.0, 'B': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'I': { 'A':-1.0, 'R':-3.0, 'N':-3.0, 'D':-3.0, 'C':-1.0, 'Q':-3.0, 'E':-3.0, 'G':-4.0, 'H':-3.0, 'I': 4.0, 'L': 2.0, 'K':-3.0, 'M': 1.0, 'F': 0.0, 'P':-3.0, 'S':-2.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-3.0, 'Y':-1.0, 'V': 3.0, 'B':-3.0, 'Z':-3.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'L': { 'A':-1.0, 'R':-2.0, 'N':-3.0, 'D':-4.0, 'C':-1.0, 'Q':-2.0, 'E':-3.0, 'G':-4.0, 'H':-3.0, 'I': 2.0, 'L': 4.0, 'K':-2.0, 'M': 2.0, 'F': 0.0, 'P':-3.0, 'S':-2.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-2.0, 'Y':-1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'B':-4.0, 'Z':-3.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'K': { 'A':-1.0, 'R': 2.0, 'N': 0.0, 'D':-1.0, 'C':-3.0, 'Q': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'G':-2.0, 'H':-1.0, 'I':-3.0, 'L':-2.0, 'K': 5.0, 'M':-1.0, 'F':-3.0, 'P':-1.0, 'S': 0.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-3.0, 'Y':-2.0, 'V':-2.0, 'B': 0.0, 'Z': 1.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'M': { 'A':-1.0, 'R':-1.0, 'N':-2.0, 'D':-3.0, 'C':-1.0, 'Q': 0.0, 'E':-2.0, 'G':-3.0, 'H':-2.0, 'I': 1.0, 'L': 2.0, 'K':-1.0, 'M': 5.0, 'F': 0.0, 'P':-2.0, 'S':-1.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-1.0, 'Y':-1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'B':-3.0, 'Z':-1.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'F': { 'A':-2.0, 'R':-3.0, 'N':-3.0, 'D':-3.0, 'C':-2.0, 'Q':-3.0, 'E':-3.0, 'G':-3.0, 'H':-1.0, 'I': 0.0, 'L': 0.0, 'K':-3.0, 'M': 0.0, 'F': 6.0, 'P':-4.0, 'S':-2.0, 'T':-2.0, 'W': 1.0, 'Y': 3.0, 'V':-1.0, 'B':-3.0, 'Z':-3.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'P': { 'A':-1.0, 'R':-2.0, 'N':-2.0, 'D':-1.0, 'C':-3.0, 'Q':-1.0, 'E':-1.0, 'G':-2.0, 'H':-2.0, 'I':-3.0, 'L':-3.0, 'K':-1.0, 'M':-2.0, 'F':-4.0, 'P': 7.0, 'S':-1.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-4.0, 'Y':-3.0, 'V':-2.0, 'B':-2.0, 'Z':-1.0, 'X':-2.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'S': { 'A': 1.0, 'R':-1.0, 'N': 1.0, 'D': 0.0, 'C':-1.0, 'Q': 0.0, 'E': 0.0, 'G': 0.0, 'H':-1.0, 'I':-2.0, 'L':-2.0, 'K': 0.0, 'M':-1.0, 'F':-2.0, 'P':-1.0, 'S': 4.0, 'T': 1.0, 'W':-3.0, 'Y':-2.0, 'V':-2.0, 'B': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0, 'X': 0.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'T': { 'A': 0.0, 'R':-1.0, 'N': 0.0, 'D':-1.0, 'C':-1.0, 'Q':-1.0, 'E':-1.0, 'G':-2.0, 'H':-2.0, 'I':-1.0, 'L':-1.0, 'K':-1.0, 'M':-1.0, 'F':-2.0, 'P':-1.0, 'S': 1.0, 'T': 5.0, 'W':-2.0, 'Y':-2.0, 'V': 0.0, 'B':-1.0, 'Z':-1.0, 'X': 0.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'W': { 'A':-3.0, 'R':-3.0, 'N':-4.0, 'D':-4.0, 'C':-2.0, 'Q':-2.0, 'E':-3.0, 'G':-2.0, 'H':-2.0, 'I':-3.0, 'L':-2.0, 'K':-3.0, 'M':-1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'P':-4.0, 'S':-3.0, 'T':-2.0, 'W': 11.0,'Y': 2.0, 'V':-3.0, 'B':-4.0, 'Z':-3.0, 'X':-2.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'Y': { 'A':-2.0, 'R':-2.0, 'N':-2.0, 'D':-3.0, 'C':-2.0, 'Q':-1.0, 'E':-2.0, 'G':-3.0, 'H': 2.0, 'I':-1.0, 'L':-1.0, 'K':-2.0, 'M':-1.0, 'F': 3.0, 'P':-3.0, 'S':-2.0, 'T':-2.0, 'W': 2.0, 'Y': 7.0, 'V':-1.0, 'B':-3.0, 'Z':-2.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'V': { 'A': 0.0, 'R':-3.0, 'N':-3.0, 'D':-3.0, 'C':-1.0, 'Q':-2.0, 'E':-2.0, 'G':-3.0, 'H':-3.0, 'I': 3.0, 'L': 1.0, 'K':-2.0, 'M': 1.0, 'F':-1.0, 'P':-2.0, 'S':-2.0, 'T': 0.0, 'W':-3.0, 'Y':-1.0, 'V': 4.0, 'B':-3.0, 'Z':-2.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'B': { 'A':-2.0, 'R':-1.0, 'N': 3.0, 'D': 4.0, 'C':-3.0, 'Q': 0.0, 'E': 1.0, 'G':-1.0, 'H': 0.0, 'I':-3.0, 'L':-4.0, 'K': 0.0, 'M':-3.0, 'F':-3.0, 'P':-2.0, 'S': 0.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-4.0, 'Y':-3.0, 'V':-3.0, 'B': 4.0, 'Z': 1.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'Z': { 'A':-1.0, 'R': 0.0, 'N': 0.0, 'D': 1.0, 'C':-3.0, 'Q': 3.0, 'E': 4.0, 'G':-2.0, 'H': 0.0, 'I':-3.0, 'L':-3.0, 'K': 1.0, 'M':-1.0, 'F':-3.0, 'P':-1.0, 'S': 0.0, 'T':-1.0, 'W':-3.0, 'Y':-2.0, 'V':-2.0, 'B': 1.0, 'Z': 4.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        'X': { 'A': 0.0, 'R':-1.0, 'N':-1.0, 'D':-1.0, 'C':-2.0, 'Q':-1.0, 'E':-1.0, 'G':-1.0, 'H':-1.0, 'I':-1.0, 'L':-1.0, 'K':-1.0, 'M':-1.0, 'F':-1.0, 'P':-2.0, 'S': 0.0, 'T': 0.0, 'W':-2.0, 'Y':-1.0, 'V':-1.0, 'B':-1.0, 'Z':-1.0, 'X':-1.0, '*':-4.0 },
+        '*': { 'A':-4.0, 'R':-4.0, 'N':-4.0, 'D':-4.0, 'C':-4.0, 'Q':-4.0, 'E':-4.0, 'G':-4.0, 'H':-4.0, 'I':-4.0, 'L':-4.0, 'K':-4.0, 'M':-4.0, 'F':-4.0, 'P':-4.0, 'S':-4.0, 'T':-4.0, 'W':-4.0, 'Y':-4.0, 'V':-4.0, 'B':-4.0, 'Z':-4.0, 'X':-4.0, '*': 1.0 }
+    }
+    def __init__(self, matrix=BLOSUM62):
+        self._matrix = matrix        
+    def score(self, x, y):
+        try:
+            return self._matrix[x][y]
+        except KeyError as ke:
+            raise ResidueNotFoundError(ke.message)
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse(string):
+        """
+        Parse a standard scoring matrix file, where the first row and
+        column are residue labels.
+        @param string: scoring matrix string
+        @type string: str
+        @rtype: L{SimilarityMatrix}
+        """
+        residues = {}
+        matrix = {}
+        for line in string.splitlines():
+            if not line.strip() or line.startswith("#"):
+                continue
+            if not residues:
+                residues = line.split()
+            else:
+                items = line.split()
+                if len(items) != len(residues) + 1:
+                    raise ValueError("{0} scoring columns expected".format(len(residues)))
+                try:
+                    aa, scores = items[0], map(float, items[1:])
+                    matrix[aa] = dict((residues[i], s) for i, s in enumerate(scores))
+                except (KeyError, ValueError):
+                    raise ValueError("Corrupt scoring matrix")
+        return SimilarityMatrix(matrix)
+class AbstractAlignmentAlgorithm(object):
+    """
+    Base class for all sequence alignment algorithms.
+    This class was designed with simple sequence alignment algorithms in mind.
+    Implementors have full control over the behavior of the scoring function and
+    the dynamic programming matrix, but implementing things that require
+    additional matrices (such as affine gap penalties) might be trickier.
+    @param scoring: scoring matrix 
+    @type scoring: L{AbstractScoringMatrix}
+    @param gap: simple gap penalty
+    @type gap: float
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, scoring=IdentityMatrix(), gap=0):
+        if not isinstance(scoring, AbstractScoringMatrix):
+            raise TypeError(scoring)
+        self._gap = float(gap)
+        self._scoring = scoring
+    @property
+    def gap(self):
+        """
+        Simple gap penalty
+        @rtype: float 
+        """
+        return self._gap
+    @property
+    def scoring_matrix(self):
+        """
+        Scoring matrix 
+        @rtype: L{AbstractScoringMatrix} 
+        """        
+        return self._scoring
+    def align(self, query, subject):
+        """
+        Align two sequences and return the optimal alignment.
+        @param query: first sequence
+        @type query: L{AbstractSequence}
+        @param subject: second sequence
+        @type subject: L{AbstractSequence}
+        @rtype: L{AlignmentResult}     
+        """
+        if query.length == 0 or subject.length == 0:
+            raise ValueError("Can't align zero length sequence")        
+        # working with string sequences results in a massive speed-up
+        qseq = ["*"] + self._sequence(query)
+        sseq = ["*"] + self._sequence(subject)
+        # 1. create a dynamic programming matrix
+        matrix = []        
+        rows, cols = len(query), len(subject)
+        for i in range(rows + 1):
+            matrix.append([])
+            for j in range(cols + 1):
+                matrix[i].append(None)                    
+        # 2. initialize the first row and column  
+        self._initialize(matrix)
+        # fill
+        for i in range(1, rows + 1):
+            for j in range(1, cols + 1):
+                score = self._score(qseq[i], sseq[j])
+                self._fill(matrix, i, j, score)
+        # 3. compute alignment          
+        return self._traceback(matrix, query, subject)    
+    def _sequence(self, s):
+        """
+        Extract and return the string sequence of {s}.
+        @param s: sequence object
+        @type s: L{AbstractSequence}
+        @rtype: list of str
+        """
+        return list(s.sequence)
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _initialize(self, matrix):
+        """
+        Initialize (typically the first row and column) of the dynamic
+        programming matrix.
+        @param matrix: list (2D)
+        @type matrix: list
+        """
+        pass        
+    def _score(self, residue1, residue2):
+        """
+        Retrieve the pairwise score of two residues using the current
+        scoring matrix.
+        @rtype: float
+        """      
+        return self._scoring.score(residue1, residue2)
+    def _fill(self, matrix, i, j, score):
+        """
+        Compute and set the best score that leads to cell i,j in the dynamic
+        programming matrix: right, down or diagonal.
+        See also L{AbstractAlignmentAlgorithm._max}.
+        @param score: pairwise score at matrix[i][j]
+        @type score: float
+        @return: the best score
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        match = matrix[i-1][j-1] + score
+        insertion = matrix[i][j-1] + self._gap                
+        deletion = matrix[i-1][j] + self._gap
+        best = self._max(match, insertion, deletion)
+        matrix[i][j] = best
+        return best
+    @abstractmethod    
+    def _max(self, match, insertion, deletion):
+        """
+        Choose the best score among all given possibilities:
+        scores for match, insertion and deletion. This will determine
+        the direction taken at each step while building the dynamic programming
+        matrix (diagonal, down or right). 
+        This is an expected notable point of divergence for most sequence
+        alignment algorithms.
+        """
+        pass
+    def _traceback(self, m, seq1, seq2):
+        """
+        Trace back and return the optimal alignment.
+        """
+        query = []
+        subject = []        
+        # working with string sequences results in a massive speed-up
+        qseq = ["*"] + self._sequence(seq1)
+        sseq = ["*"] + self._sequence(seq2)
+        i, j = self._terminus(m)
+        qstart, start = i, j
+        qend, end = i, j
+        score = m[i][j]        
+        while self._expandable(m, i, j):
+            if i > 0 and j > 0 and m[i][j] == (m[i-1][j-1] + self._score(qseq[i], sseq[j])):
+                query.append(seq1.residues[i])
+                subject.append(seq2.residues[j])
+                qstart, start = i, j
+                i, j = i - 1, j - 1 
+            elif i > 0 and  m[i][j] == (m[i-1][j] + self._gap):
+                query.append(seq1.residues[i])
+                subject.append(ResidueInfo(-1, seq2.alphabet.GAP))
+                qstart = i
+                i = i - 1
+            elif j > 0 and  m[i][j] == (m[i][j-1] + self._gap):
+                query.append(ResidueInfo(-1, seq1.alphabet.GAP))
+                subject.append(seq2.residues[j])
+                start = j
+                j = j - 1
+            else:
+                assert False
+        query.reverse()
+        subject.reverse()
+        aligned_query = RichSequence(seq1.id, seq1.header, query, seq1.type)
+        aligned_subject = RichSequence(seq2.id, seq2.header, subject, seq2.type)
+        return AlignmentResult(score, aligned_query, aligned_subject, qstart, qend, start, end)     
+    @abstractmethod      
+    def _terminus(self, matrix):
+        """
+        Find the coordinates of the optimal alignment's right endpoint in the
+        dynamic programming matrix. This is the starting point of a traceback.
+        @param matrix: the complete dynamic programming matrix
+        @type matrix: 2D list
+        @rtype: 2-tuple (i, j)
+        """
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _expandable(self, i, j):
+        """
+        Return True if the traceback procedure must not terminate at
+        position C{i,j} in the dynamic programming matrix.
+        @rtype: bool
+        """
+        pass
+class GlobalAlignmentAlgorithm(AbstractAlignmentAlgorithm):
+    """
+    Needleman-Wunsch global sequence alignment.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, scoring=IdentityMatrix(), gap=0):
+        super(GlobalAlignmentAlgorithm, self).__init__(scoring, gap)
+    def _initialize(self, matrix):
+        for i in range(len(matrix)):
+            matrix[i][0] = self._gap * i
+        for j in range(len(matrix[0])):            
+            matrix[0][j] = self._gap * j       
+    def _max(self, match, insertion, deletion):
+        return max(match, insertion, deletion)    
+    def _terminus(self, matrix):
+        i = len(matrix) - 1
+        j = len(matrix[0]) - 1
+        return (i, j)        
+    def _expandable(self, matrix, i, j):
+        return i > 0 or j > 0        
+class LocalAlignmentAlgorithm(AbstractAlignmentAlgorithm):
+    """
+    Smith-Waterman local sequence alignment.
+    """
+    START = 0
+    """
+    Score for initiation of a new local alignment
+    """
+    def __init__(self, scoring=IdentityMatrix(), gap=-1):
+        super(LocalAlignmentAlgorithm, self).__init__(scoring, gap)
+    def _initialize(self, matrix):
+        for i in range(len(matrix)):
+            matrix[i][0] = LocalAlignmentAlgorithm.START
+        for j in range(len(matrix[0])):            
+            matrix[0][j] = LocalAlignmentAlgorithm.START      
+    def _max(self, match, insertion, deletion):
+        return max(match, insertion, deletion, LocalAlignmentAlgorithm.START)        
+    def _terminus(self, matrix):
+        maxi, maxj = 0, 0
+        for i in range(len(matrix)):
+            for j in range(len(matrix[i])):
+                if matrix[i][j] > matrix[maxi][maxj]:
+                    maxi, maxj = i, j
+        return (maxi, maxj)
+    def _expandable(self, matrix, i, j):
+        return matrix[i][j] != LocalAlignmentAlgorithm.START  
+class AlignmentResult(object):
+    """
+    Represents a pairwise sequence alignment result.
+    @param score: raw alignment score
+    @type score: float
+    @param query: aligned query sequence (with gaps)
+    @type query: L{AbstractSequence}
+    @param subject: aligned subject sequence (with gaps)
+    @type subject: L{AbstractSequence}     
+    @param qstart: query start position
+    @type qstart: int
+    @param qend: query end position
+    @type qend: int
+    @param start: subject start position
+    @type start: int
+    @param end: subject end position
+    @type end: int  
+    """
+    def __init__(self, score, query, subject, qstart, qend, start, end):
+        if not isinstance(query, AbstractSequence):
+            raise TypeError(query)
+        if not isinstance(subject, AbstractSequence):
+            raise TypeError(query)
+        if not (len(query) == len(subject)):
+            raise ValueError("Corrupt alignment")
+        self._score = float(score)
+        self._query = query
+        self._subject = subject
+        self._qstart = int(qstart)
+        self._qend = int(qend)
+        self._start = int(start)
+        self._end = int(end)
+        self._identicals = 0
+        self._gaps = 0        
+        self._length = 0
+        if query.length > 0 and subject.length > 0:
+            if not 1 <= qstart <= qend:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid query start/end positions")
+            if not 1 <= start <= end:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid subject start/end positions")
+            qgap = query.alphabet.GAP
+            sgap = subject.alphabet.GAP
+            for q, s in zip(query, subject):
+                if q.type == qgap or s.type == sgap:
+                    self._gaps += 1
+                elif q.type == s.type:
+                    self._identicals += 1
+            self._length = (self._gaps + (qend - qstart + 1) + (end - start + 1)) / 2
+        else:
+            if (score + qstart + qend + start + end) != 0:
+                raise ValueError("Corrupt alignment")
+            self._length = 0
+    def __str__(self):
+        string = "{0.qstart:5} {0.query.sequence:} {0.qend:<5}\n"
+        string += "{0.start:5} {0.subject.sequence:} {0.end:<5}"
+        return string.format(self)        
+    @property
+    def is_empty(self):
+        """
+        Return True if this is an empty alignment (i.e. no matches)
+        @rtype: bool
+        """
+        return self.length == 0 or self.gaps == self.length   
+    @property
+    def score(self):
+        """
+        Raw alignment score
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        return self._score
+    @property
+    def query(self):
+        """
+        Aligned query sequence (with gaps)
+        @rtype: L{AbstractSequence}
+        """
+        return self._query
+    @property
+    def subject(self):
+        """
+        Aligned subject sequence (with gaps)
+        @rtype: L{AbstractSequence}        
+        """        
+        return self._subject
+    @property
+    def qstart(self):
+        """
+        Query start position
+        @rtype: int
+        """        
+        return self._qstart
+    @property
+    def qend(self):
+        """
+        Query end position
+        @rtype: int
+        """        
+        return self._qend
+    @property
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Subject start position
+        @rtype: int
+        """                
+        return self._start
+    @property
+    def end(self):
+        """
+        Subject end position        
+        @rtype: int
+        """                
+        return self._end
+    @property
+    def identicals(self):
+        """
+        Number of identical residues
+        @rtype: int
+        """                
+        return self._identicals
+    @property
+    def identity(self):
+        """
+        Percentage of identical residues
+        @rtype: int
+        """                
+        return float(self._identicals) / self._length
+    @property
+    def gaps(self):
+        """
+        Total number of gaps (query + subject)
+        @rtype: int
+        """               
+        return self._gaps
+    @property
+    def length(self):
+        """
+        Alignment length (query + subject + gaps / 2)
+        @rtype: int
+        """               
+        return self._length
+    def alignment(self):
+        """
+        @return: as a sequence alignment object
+        @rtype: L{SequenceAlignment}
+        """
+        return SequenceAlignment([self.query, self.subject])
diff --git a/csb/bio/structure/__init__.py b/csb/bio/structure/__init__.py
index 9289d17..8a3ac39 100644
--- a/csb/bio/structure/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/bio/structure/__init__.py
@@ -533,6 +533,23 @@ class Structure(csb.core.AbstractNIContainer, AbstractEntity):
             with csb.io.EntryWriter(output_file, close=False) as out:
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_chain(chain):
+        """
+        A Structure factory, which instantiates and returns a new Structure with 
+        chain as deep cpoy of chain
+        @param chain: the chain which will comprise the new structure
+        @type chain: L{Chain}
+        @rtype: L{Structure}
+        """
+        structure = Structure("NONE")
+        structure.chains.append(chain.clone())
+        return structure
 class StructureChainsTable(csb.core.DictionaryContainer):
     def __init__(self, structure=None, chains=None):
@@ -581,6 +598,7 @@ class StructureChainsTable(csb.core.DictionaryContainer):
         @param id: ID of the chain to be detached
         @type id: str
+        @raise ChainNotFoundError: if C{id} is not a valid chain ID 
         chain = self[id]
@@ -914,7 +932,7 @@ class Chain(csb.core.AbstractNIContainer, AbstractEntity):
         @return: the residue object with such an ID
         @rtype: L{Residue}
-        @raise csb.core.ItemNotFoundError: if no residue with that ID exists
+        @raise EntityNotFoundError: if no residue with that ID exists
         res_id = str(sequence_number).strip()
@@ -1153,7 +1171,7 @@ class ChainResiduesCollection(csb.core.CollectionContainer):
             return self.__lookup[id]
         except KeyError:
-            raise csb.core.ItemNotFoundError(id)
+            raise EntityNotFoundError(id)            
 class Residue(csb.core.AbstractNIContainer, AbstractEntity):
@@ -1179,7 +1197,7 @@ class Residue(csb.core.AbstractNIContainer, AbstractEntity):
     def __init__(self, rank, type, sequence_number=None, insertion_code=None):
         self._type = None    
-        self._pdb_name = None
+        self._label = None
         self._rank = int(rank)
         self._atoms = ResidueAtomsTable(self) 
         self._secondary_structure = None
@@ -1190,7 +1208,7 @@ class Residue(csb.core.AbstractNIContainer, AbstractEntity):
         self.type = type
         self.id = sequence_number, insertion_code
-        self._pdb_name = repr(type)
+        self.label = repr(type)
     def _children(self):
@@ -1198,6 +1216,26 @@ class Residue(csb.core.AbstractNIContainer, AbstractEntity):
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<{1} [{0.rank}]: {0.type!r} {0.id}>'.format(self, self.__class__.__name__)
+    @property
+    def label(self):
+        """
+        Original residue label (different from C{Residue.type} for modified
+        residues)
+        @rtype: str        
+        """
+        return self._label
+    @label.setter
+    def label(self, value):
+        self._label = str(value)
+    @property
+    def is_modified(self):
+        """
+        Return True id this is a modified residue
+        @rtype: bool        
+        """        
+        return self.label != repr(self.type)
     def type(self):
@@ -1492,7 +1530,11 @@ class NucleicResidue(Residue):
             raise TypeError(type)
         super(NucleicResidue, self).__init__(rank, type, sequence_number, insertion_code)  
-        self._pdb_name = str(type)
+        self.label = str(type)
+    @property
+    def is_modified(self):
+        return self.label != str(self.type)        
 class UnknownResidue(Residue):
diff --git a/csb/build.py b/csb/build.py
index d21de45..e533ee3 100644
--- a/csb/build.py
+++ b/csb/build.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import os
 import sys
 import getopt
 import traceback
+import compileall
 if os.path.basename(__file__) == '__init__.py':
     PARENT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
@@ -128,6 +129,8 @@ Options:
         if os.path.join(SOURCETREE, ROOT) != PARENT:
             raise IOError('{0} must be a sub-package or sub-module of {1}'.format(__file__, ROOT))
         self._input = SOURCETREE
+        self._success = True
         self.output = output
         self.verbosity = verbosity
@@ -165,9 +168,15 @@ Options:
         v = self._revision()
+        self._compile()        
         vn = self._package()     
-        self.log('\n# Done ({0}).\n'.format(vn.full))         
+        if self._success:
+            self.log('\n# Done ({0}).\n'.format(vn.full))
+        else:
+            self.log('\n# Build failed.\n')
     def log(self, message, level=1, ending='\n'):
@@ -283,9 +292,23 @@ Options:
                     self.log('\n  DID NOT PASS: The docs might be broken')                    
                     self.log('\n  FAIL: Epydoc returned "#{0.code}: {0}"'.format(ex))
+                    self._success = False
         self.log('\n# Restoring the previous ARGV...', level=2)    
         sys.argv = argv    
+    def _compile(self):
+        """
+        Byte-compile all modules and packages.
+        """
+        self.log('\n# Byte-compiling all *.py files...')
+        quiet = self.verbosity <= 1
+        valid = compileall.compile_dir(self._root, quiet=quiet, force=True)
+        if not valid:
+            self.log('\n  FAIL: Compilation error(s)\n')
+            self._success = False
     def _package(self):
@@ -314,8 +337,9 @@ Options:
         except SystemExit as ex:
             if ex.code is not 0:
-                package = 'FAIL'
                 self.log('\n  FAIL: Setup returned: \n\n{0}\n'.format(ex))
+                self._success = False
+                package = 'FAIL'
         self.log('\n# Restoring the previous CWD and ARGV...', level=2)
diff --git a/csb/io/__init__.py b/csb/io/__init__.py
index 57358b9..ab7d06c 100644
--- a/csb/io/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/io/__init__.py
@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ try:
     import urllib.request as urllib
 except ImportError:
     import urllib2 as urllib
+    from __builtin__ import unichr
+except ImportError:
+    from builtins import chr as unichr
 NEWLINE = "\n"
diff --git a/csb/io/tsv.py b/csb/io/tsv.py
index e2cbcc8..bbcb805 100644
--- a/csb/io/tsv.py
+++ b/csb/io/tsv.py
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ class DataRow(object):
         @param delimiter: column separator (defaults to tab)
         @type delimiter: str 
-        return delimiter.join(map(str, self._row))
+        return delimiter.join(map(Table._isnull, self._row))
     def columns(self):
@@ -412,6 +412,7 @@ class Table(object):
     Table header string, used when saving and restoring TSV files.
     HEADER = '# @TSV '
+    NULL = ''
     def __init__(self, definition, name='TSV', backend=SQLiteRepository):
@@ -421,6 +422,7 @@ class Table(object):
         self._name = name
         self._backend = backend
         self._imp = backend(name)
+        self._metadata = []
             if isinstance(definition[0], ColumnInfo):
@@ -439,7 +441,8 @@ class Table(object):
-    def from_tsv(tsv, definition=None, delimiter='\t', skip=0, name='TSV', backend=SQLiteRepository):
+    def from_tsv(tsv, definition=None, delimiter='\t', skip=0, name='TSV',
+                 backend=SQLiteRepository):
         Table factory: build a L{Table} from a TSV file.
@@ -479,7 +482,8 @@ class Table(object):
             for i, line in enumerate(tsvfile, start=1):
                 if (skip and i <= skip) or line.startswith(Table.HEADER):
-                table.insert(line.rstrip(os.linesep).split(delimiter))
+                data = line.rstrip(os.linesep).split(delimiter)
+                table.insert(data)
         return table
@@ -518,7 +522,32 @@ class Table(object):
             return Table.from_iterable(table, table._metadata, name=name, backend=backend)
             return Table(table._metadata, name=name, backend=backend)            
+    @staticmethod
+    def _isnull(value):
+        if value is None or str(value) == "":
+            return Table.NULL
+        else:
+            return str(value)
+    def _convert(self, row):
+        if len(row) != len(self._metadata):
+            raise ValueError("{0} columns expected, got {1}".format(
+                                            len(self._metadata), len(row)))
+        data = []
+        for value, ci in zip(row, self._metadata):
+            if value == Table.NULL:
+                data.append(None)
+            elif isinstance(value, csb.core.string):
+                data.append(ci.type(value))
+            else:
+                data.append(value)
+        return data
     def __del__(self):
@@ -739,7 +768,8 @@ class Table(object):
         @param row: a tuple of the appropriate length
         @type row: tuple 
-        self._imp.insert(row)
+        data = self._convert(row)
+        self._imp.insert(data)
     def _project(self, columns):
diff --git a/csb/numeric/__init__.py b/csb/numeric/__init__.py
index 7d55e9f..cffbeea 100644
--- a/csb/numeric/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/numeric/__init__.py
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ def dihedral_angle(a, b, c, d):
     m = numpy.cross((a - b), v)
     m /= norm(m)
     n = numpy.cross((d - c), v)
-    n /= norm(m)
+    n /= norm(n)
     c = numpy.dot(m, n)
     s = numpy.dot(numpy.cross(n, m), v) / norm(v)
@@ -608,7 +608,9 @@ class InvertibleMatrix(object):
     def _check_diagonal(self, matrix):
-        return (matrix.T == matrix).all()
+        i, j = numpy.nonzero(matrix)
+        return numpy.array_equal(i, j)
     def _check_unity_multiple(self, matrix):
@@ -706,6 +708,16 @@ class InvertibleMatrix(object):
     __idiv__ = __itruediv__
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if self._matrix is not None and other._matrix is not None:
+            return self._matrix == other._matrix
+        if self._inverse_matrix is not None and other._inverse_matrix is not None:
+            return self._inverse_matrix == other._inverse_matrix
     def __str__(self):
         if self._matrix is not None and self._inverse_matrix is not None:
             return "csb.numeric.InvertibleMatrix object holding the following numpy matrix:\n"\
diff --git a/csb/numeric/integrators.py b/csb/numeric/integrators.py
index 7ef07d0..58b38a1 100644
--- a/csb/numeric/integrators.py
+++ b/csb/numeric/integrators.py
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class AbstractIntegrator(object):
         return builder.product
-    def integrate_once(self, state, current_step, inverse_mass_matrix=None):
+    def integrate_once(self, state, current_step, mass_matrix=None):
         Integrates one step starting from an initial state and an initial time
         given by the product of the timestep and the current_step parameter.
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ class AbstractIntegrator(object):
         @param current_step: Current integration step
         @type current_step: int
-        @param inverse_mass_matrix: Inverse mass matrix
-        @type inverse_mass_matrix:  n-dimensional numpy array with n being the dimension
-                                    of the configuration space, that is, the dimension of
-                                    the position / momentum vectors
+        @param mass_matrix: mass matrix
+        @type mass_matrix:  n-dimensional numpy array with n being the dimension
+                            of the configuration space, that is, the dimension of
+                            the position / momentum vectors
         @return: the altered state
         @rtype: L{State}
diff --git a/csb/statistics/__init__.py b/csb/statistics/__init__.py
index 69d54e0..8e20b03 100644
--- a/csb/statistics/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/statistics/__init__.py
@@ -256,7 +256,9 @@ def histogram_nd(x, nbins=100, axes=None, nbatch=1000, normalize=True):
     shape = tuple(map(len, axes))
     H = np.zeros(shape)
-    s = np.multiply.accumulate(np.array((1,) + H.shape[:-1]))[::-1]
+    ## MH: was like that before...
+    ## s = np.multiply.accumulate(np.array((1,) + H.shape[:-1]))[::-1]
+    s = np.multiply.accumulate(np.array((1,) + H.shape[1:]))[::-1]
     H = H.flatten()
     while len(x):
diff --git a/csb/statistics/samplers/__init__.py b/csb/statistics/samplers/__init__.py
index 478b452..f821101 100644
--- a/csb/statistics/samplers/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/statistics/samplers/__init__.py
@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ class State(AbstractState):
         self.position = position
         self.momentum = momentum
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.position == other.position and self.momentum == other.momentum
     def position(self):        
         return self._position.copy()
@@ -100,7 +104,11 @@ class State(AbstractState):
             self._momentum = None
     def clone(self):
-        return State(self.position, self.momentum)
+        if self.momentum is not None:
+            return self.__class__(self.position.copy(), self.momentum.copy())
+        else:
+            return self.__class__(self.position.copy())
 class EnsembleState(csb.core.BaseCollectionContainer, AbstractState):
@@ -116,7 +124,7 @@ class EnsembleState(csb.core.BaseCollectionContainer, AbstractState):
     def position(self):        
-        return np.array([s.positions for s in self])
+        return np.array([s.position for s in self])
     def momentum(self):
diff --git a/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/__init__.py b/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/__init__.py
index 52d4f00..133b3e9 100644
--- a/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/__init__.py
@@ -118,6 +118,10 @@ class PropagationResult(AbstractPropagationResult):
         self._heat = None
         self.heat = heat
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter([self._initial, self.final])
     def initial(self):
@@ -262,144 +266,6 @@ class ShortTrajectoryBuilder(TrajectoryBuilder):
         initial, final = self._states
         return PropagationResult(initial, final, heat=self._heat)
-class SimpleProposalCommunicator(object):
-    """
-    With the exception of the current state of the Markov chain, this
-    holds all the information needed to calculate the acceptance
-    probability in both the L{RWMCSampler} and L{HMCSampler} classes,
-    that is, only the proposal state.
-    For more advanced algorithms, one may derive classes capable of
-    holding the neccessary additional information from this class.
-    @param proposal: Proposal state
-    @type proposal: L{State}
-    """
-    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self, proposal):
-        self._proposal = proposal
-    @property
-    def proposal(self):
-        return self._proposal
-class AbstractSingleChainMC(AbstractMC):
-    """
-    Abstract class for Monte Carlo sampling algorithms simulating
-    only one ensemble.
-    @param pdf: probability density function to sample from
-    @type pdf: subclass of L{csb.statistics.pdf.AbstractDensity}
-    @param state: Initial state
-    @type state: L{State}
-    @param temperature: Pseudo-temperature of the Boltzmann ensemble
-                        M{p(x) = 1/N * exp(-1/T * E(x))} with the
-                        pseudo-energy defined as M{E(x) = -log(p(x))}
-                        where M{p(x)} is the PDF under consideration
-    @type temperature: float
-    """
-    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self, pdf, state, temperature=1.):
-        super(AbstractSingleChainMC, self).__init__(state)
-        self._pdf = pdf
-        self._temperature = temperature
-        self._nmoves = 0
-        self._accepted = 0
-        self._last_move_accepted = None
-    def _checkstate(self, state):
-        if not isinstance(state, State):
-            raise TypeError(state)
-    def sample(self):
-        """
-        Draw a sample.
-        @rtype: L{State}
-        """
-        proposal_communicator = self._propose()
-        pacc = self._calc_pacc(proposal_communicator)
-        self._accept(proposal_communicator.proposal, pacc)
-        return self.state
-    @abstractmethod
-    def _propose(self):
-        """
-        Calculate a new proposal state and gather additional information
-        needed to calculate the acceptance probability.
-        @rtype: L{SimpleProposalCommunicator}
-        """
-        pass
-    @abstractmethod
-    def _calc_pacc(self, proposal_communicator):
-        """
-        Calculate probability with which to accept the proposal.
-        @param proposal_communicator: Contains information about the proposal
-                                      and additional information needed to
-                                      calculate the acceptance probability
-        @type proposal_communicator: L{SimpleProposalCommunicator}
-        """
-        pass
-    def _accept(self, proposal, pacc):
-        """
-        Accept / reject proposal with given acceptance probability pacc.
-        @param proposal: proposal state
-        @type proposal: L{State}
-        @param pacc: acceptance probability
-        @type pacc: float
-        """
-        self._nmoves += 1
-        if numpy.random.random() < pacc:
-            self.state = proposal
-            self._accepted += 1
-            self._last_move_accepted = True
-            return True
-        else:
-            self._last_move_accepted = False
-            return False
-    @property
-    def energy(self):
-        """
-        Log-likelihood of the current state.
