[med-svn] [praat] 02/10: Merge tag 'upstream/5.3.56'
Rafael Laboissière
rlaboiss-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Oct 26 01:27:19 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rlaboiss-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository praat.
commit 5cdf62a3c07dd5b01cf0e7105f49952d6651aef5
Merge: eb6df89 89df83b
Author: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at laboissiere.net>
Date: Sat Oct 26 01:51:45 2013 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/5.3.56'
Upstream version 5.3.56
EEG/Makefile | 4 +-
FFNet/Makefile | 2 +-
LPC/.kdev_include_paths | 3 +
LPC/Cepstrogram.cpp | 323 ++++++++++--
LPC/Cepstrogram.h | 31 +-
LPC/Cepstrum.cpp | 459 ++++++++++++++---
LPC/Cepstrum.h | 51 +-
LPC/Cepstrum_and_Spectrum.cpp | 122 ++++-
LPC/Cepstrum_and_Spectrum.h | 11 +-
LPC/Makefile | 4 +-
LPC/Sound_and_Cepstrum.cpp | 2 +-
LPC/manual_LPC.cpp | 60 ++-
LPC/praat_LPC_init.cpp | 531 ++++++++++++++++----
artsynth/ArtwordEditor.cpp | 3 +-
artsynth/Makefile | 4 +-
contrib/ola/Makefile | 4 +-
dwsys/Makefile | 4 +-
dwsys/NUM2.cpp | 112 +++--
dwsys/NUM2.h | 41 +-
dwsys/NUMstring.cpp | 8 +
dwtest/test_Ltas_reportSpectralTilt.praat | 29 ++
...st_OnewayAnova.praat => test_onewayAnova.praat} | 4 +-
dwtools/Ltas_extensions.cpp | 12 +-
dwtools/MFCC.cpp | 88 +++-
dwtools/MFCC.h | 4 +-
dwtools/Makefile | 8 +-
dwtools/SpeechSynthesizer.cpp | 16 +-
dwtools/SpeechSynthesizer.h | 12 +-
dwtools/Table_extensions.cpp | 392 ++++++++++++++-
dwtools/Table_extensions.h | 12 +-
dwtools/TextGrid_extensions.cpp | 23 +-
dwtools/manual_BSS.cpp | 22 +-
dwtools/manual_MDS.cpp | 31 +-
dwtools/manual_dwtools.cpp | 310 +++++++++---
dwtools/praat_David_init.cpp | 307 ++++++++++-
external/espeak/Makefile | 2 +-
external/espeak/speech.h | 12 +-
external/flac/Makefile | 4 +-
external/glpk/Makefile | 6 +-
external/gsl/Makefile | 2 +-
external/mp3/Makefile | 6 +-
external/portaudio/READ_ME.TXT | 4 +-
external/portaudio/pa_dither.c | 6 +-
external/portaudio/pa_process.c | 4 +-
external/portaudio/pa_types.h | 41 +-
fon/FunctionEditor.cpp | 62 ++-
fon/FunctionEditor.h | 9 +-
fon/Makefile | 4 +-
fon/RunnerMFC.cpp | 1 -
fon/Sound.cpp | 37 ++
fon/Sound.h | 1 +
fon/Sound_audio.cpp | 4 +
fon/Sound_files.cpp | 16 +-
fon/TextGrid.cpp | 11 +-
fon/TextGridEditor.cpp | 64 ++-
fon/TextGridEditor_enums.h | 28 ++
fon/TextGridEditor_prefs.h | 4 +
fon/TextGrid_Sound.cpp | 264 +++++++++-
fon/TextGrid_Sound.h | 5 +-
fon/TextGrid_def.h | 3 +
fon/TimeSoundAnalysisEditor.cpp | 4 +-
fon/TimeSoundAnalysisEditor_prefs.h | 2 +-
fon/TimeSoundEditor.cpp | 20 +
fon/TimeSoundEditor.h | 4 +-
fon/TimeSoundEditor_prefs.h | 1 +
fon/manual_Fon.cpp | 41 +-
fon/manual_Manual.cpp | 6 +-
