[med-svn] [praat] branch master updated (eb6df89 -> 32210ed)

Rafael Laboissière rlaboiss-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Oct 26 01:27:18 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rlaboiss-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository praat.

      from  eb6df89   Preparation for the next release of the Debian package
       new  89df83b   Imported Upstream version 5.3.56
       new  5cdf62a   Merge tag 'upstream/5.3.56'
       new  d6b4656   debian/What_s_new_.html: Update for the new upstream release
       new  5dcc36c   debian/control: Remove obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed field
       new  4cb8f6f   Drop patch allow-stand-alone-sendpraat (applied upstream)
       new  39b7f3f   Drop patch sendpraat-getenv-display (applied upstream)
       new  438ae3b   Drop patch sendpraat-help-string (applied upstream)
       new  2a757b3   debian/patches/link-against-libpthread.patch: New patch
       new  cac2085   debian/rules: Avoid the call of dh_auto_clean
       new  32210ed   Preparation for Debian release 5.3.56-1

The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 EEG/Makefile                                       |    4 +-
 FFNet/Makefile                                     |    2 +-
 LPC/.kdev_include_paths                            |    3 +
 LPC/Cepstrogram.cpp                                |  323 +-
 LPC/Cepstrogram.h                                  |   31 +-
 LPC/Cepstrum.cpp                                   |  459 ++-
 LPC/Cepstrum.h                                     |   51 +-
 LPC/Cepstrum_and_Spectrum.cpp                      |  122 +-
 LPC/Cepstrum_and_Spectrum.h                        |   11 +-
 LPC/Makefile                                       |    4 +-
 LPC/Sound_and_Cepstrum.cpp                         |    2 +-
 LPC/manual_LPC.cpp                                 |   60 +-
 LPC/praat_LPC_init.cpp                             |  531 +++-
 artsynth/ArtwordEditor.cpp                         |    3 +-
 artsynth/Makefile                                  |    4 +-
 contrib/ola/Makefile                               |    4 +-
 debian/What_s_new_.html                            | 3206 +-------------------
 debian/changelog                                   |   18 +-
 debian/control                                     |    1 -
 debian/patches/allow-stand-alone-sendpraat.patch   |   22 -
 debian/patches/link-against-libpthread.patch       |   17 +
 debian/patches/sendpraat-getenv-display.patch      |   24 -
 debian/patches/sendpraat-help-string.patch         |   16 -
 debian/patches/series                              |    4 +-
 debian/rules                                       |    2 +-
 dwsys/Makefile                                     |    4 +-
 dwsys/NUM2.cpp                                     |  112 +-
 dwsys/NUM2.h                                       |   41 +-
 dwsys/NUMstring.cpp                                |    8 +
 dwtest/test_Ltas_reportSpectralTilt.praat          |   29 +
 ...st_OnewayAnova.praat => test_onewayAnova.praat} |    4 +-
 dwtools/Ltas_extensions.cpp                        |   12 +-
 dwtools/MFCC.cpp                                   |   88 +-
 dwtools/MFCC.h                                     |    4 +-
 dwtools/Makefile                                   |    8 +-
 dwtools/SpeechSynthesizer.cpp                      |   16 +-
 dwtools/SpeechSynthesizer.h                        |   12 +-
 dwtools/Table_extensions.cpp                       |  392 ++-
 dwtools/Table_extensions.h                         |   12 +-
 dwtools/TextGrid_extensions.cpp                    |   23 +-
 dwtools/manual_BSS.cpp                             |   22 +-
 dwtools/manual_MDS.cpp                             |   31 +-
 dwtools/manual_dwtools.cpp                         |  310 +-
 dwtools/praat_David_init.cpp                       |  307 +-
 external/espeak/Makefile                           |    2 +-
 external/espeak/speech.h                           |   12 +-
 external/flac/Makefile                             |    4 +-
 external/glpk/Makefile                             |    6 +-
 external/gsl/Makefile                              |    2 +-
 external/mp3/Makefile                              |    6 +-
 external/portaudio/READ_ME.TXT                     |    4 +-
 external/portaudio/pa_dither.c                     |    6 +-
 external/portaudio/pa_process.c                    |    4 +-
 external/portaudio/pa_types.h                      |   41 +-
 fon/FunctionEditor.cpp                             |   62 +-
 fon/FunctionEditor.h                               |    9 +-
 fon/Makefile                                       |    4 +-
 fon/RunnerMFC.cpp                                  |    1 -
 fon/Sound.cpp                                      |   37 +
 fon/Sound.h                                        |    1 +
 fon/Sound_audio.cpp                                |    4 +
 fon/Sound_files.cpp                                |   16 +-
 fon/TextGrid.cpp                                   |   11 +-
 fon/TextGridEditor.cpp                             |   64 +-
 fon/TextGridEditor_enums.h                         |   28 +
 fon/TextGridEditor_prefs.h                         |    4 +
 fon/TextGrid_Sound.cpp                             |  264 +-
 fon/TextGrid_Sound.h                               |    5 +-
 fon/TextGrid_def.h                                 |    3 +
 fon/TimeSoundAnalysisEditor.cpp                    |    4 +-
 fon/TimeSoundAnalysisEditor_prefs.h                |    2 +-
 fon/TimeSoundEditor.cpp                            |   20 +
 fon/TimeSoundEditor.h                              |    4 +-
 fon/TimeSoundEditor_prefs.h                        |    1 +
 fon/manual_Fon.cpp                                 |   41 +-
 fon/manual_Manual.cpp                              |    6 +-
 fon/manual_Picture.cpp                             |   17 +-
 fon/manual_Script.cpp                              |  312 +-
 fon/manual_programming.cpp                         |   26 +-
 fon/manual_tutorials.cpp                           |  138 +-