-        @rtype: float
-        """
-        return self._pdf.log_prob(self.state.position)
-    @property
-    def acceptance_rate(self):
-        """
-        Acceptance rate.
-        """
-        return float(self._accepted) / float(self._nmoves)
-    @property
-    def last_move_accepted(self):
-        """
-        Information whether the last MC move was accepted or not.
-        """
-        return self._last_move_accepted
-    @property
-    def temperature(self):
-        return self._temperature
 class MCCollection(csb.core.BaseCollectionContainer):
@@ -410,685 +276,49 @@ class MCCollection(csb.core.BaseCollectionContainer):
     def __init__(self, items):
-        super(MCCollection, self).__init__(items, type=AbstractSingleChainMC)
-class AbstractEnsembleMC(AbstractMC):
-    """
-    Abstract class for Monte Carlo sampling algorithms simulating several ensembles.
-    @param samplers: samplers which sample from their respective equilibrium distributions
-    @type samplers: list of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}    
-    """
-    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self, samplers):
-        self._samplers = MCCollection(samplers)
-        state = EnsembleState([x.state for x in self._samplers])
-        super(AbstractEnsembleMC, self).__init__(state)        
-    def sample(self):
-        """
-        Draw an ensemble sample.
-        @rtype: L{EnsembleState}
-        """
-        sample = EnsembleState([sampler.sample() for sampler in self._samplers])
-        self.state = sample
-        return sample
-    @property
-    def energy(self):
-        """
-        Total ensemble energy.
-        """ 
-        return sum([x.energy for x in self._samplers])
-class AbstractSwapParameterInfo(object):
-    """
-    Subclass instances hold all parameters necessary for performing a swap
-    between two given samplers.
-    """
-    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self, sampler1, sampler2):
-        """
-        @param sampler1: First sampler
-        @type sampler1: L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
-        @param sampler2: Second sampler
-        @type sampler2: L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
-        """
-        self._sampler1 = sampler1
-        self._sampler2 = sampler2
-    @property
-    def sampler1(self):
-        return self._sampler1
-    @property
-    def sampler2(self):
-        return self._sampler2
-class RESwapParameterInfo(AbstractSwapParameterInfo):
-    """
-    Holds parameters for a standard Replica Exchange swap.
-    """
-    pass
-class MDRENSSwapParameterInfo(RESwapParameterInfo):
-    """
-    Holds parameters for a MDRENS swap.
-    @param sampler1: First sampler
-    @type sampler1: L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
-    @param sampler2: Second sampler
-    @type sampler2: L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
-    @param timestep: Integration timestep
-    @type timestep: float
-    @param mass_matrix: Mass matrix
-    @type mass_matrix: n-dimensional matrix of type L{InvertibleMatrix} with n being the dimension
-                               of the configuration space, that is, the dimension of
-                               the position / momentum vectors
-    @param traj_length: Trajectory length in number of timesteps
-    @type traj_length: int
-    @param gradient: Gradient which determines the dynamics during a trajectory
-    @type gradient: L{AbstractGradient}
-    """
-    def __init__(self, sampler1, sampler2, timestep, traj_length, gradient, mass_matrix=None):
-        super(MDRENSSwapParameterInfo, self).__init__(sampler1, sampler2)
+        from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.singlechain import AbstractSingleChainMC
-        self._mass_matrix = mass_matrix
-        if self.mass_matrix is None:
-            d = len(sampler1.state.position)
-            self.mass_matrix = csb.numeric.InvertibleMatrix(numpy.eye(d), numpy.eye(d))
-        self._traj_length = traj_length
-        self._gradient = gradient
-        self._timestep = timestep
-    @property
-    def timestep(self):
-        """
-        Integration timestep.
-        """
-        return self._timestep
-    @timestep.setter
-    def timestep(self, value):
-        self._timestep = float(value)
-    @property
-    def traj_length(self):
-        """
-        Trajectory length in number of integration steps.
-        """
-        return self._traj_length
-    @traj_length.setter
-    def traj_length(self, value):
-        self._traj_length = int(value)
-    @property
-    def gradient(self):
-        """
-        Gradient which governs the equations of motion.
-        """
-        return self._gradient
-    @property
-    def mass_matrix(self):
-        return self._mass_matrix
-    @mass_matrix.setter
-    def mass_matrix(self, value):
-        self._mass_matrix = value
-class ThermostattedMDRENSSwapParameterInfo(MDRENSSwapParameterInfo):
-    """
-    @param sampler1: First sampler
-    @type sampler1: subclass instance of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
-    @param sampler2: Second sampler
-    @type sampler2: subclass instance of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
-    @param timestep: Integration timestep
-    @type timestep: float
-    @param mass_matrix: Mass matrix
-    @type mass_matrix: n-dimensional L{InvertibleMatrix} with n being the dimension
-                       of the configuration space, that is, the dimension of
-                       the position / momentum vectors
-    @param traj_length: Trajectory length in number of timesteps
-    @type traj_length: int
-    @param gradient: Gradient which determines the dynamics during a trajectory
-    @type gradient: subclass instance of L{AbstractGradient}
-    @param temperature: Temperature interpolation function.
-    @type temperature: Real-valued function mapping from [0,1] to R.
-        T(0) = temperature of the ensemble sampler1 samples from, T(1) = temperature
-        of the ensemble sampler2 samples from
-    @param collision_probability: Probability for a collision with the heatbath during one timestep
-    @type collision_probability: float
-    @param collision_interval: Interval during which collision may occur with probability
-        collision_probability
-    @type collision_interval: int
-    """
-    def __init__(self, sampler1, sampler2, timestep, traj_length, gradient, mass_matrix=None,
-                 temperature=lambda l: 1., collision_probability=0.1, collision_interval=1):
-        super(ThermostattedMDRENSSwapParameterInfo, self).__init__(sampler1, sampler2, timestep,
-																   traj_length, gradient,
-																   mass_matrix=mass_matrix)
-        self._collision_probability = None
-        self._collision_interval = None
-        self._temperature = temperature
-        self.collision_probability = collision_probability
-        self.collision_interval = collision_interval
-    @property
-    def collision_probability(self):
-        """
-        Probability for a collision with the heatbath during one timestep.
-        """
-        return self._collision_probability
-    @collision_probability.setter
-    def collision_probability(self, value):
-        self._collision_probability = float(value)
-    @property
-    def collision_interval(self):
-        """
-        Interval during which collision may occur with probability
-        C{collision_probability}.
-        """
-        return self._collision_interval
-    @collision_interval.setter
-    def collision_interval(self, value):
-        self._collision_interval = int(value)
-    @property
-    def temperature(self):
-        return self._temperature
-class AbstractSwapCommunicator(object):
-    """
-    Holds all the information which needs to be communicated between
-    distinct swap substeps.
-    @param param_info: ParameterInfo instance holding swap parameters
-    @type param_info: L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
-    @param traj12: Forward trajectory
-    @type traj12: L{Trajectory}
-    @param traj21: Reverse trajectory
-    @type traj21: L{Trajectory}
-    """
-    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self, param_info, traj12, traj21):
-        self._sampler1 = param_info.sampler1
-        self._sampler2 = param_info.sampler2
-        self._traj12 = traj12
-        self._traj21 = traj21
-        self._param_info = param_info
-        self._acceptance_probability = None
-        self._accepted = False
-    @property
-    def sampler1(self):
-        return self._sampler1
-    @property
-    def sampler2(self):
-        return self._sampler2
-    @property
-    def traj12(self):
-        return self._traj12    
-    @property
-    def traj21(self):
-        return self._traj21
-    @property
-    def acceptance_probability(self):
-        return self._acceptance_probability
-    @acceptance_probability.setter
-    def acceptance_probability(self, value):
-        self._acceptance_probability = value
-    @property
-    def accepted(self):
-        return self._accepted
-    @accepted.setter
-    def accepted(self, value):
-        self._accepted = value
-    @property
-    def param_info(self):
-        return self._param_info
-class RESwapCommunicator(AbstractSwapCommunicator):
-    """
-    Holds all the information which needs to be communicated between distinct
-    RE swap substeps.
-    See L{AbstractSwapCommunicator} for constructor signature.
-    """
-    pass
-class RENSSwapCommunicator(AbstractSwapCommunicator):
-    """
-    Holds all the information which needs to be communicated between distinct
-    RENS swap substeps.
-    See L{AbstractSwapCommunicator} for constructor signature.
-    """
-    pass
-class SingleSwapStatistics(object):
-    """
-    Tracks swap statistics of a single sampler pair.
-    @param param_info: ParameterInfo instance holding swap parameters
-    @type param_info: L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
-    """
-    def __init__(self, param_info):
-        self._total_swaps = 0
-        self._accepted_swaps = 0
-    @property
-    def total_swaps(self):
-        return self._total_swaps
-    @property
-    def accepted_swaps(self):
-        return self._accepted_swaps
-    @property
-    def acceptance_rate(self):
-        """
-        Acceptance rate of the sampler pair.
-        """
-        if self.total_swaps > 0:
-            return float(self.accepted_swaps) / float(self.total_swaps)
-        else:
-            return 0.
-    def update(self, accepted):
-        """
-        Updates swap statistics.
-        """        
-        self._total_swaps += 1
-        self._accepted_swaps += int(accepted)
-class SwapStatistics(object):
-    """
-    Tracks swap statistics for an AbstractExchangeMC subclass instance.
-    @param param_infos: list of ParameterInfo instances providing information
-                        needed for performing swaps
-    @type param_infos: list of L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
-    """
-    def __init__(self, param_infos):        
-        self._stats = [SingleSwapStatistics(x) for x in param_infos]
-    @property
-    def stats(self):
-        return tuple(self._stats)
-    @property
-    def acceptance_rates(self):
-        """
-        Returns acceptance rates for all swaps.
-        """        
-        return [x.acceptance_rate for x in self._stats]
-class AbstractExchangeMC(AbstractEnsembleMC):
-    """
-    Abstract class for Monte Carlo sampling algorithms employing some replica exchange method.
+        super(MCCollection, self).__init__(items, type=AbstractSingleChainMC)
-    @param samplers: samplers which sample from their respective equilibrium distributions
-    @type samplers: list of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
-    @param param_infos: list of ParameterInfo instances providing information needed
-        for performing swaps
-    @type param_infos: list of L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
+def augment_state(state, temperature=1.0, mass_matrix=None):
+    Augments a state with only positions given by momenta drawn
+    from the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.
-    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self, samplers, param_infos):
-        super(AbstractExchangeMC, self).__init__(samplers)
-        self._swaplist1 = []
-        self._swaplist2 = []        
-        self._currentswaplist = self._swaplist1
-        self._param_infos = param_infos
-        self._statistics = SwapStatistics(self._param_infos)
-    def _checkstate(self, state):
-        if not isinstance(state, EnsembleState):
-            raise TypeError(state)        
-    def swap(self, index):
-        """
-        Perform swap between sampler pair described by param_infos[index]
-        and return outcome (true = accepted, false = rejected).
-        @param index: index of swap pair in param_infos
-        @type index: int
-        @rtype: boolean
-        """
-        param_info = self._param_infos[index]
-        swapcom = self._propose_swap(param_info)
-        swapcom = self._calc_pacc_swap(swapcom)
-        result = self._accept_swap(swapcom)
-        self.state = EnsembleState([x.state for x in self._samplers])
-        self.statistics.stats[index].update(result)
-        return result
-    @abstractmethod
-    def _propose_swap(self, param_info):
-        """
-        Calculate proposal states for a swap between two samplers.
-        @param param_info: ParameterInfo instance holding swap parameters
-        @type param_info: L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
-        @rtype: L{AbstractSwapCommunicator}
-        """ 
-        pass
-    @abstractmethod
-    def _calc_pacc_swap(self, swapcom):
-        """
-        Calculate probability to accept a swap given initial and proposal states.
-        @param swapcom: SwapCommunicator instance holding information to be communicated
-                        between distinct swap substeps
-        @type swapcom: L{AbstractSwapCommunicator}
-        @rtype: L{AbstractSwapCommunicator}
-        """
-        pass
-    def _accept_swap(self, swapcom):
-        """
-        Accept / reject an exchange between two samplers given proposal states and
-        the acceptance probability and returns the outcome (true = accepted, false = rejected).
-        @param swapcom: SwapCommunicator instance holding information to be communicated
-            between distinct swap substeps
-        @type swapcom: L{AbstractSwapCommunicator}
-        @rtype: boolean
-        """
-        if numpy.random.random() < swapcom.acceptance_probability:
-            swapcom.sampler1.state = swapcom.traj21.final
-            swapcom.sampler2.state = swapcom.traj12.final
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    @property
-    def acceptance_rates(self):
-        """
-        Return swap acceptance rates.
-        @rtype: list of floats
-        """        
-        return self.statistics.acceptance_rates
-    @property
-    def param_infos(self):
-        """
-        List of SwapParameterInfo instances holding all necessary parameters.
+    @param state: State to be augmented
+    @type state: L{State}
-        @rtype: list of L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
-        """
-        return self._param_infos
-    @property
-    def statistics(self):
-        return self._statistics
+    @param temperature: Temperature of the desired Maxwell-Boltzmann
+                        distribution
+    @type temperature: float
-    def _update_statistics(self, index, accepted):
-        """
-        Update statistics of a given swap process.
-        @param index: position of swap statistics to be updated
-        @type index: int
-        @param accepted: outcome of the swap
-        @type accepted: boolean
-        """
-        self._stats[index][0] += 1
-        self._stats[index][1] += int(accepted)
+    @param mass_matrix: Mass matrix to be used in the Maxwell-Boltzmann
+                        distribution; None defaults to a unity matrix
+    @type mass_matrix: L{InvertibleMatrix}
-class RENSTrajInfo(object):
+    @return: The initial state augmented with momenta
+    @rtype: L{State}
-    Holds information necessary for calculating a RENS trajectory.
-    @param param_info: ParameterInfo instance holding swap parameters
-    @type param_info: L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
-    @param init_state: state from which the trajectory is supposed to start
-    @type init_state: L{State}
-    @param protocol: Protocol to be used to generate nonequilibrium trajectories
-    @type protocol: Real-valued function that maps [0, switching time] to [0, 1]      
-    """
+    d = len(state.position)
+    mm_unity = None
-    def __init__(self, param_info, init_state, protocol):
-        self._param_info = param_info
-        self._protocol = protocol
-        self._init_state = init_state
-    @property
-    def param_info(self):
-        return self._param_info
-    @property
-    def protocol(self):
-        return self._protocol
-    @property
-    def init_state(self):
-        return self._init_state
-class AbstractRENS(AbstractExchangeMC):
-    """
-    Abstract Replica Exchange with Nonequilibrium Switches
-    (RENS, Ballard & Jarzynski 2009) class.
-    Subclasses implement various ways of generating trajectories
-    (deterministic or stochastic).
-    """
-    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def _propose_swap(self, param_info):
-        T1 = param_info.sampler1.temperature
-        T2 = param_info.sampler2.temperature
-        momentum_covariance_matrix1 = T1 * param_info.mass_matrix
-        momentum_covariance_matrix2 = T2 * param_info.mass_matrix
-        d = len(param_info.sampler1.state.position)
-        if param_info.mass_matrix.is_unity_multiple:
-            momentum1 = numpy.random.normal(scale=numpy.sqrt(T1 * param_info.mass_matrix[0][0]),
-                                            size=d)
-            momentum2 = numpy.random.normal(scale=numpy.sqrt(T2 * param_info.mass_matrix[0][0]),
-                                            size=d)
-        else:
-            momentum1 = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mean=numpy.zeros(d),
-                                                         cov=momentum_covariance_matrix1)
-            momentum2 = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mean=numpy.zeros(d),
-                                                         cov=momentum_covariance_matrix2)        
-        init_state1 = State(param_info.sampler1.state.position, momentum1)
-        init_state2 = State(param_info.sampler2.state.position, momentum2)
-        param_info.sampler1.state = init_state1
-        param_info.sampler2.state = init_state2
-        trajinfo12 = RENSTrajInfo(param_info, init_state1, protocol=lambda t, tau: t / tau)
-        trajinfo21 = RENSTrajInfo(param_info, init_state2, protocol=lambda t, tau: (tau - t) / tau)
-        traj12 = self._run_traj_generator(trajinfo12)
-        traj21 = self._run_traj_generator(trajinfo21)
-        return RENSSwapCommunicator(param_info, traj12, traj21)
+    if mass_matrix is None:
+        mm_unity = True
-    def _calc_pacc_swap(self, swapcom):
-        T1 = swapcom.param_info.sampler1.temperature
-        T2 = swapcom.param_info.sampler2.temperature
-        heat12 = swapcom.traj12.heat
-        heat21 = swapcom.traj21.heat
-        proposal1 = swapcom.traj21.final
-        proposal2 = swapcom.traj12.final
-        state1 = swapcom.traj12.initial
-        state2 = swapcom.traj21.initial
-        if swapcom.param_info.mass_matrix.is_unity_multiple:
-            inverse_mass_matrix = 1. / swapcom.param_info.mass_matrix[0][0]
-        else:
-            inverse_mass_matrix = swapcom.param_info.mass_matrix.inverse
-        E1 = lambda x:-swapcom.sampler1._pdf.log_prob(x)
-        E2 = lambda x:-swapcom.sampler2._pdf.log_prob(x)
-        K = lambda x: 0.5 * numpy.dot(x.T, numpy.dot(inverse_mass_matrix, x))
-        w12 = (K(proposal2.momentum) + E2(proposal2.position)) / T2 - \
-              (K(state1.momentum) + E1(state1.position)) / T1 - heat12 
-        w21 = (K(proposal1.momentum) + E1(proposal1.position)) / T1 - \
-              (K(state2.momentum) + E2(state2.position)) / T2 - heat21
-        swapcom.acceptance_probability = csb.numeric.exp(-w12 - w21)
-        return swapcom
-    @abstractmethod
-    def _run_traj_generator(self, traj_info):
-        """
-        Run the trajectory generator which generates a trajectory
-        of a given length between the states of two samplers.
-        @param traj_info: TrajectoryInfo instance holding information
-                          needed to generate a nonequilibrium trajectory   
-        @type traj_info: L{RENSTrajInfo}
+    if mm_unity == None:
+        mm_unity = mass_matrix.is_unity_multiple
-        @rtype: L{Trajectory}
-        """
-        pass
-class AbstractSwapScheme(object):
-    """
-    Provides the interface for classes defining schemes according to which swaps in
-    Replica Exchange-like simulations are performed.
-    @param algorithm: Exchange algorithm that performs the swaps
-    @type algorithm: L{AbstractExchangeMC}
-    """
-    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    if mm_unity == True:
+        momentum = numpy.random.normal(scale=numpy.sqrt(temperature),
+                                       size=d)
+    else:
+        covariance_matrix = temperature * mass_matrix
+        momentum = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mean=numpy.zeros(d),
+                                                    cov=covariance_matrix)
-    def __init__(self, algorithm):
+    state.momentum = momentum
-        self._algorithm = algorithm
-    @abstractmethod
-    def swap_all(self):
-        """
-        Advises the Replica Exchange-like algorithm to perform swaps according to
-        the some schedule defined here.
-        """
-        pass
-class AlternatingAdjacentSwapScheme(AbstractSwapScheme):
-    """
-    Provides a swapping scheme in which tries exchanges between neighbours only
-    following the scheme 1 <-> 2, 3 <-> 4, ... and after a sampling period 2 <-> 3, 4 <-> 5, ...
-    @param algorithm: Exchange algorithm that performs the swaps
-    @type algorithm: L{AbstractExchangeMC}
-    """
-    def __init__(self, algorithm):
-        super(AlternatingAdjacentSwapScheme, self).__init__(algorithm)
-        self._current_swap_list = None
-        self._swap_list1 = []
-        self._swap_list2 = []
-        self._create_swap_lists()
-    def _create_swap_lists(self):
-        if len(self._algorithm.param_infos) == 1:
-            self._swap_list1.append(0)
-            self._swap_list2.append(0)
-        else:
-            i = 0
-            while i < len(self._algorithm.param_infos):
-                self._swap_list1.append(i)
-                i += 2
-            i = 1
-            while i < len(self._algorithm.param_infos):
-                self._swap_list2.append(i)
-                i += 2
-        self._current_swap_list = self._swap_list1
-    def swap_all(self):
-        for x in self._current_swap_list:
-            self._algorithm.swap(x)
-        if self._current_swap_list == self._swap_list1:
-            self._current_swap_list = self._swap_list2
-        else:
-            self._current_swap_list = self._swap_list1
+    return state
diff --git a/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/multichain.py b/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/multichain.py
index 0333102..8e7f5fb 100644
--- a/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/multichain.py
+++ b/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/multichain.py
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ being generated by the HMC algorithm:
     >>> from csb.io.plots import Chart
     >>> from csb.statistics.pdf import Normal
     >>> from csb.statistics.samplers import State
-    >>> from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import ThermostattedMDRENSSwapParameterInfo, AlternatingAdjacentSwapScheme
-    >>> from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.multichain import ThermostattedMDRENS
+    >>> from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.multichain import ThermostattedMDRENSSwapParameterInfo
+    >>> from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.multichain import ThermostattedMDRENS, AlternatingAdjacentSwapScheme
     >>> from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.singlechain import HMCSampler
     >>> # Pick some initial state for the different Markov chains:
@@ -97,14 +97,1265 @@ L{AbstractSwapScheme.swap_all} method may be called for example after sampling
 intervals of a fixed length or randomly.
+import numpy
 import csb.numeric
-from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import AbstractExchangeMC, AbstractRENS, RESwapCommunicator
-from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.propagators import MDPropagator, ThermostattedMDPropagator
-from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import Trajectory
-from csb.numeric.integrators import AbstractGradient
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from csb.statistics.samplers import EnsembleState
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import AbstractMC, Trajectory, MCCollection, augment_state
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.propagators import MDPropagator, ThermostattedMDPropagator
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import NonequilibriumStepPropagator
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import Protocol, Step, ReducedHamiltonian
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import ReducedHamiltonianPerturbation
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import HMCPropagation, HMCPropagationParam
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import HamiltonianSysInfo, NonequilibriumTrajectory
+from csb.numeric.integrators import AbstractGradient, FastLeapFrog
+class AbstractEnsembleMC(AbstractMC):
+    """
+    Abstract class for Monte Carlo sampling algorithms simulating several ensembles.
+    @param samplers: samplers which sample from their respective equilibrium distributions
+    @type samplers: list of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}    
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, samplers):
+        self._samplers = MCCollection(samplers)
+        state = EnsembleState([x.state for x in self._samplers])
+        super(AbstractEnsembleMC, self).__init__(state)        
+    def sample(self):
+        """
+        Draw an ensemble sample.
+        @rtype: L{EnsembleState}
+        """
+        sample = EnsembleState([sampler.sample() for sampler in self._samplers])
+        self.state = sample
+        return sample
+    @property
+    def energy(self):
+        """
+        Total ensemble energy.
+        """ 
+        return sum([x.energy for x in self._samplers])
+class AbstractExchangeMC(AbstractEnsembleMC):
+    """
+    Abstract class for Monte Carlo sampling algorithms employing some replica exchange method.
+    @param samplers: samplers which sample from their respective equilibrium distributions
+    @type samplers: list of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+    @param param_infos: list of ParameterInfo instances providing information needed
+        for performing swaps
+    @type param_infos: list of L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, samplers, param_infos):
+        super(AbstractExchangeMC, self).__init__(samplers)
+        self._swaplist1 = []
+        self._swaplist2 = []        
+        self._currentswaplist = self._swaplist1
+        self._param_infos = param_infos
+        self._statistics = SwapStatistics(self._param_infos)
+    def _checkstate(self, state):
+        if not isinstance(state, EnsembleState):
+            raise TypeError(state)        
+    def swap(self, index):
+        """
+        Perform swap between sampler pair described by param_infos[index]
+        and return outcome (true = accepted, false = rejected).
+        @param index: index of swap pair in param_infos
+        @type index: int
+        @rtype: boolean
+        """
+        param_info = self._param_infos[index]
+        swapcom = self._propose_swap(param_info)
+        swapcom = self._calc_pacc_swap(swapcom)
+        result = self._accept_swap(swapcom)
+        self.state = EnsembleState([x.state for x in self._samplers])
+        self.statistics.stats[index].update(result)
+        return result
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _propose_swap(self, param_info):
+        """
+        Calculate proposal states for a swap between two samplers.
+        @param param_info: ParameterInfo instance holding swap parameters
+        @type param_info: L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
+        @rtype: L{AbstractSwapCommunicator}
+        """ 
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _calc_pacc_swap(self, swapcom):
+        """
+        Calculate probability to accept a swap given initial and proposal states.
+        @param swapcom: SwapCommunicator instance holding information to be communicated
+                        between distinct swap substeps
+        @type swapcom: L{AbstractSwapCommunicator}
+        @rtype: L{AbstractSwapCommunicator}
+        """
+        pass
+    def _accept_swap(self, swapcom):
+        """
+        Accept / reject an exchange between two samplers given proposal states and
+        the acceptance probability and returns the outcome (true = accepted, false = rejected).
+        @param swapcom: SwapCommunicator instance holding information to be communicated
+            between distinct swap substeps
+        @type swapcom: L{AbstractSwapCommunicator}
+        @rtype: boolean
+        """
+        if numpy.random.random() < swapcom.acceptance_probability:
+            if swapcom.sampler1.state.momentum is None and swapcom.sampler2.state.momentum is None:
+                swapcom.traj12.final.momentum = None
+                swapcom.traj21.final.momentum = None
+            swapcom.sampler1.state = swapcom.traj21.final
+            swapcom.sampler2.state = swapcom.traj12.final
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    @property
+    def acceptance_rates(self):
+        """
+        Return swap acceptance rates.
+        @rtype: list of floats
+        """        
+        return self.statistics.acceptance_rates
+    @property
+    def param_infos(self):
+        """
+        List of SwapParameterInfo instances holding all necessary parameters.
+        @rtype: list of L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
+        """
+        return self._param_infos
+    @property
+    def statistics(self):
+        return self._statistics
+    def _update_statistics(self, index, accepted):
+        """
+        Update statistics of a given swap process.
+        @param index: position of swap statistics to be updated
+        @type index: int
+        @param accepted: outcome of the swap
+        @type accepted: boolean
+        """
+        self._stats[index][0] += 1
+        self._stats[index][1] += int(accepted)
+class AbstractSwapParameterInfo(object):
+    """
+    Subclass instances hold all parameters necessary for performing a swap
+    between two given samplers.
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, sampler1, sampler2):
+        """
+        @param sampler1: First sampler
+        @type sampler1: L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+        @param sampler2: Second sampler
+        @type sampler2: L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+        """
+        self._sampler1 = sampler1
+        self._sampler2 = sampler2
+    @property
+    def sampler1(self):
+        return self._sampler1
+    @property
+    def sampler2(self):
+        return self._sampler2
+class AbstractSwapCommunicator(object):
+    """
+    Holds all the information which needs to be communicated between
+    distinct swap substeps.
+    @param param_info: ParameterInfo instance holding swap parameters
+    @type param_info: L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
+    @param traj12: Forward trajectory
+    @type traj12: L{Trajectory}
+    @param traj21: Reverse trajectory
+    @type traj21: L{Trajectory}
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, param_info, traj12, traj21):
+        self._sampler1 = param_info.sampler1
+        self._sampler2 = param_info.sampler2
+        self._traj12 = traj12
+        self._traj21 = traj21
+        self._param_info = param_info
+        self._acceptance_probability = None
+        self._accepted = False
+    @property
+    def sampler1(self):
+        return self._sampler1
+    @property
+    def sampler2(self):
+        return self._sampler2
+    @property
+    def traj12(self):
+        return self._traj12    
+    @property
+    def traj21(self):
+        return self._traj21
+    @property
+    def acceptance_probability(self):
+        return self._acceptance_probability
+    @acceptance_probability.setter
+    def acceptance_probability(self, value):
+        self._acceptance_probability = value
+    @property
+    def accepted(self):
+        return self._accepted
+    @accepted.setter
+    def accepted(self, value):
+        self._accepted = value
+    @property
+    def param_info(self):
+        return self._param_info
+class ReplicaExchangeMC(AbstractExchangeMC):
+    """
+    Replica Exchange (RE, Swendsen & Yang 1986) implementation.
+    """
+    def _propose_swap(self, param_info):
+        return RESwapCommunicator(param_info, Trajectory([param_info.sampler1.state,
+                                                          param_info.sampler1.state]),
+                                              Trajectory([param_info.sampler2.state,
+                                                          param_info.sampler2.state]))
+    def _calc_pacc_swap(self, swapcom):
+        E1 = lambda x:-swapcom.sampler1._pdf.log_prob(x)
+        E2 = lambda x:-swapcom.sampler2._pdf.log_prob(x)
+        T1 = swapcom.sampler1.temperature
+        T2 = swapcom.sampler2.temperature
+        state1 = swapcom.traj12.initial
+        state2 = swapcom.traj21.initial
+        proposal1 = swapcom.traj21.final
+        proposal2 = swapcom.traj12.final
+        swapcom.acceptance_probability = csb.numeric.exp(-E1(proposal1.position) / T1 
+                                                         + E1(state1.position) / T1 
+                                                         - E2(proposal2.position) / T2 
+                                                         + E2(state2.position) / T2)
+        return swapcom
+class RESwapParameterInfo(AbstractSwapParameterInfo):
+    """
+    Holds parameters for a standard Replica Exchange swap.
+    """
+    pass
+class RESwapCommunicator(AbstractSwapCommunicator):
+    """
+    Holds all the information which needs to be communicated between distinct
+    RE swap substeps.
+    See L{AbstractSwapCommunicator} for constructor signature.
+    """
+    pass
+class AbstractRENS(AbstractExchangeMC):
+    """
+    Abstract Replica Exchange with Nonequilibrium Switches
+    (RENS, Ballard & Jarzynski 2009) class.
+    Subclasses implement various ways of generating trajectories
+    (deterministic or stochastic).
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def _propose_swap(self, param_info):
+        init_state1 = param_info.sampler1.state
+        init_state2 = param_info.sampler2.state
+        trajinfo12 = RENSTrajInfo(param_info, init_state1, direction="fw")
+        trajinfo21 = RENSTrajInfo(param_info, init_state2, direction="bw")
+        traj12 = self._run_traj_generator(trajinfo12)
+        traj21 = self._run_traj_generator(trajinfo21)
+        return RENSSwapCommunicator(param_info, traj12, traj21)
+    def _setup_protocol(self, traj_info):
+        """
+        Sets the protocol lambda(t) to either the forward or the reverse protocol.
+        @param traj_info: TrajectoryInfo object holding information neccessary to
+                          calculate the rens trajectories.
+        @type traj_info: L{RENSTrajInfo}
+        """
+        if traj_info.direction == "fw":
+            return traj_info.param_info.protocol
+        else:
+            return lambda t, tau: traj_info.param_info.protocol(tau - t, tau)
+        return protocol
+    def _get_init_temperature(self, traj_info):
+        """
+        Determine the initial temperature of a RENS trajectory.
+        @param traj_info: TrajectoryInfo object holding information neccessary to
+                          calculate the RENS trajectory.
+        @type traj_info: L{RENSTrajInfo}
+        """
+        if traj_info.direction == "fw":
+            return traj_info.param_info.sampler1.temperature
+        else:
+            return traj_info.param_info.sampler2.temperature
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _calc_works(self, swapcom):
+        """
+        Calculates the works expended during the nonequilibrium
+        trajectories.
+        @param swapcom: Swap communicator object holding all the
+                        neccessary information.
+        @type swapcom: L{RENSSwapCommunicator}
+        @return: The expended during the forward and the backward
+                 trajectory.
+        @rtype: 2-tuple of floats
+        """
+        pass
+    def _calc_pacc_swap(self, swapcom):
+        work12, work21 = self._calc_works(swapcom)
+        swapcom.acceptance_probability = csb.numeric.exp(-work12 - work21)
+        return swapcom
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _propagator_factory(self, traj_info):
+        """
+        Factory method which produces the propagator object used to calculate
+        the RENS trajectories.
+        @param traj_info: TrajectoryInfo object holding information neccessary to
+                          calculate the rens trajectories.
+        @type traj_info: L{RENSTrajInfo}
+        @rtype: L{AbstractPropagator}
+        """
+        pass
+    def _run_traj_generator(self, traj_info):
+        """
+        Run the trajectory generator which generates a trajectory
+        of a given length between the states of two samplers.
+        @param traj_info: TrajectoryInfo instance holding information
+                          needed to generate a nonequilibrium trajectory   
+        @type traj_info: L{RENSTrajInfo}
+        @rtype: L{Trajectory}
+        """
+        init_temperature = self._get_init_temperature(traj_info)
+        init_state = traj_info.init_state.clone()
+        if init_state.momentum is None:
+            init_state = augment_state(init_state,
+                                       init_temperature,
+                                       traj_info.param_info.mass_matrix)
+        gen = self._propagator_factory(traj_info)
+        traj = gen.generate(init_state, int(traj_info.param_info.traj_length))
+        return traj
+class AbstractRENSSwapParameterInfo(RESwapParameterInfo):
+    """
+    Holds parameters for a RENS swap.
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, sampler1, sampler2, protocol):
+        super(AbstractRENSSwapParameterInfo, self).__init__(sampler1, sampler2)
+        ## Can't pass the linear protocol as a default argument because of a reported bug
+        ## in epydoc parsing which makes it fail building the docs.
+        self._protocol = None
+        if protocol is None:
+            self._protocol = lambda t, tau: t / tau
+        else:
+            self._protocol = protocol
+    @property
+    def protocol(self):
+        """
+        Switching protocol determining the time dependence
+        of the switching parameter.
+        """
+        return self._protocol
+    @protocol.setter
+    def protocol(self, value):
+        self._protocol = value
+class RENSSwapCommunicator(AbstractSwapCommunicator):
+    """
+    Holds all the information which needs to be communicated between distinct
+    RENS swap substeps.
+    See L{AbstractSwapCommunicator} for constructor signature.
+    """
+    pass
+class RENSTrajInfo(object):
+    """
+    Holds information necessary for calculating a RENS trajectory.
+    @param param_info: ParameterInfo instance holding swap parameters
+    @type param_info: L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
+    @param init_state: state from which the trajectory is supposed to start
+    @type init_state: L{State}
+    @param direction: Either "fw" or "bw", indicating a forward or backward
+                      trajectory. This is neccessary to pick the protocol or
+                      the reversed protocol, respectively.
+    @type direction: string, either "fw" or "bw"
+    """
+    def __init__(self, param_info, init_state, direction):
+        self._param_info = param_info
+        self._init_state = init_state
+        self._direction = direction
+    @property
+    def param_info(self):
+        return self._param_info
+    @property
+    def init_state(self):
+        return self._init_state
+    @property
+    def direction(self):
+        return self._direction
+class MDRENS(AbstractRENS):
+    """
+    Replica Exchange with Nonequilibrium Switches (RENS, Ballard & Jarzynski 2009)
+    with Molecular Dynamics (MD) trajectories.