fon/manual_Picture.cpp | 17 +-
fon/manual_Script.cpp | 312 +++++++-----
fon/manual_programming.cpp | 26 +-
fon/manual_tutorials.cpp | 138 ++++-
fon/praat_Fon.cpp | 4 +-
fon/praat_Sound_init.cpp | 16 +
gram/Makefile | 4 +-
gram/OTGrammar.cpp | 96 +++-
gram/OTGrammar_enums.h | 4 +-
gram/OTGrammar_ex_tongueRoot.cpp | 4 +-
gram/OTMulti.cpp | 72 ++-
gram/manual_gram.cpp | 24 +-
gram/praat_gram.cpp | 6 +-
kar/Makefile | 4 +-
main/main_Praat.cpp | 19 +-
makefiles/makefile.defs.linux.alsa | 3 +-
makefiles/makefile.defs.linux.silent | 3 +-
num/Makefile | 4 +-
praat64_xcodeproj.dmg | Bin 266966 -> 300908 bytes
praat_xcodeproj.dmg | Bin 333592 -> 355256 bytes
stat/Makefile | 4 +-
stat/PairDistribution.cpp | 15 +-
stat/PairDistribution_def.h | 4 +-
stat/TableEditor.cpp | 33 +-
stat/manual_statistics.cpp | 10 +-
stat/praat_Stat.cpp | 13 +-
sys/DemoEditor.cpp | 35 +-
sys/Editor.cpp | 10 +-
sys/Formula.cpp | 268 +++++++++-
sys/Graphics.h | 4 +-
sys/GraphicsP.h | 3 +-
sys/GraphicsScreen.cpp | 46 +-
sys/Graphics_colour.cpp | 226 ++++-----
sys/Graphics_linesAndAreas.cpp | 130 ++---
sys/Graphics_mouse.cpp | 59 +--
sys/Graphics_text.cpp | 409 +++++++++------
sys/Gui.h | 58 ++-
sys/GuiButton.cpp | 23 +-
sys/GuiCheckButton.cpp | 89 ++--
sys/GuiControl.cpp | 54 +-
sys/GuiDialog.cpp | 3 +-
sys/GuiDrawingArea.cpp | 399 ++++++---------
sys/GuiFileSelect.cpp | 74 ++-
sys/GuiLabel.cpp | 23 +-
sys/GuiList.cpp | 297 ++++++-----
sys/GuiMenu.cpp | 25 +-
sys/GuiMenuItem.cpp | 41 +-
sys/GuiObject.cpp | 15 +-
sys/GuiOptionMenu.cpp | 6 +-
sys/GuiP.h | 14 +-
sys/GuiProgressBar.cpp | 26 +-
sys/GuiRadioButton.cpp | 75 ++-
sys/GuiScrollBar.cpp | 223 ++++----
sys/GuiScrolledWindow.cpp | 2 +-
sys/GuiShell.cpp | 19 +-
sys/GuiText.cpp | 224 +++++++--
sys/GuiThing.cpp | 8 +-
sys/GuiWindow.cpp | 30 +-
sys/HyperPage.cpp | 23 +-
sys/InfoEditor.cpp | 14 +-
sys/Makefile | 4 +-
sys/ManPages.cpp | 2 +-
sys/Picture.cpp | 171 +------
sys/Picture.h | 4 +-
sys/Ui.cpp | 4 +-
sys/UiPause.cpp | 2 +-
sys/abcio.cpp | 26 +-
sys/machine.cpp | 4 +-
sys/melder.cpp | 106 +++-
sys/melder.h | 7 +
sys/melder_audiofiles.cpp | 4 +-
sys/motifEmulator.cpp | 4 +-
sys/praat.cpp | 36 +-
sys/praat_actions.cpp | 16 +-
sys/praat_objectMenus.cpp | 25 +-
sys/praat_picture.cpp | 12 +-
sys/praat_script.cpp | 2 +-
sys/praat_version.h | 8 +-
sys/sendpraat.c | 25 +-
test/code.praat | 2 +-
test/fon/soundFiles.praat | 2 +-
test/runAllTests.praat | 4 +-
test/sys/graphics.praat | Bin 3972 -> 8090 bytes
test/sys/procedures2.praat | 10 +
test/sys/progress.praat | Bin 0 -> 786 bytes
test/sys/script2.praat | Bin 0 -> 3930 bytes
test/test.txt | 17 +
154 files changed, 5696 insertions(+), 2318 deletions(-)
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