 fon/praat_Fon.cpp                                  |    4 +-
 fon/praat_Sound_init.cpp                           |   16 +
 gram/Makefile                                      |    4 +-
 gram/OTGrammar.cpp                                 |   96 +-
 gram/OTGrammar_enums.h                             |    4 +-
 gram/OTGrammar_ex_tongueRoot.cpp                   |    4 +-
 gram/OTMulti.cpp                                   |   72 +-
 gram/manual_gram.cpp                               |   24 +-
 gram/praat_gram.cpp                                |    6 +-
 kar/Makefile                                       |    4 +-
 main/main_Praat.cpp                                |   19 +-
 makefiles/makefile.defs.linux.alsa                 |    3 +-
 makefiles/makefile.defs.linux.silent               |    3 +-
 num/Makefile                                       |    4 +-
 praat64_xcodeproj.dmg                              |  Bin 266966 -> 300908 bytes
 praat_xcodeproj.dmg                                |  Bin 333592 -> 355256 bytes
 stat/Makefile                                      |    4 +-
 stat/PairDistribution.cpp                          |   15 +-
 stat/PairDistribution_def.h                        |    4 +-
 stat/TableEditor.cpp                               |   33 +-
 stat/manual_statistics.cpp                         |   10 +-
 stat/praat_Stat.cpp                                |   13 +-
 sys/DemoEditor.cpp                                 |   35 +-
 sys/Editor.cpp                                     |   10 +-
 sys/Formula.cpp                                    |  268 +-
 sys/Graphics.h                                     |    4 +-
 sys/GraphicsP.h                                    |    3 +-
 sys/GraphicsScreen.cpp                             |   46 +-
 sys/Graphics_colour.cpp                            |  226 +-
 sys/Graphics_linesAndAreas.cpp                     |  130 +-
 sys/Graphics_mouse.cpp                             |   59 +-
 sys/Graphics_text.cpp                              |  409 ++-
 sys/Gui.h                                          |   58 +-
 sys/GuiButton.cpp                                  |   23 +-
 sys/GuiCheckButton.cpp                             |   89 +-
 sys/GuiControl.cpp                                 |   54 +-
 sys/GuiDialog.cpp                                  |    3 +-
 sys/GuiDrawingArea.cpp                             |  399 +--
 sys/GuiFileSelect.cpp                              |   74 +-
 sys/GuiLabel.cpp                                   |   23 +-
 sys/GuiList.cpp                                    |  297 +-
 sys/GuiMenu.cpp                                    |   25 +-
 sys/GuiMenuItem.cpp                                |   41 +-
 sys/GuiObject.cpp                                  |   15 +-
 sys/GuiOptionMenu.cpp                              |    6 +-
 sys/GuiP.h                                         |   14 +-
 sys/GuiProgressBar.cpp                             |   26 +-
 sys/GuiRadioButton.cpp                             |   75 +-
 sys/GuiScrollBar.cpp                               |  223 +-
 sys/GuiScrolledWindow.cpp                          |    2 +-
 sys/GuiShell.cpp                                   |   19 +-
 sys/GuiText.cpp                                    |  224 +-
 sys/GuiThing.cpp                                   |    8 +-
 sys/GuiWindow.cpp                                  |   30 +-
 sys/HyperPage.cpp                                  |   23 +-
 sys/InfoEditor.cpp                                 |   14 +-
 sys/Makefile                                       |    4 +-
 sys/ManPages.cpp                                   |    2 +-
 sys/Picture.cpp                                    |  171 +-
 sys/Picture.h                                      |    4 +-
 sys/Ui.cpp                                         |    4 +-
 sys/UiPause.cpp                                    |    2 +-
 sys/abcio.cpp                                      |   26 +-
 sys/machine.cpp                                    |    4 +-
 sys/melder.cpp                                     |  106 +-
 sys/melder.h                                       |    7 +
 sys/melder_audiofiles.cpp                          |    4 +-
 sys/motifEmulator.cpp                              |    4 +-
 sys/praat.cpp                                      |   36 +-
 sys/praat_actions.cpp                              |   16 +-
 sys/praat_objectMenus.cpp                          |   25 +-
 sys/praat_picture.cpp                              |   12 +-
 sys/praat_script.cpp                               |    2 +-
 sys/praat_version.h                                |    8 +-
 sys/sendpraat.c                                    |   25 +-
 test/code.praat                                    |    2 +-
 test/fon/soundFiles.praat                          |    2 +-
 test/runAllTests.praat                             |    4 +-
 test/sys/graphics.praat                            |  Bin 3972 -> 8090 bytes
 test/sys/procedures2.praat                         |   10 +
 test/sys/progress.praat                            |  Bin 0 -> 786 bytes
 test/sys/script2.praat                             |  Bin 0 -> 3930 bytes
 test/test.txt                                      |   17 +
 163 files changed, 5808 insertions(+), 5516 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 LPC/.kdev_include_paths
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/allow-stand-alone-sendpraat.patch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/link-against-libpthread.patch
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/sendpraat-getenv-display.patch
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/sendpraat-help-string.patch
 create mode 100644 dwtest/test_Ltas_reportSpectralTilt.praat
 rename dwtest/{test_OnewayAnova.praat => test_onewayAnova.praat} (93%)
 create mode 100644 test/sys/procedures2.praat
 create mode 100644 test/sys/progress.praat
 create mode 100644 test/sys/script2.praat
 create mode 100644 test/test.txt

Alioth's /git/debian-med/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/praat.git

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