+    @param samplers: Samplers which sample their
+                         respective equilibrium distributions
+    @type samplers: list of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+    @param param_infos: ParameterInfo instance holding
+                        information required to perform a MDRENS swap
+    @type param_infos: list of L{MDRENSSwapParameterInfo}
+    @param integrator: Subclass of L{AbstractIntegrator} to be used to
+                       calculate the non-equilibrium trajectories
+    @type integrator: type
+    """
+    def __init__(self, samplers, param_infos,
+                 integrator=csb.numeric.integrators.FastLeapFrog):
+        super(MDRENS, self).__init__(samplers, param_infos)
+        self._integrator = integrator
+    def _propagator_factory(self, traj_info):
+        protocol = self._setup_protocol(traj_info)
+        tau = traj_info.param_info.traj_length * traj_info.param_info.timestep
+        factory = InterpolationFactory(protocol, tau)
+        gen = MDPropagator(factory.build_gradient(traj_info.param_info.gradient),
+                           traj_info.param_info.timestep,
+                           mass_matrix=traj_info.param_info.mass_matrix,
+                           integrator=self._integrator)
+        return gen
+    def _calc_works(self, swapcom):
+        T1 = swapcom.param_info.sampler1.temperature
+        T2 = swapcom.param_info.sampler2.temperature
+        heat12 = swapcom.traj12.heat
+        heat21 = swapcom.traj21.heat
+        proposal1 = swapcom.traj21.final
+        proposal2 = swapcom.traj12.final
+        state1 = swapcom.traj12.initial
+        state2 = swapcom.traj21.initial
+        if swapcom.param_info.mass_matrix.is_unity_multiple:
+            inverse_mass_matrix = 1.0 / swapcom.param_info.mass_matrix[0][0]
+        else:
+            inverse_mass_matrix = swapcom.param_info.mass_matrix.inverse
+        E1 = lambda x:-swapcom.sampler1._pdf.log_prob(x)
+        E2 = lambda x:-swapcom.sampler2._pdf.log_prob(x)
+        K = lambda x: 0.5 * numpy.dot(x.T, numpy.dot(inverse_mass_matrix, x))
+        w12 = (K(proposal2.momentum) + E2(proposal2.position)) / T2 - \
+              (K(state1.momentum) + E1(state1.position)) / T1 - heat12 
+        w21 = (K(proposal1.momentum) + E1(proposal1.position)) / T1 - \
+              (K(state2.momentum) + E2(state2.position)) / T2 - heat21
+        return w12, w21
+class MDRENSSwapParameterInfo(RESwapParameterInfo):
+    """
+    Holds parameters for a MDRENS swap.
+    @param sampler1: First sampler
+    @type sampler1: L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+    @param sampler2: Second sampler
+    @type sampler2: L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+    @param timestep: Integration timestep
+    @type timestep: float
+    @param traj_length: Trajectory length in number of timesteps
+    @type traj_length: int
+    @param gradient: Gradient which determines the dynamics during a trajectory
+    @type gradient: L{AbstractGradient}
+    @param protocol: Switching protocol determining the time dependence of the
+                     switching parameter. It is a function M{f} taking the running
+                     time t and the switching time tau to yield a value in M{[0, 1]}
+                     with M{f(0, tau) = 0} and M{f(tau, tau) = 1}. Default is a linear
+                     protocol, which is being set manually due to an epydoc bug
+    @type protocol: callable
+    @param mass_matrix: Mass matrix
+    @type mass_matrix: n-dimensional matrix of type L{InvertibleMatrix} with n being the dimension
+                               of the configuration space, that is, the dimension of
+                               the position / momentum vectors
+    """
+    def __init__(self, sampler1, sampler2, timestep, traj_length, gradient,
+                 protocol=None, mass_matrix=None):
+        super(MDRENSSwapParameterInfo, self).__init__(sampler1, sampler2)
+        self._mass_matrix = mass_matrix
+        if self.mass_matrix is None:
+            d = len(sampler1.state.position)
+            self.mass_matrix = csb.numeric.InvertibleMatrix(numpy.eye(d), numpy.eye(d))
+        self._traj_length = traj_length
+        self._gradient = gradient
+        self._timestep = timestep
+        ## Can't pass the linear protocol as a default argument because of a reported bug
+        ## in epydoc parsing which makes it fail building the docs.
+        self._protocol = None
+        if protocol is None:
+            self._protocol = lambda t, tau: t / tau
+        else:
+            self._protocol = protocol
+    @property
+    def timestep(self):
+        """
+        Integration timestep.
+        """
+        return self._timestep
+    @timestep.setter
+    def timestep(self, value):
+        self._timestep = float(value)
+    @property
+    def traj_length(self):
+        """
+        Trajectory length in number of integration steps.
+        """
+        return self._traj_length
+    @traj_length.setter
+    def traj_length(self, value):
+        self._traj_length = int(value)
+    @property
+    def gradient(self):
+        """
+        Gradient which governs the equations of motion.
+        """
+        return self._gradient
+    @property
+    def mass_matrix(self):
+        return self._mass_matrix
+    @mass_matrix.setter
+    def mass_matrix(self, value):
+        self._mass_matrix = value
+    @property
+    def protocol(self):
+        """
+        Switching protocol determining the time dependence
+        of the switching parameter.
+        """
+        return self._protocol
+    @protocol.setter
+    def protocol(self, value):
+        self._protocol = value
+class ThermostattedMDRENS(MDRENS):
+    """
+    Replica Exchange with Nonequilibrium Switches (RENS, Ballard & Jarzynski, 2009)
+    with Andersen-thermostatted Molecular Dynamics (MD) trajectories.
+    @param samplers: Samplers which sample their
+                         respective equilibrium distributions
+    @type samplers: list of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+    @param param_infos: ParameterInfo instance holding
+                        information required to perform a MDRENS swap
+    @type param_infos: list of L{ThermostattedMDRENSSwapParameterInfo}
+    @param integrator: Subclass of L{AbstractIntegrator} to be used to
+                       calculate the non-equilibrium trajectories
+    @type integrator: type
+    """
+    def __init__(self, samplers, param_infos, integrator=csb.numeric.integrators.LeapFrog):
+        super(ThermostattedMDRENS, self).__init__(samplers, param_infos, integrator)
+    def _propagator_factory(self, traj_info):
+        protocol = self._setup_protocol(traj_info)
+        tau = traj_info.param_info.traj_length * traj_info.param_info.timestep
+        factory = InterpolationFactory(protocol, tau)
+        grad = factory.build_gradient(traj_info.param_info.gradient)
+        temp = factory.build_temperature(traj_info.param_info.temperature)
+        gen = ThermostattedMDPropagator(grad,
+                                        traj_info.param_info.timestep, temperature=temp, 
+                                        collision_probability=traj_info.param_info.collision_probability,
+                                        update_interval=traj_info.param_info.collision_interval,
+                                        mass_matrix=traj_info.param_info.mass_matrix,
+                                        integrator=self._integrator)
+        return gen
+class ThermostattedMDRENSSwapParameterInfo(MDRENSSwapParameterInfo):
+    """
+    @param sampler1: First sampler
+    @type sampler1: subclass instance of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+    @param sampler2: Second sampler
+    @type sampler2: subclass instance of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+    @param timestep: Integration timestep
+    @type timestep: float
+    @param traj_length: Trajectory length in number of timesteps
+    @type traj_length: int
+    @param gradient: Gradient which determines the dynamics during a trajectory
+    @type gradient: subclass instance of L{AbstractGradient}
+    @param mass_matrix: Mass matrix
+    @type mass_matrix: n-dimensional L{InvertibleMatrix} with n being the dimension
+                       of the configuration space, that is, the dimension of
+                       the position / momentum vectors
+    @param protocol: Switching protocol determining the time dependence of the
+                     switching parameter. It is a function f taking the running
+                     time t and the switching time tau to yield a value in [0, 1]
+                     with f(0, tau) = 0 and f(tau, tau) = 1
+    @type protocol: callable
+    @param temperature: Temperature interpolation function.
+    @type temperature: Real-valued function mapping from [0,1] to R.
+        T(0) = temperature of the ensemble sampler1 samples from, T(1) = temperature
+        of the ensemble sampler2 samples from
+    @param collision_probability: Probability for a collision with the heatbath during one timestep
+    @type collision_probability: float
+    @param collision_interval: Interval during which collision may occur with probability
+        collision_probability
+    @type collision_interval: int
+    """
+    def __init__(self, sampler1, sampler2, timestep, traj_length, gradient, mass_matrix=None,
+                 protocol=None, temperature=lambda l: 1.0,
+                 collision_probability=0.1, collision_interval=1):
+        super(ThermostattedMDRENSSwapParameterInfo, self).__init__(sampler1, sampler2, timestep,
+                                                                   traj_length, gradient,
+                                                                   mass_matrix=mass_matrix,
+                                                                   protocol=protocol)
+        self._collision_probability = None
+        self._collision_interval = None
+        self._temperature = temperature
+        self.collision_probability = collision_probability
+        self.collision_interval = collision_interval
+    @property
+    def collision_probability(self):
+        """
+        Probability for a collision with the heatbath during one timestep.
+        """
+        return self._collision_probability
+    @collision_probability.setter
+    def collision_probability(self, value):
+        self._collision_probability = float(value)
+    @property
+    def collision_interval(self):
+        """
+        Interval during which collision may occur with probability
+        C{collision_probability}.
+        """
+        return self._collision_interval
+    @collision_interval.setter
+    def collision_interval(self, value):
+        self._collision_interval = int(value)
+    @property
+    def temperature(self):
+        return self._temperature
+class AbstractStepRENS(AbstractRENS):
+    """
+    Replica Exchange with Nonequilibrium Switches (RENS, Ballard & Jarzynski 2009)
+    with stepwise trajectories as described in Nilmeier et al., "Nonequilibrium candidate
+    Monte Carlo is an efficient tool for equilibrium simulation", PNAS 2011.
+    The switching parameter dependence of the Hamiltonian is a linear interpolation
+    between the PDFs of the sampler objects, 
+    M{H(S{lambda}) = H_2 * S{lambda} + (1 - S{lambda}) * H_1}.
+    The perturbation kernel is a thermodynamic perturbation and the propagation is subclass
+    responsibility.
+    Note that due to the linear interpolations between the two Hamiltonians, the
+    log-probability has to be evaluated four times per perturbation step which can be
+    costly. In this case it is advisable to define the intermediate log probabilities
+    in _run_traj_generator differently.
+    @param samplers: Samplers which sample their respective equilibrium distributions
+    @type samplers: list of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+    @param param_infos: ParameterInfo instances holding
+                        information required to perform a HMCStepRENS swaps
+    @type param_infos: list of L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, samplers, param_infos):
+        super(AbstractStepRENS, self).__init__(samplers, param_infos)
+        self._evaluate_im_works = True
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _setup_propagations(self, im_sys_infos, param_info):
+        """
+        Set up the propagation steps using the information about the current system
+        setup and parameters from the SwapParameterInfo object.
+        @param im_sys_infos: Information about the intermediate system setups
+        @type im_sys_infos: List of L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+        @param param_info: SwapParameterInfo object containing parameters for the
+                           propagations like timesteps, trajectory lengths etc.
+        @type param_info: L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
+        """
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _add_gradients(self, im_sys_infos, param_info, t_prot):
+        """
+        If needed, set im_sys_infos.hamiltonian.gradient.
+        @param im_sys_infos: Information about the intermediate system setups
+        @type im_sys_infos: List of L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+        @param param_info: SwapParameterInfo object containing parameters for the
+                           propagations like timesteps, trajectory lengths etc.
+        @type param_info: L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
+        @param t_prot: Switching protocol defining the time dependence of the switching
+                       parameter.
+        @type t_prot: callable
+        """
+        pass
+    def _setup_stepwise_protocol(self, traj_info):
+        """
+        Sets up the stepwise protocol consisting of perturbation and relaxation steps.
+        @param traj_info: TrajectoryInfo instance holding information
+                          needed to generate a nonequilibrium trajectory   
+        @type traj_info: L{RENSTrajInfo}
+        @rtype: L{Protocol}
+        """
+        pdf1 = traj_info.param_info.sampler1._pdf
+        pdf2 = traj_info.param_info.sampler2._pdf
+        T1 = traj_info.param_info.sampler1.temperature
+        T2 = traj_info.param_info.sampler2.temperature
+        traj_length = traj_info.param_info.intermediate_steps
+        prot = self._setup_protocol(traj_info)
+        t_prot = lambda i: prot(float(i), float(traj_length))
+        im_log_probs = [lambda x, i=i: pdf2.log_prob(x) * t_prot(i) + \
+                                       (1 - t_prot(i)) * pdf1.log_prob(x)
+                        for i in range(traj_length + 1)]
+        im_temperatures = [T2 * t_prot(i) + (1 - t_prot(i)) * T1 
+                           for i in range(traj_length + 1)]
+        im_reduced_hamiltonians = [ReducedHamiltonian(im_log_probs[i],
+                                                      temperature=im_temperatures[i]) 
+                                   for i in range(traj_length + 1)]
+        im_sys_infos = [HamiltonianSysInfo(im_reduced_hamiltonians[i])
+                        for i in range(traj_length + 1)]
+        perturbations = [ReducedHamiltonianPerturbation(im_sys_infos[i], im_sys_infos[i+1])
+                        for i in range(traj_length)]
+        if self._evaluate_im_works == False:
+            for p in perturbations:
+                p.evaluate_work = False
+        im_sys_infos = self._add_gradients(im_sys_infos, traj_info.param_info, t_prot)
+        propagations = self._setup_propagations(im_sys_infos, traj_info.param_info)
+        steps = [Step(perturbations[i], propagations[i]) for i in range(traj_length)]
+        return Protocol(steps)
+    def _propagator_factory(self, traj_info):
+        protocol = self._setup_stepwise_protocol(traj_info)
+        gen = NonequilibriumStepPropagator(protocol)
+        return gen
+    def _run_traj_generator(self, traj_info):
+        init_temperature = self._get_init_temperature(traj_info)
+        gen = self._propagator_factory(traj_info)
+        traj = gen.generate(traj_info.init_state)
+        return NonequilibriumTrajectory([traj_info.init_state, traj.final], jacobian=1.0,
+                                         heat=traj.heat, work=traj.work, deltaH=traj.deltaH)       
+class HMCStepRENS(AbstractStepRENS):
+    """
+    Replica Exchange with Nonequilibrium Switches (RENS, Ballard & Jarzynski 2009)
+    with stepwise trajectories as described in Nilmeier et al., "Nonequilibrium candidate
+    Monte Carlo is an efficient tool for equilibrium simulation", PNAS 2011.
+    The switching parameter dependence of the Hamiltonian is a linear interpolation
+    between the PDFs of the sampler objects, 
+    M{H(S{lambda}) = H_2 * S{lambda} + (1 - S{lambda}) * H_1}.
+    The perturbation kernel is a thermodynamic perturbation and the propagation is done using HMC.
+    Note that due to the linear interpolations between the two Hamiltonians, the
+    log-probability and its gradient has to be evaluated four times per perturbation step which
+    can be costly. In this case it is advisable to define the intermediate log probabilities
+    in _run_traj_generator differently.
+    @param samplers: Samplers which sample their respective equilibrium distributions
+    @type samplers: list of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+    @param param_infos: ParameterInfo instances holding
+                        information required to perform a HMCStepRENS swaps
+    @type param_infos: list of L{HMCStepRENSSwapParameterInfo}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, samplers, param_infos):
+        super(HMCStepRENS, self).__init__(samplers, param_infos)
+    def _add_gradients(self, im_sys_infos, param_info, t_prot):
+        im_gradients = [lambda x, t, i=i: param_info.gradient(x, t_prot(i))
+                        for i in range(param_info.intermediate_steps + 1)]
+        for i, s in enumerate(im_sys_infos):
+            s.hamiltonian.gradient = im_gradients[i]
+        return im_sys_infos
+    def _setup_propagations(self, im_sys_infos, param_info):
+        propagation_params = [HMCPropagationParam(param_info.timestep,
+                                                  param_info.hmc_traj_length,
+                                                  im_sys_infos[i+1].hamiltonian.gradient,
+                                                  param_info.hmc_iterations,
+                                                  mass_matrix=param_info.mass_matrix,
+                                                  integrator=param_info.integrator)
+                              for i in range(param_info.intermediate_steps)]
+        propagations = [HMCPropagation(im_sys_infos[i+1], propagation_params[i], evaluate_heat=False)
+                        for i in range(param_info.intermediate_steps)]
+        return propagations        
+    def _calc_works(self, swapcom):
+        return swapcom.traj12.work, swapcom.traj21.work
+class HMCStepRENSSwapParameterInfo(AbstractRENSSwapParameterInfo):
+    """
+    Holds all required information for performing HMCStepRENS swaps.
+    @param sampler1: First sampler
+    @type sampler1: subclass instance of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+    @param sampler2: Second sampler
+    @type sampler2: subclass instance of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+    @param timestep: integration timestep
+    @type timestep: float
+    @param hmc_traj_length: HMC trajectory length
+    @type hmc_traj_length: int
+    @param hmc_iterations: number of HMC iterations in the propagation step
+    @type hmc_iterations: int
+    @param gradient: gradient governing the equations of motion, function of
+                     position array and switching protocol
+    @type gradient: callable
+    @param intermediate_steps: number of steps in the protocol; this is a discrete version
+                               of the switching time in "continuous" RENS implementations
+    @type intermediate_steps: int
+    @param protocol: Switching protocol determining the time dependence of the
+                     switching parameter. It is a function f taking the running
+                     time t and the switching time tau to yield a value in [0, 1]
+                     with f(0, tau) = 0 and f(tau, tau) = 1
+    @type protocol: callable
+    @param mass_matrix: mass matrix for kinetic energy definition
+    @type mass_matrix: L{InvertibleMatrix}
+    @param integrator: Integration scheme to be utilized
+    @type integrator: l{AbstractIntegrator}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, sampler1, sampler2, timestep, hmc_traj_length, hmc_iterations, 
+                 gradient, intermediate_steps, parametrization=None, protocol=None,
+                 mass_matrix=None, integrator=FastLeapFrog):
+        super(HMCStepRENSSwapParameterInfo, self).__init__(sampler1, sampler2, protocol)
+        self._mass_matrix = None
+        self.mass_matrix = mass_matrix
+        if self.mass_matrix is None:
+            d = len(sampler1.state.position)
+            self.mass_matrix = csb.numeric.InvertibleMatrix(numpy.eye(d), numpy.eye(d))
+        self._hmc_traj_length = None
+        self.hmc_traj_length = hmc_traj_length
+        self._gradient = None
+        self.gradient = gradient
+        self._timestep = None
+        self.timestep = timestep
+        self._hmc_iterations = None
+        self.hmc_iterations = hmc_iterations
+        self._intermediate_steps = None
+        self.intermediate_steps = intermediate_steps
+        self._integrator = None
+        self.integrator = integrator
+    @property
+    def timestep(self):
+        """
+        Integration timestep.
+        """
+        return self._timestep
+    @timestep.setter
+    def timestep(self, value):
+        self._timestep = float(value)
+    @property
+    def hmc_traj_length(self):
+        """
+        HMC trajectory length in number of integration steps.
+        """
+        return self._hmc_traj_length
+    @hmc_traj_length.setter
+    def hmc_traj_length(self, value):
+        self._hmc_traj_length = int(value)
+    @property
+    def gradient(self):
+        """
+        Gradient which governs the equations of motion.
+        """
+        return self._gradient
+    @gradient.setter
+    def gradient(self, value):
+        self._gradient = value
+    @property
+    def mass_matrix(self):
+        return self._mass_matrix
+    @mass_matrix.setter
+    def mass_matrix(self, value):
+        self._mass_matrix = value
+    @property
+    def hmc_iterations(self):
+        return self._hmc_iterations
+    @hmc_iterations.setter
+    def hmc_iterations(self, value):
+        self._hmc_iterations = value
+    @property
+    def intermediate_steps(self):
+        return self._intermediate_steps
+    @intermediate_steps.setter
+    def intermediate_steps(self, value):
+        self._intermediate_steps = value
+    @property
+    def integrator(self):
+        return self._integrator
+    @integrator.setter
+    def integrator(self, value):
+        self._integrator = value
+class AbstractSwapScheme(object):
+    """
+    Provides the interface for classes defining schemes according to which swaps in
+    Replica Exchange-like simulations are performed.
+    @param algorithm: Exchange algorithm that performs the swaps
+    @type algorithm: L{AbstractExchangeMC}
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, algorithm):
+        self._algorithm = algorithm
+    @abstractmethod
+    def swap_all(self):
+        """
+        Advises the Replica Exchange-like algorithm to perform swaps according to
+        the schedule defined here.
+        """
+        pass
+class AlternatingAdjacentSwapScheme(AbstractSwapScheme):
+    """
+    Provides a swapping scheme in which tries exchanges between neighbours only
+    following the scheme 1 <-> 2, 3 <-> 4, ... and after a sampling period 2 <-> 3, 4 <-> 5, ...
+    @param algorithm: Exchange algorithm that performs the swaps
+    @type algorithm: L{AbstractExchangeMC}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, algorithm):
+        super(AlternatingAdjacentSwapScheme, self).__init__(algorithm)
+        self._current_swap_list = None
+        self._swap_list1 = []
+        self._swap_list2 = []
+        self._create_swap_lists()
+    def _create_swap_lists(self):
+        if len(self._algorithm.param_infos) == 1:
+            self._swap_list1.append(0)
+            self._swap_list2.append(0)
+        else:
+            i = 0
+            while i < len(self._algorithm.param_infos):
+                self._swap_list1.append(i)
+                i += 2
+            i = 1
+            while i < len(self._algorithm.param_infos):
+                self._swap_list2.append(i)
+                i += 2
+        self._current_swap_list = self._swap_list1
+    def swap_all(self):
+        for x in self._current_swap_list:
+            self._algorithm.swap(x)
+        if self._current_swap_list == self._swap_list1:
+            self._current_swap_list = self._swap_list2
+        else:
+            self._current_swap_list = self._swap_list1
+class SingleSwapStatistics(object):
+    """
+    Tracks swap statistics of a single sampler pair.
+    @param param_info: ParameterInfo instance holding swap parameters
+    @type param_info: L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, param_info):
+        self._total_swaps = 0
+        self._accepted_swaps = 0
+    @property
+    def total_swaps(self):
+        return self._total_swaps
+    @property
+    def accepted_swaps(self):
+        return self._accepted_swaps
+    @property
+    def acceptance_rate(self):
+        """
+        Acceptance rate of the sampler pair.
+        """
+        if self.total_swaps > 0:
+            return float(self.accepted_swaps) / float(self.total_swaps)
+        else:
+            return 0.
+    def update(self, accepted):
+        """
+        Updates swap statistics.
+        """        
+        self._total_swaps += 1
+        self._accepted_swaps += int(accepted)
+class SwapStatistics(object):
+    """
+    Tracks swap statistics for an AbstractExchangeMC subclass instance.
+    @param param_infos: list of ParameterInfo instances providing information
+                        needed for performing swaps
+    @type param_infos: list of L{AbstractSwapParameterInfo}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, param_infos):        
+        self._stats = [SingleSwapStatistics(x) for x in param_infos]
+    @property
+    def stats(self):
+        return tuple(self._stats)
+    @property
+    def acceptance_rates(self):
+        """
+        Returns acceptance rates for all swaps.
+        """        
+        return [x.acceptance_rate for x in self._stats]
 class InterpolationFactory(object):
     Produces interpolations for functions changed during non-equilibrium
@@ -160,6 +1411,7 @@ class InterpolationFactory(object):
         return lambda t: temperature(self.protocol(t, self.tau))
 class Gradient(AbstractGradient):
     def __init__(self, gradient, protocol, tau):
@@ -171,115 +1423,169 @@ class Gradient(AbstractGradient):
     def evaluate(self, q, t):
         return self._gradient(q, self._protocol(t, self._tau))
-class ReplicaExchangeMC(AbstractExchangeMC):
-    """
-    Replica Exchange (RE, Swendsen & Yang 1986) implementation.
-    """
-    def _propose_swap(self, param_info):
-        return RESwapCommunicator(param_info, Trajectory([param_info.sampler1.state,
-                                                          param_info.sampler1.state]),
-                                              Trajectory([param_info.sampler2.state,
-                                                          param_info.sampler2.state]))
+class ReplicaHistory(object):
+    '''
+    Replica history object, works with both RE and RENS for
+    the AlternatingAdjacentSwapScheme.
+    @param samples: list holding ensemble states
+    @type samples: list
+    @param swap_interval: interval with which swaps were attempted, e.g.,
+                          5 means that every 5th regular MC step is replaced
+                          by a swap
+    @type swap_interval: int
+    @param first_swap: sample index of the first sample generated by a swap attempt.
+                       If None, the first RE sampled is assumed to have sample index
+                       swap_interval. If specified, it has to be greater than zero
+    @type first_swap: int
+    '''
-    def _calc_pacc_swap(self, swapcom):
-        E1 = lambda x:-swapcom.sampler1._pdf.log_prob(x)
-        E2 = lambda x:-swapcom.sampler2._pdf.log_prob(x)
-        T1 = swapcom.sampler1.temperature
-        T2 = swapcom.sampler2.temperature
+    def __init__(self, samples, swap_interval, first_swap=None):
+        self.samples = samples
+        self.swap_interval = swap_interval
+        if first_swap == None:
+            self.first_swap = swap_interval - 1
+        elif first_swap > 0:
+            self.first_swap = first_swap - 1
+        else:
+            raise(ValueError("Sample index of first swap has to be greater than zero!"))
+        self.n_replicas = len(samples[0])
+    @staticmethod
+    def _change_direction(x):
+        if x == 1:
+            return -1
+        if x == -1:
+            return 1
+    def calculate_history(self, start_ensemble):
+        '''
+        Calculates the replica history of the first state of ensemble #start_ensemble.
+        @param start_ensemble: index of the ensemble to start at, zero-indexed
+        @type start_ensemble: int
+        @return: replica history as a list of ensemble indices
+        @rtype: list of ints
+        '''
-        state1 = swapcom.traj12.initial
-        state2 = swapcom.traj21.initial
+        sample_counter = 0
+        # determine the direction (up = 1, down = -1) in the "temperature ladder" of
+        # the first swap attempt. Remember: first swap series is always 0 <-> 1, 2 <-> 3, ...
+        if start_ensemble % 2 == 0:
+            direction = +1
+        else:
+            direction = -1
+        # if number of replicas is not even and the start ensemble is the highest-temperature-
+        # ensemble, the first swap will be attempted "downwards"
+        if start_ensemble % 2 == 0 and start_ensemble == self.n_replicas - 1:
+            direction = -1
+        # will store the indices of the ensembles the state will visit in chronological order
+        history = []
+        # the ensemble the state is currently in
+        ens = start_ensemble
-        proposal1 = swapcom.traj21.final
-        proposal2 = swapcom.traj12.final
+        while sample_counter < len(self.samples):
+            if self.n_replicas == 2:
+                if (sample_counter - self.first_swap - 1) % self.swap_interval == 0 and \
+                   sample_counter >= self.first_swap:
+                    ## swap attempt: determine whether it was successfull or not
+                    # state after swap attempt
+                    current_sample = self.samples[sample_counter][ens]
-        swapcom.acceptance_probability = csb.numeric.exp(-E1(proposal1.position) / T1 
-                                                         + E1(state1.position) / T1 
-                                                         - E2(proposal2.position) / T2 
-                                                         + E2(state2.position) / T2)
-        return swapcom
+                    # state before swap attempt
+                    previous_sample = self.samples[sample_counter - 1][history[-1]]
-class MDRENS(AbstractRENS):
-    """
-    Replica Exchange with Nonequilibrium Switches (RENS, Ballard & Jarzynski 2009)
-    with Molecular Dynamics (MD) trajectories.
+                    # swap was accepted when position of the current state doesn't equal
+                    # the position of the state before the swap attempt, that is, the last 
+                    # state in the history
+                    swap_accepted = not numpy.all(current_sample.position == 
+                                                  previous_sample.position)
-    @param samplers: Samplers which sample their
-                         respective equilibrium distributions
-    @type samplers: list of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+                    if swap_accepted:
+                        if ens == 0:
+                            ens = 1
+                        else:
+                            ens = 0
+                    history.append(ens)                    
+                else:
+                    history.append(ens)
-    @param param_infos: ParameterInfo instance holding
-                        information required to perform a MDRENS swap
-    @type param_infos: list of L{MDRENSSwapParameterInfo}
+            else:
+                if (sample_counter - self.first_swap - 1) % self.swap_interval == 0 and \
+                   sample_counter >= self.first_swap:
+                    # state after swap attempt
+                    current_sample = self.samples[sample_counter][ens]
-    @param integrator: Subclass of L{AbstractIntegrator} to be used to
-                       calculate the non-equilibrium trajectories
-    @type integrator: type
-    """
+                    # state before swap attempt
+                    previous_sample = self.samples[sample_counter - 1][ens]
-    def __init__(self, samplers, param_infos,
-                 integrator=csb.numeric.integrators.FastLeapFrog):
-        super(MDRENS, self).__init__(samplers, param_infos)
-        self._integrator = integrator
-    def _run_traj_generator(self, traj_info):
-        tau = traj_info.param_info.traj_length * traj_info.param_info.timestep
-        factory = InterpolationFactory(traj_info.protocol, tau)
+                    # swap was accepted when position of the current state doesn't equal
+                    # the position of the state before the swap attempt, that is, the last 
+                    # state in the history
+                    swap_accepted = not numpy.all(current_sample.position == previous_sample.position)
-        gen = MDPropagator(factory.build_gradient(traj_info.param_info.gradient),
-                           traj_info.param_info.timestep,
-						   mass_matrix=traj_info.param_info.mass_matrix,
-						   integrator=self._integrator)
-        traj = gen.generate(traj_info.init_state, int(traj_info.param_info.traj_length))
-        return traj
+                    if swap_accepted:
+                        ens += direction
+                    else:
+                        if ens == self.n_replicas - 1:
+                            # if at the top of the ladder, go downwards again
+                            direction = -1
+                        elif ens == 0:
+                            # if at the bottom of the ladder, go upwards
+                            direction = +1
+                        else:
+                            # in between, reverse the direction of the trajectory
+                            # in temperature space
+                            direction = self._change_direction(direction)
-class ThermostattedMDRENS(MDRENS):
-    """
-    Replica Exchange with Nonequilibrium Switches (RENS, Ballard & Jarzynski, 2009)
-    with Andersen-thermostatted Molecular Dynamics (MD) trajectories.
+                history.append(ens)
-    @param samplers: Samplers which sample their
-                         respective equilibrium distributions
-    @type samplers: list of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
+            sample_counter += 1
-    @param param_infos: ParameterInfo instance holding
-                        information required to perform a MDRENS swap
-    @type param_infos: list of L{ThermostattedMDRENSSwapParameterInfo}
+        return history
-    @param integrator: Subclass of L{AbstractIntegrator} to be used to
-                       calculate the non-equilibrium trajectories
-    @type integrator: type
-    """
+    def calculate_projected_trajectories(self, ensemble):
+        '''
+        Calculates sequentially correlated trajectories projected on a specific ensemble.
-    def __init__(self, samplers, param_infos, integrator=csb.numeric.integrators.LeapFrog):
-        super(ThermostattedMDRENS, self).__init__(samplers, param_infos, integrator)
+        @param ensemble: ensemble index of ensemble of interest, zero-indexed
+        @type ensemble: int
-    def _run_traj_generator(self, traj_info):
-        tau = traj_info.param_info.traj_length * traj_info.param_info.timestep
-        factory = InterpolationFactory(traj_info.protocol, tau)
+        @return: list of Trajectory objects containg sequentially correlated trajectories
+        @rtype: list of L{Trajectory} objects.
+        '''
-        grad = factory.build_gradient(traj_info.param_info.gradient)
-        temp = factory.build_temperature(traj_info.param_info.temperature)
-        gen = ThermostattedMDPropagator(grad,
-                                        traj_info.param_info.timestep, temperature=temp, 
-										collision_probability=traj_info.param_info.collision_probability,
-                                        update_interval=traj_info.param_info.collision_interval,
-										mass_matrix=traj_info.param_info.mass_matrix,
-                                        integrator=self._integrator)
+        trajectories = []
+        for i in range(self.n_replicas):
+            history = self.calculate_history(i)
+            traj = [x[ensemble] for k, x in enumerate(self.samples) if history[k] == ensemble]
+            trajectories.append(Trajectory(traj))
+        return trajectories
+    def calculate_trajectories(self):
+        '''
+        Calculates sequentially correlated trajectories.
+        @return: list of Trajectory objects containg sequentially correlated trajectories
+        @rtype: list of L{Trajectory} objects.
+        '''
-        traj = gen.generate(traj_info.init_state, traj_info.param_info.traj_length)
+        trajectories = []
-        return traj
+        for i in range(self.n_replicas):
+            history = self.calculate_history(i)
+            traj = [x[history[k]] for k, x in enumerate(self.samples)]
+            trajectories.append(Trajectory(traj))
+        return trajectories
diff --git a/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/neqsteppropagator.py b/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/neqsteppropagator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11087b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/neqsteppropagator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1239 @@
+Propagator class employing stepwise trajectories as used in the NCMC
+algorithm (Nilmeier et al., "Nonequilibrium candidate Monte Carlo is 
+an efficient tool for equilibrium simulation", PNAS 2011)
+import csb
+import numpy
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import TrajectoryBuilder, Trajectory, augment_state, PropagationResult
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.propagators import AbstractPropagator, MDPropagator, HMCPropagator
+from csb.numeric import InvertibleMatrix
+from csb.numeric.integrators import FastLeapFrog
+class NonequilibriumTrajectory(Trajectory):
+    """
+    Trajectory holding additional information about energy difference
+    the Jacobian.
+    @param items: sequence of trajectory states
+    @type items: list of L{State}s
+    @param heat: heat produced during the trajectory
+    @type heat: float
+    @param work: work expended during the trajectory
+    @type work: float
+    @param deltaH: energy difference between initial and final states
+    @type deltaH: float
+    @param jacobian: product of Jacobians of perturbations applied  in the
+                     calculation of the trajectory
+    @type jacobian: float
+    """
+    def __init__(self, items, heat=0.0, work=0.0, deltaH=0.0, jacobian=1.0, stats=None):
+        super(NonequilibriumTrajectory, self).__init__(items, heat=heat, work=work)
+        self._deltaH = None
+        self.deltaH = deltaH
+        self._jacobian = None
+        self.jacobian = jacobian
+        self._stats = None
+        self.stats = stats
+    @property
+    def jacobian(self):
+        return self._jacobian
+    @jacobian.setter
+    def jacobian(self, value):
+        self._jacobian = value
+    @property
+    def deltaH(self):
+        return self._deltaH
+    @deltaH.setter
+    def deltaH(self, value):
+        self._deltaH = value
+    @property
+    def stats(self):
+        return self._stats
+    @stats.setter
+    def stats(self, value):
+        self._stats = value
+class AbstractSystemInfo(object):
+    """
+    Subclasses hold all information describing a current system setup
+    (Hamiltonian, boundaries, ...)
+    """
+    pass
+class PerturbationResult(Trajectory):
+    """
+    Instances hold the result of a perturbation.
+    @param items: list of states defining a phase-space trajectory
+    @type items: list of L{AbstractState}s
+    @param work: work performed on the system during perturbation
+    @type work: float
+    @param jacobian: jacobian of the perturbation
+    @type jacobian: float
+    @param perturbed_sys: L{AbstractSystemInfo} instance 
+                          describing the perturbed system
+    @type perturbed_sys: L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, items, perturbed_sys, work, heat=0.0, jacobian=1.0):
+        super(PerturbationResult, self).__init__(items, heat, work)
+        self._jacobian = None
+        self.jacobian = jacobian
+        self._perturbed_sys = None
+        self.perturbed_sys = perturbed_sys
+    @property
+    def jacobian(self):
+        return self._jacobian
+    @jacobian.setter
+    def jacobian(self, value):
+        self._jacobian = value
+    @property
+    def perturbed_sys(self):
+        return self._perturbed_sys
+    @perturbed_sys.setter
+    def perturbed_sys(self, value):
+        self._perturbed_sys = value
+class Protocol(object):
+    """
+    Describes a stepwise protocol as in Nilmeier et al. (2011).
+    @param steps: the steps making up the protocol
+    @type steps: list of L{Step}s
+    """
+    def __init__(self, steps):
+        self._steps = None
+        self.steps = steps
+    @property
+    def steps(self):
+        """
+        The steps making up the protocol
+        """
+        return self._steps
+    @steps.setter
+    def steps(self, value):
+        self._steps = value
+class Step(object):
+    """
+    Defines a step in an NCMC-like stepwise protocol.
+    @param perturbation: The perturbation of the system
+    @type perturbation: L{AbstractPerturbation}
+    @param propagation: The propagation of the perturbed system
+    @type propagation: L{AbstractPropagation}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, perturbation, propagation):
+        self._perturbation = None
+        self.perturbation = perturbation
+        self._propagation = None
+        self.propagation = propagation
+        self._perform = None
+        self.perform = self._perform_pert_prop
+    def _perform_pert_prop(self, state, extra_info=None):
+        '''
+        First, perform the perturbation, and then the propagation.
+        Override this in a subclass if you want to pass on extra
+        information to the next step in the protocol or if you want
+        to gather some statistics on what happens in the intermediate steps.
+        @param state: state to be evolved
+        @type state: L{State}
+        @param extra_info: possible extra information resulting 
+                           from previous steps
+        @type extra_info: any type
+        @rtype: L{list} containing a short trajectory consisting of
+                the initial and the evolved state, possible extra information
+                which will be passed on to the next step in the protocol and
+                possible subclasses of L{AbstractStepStatistics} containing 
+                information on what happend in the step.
+        '''
+        perturbation_result = self.perturbation(state)
+        propagation_result = self.propagation(perturbation_result.final)
+        result_state = propagation_result.final
+        shorttraj = NonequilibriumTrajectory([state, result_state],
+                                             heat=propagation_result.heat,
+                                             work=perturbation_result.work,
+                                             jacobian=perturbation_result.jacobian)
+        return shorttraj, None, None
+    def _perform_prop_pert(self, state, extra_info=None):
+        '''
+        First, perform the propagation, and then the perturbation.
+        Override this in a subclass if you want to pass on extra
+        information to the next step in the protocol or if you want
+        to gather some statistics on what happens in the intermediate steps.
+        @param state: state to be evolved
+        @type state: L{State}
+        @param extra_info: possible extra information resulting 
+                           from previous steps
+        @type extra_info: any type
+        @rtype: L{list} containing a short trajectory consisting of
+                the initial and the evolved state, possible extra information
+                which will be passed on to the next step in the protocol and
+                possible subclasses of L{AbstractStepStatistics} containing 
+                information on what happend in the step.
+        '''
+        propagation_result = self.propagation(state)
+        perturbation_result = self.perturbation(propagation_result.final)
+        result_state = perturbation_result.final
+        shorttraj = NonequilibriumTrajectory([state, result_state],
+                                             heat=propagation_result.heat,
+                                             work=perturbation_result.work,
+                                             jacobian=perturbation_result.jacobian)
+        return shorttraj, None, None
+    def set_perturbation_first(self):
+        """
+        Perform first perturbation, then propagation
+        """
+        self.perform = self._perform_pert_prop
+    def set_propagation_first(self):
+        """
+        Perform first propagation, then perturbation
+        """
+        self.perform = self._perform_prop_pert
+    @property
+    def perturbation(self):
+        return self._perturbation
+    @perturbation.setter
+    def perturbation(self, value):
+        self._perturbation = value
+    @property
+    def propagation(self):
+        return self._propagation
+    @propagation.setter
+    def propagation(self, value):
+        self._propagation = value
+class ReducedHamiltonian(object):
+    """
+    Describes a reduced Hamiltonian (Hamiltonian, its position gradient
+    and the system temperature)
+    @param log_prob: log probability of the PDF under consideration, that is,
+                     the negative potential energy of the system
+    @type log_prob: callable
+    @param gradient: gradient of the negative log probability of the PDF under
+                     consideration, that is, the gradient of the potential energy;
+                     function of position array and time
+    @type gradient: callable
+    @param temperature: system temperature
+    @type temperature: float
+    @param mass_matrix: system mass matrix
+    @type mass_matrix: L{InvertibleMatrix}
+    """                 
+    def __init__(self, log_prob, gradient=None, temperature=1.0, mass_matrix=None):
+        self._log_prob = None
+        self.log_prob = log_prob
+        self._gradient = None
+        self.gradient = gradient
+        self._temperature = None
+        self.temperature = temperature
+        self._mass_matrix = None
+        self.mass_matrix = mass_matrix
+    def E(self, x):
+        """
+        Potential energy of the system, aka negative log probability
+        @param x: position vector
+        @type x: 1D numpy array
+        """
+        return -self.log_prob(x)
+    def kinetic_energy(self, p):
+        """
+        Kinetic energy of the system
+        @param p: system momentum vector
+        @type p: 1D numpy array
+        """
+        if p is not None:
+            if self.mass_matrix is None:
+                return 0.5 * sum(p ** 2)
+            else:
+                if self.mass_matrix.is_unity_multiple:
+                    return 0.5 * sum(p ** 2) / self.mass_matrix[0][0]
+                else:
+                    return 0.5 * numpy.dot(p, numpy.dot(self.mass_matrix.inverse, p))
+        else:
+            return 0.0
+    def rlog_prob(self, x):
+        """
+        Reduced log probability
+        @param x: position vector
+        @type x: 1D numpy array
+        """
+        return self.log_prob(x) / self.temperature
+    def rkinetic_energy(self, p):
+        """
+        Reduced kinetic energy
+        @param p: system momentum vector
+        @type p: 1D numpy array
+        """
+        return self.kinetic_energy(p) / self.temperature
+    def __call__(self, x):
+        """
+        Evaluates the reduced Hamiltionian at the state x
+        @param x: system state
+        @type x: L{State}
+        """
+        return -self.rlog_prob(x.position) + self.rkinetic_energy(x.momentum)
+    @property
+    def log_prob(self):
+        return self._log_prob
+    @log_prob.setter
+    def log_prob(self, value):
+        self._log_prob = value
+    @property
+    def gradient(self):
+        return self._gradient
+    @gradient.setter
+    def gradient(self, value):
+        self._gradient = value
+    @property
+    def temperature(self):
+        return self._temperature
+    @temperature.setter
+    def temperature(self, value):
+        self._temperature = value
+    @property
+    def mass_matrix(self):
+        return self._mass_matrix
+    @mass_matrix.setter
+    def mass_matrix(self, value):
+        self._mass_matrix = value
+class AbstractPerturbation(object):
+    """
+    Describes an abstract system perturbation
+    @param sys_before: information about the system before the perturbation
+    @type sys_before: L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+    @param sys_after: information about the system after the perturbation
+    @type sys_after: L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+    @param param: parameters neccessary for system perturbation
+    @type param: L{AbstractPerturbationParam}
+    @param evaluate_work: Allows to switch off the work evaluation,
+                          which might not always be needed, in order to
+                          save computation time.
+    @type evaluate_work: boolean
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, sys_before, sys_after, param=None, evaluate_work=True):
+        self._sys_before = None
+        self.sys_before = sys_before
+        self._sys_after = None
+        self.sys_after = sys_after
+        self.param = param
+        self._evaluate_work = None
+        self.evaluate_work = evaluate_work
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _run_perturbator(self, state):
+        """
+        Calculates the trajectory of the system while it is being perturbed.
+        @param state: The initial system state
+        @type state: L{State}
+        @return: The trajectory of the system while it is being perturbed
+        @rtype: L{Trajectory}
+        """
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _calculate_work(self, traj):
+        """
+        Calculates the work expended during perturbation of the system.
+        @param traj: The trajectory of the system while being perturbed
+        @type traj: L{Trajectory}
+        @return: The work expended during perturbation
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _calculate_jacobian(self, traj):
+        """
+        Calculates the Jacobian determinant which reflects phase
+        space compression during perturbation.
+        @param traj: The trajectory of the system while being perturbed
+        @type traj: L{Trajectory}
+        @return: The Jacobian determinant
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        pass
+    def _evaluate(self, state):
+        """
+        Performs the perturbation of the system and / or the state
+        @param state: system state
+        @type state: L{State}
+        """
+        traj = self._run_perturbator(state)
+        work = self._calculate_work(traj)
+        jacobian = self._calculate_jacobian(traj)
+        return PerturbationResult([traj.initial, traj.final], self.sys_after, 
+                                  work, jacobian=jacobian)
+    def __call__(self, state):
+        """
+        Performs the perturbation of the system and / or the state
+        @param state: system state
+        @type state: L{State}
+        """
+        return self._evaluate(state)
+    @property
+    def sys_before(self):
+        return self._sys_before
+    @sys_before.setter
+    def sys_before(self, value):
+        self._sys_before = value
+    @property
+    def sys_after(self):
+        return self._sys_after
+    @sys_after.setter
+    def sys_after(self, value):
+        self._sys_after = value
+    @property
+    def param(self):
+        return self._param
+    @param.setter
+    def param(self, value):
+        self._param = value
+    @property
+    def evaluate_work(self):
+        return self._evaluate_work
+    @evaluate_work.setter
+    def evaluate_work(self, value):
+        self._evaluate_work = value
+class AbstractPropagation(object):
+    """
+    Describes an abstract system propagation
+    @param sys: information about the current system setup
+    @type sys: L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+    @param param: parameters neccessary for propagating the system
+    @type param: L{AbstractPropagationParam}
+    @param evaluate_heat: Allows to switch off the heat evaluation,
+                          which might not always be needed, in order to
+                          save computation time.
+    @type evaluate_heat: boolean
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, sys, param, evaluate_heat=True):
+        self._sys = None
+        self.sys = sys
+        self._param = None
+        self.param = param
+        self._evaluate_heat = None
+        self.evaluate_heat = evaluate_heat
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _propagator_factory(self):
+        """
+        Factory method which returns the propagator to be used for
+        propagating the system.
+        @return: Some propagator object
+        @rtype: L{AbstractPropagator}
+        """
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _run_propagator(self, state):
+        """
+        Propagates the system using the propagator instance returned
+        by _propagator_factory().
+        @param state: Initial state
+        @type state: L{State}
+        @return: The result of the propagation
+        @rtype: L{PropagationResult}
+        """
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _calculate_heat(self, traj):
+        """
+        Calculates the heat resulting from system propagation.
+        @param traj: The trajectory of the system during propagation
+        @type traj: L{Trajectory}
+        @return: The heat resulting from system propagation.
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        pass
+    def _evaluate(self, state):
+        """
+        Performs the propagation of a state in the specified system
+        @param state: system state
+        @type state: L{State}
+        """
+        traj = self._run_propagator(state)
+        heat = self._calculate_heat(traj)
+        return PropagationResult(traj.initial, traj.final, heat=heat)
+    def __call__(self, state):
+        """
+        Performs the propagation of a state in the specified system
+        @param state: system state
+        @type state: L{State}
+        """
+        return self._evaluate(state)
+    @property
+    def sys(self):
+        return self._sys
+    @sys.setter
+    def sys(self, value):
+        self._sys = value
+    @property
+    def param(self):
+        return self._param
+    @param.setter
+    def param(self, value):
+        self._param = value
+    @property
+    def evaluate_heat(self):
+        return self._evaluate_heat
+    @evaluate_heat.setter
+    def evaluate_heat(self, value):
+        self._evaluate_heat = value
+class ReducedHamiltonianPerturbation(AbstractPerturbation):
+    """
+    System perturbation by changing the reduced Hamiltonian
+    @param sys_before: information about the system before the perturbation
+    @type sys_before: L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+    @param sys_after: information about the system after the perturbation
+    @type sys_after: L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+    @param evaluate_work: Allows to switch off the work evaluation,
+                          which might not always be needed, in order to
+                          save computation time.
+    @type evaluate_work: boolean
+    """
+    def __init__(self, sys_before, sys_after, evaluate_work=True):
+        super(ReducedHamiltonianPerturbation, self).__init__(sys_before, sys_after,
+                                                             evaluate_work=evaluate_work)
+    def _calculate_work(self, traj):
+        work = 0.0
+        if self.evaluate_work == True:
+            work = self.sys_after.hamiltonian(traj.final) - \
+                   self.sys_before.hamiltonian(traj.initial)
+        return work
+    def _calculate_jacobian(self, traj):
+        return 1.0
+    def _run_perturbator(self, state):
+        return Trajectory([state, state])
+class AbstractMCPropagation(AbstractPropagation):
+    """
+    System propagation by some MC algorithm.
+    @param sys: information about the current system setup
+    @type sys: L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+    @param param: parameters neccessary for propagating the system
+    @type param: L{AbstractPropagationParam}
+    @param evaluate_heat: Allows to switch off the heat evaluation,
+                          which might not always be needed, in order to
+                          save computation time.
+    @type evaluate_heat: boolean
+    """
+    ## Not neccessary, but otherwise epydoc complains
+    def __init__(self, sys, param, evaluate_heat=True):
+        super(AbstractMCPropagation, self).__init__(sys, param, evaluate_heat=True)
+    def _calculate_heat(self, traj):
+        heat = 0.0
+        if self.evaluate_heat == True:
+            heat = self.sys.hamiltonian.E(traj.final.position) - \
+                   self.sys.hamiltonian.E(traj.initial.position)
+        return heat
+    def _run_propagator(self, state):
+        gen = self._propagator_factory()
+        return gen.generate(state, self.param.iterations, False)
+class HMCPropagation(AbstractMCPropagation):
+    """
+    System propagation by HMC
+    @param sys: information about the current system setup
+    @type sys: L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+    @param param: parameters neccessary for propagating the system
+    @type param: L{HMCPropagationParam}
+    @param evaluate_heat: Allows to switch off the heat evaluation,
+                          which might not always be needed, in order to
+                          save computation time.
+    @type evaluate_heat: boolean
+    """
+    def __init__(self, sys, param, evaluate_heat=True):
+        super(HMCPropagation, self).__init__(sys, param, evaluate_heat)
+        if self.param.gradient is None:
+            self.param.gradient = self.sys.hamiltonian.gradient
+    def _set_mass_matrix(self, state):
+        """
+        Sets the mass matrix in the param object.
+        @param state: The initial state which is used to determine the dimension
+                      of the mass matrix
+        @type state: L{State}
+        """
+        if self.param.mass_matrix is None:
+            d = len(state.position)
+            self.param.mass_matrix = InvertibleMatrix(numpy.eye(d))
+    def _propagator_factory(self):
+        gen = HMCPropagator(self.sys.hamiltonian, self.param.gradient,
+                            self.param.timestep, self.param.traj_length,
+                            temperature=self.sys.hamiltonian.temperature,
+                            integrator=self.param.integrator,
+                            mass_matrix=self.param.mass_matrix)
+        return gen
+    def _evaluate(self, state):
+        self._set_mass_matrix(state)
+        return super(HMCPropagation, self)._evaluate(state)
+    @property
+    def param(self):
+        return self._param
+    @param.setter
+    def param(self, value):
+        self._param = value
+class AbstractMDPropagation(AbstractPropagation):
+    """
+    System propagation by some MD algorithm
+    @param sys: information about the current system setup
+    @type sys: L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+    @param param: parameters neccessary for propagating the system
+    @type param: L{MDPropagationParam}
+    @param evaluate_heat: Allows to switch off the heat evaluation,
+                          which might not always be needed, in order to
+                          save computation time.
+    @type evaluate_heat: boolean
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    ## Not neccessary, but otherwise epydoc complains
+    def __init__(self, sys, param, evaluate_heat=True):
+        super(AbstractMDPropagation, self).__init__(sys, param, evaluate_heat=True)
+    def _set_mass_matrix(self, state):
+        """
+        Sets the mass matrix in the param object.
+        @param state: The initial state which is used to determine the dimension
+                      of the mass matrix
+        @type state: L{State}
+        """
+        if self.param.mass_matrix is None:
+            d = len(state.position)
+            self.param.mass_matrix = InvertibleMatrix(numpy.eye(d))
+    def _augment_state(self, state):
+        """
+        Augments the initial state by a momentum if none is defined.
+        @param state: Initial state
+        @type state: L{State}
+        """
+        if state.momentum == None:
+            state = augment_state(state, self.sys.hamiltonian.temperature,
+                                  self.param.mass_matrix)
+        return state
+    def _run_propagator(self, state):
+        gen = self._propagator_factory()
+        state = self._augment_state(state)
+        traj = gen.generate(state, self.param.traj_length)
+        return traj
+class PlainMDPropagation(AbstractMDPropagation):
+    """
+    System propagation by plain, microcanonical MD
+    @param sys: information about the current system setup
+    @type sys: L{AbstractSystemInfo}
+    @param param: parameters neccessary for propagating the system
+    @type param: L{PlainMDPropagationParam}
+    @param evaluate_heat: Allows to switch off the heat evaluation,
+                          which might not always be needed, in order to
+                          save computation time.
+    @type evaluate_heat: boolean
+    """
+    ## Not neccessary, but otherwise epydoc is complaining
+    def __init__(self, sys, param, evaluate_heat=True):
+        super(PlainMDPropagation, self).__init__(sys, param, evaluate_heat=evaluate_heat)
+    def _propagator_factory(self):
+        return MDPropagator(self.param.gradient, self.param.timestep,
+                            mass_matrix=self.param.mass_matrix,
+                            integrator=self.param.integrator)
+    def _calculate_heat(self, traj):
+        heat = 0.0
+        if self.evaluate_heat == True:
+            heat = self.sys.hamiltonian(traj.final) - self.sys.hamiltonian(traj.initial)
+        return heat
+    def _evaluate(self, state):
+        self._set_mass_matrix(state)
+        return super(PlainMDPropagation, self)._evaluate(state)
+class AbstractPerturbationParam(object):
+    """
+    Subclasses hold informations required for different kinds
+    of system perturbation
+    """
+    pass
+class AbstractPropagationParam(object):
+    """
+    Subclasses hold informations required for different kinds
+    of system propagation
+    """
+    pass
+class MDParam(object):
+    """
+    Holds all required information for calculating a MD trajectory.
+    @param timestep: integration timestep
+    @type timestep: float
+    @param traj_length: MD trajectory length
+    @type traj_length: int
+    @param gradient: gradient governing the equations of motion, function of
+                     position array and time
+    @type gradient: callable
+    @param temperature: System temperature for drawing momenta from the
+                        Maxwell distribution
+    @type temperature: float
+    @param integrator: Integration scheme to be utilized
+    @type integrator: L{AbstractIntegrator}
+    @param mass_matrix: mass matrix for kinetic energy definition
+    @type mass_matrix: L{InvertibleMatrix}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, timestep, traj_length, gradient, temperature=1.0,
+                 integrator=FastLeapFrog, mass_matrix=None):
+        self._timestep = None
+        self.timestep = timestep
+        self._traj_length = None
+        self.traj_length = traj_length
+        self._gradient = None
+        self.gradient = gradient
+        self._temperature = None
+        self.temperature = temperature
+        self._integrator = None
+        self.integrator = integrator
+        self._mass_matrix = None
+        self.mass_matrix = mass_matrix
+    @property
+    def timestep(self):
+        return self._timestep
+    @timestep.setter
+    def timestep(self, value):
+        self._timestep = value
+    @property
+    def traj_length(self):
+        return self._traj_length
+    @traj_length.setter
+    def traj_length(self, value):
+        self._traj_length = value
+    @property
+    def gradient(self):
+        return self._gradient
+    @gradient.setter
+    def gradient(self, value):
+        self._gradient = value
+    @property
+    def temperature(self):
+        return self._temperature
+    @temperature.setter
+    def temperature(self, value):
+        self._temperature = value
+    @property
+    def integrator(self):
+        return self._integrator
+    @integrator.setter
+    def integrator(self, value):
+        self._integrator = value
+    @property
+    def mass_matrix(self):
+        return self._mass_matrix
+    @mass_matrix.setter
+    def mass_matrix(self, value):
+        self._mass_matrix = value
+class HMCPropagationParam(MDParam, AbstractPropagationParam):
+    """
+    Holds all required information for propagating a system by HMC.
+    The system temperature is taken from the 
+    HMCPropagation.sys.hamiltonian.temperature property.
+    @param timestep: integration timestep
+    @type timestep: float
+    @param traj_length: MD trajectory length
+    @type traj_length: int
+    @param gradient: gradient governing the equations of motion, function of
+                     position array and time
+    @type gradient: callable
+    @param iterations: number of HMC iterations to be performed
+    @type iterations: int
+    @param integrator: Integration scheme to be utilized
+    @type integrator: l{AbstractIntegrator}
+    @param mass_matrix: mass matrix for kinetic energy definition
+    @type mass_matrix: L{InvertibleMatrix}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, timestep, traj_length, gradient, iterations=1,
+                 integrator=FastLeapFrog, mass_matrix=None):
+        super(HMCPropagationParam, self).__init__(timestep, traj_length, gradient,
+                                                  integrator=integrator, mass_matrix=mass_matrix)
+        self._iterations = None
+        self.iterations = iterations
+    @property
+    def iterations(self):
+        return self._iterations
+    @iterations.setter
+    def iterations(self, value):
+        self._iterations = value
+class MDPropagationParam(MDParam, AbstractPropagationParam):
+    pass
+class PlainMDPropagationParam(MDParam, AbstractPropagationParam):
+    """
+    Holds all required information for propagating a system by MD.
+    The system temperature is taken from the 
+    MDPropagation.sys.hamiltonian.temperature property.
+    @param timestep: integration timestep
+    @type timestep: float
+    @param traj_length: MD trajectory length
+    @type traj_length: int
+    @param gradient: gradient governing the equations of motion, function of
+                     position array and time
+    @type gradient: callable
+    @param integrator: Integration scheme to be utilized
+    @type integrator: l{AbstractIntegrator}
+    @param mass_matrix: mass matrix for kinetic energy definition
+    @type mass_matrix: L{InvertibleMatrix}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, timestep, traj_length, gradient,
+                 integrator=FastLeapFrog, mass_matrix=None):
+        super(PlainMDPropagationParam, self).__init__(timestep, traj_length, gradient,
+                                                 integrator=integrator, mass_matrix=mass_matrix)
+class HamiltonianSysInfo(AbstractSystemInfo):
+    """
+    Holds information describing a system by its Hamiltonian only.
+    @param hamiltonian: the Hamiltonian of the system to be described
+    @type hamiltonian: L{ReducedHamiltonian}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, hamiltonian):
+        self._hamiltonian = None
+        self.hamiltonian = hamiltonian
+    @property
+    def hamiltonian(self):
+        return self._hamiltonian
+    @hamiltonian.setter
+    def hamiltonian(self, value):
+        self._hamiltonian = value
+class AbstractStepStatistics(object):
+    '''
+    Abstract class defining a minimal interface for objects allowing to store statistics
+    of what happens in L{Step} instances.
+    '''
+    @abstractmethod
+    def update(self, step_index, shorttraj, stats_data):
+        pass
+class DummyStepStatistics(AbstractStepStatistics):
+    def update(self, step_index, shorttraj, stats_data):
+        pass
+class AbstractHeatWorkJacobianLogger(object):
+    '''
+    Abstract class defining the interface for objects keeping track of and accumulating
+    heat, work and the Jacobian during a nonequilibrium trajectory.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._heat = 0.0
+        self._work = 0.0
+        self._jacobian = 1.0
+    @abstractmethod
+    def accumulate(self, heat=0.0, work=0.0, jacobian=1.0):
+        '''
+        Adds heat and work contribution to the so far accumulated values and
+        "multiply-accumulates" the Jacobian to the so far "multiply-accumulated" values.
+        '''
+        pass
+    @property
+    def heat(self):
+        return self._heat
+    @property
+    def work(self):
+        return self._work
+    @property
+    def jacobian(self):
+        return self._jacobian
+class TrivialHeatWorkJacobianLogger(AbstractHeatWorkJacobianLogger):
+    def accumulate(self, heat=0.0, work=0.0, jacobian=1.0):
+        self._heat += heat
+        self._work += work
+        self._jacobian *= jacobian
+class NonequilibriumStepPropagator(AbstractPropagator):
+    """
+    Propagator class which propagates a system using NCMC-like
+    stepwise trajectories
+    @param protocol: stepwise protocol to be followed
+    @type protocol: L{Protocol}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, protocol):
+        self._protocol = None
+        self.protocol = protocol
+    def _calculate_deltaH(self, traj):
+        """
+        Calculate the difference of the Hamiltonian between the initial and
+        the final state of a NCMC trajectory.
+        @param traj: The NCMC trajectory between whose initial and final states
+                     the Hamiltonian difference should be calculated
+        @type traj: L{NonequilibriumTrajectory}
+        """
+        return self.protocol.steps[-1].perturbation.sys_after.hamiltonian(traj.final) - \
+               self.protocol.steps[0].perturbation.sys_before.hamiltonian(traj.initial)
+    def _create_heat_work_jacobian_logger(self):
+        '''
+        Factory method for the L{AbstractHeatWorkJacobianLogger} subclass instance
+        which keeps track of work, heat and Jacobian contributions during the nonequilibrium
+        trajectory.
+        @rtype: instance of an L{AbstractHeatWorkJacobianLogger}-derived class
+        '''
+        return TrivialHeatWorkJacobianLogger()
+    def _create_step_stats(self):
+        '''
+        Factory method for the L{AbstractStepStatistics} subclass instance
+        which can be used to collect statistics of what happens during steps.
+        @rtype: instance of an L{AbstractStepStatistics}-derived class
+        '''
+        return DummyStepStatistics()
+    def _set_initial_extra_info(self, init_state):
+        '''
+        Provides additional information for the first step in the protocol.
+        @rtype: any type
+        '''
+        return None
+    def _perform_step_iteration(self, estate, hwj_logger, step_stats, builder, extra_info):
+        '''
+        Performs the iteration over all steps in the nonequilibrium protocol.
+        @param estate: the state which will be evolved
+        @type estate: L{State}
+        @param hwj_logger: an instance of an L{AbstractHeatWorkJacobianLogger}-derived class,
+                           which keeps track of work, heat and Jacobian contributions
+        @type hwj_logger: subclass of L{AbstractHeatWorkJacobianLogger}
+        @param step_stats: an instance of an L{AbstractStepStatistics}-derived class,
+                           which may collect some statistics of what happens during steps
+        @type step_stats: subclass of L{AbstractStepStatistics}
+        @param builder: L{TrajectoryBuilder} instance in charge of building the L{Trajectory} object
+        @type builder: L{TrajectoryBuilder}
+        @param extra_info: Dictionary containing eventual additional information, which needs to
+                           be passed on from one step to the following
+        @type extra_info: any type
+        @rtype: L{Trajectory}
+        '''
+        for i in range(len(self.protocol.steps)):
+            shorttraj, extra_info, stats_data = self.protocol.steps[i].perform(estate, extra_info)
+            step_stats.update(i, shorttraj, stats_data)
+            hwj_logger.accumulate(shorttraj.heat, shorttraj.work, shorttraj.jacobian)
+            estate = shorttraj.final
+            if i == 0:
+                builder.add_initial_state(shorttraj.initial)
+            elif i != len(self.protocol.steps) - 1:
+                builder.add_intermediate_state(estate)
+            else:
+                builder.add_final_state(estate)
+        return builder.product
+    def generate(self, init_state, return_trajectory=False):
+        estate = init_state.clone()
+        hwj_logger = self._create_heat_work_jacobian_logger()
+        step_stats = self._create_step_stats()
+        builder = TrajectoryBuilder.create(full=return_trajectory)
+        extra_info = self._set_initial_extra_info(estate)
+        traj = self._perform_step_iteration(estate, hwj_logger, step_stats, 
+                                            builder, extra_info)
+        reduced_deltaH = self._calculate_deltaH(traj)
+        if init_state.momentum is None:
+            for s in traj:
+                s.momentum = None
+        result = NonequilibriumTrajectory([x for x in traj],
+                                          heat=hwj_logger.heat,
+                                          work=hwj_logger.work,
+                                          deltaH=reduced_deltaH,
+                                          jacobian=hwj_logger.jacobian, 
+                                          stats=step_stats)
+        return result
+    @property
+    def protocol(self):
+        return self._protocol
+    @protocol.setter
+    def protocol(self, value):
+        self._protocol = value
diff --git a/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/propagators.py b/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/propagators.py
index e7fc55c..ed2e26f 100644
--- a/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/propagators.py
+++ b/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/propagators.py
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import TrajectoryBuilder
 from csb.numeric.integrators import FastLeapFrog, VelocityVerlet
 from csb.numeric import InvertibleMatrix
 class AbstractPropagator(object):
     Abstract propagator class. Subclasses serve to propagate
@@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ class ThermostattedMDPropagator(MDPropagator):
         integrator = self._integrator(self.timestep, self.gradient)
         builder = TrajectoryBuilder.create(full=return_trajectory)
         heat = 0.
@@ -309,8 +308,11 @@ class AbstractMCPropagator(AbstractPropagator):
         for i in range(length):
-            builder.add_intermediate_state(self._sampler.state)
+            if i != length - 1:
+                builder.add_intermediate_state(self._sampler.state)
+        builder.add_final_state(self._sampler.state)
         self._acceptance_rate = self._sampler.acceptance_rate
         return builder.product
@@ -331,6 +333,7 @@ class AbstractMCPropagator(AbstractPropagator):
         return self._acceptance_rate
 class RWMCPropagator(AbstractMCPropagator):
@@ -396,7 +399,7 @@ class HMCPropagator(AbstractMCPropagator):
     @param temperature: See documentation of L{AbstractSingleChainMC}
     @type temperature: float
     def __init__(self, pdf, gradient, timestep, nsteps, mass_matrix=None,
                  integrator=FastLeapFrog, temperature=1.):
@@ -411,7 +414,7 @@ class HMCPropagator(AbstractMCPropagator):
     def _init_sampler(self, init_state):
         from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.singlechain import HMCSampler
         self._sampler = HMCSampler(self._pdf, init_state, self._gradient,
                                    self._timestep, self._nsteps,
@@ -423,3 +426,45 @@ class HMCPropagator(AbstractMCPropagator):
     def mass_matrix(self, value):
         self._mass_matrix = value
+class AbstractNCMCPropagator(AbstractMCPropagator):
+    """
+    Draws a number of samples from a PDF using the L{AbstractNCMCSampler}.
+    @param protocol: The nonequilibrium protocol specifying a sequence of
+                     perturbation and propagation steps
+    @type protocol: L{Protocol}
+    @param reverse_protocol: The protocol with the order of perturbation and
+                             propagation reversed in each step.
+    @type reverse_protocol: L{Protocol}
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, protocol, reverse_protocol):
+        self._protocol = None
+        self.protocol = protocol
+        self._reverse_protocol = None
+        self.reverse_protocol = reverse_protocol
+        pdf = self.protocol.steps[0].perturbation.sys_before.hamiltonian
+        temperature = self.protocol.steps[0].perturbation.sys_before.hamiltonian.temperature
+        super(AbstractNCMCPropagator, self).__init__(pdf, temperature)
+    @property
+    def protocol(self):
+        return self._protocol
+    @protocol.setter
+    def protocol(self, value):
+        self._protocol = value
+    @property
+    def reverse_protocol(self):
+        return self._reverse_protocol
+    @reverse_protocol.setter
+    def reverse_protocol(self, value):
+        self._reverse_protocol = value
diff --git a/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/singlechain.py b/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/singlechain.py
index 34033b1..77a56f6 100644
--- a/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/singlechain.py
+++ b/csb/statistics/samplers/mc/singlechain.py
@@ -54,14 +54,147 @@ L{State} objects in states, a histogram is created and finally plotted.
 import numpy
 import csb.numeric
+import csb.core
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
 from csb.statistics.samplers import State
-from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import AbstractSingleChainMC
-from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import SimpleProposalCommunicator
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import AbstractMC, MCCollection, augment_state
 from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.propagators import MDPropagator
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import NonequilibriumStepPropagator
 from csb.numeric.integrators import FastLeapFrog
 from csb.numeric import InvertibleMatrix
+class AbstractSingleChainMC(AbstractMC):
+    """
+    Abstract class for Monte Carlo sampling algorithms simulating
+    only one ensemble.
+    @param pdf: probability density function to sample from
+    @type pdf: subclass of L{csb.statistics.pdf.AbstractDensity}
+    @param state: Initial state
+    @type state: L{State}
+    @param temperature: Pseudo-temperature of the Boltzmann ensemble
+                        M{p(x) = 1/N * exp(-1/T * E(x))} with the
+                        pseudo-energy defined as M{E(x) = -log(p(x))}
+                        where M{p(x)} is the PDF under consideration
+    @type temperature: float
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, pdf, state, temperature=1.):
+        super(AbstractSingleChainMC, self).__init__(state)
+        self._pdf = pdf
+        self._temperature = temperature
+        self._nmoves = 0
+        self._accepted = 0
+        self._last_move_accepted = None
+    def _checkstate(self, state):
+        if not isinstance(state, State):
+            raise TypeError(state)
+    def sample(self):
+        """
+        Draw a sample.
+        @rtype: L{State}
+        """
+        proposal_communicator = self._propose()
+        pacc = self._calc_pacc(proposal_communicator)
+        accepted = None
+        if numpy.random.random() < pacc:
+            accepted = True
+        else:
+            accepted = False
+        if accepted == True:
+            self._accept_proposal(proposal_communicator.proposal_state)
+        self._update_statistics(accepted)
+        self._last_move_accepted = accepted
+        return self.state
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _propose(self):
+        """
+        Calculate a new proposal state and gather additional information
+        needed to calculate the acceptance probability.
+        @rtype: L{SimpleProposalCommunicator}
+        """
+        pass
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _calc_pacc(self, proposal_communicator):
+        """
+        Calculate probability with which to accept the proposal.
+        @param proposal_communicator: Contains information about the proposal
+                                      and additional information needed to
+                                      calculate the acceptance probability
+        @type proposal_communicator: L{SimpleProposalCommunicator}
+        """
+        pass
+    def _accept_proposal(self, proposal_state):
+        """
+        Accept the proposal state by setting it as the current state of the sampler
+        object
+        @param proposal_state: The proposal state
+        @type proposal_state: L{State}
+        """
+        self.state = proposal_state
+    def _update_statistics(self, accepted):
+        """
+        Update the sampling statistics.
+        @param accepted: Whether or not the proposal state has been accepted
+        @type accepted: boolean
+        """
+        self._nmoves += 1
+        self._accepted += int(accepted)
+    @property
+    def energy(self):
+        """
+        Log-likelihood of the current state.
+        @rtype: float
+        """
+        return self._pdf.log_prob(self.state.position)
+    @property
+    def acceptance_rate(self):
+        """
+        Acceptance rate.
+        """
+        return float(self._accepted) / float(self._nmoves)
+    @property
+    def last_move_accepted(self):
+        """
+        Information whether the last MC move was accepted or not.
+        """
+        return self._last_move_accepted
+    @property
+    def temperature(self):
+        return self._temperature
 class HMCSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
     Hamilton Monte Carlo (HMC, also called Hybrid Monte Carlo by the inventors,
@@ -101,7 +234,7 @@ class HMCSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
     def __init__(self, pdf, state, gradient, timestep, nsteps,
 				 mass_matrix=None, integrator=FastLeapFrog, temperature=1.):
         super(HMCSampler, self).__init__(pdf, state, temperature)
         self._timestep = None
@@ -126,26 +259,28 @@ class HMCSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
     def _propose(self):
-        if not self.mass_matrix.is_unity_multiple:
-            momenta = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mean=numpy.zeros(self._d), 
-                                                       cov=self._momentum_covariance_matrix)
-        else:
-            mass = self.mass_matrix[0][0]
-            momenta = numpy.random.normal(size=self._d, scale=numpy.sqrt(self.temperature * mass))
-        self.state = State(self.state.position, momenta)
-        proposal = self._propagator.generate(self.state, self._nsteps).final
+        current_state = self.state.clone()
+        current_state = augment_state(current_state, self.temperature, self.mass_matrix)
+        proposal_state = self._propagator.generate(current_state, self._nsteps).final
-        return SimpleProposalCommunicator(proposal)
+        return SimpleProposalCommunicator(current_state, proposal_state)
     def _calc_pacc(self, proposal_communicator):
-        proposal = proposal_communicator.proposal
+        current_state = proposal_communicator.current_state
+        proposal_state = proposal_communicator.proposal_state
         E = lambda x: -self._pdf.log_prob(x)
         K = lambda x: 0.5 * numpy.dot(x.T, numpy.dot(self.mass_matrix.inverse, x))
-        pacc = csb.numeric.exp((-K(proposal.momentum) - E(proposal.position)
-                               + K(self.state.momentum) + E(self.state.position)) / self.temperature)
+        pacc = csb.numeric.exp((-K(proposal_state.momentum) - E(proposal_state.position)
+                               + K(current_state.momentum) + E(current_state.position)) / 
+                               self.temperature)
+        if self.state.momentum is None:
+            proposal_communicator.proposal_state.momentum = None
+        else:
+            proposal_communicator.proposal_state.momentum = self.state.momentum
         return pacc
@@ -176,6 +311,7 @@ class HMCSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
         if "_propagator" in dir(self):
            self._propagator.mass_matrix = self._mass_matrix
 class RWMCSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
     Random Walk Metropolis Monte Carlo implementation
@@ -211,20 +347,27 @@ class RWMCSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
         self._stepsize = None
         self.stepsize = stepsize
         if proposal_density == None:
-            self._proposal_density = lambda x, s: x.position + s * numpy.random.uniform(size=x.position.shape, low=-1., high=1.)
+            self._proposal_density = lambda x, s: x.position + \
+                                     s * numpy.random.uniform(size=x.position.shape, low=-1., high=1.)
             self._proposal_density = proposal_density
     def _propose(self):
+        current_state = self.state.clone()
+        proposal_state = self.state.clone()
+        proposal_state.position = self._proposal_density(current_state, self.stepsize)
-        return SimpleProposalCommunicator(State(self._proposal_density(self._state, self.stepsize)))
+        return SimpleProposalCommunicator(current_state, proposal_state)
     def _calc_pacc(self, proposal_communicator):
-        proposal = proposal_communicator.proposal
+        current_state = proposal_communicator.current_state
+        proposal_state = proposal_communicator.proposal_state
         E = lambda x:-self._pdf.log_prob(x)
-        pacc = csb.numeric.exp((-(E(proposal.position) - E(self.state.position))) / self.temperature)
+        pacc = csb.numeric.exp((-(E(proposal_state.position) - E(current_state.position))) /
+                               self.temperature)
         return pacc
@@ -234,3 +377,131 @@ class RWMCSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
     def stepsize(self, value):
         self._stepsize = float(value)
+class AbstractNCMCSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
+    """
+    Implementation of the NCMC sampling algorithm (Nilmeier et al., "Nonequilibrium candidate Monte
+    Carlo is an efficient tool for equilibrium simulation", PNAS 2011) for sampling from one
+    ensemble only.
+    Subclasses have to specify the acceptance probability, which depends on the kind of
+    perturbations and propagations in the protocol.
+    @param state: Inital state
+    @type state: L{State}
+    @param protocol: Nonequilibrium protocol with alternating perturbations and propagations
+    @type protocol: L{Protocol}
+    @param reverse_protocol: The reversed version of the protocol, that is, the order of
+                             perturbations and propagations in each step is reversed
+    @type reverse_protocol: L{Protocol}
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, state, protocol, reverse_protocol):
+        self._protocol = None
+        self.protocol = protocol
+        self._reverse_protocol = None
+        self.reverse_protocol = reverse_protocol
+        pdf = self.protocol.steps[0].perturbation.sys_before.hamiltonian
+        temperature = self.protocol.steps[0].perturbation.sys_before.hamiltonian.temperature
+        super(AbstractNCMCSampler, self).__init__(pdf, state, temperature)
+    def _pick_protocol(self):
+        """
+        Picks either the protocol or the reversed protocol with equal probability.
+        @return: Either the protocol or the reversed protocol
+        @rtype: L{Protocol}
+        """
+        if numpy.random.random() < 0.5:
+            return self.protocol
+        else:
+            return self.reverse_protocol
+    def _propose(self):
+        protocol = self._pick_protocol()
+        gen = NonequilibriumStepPropagator(protocol)
+        traj = gen.generate(self.state)
+        return NCMCProposalCommunicator(traj)
+    def _accept_proposal(self, proposal_state):
+        if self.state.momentum is not None:
+            proposal_state.momentum *= -1.0
+        else:
+            proposal_state.momentum = None
+        super(AbstractNCMCSampler, self)._accept_proposal(proposal_state)
+    @property
+    def protocol(self):
+        return self._protocol
+    @protocol.setter
+    def protocol(self, value):
+        self._protocol = value
+    @property
+    def reverse_protocol(self):
+        return self._reverse_protocol
+    @reverse_protocol.setter
+    def reverse_protocol(self, value):
+        self._reverse_protocol = value
+class SimpleProposalCommunicator(object):
+    """
+    This holds all the information needed to calculate the acceptance
+    probability in both the L{RWMCSampler} and L{HMCSampler} classes,
+    that is, only the proposal state.
+    For more advanced algorithms, one may derive classes capable of
+    holding the neccessary additional information from this class.
+    @param current_state: Current state
+    @type current_state: L{State}
+    @param proposal_state: Proposal state
+    @type proposal_state: L{State}
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    def __init__(self, current_state, proposal_state):
+        self._current_state = current_state
+        self._proposal_state = proposal_state
+    @property
+    def current_state(self):
+        return self._current_state
+    @property
+    def proposal_state(self):
+        return self._proposal_state
+class NCMCProposalCommunicator(SimpleProposalCommunicator):
+    """
+    Holds all information (that is, the trajectory with heat, work, Hamiltonian difference
+    and jacbian) needed to calculate the acceptance probability in the AbstractNCMCSampler class.
+    @param traj: Non-equilibrium trajectory stemming from a stepwise protocol
+    @type traj: NCMCTrajectory
+    """
+    def __init__(self, traj):
+        self._traj = None
+        self.traj = traj
+        super(NCMCProposalCommunicator, self).__init__(traj.initial, traj.final)
diff --git a/csb/test/__init__.py b/csb/test/__init__.py
index d407100..c9a48e2 100644
--- a/csb/test/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/__init__.py
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class Config(object):
         Pickle.dump(ensemble, open(os.path.join(self.data, '1nz9.full.pickle'), 'wb'))
         mse = model1.chains['A'].find(164)
-        mse._pdb_name = 'MSE'
+        mse.label = 'MSE'
         mse.atoms['SD']._element = ChemElements.Se
         mse.atoms['SD']._full_name = 'SE  '
         Pickle.dump(model1, open(os.path.join(self.data, '1nz9.model1.pickle'), 'wb'))    
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/bio/fragments/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/bio/fragments/__init__.py
index 070057d..3c4dacd 100644
--- a/csb/test/cases/bio/fragments/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/cases/bio/fragments/__init__.py
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class SampleTarget(object):
             rmsd = chain.subregion(start, end).rmsd(source.subregion(start, end))
-            a = Assignment(source, start, end, id, start, end, probability=1.0, rmsd=rmsd)
+            a = Assignment(source, start, end, start, end, id=id, probability=1.0, rmsd=rmsd)
             a.secondary_structure = ss[start - 1: end]
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class TestTorsionAnglesPredictor(test.Case):
         # add more fragments at location 2..9; this will also alter the confidence
         for i in range(20):
             # these fragments come from 12..19 
-            target.assign(Assignment(source, 2 + 10, 9 + 10, 't', 2, 9, 1, 1))
+            target.assign(Assignment(source, 2 + 10, 9 + 10, 2, 9, 't', 1, 1))
         predictor = TorsionAnglesPredictor(target) 
         pred = predictor.flat_torsion_map()
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ class TestFragmentCluster(test.Case):
         self.assertEqual(rep.count, 3)
         self.assertEqual(rep.rejections, 3)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(rep.mean, 0.0444, places=4)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.c.mean(), 0.0444, places=4)
+        #self.assertAlmostEqual(self.c.mean(), 0.0333, places=4)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(rep.confidence, 0.2651, places=4)
         self.assertEqual(rep.centroid, self.c.centroid().centroid)
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ class TestFragmentCluster(test.Case):
             self.assertGreater(item.r, 1.1)            
     def testMean(self):
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.c.mean(), 0.5639, places=4)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.c.mean(), 0.4833, places=4)
     def testShrinkOne(self):
@@ -565,5 +565,6 @@ class TestRosettaFragmentMap(test.Case):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test.Console()
+    TestFragmentCluster.execute()
+    #test.Console()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/bio/hmm/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/bio/hmm/__init__.py
index 3c8f3da..514dc71 100644
--- a/csb/test/cases/bio/hmm/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/cases/bio/hmm/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import csb.test as test
-from csb.core import Enum
+from csb.core import Enum, OrderedDict
 from csb.bio.hmm import State, Transition, ProfileHMM, HMMLayer, ProfileLength, StateFactory, ProfileHMMSegment
 from csb.bio.hmm import StateExistsError, UnobservableStateError, EmissionExistsError
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ def build_hmm():
         hmm = ProfileHMM(units=ScoreUnits.Probability)
         factory = StateFactory()
-        background = { ProteinAlphabet.ALA: 0.02457563, ProteinAlphabet.CYS: 0.00325358, ProteinAlphabet.GLU: 0.01718016 }
+        background = OrderedDict([ (ProteinAlphabet.ALA, 0.02457563), 
+                                   (ProteinAlphabet.CYS, 0.00325358), 
+                                   (ProteinAlphabet.GLU, 0.01718016) ])
         emission = dict( (aa, 1.0 / i) for i, aa in enumerate(background, start=1) )
         # States
@@ -280,7 +283,7 @@ class TestState(test.Case):
     def testEmission(self):
         # also covers EmissionTable
         self.assertEqual(self.m.emission.length, 3)
-        self.assertEqual(list(self.m.emission), [ProteinAlphabet.ALA, ProteinAlphabet.CYS, ProteinAlphabet.GLU])
+        self.assertEqual(set(self.m.emission), set([ProteinAlphabet.ALA, ProteinAlphabet.CYS, ProteinAlphabet.GLU]))
         self.assertEqual(self.m.emission[ProteinAlphabet.CYS], 0.5)
         self.assertRaises(lambda: self.m.emission[ProteinAlphabet.GAP])
         self.assertRaises(UnobservableStateError, lambda: self.d.emission)
@@ -298,7 +301,7 @@ class TestState(test.Case):
     def testBackground(self):
         # also covers EmissionTable
         self.assertEqual(self.m.background.length, 3)
-        self.assertEqual(list(self.m.background), [ProteinAlphabet.ALA, ProteinAlphabet.CYS, ProteinAlphabet.GLU])
+        self.assertEqual(set(self.m.background), set([ProteinAlphabet.ALA, ProteinAlphabet.CYS, ProteinAlphabet.GLU]))
         self.assertEqual(self.m.background[ProteinAlphabet.CYS], 0.00325358)
         self.assertRaises(lambda: self.m.background[ProteinAlphabet.GAP])
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/bio/io/clans/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/bio/io/clans/__init__.py
index 0dc2df3..57b0f86 100644
--- a/csb/test/cases/bio/io/clans/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/cases/bio/io/clans/__init__.py
@@ -345,11 +345,13 @@ class TestClansParser(test.Case):
             (self.clans_instance.rotmtx - correct_rotmtx < 1e-6).all())
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.clans_instance.seqgroups), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.clans_instance.seqgroups), 4)
         seqgroup_names = ('insect hypoth. protein (2 copies, C term)',
-                          'allergens')
-        seqgroup_sizes = (20, 17)
+                          'allergens >= xyz',
+                          'empty group WITH terminal semicolon in numbers line',
+                          'empty group WITHOUT terminal semicolon in numbers line')
+        seqgroup_sizes = (20, 17, 0, 0)
         for i, seqgroup in enumerate(self.clans_instance.seqgroups):
             self.assertEqual(len(seqgroup), seqgroup_sizes[i])
@@ -384,6 +386,11 @@ class TestClansFileWriter(test.Case):
         in_hsps = False
         start_tag_hsp = '<hsp>\n'
         end_tag_hsp = '</hsp>\n'
+        in_seqgroups = False
+        start_tag_seqgroups = '<seqgroups>\n'
+        end_tag_seqgroups = '</seqgroups>\n'
         colorarr_tag = 'colorarr='
         color_tag = 'color='
@@ -396,6 +403,13 @@ class TestClansFileWriter(test.Case):
                 in_hsps = False
+            if original_line == start_tag_seqgroups:
+                in_seqgroups = True
+                continue
+            if original_line == end_tag_seqgroups:
+                in_seqgroups = False
+                continue
             if original_line.startswith(colorarr_tag):
                 ## remove colorarr_tag from beginning of line
                 original_line = original_line[len(colorarr_tag):].strip().strip(':')
@@ -439,6 +453,10 @@ class TestClansFileWriter(test.Case):
                 self.assertEqual(original_start_end, written_start_end)
                 self.assertTrue((float(original_value) - float(written_value)) < 1e-6)
+            elif in_seqgroups and (original_line == 'numbers=\n'):
+                ## a terminal semicolon is added by the ClansWriter
+                self.assertEqual(original_line.strip() + ';', written_lines[i].strip())
                 self.assertEqual(original_line, written_lines[i])
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/bio/io/cs/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/bio/io/cs/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4d6574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/cases/bio/io/cs/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import csb.test as test
+from csb.bio.io.cs import ChemShiftReader, ChemShift3Reader, ChemShiftFormatError
+from csb.bio.structure import ChemElements
+from csb.bio.sequence import ProteinAlphabet
+ at test.unit
+class TestChemShiftReader(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestChemShiftReader, self).setUp()
+        self.parser = self.klass()
+        self.file2 = self.config.getTestFile('2l01.v2.str')
+        self.file3 = self.config.getTestFile('2l01.v3.str')
+    @property
+    def file(self):
+        return self.file2
+    @property
+    def klass(self):
+        return ChemShiftReader
+    def testCreate(self):
+        klass = self.klass
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(klass.create(version=2), ChemShiftReader))
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(klass.create(version=3), ChemShift3Reader))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, klass.create, version=1)
+    def testGuess(self):
+        klass = self.klass
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(klass.guess(self.file2), ChemShiftReader))
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(klass.guess(self.file3), ChemShift3Reader))
+        dummy = self.config.getTestFile("2JZC.sum")
+        self.assertRaises(ChemShiftFormatError, klass.guess, dummy)
+    def testReadShifts(self):
+        content = open(self.file).read()
+        cs = self.parser.read_shifts(content)
+        self.assertEqual(len(cs), 11)
+        self.assertEqual(cs[0].name, "HA")
+        self.assertEqual(cs[0].element, ChemElements.H)
+        self.assertEqual(cs[0].shift, 3.977)
+        self.assertEqual(cs[1].name, "HB2")
+        self.assertEqual(cs[1].shift, 2.092)
+        self.assertEqual(cs[7].element, ChemElements.C)
+        self.assertEqual(cs[7].residue, ProteinAlphabet.MET)
+        self.assertEqual(cs[10].residue, ProteinAlphabet.LYS)
+        self.assertEqual(cs[10].shift, 4.423)
+    def testReadFile(self):
+        cs = self.parser.read_file(self.file)   
+        self.assertEqual(len(cs), 11)
+ at test.unit
+class TestChemShift3Reader(TestChemShiftReader):
+    @property
+    def file(self):
+        return self.file3
+    @property
+    def klass(self):
+        return ChemShift3Reader        
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test.Console()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/bio/io/fasta/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/bio/io/fasta/__init__.py
index 1b4f555..17d5eb4 100644
--- a/csb/test/cases/bio/io/fasta/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/cases/bio/io/fasta/__init__.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class TestSequenceParser(test.Case):
         s = self.parser.parse_file(self.file)
-        self.assertEquals(len(s), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(len(s), 3)
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(s[0], Sequence))
         self.assertEqual(s[0].id, 'gi|148654187')
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class TestSequenceParser(test.Case):
         s = self.parser.parse_string(self.data)
-        self.assertEquals(len(s), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(len(s), 3)
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(s[0], Sequence))
         self.assertEqual(s[0].id, 'gi|148654187')
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/bio/io/noe/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/bio/io/noe/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..495d4d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/cases/bio/io/noe/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+import csb.test as test
+import csb.io
+from csb.bio.io.noe import SparkyPeakListReader, XeasyPeakListReader, XeasyFileBuilder
+from csb.bio.structure import ChemElements
+from csb.bio.sequence import ProteinAlphabet
+ at test.unit
+class TestSparkyPeakListReader(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestSparkyPeakListReader, self).setUp()
+        self.elements = (ChemElements.H, ChemElements.C, ChemElements.H)
+        self.parser = SparkyPeakListReader(self.elements, [(1, 2)])
+        self.file = self.config.getTestFile('Sparky.peaks')
+    def testRead(self):
+        content = open(self.file).read()
+        spectrum = self.parser.read(content)
+        self.assertEqual(len(spectrum), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.min_intensity, 147454)
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.max_intensity, 204746)
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.element(0), self.elements[0])
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.element(1), self.elements[1])
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.dimensions, self.elements)
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.proton_dimensions, (0, 2))
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.num_dimensions, 3)
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.num_proton_dimensions, 2)
+        self.assertFalse(spectrum.has_element(ChemElements.Ca))
+        self.assertTrue(spectrum.has_element(ChemElements.C))
+        self.assertFalse(spectrum.has_connected_dimensions(0))
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.connected_dimensions(0), ())
+        self.assertTrue(spectrum.has_connected_dimensions(1))        
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.connected_dimensions(1), (2,))
+        self.assertTrue(spectrum.has_connected_dimensions(2))        
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.connected_dimensions(2), (1,))
+        peaks = list(spectrum)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].intensity, 157921)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].get(0), 3.418)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].get(1), 114.437)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].get(2), 7.440)
+    def testReadFile(self):
+        spectrum = self.parser.read_file(self.file)
+        self.assertEqual(len(spectrum), 3)
+    def testReadAll(self):
+        spectrum = self.parser.read_all([self.file, self.file])
+        self.assertEqual(len(spectrum), 6)        
+ at test.unit
+class TestXeasyPeakListReader(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestXeasyPeakListReader, self).setUp()
+        self.elements = (ChemElements.H, ChemElements.C, ChemElements.H)        
+        self.parser = XeasyPeakListReader()
+        self.file = self.config.getTestFile('Xeasy1.peaks')
+    def testRead(self):
+        content = open(self.file).read()
+        spectrum = self.parser.read(content)
+        self.assertEqual(len(spectrum), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.min_intensity, 1.291120e05)
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.max_intensity, 4.243830e05)
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.element(0), self.elements[0])
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.element(1), self.elements[1])
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.dimensions, self.elements)
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.proton_dimensions, (0, 2))
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.num_dimensions, 3)
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.num_proton_dimensions, 2)
+        self.assertFalse(spectrum.has_element(ChemElements.Ca))
+        self.assertTrue(spectrum.has_element(ChemElements.C))
+        self.assertFalse(spectrum.has_connected_dimensions(0))
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.connected_dimensions(0), ())
+        self.assertTrue(spectrum.has_connected_dimensions(1))        
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.connected_dimensions(1), (2,))
+        self.assertTrue(spectrum.has_connected_dimensions(2))        
+        self.assertEqual(spectrum.connected_dimensions(2), (1,))        
+        peaks = list(spectrum)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].intensity, 1.565890e05)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].get(0), 7.050)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].get(1), 10.374)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].get(2), 0.889)        
+ at test.unit
+class TestXeasyPeakListReader2(TestXeasyPeakListReader):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestXeasyPeakListReader2, self).setUp()
+        self.elements = (ChemElements.H, ChemElements.C, ChemElements.H)        
+        self.parser = XeasyPeakListReader()
+        self.file = self.config.getTestFile('Xeasy2.peaks')
+ at test.unit
+class TestXeasyFileBuilder(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestXeasyFileBuilder, self).setUp()
+    def testBuild(self):
+        content = self.config.getContent("Xeasy1.peaks")
+        spectrum = XeasyPeakListReader().read(content)
+        stream = csb.io.MemoryStream()
+        builder = XeasyFileBuilder(stream)
+        builder.add_header(spectrum)
+        builder.add_peaks(spectrum)
+        self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue().strip(), content.strip())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test.Console()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/bio/io/wwpdb/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/bio/io/wwpdb/__init__.py
index 3614475..6d7dc27 100644
--- a/csb/test/cases/bio/io/wwpdb/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/cases/bio/io/wwpdb/__init__.py
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 import os
+import sys
 import csb.test as test
 from csb.bio.io.wwpdb import EntryID, StandardID, DegenerateID, SeqResID, InvalidEntryIDError, HeaderFormatError
+from csb.bio.io.wwpdb import RobustResidueMapper, FastResidueMapper, CombinedResidueMapper, ResidueMappingError, SparseChainSequence
 from csb.bio.io.wwpdb import StructureParser, RegularStructureParser, LegacyStructureParser, UnknownPDBResidueError
 from csb.bio.io.wwpdb import get, find, FileSystemStructureProvider, RemoteStructureProvider, CustomStructureProvider, StructureNotFoundError
-from csb.bio.sequence import SequenceAlphabets, SequenceTypes
-from csb.bio.structure import ChemElements, SecStructures, Structure
+from csb.bio.sequence import SequenceAlphabets, ProteinAlphabet, SequenceTypes, RichSequence
+from csb.bio.structure import ChemElements, SecStructures, Structure, Chain
@@ -50,9 +52,8 @@ class TestMappingRegressions(test.Case):
         self.assertTrue(residue.atoms.length > 0)
         for an in residue.atoms:
-            self.assertTrue(residue[an]._het)
     def testNonStandardResidueMapping(self):
         @see: [CSB 0000052]
@@ -105,15 +106,15 @@ class TestLegacyStructureParser(test.Case):
     def testParseModels(self):
         ensemble = self.parser.parse_models()
-        self.assertEquals(ensemble.models.length, 10)
-        self.assertEquals(ensemble[0].model_id, 1)
-        self.assertEquals(ensemble.models[1].model_id, 1)        
+        self.assertEqual(ensemble.models.length, 10)
+        self.assertEqual(ensemble[0].model_id, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(ensemble.models[1].model_id, 1)        
     def testParseStructure(self):
         structure = self.parser.parse(model=1)
-        self.assertEquals(self.parser.parse_structure().model_id, 1)        
+        self.assertEqual(self.parser.parse_structure().model_id, 1)        
         self.assertEqual(structure.accession, '1d3z')
         self.assertEqual(structure.model_id, 1)
@@ -130,8 +131,10 @@ class TestLegacyStructureParser(test.Case):
         # Residue level 
         self.assertEqual(len(structure['A'][1:10]), 9)
         self.assertEqual(structure['A'][0].type, SequenceAlphabets.Protein.MET)             
-        self.assertEqual(structure['A'][0]._pdb_name, 'MSE')
-        self.assertEqual(structure['A'][1]._pdb_name, 'GLN')        
+        self.assertEqual(structure['A'][0].label, 'MSE')
+        self.assertEqual(structure['A'][1].label, 'GLN')
+        self.assertTrue(structure['A'][0].is_modified)
+        self.assertFalse(structure['A'][1].is_modified)   
         # Atom level
         self.assertEqual(structure['A'][1].atoms['CA'].element, None)
@@ -156,8 +159,8 @@ class TestLegacyStructureParser(test.Case):
     def testGuessSequenceType(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.parser.guess_sequence_type('AGM'), SequenceTypes.Protein)                                        
-        self.assertEquals(self.parser.guess_sequence_type('DOC'), SequenceTypes.NucleicAcid)                                      
+        self.assertEqual(self.parser.guess_sequence_type('AGM'), SequenceTypes.Protein)                                        
+        self.assertEqual(self.parser.guess_sequence_type('DOC'), SequenceTypes.NucleicAcid)                                      
         self.assertRaises(UnknownPDBResidueError, self.parser.guess_sequence_type, 'junk')
     def testFileName(self):
@@ -197,29 +200,72 @@ class TestRegularStructureParser(test.Case):
         super(TestRegularStructureParser, self).setUp()
         self.pdb = self.config.getTestFile('1d3z.regular.pdb')
+        self.mapping = self.config.getTestFile('mapping.pdb')
         self.parser = RegularStructureParser(self.pdb)
+    def testMapper(self):
+        p = RegularStructureParser(self.pdb, mapper=None)
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(p.mapper, CombinedResidueMapper))
+        p.mapper = FastResidueMapper()
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(p.mapper, FastResidueMapper))
+    def testCombinedMapping(self):
+        # default mapper        
+        c = self.parser.parse(self.mapping)['E']
+        self.assertEqual(c.residues[14].type, ProteinAlphabet.GLU)
+        self.assertEqual(c.residues[15].type, ProteinAlphabet.GLU)
+        self.assertEqual(c.residues[16].type, ProteinAlphabet.THR)
+        self.assertEqual(4, sum([1 for r in c if r.has_structure]))
+        # explicit combined mapper        
+        self.parser.mapper = CombinedResidueMapper()
+        c = self.parser.parse(self.mapping)['E']
+        self.assertEqual(4, sum([1 for r in c if r.has_structure]))
+    def testFastMapping(self):
+        self.parser.mapper = FastResidueMapper()
+        self.assertRaises(ResidueMappingError, self.parser.parse, self.mapping)
+        mapping2 = self.config.getTestFile('mapping2.pdb')
+        c = self.parser.parse(mapping2)['E']
+        self.assertEqual(2, sum([1 for r in c if r.has_structure]))
+    def testRobustMapping(self):
+        mapping3 = self.config.getTestFile('mapping3.pdb')
+        self.parser.mapper = RobustResidueMapper()
+        self.assertRaises(ResidueMappingError, self.parser.parse, mapping3)
+        c = self.parser.parse(self.mapping)['E']                
+        self.assertEqual(4, sum([1 for r in c if r.has_structure]))
     def testParseModels(self):
         ensemble = self.parser.parse_models()
-        self.assertEquals(ensemble.models.length, 10)
-        self.assertEquals(ensemble[0].model_id, 1)
-        self.assertEquals(ensemble.models[1].model_id, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(ensemble.models.length, 10)
+        self.assertEqual(ensemble[0].model_id, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(ensemble.models[1].model_id, 1)
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.parser.parse_models, (999, 1000))
         pdb = self.config.getTestFile('3p1u.pdb')
         ensemble = RegularStructureParser(pdb).parse_models()
-        self.assertEquals(ensemble.models.length, 1)    
-        self.assertEquals(ensemble[0].model_id, 1)
-        self.assertEquals(ensemble[0].resolution, 2.05)
+        self.assertEqual(ensemble.models.length, 1)    
+        self.assertEqual(ensemble[0].model_id, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(ensemble[0].resolution, 2.05)
     def testParseStructure(self):
         structure = self.parser.parse(model=2)
-        self.assertEquals(self.parser.parse_structure().model_id, 1)
-        self.assertEquals(structure.resolution, None)
+        self.assertEqual(self.parser.parse_structure().model_id, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(structure.resolution, None)
         self.assertEqual(structure.accession, '1d3z')
         self.assertEqual(structure.model_id, 2)
@@ -228,6 +274,7 @@ class TestRegularStructureParser(test.Case):
         self.assertEqual(structure.chains.length, 1)
         self.assertEqual(len(structure.chains), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(structure.chains['A'].sequence, ''.join([str(r.type) for r in structure.chains['A'] if r.has_structure]))        
         ss = structure.chains['A'].secondary_structure
         self.assertEqual(ss.to_string(), '-EEEEE-----EEEEE-----HHHHHHHHHHHHHH-HHH-EEEEE--EE------HHHHH-----EEEEEE')
@@ -241,13 +288,12 @@ class TestRegularStructureParser(test.Case):
         # Residue level 
         self.assertEqual(len(structure['A'][1:10]), 9)
         self.assertEqual(structure['A'][0].type, SequenceAlphabets.Protein.MET)                                                 
-        self.assertEqual(structure['A'][0]._pdb_name, 'MSE')
-        self.assertEqual(structure['A'][1]._pdb_name, 'GLN')
+        self.assertEqual(structure['A'][0].label, 'MSE')
+        self.assertEqual(structure['A'][1].label, 'GLN')
         # Atom
         vector = [52.647, -87.443, 9.674]
         self.assertEqual(structure['A'][0]['CA'].vector.tolist(), vector)
-        self.assertEqual(structure['A'][0]['CA']._het, True) 
     def testParseResidue(self):
@@ -264,8 +310,8 @@ class TestRegularStructureParser(test.Case):
     def testGuessSequenceType(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.parser.guess_sequence_type('AGM'), SequenceTypes.Protein)                                        
-        self.assertEquals(self.parser.guess_sequence_type('DOC'), SequenceTypes.NucleicAcid)                                      
+        self.assertEqual(self.parser.guess_sequence_type('AGM'), SequenceTypes.Protein)                                        
+        self.assertEqual(self.parser.guess_sequence_type('DOC'), SequenceTypes.NucleicAcid)                                      
         self.assertRaises(UnknownPDBResidueError, self.parser.guess_sequence_type, 'junk')
     def testFileName(self):
@@ -276,6 +322,100 @@ class TestRegularStructureParser(test.Case):
+class TestFastResidueMapper(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestFastResidueMapper, self).setUp()
+        self.mapper = FastResidueMapper()
+    def _build(self, string):
+        id = str(hash(string))
+        seq = RichSequence(id, "", string, SequenceTypes.Protein)
+        return SparseChainSequence.create(Chain.from_sequence(seq))                
+    def testMap(self):
+        ref = self._build("ZABCD")        
+        sparse = self._build("AC")
+        self.assertRaises(ResidueMappingError, self.mapper.map, sparse, ref)
+        sparse.residues[2].id = (22, None)
+        result = self.mapper.map(sparse, ref)
+        self.assertEqual(result.sequence, "-A-C-")
+    def testModifiedResidueMapping(self):
+        """
+        Strictly speaking, this is a regression test. But it so essential that
+        we should keep it here.
+        @see: [csb: 19]
+        """
+        pdb = self.config.getTestFile('modified.pdb')
+        structure = StructureParser(pdb, mapper=self.mapper).parse_structure()
+        chain = structure.first_chain
+        self.assertFalse(chain.residues[1].has_structure)
+        self.assertEqual(chain.residues[1].label, "MET")
+        self.assertTrue(chain.residues[19].has_structure)
+        self.assertEqual(chain.residues[19].label, "MSE")    
+ at test.unit
+class TestRobustResidueMapper(TestFastResidueMapper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestRobustResidueMapper, self).setUp()
+        self.mapper = RobustResidueMapper()              
+    def testMap(self):
+        ref = self._build("ABCD")        
+        sparse = self._build("EF")
+        self.assertRaises(ResidueMappingError, self.mapper.map, sparse, ref)
+        ref = self._build("ZABCD")        
+        sparse = self._build("AC")
+        result = self.mapper.map(sparse, ref)
+        self.assertEqual(result.sequence, "-A-C-")        
+    def testModifiedResidueMapping(self):
+        pdb = self.config.getTestFile('modified2.pdb')
+        structure = StructureParser(pdb, mapper=self.mapper).parse_structure()
+        chain = structure.first_chain
+        self.assertTrue(chain.residues[1].has_structure)
+        self.assertEqual(chain.residues[1].label, "MSE")
+        self.assertFalse(chain.residues[19].has_structure)
+        self.assertEqual(chain.residues[19].label, "MET")           
+ at test.unit
+class TestCombinedResidueMapper(TestFastResidueMapper):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestCombinedResidueMapper, self).setUp()
+        self.mapper = CombinedResidueMapper()              
+    def testMap(self):
+        ref = self._build("ZABCD")        
+        sparse = self._build("AC")
+        result = self.mapper.map(sparse, ref)
+        self.assertEqual(result.sequence, "-A-C-") 
+ at test.unit
 class TestFileSystemProvider(test.Case):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -485,6 +625,7 @@ def TestPDB():
+                sys.stdout.write("\n{0}\n".format(self.entry))
     var = 'PDBMASK'
@@ -499,6 +640,7 @@ def TestPDB():
     return suite
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/bio/nmr/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/bio/nmr/__init__.py
index 65de64d..7c5b4ea 100644
--- a/csb/test/cases/bio/nmr/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/cases/bio/nmr/__init__.py
@@ -1,37 +1,45 @@
-import csb.bio.nmr as nmr
-import csb.bio.sequence as sequence
 import csb.test as test
+from csb.bio.nmr import RandomCoil, AtomConnectivity, ContactMap, Filters, Label
+from csb.bio.nmr import ChemShiftInfo, ChemShiftScoringModel, NOESpectrum, NOEPeak
+from csb.bio.nmr import InvalidResidueError, EntityNotSupportedError
+from csb.bio.sequence import ProteinAlphabet
+from csb.bio.structure import ChemElements, Atom
+def get_chain():
+    s = test.Config().getPickle('1nz9.model1.pickle')
+    return s.first_chain.subregion(1, 5, clone=True)     
 class TestRandomCoil(test.Case):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestRandomCoil, self).setUp()
-        self.rc = nmr.RandomCoil.get()
-        self.chain = self.config.getPickle('1nz9.model1.pickle').first_chain
+        self.rc = RandomCoil.get()
+        self.chain = get_chain()
         self.residue = self.chain.residues[2]
     def testFactory(self):
-        self.assertTrue(nmr.RandomCoil.get() is nmr.RandomCoil.get())
+        self.assertTrue(RandomCoil.get() is RandomCoil.get())
     def testSimpleSecondaryShift(self):
         raw = 200.0
-        for r in ['A', 'ALA', sequence.SequenceAlphabets.Protein.ALA]:          
+        for r in ['A', 'ALA', ProteinAlphabet.ALA]:
                     self.rc.simple_secondary_shift(r, 'N', raw),
                     raw - 125)            
-                nmr.InvalidResidueError,
+                InvalidResidueError,
                 lambda:self.rc.simple_secondary_shift('$', 'N', 0))
-                nmr.EntityNotSupportedError,
+                EntityNotSupportedError,
                 lambda:self.rc.simple_secondary_shift('A', '$', 0))        
     def testSecondaryShift(self):
@@ -39,11 +47,329 @@ class TestRandomCoil(test.Case):
         raw = 200.0 
         for r in [self.residue, self.residue.rank, self.residue.id]:
                     self.rc.secondary_shift(self.chain, r, 'H', raw),
                     raw - (8.44 + 0.07 - 0.05 - 0.01))
+ at test.unit
+class TestAtomConnectivity(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestAtomConnectivity, self).setUp()        
+        self.ac = AtomConnectivity.get()
+    def testFactory(self):
+        self.assertTrue(AtomConnectivity.get() is AtomConnectivity.get())
+    def testConnected(self):
+        self.assertTrue(self.ac.connected(ProteinAlphabet.CYS, "SG", "HG"))
+        self.assertTrue(self.ac.connected(ProteinAlphabet.CYS, "SG", "CB"))
+        self.assertFalse(self.ac.connected(ProteinAlphabet.CYS, "SG", "H"))
+        self.assertTrue(self.ac.connected(ProteinAlphabet.CYS, "CA", "C"))
+        self.assertTrue(self.ac.connected(ProteinAlphabet.CYS, "CA", "HA"))
+        self.assertTrue(self.ac.connected(ProteinAlphabet.CYS, "CA", "CB"))
+        self.assertFalse(self.ac.connected(ProteinAlphabet.CYS, "CA", "HB"))
+    def testConnectedAtoms(self):
+        partners = self.ac.connected_atoms(ProteinAlphabet.CYS, "CA") 
+        self.assertTrue(partners, ("N", "C", "CB", "HA"))
+        partners = self.ac.connected_atoms(ProteinAlphabet.CYS, "SG")
+        self.assertTrue(partners, ("CB"))
+    def testContains(self):
+        self.assertTrue(self.ac.contains(ProteinAlphabet.CYS, "SG"))
+        self.assertTrue(self.ac.contains(ProteinAlphabet.ASP, "CG"))
+        self.assertFalse(self.ac.contains(ProteinAlphabet.ALA, "CG"))
+    def testGetAtoms(self):
+        atoms = frozenset(['C', 'HD2', 'CB', 'CA', 'CG', 'O', 'N', 
+                           'H', 'OD1', 'HA', 'OD2', 'HB3', 'HB2'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.ac.get_atoms(ProteinAlphabet.ASP), atoms)
+ at test.unit
+class TestContactMap(test.Case):
+    CHAIN = get_chain()
+    MAP = ContactMap(CHAIN, cutoff=1.75, filter=Filters.HYDROGENS)
+    MAP.build()
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestContactMap, self).setUp()
+        self.chain = TestContactMap.CHAIN
+        self.cm = TestContactMap.MAP
+    def testBuild(self): 
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.cm.atoms), 38)
+    def testContains(self):
+        self.assertFalse(self.chain[0]['C'] in self.cm)
+        self.assertTrue(self.chain[0]['HA'] in self.cm)
+    def testIterator(self):
+        self.assertEqual(list(self.cm), list(self.cm.contacts))
+    def testCutoff(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.cm.cutoff, 1.75)
+    def testChain(self):
+        self.assertTrue(self.cm.chain is self.chain)
+    def testAtoms(self):
+        self.assertTrue(self.cm.atoms[0] is self.chain[0]['H1'])
+        self.assertTrue(self.cm.atoms[-1] is self.chain[-1]['HZ'])
+    def testContacts(self):
+        c = self.chain        
+        contacts = set([
+                        (c[0]['H2'], c[0]['H3']),
+                        (c[0]['H2'], c[0]['H1']),
+                        (c[0]['H1'], c[0]['H3']),
+                        (c[1]['HE22'], c[1]['HE21']) ])
+        self.assertEqual(len(contacts), len(set(self.cm.contacts)))
+        for a1, a2 in contacts:
+            self.assertTrue((a1, a2) in contacts or (a2, a1) in contacts)
+    def testConnect(self):
+        # covers also cm.connected()
+        c = self.chain
+        cm = ContactMap(TestContactMap.CHAIN, cutoff=1.75, filter=Filters.CALPHAS)
+        self.assertFalse(cm.connected(c[0]['CA'], c[1]['CA']))
+        cm.connect(c[0]['CA'], c[1]['CA'])
+        self.assertTrue(cm.connected(c[0]['CA'], c[1]['CA']))
+        self.assertTrue(cm.connected(c[1]['CA'], c[0]['CA']))
+    def testConnected(self):
+        c = self.chain
+        self.assertTrue(self.cm.connected(c[0]['H3'], c[0]['H2']))
+        self.assertTrue(self.cm.connected(c[0]['H2'], c[0]['H3']))
+    def testAtomContacts(self):
+        atoms = set([self.chain[0]['H2'], self.chain[0]['H3']])
+        self.assertEqual(self.cm.atom_contacts(self.chain[0]['H1']), atoms)
+    def testResidueContacts(self):
+        residues = set([self.chain[0]])
+        self.assertEqual(self.cm.residue_contacts(self.chain[0]), residues)
+    def testPosition(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.cm.position(1, 'H1'), 1.0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.cm.position(2, 'HA'), 2.125)
+    def testCompare(self):
+        ci = ContactMap.compare(self.cm, self.cm, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(ci.precision, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(ci.coverage, 1)
+        ci = ContactMap.compare(self.cm, self.cm, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(ci.precision, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(ci.coverage, 0)        
+ at test.unit
+class TestLabel(test.Case):
+    def testBuild(self):
+        self.assertEqual(Label.build(ProteinAlphabet.ALA, 2, 'CA'), "A#2:CA")
+    def testFromShift(self):
+        shift = ChemShiftInfo(2, ProteinAlphabet.ALA, 'CA', ChemElements.C, 12)
+        self.assertEqual(Label.from_shift(shift), "A#2:CA")
+    def testFromAtom(self):
+        atom = get_chain()[1]['CA']
+        self.assertEqual(Label.from_atom(atom), "Q#2:CA")
+    def testGetAtom(self):
+        chain = get_chain()
+        self.assertEqual(Label.get_atom(chain, "Q#2:CA"), chain[1]['CA'])
+    def testMatch(self):        
+        atom = get_chain()[1]['CA']
+        shift = ChemShiftInfo(2, ProteinAlphabet.GLN, 'CA', ChemElements.C, 12)
+        self.assertTrue(Label.match(shift, atom))
+    def testParse(self):
+        self.assertEqual(Label.parse("Q#2:CA"), ("Q", 2, 'CA'))
+    def testFromString(self):
+        label = Label.from_string("Q#2:CA")
+        self.assertEqual(label.residue, ProteinAlphabet.GLN)
+        self.assertEqual(label.rank, 2)
+        self.assertEqual(label.atom_name, 'CA')
+ at test.unit
+class TestChemShiftInfo(test.Case):
+    def testConstructor(self):
+        shift = ChemShiftInfo(2, 'ALA', 'CA', 'C', 12)
+        self.assertEqual(shift.element, ChemElements.C)
+        self.assertEqual(shift.residue, ProteinAlphabet.ALA)
+        self.assertEqual(shift.position, 2)
+        self.assertEqual(shift.shift, 12)
+    def testLabel(self):
+        shift = ChemShiftInfo(2, 'ALA', 'CA', 'C', 12)        
+        self.assertEqual(shift.label, Label.from_shift(shift))
+ at test.unit
+class TestChemShiftScoringModel(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestChemShiftScoringModel, self).setUp()
+        self.model = ChemShiftScoringModel()
+    def testPositive(self):
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.model.positive('CA', 1), 0.191, places=3)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.model.positive('CA', [1, 1])[1], 0.191, places=3)
+    def testNegative(self):
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.model.negative('CA', 1), 0.127, places=3)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.model.negative('CA', [1, 1])[1], 0.127, places=3)    
+    def testScore(self):
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.model.score('CA', 1), 0.588, places=3)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.model.score('CA', [1, 1])[1], 0.588, places=3)
+ at test.unit
+class TestNOESpectrum(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestNOESpectrum, self).setUp()
+        self.elements = (ChemElements.H, ChemElements.C, ChemElements.H)
+        self.spectrum = NOESpectrum(self.elements)
+        self.spectrum.connect(1, 2)
+        self.spectrum.add(11, [1, 2, 3])
+        self.spectrum.add(12, [11, 22, 33])
+    def testGetitem(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum[0].intensity, 11)
+        self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda i: self.spectrum[i], 3) 
+    def testLen(self):
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.spectrum), 2)
+    def testMinIntensity(self):        
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum.min_intensity, 11)
+    def testMaxIntensity(self):        
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum.max_intensity, 12)
+    def testElement(self):        
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum.element(0), self.elements[0])
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum.element(1), self.elements[1])
+        self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.spectrum.element, 3) 
+    def testDimensions(self):        
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum.dimensions, self.elements)
+    def testProtonDimensions(self):        
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum.proton_dimensions, (0, 2))
+    def testNumDimensions(self):        
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum.num_dimensions, 3)
+    def testNumProtonDimensions(self):        
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum.num_proton_dimensions, 2)
+    def testHasElement(self):
+        self.assertFalse(self.spectrum.has_element(ChemElements.Ca))
+        self.assertTrue(self.spectrum.has_element(ChemElements.C))
+    def testHasConnectedDimensions(self):
+        self.assertFalse(self.spectrum.has_connected_dimensions(0))
+        self.assertTrue(self.spectrum.has_connected_dimensions(1))        
+        self.assertTrue(self.spectrum.has_connected_dimensions(2))        
+    def testConnectedDimensions(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum.connected_dimensions(0), ())
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum.connected_dimensions(1), (2,))        
+        self.assertEqual(self.spectrum.connected_dimensions(2), (1,))    
+    def testConnect(self):
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.spectrum.connect, 0, 2) # H-H
+        self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.spectrum.connect, 0, 3)            
+    def testIterator(self):
+        peaks = list(self.spectrum)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].intensity, 11)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].get(0), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].get(1), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(peaks[0].get(2), 3)        
+ at test.unit
+class TestNOEPeak(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestNOEPeak, self).setUp()
+        self.elements = (ChemElements.H, ChemElements.C, ChemElements.H)
+        self.spectrum = NOESpectrum(self.elements)
+        self.spectrum.connect(1, 2)
+        self.spectrum.add(11, [1, 2, 3])
+        self.spectrum.add(12, [11, 22, 33])
+        self.peaks = list(self.spectrum)
+    def testIntensity(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[0].intensity, 11)
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[1].intensity, 12)
+    def testNumDimensions(self):        
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[0].num_dimensions, 3)
+    def testHasConnectedDimensions(self):
+        self.assertFalse(self.peaks[0].has_connected_dimensions(0))
+        self.assertTrue(self.peaks[0].has_connected_dimensions(1))        
+        self.assertTrue(self.peaks[0].has_connected_dimensions(2))        
+    def testConnectedDimensions(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[0].connected_dimensions(0), ())
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[0].connected_dimensions(1), (2,))        
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[0].connected_dimensions(2), (1,))              
+    def testElement(self):        
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[0].element(0), self.elements[0])
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[0].element(1), self.elements[1])          
+    def testHasElement(self):        
+        self.assertTrue(self.peaks[0].has_element(self.elements[0]))
+        self.assertTrue(self.peaks[0].has_element(self.elements[1]))         
+    def testGet(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[0].get(0), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[0][0], 1)
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[1].get(1), 22)         
+        self.assertEqual(self.peaks[1][1], 22)
+        self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda i: self.peaks[0][i], 4)
+        self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.peaks[0].get, -1)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/bio/sequence/alignment/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/bio/sequence/alignment/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa7e33d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/cases/bio/sequence/alignment/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+import csb.test as test
+from csb.bio.sequence import RichSequence, SequenceTypes
+from csb.bio.sequence.alignment import IdentityMatrix, SimilarityMatrix
+from csb.bio.sequence.alignment import GlobalAlignmentAlgorithm, LocalAlignmentAlgorithm, AlignmentResult
+ at test.unit
+class TestIdentityMatrix(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestIdentityMatrix, self).setUp()
+        self.matrix = IdentityMatrix(2, -3)
+    def testScore(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.matrix.score("a", "a"), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(self.matrix.score("a", "b"), -3)
+ at test.unit
+class TestSimilarityMatrix(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestSimilarityMatrix, self).setUp()
+        self.matrix = SimilarityMatrix(SimilarityMatrix.BLOSUM62)
+    def testScore(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.matrix.score("A", "A"), 4)
+        self.assertEqual(self.matrix.score("A", "R"), -1)  
+        self.assertEqual(self.matrix.score("R", "A"), -1)
+ at test.unit
+class TestGlobalAlignmentAlgorithm(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestGlobalAlignmentAlgorithm, self).setUp()
+        self.seq1 = RichSequence('s1', '', 'CCABBBCBBCABAABCCEAAAAAAAAAAAAFAA', SequenceTypes.Protein)
+        self.seq2 = RichSequence('s1', '', 'AZCBBABAABCCEF', SequenceTypes.Protein)
+        self.algorithm = GlobalAlignmentAlgorithm(scoring=IdentityMatrix(1, -1), gap=0)  
+    def testAlign(self):
+        ali = self.algorithm.align(self.seq1, self.seq2)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.query.sequence,   "CCA-BBBCBBCABAABCCEAAAAAAAAAAAAFAA")
+        self.assertEqual(ali.subject.sequence, "--AZ---CBB-ABAABCCE------------F--")
+        self.assertEqual(ali.query.residues[3], self.seq1.residues[3])
+        self.assertTrue(ali.query.residues[3] is self.seq1.residues[3])
+        self.assertEqual(ali.qstart, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.qend, 33)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.start, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.end, 14)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.length, 34)        
+        self.assertEqual(ali.gaps, 21)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.identicals, 13)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.identity, 13 / 34.0 )
+        self.assertEqual(ali.score, 13)
+    def testEmptyAlignment(self):
+        seq1 = RichSequence('s1', '', 'AAAA', SequenceTypes.Protein)
+        seq2 = RichSequence('s2', '', 'BBBB', SequenceTypes.Protein)
+        ali = self.algorithm.align(seq1, seq2)
+        self.assertTrue(ali.is_empty)        
+ at test.unit
+class TestLocalAlignmentAlgorithm(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestLocalAlignmentAlgorithm, self).setUp()
+        self.seq1 = RichSequence('s1', '', 'CCABBBCBBCABAABCCEAAAAAAAAAAAAFAA', SequenceTypes.Protein)
+        self.seq2 = RichSequence('s1', '', 'AZCBBABAACBCCEF', SequenceTypes.Protein)
+        self.algorithm = LocalAlignmentAlgorithm(scoring=IdentityMatrix(1, -1), gap=-1)  
+    def testAlign(self):
+        ali = self.algorithm.align(self.seq1, self.seq2)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.query.sequence,   "CBBCABAA-BCCE")
+        self.assertEqual(ali.subject.sequence, "CBB-ABAACBCCE")         
+        self.assertEqual(ali.qstart, 7)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.qend, 18)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.start, 3)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.end, 14)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.length, 13)        
+        self.assertEqual(ali.gaps, 2)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.identicals, 11)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.identity, 11 / 13.0 )
+        self.assertEqual(ali.score, 9)
+    def testEmptyAlignment(self):
+        seq1 = RichSequence('s1', '', 'AAAA', SequenceTypes.Protein)
+        seq2 = RichSequence('s2', '', 'BBBB', SequenceTypes.Protein)
+        ali = self.algorithm.align(seq1, seq2)
+        self.assertTrue(ali.is_empty)
+ at test.unit
+class TestAlignmentResult(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestAlignmentResult, self).setUp()        
+        self.seq1 = RichSequence('s1', '', 'AB-D', SequenceTypes.Protein)
+        self.seq2 = RichSequence('s2', '', 'A-CD', SequenceTypes.Protein)        
+        self.ali = AlignmentResult(5.5, self.seq1, self.seq2, 10, 12, 20, 22)
+        self.es = RichSequence('s1', '', '')
+        self.empty = AlignmentResult(0, self.es, self.es, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+    def testConstructor(self):
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, AlignmentResult, 1, self.es, self.es, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, AlignmentResult, 0, self.es, self.es, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, AlignmentResult, 0, self.es, self.es, 0, 1, 0, 0)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, AlignmentResult, 0, self.es, self.es, 0, 0, 1, 0)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, AlignmentResult, 0, self.es, self.es, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, AlignmentResult, 1, self.seq1, self.seq2, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+    def testStr(self):
+        string = r"""
+   10 AB-D 12   
+   20 A-CD 22   """.strip("\r\n")
+        self.assertEqual(string, str(self.ali))
+    def testAlignment(self):
+        ali = self.ali.alignment()
+        self.assertEqual(ali.rows[1].sequence, self.seq1.sequence)
+        self.assertEqual(ali.rows[2].sequence, self.seq2.sequence)
+    def testQuery(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.query.sequence, self.seq1.sequence)
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.query.residues[2], self.seq1.residues[2])
+        self.assertTrue(self.ali.query.residues[2] is self.seq1.residues[2]) 
+    def testSubject(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.subject.sequence, self.seq2.sequence)
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.subject.residues[3], self.seq2.residues[3])
+        self.assertTrue(self.ali.subject.residues[3] is self.seq2.residues[3])         
+    def testQstart(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.qstart, 10)
+    def testQend(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.qend, 12)
+    def testStart(self):       
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.start, 20)
+    def testEnd(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.end, 22)
+    def testLength(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.length, 4)
+    def testScore(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.score, 5.5)
+    def testGaps(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.gaps, 2)
+    def testIdenticals(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.identicals, 2)
+    def testIdentity(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.ali.identity, 0.5) 
+    def testIsEmpty(self):
+        self.assertFalse(self.ali.is_empty)
+        es = RichSequence('s1', '', '')
+        empty = AlignmentResult(0, es, es, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+        self.assertTrue(empty.is_empty)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test.Console()
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/bio/structure/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/bio/structure/__init__.py
index f2e722d..8bca0fe 100644
--- a/csb/test/cases/bio/structure/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/cases/bio/structure/__init__.py
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class TestStructure(test.Case):
         self.assertFalse('A' in self.structure2.chains)
         for c in ['.', 'A']:
-            self.assertRaises(csb.core.ItemNotFoundError, self.structure2.chains.remove, c)       
+            self.assertRaises(structure.ChainNotFoundError, self.structure2.chains.remove, c)       
     def testAccession(self):
@@ -356,6 +356,19 @@ class TestStructure(test.Case):
         with self.config.getTempStream() as tmp:   
             self.assertEqual(pdbraw, open(tmp.name).read())            
+    def testFromChain(self):
+        new_structure = structure.Structure.from_chain(self.structure.first_chain)
+        self.assertEqual(new_structure.chains.length,1)
+        self.assertEqual(new_structure.first_chain.get_coordinates(('CA',)).tolist(),
+                         self.structure.first_chain.get_coordinates(('CA',)).tolist(),)
+        self.assertEqual(new_structure.first_chain.sequence,
+                         self.structure.first_chain.sequence)
 class TestChain(test.Case):
@@ -464,8 +477,8 @@ class TestChain(test.Case):
         self.assertEqual(self.chain.find('127', 'X'), self.chain[0])
         self.chain[0].id = 127, None
-        self.assertRaises(csb.core.ItemNotFoundError, self.chain.find, 127, 'X')
-        self.assertRaises(csb.core.ItemNotFoundError, self.chain.find, 999999)
+        self.assertRaises(structure.EntityNotFoundError, self.chain.find, 127, 'X')
+        self.assertRaises(structure.EntityNotFoundError, self.chain.find, 999999)
     def testComputeTorsion(self):
@@ -683,8 +696,16 @@ class TestResidue(test.Case):
         self.assertEqual(self.residue.insertion_code, None)    
     def testType(self):
-        self.assertEqual(self.residue.type, structure.SequenceAlphabets.Protein.ALA)        
+        self.assertEqual(self.residue.type, structure.SequenceAlphabets.Protein.ALA)
+    def testIsModified(self):
+        self.assertFalse(self.residue.is_modified)
+        self.assertTrue(self.chain[37].is_modified)
+    def testLabel(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.residue.label, repr(self.residue.type))
+        self.assertTrue(self.chain[37].label, 'MSE')
     def testTorsion(self):
         self.assertEqual(self.residue.torsion.phi, None)
         self.assertNotEqual(self.residue.torsion.psi, None)        
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/core/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/core/__init__.py
index c48dd4e..8eaebb7 100644
--- a/csb/test/cases/core/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/cases/core/__init__.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class TestDeepCopy(test.Case):
         obj = ['X']
         copy = utils.deepcopy(obj, recursion=(rec + 1))
-        self.assertEquals(obj, copy)
+        self.assertEqual(obj, copy)
         self.assertNotEquals(id(obj), id(copy))
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class TestEnum(test.Case):
         result = list(self.enum)
         members = [self.enum.A, self.enum.B, self.enum.C]
-        self.assertEquals(set(result), set(members))        
+        self.assertEqual(set(result), set(members))        
     def testInOperator(self):
         self.assertTrue(self.enum.C in self.enum)
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class TestEnum(test.Case):
     def testMembers(self):
         result = utils.Enum.members(self.enum)
         members = [self.enum.A, self.enum.B, self.enum.C]
-        self.assertEquals(set(result), set(members))
+        self.assertEqual(set(result), set(members))
     def testCreate(self):
         new = utils.Enum.create('NewEnum', A=11, B=22)
@@ -96,15 +96,15 @@ class TestEnum(test.Case):
         result = utils.Enum.names(self.enum)
         names = map(repr, [self.enum.A, self.enum.B, self.enum.C])
         names2 = map(operator.attrgetter('name'), [self.enum.A, self.enum.B, self.enum.C])        
-        self.assertEquals(set(result), set(names))
-        self.assertEquals(set(result), set(names2))        
+        self.assertEqual(set(result), set(names))
+        self.assertEqual(set(result), set(names2))        
     def testValues(self):
         result = utils.Enum.values(self.enum)
         values = map(int, [self.enum.A, self.enum.B, self.enum.C])
         values2 = map(operator.attrgetter('value'), [self.enum.A, self.enum.B, self.enum.C])        
-        self.assertEquals(set(result), set(values))
-        self.assertEquals(set(result), set(values2))
+        self.assertEqual(set(result), set(values))
+        self.assertEqual(set(result), set(values2))
     def testParseValue(self):
         item = utils.Enum.parse(self.enum, 66)
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class TestDictionaryContainer(test.Case):
         super(TestDictionaryContainer, self).setUp()
-        self.dict = utils.OrderedDict({'A': 1, 'B': 2})
+        self.dict = utils.OrderedDict([('A', 1), ('B', 2)])
         self.keys = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'Z')
         self.new = utils.DictionaryContainer
         self.test = utils.DictionaryContainer(items=self.dict, restrict=self.keys)
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class TestDictionaryContainer(test.Case):
         new._update({'A': 7})
         self.assertTrue('A' in new)
-        self.assertEquals(new['A'], 7)
+        self.assertEqual(new['A'], 7)
         self.assertRaises(utils.ItemNotFoundError, new._update, {'Z': 0})
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ class TestCollectionContainer(test.Case):
         new._update([98, 99])
         self.assertTrue(98 in new)
-        self.assertEquals(new.length, 2)
+        self.assertEqual(new.length, 2)
         self.assertRaises(TypeError, new._update, ['S'])
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ class TestOrderedDict(test.Case):
         items = [('G', 4), ('A', 2), ('C', 8), ('B', 7)]
         odict = utils.OrderedDict(items)
-        self.assertEquals(list(odict.items()), items)
+        self.assertEqual(list(odict.items()), items)
         for i, k in enumerate(odict):
             self.assertEqual(k, items[i][0])            
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/io/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/io/__init__.py
index 338e067..e303a70 100644
--- a/csb/test/cases/io/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/cases/io/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import os
+import sys
 import numpy
 import types
 import csb.io
@@ -18,16 +19,24 @@ class TestShell(test.Case):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestShell, self).setUp()
-        self.output = csb.io.Shell.run('echo TeST')
+        cmd = '{0.python} -c "print({0.text})"'
+        self.python = sys.executable.replace("\\", "/") # "\" fails on win7
+        self.text = "123"
+        self.output = csb.io.Shell.run(cmd.format(self))
+        if not self.python:
+            self.skipTest("Can't get interpreter's path")
     def testSTDOUT(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.output.stdout.strip(), 'TeST')
+        self.assertEqual(self.output.stdout.strip(), self.text)
     def testSTDERR(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.output.stderr, '')
+        self.assertEqual(self.output.stderr, '')
     def testExitCode(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.output.code, 0)  
+        self.assertEqual(self.output.code, 0)  
@@ -82,7 +91,7 @@ class TestTable(test.Case):
     def testInsert(self):
         self.t.insert([333, 333.0, '3 3 3']) 
-        self.assertEquals(self.t[3, 2], '3 3 3')
+        self.assertEqual(self.t[3, 2], '3 3 3')
         self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda:self.t.insert([1]))
@@ -90,20 +99,20 @@ class TestTable(test.Case):
         self.assertRaises(csb.io.tsv.InvalidColumnError, lambda:self.t.where('ID').equals(11).update('Missing', 0))            
         self.t.where('ID').equals(11).update('ID', 133)
-        self.assertEquals(self.t[0, 'ID'], 133)
-        self.assertEquals(self.t[1, 'ID'], 12)
+        self.assertEqual(self.t[0, 'ID'], 133)
+        self.assertEqual(self.t[1, 'ID'], 12)
         self.assertRaises(csb.io.tsv.InvalidColumnError, lambda:self.t.update('Missing', 0))
         self.assertRaises(csb.io.tsv.InvalidColumnError, lambda:self.t[0, 'Missing'])        
         self.t.update('ID', 13)
         for r in self.t[:, 'ID']:
-            self.assertEquals(r['ID'], 13)                    
+            self.assertEqual(r['ID'], 13)                    
         self.t[0, 'ID'] = 11
         self.t[1, 'ID'] = 12
-        self.assertEquals(self.t[0, 'ID'], 11)
-        self.assertEquals(self.t[2, 'ID'], 13)        
+        self.assertEqual(self.t[0, 'ID'], 11)
+        self.assertEqual(self.t[2, 'ID'], 13)        
     def testDump(self):
@@ -116,9 +125,9 @@ class TestTable(test.Case):
     def testScalar(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.table.scalar(0, 'ID'), 11)
-        self.assertEquals(self.table[0, 'ID'], 11)
-        self.assertEquals(self.table[0, 0], 11)
+        self.assertEqual(self.table.scalar(0, 'ID'), 11)
+        self.assertEqual(self.table[0, 'ID'], 11)
+        self.assertEqual(self.table[0, 0], 11)
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.table[:, :], csb.io.tsv.Table))
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.table[:, ('A',)], csb.io.tsv.Table))
@@ -129,46 +138,46 @@ class TestTable(test.Case):
     def testSelect(self):
         # test column selection
-        self.assertEquals(self.table.select().columns, ('ID', 'A', 'B'))
-        self.assertEquals(self.table.select('*').columns, ('ID', 'A', 'B'))
-        self.assertEquals(self.table[:, :].columns, ('ID', 'A', 'B'))
-        self.assertEquals(self.table[:, :'A'].columns, ('ID',))
-        self.assertEquals(self.table[:, 'ID':'B'].columns, ('ID', 'A'))                
+        self.assertEqual(self.table.select().columns, ('ID', 'A', 'B'))
+        self.assertEqual(self.table.select('*').columns, ('ID', 'A', 'B'))
+        self.assertEqual(self.table[:, :].columns, ('ID', 'A', 'B'))
+        self.assertEqual(self.table[:, :'A'].columns, ('ID',))
+        self.assertEqual(self.table[:, 'ID':'B'].columns, ('ID', 'A'))                
-        self.assertEquals(self.table.select(['B', 'A']).columns, ('B', 'A'))
-        self.assertEquals(self.table.select('A', 'B').columns, ('A', 'B'))
-        self.assertEquals(self.table[:, ('B', 'A')].columns, ('B', 'A'))
+        self.assertEqual(self.table.select(['B', 'A']).columns, ('B', 'A'))
+        self.assertEqual(self.table.select('A', 'B').columns, ('A', 'B'))
+        self.assertEqual(self.table[:, ('B', 'A')].columns, ('B', 'A'))
-        self.assertEquals(self.table.select(['A']).columns, ('A',))
-        self.assertEquals(self.table.select(['A']).columns, ('A',))
+        self.assertEqual(self.table.select(['A']).columns, ('A',))
+        self.assertEqual(self.table.select(['A']).columns, ('A',))
         def fr(t):
             return list(t)[0]
         # test data        
-        self.assertEquals(len(list(self.table[1:2, :])), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(len(list(self.table[1:, :])), 2)
-        self.assertEquals(len(list(self.table[(1, 2), :])), 2)
-        self.assertEquals(len(list(self.table[(0, 1, 2), :])), 3)                           
-        self.assertEquals(len(list(self.table[:, :])), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(self.table[1:2, :])), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(self.table[1:, :])), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(self.table[(1, 2), :])), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(self.table[(0, 1, 2), :])), 3)                           
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(self.table[:, :])), 3)
         firstrow = fr(self.table.select('B', 'A'))
-        self.assertEquals(firstrow[0], 'Row eleven')
-        self.assertEquals(firstrow[1], 11.1)
+        self.assertEqual(firstrow[0], 'Row eleven')
+        self.assertEqual(firstrow[1], 11.1)
-        self.assertEquals(fr(self.table[:, :])[0], 11)
+        self.assertEqual(fr(self.table[:, :])[0], 11)
-        self.assertEquals(fr(self.table[:, 'A'])[0], 11.1)
-        self.assertEquals(fr(self.table[:, 'B':])[0], 'Row eleven')
+        self.assertEqual(fr(self.table[:, 'A'])[0], 11.1)
+        self.assertEqual(fr(self.table[:, 'B':])[0], 'Row eleven')
-        self.assertEquals(fr(self.table[2, :])[0], 13)
-        self.assertEquals(fr(self.table[(1, 2), :])[0], 12)
-        self.assertEquals(fr(self.table[1:9, :])[0], 12)  
+        self.assertEqual(fr(self.table[2, :])[0], 13)
+        self.assertEqual(fr(self.table[(1, 2), :])[0], 12)
+        self.assertEqual(fr(self.table[1:9, :])[0], 12)  
     def testWhere(self):
         self.assertEqual(self.table.where('ID').equals(11).select('A').scalar(), 11.1)
-        self.assertEqual(self.table.where('ID').greater(12).select('A').scalar(), 13.3)        
+        self.assertEqual(self.table.where('ID').greater(12).select('A').scalar(), None)        
         self.assertEqual(self.table.where('ID').between(11, 12).select('A').scalar(), 11.1)        
         self.assertEqual(self.table.where('ID').in_(11).select('A').scalar(), 11.1)
         self.assertEqual(self.table.where('ID').in_(11, 12).select('A').scalar(), 11.1)                
@@ -265,7 +274,7 @@ class TestTempFile(test.Case):
             del temp
-            self.assertEquals(os.path.isdir(name), not dispose)
+            self.assertEqual(os.path.isdir(name), not dispose)
     def testMultipleHandles(self):
@@ -309,7 +318,7 @@ class TestTempFolder(test.Case):
             del temp
-            self.assertEquals(os.path.isdir(name), not dispose)
+            self.assertEqual(os.path.isdir(name), not dispose)
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/numeric/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/numeric/__init__.py
index 8e687dd..145c51c 100644
--- a/csb/test/cases/numeric/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/cases/numeric/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,27 @@
 import csb.test as test
 import numpy as np
+ at test.regression
+class MathRegressions(test.Case):
+    def testDihedralAngles(self):
+        """
+        r526
+        """
+        from csb.numeric import dihedral_angle
+        a = np.array([2, 0., 0.])
+        b = np.array([0, 0., 0.])
+        c = np.array([0, 2., 0.])
+        d = np.array([0, 4., -4.])
+        self.assertEqual(dihedral_angle(a, b, c, d), 90.0)
+        self.assertEqual(dihedral_angle(a, b, c, a), 0.0)
+        self.assertEqual(dihedral_angle(a, b, c, -d), -90.0)
 class TestMath(test.Case):
@@ -217,48 +238,48 @@ class InvertibleMatrixTest(test.Case):
         # Initialize with matrix
         testmatrix = InvertibleMatrix(self.m_general)
         # Check if it worked
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix._matrix.flatten().tolist(), 
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix._matrix.flatten().tolist(), 
         # Because the testmatrix.inverse hasn't been accessed yet, testmatrix._inverse should be None
         self.assertEqual(testmatrix._inverse_matrix, None)
         # Now we access testmatrix.inverse, which onyl now actually calculates the inverse
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix.inverse.flatten().tolist(), 
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix.inverse.flatten().tolist(), 
         # Let's change testmatrix via testmatrix.__imul__
         testmatrix *= 2.
         # Check if that worked
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix._matrix.flatten().tolist(),
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix._matrix.flatten().tolist(),
                              (2.0 * self.m_general.flatten()).tolist())
         # This operation should not have changed the testmatrix._inverse_matrix field, as
         # we didn't access testmatrix.inverse again
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix._inverse_matrix.flatten().tolist(), 
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix._inverse_matrix.flatten().tolist(), 
         # New we access testmatrix.inverse, which calculates the inverse and updates the field
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix.inverse.flatten().tolist(), 
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix.inverse.flatten().tolist(), 
                              (self.m_general_inv / 2.0).flatten().tolist())
         # The same again for testmatrix.__idiv__
         testmatrix /= 2.
         # Check if that worked
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix._matrix.flatten().tolist(),
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix._matrix.flatten().tolist(),
         # This operation should not have changed the testmatrix._inverse_matrix field, as
         # we didn't access testmatrix.inverse again
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix._inverse_matrix.flatten().tolist(), 
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix._inverse_matrix.flatten().tolist(), 
                              (self.m_general_inv / 2.0).flatten().tolist())
         # New we access testmatrix.inverse, which calculates the inverse and updates the field
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix.inverse.flatten().tolist(), 
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix.inverse.flatten().tolist(), 
         # Initialize with inverse matrix
         testmatrix = InvertibleMatrix(inverse_matrix=self.m_general_inv)
         # Let's see if that worked, e.g. if the testmatrix._inverse_matrix field has been
         # set correctly
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix._inverse_matrix.flatten().tolist(), 
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix._inverse_matrix.flatten().tolist(), 
         # Check if the property returns what it's supposed to be
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix.inverse.flatten().tolist(), 
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix.inverse.flatten().tolist(), 
         # We didn't call testmatrix.__getitem__() yet, so testmatrix._matrix should be None
         self.assertEqual(testmatrix._matrix, None)
@@ -267,7 +288,7 @@ class InvertibleMatrixTest(test.Case):
         # Now we access testmatrix by its __getitem__ method, which calculates the
         # testmatrix._matrix field from the testmatrix._inverse_matrix by inversion
         for i in range(len(testmatrix)):
-            self.assertListEqual(testmatrix[i].tolist(), invinv[i].tolist())
+            self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix[i].tolist(), invinv[i].tolist())
         testmatrix = InvertibleMatrix(inverse_matrix=self.m_general_inv)
         # Let's change testmatrix via testmatrix.__imul__
@@ -275,13 +296,13 @@ class InvertibleMatrixTest(test.Case):
         # That shouldn't have changed the testmatrix._matrix field (which currently
         # should be None), but the testmatrix._inverse_matrix field by a factor of 1/2.0 = 0.5
         self.assertEqual(testmatrix._matrix, None)
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix._inverse_matrix.flatten().tolist(),
-                             (self.m_general_inv / 2.0).flatten().tolist())
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix._inverse_matrix.flatten().tolist(),
+                                   (self.m_general_inv / 2.0).flatten().tolist())
         # Now we access testmatrix by __getitem__, which calculates the matrix
         # from the inverse and updates the field testmatrix._matrix
         invinv *= 2.0
         for i in range(len(testmatrix)):
-            self.assertListEqual(testmatrix[i].tolist(), invinv[i].tolist())
+            self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix[i].tolist(), invinv[i].tolist())
         # The same again for testmatrix.__idiv__
         testmatrix = InvertibleMatrix(inverse_matrix=self.m_general_inv)
@@ -289,16 +310,20 @@ class InvertibleMatrixTest(test.Case):
         # Check if testmatrix._matrix is None and if the testmatrix._inverse field
         # has been multiplied by a factor of 2.0
         self.assertEqual(testmatrix._matrix, None)
-        self.assertListEqual(testmatrix.inverse.flatten().tolist(), 
-                             (self.m_general_inv * 2.0).flatten().tolist())
+        self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix.inverse.flatten().tolist(), 
+                                   (self.m_general_inv * 2.0).flatten().tolist())
         # All that is supposed to leave testmatrix._matrix with None:
         self.assertEqual(testmatrix._matrix, None)
         # Now we access testmatrix by __getitem__ again, which calculates the matrix from
         # its inverse and updates the field
         invinv /= 4.0
         for i in range(len(testmatrix)):
-            self.assertListEqual(testmatrix[i].tolist(), invinv[i].tolist())
+            self.assertListAlmostEqual(testmatrix[i].tolist(), invinv[i].tolist())
+    def assertListAlmostEqual(self, first, second, places=None, msg=None, delta=0.00000001):
+        for i, j in zip(first, second):
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(i, j, places=places, msg=msg, delta=delta)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/csb/test/cases/statistics/samplers/__init__.py b/csb/test/cases/statistics/samplers/__init__.py
index 003bd2b..219648d 100644
--- a/csb/test/cases/statistics/samplers/__init__.py
+++ b/csb/test/cases/statistics/samplers/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import numpy as np
 import csb.test as test
+import csb
 from csb.statistics.pdf import Normal, AbstractDensity
@@ -7,19 +8,35 @@ from csb.numeric.integrators import AbstractGradient, VelocityVerlet, LeapFrog,
 from csb.numeric import InvertibleMatrix
 from csb.statistics.samplers import State
-from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import MDRENSSwapParameterInfo, ThermostattedMDRENSSwapParameterInfo
-from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import RESwapParameterInfo
-from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import AlternatingAdjacentSwapScheme
-from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.singlechain import HMCSampler, RWMCSampler
-from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.multichain import ReplicaExchangeMC, MDRENS, ThermostattedMDRENS
-from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.propagators import RWMCPropagator, HMCPropagator
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc import Trajectory
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.multichain import MDRENSSwapParameterInfo, MDRENS
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.multichain import ThermostattedMDRENSSwapParameterInfo
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.multichain import RESwapParameterInfo, AlternatingAdjacentSwapScheme
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.multichain import ReplicaExchangeMC, ThermostattedMDRENS
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.multichain import HMCStepRENS, HMCStepRENSSwapParameterInfo
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.multichain import AbstractSwapCommunicator, AbstractExchangeMC
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.multichain import AbstractSwapParameterInfo, ReplicaHistory
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.singlechain import HMCSampler, RWMCSampler, AbstractNCMCSampler
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.singlechain import AbstractSingleChainMC
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.propagators import RWMCPropagator, HMCPropagator, MDPropagator
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.propagators import AbstractNCMCPropagator, AbstractPropagator
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import ReducedHamiltonian, HamiltonianSysInfo
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import PlainMDPropagation, PlainMDPropagationParam
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import AbstractMDPropagation, HMCPropagation
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import Protocol, Step, AbstractPerturbation
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import ReducedHamiltonianPerturbation, AbstractPropagation
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import NonequilibriumStepPropagator
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import NonequilibriumTrajectory
+from csb.statistics.samplers.mc.neqsteppropagator import HMCPropagationParam
 class SamplePDF(Normal):
     def log_prob(self, x):
         return sum(map(super(SamplePDF, self).log_prob, x))
+    def grad(self, x, t):
+        return x / (self.sigma ** 2)
 class MultimodalPDF(AbstractDensity):
     def log_prob(self, x):
@@ -45,7 +62,6 @@ class Multimodal2DPDF(AbstractDensity):
         return np.array([(-6.25 * np.sin(2.5 * x[0]) + 0.08 * x[0]) * self._E2(x),
                          self._E1(x) * self.k * x[1]])
 class TestMCPropagators(test.Case):
@@ -95,8 +111,55 @@ class TestMCPropagators(test.Case):
         gen = HMCPropagator(self.pdf, self.gradient, self.timestep * 1.5, self.nsteps, mass_matrix=mm)
         self.checkResult(gen.generate(init_state, self.nits))
+    @test.skip("Takes quite a long time to run.")
+    def testNCMCPropagator(self):
+        Nhalf = 5
+        dt = 0.1
+        md_tl = 5
+        ks = np.linspace(1.0, 0.2, Nhalf).tolist()
+        sigmas = [1/np.sqrt(k) for k in ks]
+        sigmas += sigmas[::-1][1:]
+        N = len(sigmas)
+        pdfs = [SamplePDF(sigma=s) for s in sigmas]
+        hamiltonians = [ReducedHamiltonian(pdfs[i].log_prob, pdfs[i].grad) for i in range(N)]
+        sys_infos = [HamiltonianSysInfo(hamiltonians[i]) for i in range(N)]
+        steps = [Step(ReducedHamiltonianPerturbation(sys_infos[i], sys_infos[i+1],
+                                                     evaluate_work=False),
+                      PlainMDPropagation(sys_infos[i+1], 
+                                         PlainMDPropagationParam(dt, md_tl, pdfs[i+1].grad),
+                                         evaluate_heat=False))
+                 for i in range(N - 1)]
+        rv_steps = [Step(ReducedHamiltonianPerturbation(sys_infos[i], sys_infos[i+1],
+                                                        evaluate_work=False),
+                         PlainMDPropagation(sys_infos[i],
+                                            PlainMDPropagationParam(dt, md_tl, pdfs[i].grad),
+                                            evaluate_heat=False))
+                    for i in range(N - 1)]
+        for s in rv_steps:
+            s.set_propagation_first()
+        protocol = Protocol(steps)
+        rv_protocol = Protocol(rv_steps)
+        class MDProbStepNCMCSampler(AbstractNCMCSampler):
+            def _calc_pacc(self, proposal_communicator):
+                return np.exp(-proposal_communicator.traj.deltaH)
+        class MDPropStepNCMCPropagator(AbstractNCMCPropagator):
+            def _init_sampler(self, init_state):
+                self._sampler = MDProbStepNCMCSampler(init_state, self.protocol,
+                                                      self.reverse_protocol)
+        gen = MDPropStepNCMCPropagator(protocol, rv_protocol)
+        init_state = State(np.array([1.0]))
+        traj = gen.generate(init_state, self.nits, return_trajectory=True)
+        self.checkResult(traj)
 class TestMultichain(test.Case):
@@ -167,13 +230,14 @@ class TestMultichain(test.Case):
         self.assertAlmostEqual(p_occ_sampled1, p_occ, delta=4.0 * 0.035)
         self.assertAlmostEqual(p_occ_sampled2, p_occ, delta=4.0 * 0.035)
+    @test.skip("Takes some time, rendered optional by a unit test.")
     def testReplicaExchangeMC(self):
         params = [RESwapParameterInfo(self.samplers[0], self.samplers[1])]
         algorithm = ReplicaExchangeMC(self.samplers, params)
     def testMDRENS(self):
@@ -181,7 +245,7 @@ class TestMultichain(test.Case):
                                           0.025, 15, self.grad)]
         algorithm = MDRENS(self.samplers, params, integrator=VelocityVerlet)
     def testThermostattedMDRens(self):
@@ -190,7 +254,7 @@ class TestMultichain(test.Case):
         algorithm = ThermostattedMDRENS(self.samplers, params)
     def testThermostattedMDRensMM(self):
@@ -208,7 +272,645 @@ class TestMultichain(test.Case):
         algorithm = ThermostattedMDRENS(self.samplers, params)
+    def testHMCStepRENS(self):
+        self.set1pParams()
+        params = [HMCStepRENSSwapParameterInfo(self.samplers[0], self.samplers[1], 0.05, 3, 1,
+                                               self.grad, 5)]
+        algorithm = HMCStepRENS(self.samplers, params)
+        self._run(algorithm)
+class MockSwapCommunicator(AbstractSwapCommunicator):
+    pass
+class MockSwapParameterInfo(AbstractSwapParameterInfo):
+    pass
+class MockSampler(AbstractSingleChainMC):
+    def __init__(self, pdf, state, temperature=1.0):
+        self._state = state
+        self._pdf = pdf
+        self._temperature = temperature
+    def _propose(self):
+        pass
+    def _calc_pacc(self):
+        pass
+class MockedAbstractExchangeMC(AbstractExchangeMC):
+    def _propose_swap(self, param_info):
+        return MockSwapCommunicator(param_info, Trajectory([State(np.array([1.0])),
+                                                           State(np.array([2.0]))]),
+                                                Trajectory([State(np.array([2.0])),
+                                                           State(np.array([1.0]))]))
+    def _calc_pacc_swap(self, swapcom):
+        swapcom.acceptance_probability = 0.75
+        return swapcom
+ at test.unit
+class TestAbstractExchangeMC(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.samplers = [MockSampler(None, State(np.array([3.0]))),
+                         MockSampler(None, State(np.array([5.0])))]
+        self.param_info = MockSwapParameterInfo(self.samplers[0], self.samplers[1])
+        self.algo = MockedAbstractExchangeMC(self.samplers, [self.param_info])
+    def testAcceptSwap(self):
+        swapcom = MockSwapCommunicator(self.param_info,
+                                       Trajectory([State(np.array([1.0])),
+                                                   State(np.array([2.0]))]),
+                                       Trajectory([State(np.array([2.0])),
+                                                   State(np.array([1.0]))]))
+        np.random.seed(5)
+        swapcom.acceptance_probability = 0.75
+        res = self.algo._accept_swap(swapcom)
+        assert(res)
+        swapcom.acceptance_probability = 0.15
+        res = self.algo._accept_swap(swapcom)
+        assert(not res)
+    def testSwap(self):
+        np.random.seed(5)
+        res = self.algo.swap(0)
+        assert(res)
+        self.assertEqual(self.samplers[0].state.position[0], 1.0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.samplers[1].state.position[0], 2.0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.algo.statistics.stats[0].total_swaps, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(self.algo.statistics.stats[0].accepted_swaps, 1)
+        np.random.seed(4)
+        res = self.algo.swap(0)
+        assert(not res)
+        self.assertEqual(self.samplers[0].state.position[0], 1.0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.samplers[1].state.position[0], 2.0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.algo.statistics.stats[0].total_swaps, 2)
+        self.assertEqual(self.algo.statistics.stats[0].accepted_swaps, 1)
+ at test.unit
+class TestReplicaExchangeMC(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        pdf1 = HO()
+        pdf2 = HO(k1=2.0, k2=2.0)
+        self.samplers = [MockSampler(pdf1, State(np.array([3.0]))),
+                         MockSampler(pdf2, State(np.array([5.0])))]
+        self.param_info = RESwapParameterInfo(self.samplers[0], self.samplers[1])
+        self.algo = ReplicaExchangeMC(self.samplers, [self.param_info])
+    def testProposeSwap(self):
+        res = self.algo._propose_swap(self.param_info)
+        self.assertEqual(res.traj12.initial.position[0], 3.0)
+        self.assertEqual(res.traj12.final.position[0], 3.0)
+        self.assertEqual(res.traj21.initial.position[0], 5.0)
+        self.assertEqual(res.traj21.final.position[0], 5.0)
+    def testCalcPaccSwap(self):
+        swapcom = self.algo._propose_swap(self.param_info)
+        res = self.algo._calc_pacc_swap(swapcom)
+        self.assertEqual(res.acceptance_probability, csb.numeric.exp(-12.5 + 4.5 - 9.0 + 25.0))
+class HO(object):
+    def __init__(self, k1=1.0, k2=1.0, x1=0.0, x2=0.0, tau=1.0):
+        self.k1 = k1
+        self.k2 = k2
+        self.x1 = x1
+        self.x2 = x2
+        self.tau = tau
+        self.kt = lambda t: self.k2 * t / self.tau + (1 - t / self.tau) * self.k1
+        self.xt = lambda t: self.x2 * t / self.tau + (1 - t / self.tau) * self.x1
+    def log_prob(self, x, t=0.0):
+        return -0.5 * self.kt(t) * sum((x - self.xt(t)) ** 2)
+    def gradient(self, x, t):
+        return self.kt(t) * (x - self.xt(t))
+class MockPropagator(AbstractPropagator):
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def generate(self, init_state, length, return_trajectory=False):
+        final_state = State(init_state.position * 2, init_state.momentum * 2)
+        return Trajectory([init_state, final_state])
+class MDPropagationMocked(AbstractMDPropagation):
+    def _propagator_factory(self):
+        return MockMDPropagator()
+class PlainMDPropagationMocked(PlainMDPropagation):
+    def _propagator_factory(self):
+        return MockPropagator()
+class HMCPropagationMocked(HMCPropagation):
+    def _propagator_factory(self):
+        return MockPropagator()
+class MockPerturbation(AbstractPerturbation):
+    @property
+    def sys_before(self):
+        pdf = HO()
+        return HamiltonianSysInfo(ReducedHamiltonian(pdf.log_prob, pdf.gradient))
+    @property
+    def sys_after(self):
+        pdf = HO()
+        return HamiltonianSysInfo(ReducedHamiltonian(pdf.log_prob, pdf.gradient))
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def _run_perturbator(self, state):
+        final = State(state.position * 2, state.momentum * 2)
+        return Trajectory([state, final])
+    def _calculate_work(self, traj):
+        return 42.0
+    def _calculate_jacobian(self, traj):
+        return 1.1
+class MockPropagation(AbstractPropagation):
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    @property
+    def sys(self):
+        pdf = HO()
+        return HamiltonianSysInfo(pdf.log_prob, pdf.gradient)
+    def _run_propagator(self, state):
+        final = State(state.position * 2, state.momentum * 2)
+        return Trajectory([state, final])
+    def _calculate_heat(self, traj):
+        return -42.0
+    def _propagator_factory(self):
+        return None
+class MockStep(Step):
+    def __init__(self, return_momentum=True):
+        self._return_momentum = return_momentum
+        self._perform = None
+        self.perform = self._perform_pert_prop
+    @property
+    def perturbation(self):
+        return MockPerturbation()
+    def _perform_pert_prop(self, state, extra_info=None):
+        if self._return_momentum == True:
+            final = State(state.position * 2, state.momentum * 2)
+        else:
+            final = State(state.position * 2)
+        res = NonequilibriumTrajectory([state, final], heat=-42.0, work=42.0, jacobian=1.1)
+        return res, None, None
+    def _perform_prop_pert(self, state, extra_info=None):
+        if self._return_momentum == True:
+            final = State(state.position * 2, state.momentum * 2)
+        else:
+            final = State(state.position * 2)
+        res = NonequilibriumTrajectory([state, final], heat=42.0, work=-42.0, jacobian=1.1)
+        return res, None, None
+class MockProtocol(Protocol):
+    def __init__(self, momentum=True):
+        self._momentum = momentum
+        self.steps = [MockStep(self._momentum), MockStep(self._momentum)]
+ at test.unit
+class TestNeqsteppropagator(test.Case):
+    def testReducedHamiltonian(self):
+        pdf = HO(k1=2.0, k2=2.0)
+        init = State(np.array([2.0]), np.array([-2.0]))
+        ham = ReducedHamiltonian(lambda x: pdf.log_prob(x, 0.0), pdf.gradient, temperature=4.0)
+        self.assertEqual(4.0, ham.E(init.position))
+        self.assertEqual(2.0, ham.kinetic_energy(init.momentum))
+        self.assertEqual(0.0, ham.kinetic_energy(None))
+        self.assertEqual(-1.0, ham.rlog_prob(init.position))
+        self.assertEqual(0.5, ham.rkinetic_energy(init.momentum))
+        self.assertEqual(1.5, ham(init))
+    def testHMCPropagation(self):
+        pdf = HO()
+        sys = HamiltonianSysInfo(ReducedHamiltonian(pdf.log_prob, pdf.gradient))
+        param = HMCPropagationParam(None, None, None)
+        hmcprop = HMCPropagationMocked(sys, param)
+        init = State(np.array([2.0]), np.array([2.0]))
+        ## Test _set_mass_matrix
+        d = len(init.position)
+        param = HMCPropagationParam(None, None, None, mass_matrix=InvertibleMatrix(np.eye(d)))
+        hmcprop = HMCPropagationMocked(sys, param)
+        hmcprop._set_mass_matrix(init)
+        self.assertEqual(hmcprop.param.mass_matrix,
+                         InvertibleMatrix(np.eye(len(init.position))))
+        param = HMCPropagationParam(None, None, None)
+        hmcprop = HMCPropagationMocked(sys, param)
+        hmcprop._set_mass_matrix(init)
+        self.assertEqual(hmcprop.param.mass_matrix,
+                         InvertibleMatrix(np.eye(len(init.position))))
+        ## Test _calculate_heat
+        final = State(init.position * 2, init.momentum * 2)
+        traj = Trajectory([init, final])
+        self.assertEqual(hmcprop._calculate_heat(traj), 6.0)
+        ## Test __call__
+        result = hmcprop(init)
+        self.assertEqual(init.position, result.initial.position)
+        self.assertEqual(init.momentum, result.initial.momentum)
+        self.assertEqual(result.final.position, init.position * 2)
+        self.assertEqual(result.final.momentum, init.momentum * 2)
+        self.assertEqual(result.heat, 6.0)
+    def testPlainMDPropagation(self):
+        pdf = HO()
+        sys = HamiltonianSysInfo(ReducedHamiltonian(pdf.log_prob, pdf.gradient))
+        init = State(np.array([2.0]), np.array([2.0]))
+        ## Test _set_mass_matrix
+        d = len(init.position)
+        param = PlainMDPropagationParam(None, None, None, 
+                                        mass_matrix=InvertibleMatrix(np.eye(d)))
+        mdprop = PlainMDPropagationMocked(sys, param)
+        mdprop._set_mass_matrix(init)
+        self.assertEqual(mdprop.param.mass_matrix,
+                         InvertibleMatrix(np.eye(d)))
+        param = PlainMDPropagationParam(None, None, None)
+        mdprop = PlainMDPropagationMocked(sys, param)
+        mdprop._set_mass_matrix(init)
+        self.assertEqual(mdprop.param.mass_matrix,
+                         InvertibleMatrix(np.eye(d)))
+        ## Test _calculate_heat
+        final = State(init.position * 2, init.momentum * 2)
+        traj = Trajectory([init, final])
+        self.assertEqual(mdprop._calculate_heat(traj), 12.0)
+        ## Test __call__
+        result = mdprop(init)
+        self.assertEqual(init.position, result.initial.position)
+        self.assertEqual(init.momentum, result.initial.momentum)
+        self.assertEqual(result.final.position, init.position * 2)
+        self.assertEqual(result.final.momentum, init.momentum * 2)
+        self.assertEqual(result.heat, 12.0)
+    def testReducedHamiltonianPerturbation(self):
+        pdf = HO(k1=1.0, k2=2.0)
+        redham1 = ReducedHamiltonian(lambda x: pdf.log_prob(x, 0.0))
+        redham2 = ReducedHamiltonian(lambda x: pdf.log_prob(x, 1.0))
+        sys1 = HamiltonianSysInfo(redham1)
+        sys2 = HamiltonianSysInfo(redham2)
+        init = State(np.array([2.0]), np.array([2.0]))
+        traj = Trajectory([init, init])
+        hampert = ReducedHamiltonianPerturbation(sys1, sys2)
+        ## Test _calculate_work
+        self.assertEqual(hampert._calculate_work(traj), 2.0)
+        ## Test __call__
+        result = hampert(init)
+        self.assertEqual(result.initial.position[0], init.position[0])
+        self.assertEqual(result.initial.momentum[0], init.momentum[0])
+        self.assertEqual(result.initial.position[0], result.final.position[0])
+        self.assertEqual(result.initial.momentum[0], result.final.momentum[0])
+        self.assertEqual(result.work, 2.0)
+        self.assertEqual(result.jacobian, 1.0)
+    def testStep(self):
+        step = Step(MockPerturbation(), MockPropagation())
+        init = State(np.array([2.0]), np.array([2.0]))
+        ## Test step with first perturbation, then propagation
+        res = step.perform(init)[0]
+        self.assertEqual(res.final.position, init.position * 4)
+        self.assertEqual(res.final.momentum, init.momentum * 4)
+        self.assertEqual(res.heat, -42.0)
+        self.assertEqual(res.work, 42.0)
+        self.assertEqual(res.jacobian, 1.1)
+        ## Test step with first perturbation, then propagation
+        step.set_propagation_first()
+        res = step.perform(init)[0]
+        self.assertEqual(step.perform, step._perform_prop_pert)
+        self.assertEqual(res.final.position, init.position * 4)
+        self.assertEqual(res.final.momentum, init.momentum * 4)
+        self.assertEqual(res.heat, -42.0)
+        self.assertEqual(res.work, 42.0)
+        self.assertEqual(res.jacobian, 1.1)
+    def testNonequilibriumStepPropagator(self):
+        protocol = Protocol([MockStep(True) for i in range(10)])
+        gen = NonequilibriumStepPropagator(protocol)
+        ## Test generate()
+        init = State(np.array([2.0]), np.array([2.0]))
+        res = gen.generate(init)
+        self.assertEqual(res.final.position, init.position * (2 ** 10))
+        self.assertEqual(res.final.momentum, init.momentum * (2 ** 10))    
+        self.assertEqual(res.work, 10 * 42)
+        self.assertEqual(res.heat, -10 * 42)
+        self.assertEqual(res.jacobian, 1.1 ** 10)
+class MockedNCMCSampler(AbstractNCMCSampler):
+    def _calc_pacc(self, proposal_communicator):
+        return proposal_communicator.traj.final.position[0]
+ at test.unit
+class TestNCMCSampler(test.Case):
+    def testProposeWithMomentum(self):
+        self.protocol = MockProtocol(True)
+        self.reverse_protocol = MockProtocol(True)
+        for s in self.reverse_protocol.steps:
+            s.set_propagation_first()
+        ## Test with momentum
+        init = State(np.array([2.0]), np.array([2.0]))
+        sampler = MockedNCMCSampler(init, self.protocol, self.reverse_protocol)
+        ## Test _propose
+        # Make sure the first random number is < 0.5
+        np.random.seed(5)
+        result = sampler._propose()
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.heat, - 2 * 42)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.work, 2 * 42)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.initial.position[0], init.position[0])
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.final.position[0],  init.position[0] * 4)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.initial.momentum[0], init.momentum[0])
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.final.momentum[0],  init.momentum[0] * 4)
+        # Make sure the first random number is > 0.5
+        np.random.seed(4)
+        result = sampler._propose()
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.heat, 2 * 42)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.work, - 2 * 42)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.initial.position[0], init.position[0])
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.final.position[0],  init.position[0] * 4)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.initial.momentum[0], init.momentum[0])
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.final.momentum[0],  init.momentum[0] * 4)
+    def testProposeWithoutMomentum(self):
+        self.protocol = MockProtocol(False)
+        self.reverse_protocol = MockProtocol(False)
+        for s in self.reverse_protocol.steps:
+            s.set_propagation_first()
+        ## Test without momentum
+        init = State(np.array([2.0]))
+        sampler = MockedNCMCSampler(init, self.protocol, self.reverse_protocol)
+        ## Test _propose
+        # Make sure the first random number is < 0.5
+        np.random.seed(5)
+        result = sampler._propose()
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.heat, - 2 * 42)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.work, 2 * 42)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.initial.position[0], init.position[0])
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.final.position[0],  init.position[0] * 4)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.initial.momentum, None)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.final.momentum, None)
+        # Make sure the first random number is > 0.5
+        np.random.seed(4)
+        result = sampler._propose()
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.heat, 2 * 42)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.work, - 2 * 42)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.initial.position[0], init.position[0])
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.final.position[0],  init.position[0] * 4)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.initial.momentum, None)
+        self.assertEqual(result.traj.final.momentum, None)
+class HState(State):
+    def clone(self):
+        s = super(HState, self).clone()
+        s.history = self.history
+        return s
+ at test.functional
+class TestReplicaHistory(test.Case):
+    def setUp(self):
+        pass
+    def _runSimulation(self, n_replicas, swap_interval, first_swap):
+        temperatures = np.linspace(1.0, 5.0, n_replicas)
+        init_states = [HState(np.array([1.0])) for T in temperatures]
+        for i, x in enumerate(init_states):
+            x.history = []
+        samplers = [RWMCSampler(SamplePDF(), init_states[i], stepsize=1.0, temperature=T) 
+                    for i, T in enumerate(temperatures)]
+        params = [RESwapParameterInfo(samplers[i], samplers[i+1]) for i in range(len(samplers) - 1)]
+        algo = ReplicaExchangeMC(samplers, params)
+        swapper = AlternatingAdjacentSwapScheme(algo)
+        samples = []
+        for i in range(500):
+            if (i - first_swap) % swap_interval == 0 and i > 0 and i >= first_swap:
+                swapper.swap_all()
+            else:
+                algo.sample()
+            for j, s in enumerate(algo.state):
+                s.history.append(j)
+            samples.append(algo.state)
+        return samples
+    def _assertIdenticalHistories(self, samples, interval, first_swap=None):
+        rh = ReplicaHistory(samples, interval, first_swap)
+        for i in range(len(samples[0])):
+            h = rh.calculate_history(i)
+            for j, x in enumerate(samples[-1]):
+                if x.history == h:
+                    return True
+        return False
+    def _assertIdenticalProjTrajs(self, samples, interval, first_swap=None):
+        rh = ReplicaHistory(samples, interval, first_swap)
+        ## Calculate projected trajectories directly from test data history
+        trajs1 = [Trajectory([x for x in [y[j] for y in samples] if x.history[0] == j]) 
+                  for j in range(len(samples[0]))]
+        ok = []
+        for i in range(len(samples[0])):
+            trajs2 = rh.calculate_projected_trajectories(i)
+            ok.append(True in [np.all(np.array(t1) == np.array(t2)) for t1 in trajs1
+                               for t2 in trajs2])
+        return np.all(ok)
+    def testTwoReplicas(self):
+        swap_interval = 5
+        first_swap = 5
+        samples = self._runSimulation(2, swap_interval, first_swap)
+        assert(self._assertIdenticalHistories(samples, swap_interval))
+        assert(self._assertIdenticalProjTrajs(samples, swap_interval))
+    def testFourReplicas(self):
+        swap_interval = 5
+        first_swap = 5
+        samples = self._runSimulation(4, swap_interval, first_swap)
+        assert(self._assertIdenticalHistories(samples, swap_interval))
+        assert(self._assertIdenticalProjTrajs(samples, swap_interval))
+    def testFiveReplicas(self):
+        swap_interval = 5
+        first_swap = 5
+        samples = self._runSimulation(5, swap_interval, first_swap)
+        assert(self._assertIdenticalHistories(samples, swap_interval))
+        assert(self._assertIdenticalProjTrajs(samples, swap_interval))
+    def testFiveReplicasOffset(self):
+        swap_interval = 6
+        first_swap = 7
+        samples = self._runSimulation(5, swap_interval, first_swap)
+        assert(self._assertIdenticalHistories(samples, swap_interval, first_swap))
+        assert(self._assertIdenticalProjTrajs(samples, swap_interval, first_swap))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/csb/test/data/1d3z.regular.pdb b/csb/test/data/1d3z.regular.pdb
index 084e89d..2307f7a 100644
--- a/csb/test/data/1d3z.regular.pdb
+++ b/csb/test/data/1d3z.regular.pdb
@@ -1403,25 +1403,25 @@ ATOM   1231  HA3 GLY A  76      45.541 -70.558 -22.406  1.00  0.00           H
 TER    1232      GLY A  76                                                      
 MODEL        2                                                                  
-ATOM      1  N   MET A   1      54.015 -88.009   9.498  1.00  9.67           N  
-HETATM    2  CA  MET A   1      52.647 -87.443   9.674  1.00 10.38           C  
-ATOM      3  C   MET A   1      51.877 -87.557   8.364  1.00  9.62           C  
-ATOM      4  O   MET A   1      52.467 -87.554   7.283  1.00  9.62           O  
-ATOM      5  CB  MET A   1      52.755 -85.973  10.093  1.00 13.77           C  
-ATOM      6  CG  MET A   1      53.573 -85.198   9.060  1.00 16.29           C  
-ATOM      7  SD  MET A   1      53.941 -83.545   9.709  1.00 17.17           S  
-ATOM      8  CE  MET A   1      53.585 -82.596   8.207  1.00 16.11           C  
-ATOM      9  H1  MET A   1      54.679 -87.516  10.127  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     10  H2  MET A   1      54.316 -87.887   8.509  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     11  H3  MET A   1      54.004 -89.021   9.735  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     12  HA  MET A   1      52.131 -87.997  10.444  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     13  HB2 MET A   1      51.765 -85.547  10.160  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     14  HB3 MET A   1      53.240 -85.907  11.053  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     15  HG2 MET A   1      54.497 -85.722   8.868  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     16  HG3 MET A   1      53.010 -85.113   8.143  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     17  HE1 MET A   1      53.656 -81.540   8.426  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     18  HE2 MET A   1      52.590 -82.823   7.863  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     19  HE3 MET A   1      54.299 -82.859   7.439  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM      1  N   MSE A   1      54.015 -88.009   9.498  1.00  9.67           N  
+HETATM    2  CA  MSE A   1      52.647 -87.443   9.674  1.00 10.38           C  
+ATOM      3  C   MSE A   1      51.877 -87.557   8.364  1.00  9.62           C  
+ATOM      4  O   MSE A   1      52.467 -87.554   7.283  1.00  9.62           O  
+ATOM      5  CB  MSE A   1      52.755 -85.973  10.093  1.00 13.77           C  
+ATOM      6  CG  MSE A   1      53.573 -85.198   9.060  1.00 16.29           C  
+ATOM      7  SD  MSE A   1      53.941 -83.545   9.709  1.00 17.17          SE  
+ATOM      8  CE  MSE A   1      53.585 -82.596   8.207  1.00 16.11           C  
+ATOM      9  H1  MSE A   1      54.679 -87.516  10.127  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     10  H2  MSE A   1      54.316 -87.887   8.509  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     11  H3  MSE A   1      54.004 -89.021   9.735  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     12  HA  MSE A   1      52.131 -87.997  10.444  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     13  HB2 MSE A   1      51.765 -85.547  10.160  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     14  HB3 MSE A   1      53.240 -85.907  11.053  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     15  HG2 MSE A   1      54.497 -85.722   8.868  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     16  HG3 MSE A   1      53.010 -85.113   8.143  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     17  HE1 MSE A   1      53.656 -81.540   8.426  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     18  HE2 MSE A   1      52.590 -82.823   7.863  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     19  HE3 MSE A   1      54.299 -82.859   7.439  1.00  0.00           H  
 ATOM     20  N   GLN A   2      50.554 -87.663   8.468  1.00  9.27           N  
 ATOM     21  CA  GLN A   2      49.701 -87.785   7.286  1.00  9.07           C  
 ATOM     22  C   GLN A   2      49.120 -86.428   6.916  1.00  8.72           C  
@@ -2637,25 +2637,25 @@ ATOM   1231  HA3 GLY A  76      44.645 -76.671 -23.946  1.00  0.00           H
 TER    1232      GLY A  76                                                      
 MODEL        3                                                                  
-ATOM      1  N   MET A   1      52.857 -89.463   8.836  1.00  9.67           N  
-ATOM      2  CA  MET A   1      51.617 -88.687   9.117  1.00 10.38           C  
-ATOM      3  C   MET A   1      50.812 -88.526   7.834  1.00  9.62           C  
-ATOM      4  O   MET A   1      51.362 -88.563   6.733  1.00  9.62           O  
-ATOM      5  CB  MET A   1      51.991 -87.313   9.677  1.00 13.77           C  
-ATOM      6  CG  MET A   1      52.898 -86.575   8.693  1.00 16.29           C  
-ATOM      7  SD  MET A   1      53.560 -85.095   9.501  1.00 17.17           S  
-ATOM      8  CE  MET A   1      53.593 -84.022   8.045  1.00 16.11           C  
-ATOM      9  H1  MET A   1      52.791 -90.398   9.287  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     10  H2  MET A   1      53.679 -88.951   9.217  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     11  H3  MET A   1      52.967 -89.583   7.810  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     12  HA  MET A   1      51.021 -89.219   9.844  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     13  HB2 MET A   1      51.094 -86.735   9.838  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     14  HB3 MET A   1      52.510 -87.437  10.613  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     15  HG2 MET A   1      53.713 -87.220   8.401  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     16  HG3 MET A   1      52.333 -86.288   7.818  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     17  HE1 MET A   1      54.176 -83.138   8.264  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     18  HE2 MET A   1      52.587 -83.731   7.789  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     19  HE3 MET A   1      54.034 -84.556   7.215  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM      1  N   MSE A   1      52.857 -89.463   8.836  1.00  9.67           N  
+ATOM      2  CA  MSE A   1      51.617 -88.687   9.117  1.00 10.38           C  
+ATOM      3  C   MSE A   1      50.812 -88.526   7.834  1.00  9.62           C  
+ATOM      4  O   MSE A   1      51.362 -88.563   6.733  1.00  9.62           O  
+ATOM      5  CB  MSE A   1      51.991 -87.313   9.677  1.00 13.77           C  
+ATOM      6  CG  MSE A   1      52.898 -86.575   8.693  1.00 16.29           C  
+ATOM      7  SD  MSE A   1      53.560 -85.095   9.501  1.00 17.17           S  
+ATOM      8  CE  MSE A   1      53.593 -84.022   8.045  1.00 16.11           C  
+ATOM      9  H1  MSE A   1      52.791 -90.398   9.287  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     10  H2  MSE A   1      53.679 -88.951   9.217  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     11  H3  MSE A   1      52.967 -89.583   7.810  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     12  HA  MSE A   1      51.021 -89.219   9.844  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     13  HB2 MSE A   1      51.094 -86.735   9.838  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     14  HB3 MSE A   1      52.510 -87.437  10.613  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     15  HG2 MSE A   1      53.713 -87.220   8.401  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     16  HG3 MSE A   1      52.333 -86.288   7.818  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     17  HE1 MSE A   1      54.176 -83.138   8.264  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     18  HE2 MSE A   1      52.587 -83.731   7.789  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     19  HE3 MSE A   1      54.034 -84.556   7.215  1.00  0.00           H  
 ATOM     20  N   GLN A   2      49.502 -88.353   7.985  1.00  9.27           N  
 ATOM     21  CA  GLN A   2      48.610 -88.190   6.839  1.00  9.07           C  
 ATOM     22  C   GLN A   2      48.346 -86.712   6.590  1.00  8.72           C  
@@ -3871,25 +3871,25 @@ ATOM   1231  HA3 GLY A  76      48.862 -74.289 -28.625  1.00  0.00           H
 TER    1232      GLY A  76                                                      
 MODEL        4                                                                  
-ATOM      1  N   MET A   1      52.843 -89.493   8.945  1.00  9.67           N  
-ATOM      2  CA  MET A   1      51.702 -88.594   9.278  1.00 10.38           C  
-ATOM      3  C   MET A   1      50.840 -88.389   8.038  1.00  9.62           C  
-ATOM      4  O   MET A   1      51.323 -88.488   6.911  1.00  9.62           O  
-ATOM      5  CB  MET A   1      52.242 -87.249   9.774  1.00 13.77           C  
-ATOM      6  CG  MET A   1      53.169 -86.641   8.722  1.00 16.29           C  
-ATOM      7  SD  MET A   1      54.026 -85.211   9.437  1.00 17.17           S  
-ATOM      8  CE  MET A   1      53.884 -84.095   8.019  1.00 16.11           C  
-ATOM      9  H1  MET A   1      52.860 -89.666   7.920  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     10  H2  MET A   1      52.730 -90.397   9.449  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     11  H3  MET A   1      53.735 -89.044   9.233  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     12  HA  MET A   1      51.106 -89.049  10.055  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     13  HB2 MET A   1      51.415 -86.577   9.954  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     14  HB3 MET A   1      52.789 -87.397  10.689  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     15  HG2 MET A   1      53.894 -87.379   8.412  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     16  HG3 MET A   1      52.587 -86.326   7.868  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     17  HE1 MET A   1      54.122 -84.634   7.112  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     18  HE2 MET A   1      54.570 -83.272   8.137  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     19  HE3 MET A   1      52.874 -83.713   7.963  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM      1  N   MSE A   1      52.843 -89.493   8.945  1.00  9.67           N  
+ATOM      2  CA  MSE A   1      51.702 -88.594   9.278  1.00 10.38           C  
+ATOM      3  C   MSE A   1      50.840 -88.389   8.038  1.00  9.62           C  
+ATOM      4  O   MSE A   1      51.323 -88.488   6.911  1.00  9.62           O  
+ATOM      5  CB  MSE A   1      52.242 -87.249   9.774  1.00 13.77           C  
+ATOM      6  CG  MSE A   1      53.169 -86.641   8.722  1.00 16.29           C  
+ATOM      7  SD  MSE A   1      54.026 -85.211   9.437  1.00 17.17           S  
+ATOM      8  CE  MSE A   1      53.884 -84.095   8.019  1.00 16.11           C  
+ATOM      9  H1  MSE A   1      52.860 -89.666   7.920  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     10  H2  MSE A   1      52.730 -90.397   9.449  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     11  H3  MSE A   1      53.735 -89.044   9.233  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     12  HA  MSE A   1      51.106 -89.049  10.055  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     13  HB2 MSE A   1      51.415 -86.577   9.954  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     14  HB3 MSE A   1      52.789 -87.397  10.689  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     15  HG2 MSE A   1      53.894 -87.379   8.412  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     16  HG3 MSE A   1      52.587 -86.326   7.868  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     17  HE1 MSE A   1      54.122 -84.634   7.112  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     18  HE2 MSE A   1      54.570 -83.272   8.137  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     19  HE3 MSE A   1      52.874 -83.713   7.963  1.00  0.00           H  
 ATOM     20  N   GLN A   2      49.558 -88.108   8.255  1.00  9.27           N  
 ATOM     21  CA  GLN A   2      48.622 -87.893   7.152  1.00  9.07           C  
 ATOM     22  C   GLN A   2      48.443 -86.406   6.891  1.00  8.72           C  
@@ -5105,25 +5105,25 @@ ATOM   1231  HA3 GLY A  76      50.941 -75.217 -29.204  1.00  0.00           H
 TER    1232      GLY A  76                                                      
 MODEL        5                                                                  
-ATOM      1  N   MET A   1      53.726 -88.517   9.362  1.00  9.67           N  
-ATOM      2  CA  MET A   1      52.381 -87.906   9.564  1.00 10.38           C  
-ATOM      3  C   MET A   1      51.600 -87.939   8.255  1.00  9.62           C  
-ATOM      4  O   MET A   1      52.184 -87.930   7.172  1.00  9.62           O  
-ATOM      5  CB  MET A   1      52.547 -86.459  10.032  1.00 13.77           C  
-ATOM      6  CG  MET A   1      53.368 -85.671   9.011  1.00 16.29           C  
-ATOM      7  SD  MET A   1      53.795 -84.057   9.716  1.00 17.17           S  
-ATOM      8  CE  MET A   1      53.641 -83.079   8.201  1.00 16.11           C  
-ATOM      9  H1  MET A   1      53.617 -89.519   9.109  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     10  H2  MET A   1      54.277 -88.437  10.241  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     11  H3  MET A   1      54.221 -88.020   8.595  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     12  HA  MET A   1      51.847 -88.466  10.317  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     13  HB2 MET A   1      51.573 -86.004  10.134  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     14  HB3 MET A   1      53.052 -86.444  10.983  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     15  HG2 MET A   1      54.273 -86.215   8.782  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     16  HG3 MET A   1      52.792 -85.532   8.109  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     17  HE1 MET A   1      52.651 -83.214   7.786  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     18  HE2 MET A   1      54.377 -83.405   7.483  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     19  HE3 MET A   1      53.801 -82.035   8.431  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM      1  N   MSE A   1      53.726 -88.517   9.362  1.00  9.67           N  
+ATOM      2  CA  MSE A   1      52.381 -87.906   9.564  1.00 10.38           C  
+ATOM      3  C   MSE A   1      51.600 -87.939   8.255  1.00  9.62           C  
+ATOM      4  O   MSE A   1      52.184 -87.930   7.172  1.00  9.62           O  
+ATOM      5  CB  MSE A   1      52.547 -86.459  10.032  1.00 13.77           C  
+ATOM      6  CG  MSE A   1      53.368 -85.671   9.011  1.00 16.29           C  
+ATOM      7  SD  MSE A   1      53.795 -84.057   9.716  1.00 17.17           S  
+ATOM      8  CE  MSE A   1      53.641 -83.079   8.201  1.00 16.11           C  
+ATOM      9  H1  MSE A   1      53.617 -89.519   9.109  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     10  H2  MSE A   1      54.277 -88.437  10.241  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     11  H3  MSE A   1      54.221 -88.020   8.595  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     12  HA  MSE A   1      51.847 -88.466  10.317  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     13  HB2 MSE A   1      51.573 -86.004  10.134  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     14  HB3 MSE A   1      53.052 -86.444  10.983  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     15  HG2 MSE A   1      54.273 -86.215   8.782  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     16  HG3 MSE A   1      52.792 -85.532   8.109  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     17  HE1 MSE A   1      52.651 -83.214   7.786  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     18  HE2 MSE A   1      54.377 -83.405   7.483  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     19  HE3 MSE A   1      53.801 -82.035   8.431  1.00  0.00           H  
 ATOM     20  N   GLN A   2      50.273 -87.975   8.361  1.00  9.27           N  
 ATOM     21  CA  GLN A   2      49.411 -88.007   7.178  1.00  9.07           C  
 ATOM     22  C   GLN A   2      48.888 -86.612   6.866  1.00  8.72           C  
@@ -6339,25 +6339,25 @@ ATOM   1231  HA3 GLY A  76      52.706 -74.521 -29.054  1.00  0.00           H
 TER    1232      GLY A  76                                                      
 MODEL        6                                                                  
-ATOM      1  N   MET A   1      54.021 -89.121   8.946  1.00  9.67           N  
-ATOM      2  CA  MET A   1      52.663 -88.554   9.180  1.00 10.38           C  
-ATOM      3  C   MET A   1      51.876 -88.563   7.876  1.00  9.62           C  
-ATOM      4  O   MET A   1      52.453 -88.508   6.789  1.00  9.62           O  
-ATOM      5  CB  MET A   1      52.793 -87.120   9.700  1.00 13.77           C  
-ATOM      6  CG  MET A   1      53.582 -86.271   8.702  1.00 16.29           C  
-ATOM      7  SD  MET A   1      53.916 -84.648   9.438  1.00 17.17           S  
-ATOM      8  CE  MET A   1      53.710 -83.651   7.941  1.00 16.11           C  
-ATOM      9  H1  MET A   1      54.709 -88.639   9.558  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     10  H2  MET A   1      54.286 -88.985   7.948  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     11  H3  MET A   1      54.016 -90.137   9.167  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     12  HA  MET A   1      52.148 -89.156   9.914  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     13  HB2 MET A   1      51.808 -86.696   9.830  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     14  HB3 MET A   1      53.308 -87.126  10.647  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     15  HG2 MET A   1      54.517 -86.762   8.475  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     16  HG3 MET A   1      53.010 -86.148   7.795  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     17  HE1 MET A   1      54.477 -83.913   7.226  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     18  HE2 MET A   1      53.796 -82.605   8.190  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     19  HE3 MET A   1      52.734 -83.838   7.515  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM      1  N   MSE A   1      54.021 -89.121   8.946  1.00  9.67           N  
+ATOM      2  CA  MSE A   1      52.663 -88.554   9.180  1.00 10.38           C  
+ATOM      3  C   MSE A   1      51.876 -88.563   7.876  1.00  9.62           C  
+ATOM      4  O   MSE A   1      52.453 -88.508   6.789  1.00  9.62           O  
+ATOM      5  CB  MSE A   1      52.793 -87.120   9.700  1.00 13.77           C  
+ATOM      6  CG  MSE A   1      53.582 -86.271   8.702  1.00 16.29           C  
+ATOM      7  SD  MSE A   1      53.916 -84.648   9.438  1.00 17.17           S  
+ATOM      8  CE  MSE A   1      53.710 -83.651   7.941  1.00 16.11           C  
+ATOM      9  H1  MSE A   1      54.709 -88.639   9.558  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     10  H2  MSE A   1      54.286 -88.985   7.948  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     11  H3  MSE A   1      54.016 -90.137   9.167  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     12  HA  MSE A   1      52.148 -89.156   9.914  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     13  HB2 MSE A   1      51.808 -86.696   9.830  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     14  HB3 MSE A   1      53.308 -87.126  10.647  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     15  HG2 MSE A   1      54.517 -86.762   8.475  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     16  HG3 MSE A   1      53.010 -86.148   7.795  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     17  HE1 MSE A   1      54.477 -83.913   7.226  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     18  HE2 MSE A   1      53.796 -82.605   8.190  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     19  HE3 MSE A   1      52.734 -83.838   7.515  1.00  0.00           H  
 ATOM     20  N   GLN A   2      50.553 -88.637   7.992  1.00  9.27           N  
 ATOM     21  CA  GLN A   2      49.678 -88.658   6.819  1.00  9.07           C  
 ATOM     22  C   GLN A   2      49.126 -87.265   6.549  1.00  8.72           C  
@@ -7573,25 +7573,25 @@ ATOM   1231  HA3 GLY A  76      54.369 -78.311 -20.102  1.00  0.00           H
 TER    1232      GLY A  76                                                      
 MODEL        7                                                                  
-ATOM      1  N   MET A   1      53.488 -87.741   9.771  1.00  9.67           N  
-ATOM      2  CA  MET A   1      52.191 -87.034   9.969  1.00 10.38           C  
-ATOM      3  C   MET A   1      51.362 -87.117   8.693  1.00  9.62           C  
-ATOM      4  O   MET A   1      51.902 -87.262   7.596  1.00  9.62           O  
-ATOM      5  CB  MET A   1      52.458 -85.568  10.323  1.00 13.77           C  
-ATOM      6  CG  MET A   1      53.289 -84.909   9.222  1.00 16.29           C  
-ATOM      7  SD  MET A   1      53.806 -83.262   9.773  1.00 17.17           S  
-ATOM      8  CE  MET A   1      53.714 -82.432   8.167  1.00 16.11           C  
-ATOM      9  H1  MET A   1      53.894 -87.472   8.852  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     10  H2  MET A   1      53.329 -88.770   9.793  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     11  H3  MET A   1      54.148 -87.476  10.529  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     12  HA  MET A   1      51.647 -87.504  10.774  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     13  HB2 MET A   1      51.517 -85.047  10.422  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     14  HB3 MET A   1      52.996 -85.516  11.255  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     15  HG2 MET A   1      54.163 -85.511   9.022  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     16  HG3 MET A   1      52.698 -84.820   8.322  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     17  HE1 MET A   1      52.694 -82.456   7.809  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     18  HE2 MET A   1      54.353 -82.938   7.462  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     19  HE3 MET A   1      54.040 -81.406   8.275  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM      1  N   MSE A   1      53.488 -87.741   9.771  1.00  9.67           N  
+ATOM      2  CA  MSE A   1      52.191 -87.034   9.969  1.00 10.38           C  
+ATOM      3  C   MSE A   1      51.362 -87.117   8.693  1.00  9.62           C  
+ATOM      4  O   MSE A   1      51.902 -87.262   7.596  1.00  9.62           O  
+ATOM      5  CB  MSE A   1      52.458 -85.568  10.323  1.00 13.77           C  
+ATOM      6  CG  MSE A   1      53.289 -84.909   9.222  1.00 16.29           C  
+ATOM      7  SD  MSE A   1      53.806 -83.262   9.773  1.00 17.17           S  
+ATOM      8  CE  MSE A   1      53.714 -82.432   8.167  1.00 16.11           C  
+ATOM      9  H1  MSE A   1      53.894 -87.472   8.852  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     10  H2  MSE A   1      53.329 -88.770   9.793  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     11  H3  MSE A   1      54.148 -87.476  10.529  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     12  HA  MSE A   1      51.647 -87.504  10.774  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     13  HB2 MSE A   1      51.517 -85.047  10.422  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     14  HB3 MSE A   1      52.996 -85.516  11.255  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     15  HG2 MSE A   1      54.163 -85.511   9.022  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     16  HG3 MSE A   1      52.698 -84.820   8.322  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     17  HE1 MSE A   1      52.694 -82.456   7.809  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     18  HE2 MSE A   1      54.353 -82.938   7.462  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     19  HE3 MSE A   1      54.040 -81.406   8.275  1.00  0.00           H  
 ATOM     20  N   GLN A   2      50.043 -87.023   8.847  1.00  9.27           N  
 ATOM     21  CA  GLN A   2      49.129 -87.088   7.708  1.00  9.07           C  
 ATOM     22  C   GLN A   2      48.742 -85.683   7.268  1.00  8.72           C  
@@ -8807,25 +8807,25 @@ ATOM   1231  HA3 GLY A  76      57.091 -80.711 -19.305  1.00  0.00           H
 TER    1232      GLY A  76                                                      
 MODEL        8                                                                  
-ATOM      1  N   MET A   1      52.860 -87.633   9.893  1.00  9.67           N  
-ATOM      2  CA  MET A   1      51.639 -86.791  10.042  1.00 10.38           C  
-ATOM      3  C   MET A   1      50.836 -86.822   8.749  1.00  9.62           C  
-ATOM      4  O   MET A   1      51.381 -87.059   7.671  1.00  9.62           O  
-ATOM      5  CB  MET A   1      52.051 -85.353  10.371  1.00 13.77           C  
-ATOM      6  CG  MET A   1      52.971 -84.809   9.279  1.00 16.29           C  
-ATOM      7  SD  MET A   1      53.676 -83.234   9.829  1.00 17.17           S  
-ATOM      8  CE  MET A   1      53.745 -82.427   8.211  1.00 16.11           C  
-ATOM      9  H1  MET A   1      53.262 -87.497   8.944  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     10  H2  MET A   1      52.608 -88.634  10.023  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     11  H3  MET A   1      53.563 -87.356  10.607  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     12  HA  MET A   1      51.032 -87.181  10.845  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     13  HB2 MET A   1      51.168 -84.734  10.435  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     14  HB3 MET A   1      52.569 -85.334  11.316  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     15  HG2 MET A   1      53.768 -85.515   9.095  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     16  HG3 MET A   1      52.408 -84.656   8.370  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     17  HE1 MET A   1      52.755 -82.413   7.776  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     18  HE2 MET A   1      54.413 -82.972   7.564  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     19  HE3 MET A   1      54.107 -81.415   8.331  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM      1  N   MSE A   1      52.860 -87.633   9.893  1.00  9.67           N  
+ATOM      2  CA  MSE A   1      51.639 -86.791  10.042  1.00 10.38           C  
+ATOM      3  C   MSE A   1      50.836 -86.822   8.749  1.00  9.62           C  
+ATOM      4  O   MSE A   1      51.381 -87.059   7.671  1.00  9.62           O  
+ATOM      5  CB  MSE A   1      52.051 -85.353  10.371  1.00 13.77           C  
+ATOM      6  CG  MSE A   1      52.971 -84.809   9.279  1.00 16.29           C  
+ATOM      7  SD  MSE A   1      53.676 -83.234   9.829  1.00 17.17           S  
+ATOM      8  CE  MSE A   1      53.745 -82.427   8.211  1.00 16.11           C  
+ATOM      9  H1  MSE A   1      53.262 -87.497   8.944  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     10  H2  MSE A   1      52.608 -88.634  10.023  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     11  H3  MSE A   1      53.563 -87.356  10.607  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     12  HA  MSE A   1      51.032 -87.181  10.845  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     13  HB2 MSE A   1      51.168 -84.734  10.435  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     14  HB3 MSE A   1      52.569 -85.334  11.316  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     15  HG2 MSE A   1      53.768 -85.515   9.095  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     16  HG3 MSE A   1      52.408 -84.656   8.370  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     17  HE1 MSE A   1      52.755 -82.413   7.776  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     18  HE2 MSE A   1      54.413 -82.972   7.564  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     19  HE3 MSE A   1      54.107 -81.415   8.331  1.00  0.00           H  
 ATOM     20  N   GLN A   2      49.530 -86.590   8.866  1.00  9.27           N  
 ATOM     21  CA  GLN A   2      48.640 -86.598   7.704  1.00  9.07           C  
 ATOM     22  C   GLN A   2      48.377 -85.177   7.228  1.00  8.72           C  
@@ -10041,25 +10041,25 @@ ATOM   1231  HA3 GLY A  76      46.758 -68.642 -18.268  1.00  0.00           H
 TER    1232      GLY A  76                                                      
 MODEL        9                                                                  
-ATOM      1  N   MET A   1      55.070 -87.882   9.224  1.00  9.67           N  
-ATOM      2  CA  MET A   1      53.685 -87.417   9.516  1.00 10.38           C  
-ATOM      3  C   MET A   1      52.823 -87.562   8.269  1.00  9.62           C  
-ATOM      4  O   MET A   1      53.330 -87.557   7.147  1.00  9.62           O  
-ATOM      5  CB  MET A   1      53.722 -85.953   9.962  1.00 13.77           C  
-ATOM      6  CG  MET A   1      54.376 -85.095   8.879  1.00 16.29           C  
-ATOM      7  SD  MET A   1      54.661 -83.429   9.532  1.00 17.17           S  
-ATOM      8  CE  MET A   1      54.358 -82.517   7.998  1.00 16.11           C  
-ATOM      9  H1  MET A   1      55.134 -88.181   8.231  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     10  H2  MET A   1      55.303 -88.684   9.845  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     11  H3  MET A   1      55.740 -87.106   9.394  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     12  HA  MET A   1      53.266 -88.021  10.308  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     13  HB2 MET A   1      52.714 -85.605  10.136  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     14  HB3 MET A   1      54.291 -85.870  10.874  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     15  HG2 MET A   1      55.321 -85.535   8.595  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     16  HG3 MET A   1      53.730 -85.039   8.016  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     17  HE1 MET A   1      55.067 -82.835   7.246  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     18  HE2 MET A   1      54.475 -81.460   8.177  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     19  HE3 MET A   1      53.351 -82.714   7.658  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM      1  N   MSE A   1      55.070 -87.882   9.224  1.00  9.67           N  
+ATOM      2  CA  MSE A   1      53.685 -87.417   9.516  1.00 10.38           C  
+ATOM      3  C   MSE A   1      52.823 -87.562   8.269  1.00  9.62           C  
+ATOM      4  O   MSE A   1      53.330 -87.557   7.147  1.00  9.62           O  
+ATOM      5  CB  MSE A   1      53.722 -85.953   9.962  1.00 13.77           C  
+ATOM      6  CG  MSE A   1      54.376 -85.095   8.879  1.00 16.29           C  
+ATOM      7  SD  MSE A   1      54.661 -83.429   9.532  1.00 17.17           S  
+ATOM      8  CE  MSE A   1      54.358 -82.517   7.998  1.00 16.11           C  
+ATOM      9  H1  MSE A   1      55.134 -88.181   8.231  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     10  H2  MSE A   1      55.303 -88.684   9.845  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     11  H3  MSE A   1      55.740 -87.106   9.394  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     12  HA  MSE A   1      53.266 -88.021  10.308  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     13  HB2 MSE A   1      52.714 -85.605  10.136  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     14  HB3 MSE A   1      54.291 -85.870  10.874  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     15  HG2 MSE A   1      55.321 -85.535   8.595  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     16  HG3 MSE A   1      53.730 -85.039   8.016  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     17  HE1 MSE A   1      55.067 -82.835   7.246  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     18  HE2 MSE A   1      54.475 -81.460   8.177  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     19  HE3 MSE A   1      53.351 -82.714   7.658  1.00  0.00           H  
 ATOM     20  N   GLN A   2      51.516 -87.697   8.473  1.00  9.27           N  
 ATOM     21  CA  GLN A   2      50.577 -87.852   7.362  1.00  9.07           C  
 ATOM     22  C   GLN A   2      49.916 -86.521   7.030  1.00  8.72           C  
@@ -11275,25 +11275,25 @@ ATOM   1231  HA3 GLY A  76      51.135 -74.673 -29.075  1.00  0.00           H
 TER    1232      GLY A  76                                                      
 MODEL       10                                                                  
-ATOM      1  N   MET A   1      53.579 -87.805   9.683  1.00  9.67           N  
-ATOM      2  CA  MET A   1      52.285 -87.087   9.857  1.00 10.38           C  
-ATOM      3  C   MET A   1      51.483 -87.158   8.563  1.00  9.62           C  
-ATOM      4  O   MET A   1      52.047 -87.267   7.475  1.00  9.62           O  
-ATOM      5  CB  MET A   1      52.558 -85.625  10.218  1.00 13.77           C  
-ATOM      6  CG  MET A   1      53.411 -84.970   9.131  1.00 16.29           C  
-ATOM      7  SD  MET A   1      53.926 -83.325   9.690  1.00 17.17           S  
-ATOM      8  CE  MET A   1      53.868 -82.498   8.081  1.00 16.11           C  
-ATOM      9  H1  MET A   1      53.399 -88.823   9.576  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     10  H2  MET A   1      54.179 -87.644  10.519  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     11  H3  MET A   1      54.063 -87.450   8.835  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     12  HA  MET A   1      51.725 -87.553  10.654  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     13  HB2 MET A   1      51.620 -85.096  10.303  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     14  HB3 MET A   1      53.082 -85.578  11.158  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     15  HG2 MET A   1      54.286 -85.577   8.947  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     16  HG3 MET A   1      52.836 -84.881   8.222  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     17  HE1 MET A   1      52.879 -82.605   7.658  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     18  HE2 MET A   1      54.592 -82.945   7.419  1.00  0.00           H  
-ATOM     19  HE3 MET A   1      54.098 -81.449   8.209  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM      1  N   MSE A   1      53.579 -87.805   9.683  1.00  9.67           N  
+ATOM      2  CA  MSE A   1      52.285 -87.087   9.857  1.00 10.38           C  
+ATOM      3  C   MSE A   1      51.483 -87.158   8.563  1.00  9.62           C  
+ATOM      4  O   MSE A   1      52.047 -87.267   7.475  1.00  9.62           O  
+ATOM      5  CB  MSE A   1      52.558 -85.625  10.218  1.00 13.77           C  
+ATOM      6  CG  MSE A   1      53.411 -84.970   9.131  1.00 16.29           C  
+ATOM      7  SD  MSE A   1      53.926 -83.325   9.690  1.00 17.17           S  
+ATOM      8  CE  MSE A   1      53.868 -82.498   8.081  1.00 16.11           C  
+ATOM      9  H1  MSE A   1      53.399 -88.823   9.576  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     10  H2  MSE A   1      54.179 -87.644  10.519  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     11  H3  MSE A   1      54.063 -87.450   8.835  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     12  HA  MSE A   1      51.725 -87.553  10.654  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     13  HB2 MSE A   1      51.620 -85.096  10.303  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     14  HB3 MSE A   1      53.082 -85.578  11.158  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     15  HG2 MSE A   1      54.286 -85.577   8.947  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     16  HG3 MSE A   1      52.836 -84.881   8.222  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     17  HE1 MSE A   1      52.879 -82.605   7.658  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     18  HE2 MSE A   1      54.592 -82.945   7.419  1.00  0.00           H  
+ATOM     19  HE3 MSE A   1      54.098 -81.449   8.209  1.00  0.00           H  
 ATOM     20  N   GLN A   2      50.160 -87.096   8.691  1.00  9.27           N  
 ATOM     21  CA  GLN A   2      49.270 -87.155   7.530  1.00  9.07           C  
 ATOM     22  C   GLN A   2      48.831 -85.753   7.129  1.00  8.72           C  
diff --git a/csb/test/data/2l01.v2.str b/csb/test/data/2l01.v2.str
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..372b573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/data/2l01.v2.str
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+   loop_
+      _Atom_shift_assign_ID
+      _Residue_author_seq_code
+      _Residue_seq_code
+      _Residue_label
+      _Atom_name
+      _Atom_type
+      _Chem_shift_value
+      _Chem_shift_value_error
+      _Chem_shift_ambiguity_code
+        1  1  1 MET HA   H   3.977 0.020 1 
+        2  1  1 MET HB2  H   2.092 0.020 1 
+        3  1  1 MET HB3  H   2.092 0.020 1 
+        4  1  1 MET HE   H   2.111 0.020 1 
+        5  1  1 MET HG2  H   2.580 0.020 1 
+        6  1  1 MET HG3  H   2.580 0.020 1 
+        7  1  1 MET CA   C  55.300 0.200 1 
+        8  1  1 MET CB   C  33.840 0.200 1 
+        9  1  1 MET CE   C  16.841 0.200 1 
+       10  1  1 MET CG   C  30.975 0.200 1 
+       11  2  2 LYS HA   H   4.423 0.020 1 
+   stop_
diff --git a/csb/test/data/2l01.v3.str b/csb/test/data/2l01.v3.str
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6209cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/data/2l01.v3.str
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+   loop_
+      _Atom_chem_shift.ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Assembly_atom_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Entity_assembly_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Entity_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Comp_index_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Seq_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Comp_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Atom_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Atom_type
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Atom_isotope_number
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Val
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Val_err
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Assign_fig_of_merit
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Ambiguity_code
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Occupancy
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Resonance_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Auth_entity_assembly_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Auth_seq_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Auth_comp_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Auth_atom_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Details
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Entry_ID
+      _Atom_chem_shift.Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID
+        1 . 1 1  1  1 MET HA   H  1   3.977 0.020 . 1 . . .  1 MET HA   . 17025 1 
+        2 . 1 1  1  1 MET HB2  H  1   2.092 0.020 . 1 . . .  1 MET HB2  . 17025 1 
+        3 . 1 1  1  1 MET HB3  H  1   2.092 0.020 . 1 . . .  1 MET HB3  . 17025 1 
+        4 . 1 1  1  1 MET HE1  H  1   2.111 0.020 . 1 . . .  1 MET HE   . 17025 1 
+        5 . 1 1  1  1 MET HG2  H  1   2.580 0.020 . 1 . . .  1 MET HG2  . 17025 1 
+        6 . 1 1  1  1 MET HG3  H  1   2.580 0.020 . 1 . . .  1 MET HG3  . 17025 1 
+        7 . 1 1  1  1 MET CA   C 13  55.300 0.200 . 1 . . .  1 MET CA   . 17025 1 
+        8 . 1 1  1  1 MET CB   C 13  33.840 0.200 . 1 . . .  1 MET CB   . 17025 1 
+        9 . 1 1  1  1 MET CE   C 13  16.841 0.200 . 1 . . .  1 MET CE   . 17025 1 
+       10 . 1 1  1  1 MET CG   C 13  30.975 0.200 . 1 . . .  1 MET CG   . 17025 1 
+       12 . 1 1  2  2 LYS HA   H  1   4.423 0.020 . 1 . . .  2 LYS HA   . 17025 1 
+   stop_
diff --git a/csb/test/data/Sparky.peaks b/csb/test/data/Sparky.peaks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d22cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/data/Sparky.peaks
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+      Assignment         w1         w2         w3   Data Height     Note    
+            ?-?-?      3.418    114.437      7.440       157921 
+            ?-?-?      0.972    114.476      7.443       204746 
+            ?-?-?      1.147    114.481      7.445       147454 
diff --git a/csb/test/data/Xeasy1.peaks b/csb/test/data/Xeasy1.peaks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06be499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/data/Xeasy1.peaks
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Number of dimensions 3
+#INAME 1 H1
+#INAME 2 C2
+#INAME 3 H3
+    1   7.050  10.374   0.889 2 U       1.565890e+05 0.00e+00 m   0    0    0    0 0
+    2   8.921  10.397   0.892 2 U       1.291120e+05 0.00e+00 m   0    0    0    0 0
+    3   2.307  10.430   0.891 2 U       4.243830e+05 0.00e+00 m   0    0    0    0 0
diff --git a/csb/test/data/Xeasy2.peaks b/csb/test/data/Xeasy2.peaks
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffc81e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/data/Xeasy2.peaks
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Number of dimensions 3
+#INAME 1 H1
+#INAME 2 2C
+#INAME 3 3H
+    1   7.050  10.374   0.889 2 U       1.565890e+05 0.00e+00 m   0    0    0    0 0
+    2   8.921  10.397   0.892 2 U       1.291120e+05 0.00e+00 m   0    0    0    0 0
+    3   2.307  10.430   0.891 2 U       4.243830e+05 0.00e+00 m   0    0    0    0 0
diff --git a/csb/test/data/csb.tsv b/csb/test/data/csb.tsv
index 06464c3..a1944b9 100644
--- a/csb/test/data/csb.tsv
+++ b/csb/test/data/csb.tsv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # @TSV ID:int A:float B:str 
 11	11.1	Row eleven
 12	12.2	Row twelve
-13	13.3	Row thirteen
+13		Row thirteen
diff --git a/csb/test/data/mapping.pdb b/csb/test/data/mapping.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8edb767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/data/mapping.pdb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+HEADER    RIBOSOME                                30-MAR-01   1GIY              
+COMPND    MOL_ID: 1;                                                            
+COMPND   2 MOLECULE: 50S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L3;                                  
+COMPND   3 CHAIN: E;                                                            
+ATOM   3430  CA  MET E  65     -35.315 183.547 344.254  1.00  0.00           C  
+ATOM   3431  CA  GLU E  66     -31.330 184.145 343.173  1.00  0.00           C  
+ATOM   3432  CA  THR E  67     -27.574 184.326 344.054  1.00  0.00           C  
+ATOM   3433  CA  VAL E  68     -25.637 187.772 343.919  1.00  0.00           C  
+TER    3634      VAL E  68                                                      
diff --git a/csb/test/data/mapping2.pdb b/csb/test/data/mapping2.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df7e032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/data/mapping2.pdb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+HEADER    RIBOSOME                                30-MAR-01   1GIY              
+COMPND    MOL_ID: 1;                                                            
+COMPND   2 MOLECULE: 50S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L3;                                  
+COMPND   3 CHAIN: E;                                                            
+ATOM   3430  CA  MET E  65     -35.315 183.547 344.254  1.00  0.00           C  
+ATOM   3433  CA  VAL E  68     -25.637 187.772 343.919  1.00  0.00           C  
+TER    3634      VAL E  68                                                      
diff --git a/csb/test/data/mapping3.pdb b/csb/test/data/mapping3.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a02f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/data/mapping3.pdb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+HEADER    RIBOSOME                                30-MAR-01   1GIY              
+COMPND    MOL_ID: 1;                                                            
+COMPND   2 MOLECULE: 50S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L3;                                  
+COMPND   3 CHAIN: E;                                                            
+SEQRES   1 E  338  LEU VAL ASN ASP GLU PRO ASN                                  
+ATOM   3430  CA  SER E  65     -35.315 183.547 344.254  1.00  0.00           C  
+ATOM   3433  CA  GLY E  68     -25.637 187.772 343.919  1.00  0.00           C  
+TER    3634      GLY E  68                                                      
diff --git a/csb/test/data/modified.pdb b/csb/test/data/modified.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97cd795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/data/modified.pdb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+HEADER    .                                       12-Mar-13   TEST              
+COMPND   1 MOL_ID: 1;                                                           
+COMPND   2 MOLECULE: HYPOTHETICAL PROTEIN RV0983;                               
+COMPND   3 CHAIN: A;                                                            
+SEQRES   2 A   20  VAL PRO SER VAL VAL MSE                                      
+ATOM     95  N   MSE A  21      55.075  23.677  19.139  1.00 33.35           N  
+ATOM     96  CA  MSE A  21      54.672  23.803  17.741  1.00 37.62           C  
+ATOM     97  C   MSE A  21      54.539  22.403  17.111  1.00 35.23           C  
+ATOM     98  O   MSE A  21      55.344  21.485  17.419  1.00 34.50           O  
+ATOM     99  CB  MSE A  21      55.662  24.626  16.915  1.00 34.96           C  
+ATOM    100  CG  MSE A  21      55.211  24.834  15.458  1.00 34.65           C  
+ATOM    101 SE   MSE A  21      56.402  26.367  14.841  1.00 52.51          Se  
+ATOM    102  CE  MSE A  21      56.143  26.398  12.634  1.00 50.46           C
diff --git a/csb/test/data/modified2.pdb b/csb/test/data/modified2.pdb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35cf97a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csb/test/data/modified2.pdb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+HEADER    .                                       12-Mar-13   TEST              
+COMPND   1 MOL_ID: 1;                                                           
+COMPND   2 MOLECULE: HYPOTHETICAL PROTEIN RV0983;                               
+COMPND   3 CHAIN: A;                                                            
+SEQRES   2 A   20  VAL PRO SER VAL VAL MET                                      
+ATOM     95  N   MSE A  21      55.075  23.677  19.139  1.00 33.35           N  
+ATOM     96  CA  MSE A  21      54.672  23.803  17.741  1.00 37.62           C  
+ATOM     97  C   MSE A  21      54.539  22.403  17.111  1.00 35.23           C  
+ATOM     98  O   MSE A  21      55.344  21.485  17.419  1.00 34.50           O  
+ATOM     99  CB  MSE A  21      55.662  24.626  16.915  1.00 34.96           C  
+ATOM    100  CG  MSE A  21      55.211  24.834  15.458  1.00 34.65           C  
+ATOM    101 SE   MSE A  21      56.402  26.367  14.841  1.00 52.51          Se  
+ATOM    102  CE  MSE A  21      56.143  26.398  12.634  1.00 50.46           C
diff --git a/csb/test/data/out.clans b/csb/test/data/out.clans
index 131daef..2575cd6 100644
--- a/csb/test/data/out.clans
+++ b/csb/test/data/out.clans
@@ -121,12 +121,24 @@ size=12
+name=allergens >= xyz
+name=empty group WITH terminal semicolon in numbers line
+name=empty group WITHOUT terminal semicolon in numbers line
 0 -44.18891000 -32.72951000 -0.98480570

Alioth's /git/debian-med/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/python-csb.git

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